, - 4:4•"ki.'441.1 vi" 4":" TOILS 17811219 TOW ANDA: bkbnel44ll MMUS!, Use 28, 1847. A flambee. eon. i . VT ',AVM 11111011~, lteinember, love, who gave thee this, When other days shall come s When she. who had thy earliest kiss. SWF'S in der *arrow home. Remember 'twas a mother gave Tilt et to one she'd die to save. That mother sought .a pledge of love, The holiest for her son; And from the gilts of above, She chose • goodly one. She clmie, : for her belOved boy, The source of light, and life and joy. And Lade his keep the gill—that, when The Toting hoar would come, They might have hope to meet again, In an eternal home. She said his faith in that would be Sreet incense to her memory. And,shonhi the.seofrefin his pride, Laugh that foci/ faititta stoat: - And bid him east the pledge aside. That he front youth had barite. I:hi• bade hint pause, aad.ash his breast. If he, or she had loved hit besa. J. .1 parent's Messing on her see. (hies with thi*,holy thing; The lore that would retain the one Most to the other cling.• Remember! 'tie to idle toy, A mother's gift—Remember, boy! .1 Panther Mast LeywheelL, . . A new county was formed by the last l%idelitni of Pon,.<lovania. out of the *nib-western portions of 4rwoniing and flop counties. The name of Sql•rnn.ih lninor of Mai Gen. Sullivan of revolu tt.,n.tr memory, has been given it. This a ugments the . number. of eounties to sixty. A wilder dis tort of COUtitry Call hardly be found in our nett er Slales.,than some partit of this - tegicin exhibit-'- ti has always been a zseat resort for bears. panthers anti wolves ; laid. if I am not greatly mit4aken, 4 , nte of these rarutints still exist . , Thin seat ofjas nce v , contemplated at a place known as -, Seek," It the resit Mee of the family of thar - name, classic ;...7,1uul i onve crated. for seventy Ites or more to like' ch4--c. and the bead-quarters of did Stek.—in In: inc aDs ercat and 'Original as Boone or any of ih •,..I, , rious old hunters ofthe west. i r. , nrad Sock was one of the old er\tlers of the D .rth branch of the'Susimehanna, in one of its wild r4 feetilLs„ and in Nis time has killed more pan t:,.•: r. and bears than usually fats to the lot even , i pioneer?, The following is an account -of one • ,1 hi. panther hinds, taken down from his own hpc. - ' • ' . 4•ttlermsut en the mountain here is 'verr . and there are, no inhabitants for a con- .11.1 e distarwe hack of the road. I heard that' -91 had hunting, and said that he bad throe panthers ; upon which . I called on, him. t9si lie told me t that at.a ce rt ain place, on Spring ten miles from this he had 'come rer‘Ks three panther* and had tried to fire at them ht, c.,ni,l not get hi. ;run to go off. I thought the •,1 n a, a coward. that only out of Ins story was t-ur, aitj that-he had been afraid to fire at them; knew exactly the piner - which he deseijto. t•lihn. I had been frequently them on hunting ex nt-,ions) I thought I world go and see whether lbrry had beenaity panther there. So I started off ro'rt morning with my doe. You know What a 10-rll4e thicket of laurel. and spruce. ,, and hemlock • 1-,.l1!•ott here well. tt is as b; : id all the way hi d r pie c e were the leilvir said he Saw - the pan vters. Al tay however, r got to it, and sure rtottelt the panthers had been there. There was urn the menu& and ii found when ley had killed a deer. and eaten past of it, but I that alhrr I had been at the place, they would to bark to et again for a panther will never 1. 4 1 , =stew a sier•nrid time, if any dims-ism has at it Ss. I marked 'which way they - went, as raw 'days Anne they had been there, and,. I no; know hoiit long I might be in the woods in si diem, I thonglit it would be best to go :et a, supply of -proristrins for a good 'l4.twee and theitetakle a fresh Asa. Bat it was mzlit I stmek a tire -and ldid down WI As soon as it was light; I *timed otiftak :: z.') lock - nark to go home, and got Anna half 14en, behold' I twine right to the panthers' t'%' llrec . had ceed the path I had made in ei” . „dov before. I knew they had eves ' = tive ,lay time: for had been warm arid the aa.i melted a little, and I could tell, had coward nir track, before ntid• SO R',4 es - the track and followed if until "e4."5 "lien I saw a liett place lathe woods, and eito I funnel I was oa a road about. three s '' born home . I then ocinehaded .it weak! be l 'h.