Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 09, 1847, Image 4

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lpottpal: , - 17
: "44 0 j • 111 11 .: '
ii_,ah Jowly ono.burnt
' '; c 4Nistoldier now jou'llookt
on the
I Maio? b4 t, in° itial?. mill
irem% tad Ns 611,*
to above the ihighb(or ( 46 .
theillier VAN'O ' !
fiNIX Woll*SibareArCanallt 4 kors
tiitch dug mooed
coition bright der,
No dead Ve On gromOd,
A.prooehil laborer is he.
Unknown in Saab% torten—
; from: many crushing iorniwatee,
is the Tiller of the
His stack' are end on every side,
His barns are filled with sewn ; •
, fr. ..Thoviketles*hai I notl'orptre's tide
We - labora . not in ;rain. !
The land givei op it's rich 'increase,
sweet reword of toil;
i And'ldest with happiness and peace,
It the Tiller of the Bain
He trudges on; at break of day,
And takes his way along
And as kW tams the yielding clay,
He slop a joyful . toug,,
Ae is no dull, unhappy wight, ,
Bound in misfortune's coil ;'
,The smile is bright, the heart is light,
Of the Tiller of tie Bog!
And when the con of day *as armed sold the Weeterwsky, •
Before his dwelling he is *wind,
With chartist !saw I:l4— z
With, little, laughing du :rates,.
'Caresses will not sio9— ,
.01), joy at every side swipe,
- The Tali:for the Soil l•
• ihnitdy, son-burnt man is he,
A 4 6 07 rim - bulg man ;
But wboLcan 'bOss t a hunt so free,
Asta;the Tiller. ming
Not simmer's:heat, nor minter's eild„
• Ttiet paw'r has 11i M toil
-.Oh, far above 'dui .knlighni of old,'
ls the Iles of the Boil
Eithil Worn , for Childrta.
1 lill lases: it. !
- There is another peculiarity in the form of
English dates previous . to•thecbange of style,
which is often met with:, and being another
source of error, in Auternian history, needs ex
pralwatiort. , . 1
Yob often see on old toMblitones, and some
times ig bqokii suclitclamik f the fellow/Ong :
January 15th 1691,r-Febi 24th 17:. --March
! -
10th 17:, -..tat figuie or to fi gures of the year
being placed in a fnictiona t r
form. or sometimes
thus - 1693-4 ; . ino-al; 1748-50, The
-meaning and the 'Moon are easily given.
By the act of Parliavaeht in . 1751. altering
the Style,- the commencentent of the Civil yeirt
iwthat kingdom, was alio
so a to
correspond with that of; the Calendar. Pre
viously:to that time, the calendar year. as now
began With the let of January,—but the Civil
year commenced on the 2ffth of March.—
Hence the period of nearly three months be-
Owen these two dates, belonged to different
years, according to the C ivil and Calendar com
putation. Fur instance ; ,' January 15th 1623,
would be altogether,ai equivocal date. If appli
ed to the Civil year, it meant the year that
would.close -on the.24th 'of Marcb - folloWing.—
But if it was designed for the Calendar year, in
Mast have meant thi,Jannery preceding the pre
trims December ; because, on the last day of
that December, the Calendar year 1623 was '
completed. Thus in every such. date, them
might be a difference of from 8 to almost 12
'Months. To avoid thin, the above tractional
mode] of indicating dates in January, February
and March,. was adopted, which rendered them,
perfectly definite and intelligible. Mutt Jan.
15th 16234 means, 1623 in the Civil year.
Which would end on the 24th of March follow
itigibut 1824 of the Calendar year. - which had
comniinced with , the'lst of that month January.
And so of all other dates. Hence, it is 110 WM
sal thing to find an error of a whole year in
regard to some important date in our American
Histories. . To give yin a single "example.—
In Smiths History of blew Jersey, the date of
its first constitution ie l given 'Pah. 10th 1664.
Rut this was before the, patent was given to the
Duke Of York, and consequently, before New
Jersey Was made e ~ptovinte. The date no
doubt Wits Feb. g a la 1666. N. S. Many other
*hailer examples are ¢o be met with in Our
: Colonial History.l - ' ;
It ii scarcely ueces , ry to remind yew ,
March. pec'oliarity is con fi ned military, Febuary
n it
and, areh. to th e
. 24 day; as that is the only
portion.of the year i 4 hided in different' Civil
years. It may however be added, that occa
sionally; we find the same form of date applied
to the list 7 days of December. Thus, I have
now before me. an illd diary contsining• the
followthi date. ••December 25th 1741-2,"
and 300 . will readily perceive the reason. The
writer Ovidendy considered the true year A. /3.
sit cominencing with Christmas, (the following
supposed day of the Saviour's birth;) but. the
Civil. year extended', iss.before, to the 25th
the following March. He meant, therefore,
that it was the 25th Of - December in the Civil
yeast but the tat day of the +ear 1642
reckoned _from, the ' supposed birth of the
Satiety. 1 •
You have an exact illustration of this same
difference.'sn comparing the year of the Inds
pendsoce or it.. lt.4it..,l,lttietris. with that of the
Calendar. Tbre Declaration of 'lndependence
was made July 4th 1766. The year 1847 is then;
o the 71st year of that era, and so it will remain ac•
cording to the Calandar. to the end of the year.
