Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 21, 1847, Image 3

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    THE GLORY OF one Amts.—The Washing.
ton Union of Monday evening, after quoting a
number of patriotic articles from the press, ex
claims :
These are the times which animate men's
souls. What miserable demagogue will now
pause to carp upon the origin of the war---tto
higgle about the manner of conducting it--to
distribute its honors between this. nr that depart.
went—this or that leading general. Our coun
try is now the glorious word—our free country
...our proud country—with her stars resplen
dent among the htghest constellations in the
world, and with her stripes felt by every foe
alto provokes our power. This is a day for
re j o i cing —and it is a day, too, when we may
soli calculating on an unfaltering prosecution
of a vigorous honorable war, until we obtain a
EOHSrae(Ory honorable peace.
tt IVe date not shadow forth the plains of
the a dministration. Let the people, however,
be assured that they are awake-,--alive to their
duties—anxious to press their present successes
to the future prosperity of their country—but
determined to avoid the errors -of the Roman
getieral, whose enemy said. knows how t o
gain a victory, but he knows not how to profit
by it."
Scott has taken the key of Mexico, and is
now on his mrcli to the capital. Are the
Mexicans still so infatuated as to reject the olive
branch. and not conclude a peace, so desirable
both countries 1/ But we must still beware
of the Meilcan duplicity--:of the Ampudia di
plomacy. which was-trietlio weaken our blow
at Monterey. No dilatory golicy will shit our
position now. No idle procrastination—no
s ubtle evolotions—no pretensions—but decisive
hold, manly and .unfaltering prosecution of
our object—whether it be war, or whether it be
• TRAPS WITII 31Exic ).—We learn from the
New Yiirk papers, that a merchant vessel, the
l'e'ershiirn, is up for Vera Cruz. She is to he
the pmneer in the trade to he opened under the
.Iwericans Mexican tariff of Mr. Secretary
Another vessel _wilt, soon be adver
tised fur the same port. •
Sr Ert E.—The ship Cornelia. at New York
from I.lverpont, brings 30.000 sovereigns.
The Sheridan brotiatit over $150,000 and the
St. Patrick $lO,OOO in specie.
Zero rAbncrtiscnictits
A Natural Rawly.
E CAN confidently affirm that among medicines
deigned for general use, nose stand higher In
mularestimltion than
Wright's ludian irgetable . itVs.
Hardly a day passes but we receive testim nials in their
(nor, and ilia roost enthusiastic are those who have
.mge,t used them. What better'pruve of excellence
~Uld we ask ? In them, we behold a signal triumph
~r principle over prejudice and truth over defamation.
The principles upon which this celebrated medicine
I. !molded, are beautifully simple. Every one is aware
that, in a state of sickness, the stomach and bowels are
ttre.!ular and disordered. Of enurse, so long as they
nattolut in that state, the food is badly dige-ted, and
the blood, in consequence of being badly prepared, is
it for the proper support of health and life...—
Sil.‘l/LJ the stomach and bowels continue disordered,
the nu-elder extends ; the corrupt humors collect upon
that organ that is weakest and least able to throw them
oil aUrthus disease becomes seated. The same effect
rdilurial in other ways. Cold, acting upon the
eth shu4 vessels of the skin, drives the perspiration mat
t,' I n varal ; north, at inducing debility and bad thges
hat, trod err, injuriou ly affeedng the blood and lungs ;
Lott tioletom.e dtr t; close confinement ; want of Clean
; 1 , 4,1 habits; and many other causes produce the
From this brief explinatinn, it will be seen that dia
rist., slotlier it arises frorn,lhe blood itself, acted upon
la onto aid causes, or through the derangement of par.
turictions, amounts in, the end to the same thing.
~ ere, Cr a ¢.m , l araetable medicine, such 114 Wright's
la.itto Vegeta le Pias, adai.ted to cleanse the system
than the mass of impurities which oppresses it, is the
dung_ that can be taken. But let us look into the
st. , :ect a little futher.
i ire piddle will have learned enough of the mysteries
pathology to know that all medical
' , athirst is fossil/al span three laws of the animal
r l /11011 . 1y.- Firo, that the blood circulates through, and
riAltie• support for the whole hotly t• second, that it
the 1.441) rx endowed. with vitality and and. in puling
A'aevn and rebuilding the human edifice; anti thud, that
al! C3ll,eil'Ali and injurious pa-ticks are rj.cted by one_
rd outietS,either the skin, lungs, kidneys or bowels.
I isa t the first of these laws, (the eirculstioik,) is found:
of the !Haig , of re:whin?: remoteparts of the system, tar
the purpose of removing fdral disorder. Upon the
T l ,llllli. (the vitality of the Hoot].) depends the efficitm•
medicine, for it is well known 'that the more
althy thetotiv i, the better do 'medicines operate
Aud upon the third. is founded the expectation of rid.
, the system of these poisonoui particles which are
the cause artist-Ise.
:Cow a medicine to he adapted to the human coniiti. ,
onion mart regard these laws. It must circulate with
the blood, it must aid the vital principle, and like it
carry off the corrupt particles through each of the sp•
pointed ways. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills wer,s,
prepare,' with reference to these laws, and hence ate
inery way calculated to remove disease.
A .Neiv thing in Old Wysox.