•l way foinre to gn home that night; and get kra,-Krk of provisions as I bad intended; fO . l know hut what the devils might keep hie 'Jan them a whole week; and 1 was de tt t rare ;timed there, to gin. them se -"st kiu game, as long as I could see to L a. Lle tt . let them go where they weal ;end Trey led 0.1 an infernal long chase. - i s ' . * ur I 'meet. filled my knapsack with pm. q E ' meted 'mu With that dog, that is lying ~,,%1 3" thete--not the 'white one—the spotted, a 20 , :1d fellow , for a panther, and likes vs well as Ido Well, es I triad ; as soon nay -light next morning. out I went, and 71 ,..1e ' 41 4 azam Where Iliad left it the elireW arhi illiknrell it all day , long, up one down another, over. has and throegh ekle. tusk before *Uwet, when lenme : which die panthers had killed and .41 ft and which was still warn.;.. They had ta . bere be lay.i He had never got uP-- b " t eflN I,ehma a large headlock tree, Mown down : and it .apfared by the tittow a, if they had smeleltho;ellnel" IiMIEI 1 g_a_.„,:,..,, 1 1,.....„ ..„, , . , . :':'':''''''l:4;_.-.:e:.,-.::..._:.1::..:'4.:;'.:T ''5,....::::...:_A-r., ~. *.,...,t„t4:.,,,,.- 7 i .0,,...ip ! , : - ••••) ~„,, , f., ~...---: 1-1.. v, lE , ' , - 4-q4 ,. .i.:-..5i. , ', - 1 , ,c ; .7,; ri••-i-1, t'",, : „i. - . i , • =•,; i ~1. .1 , ..-3,1-1' ta. ' • • _ - • • . . ! , . . • , . ..• ... .. .. r.„-... ,--, ,-,,--,. ~, ,-_ : - 1 - •• .: 1. •,-;,„ 1 i , ....?:••,,,...- - , ,7 , •! ; •,...-.. - OT, • •;: ;', .-,, 1:„. ...!:'-"..r . - • ,•:.• • - ..„....„ - . ~.,.„---- ~,.....i..... . .- .4.. ~“ ~ - ' CT. IF .O s.::- -.4 • 1 • - -. 1.4.4,5 - • -.*".", . -.. . , .. . , .... ..; ' .-... ~...sp' -r, .-r4.•-• ‘••••• • ^,-..., '4c,-, •._ ....2. ..... i . .... - • - :‘- . :!.. : 't-i-,:.• ~.... . -... .. . ... _.... ": .1 •-d • ...,, - 1;,.... , i . . . . ; '•-•':',..!:. ...P. L ...: '..; : 4-:. ''''''' .......' '..7%•'.....,f; i • ...4„-... -•! ..-, ....7 - ~ . 11 . -. ...f . • . •4 • •• .• .. • ' '•• I - . ".... , -,.."". I-4'p", , . ~.. .....-. • .. . - , , • • , .. • , .. , . .. H . " .. ..,.. .. i ... _: ,_ .. • ........ • : . ~ • • 11121112 MIMED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT TOWANDA. iibiOßD CO !11, PA, BY R. 1 GOODRICH k BON. ed Up Close lo hint, imaged over the tree and unti 1, ed his in hit bed. They' deep-take their pmt by entpriie. They Wryer nuke more thatewro three jumps altar it A .- if it rhea eacepsi, they. tern pit ano the r way. They had mesa as lambi at 64 Wished Wilhe be* and eller getting their billies full, they appeared' to-hare been in - tritely good humor, ' for their masks showed where they had played about, aid they had jumped sp and down Atte small trees around. They did not know who was after them. I had \net'expected to ea on them so aeon, and had Pelted ahead without any caution, so thutthey head trty mites* and I ewe forted by the Nopeploceibt thitigspliet lney must hare started away just at I came up; for in stead orkeeping together as they h$ done all day bekwe, they started off is different directions. I thought it was Mint and tlut4 had better encamp where I was; for they would hardly euennbisek. in the night to claim their beck cbui first, 3 tail* I would look a little mote around, to *lb whatt\track it would be best to knew ,ia the morning; ankee, just went a little way' into the mart", which *its close by me when, - only think! one the curses, had been trLching all the time, sal heard him start within - ten rods of me! but. the lased wan so thick that I could not see. him. As soon as he started, away went the dad after .him, fall yelp.— Well I stood still and there was a glorionsthrealing among the laurels; when an at once I heard . the panther take up a tree.' I heard his nails nett the bark the first dash he made. It was. bassuldid will evening; and I said to -myself, 'I Italie ow of Iyou any way; and I ran as hard as/ could through I the lairelsp, anti I came to - where Toby • was, bark ing arel .jeniiiing and looking mightily fielded, at one of them up the tree. . Well, I soon saw the panther lying at his fall length on a limb- T it was en a eery late hemlock. I did not know well what to do; for it was now so late that l could scarcely see the forettiOttot in ride rind, I could not roe the notch of the liadsighitar all ; but as ( knew my gun, I had better vesture a shot, rather than keep watch at thetree an night; and so