Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 14, 1847, Image 3

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    1 ; AA ;_j It (ajj N DI V tatiAl
A meeting of the citizens of Canton convened on the
e'rening of the :sth of March fur the purpose of taking
Into conr
B ideration the building of ; iii Court
u House 'Ltd
Jo i n ßradford ' county, the meeting organized
tST calling Col. IRAD WILSON to the chair, and Elias
g„ k well, Asa Prau, James Ketchum, J. B othwell, N.
B. Taber. J. W. Griffin, S. Kendall, Dr. E. Pratt, G.
E. gathbone, Wm. Owen and I. C. Wright,
v ir e Presidents, and C. Thomas and C. Stockwell Sec
retaries. On motion a committee of six, viz: Dr. E.
P ra tt, C. Stockwell, Jesse Griffin, Elias Rockwell, 8.
° we n and Asa Pratt were appointed to draft resolutions
es pressiae of the sense of the meeting. The committee
re ported the following:
rb mo bed, That we direct the Secretary of this meet
tnq lo amain , a copy of the recent Act relativeto the
ere ction of Court House and Jail in this county, and
they be authorized to call a meeting of citizens far the
purpose of examining the same,when it shall be obtained.
Agril sth, citizens convened in punsuance of a call
fum t h e Secretary. Pursuant to a call the Act referred
to sem read hy the Secretary, and on motion, • com
mittee of three, viz—Dr. E. Pratt, C. Tho m . an d C.
Stockwell were appointed a committee to draft resolu
tions for the meeting. The committee reported the fol.
Resolved, Ist, That we protest against the levying of
tax to erect a Court House in Towanda, while indi
nJuslv fdr their own benefit, are willing to erect it in
equilly eligible location.
Resolved, That if the citizens of Towanda want •
Court House and Goal located in Towanda, they must
Guild it at their own expense.
Resolved, That we appoint a committee to draft, eir•
culare and present to tha Grand Jury a memorial, i.e.
questing them to withhold their ''Approbati on of such
buildings, at least, unless Towanda will raise the amount
re,ristary to build.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be
published in the Bradford Reportei and Bradford Argues
[Sipied by the officers.].
At s meeting of the citizens of the Township of Pike,
h4l at house of D. Johnson on the 26th March 1847,
Illlli STEVENS Esq., was called to the Chair, and
bnv .4. contuso Secretary.
The object of the meeting being stated by the chair, •
rommittee of five were appointed consisting of John A.
r.sliblig. E. W. Jones, Esq., Sheldon Payne, - Stephen
and Samuel Buck to draft resolutions expres.
st ie of the sense of the meeting.
The committee after retiring a short time reported the
(lowing resolutions which were adopted. ,
he~rhed. As the sense of this meeting, that • divis
i.m of this County - at some time not far distant seems
mr~usble; should this he done, the Court House of the
iescral counties should be located for the convenience
the inhabitants thereof—the one east and the other
cc., of the river.
That a full expression upon the subject of
should be had previous to any monies being ex
p.-lido, in the erection of new county buildings.
H,... 0 1v e d, That our next Grand Jury be requested to
deer arty action:upon the subject until the wishes of the
people are ascertained. •
11,-01,11, That we strictly adhere to the principle that
majority should rule.
lle-ohed, That our County Commissioners be reques
tef in any action upon the suli,ct of the erection of new
runny buildings, to take into consideration the manner
..f the procuring of the law, and that they be as tardy in
nciiong a loan as- the citizens of Towanda have
harry in obtaining the passage of the law.
e lie•olved, That the standing committees of the differ
nit parties of the county be 'requested to publish
r.. 11 for meetings in the different Townships for the
urp.,•e of ascertainiiik the views, of the people on this
14..dved,•That a cimmittre of eorrevontlence be op.
y.,,ntrd 1;4. this township, whose duty it shall be to cor
e-o,nrit with tither-committees who may be oppointed in
towto.htps, and col!ect information uynn the va
n .a..u: T .ctv under the consideration of this meeting.
Tr, meeting then proceeded to appoint John A. Cod
!rail Stevens and Sheldon Payne as a correspond
,: n,otter for Pike township.
12,,tsed, That the proceedings of this meeting be
tatl.lll,l in the Bradford Reporter and Bradford Argus.
[Signed by the (fficers]
or. Fr Lt. or LIFE ore must be full of health, and
4.1 h. Oh he must have a free. unobstructed
earillet,wi of the td.nxl. A disordered liver will blan
riir mental perrepti,,n, and a disordered - stomach wi t
~ the ..eAilest temper. To be gloriously blue,"
10,1 t 0 he guttering from a derangement of the , digestive
m . ..rte. • are the came thing. Personal quarrels and so-
Dui unhappiness, originate in this MUSE to a greater ex
t.., t than people have any idea of. Reform the stomach
and y, , u reform the world, for this is the foundation of
a t otorms. To this end takes dose or two of Wright'.
Vegetable Pills. At this season they would do
mirk good, and will be the mean., if discreetly used, of
krrping the system in order during the year. And
while they drive pain of all kinds away, they will re
core depression of spirits, sourness. of temper, undue
rarosbility, and the whole legion of "devils blue," and
6uh.tnute therefor comfort, cheerfulness arid happiness.
Lie.U - An6 or CovarEnrcyrs.—The public are Call
nned against the many spurious medicinei which, in
on'er to deceire,are called by - names similar to Wright'.
Indian Vegetable Pills.