D. A, J. COLE: would respectfully inform the citi
ono of Wysot and vicinity, that after diligently
pra , ocutin 4 the study of Physic and Surgery in all its
‘ 4r .Us branches for better than taree years under the
ctrtedcaie rare and instruction of Nathan S. Davis,
M. D., of linicharnion, in addition to the attendance
"u o foil and thorough course of Lectures at the Medi
all College of Geneva, N. Y. He feels a full confi•
Cows to assuring, his friends and patrons that no pains
gill fr ~pared to render himself useful in meliorating
mAT;•nngs of his fellow man ; and on all occasions
a,ll lie found in Teadinesa to give prompt and careful
° ,1 .41,80 0 such business in his line as may fall to his
'lir. Cole may be found far the present at the
r "= 4, 0..e0f D.E. Martin. Wysox, April :11, IBM
114-4 11 - 111111111.Lal-Me
ANDS * ONIF, village property, situate near the
center of, roy Borounh,county of Bradford. The
contain. ooe.balf an acre of ground, and is dry and
is"" 3 .. The House is not yet completed. though near.
For particulars, inquire of STECnit Pteacz,
, at Troy, or the undersigned at Vv'ellsborough,
A Pral 15, 1 817. W. C. WEBB.
Fiat lot of New Goods . in Towanda.
lioNTANyes• & CO. are receiving a large and
1 1 1 .. gcncral awrtment of Spring and Summer Gooda
ducewan he disposed of at wholesale or retail at re
April 20, 1847.
Special. Court. -
court will be held at Towanda, on Monday
June :Ist 1847, by Hon. Wm. Jessup, for the trial
futlowing causes, to wit :
Lifa Insurance Company vs. Edward Overton
3 !.
10 5 Barm e n Se Payne et. al. - eject.
-‘lrrauer Baring vs. Philander M. Holley. 4
va. Manser Chamberlin et. al.
Butler vs. John Bennett et. al. "
1, ..`n Ada vs. A. Bowman et. aL
A ' rr Harlng et. al. vs. G. &0. J. Burlingame "
Same vs. A. N. Thomas Adre'rs. eL aL aci.
K.on e vs. G. Harkness et. al. eject.
Same vs. Seth Salisbury et. al.
Same as. Henry Roberts.
.v.pril 1 847 • A St'KEAN, Prothonotary.
REDO tuNgDs meß r3
euR H a As REMOVED his LA W
E„ °lF ieg, to the second story of No. 5, Brick
March 16, 1817.
irterthanbig, &r.
THE subscribers hawing met with severe losses by
the late fire in Towailda, as well si obir losses,
earnestlyirequest that those,,wbo know. themselves in
debted will - make emery effort possible to pot as in funds
that we may be able to meet ouritonest engagements
and continue our business.
MONTANYE'B & CO. have removed their bosiness
situation a . few doors below Bridge street where they
intend to accommodate their customers on their usual
liberal terms. We have now on hand a fair supply of
Goods adapted to the spring trade, which will be dispos
ed.of at greatly reduced prices, compared with the great
advance of Goods in the city.
March 22, 1847.
A- QUANTITY of superior clover seed, both of the
lA. large and small kinds, just received and for sale
cheap by 0. D. BA R'I'LETT.
Towanda, March 22, 1847.
..1 1 E1C.3 1 1 1 / 1 11LACIIrvir_ACIL.31E.-d•
IT S. &M. C. MERCUR, have removed their
lA. GOODS to the Store formerly occupied by H.
Mix & Son■. north side of the public square, where
they are prepared to supply their customers as hereto.
fore. Towanda, March 17, 1847.
Fire ! Fire I Fire !
MONTANYE & FOX would respectfully inform
their old customers and the public generally, that
they ate not quite used up yet, but have removed their
GOODS to the old store formerly occupied by 0. R.
Tyler, 'way down town, where we will sell anything in
our line, as cheap as the cheapest.
Plea,e call and see us. March 16.
JK INOSB E RY, Jr:, has reinoved his Goods, Books,
. Stationary, 4-e., to the Brick Store, formerly occu
pied hy .Means & Overton, where ins friends and the
public are invited to call,
Towanda, March 16, 1847.
lIIL 7..1e11.11211110115TAILW._.••
Burton Itingsbery,
ETAS removed his Goods to the (runt room of his
IA dwelling horiso, one door south of the old stand,
where he is prepared to accommodate the public at his
usual low rates. His customers, and the pubhc genet
erally, ore invited' to call. at his new quaiters, where,
(as r.y ) " be will discharge his duty second
ing to the best of his ability."
The subscriber es pects that his expenses will be very
heavy during the ensuing season, as ho is about to
build; he would therefore urge the necessity of prompt
payments on the part of those indebted ; and, as in duty
bound be will ever pray. _
Towanda, March 25, 1847.
THE ea-partnership hematitic existing between
sioNTA NYE, & FUN. has been this day dis
solved hi mutual consent. A. D. MONTAN YE,
March 30, 1847. E. T. FOX.
The accounts of the late firm of Montanye & Fox
have hi en transferred to and and will be settled by E.T.
FOX, who has purchased the interest of Montanye in
the goods on band. He will continue business at the
store late of the firm, and will be ready to wait upon all
who may call,
l'owE;mla, March 30, 1817
Shaving and flair Dressing.
Solomon Cooper,
ESPEC"rFULLY informs his old friends and pat
.lli, tons, that having been obliged to abandon his for
mer stand on the afternoon of the 12th ult., he is now
permanently located on the west aide of the public
square, two doors north of Briggs' tavern. Grateful
for past favors, he inaties by Superior skill and attention
to merit an increase of patronige in future.
Ile will alwa) a keep on hand a supply ("toils, es
sences, perfumery, anal whatever is necessary to give
an agreeable finish to his operations, and will spare no
pains in has endeavors to adapt his "Ay le to suit the vary
ing tastes of his customers.
Al.ttlo—shainprining for restoring and a Pure prc
rentAtiee to keep the Hair front falling out, or turning
gray, for a twantiful bead of hair is a powerful auxiliary.
March 29, 18t7.