I drew up, and took the beat aim I could and iced away. Well, the devilish rascal never seined: I said t. Myself, I am slue I can't have massed you. In a short time 1 saw a motion in his tan, which hung over the limb on which he lay, and toxin after I could hear his nails gritting on the bark, and 1 maw his body bqin to slide roofed the limb till at last he slang fairly ander it, suspended by his claws, and in a minute, after he let go his hold mid down he came, sense! so neatly died that when I ran to keep Toby from taking hold of hire (for they are a devilish thing to fight and Iran tear a dog to pieces is no time) found him unable pix aback out a claw. I knew that I void' find the place again. and so I just let him lay where he fell, and I went bi;rir to the bock, mid made a good fire Ind laid down them till morning. But Brut I cut some good slices off of the bucked mated them for sup per. He was a fine fat fellow and kalicAl as nicely as a butcher could have killed him. I doillike to eat part of a deer which has been killed by solves—but itiituther in a&Anent thing. Well, the next ramming staiied bright and ear- ly and soon came on the tracks of the nther two panthers. It appeared as if they had been Cueing about separately, and had kept ;mond the swamp nearly all night; bat at last they got together and stetted off. As soon as I got on the track I followed it bri:itly , tiff aboat man, when I darted them afresh; and letting otreTohy they and be, and I, all ran as fret as ire could/ bat they got 11 a Taster of a mile ahead of when dash! one of them took np a tree ; which 1 roan bye"w• by, the manner of the doles herb*. Oh! said I. Pro _ another one ! When I came np to the dos, 1. - sore enough, wie a - parther up a tree, shaking his tag and looking jowl lice e eat when she is Amato. jump on a, mouse; .bit, says I, my *Haw, ,Flitiorm put a stop to yoor jumping. So I ups with rifle, mil down he came, as dead re If be bad Never been alive. I ell,l skinned him and famemed law skin in my knapsack. ad away I seined abet go; other one. The Isst fellow trid not like •to ttavel withal* his companions. I suppose.be tiondered what had In comeof-thetn. Ile kept dodging about, that mie way then another as if he expected them to (mune op with him : bet he had another kind of comm. ioa homing for him. Well as I said, alter I skinned the seemed one, I started alter the third, and in abets two bourn I roused him from behind a leg,' and Tetryniid he had a fine am for about ten'mi nuass. I stood MIII for I thought may-be the pan ther would take acircuit to hunt for the other ones, 1 and se he did ; bet the dog was so ekes to him, bethought it ben to use ; in oilier. I suppose, to see who, and bow many were after him. As soon as I knew, by the twain, he had hoed, away I are, and soon got• the neck. I took notice of it on a leaning tree, which I ran peeve the Ike, who was about ten rocs bother, looking up n a large hemlock, and making a great tartket. I looked up; but I add seem *Sher. I irestaa bestehen I could see evitry berth ; but the devg a pinthereas there. 'Why; eat I, this can be no ghost, to vsmiiii in this way, he , mutt be an some of these trees.; but le as go wherel last new theersak. So twat back to the leaning tree, where I bad hie seta the track. It was a pretty large hemlock, wlich had fallen spies another ; and looking tap, 114 el the . fellow slue enough, cranking r in the where the leaning use by acmes the ether, close down, so hobbit by the limbs and green leaves of the hemlock, that I could see only small part Ohl body. In running eider dog.' had gene right under him. Ahhough I could see but bine at him from the place where l mood, yet se I was ewe that what I saw was his 'Walden, I did net wait to see any more of him, but I a lair sight and drew my trigger. Well, be did not budge ! I looked at him for some time, but 'he did net Mr.— I war nee I had alms UM thro'--t thonebtit a pity to waste any more lead on him. Ihstin hemmer the crotch of the large tree, and theme -as another Lieielhiskipew oil elate bolisseteb, end Nem* I would dumb op the fide tree, ens to cants leis lad aud i os*_vdishat he was deed or no; bet just as I was about helf way Ime his te2 bogie to leave, a9ll betar t could to the gioesi, Lie head, and inputs did over the aseb, and down be ewes es demise &downed. $oI ekinnedlis, mad wed to the sail had that, and Singed bin, and at base that night. &One woed alba fellow who saw theta by the SOK bold, that if be would come to se I would show hies the shim of his these pothers. Ennosse.