CS-1- 1 :74 - _ _ Vrecgoro a4povtg-r. Towanda, Wednesday, April 21, 1847 DEMOCRATIC NOMIN A TIONS FRANCIS R. SHUNK TON CANAL ColMissloNcii, MORRIS LONGSTRETIL I=3 lio Mistake. rig - We are preparing all accounts on oar b00k... of more than one years' staiehtig. for collect on. arid as soon as we can arraneq thein. they will be placed ilt the hands of a inn; finite for immediate promeiMon. No distinction will be made I,Ve shall positively. SUE • EVERY ACCOUNT MORE THAN ONE YEAR OLD Those wino know themselves indebted for more than a year. will do well to pay op and rave roam. We are compelled to be that. rigid—sanply because we owe money, and must t• - ay it and our only re,ource is the amount dine from delinquent sul,eribers. for advertising. hint work. &r. To the feart.vho have been prompt and punctual in parng their dues—we tender our Ilia, The Wilmot Proviso—lts true object. We have inn:llde] fur some weeks, to refer to this sub ject again, for the purpose of exhibiting 6 more clearly the legitimate purposes of the Proviso itself, and to show that its mover and supporters were governed throughout, not only by clear and unquestionable Democratic princi ples, but that they were also suramed by the moat em phatic precedents, establi,hed by Congress itself. We have collected some Statistical facts to aid us in this mat ter, from a cotemporary, who has warmly espoused tae cause of the Provisa,and furnished some of the strongest arguments of 'defence against its assailants we hive seen; a portion of which we shall introduce into our columns in the progress of our writing. The Wilmot Proviso trot been assailed as ill imrd and out-of place; and its author denounced even by profes sing democrats as an opposer of the measures of the Administration, and especially the present war with Mexico, for the manly zeal with which he successfully urged its passage, tliiough that branch of Congress of which he was a Menthes. The same spirit of ;terser-to lion which 'swabs Mr. Wilmot 'for his support of his proviso, might with equal_propriety be transfer', d every member of either HOllte who sustained it ; awl especially might it be directed against Gen. Cameron, of the Senate, who voted throughout on every p o i n t w i t h Mr. Wilmot in favor of his proviso, and when the pro viso itself was finally voted down, united wilt Mr. Wil mot in voting against the throe million btli because the prorisn 1063 stricken out. We do not design this arti. le either as a eulogy or defence of Gen. Cameron or Mr. ‘Vilmui: hut we can- not refrain from bearing our testimony to the Democratic independence and patriotism with which they unitedly rendered their support to this great national question.— Senator Cameron sustained Mr. Wilmot in this patriotic movement most heartily and efficiently. For this the people will revere' him, and the names of Wilmot and Cameron will pass down to posterity as the 'sincere and unwavering (fiends of the fights of man. In order to a full understanding of this ;uljeet, we • shall probably be under the necessity of extending our remark., for several weeks, and hence in the prernt niAmber shall confine ourselves to farts, estehlishing,itie legitimate olject of the iirovi.o as oared by Mr. Vi, iltnoL What, then, is the qiiestion ? Our nation is at war with Mexico, nod it is universally conceded, that at the conclusion of this war a large and indefinite extent of territory l y ing between the R o Ganda and ilie.PaciEtc, now•lrelopging to Mexico, must pass under the sovereign. ty of the prited States. Throughout all that territory— barbarous as is the population,.inadequate as is the pro- teclion alorded by the laws to the persona mil the pro perty of individuals, and liable as are the poor to various forms of oppression—the institution of negro slain ry does not 'exiit. Once it existed there, under the laws of Spain. But for now newly twenty years it haabeen abolished. The ipiestion, therefore, is not whether sla very shall be abolished in the territory now to be ac quired, or in any part of it, hilt whether slavery shall be introduced and established there by the sovereign power of the American Union. The !mot proviso is simply an attempt to present the consummation of this stupendous crime against pus terity and the human lace. It proposes nut even the remotest inter:erente with the domestic atfairs of any State in the Union, but only that the arms and treasure of the United States 2ball not be employed. nor the blo d of our free people shed for the propagation of slavery. The adoption of it by Congress would be simp ly a declaration beforehand, on the part of the represen tatives of the people in one House, and the representatives of the States its the other, that from this. time forward the armies and navy, the treasure and the blood, the di plomacy and legislation of the whole Union.shall not be derked_ to the nefarious purpase of spreading that bar barous institution over regions now unpolluted by the footsteps of a slave. New laws imposed upon a conquered province pro ceed from the sovereignty of the conqueringpower. As the laws of California, 'Chihuahua, Coahuila, New Le an and Tamaulipas now stand, no slaves