Lis OF LET:11:118 remainingin the P. O. at
Troy, Pa., ginner cndingMarch 31-t. 1817
Avery Win,C Loap helm Mrs
AdaIDA Jam es Mason Angeline
Atwood James Morgan Lyman
Bliss Chemer Dr. Al'throwd D 2
Bun Miss Ellen B 111'Nllught Melcomb
Burret Caleb Murry Jus & Wm P
Bellied John ) Morse Plicehe L Miss •2
Becker John ' M . Clelland John
IJoscom Jo.. ph 'Phillip J W •
Bassett. A elrew B ' Pierce Weightman
Cavil IN eden Preston Colliert
Culll, Gi urge Park John T •
Carll.ll Wilt Rolibiirs Emu; R
Fitch Stephen H. Riddle Elizabeth P.
Fairchild Myron. Reynolus S
Freemen Susan Mrs Rockwell Eliza Miss
Onularo Levi Stephens Z B
Godard Luther ' Soper A mos
Ho, land Chas Silvernail Harriett Miss
Holtman Philip Smead Elihu
Hawley Benj istiin Spalding John
flout Wm 11 Smith J ames M.
Hagar David ' Slater J . IJ
Jennings Elenyer 'Fears -Win T
Kellogg Wm 1' Town Moult .
Lane Cornelius Thomas Sarah Miss.
tong Ezra Thomas Chester
LainpearJ E ' W Bliams John W
Lang I. W ,a-
Williams Isaac
Labarr Mary Y. Willson Benj
Leonard Henry Willson J A,
LIST OF LErrEns remaining in the P. 0. in
Towanda, quarter ending March 31st, 1817.
Amig Leonard Harvy Western
Andrews Mans Miss Jackson Thomas
Aspenwall Edson Johnsom Artemas
Bowman Alonzo Kier Henry
Bull Robert Laki• tiolierca
Bowman Cynthia 11A- Lewis William
Barnum John W Little Mr
Bullock S A Morgan Maj
Benjamin John Mason Wm A
Biles AlexanderM'Leau W W
Clapp Nathaniel P " Malony Thomas
Collins Thomas M'Gowam Edward
_ . .. . ..
Cooly Samuel ()Tile , ' Rev John .
Cole Sarrinel Payne Henry L
Crummel Joseph Puncher Judd
'.lumrnings Stephen Power Widow
Coolbaugh Wm 2d Quigley Edward .
Crowley Bridget Rush Michael 2
Collins Daniel Roman James W.
Crook Andrew Runnels John -
°overly Michael Ripley David
Davis Benjamin Stevens J B
Fergason Martha Smith Riley
Fetta Abraham , Schryver John P
Preach Francis D Scocill Harriet
Green Mary Ann Savercool Abraham
Holton JSpaWen Joseph.
Harkness Samna K Shores Stephen
Hewett C A Trustlila Miss Ann
Howe Samuel Trumbull James
Harley Cornelius Thurston Lyman
Hinman Col Lyman Welch Mr
Holcomb J. Wulling Samuel
Haynes Mrs Alma Weyman John T
Hill T W Wools James
J. Holenouocknowliborash Wilcox Mr -
AvILL be let at the House of John F. Long in Bur
lington township, to tho lowest and best bidder,
on Saturday the first day of May next. at 3 o'clock, P.
M., the uilding . of a Meeting House in Burlington
township, at which time an,l place a plan of the build
ing will be presented.
Burlington, April 2, 1847. Building Committee.
E!! Vibvettisenunto
BY virtueof sundry writs of trenditioni_exprinas
-Ls sued out of the court of common pleas of Bradfori/
vounty, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at
the house of I. H. clophens, in the borough of Towan
da, on Saturday, the 17th day of April next, at 2 o'clock
P.M., A piece of land in Durci township, bounded north
by lend of John Ada, east by the Susquebsnna rive..
south by land of the Holden', and west by lands in the
warrantee name of Sarah Moroi-no. Containing about
thirty-five acres, all improved, with a framed house and
barn, and an orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas
Elliott vs. Autos Acla.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Standing Stone
township, bounded north by John Park, east by Thu..
Burns and James M'Gregory. south by Patrick Lynch,
and west by land in possession of Win. Compton. Con
taining one hundred acres or thereabouts, With shout
thirty acres improved, with one log house, .one framed
born and shed, and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edwanl
Overton, vs. Harry N. Spalding.
JOHN F. MEANS. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Offins, Towanda, March 14. 1897.
BY virtue of sundry writs of veeitioni expross is
sued out of the court of common pleas of Bradford
county, to me directed; I shall expose to public sale at
the house of I. H.Stephens in the boro' of Towanda, on .
Monday the third Jay of May n e xt, at one o'clock, P.
the following piece or parcel of land situate in Rothe
township and bounded on the north by land of John
Park, on the east by land of tiles Allis, south by Hen
ry Burcbard, and on the west by Edward Overton. Con
taining-about eighty-five acres with about Arty acres
improved with one framed house, one framed barn and
one small apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at th e suit of Henry
Gibbs to use of Geo W. Wells vs. Harry Burchard.
ALSO—The following p gee or paced of land lying
in Tuscarora township (now Springhill) Bradford CU.
Pa., beginning at a post and stones on the old line of
the tract on the south'side,lo pert hes west of the south
east corner of said tract, thence west one hundred and
forty-nine perches to a black oak, thence north twenty
perches to s pest and stones, thence north fifty-,even
degree east b one hundred and fifty-nine perches to a
pitch pine, thence south one hundred and seven per
ches to the place of beginning. Containing fifty &no
acres and twenty-one perches strict measure oc less, part
of Peter North's warrantee, with about twenty acres
improved with a framed house, a log house, framed barn
and a small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the -suit of Cyrus
(Mum Way, who survived Daniel P: Lacey to the use of
C. C. Wright vs. Wm. L. Galbraith.
ALSO—The following piece or parcßl of land situ
ate in the township of Athens and bounded on the north
by A Tozer, west by the main road leading from Athens
to Elmira, south by ti.Tozer, and east by J. Shepard.