--No man loth tnemated all power of kindness; ke it is botridiees ; Opines loth seen its death, for it is eternal in all ago of the iwodd, in every Anon amoneevery kind, it bath ems out a bright and besmithl tor abeiming ghat ?. Utak at the ease et Sod aid Divid. Biller and darting jealousy filioLthe him of Foal, i and "_he mai*so hated thliiiithif tentOife." With hellish hats he himed hiakeven to that dens and morsel the meth But Davaionsituertfd his enemy-.wan the proud spirit of the haughty Saul he humbled.- And howl Not with mind and 'spear -not with hush words andeneto cantamely, kw these never died tottekthehesit .with geniis influence. No-. Ilt " iitt a weapon, s imple as the eheplond's sling, yet as the snow of death. Twits kindness; This lic ar rattlf , og hatred, and lea Sod to live ' And w it had done its work, Baal mid muo 'D 'a an more fishbowl than I, for thou halt re me good, whereas I have rewarded thee mil"- 41 T i ot bete & victory, tame glorious, more gall - hate, Wellington ever knew. Gone father wa in the erotkre history and 1% tell me, of what of all those spoken 'by the u meek and lowly - - the 4 g Prince of Penes," the " Savior d the 'I was ben caleulated to soften and eebdue the beam of his pentomors l Are we no asked tolitte\to die soli sweet tones of'" Father forgive them ! ' o,bete is kitchen.- l; Im A BLetiort. Asorte..=;- wash:dal ques tion chains" Mien ask, and w equity warder fed answers do they rometimesM . What can be more touchiag than the fell Owing toectiose which we find in the New Yolk Organ :-' A hiend of ours ?dike ritessi4l , a\very young child, a few days inikr, paid-in rather ail isaptitient tenel.-Ag You are soh a lump of a shape, it is ha poesthie ,to make anything, ht yen I" ,The tips of the child quivered, and, looting tap, it said is a de pssciag rime-o God lade erne." (tar bleed was rebuked ; and the , tittle lamp was kissed a do zen times. u God made use r Had the wise men et the amid potideted en a Siting, answer to such careless remark, for a emitmry, dePy ramid not have band a i i beset than flawed y and • apowtaneomaly from the wounded head the &N. " God made met, mother ; it is ant pa fault that 1 ans what yon thus seem oat to a lints leap : God made me?" litem ea thy Ito:meet head, sweet ebdt—"ct each are the kitgLtiom ci heaven? A Weans "Ws leis. or Mauttoon.—Ali In dianapolia laser 'lgniter relates the fo&nring dia logue bekl with a Homier boy 7,- 7 " I ma a ,boy, aparendy about twelve years old, and hailed }Me with, " Illy tide man, wouldn't yen hier'tri go to Tema I" "I am going," gad ) " Why what are you going at do r a Laio going to be pipet toy, and wait miaktlli eerie and help eel." " Are yea goiniii eartil,put, No, Waal luny and wee to HI eau Med iian,-and if a chance I " Does your yea are griagr " Yes. air ; and me to go. She warred me to see the world, and it utigli make a man of tae ; and al tar Jose year 1 shall tarry a rameket, and if I can aely bat fifteen Illexieens, I *A ease back a Mil Tea Lunen Fievrea.--be OM Dr. Arnold dis close/od, in the Wand of Sennitni a Bower Which he named Anwa', aad which an author has called with junkie the megnieseart Thin al the vegetate" iriploes.." The Main mind has indeed -never conceived see* a Bower. The eir eindirenee of the fan expanded flower is nine feet; its meet:non is eaindated to laild nine pines; the Pied . .., ate as huge as cone' hares, and the entire • weight of the tdospeans is ceenputed to he lateen lands. Smisma Clurearm-.-Idr. Irlheadd, i big tea. them& Swede% says: " Timutchlldran, hos die ups at see, is diet et eighths, meadia, are wrapped up in buadages, hke cylindrical wither Whets, which we contrived; se as to keep their =1:124011 ialms lll % lunch with their They are impended from pep in die.' wall, Or laid in any conreniani pit of the room, withoit muck Nicety, where they exist la pee a. team and goad !enact. I bare not beard Awake of a child mince I came to Sweden." Tii Perstaso—Alat p 6e paioser," mid 6e ceptaia dat ship, as bar get Woo the bow, to a boy wise was imponsis d the tens. le lowly 6e boy rea al, where owl the sailors was employed cm a Pap paint' jagless seem rued let co, the topes by whisk it war hold. Tbe agooia, swpsised at bey's deb*, cried ow. “Yea lay de& wtey emit yes bet Robe pm r pew, pod midair said the bad. A ewe eant.