Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 14, 1847, Image 4

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[Pewit Nears Sal unlay Gazette.]
Toil Oa.
A clod may pass 'above the stream,
And dim its sparkling brightn....;
A tempest stay the sun's mild beam,
As it descends with tightness.,
The tlawer'may chase ita IrayeA beneath
The moon's cold light in satineßs;
The sorrowing bird may (Tea, to breathe
Its note - a of j. - 1 and glattn.Ef..
And thus prior hopes may sometimes be
By Life's dark ill enshrouded ;
But patient toil. and you hall s<•e
Their light again unclouded.
Then brighter will your RI. ir it gtiiw
When furtunc'e invites atieni.lo you ;
Adsen.ity, not as a foe,
But as a fiend, God scuds you,
For 'difficulties but excite
The noble soul to action ;
And obstacles make glory's light,
Resistless in attraction..
Tlaen up and labor undismayed ;'
Success must crown endeavor ;
By doubt and fear be not betrayed ;
Press onward, upward, ever.' .
Agricultural Mating% in Boston.
At a late' , Legislature Aericulturat Meeting,
held at the state House, the subject discusseu
was the " Hearing and Management of Horned
Mr. Buck mtniiiter, editor of the Ploughman,
thought the subject one of much importance,
and that farmers should pay more attention to
breeding suitable cows for the dairy. The
European breeders look mere to fine forms than
to the milking qualities. 'rile imported stock
has not: excelled for milking. although some
crosses had proved very fait milker'•. If the
hest milkers are selected to breed front, the
stock will improve from rear to year.
As evidence of the infertority of the Euro
pean stock, Nit.. Duel:minister quoted the wri
tings of M Colman, the Agricultural Commis
sioner to Europe, who stares that the European
farmers estimate that sixteen quarts of milk will
make one pound of butter.' In this State the
common estimate is ten quarts of milk for a
pound of butter: The great trouhld here is that
we kill our young cattle too indiscriminately,
andlinostlfaimers prefer purchasing to raising.
We should select the best cattle and raise their
best calves.
Mr. Brooks, of Princeton. stated his method
of raising calves. Ile thought it best for the
calves to nurse until or six weeks old--
then take them away and wean them on a lit
tle milk, or milk.and water. When weaned at
that time calves will be hardy. If they nurse
beyond that time they ivdl lose more flesh on
weaning. W hen weaned, they should be turn
ed into the pasture. Ile estimated the cost Of
raising a calf in this section of the country as
follows : The original cost of calf five weeks
old is eight cents per week ; the second year
12 cents wand the third year 15 cents. At this
rate, the cost of a calf two -years and a half old.
would.. be $l2 82. adding twelve per cent fin in
terest. The calf at that age will bring $22 for
beef. The same relative value in proportion to
the expense of raising, will hold good for sub
sequent years.
Mr. Brooks said that he has four half Ayr
shire two years old heift4s, which g ave this
year ten quarts of milk per day, wh ich milk
yielded ten per cent. of cream, from which a
pound of butter cold he made. He, had also
four native cows. which gave about !he same
proportion of cream to their milk.
For making butter. Mr. Brooks prefers a
cow* which gives frnm,twelve to sixteen quarts
of milk to one that gives more. They ,will
make more butter. He was inclined to think
that the native cattle are the best, though he
thought well of the half breed Ayrshires.
In answer to inquires, Mr. Brooks stated
that he usually cried two calves to be nursed
by - one cow. It is better for them not to have
quite enough than to be over fed. He. gave his
experience in relation to the new method disco
vered by the French cattle breeder,Guinon, by
which It is asserted • ahe 'milking qualities of
cows can be readily ascertained by certain
marks. He said that lie had carefully studied
his book, 2 and had not made ten mistakes id tell
ing within two quarts how much milk a cow
would giv, and within a 'pound or two how
much butter she would yield in a week. He
was fully convinced that there was a great deal
of truth in the plan recommended, and that the
directions are So certain, that no one need buy
a bad cow. Some of the marks noticed by
Guinon lie had himself noticed before reailine
the work. Guinan says the marks are develop.
ed when the calves are six months old, but Mr.
Brooks said he was satisfied that the qualities
of a calf can be predicted with tolerable cqtain
ty, when but four or five weeks olit. The
work in question is very cheap, costing but 37/
cents, 'and should be in the hands of every
Mr. Denny, of Westboro', alluded to the
publication mentioned by Mr. Brooks. He
said he had distributed twenty or.twerity-five
copies among the most experienced breeders of
cattle, and they had informed him that the theory
of the author is correct. He thought that every
one who has or expect to have a cow, should
have a copy of this work.
Mr. French, of Braintree, tho't any one who
would take the book in question, and give it a
thorough perusal, would come to the conclusion
that the author must be right. The diffusion
of this work will perhaps change the character
of the stock throughout the Union. The
knowledge which it imparts, will give purcha
sers more confidence in purchasing, and insure
better stock. Mr. French was of opinion that,
obtaining good milkers from cnws is a mere
.matter of chance, lie did not think that more
than one in live of the calves of imported stock,
however pure- the blood, prove fair takers.—
Breeding cattle for their fattening qnlities is
more sure.
.In conclusion, Mr. French alluded
to a Militant cow, with no pet:igree, which was
brought from England by the captain of a vessel,
end sold to Mr. Swift. the Mayor of Brooklyn,
which yielded on an average, twenty-seven
quarts of - milk per day for ten months.