Containing one half an acre, one framed house, framed
barn and small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Union
Pennell vs. Israel S. Mead.
ALSO--A piece or parcel of lind in Springfield
township. bounded north by Samuel Severna and
D. Leonard, on the east by Manson Puller, on the
south by Cl. menu Leonard, on the west by E. King.
Containing thirty-five acres with about twenty' acres
improved, nne plank house, one framed barn, one framed
shop and a small orchard thereon.
Seized aid taken in execution at the suitzt A. D.
Spalding va. Ruben Burdwell.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Orwell and bounded "up the north by landa John
Lynn, on the east by David 'Beer's, and south by T.
Vaughn and Isaac Park, and west by Samuel Grey.—
Containing about fifty acres mane or Icon, with about 30
acres improved with one log house one log barn and
one apple orchard and one peach orchard thereon. •
.Bei7ed and taken-in execution at the suit of Anne E.
Bull Executrix of James P. Bull dec'd. vu. Jeremiah
ALSN—The following described niece or parcel of
land in'Orwell township and bounded on the
north by lands of Hurry Parks, east by Curtis Robinson,
south by Westley Robinson and on the west by Linos
Robinson. Cortaining eighty-one acres arid 25 perches
strict measure r with about thirty-Civo acres improved,
and one framed house and apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the auk of Henry
Gibbs to tbe rise of Geo. W. Wells vs. Dan Robinson.
ALSO—AII the interest of the defendants iir the fol
lowing property situate 'in the Borough •tif Towanda,
and bouneed south by lands of Wm. Patton. west by
George Cr :ft. north by Wm. Patton, cast by River street.
ContXining about 800 feet—one frame] bou, thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Maid
M. Hull aa. Michael Maley and Martin Burk.
A LSO—The following piece or pareel of land situate
in Springhill and bounded on the wont, tast south and
west, by land of A. Keeney. Containing about floe
acres more or less, with about three acres irnproverdwith
one framed house, one framed barn and one other fram
ed building lately occupied as a Chair Factory and
Clothier's shop.
Seized and taken in eiecution .at the suit of Joshua
L. Pinney vs. James P. Slocum.
ALSO—The following piece or pared of 13n,Isituate
ih Wysoz township and hounded as follows:—Begin.
Iting at the bank of the Wysoz creek at the nest end
of the bridge crossing the sante at the corner of Joseph
Conklin's. land, thence along the line of said Joseph
Conklin's land to the corner of Harry Strope's land to
a corner, thence south, five and ono-fourth degrees east,
along H. Strope's land to a cornet on the bank of the
Wysoz creek, the same being a corner •of 11. Strope's
and S. Patrick, thence upon said hank of the Wysoz
creek, its various courses to the place of beginning.—
Containing about 30 acres, it'being part of a larger tract
of land patentedto Theophilus Moues, with about 29
acres improved, with one framed house, two framed
barns and one framed building lately occupied as a
blacksmith shop, wood-house &c., with a few fruit trees
Seized and taken in'execution nt the suit of Samuel
Coolbaugh to the use of D. F. Barstow vs. Willard C.
ALSO—The following piece or peter, of land situate.
in Monroe and hounded north by land of John Schrader,'
east by Linda M3SOII,ROUth by David and Joseph
Ingham and west by land in possession of Charles M.
Brown and the Towanda creek. Containing one hun
dred ono sixty ecres more or less, with ahout twenty.
eight acres improved, with two saw mills, 3 framed
dwelling houses, one framed barn and a small apple
urchin.) thereon.
Czeized and taken in execution at the suit of Thome
Elliott ca. John M. Fos.
ALSO—The following piece. r parcel of land situate
in Lltclifi..l,l township and bounded on the north by
lands of Wm. Miller, on the east by —on the
south by lands of John Campbell, and on the west by
lands of Eleazer Wright. Containing one hundred
and fifty acres with about eighty five acres thereof im
proved, one framed lloui4, one log house, one . framed
barn and one apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R. H.
Colburn to use of L S. Maynard, now assigned to
Wm. Blend vs. Peter Turner.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Springfield township and hounded and described as
follows: Beginning at a post and stones on the hill on
the west line of Almond Berry's land, thence west 186
perches to a post, thence north 50 perches or there
shouts to a post, thence east 186 perches to a post on
Almond Berry's west line, thence south 50 pert hes to
the beginning. Containing fifty•eight acres and,twen
ty. perches be the same mere or less with fifty acres
'improved, one log house and pee framed barn thereon.
ALSO—One other tract of land in said township and
bounded as follows: Beginning it a post on thelwest
side of the road leading from Alvin Brown's house to
South Creek township, on the line of Chester Wake
field's land, thence west 480 perches to-a post, the Ben
jamin Itobenson'sline-thence south 643 perchesTto a
post withe line of Sherman Berry's lot, thence east 180
perches to a post and stones on Almond Berry's line,
thence north 643 perches to the place of beginning.—
Containing seventy-five acres more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George
Sanderson vs. Anson H. Bowe, Administrator of
Matthew Sehemerhorn.
- A I.Bo— , The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Burlington township and bounded as follows: Be.
ginning at a white maple north west corner of lot No.
182, on warrant lot No. 1724, thence wed on said
warrant line 100 perches to • past, S. B. corner of lot
No. 287, thence north 81 perches to a post, thence
east 100 perches to a post, thence smith 81 perches to
the - beginning. Containing 50 acres and 100 perches
strict measure, being intended for the south half of lot
tend Vibvertionnettta.
o. 277. on - warrant lot No. 4436,,with about thirty
acres improved; with one log house, one shed and one
other small out building thereon.
