Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 23, 1847, Image 3

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Waldo *Oita_ of gp,
PlMgidelpikla Market.
PIMA; )111Nr, 18, 1847.
Ite . tiitrs of the arrival of the steamer Cambria
u4O Ol ‘received here this morning by tele.
... jo g, but .iltiviire did not come on till alter I I
F.j oo k, and itt. 'Made Odic until Ater It
4 . 4 Since th n en ot
prices for Flour and Meal
tint io ra t a tlinvicdeclined, and no sides have been
mo d e to, teet: the market. Sales before the new
tray made public of 3500 Ms; Flour at 118,50 & gg..
7:i a brl. and 400 brie at $B. • Subsequently it has
b e en offered at 88 & 17,75, without buyers.. In
p f q Flour, Com Meal, Wheat and Com, no sides
hoe transpired !since the steamer'snews was inade
Flew Twirl; It arks',
THVZSDLT, June 17, 1847.
Th e Brea Stila market was entirely upset to-day
t he foreign tiers. and dealers were in a fog
„jt' they got together on 'Change,, when buyers'
w a. s ejters came kgether at VI 00, and about 10,-
o pohlds were disposed • ofmay for shipment at
t he price- A sale of 1000 was made at 88,-
03. and 500 bbls strait Gennessiee at 88_ 25. For
J u ly delivery 2000 bbls sold at 87,50. There were
,ellers at the cktse at 38 00. ,
Meal could haw been bought at 85,00 for Western.
The Grain Market was as much unsettled as
R e a r . Corn fell oft 10 to 15 eta a bushel, and'
Wheat is 20 cis loafer than it was a week ago.—
Sales on the spot oftorn are about 15.000 bushels
at 100 for mixed to 108 and 112 for yellow. ,To
atria-pin July aria August, 40,000 bushels sold at
k9O ets, and at 110 for June.. At the close 105
and 108 were the fair quotations for mixed and
vAlow round. 'A lot of good Ohio mixed Wheat
'was 'offered at 180 cts, and 1000 bushels red sold
I hear' at 175. Oats are 58 k6O cis, with sales of
woo bushels. A sale of Bays was made before
the steamer at 125.
- -
New abveriisem' cuts.
Thai are jot about here ! Ars% ye! Tes, I ageism:
rrHOUSAND B of Aimee the question has been asked,
1 Where on earth are all the Boots and Shoes nta
i,cfictured_th_st supply the continual rush at the corner
of Main and Briagii - streetta_Olara answers that this
to the place, and these are the thisii — werilwit with !
Seventy-eleven nerd ashiotur
'every two .seconds!
Put un the Steam! !
Hear ye hear ye ! and understand, that O'Hara, at
the corner of -Main and Bridge streets, will sell at retail
this season. 39,781 - pairs of Boots. Shoes and Briigans,
at a leis puke than ewer was or probably ever will be of
fered again in Towanda.
The Ladies' Department in this establishment is
richly, furnished with fashions. Ladies', misses', and
elaklrmi's fancy and common boots and shoes, even to
the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake not the
place —Cornet of Main and Bridge streets, llie only
hsc Store in Bridford County. Half cash arid hall
trade for, Butter. H. O'H A RA.
Towanda, June 16, 1847.
intettiance fen
,order Orphan • _
.1. Bradford co ty, held at Thwanda, in and for said
county. on the.l , 4th day of May, A. D. 1847, Will be
'tposed to sale by public v . ...mane or outcry oh ther pre
wises, on Wednesday the 28th day of July, A. D. 1847,
at 1 o'clock P. W. the billowing piece of land situate
in the tdwnstip of Springfield, bounded north by the
com4y road Irading • front Troy to Tioga Point, and by
lands of Sylvester Leonard, east by lands'of Oliver Gates
sod lands of Paul Shemway, south by lands of Stephen
1180. ind west by lands of Daniel Bartlett and .1: W.
Manor- sorlands of Lemuel Faulkner. Contlining
one hundred acres or thereabouts; with a two story
framed dwelling house, a framed blip and other out
hones thereon erected, and an oreharM thereon. The
above will he . sold as the property of Benjamin M'Affee
*ed.—Tenni made known on the day of sale.
June 21, 1847
T IST or. pn INONSengaged in vending Goods and
Merehandite In 'Bradford county, classified and ai
rs according to law far the year 1847, to wit :
Wlthor without Itq. Class. Licrilse.
Fritche Athena bore' no liq. 14 7 00.
C. Park " - 14 7 00
H. $.- Comstock, "• 13 10 00
11. A. Perkins.
L. S. Dow . °rib,
C. H. Herrick, "
Welles & Harris, "
John Watkins, A diens tp. -- "
A.&R. H . Morley, Burlington, _ "
John N. Daniels "
Core & Oerw 11/1.
Edward Overton, "
E. E. Rathboue, Canton, liquor
Newman & Brown, " ho liquor
Jahn Horton jr, Asylum,
Elmer Horton, "
A. W. Renshaw,
1". Moody & Co., Durel4
fl. D. Chamberlin, "
Coolbaugh & Salisbury, de
R. L Hswlej, Franklin,
J. W. Mercur,
T. Humphrey, Herrick, " 114 7'AO
Wm. Angle,••
J. J. Watiol, Monme, 4 . -13 10 .00
8.5 &.1. B. N. Hinman, do. liquor . 14 10 60
J. B. &0. Smith, " ,no fig. 14 700
J. Nagle & Bon a .' 14' 700
John Hanson, . - knee . 14 10 SO
Coolbsugh el• Salisbury, do. ' - no liq. 14 700
- 8. L. &R. Fowler, a - . . 14 700
Theo. H umphrey, Orwell, : • " 14 700
Henry Gibbs, s se 14 700
D. Bailey; Pike, o 13 10 00
.A. 8. Smith, a ' " 13 10 00
JE. Bullock, s i o 13 10 00
.1.. 8. Maynard, Rome, " 14 700
Auph Coolbiugh, Ridgbery, • " 'l4 700
the. F. Wilson, " liquet It 10 50
Wm. Campbell, Sheahequin, DO liq. 13 1 0 00
Fork & Whitheck. -l' • " _ 13 10 00
limey at Satterlee. a 13 10 00
LR. Hurley, Smithfield, liquor 13 l5 00
li racy, ry, . „, -
no liq. 'l3 10 00
B. Bullock & Cri." " liquor 13 15 00
I. C. Adams, Standing Stone np liq. 14 700
- Brit & Storrs, " liquor. 13 15 00
II W. Tracy, .. 44 13 15 00
Ho.trin & Ladd Towanda boili ."