Mr. Brooks, in an answer man inquiry, es.
limated - the yield of milk of ordinary cows • t
about five quarts pey.t - day. during the year.
though he had nothing on which to base the
calculation, as he had never measured the yeai ,
/y product. The reason that the English cattle
are no better milkers is because they breed for
shape, size, and fat, rather than for milking
qualitieg. He had rarely known a good milk•
lag cow to be a good fuller. The Ayrshires
Will fatten better than any other. The reason
that there is so Much, difficalty in obtaining
good milkers with r tertainty fronknathei cattle.
is because they are crossed in frequently, .
Mr. Nferrimarn,jof Tewskbury, said that he
'did n I believe the production of good cattle de
vended' upon chance, but thought it was based
outfundamental rules. It depends on the blood,
and is probably - owing to the crosses that So
many rattle prove poor milkers.
lie il Olt that farmers should adapt . their to the condition of their farms and feed.
'Tim improvements in stoet; ran never he in ad.
enure of the condition of agrieultore. The
Dialtams. hripg a heavy stork, will out c a re
well on light, thin soil. Ile was of opinion
that a cow which gives twelve quarts of milk
per day, would yield as much butler as one
which gives ioxieett. The State. Agricultural
Society have a stock of pure breed imported
rattle, which they wish to distribute in such a
initiner as to improve the stock throughout the
State as nitwit as possible. They are now :
so air w hat embarrased to know how to dispose
..1 them so as to secure that end, and will doubt.
1 less he glad to receive suggestions On the
.object.' l'
Mr. M erriam thought that enoil milkers could
he °loam - ell with as notch u ertaitttc as fine or
i.arsr it ..q.l ran he produced be crossing. The
blood should be - kept pure. The native rank
somemues prove exceedingly 4 I milkeis.,
hut is fr. quently found that the so called natives
Ihave 24 I deal of foreign blood. and they get
the credit of what properly is the result of their
foreign blood. In breeding. if we start with
good milking blood, and cross with none but
those which are of that kind, a race will be
i produced from which The calves may he de
pended upon as good milkers. Ile * had some
pure blond cattle, which sell at high prices.
from which lie had never raised n heifer. Ile
keeps these cattle because they are more profits
hie to him.
The Hon. Mr. Calhoun, the Presidentof the
meeting. stated that in the western Part or the
State, fine blond animals are occasionally in
troduced. An impravemenrcommenres hut it
does not go on. The animals are temoVvil to
other countries, their offsprings, are crossed
with other breeds, the impolvements stops, by
breeding out the good hhind which has been in
troduced.t In no part of the State has any Im
provement iu stock been completed. Ile thought
the native stock the Most to be -relied on, if
proper rare is taken to have good animals on
both a ides. Aniithe t difficulty is we do not
know how to train animals of various bloods.
—Boston Journal.
The First St. Louis Agricultural Society
The first St. Louts Agricultural Society, as
near as I can discover, was started by three
amateur farmers, who. although they were g -
eil with an abundance of the theory of cultivation,
yet they had •• never set a potato in the field,
or the raismg of a cabbage knew tin more than
a dandy." The old farmers looked upon the
society with much suspicion. and. like all new
projt ets, gave it the •• cold shoulder ;" but they
were, nevertheless, curious to we how the new
system of farming by science would succeed,
The founders stood alone. but they resolved
to go ahead ; so they elected each other to the
different offices, and put trust in time. and their
experiments in farming, to convert members.
The progress of the President was often hu
morohsly related,by his father-in-law, a vene•
rated deceased citizen, something in this wise:
Ah, wait, do you know my son-in-law !
vat is his name ? (his memory was bad ) felt,
no mattair, he vas my son•in•law. lie has
start. sair, von grand agricultural society--zat
is vair well, vair good sing. Did von evair
hear how he make ze weed of his grain field .?
Ali. ha ! sair,'zat is von grand idea. lie plant
his (jell. wiz grain—zat is good ; he grow up
vair fine—zat is good, to; dut zair grow up
wiz de grain vair moat! weed. Ah,ha ! zat vair
bad; but my son•in-law, he says he,will burn
ze weed ; but madden! sair he burn up all his
grain, too, at de same time wis his fence and
de weed."
The Secretary's ideas run on fat pork, and
he hoped to raise a specimen which would
make his whole neighborhood. if not ill whole
west envious of his reputation as a stock raiser:
He was a. chemist, and. indulged in splendid
visions of the power, of science. when applied
to agricultural pursuits. He thought, too, that
it could fatten pork, but all his experiments
failed to improve his pigs ; they were thin when
he commenced. and they daily grew thinner.
In passing. one day.-by a Kentucky neighbor.
whose stock looked in fine condition, he ven
tured to remark to him that it was curious all
the •• pig tails" in the neighborhood, except his
own collection, curled in a fat and saucy kind
of kink.
"•It's ail in the feed, 'Squire," said his neigh
How can that be ?" inquired the Secretary.
" - I give them my chemical fattening mixture.
and good corn
That hint my way," replied the farmer.
" Well, what is your way I" eagerly in
quired the Secretary.