Offices devoted exelusii.ely to the sale of Wright's
lndian I'egetable Pills, Wholesale and Retail, 169 Race
st. Philadelphia; 2RB Greenwich St„ N. York ; and
153 Tremont SL, Banton.
tgents for the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable
to Tawanda, Montanye's 'dr. Co ; for other 'gen
ies, see advertisement in another column.
Xew 2bricrtisements
Special Court.
special court Isla be held at Towinda, on Monday
June :rat 1847, by Hon. Wm. Jessup, for the trial
•' the following causes. to wiF :
teard Ltfe Insurance Company vs. Edward Overton
; I.lhn ilennet. Selah Payne et. al. eject.
Alexander Baring et .al. ca. Philander M. Ilosley. "
same vs. Manner Chamberlin et. al.
Chester Butler et. al. •s. John Bennett et. al
I , .a n Acla vs. A. Bowman et. ■l.
Aitz. Banng et. al. vs. G. & G. J. Burlingame "
Same vs. A. N. Thomas Adm'rs. et. al. sci. fac,:`
Same vs. G. Harkness et: al. eject.
Same vs. Seth Salisbury et. al.
Same vs. Henry Roberts.
Apni 12, 1947. A M'KEAN, Prothonotary
JisT OF LETTERS remaining in the P. O. in
-- 4 'Xiiivinda, quarter ending March Slat, -1847.
Anng Leonard Harvy Western
li4Fika Maria Miss Jackson Thomas
aipenorall Edson Johnson A rtemas
Bowman Alonzo r 'Kiser Henry
Bull Robert Lake Rebecca
Bowman Cynthia A Lewis William
Barnum John W Little Mr
Bullock. S A .
: Morgan Maj ,-
} Hann a John Mason Wm A '
Biles Alexander M'Lean W W
Clapp Nathaniel P Malony Thomas
Coilins Thomas M'Gowam Edward
€° ol .l Samuel O'Rilev. Rev John
Cole Samuel Payne Henry I.
F . rummel Joseph Poucher Judd
umriiings Stephen Power Widow
Coolbaugh Win 2d . Quigley Edward
Crowley Bridget ' Rush Michael• 2
Collins Daniel Roman James W.
Clonk Andrew . Runnels John
e ft, , I I Y Michael -, Ripley David
.Iria Benjamin ' Stevens J B
F ortuna -Martha Smith Riley t
Pets Abraham Schryvar John P "
heath Francis D Seovill Harriet
Gm e° Mary Ann Savercool Abraham
ilollon J Spalden Joseph.
H ultness Samuel K Shores Stephen
~"ett C A Truniale Miss Ann
"oven Samuel Trumbull James
/1 „ o "e1 Cornelius ' Thurston-Lyman
Roles Col Lyman Welch Mr
Haiminb J. Wulling Samuel
BayneaM hi Alma
lth 7 W Weyman John T '
. 1... Woods James
nol enouockuowlibomsh Wilcox Mr
itkrrbanNg, ft.
T HE itibsenlers having met with severe losses by
the late fire In Towanda, u well u *thulium
earnestly request that those who know themselios in
debted will make every effort pusible to put us in funds
that we may be able to meet• our honest engigemente
sand continue our business.
MONTANYE'B & CO. have removed their bosiner
situation • few door, below Bridge sweet where they
intend to accommodate their customer, on their!.usual
liberal teams. We have now on hand'' fair supply of
Goode adapted to the spnng trade, which will be dispos
ed of at greatly reduced prices, compared with the great
advance of Goods in the city.
March!22, 1847. .
DAISIIRILTIZZa er1117318.73.74
of Colored Miniatures.
Roams, at Geo. iftimereaus% in Pine street, opposite
the Presbyterian CA 'web.
MR. JOHNSON begs leave to call the-attention of
J.V.I the Ladies and Gentlemen of this village to his
which for brilliancy and beauty, are unsurpassed by any
in the country, and warranted imperishable.
Mr. Jonsson has been several years engaged in the
business,,and was formerly an operator in the celebrated
Prof, Pursue's Gallery, New-York-, and his Pictures
have taken the First PremirsarlOwo years in snorer
pion, at the great Fair of the American Institute, in the
name of Prof. Plumbe.
Mr. J. respiotfully solicits a call from the citizens of
this village,—not only from those desirous of procuring
perfect Pictirres, but from all who may wish to examine
beautiful specimens of the Art.
The.color and material of "the dress, add a great deal
to the beauty of the impression, and therefore for La.
dies, black or dark dresses are considered preferable.
Pictures taken in clear or cloudy weather.
Persons possessing inferior pictures, can have them
exchanged on reasonable tevais.
Rooms open from ai A. M., to 5 P. M.
Instructions and apparatus furnished on the 'most
reasonable terms.
AQUANTITY of superior clover seed, both of the
large and small kinds, just received end fur sale
cheap by O. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda, March 22, 1847. •
MEW "EllitllEEC/D - VAT_AlL.llr_dar
jj 8. &M. C. MERCUR, have recurred their
11.• GOODS to the Store formerly occupied by H.
Mix & Son's, north side of the public square, where
they are piepared to supply their customers as hereto.
fore. Towinda March 1.7, 1847.
aisozz 1ii0U203%
OFFICE, to the second story of No. 5, Brick
Row. March 16. 1847.
Fire ! Fire ! Fire 1
MONTAINVE & FOX would respectfully inform
their old customers and the public generally, that
they are not quite used up yet, but have removed their
Gl/01/8 to the old store formerly occupied by 0. R.