Hot after the 4th of next :n y. it will be the
72nd year of our national existenoe. Hence
the present Calendar year is the 71 or 71-2 of
of our Independenie : that is. the 71st till the
4th Of July next, and the 72nd to the close of
die year. _
This will - enable ylqu to undtnitand a great
many; dates. that might, otherwise, he unintel
ligible. And I have heard grown people and
even some will educated persons input% what
was meant by that' form .or dom. Altiol . 1 bad
never happened to meet with the explanation ;
such things being conside'red out of place !ii)
our books of acience,,eitherlor schools or 'the
higher weminatia of leading. And this is one
*ason';:iiiii - Tilitittlr=
ihilkiliffir iniAilOk -', Shilil 4 l44 -11
11 Ili a ftSienteitees - 440we • ilkilli*.,, it as
Oqi44l.lookreAt, ,.. ',karti"i,W4, oo .,,ftgpti) 0 1
,nkn,,ht**everAiibetitillidlxiiiii . Atiellk,OnS
INyhttpaAtuay v on, eta takike•* 144: on uk.
: , :litiiio-41*erials„16ilie Inkitalaillifeal :a l aid , r,
Nilittetion - • - ote:children •;, 1 :,:0i• yoti,itet. ilia it,
would be as valuable.** manenfihe hooks You
iiiiiii tine-aietais 2.S tiots'e•becik - roi if . -.4 iiim
mparing. book on ClifOrillogyi"On".:,,i. :sek
Gtr eliddren andyoutli. as well as I;r#, : '''
pkkher Ido not tilipiiwg f 'Cnittil . find sa 'Colr , t
,!nless I alicarld fill it istili - foiilish Oct rev,-
But ray ()Neel iwto- improve your. militia.
merely to please th e eye. and afforkiltierTnow.
You have too moil* of that already. fur you,
own', iistelleettielimprevement.
. Iles children., since J have fallen into a strain
of direct addeetai, t baye some totter' things_ to
say. which' are Worthy: of your' attention ;
and 1 will embrace this tippoitunity it,. preient
theirs. . • . - .- :
1. 1 have observed, that children are titre apt,
to lose their interest in a sn ( ject - the omen,
they find that it requires close attention end
decp thinking. 'WhenAist presented t ita novel.:
my engages uteir minds. and they stem plCased
and even delighted. ,But as soon as they find.
'that they most fits Melt minds upon it. and pro
ceed from step to step. with close attention,
:they become weary. niut say 1'..0 - 1 - 1 can't nit--
demand it.' And there'a the end of all im- 1
proveinent. Now let me ask, Has not this been
the ease. with some of you, since 1 commenc
ed this series of nuinbers for your benefit. I
have somekhowledge on this subject for sines
I began. f hare cirenlated,around considerably
among the sebseriberstof the N. y: Observer;
and at first I saw a wonderful interest among
some of its youthful readers, to work the ques
tions which I proposed. They got out their
slates and pencils. and soon found themselves
able to give the Dominica!' L-iter foi any year,
and to tell. the day of the weak or month, •en
which any given event happened. But I have ,
lately observed. in some, retteras coolirtr, off,
-as-I-have advanced to a little moti l e abstruse,
'hut not- , less useful: - infateration. 4 Arnik some
have said- because their parents did • not learn
these. thing. it is not worth while for them. • 13411 0
do you not intend to learn any thing that Youy
parents did not learn before you 2 Do theatfdi
mina! privileges which ' you enjoy, i se no
obligittion.on yon to know 4nor that they
I knevirt But.
2. the true secrete)) . all sis is..that you de
not love loft: your and think closely:
And let rite tell pr. - that until you acquire this
habit, you Will never make distinguished pro
gress on any -useful subject. The whole art of"
gaining knowledge consists in learning to third
—hi think ' closely—to think deeply. Your
teachers may be to blame, that you eve not
already acquired- 'hie art : rind' here file , great
fault of teachers lies;) but you also - will bir• to
blame, if you do not acquire -if. by your owe
exertions. Youest learn to for your minds on
di subject and n give out. the moment you meet
c n
with di ffi culty. d say ,'.l can't Underitand it."
But look at it. again. and again. or rather con
steady; and you will soon begin los see your
way through. One step will lead to another,
and by and by, you will be able to achieve
that, which before appeared impracticable.
. Irt regard to the mature treated.of in . .the
last two numbers. 1 ani,fully aware that they
cannot be understood at a glance.' The mind
must be applied-closely and constantly.-or you
cannot expect to comprehend what has been
told,y9o. But I have said nothing, tint what
any little boy or girl, who has advanced in edu-.
()mien. so far as to work readily the simple rules
of Arithmetic, can easily jrrlorm, and distinct
ly understand. And a good deatbfwhat thaie
communicated. you "veldt probably not have
learned in a &reit many years. front any other
source. Indeed 1. have heard some of your
parents say. shalt shy l y never knew what the
Dominica! Letter was. till they learned it froin
these numbers. ... I
Now, I have only begun this series of pa
pers ; and I have a great deal more of just such
information-16 communicate to you. I, there
fore, hope len have not become weary, and 1
expect'yon will give me your, attention. -And
as you have a whole week to digest. what I
have only. an'hour or two to prepare, I trust
you will master every- nftmber, salt agates to
your hand. so mtvx: :: ., , e- atlktbe,. net..odly ready,
but detarnut to recesea:t\ii'lle . 7l - -
,I will add here, lest I rhos d forget it, thsit
you can now understand the ;way to ascertain
the day of the month or week corresponding to
any date.previous to the alteration of the Style.
You most find it by the rules already laid down
and then reckon forwards. 10 days for the
10th end . 17th century-11 for the lBih ; and
12 for the 19th; and that will give you the day
of the month in New Style, on which that day
of the week occured. , For example ; I have be
fore me the date, July Sth 1744, which the
writer says was the Sabbath. 'Now. you find
by the rule. that the Dominica) Letter for that
year was D: and as July'olways begins with
G, the Sib of that month was Wednesday. in
the reformed Calendar. But yen are to addl 1
days. which gives the 19th of that month,
which you find to be the Sabbath, and corres
ponds exactly with the Bth of Lily. 0. S.
