„ A riIrNIFICENT DONATION. — It is with plea „re that we chronicle such examples of mu -o,fieent liberality as that which follows.— more . Corcoran du Riggs, who hails thus lib „any contributed 85,000 for relief of the ,of f erin g poor of Ireland, are ' extensive bank ers and it is gratifying to find that there are at l e ot some instances where wealth and gener. psity go hand in hand : IFVAsniNoTori, May 23d, l 847: D EAR SIR : We deeply regret to hear ! f rom Ireland that famine is still continuing there its or k of death. Feeling it a duty to aid in al le,,atiok this • dreadful - - calamity, we herein troom ii Five Thousand Dollars, with which p o se `Turehase,' and ship-for distribution in diet , a v to effect the greatest good to the grea test number df the suffering poor. • Yours. most respectfully, CORC I ORAN & , RIGGS. TO NIVNDERT VAN SCHAICK, Chairman Irish-Relief Committee, N. York. . 11 Non l - 1 °BRIE of rthe General Post-office pepaitment, sails in the new steamer Washing ion Bremen next week, to perfect a post-office arrangement with England and France. the Ilanselowns, Belgium, Hanover and the States oldie Zollverein, by which letters may hence forth be sent from any town or place in the tnteriorof any of those countries. to any (Own or place m the ,interior of the United States. —.V. 1 Globe. ' 6err.—Wright's Indian ,Vegetable Pills are a cer •}m Lure for this painful malady ; because they purge tam the body those morbid humors, which arel the ruse not only of Gout and Rheumatism ; but of every ache and pain we suffer. 'Frum four to eight of said Indian Vegetible Pills' taken. every night on going to; bed. or if the pairs is severe., night and morning, will in . tah'ort -time make a perfeFt cure of the most violent at tick, either of- Itheumatispi or Gout; at .the same time he blood and other fluids will be so completely.purified dig pain of every description will be literally driven troth t he body. WM tat or Co usrEnjares.—The public are cau hont ed against the many spurious medicines which, in ,tttier.to deceive, are calla by names similar to Wright's Indian Vegetable 'led's, Offices devoted:exclusively to the sale, of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Wholesale and Retail, 169 Rice st . Philadelphia; 288 Greenwich St., N. -York; and Tremont St.; Boston. Aeents for the sale of W right . . Indian Vegetable Pills, in TO'reancla,!atontanye's & Co.; for other agencies,see advertisement in another column. NCI)) raboct:tirtcmcuts ---, Bradford County Court House. t 4 .:l'. A LED proposals will be received by , the Com inissioners, at their office in the borough of until five o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday the 24th Jay of June inst., for the erection of a Court House in said Borough. Plans and specifications will be Exhibited it their office on and after monday the 2 tat inst. Secu 'fiy will be required for the faithful perfOrmance of the rontract. . ' A. I..CRANMEH. J. H. BLACK. Towanda .lune.Bth, 1847. . Commissioners. Y i'a C ZA)l7l.l.lll)..t 12.LU 1 QUL . .11.2 THE Suioiciiber offers his 'new stock of HATS AND CI,APS at the first building south of the 11 , 1,4110 w. where the hat manufactory of Mr. Thomas MA• &moray kept. Those who wii.h to purchase for 4 , 11. iv ill bit:accommodated at very reduced prices.— Fur Hats h.iin one to four dollars; Silk Hats from one • .threc dollars; Wool hats from thirty-seven aid a half ..11, to one dollar;' CapS from eighteen eentili to one 4011ar—ic:cording to yurrfity. HENRY MERCUR. 414'27, 18,47. IN THE MATTER (if the partition of the (stoic, of Dav;ll Pratt, lair (if Canton taionship, dee (I,—in the Or pima' C-nert of. 13,radford couni !I, of Der. Term, 1846. rp - H 1: and devisees of Dif;id Pratt 'deed., to wit: Ebenezer Pratt, David Pratt, Ana Pratt, .a.aban R. Pratt, Wm. Roberta, Betsey Roberts, Jesse M'itt's. Rachel Gnlfin,Julius Pratt and Chester Pratt, ri Iv severally notified that the Orphan's Court county on the Bth day of May 1847, did TIIIV them to come into said Aunt on the 11..u.1.1y of September next and elect to take or the ,tate of said decedent'at the valuation made t!”.re,.l, out in case they shall refuse to accept the .1„v.- cause if any they have, why the same .4141 riot lie ,old. 133 . the Court. Lii'MAN E. DE ?vow, Clerk of Orplifn's Court. lau• 7; 114-47 AUDITOR'S NOTICE; Edward tk n erto vs. Harry N. Spalding, No. 61.9, Splember Term. ` . .Bradforil Common ir r. THE undersigned, having been op . pointed an auditor i" distribute motleys tat , ell by execution, issued in 'h.. above :lilt, %ill anon(' to the duties of his appoint swot at lint °flier w ToWatula borough, on Friday the MI day "I July nest at T. o'clock F. M..