14 7 00
• 556 M C Mescur, .. " ny liq. 13 12 50
11 . B. Bail", . a a 'l4 7bo
th.oanxin g .i;efy, , a . - 13 10 00
ElTlott & Torrikina, a . 1 13 10 00
OD. Bartlett, 1 " " 13 10 00
Wu. H. Ibunl &Co. " - " 13 10 00
E. T. For, MI 4l 13 10 00
C. Reed, . . 44 13 10 00
A. 8. Chanderlizi, " •o • 141 4:1 700
T r . 76 ,740.,.. , .. se • lo \..7 00
''• I C 4 otniony Ir. .. " . It .---7 00
N5•10i,'6 02 ,„,
so " 'l4 1 7 00
Hugh •O'llara " a 14 700
io DtE. D. Monoto wye & c o . a 12 12 50 G
a HanYano Troy,
liquor 13 16 - 00
Po Reoldingi ok oo ' a 11 22 60
B .W.IDF Pomero y , . " 11 is 50
0 Po Bal
!kw a'alei . . no sy. 15 12 60
.„ " _ 14 50
Prridulask Mather, Ulster, n liquor o
lic 14 10 7
% Tracy „
a - 14 700
1 ;1 11 011a dr Co. a `• so 13' 10 00
7". Cason, . a , 13 10 00
' 2 Uso Holeauth, 'W .
pox, liquor 14 10 50 ,
liome Taylor, Wens, -7 dr
t & A . Lewis, ,
s. no „ liq. 14
14 7 00
C. B. Fisher, 7 . u mg '
It .. 14 - 7 00
II &Gli , Wellea.- a a- 13 1 10 00
D r,,,—
-..... 0
~,. B fr,,, 1 ., .7r, o 14 700
ii. Ty,m7; w domestic 14 350
41 liquor 14 10 60
. 4 411 6 P erm a" aggrieved by the foregoing Claseifleatien,
, notifird that an appeal will be held at the
'remorsers Office on Thursday the 15th day e(July.
A 371 2 ". r of Wirazdile t Tex for Bradford county:
Elea/toes of Benj. WAGse.
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 78
7 00
7 00
7 00
- 7 00
=Lllliellibet; URI ail, Wet GEM Med
i Wl* dr& innonshisanpalt anailisiola;
bin arbitiba ,pad pas* at 1111Whafilial*baniba
-b7 enar&isy t yr will now andaaver",„,„aso.,.
is ifirNaol r craft and prim stow
- we 4.e EA an Mod Mit lb. LASH . Miff
AND CHEAPEST sae& at pia Tomah. bought
eacinliv* he, ea* sadl aims di. real nleadion
picas. Oar An& esinina as Gana et
Dry Goods, Greeeriar, Crockery, Bard.
were, Drug* mei Jilredieints.
For fwtber paniesion lank shag .
Win nisi non way 0 Calf and naimaine Gar kr
Ira know that evilly body Inas eel at E.. 1, bins
purchasing' elembesn. V. H. BALM & CO.
inns 15, 11147.
am toosived et No. 11 Diet Dew, es uswilist
asesitotest of rick salll2llle 4 all. psi. ef oho
style, seek as Gulped T esismidessi Now
. etwny Ins.. 111. D. thiselissa laws.
, apses, Deblois. truegires Beitee;Leilies
* , ihesses, togither witirall the tow awl fashions
lclihieswis tbs. weld is bud is the city if New
. sod WM be sold chips this the sews goodie
- . be bought et any /Ass atebashaest is asewitety.
' ,rastabss ibis, wad bible yes purehme wig Wise
BAIRD'S DO. *. D. R.
ATS—Tbs largest mil hest WNW eissitaset at
IleamerHats. ceesistieg of NimesANS& stump
Ite , astable. Pedal. Palsiser, sirs., lie age deep at
ONNETS—Florsisas, CAM' Fi Rues amid
Al Lawn Beam* all of do Isom isdiceis. Ifi
1100T8 & BHOEB--Mas'aCidlrend Mom= boob
1-/ and Cowes. pities, and Luise thosa of way
draciption at
PINTB t OILB— T 1 sees
Oil—White Lard, dri and grained Void= Bed, l
and'ap kinds of Paints facade it the disarm* stole in
Towanda. . BAIRD% NO. i t B. It.
FIBH,--Nlockerei. Bh.d, mad Cod
dame it
ROCE The best mid. of Tut
klr ger, Rice.Tobeeee, ake be fouled et *AIR
DRY GOODS.—Everything in the line iftfry Goods
,usually kept in this country, or earir wanted for
use, can be found at No. 3 The .id gouda wee pur
chased in New York after the great rush was ovyr,'and
when there was a great depiessiew in the likliusla. sod
consequently were bowel cheaper and shall be sea
cheaper than any stack at goads in Bradford wiiityr
This is true, if we do say it ouraellros f and Wren don't
behave it, just drop in at No. 3, whale the &tam try,
to Come- I and you will become souvinted that goods
apt be sold cheap is Telatattis.
ii tibia. Bah jest received sims far sale
1 , 3 at BAIRD'S, 7,10.3, H. R.