—ftme folkowitti is about the UM diet ii the amsodose lime we dye wee As Wee diet beat asked iris "bits et a emit of Madatia wise preseited se We Weal dicer, said to those* the jaw was eletaced frets we sese's sangess and liens' beans, for lam Ise Atla s bode et it he could tent therm and . figle the ties* Qrata Cair:csaTross.—The saw of the tail kee Blade, says :-.lt Ssisid be a curios eight to see 4 the Win' e is the Muted Sires, maw Ave yews old, together; tho 7 Intel& sake aproley col leitias of 2.,Sthketto! Whet a swat thews mid ger = semainion saust awv estartia." Midi dame fir "hike due petaidly resin Their when busty sewargstha &nein skim Ala swats; Aar*. -Them ars Wrought a bold earigraia. while Whim- sib Mb liale mos with_ club* awl resiosase Megaikd Ike we. • "Boy. toes veva sees leek liforkm tretw•,elai wiles toed giaai teaks ran. hp, w the ins earth grown. hem* that The mighty river ea whose breast e sari arreebiy•Arys *toward the Bettie, lea Casibrerbthat,, ear owe Collsectiest cmerial simme °rather. the brook That Ili Mir door west siagag. whet t hisacird tiny boat with all the sportive boyi. 'Wiles Ached was o'er, is dearer far to me Thai all these deep broad waters. To my eye They are as swaggers. Mod those liedevrees illy mother pleated is the garde, hosed Of ovard . ind Avast. from wbesee the fragrant, each Fell is to ripening sold. were fairer mos Than this dark forest abetting oat the day.* "'What, ho i ay Ii de girl."—aad with light my A fairy creature basted sowanis let vim AM ming dowa the basket that moaned The aooses repast. Inok'd upward se his LIM • With sweet madding souk. • See. isareosi see Tea loci& wined poi mies. sad bear time Kam Of the givetl•bied echeiiag navaigli tbe trees, nab assaie. Daft thou ever bear Is fair New Naglaad sae* a aselknv tour" NI hid a minim that did take the tenable Daeheaight sad morning, and his antrum voice Did make woe joyful, as I west to teed My saow.drops I was always laughing dive, Is diatjirst Mew. I *Maki be happiet now Methinks, if I coola led awes these dells The sane fresh violets." • Slow eight drew oa And round the rode hut of Emigrant, The wrathful spirit of the anima stores Spate bitter things: His wearied ehthirea slaps. Aad be, witlrbead deelial, sat listening keg To the swore waters of the Illinois, Dashing'agaiast their shores. *Otani* he spate • "Wifr! did I see thee brush away a tear I Bay. was it se! Thy heart was with the bath Of tby nativity. Their swirling lights, Carpets and sofas, and iring gnats. Belt thee better than these rugged walls Of shapeless logs, and this lone hermit-bowie." —.MI! AU was so still aroaad. onslaught. Upea say e th at echoed hymn did steal Which `mid the church where erst we paid our vows Bo tuneful peard. But tended thy woke Dissoled the illusion :" the geode smile Lightly' her brow. the food Canna that soothed Her waking Waal, re-assar'd his soul 7 mberemree the pave fereetieffe &el And strike shaaddjuinst. u dappissem Firaeid and grateful, to his rest be sash ; Hat deems, those wild magiciaussorhieh do play Inch'pranks when Reason slumbers. tireless wrought Their will with his. . Up rose the busy man Of his own satire Mir. roof and spire AU glittering bright. se Fancy's frosbmork ray. Forth came remembeed forms; with curving meth The steed his boyhood nurtned. proudly seigh'd— The favorite dog...milting mead his feet Frisir'd, with shrill. joyous bark t rhodium doers Flew oyes—greeting heads with his were ink'd is Frieadship's grasp—be heard the trees debate From congregate& haunts, where mind with mind Deth.-blend mod brighten-40d till morning rov'd 1161 the lord scenery of his fatherland. Ws BEYOND THE GIUML-AJDOCIg all the fine and besiatihd Agana and modes of masoning that the universe in which we dwell has othaded ha the illumation of the I. that is within as of a life bored the tomb, dote is none namajoems: tihd aY Muriel* dm I know of, tits that which is derived from the chew of the seassmis—ima the second life that banes forth in opting in objecet ap. poranirty dead : and fins the shadowing forth, in the renovation of everything amend is 4, of that tiny web Divine Revel:diem calk upon mr faith to believe shall yet be oars. The rim' that have fled and remained duk and