-at which time dud place all.permut: Inb.rested are yequiret to present then uldmi..belore hint dr 411' &hailed from coming , in upon sail fund.. HE :\ BY BOOTH, Auditor. Junr,;, ;WM. A r DITOR'S NOTICE Mow% Elliott rs. John 31. Fox, No. 125, Sy(' mho- Term, 1842, Bradford Common Plpov.. • IHE. undersigned having been appointed ,an autstor. I'o dwribute moneys raised by virtue Of execution sf.s.. x l to the above suit, will attend to the duties of his ppotntnient at His office in l'iiwanda borough, on the thth day of July next, at 2 o'clock P. M.. it which. time and 'dace all persons interested are re -,4,1 to present their claims before him, or be debarred Irvin conning in upon' said funds. June 7, 1847. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. MILITIA NOTICE. . THE enrolled Milttia within the , hounds of the sth ll , giment, 2d Brigade, 9th Divi.don, P. M., are r 4 t4i , •,1 tomer at tlie house of Henry Kizer, in Litch on Thi *Jay "June 24th, duly equipped for drill in 9ecti°r l ' JOHN F. OVENSHIRE, ‘nwns. June 7, 1847. Lieut. Col. - - DISSOLUTION. THE co-p;irtnCr4iip beietofore eliding 4ctween C. & E. REED is this day dissolved by Mutual , uumlit. 1111 sccourna,_rites, &c., due the firm are i'll *elk Chula; Reed, No. 5, B. R. for collection. CHARLES REED. . imma a . May 24 , 1847. EDWARD REED. ... TIORO.,UH TAXES. The Tat pavers of the Borough of Towanda are. notified that they can have an opportunity. of Pr3ing dee taxes for the current year in labor upon the "or ; at any time before the first day of July next, " IPPltration to Wit.ttAx Mix one of the Street Corn 4,,4"nerr—who will be ready to. commend° work on - '?othy the ith Jute ttljr. WM'. MlX Street ?_ E. B. GOODRICH. S Cornea. MILITARY NOTICE. • THE, 4th Volunteer Battalion of Bradford county a'll meet for naiads and inipection at the house. 5t...- I' l len Canfield in Standing Stone, on Tuesday .4 ' 111 '224 inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. armed' and equip :l as the law directs. An election for Major in place ,j' • ( )vegan resigned, will be held at said house on 41 , 41 '4d:1. Each _company belonging to said Bat ' Will lilt any vacancy of company . officers that ! 4 y ,t by an diction on Monday June 14th, at such aid place as the former Captain, or in his absence, l i a t et Lieut. may designate ; and said officers are here- T equested to call such election as may bo necessary 1 " Ix Judge of the elcetion and make duo returns C. F. WELL ES, Jr., Lieut. Col., 'n., Pa. June. 1, 1817. NEW CAN :TO • - A :vii Mr, E. T. FOX; TAKES this method of infOrming every parson who wants to purchase GOODS, that he has opened an entire stock of NEW GOODS in No. 2, Brick Row, formerly occupied by C. &Z. Reed, one door below the Yost Office, Where he Would be happy to show any one his stock who will far him with a call ; as he is determined not to be undociold by any one in this or any other Town this side of New York. Mrstoc& is very large, consisting of • Dry Goods, Groceries, Rrockery, Hardware, Boots t Shoes, tc. A large assortment 11 Dress Goode, Suck as Scotch and Linen Ginghams, ham Muslin, . Printed and Argandie do, ()moil • Chlambrays and Lama cloths. Also 2 A great variety of French, *OA • And Amermast cloths, awn-. . merei vestings, Croton &dist Tweeds and Summer Stuffs; • iST-.5% . • 4T- Don't fail to call, u I will sill for the Ready Rhino a little less than any other live man. Towanda,iJone 1, 1847. TUST received 12Chests Fresh Teas, selling from J 378 to 75 cents per lb., warranted good or no sale at FOX'S. NO. 2. 8,. IL COME one and all and seethe beet and cheapest So gar, Coffee and Molasses in town at FOX'S, NO. 2. B. R. BOOTS AND SHOES. Afirst rate lot of Gents 'kip, seal and coarse boots, *fine medium and coarse shoes; also Lady's fine kid B. B. Ties, Buskinal Gaiters 'and half Gaiters, and an endless variety of chilld's shoes at N 0.2 B. 11. Afirst rate assortment of Crockery and Glassware at N 0.2, B. R. 1 fl DOZEN of those cheap Parasols left, which are 4 ,-1 selling at reduced prices at NO. 2, B. B. LEG NC/RN and Lawn *Bonnets ; alio Leghorn, Pearl braid and Palndeaf hats at . NO. 2, B. IL THE Ladies do-say that the largest and prettiest assortment .of Dress Goods, Ribbons, Parasol Gloves Hosiery, Ace. in town, is to be found at FOX'S. Call and see - IR - ism, as they are selling from 10 to 25 per cent. cheaper" than at any other Store in town at NO. 2, B. R. 0 fl EC kS Coalmen, the prettie st in town, set ling from 5 to 15 cents per pril al . NO. 2, B. R. ',' . A GREAT : variety of daps at NO. 2. AFE W Family cases HOMOEOPATHIC Mt:sh rine with Hemple's Domestic Physic an. Also, a few Hull's Laurie IL Forts. N 0.2, B. R. SAVINGS BANK. - NEff' OFFICERS ELECTED. A T an annual meeting of the directors of the " To- A wand. Savings Bank," C. & E. REED were elected in placs of G. E. Flynt & Co,, whose tern' expired' May :at, 1847. It is the intention of the new Cashiers & Co., to sustain the credit of the institution by " putting goods low down " to pay up customers.