"eq.° IL-40 setts of het toe lour jest received
sod ter ..led SALIM'S, NO. 3, D. M.
New Arrival at Na. 1, Brick. Baw !
Itt new meeiviag, end arm fir We. re the DRUG
DE DEPOT, Np. I, Brick Item. o Imp ediditios M his
former stook, eemistiell of every moiety of
Grseerin, imp ad lkdicika. he kith, Nets,
. Oils, hrfum, hoey Ifikke k.
which .wOl be sold at whales& or retwl, et wanenalli
low 7. Terms CASH. Towanda. Jim 1047.
ERY'S, in the asOntry. ean be wippfied with.
- kJ - all articles in their lilts, en the mod reasonable
'terms, et jell! No. I, BRICK ROW.
.1. Fourth of July, et No. 1, BRICK ROW.
LUNBAWS, Rerres, sad • splendid article of LE
ported CIGAR'S, at N.. I. BRICK ROW.
PATENT MEDICINES, every kind now in tree,
eau be tread et the Drug Depot; Agent Ike deynde
Smith's, Cliekenees, Moat's, Tina killer, and various
other medicines. A foil and round eeprely always en
baud. jet. - No I, BRICK ROW..
OILB' PERFUMERIES, a splendid snide of Hoir
Bnubeis, Tbartnotasters, and Fancy Attieke, ler
sale at jet. t No. C, BRICK ROW.
PEDLERS will litid it ta tbsit'sdvaatage to eel at the
Dreg Depot, where they can be supplied with eve•
ry ankle desired; such as Oasis, essences, ke.%, an die
best terms. jel6 No, 1, BRICK ROW.
SEALED propose Is will be received by the Co..
missioners, at their office in the bereegh of Towanda
until five o'clock in the Ammon of Thursday die 24th
day of June inst., forth erection of a Caere House in
said Borough. Plana and ispecillcatiene will be exhibited
at their office on and alter smooday the Slat inst. Bea.
My will be required for the faithful peifennsece if the
contract.A. L. (MANNER.
Towanda June Bth, 1847.
U l argrekeSTUDeke "Mr adMinkt
THE Subscriber offers his new dock of HATS
AND CAPS at the fire Widish' see* of tbe .
Brick Row. where the bat sanapetary ef Mr. Thomas
was formerly kept. These who wish to pinebarn fix
Cash, will be accommodated et very tedssol
Fur lists from-one to fear dollars; Walk Hats from ems
to three dollars; Wool bats from Way-soot and a half
cents to one dol/mr ; Caps foie eighteen emits be two
dollar—according to quality. HENRY MERCUR.
May 27, 111147.
Ha. dr, M. C. MERCuR have jun received
good arreetmest Gingham. Laura., Browner
Shawls, Mowers, Wreaths. &c.. wide& win Woad
cheaper than ever. Towanda. May 3. 11147.
New Arrival of Goods, by Karr .
• , 11. EINGSBERY:
LAS just itosived from fNew Ye*, a boantifid as
ions:neat of I..awns,.oingbann, Bennetts, Pain
;tear Haw, 4-c.. &c, which will be sold very cheap.—
Also Caps and Parasols.and a ninny of other goods.
Call and see the reduction from tut spring's prices.
and if you should want any thing in tho4ray of New
Goode. you will be sure to buys April , 11147.
First lot of New Goods is Towanda,
MONTANYEIe & CO. ars numbing a large and
general assortment of Spring and Sommer (hods
Width will be disposed of at wholesale or retail at !e
-duced prices. Apri1•20,:11147.
HE subscribers having-met with ewe losses by
the late Are in Towanda, as weN am ether kens,
earnestly remiest that those who know than sties
debsed will make mrory eiat pessilis to pot gm in hoods
that we may be able to most est hus aseigessmaft
and continuo tom Immiamm
MONTANYWB & CO. Wye nomad tisk busise.
situation L a kw doom Wow Eddie anon whirs thoy
intend to aroosenrodate drab ewelenaws on their moat
liberal terms. We base non an hand a fair ow* of
Goods adapted to the sprang Usk. which wiq hi &ees
ed of at greedy redaesd prima, inatgared with tbe great
advance, of Goods in the city.
Man& 22, 1847.
Co VO 'W/A12.7011111D9
Ti - As just received the' largest. eissortinent et .141EW
1.1 000138 ever brought into Bream! co., which
he often in exchange for.
CASH, . .
LUMBER. air• '
Montagne. May 10. 1847.
iDIES can find a impeder onottment •
11E111A811:111NE. ,
• . "="2112121111117 - - as
PI , • •
'NES thikeetultid Wend* every issues who
'waste to pftethase 131001$3; Out belies eyessio•
either the* at NEW GOODS" is No. 2; Brith idsw•
far slaty by Reed, one dace beiow
timeliest Olio, when le would bi dew to thew est
sae hie god who will favor Iliat with a sell ; es be is
ilthetalued set to be made sold by ley mein this et my
Way Taw' this side of New York. ally Awl is vety
Serge, oeosiiting of
Greven% Crocker
A ll Dot s , tr.
atent of Dress Goode,
Sark as Sweat othirtians Gingham, Gitt re i on
twat of dam,awl Argandie da,
Plaids, and Laaaa dada, Abe, ,
A great vane& of Thswis, VOA,.
And American &W i t:
sum, sestings • 1-
Cis& Tweeds ,
areteur Stub.
• tcrA• I .
Deset foil to tell. es I tr- win mil tc
for the Ready Mao
a little bee them say ethos live was.
Talesaila, Jame 1,187.
TUST received 13 Chests Fresh Tow siding frcia
IP $74 to 75 cage pet lie n warranted gill ot eso wM
et • Fors. NO. 2. B. R.
COME one and all sad age the beat and dart Ein
pr, Cafes and Maisano in town at •
is.. L FOX I §4IOP R.