( •i
Tot Reuss of LIFS.—The following rules
of practical life were given by Mr. Jefferson :
1. Neier put off till to-morrow what-can be .
done to•day.
2. Never trouble 'others to do what you • can
do . yourtielf.
8. Never buy what you do not want because
it is cheap.
4. Never spent) your money before you get it.
5 Pride costs as much as hunger, 'thirst and
d. We never• repent , of eating too litile.
7. Nothing is troublesome that we, do wil
8. How much pain these evils miss us which
never happened. ,
O. Take 'Novi' by, thiiir smooth handle.
IV. When angry. count ten before yous k.
Teavezute.—A, strong. lazy. fellow, who
preterite/ pegging sn wurh. caitc‘l ... . d.
man in the city. and asked for •• cold victuals
and old clothes.". , The titan Raked him what
he did for a living.
►Not much," said the fellow, except traie.-
•tTrave!rng'' . Then you can travel 'pretty
. . .
• ..oh. yes," said the beggar;! ' I ' m
_ 'Teri VA
at that.t'
"' Well, then,;' said - the-gentlemin. • coolly
opening the door, "lent ste3ootrtrefrtel:"
...Well." said an ' 6 lO hinkey, anifisiding
news or the taking °Meta Cruz„ "I have heard
of isaviroas ' intleahnenteii-f Witifinnek - but
,ever one quite so , minces `akerthevitaigogiego
of Vali Cali. It
loss of the very capitol of the Mexicans."
haulm; thrownlarr‘trutopets, beiog tirade perce:M.
ly well. Ph siel - • Orr 14rgeons„ highly reriommeml
iii'll*Wst.tll i ''' , t 1 11.. I -,'-'•!-;-` ,'
.: ..
The veil : great her of happynasuibi that tame Wt ;
l'ovredige u:10 - trf SO PA'S ACOUSTIC tot r., have
been truly ateintshinje. ' - rttiSritat is vionderful,linme
who *ere 'deaf DOM bgill',„*ve been so mtiChisitroved . l
aim hear common co4reaStrOn very reidill:' '
It would be t..l)e,trei*mr presuroptiottio , t a
cure in all eitieriOriti in itil hie cases 'cirri or 'ten Of pt ..
dale, there is a •ceriiiintflhatlhe results will he oat
lumpy and thrtiirefitdry toVitient, Tbn a pp tieh
•of the oil p ro ducer:l,6l),in, tonne cantri?Kan
able mad pleasant Sensation. &the recipe for this etli- '
eine - hat been otptaimilfromilli Arial of great tit- i
tion, who hos found that desalt:licit: nineteen out .
'of tx(renty", Oita itriidit&il finer litwant of action, i the
nerves Of hewing:Vera dryneris ttkihr; ears; his
' therefore was to find something Which would create a
healthy condition in those parts. Mier a long arriesof:
experiments his elforts were at last atiarnell with ane- - ,
fceas, in the discovery of this preparatiandwhich has re.'
aired the name of SCA RP.Aqi COM POVIIII7 ACOCS; '
TIC- Oil., A long list - of certificates milli be giarll...
i l l a
but such is- the Confidence in the medicine, to high
,has been its reputation, that but 1)110,0ir them he at
'present published: ' .....-• 1 .. ;
' lohnic Ex rssortnissair: , Crus!—A !sly in so :" I 'l•
field, Brad. Co.. Pa,. and not! about AP/ 7' " -114 t
age, had been gradually getting deaf (or. m . - I, sn.4o
years, so that it was next to impossible to .• e hez hear
conversation iu 'the loudest tone of vci- . J. 851 winter
she was induced to Ira " Scarpa'a e I rot Ittraftwast;" It
is only neecosary to add that a' used LIT* bolsi?, andi
is perfectly restorerl7-sbe ' enter!, .-4-py information
in regard to the oleo maybe obtained ar thestore of Dr.,
Jayne, 14 o.f i, Soul Third street. Philadelphia.
For sale by - .. Cii A MBE RLI ,N, Towards, Pa;
only agent f radfonl county. , 2R—iy
itdi - 3'./V ritnffirtiritr - s - ro. - Ci7RE $
V i ,
Fi'd -- ;JAcYOII'Z
110 Ir EMORREGIDS, OR PILEK,is e Arcata
ed by local irritation eostiveneas4girgative
undee deterimpation of blood .loathe hemorrhoidal
vessels by excessive riding or welkin*: vt.a eongestfAk
stateof the liver, and peculianty of thyienatitinitnitieff.
It is usually considered under three form, or varieties
as follows:Blind files, White Piles„.and Bleeding Piles:
This disease ieso common, and an very well know n,
that a description of its symptoms is:.not deemed neces
Tbe success that has followed the use of the Embro
cation in the cure of this disease, hellion] trulyastonish
ing. • Physicians new advise their patients to try it,, as'
the only Pile Medicine.,
In addition toils being a positive remedy for the Pile's,
it never fails to cure that INTOLERABLE ITCHING,.
which is so very common, and has its location in the
same parte as the Piles.
Read the following, froth the editoral colums of Alex
ander's Weekly klesiierder;:i. •• .• '
Fotrins ar CRAY Tel lint Pists !-
-Physicians and GhOmists have .I?ng been anxious to
discover a medic:lll46st amnld 'guru rink of the most
troublesome'diseaseii, the Piles. Success has at lad
-been the - result. Dr. JACKSeN'S PILE EISBRO
CATION' net only stops all bleeding, allays pain and
intlamitfoti, subdues that into lerable itching. hut effectu
ality cures, like a charm and in a very shot time, per
sons whose lives havebeen rendered miserable for years.
Only a few from tie great number of certificates will
be published. Read the following :
• Nevi York, 721 Broadway, September 8, 1615.