' Seized and taken in execution at thei snit of George
Bandersan's use vit. Geo. Bennett.
ALSO--The defendants interest in the following
piece or.parcelor parcel of land situate in.Durell town-
ship and bounded north and east by laud of David
Cash, south by Kipp, and west by Mingua;
Containing about fifty acres with about 20 acres im
proved with one log house thereon.
Seized and Men in execution at the suit of George
9.3nderson, assignee ofJosep:l Kingsbery Jr., vs. John
ALSO—The Plowing piece or parcel of land situate
in Wyafusing township and bounded.on the North by
A. Stafford, cast by stage road leading from Towanda
to TunkhannocLand on the south by the Merryall road,
and on the west by the estate of Humphrey Drown,
dec'd. Containing about one acre all improved, with
ono orchard one framed house one franA barn and
other out buildings thereon.
Seized and token hi execution el the suit of Michad
Everett now to use of Geo. Wansey vs. D. W. Brown
and N. P. Brown.
JOHN F. ME %NS. Shcriff.
Sheriff's °frier:, Towanda, March 24. 1847.
THERAS, the Hon. John N. Conyngham, Pre
aident Judge of the I 3th judicial -district, Consist
ing of the cou..tiea of Luzerne, Bradford and Tina,
and the Hon. Harry Morgan-and Reuben Witoet, As
sociato Judges in and for said county of Bradford, have
issued their preeept date the 12th day of March. A . D.
18.17, to me directed. fur holding a Court of Oyer and
Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Cant.
mon Pleas and Orphan's oourt at the Methodist Church
in the through of Towanda, appointed so the place fur
holding the Courts of said county, on the firat Monday
of May next, being the third, to continue two weeks.
Abellee le therefore hereby glees,
to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace'and Consta
bles of the county of Bradford that they be then and
there in their proper persons at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said- day, with their records, inquisitions. ex
aminations end other their remembrances to do those
things which to their office appertain to beidone ; and
those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to
prosecute against the prisoners who are or msy be bound
to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just. dorms are re
quested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda. the 24th day of MarFh, trill:to year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
seven, and of the inpependenue of the United States
the seventy.fir.t. JOHN F. MEANS, Sherd]:
Orphan's Court Safe.
PUBLIC FICE-is heteby given that in punt
once of an order of the Orphan's Court-of Bradford
county, held at Towanda, the first day of Feb., 1817,
will be esposed to public tulle on Tunably the lot tiny
of April pest, at two o'clock. P. M., on the prrini,es,
the lollowing described lot of land situ tte, lying and be
ing in the township of Monroe, county of Bradford, on
the mad leading from Monroeton to Towanda, bounded
as follows on the north by Joseph Hemet, on the rant
by Russell FOwler, on the south by the heirs of A. C.
Rockwell, and on the west by the above mentioned TOW.
Containing ab tut three-fourths of an acre with a Loge
building erected -and fitted fora tannery, together with
a dwelling house and barn ; to tie sold. as the property
of I. S. Warn, deed. Terms made known on the day
of sale. JOSEPH HOMET,
Monroeton, Feb. 19, 1847. AdminiNtrator.
The above pale Ntands postponed until Saturday the
30th clay of April next, at the same place and time of
LIS rOF JURORS drawn far May Term and yes.
sions, A. L. 1847.
Wells—lsaac Baker. J. T. Crandall, William Inglea;
Sheshequin—Gen. Billings, Daniel priiik,Jr.;
Ridgbery—.Joseph Doty ,
Orwell—Suneon Dignmick ;
Towanda ip—WM. W. Goodrich ; • •
Athena ip—Sidney Hayden, Thomas Lane;
Albany—John Hatch, Benjamin Wileos ;
I llster—S S Lockwood. George W. Russell;
Smitlifielit—George K. M'Vannun;
Wysos—Wm. Patrick;
Franklin—James A. Paine;
Pike—C. P. P ier ce ;
'Standing Stone—Asa Stevens;
WindliamDaniel shoemaker;
Towanda lord—Enna Toinkins. Wm. Trout ;
Columbia—Jame. Wilann
Monroe—James V. V ilcov ;
Wyalu4ing—Jamrs Butler;
Pike—Ephraim Blink
W.irren—Jo,ph Brister, Jaseph F. Wheaton ;
Columbia—Helon Budd, George Fulre,on, L. klusicr,
lqrael A Pierce;
Burell—Rohert Bull;
Cdntuti—Wm. H. Bates,'Horace H. Fitch, E. Rock-
well. Thomas Williams;
SpririgtiOtl—Ambrose Brown, John N. Cooley, New
man P. T-ocy ;
Mies:leo:lM n ni. Campbell ;
Troy tp—Jamb Case;
Monroe —S..mucl Dimrnick, Joseph Hornet, P. C
W and;
Ridgbery—John M. E Aston ;
Hr.-mt.—A 111100 Fuller;
Ulcer—James L. CL.wsbne, John V. lia,..tames
Albany—Josiah ITuntley, Horatio Ladd ;
Armenia—Robert Mason, Andrew Munroe, 1, Ripley.
Athena ismo'—tieorga Merrill, C. F. Wells jr.;
Athena tp— Constant M uthewson, Hanley Tozer -
Wysox—E. R. Myer. Joseph U. Ridgway;
Burlington—AVm. Nichols jr. Charles Taylor;
Franklin—Hiram Rork veil;
Springhill—Jacob Stun-levant;
Granville--John Saylea ;
Sou( h 4:reek—A lezander Thompson, C. White;
Rome—Horace Voug,ht, Armlet M. Wattles, 'Wow
Standiiig .Stone—Wm W. Vstyiess ;
Athens tp—George Atkins, Charles Benedict, She!den
Morgan, Albert Tozer;
Wyaltt-ing—C. T. Baldwin;
Columbia—Myron Ballard. John APClellsnd ;
Towanda P. Brown, Gilbert H. Drs'ke;
Sprinzbill—Wellington Barrowelilt J. Lewis;
Warren—Moses Coburn, Daniel A. Carey;
Monroe—E. Coolbaugh, Hiram - Golf, Wm. A.