" Oh," says the Kentuckian, " I give'em the
corn without the kir:like' I"
The Treasurer also had great faith in the
Secretary's chemical mixture. He thought. it
administered in large doses, the effect would be
more rapid, and, to fully test its power, he tri
ed it upon a pair of tine oxen. Taking his
favorite negro to the barn with him one evening
he mixed the agricultoral dose; and remarked
to Sam whose eyes were widening as he look
ed upon the experimental food
" Sam, this will make the fat jump upon
stock ; you can almost see them improve under
its influence."
" Alt, ha, de tor, massa," responds Sam, "dat
is high." •
The dose war administered, mixed with bran,
and in the morning the Treasurer waited patient.
ly for Sam's report. Presently he presented
himself, his eyes shining , like full moons.
•• How do they look, Sam t" inquired the
freasurer—" eh r'
Bress God. 'mass% Sat stuff you gib de
anibals lass night make um berry fat, but it kill
en: _berry dead, too l"
A. ROUND BILL—Tom presented bid bill to
his neighbor doe for service rendered. The
latter looked it over and expressed much sur
prise et the amount.
Why. Tom it sirikes me that youhaveinade
out a pretty round bill tiere' . .,eh ? -
" I -sin sensible it is a pretty round one."
troth Tom—"-and lam come for the purpose
of getting it squared."
As ODD Fistr —A man who set On n bridge
with his feet in tie water, waa asked the rea•
son why he did so, when he replied, lam
to sing bass to-morrow,land am now endeavor
ing- to take a cold in order to prepare my
7sb3lEtli meula £
. - ,
' N' - '
, , t
i.i'S. ZIWIP.I'2 is'
- N (
4'l ACOUSTIC OIL! ~., i l
O , f T4E:11112111! 104 , V . ....
_ l i 1 014 . /11421 _ _ :O._
- 1 - 4 , OR the cure of DEAFNESS, _ peinn, and the dia
-1 charge of matter from the ears.. Also all those die.
agreeable sound., like the buzzing of iv sects, falling of
water, whizzing of steam, &e., ate., which are e.Pol*
tome of approaching deafness, and 4tlsu generally atten
dant with the disease. Many persons who hare been
deaf lug ten. Wirer?, and even twenty years, and were
obliged tu use ear trumpets, hare, after using one or two
bottles, thrown aside their trumpets; being made perfect
ly well. Physicians and Surgeons' highly recommend
its use.
The very great number of happy results that have fob
lowed the tee of SCA RPA'S ACOUSTIC OIL; have
been truly astonishing. And what is wonderful, some
who were deaf from birth, here been so much improved
as to hear common conversation very readily.
It would be the height of presuuiptinix to warrant a
cure in all cases, but'in nine cases out often of recent
date, there is a certainty that the results will be moat
happy and satiscfatory to the patient. The application
of the oil produces no pain, but on the contrary on agree
able and pleasant sensation. The recipe for tbta medi
cine has been curtained trim, an Aurist of greaVrepeta.
lion. who has found that deafness, in nineteen cases out
of twenty, was produced from n want of action in the
nerves of hewing, or a dryness in the ears; his object
therefore was to find something which would create a
healthy condition in those parts. After a long series of
experiments his efforts were at last crowned with sue;
cess, in the discovery of this preparation. which ha• re
ceived the name of SC Al: PA'S COM POUN D ACOUS
TIC ' A lona list. of certificates might be given.
but such iv the confidence in the medicine, and so high
has been its reputation, that but one of them will be at
present published:
Moor Ex enAontits.anv Cress'.—A 1 dy in Smith
field, Brad. Co., N., and now about eighty years of
age, had been getting deaf fdr more than 40
years. so that it was next to impossible to make her hear
Conversation in the loudest tone of voice. Lost winter
she was-induced to try v. Scarpa's Oil for Deafness." It
is only necessary to add that she used two bottles, and
is perfectly restored—she is cured.' Any information
in regard to the case may be obtained at the stoma Dr.
Jayne, No.B, South Third street, Philadelphia.
For sale by MoNTANYE d FOX, Towanda, Pa;
only agents fur Bradford county. 28-1 y
U.111.1?.91VTE1) ALIJ3 1 - $ TO CURE
.; -, •- , . -; :
1.MR; , .!.
T_T E 0 RTI HOIDS, OR PILES, is a tliiedre
ea by local irritation cugiveness, purgative stimu
lants, undue deterinrnation of blood to the hemorrhoidal
vessels by excessive riding or walking, or a congestive
state of the liver, and peculiarity of the constitution itself.
It is usually considered under three form, or varieties,
as follows: Blind Piles, White Piles, and Bleeding Piles-
This disease is so common, and so very well known,
that a description of its symptoms is not deemed neces•
The success that has followed the use of the Embro
cation in the cure of this disease, ha been trulyastonuth.
ing. Physicians DIM advise their patients to try it, as
the only Pile Medicine.
In addition to its being a positive remedy for the Piles,
it never fails to cure that INTOLERABLE I
which is so very common, and has its location in the
name parts as the Piles.
Read the following, from the editors( column of Alex
ander's Weekly Messenger:
—Physicians and Chemists have long been anxious to
discover a medicine that would cure one of the mast
troublesome diseases, the Piles. Success has at last
been the result. Dr. JACKSON'S PILE EMBRO
CATION not only stops all bleeding, allays pain and
inflamation, subdues that into lerable itching, but effectu
tally cures, like ix charm snd in a very shot time, per
sons whose lives have been rendered miserable fur years.
