Lila from tho Bruin Axiom! Battle between Gen:Tailor and the Jbrces under-Gen. - Gina and Cary:des—Old ' "Rough and ready" again-Victoriinte. . . . Br the arrival a t New Orleans on the 9th inst. HenryH of the schooner Long. which left the Brazos on the 2d inst., we have later intelli gence from Gen. Taylor's column. The most i m ppfiant information brought by this arrival, N e report of a battle having been fought be „eta General Taylor and the fumes under G em Urrea and Col. Canales, in which old R o ugh and Ready” is said to be again victnri• as . The Matamoras Flag, of the 21st ult., says: .-Of Gen. Taylor's movements we have on ainhentic information since he departed from Marin in pursuit of Urrea. The 'Mexicans here have a report that he overtook Urrea, who `are him battle and cut up his command con udenbly. Very improbable. We are not positive as to the number of men- Gen. Taylor h a s with him, but hear it stated as not exceed ing 700, with-one battery. three six pounders. even with - his small force, he will render a good acca& of Urrea if he succeed in bringing him to an engagement. There has been no boat down „fiom Camargo for two days. else ,robahly laterintelligence would have been re- ceived." • In addition to the above, the New Orleans Delta. learns from a passenger that just before 't e aring Matamoras, news was brought in by a Mexican that shortly after General Taylor's leaving Marin, the vanguard of the division un der his command came up with the 'rear guard of the forces under Orrea and Canales, and a hot engagement ensued. in which the American troops were, for a short time, sevetely handled, until the main body, under the immediate command of Gen. Taylor, came up. when the Mexicans were forced to retreat, withgreat loss. It was further stated the Urrea and Canales were taken prisoners. DEiNIND ATTEMPT TO Ron AND Mtranett sue Porrsvar.E.—On Friday morning last, a daring Outrage oceured near Pottsville. While Lawrence Brennan, a drover, of Port Carbon. war driving some cows between New Castle, on the public road within a mile of Robt.— Adams' colliery, a man-stepped up to him and demanded his money. He refused to give it sp. when be drew* revolver, •and fired six balls at Brennan. all of which took effect.— three in his heal one in his back and two i n hit title, Mr, is still alive and converses, but eery little hope is entertained of his rec:ovCry. The murderer made his escape. His friends offer a reward iof $lOO for the arrest of the issassio. PUBLIC MEETING. At a meeting of the citizens of Orwell township, vai&led pursuant to public notite on Tueiday evening the 20th day of April, 1847, for the purpose of inier ramarne, eentiments upon the suljert of a tlisisi.,n of Br Yard county. HENRY GIBB 3 area elected Pre- dent, Ind IL Z. Fatima Secretary. A Committee of .ye was appointed to draft.iesolutiona expressive of the hint of the meeting, consisting of C. Friable. Ira Bron- erm. F. S. ehubhuek. E. M. Farrar and Jason cliatTee. The meeting was then adjourned until Thursday even ing. the 274 inat. When the following preamble and oeilutions were reported by the enmmittee and adopted ky the meeting: Whereas, a division of the county of Biadford has tern for long time contemplated by many of the citizens thereof., Resolved, That we believe thole pillar's who pro rood the passage den aa of Assembly authorising the mcmio.ioneranf the county to raise the sum of $20,0u0 1.! ban or to! without conforming to the established MOW of liw, for the purpose of building a Court Howe Ina Jul 111 the borough of Towanda, acted under the Imement of fire and the fear of - Division. Ressol,A, That we know of no authority by which he alarms of Towanda borough, or any portion of them. consututed the guardians of the people of Bradford unit. licmltied, That we respectfully recommend to the tirand Jury, and also to the county Commi4sioners, to iltditr acting in the case until the people of the county Lye an nppnittunity to speak for themselves. Revolved. That the proceedings of this meeting be pi:Wished in the Brsiford Reporter and Bradford Argus. • [Sighed by the njfic:Ts ] PUBLIC MiETING. M a merting of the citizens of Rome township. r•n. , rrwl robe house of W. W. Kinney, E•q.. on the 19th. at'April 1847, MOSES MOODY eras called to the (lair and John Psasatorr, W, W. ‘Voodburn.' Peter W. W. Kinney and Richard Lent Vice Presi ',:sie Wm. E. Maynard, G. W. Eastman and suns. I C. Mann Seceetaites. Oo motion of W. W. Kinney a committee of fire, or. P. Forbes,. W. W. Kinney, J. Li Smith, G. W. Emraan and Am Fuller, were appointed to draft rem. Intent expressive of the sense of the meeting. The committee Air miring a short time, reported the following resolutions which were unautmously tdripted; Resolved. That we consider the division of this COUZI t! not fu distant. and should this be done, the buildings it said county should be located for the conveniench of he citizens of their respective counties. Resolved,. That we wish a full expression upon the salject of a division of. Bradford county before money is ripernled for new buildings to gratify the feelings of the ke and not the wishes of the majority. Rushed, That we wish the next Grand Jury to kniisr that it is our request that they should defer any action sciil the whole county ran speak for themselves. Buolved. That we do not believe in ta.. two