— We therefore invite our old customers and the public generally to Call. .and examine our stock of New and Cheap Goods, just received, and convince themselves of the truth of the old adage, that " Goods have,.can, and shall be -sold cheaper at the Savings Bank than at any other establishment in Towanda. No. 5. B. R. May - 18, 1847. C. &E. REED. First• • Arrival. or Goods from New York. Burton Kingsbery, S now receiving a general assortment of Spring and I Summer Goods, which will he sold cheaper than goods were• ever offered in this place before. His friends will find as they mount the steps at his door that prices go down. Call and examine for yourselves.— My goods and prices will praise themselves. You will find a large and genera', assortment of every variety of Dry Goods, Grocerits, Hardware, Crockery ; Glass. Nails, Iron, Steel. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Codfish, Mackerel, &e., &c. My lkiends and the public generally are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock, as I .aMsatisfied I can offer them goods cheaper than al lay other Store. May 17th, 1847. DISSOLUTION O ' F CO-PARTNERSHIP. rpnE Co-Partnership heretofore existing under the name and firm u( Welles 'dr. Satrerlee, and Kitterlee, Weller dr Harris, at Athens, Pa., was this day dissolved by mutual con-ent. The books and ac counts of both firms will be found et the old stand, where one of the parties will always be ready to settle with those having open account . D. SATTERLEE, C. P. WELLES, SR, • , N. C. HARRIS. A thCna, Pa., May 10,1847, Al.!. persons knowing themselves indebted by Book account, Notes or Judgments, to the above firms, will do well to call and pay the same immediately or- colt will be made after sixty days, without respect to persons. SATTERLEY, WELLES ... 4.4IARBI4, z _. Athens. Pa., May In, 1847. BRIGADE ORDERS. II cnrolle~d militia and volunteers within the bonds of the 2d Brigade 9th Div. P. M. will meet for military disc:pline, inspection and review as follows : In companiet; on MOday the 7th day of June next, it such places as mag be directed by the commanding officers thereof—And in regiments and battalions as fol lows: The 3d regiment, commanded by Col. A. K. Bosard, listflat. on Monday Jam 14, 1847, 2d Bat. name Reg. on 'Puesday Jisne 15th. Thesawill be an election held in the 241 Bat. on said•day for Major, in place of A . Clere, removed from the State. 4th Reg. commanded by Cot. A. Elliott, Ist Bat. on Wed treacle,' June 16th ; 2d Bat. same Reg. on Thursday June 17th. The let Vol. Bat. of Tioga county. com manded by Lieut. Col. Joseph. Tonkin, on Thursday June 17th. The 2d Reg. commanded by Lieut. Col. H. H. Seely, en Friday June 18th—in election will be held on said day for- one Col. of said Reg...and. Major for the Ist Bat. of said Reg. The 3d Vol. Bat. of Brad ford county, commanded by Bradford, on Friday June 18th. The Ist Vol. Bat. of Bradford county, commanded by Lieut. Col. Theodore Wilder,cin Satur day June 19th. There o illbe an election held on said 'day fur one Major in place of Enos Calif waived.— The 'lst Reg. commanded by Col. P. C. Ward, on Monday June 21st—an election will be held on said day for the election of one Lieut. Col. of said Reg. in plaCe of E. W. Morgan, resigned. The 4th Vol. Rat. .of Bradford county commanded by Lieut. Col. C. F. Wells, Jr., on Tuesday Jane 224—an election will be held on said day for the election of Ist Major of said Bat. in place of T. B. Overton resigned. 'The id Vol. Bat. of Bradford county. conunanded_hy Maj. Jackson Pieta, on Wednesday 23d—an election will beheld on t riaid day for the election of one Lieut. CA. of said Bat., in place of E. Daniels. resigned. The sth Rear. commanded by Col. Jacob Harder, on Thursday June 24th—an 'election will be held in the Ist Bat. of said Reg. for the election of Major in the place of J. F. Ovenshire, elected Lieut. Col. of said Reg. The atten tion of Ajutanta and. commanders of militia companies is specially called to the act of 25th April, 1844, enti tled an act u To reduce the e of the militia syn. tem of this commonwealth, and to preside a more rigid mode for the collection of militia fines." And the re turns of enrolment and fist of absentees must be made iq . strict conformity with said act.—Penalty for neglect to furnish roll copy to Inspector. len dollars.—List of absentees, fifty flollart. W. E: BARTON, . Inspector,.2ll Brig., 9th Div., P. M, East Smithfield. May Bth, 1847. THE 611.F.FENBERG VEGETABLE PILLS and the Green . Mountain Vegetable oildlfflefli. for sale by the subscriber, only,agent for the town and Iro rough of Towanda. 422 'N. BETTS. .T A DIES ! I SAY, LADIES! ! If you have made 14 up. your minds to buy a nice drag, cloak or shawl this season, don'tlail to call at N 0.3, Brick Row, where you tau find the most, beat and cheapest articles in that fine. That is kept in town, besides all kinelartsf trimmings : Reclaim - bet, call at nail • 7777 i - . r . • • MEW MaltiL. Thomas Elliot C. Toakhah' A VINO aseocistai tbetwebrei tegetimir is die H Writable business, hope by doso.applieation and stria attention to basin... to Veit. share of pub. lie patronage. - Theymay always•be found rawly te attend to any person wilo winkles aeruntodations in-their line. - Thy will occupy the old stand of Elliott & Meteor, and as it low just been enlarged and sale awe qua ow and eonvenisst, custonseis will laid it sent to do business in. ELLIOTT & TOM 8. May 27, 1847. MI NEW GOODS ! NEW,GOODS!! TINT received and for sale a splndid monument of •P Spring and Summer Geoids, width will be sold as cheap for Cash as can be found in Mothers Penn's.