A FIRST ndii id of Ganti.kiisireifiril mane baits
line nadirs and tuataras; also Wier?
kid B. B. Ties Buskins, Gaiters and half Gaiters aM
an endless variety of child 'a shaninC:' NVIAPOtiI t
AFEW Family t omixormuc Mali.
tine, with' H Physician.: Also,
• few , Laurie at IFOX'B. NO. 2, B. R.
CROCKERY 4 GLA WARE, a Seat rate amott
num at jet NO. 2, B. R.
tb row Au&
t - *HOINN anti Lawn Bonnets ratio Leghorn, Pearl
br44..,and Paloihnd'hata, and a pelt variety of eve
at ' I NO. I. IL R.
T HZ Wks ad grey that tbe lan* and prettiest
nolortinent of Goods, Ribbons, Parasols,
flows Hosiery, &e. in to is to be found at FOX'S.
OA sad see than, as they selling from IQ to 25
per cent. cheaper than at any Store in town at
jape I. O. 2, B. R.'
200 PIECE'S Calicoes. the piettiest in
liag from b to I b coats par ylud
June I. . NO. 2. B. Its.
O DOZ EN of Acme cheap Parasols left, which are
11l selling' at reduced prices sit- N . O. 2, D. K.
AT an annual meeting of the directors of the "
wands Ravings Bank." C. & E. REED were
elected in place of G. E. Flynt & Co., whose term
expired May let, 11147. It is the intention of the new
Cashiers & Co., to sustain the credit of the institution
" putting goods low down " to pay up amassers.—
We thereforeinvite our old customers and the public
generally to call and examine our meek of New and
Cheap Goode, just received, and convince thetnedvse
- -ef the truth of the old .adage, that " Gunk have, can,
and shall be sold cheaper at the Savings Bank than at
any other estelilishment in Towanda. No. B. B. R.
NeylB, 1847. C. dr. E. REED.
First Arrival of GoOds from New York.
Burgas JiCtisirabery,
Jnow receiving a pupal sasortament °fp \ ping soul
Eloamer Goods, which will be sold cheaper Man
goods were ever offered in this place before. His
friends will And as they mount the steps at his door that
prima go down. Call end examine for yourselves,—
My goods mid price' will ponies tbanaelves. ,
Ind a large and general amortment of every variety of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Glees,
Neils, Iron, Reel. Paints, Oils, Dye Shies, Boolot Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Codfish, Mackerel, &c., &c.
Mrlriends and the public generally are respectfully
invited to call and examine my stock,Us I am omitted
I can offer them goods cheaper than at any other Store.
May 17th, 1847.
HE Co-Partnership heretofore existing under the
mane and fins of. Welke dr. Betrerles, and
idatterke, Welles & Harris, at Athens, Pa., was this
day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and ac
counts of both Inns will be found at the old stand,
where one of the parties will always be ready to souk
with those having
Athens, ra.
ALL persons
amount. Notes
de wellteesll i
wig be el
Athens. PL.
THE enrolled militia and volunteers withi , the
J. bounds of tbe 2d Brigade 9th Div. P. M. will meet.
for military discipline, inspection and review as follows r; -
Is companies en Monday the 7th day of June next, at
aid plates as my be directed by the commanding
slicers thereof—and in regiments and baseborn) ea fol
low.: The 3d regiment, commanded by Vol. A. K.
Based, Ist Bet. on Monday June 14, 1847, 241 Bet:
same Reg. on Tuesday June 16th: There will be an
election held in the 3d Bat. on said day for Major, in
place of A. Clem, removed from the State. 4th Reg.
commanded by Col. N. A. Elliott, Ist Bat. on Wed
nesday June 16th ; 2d Bat. same Reg. on 'Thursday
June 17th. The Ist Vol. Bat. of Tioga county, com
mended by Lieut. Col. Joeeph Ynukin, on Thursday
June 17th. The 241 Reg. commanded by Lieut. Col.
H. H. Seely, en Friday June 18th--en election will be
held on mid daj for one Col. of said Reg., and Major
for the let Bat, of said Reg. The 3d Vol. Bat of Brad
ford county, commanded by L. J. Bradford, on Friday
June 18th. The tat Vol. Bat of Bradford county,
cassnanded by Lieut. Col. Theodore Wilder on Sitar
day June 19th. There will be an election held on said
day for one Major in place of Erne Calif resigned.—
Tbe Ist Reg. commanded by Col. P. C. Ward, on
Monday June 2 1 st--an election will be held on said
Ely for the election of one Lieut. Col. of said Reg. in
place of E. W . Morgan. Alligeed. The 4th Vol. Bat.
of Bradford county commanded by Liets: Col. C. F.
Wells, Jr., on Tuesday June 22d—an election will _be
held on mid day for the election of lid Major of said
Bat. in place oer. B. Overton revissoM: The 2d Vol.
Bat. of Bradford county, commanded by Maj. Jackson
Pierce, on Wednesday 23d--en election will be held
on mid day for the election of one Lieut. Col. of said
Bat., in plaice of E. Daniels. resigned. The atis Reg.
commanded by Col. Jacob Harder, on Thursday June
24th--an election will be head in die let Bat. of said
Reg. for the election of Major in the place of .1. F.
(homelike, elected Lieut. Vol. of said Reg. The atten
tion of A and commanders of militia companies
is • y called to the act of 26th April, 1844, end
• an ea "To redo= the ezpences albs militia sys
tem of this commonwealth, and to provide a more rigid
Node for the collection of militia fines." KM the re
turns of enrolment and bat of absentees moot be ends
in strict confo;ty with mid act.—Penalty for neglect
to f • roll to I
afmpeder. lea. do/lore--Lis of
jfpx do ll ars. W. • E. BARTON,
Inspector, 241 Bag., 9th Div., P.. 114,
'Smithfield. May Bth, 1447 - .
and the Green Mountain Vegrfabk.Oitifnient, for
sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town and bo
rough of Towanda. d 22 N. N. BETTS.