third or ese third principle, but that the majority should rule. PuolvelrThat we do request our county - Commis -"ew to stay their hand in the expenditures of erecting "tv minty building until the have a voice (Odle ievie of thw eon oty. Rooked. That the views of This meeting be published °the Bradford Reporter and Bradford Argus. • [Signcd by the °P.m.] Nem Itwedisetnents. \my Arrival of Goods, by Express - B. KINGSBERY. AS jog received from New York, a bea u tiful as mnmentof Lawns, Gingham', Elonnette, Palm Rat* tre-. ie., which will be sold vary cheap. Piirciols and a variety of other goal . s. gad see the reduction from hag spring's F ines ' ( - 7 d iatt should want any thing in the way of New ** •3 0 11 will be sure to buy. April 28,1847. io. L. Brick Row, aaain: in the Field ! ' 4. Chamberlin, . T_TAS just returned from the city FA`= 1-1- of New York with a large ; • 4 1 4 ; 3 1 1 p,pe lyw are, of Watches,. I n e g we i l n ly pa an tt comprs, d -17 1. the following articles :—Lever, L'Epine and Plain Watches, with • "- a complete asso rt m ent of. Gold Jewelry, inch es Ear Ringe. R t l ls, Breast Pins,praceleti, Lockets, Gold chains, t e "' Keys. etc. Also,' all sorts 'of Silverware, 'el quantity of Steel Deads—all of which he offers esceeedingly cheap for CASH: 4 "'hes repaired on short notice. 'and warranted for the money will be refunded, and writ x"egleee even to that elect if requiied. 4441-14.4PLE SUGAR, and Country PrUduce rorwcirk; and Cam kiln: now, and mug , the Pnduee mud be paid when the work "•.0-4 star spina ctedit in alit. forms. W. A. CHAMRERLIN, Agent. - -April 8, 1847. , 5 on% AND MACKEREL, • Coed article, by tom MO?iTANYE & Fox. inertbanbig, $. First lot of New Goods in - Towanda. lik/f ONTANYET & CO. are receiving a large and .LY.L general assortment of Spring and Sommer Goods Which will!' be diSpiered of et wholesale or retail at m anned pricca. April 20, 1847.. COME TO TAB RESCUE THE subscribers baving'met with severe losses by the late fire in Towanda, as well as other losses, earnestly request that those who know themselves in debted will make every effort p.seeible to put us in funds that we may be able to meet our honest engagements and continue our business. MONTANYE'S.I6 CO. . . MONTANYVB & CO. have removed their business situation a few doors below Bridge street where they intend to accommodate their customers on their usual liberal toms. We have now on band a fair supply of Goodii-adapted to the apnng trade, which will be dispos. ed . of ai - greatly reduced prices, compared with the great advance of Goods in the city. March 22, 1847. A Woolen Factory at Home. THE subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the • citizens of Bradford county and vicinity, that they have leased for a term of years the building ettuate in Wyalusing. township, and known as /nighties Factory, and whiCh they are now Suing up with machinery and apparatus for 'he manufacture of broad and narrow cloths, flannels, &c., in superior style end on the most reasonable terms. Those wishing to base wool manu factured upon shares will find it to their advantage to give them a call, as they am determined that pepsins shall be spared to give the most perfect satisfaction.— They work Wool into Broad or narrow (*seined cloths for one half the cloth, or if preferred, they will manu facture by the yard as fulicara:—Broad cloths for from $1 to $1.25 ; Narrow cloth, torn 44 to 50 cts. Other articles manufactured for proportionate prices. Wool carding and cloth dressing will be done on short notice and reasonable terms. They will be pre pared tar business on or before the first of June next. Wyalustng, April2s, 1841. HALL & HILL .111141L-1111WIENCIIIVIIIVAILIILao - S. dr. M. C. MHRCUR, have removed their 1.1. GOODS to the Store &Weedy occupied by H. Mix & Sous, north, side of the public squari, where they are prepared to supply their customers as hereto. fore. Towanda,,March 17, 1847. Fire I Fire : Fire ! kirONTAlkqE & FOX would respectfully hafortn IVA. their old customers and the public generally, that they me not quite used up yet, but have removed their GOODS to the old store formerly occupied by 0. R. Tyler, way dcrun town. where we will sell anything in nur line, as cheap as the cheapest. Ptea=e call and see us. • i'March IC. • NOTICE T KINGSBERY, Jr., has reino.rd hiv Goode, Books. • 1 . e"tionarY, 4t.., to the Brick Store, formerly occu- pied by Means k. Overton, where his friends end the public are i ivited to call. " • Towanda, March 16. 1847. Mit 11L112.1111111131101117, 5 2L lir—ass Burton Kingsbery, ASLT removed his Goods to the front room of his Xi dwelling house, one- door south of the old stand, where he is prepared to accommodate the public at his usual low rates. His customers, and the public genet erally, are invited to call at his new quarters, where, (a • politicians say ) "he will discharge his duty accord ing to the best of his ability." The subscriber expects that his expenses will he very heavy during the ensuing season, as he is about to build; he would therefore urge the necessity of prompt payments on the part of those indebted ; and, as in duty bound he will ever pray. _ _ BURTON KINGSBERY Towanda, Match 25, 1512. • DlSSOltalol#4 THE en.partnership , heretofore • existing between MONTANYE dr. FOX, has peen this day dis solved by mutual