Only a• few (corn the 'great number of certificates will
be published. Read the following :
New York, 721 Broadway, September 8, 1815.
Dr. N. JACKFON—Dear Sir : Will you send me six
six bottles of your Pite Embrocation ; I wish them
part to keep myself, and part for a legal gentleman, a
friend of mine, who has found great relief in using
frorn my bottle two or three times. You remember,
when in Philadelphia, I was suffering dreadfully from
this terrible scourge. . I only took one bottle from you
I have not used it quite all, and am now perfectly well.
As you mny suppose, I proclaim the virtues of your
medicine wherever I go. I tell every friend about it
and it is singular to perceive how many are suffering
in this way—l believe half of my acquaintances are
More or lees afflicted. Let me tell you that you can
sell here as fast you , choose to make. When you want
a certificate from me, you obeli have it, and you are at
liberty to show this letter if you wish.
Respectfully yours, LEWIS P. ASHFORD.
For sale by MON TANYE AtiflON, Tosvatula, Pa.;
only Agents for Bradford Courtly. 28m6
43 - 1,1 WILD cr.:wilier BITTERS.
FOR the permanent removal of all such diseases as
take their rise in an Impure Blissl, Impaired Di
gestion, Morbid state of the Liver and Stomach, Weak
ness of the Nervous System, and a Disonled habit of
Constitution generally.
Dr. Wood's Sarsaputilla and Wild Cherry Bitters
have already, by their substantial excellence, mien a
degree of public favor and patronage which-puts them
beyond the need of recommendation. Being faithfully
prepared of the most excellent materials, they can be
fully confided in by all in tread of a tonic, aperient or
alternative remedy.
This preparation will be found on trial to be a sure
and speedy remedy for the diseases enumerated above.
They purify the blood, secure regular digestion, promote
a beaky action of the Liver and Stomach, and strengthen
the nerves, at once securing health and vigor to the
whole system. In all cases of despondency, arising
from indigestion or nervous irritation, they have been
used with remarkable success; nor are they less useful
as a remedy for Headache, Flatulency, loss of Appetite'
and a general prosiraleun of the artein. At the same
time it must be stated that they are neither violent nor
at all dangerous in their:operation, securing as they do
the desired end, by a steady, regular arid easy influence:
Taken daily, in doses preeribed, they will be found io
operate in that gentle and salutary manner, which is. in
fact, their highest recommendation. That prejudice
usually existing against ailverti-el medicines, would
not be merited if bestowed on this. The . wonderful
cures it has performed and the acknowledged -celebrity
of its principals constituents, should at once commend
it to the pnhlic favor.
Mr. Philp Wilcox, New Bedford. was entirely cured
of a confirmed cancer of the vtomach, throat and mouth,
and his general health much improved by the rise of
only one bottle. Col. John B.tylies, Bristol, Mass,
ha s volu n t a rily certified that he was cured by the
Bitters, ofJaundiee, Indigestion, Headache and Vertigo.
.1. P. Pethes, Esq., New Bedford, was cured of an
erirption of the face.
Dr. W. D. Miller ofN. Y., testifies that many of
his patients have been benefitted by the RAI Or the Bitters,
and in every case they have given the Mint perfect
Sold Wholesale end Retail by WYATT &
KETCHUM, Mt Fulton St. N. Y., HUSTON &
LADD. Towanda. and by druggist generally throughout
the U. S. Price SI. Large bottles. 6c0.22
BONNETS -A great saving to the " Heads of the
Nation." The Ladies will find it o great saving to
heir heads to call and purchase ono of thoso beiutiful
Straw, Devon, Gimp, Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gipsy
Bonnets, selling so cheap at . REED'S.
2900L138. Sole Leather Upper Leather end
Call Skins, lower tlian was ever offered in
Towanda, by B. RINGSWERY.
hams, Rept belying, Lemma cloths for summer
thews, oolong looked for by the LailiCa, have arrived
and may nov(lie seen at REED'S
_,..„,,,,t. ,L. M. NYE dc CO., wouldr s
------ ■pectlly inform the citizens of Tow.
, - /r. : -,1,_.,: , . , soda and the public generally, that
itrff ' they have on hand & manufacture
, ,to order all 'kinds of CABINET
, . 7 : 4 4 - 'FURNITURE, of the best mite-
Ini it pals, and wor i k n in ad v d n i s i b io i n p: t
a ttleus n u:l
assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand and
make-to ostler SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled bait,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished !ith the
best hair seating. We Ratter ourselves that having
had much esperience in the business, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both was to
quality and price. and by strict attention to business
hope to merit and receive the patronage or • fiber.' com
munity. L. M. NYE & CO.
Towanda, September I, 1845.
AlliirJrcT JP UR rim , fl RE
MAY HE HAD at our shop much lower than it
has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are
cheep, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we
can afford all Tor to do it. AD kinds of produce will
be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds.
Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4 CO.
411 - 411CIP.Wt
WILL be kept on hand a large assortment, and
made to order on shorter notice and for less mo.
my than can be produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those who arc under the necessity of prcb•
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired.
September I, 1845. L. M. NYE & CO.