T ADIEB ! I SAY; LADIES ! If you have made
1-A up your minds to boy a nice dress, cloak or shawl
this semonoton't fail to call at No. 9, Brick Row, where
yen out Ind the most, best and cheapest articles in that
live, that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trimmings.
orsesober, call at nail
k Ce'llmikast
HATINGva;Roika gown« u s iorr is 'the
- liniandeiho bssioni hope by aimi smaiemise
Wed Wrier
a wollos to benhona to =wit iobsrowf pub-
P Tbrisrey away" be hied may is
stiond to any pea= who wakes ocainpidetioss is their
li tey win occupy dotal Auld of knits dr. Moen;
sod os it hem jaw 4eea nolaiged sod sodsai ti opoeii
o sod essvaina, will and it
nist side balsam fa OTT & TOM &
May $7, 1e47.
=naiad .d for solo orl•iolid oosoctolest of
wawa sonwort Oooda, oda& will bo gold No
doop for Cob so alo bi fwd Nowbets Prod..—
Common will llnJ it M their alvosiogo to tap sod ex
amine *Mewed beam perehadeo ebewbere.
hay 27. • ELLIOTT dr TOEILMB.
A NY qemblity at OLNOIRES. jest Nerived mod
kit silo by ' ELLIOTT & TOMILLIK
T AWNB of lall varieties; aloe Gingham Lawrie very
1A low for cash by ELLIOTT & TOMKINN:
Bool'B and Oboes, the largest stock in town and
&elapse ean ba bsughtin the country by E. & T.
S •
EOM visor of sEkiads--Freach 111!Itio .
Banos • Pr.*. Buskins, kid Last.
lag Oaken, Irsrie,ty dal kinds by E. &T.
C 4
rr9rt 'm4
quillidcy' —Ai°
Carrel warp
obt e and alibied E. & T.
LOCKING GLASSES, of every variety for aide
..le 9 E. di T;
IRON allAinda. English and Sondes, together with
and hamnred ; GLASS am cheap as- the
• large stock of NAHA, by E. &T.
r A LD,LabIe Nail' Rods, a very large quantity as cheap
as the ebeapeat. & a variety afvntall iron by E. & T.
AISPLEN DID aasortment Parasols of all size& and
of every variety of liallwallas by E. Or. T.
DONNETS, a goal variety Leghorn. Strew. Lawn
13 and Coburg, cheap as the cheapest by E. & T.
.T WHOM Hats °fa sizes and descriptions,
getter with . good let of pahnkaf by E. &T.
A GOOD assortment of C.licoes. In fact, we have
ihs good an assortment of all kinds of Dress Goads
ss yon'ews find air any rotors in the country. Also, a
good assortment nf Globs. Userimerss; and Summer
wear of all kinds lead &trontitiloos as cheap for cash es
the cloister
.by E. & T.
SHKESINGB sod blimp. both bleaehmed sod un
% Map:bed cheap an the thaw,* by & T.
200 BARRELS Ileh for sale at
' Spring and Summer Goods.,
Is now opentUrre new and splendid assortment of
staple and fancy Otods at his store. (situate an Main
stunt two doors below Bridge street (west aide) nearly
opposite. Montanye's & Co.') embracing all snicks
generally kept in the country, illicit as
Dry Goods, l : Groceries. Crockery and Glasi
ware. Hardware. Nails, Iron. ail he
varieties of Steel,-Glass. Paints
Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 4-c.
which be offers is purchasers at unusual low priers for
Cub, Produce, or approved credit. And would re
spectfully invite all who wish to purchase to call and
examine Ins goods and prices before purchasing else
where, as he is Confident be can offer good bargains.
June I, 1847.
1011R1NTS, N. Da Lain,. Gingham,, Lawns, Ate.-
1 The Ladies will find a beautiful asimettneut at
joss BETTS'.
AGREAT variety of shawls warts, parasols Ladies
and Minns' Bonnets very cheap at BETTS'.
BLACK & BEAVER CLOTHS, black and fancy
Cassinsares, and all sons of Summer stalk a large
aarartmant, low far cash at B
WINDOW & WALL PAPER, • nice variety and
cheap at BETTS'.
IrjARRIS 4 BLOODS' Gnaw scythes and scythe
1111 lambs pAio Harris cradle scythes at BETTS'.:
SHOES—Lilies' Minas and Children's , a large ya
rimy outland at je9 BETTS'.
O. D. Bartlett.
HAB the-pleasurs to inform his friends and costs
seers wed the public in general. that he is just re
ceiving a bergs and carefully selected stock of seasona
ble Goods. which. as heretofore, he. is prepared to sell
lower than any BRAGGART.
Towanda, June 2, I - 847. •
WHE largest and most beautiful assortment of Pa:
per Hangings ever brought into this place. just
received and fee eats cheeps, 0. A BARTLETT'S.
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes.. -
Groceries, Hats and Caps,
Hardware, Bonnets,
Crockery, Anoka . and Stationery.
Iron and Steel. Paper of all kinds,
Paints and Oils. Glass and Putty.
NEARLY every variety of each of the above kinds
of Goods on hand settle lowest rate at
fEST *sled aid chain for Bull wheels to raw mills
and other similar Dees just received and for sale
cheap by
-4 - - - -
Asplendid assortment of Leghorn and straw Bonnets,
latest style just, received and for sale very low
by 0. D. B A RTLErr.
O D. BARTLETT will exchange cloth OT other
. Goods tor Wool on the best terms possible.
Towanda.June I. 1847.
ALL persons indebteid to the estate of J. B. Mcrriti,
life of Granville township, deed., are nattiest.
ed to make payment without delay. and those basing
claims against said estate, will please pre.ent them du
ly attested to the subscriber.