can be intro duced into any of those provinces without becoming ipso facto free, If aftSt those provinces, or any of them, be. come territories of the United States, : their laws respect ing slavery shall tie chanted, the change must be made either directly by an act of Congress, or indtreetly by some subordinate and dependent power created hy Con grew for that purpose. A Stare, being sovere ig n, may make whatever laws it pleases within the limitations which it, ha; impoged upon its own sovereignty by ac ceding to the Federal -Constitution. But an organized territory has no more lipvereignti than the city of Wash rit bat. Its laws 4 can have no force but by the au thority of Congress. It is in a condition of dependence and pupilage, and it ii governed in trust for the - ieriple of the United States with reference to its becoMing a Stare when it shall hove grown large enough tit s be a I. /1/erViclll There is -Inn truth, then, in the pretence which has been set up in some quarters, that the question raised by Mr. Wiloadis proviso, e, a renewal of the Missouri ques tion. Such a pretense is set up for no better purpose than to divert attention from the true nature of the ques tion ROW to he decided Undouhte.lly,. if any of the Mexican proeinees now held by military occupation, are to be retained and add ed to our empire with a sieve to their ultimately being farmed into States, and incorporated into the Union. there must immediately begin to be new laws, adapted to the altered nature of the government, and to the cLangei which will take place in the population. Those new laws cannot begin otherwise than with some -posi tive legislciurt,on the part of Congress. Nor can Con gress act in the matter and not act either with the in tendon of Evening free Strea, Or with ths. Intention of forming alive States. The wet "of Congress that shall organize California, or any part of it, under a territorial government, will necessarily contain the seeds of all,lbe laws to be enacted by that government. Such an get of Congress wilt be the charter or constitution, the or ganic law of• the territorj, subject to repral or amend ment by other ems of Congress.-till the-time comes :for the people to organize themselves as a State. Accord ing to the nature and provisions of that organic law, will he the Slate that shall grow op under Let that or ganic law confirm the law of liheny as we find it in corer upon the soil we conquer; and when the territory shall become a State.ihere will be no room Pura Missou ri quenion in regard to the Union. ft the acti• n of Congress in the decision of the Mils. gond quostion is a precedent which must have the same force as precedents have in courts of law, it is iMportant inquire what it was that was then decided. What were thei principles which that decision involved! 1. It was decided, in the decision of the Missouri ques tion—so far ait there is any force in the paw, dent—thst when a territory partially settled has been ceded La the United S•ates with slavery !already established upon the twil, and has been permitted to grow inW' State with alavm'y Gonne alit.' fundamental institutions, theth the exikence of slavery in that State shall not exclude it from the Union. Or we may even admit that the pre. tedent—if it is a precedent—goes farther. and forbids us to shdt put any State merely because it is not a free State. -2: It was also decided—if the derision on the Mitt *nun question is a precedent—that Congress has full parer to prohibit slavery in territones under its govern. ment. In the -.Missouri compromise,' as it is called. Sit was provided not that slavery should be established anywhere., hut that in all the territories that remained under the control of the Federal government -north of 36 degrees and 30 minutes, which is the southern boundary of Missouri, slas'ery should be forever pro. hibited. 3. If we kok for any other principle in that decision, we and,enly this, viz. that the best and mmt unexcep tionable tine for deliberately determining whether a given territory shall be made into slave States or free States, is the earliet time, while the question is not whether slavery shall be abolished, but whether it shall be in troduced. 'Surely. then, if the decision of the Missouri question hes any authority as a precedent, the time to decide in regard to the introduction of slavery into provinces con- quered from Mexico, or to he conquered, is now. Let it be dertd.ll that this war, with whatever motives it was b.