-- nommen. will find it to their advantage to cad and ex amine their stock beforehasing elsewhere. purc May 27. ELLIOTT & TOMLIN& ANY quantity of Gingham, just racoirod and for sale by ELLIOTT & TOM LIN& • LA iiVNB of all varieties; olio Gingham Loma very low for cub by ELLIOTT & TOMKINEL DOTS and Mures, the largest stock i cheap as eau be bought in the country by E. & SHOES, Ladies wea r . of sit kinds-French - Button Gaiters, Pal. tips. Hoskins, kul Ape, Law ing Gaiters, and a variety of all kinds by E. &T. CTTO Yarn, any quantity—alga Carpet warp white and colored by E. & T. L OCKING Wawa of every Variety by E. & G LASS u cheap as the cht7pest,tl E. &T. N Atus, a large Ewa by RON of all kinds. English sod swedes„'•logetier with rolled ■nd hammered Iron by E.& T. OA) I_Able Nail Rialsorevi large q tity as cheap as the cheapest, & a variety niseriall iron by E.& T. " SPLENDID assortment Parasols of all sum and of every satiety of Umbrellas by . 10. h ONNETB, • good variety brighOrn, Straw. Lawn and Coburg, cheap as the ebaspest - by N. &T. T EGHORNItiIs of ell aiserind descriptions. to getber with • good lot of Olinda& by _E. &T. • A GOOD asarstmentof Csllicomt. In fart, we have .ja. es good an asoortinent of all kinds of Dress Goods as you can find in any store in the country t . Also, • good assortment of Cloths, Curliness.. and Summer /wear of all kinds and deramtionsos cheap (or cash as the cheapest by ' E. & T. THEE TINGS and Shining., both bleached and uts., bkerbed cheap as the cheapest by E. & T. ' LT! SALT! !- 200 BARRELS Salt for sale at June 8. MONITANYEJ3' At CO New Spring and Sanuner Goods. IS now opening • new and splendid assortment of staple and fancy goods at his store, (situate on Main street two doors below Bridge street (went aide) nearly opposite Montanys's & Co.) embracing all , articles generalbr kept in the country, inch as Dry Goods. Groceries. Crockery and Glass ware. Hardware. Nails. Iron. all the varieties of Steel, Glass. Paints Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil 4.e. which he offers I 3 purchasers at unusual sow prices for Cash, Produce, or approved credit. And would re spectfully invite all who wish to purchase to Fall and eiarnine tus goods and prices before purchasing the w hero, as he is confident he can offer good.bargains. June 1, 1847. • THE Ladies will find a beautiful assoutawnt of Prints, M. De Lainea, Gingbaws, Lawns, &e., at BETTS'. AA great variety of shawls warts, perusals Ladies and Misses Boneets ,very cheap at BETTB'. A ism assortment of black and beaver cloths„ black and fancy Csasimerea, and all Dona of Summer du& low for cash at BETTS'. AA ;kr variety of window and wall paper cheap 4t , BETTS'.. ,RR,B& BLOODS' &ass scythes and • aerie. n maths ;also Barris' cradle scythes at BE rim% LADlEB,iiiisaea sad cbildrea'a shoes, a large va riety on bend at _ • BETTS': NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. HAS the pleasure to inkrm his friends and auto mers and the public in general, that he is just re ceiving a large and carefully selected stock. °Commona ble Goods. which, as heretofore, he is prepared to sell lower than any BRAGGART. Towanda. June 2, 1847. PAPER HANGINGS. WIRE largest and most beautiful asortment of Pa per, Hangings ever brought into this place, just received and for sale cheap at 0. D. B A RTLETTIS. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries. Hats and Caps, Hardware, Bonnets, Crockery. Books and Stationery, Iron and Steel. Paper of+all kinds. Points and Oils, glass and Putty. . NEARLY every variety *of each of the above - kinds of Goods on hand at the lowest rate at 0. D. BARTLETT'S. - COIL CHAIN.-- BEST tested coil chain for Bull wheels to raw mills . and other similar uses just received and for sale - cheap by O. D . BARTLETT BONNE . _ . . A splendid assortment of Leghorn and straw Bonnets, 11.. latest style just received.. and Joe sale very low 0. D. BARTLETT. 11001, --W.ll ATTE D I D. BARTLETT will exchange cloth or other V. Goods for Wool, on the best terms pomade. Towanda, June I, 11347. A DM INISTRA TOR'S - NOTICE. ALL pemoris indebted to the estate of J. B. Merritt, late of Granville township, deed., are request ed to make payment without delay, and those having claims against aid estate, will please present them du ly attested to the subscriber. J A If E 8 ,M E BRITT, RON WELL DUN BAR. Administrators. Asuperior lot of Lawns, Summer Gingham', and Monterey plaids, a new article for drawee. Also, prints of all patterns, which are selling extremely low aA the SAVINGS BANK. • BON Ners. Alarge and eitensive assortment of Bopnets, eon resting °Melberg, Albert Braids, China pearl, Straw gimp, English Strawoke., together with abort% artificals, wreaks, dm. to match. ere new selling ell roam - meal price:. at deb BAYING - 5 111/01111• SUMMER SHAWLS a beaueiful aesectinent of Neap, De Lain uel Brodie Shawls nosy be found at the SAVINGS BANK. P ARABOLB of every variety an pattern. Umbrellas, are now selling extremely low at the T. amla, May 24, 1547. BAVINGB BANK. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. AFFW hunkied pounds BUCKWHEAT FLOUR in 50 lb. seas, a superior 'Aide; just received and for sale b Feb. 22. O.D. BA RTLETT. NAMES AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. UST received a large quantity el Fias sad Camas= Hamm. Also, Plated and Japan'd Haman Trim. minv at , Feb. St. ir L lKyg i ruttfist Carl?' 1, e t at we awe , per B. KINGSBERY'S. N. N. BETTS, 0. D. Bartlett. , May 29, 1847 • :SP:R.IN6 GOODS . MERCUR ikaal.,last *61 , 0 . ziak geed eeesitaiiiima . rae.111•111111Mt ilbewle. =ewe% Weembe; erbieb *ill be slid *epee' then. ever. Terrasdii. SAY 3 ; _ New irrifsl .of Gook by Express! • - B. KINGSBB ' R P. jost - toeolved frot' n New Tr • 'beautiful se H esemeent of Laws, Gingbatis . , Nemeth', Pals Loaf Hal* *e- dre., wbieb will tisiold vosy cheap.— Also Caps sod Pamols and • misty of oast pods. Coq and sot the todoetios Gain Wu spring's Om. motif yam should want any thiai Wilts way of New Goods. you wilt be suns to buy. April 28, 1,841. First lot of New Goitbl4:n Towanda. MONTANYES' & CO. are regvislog a large sad wenl aliaioneat of Illpriaciod Summer Mods which will be disposed of at will ies& or retail at re duced prices. April W. COME TO 'TILE) RESCUE ! THE submits= having with MVOS ' WINS by the; at. fire in Towanda'as well es other losses, earnestly request thatohose Who know damasks - a in. dotted will make every effast possible to put us in fends that we may be able to mat our homer engagements and continue our Mania"? - MONTANYVB & CO. MONTANYVB &Al have emend their bruisers situation 'a kw dooartelow Bridge street when they bread to accommodate their customers on their usual fibers, tetras. Wehave now on head a fair supply of Goods adapted to the spring aide. which will be dispel. ed of at grastlykslueed prices. compared with the great advance of Goods in the city. Mama "iir 1847. F.. & T. Dfir moitstioss. MEE copartnecalnp heretofore existing between - MONTAN VW& FOX, has been ibis Jay die .Olved by mutual comigut. A. D. MONTA.NYE, March 30, 1847. 1! E. T. FOX. The accounts of the late firm of Montanye & Fos have been-traneferred to and and will be settled by E.T. FOX, who•has purchased the interest of Montereye in the goods on hand. He will continoe business at the store late of tbe firm, and will he ready to wait upon all who may call. Towards, Muth 30, 1847. 3111&M321VM1111:1111111r 111 C-40 C& E. REED have removed their Store froen No. • 2. Brick Row, to No. 5. Brick Row, formerly occupied 14 .E. Flynt & Oa, where they will be happy to see their old customers and sell then goods ebesperthan ever. Taoda, May It 1547. No. I.,'Brick Row, Bpi' in thelleld • - .... ... . TT A 8 just retu rn ed from the city aft Xi of New York with a large . supply of Watches, Jewelry and , 4 , ir Salver Ware, conwrising in part, C - p the following articles :—Lever, _1 L'Epine and Plain Watcher, with sr 16, ' - a complete assortment of Gold • Jewelry, tuck as Ear Rings, Fin ger Rin ;s, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which be offers for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run well,or the money will be refunded, and • writ' ten agreornent given to that effect if required . N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce taken in payment for work ; and ale r. learn now, and torever t that the Produce must be paid when the work ts done—l war against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April 28, 1847.• Shaving and -Hair Dinning. • • Solomon Codger, IQIEBOECTFULLY informs his old friends and pet it. rola. that having been obliged to abandon hie' for mer stand on the afternoon of the 12th 014, be is now permanently located' on the west side of the public squire, two doors north of,. Briggs' Limn. Grateful for past favors, he hopes by superior skill and attention to anent an increase of patronage in future. He will always keep, on hand • supply of oils, ea senoes, perfumery, Ord whatever is necessary to give an agreeable finish to his operations, and will spars no pains in his endeavorilo adapt his style to suit the vary ing tastes of his customers. ALSO-Bhampooning for restoring and a sure pre ventative to keep the Hair from falling out, or turning gray, for a beautiful head of hair is a powerful auxiliary. March 29, 1847. T 18T OF TRAVERAE JURORS drawn it adjourn -1-4 ed or Special Court of Oyer and Terminer, to be held June 15th, 1847. Leroy—Robert McKee ; Sloth Creek—Philo. Toren jr, J. L. Phillips; Durell—Biutholoosew Laporte, W. M. Oolr, terse Ennes ; Wyolusing—Benl.Hrown ; Springfield—Thos. Webemt ; Armenia—Lyman Morgan ; Rome—H. G. Clrobbuci, F. Crammer ; Monroe—Bedfr Wood, Edward F. Young, H. B. Myers; WystosSefilimi Strickland jr. Bertrand Whitney ; Warren—Wm. Pendleton; Athens born—Thos. T..Hoston, J. Erekenbrack , Pike—Abner Wood ; Albany—Geo. Miller. Robert Lewis; Herrick—Elisho Keeler ; Towanda M . Watts ; Orwell—Asa. Barrow. .1. W. Payson; Litchfield—Benj. Ball ; Burlington—Marcus Alexander. Hiram Gen ; Columbia—Wm. &mit, Wm. Hr Smith; Wells—Robert T. Miller, C. 8. Ingalls; Standing Stons—lffsmon Stevens ; • Shealiequin—,Chas, Chaffee Andrew Webb; . Leroy—Cyrus Holcomb; Granville—Dunham Ross; Asylum—Harry Birney ,• Smithfiekl —E. G. DIU*, Lyman Duffey. Joel Alkn Springhill—Harry Ackley G. C. Clamrtt ; Athens tp.o—M. B. Spofford Samuel Ovenshire ; Troy kiro.