Dr. I. 15pbates Vegetable &MIRY,
DR. A. UPHAM' a thatingoished Physician of
New York city, fs.the only real successful remedy for
that dangerous sad distressing complaint—the PILES
-ever offered to an American miblic.
Mark this. It is an INTERNAL REMEDY — and
not an - external application,' and will core every case
of Piles, either bleeding or blind, internal or external,
and probably the only thing that will. There is no
mistake about it. It is a positive cure—speedy and
permanent. It is also a convenient medicine to take,
anti improves the general heal h in a remarkable man
ner. Each box contains twelve doses, at S a dose. It
is very mild in its operation, and may be taken in eases
of the most acute inflammation without danger. All
external applications are in the highest degree disagree
able, inconvenie t and offensive ; and from the very na
ture of thedisertee, inconvenient in their effects. This
medicine attacks the disease at its - source, and remoring
the cause, renders the core certain and permanent.
To NIARiII ED LA D tr.S.—Married ladies are almost in
variably subject to that painful and injurious disease,
the Piles, with consequent inflammation of the stomach,
bowels and spine, weakness of the back, flow of blood
to to the head, 4c. The Electuary is perfectly safe for
pregnant ladies, and the most useful cathartic that can
possibly be used, as it not only removes the Piles and
all inflammatory diseases without pain or irritation,
but will insure an easy time, a safe delivery, and a sound
constitution in the offspring.
The Electuary contains no mineral medicine, no al
oes, colocynth or gamboge, or other powerful and irrita
tive purgative. No fear of taking c 'ld while under its
influence-L . -no change in diet necessary, If taken ac
cording to directions, a cure fur bfe is guaranteed.
Sold wholesale and retail by VV vs - rr & K ETC/I r
4' General Agents for the Southern States," 1.1 Fulton
street. N. Y., HUSTON & LADD. Towanda, and
druggists generally throughout the United States. Prier
$l. a box.' m 2
"Sugar Coaled Pills."—Beware 1 Caution.
THE . increasing popularity of Dr. G. DF,NJ.
-131,E tsUGAR COATED PILLS. bas induced a
number of persons to make something they call ett.t.s
and coat them with sugar, in order to atll them for-the
genuine, 'While they do not possess a particle of t :e
goodness, nor even assimilate in appearance to the
original. Dr. Smith's Pills. In short, they are on in
tended FRAUD upon the community. A minister
who at firm had an interest in an imitation Sugar Coat
e.' Pill, manufactured in Albany. N. Y., has given then)
up. as he says, on account of the miserable dishonest
parhes'concerned in manufacturing them. The sum
party are now industriously circulating reports calculat
ed to injure Dr. Smiths and to affect the reputation of
his valuable pills; but rather than notice them in public,
Dr. Smith is about to institute legal proceedings against
them for their slanders, as he has in another case against
a similar party, in which he recovered a large amount of
damages. These miserable imitators have to resort to
the most abominable means to palm off their ceuuterfett
pills, as the public know that Dr. Smith's are the original
and genuine. Several instance, have come io public
notice in which life hasheenendangered by the unfortu
nate use of the counterfeits. It is Dr. Smith's Pills
that are doing so much good in the county—as the
following plainly show.
Use and Recommend Or. Smith's Pills than all others
'Phials to certify that I have used the Sugar Coated
Pills manufactured by G. Benjamin Smith, of Near-
York, for some time, and believe them to be a Rood
medicine; and also, from inquiry in that city, I am
persuaded that he is the original inventor, and therefore
is entitled to the benefit of the intention.
Pastor Ist Baptist Church, Pittsburgh.
From the Blue Heds Chicken, (Del.)
We call the.vittention of our readers to the certificate
of Rev. S. Williams, Pastor of let Baptist Church.
Pittsburgh, in relation to Dr. Smith's Pills. We Call
ourselves bear testimony to the excellence of these Pills.
one of us having used them and experienced great relic
from them.
Fhe above is the best paper in the State of Ltetesvare
The. vas/torte Inur AN TEO STABLE PI LAS. " (Sugar
Coated,) are certainly doing much good in the whole
country, and are highly esteemed, if one half is true that
people write and say about them. They are so easy
in their operation that all like them. The editor of the .
Northern State Journal, (one of the largest and best
papers in the State of N. Y..) writes as follows;
Watertown, May 8 l, 1846.
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Dear Sir. I was laid up with a had cold some time
since my return from N. Y., and during my illness I
made trial of vour pille,and I must Nay I found them
excellent. They are the best medicine for the purpose
they are intended, that I have yet seen. I seldom take
pills, but I found yours entirely free from"the objections
to which other pills are liable. I bopethey wificontinue
to be a source of profit to you, as I doubt net they wit
be means of relief to the afflicted on a large scale.
Years truly, J. GREEN.
Tonawcuada, Pa, Sept, 18 1846.
Dr. 0. Benj. Smith—
Dear Sir: Your agent left with me 'a lot of your
SUG R COATED PILLS, and .1 have but a few bores left.
Every box I have sold has given entire satisfaction. I
have taken them myself and I consider (kern the best
pills I have ever used, and I am not afraid to
recommend them to the public. I wish a furper supply
at once. ' Yours respectfully.
Huntington Ind, June 21, 1646
Dr. BmWa-
Dear Sir: I am mostout of your INDIAN YSGSTASLI
S uomi e gwvin and find them selling so fast
(half think you had better send me two gross immediate
ly. They give such general satisfaction that people at
least twenty miles for them, and as it is generally known
I am agent for them, I would be very sorry to get out
Yours respectfully,
SMith. MOORE & CO.