-gun, shall not end in turning Mexico, or any part of it, into a market for traffic in human flesh. - 1, 4 The Northern Democrat &the Bank. We did not intend in our remarki addressed to the Northe.n Democrat, to exhibit any asperity of feeling. But, we calve.' when we saw the article in their paper about us and the Bank, we were somewhat astonished, and could not but view it as an attempt to "bolster up a rotten institution," even at the expense of true demo cratic principles. We rejoice however to learn from the Democrat, that they hold themselves "uncompromising opponents of corporate powers, whether Banking insti tutions, Steam Mills, or Iron manufacturing Companies, .54. c.," and that they "have no motedispositiolt than the Re porter to bolster up any dangerous orrotten institution whert convinced that such is its throatier." Well, what will convince you! Must we wait till a Bank actually fails and makes a Tull exhibit of its rottenness! Surely we have had this evidence of the Susquehanna co. Bank :to our heart's content. It is not be expected that a rotten institution will promulgate their own weak ness and insolvency ft is a part of their' tlan of 'peen lations-to conceal their deformity and deceive the public. We never knew one, even in its last throes, but what declared its full ability to meet its engagements. Even the Towanda Bank, to its very last hour, sent out wonla of encouragement to its creditors that all would be final ly psid; and this story was repeated and reiterated by its ofio,l a, while its notes were steadily declining from 25 per rant. until they finally became utterly worthless.— Such is the history of all rotten and broken Banks.— Such is the history of the Susquehanna county Bank at its first failure, and such will be its history when it final ly "kicks the bucket." If the Drmocrat really and sincerely desires the evi dence of the unsoundness and insolvency of the Bank, we can give it to their entire satisfaction. Without, however, going fully into detail at this time, we would ask our democratic friends if they were ever aware how the capital of $lOO.OOO tau "all paid in 1" Did they ever know that $60,000 of that capital was in the shape of a certificate of depolite with A— and p— of New York—and that said certificate of de posite, within six months slier the Bauk went into operation was abstracted from the Bank, and two joint notes of certain stockholders—one for $15,000, the other for $48,3 , 10 63 (which included interest) were given in place of the abstracted certificate of deposite 1 Did they ever know that these joint stock notes con tinued to count as part of the capital of said Bank until about the .irne of its failure, when they too were abstrac ted from the Bank and have never been returned or pail ? Friends of the Demoentt—ponder these things--and say if this be not a dangerous and rotten institution. We could give you many more equally astounding-- but would like you to be satisfied on this one point.- - We have a detailed account of the origin and progress of this worthless corporation with the names of all the actors—dates and figures " to ba,lance"—all of which will be forth coming in due time. Tara H••atsnuao Anons.-'lWe neglected to notice lust week that Col. Salisbury of this county had assumed the editorial control of the Argus—one of the democratic papers published at the seat of government. The Argus comes to us this week bearing bountiful fruit of the !s -tairs of the Col.'s pen in !eventl ably written articles. He has proudly unfurled the Democratic Banner, and the names of Shank and l.ongstreth now Boat in the breeze at the mast head of the Argus ;—while, true to his democratic principles, the Cll. nig= their election with unusual ardor and ability: We rejoice at this acquisition of talent and strength to our cause. The Atgus will, we doubt not. unde?the administration of its new editor, prove .an efficient co. laborer in the campaign before us. New Yons: CITY. at her charter election Eau gone for the Federalists—Federal Mayor and Councils. The Democrats were divided and run 'several tickets, while the federalists run .away with the Wilma. The demo cratie candidate for Alms house Commissioner, was elec ted by about the same majority as the federal Mayor, proving that the Democrats might have elected every thing by being united. In union there is strength. 0:7 The Antigen* question, which has so long *gna w*/ &mu, of the counties of New York, it seems. is in • lair way of being settled. The tenants on the Van fietisale A r ovtrwr ace purchasing the tide to the property they occupy ; the owners having e , nsented to dispose of a by sale in order to settle the difficulty. tartosins.-7Dupnt's Powder Mills, near Wilming• exploded again on Tuesday of last week, destroying be brags/elan workmen employed in the mills. • EZZCOTIONS 11111 PauserivaxliThere are nowno less than three persons ander sentence of death in Penn, Oltenia. _ Mo ler is ; to be executed in Philadelphia, on Pridayithe 22d inn,- -The aeathlearranrat John Hag= gerty has bred signed by the Grorernor;and lie, will be executed on been', signed July nexf,at Lancaster. Reijel is *inlet eenteegii of death at Pittaburg s: , and we learn that soother itidividosl stands"' under ttontlenuuttionin BritrifOrd county. - ' 'Me find t e foregUing in Ilse New TUritCllette: The information is correct except the statement that " an "her in4bridcal stands under condemnation in Dradtani county."- The individual- referred to has not yet had his wial--of course cannot item!, under condemnation. - Highly Imp:giant from the Artily ! • Amager Severe Battle- 7 .oyr arms again Picloriona.2oo Mexicana killed-12,12m ericaus killed. 