Dr. N. JACKNO'S —Dear Bir : Will you send me sic
six bottles of your Pile Embrocation : I wi'h them
part to keep myself, and part for a legal gentleman, a
friend of mine, who ihas found great relief in swing
from Joy bottle two or three times. You remember,
when in Philadelphia, I was suffering drewlfilly from
this terrible scourge. • I only took one bottle fiom you ;
I have not used it quite all, and am no' perfectly well.
As you mny suppose, I proclaim the virtues of your
medicine wherever I go. I tell every friend about it
and it is singular to perceive how roany are suffering
in this way—l believe half of my' acquaintances are
more or less afflicted. Let me tell you that you can
sell here as fast you choose to make. When you want
a certificate from me, you shall have it, and you are at
libeity to show this letter if you wish.
Respectfully yiMrs. LE WIB P. ASHFORD.
For sale try A. IS. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda,
only Agents for Bradford County. 28m6
FOR the permanent removal of p_„11 such disease.* as
take their rise in an Impure tßhod, impaired Di
gestion, Morbid state of the Liver arid Stomach, Weak
ness of the Nervous System, and a Disorded habit of
Constitution generally.
Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla end Wild Cherry Bitters
have already, by their substantial excellence, won a
degree of public favor and patronage which pots them
beyond the need of recommendation. Being faithfully
prepared of the moat excellent materials. they van be
fully confided in by all in need of a tonic, 'portent or
alternative remedy.
This preparation will be found on trial to he aMe
and speedy remedy fur the diseases enumerated above.
They purify the bluOt),, secure regular digestion; promote
a *waif,' action of the Liver and Stomach, and strengthen
the nerves, at once securing health and vigor to the
whole system. In all eases of despondency, arising
from indigestion or nervous irritation, they have been
used with remarkable. success: nor arc they less useful
as,g remedy for Headatifie, Flat uleticy ;loss of Appetite,
and a genera prostration of the system, At the same
time it must bestowd that they are neither violent nor
mall dangerous in their operation, securing as they do
the desired end, by a steady, regular and easy influence.
Taken daily, in doses precnbed, they will he found to
operate in that gentle and salutary manner, which is, in
fact, their lighest - recommendation. That prejudice
usually existing: against adtertieird medicines, would
not be merited if bestowed on this. The wonderful
cures it; has performed and the acknowledgi;tl celebrity
of its rinincipals conitiments, should at •OLICe commend
it to' the public favor
Mr. Philp Wilcox, New Bedford, was entirely cured
of • confirmed cancer of the stomach, throat and mouth,
and his general health much improved by the Ire of
only one boule. Col. John Biylies, Bristol, Mass.,
has voluntarily certified that he, was cured by the
Bitters, ofJaundice, indigestion, Amity:he and Vertigo.
1. P. Perfins. Esq., New Bedford, was cured of an
eruption yr tiro tenr. ,
Dr. W . N. Miller of N. Y.. testifies that many of
his patients have been tenefitted by the use of the Bitters,
and in every ewe they base given. the mast perfect
• , t
Sold Wholesale and 'Detail by . WYATT 42,
IFRTCRUM, 121 Fulton St. N. Y. RUSTON% &
LAMA .To osanda, end.hy drugkisk gen;rally tMopgbent
ihoPerte ititmtii. ;La s e 00E4 / • (*MI
great sating to the a Heidi of lb!
Naticet." The Ladies willfioo a greet eseing to
heir 1taa.4,4,0, celtetkii,i)arehisie wig of glove be.outifbi
Steiir,4was gimp, florence,,or; I,awn, Gipsy
Viol; ::16.04na.#9,.chi1i
9 . :0f W.B4:ficlotß2i*'Liiiher Sind
Apr* ever Offered ill
l'f)neftbfi ),
sly bombe in thelcity.ef
New York by awake. efflllutweask douse plan,
and be sold ausedingly. BAIRD & CO.
T.:ji4.ll,lZ i te OM
. trivectilyitikoMkthetitltiei" •Tritfi-1
n , - they )Illee•rel bead &mos ferule
to'order" oil Idride`of 4.1 A INET:
1 5 . i I L
• j _ FURNITURE, `of The
t fiels..,tod.woriMteniblp thit cannot
bersurpairitedon adilitiestoittetwital
esetiitabetit "eountrtshops, -- we' wiU keeitiAt itd end
f atel, l ;o4o-sorAt tratioet atellsoef Wore&
e - M
paval - Sok Uptiolaterid lit superior
'style. and for ease and durability cannel 'be pared
}ere" niVitifr• Ale?r,frfl L ltels f ct l i c i lt sa.
hogarty tifultriipnotstmea: with lair,
Vhich twat loses* its4elastieity.. and finished frith the
best heir setting. ' We Satter• ourselves. that having'.
had much experience in the business. we shell be able
to said*ail who may *el disposed to call, loth as to
quality and price. and •lil n striet silent* to , business
hope ti Merit arid maim Use pitronage of aliberiil com
munity. ,!• 1.. M. NYE & CO.
Towinda, *Mite:ober V, • .
3IAY BE HAD It oar au* Math lowei than it
bin been add in Towards. - Goo&
chesp; t and Wilia SU) ;powered, and that is the . ,sra
can.nfforil all foe to do it. All kinds of pr.. • • wilt
M received in payment. Also, LUMBE • all kinds.
Se .1. • L. M. • E d CO.
ern 13 ' Oil
•IktllTlLj be kept on hand urge assortment, and
made to order on , • 'ter notice andfor lee* mo,
ney Mad can be procht-- at a y other establishment in
the land: • Those sr ••• are miler the neeesaity of rd.
curing that said will and shall be satisfied. A good
beam end . may be had inattendance when desired.