JAMBS mEgairr,
Troy, May 29, 1847
Asuperior lot of Lawns, Summer ,Ginghams, arid
Monterey plaids, a new article for dresses. Also,
pints of all patterns, which are selling ezpvinely low
, at the . . SA V I NIGS BA K
BON N urs
Alargo and extensive assortment of Bonnet*, con
sisting of Leghorn, Albert Braids, Chins pearl,
Btiaw gimp, English Straw. dtc., together with ribbons,
minicab, wreaths, &c. to match. are now selling at
reduced prices at the - SAVINGS BANK.
QUMMER SHAWLS, a beautiful aaiortment of
Berage, De Lain and Brodie /Shawls may be found
at tbe • SAVINGS BANK.
P _
ARABOI.B of every variety and patient. Also.
Umbrellas, are now Felling extremely low at the
Towanda, May 24, 1847. SAVINGS BANK.
A - FFW hunt.ral pounds BUCK WHEAT FLOUR
1: in 50 lb. sacks, a superior article, just receiveAl and
(Of gab by Feb. 22. 0.1). BARTLETT.
TUST neeeiored • large quantity of Fine and Common
a/ Hawes. Also. Plated and Japan'd Harness Trim
ip at Feb. 22. • MERCUFFIS.
10113/1)8. Beautiful Carpeting, two abilliugs per
1 ../ yard below the market price at
Of Mc partition of the ealso4* David _ MU
tabu, Cantois totonaMpi:del-'ll.—inthe or=
phases Gourt of Braeonl County,
717.1.11846. . 1
F r i l bsis • !an be ti
area =
4f li l V• P talt
u. issa ".
h a w k= R. Pratt, *in. Roberts. Betsey Reboots. Arsaer
Griffin, Rachel Driffin,Julins Pratt and Chester Pratt,
are hereby severally notified that the Orphan% qoult
of Bradford county on the Stit day of May 1841. did
Saha a rule upon, them to come into sal, Court 0 4 the
first Monday of September next and elect to tat of
mime the estate of said decedent at the valuation
therm and in case they shall refuse to accept- the
same, to show cause if any they have, why the name
shall not be sold. By the (Nam.
I.VMAN E. DE wot.r:
Clerk of Orphin% Court
Joon 7, 1847.
Edtrard Overton vs. Harry N. SpaLliav,...No.
019,September Term. 1913,Bratlfort)
mon Pleas.
Trim underaigoolVhaving been appointed an anditon
A. to distribute moneys raised by execution, bribd in
the above emit, will attend to the dune* of his appoifit.
bent at his office ii 'rotvanda borough, on Friday the
9th day of July next at 2 o'clock P. M.. at which time
and place all persons interested are required to prourtit
their-claims before him or he debarred from coming to
upon said footle. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.'
June 7, 1847.
Thomas Elliott vs. John Fox, No. 125
September Terns, 1842, Bradford Conn
THE undersigned baying been appointed an and
to distribute moneys raised by virtue of es
e 4
issued in the above suit, will attend to the duties jr . .
appointment at his office in Yowands borough,
Saturday the 10th day of July neat, at 2 o'cloe I.T .
at which time and place all persona interested
quind to present their claims before him, or be ..
from coming in upon said funds. ~.
June 7, 1847. HENRY BOOTH, Atelitori.
_ 4---
Of the partition of the estate of Benjaniin
Brink. deed , lafe of Sheshequin ton riship
—in the Orphans Cowl of Bradford crnirn.
ty of Dec. 7'. 1847.
THE heirs and devisees of Benjamin Brink det'd.
to wit: Danitl Brink. Brink Smith. Alp us
T £
and Callao his wife, Charlesporith, John S ith,
Daniel !smith, Orson Smith, Valentine Smith, Ja
Smith, Wm. Smith, Rachel Smith, Theodore W. B nk,
i mes
Henry Mliinney and Amanda M'Kinney Iris wife,
and Delilah Brink and John Brink and their guanlian,
Orison Rickey—Orris Brink, Elizabeth Brink, Charles
Brink, Julia Brink and John Brink, Jr., and heir
guardian John Brink—Elizabeth Hensley, James Brink
and . ' Hester Brink, are hereby severally notified that
the Ordban's Court of Bradford county on the 11th
}day of May, -1.847, did grant a rule upon them to come
into Court od.thek,first Monday of September neit,and
elect to take or refute the estate of said decedent at the
valuation made thereof. an" in OW they shall Mime
to accept the same. to show cause. if any they have,
why the shame shall not be sold By the Court,
May 22,'1847
PURSIi I' to an order of the Orphan's Court of
Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale at
the house upon the premises in Sheshequin township,
Bradford county, Pa., on Saturday the 4th day of Sep
tembzr, 1847, at one o'clock P. M., all of the certain
pieces, 'obi or parcels of land lying and being in said
township, known as the Richard Horton farm, to , be
sold art,the property of Patrick Cummings, deed-,
bounded la-yellows : Beginning at a corner, thence .by .
lots No. 94 antclol, South thirty degrees and 15 mi
nutes, 82 per to a corner, thence by parts of lots
No. 101, 102 and 103, south 59 degrees west, 184
perches to a corner, thencealong the Sheshognin road,
north 64i degrees west, 22 *cites, north 63 degrees
west, 78 perches to a corner, and thane by pots of
lots No. 91 and 92, north 59 degreekeast, 236 perches
to the beginning, being part of lots N0:02,93 and 101
in the old township of Claverack, one of tim seventeen
townships, der. Centeining 92 news and illovrence,
with a framed house, fra(med barn, and out housie, and
a large apple orchard thereon.
ALSO—AII of the two undivided fourth parts or
shares the whole into four equal mute or shares to be
divided of and in all that certain tr. 'of land being an
Ikkuld commonly called Huron's Island, lying in the
Susquehanrsa river, just stave the myth of Sugar
Cieek. containing in the whole. by computation, fifty
acres and one hundred and twentrfwe perches, he
I the =Me more or leas. The other half belonging ter
Stephen Newell and Franklin ---: Attendance will
be given at the time and place of sale and terms made
known. HIRAM MIX,
May '24, 1846 . . Adminstsator de bonis non
ALL per so ns indelted - to. the estate of BENAJAH
ALLYN, late of Warren twp., deed., are hereby
requested tomake payment without delay, and those
having claims against said estate, will please present
them duly attested to the subseriber.