If G. BENJ. MUTH, be not written with a pen on
the bottom of the boa. aft Sugar Coated" Pills are
Principal. Office ll2 Greenfeicb Street, large brick
block, N. Y. Price 25 cents a box.
QWEEDS Iron, lferree Stine, Round Rand, Nail' rods
LI Dune Shoe lcails, Sreel of all kinds
very low by XINGSBERY.
IgnahOES3 P D DMDrog. J EADB,
THE subscribers still continue
tar to manufacture and keep on band
at their old stand, all kn.& of cane
• ./
and wood seat CHAIRS; also
SETTEES of various kinds, and
BEDSTEADS of every descrip
' • \ lion, Which we will self low for
cash or Produce, er White Pine
lumber, White maid, Basswood,
or Cucumber cl air plank, or 4 by
4 Scantling IS feet long—either Buttonwood, Basswood
or Maple, will also be received for our work,
Turning done to order in the neatest manner.
Towanda, Feb. 22., 1847.
I.P.LIEZZ I / 3 11Wk... 8 UEZllZEigrker 2
WOULD respectfully say to the chi-rims of Towan
da, and the public generally, that if they wish to
have their work done in the most fashionable, neat and
durable manner, and good fits. and 83 cheap as at• any
other establishment in town, they will find it to their
interest to give him a call.
(a CUTTING done on short notice, and warranted
to fit, if made up right.
Shop ID the neat building below Brick row, up stalls,
directly over Brown's Grocery.
Towanda. January 1, 1847.-43
This way for Bargains!
THE subscriber would respectfully say to his old
customers and the publie generally, that he has
re-commenced the manufacture of Chairs, etc., at his
old shop on the north side of Bridge street, in the build
ing known as the " Yellow House." He keeps con
stantly on band, or will make to order, (in a neat and
durable style) all articles in his line as cheap as the
cheapest. His friends can be supplied with
flinsor and Common Chairs. of differ
ent patterns—Settees, Racking Chairs,
Children's Chairs. 4-e.. 4.c.
Also—Bedsteads and Tables.
Call ,and see me at my shop on Bridge street, and I
will satisfy you that you can buy reasonable.
N. B.—Whito wood, Cucumber ..and Basswood
plank, wanted in exchange for chairs on reasonable
Towanda, Jan. 20, 1847.
,oLL3IB gA (0 It
In Towanda. -
HM. BAKER respectfully informs the public that
• he has commenced the yRAVE-STONE busi
ness, in all its branches, at Towanda, where he will be
I ready at all times to at end to all calls in his line.
Monuments, Tornatableo, Grave-stones, of
every descri)gion, 4-c.. 47c..
made to order, and furnished as cheap as WORK and
MARBLE of the same quality can be obtained at any
shop in the country. -•
He invites the public to call and examine his work
1 and materials, hoping to merit their patronage by strict
attention to business, and by superior workmanship and
good marble.
LETTER-CUTTING done with neatness and des
patch, in the latest style. -
Shop on Main sneer, next door to T. Elliott's store,
and three doors - above Briggs' Hotel.
Towanda, March 17, 1897. 40y
New Blaeksmilliing Establishment,
In Towanda,
Prices 25 per cent. cheaper than have erer
been known in Northern Penn'a.
MIKE subscriber, having commenced the above bi t .
siness, takes this method to inform the inhabi
tants of Towanda and vicinity, that he is prepared to
do all kinds of work entrusted to his care in the m st
neat and wAirkmanlike manner: such asironing coach
es, carriages, sleighs, of all kind.; mill-work of all
kinds, done a little nicer than at arty other shop in the
county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOLS, to
fill op crevices, and finally all kinds of work in the
above line (horse•shoeirig excepted) and will warrant
all my work to stand the test. Try me and if you do
not find thingsjust right, then put me down. From my
long experience in the business, I flatter myself that I
can please all kinds of people. You can find me st
all times at my shop. a few rods south of Bridge strect,
known as Means' old stand.
All kinds of Produce taken in payment for work,anJ
a little of the ready Jo-Davis will not he refused.
TJwanda, May 6, 1846.—y
‘S24Z I Z7Z a-41X l a)
rinHE subscriber not being in full communion with
the firm of M—, he'is not prepped to boast of
the largest' assortment ofJEW ELM' out of Jail and'
having never learned 'the Cabinet making ba:tiness.—
he is not prepared any. work in that ; but
having served a regular apprenticeship ( ! ) in the
watch repairing business, and the experience of 16 years,
has no hesitation in saying that all work entrusted to
him shall he done in a workmanlike manner, promptly,
and second brat to none west of that city from whence
came that mighty rush of Gold ..kweley
Now toy. trends, in all your gettioe, don't forget
to get your watehe, ti zed at old No. 100 opposite the
PUblic Square and two doors north of Briggs' tavern.
'Towanda, A pril 2Q, 1816.
N. 1.3.-1 pledge myself to do my work right. AU
work warranted one year and the money refunded if it
does not perform according to agreement. Stick a P.O.