Fiepte ; ' 1..1845. IL. M. NYE & CO.. •
. •Iftt A LlZnli 7 - 61 - 11rEr ---
Dr. I..tptism's Vegetable IDectoary,
4IR. A. UPHAM* a distinguished Physician of
liiir j -Yjrti city, Is thci.only real successful remedy for
I thatasegerona sad distressing complaint--the pLEs
=eiveriltstrifin an American'pnbfic. ' • -.-;
. ilferl'lltle. It is in INTERNAL REMEDY-4i)
not ab : . esteiial - application, and- will cure every cum
of Piles. setter bleeding og blind. internal or. esternitil
and probably the only,, thing that will. There is no
triiideke Omit it. It is, s - . positive cure—speedy and
permaneni: It is also a convenient medicine to take,
anti itoPre4e4the general hesPlt.p a remarkable man
ner: ' Each" bolt cemains iwelve al* if El a dose. It
iii very niild in tie operation, and tray %Alien In (ism
.or the most dente inflammation without Ifiliteit Alt
exter?al applications are in the highest degree disagiie.' ;
' able, taconrenie t and offensive ; and from thevery na
ture or the disease, inconvenient it their - effects. This
medicare attacki the disease at iti muter. and reank-44
Me cause, renders the cure certain andpermanenf.
To MAR El "to -Ls niss.l--Mitiried ladies are almostin
• variably subject to dud painful end injoriensidieeape,
the Piles' with consequent inflammation of the stomach,
bowels and spine, weakness ef the hack., flow of blood
to to ihilieid, 4C. TherEleitiary it perfießy safe for
pregnant ladies, and the museful cathartic that can
possibly be used, as it ri ot ly removes the Piles and
all inflammatory diseases •illunsi pain -or irritation.
lint will insure an easy tim a tale delively,and a.sound
reinstitution in the offspring.
The Electuary contains no mineral medicine. no sl
oes, eolocynth . or gamboge, or other Ferman( and irtita
live purgative. No fear of taking c old while under its
in/teener—Ma change in diet necessary, If taken ac
cording, to directions, a cure )r lifeis gucreantet-d.
Sold wholesale and retail by lilfiarr & Ksvcdry,
•• General A gent* for the Southern States," 121 Fulton
street, N. Y.. HUSTON dc, LADD, Towanda, and
druggiAta generally throughout the United States. Price
$l, abox. m 22
"Sugar Coated Pills."—Btware !`.Caution.
HE increasing popularitx of Dr. G. BENJ.
El. SUGAR COATED PILLS. has induced a
number of persons to make something they call sr ties
and coat them with sugar, inorder to sell them fur the
genuine, while they do not possess a- particle of tie
goodnesa, nor even assimilate in appearance to the
original. Dr. Smith's Pills. In short, they are an in
tended FRAUD upon the cOmMunity. f A minister? :
who at first had en interest in an imitation Sugar Coat
e.' Pill, manufactured in Albany. N. Y., has given than
up, as he says, on account of the. miserable dishonest
parties concerned in manufacturing , them.. The sun!,
party are now industriously circulating reports calculate
ed to injure Dr. Smiths and to affect the reputation of
his valuable pills ; but rather than notice them in ptlblie.
Dr. Smith is about to institute legal proceedings against
them for their slanders, as be has in another case against
a Omilar Party; in Which he-recovered'a large amount of
dattitigic - These miserable imitators have to resort -to
the most abominalde means to palm off their counterfeit
pills, as the publit know that Dr. Smith's-are the original
and genuine. Several instances have come to public
notice in which life has been endangered by the unfortu
nate uso, of the counterfeits. It is Dr. Smith's Pills
that are doing so , much good in the country—as the
following plainly show.
Use and Recommend 1)r. dinith's Pills than all others
~This Pi to certify that I have used the Sugar Coated
Pine manufactured by G. Benjamin Smith; of Nen ,
York. for some time, and' believe them to he a good .
medicine; and alma, frem inquiry in that city. I am
persuaded that beet the original inventor, and therefore
is entitled to the benefit of the invention.
Pastor Ist Baptist Church, Pittsburgh.
Pronifthe Blue Hen's Chicken, (Del.)
We call the atteYition of our readers to the certificate
of Rev. S. Williams, Pastor of let Baptist Church.
Pittsburgh, in relation to D. Smith's Pills. We can
ourselves hear testimony to the excellence.of these Pills.
one of us having used thorn and experienced great relic
from them.
The abot , e is the best paper in the State of beleware.
The " PROP sn INDIAN V art-tri. a 1.1. t.t.s," (Sugar
Coated.) are certainly doing Moeh good in the whole
country, and are highly esteene, if one half is true that
people write and Pay about them. They are so easy
in their operation that all like then?. The editor of the
Northern State Jonrnal,. (one of the largest and best
papers in the, State of N. Y.,)yrrites as follows;
IValertown, May 31, 1846.
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Dear. sir . I was laid up With a had cold some time
since my return front I' and. during my illness I
nude trial of your pills, and I must say I found them
excellent.. They are the best medicine foe the porpose
they are intended, that I have yet seen. I seldom take
pins. but I found yours entirely free from the objections
to which other pills are I hope they will continue
to be a source of profit to you. es I doubt not they wit
be means of relief to the afflicted on a large scale.
Yours truly, J. GREEN.
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Deer Sir: Your sant left - with me lot of your
SVGA II CVATLD Pitts, and I have but a few boxes left.
Every bon I have sold has given entire satisfaction. I
have taken them myself and I consider them the hest
pins I have . ever ,utvd, and I ein not afraid to
recommend them to the public. I wish a further sup Pl y.
at once. • ' Yon* respectfully.
Dr. Smith-
Dear 8,:I inn moatout of your IXnrps Pederast.%
sVasa COATiD PILLS. " .111/1.1 find them Leellipg fiat
thal.l. thin* you had betteroend me two " immediate.
ly. , give : such general. aatisrf ,
; that . pedple at
least twenty miles for them, and ue is molly known
am egret for them. I would he Arery n 7 to get out.