Warren, May 3, 1847. Adonit.istrotOr.
- -
I N pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court. of
Bradford county, held at Towanda on the fourteenth
day of May 1847, will be
to sale ,by public
vendue or outcry, on the premises, on Thursday .the
24th day of June next, at 1 o'clock P. M., the folloior
ing described lot.of land situate in the township of Rome
and bounded as follows :. Commencing at a corner on
the public road leading nom Rome village to Johnson's
in Rome township, Sad running north , one degree east,
two rods, thence south eighty-nine degrees east, ten and
one-fourth rods to i corner, thence south one detpee,
West two rods, thence north eighty nine degrees west,
ten and one-fourth .rods to the place of beginning. con
taining twenty-one square rods with a framed house
thereon erected,'-eing a lot of land bought of stephen
Cranmerolec'd. in tkpril 1842, by the said .1. B. Tay
lor, in his life titre. and of which the said J. B, Taylor,
died possessed. Terms made known on the. &ay of
May 22, 1847. E MAYNARD
Administrators ot - J . B. Taylor, dec'd
ALI. persons indebted to the estate oPt JOEL
BARNES. late of Orwell township, dee'd.,,are
hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
those hawing claims against said estate, will please lire
sent them duly attested to the subsenber,
' •
CYPRIAN BARNES, Administrator.
Orwell June 18, 1897. With the will annexed.
ALI. indebted to the estate of TROM N
KINSMAN, late of Towanda borough deed., are
hereby requested to make payment w thnut delay, nd
those having claims against said estate, will please Pre
sent them duly attested to the 1.4164Cfi11.rt.
w.TIFFAisY, Adnunistrator. •
Towanda, June 16,1847.
1,31° rit , IL - AZ `ir
TENDERS hi s services to his friends and the pub
he generally in all business of his profession. Of
fice in his dwelling nesf the comer of River and State
eltneetS. Tmvarula, May IR. 1R47.
IShavit% and Hair Dressing.
, Solomon Cooprr,
ESPECTPU Y informs his ol d friends aml pat-
Lt. rims, that having been obliged to abandon his for
mer stand on the afternoon of the l'2th ult.. he is now
permanently located on the west side of the public
square, two doors north of Briggs' tavern. Crateful
for past favors, he hopes by superior skill and attention
to merit an increase of patronage in future.
He will always keep on hand a supply of oils. es
sences, perfumery, and whatever is accessary to give
an agreeable finish to his operationa, and will spare no
painain his endeavors to adapt his sty le to suit the vary
ing tastes Of his customers. '
ALSllo4Bhampooning for restoring and a sure pre
ventative to keep the Hair from falling out, or turning
gray; for a beautiful head of hair is a powerful &lathery.
Clerk of Orphan's Court
4 7 0. : . Spr uce street,
rotiotyliig and Rita
aid Jai&
GiShic *ors* of " 6 0 6
so Ma .late - Mjihc-of Iniindiful RI I
• mach; admired awl desin b •
ovary *style and description of
.68y. per *style
cheaper than climbs
Trimmings at :esiarsfai•
Danner Mal - interim demotion*
it* outlaw& &ARUM &
nem Manufacto
Premiums Awarded. is
By the Americas . lastitate'
1810—A Silver Medal for
181 I--A . Diploma fop Gehl '
I 812-,,A Diploma for the -
1••143=A Dipkoins for the bes
. 1844-A Diploma for gaped.
845—A Silver Medal kw th
1846-,A Silver Mole! Gm th
This is to certify, that the shim
the rearms of the American Wilk
Nee. klec..of the -A
Vrahr /Mang:at .
J .. furiously under the one of I D.
Fourth Volume under the editond
author. of "Napoleon and his Mar
end his Generale' " Letter. from
- . ‘Ol nothin ' sayi
*tiiiill'i large.le eitliiiiiiiiii Habit Ws.
.. .
only maintaliOt 6 'salable emir
to *Mir a far bleier - Mmulsolty, and bosorie din cow
pinion of many a circle to which it I. onrs3-_setrangerw
gladdening by its preoeses;mhile in NM** isllnesee
mire. elevating and &Nadirs!. 4 , '6o.llllMidliie
e m dirgies make this ,ftel meet ' Alltspiiii*effifra
day, and Mhile availing hirmialf sf imulliiime-koniailis
best writers, be will dram freely foam hiniermishreast;
kr Motel. ,
It willi r eontiost to maintain its .41k mere? tenn mad.
nothing Urnl be eitnined into its colonial/ which will
miniater Lb the Corrupt peaaionni • teinieneiesollyoudt,
or whichithe author' dying-wan • with to Mot:.
'The desigs is so oiler the pub • a Magazine contain
ing .11 the attraction and interest nf the lighter periodi-
C216;1111010 it moves in a dile* path, and is sot ex
posed i 4 the same objections.
It is nailed monthly, eoinni widbillleyorentain
ing 33 pages of origin°, matter, ted on fine Imam
in handoome co a, ith
,e splend steel engraving.end
cokiord Bowe ,in number, ith occasional INN&
and is got et ry respect the best style of the
srt, making a ly ihilume of 3 pages, full of choice
illustrations, MY f.rmiag as
,eWsol ornainent to the
!parlor table, or , rids and vsleabla pars' ent ton friend.
Dark number* and volumes alMayi on husk
Price only ;$2 per year, if in Stlunce. *copies fin
$5. 8 copies lb? $l2.