30 frotoried—Mexieaa P re . parationsfor (Vence. We are ag4ito indebted to our attentive friend and coriespoodent in Pittsburg. for exelusive news from New Mexico, broiled to that city via St. Louis. in advance of mail The Si. Lnuia rivers of the oth inet. con tain sigma, from Santa Fe 'to theJCI'M Feb., which have been received there, nith full de isil4 of the shocking massecre.at Tads and the subtequent After the severe encounter between our for ces and the Mexicans near Santa Fe, to'. Price with 300 men and four. howi•xers, pro crested towards the valley or Puebla. where two large houses. as impregnable as forts, and a church had been strongly fortified by the enemy, with every show of determined rests since. They readied there January 31.1, and immediately commenced the attack. At the first charge of the Dragoons and r Capt. Bur guin, and the infantry. seven of our men were killed and several wounded. Capt. Burguin received a fatal wound, a shin having penetra ted his lungs as he was gallantly leading his conmpany to the attack. When the houses were taken and the church stormed. the Mexiealia fled, but were overta ken by the dragoons, and the victory was com• pieta and decisive. From 150 to 2.00 of the Mexicans were killed and a large number wounded. The American forces lost 12 in kilted and 30 wounded. This 'total route will end the insurrectioulry war for the present. Dates from El PASAII to Jan. 29111, have been received. ltlaj Clark had arrived there with the long expected Artillery. Col. Doni• phan was hastening all preparations for his march upon Chihuahua.. Capt. Mitchell bad pushed forward with his Company twenty one miles in advance of the main body. Col. Doni [than intended to take up his line of march on the 6,h of Feb. He was perfectly confident of the success of his expedition and the capture of Chihuahua. He had been informed of the departure of Gen. ‘Vool for Saltillo, and was making his prepar ations without any view to cO operation from the South. Col. Dnniphau's a 'vices were that 5000 Mexicans had assembled for the de fence of Chihuahua. but these reports were doubtless exonerated. From all accounts there were nn Mexican reinforcements or sup plies to be hoped for nearer than Dura-go. ESTRAORDINA,RY have just relorned from witnessing one of the most extraordinary spec ttcles—the mdst extraordinary of ito kind that I ever beheld. It was no lees a pied than the body of a fine, matronly old lady, a Mrs. Friend; who at the age of sixty•eight years. was seventeen years ago interred in the grave yard at the corner of Broadway and Twelfth streets, from which the bodies are now being removed for the purposes of speculation in and improvement•' of the land. Esrly last week the hotly of this old lady was taken up. and before reinterment, her son. Mr. Frederick Friend, who was superintending the removal, under the impulse of the religious love for his mother which he had ever felt . , and which lied received a melancholy quickening by the sad duly lie was performing. loosened and raised the lid of her wholly undecayed coffin for the purpose of taking a view of what might remain of the face of her he had so loved no earth. What was his astonishment to Mid that face as untouched by decay as it was the day she died, with the exeeption of the sunken eyes— nut even soiled by a tint of corruption, hot, on the contrary, retaining all the fullness it posses. sed when he had last viewed it; and entirely unchanged, except that the skin haul become as white, pure and smooth as an haunt's, and, apparantly glazed over so as to perfectly re semble white satin, over the whole was a thick covering of filmy . mould. Astonishment over came him. and all who first witnessed - the mar ; vel. On applying his hand to her face. he found it-firm, and of about the consistency of the hardest tallow, or sperm ; and upon exgin inalion, after he had removed the body to his house. No. 48 Ludlow street, the whole person was found to be in the same astonishing con dition. He inimediate'y obtained all outer cof fin; with a large glass top over the whole, in to which the body was placed and in which it now remains, retaining the same astonishing appearance and condition which it presented when first exhumed. When first exposed to the atmosphere the skin of the face was remo ved in Fiona from which the ii ould lost its whiteness and turned almost black, but it has slightly recovered its whiteners since it has been protected in the new coffin. tier husband and several children were buried around, but these. as well as more than 2000 others buried in the same yard, underwent the natural pro eras of decay,. The bones appear to have be come Incorporated in substance with the flesh. which, upon being.probed, presented much the appearance of dry tallow, or old dry cheese: I understand that some of our most celebrated physicians are making this anomally the sub- ject of profound sci.oltific investigation. TILE VICTORY.ILLUNINATION OF TIIE As- TOR House —The illumination ut the Astor. of which due notico was given. came off in a brilliant style last evening The 'whole fiont of that building' was resplendent with light, pre sentinga most magnificent spectacle. The four centre windows) were occupied with transpa rencies bearing the names of Palo Alto, Rcsaca de la Palma, Monterey and ,Buena Vista. ' A select band played several national airs, and General Gaines, at the entreaties of the multitude whaled assembled to witness the affair, came forward and made a few pertinent remarks in relation to General Taylor. - At the close oithe illlumination a very bcau !Wul piece of fire Works was.displayed, bearing the name of General Taykikwhieli was reeeiv 4ith much 'enthusiasm.,, The illumination countinued forty-five minutes, and the time oc cupied in lighting the candleS, twelve hundred in number.