--E. C. Myer W.a. A. Vandyke ; E. 1115BILBUir AVIPIPCIESTIEISI 41 9 0 Ud& I'(•ENDERB his 'snit= to his friends and the pub ./. lie generally in •n business of his profession. of fice in his dwelling near the - corner of Irives and State Streets. Towanda, May IS, 1647. PRINTING PAPER. A kw Bundler of superbir priapism, manufactured 11 by A. Bradley & Sons, Dansvilla, N. Y., for sale very:cheap by MONTAN YES' & CO. May 18, 1847. Iro gal W.olBlllolps, LAS jnirelieived the largest assortment of NEW • GOODS ever brought into Bradford co., which be offers in exchange for CASE!. LUMBER. or PRODUCE. Menroeton. May.lo.-1847. DISSOLUTION. IrHE FIRM of Roe Li ibis day diselved mutual consent. All seesents. ike., doe doe AM sort be hisedieudy paid. E. SMITH. Taasesk. May IS, 1 . 847. ' GT. SMITH. NEW FIRM AT ATHENS. TDE undersigned have formed a partnership fordo. hit a General Mercantile Business; at Athens. Ps., under the name of Wellei& Harris, and may be found at the old stand of Batteries, Welles & Mania, where they will soon be remising a fresh stock of GOODS from New York. which they win be happy to o wn at fair prima to an who may can open them. G. F. WELLES, Jr. N. C. HARRIS., Athens, Pa., May 10, 1847. W. 4. Chasithertiss, ism _ ft ailf -. ' triiii New _prmg . 1 r at rldt Ult Lira* abridlt starei -4 corner 4,maia 101 . 11 ' .11iOre strati' TKw EBY, SR:. MsT 2ioi ". e a • , : m 1:1 * • - .1 . m ew a very Iwo aid &limo Dry-Geeifs Gram. Hardriiiie, Crockery pii• I: 8 Aces, Pig. liaik Gkne. allik. • i • i 1 Puill *e• ote. - • 1 1 , which will be sold et web price; for Cam l i lt purr &slim will In entirely eatiefied. Toweeda.l4sy I*, 1647. L EGHORN, Pals kat and +Straw Hats sad Bonnet* 4.4 Abe,• krge variety alTapa,inelodiag soma vied. Wed Pala MR, and Rene' do la Palma—Wed styles. jad+ap+ivadfbl J. KINGSBERY. JR. AWNS, Gingko= 61 Prints. Also, Mow Ribbons, &c. Call sod musing. May 110.. 1 • • KINGSBERY. /R. 0 • PHAN'S COURT SALE. 1 TN pursuance of an eider of the Orpben's Court ih 1 and for the county of Breiihird, held at Towanda, on the 11thiday of 1847, there will be exposed to sale by. priblie vendee at outery en the prosaism, em . Friday the 711th day °time nest, at one o'cl u oc ellemeors, a certain piens rie wad of land si and being id the township of Shesbeirein and as follows : !On the north by Ambaleld Forbes; on met by Archibald. Pathos And Gee. Chaffs& on south by John G. Towner and /she Towner his wif ; and on the west by the ifusgoehanna firm containing about twenty scree more'or Ow twelve were im proved. being the land or share of land belong to Win. Forbes of the estate of his father, Elis:m Forbes, deed.,. late of Sheebequin township. Terms made known on the day of sale. ARNEST FORBEB, Masai= of John Forbes. Shrebequin. Nay 25. 1847. The Saddle and Ilaraess • 113. still motioned by ELK4NAH SMITH, J. CULP &C. T. SMITH, under the Firm of Elkanah Smith & CO., at the old stand North side of tha Public Square, where will be:43:Leoustandy on hand Best, Plain and goatee les, Plated end Common, Haman, all kinds of Tr Valines, and all other work in their line. Carriage Trimming 4 Military work done to order. Front their ezpenence and punctuality, they are in bop., to receive a sham of public patronage. Work can be had at their shop as cheap asst any other shop in the amity of the same quality. May IL '47 E. T. PDX. : rb.). • - A *iir. NO 019 & & IC C. SIERVIIII, hex, resumed their GOODB to the Store foraewlj occupied by H. Miz & Sons. north side of the public square, when they are prepared to supply their customers as hereto: fore. Towanda, March 17, 1847. wzzi T (eala - aces micrtexan - HE subscriber takes this opportunity to give notice to those indebted to Win. that be wants, and MUST HAVE his dues. MI persons indebted will Please take warning and govern tbemielves accordingly. Towanda, May 6, 1847. D. C. HALL. QWEEDs Iron, HOMO Slioe.,itoored Band, Nail rods Huns Shoe Nails, Sisal of all kinds will his sold vary low by B. KINGBBEIItY. A Woolen Factory at Home. THS subseribers take pleasure in announcing to the A- citizens of Bradford musty. and ilicioity, that they have based fora term of years the *Ming must. in Wyalusing township, and known es Ingham's Factory. and which they are now fitting up with maehinery and apparatus for 'be manufacture of brood and narrow cloths, flannels, ake..in superior style sled on , the most reasonable teems. There milking to have wool manu factured upon shares will find it to their advantage to give them a call. as they are determined that as plans shall be spared to give the mast perfect satisfaction.