Standing Slone—l L. Ennis;
Towanda tp— Wm. Gregg, A. A. Mace.
Asylam—Elmer Horton;
Sheshequiti— Win. B. Horton;
Orwell—Christopher Riney;,
Herrick—Wm. C. Knapp;
Tray bard—Verney M. Lung, Benj Shattuck ;
Albany—Joseph Menardi ;
Leroy—F. H. Morsel;
Rome—P. E. Maynard.
Litchfield—lra Merrill, Peter Randolph ;
Burlington—Henry Pulse ;
Windham—Julins Russell;
Athens born'—Moses Sawyer;
Troy tp—Wm Thomas.;
Pike—llaniel Taylor;
per wins indetted to the estate of JOSEPH
11 GIBBS, late of Windham tap., deed., are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
haring claims against said estate, will please present
themduly attested to the subscriber.
JULIUS RUSSELL, AdmiListrator.
,Windham, February 23, 1847.
TEE Undersigned wishing to quit the Drug Dusi
ness will sell everything in that line at very re
lured prices. Physicians and others will find it to
their interest to purchase of him anything they want.
Please call anon. E. T. FOX.
T BACHELOR hal removed his Tailor Shop to
L. the third Amy of No. 2. Brick Row.
HARD WARE, Iron, Nails, GIABS. Paints, Oils, Dye
WOOCIS, Dye stuffs, Medicines, ete., in general and
large quantities. us 1 t - W. H. lIIMRD & CO.
CODFISH AND MACKEREL, a good article, by
noeil MONTANTE de FOX.
'_; AUrthfuliti;e, S..c.
just . received and are Dow offering for wale at
wholesale or retail, the largea and most general as
sortment of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, ever brought
into Northern Pennsylvania, which will be sold as here
tofore at price., satisfactory to the purch.ther. Dec_ 10.
Cloths, Caxsiwercs and Sattiurtis.
ALL those wanting anything for Cla Overcoat.,
- Coat., NOIR or Vewla, will find it to their a•!van.
tvge to examine the large stod..of French. English and
American Cloth., hl awl lane) Cassimeres,
netts, Kentucky Jeans, Vesting., &c. &co at
Dec. 10, 1916. MENCITIr9.
T ADIES can find a sopeutor aseortnomt of DIIESS
L./GOODS & GLOAKtriGS. at 111 ElieL ft:S.
10 'rims IRON, American, Swedennull Evglish.
general assortment of hoop, hand. ern,ll, round.
square, one and two horse wagon tire, bar, e.. ju:t re
ceived at d 33 MEIIU
u- QUANTITY of surrior ucw Clovrr.Si•eit this
V Eby received, and fur sate at Mt. R(.: InS.
WIEW 3111.8a.1 "5r2 , .., -
HAVE just received and are now opening a very
extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting nt
dimwit everything every kept in a country store, which
they pledge themselves to sell as low as the same can
be bought in any town this side of the city of New
York. Come one and all. and if we don't sell you
Goons ellt..Be don't buy; it oil! cost you nothing to
look, and all we ask i• a chance to shoe, our stock of
goods. Be sore and clod the right place, it is the Old
Corner Store. a few doors south of Montanye & Cu'...
The rtEhoys are on hand and will sell you, goods right
for Cash or Produce. Towanda, Nov. 9, 1446.
Felling very low for cash m ptoduee, by
.Nov. 11
ATTE RAVE a good asysortment of De laines, repps,
'l' cashmeres, ginglisms, (same beautiful paiteros)
white dress goods, ilitlCrent styles; fringes, gimps, cord,
...No ribbons, bonnet ribbons, Lid and silk gloves and
mitre, comforters, linen handkerchiefs, &c., des., 01l of
which will los sold cheap. m osTANYE 4- FOX.
0 1 j . d B
1 " d " e "
Ot t 0 0 , 1: ef t] ; a l
C C I " S t h ' t
;ti e ' M I
Kid 11 ". „:i
worsted g loves, suspenders, net drawers and wrappers
&e„'whieli we have pu down to the lowest notch.
(IttliCKEßY—a good assortment, in setts or other
' miss, to suit purchaser.. by
N. t v.ll. MONTANYE & FOX.
.A/ENS' kip and coarse hoots; boys; do., menu' and
boys' Wattle. kip and fine shoes; mens' and boys'
pumps; ladies' thick boots, morocco do., common and
kid slips and buskins; misses' elipt; gen.'s rubbers;
ladies' patent and buskin rubbers, misses do.; also, a
first rate lot of children's shoes.
november 11. MONTANI:E & FOX.
Iron may be LitereVert
ALT'personsthat know themselves to be indebted b.
he indebted to the subscriber fur Goods or Medi
cines. arc requested to call and settle the same before
the let of December, however small the amount may be,
or they may expect to pay cost, withouVreetecct to per
sons. netl A. D. M aNTA N Y E.
T !Quoßs, a full assortment . consiaMng of Cog.
Brandy, American Brandy and Gin, Monongahela
Whiskey, Port. Madrria and Malaga wines, may he
found at the New Yolk Cheap store, No. 2 Brick
Row of HEEDS'.
BOOTS & SHOES—a first rate assortment of coarse
and fine Boots. Shnea and Slippers, the latter
French of course, just opened at
nos 3 0, H. BA RTLETT'S.