consent. A. D. MONTANYE, March 30, 1847. E. T. FOX. The accounts of the late firm of Montanye & Pox hese [wen transferred to and and will be settled by E.T. FOX, who has purchased the interest of Montanye in the goods on hand. He will continue business at the gore late of the firm,and will be retly to wait upou'all who may call. Towanda, Much 30, 1847. E. T. FOX Shaving and Hair Dressing. Solomon Cooper, 110115 ESPECTFULIN informs his old friends and :IA pat rons, that having been obliged to abandon his for mer stand on the afternoon of the 12th ult., be is now permanently located on the west side of the public square, two doors north of Brig,gs' tavern. Grateful for past favors, he hopes by superior skill and attention to merit an ineresoe of patronage in future. Ile will always keep on hand a supply of oils, es sences, perfumery, and whatever is necessary to give an agreeable finish to his operations, and will spare no pains in his endeavors to adapt his style to suit the vary ing tastes of his customers. A LO--:•lhampooning for restoring and a trace pre ventative to keep the Hair from falling out, or turning gssi, fur a beautiful head of hair is a powerful auxiliary. March 29, 1847. ;- A New thing . in Old 1P sox. DR. A, J. COLE would respectfully inform the cid sena of Wyatt and vizinity, that after diligently prosecuting the study of Physic and Surgery in all its carious branches for better than t tree years under the ithmediate care and instruction of Nathan S. Davis, Al. D., of Binghamton. in addition to the attendance on a full and thorough course of Lectures at the Medi cal College of Geneva. N. Y. He feels a full cona dence in assuring his friends and patrons that no pains will be spared to render himself useful in meliorating the sufferings of his fellow man ; and on all occasions will be kountlin readiness to give prompt and careful attention to such business in his line as may tall to his bands. Dr. Cole may be found for the present at the rcsidenceof D. E. Martin. Wysos, April 21, 1817. LlSt OF LET FEELS remaining in the P. O. at Troy. Pa., quarter ending March 31St. 1847 Avery Win C Loapprena Mrs Adams Jamas Masta,Angeline Atwood Joint., Morgan-Lyman Bliss Chester Dr. M'Snuwd 1) 2 Burt Mies Ellen B M'Naught Malcomb Burret Caleb Murry Jas & Wm P Ballard John Morse Phtche 1. Miss 2 Becker John • M'Clelland John Bascom Joseph Phillip J W .. Bassett Andrew B Pierce Weithtman - • Card Weden ' Preston Colben Curtis George Park John T Carman Wm • Robbins Enos R Fitch Stephen H. , Riddle Elizabeth P. Fairchild Myron. , -Rept°lns ti Freenian Susan Mrs Rockwell Eliza . Miss, Godard Levi Stephens E B • Godard Luther Super Amos Howland,Chas thivernail Harriett Miss Horfcnan Philip Smead Elihu Hassle) , Benjamin Spalding John Hunt Wm H Smith James m Hagar David Slater J 1.1 Jennings Eleoyer Tear. Wm Kellogg Wm T Town Moab Lane Cornelius. , Thomas Sarah Miss Long ! Ezra Thomas Chester t ., Larnirear J E : Williams John W Lang L W Williams Isaac Lobar? Mary Y. , W illson Bcnj Leonard Henry . Willson J. . - LL. RUIIiYON, P. M CLOVER SEED. • . A Q UANTITY Of aopelior clover wed, both of the large and small kinds,juat fro:sawed and fur sale cheap by 0. D.IIARTLETT. • Towanda, Mirth 22, 1847. 1314 1126 audaar3. LYBSES MERCUR HAS REMOVED hieLAW. U OFFICE, to the second story of o.St, Muck Row. March 16, 1817. 1 2Uniedb3amds. • PROCLAMATION: •-• , -1-17HEREAS, she Hon: Johit N.- - Ctiriyngharn, Pr* 1" f uhient Judge of the,l3tb judicial district; ionsiitv log of ahe.courrtieti l of .4userne; Bradford end, Ties*, and the Rau. Marry Morgan and Reuben Wiser. As. sae ate Judges in and for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept date the 13th day of March; A.D.: 1847, to me directed. for holding - a Court of Oyer and Terminer. General Quarterßesaions of the Peace. Cont. man Pleas and Drphan's Court et the Methodist Church in the bo-ough of Towanda, appointed as the place for holding the Courts of said county, on the first Mo.xlsy of May next, befog the third, to continue two weeks, • - 4V3tee fa therefore hereby item, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Consta bles of thk county of Bradford that they be then and there in tkeir proper persons at 10 o'clock in the fore. noon of said day, with their records, inquisitions. es-- aminations and other their remembrancei to do those things which to their office appertain to be done; and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may be bound to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall he jest. 1111011/ are re quested to be punctual in their atunidance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda. the 24th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred end forty sesen, and of the inpependence of the United States the seventy-first. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of vete' Wont repents ie. sued out of the court of common pleas of Bradford county. to me directed. I shall expose to public sale' at the house of I. H.Stephena in the bore of Towanda, on Monday the third day of May next. at one o'clock, P. M., the following piece or parcel of land situate in Rome township and bounded on the north by lend of John Park, on the east by- land of Silas Allis,eouth by Hen ry Burchard, and on the west by Edward °serum. Con taining about eighty-five acres with abotit fifty acres improved with one framed house,- one framed barn and one small apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the omit of Henry Gibbs to use of Geo Vv. Wells vs. Harry Burchanl. ALSO—The following p ece or parcel of land lying in Tuscarora township (now Springhill) Bradford co. -Pa., beginning at a post:arid atones on the old line of the tract on the south aide, 70 perches west of the south east corner of said tract, thence west one hundred and forty-nine perches to a-black oak, thence north twenty perches to a pest and stoney, thence north fifty-seven degres east, one hundred and fifty-nine perches to • pitch pine, thence south ono hundred and seven . per ches to the place of beginning. Containing fifty nine acres and twenty-one perches strict measure or less, pert oil Peter North's warrantee, with abbot twenty acres improVed with a framed house, a log bonsai framed barn and a small orchard thereon. Seized and Liken in execution at the nit of Cyrus Shamway, who survived Daniel P. Lacey o the use of G. C. Wright vs. Wm. L. Galbraith. 6, ALSO—The following piece or parcehof land situ ate in the township of Athens and boundedfqn the north by A Tour, west by the main road leadingtom Athens to Elmira, south by tL Tozer, and east by 1. Shepard. Containing one half an acre, one frauted house, (trued barn and Small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution et the suit of thtion Pennell so. Israel S. Mead. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Springfield township. hounded north by Samuel Severn. and .Lhn D. Leonanl, on the east by Alanson Fuller, on the south by Cirmi m Ltonard, on the west by E. King. Containing thirty-five acres with about twenty acres improved, one plink house, one framed barn, one framed shop and a swell orchard thereon. seized a•td taken in execution at the suit of A. D. Spalding vs. Robert Bardwell. A LSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Orwell and bounded en the north by land of John Lyon, on the mat by David • Beers, and south by T. Vaughn and Isaac Park, and west by Samuel Grey.-- Containing about 6fty acres more or less, with about 30 acres improved with one log house one log barn and one apple orchard and one peach orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Anne E. Bull Executrix of James P. Bull dec'd. Ye. Jeremiah Allen. 1:- ALSO—Tim following described piece or parcel of land situate in Orwell township and bounded on the north by lands of Harry Parks, east by Curtis Robinson, south by Westley Robinson and on the west by Lines Robinson. Curtaining eighty-one acres and 25 perches attic: measure, with about thirty-five acres improved, and one framed house and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry Giblorto the use of Geo. W. Wells vs. Dan Robinson. ALSO—AII the interest of the defendants in the fol lowing property situate in the Borough of 'Cowenda, and boomed south by lands of Wm. Patton, west by George Craft, north by Wm. Patton, east by River street. - Containing about 800 feet—one framed house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David M. Bull vs. Michael Maley and Marlin Bork: ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Springhill and bounded on the north, east, south and west, by land of. A. Keeney. Cmtaining about five acres more or lea., with about three acres improved with one framed house, one framed barn and one other fram ed building lately occupied as a Chair Factory and Clothier's shop. Seized and token in execution at the suit of Joshua L. Pinney vs. James P. Slocum. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Wysoz township and bounded as follows:—Begin. nine at the bank of the Wysoz creek at the west end of the bridge crossing the same at the corner of Joseph Conklin's land, thence along the lined . said Joseph Conklitt's land to the comer-of Harry Strope's land to a corner, thence south. fire and ono-fourth degrees east, along 11. Strope's land to • cornet on the hank of the Wysox creek, the game being • corner of H. Strope's and S. Patrick. thence upon said bank of the- Wyse: creek, its various courses to the place uf beginning.— Containing about 30'aenes, it being part of a larger tract of lend patented to Theophilue &Inger, with about 29 acres improved, with one framed house, two framed barna' and one framed building lately occupied as • blacksmith shop, wood.bouse &c., withit few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel Coolbaugh to the use of D. F. Barstow vs. Willard C. Green. ALSO—The following piece or pereel of land situate in Monroe and bounded north by land of John Schrader, east by land of Mason, south by David and Joseph Ingham and west by land in possession of Charles M. Brown and the Towanda creek. Containing one hun dred and sixty Peres more or less, with about twenty. eight acre , improved, with two saw mills, 3 framed dwelling houses, one framed barn and a small apple orclwd thereon. tithed and taken in execution at the bait of Thoinu Elliott ea, John M. Fox. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield township and bounded on the north by lands of Wm. Miller, on the east by on the south by lands of John Campbell, and on the west by lands of Eleazer Wright. Containing one hundred, and fifty acres with shout eighty five acres thereof im proved, one framed House. one log house, one, framed barn and one apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in esecction at the suit of R. H. Culburn to : use of L. S. Maynard, now assigned to Wm. Blend vs. Peter Turner. ALSO—The'following piece of parcel of land situate in Springfield township and bounded and described as follows: Beginning et a post and stones on the bill on the west-line of Almond Berry's land, thence west 186 perches to a . post, thence north 50 perches' Or there. about, to a poet, thence east 186 perches to a post on Almond Berry's west line, thence south 50 perches to the beginning. Containing fiftreightscres and twen ty perches be the same more or less with fifty SVCS improved, one log hoose and one framed barn thereon. ALSO—One other tract of land in said townshipand hounded as full:sac: Beginning at a post on the west aide of the road leading from Alvin Brown's house to' South Creek township, on tho line of Cheater Wake. field's land, thence west 180 perches toe peat, the Ben jamin Robertson's !Mi. thence south 64iperches to a post onithe line of Sherinan Berry's lot, thence east 180 perches to a post and stones on Almond Berry's line, thence north 643 perches to, the place of beginning.- Containing seventy-five acres more or law Seized Ilind tal:en in execution 'at the suit of George Sanderson vs: Anson Ilvlloore, Administrator of Matthew Schemerhom. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington township and hounded as follows: Bp. ginning at a white maple north crest corner of lot Na. 182, on warrant lot No. 1724, thence west on said warrant lino 100 perches to a comer. of lot Na. 287. thence meth 81.. perches; In :tiOgant.. thence east 100 perchetto.* pod. *We ette4 - 18Lperehre to the begiehieg. 'Voitainitig 50 Rend and - -100 teethes strict meanie. being intendet Othe ••utte 7 .,beir of lot KG. 277. on warrant lot No. 4436. Will 1- about thirty ens improved, with one log home, rina shed and one other small out buildinit themes. Seized and taken In execution at the lob of Geoigb Sandrison's nee vs; Geo, Bennett. ' ' ALSO—The didindsobi Interest in the following piece or parcel or Panel of land situate in Durell Wan ship and bounded north and east by land of ILlssid Cash, south by = Kipp, and wed by ---••• Mingo!' Containing about :fifty - acres with about :CI ems ila• proved with one buy hottee thereon: • ' - = ' Selz:.] and !akin in•executioo at the suit of George Sanderson. imigitee oLlipeep s KitypberY Jr.,' n. John Drummond. • • A LSO 7 -The following pieceor parcel of land siniste in Wyalusing township and bounded on the Minh by A. Stalfixd, east by stage road Wing from Towanda to T,unkhannbelt, and on the unath by the Memel mad. and on the' west by the estate of Humphrey Drown. deed. Containing - shawl:me acre all improved: with one orchard one framed bows one framed barn and ober out buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the-seit of Michael Everett now to use of Geo..Wensey ya. D. W. Brown and N. P. Brown. JOHN F. MEANS. Shedd — . Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Marsh S 4, 1847. OrphaWit Court Sala PILE is beteby. given that in. purse. -L ance of an enter of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, held it Towanda. the Wm day of Feb.. 1847. will be reposed to public sale on Tared') the tat day of April next, at two o'clock, P. M.. on the premiers, the following described lot of land situate, lying and be. in the township of Home, county of Brsdfonl, tin the mad leading from Monroeton to Towanda, bounded as follows : on the north by-Joseph Hornet, on the rad by Russell Fowler, on the south by the heir, of A. C. Rockwell; and on the west by the above mentioned mad. Containing about three.fourths of an acre with a large building erected and feted for a tannery. together with ■ direllirm house and barn ; to be gold es the propaity of 1. S. Warn, deed. Terms made known on 'hada, of sate. JOSEPH HOMET, hionroeton„ Feb. 19,1941. Adminismamr. . The alleys sale stands postponed until Saturday. the 30th day of April nest, et the same place and time ot day. T IST OF JURORS drawn for May Term and Sea aiopa, A. D. 1847. , smaarp enarrre. . Weft—lsaac BakzeN. T. Crandall. William -Ingle.; Shothequin—Geo. Dining., nutlet Brink, - Jr.; Ridghery—Joseph Doty.. orwell--Bimeon Diaunick; Towanda tp—Wm. W. Goodrich; , Athena tp—,-Sidney Hayden. Thomu Lane:, • - Albany—Jelin Batch, Benjamin Wawa ; Ulster-8 S. - Lockwood; George W. Rumen: - • Breitlifleki--George K. M'Vannon; Wysez..-Wm. Patrick; FranklM—Jarnes A. Pains; - 4 11 Pike—C. 4 1 . Pierce; Standing Stone—Asa Stevens; Windham—Daniel shoemaker; Towanda boni—Enas Tornkins, Wm. Trout; Colurnbie—Jemes Wilson; Monme—James V. Wilma ; 301110111.1-73 are was"... Wyalusing—James Butler; Pike—Ephraim Brink Warren—Jcweph Brute., Joseph F. ,Wherstiinit • - Columbia—Helen Budd, George Furrigu t 1.. Monier. Israel A Pierce; Duren—Robert Bull ; Carson—Wm. H. Bates, Horace H. Fitch, B. Rock well, Thomas Williams; Springfield—Ambrose Brown, Jobn N. Coals Now man P. Tracy ; • Sheshequin--Wm.Caropbell Troy tp—Jaieb Case; Monroe—Samuel Dicomick, Joseph Homes, P. C. Ward; - Ridgbery—Jubn M. Dad= Herrick—Almon Fuller • Ulster—James L. Goodig, John V. Hutt James Van dyke • AlbanyJasiab Huntley, Horatio Ladd Armenia—Robert Mason. Andrew Monroe, A Ripley. Athens boni--(leorge Merrill. C. F. Wells jr.; Athens tp—Constant Mathewson, Hag ley TOW Wysox—E. R. Myer. Joseph B. Ridgway ; Burlington—Wig. Nichols jr. Charles Taylor; Franklin—Hiram Rack sell; Springhill—Jacob Sturdevant; Grinville—John Say's'; Sough Creek—Alexander Thompson, C. White; . Rome—Horace Vooght, Arunah M. Wattles, Harlow Richards ; Standing Stone—Wm W: Vannes, ; I=lll3 Athens tp—George Atkins, Charles Benedict, Adder' Morgan, Albert Toser; Wyelusing—C. T. Baldwin; Columbia—Myron Ballard, John M'Clelland; 'Pnwsuda boro P. Brown, Gilbert H. Draket Springhill—Wellington BarrowcliK, J. Lewis; Warren—Moses Coburn. Daniel A.Carey; Monroe—E. B. Coolbaugh, Hiram- Goa; Wm. A. Mason; Sisnding Stone—l L. Ennis: rowan& tp.