- according to the Tribune's statement, was exactly seven minutes. The proprietors of the Astor House are entitled to much praise for the patriotism and taste displayed on the tie easion.—Neto York Post. Farther Pi - aikido:lof the fittori of tin Cruz sizteenfiaye interrening between thelanding capttire Cru z . five,: daye.'orViolent norther .. in whi ch all landing of stores afas'iptikkly ii;:terrupted ; and during seven' days. of Ono; treneyes, there were two deks and nights to which kwas itnpossi: hid to undertake an - Y - li7W of eien In clear the trenches and batteries of large (pan ' tales of: drift Sand.. . _ • The bombardment of - Vera Cruz Was poet mined several hours. by the orders of General 'Scott, after all the arrangements to commence operations had been made, with the humane view of inducing the Mexicans to send the wo men and children out of the city, and he prof fered his aid to ‘ place them rut of the way of, danger.t is much to be regretted that :his. Proposition was not [weeded to. alit is estima ted that upwards of 800 of the inhabitants were killed during the engagement. Gen. Scott having completed his entrench menus on the 221 ult., his line nine miles in length, emnpletely surrounding the city, open ed his batteries, consisting of nine 'mortar:. four 24-pounders, and 2 10 inch hoWitzers, at. about 4 o'clock on the afternoon of that day.— The city and Castle commenced firing shot and shell the very moment our troops Were dis covered taking position. and the firing tetween both parties, from the time nur batteries open ed, until the night of the 25th. was heavy amid uninterrupted. On the 25th, in particular. the damage done!o the city was immense. A bat tery of two 32 pounders, and 4 69 pounders, from . the squadron, manned by seamen, and commanded by officers from the squadron. was p'aced directly in ths rear of the city on the evening oithe 22d, and opened its fire on the morning of thet..23l Thts battery told with such powerful effect, that of the twelve batter ice of the enemy surrounding the city, five were directed to if, without having - the least effect in dampening tbe ardor of those who worked it. . It was manned by one hundred and fifty seamen, and commanded by five or six officers. the party hieing relieved every 24 hours, froin the squadron, and it is univeraally admitted that no wins in our whole .line were worked with better effect. This, however, is nut the only participation of our gallant - Navy in the siege. On the evening ofibe 22d, what is termed the Mosquito fleet, consisting of the steamers Spit-fire. Capt. Taman, and Vixen. Capt. Sands,'&gehooner Petrel, Lieut. Shaw ; Bonita. Lieut. Benham : Reefer, Lieut. Stir ' rest ; Tampico, Lieut. W. P. Griffin ; ant/ Faleon, Lieut. Glasson - ; each vessel having one heavy gun, and commanded by Capt. Tat nall, moved up from the anehorege at Sacri licios, and took position on the extreme right of our line. close in shore, and commenced fir ing shot and shell into the city. They retain ed this position until the morning of the 23d, when they got under way and stood within Aunt one quarter of a mile of the Castle, at a point to the north of the Washerwoman Shoal, so-that both Castle and city were within reach of their guns. They remained in this position during two or three hours, firing alternately in to the city and Castle, and notwithstanding its close proximity In the Castle, and the continu ed fire of shell and shot from that point 'of the enemy's defences, and from Fort Santiago, at the southern extremity of the city, not a life was lest, a wound received, or one of the ves sels injured. At the expiration of two or three hours, the fleet was recalled, hut during the period it was engag, d.it did much deftruelion to the rite. and annoyed the Castle considerably by throwing shell into it. During the 26th, an extremely violent north er blew, and the fire on both sties was suspen ded during the whole day, and from our batter. les on the 35th being sodesirurtive to the city, the people clamored fora surrender. Mora les, the Governor, having declared his intention never to surrender while, it was possible to fire a gut. wan deposed, and Landers elected in his stead ; and on the morning of the Ugh. a nia of truce was sent from the Mexicans, and under roved of a truce for the benefit of for eign familis were overtures for a surrender.