— They work Wool into Broad or narrow &mord 'cloths Sae one half the cloth, or if preferred, they will menu.' facture by the yard as &Bowe :--Breed cloths for from $1 to $1.25 • Bartow cloth; from 44 to 50 cta. O th er articles man;ifectiold for proportionate prices. Wool carding and cloth dressing will be done on short notice and reasonable terms. Thew will be pre pared for business on or before the first of June nest. Wlalusanit. April 25,11147. HALL & HILL. A QUANTITY of wipelior clover seed, both of the large sod small kinds, just received and for sale cheap b 7 0. D. NAMETT. Toweled'', March 22, 1847. vagimui U" B° E 8 MERCUR HAS REMOVED hill! W. OFIFICE, to the seatod story of No. Ok i brick Row. Meta 18. 1847. JKINGSBERY, r., has removed his Goods, Books, • Stationary, eke., to the Brick Stara, fonnerty *oar piedl by !leans & Overton, where his friepods and go pohlicaas invited to call, T • a, March 16, 1847. H" where usual (So pal' , nog le The heavy build; , PIT • bound A DMNISTRATOR'S SALE. U • UAN l' to en eider of the Orphan's Court of B • Ford eocinty, will, be eiposeil to public ink at the it • upon the premises in Sheihequin township, Brad . . county, Pa., on flatunlay the 4th day of Sep tember 1847, $t one o'clock P. M, all of the cotain pieces, ots or parcels of land lying and being in said town . p. known ea the Richard.. Horton farm, to be wild the property of Patrick: Cummings, dec'd, bon • • .' • as follows : Beginninf :at a runtar, thence by lets N. 94 and 101, south thirty degrees and 15 nti • - mates. :2 perches to a corner, thence by parts of lots No. 1 i , 105 and 103, south 59 degrees west, 184 to a owner. thence along the Shashequin road. n o nh r delver, wait, 22 perches. north 63 degrees west, 8 perches to a corner, and thence by parts of lots N 91 end 92, north 59 &guess east, 236 perches to the • ' cling, being pen of late No. 92.93 and 101 in the . township Of Claverack. one of the= tow • • &d. Centaining 92 acres and a with a med,lhouse, framed hem, and out Munn. lend ra a large: pple ochatd thereon. A r All of the two undividelF- fourth perts or *area • whole into fear equal pans. or. Mares to he divid • of and in all that certain tract of land hieing ID Island .• mmonly called Horton's Island. lying in the Smog •, •na timer, just above the month of Sugar Creek. containing in the whole. by computationAke six . 1 .. and one hundred and twenty-five perches; be the sifts' more or leas. Tbe other half belonging to Stepbs; Newell and Franklin Atdodance will be giv at the time end place of sale end term made UtttA 111 NUN, 1 14 8 7; 24 ; 1846. , Mminstrixor de bolas non. trim' Mid Orders. 'IMRE corbllW Militia within the bounds of the lst werhasit Id Brig. 9th Div. P. 14.. will mint daly - armed ' sod equipped for drill and inspection on Moir day the Slat June nett, at 10 elock A. M., at the lame of Stephen Carifiekl in Standing Stone. The company parades should be held on Monday June 7th at such plaimarnithin their sesefalbomsk as the Contmanding officers may direct. Thom sallject to'asilitary dray in the Ist regiment. are mmemfully I referred ta2Oth Section of the " set to reduce the, ea r penal of the Militia 914.," meowed Stith April 1944. AO electiog for Lieut. Col. of the Reg. will be held at 8. Canis ides on the'dley of training, 114 Juni. • . •i P. C. WARD. • • Getammel.llficy . $t 11W „C6l. Kamp , T B 8 rewind Sepiliet a Of DRESS 1-4000DS do CLOAKINGS. at ! MEIWIPM, • CLOVER SEED. NOTICE 11130.11111.1K11W1111L3Ksin Btessed.""litery remmied to the front room of his elling hoe" one door south of the old Stand, is Impend to accommodate the public 'at his rates., Hie enstoniers, and the public gents re invited to call et his new quarters, where :ens ley) " be will dischargebieduty accord: beet of his ability. beadier expects that his expenses will be very, ring ensuing meson, m be is about to would therefore urge the necessity of prompt on the pan of those indebted ; and, as in duty will Peer pray. BURTON KINGSBERY. IMllirch 25, 4147. Jf - (A t . irf Dec. T. 1847. • . ritionE, H E heirs and devisees of Ben min Brink deed. Tto !if : Daniel Brink, Brin ankh. Alpheus Tozer and Calista his silky Cherie* 't l . .lobia Smith, Daniel Pmith. Orson Smith, Vales ' Ilnitb, James Smith, W m. Smith. Rachel &bilk, W. Brink, Henry brifinney and Amanda M Kinney: hirer*. and Delilah Brink and John Brink ' their rowdier,. Orison Rickel,—Orris Beink.Bliz* Bask. Charles Brink, Julia Brink and John Bei k., Jr.. - end their guardian John Brink — Elisabeth Bees ley. Jameaßrink end , Hester Brinkcare hereby seveirally milked that the Orphan's Coen of ay, Bradfiird minty on she 11th , cat se day of M, 1847, 'slid grant • role is thern.to come into Coen on the first Mindy of termini next, and elect to take or refuse the estate of ' decedent melba valuation made thereof. as' in' they Anil Woos to Dun* tkeinme. no show . cause. if any they have. why the shame shall not be mkt . y the Co rn% LYMAN E. DE W LP', May Rl,' 1847. Clerk of 0.