. Yours reimectfully L
&UAL. It
wO ,
; Shat.t
`l is l 9
.n 7 1 0
. z .ito.
'rd. BENJ. BMlTTiasig Sot
She bottohl of the box, alb'' Bogor C • .
Coudierfeit: I:
PITOoIpoV OMce 179 Grie j ewich
I , kir• Price 25 =441 a. bo!.
Pa isle by A. B...CJIAJOLROLL ' 0
QBA WLB—ilinistiiiss of Shawls. ,-
1.3 off fast ma cheap at O. D. B. .• T
Tonawanda, Pa, Sept, 18 1848.
Huntington Intl, Junt 31, 1646.
with • pen on
4 " Pill• are
largo brick
kirid, pen
, cueta. xr ip. sr' :s ola 4 XIII SI
.47* : w ay or 110. - gainist. ' -4
s t
THE soloodbet -war reoj . on'Oollivfor,io,Ohr old
A. eindomero and the' bOir.'sonoodly,,thatids too
nmuxvntilced *oink ctini et Clgoiro, .eta., hint
-Ml &one the 'of Elddio otriefAii the tin. ildtog blown as. ihnifY Houie:" hHe tee pi non
suindy • , hood ..*.ordl li_e,,o oidei,Sin a neat and
d .. a style)
a il * in iris Sion", eleoi ,ao the:
- pest- Hi ri( 1 . toe*Plilml! with
Fancy. WinparP vinrnattirs. of 4itfer
as b
111 1
sedd‘s •
HM. RAKER tesPeetfully informs the public that
e hi has imatneiteedlthel GRAVE-fall:WE tarsi
nem; iniall its brandies, serowsoda.iwtioto he will he
ready atali times toOteMi lOWA eightilkhis line.
j' • •
aliar! '
m14)011 , 4'
Cht i ldr
Ahi 1
Celt ind too'
will satisfy j the i
N.. B.— ,WO• I"
ppmk, wanted exr
Towanda, lan. 20,
ivery dticription,4z.), 4pc., - ,
made to order, Ind farniabed af t chasis as. WORK and
.MARBLE of theArarati quality out be obtained - it any
Slick; in the country. . ,—,'
lie invites Me public to call and examine his. work
and materials, hoping.to_ merit theirmitronage by stria),
anent' to businessonitl4 soperisa i wtniumutship and
• , .
I . I.: I •CITTTING dope w neatness and 'AI
web., iatthejatest style. ,
Shop as Matti street. next 'door to . , T. Ellintt's store,
and three doois above Briggs' Bottl.
Towanda, lirprch 17, 1847. - ' 40y
11 •
, •
MAP. ,
. •
WLCOX & SA.C.E hive sarociated themsesei
in the Boot and Shoe Making busineea. in the
borough of ToWanda, and may be found at the old stand
of IS .H athaway, lately occupied by Bilious!) mith. neat
I. H.Stephens Exchange Hotel, where they S -
solicit a
share of public patronage, The?. intend, by a carets)
selection of stock,. and 5y attention to the interests of
their =stemma - 0 - ms ke as nest andi &arable work as can
be manufaeturedin ells portion of the country.
They keep constantly on band, and will manufacture.
to order * morocco, calf and coarse boots, and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children% do.; gent's
gaiters and pumps, dcc., &c.
.raffit W. WILCQX,
Towanda, May 14, 184
- A Natural Remedy.,
TOTE CAN confidently affirm that among med t ifines
designer) for general use, none- stand big in
popular estimition than
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills.
Hardly e , day Passes but we receive testimonials initheir
favor, and the moat enttnariastic are those who have
longest Oiled them. What better ( prove of excellence
could we ask then!, we behold a signal triumph
of principle over Piejadice and truth over defamation.
The principles upon which this celebrated medicine
is founded, are beautifullysim_ple. Everyone is aware
that,' in a state of sickness. the stomach and bowels are
irregular and'disordered., Of oats se, io long as they
continue in that state, the food is' badly dige.ted, and
the blood, in consequence of _being badly prepared, is
less, tic for the proper support of health and life.—
Should the stomach and bowels continue disordered,
the mischiefer tends ; the corrupt humors collect upon
that organ that is weakest and least able to throw them
oft and thus disease becomes seated. The same effect
is produced in :Aber ways. Cold, actig upon the
exhaling vessels of the skin, drives the pet s 'ration mat
ter inward; overheat inducing, otobility an bad diges
tion, bad air, injuriou-ly affix:tog theblo 'and lungs;
unwholesome diet; close confinement i want of clean
liness; bad habits; and many other causes pi oduce the
same result. . •
From this brief explanation,it will be seen thst dis
ease, whether it arises from the blood itself, acted upon
by outward causes, or through the derangementjof par
ticular functions, amounts in the,end to the same thing.
Therefore a good vegetable medicine,,such as Wright's
Indain Vegetable Pills, adapted to cjeanse the system
from the mass of impurities which . opp • s it,is the
bet't thing that can be taken. Daltjet ua look into the
subject a little farther. - •
The public will have learned entarghot,the ptysteries
of physiology and pathology to know that all medical
treatment is founded upon three laws of the animal
economy.—First, that theblood circulates through, and
provides support for the whole bodj # amnia, that it
(the blond) is endowed with sitslity arid aids , in. Pulling
down and rebuilding the liftman 'edifice ; and third, that
all causeless and injurious pa-tiFles. are ejected by one
of four ontlets,eithetthe skin. kings; kidneys or bowels.