— The batteries of the enemy had been mostly silent the night previous. Gen Scott appoin ted a commission, conisistisor of Gens. Worth and Pillow and Col, Totten, to confer with the officers selected by the Mexican General Lan dero. The Mexican 'members of tlee 'com• mission were Cols. Gutierrci de Villannera. Lieut. Col. Manuel Rubles and Col. Pedro M. Herrera. The terms of capitulation agreed upon are in substance, that the garrison in the Castle and different forts march out and I,v dwn their arms at 1 o'clock, on the 29th of March. the officers to preserve their sidearms, horses, saddle and bridles. At the timelhe arms are I given -over, the Mexican flags are to he saluted by their own batteries and immediately struck. alter which the city, the Castle of San Juan de Ulloa, and the Forts Conception and San tiago are to be occupied by the division of Gen. Worth. The Mexican officers are to give pa role that their men do not again take up arms until exchanged. In the meantime, all the arms, munitions of war and public stores in' the Castle and in the different forts and batter ies, are to be turned over to the American Ar my—the armament to be considered as liable to be restored at the termination of the war, by a definite treaty of peace with Mexico, which. means, if I understand it, provided Uncle Sam pleases. 'f he sick and wounded Mexicans are to be permitted to remain in the city, "under their own surgeons, the private property of all is to be protected, and the religion of the pro. ple respected. On the morning of •t!te 29th, Gen. Scott. with Gen. Worth and his division, accompan- ' fed by the chief officers of the Army and a large representation from the squadron, enter ed and took possession, the enemy at the same time marching out. As the American flag Wag hoisted at the Plaza, and over San Juan de Ul loa, salutes were fired simultaneously from the Castle, the batteries of the city and the squad ron. Gen. Scott immediately took up his quarters in the Palace, A; invested Gen. Worth with the command of the city, assigning at the same time the command of the Castle to Col. Belton ; that of Fort Jago, at the southern ex tremity of the city, to Major Wright, and that of Fort Conception, at the northern extremity, to Major Scott. The city and Castle are to be held by the Navy, composed of detachments of marines. and from the crews of several men-of•war. Capt.` Benjamin Huger, acting Chief of the Ordnance, was -engaged in the trenches throughout the investment, and until the capit ulation. The attack of COL Ilarney's dreaming here tofore reported as having been metre on Gen. La Vega, was upon a body of Rancheros, about 600 in number. Com. Perry, during the siege, was extreme ly strict in Rreventintany intercourse betvieen the foreign vessels of war and the enemy. _,Cape. John Vinton was killed by .a shell jihich'sfruck hid) (in topping the paiapet) on 'the side of the face, and rolling down, the fuse eiplodint; was picked up, and the contents examined f . it was found to contain on musket hallsiiarbich' were replaced, and the shell Oat ardid-by the Princeton to his family. 'llllb. prisoners were mostly 'paroled—some declining M be paroled, preferring to be sent as prisoners of war to the United States. Gen. Scott has shown great promptitude in following tip his victory. A sufficient force to take Alvarado was immediately despatched under Gen. Quitman. The main Army, it is supposed, would take op the line of march for the city of Mexico. by way of the castle of Perote. • Its force is full 13.000 effective.. A battle was expected at Puenta del Rey. a strong pass. unless it could be turned, of which there are 'good hopes. The U. S. steamer Hunter was wrecked nn Green Island Reef. on the night of. the 20th ultimo. after having taken possession of a prize, supposed to be the Freuch vessel that run the blockade. The officers and crew of the steamer were all saved, as were those of the prize. In the northers about thirty vessels , were more or less injured, and two were lust with their entire crews. Midshipman Rogers is still at Perote, but it is nut believed that it is designed to, harm him. anti the general opinion is that he would have been liberated at Vera Cruz, were it riot from the fear that he would impart to our forces im portant' information,in relation to the defences of the city. Letter from Gem Taylor to• Henry Clay The Lexington (Ky) Observer publishes the following letter of Gen. Taylor, addressed to the Hon. H. Clay. It is creditable to the heart of the General, as well as to the officers he mentions, who fell in battle of Buena Vista. Head Quarters Army of Occupation, / Agua Nueva, Mexico March 1, 1847. S ME DEAR SIR:—You will no doubt have received, before this can reach you, the deeply distressing. intelligence of your son in the battle of Buena Vista. It is with no*wish of intruding upon the sanctuary of `parental sorrow, and with no hope of administering ally consolation to your wounded heart, that I have taken the liberty of addressing you these few lines ; but feel it a duty which I owe to the menory of the distinguished dead, to pay a willing tribute to his many excellent qualities, and yvftile my feelings are still fresh, to express the desolation which his untimely loss land that of other kin dred spirits has occasioned, I had but a casual acquaintance with your son, until lie became for a time a member of my military family, and I can truly say, that no ever won more rapidly upon my regard, or es tablished a mote lasting claim to my respect and esteem. Manly and honorable in every impulse, with no feeling, but for the honor of the service and of the country. he gave every assurance that in the hour of need I could lean with confidence upon his support. Nor was I disappointed. Under the guidance of him ;elf and the lamented McKee. gallantly did the sons of Kentucky in. the thickest of the strife, uphold the honor of the State and of the country. A grateful, people will - do justice to the me mory of those who fell on th it eventful day.