--• PROCLAMATiciN. THEREAS the Hon. ions Ni. Costaiinvir, Pro t. shield Judge of tilt! 13th Judiiiel district, consist ing of the counties of &memo, Bradford and•Tioge. and H. Morgan and Reuben Wilber, sows., Associate Judges in and for the county of Bradford. bars issued their precept bearing data the 4th day of May 1847, to me directed, for holding an adjourned court of Oyer and Terminer, at the Methodist Munch, in the Bore' of Towanda, appointed as the piece for holding the Coons of said county, on Tuesday, the Ibth day otiose nest. Minas its .eberefftweir korWir f.esr to those whole hound by recoltnissnce or otherwise to prosecute mat- the pc - Mowers whiiine Tmmy be is the jail of • • county, as whore or 41.11 a bound to appear at the said court, are to be then" an d them to 11110118CUlll against them as .shall be just. Jurors , are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 4th day of May in tlfe year of our Lord 1847, and of the Independence ofd the Uni ted-States the seventy-first. • .JOHN F MRANS, 11111.311MNIIIVICIIIVIIVAIL.111Loo LABACHELOR boa removed hie Tailor Mum to . 'Mel more of Na 2. Brick Row. . NG GLASSES, one ease of very nioa, 0 U • ansei, latest sty le, joat opened at nov I I NO. 3, BRICK ROW. DOhIESTIC VOTTONS--Brotrrn sheeting; •ing, and drilling; A 1... cotton yarn, batting, wick ing; and wadding. far sale by the bale of lees quantity, at nut BAIRD'S. ADMINISTRATOR'S N I TICE. • XLLL prowls andel:tea to the estate of RENAJAH ALLYN, late of Warren twp., deed., ate hereby requested toasake payment. without . &jay, .sod those baying claim again.* said estate. will please pteseut them duly, attested to the subscribe& N A Net ALLYN, HENRY C. ALLYN. Warniu, May 8, 1847. Adosit.istrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. TN pursuance of an order of the Chmldfir 'lr Court of L Bradford county. held at toitactda 0e fourteenth po; ctre daj of May 1847, will be ex • to Aide Iby public 'endue or outcry, on the pre on Thursday the---., 24th day of Jane next, at lo' ock P. M.,-the feller * described lot of land 'haste ' the township of Rope and bounded as follows : Corn ' at a conserion the public road : leading from village to Johnoon's - • in.Romei township, and running north one degree east. two radii, thence sleuth eighty-1M degrees east, ten and one-fiituth rods to a corner, thence south one degree, west twb nods, thence north eighty' nine degrees . west; ten and anti-Fourth :rods to the place of beginning, cep- . tensing twenty-one situate j rode with a fruited house thereon Merged, Ming a lot kif laud . nought of stephen Cranmer. dec'd. in April 18411, by the said J. B. Tay lor. in his life time. cud of which the 'mid .1. Ii: Taylor, died possessed. Terms made lumen on tiM,day of sale. LEWIS GOPP.. , May 112. 1847. W. E MAYNARD Administrators. of J. 1J. -Tay lot, deed. • Stns. No se.! Asmall with bi tran Gray ack mane iflilltafTE; thr*e small nCe rs sta ola rir h i t forebead, and one hind foot pa ly !date ; and abet, a small watt on the right side of neck, and. no Anna oa hia hen, Camped from the re of the stibectiber in robs township. Lyconsing nty, Pa, en Wednm day the 19th inst. Said h was 'aimed 'in Troy; Bradford county, and it is sup took that direction; Any person having a know this whereabouts, will coifet a favor upon the ow r, and abaft be liberal -4y rewartk.:d by giving informs of the same ; and if they- will deliver him Ist Sante tat ern in Moorman°, all reasonable expenses will be id.. May 24, 1847. ENRY W ANGIE' ^ • IMPORTANT TO EfIICURES.. AITOOLISEP'B REFINDD YRIJP, equal is fl.Aot W the best maple mol • for sale by December 29. MO TAINTE & nor. Y WIPE PHILENA halving leR my house and fatally without any cause* paravoatuan.theraby Foetid all perm* harboring or trusting bar an al' ac catnip as I shall pay no debts o hercontractiag. ' WILLI M /1,. ROBINSON. 'Burlington March 111. ISO '• BOOTB &..8110E 8 —LI doses, - it Coma Boots, imli and wen; also .eitlf sad tp boots and shoos. and a nand deal the lied sad vven... lot of women;a and misses' wftr in town. C lat i . BAIIRIYea r . FES)] arrival of illiiring ,Wtd Seitmer Groodi . at illa . SAIITINdit BAN IooTB t 4t, SHOES —rs 4 04 and fins Boats, Shoes Fnmett air course:, just opened newS ' 0 1 FORE Laic. will find ll' dame 'nada ; alai. • lea st wrfrOow wiry% at - • • i• •--SANTA ANL' terse J Goede. lwaght enfirtlyl tkpteeeion in the mute., e UNDICRISELLpIG the 131 INDLUPIER AND DI . apreer .r .111,enr - 'WHERE; we*, hi her V Ashilia4ply, audit ' =1 la .1p cows- ZI=M M[3 itsentiticomrso *in, 'the latter B. RTLETrIS tee vanety of worst rd • ullassertaleol of prints I BETTS' • EEO sidend d arsostreers ()New tay4th • &whit a vest d ithlthe express view of L: UGhDOC I ES. . BA RTLETT. AWN ALIPLEIR, 'fp r►.a., 1 be dosio. woniptly •-• NO 12. 1847.