Tyler, way down town, where we will sell anything in
our line, at cheap as the cheapest.
Plea-e call and see us. • 4 March 16.
JKINGSBERY, Jr., has removed his Goods, Books,
• Stationary, ere., to the Brick Store, formerly oeco•
pied by Means & Overton, where bur friends and the
piddle are i rvited to call,
Towanda, March 16, 1847.
ii XLV.,:.11111•01117 . 11_-aak
Burton Kingsbery,
LT AS removed his Goods to the front room of his
dwelling house, one door 'south of the nld stand,
where lie is prepared to accommodate the public at his
usual loiv rates. His customers, and the public gener
erally, are invited to call at his new quarters, where,
s politicians say) '• be will discharge his duty accord
ing to the beet of his ability."
The subscrther expects that hi. expenses will be very
heavy during the ensuing season, as be is about to
build ; he would therefore urge the necessity of prompt
pay orients on the part of those indebted ; and, as in duty
bound he will ever pray.
Tprvindn, %lamb 25, 1847.
THE co-partnership heretofore existing between
MONT.% NYE ec FOX, has been this day dis
solved by - mutual consent. " A. D. MONTAN YE,
March 3b,'1847. E. I'. FOX.
The accounts of the late &in of Montanye & Fox
have bren transferred to and and dill be settled by E.T.
FOX, who has purchased the interest of Montanye in
the goods on hand. He will continue business at the
store late of the firm, and will be'leady to wait upon all
who may call.
Towanda, March 30, 1847. E. T. FOX.
Shaving and Hair Dressing.
Solomon Cooper,
RESPECTFULLY informs his old friends and pat—
rons, that having been obliged to abandon his for
mer stand on the afternoon of the 12th ult., he is' now
permanently located on the west side of the public
square, two doors north of Briggs' tavern. Grateful
for past favors, he hopes by superior skill and attention
to merit an increase of patronage in future.
He will always keep on hund a supply of oils, es
sences, perfumery, and whatever is aesusssary to give
an agreeable finish to his operations, and will spare no
pains in his endeavors to adapt his style to suit the vary
ing tastes of his customers.
ALSO—Cihampooning for restoring and • aura pre
ventative to keep the Hair from falling out, or turning
gray, for a beautiful head of hair is a powerful auxiliary.
March 29, 1847.
LIST OF LET T ERS remaining in the P. 0. at
Troy, Pa., quarter ending March 31. t. 1847
Avery Wm C Loap _lrene Mrs
Adams James Mason Angeline
Atwood James - Morg mLy Man
Bliss Chester Dr. M'Strowd I) 2
Burt Miss Ellen B WNeught Malcomb
Burret Caleb Murry Jas & Wm P
Ballard John Morse Phoebe L Miu 2
Beeler John ' Welelland John .
B as= And rew iePh'
Phillip J W
11 I.
B Pierce Weightman
Cud Weden Preston Colben
Curtis George Park John T
Carman Wm Robbins Enos R
Fitch Stephen H. Riddle Elizabeth P.
Fairchild Myron. ' Reynolus 8
Freeman Susan Mrs Rockwell Eliza Miss
Godard Levi r Stephens Z 13
Godard Lutbef _ Soper k Amos
Howland Chet Si['email Harriett Miss
Horfman Philip Smead Elihu
Hawley Benjamin Spalding John
Hunt Win H Smith James M
Hagar David Slater .1 Il
Jennings Elenyer , Tears Wm ,
Kellogg. Wm T.'. Town Moah . ; . '
Lane Cornelius ''. Thomas Sarah Miss
Long Ezra Thomas Chester
Lampear .1 E Williams John W
Lang L W Williams Isaac
Labarr Mary Y. Willson Bezij
Leonird Henry Willson I.
T ILL be 'let at 'the House of John F. Long in Bur-i
WV lington township, to the lowest and best bidder,
on Saturday. the first day of May next, at 8 o'clock, P.!
M., the building of • Meeting Hoag' in Burlington '
township, at'which time and place a :Plan of the build
ing will be presented.
D. A. 8088„
Burlington, April 2, 1847. ' Building Committee.
PUNNETS, velvet and superior Leghorn Bonnets.
LIP Also, velvets of all colors, together with artificial.,
cape, bonnet ribbons, acc..may be found at REEDI'.
dal 9thertisements.
B y virtue of sundry writs of vebditioni exprmas it sued oat of the court of common plus of Bradford
coun ty t to me directed, I shall expose to publi: sale at
the house of L H. Nephew, in the borough of Towan.
ds, on Saturday, the 17th day of April next. au 2 &clock
P.M., A piece of land in Durel township, bounded north
by land of John Ada, east by the Susquehanna dee..
mouth by land of the Hoidens, and west by lands in the
warrantee name of Sarah Merriam. Containing about
tidily-five acres, all improved, with a heeled house and
barn, and an orchard thereon.
Seized, and taken in execution at the suitmf Thomas
Elliot vs: Amos Ada.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Standing Stone
township, bounded north by John Park, east by Thos.
Burns and Jameslii'Gregary, south by Patrick Lynch,
and west by land in possession of Wm. Compton. Con
taining one hundred' acres or thereabouts, with about
thirty acres improved with one log house, one Bimini
born and shed, and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
Overton, vs. Harry N. Spalding.
JOHN F. MEANS. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 14. 1847.
BY virtue of sundry write of yew' Wont expones
sued out of the coon of common pleas of Bradford
county, to me directed. I shall expose to public sale at
the house of I. H.Stephens in the boro' of Towanda,on
Monday the third day of May next, at one o'clock, P.
M., the following piece or parcel of land situate in Rome
township and bounded on the north by land of John
Park, on the east by land of Silai Allis, south by Hen
ry Burcbard, and on the westhy Edward Overton. Con
taining about eighty-five acres with about fifty acres
improved with one framed house, one framed barn and
one small apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry
Gibbs to use of Geo W. Wells vs. Harry Bombard.
A LSO—The following p ace or parcel of band_ lying
in Tuscarora township (now Springhill) Bradford co.
Pa., beginning at a post and stones on the old line of
the tract on the south side, 70 perches west of the south
east corner of said tract, thence west one hundred and
forty-nine perches to a black oak, thence north twenty
perches to a pest and stones, thence north fifty-seven
degres east, one hundred and fifty-nine perches to ■
pitch pine, thence south one hundred and seven per
ches to the place of beginning. Containing' fifty woe
acres and twenty-one perches strict measure or less, part
of Peter North's warrantee, with about twenty acres
improved with a framed house, a log home. framed barn
od a small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Cyrus
Shumway, who survived Daniel P. Lacey to the use of
C. C. Wright vs. Wm. L Galbraith.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situ
ate in the township of Athens and bounded on the north
by A Tozer, west by the main-road leading from Athens
to Elmira, south by H. Tour, and cut by J. Shepard.
Containing one half an acre, one framed house, framed
barn and small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Union
Pennell vs. Israel S. Mead.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Springfield
township, bounded north by Samuel Severna and
D. Leonard, on the east by Alanson Fuller. oh the
south by Clement Leonard, on the west by E. King.
Containing thirty-five acres with about twenty acres
improved, one plank house, one framed barn, one framed
shop and a small orchard thereon. •
Seized aid taken in execution at the suit of A. D.
Spalding ye. Robert BardwelL
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Orwell and bounded en the north by land of John
Lynn, on the east by David Beers, and south by T.
Vaughn and Isaac Park, and west by Samuel Grey.--
Containing about fifty acres more or leas, with about 30
acres improved with one log house one log barn and
one apple orchard and one peach orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Anne E.
Bull Executrix - of James P. Bull dec'd. vs. Jeremiah
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of
land sit:mite in Orwell township and bounded on the
north by lands of Harry Parks, east by Curtis Robinson,
south by Westley Robinson and on the west by Lines
Robtnson. CoCtaining eighty-one acres and 25 perches
strict measure, with about thirty-five acres improved,
and one framed house and apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry
Gibbs to the use of Geo. W. Wells vs. Dan Robinson.
ALSO—AII the interest of the defendants in the fol
lowing property situate in the Borough of Towanda,
and bouneed south by lands of Wm. Patton, west by
George Craft, north by Wm. Patten, east bylliser street.
Containing about 800 feetone framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David
M. Bull vs. Michael Maley and Martin Burk.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of lind situate
in Springhill and bounded on the north, sag, south and
west, by land of A. Keeney. Containing about five
acres more or less, with about three acres improved with
one framed house, one framed barn and one other fram
ed building lately occupied as a Chair Factory and
Clothier's shop.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 45hua
L. Pinney vs. James P. Slocum..
ALSO—The followirg piece or parcel of land situate
in Wysox township and bounded as follows:—Begin
ning at the bank of the Wysos creek at the west end
of the bridge crossing the same at the corner of Joseph
Conklin's lard, thence along the line of said Joseph
Conklin's land to' the corner of HarryBtropes land to
a corner, thence south, five and one-fourth degrees eist,
along H. Scrape's land to a corner on the bank of the
Wysox creek, the same being a corner of H. Stripe's
and 8. Patrick, thence upon said bank of the Wysox
creek, its various courses to the place of beginning.—
Containing about 30 acres, it being part of a larger tract
of lend patented to Theophilus Moger, with about 29
acres improved, with one framed house, two framed
barns -Ind one framed building lately occupied as a
blacksmith shop, wood-house &c., with a few fruit trees
Seized anti.taken in execution st the suit of Samuel
- Coolbaugh to the use of D. F. Barstow es. Willard C.
ALSO—The following piece or percel of land situate
in Monroe and bounded north by land of John Schrader,
east by land of Masan, south by David and Joseph
Ingham and west by land in possession of Charles M.
Brown and the Towanda creek. Containing one hun
dred and sixty rcrea more or less, with about twenty
eight acres improved, with two saw mills, 3 framed
dwelling houses, one framed barn and a small apple
orchyd thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the wit Thomu
Elliott es. John M. Fox.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Litchfield township and bounded on the north by
lands of Wm. Miller, on the east by -- on the
south by lands of John Campbell, and on the west by
lands of Eleazer Wright. Containing ones hundred
and fifty acres with about eighty five acres thereof im
proved, one framed House. one log house, one. framed
barn and one apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execction at the suit of R. H.
Colburn to use of L. 8. Maynard, now assigned to
Wm. Blend vs. Peter Turner.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Springfield township and bounded and described u
follows: Beginning at i post and stones on the hill on
the west line of Almond Derry's land., thence west 188
perches to a post, thence north 60 perches or there.
shouts to a post, thence east 186 perches to a post on
Almond Derry's west line, thence south 60 perches to
the beginning. Containing fifty-eight acres and twen
ty perches be the same more or less with fifty acres
improved, one log house and one framed barn thereon.
ALSO—One other tract of land in said township and
bounded as follows: Beginning at a pat on the west
side of the road leading from Alvin Brown's house to
.South Creek township, on the line of Chester Wake
field's land, thence west 180 perches to a post, the Ben
jamin Robertson's line, thence south 641 percher to •
post on:the line of Sherman Berry's lot, thence east 180
perches to •.post and stones en Almond Berry's line,
thence north 641 perches to the place of beginning.—
Containing seventy-five acres more or lea.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of George
Sanderson vs. Amos H. Bows, Administrator of
Matthew Schemerhom.
ALSO—Th. follcrwing *cam parcel of land Shoats
in Burlington township and &landed as follows: Be.
ginning at a white maple north west corner of lot No.
182, on warrant lot No. 1724, thence west on said
warrant line 100 perches to a post, 8. E. COMM of lot
No. 287, thence north 81 perches to a - past. thence
mrst-100 perches to a post, thence south 81 perches to
the beginning. Containing 50 acres sad 100 perches
strict measure, being intruded for the wait half of lot
No. 177. on warrant lot No. 4436 with about thirty
acres improved. with one log boom; one shed and one
other small out building therms. I
Seised and tarn , in; execution. si the snit of George
Sanderawes ore vs. Geo. Bennett.
A I.Bo—Tbe. Mender:la interest) in the following
piece or parcelor parcel of land situate in . Durell town
ship and bounded north and east by hind of David
Cash, south by —.Kipp, and west by Minus.
Containing about fifty acres with about 20 acme im
proved with one log house thereon.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of George
Sanderson. seats' nee ofJosep:i Kingsbery Jr., vs. John
Drum mond.
ALSO—The following *coot parcel of land abuste
in Wyelasing township and bounded on the North by
A. Ste'ford, east by gage road leading from Towanda
to Tank ban Dock, and on the south' by the Memel' road,
and on the west by, the estate of Humphrey Brown.
dec'cl. Containing about one acre all improved, with
one orchard one framed house 'one framed barn and
other out buildings thereon. -
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of !Niched
Everett now to ass of Geo. Warily vi. D. W: Brown
and N. P. Brown.
JOHN F. BEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office., Towanda, Man* 24, 1847.
W - - ••
HEREAS, the lion. John N. Cunynghsm, Pre
sident Judge of the 13th judicial district, consist
tog of the counties of Luzern., Bradford and Tinge,
and the Hon. Harry Morgan and Reuben Wiloer,
socrate Judges in and for said county of Bradford, have
issued their precept date the 12th clay of March. A.D.
1442, to me directed. for holding I Cuurt of Oyer and
Terminer, General Quarterflessionscif the Peace, Corn.
mon Plea and Orphan'sVourt at the Methodist Church
in the Borough of Towanda, appointed Ils the place tot
holding the Courts of said county, on the first Monday
of May next, being the third, to continue two weeks.
AVMs Is fherefors lure*, gives,
to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Consta
bles of the county of Bralford that they be then and
there in their proper persons at ID o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, with their records, inquisitions. ex
aminations and other their remenibmnees to do those
things which to their office appertain to be done ; and
those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to
prosecute against the prisoners who are or may be hound
to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be jrist. Jurors are re
quested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda. the 24th day of March, in the yeir
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
seven, and of the Inpependenee oil the United States
the seventy-first. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Orphan's Cowl Sale.
PUBLIC No rice is beieby given that in pursue
ante of an order of the Orphan's! Court of Bradford
county, held at Towanda, the first day of Feb., 1847,
will be exposed to public sale on Tursday the lit day
of April next, at two o'clock, P. on the premises,
the tullowing described lot of land situate, lying and be
ing in the township of Monroe, comity of Bradford, on
the road leading from Monroeton to Towanda, bounded
as follows : on the north by Joseph Hornet, on the east
by Ilusaell Fowler, on the south by k the heirs of A. C.
Rockwell, and on the west by the above mentioned road.
Containing siout three-fourths of an acre with a large
building erected and fitted for a tannery, together with
• dwelling house and barn ; to be sold as the property
of!. S. Warn, dec'd. Terms made known on the day
of sale. JOSEPI Hom ET,
Monroeton, Feb. 19, 1847. Administrator.
. .
The shove sale stands postponed otttil @sturdily' the
30th d'y of April next, at the same place and time of
TIBT OF JURORS drawn for May Term and Sea
lions, A. D. 1847.
61alD 117110T11.
Wells—lsaac Baker, J. T. Crandall, William Ingle' ;
Sheshequin—Geo. Billing; Daniel Brink, Jr.;
Ridghery—Joseph Doty
Orwell—Simeon Dimmick ;
Towanda tp—Wm. W. Goodrich;
Athens tp—Sidney Hayden, Thomas Lane;
Alhany—John Hatch, Benjamin Wile°. ;
Ulster-8 8 Lockwood, George W. Itbasell ;
Smithfield—George K. 11I'Verinon;
Wysos—Wm. Patrick;
Frankl:n—James A. Paine;
Pike—C. P. Pierce;
Standing Stone—Asa Stevens;
Windham—Daniel Shoemaker;
Towanda boro'—Enos Tomkins. Wm.;Trouti .
Columbia—:-James Wilson;
Monroe—lames V. Wi o.;
Wyalusing—James Butler;
Pike—Ephraim Brink ;
Warren—Joseph Bnster, Joseph F. Wheaton ;
Columbia—Helon Budd, George Furtnan, J.. Mosier,
Israel A Pierce:
Durell—Robert Ball ;
Canton—Wm. H. Bates, Horace H. ?itch, E. Rock
well, Thomas Williams;
Springfield—Ambrose Brown, John Ni Cooley, New
man P. T-acy ;
Shesheguin— Wm. Campbell ;
l'roy tp—Jareb Case;
Monroe —Samuel Dimmiek, Joseph Hornet, P. C.
Ridgbi4y—John M. Easton
Herrick—Almon Fuller;
Ulster—James L. Goraline, .fohn V. Huff, James Van
dyke ;
Albany—Josiah Huntley, Horatio Ladd ; -
Armenia—Robert Mason, Andrew Monroe, A Ripley.
Athens boro'—George Merrill. C. F. Wells jr.;
Athens tp—Constant Mathew■on, Hawley Tozer;
VVysox—E. R. Myer, Joseph, B. Ridgway;
Burlington—Wm. Nichols jr. Charles Taylor;
Franklin—Hiram Rockwell;
Springhill—Jacob Sturdevant;
Granville—John Saylea ;
South Creek—Alexander Thompson, C. White ;
Rome—Horace Volight, Arunah M. Wattles, Harlow
Standing Stone—Wm W. Vannes';
Athens tp—George Atkins, Charles Benedict, Sheldon
Morgan, Albert Tozer;
Wyalusing—C. T. Baldwin ;
Columbia—Myron Ballard. John M'Clelland ;
Towanda horn'—N. P. Brown, Gilbert H. Duke;
Springhill—Wellington Barrowcliff, J. Lewis;
Warren—Moses Coburn, Daniel A. Carey;
Monroe—E. B. Coolbaugh, Hiram Goff, Wm. A.
Standing Stone—l L. Ennis;
Towanda tpWm. Gregg, A. A. Mace.
Asylum—Elmer Horton
lgbeshequin—Wm. B. Horton;
Orwell—Christopher Hiney ;
Herrick—Wm. C. Knipp
Troy bone—Volney M. Long, Benj Shattuck ;
Albany—Joseph Menardi ;
Leroy—F. H. Monet,
Rome—P. E. Maynard;
Litchfield—lra Merrill, Peter Randolph;
Burlington—Henry Pulse ;
Windham--Julius Russell;
Athena borce—Moses Sawyer;
Troy tp--.Wm Thomas;
Pike—Daniel Taylor;
ALL peivons indetted to the estate of JOSEPH
GIBBS, late of Windham twp..dec'd., are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, end those
having claims against said estate, will please present
them duly attested to the subscriber.
JULIUS RUSSELL, Administrator.
Windham, February 28, 1847.
THE Undersigned wishing to quit the Drug Buel
nem will Nell everything in tbst hne at very re•
ducal priors. Physicians and others will find It to
their, interest to praise of him anything they want.
Please call soon. . E. T. FOX.
LBACHELOR has removed hie Tailor Shop to
. the third gory of Na. 2. Brick Row.
I'A RD WARE, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints, Oils, Dye
Woods, Dye stuffs, Medicines, eta., in general and
large quantities. rist , W. H. BAIRD & CO.
CODFISH AND MACKEREL, s good article, by
illerdianbile, &'t.
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
'LTA VE just received and ate now 'offering for sale at
wholesale or reuit, theta ge^t -and most genteel ar
moment of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, ever brought
into Northern
.Pennsylvania which will be sold as bere
toGne at prices satisfactory to the pnrchiser. Dec. 10.
Cloths, Cassimeres and Balthietts.
ALL those wanting anything for Cloaks, Overcoats,
Coats, Pants or Vests, will find it to their advan
tage to examine the large stock of French, English and
American Cloths, black and fancy Cassimeres, Elatu
netts, Kentucky Jeans, 'dealings, &c. &c., at
Dec. 10, 1846. • 81ERCURX
LADIES can find a sopeitor arsprtment of DRESS
10 TONS IRON, American, Swedes and EngHA,
• general assortment of hoop, band, aendl, mond.
square. one and two horse wagon tire, bar, &e— just-re.
mired at d 93 MERCITRN%
AQUANTITY of suprrior new Meter Beve l , this
day fur sale at MERUIVIVLI.
waver MULL' SraNNY QZ4. - ,IIIIZO
LiAVE just received and are now opening • very
extensive assortment of 0001)8, consisting of
almost everything every kept in a country store, which
they pledge themselves to sell as low as the same can
be bought in any town this side of the city of New
York. Come one and all, and if we don't sell you
Goons Casa, don't buy; it will cost you nothing to
look, and all we ask is a chance to ■how our stock of
goods. Be sore and find the right place, it is the Old
Corner Store. a few doors south of Montanye & Co's.
The Li' hoys are on hand and will sell yourgoods right
for Cash or Produce. Towanda, Nov. 9, 1846.
selling very low for cash in produce, by
'ATE HAVE a good assortment of De !eines, repp,
V cashmeres, ginghams, (some beautiful patterns)
white dress goods, different styles ; fringes, gimps, cord,
velvet ribbons, bonnet ribbons kid and silk itloves and
mitts, comforters, linen handkerchiefs, &c., &t., all of
which will ha sold cheap. MONTAN YE .1 FOX.
WE HAVE a flue lot of Broadcloths, Casaimeres,
Veatings, and some very nice Satin; Kid and
worsted gloves, suspenders, net drawers and wrappers
&c„ which we have pu• down to the lowest notch.
r ROCKERY—a good assortment, in setts 'or other-
sips, to suit purchasers', by
1/FENS' kip and coarse hoots ; boys' do., mens' and
1,1. boys coarse, kip and fine shoes: men.' and boys'
pumps; ladies' thick boots, morocco do., common and
kid slips and buskini; misses slips; gent:, rubbers ;
ladies' patrnt r and buskin rubbers, misses do.; also, a
first rate lot Of children's shoes,
november . MONTANYE & FO%.
Y'ou may be latereated
A"per,ions that know themselves to be indebted In
be indebted to the subscriber for Goods or Mali
eines. arc requested to call and settle the same` before
the let of December, however small the amount may be,
or they may expect to pay cost, without respect to per
sons. nal I . A. D. MONTANYE.
LIQUORS, a full assortment, consisting of Cog.
Brandy, American Brandy and CM. Monongahela
Whiskey, Port. Maderia and Malaga wines, may be
found at the New York Cheap Store, No. 2 Brick
Row of REEDS'.
19100 TS & SHOES—a firet rate assortment of coarse
and fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers, the latter
French of course, joss opened at
nnv3 ' ' 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
S HA W LS—quantities of Shawls. nice-I kind: going
(Aire and cheep at 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
CAPS of all kinds cheap, besides every thing else at
JUST received • large and splendid assortment of new
Goods, bought entirely with Cash, during • great
depression in the market, and with the express view of
LOUR, from the Globe Mills," • ■upenor snide
also PORK, first quality, fur sale lq
November 3. FLYNT & co.
MORE of those A. No. I, BOOTS, and • large
quantity of LADIES' SHOES. just received by
November 3. FLYNT & CO.
• LARGE ASSORTMENT of Cloths of all shades
/11. and colors, and qualities, and prices. Casimeres.
Fancy and Plain. Sattinetts and • gond assortment of
Vesting' may be found at GEO. E. FLYN r & co.
and the Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment, for
sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town and bo-
rough of Towanda. d 22 N. N. BETTS,
PRINTB—a large and beautiful lot of PRINTS. by
nov. tI. MONTANYE itr. FOX.
TAMES ! I SAY, LADIES ! ! If you have made
Jl-4 up your minds to buy a nice dress. cloak or shawl
this season, don't fail to call at N 0.3, %tick RoW, where
yon can find the most, best and cheapest articles in that
hue, that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trimmings.
Remelt:Mier, call at nail BAIRD'S.
YDS. Beautiful Carpeting, two shillings per
yard below4he market price at
Broad Cloth, : Cassimeres & Sattinets.
A LARGE assortment of Broad Cloths, Cashmeres.
and Battinetta, which we have long been famous
for selling good and cheap, now cheaper than ever—
and upon which we challenges the world, just received
at 0. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda. Nov. 3, 1646.
Wheat, Domestic FIPLIOOI, • ,
Rye. Woolen Sock.,
Corn, Buckwheat,
Oats, Flaxseed,
Butter, White Beans,
Cheese. , COON SKINS.
in short, almost anything, for which liberal prices will
be paid at 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
Towanda. Nos. 3, IE4B.
CI. in .50 lb. sacks; a superior article, just receiseAl and
for saki by Feb. 22. 0. D. BARTLETT.
JUST received • large quantity of Fine and Common
Hama. Alio, Plated and. Japan'd Hann= Trim-
mine at Feb. 22. • ME RC UR'S.
Surrender of the Mexican Batteries !
Old Rough and Ready" again Victorious
r I NE ARK LOAD, and several.oragon loads of NEW
kJ GOODS, have juat arrived, and are selling cheaper
ban ever at ,Tia.`l3, Brick Row.
November 9. WAL .BADID & CO.
V to tbi beat maple molasses, for nb bY
December 29. MONTANYE •h PDX.
CLOTHE, CLOTHS—We wish the attention dill
who are in want of Cloths, Cassinaeres, Bennet
&e, to our large stock on hand. These cloths must
be sold. We never have been undersold, and never
will he. Call and examine.. G. V FLYNT 4. CO.
PRINTS 200 pieces now opening and for sale very
low at REEDS'
No. 7 Spruce sired. Tribune Buildings.
WHOLESALE and Retad—SHADESof all de
scriptions, inel Wit - is superb and brilliantly
colored Gothic scenes, of various sizes and prices ; al
so the late style of beautiful Rural Landscape Scenes.
a much admired and 'desirable article ; together with
every style and description of shade -saw in use, at
fifty per cent, cheaper than ran be•bougbt at any other
place. Trimmings at - tuantifacturrrs' price•. Sign,
Banner tool interior derorations done in a style not to
be slaps:red. HA RTOL & ORMSBEE,
9m28 143nofairiarrns ind Imparter..
Prennums Awarded to Levi Brown,'
By the inuring Institute for cold Pens.
IN 1810—A Silver Medal Lr Superior Gold Pens.
11441—A Diploma Li foil Pens.
1812—A Diploma Lithe best Gold Pena...
1843—A. Diploma for the beat Gold Pens.
1844 —A Diploma forsuperior Gold Pens.
1845 —A Silver Medal for the best Gold Pens.
1846—A Silver Medalifot the best Gold Pena.
This is to certify, that the above is a true copy from
the records of the American Institute
Rec. See. of the American frotitute.
THE subscriber is now receiving front the city of
New York a large assortment of GOODS suit d to
the season, carefully selected, and purchased at unusual
ly low prices, which will enable him to sell very low
for cash, lumber, country produce, or approved credit.
His friends and the public generally are invited 'to call
and examine his stoc.lrffefare purchasing .elsewhere.—
He feels emifidenathat he can offer them better bargains
than they have retofore made in this town, or any
other in this region oficountry. In his assortment will
be found in all their "smiles. Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware. Crockery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paints,
Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes, 4-e. 4e.
Towanda, Oct. 26, 1846, N. N. BETTS..
MIRE Ladies will find a pint •artery of worsted
dress goods ; also, a beautiful assortment of prints
at very low prices at BETTS'
FBENCH and English, cloths. heavy Braver and
Tweeds for over coats, fancy Cassimeres and Sat
tmetts, • great variety will be found at BETTS'.,
MOUSLIN De LA (\ E, I.:cashmeres, Rob Roy and
Brook, Shawls, a great •arirty will be found
MONTANYES' & CO., are now recieving a very
desirable assortment of Goools,purcliased quring
• great depression in the market, conoprking French &
English B 110 AD-Cl,t)T HB. Cassimeres,and Satlinets,
and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods.
Grateful for past favors they respectfully solicit a go ne
rous public to call and examine their stuck, and think
can hold out sufficient inducements to ensure their share
of public patronage.
September 7, 1848.
EVERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic
Springs, Iron A :els, Mailable Burs, Dash, Seat
and stop Irons, Ornaments, India Rubber and Oil Cloth;
Lace, Tufts, Moss, die, for sale at jIB M ER6 UR'S.
"WOODEN TtiEASURES, brooms, patent pails and
VV sealed bushels. MONTANVE & FOX.
Ard & CAPS, a first rate lot, of all kinds, descrip
tiona, colors and qualities, cheaper than ever by
november 11. MONTAN E & FOX.
LOOKING GLASSES, one case of very nice, 0
frames, latest et*, just opened at
nosh ' NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
DOMESTIC COTTONs—Bro wn s h ect i ng qi i i rt _
ing, and drilling; Also, cotton yarn, batting, wick.
ings, and wadding, fur sale by the balehr less quantity,
at nell HAIRD'S.
& E. REED would respectfully beg loom to
L.). tender their thanks to the citizens of Bradford
for their liberal patronage and support, and would in
form them they are now - receiving a large and full sup
ply of FALL and WINTER GOODS, which will
positively be sold at even leas than their former low
prices. The war to exterminate high prices is still kept
up—no compromise has been made, and they intend to
carry the war into the heart of the enemy until they shall
yield or adopt the principle of selling goods at small pro
fits. A nimble sixpence better than a slow shilling, is
Our motto.
such as nails, axes, shovels, manure forks, shovels
and tongs, sad irons, knives and forks, pocket knives,
butcher do. - , shears and scissors, razors, cloth and bait
brushes, shaving and tooth do., wool and horse cards,
coffea mills, hatchets, augers, wood saws, door trim
mings, steel squares, flesh brushes, ark ropes, and bed
cords, by nv II MONTANVE & FOX.
A LARGE quantity White lead, No. I, pure, end
in oil and dry, whiting, Venitian red, chrome green,
Paris do., Prussian blue, rose pink, etc.. linseed oil,
lamp oil, coach and copal varnish, logwpod, red wood,
camwood, madder, cochineal, annatto, etc. We casino
be undersold in anything in this line, al all, at all.
november I I. MONTANYE & FOX.
WE have on hand the largest stock of Drugs arse
Medicines in this county, including every thing
used b • the Physicians and people generally We also
keep on hand nearly all of the most popular Patent
Medicines of the day. One of our firm (A. D. 111.)
having had • long experience in dealing out medicines;
we flatter ourselves we can snit all who may favor w
with a call. Prices can't fail to suit. Particular tun
tiers will be paid to orders from physicians.
november I I. MONTANVE & FOX.
BOOl'S & SHOES—f l dozen pair Coarse Hoots,
boys and men; 8160-calf and kip hoots and shoes,
and a good deal the best and cheapest lot of women's
and misses' wtar in town. Call at BAIRD'S.
TtiTY WIFE PHILEN A having left my house and
111 family without any cause or provocation. I hereby
forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my ac
count, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting.
Burlington. March 11 , 1847.
NO TICE in hereby given to all persons interested,
that D. Vandereook, administrator of the estate of
N. l l 7. Strong. ilec'd,
late of Ridgbery biarnship ; and A. Forbes and Orson
Rickey, aultninistrators' of the estate of
Elisha Forbes, deed..
late of Sheahequin township; and G. A. Perkins, sur
viving adniiniatrator of the etrate of
John. Shcpard, dee'll.,
late of Athens township; •td Samuel Davidson and
John Courtright, administrator of the estate of
Wm. J. Courtright. deed.,
late of Litchfield township ; and Jonathan Wood, ad
ministrator of the estate of
Timothy BrighaM. . IThrter. Thomas and ..qb-
nee N. Thomas. deed..
late or Smithfield township. hew filed and settled in
the office of the !Ulster of Wills, in end for the county
of Bradford, the accounts of their several administrations
upon the estatics sforesaid, and that the same will be
presented to the Orplsn'a court of said county, on Mon
day the 9rd day of May next, for confirmation and el
lowance. . L. E. DEM OLP. Register.
Register's Office, Towanda. April 23. 1840.
PRINTS -500 different styles, bought in the city of
New York, by the case, on the " cash rlimm° plan,
and will be wild accordingly. BAIRD & CO,
New &nit flthvertisements.
New Fall and Winter Goods.