— But I may be permitted to express the bereave ment which I fell in the loss of valued friends. To ynur son I felt bound by the strongest lies of private regard and when I miss his familiar face, and those of McKee and Hardin, I can say with truth, that I feel no exultation in our SA/CRAM With the expression of my deepest and most heartfelt sympathies fur your irreparable loss, I remain, my dear sir, most faithfully and sincere ly. • Your friend, Z. TAYLOR lion: Henry Clay, New Orleans, La, TILE TARIFF.— W hen the Tariff of 1846 was passed. the Whigs moaned and groaned from one end of the Union to the other, arid swore on the altar of their conscience ! never to rest easy or remain tranquil, until the odious law of 1846 was repealed and the Tariff of 1842 reinstated. It was in vain that the pe mocraey proved the Tariff 01 - 1842 to be ruin ous, unequal and oppressive—that some goods were raced et s) high a duty as to amount to a prohibition ;—that justice to all, and above all, to the best interests of the country, required i a revision. It was in vain that it was shewn that the new Tariff would bring in more reve .nue—that the manufactuerer himself would he content with its protection—the cry of repeal! repeal! Ong through the Union. Pennsylva nia, thatipowerful Democratic State, voted for the Whrgs, under the apprehension that the manufactitfes of the State would he prostrated. and while'. Whig could he elected. they cried repeal. repeal. Well what was the result of this political swindling ? The Democratic Tariff has been tested and found to operate most advantageously for the country ; it pro duces more revenue, has led to the transaction of more business operations, and. the manufac turers are content and are making money un der the new system, which works like a charm, and vindicates the foresight and sagacity of the Secretary of the Treasury. You do not hear those virtuous disinterested Whigs now cry out "repeal. repeal." If they had the power to-morrow, it is very doubtful whether they would touch the Tariff of 18461 This is their consistency e nd their honesty.N. Y. Globe. FUTURE OPERATIONS OF THE ARM'.—The N. 0. Della learns, from an authentic source, that there are now some thousand men, regu lars and of the new levy, now on their way to join Gen. Taylor. and strengthen the line of posts along the Rio Grande. That officer, with as little delay as as possible, will then ad vance on to Sandi°. Gen. Scott, in the meantime, with the least possible delay, after garrisoning . Vera Cruz. will march his divison on to the Capital. He may meet with some obstruction in his way, but nothing of a serious character. and before reaching the city of Mexico. will from a junc- tion with Gen. Taylor's division. Thus, in toll force, they will march on to attack the city of Mexico. if the Mexicans should be ao ted as, in the interim, not to offer or accept the terms of an honorable peace. Molts VICTIMS OF Runt.—A drunkard, nam ed Carroll. waa fouled dead in the woods, near Port Elizabeth, (West Jersy,) on Monday of last week, with his jug of ruin by his side.-L- Another illustration of the mischief of rum drink ing oceu7d in the same vicinity on Sunday.— Henry Woodward so stabbed his son-in-law. Pierce. under the influence or that hie bowel, protruded and his life was endangered. Dr. Elmer was called in and. Woodward Wafr sent to prison. [From the et. Louis Reveille, 31st alt.] SIM Fright from Saga Ft. The 'Particulars of the lute Battle s of the Ihriasoursaus. 4-4.11-1 Mr. Thomas Caldwell, whose snit ' a Independence was noticed yesterda of down lattivening on the steamer Bertra'ad ..to him we are indebted fur. later and %benne information from Santa Fe. Th e , 4 counts published yesterday, as copied ( NI 4 Expositor, extra, we are requested to state 14 in many parliculars incorrected, end wire obtained from Mr. C., but merely from 4 ! at Independence after his arrival. Mr. C., as stated yesterday, left Ek,p 4s, the 12th of January, and Santa Fe on the 1 1 , 1 . 