SDA Wl.S—quantities of tihawl.., nice 4 kind. going
off 1 . 11.4 and cheap at 0. D. H.' RTLETT'S.
GAPS of all kinds cheap, besides every thing else at
0. D. BARTLE: I" I'S.
JUST received a large and splenifid assorunent anew
Gonda, bought entirely with Cash, during a great
depression in the nsarket, and with ,the express view of
15:\ DER:"ELLING the 1.111400.-11)0C1
LUC 11, from GlobeM
_.1..5," a styes-tor urtickl
also ?WK, first quAlity, fur safe by
November 3. FLYS r & co.
0 Eof those A. No. I, BOOTS, and a large
quantity of LADIES' SHOES. just received by
November :3. FLYNT & CO.
ALA Ron ASSt )R-rm ENT of Cloths of all Andes
and colors, and qualities, and prices. Uashrwres.
Fancy and Plain. Sattinctis and a good assortment of
Vestitize may be found at GEO. E. FL YNr&C O.
and the Green Muuniain rcgetuble Ointment, for
sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town and lo
rough of Towanda. N. N. BETTS.
PRINTS—a large and beautiful Ito of PRINTS. by
nuv. I I. MoNTAN YE & FUX.
J4ADIES ! I SAY, LA DIES ! ! ;If you haw; made
up your minds to buy a nice, clock or . ehau I
thin scamm, don't fail to call at N. 3, Ditick Row, whetc
yen can filet the mot , t, best and cheapest articles in thiti
liue, that is kept iii'town, besides all kind's trimmings.
Remember, call at riv I I BA I It WS.
1. OilY1):1. Beautiful Carpetimb two elailhags pef
k... 1 yard below the market price at
ii. IClNl:sfil,,Ry's.
Broad Cloth, Cassilacres Satinets.
A LARGE assortment of Broad Clothe, Usasitneres,
.LA. and Sattincite, which we have long hero fatuous
for selling gOod and cheap, now cheaper than ever—
and upon which we challenges the world, jest received
Towan.lo, Nov. 3, 1646.
VV Flannel,
Rye, Woo Wit Sacks,
Corn, Buckwheat, .
Oats, Flaxseed,
Butter, White Beans.
in short, almost anything, for which liberal price. will
be 1.41E1 at 0. B. BARTLE TT'S
Towanda, Nov. 3, 1946.
A FFW hulloed pounds BUCK WHEAT FLOUR
in 50 lb. Backe, a superior article, just recri,ed and
fur pale by Feb. 22. 11. D. BA RTI,E 17.
I UST received a large quantity of Fine and Common
al/ flames. Also, Plated and Japan'il Moires* Trim
mings et Feb. 24. M E RUMS.
Surrender of the Mexican Batteries !
Old " Rough and Ready" again fictoriow I
(ANC ARK LOAD, and .rereral wagon !amts.:ANEW
V GOODS. hove just arrived, and are sidling cheaper
hen ever at No. 3, Brick Row, r
November 9. WM. H DA IRD & CO.
WOOLSEP'S REFINED SYRUP, equal in flavor
Vt to the best maple toolasaes, fur sale by ^
December tIG. MUNTANYE & FOX.
OLOTHS, CLOTHS—We wish the attention of all
who are in a ant of Cloths. Cassimetcs, Sotinet
&c., to our large stock on hand. These cloths rou=t
he cold. We never have been undersold. and never
will be. Call and examinZ. - •G. F. FLYNT 4 CO. '
PRINTS 200 pieces now opening and for earn very
low at REEDS' •
New pork rAttnerliscmcats
No. 4 Spruce street, Tribune. -Buildings
WHOLESALE and Retail--SHA IDES of all de
scriptious, inel Wing superb Od
colored Gothic Scenes, of various sizes and priers al
so the late' style of beautiful Rural Landscape Scenes,
a much admired and desirable article ; together with
every style and description of shade now in use, at
Bay per cent. cheaper than ran be bought at ally other
place. Tr i ... odours at rominfrictorers' pricer. Sign,
B r all anterior decorations in a style' not to
sntpass.d. BA KTOL St ORMSBEE,
9,125 filanaieturers and Importers.
Nyman' Awarded to Levi Brown,
By the Maim!) Institute for Cold Pens.
I` X.- IRIO—A Silver for Stircrior Gold Pens.
01 fot Gold Peas. -
Diplum.a for the best_Glld Pena.
1413—A Diploma for the best Gold Pt US.
814 —A Diploma for superior Gold Pens,
1 E 13—A sneer Med J for the best Gold Pan.
1 81 6—.% Sa. et Medal fot the best Gold Pens.
Titio to to certify. that -the als,e is a true copy from.
the records of the American Institute
Roe, Ser. nf the American Institute,
New Fall and Winter Goods.
suhscrilier is now receiving froir the city of
T New Volk a large assortment of GOODS suit d br
the. Season. carefully selected, and fterchased at unusual
ly low prices. which will enable him to sell very low
for cash, luinder, country produce,' Of approved credit.
111. friends and the public - generally are invited to call
and i•xomine his stock belie purchasing el'sewhere.—
He feels confident that he can offer them better bargain.
than they have herebiliire made in this town, or any
other in this region of country. Drill , assortment will
Ire found in all their 'anodes. Dry Gimds, Groceries,
Hardware. ethlery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paints,
Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes, 4w. 4c.
l'owanda, Oct. 26, 1846, eN. N. DETT.