- The Preis and the public are d rwankrutg se - the
very highest testimonials of the • ' abirget of our
Magazine, and the beauty and - with shish. in is. ease
bollished. placing it in the very rat rank ii every re.
spect,"mans the thousands of w • we abet
the Lb
"Mr Hudley's lively and Ire • "b pen is Ildleirebbjt .
fitted to give • charm to a work • this."—Sent rub
" ruder the editorial charge .1. T. Henael. ibe
most popular , writer of the age, we pndie• tit-stilt Munger
interest will be taken in this a well-knows and
valuable Magazine. , The name f Reaelky atone kr a
sure guaranty of sucoess."—E er and NeeArreic.' . '
" The new edkor has infused intense and absorb
ing interest into its pages far wh . • hie writings are rto•
markable. The work has gai in the powei whir&
s i t
enchains the sympathies and ri ts the attention. with
out losing a ything of its for . chaste' and elevatedmoms and yle."— Wiedlram C . - Democrat.
"We wish this Magazine m• . success under ha pro.
sent guardianahip."—Adeocate • • Journal.
The editor is well known air • of the most brdliant
writers of the day."—American , grituburixt..
"Their motto is to mingle the beautiful with the
good.—N. E. Review. - ! •
'• Mr. Headley contributes to the' present 'May M3ll/.
ter liberally in his usual pleasing ."—N. Y. Tribune.
"His - talents will add greatly o the interest of the
puha:mien. and have great infl nee in extending its
- eirculation."— Christian Intelligences.
`-', ~ This ivory neat monthly is gaining favor, refiningthe
roughnui of life, and blessing the family sphere it alights,
'Este 1414kt:tie.' '7-- Masaehuseels,Raglo.
" This is unquestionably the bUt Mag4 ne of its kind
in the coutoryNaniticket Enittistr.
" Beautiful uil Es veluable.Lailicran Observer.
n- Af i re...egad nnpOnsible A nts wanted, to circu
late this *brit, to*wheniNthe hlnducements wilt he
offered. 11 : ' E. E. NILES, Publisher.
41.1 11 , - , Pll. Name to.,N.Yotk.
The addle and Ha esßasiness
T 8 still continued by ELKANAH 814ITH, CULP
&C. T. SMITH, under ttie Firm of
Smith & CO., at the old stand Ilmih indent tha P is
Square, where will be kept constantly on `band Bests
Plain and Quilt'? Saddles, Plated and Common
Harpers, all kinds of Trunks, {!slues; and 'all—other
'work in their line.
Carriage ,Trimming 4. Military work
done to order. From their experience and punctuality,
they are in hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
Work can be bad at their shop ex cheap Mit any other
shop in the county of the same strhatity. May 18,,'47
. .
A. WoolenFactor at Home,
THE subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the
s citizen of Bradford county nd vicinity, T hat they
have leased f'r a trim of years he building situate in
Wyalusing township, and knowtt es Ingham'. Factory,
and which they are now fitting uwith maehinitY and
apparatus for the manufacture . broad end 'narrow
cloths, flannel!, &e., in superior tyle end on the most
reasonable terms. 'lliose wishing to have wool manu
factured upon shires will find i to their ; advantage to
give them a call, as they , arc detimsd that no pains
shall be spared 'to give the most rfect satisfaction.—
They work 'Wool into Broad or narrow ereswd cloths
for one half the cloth, or if pre , they will menu.
.... nd
facture by. the yard as follows : Broad . cloths for from
itl to 14:25 ; Narrow cloth, fro 44 to 50 eta. Other
articles manufactured for propottlonate prices.
Wool carding and cloth dreading will be done on
short notice and reasonable terms.. They will be pro.
pared for husinesis on of before the first ofinne next.
Wyalasing. April i 5. I t;1l7. i HALT. & HILL.
N0..1., Brick Row, a nin the Field !
111% .1. Chas
TT AS ju
-`s. , 1.-1- of N
, ss'-',l7:ry.t.
i ) . I :: t . the follow
~..--\ P -- L'Epine ari
\ 4)l\ . 11 1 - i -z . "* * - a complcu
Jewelry, at
ger Rin tot, Breast Pins, Bracelets
Gold Pens. Keys, etc Also, al
and any quanta) , of thee, Beads
for wile execeedingly cheap for C
Watches repaired on short ri
to rtin well, or the inane) , will la
I ten agreement !given to that elle
'taken in payment for work ; at,.
formes, Mai Me Produce meal
is dune—l war against credit in
W. A. Cli
. .
Towanda, April 28. 1817
►h HE FIRM or south &
1 by mntittil consent. All
firm must be immediately paid.
'Towanda. 12 . 1847*
THE ropannership heiet
C. & E. REED is this d
consent. The accounts, notes,
left wish Chalice Reed, No. 5, ,
Tawarida, May 14, 1b47,
' - 18,4
tele - *vibes.. With.
1114111.. WIN. at
lboustal ot.Fkr. other+
revs' . Sign,.
SO iohirtliriot• to.
P 1111811 -; •
sad himporiling..
Levi Minn,.
fiat Gehl Then.
GuW' Peon.
Gelid Pens. . •
InettenliltPenin. •
•bini.Gol4.loeim. •
ie-a.une'cmP,7 (um
Theldieriina r for.
!p o.
r.w T. iiiimitty.
. inasingtaii
lat.,. • e., We
t returned from the city
York with a large
atrhes, Jewelry and
corntiviNing 'in part,
l ing snicks:—Lever,
Ili Plain Watches. %with.
assortment of {:old
rh as Ear Rings, Fin
, Lockets, Gold chains,
sorts of Silverware,
all of which he offers
once, and tvarranfed
I. refunded. and
t if requ ired.
nd Country Produce
ale v. leant now, and
, paid• when the work
all its forme.
nU iS this day dim=oleeti
,linuuts. &c. due the
C. T.
I[o N.
fore existing between
dissolved by astatual
&c., due the firm ate
I. R. for collemifm..