1 February. The massacre of Gov. Beta, Lees and others, was perpetrated at Ta o , the 18th of January, and immediately , e i r ; were sent out by . the Mexicans to the:titre, towns in. the province, calling npon the inha,,. tants to assist in the murder of the Arne n ,; On die 19th, the night after the murde r ,1 Bent, and his companions,• at Taos, 11r. R . ., *Endue Culver, of Clinton county, L L. We ) a brother'bf the Doctor and Benjamin P e „.' . of Jackson county together with fire othe; were/idled at Nicola. a town of sore 2,000,-; habiiatits, and situated 75 miles from limy After this outrage, the insurgents, tn e. number of some 2000, collected at a ameba, called La Cantada, some 25 miles fro Fe. ea Price, hearing of this m ,5, 4 itientdee ) went in person at the head of 350 men, drove them from their position, killing 36 their number. This engagement occurred between the 2a.,, and 28th of January, -and was followed by e ., titer pet wren Price and the insurgents, at L e *, da, a small town in the jiass of the mailman,. It was understood that Price had aganisuctte. ed in driving them before him. but thelrloul the latter engagement was not known. About the time of the, battles between Price and the insurgents at La Caniada ac.. Lambada, Capt. !fetidly, of the Ray Cuutr volunteers, who was oil the east sele.of r, t mountains, in ch rge of a party of got-ie hearing of the massacre of Taos and 110 ii, Immediately repaired with about 90 ioeemty t latter place, where he met with a Inge IN rr.l the enemy, and an engagement ensued in elect Capt. 11. lost his life. - After his fall, his nun, under comma cl their Lieutenant, fell bark nit Pgai, and ported to Santa Fe the condition of their, and the proha'sility of a well-app inted flare bur; We to defeat. the enemy at Morn. of this intelligence at Santa Fe, tap:" Atm, of Flame, with some' 000 men, war dere,. ed to Moro, and on his arriv.il the inhale: 4l fled leaving every-thing at the wiry uf"vt Americans. The town vas burnt, and everything pt! ble fur the enemy to Eub.,ist upon nal dual ed. Cap! St. Vrain, of Fort Si. "rant, fifty volunteers from among the clerkp. ai , ac';eo. teantstcr-t, of Santa Fe, and :.c.-omptet,: Col. Priee on his march ag.intat the Tdo, rc. ble. During the fight that -court'. St. Vnt killed a Mexican, one Jeso.. de Talent, had on Gov. Bent's coat and shirt! None of the Armijos were among therabfb, thry appear) to he all " greasers," thit lo• fore. Among them one Cows, of Mora r; ley, was prominent. Nane of the St. Lass volunteers were with Price, save a tletarlaw of Capt. Fiseher's artillery. The guns eve mounted at Fort Marcy, and molerrommasd.4 Capt. Fischer. Don—Virgil, Sermary State under Bent, WAS 1101JVCIllig GOVerLIA Santa Fe. A great deal of sir kneAs prevailed rn oat. but chiefly among the trawlers, hridxen as they were. Theie were from chrer !n Err deaths per day. Albert G. %V dson, Fulltr ri Price's regiment. had died. Col. %Irbil, Adjt. Walker. Lieut. Elliott, and othrrt Irl known. were all.well.• The troops had bro discontented, but principally rem mar? Mr. Charles Town, well known in St.Lv. was the only American %Oa; escaped the cos nacre. hits father-in-law .Mexican)gweba a goad mule, and he brought the news of vs disaster to Santa Fe. It has been slued 6: Bent was killed at noonday ; this is not was killed at niohi. It has also been rumens privately, that hank Blair was killed. This is another •mistake. He war', at er time. in the mountains with Gov. Bent. Card we/1 1 :,rpet Nl:titlf Clark 1.50 milts brio Santa Fe. At El Paso he left Colonel p phait and command. all well. The Wove , and the rest of the traders were well, but-lac ing from their neceswilly heave exprter— McGoffin was only detained at ChibinhoL: Col. Doniphan would, beyond daultooll on Chihtiallua, but was nut likely to be at , by surprise, as he was exercising greatrautt• The Santa Fe theatrical corps had gone soh on a rather dlfferent campaign. Mr. C. an Lieut. Simpson at 110 Mile creek—ant Ext• her of miles from Independence. lie had w i6 two wagons and ten men. conductin, a herd mail. There was snow falling Ittn the P°' from the IBM of February to the 10th 013111th almost uninterruptedly. The mail which Mr. C. had charge, sr hr was obliged to leave on the Arkansas, a° probably would be detained ten io tw elredllt behind him Mr. Sol. Sublette had not- met at Santa Fe, and the presumption is, that 'despatches must have taken hint. by sir Bent's Fort. to California, Capt. Murphy al arrived at Santa Fe with the Goleta° . fundr. FROM THE CITY OF iMexico.—ne ' 4ll York Sun of Thursday morning. publishoN following interesting letters frost their con& pondents in the city of Mexico : City of Mexico. March S. 1847 N" Mexiio is once more in a stale of rerdunte• Vice President Farias has had the imprede e , n to attack the two most powerful, classes of 1 , .t republic—the clergy and the guards nanee e : He neeeed the arms of the one and the ca" of the other, `for the defence of the gate, 1:1 thought to command therti by harsh inees uff ',. Both rose against his authority and the sing: is now going on, but let who will win the the country is sacrificed. At the momenta:of vading army halo possession of half Of 111 - 1 territory, with blockading squadrons in reel' mand of their chiefports, and with their southt; states seceding from the union. they harc t, the madness to light up a civil war le " I capital. Was ever a nation so determine d suicide GENERAL TAYLOR DECLINEs. --The York Sun agates that a letter received has General Taylor speaks in ti sans which MO 66 construed into a censure, of the course. idea°l*_. who were nominating him for the Preg li c Y ll We are assured positivelt. „says the, son. I he will not premit his name to be used ,ssin c dilate for the Presidency iu 1818.