—Wm. Gregg, A. A. Mace. Asylum—Elmer Horton: Sheshequin—Wm. B. Hinton: Orwell—Christopher Hiney ; Herrick—Wm. C. Knapp; • Troy boro'—Vulney M. Long, Benj Shattuck ; Albans—Joseph Menardi; Leroy—F. H. Monet, Rome—P. E. Maynard: Litchfield—lra Menill,Peter Randolph; Burlington—Henry Pulse; Windham—Julius Russell; Athens boro . —Moses Sawyer; Troy tp—Wm Thomas; Pike—Daniel Taylor; ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. ALL peruns sndetard to the estate of JOSEPH MOBS, late of Windham tarp., deed.. are hereby 'equated to make payment withuut delay, and those hawing claims against uid estate. will please moment them duty attested to the subseriher, JULIUS RUSSELL, Admiristrator. Windham, February 23, 1847. REGISTER'S NOTICE. mo rice in hereby given to all person interested. that D. Vandereoog, stimuli:4nd°, of the eases of H. W. Strong. deed. late of Ridgbery township ; and A. Forbes sod Orion Rickey. adtnittistrators of the estate of .6'lisha Forbes, deed., late of Shesbrquin tawnshipg and G. A: Perkins, oar siring administrator of the orate of John Shepard, dec'd., late of Athens township; aid &mei Davidson and John Couttright, administrator of the estate of Wm. J. Couriright, tlee'd.. late of Utah Geld township ; and Jonathan Wood, ad ministrator of the estate of Timothy Brigham. Abner Thomas and 4b ner N. Thomas. dee'd., late of Smithfield township, have filed and seeded in thp office of the Raider of Wi lia,in and for the county of Bradford; the accroints albeit several administrations upon the estates aforrisid, and that the some will be presented to the Orphan's court of said county, on Mon day the 3rd day of May neat, for confirmation and al. ksance. - 1.. S. OS% OLP. Register. Register's Office, Towanda, April 23. lett TO PHYSICIANS. rrilE Undersigned wishing to quit .ths Drag Hai new will sell everything in that hue at lay, ra• ducal prices. Physicians and -others "mill And it to their interest to porches. of him anything they want. Please all soon. E. T. PDX IHRAIRILITHIBIRMIRTALWam LBACHELOR has removed his Tudor Shop to 4 the third Ann' of Na. 2. &irk Row. HARDWARE, Iron, Neils, DIA" Plgok Di Woods, Dye staffs, Medteinee. de.. in general lad lop quantilies. nel t W. B. BAIRD & CO. - „,„aurituad i g,;44.. ,:;. • . • .... . . sostc liEltetTß, • • trhohreale or retail, the targe4 etttl merit auo. .iorttoent ot Faieise and De - mestie 0001:04, ever teouOt into Nuitbetti PeanayliattliQ ii3l4 hen. tam. at vices astiafaettuf to the parchuar. • Itti4-1 • Cloth Auimeres and. , Baltigetts. • 1 • A Li. those Training anything fur 00411., OSTrenStei .rl. Costa, Panu gr -Veins, will, find it to their 'mita:)• tagr to etantinstant Jug! opcit.of . Yreitch . E_uglish and Anis ',rim Cloths, black and t..nTy . Carisiniereft 4 1 .4 1 !"., netts, KentaCky /pins, Vitsting.s - Der!. io: 1846. f' MERCUR'rt. LA Dirti ate: And a 1 .aipeiipt Dig.* GOODS & CLOAKINGd; at ' ME lit , ri TONS ,lips..Aroerican, swede s and ,f neat. I'll • poem! aseortteent of it, oop, mood. square, one sad two hone wig= *r e bar. ilte,jusa're dived • 433 ••% M E MCI Its': • . . . CLOVER: :§F 4 E - Si., • • A QIIANTIT.Y.of iuprrior ;new ClnverSeed 114 . A regieiv.ed:aid fur SIIERCTIVO. MEW' 71110151 6 =rem etllalrZo. • CHEAPEST .IN TOWN ! • : MONT/WYE Si FOIE - MONAVejtist received and ere nowopening w very 111. ostensive. assortment 4f GGODB, consisting of Masan everything every kept iti • country store,. which they pledge themselves to sell WI low as the sums be bought in any town this side of the city 'of New York. Come one and ill, and if we don't sell you Goons Cascar don't 'buy ; it will cyst you nothing to look, and all we ask is;,• chrui'ee to show our stock of goods. Be sure snd find the right place, it is the Old Corner Siam • few doors soottrof Montanya & Co's. The boys are on bend and will sell you goods right for Cash or Produce. -Towanda:Nov. 0,3846. 5000 YDEI.' SHEETING'S' ¢ SHIRTINGS selling Tay low far dub or produce, by Nov. 11. MONTANYE dd FOX. L4DIES' GOODS: UTE HAVE a good assimment,of •Delaines, amps, YV eashmerea, gingham., (soma beautiful patterns) "'bite diets goods, different styles ; fringes, gimps, cord, edgier ribbons, bonnet ribbons, kid and. silk gloves and mitts, comfortem linen bandkerchlefs,•&e., Arm.,- all of 'duck will WI sold cheap. MONTAN YE 4 FOX. FOR GENTLEMEN. SATE HAVE a flue lot of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, .1` V VeslinP, and some set), nice Bain; Kuf and worsted gloves, suspenders, net drivers and, wrappers &e.