H E Ladies will fool a gre variety of worsted
drer , s goods ; also, a beautiful assortment of prints
$t very low prices at B•
FRENCII and ET , IWI heavy Lleaver' and
Tweeds for over coots, fancy Cazo.inierea and Sat
[Mulls, a gloat variety will be fount at BE rrs%
MOVSLIN De 17.3107 H o b R o y an d
Brueler Shawls, a great liariety will he found
fotON TANYES • & CO., are now reeieving a very
desire:lle as4rtment nt (:.sslit.iturrhased during
a great depresai:to In the marker, Freneh &
Engli.h 13 k 0 \ 1)-(11,0 f HS, Cassirneres and Saitinet-,
and the ehuin • at Imiterns of Prints and Worsted Goods.
Gratetul for pa-t tavora they respectfully solicit ag• nes
roes public to call and examine their stork, and think
eon bold out sufficient inducements to ensure their share
of public patroroge.
September i, 1810.
01.1 1 11 1 a12. 7 :222=0 , t7 - 6"i12
V 73 VE YTHING in the line, including, Elliptic
jr,A,Springr, Iron A cede , Mallahle Bors, Dash, Seat
nod. tou Irons, Ornaments, India Rufther and Oil Cloth,
Lore, 'nits. Moss, &e. for sale of jld NI ER , CR.'S.
jT OODEN 11E.V5 t , rnorn4. patent p lila and
• sea nal j tai-hrd4 moNTA NYE & FOX.
HATN & (JAI'S, a firat rate lot, of all kinds, descrip
tinny. colors and qualitiey, cheaper than ever by
november it. MONTAN' E & FOX.
T OOKING GIASSCS, one case of very nice, 0 0
.1-.4 (tames, latest style, just opened at
novl I NO. 9, BRICK ROW.
DOMESTIC ('OTTONS—Brown sheetings,4irt
gnd Alm), cotton yarn, batting, mill
ings, and waddling, fur sale by the bale err less quantity,
at' null
N 0.2 BRICK liCO
&E. REED would real ectfutty hr leave to
111) • tender their thanks to the citizens of Bradford
for their liberal patronage and iupport , and would in
form them they are how reeeiring a tura., and lull sup
ply of FALL and WINTER GOODS, nhich will
positively he cold at even leas than their former low
priers.. The war to extern...l ate high prices is still kept
up—no colitprotiii.e has been made, and they intend 1.1
curry the wa, into the heart of the enemy until they shall
yield or-adopt the prittrii.lo of telling goods at small pro
fits. A nimble sixpence better than a almes chilling, la
Our motto.
i% GENERAL .kBSORT.II EN I . of 11.1 RD W.4RE
1 - 1 such to. ales, shovels, manure lurks, shovel.,
nod hoer:, sad tons, knives and torks, pocket knived,
butcher do., .henry 41111) seis..ors e razors, cloth and han
brushes, shaving and tooth do., wool and horse cards,
colfea riril.K hat. leis. augers, wood saws, door Iron
linings, steel sguar• s, 0 sh brushyr, urk ropes, and bed
cords., by Hy II MON FAN IT & FOX.
LARGE quantity White lead, No. I • pure, gend
I in oil and dry, w Liling Venitian red. chrome green.
Paris dO., Prussian Wee, rose ',ink, vies, linseed oil,
lamp ooarh and ennlnai vornish, logwoovl, red wood,
room-mil, madder, eorliimnil. anna!to, Inc. We ranno
be undersold in anything w this bur, til all, al all.
novrtither I I. MON FANVE & FOX.
111.1.: .•I.VD .111;b1CINES.
- 117" E have tin hand the largest i!tock of Drugs cnn
i ihirrine3 in this couniy. including. every thing
Plip.iehns nn , l people fleffemlly We alsri .
i;eep on hand nearly all of the most popular Palen[
bid [jar, 411 the day. One of our firm (A. 1). M.)
bas frig had a lung esperienee in dealing out inedicinem,
We flatter ourselves' We Owl suit all who may favor u
ninh a rail. Prices can't fail to suit. Particular ttei
tin rcil, he paid to ard‘rs from physicians.
noveinhci 11. MON TANVE C Fox.
11.001 . .8 . &SHOES-11 dozen pair Coarse Hpots,
1:5 boys' and men; al o . c:di - and kip hoots and sliOeS,
and a good deal the l , sl and elleap.,4 lot of women's
and miAses' w-ar In [ann.- Call at 11.111111YS.
WIFE I'HILEN A having bft my house and
13.1 fortify without any cau.o or provocation. I heiteby
forbid all person. harboring or irtiAing her on my ac
count, as 1 shall pay no Ilehti 01 her committing.
Burlington. AS.lrol-t 17.
NTo rtrE is herrhy given to ail prrsons interested,
that I). Van , '
_ernook, nJannistr ttor of the estatti of
ii. TP. Strong.. .
late of Ridgberr ; and A. Fatima and Orson
Rickey, adadniatratora of the estote of
Eadia Arbts, deed.,
i ire of Sliestimin tooi.diii; and G. A. Perkin*, stir
viwilievadininiatrator of the es ate of
Jahn Shepard. dee'd.,
late of Athens _township; aid Samuel David+on and
John Courtright, athninnanitur of the estate of
• Ifni. J. deed..
late of Litchfield township ; anL Jonathan Wood. aa
eninottrator ofthe.estrtc of
Timothy Brigham. Abner Thomas and Alb
net Thomas.
late of Smithfield township tato filed and s ettl e d i n
the oilier of the Raist`e'r of Wilt.. in and for the county
of Bradford, the accounts of their Kellen], IldrtlilliStrdlinilB
upon the e.tates alloys tid, and that the Horne will he
presented to the Orphan'. court of said county, on Mon
day the 3rd day of May nact, ftr confirmation and al
lowance. • L. E. OF: N , OLF, Register.
Register's Oilier., Towanda, April 23, 11446.
D FINTS-500 different .it) !es, h.,ught in the city of
1_ New York, by the rase, on the ra,h dm," plan,
and wi/l be sold accordingly. BUBB & CU.