gray thrteet i the long dreary lapse of winter. clothe themselves again with green in the opine sunshine, and every hoe speaks &life. The bads that were trampled down and faded, buret firth once more in famines ad in beauty ; the enema break horn the icy chains that held them, and the glorious sun henna causes wandering horn a far journey, giving reammer, sad warmth, and fertility, and magnificence to every thing around. All that we lee, breathes the some hops, and everything we see, rekindles into • Vince Ann Tim—timer i evarythitqg that ie ugly and ammo& *Ai to din individmb etthe imam me" teethes in meisity ; e every thing that is injurious, to them. The grimiest mes are thole whirl FROCISte for man the mat de sirable and solid alvantnes ; the gamest vicesare dose .-bleb mast disturb his tendency 111 hen* nem, and most imerropt the necessary alder aiso ciety. Ths simians am is be whose actime tend uniformly to the welfare of his fearer ale stmes.— The Mins ems is be whale camthitt tads to the osmosis* at *me with whom he lives; hem whence his emit preens minim man earnmordy nitate.— Evenething slat perennes for man a tmer and per manent hapinese ressonalle ; wrelythire that disturbs his inerividnal fetkity, at ih of the Icings eneessery to his hakyiness, is foolish oresuemosm- He. The man wise injures others is.wiefted ; the man wise ionises himself is an ingsmdest who neidrar has s banniledge of new% of his awn ;neither intermits, nor of trash. Emma axe Astexa.—Sir Fond , lisakerbig ded a toey as , erer breathed" eamitaitin the ow maid with the aid, says that " the lieereee iee a. finitely higher--the dpi hies:-4he ekieassoeuti ter—theak is Gerber—the cal it imenor—lite mom looks lager—ibe amazon buiOsse-rabothille det s loader--the heads.s tividee—the wad is stressre—ihe ram is havise—the istwasiaams higher—ea law beget—the feast& lierms—tbe lieles baton ; ILAN% the gamma d besetifol of da mew wagon= to twelated say weada. idly' wilt Zia iseiessiv, klretective meets and other haat (Sammie& width, tie tiessior, tithe Mail* powet4 y been develop ed ussatind." , • MI ?Obi IT **S. 11.113 ii. Z. ISOOMSIIIII. ilium" Head hers 4 Wiishischisi ad his ifiris,tels "I 1 . i Mania Idea. Steal: en was fecesdric in his habits, frank, blunt sail irritable, and alive espressod his sectinsentis "wiffirlei regard to gaga or fne. Flaring silent his life in loop, be was frequently rough in his tnan-,. neer, aid whale .nested, tesh ass sorsa. SIM, the soldis4 and officers krredltim, kw a gene pis net woulifillways may a ridden wrong ; under that sleep Mains* exterior, beet as kind a head 'serer' dwelt ins human bosom. He was prodigal to I halt, atod sat appesd to bis twofold's° he never odd iesistensetpiently, :as - objects ,of clarity, were *dal enough &Omar Revolution, . , 'wait never lenq in postestio' a °gooney. I .' , - 'he - had smithusg"to earth tabie wait' . .-. .' s of &ea, and often with those of inferiorrank. '$ i , in some of the 'Wet eilari to twitivited be aid " Poor *lows they have &Meeker; stomichit, *idiom their pay or rations." Oa one oresehni,•be sold pan of bit comp equippsge in order so give edinner to some French officer, at whose table be had often been a goest. "I( ran stand it no longer," said be in his blunt manner, " I will give one grand -dinner to our allies. should I eat Rorp with a wooden spoon foreier ;ker. - - Atter:oe *mender of Yorktown, he . ,t4 his horse to be able to give a dinner to the thins' if Officers.— Remy major-general in the army bad extend - adds, eenoteity bat him, and distressed se the reflection this neglect can upon his hospharity be pattedeidk his hem in Order to mime the funds he itee&l, Wy watch bad been pawned before under some generous impulse, and as be could not borrow the money, this was his Lass nom. When the tinny was on the point of leaving Virginia he went to Major North. who was lying sick with a fever, and Ad ban that he was to be left behind ; " but," mid be, " the intrant_yoteare able. leave this un healthy place ; I have left my sulkey for you. and here (landing him a piece of gold) is half of *di I possess in the world. God blew you, I can say no more." Of the strictest integrity and honor hiel he seemed meanness and treacherdb otherA, and hence never could bear Arnold Mentioned with' out an myrmidon ofhxlignatioo. Owe in re viewing a regiment, he heard the name Of Senedirt