„ which we hare pu' dowri to the• lowest notch. Nov. t I . MON I'ANYE & FOX. CROCKERY—a good assortment, In sena or other, swiss. to Suit purehawra. by Nov. I I. MONTANYE & FOX. BOOTS' iIND SHOES MMNI3' kip and coarse boots; boys do: mens' and boys' coarse, kip and (toe shoes ; men ' u' and boys' pumps; ladies' thick boots, Morocco do., common and kid slips and- buskins; misses' slips: gent.'* rubbers; ladies patent and buskin rubbers, misses' do t .) also, • first rate lot of' children's shoes. november 11. MONTANYE & FOX. rout may be Interested ALI, persons that know themselves to be indebted to be indebted to the subscriber (or Goods or bledi cinea. arc requested to tall and smile the same before the lot of Dezember, however small the amount may be, or they may expect to pay ecost;.without respect to per sons. nal I A. D. MONTANYE. TIQUORB. a toll assortment. consisting of. Cog. 1-4 Windy, American Brandy and Gin. Monongahela Whiskey, Port. Maderia and Malawi wines, may be found at the New York Cheap Store, N0..2 Mick Row of REEDS'. BOOTS & SHOES---. first rate assortment of coma and or Boots, Shoes and Slippers, the latter French of worse, just opened at • nov3 0. D. BARTLETT'S. QHAWLS—quantities of Shawls, niers kind, going of fast and cheap at 0. D. BARTLETT'S. CAPS of aU kinds cheap, besides. every thing alas at O. D.BARTLETT'S. • SANTA ANNA TAKEN ! Tflt3T received • tiro end splendid assortment anew J Goods. boaghl entindy with Cash, dating • rest depression in are nisritet, end with the express view of UNDERSELLING the BRAGOADOCIES. O. D. BARTLETT. FLOOR, from - Glob* Atilt*" • ropartarfarticlo also PORK, first quality, for sale by November 3. FLYNT & CO. MOVE of thane A. No. 1, BOOTS, and a large quantity of LADIES' SHOES, 'ant received by November 3. FLYNT & CO. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEHES. ALARGE ARSORTAIENT of Clog of all shades and calms, and qualities, and proms.. Canimeiat. Fancy and Plain. &milieus and a good assountent of Vesting& may be found at GEO. E. FLYN Tee CO. Tlig GELEFENBERG VEGCPAIME PILLY and the Green Mountain Vegetabk Ointment. 6* ab by the subscriber, only agent fa* the loan and be. rough of Towanda. d 2/ N. N. BETTS. PRI N e and beautiful lot of PRINTS. by how. MONTANYE ito FOX. LADI4S ! I SAI74rA DIES ! ! If you have nude up your Mali to buy a nice dress. clock or Meal this seaserr. don't fait to-eall vi No. a, flick Row, where you can find the most, best and cheapest articles in that lirie.Lthat is kept in town„ besides all kiadsof trimmings. RA:umber, can at ne l l BAIRD'S. , 100 YDB. Beautiful Carpeting, two shillings per yard below the market price at B. KUNGSBERIPS. Broad Cloth, Cpsiateres &Satinets, ALARGE atawynent of Broth Midis. Casanurres, and Sattinettn which we have long been fanious for selling good and cheap, now cheaper than and upon which we challenges the world. just received , at • O. D. DARTLErr. Towanda, Nov. 3, 1846. Vir,ANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS-- What, Domenic rlonnel,, Rye, Woolen Sotto; Corn, iluetivheat, Onto, , Flaxseed, Batter, • White Beane, COON SKINS., • Cheese. in short, almost anything, roc which libetai. prices will be paid at 0. D. BARTLE, Towanda, Nov. 3, , 1846. BUCKWHEAT FI.UUK- AFFW hewed pouts& BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR in 50 lb. sacks. a supuiar article. just !waived-and for mks by Feb. 22. O. D. BARTLEI.7.. HAMES AND. HARNESS TRIMMINGS. TUST wa iv e d jaw 'pantile! Fine and Cowen= lA. Blames. Mao, Plated and Japair'd H•rnrea Wm-, mints at Feb. 22. INERCURI3. Surrender of the Mexteau.Batteries! Ord- Rough and Ready" again Vieedriani: ONE ARK LOAD, and vernal wove lade of N V GOMA hive just strived. end aremitime ebesper boa ever at No.*, Brick Rms. - • • . November 9. WAL 11. BAIRD & CO. IM:PORTAVT TO BPICtIIiTS; - . • - INTOOLSEPS REFINED SYRUP. Noel id Cam' to the best =ph molasses, fur sale bj , December 29., . • MONTANYE .4 FOX. ritAyrns, CLOTHS — We wish die attention of ki who min want of MAN o • lll imerit• Setdoei age., to one Lizte Wade on hand. Thew elaihswinei be sold. We nom bawl been, underaoki..and wino will be. Call wad nankin". C. V FLYNT. 4 CO. PRINTS '2OO pima now opening and Acosta wrry low at REEDS' It ! W1ND0W...61 .1 , --, DEPOT. No. 7 Spruce shed. ante Buildings. • ' ' • !pen BLISHIB 'lB4O. • inET E N ILESAL4.OOI itasil:—isliADEStet aeriptioni, iiittschig superb sod heittleitty cola* Gothic Seems. uCeeriows rises sad Priem: so the late atyle istaitifet *rat faraditecet &sin, • inuctfid6hireit aid diebahle &Ash!: Writhes stied ' eireii *style' in; drieripteea`ti irhsdisisi is latest fiby per teal: theiper Them era be height $; any ether Trinninf.a ) ' et assatifertierme rico. ,t3ign, Darnall% etalletenur decor Oasis .delte kra s . 3 3 111,1 4 91 to be rerpaued. . OOl. dr Olitht:SHEE., • Efraft Premiums Awarded to Levi Brawn, By' the Athitteat! institute for Cad bps. ' Superior Gold Prim 1. 1841.-A Dirtorro fus'Guki roue:. • • 11842—A Diplom:Lb , ' rtkr loesiGu)d,Prro..., 1844.—A,Uipkima fdritse Ines,Oold Peas. „. 1614 —A.Dip!Was .1845=-A Silver Medal for thebist GA) Pais;", 1616—A Sitier Medial *it the b6d Gold Pew; • ' • This is to certify; that the above it it tube copy' front therecurdwar the.Artwriran Institute. • : toms, • • • ,IBee. 8"7!°11b° EM Nei Fall and : 'Winter. Goods. ritHE subscriber m now receiving Iran the city of JJ„New York a large assoriment of,GOOOS pia rl to the lessen. priefolb ',dieter!, 'and Orebeeed st untisual- If low prices. wh ich will enable him to 'self virile,' rot easb,luniber, Country produee; or approved 'merit. 