W 1 i L n C 0 0 0 ,1 3. 6t 0t 5 . .. 3 , 4 G
s E h tve m B a r i o n e g iti b t . ed .i
n the niinse
borough of Towanda, and may he found at the old stand
of S. Huthawav, brtely occupied by Elkanah Smith, neat
f. H.Stephens' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a
share of public patronage. They intend, by a carefti
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
their customers,to make es neat and durable work as can
be manufactured in this portion of the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture
to order,
morocco, calf and coarse hoots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's
gaiters and pumps, dc.,
'Towanda, May 14, tB4
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry & Silverware,
A. CHAMBERi : IN ha s just returned from
the city of New York with the largest assort
ment of RASH/ON/18LE JEWELRY, ever brought
to this place, such as Fingrr-rings, Breastpins, of every
description • Lockets, bracelets , gold and silver fsncils,
gold keys, thimbles, silver spoons, sugar tongs, specta
cles, for all ages, pen and pocket knives. (Roger's ma
nufacture,) and many other articles which ho will sell
extremely low (or CASH.
All kinds of WATCHES; consisting of paint le
ver, L'Epine, Enghill and Swiss watches, warranted to
keep good time.
It is as clear and unquestionable as our right to the
whole of Oregon, that Wm .A. Col.lllltlß4ll‘ has gol
the largest and best selected assortmcnt,of Fancy Goods
ever brought into the borough of Towanda, , and that he
will sell his goods cheaper Man was ever sold by any
human liring,being P—stick a pin there ! !
N. B. Watches warranted to run well one year, or
the money refunded; and a written agreement given
to that irtroz , to all that desire one.
ay MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kindsof Court
up Produce received in payment.
Towanda, November 1, 1846.
TATE have on hand a laige stock of nice FRESH
• I TEAS at
. 811 kinds of prires. But, wo aveh
just struck a vein of 4s. Tea that in right. Call and
try it, ItIONTANYE & FOX.
I HEAD OF COWS and young emtle will sold
cheap for la Ii pprovea , n•da:
Towanda. Oct. 13,1818. HIRAM . C. FOX.
Corner of again and Bridge Streti,
JUST OPENING, atTbecorner of Main dc
street, a well-selected assortment of new anal:01
lonable DRY GOODS, which will be said unusually
low for ready pay. The snack consols in part of
Hatinett, flannel,- gingham, alpaca., the cheapest loco'
prints ininsvn; edgings, insenings,is.s and un e .
brie muslins, linsey, canton flannel, drilling,
bleached and brown muslin, (not to be
surpassed) ticking, check, cashmere,
cotton, wool and buck gloves,
cotton hose, smpendens,
German handdrehrs,t
. cotton and pongee lidltfs,
gingham cravats, plaid shawls,
wool comforters, cotton tape pate n t
thread, sewing silk, cotton balls, par'ls
pins. needle., spoof cotton, hooks and ey es ,
suspender, shirt and metal buttons, with many oty,.-
e e articles, usually found in la store, not menn„„,„ .l.
The public are invited to Cali and examine the K at i
before purchawing elsewhere, as they will he soldet ei t„
er than at any other establishment in town.
Towanda, Nov. It. H.O'HARA flit
J UST received from Philadelphia , a large and Rka did aseonment of men .1 calf,kip god rennet,.
ofrm $1 50 to $5 50 . ; boy's do.; ladies gaiters and
walking shoes; also, fine kid slips and buAins,
kinds of overshoes; do. calf bootees and laced abe t ,
children's and Misses shoes of all kinds, hea r snl
kip lig h t'
and csuitableo arse fo b r o e o v t e s ry to skindui of t
children w"th fromer 41.171h2.'ytf,'
old. We pledge ourselves to give a better article e
lower price thaa any other establishment in 11r a df,, r +
county. TRUNKS from $1 50 to $ll4 00'
A large assartment of fashionable Hats and Capi of
every kind and description for ,sale very low.
Molasses, sugar, coffee, codfish, No. 1. and 2 Macker
el, best quality black and green tea, from 31 to Ss mu
a pound ; pulverised and loaf sugar ; nee tob ser ,, n4
sperm. dipped and mould candlea; rarsres by the 1,,, s
Or pound, starers, soap, segars at 50 cents per hundred,
and in fact all kinds_ever kept in our line a 1,0 1 f „ ir ,
will find it their dvantage to purchase and as aid
give you reasons fo it:
A Mile I.regic and Cimarron Stare.
There are three things beyond dispute:— 1..1-1(
pays out much money, he must re, else as much.
2. ff a man's expenses in business are large, ha ybrfa
must be large.
3. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoe E , t4th.lse nt tt
the corner of Main and Bridge sts, in a sba3 ova
store, at- a cheap vent, can afford to .11 booted: shots
h at ,. & caps, and groceries, at 11,,,er Mr, oil ct
better quality than any other store in loon.
ISiova, if thi,, is not sound logo'. too ar.l Iwo 101;
make four but if it et. common •en,
come to us for your gab; & C.Ol . [lank& `!,arks
See the contrast, and let your oan rca,n dwdr
was not yoor advanme to u, a to d.
FINL;INGS of kinds contdi i iiy nn 1. 01 9 TEnal
ands, stiouldrr•sti r ks; kit jihl h u.
kind* of binding, silk-cord and straps for • oten
pegging awls, skiving, paring iin,l
Boats. H, O'HARA & CO.
Tourantln, Na.. 17, 184 G.