Upon the first of there laws,"(the circulation.) is found
ed the•hive of reaching remote parts of the system, for
the purpose of removing local disorder. Upon the
secohd, (the vitality of the blood.) depends the efficien
cy, of medicine, for it is well known• *itat the more
healthy the body is, the better do medicines operate
And upon the .third, is founded' the expectation of rid
ding the system of these poisiinous particles which are
the cause of disene.
Now a medicine to he adapted to the human consti
tution meet regard these taws. frinitriit circulate with
the blood, it must aid the vital rinciple, and like it
cony *Off the corrupt particles thr gh each of the ap
pointed cr aps .. Wright's Indian egetatile Pills were
prepared with reference try these a we , and hence are
every way calculated to remove ase.
A Nev thing in 'Old Wysiix
Lo.. A, J. COLE would respectfully inform the citi
owns of Wysox and vicinity, that after diligently
prosecuting the study of Physic and Surgery in all its
various branches for better than tree years under the
immediate care and instruction of Nathan S. Davis,
M. D., of Dlnghamton, in addition to the attendance
on • full and thorough course of Lectures at the Medi
cal College of Geneva, N. Y, He feels a full cond..
Once in smearing his friends and patrons that no pains
ha spared to render himself useful in meliorating
the sufferings of his fellow man and on all occasions
will bei found in seediness to give prompt and 'careful
attention to such business in his line as may fail to his
hands. Dr. Cole may be found inr the proeent at the
resideneeof D.D. Martin. :wysoa, April 21, 1847.
A LARGE assortment of lhoata Cloths, Cassinteibs,
£l. and Sauinetts, iehieb we have long beep remade
for selling good and cheap, now cheaper than ever—
and upon which we challenges the world, just received
at O. 1). A RTLETT.
Towanda, Nov. 3, 1648, • •
Vl' Wheat, Dameatie Flannel,
Rye. • Voolen Sods,
cart', packwheat,
Oats, naiseed, •
• Butter, , • White B rans ,
Cheese, DOON SKINS. /
in shark Asada anything, for which liberal prices will
be piiiiLat D. BARTLETT'S.
Towanda, Nov. 3, 1846.
.la=,y=k, jui:a&,/0tt"..u1.,16d.
tea ocking C,lazrr.~_ . t
oliopois Briige otreetokroi
In boy oisionoble.
, Corolla* and Besswipok
4p - for cboiro on ressoribLde
G 008 , 77
aid Bridge . eta
low for rally
printi i
brie -
• . . - .. •
qie 'Mina of }fain i B.A 7
ismortnioi t t of Deli s a d
Aohiett will 'be iold mke
loch comaiste kiwi Id
, alpse.ais threchespeet lat g
inseings, B o i t , inad
IMil n cannel, drilli i i, '
, n mu Ilk (not lobs ,
g, cheat, cashmere,
_ Jot bolt gloves, •
licwe,, alteplMdera.
''‘ ihollAlkalrll r :-. • •
pongett..hdkfli • .
sets, Old shinik \ ..
,dr, cotton tapes, p'i 'n y.
, z;lbriiiiii , sillt, toting Ulla, p k 4 l ;\ '
pins. nee , comm. hooks ma g al : !
mispeorler; Wheaton., with Mass tub. \
er attach in Caton, not meau ss ,d'
1 The , to call and, examio kt b e „,.,.,•
''fore pat_,,,......wrieri, sithey will be saki
tbmr d;p7
crat an erther 'eskibtialiment in town,
Miranda, cnr. 11.. R. 011 ARA it CO .
)100,38: SHOES. ORAL Kali
rjincrivesi ea Penn Philadelphia , a large ied „ kw :
' ; • did. eat of men's calf,kip and cane bass,
arnak 44? , 45 gat 1 11.0 3'• do.; ladi.l Phew e s a
kingssa s 4 cilia , fine„kid„slipa and buskin s e m s ,
, : 6...8 ; do. calf. bootees and laced ~.
itatekil 11 Mille/ shoes of ail kinds. he s ,,, i 4
I iht; Bashi foe every kind of woollier, Youth eief,
kip ind cos Coo boot tomtit children from 4to 12 y e a
) 01d. _We p re ourselves to give a better, sni c k at ,
lower price than any other, eraddishment in Brad at i
einurty. • TRUNKS, from tiiil 50 to.slB 00
A limemmoinient of fashionable Rats and'Cap s . s e'
every Rind and description for sale very low,.
-4- , ' .. GROCERIES. __
: Illier4usses, sugar, coffee, Codfish, No.: K arld 2 Naa r ..
" el, roes't quality -black mnd gpren tea, from 31 to St em s
A pound ; pul veri sett and roof sugar ; rice toblim,,, f4
sperm. dipped and mould candba ; raisins by he hot
or poundottaren. snap, segsrs at 50 cents per has ~d,
and in fact aft kinds ever kepi in our line which p eep h
will find it their advantage to purchase alui we id
give pm• reasons for it : -
A. lilfli Logic one( Common •Neme.
- These are three things beyond dispote:—tat—lf aeon
pays out much money, be must receive as much. '
2. ifs man's expenses in Wainer are large, lea pr o fit,
must be large. 4
3. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoe Establishment is
the corner of Main. and ; Bridge stiff. in a „small plain'
store, at a cheap rent, can afford to sell boots & ,had,
hats do Caps, and groceries, 'at lower ynces, and o il
better quality than any other store in town .
Now, if this is not sound • logic, two and two ao not
=di e four ; but'if it is, common mime calisen yea ar,
• come-to:us for your Hata & Caps, Bopts &Shoes &A
gime 'the contimd, abd let your own reason decide if a
;wad not your 'advantage to give us s trial.
FIN boide ofam kiiik ciontsntly on hand. Tbilisi',
awls, bristles, shoulder-sticks, kit and hies pincers, an
'kinds if binding, silk cardand straps for hoots, To t e m
pegging awls, skiving, pariog and crooked knives sod
floats. ll. O'HARA & CO.
7br✓ende. Na'. 17, 1846.
ETiiiira, Cornint mid Buffatii Line;
FOR 11417.
T HE Proprietors of the above Line will continae is
'eon a Line of Passage -Moab; between ELMIRA,
C 05.141116 and BUFFALO. for the acrommodatkin
of Emigrants and Fa off bee, moving West, aftroiling it
citifies not heretofore ofr•reil to the Emigrant, fromakir
section of New York, Pran•iy
The Beata of this lane are of the FIRST CLASP,
fitted and 'furnished with all the convenience and ac
commodation of P.ACKETS, commanded be eliminat
ed Captains, and towed by relays of Horses.
. During the reason of 1847, one oLthe above Heed
will leave Corning and Elmira every week in the *-
lowing order:
Con NI xa, every Monday ei-ening, at 6 O'clock, P. W.,
Eva tea, every Monday - evening. at 6 o'clock, P. M.
Towing dolt). Seneca Lake every Thursday mem•
ing, touching at Big titre:mi. Lodi, and Dresden. tad
leaving Buffalo for Corning and Elmira, every 14edars.
day morning;
FOR FREIGHT OR PASAGE, apply to Capin*
on Board, or to.
Wm. Maflury. ror:nimr
S. Et, Strang St Co, Elmira.
Winter/wore & 'Tuttle, Bursekrads.
A. - Nash, Havuna.
J.. G. Towntiend, Glg Strram./
Woodworth I,it Post, Lodi.
Price St Holly, , ,Genero.
Gay &Sweet, Wofrrion. •
J. Shoemaker, Seneca Falls.
Baker & Ross, Montezuma.
H,- Wright, Rocheeier.
H. Niles, Bufau.
IN G DEPOTS ; awarded the Gold and Silver Medal
Four first Premiums, and Two Highest Honors, stt*
National, the Massachusetts, he New York, and the
Pennsylvania Exhibitions, respectively.. for - ;he roof
splendid Colored. Daguerreotypes and best Appsittll
ever exhibited.
Portraits taken in exquisite style, without ngsrlili
Instructions given' in the art.
. A large assortment of ,apparatus and Stock 144; on
hand, at the :owest cash prices
New York. 5 - 51 Broadway ; Philaarlplua. II Cbed*
rru t t 5,, ;'Boston, 75 Court, and 5S Bailor'', ,:. Dd.
tinmrc; iO5 Baltimore St, ;•Washinzion. Pe0i.01,412
A vector. i Peierahurg. Va.,' Mechanics' Hall ,Part"
nati, Forth and Walnut, and 171; Nlam I. : Ssralotl
Springs, Broadway ; Paris, 127 Vieille Bac du Temple;
Livel, 32 Church tq.--.3v. ' '
J. 13? lee. k j r. i Darr cry ; I) ItiV!!
IioLEsALE Di uggisrs, No. Ay. MAO tan gy ,._
(South aide, below :Second.) Philulrila*
sale -a large .stack of Fresh Drop, *dove
e-Stuffs, to which they call , the Wendell
i Merehanta and, Dealer* visiting, the city.
. , Cabinet; Japan, - . Black and other vartli""
or quality. Also, * bite and Red Lead, Win
t ..
era. piints and oilB--ehe . aiwr than ever.
• & C. -arei
lso proprietors of the Indian V W -.'s
' iiiarti.'-ciAet, teal throughout their erra 14 .
ring States, tit r e best-preparation tor-the CO
i dem h t a ipnbc C ieti o ,w hi jh s ean , re A .
nt3 s o t . fitil, dr c. Money reroal ui il
. t he s4 ire 7 fi . l is re_ceiwd__________..
offer for ,
and 1.),
a superi
dow GI
al7 - '
table B.
or Coo
every it
EREAS my wife ESTHER hag left m 7 bill
and board without any just cause e t oroToclo'
o forbid:all
.persons harboring or truslioc s " °
aunt as I'am determined to pay no debo of V I
ting afterr Ibis date.
on, May I. 1847. TIMOTHY FELON.
AQUANTITY' of superior new Cloyer.Sest j''
day - received. and for sale at NI ERC UR"to
r'PHV litt - tos i ri c i .l i t i .r ß eatt lk i li ni C L: to E AneGtEasNa:r.'alt- for tbeDE•
Phill i I Phisi a stock company of good s tanding wwl"
Pate does business on as favorable terns as an y dbl .
He ir also agent. fOr the INCOStiNG CO- W I
TUA INSURANCE co., it company which bo •
ways * n punting : in the payment of dosses sod fg r
gents dvantages seldom found. i
To ands, May 20. --.. 0. Et . .II3ARTL Err•
-.:_:._-,......--__-, - -____ _ - -__:__:- ,:_ _ : •-------
7 .a of the,.. Bradford Ileportg'
e l
,-- ~,..,
. 'l 4 d ollars and fifty cents per annum ; nr" .-
deduc cd if paid within the year; arid for CASH Oa"
'ally i advance. ONE DOLLAR will be deducted •
d i .
Su 'scribers at liberty to discontinue at any tin: : :
payin ail - mirages: Most' kinds - of Cot NTILIPROD‘
recei . d in payment, at the market pike . .
.1 vertiaomeats, not exceeding a sq uire of
lines, inserted for, fi fty cents ; every Pllitt.eqtben t in9isft , l'.."'
i f
twen -five cents.° A discount made to yearly ailyeln-'-`
•Jo Pa i art :en, o( every description, neatly s ail er
pedi Mud; executed on mew and fashionable type;
Le) tern on business pertaining to the utice imoiS
ree or postage, to misuse opentaos•
this is
my !let