116 friends and the public generally me Milted to call and examine his stock berme purchasing elsewhelee--.- He feels confident that he can offer than better bargains then they have heretofore this. town, or any other in this region of Country. In his assortment will be found in all their varieties. Dry 'Greet - ries. Croekeiy, Glen: Nails, fron,4ltoel, Tents, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Boots, Shoes, ' Towandsi, Oct. 26,1848, N. N. BETTS. wits Luliei'willnd"a great sanely of nitrated 1 . dm, goods: also; a beiouful assortment of prints oilmen- tow prices at • 101RENCH and - Engrrab clothe: heavy Driver skid 'Tereedi fur wiereoriter fancy Easartteret a great es 'nay will be found at DE - . - lug CiUSLOI De LAIIVE, Cestmeeres, Rob' Rod and But . Diodes Maids, • prat varioy wilt to fauna at BETTS' . . FAIL& WINTER 'GOODS/ movrAsyger & CO, are now rreiesing a - very desirable assortment of Goods,purchawd dating a great depression in the-market, comprising Preneb & English BROAD-CLOVIS, Cassiawres and dattinets. 'and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted clouds. Grateful for past favors they respectfully solicit a gene. roue public_to call and examine door stock, and think eau hold opt sufficient inducements toensurc &pit sham of public patronage: - .September 1, 1846. • etkainumes'illiall2=ffeeio EVERYTHING 'in the line, including Elliptic Spring's, Iron Axel', Mailable Burs. Dash, fiat and Stop Irons, Ornaments, India Rubber and Oil Cloth, Lace, TON, M 0.14 &r. for sale at .jlB MER,i 'UR'S. TXT OODEN MEASURES, bracing, patent pilau& VY , sesled f bugbrig. MONTANYS & FOX. HATS dc CA PS, a first rate lot, of all kinds, deserip dons, cola and qualities, cheaper than ever by ' november 11. MONTANA £ &FOX. LOOKING GLASSES, one case of eery Rice. 0 0 flame., bozo style, just opened at open 10. 3, BRICK ROW. TIONIESTIC t , I TTONS.-Brown sheeting". thin ing, and Also, wauon yarn, batting, wick ing', and wadding, for sale by the bale or less quantity. at writ BAUD'S. NEW YORK CHEAP STORE NO. 2 BRICK ROW. & E. REED would respectfully beg leave to tender their thanks to the citizens of Bradford. for their liberal patronage and support, and would in.. form th e m they are now receiving a large arid full sap• ply of FALL and WINTER GOODS, which will positively be sold at even leas than their former low prices. The war to exterminate high prices is still kept op—no compromise ha* been made, and they intend to carry the war into the heart of the enemy ontil they shall yielder adopt the principle of selling goods at small pro. fits. 4 1 4. nimble sixpence better, than a slow shilling, ia our motto. DRUGS diND MEDICINES. VETE have on hand the hugest stock of Deity and Malicinea in this county, including every thing used h the Physicians and people generally We slap keep on band nearly all of the most popular Patent Medicines of the day. One of our firm (A. D. M.) having but i long experience in dealing out medicines; we flatter .ounselves we can snit all who may favor ut! with a call. Prices can't fail to suit. "articular ttet Lien will be paid to orders from physitlans. november 11. MONTANVE & FOX. 808113 At SHOES—II dozen pair COMO BOPPro boys' and wen; also calf and kip boots and shier. and a good deal the best end cheapest lot of:inmates and misses wear in town. Call at ' BAIRD'S, MY W,IF4 YIiILiNIA having left my house end family without any cause or provocation. I hereby forbid all persona harboring or trusting her on curie cOunt, u Tahiti pay to debts of her controlling. WILLIAM. ft: ROBINSON. March 12, 1847. Burlington PRINTS—,iOO different styles, bought in the eity of New Yokir, by the case. on the !ft cash down" plan. and will be sold. accordingly. IMIRD & CO. tisr - OF LETTERS' remaining in the P. 0. ha Towanda, quarter ending Hsieh 31st, 1847.. Amig Limited .1' Navvy Western Andrews Mara Miss Jackson Thomas ikapenwall Edson Johnson Arum % Bowman Alarm° . Kisor Henry Bull Robert Lake llebee m Bowman Cynthia A Lewis William Barnum John W Link Mr .. Bullock S A - Morgan Maj Benjaminlohn Mason Wm A Wes Alexander NTLean W W Clapp Nathaniel P Malony Thomas Collins Thomas 111•Gowsm Edward Cooly 'Samuel ,'• O'lliler Rev John Cole Samoa, Payne Henry L Crninmel Joseph Pone-her - Judd l jammings Stephen Power Widow Coolbstigh Wm 2J Quigley &Wan, Crawls/ Bridget . Rush Alichael 2 Collins Daniel Roman James W. Crook Andrew ' Runnels John Coveny, Michael . Ripley David Davis Benjamin Mavens J B Fermium Martha _ Smith Riley : Fens Abraham Bchryvee John P Pieneli 'tranvia D Beovill Manic! Green Maty Ann ' Havermiol Abraham 141ort 3 ~ Hpablen Liseph. Harkness Simnel K -Omni Stephen Hewett C - A . • • - Tniadalo Miss Ann &wen Samuel Trumbull 4011041 , Harley Cornelius Thurston Lyman ...,,, Hinman Col Lyman WeletiMe Holconalr'J. '. Wulling Samuel Haynes Ms Alma • Weyman John' Hill TW • Woods *NUM . J.lirdenourreknoolibonob Wilcoa' Mr • -. , . A.B. CHAMISERLIN.P. M. its essakm,„arEas• - HANDSOME villere property. situate acac the 11. center of Troy DOTO rehomunty of Bradford. The lot co aainiono•lialt so sets of ground. and is dry and coed. The HornT is ant yet completed. thnnah near ly vit. • For Turticulsisk, inquire of araritarr Prince, Esq.„ at Tray. alba tuadazsiaaad at Wallsbarnomb. April 15, MAL W. E. WEBB.