Arnold called in the muster roll. He immediately ()Menai the private bearing this detested Cognomen to advance bat of the line. He Was a fine looking know--every inch a soklierand the Been, after Purveying him a moment, said, " Change your name, basher soldier ;vett are too respectable to bear the name of a traitor," " What name shall take general inquired the yew man. "Take any other. mine is at your service." He accepted it, and iMmediately bad his name enrolled Frede rick William Steuben. The Baron rented upon him in return a pension et Are dollars a mouth, and afterwards gave lion a tract of land. W all this strict notion of discipline and sub collation, he was prompt to redrew the slightest wrong done to the meanest puddler.' Once at a re view near Morristown, he ordered a Lieutenant Gibbons to be &nested re the spot for a supposed ergot, and sent to the rear. The latter was, how ever, intermit, and he felt the disgrare keenly,- The Colonel of the regiment saw that he had been wronged, and waiting till Ilk Baron's wrath had subsided, advanced and told him that the young (Are , was Dot in nnik and was tildiefing keenly angler the mortification inflicted ripen hi m " Ask Lieasepant Gibbets to crime to the front, colonel," mid the veteran. He was brought forward, when Sambre said aloud before the whole regiment, " Sir. the fifth which was made by throwing the fine into refire:shin' Might have been heal in the presence of any enemy. f arrested you as its sup posed anther but I have moon to beliete I was mihaken, and that you were blemelifte- task your pardon ; return to year Command. I would not deal unjustly by any much leas by one ,whose char acter. ars,an officer is so respectable." AU the pas sed with the Bass's hat off the rain pouring 'on big vienemdie head. His arts of kindness were innumerable. In pas sing kern Ne^ar York to Virota, on one occasion. he beard a eatistate wailing in the fore put of the vessel, and re inquiring the 'came, and being trild that a little negro boy, who bail been purchased by a soethem gentleman, was crying for his parents. be immediately purchased him and canted him back to - his home. Sdoei after the little fellow, while oat ' , fell into the weer and was drown ed. the Hama heard of it he evinced the despot saying, I have been the cause of his ; if be had followed his own destiny; all wield \lutes been well" The disbendim of the *may at NewleurAi was a dimessing acne—offirent and men were required to lay down their anus. and poor, unpaid and destitute to return to their homes. Stake°, theagh be bad no home nor relative in the =pantry and was at reamer in an imprsretished land.Sittil en desvoted to cheer tip the dwpoimlim orficeos, and throw a elide soneliase on their *am. Seeing Colonel Cochran stanilim alone, the picture of sor tow, he-tried to comb= him, by saying that be_ new times would come. " For myself, - ',plied' the brave . a I can mind it. be my wife and are in the pima of that wretched =vete, and I ba d e nowhere to carry them, new eyes. money to remove them. - " Come, come '' said the &r -oe, wbme kind ;nature thiS reply bad completely rommome, I will pay my =spectate him tech van and year daagetlea4 if yea piense-." iced away he steads to the twee ts. Ile was not skient Meg. bet he left happy heists in that lonely garret. He had emptied the entire meet*. of his pe=e on the Me, thee hagened away to escape the itteara and Umlaut' thy were tained,apon Mai. A4he ere/k -ed tßeranio•the wharf, be came epee aipoor m ite areliet, whom woes& mete yet unhealed, bi•? , testy lenuotieffihe he bed not the meats' wilt which to petit New York. Touched with his ref ' fain", thollaton'a heed r=iiiteetifimely paned his_ Porkelyilet the lane vete had burn Idiio the garret : re tannin to as odic= he boeromni, a dollar. and .arropecA *4* I MEM .~` Y r~~~ . ".