Elmira, -and Iluffiilo Liu
rint I*l .
T HE Proprietor + ot the otiose 1.1o.:V;I:r Dour
run El Line of ilogt., ,o,rr) LI.IIIII
CORNING and BUFFALO. lor the ,nl,,,nt,nt,
at Emigrant. and Families, 11/10111 2 1
cantos no! htretofore ntrered to Volf:inv..7rna, tr. } ,
50C1403 of New York, Penn , ' teat..
The Boat", of this bine are rmsr
fitted and furni4n-d onii di I ber ns,nnnce nn u
conimadation of PAtlli ETs, y expavn
ed Captains. anl tined l v re!,
BOAT HOME. Capt. B. N . Hi \ I 1'!..1)N,
" TEM PES C.ipt AM.T\ 1 Li It.
During the -,:.n=on of 1,417, of L.^ .I',ure Ija
will leave Corning so,'t Eluord o'er? Wee; u, 110
lowing; order: - •
I 'nn vs vs:, every Nlssisslry 1 . 1 err .1! rk •k. P 1,
E L}l It A, every Nl,,n4lay eve•llit,z. ui r
TOWI*tIOVI•11 NinesLAr• 11`tV •n.ur,izv -,r iriv„ toUrtktl4; at Bl:,Sited:li,
leaving If ulralo for Corning and Elnra,
clay morning.
FOR FREIGIFF OR PA:f.SAGE.uipif t 0 C4rfl,
on Board, or to
Wm. Mallory, Corn:iiz.
Sirang & Co, .
Wiritermute & Tuttle, He-oilre. !..
A. N a"fi, flaraaa.
D. Townsend, (I.: g
M'oodsvorth &
Price & Holly, G , nt
Gas. & Sweet, ltrl..rho,.
J ...Shoemaker ,- &urea
Baker & Ho4s,
H, Wright. R4,chrcit.^.
H. Niles, B:rffoto.
IN G MI - qrs.; awarded, the Dolif and SihriCtrai.
Four first Premiums, and Two Digit,! Males
National, the Massachusetts, 'he N Y ac!
Pennsylvania Exhibitions, respectisel. the V ,
gplentlid Colored Daguerreotype , and.
ever exhibited,
Portraits taken in exquisite styli., without repril
weather. •
Instructions giveh in the art.
• A large assortment of -1, pp.trutu= aud.Stock stwsc“ .
hand. of the lowest cash prices ,
... Nevi York. 551 Broadwav ; Ptuii.lelphia.l:l4 (-1k
nut S,; Boston, 75 Court, and 5.; 11,, 11 ,,,,, ...,.... 1. ,
tirnore, 205 Baltimore St., - Vl'a,litavon. roa,,:','"
Avenue; Petersburg, \'alklechaor , ' liall• CIO'
anti, Fourth and Walnu t n/1 176 Nlam lit . 7";'.'l
Springs, Broadway Paris, '27 \trine Hue aa liro; , .
Liverpool, 3fl Church SL-3v.
;1)0 3 "
TI10)1 PSON & Cu W PORI), •
ViTnOLESA LE Dltu,7,isN, No. 10 Slitiol
side, below t•s•conii. ,
0114 for sale a large stock of Fresh 1411, :".
a n d Dye-SII3 I D, to which !they rail the alle lo4
Country Merchants arid Diller' , visaing the ellY.
Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black and other V31'.. 1. !* 6
a superior quality. Al so , Whirr, and N et t Lent
iloviiGlass, Paints awl Chls--chinpo t h an ever.
GO- T. a, C. are also proprietors of the Indus) Ve
bible Balsam, celebrated' throughout then , v 9.° :
neighborinp; States, as the best Ilte
of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, ekr. Monet' refutdol,
every instance where no benefit is ret,INCI
• Philadelphia, Jan. B. 1847.
11 T UFFS, MUFFS—The most fashionable la/ t.
1.1 est,looking Muffs out, in any goatatty, elaail
u Ls yr 21 1 M::;;
WIL . L promptly rind punctually enderp
atonal services in Agcncie.v ,
other matters in his profession mica-tell to ills !O' .
CO - He has removed his office to the women
N 1 Betts' stops.
rrH E subscriber continue'. to ma as aora for NI,
Philadelphia, a stock cornpJny o(good s tandvat i :
pute & does business on as fav,ifable terms ,
He is also agent for the LICOIING
TUAL INSURANCE CO., a company whicS
ways been punctual in the payment of torso
gents advantages seldom found.
Towanda, May 20. 0. I). 13ART1 , ..5_,-
7 ern lB of the 13railfortt
Two d.llats and fifty centsper annum:
deducted if paid within the year and for
ally in advance, ONE. DOLLAR will be J4,3 0014 ', p
Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at
paying arrearages. Most kinds of Corneae
received in payment, at the market pure. pees ,
Advertisements, not exceeding n S q a"re
lines, inserted for fifty cents ; every suls , equ ar! e" t 4 '`,,,,,,s
twenty-five cents. A discount made to ye' : , j
Jon PRINTLVG, of earn; ,I,:eriptam.n" a `
prOiticalsly exernteti on new nail "
t ,. a ,,,, , i 1 • 4 ' 1 ' 1 ; 0 0
N.... Letters on business pertaining to the etb .P ' .
me of postage, to - ensure attention. .