~~. ~Z 4 ~ - - howling on board tuned, exckrigned, our' The eye, and .non s beau, duclught ebild's at Ft when **mil Rnd when in . of the land don whees we ewe woetby akin*. a ampiiatioafia coN 4 - - Rights, atkeilSO Amy and The public- powers ought Aar', always active, all • Ortrpoee, they can never d einnve, to the detriment of . The laws ought to be • form, to an the citizens Law mnsl beimpaniator . ish, whether it protect or d . Law is the free and tool , expression of the general will : it is the Name do ali , whether it pro. test or whether it wi th ; it can ordain only that which is just and to Society, and forbid only that which is hurtful The law is the general 'will, c by the majority, either of the citizens or ort1::: ed represen tatises. That which is not forbidden hy the law, may not, be prevented. i !Collodi . can be constrain :to do that which the law does not ordain. , , • - The law should only dec punishments strictly necessary, and proportiona‘ to the offence. ' The hiss should decree duly such punishments as are strictly and evidently necessary : the pan ishmett ought to be proixtrtiotane to the offence, and useful to -society. ' : . The law has a kilt to ,forbid actions evidently hurtful to pointy. The law should only col* vunishment shindy and evidently necessary : and no man ran be pan ishryl but by virtue of a laar established and pro mulgated previously to the 'Offence, and legally ap plied. To give a rennin-tire poWer to a law, is obvious ly= unjust and criminal j • • The law has for its sole object the interest of the community ; it cannot therefore grant e privilege to whomsoever it pleases 4sll4ielteif Pftralleo ought to be abolished immediately, whatever may have been their origin.. i No.municipal, or orb* change, elm be impeded upon a citizen without his 1 or that of his • representative*, hi like manner, no man (*Onto pay any nation al contribution but that which has been freely vo ted by the representative~ of the people. No contribution onitt to be voted; or tax impos ed, except ky the public wants. The subsidies (sight to be freely commented to, and proportionately assessed. Liberty consists in beirg lade to do all that isnot contrary- to the tights °Cabers ; thus the mercies of the natural rietta of ern* man, is limited ego solar as to enure the esOoymeat of these moo r4hts to the other membent of society. This limi tation can, only be &term:Wed by the law; ,Liberty, then. has name Ifor its Pip e. itistice for lie rule. and the law for lits safeguard : ire roar al limit is contained in-Otis maxim, "Ib =to out era as you would they sinnild do unto you."' The primers-anon of liberty depends at tadmiti- ; rim to the law, which is the expression of the gen eral will_ The liberty of the piers, and •of even!. ether Means of publishing thoughts. can neither be indi ratted, suspended, nor limit ;- The right of publishing • man's thoughts aid opinions whether by .. --,. ofthe Aria or in any other manner, the right of peacadily assemblirg, and the free exercise of wad - (*mot be forbidden. No man ought to be di.: . - = on account of his reti ions opinions- The flee communication 1 = thoughts and opin ions is One of the morn . - , = . q rights of man ; ev ery citizen, then, can steak write, or pant, freely; . except chit he must - . - for the abuse of this " liberty in cases determined by the law. The neeemity of •declariSg his kilts supposed either the existenee or the recent recollection of despotism. 1 . Liberty and equarity of rtes admit no &tine **, of birth, no hereditary authorities. ' All the citizens may , and if ehmeri ate adini&-ible, to all the public places,. employzeies, and dutie.. Free peol4 e no other maim* of .reference in their choice talesitsrind virtues. As every citizen has an rtin to defend his life. his honor, and hi. praipit : ., . no means of de knee euL-4410 be granted to one exclusively of ' another_ I If men are not equal in Meaim that In IGIM, is ii4m4, in underAanding in/ in the eazions powetri of body and mind. it does not fallow that they. are • not equal in natural and cir 4 tight& Every citizen has , a right to the meet impartial, exact and prompt *Air e, as well with regard to his peL•en as his poverty. + is that prayer of Agati = Give me neither poireny not riche,,'' there 1.4 an excellence of wit dam of great pramiral yak* m all to considet. Where. except in, the Bilk ; I cio we find recorded ao Mange a prayer. Hr that clothes the poor cliothes hi' own nit-- He that sweetens the cop oflafffiction mamma l& own hoot. He the teed 11 1 4 i nargq . „ rea l,* a tea mp& for Hem* Imre Isweet and •sefewhilg for hurodelt than finery can fit-Ac. ter. ;.~~,. !immix= lo vijoi,mi'‘inile.i_f!.f =. l4e*li " .ll - .,f.•:':': . . , , kr: be lb coissestateid, to *II their deOitsed .frets' heir.: proper • interest. ear, Precise, •nd uni- it reward or pert-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers