Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 07, 1847, Image 3

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    - -
irrona (het, nikin Punch.] -
. .
j.Tlic Country Carol.
I'm a true EngliAh fanner—no thaig not the Win%)
We tloa't mention' it now, a 1111171 e. never heard;
No such people a 4 canters ia Mew l'i ; atea there be—
Agriealturaliats now, man,'4 , what they car,a we.
Fa. are graving ‘ toq kaaeriag.
Much mu 14st fors fellow Ulm me
Our calling, itself is nu I ,nger the same ;
It has got a new nature as welt t4ew name ;
We must all goody science, we husbandmen, now,
And one need be t-aeollard fo follow the plough. ,
Sent to
Crammed with knowledge
Taught the when-fore, the why, and the how
Time was when the farmer had no rule but one,
Just to do what his fathers afore him;
The newfangled intentions we now take in hand,
I, for one, must confess that 1 don't understand.
Weeds restraining.
Ditching, draining.
Subsoil ploughing,. all Over the !anti
I remember the time when the staple Would yield
Whatsoevei was needful ID fatten the Geld;
But chymiAry noW into tillage we luge.
And we dienchea the earth with • parcel of drugs;
Male, eaeh follow
Phyeie swallow—
All wt poisons, I hope, is the 'Mugs. ..j
For ! when I,was 3 youngster, who thought, to be sure,
Of guano, or gypsum, to use for manure !
Of acids and salts from the (due-bottle shops—
Where we soon shall be gniim for tinctures and drops,
Draughts and potions,
Washing, lotions,
Pills and powders, to doctor the crops.
Well there, to myself l says often, says I,
Thing will come round again, I've no doubt, by•and•hy
And your wiseacres find, utter said and done,
That the old plan of farmer, my bucks, is the one ;
DI op relianCe
On their scienFe,
On ly fn4i:hed where whey begun
3111111 Y
The following opinions o n m ild e w, gathered
from various sources, and modified by my ,own
'observations. I olf.-r for publication. Mildew is
a par stile fungus growing upon the calms,
sheaths and jeav , s of grasses, particularly
wheat. , Pints of the large suh-lass fungi, are
many of them very minute, and vary sir much
Irmo other plants m their growth and:fruchfica
lion, that some person. , doubt their organization
as reoetable bodies: and the mildew of fungus,
growing wheat, being one of the minute
fungi, not C.ipahle of being examined
except under a high magnifying power, it is by
Runty believed to be an exudation of the sap
from the stalk, arising from disease.
The office áf plants of this class ; seems to
be to hasten the destruction of vegetable matter;
for from the time that the energies of vegetable
life decline, until the body has been nearly re
duced into its elements. some of the many spe
cies of fungi, are engaged in. toe work of des
truction, if in sitdations favourable for their
growth and produCtion : hut when the principle
of life in vegetables, is vigorous and healthy.
the fungi seldomsucceed in obtaining a place
upon them. That plants of this class will
grow, and that they can be cultivated and pro
pagated, if not by true seed, yet by their sporu
les, or by parts of their substance, may he shown
by the culture of the common edible Mushroom,
Agaricus Campestris, a fungus of sufficient size
for exatninatien—rubshrootn is raised by the
gardeners for market, with about as much cer
tainty as other vegetables, by introducing the
spawn or gillis of Ons species of mushroom in
to a bed of earth and manure properly prepared;
fur a descriptioh of the process, see, M . lalton's
Gardening.—`• Kitchen Garden in October."—
Another instance may be made the subject of
experiment. The mouldiness sometimes found
on btead, is a,fungus ; take two pieces of bread
not sufficienily biked, put one of theni in a
clean cupboard, in which there is no motildness
in the summer season—and bet the other at the
same time in a similar place, but near con
nection With a piece of mouldy bread ; it will
be found that mouldness will ne sooner and
more abundantly communicated to the latter.—
That both will-become mouldy at length is true,
because in the season that this fungus.will glow,
_its-sporules will be conveyed by the atmosphere
in small quantity, but ther . trioldness will . be com
pleted 'much sooner when the Sporides are fur
nished at first in quantity.
in plants that flower once, bear seed, and
die, including annual and biennial plants. of
which wheat is one, the vital energy begins to
decrease shortly after the formation of the seeds.
and befOre its ripening ;.rhe absorbents of the
root cease to draw any support from the earth ;
the lower part of the culm or straw, becom s
ripe. rigid and sapless,whilst the upper part re
mains of a green color, and full of juices,
which pass gradually from below upward, into
the ears or seeds the straw gradually ripening
upwards, as the sip in the straw goes; (probably
by capillary attraction) to perfect the grain. -
The mildew is frequently found upon wheat
before, or at the time if flowering, when . the
stalk and sheath being in a vigorous growing
state, do not suffer from it, and it obtains no
hold upon them , but the leaves having fulfilled
their purpose, are weak and become mildewed;
the only damage is, that the sponales are remain
ing on the dead leaves in such quantAyasgreat•
ly to peril the crop of circumstances', • favor
able i to their growth should take- place, when
the straw becomes weakened before ripening,
and I very much doubt whether in any case, a
Geld -becomes entiruly discolored. WWI friilileW
-in half 'a day as-sometimes happens,- expect-the
leaves and sheaths, had been -uoltlewetrprevi=
ously. • •
The particulw fundris called mildew in Eng
land has been figured and illustrated 1y Joseph
Banks. President of the 'Royal Society, by
colored plates much magniG -d, 'showing. its
growth, from, action, and deVeloment, and ex
hibiting the insertion'of its root-like appendages
a nong the vessels of the eulm—this work, an
octavo of a few pages, 1 have nut seen tor years:
and it is probably •scarre„ in 'the
delphia Library, No. 3739. .
Ido not:remember the name given-by Banks
to the species described, hut I believe we have
two species known as rest or rstiyetv. have
not examined them for some yearOavieggiVen
up microscopical examinations, eicept !
of great necessity. I tind in Eaton's:, manual
BQ:any, two species marked, as - rust
euccinia graininis and Uredo. Itneario: •
For the production of mildew oil wheat thro'
age, poverty, or disc:ls:it, be- weak and not
vigorous. 2. That the sporulc or seed of the
mildew Lei re_ to. 3. That froM r.dn, or heavy
dew. 51:t much inoititure'be present as will ena•
,tbe aportile„ to adhere to culni....• 4. Tltatlhe
heat he nt forits growilr.'„Whdn - all these
cirrniutdaitees 'are' Present: Ale' giowth Of the
mildeurion the; straw is - rapid. as 'hi' color 01
the straw is 'changed in - a slibit tirtie-4bid Sc' et. ,
at hours elapse befOre the rootlike processes of
the mildew, inserted between the plaits and
tubes of the main. are so large compress.
the vessels of the rutin and I recent the asset t
of the sap.
_A* an evidence of this, it will be
Grand pos'iiildu to clean the eiraw by rubbing or
washing. But atter a Short time the riot like
processes, force themselves through the plates
and tithes of the sires., previewing any noire
mew of the sap. The ton k retains its green
colour. 'atid does not ripen—the grain receives
no hirther addition from the sap—the soft part
evaporates and ilkilvtds—and the injury seems
to be nearly irreparable. The only mode of
relief that I have heard proposed, is to ctit the
grain immediately when thy, hind it tip, put it '
in close shrieks and let irstand till dry. I have
tried this twice and ran only draw upon nay
memory for the result. once with parti d suceeifi,
and 'm i re withnnt any ; the weatlior surceeding
being, not entirely city. I still believe, that if
the straw-anif grain were clear of any wet ex
cept the sap, and the process of cutting and
shocking carefully done, and the weather should
remain dry fora- week, that the wheat would
iipen, and it is well established. that no adval,.
'age is obtained by letting it stand uncut after
being mildewed. We can easily conceive, thai
if the mildew
. is a fungus of, the nature of a
mushroom, the close compression ei the sheaf
and the exclusion of light and air, may destroy
it ; and when that is done,. the Compression on
the culin may cease, and the attraction of the
sap to the head be resumed. It is now known
that Indian corn cut before it is entirely ripe,
and put in shocks, continues to ripen for a con
siderable time.
The poisonous nature of many species of
fungi—their action on the salivary elands, and
the suddenness of their appearance, lead me to
suspect that the *luring of horses at pasture,. in
some seasons, is owing to this or some other
species of fungus on the grass.
A belief Itaq long existed in this country, and
is must countries of Europe', that wheat grow
ing near to a barberry busk—Barberis Vulgarts
—isiiable to 61121'10r mildew. and I have fur
ysara suspected that - a fungus usually found on
the barberry, appearing like a. black speck on
the smallest branches, is the same that is found
nn the wheat. It would-give me much pleasure
if so•ate person fluid of microscopical observai ion
would examine it, •and pro . ire the truth or falsi-
ty of thy suspicion.
If the forgoing views are correct, the means
of preventing mildew upon wheat, so far .as it
can be prevented, will he those that shall cause
a healthful and vigorous growth, of which suita•
blu and sufficient manures. draining and culture,
are the most eff,ctive—avd no land should be
sown without soh cadmic and manure—for if
a part of the crap should,become so weak as to
he mildewed early—then the sporules or seeds
thence derived, are always ready to be placed
in destructive activity, when the other eircum-
stances are favourable thereto.
Monig. co. Pa. ALAN W. Coasoi.
INDIVIDUAL. EFFonT.— lndividual effort ete-
vates the lowest and dignifies the humblest.—
Triumphing over birth, rondo.' and education,
it fills the co f f ers of the in ostrious. insures
um ertaking. and i isuccess in almost ev, pla
the deserving on a proud and lofty emi
nence. It is the key that ;Opens the door of
the Temple of Fame and bids us press onward
if we would win the prize. his the key that
opens the door of wealih and tells us to make
the necessary. exertion if we would enjoy the
comforts and. luxuries of life. It is the key
that 0pP11 . 5 Cie door of wisdom and places in
our hands the volume of knowledge, points to
the honored sages of i antiquity, and invites us
to imitate their bright example. And we are
all to do so. Blessed with energy. and perse
verance, every man has it in his power to al
ter and.better his condition in life.
It is true, he may not be immedimely suc
cessful, but labor and determitTrtion overcome
all dttlieulticts and surmount all obstacles.—
Nature has not endowed every man, with great
intellectual' faculties, but nature never made a
human being eltogether• helpless. If he can
not soar he can run, if he cannot. run he can
walk,.if he cannot walk he can crawl. Our
readers are doubtless farniliar with the fable of
the eagle and the worm " What have we
here r said the eagle:alighting on the moun
tain top, alter a long and vigorous flight through
tile sunny air ; •• what slimy and slippery
thing is this ? Speak ! what are you 27
"A worn)," said asoft small voice: " A worm:!
and how came you here in the eagle's nest ?"
'• I crawled," was the humble but significant
lit this highly favored land, where freedom
of thought prevails, and men is at liberty to
follow any pursuit that promises to lead to
wealth or.
.distinction, individual effort. if pro
perly directed, will be invariably,crownediwith
complete success, for her worth is respected,
genius is.adinired. and labor is rewarded. The
young American hai:numeruus, examihe for
Franklin commenced life a printer's - boy,
and died a statesman and philosopher. • Wash
ington lived - for a time unknown beyond. the
limits of his native county. and died the fore
most man in all the' world.". Green was a
blacksmith . ; in afterlife he rose to eminence,
and stood -second the chief of the revo
lution ; and in later days Wirt Was an humble
school-master, and yriss afterwards elevated to
numerous and important stations. andleft be
hind him a brilliant reputations§ an author, an
°rat( r, a lawyer and -kstatesman. -
The illustrious men we IMve named were
the architects of their nitro' fortunes, mnd their
Burma, may be attributed-In theitiodustry. eh
ergy 20 - perseveratwel. - . Let• our youth imitate
the examples placed before l ,therh. and though
their success. may -not meet their enticipathma:
theY.will.sleserve and-receive: the respect 0
their (cllow -inetr;,• !.•• • • .
Speset:co BY Y:—i-My Lord Strang!
ford, who stammered very tnuoh, was telling a
certain - B ish o p.. who sat' at' hib table.• tl'tat
leant's. ade. Ppulie,becauFe he. vas ,pri--est-7,
~•-Priest•ritlden, salet,tle-eharnhei
who swot! behind 'ilitychuiri my Torit'wotild
say" fiteittf,•:" replica the • Biahitp,.
B daaro.rrfultt hibt speak -- tiiessett.-aml so his
ass 'yoke for. hitri2t , t
ICEILTA : daady'was
with a young. lady..andfobserving her kias.her
hegitetl,tito ie
she . Ought en have , a 4. Much :,Ctiarity. (Or him ab
:ffe' had ahoWnM . a " Site ansinni
ed, 1 never kiss-ed my deg when he was a
p:itipy,7'' The Ho - w took the" hint and was
on - ititanter.
,e.:tiiii6Cli6ti . ,1" '.'__
• . . . , ... . .
. • •
4l lt
- • e vw--. --,.; L.,_.,.
4 ,,,,..,
iv,. ACOUSTIC 'OIL! t .
T,','OB the cure of DEAPNESS, pains, and the tits:,
I charge of matter fronrihe ears. Also all those dia.
agreeable sound-, lihe thelitizzing of it sects, Ltlfijte nt
water, vgbilizni.; of sti amt &c., &e., which are 4trip
toms of apprOaching ileafffess, end also generally Alen.
dent wilt the diseas... ?it any p, r,oziN who Lace n
deaf for ten:fifteen, and ceitowenty years, and were
obliged to use ertr trumpets, line, after using one or two
bottles, thrown aside their' t rumpets, being Made pi4fect
ly well. Physicians and Surgeons highly recotniiierid
its Use. ' •
The very great number of happy results that have roi•
lowed the use of A (lOUS NC ()11., have
been truly astonishing. And what is wonderful, so he
who were deaf from birth, h.tre beep so mirth improved
as to hear common conversation very readily. '
It would he the height of presumption to warrant a
cure in all cases, lint in nine Case. out of ten of recent
doe, there is a certainly that the results will lie 'mo , t
!nippy and satischitury to Illejnitielif . The application
of the oil produce:int: pain, but on the contrary an agree
able and pleasant sensation. The recipe foe Vali nicilt
eineAhvis been ontained from an Aurist of great reputa
tion. who hail found that deafness, in nineteen rues our
of twenty. was produced from a vsnut of action in the
nerves of heaving. or a dryness in the ears; his object
theiefore was to find something which would create a
healthy condition in those parts. After along series
experiments his efforts were at lest crowned with suc
cess. in the discovery of this preparation. which has re
aival name of SCA PA'S COM POUN U ACOUS
011.. A long. list of certificates might he given,
but. such is the confidence in the medicine. and an nigli
bas been its reputation, that but one ut thew will be at
present published:
Slosh' Ex eItaOIIIIISAUT Cenil—A I dy in Smith
field, 13rad. Co., "a.. and now about eighty years of
age, had been graduady getting deaf for inure then dl) •
years, so that it was next to impossible to itialte tart hear
conversation in the loudest boric of voice. - Last winter
she was induced to try Searpa's Oil fur Deafness." It
in only neceh....try to add - that sluaused two bottles, and,
is perfectly restored—she is cured. Any iulbrwation
in tepid to the rase may be obtained at the store aC Dr.
Jayne, N 043, South Third street,
For sale
Pu y faION FAN & FOX, Towanda, Pa;
only.agemsfor Bradford county.
707.1N7'ED .111,11 - .71 . .5' 7'o CURL !
T_T r.. !VI 0 .13 li. II 0 ID S , OR I'll.ES, is a ilise,ie Im-slue
-IL id by local irritation costiveness, par,.., 'nye silet•
hints, undue deterownation of blood to tho hemorrhoidal
vessels by excessi,e riding or wall, inc. or a ronc,estive
state of the liver, and peculiarity of the corfditution itself.
It is usually considered under three form, or varietiel,
as follows: Blind Piles, White Pile:, and Bleeding hie ,
This disease is so co union, and so very well known,
that a description of its symptoms is not deemed neces
sary. ''
The sncccss that had followed the Ilse of the Enihro ,
ration in the cure of this disease, has been trulyastonisti
ing. lOW dd•nsr their patienu to try it, ae
the only l'ile Medicine.
In addition to its being a ist.itive remedyf.r the Piles,
it never failsto cure that INTOI.EIIIABLE ITCHING,
which is so very common, and Ims its location in the
same parts as the
Read the following, from the editoral column of Alex
ander's Weekly Messenger:
FOUND AT LA sT—A erns. Cent: ran Tilt PII. F.F !
—Physiciansand Chemists have long been 1111%Ilitli to
discover a medicine that would cure one of the most
troublesome diseases, the. Pales. Siliiel44 has at last
been the result. Dr. JACKSON'S
CATION not only stops all blee,png, allays pain and
inflamation, subaues that into lerahle itelline, lon effect us
slily cures, like a charm and inq very shot time, per
sons whose lives have beer, rendered miserable for years.
Only a few from the great number of certificates gill
be published. Read the folio xnag :
• New York, 721 Broadway. September fl, ISI3.
Dr. N. JAC KICON—Dc3I : W ill you send me ids
six bottles of your Pun Embrocation ; I wish them
part to keep myself, and part for a legal gentleman, a
friend of mine, who has brand great relief in u-ing
from my bottle two or three tines. You remember,
when in Philadelphia. I was suffering dreadfully from
this terrible scourge. I only 10.4 one mottle how you
I have not used it quite all, and am now perfectly well.
As you mny suppose, I proclaim the virtues of your
medicine - wherever I go.. :I tell every, friend about it;
and it is singular to peree4 how many are suffering
in thin way—l believe half {
of my acquaintances are
more or lees afflicted. Let me tell you that you can
sell hereon fa 4 you choose to !flake. When you want
a certificate from me, you shall have it, and you are at
liberty to show this letter if you wish.
Respectfully yours, r LEWIS P. Asn FORD:
For sale by ,NIONTAX YE & FOX, Towanda, Pa.;
only Agents for Bradford County. '2Bm6
.1.4'1. WILD CUE/111r BITTERS.
FOR the permanent removal of all such diseases as
take their rise in an Impure Wool, Impaired Di
gestion,Morbid state of the Liver and Stomach, Weak
ness of tii.e Nervous System, and a Disesded habit of
Constitution generally.
Dr. Wirott's Sarsaparilla and Wihl Cherry Bitters
have already, by their aututantial excellence; won a
degree of public favor and pawonago whirl' puts them
beyond the need of recommendation. Being faithfully
prepared of the most excellent material.. they . can be
fully confided in by all in tread of a_ tonic, aperient or
alternative remedy. -
This preparation will he found on trial to be a sure
and speedy remedy for the diseases enumerated above.
They purify the flood, secure regular digestion, 'promote
a beauty action of the Liver and Stomach, and strengthen
the nerves, at once seeming health and cigar to the
whole system. lu all casAng of despondency, arising
from indigestion or nervous irritation. they have been
used with remarkable success; nor nre they less useful
as a remedy fur Headache, Flatulency, loss of Appetite
and a general prostraladi r t l" (he applcii4. At the matne
time it moat be awed that they are mitlicr sivient nor
at all dangerous in their operation, securing a: they do
the desired end, by a :•teady,"regulai• and easy influence.
Taken daily, in doses precribed, they will be found to
operate in that gentle and salutary manner, which is, in
ram, their highest recommendation. That prejudice
.. existinz against advertised medicines, would
not-Lo merited if firestowel on t6ia Tho wonderful
Cures it has performed and the acknowledged celebrity
of its principals constituents, should at once commend
it to the pnblie furor.
Sir. Philp Wilco:. New Bedford. wai cutirelysuira
of a con firtned.cancer of the stomach; throat and mouth,
and his general health much improved by the use of
only one bottle. 'Girl. 'John Diylive, Bristol, -Mass,
has voluntarily cerlilled that he tV3il cured by thb
Bitters, ofiitundiceAndigestion, Headache and Vertigo.
J. P. Portion, Esg.,,New Bedford, woo cured of an
eruption ofthe face. ' '
Dr. W.ll. Miller of N . : T., testifies that, many of
his patients have ticenheuelitted by theukhrif the Bitters,
attain every case they - have given' niodi perfect
astisfaction. .
'Sold Whokasha - timl 'Retail' w' : WYATt
KE'reHtl3l,l.l' Fulton St. NV Y., 111.7STOrk
LAUD Toivanda:nnd by de!bigi.4 eiier,4llyi6raietnui
theAT: 'Pn`un . ,sl: Large botilest' , •" am__
BON NETS---A great swing to. the-." Heads: o the
. Nation.'! Ile-Ladies will Bud it a,greet @living to
heir bowls to call and purchtse poen( thaio heautifut
Straw, Devon. Gimp, /1101C13Ce orlAcc. Lawn, Gipsy,
lionnets, Belling so dwark at.
29 rifiLti§: Sole. lipper
\III_ Calf skins, lOwer than swan 'eirar i;fii•red in
Towanda, by : ! ! XlNGsnEily.
LAWNS, 011(1.1N1)1ES, J. AW. - N.01N9-
h . l - qit. Rept DeLoinF, Lamm" ghs" 114 ~ )algter
/if!6cl, so long 100.0
.14 1 , % th e Ladies, have :Vr t ivtil.l
ard'mry nor be scell at REEDS
b. M. NYE St CO.; woularc;
svectily inform the citizens of Tow.
-.rally, lnat
~ 4 4.1a*
ft% ,
soda end the - public generally, Inm
they have on hand & manufacture
to order all kinds of CABINET
;FURNITURE, of the best mate
;rustle; and ittorkannshipthateannot
'be surpassed,in add i non to the ue tie
assortment in countrylehope, we will keep on hand and
make to order ,80FAS, of various and moat approved
patterns; Hole Rockirlig Chairs, upholstered in stoperior
..tyle: and fur ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our !Urge cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the
brat hair scaling. We flatter ourselves that- having
had murh'experience in the business, we shall he able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to rail, both as to
quality and price, and by strict attention to business
hope to met it and receive the patronage of a liberal c'orn
tuunity. L. M. NYE & Co.
Towanda, September I, IRO..
3,1 AY BE HAD at our shop much lower than it
.E_ has ever been'sold in' Towanda: Goods are
cheap. and.wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we
,can'afil)rd all fur to do it. • All kinds of produce will
he received in payment. Also. LUMBER of all. kinds.
Se n. t. ,L. M. NYE 4 'GO.
cf 3711. 1 , be kept on hand a large assortment, and
V 54/ made to macron shorter nntice and for less MG.
ney than CUTI he produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those who ore under the necessity of pro-
Curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
he and pall may be had in attendance when desired.
Septemher 1, 1845. i.. M. NYE & CO.
Dr. A. Dpham'a Vegetable Elrrtaary,
DR. A. UPHAWa r ' distinguished Physician of
New York city, 'is the 'successful remedy for
that dangerous sad distressing complaint—the PILES
—ever air red to an American public.
Mark EMS. It is an INTERNAL REMEDY—and
not an 'external application, and willeure every case
of Piles, either bleeding or blind, internal or external,
and probably the only thing that will. There is no
mistake about it. It it a positive cure—speedy and
permanent. It is strain convenient medicine to take;
arm improves the general heal h in a remarkable man
per. Each box Contains twelve delve, at 81. a dose. It
'ls very mild in its operation, and may he taken in cases
of the most acute inflammation without danger. All i
external applications are in the highest degree disagree
able, inemivenie t and offensive t and from Ilievery na
ture of the disease, inconvenient in their effects. This
medicine attacks the disease at its source, and renzoring
the ernme, - renders the cure certain and permanent.
T. hi/MILIEU Lsotrai..—.Manied ladies are almost in
variably subject to that painful and injurious disease,
the Piles, with consequent inflammation ofthe stomach,
hounds and spirM, weakness of the hack, flow of blood
to to the head, ric. The Eleetuary irrperfectly safe for
pregnant ladies, and the trust useful cathartic that ran
possibly be used, no if not only removes the Piles and
all inflammatory diseases without pain or irritation,
but will insure on easy lime, a safe delivery. and a sound
comai:ution in the offspring.
The Eleetuary enntains no mineral medicine. no al
eolocy nth or gamboge, or r,her powerful and irrita
tive purgative; No fear of taking cAtl while under it..
influence—no change in diet necessary, If taken ac
cooling to directions, a cure for life is guaranteed.
Hold wholesale and retail by W vary & K err-Imm',
"General Agents for the Southern States," 121 Fulton
street. N. Y.. HusToN et. LADD. Towanda, and
druggists generally throughout the United States. Price
/.1. a box. mttl
"Sugar Coaled fills."—licware ! 'Caution.
THE increasing popularity of Dr. G. BENJ.
BLE sUGAR COA'T'ED PILLS. has induced •
number of persons to make ;fomenting they call ell Les
and coat them with sugar, in order to svll them for the'
genuine, while they do not possess a particle of t .e
goOdness, nor even assimilate in appearance to the .
original, Dr. Smith's Pills. In short, they are an in.
tended PRAUD upon the community. A minister
who at tirst had an interest in an imitation Sugar Coat.
e. l Pill, manufactured in Albany, N. Y., has given them
up, as he says, on account of the miserable dishonest
parties concerned in manufacturing thilm. The acme
Iparty are now industriously circulating reports calculat
!ed to injure Dr. Smiths and to afrect the reputation of
ibis valuable pills; but rather than notice them in public,
Dr. Smith is about to institute legal proceedings against
I ntern for their slanders, as he basin another case against
a similar party, in which he recovered a large amount of
damages. These miserable imitators have to resort to
the most abominable means to palm off their counterfeit
pill+, as the public know that Dr. Smith's are the original
and genuine. Several instances have come to public
notice in which life las been endangered by the enfant].
note use of the counterfeits. It is Dr. Smith's Pills
that are doing so touch good in the country—as the
following plainly show.
Use and Recommend Dr. Smith's Pills than all others
This is to certify. that I have used the Sugar Coated
Pills manufactured by G. Benjamin Smith, of New-
York, for some time, and believe, them to be a good
medicine: and also, from inquiry in that city, I am
persuaded that be is the original inventor, and therefore
is entitled to the benefit of the invention,
Pastor Ist Baptist Church, Pittsburgh.
riom Me Slut Hen's Chiekrn, Del.)
We call the attention of our readers to the certificate
of Rev. S. Pastor of Ist Baptist Church.
Pittshorgh,in relation to Dr. Smith's Pills. Wo can
ourselves bear testimony to the excellence of these Pills.
one of al having used them and experienced great relic
from them.
Thu above is the beat paper in the State of belsarare
The 4'z:inmost° tontaw VSOETASTA PILLS, " (Sugar
Coated.) are cerMinly doing much good in the wholii
country, and are highly enrolled, done half is true that
people write and say about them. They are so easy
in their operation that all like them. The editor of the
Northern State Journal, (one of the largest and best
papers in the State of N. Y.,) verttOs as follows;
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Dear Sir.' I was laid up with a bad cold ROMP time
since my return from N. Y., and during my illness I
made trial of viaur pills, and I must say I found them
excellent. They are the beat medicine for the purpose
they aro intended, that I have yet seen. I seldom take
pills,•but I found yours entirely free from the objections
to which other pills are liable. I hope they will continue
to he a seam° of profit to you, as I doubt not they will
hemeans of relief to the afflicted on a large scale. , •
Yours truly, J. GREEN.
Tunatcanda, Pa, Sept, 18 1846.
Dr. G,! . l3enj. Sutith..,. •
• . Pear. Sir: , Your agent left with me a lot of your
SUGAR. COATED. PI LLD, and I have but a few boxes left.
Every box ',have sold has given entire satisamtion.
Nava token them.miself and L consider them •;.tlie best
pills .1 , have ever. used, and I am not 'afraid to
recommend diem to the public. I wish a further supply
at, once - .., Yuma respectfully. , .
Wain &ton Ind, June 21, 1646,
Dr, Smit4-
, ;I am =soot of your INDIAN VEGETAJILD
Oean.u.,Cas,TEn R;;,ce." and find them_ selling: Etl fad
010..1 thin); yni. inn! better feint me two gross immediate,.
IY. -They give euph general satisfaction that peotilo,ut
trait twenty , miles, for them, nml as it le generally known
lam agent for. them,,l,woutd be. verynorry get put.
:Veers respectfully, •
• -Altll..,,MO!biiE
• , , B&N,V,ARE„ . !i! • • •
Xf b.,13t40 r . 49noilieritten With
the-I/agora aCtita Lox, h Sugar Coater of
Coßntrfc t...•••• -•-; •
;" • ‘. •• -•• • '
- -
IPrinciita.o(se9-.17Q biterierteir Street, l arge . brisk
6,1.304 Price 25 cents I boi.
'Q\l'E'4l . )S Iron, Hoi'se s'llne,R4und Band, loch
Borer Shoe Nails Stsernf off kmam
i',(3:-Slt.iVi.-NIBAIND.I3Mrs,IIIV-08. ,
.. . , .• ... .
t •._ ' . ~.,--_• ,•• 'Plit% gubspiliora,. ptill,oootinue
,- .: ..y 4 to )12artifactuni did iccep , err bond
„ . : 4 ,,..1 .at their-old sea ud, till kinds of vino'
• 1. ' at , , lIIIIIACCICrii scat CHAIR'S z• also
fl"4 \ ''r° , i',....jU.o: • : ' 6 11tYK E. FE E"5 .1.1t i o ali f ° q u i:au k in tl d r i ec a ri n p- a
1 . .71 - ' - ...' ' ; Lion.w o
r ht
p ri s t d n u •e ce w , i o ll' r sell w h t i o tz tv -Cue pi
. ' •• . . :lumber, %%liar WO AI, 13aes ivood.
or Cucumber cl on µlook. or 4 ity
4 s.nritlini 13 fret lOng—, either 13 unintwoolkilasiwood
or ' M aide, wilt tiNo be received for'our work."
1 4 ,urning ilonO to order in tlir neatest manner.
..Ouwantin, Feb. 22, 1817. •
UL1 1 . 1 2:1M7.1;- -- $ 9 0LT . 12/ZSl'L'i." - ZZ 3
•- , Ir. .11'...E.i11r, : •.,
VVTOULD respectfully Fay to the citizens of Towan
do, and the-pultlie generally, That if they wish to
, have their wink dtine in.the moot faehionableoleot and
due manner, and good tits, end es cheariai at any
nth ehtairliehment in town, they will find it to their
A r 4
interi 1, to give him a call.
(JO' eIYrTING done on abort notice, and warranted
to tit, if made up ri•ht:
Shop to the next building below Brick raw, np mete,
directly over Brown's Grocery.
Towanda: January 1; 1847.-43 ! .
EAICaI -5 V A 1 - C It 0
This way fur Bargains!
THE subscriber would respectfully say to his old
-11-. customers and the publie generally, that he has
re-commenced the manufacture of Chairs, etc., at his
old shop on thenonh side of Bridge street, in the build
ing known as thG " Yellow . House." He keeps con
stantly on hand, or will make to order, (in a neat and
durable style) all articles in his line so cheap as-the
cheapest. H ie friends can be surplied with .
Fancy. frinsor and Common Chairs. of differ-1
ent patterns—Settees, Rocking Chairs,
Children's Chr4rs, 4'c.,
Also—Bedsteads and Tables.
willand see rue at my shop on Bridge street,ast....l'
Will satisfy you that you can buy reasonable.
N. I.l.—Whito wood, Cucumber and Basawoed
plank, wanted in exchange fur chairs on reasonab!e
terms. ' JESSE TAYLOR.
Towanda, Jan. 20, 1847.. ,
led A-1313 I'M 2 A6 1 . 1 S JAI W 1
• In T0Wa214141.
H. 11L BAKER respectfully informs the public that
• he has commenced the GRAVE-B'l'oN huni
ness, in all its branches, at Totvanda,. where he a ill be
ready at all times to attend to all calls in his
Monuments, Tomb-tables, Grave-stones, of
every description, 4.c.. 4 - c.,
made to order, and furnished as cheap as WORK and
MARBLE of the F ame quality can be obtained at any
shop in the country.
He invites the public io roll and examine his work
and rriaterials, hoping to merit their patronagell strict
attention' to businces;and by superior workmanship and
amid marble.
; LET rER-cutrlNG dune with neatnes and des
patch, is the latest style.
shop on M.llll street, TWO door to T. Elliott's store,
and three doors above Brigs'
Towanda, March 17. 1817. 40y
Wutarlatan, May 31, 1846
New Blacksmithing Establishment,
In Tinvando,
Prices 25 per veal. clic:aptr than have ever
been knoresi Surthern Pena'a.
THE subscriber, having commenced the above bu
siness, takes this method to inform tho
tWus of Towanda and vuenarty. that lie is prepare i to
do all kinds of xxork eidru-ted to his cane in the in st
neat and workmanlike manner: such asirorung coach
es, carriages, sleighs7of all kinds; null-work of all
kinds, done a little nicer than at any other shOp in the
county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOLS, to
fill op crevices, and finally all kinds of work in the
shore line (hor.,slioeing excepted) and will warrant
all my work to stand the test. 'Fry me and if you do
not find things just right, then put me clown. From my
long experience in the - business, I flatter myself that I
can please all kinds of people. You can find me at
all times at nit shop. a few rinds south of Bridge strext,
known 09 Means' old stand.
All kinds of Produce taken in payment for work, and
a little of the ready Jo-Davis will not be refused.
Tawanda, May n, 1816.—y
THE subscriber not being in full communion with
the firm of 141—, he is not prepared to boast of
the largest assottment'ofJ EW EERY out of Jail : and
haying never learned the Cabinet arab•ir+g bwrine.•s,—
ho prepared to JO' any i.ork in 'lnd line; but
having served a regular nlrprenfiredirp (!) in the
watch repairing business, and the esperienee OI I 0 years,
has no hesitation in saying thit all work entrusted to
him shall be d;ne in a workmanlike manner, promptly,
and second best to none nest of that city from whence
came that miglily cu rb qf 6'4,1J-wary !
Now my friend,. in all piur a,ttinz: don't forget
to get your watches fined .1t obi NO. 101) opposite the
Public :Square and two doors north of Briggs' tos ern.
Towanda, April 2' l , 1816.
O' N . 11.-1 pledgo myself lotto my work right. All
work warranted one Ne tr Cie' money refunded if it
does riot perform according to agreeineili. Stick a P.O.
there !
• -.3rio_ot„
WLCOX & SAGE have associated themseves
in the Boot and Shoe Making business, in the
borough of Towanda. and may be found ot the old stand
of S. Hathaway, la tely occupied by ' , Am.', Smith. neat
C. H. Stephens' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a
share of public patronage. They intend, Ly a rancid
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
their make as neat and durable workas can
be manufactured in this portion of the country.
They keep constantly an hand, and will manufacture
to- order, morocco, calf and coat - , boots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's
gaiters and pumps, &c., &c.
Towanda, May 14, 184
Clocks, Watelies, Jewelry & Silverware,
..17' NO., I. BRICK ROW.'
A. CHANtBEELiN has just returned from
the city. of New York with the largest assort.
meat of PASH/ONAB JE WE L 4 r, ever brought
to this place, such,asFingrr-rings, Beast-pins.of every
description; Lockets, bracelets, gold and silver p_ncils,
gold keys, thin.hlut, silver spoons. sugar tongs, specta
cles, for . all ages, pen aad pocket knives. (Roger's .ma
nufacture) anti many other articles which he will sell
extremely low for CASH. •
All kinds of WATCHES; consisting of .. patent ler
ver, L'Epine, English mid Swiss watches, warranted to
keep good time.:
ft is as clear,and Unquestionable as our, right to the
whale of .Oregon, that, W:s . A. Cu A MI a t rt tax - flee get
the leirgesiandhest selected assorunent.of Fancy Goode
ever brought into the herough of Towanda, and that he
will sell his goods C/Waiserithan was errr sold by any
human lirinTheing !.-stick a pin theta !
N.B. Watches warranted to run well cnieiyear. or
Idle money refunded t. end p , written agreement given
to that elk:r to all that desire one.
,tjaIISIAP,U,SNUAIf ,- ,AV‘Q.i4,aidrYA 6 OrP°o"
t7,',,PTO4ce,icie r aypd payment:
• W. A, CIIANtBE RUN Agent..
' ;,' Tnivande;P:lovo? .. bee'.l,,.ln46. ;
'" 'WfrNTED:: .
RED ITDi ( E[i grio;l Mt¢adg mcn can ,find
\i , ll3)l4nt,CAlliTryinciltit Boating Cora during the
irton, at,filicya I
,prieco. Apple nt thie office.
4()V(7LAS,. Supt & Kttl!ineer. Co.lj 1c t* . ttyl,;titiuniCorupntly ,
Q, Iqll. " -0
waw- agma-gin zal
THE subsecibeT.has obtained the right of a tery,i,
gigot' viet iro!) Water Wheel, called th e w
• - -
which is rapidly coming into use throughout the t n .,.
led States, Cut operatmg machinery of all kinds, .
led by water power, patented Sept. 27, 1 845, by T.
Timby, of Cayuga eo., N. I'. The first glance steig
wheel, involves the beholder, in. immediate doubt in r ,„
get! to its operation.
.13ut ire construction is such riy,
it receives three diotinet powers of the water to ace di,„
charge viz—lot. The direct or percusoton power. u.
'he inclined plane or Archenodean power. IL T L,
discharging Or, reacting power being all the Powuna 4 .
tained,in the massive weight of hydraulic pre mium. Tbe
oomo construction is also perfectly adapted to ohne,
„ o f rlood.trash, ice, backwater, freen4,
or any impediment or disorder to which water whe e 6ii subject.
- A pedant tialeguard against any impn4non, by Ai,
wheel, is' formed by a marlines* in all its srndcnta
warrant more business oith less water than any
wheel now In use, except the Overshot wheel ander higf r
heads. Manufactured at the furnace of Hopkins s a d
Leach, Elmira, N. Y. Persons wishing to rep., i b t ,
Mille will gam py applying to the subscribers, p ih ,
proprietors of the county of Bradford. All ca racn , m.
cations addressed to either of the subocribera sill t r .
ceive prompt attention. ' JOHN BURT.
Hit!cherry. Jan. 4.1847. S. OGNSACLES.
MON SCNSE. that the
,natural vegetabl e p r w„,
lion of every country are, if properly appliud amply i d
Relent for the cure of mlery malady encident to p r y
pecular climate.
Wright's Indian Vegetable. Pill &
of the N. A. College of Health, are enmpcued of Om,
which grow spontaneously on our nuu suit, and art,
therefore better adapted to our constitutions, tharilleis
clues concocted front foreign drugs, however sell the,
may be contpnundol ; and ItA WRIGHTB INDIA
VEGETABLE . PILLS aro founded upon the pimple
that the human body is in truth
namely, corrupt humors, and that laid medicine en.,
this disease on
by cleanNing and purifying the lady, it will he mtas
feet that if the constitution be not entirely ell - instal l
perseverance in theser use, according to directions, is a y
solistely certain to drive diseaseiuf eser) name from the
When we wish to restore a swamp or morass ie
fertility, we drain it of the superabundant water. In
like manner, if we su such to restore the hod) to health le
must cleanse it 'of impurity.
will be found one of the best, it not the ve r y b ee ,„ et r,
eine in the world for carrying out this
because they expel from the body all morbid and crinvyt
humor, the cause of the disease, in an easy and k s .
ral,Vanner, and while they every day gut EAbE
pleasure, disease of every name is rapidly-diva frost
the body.
The following highly respectahle - Store-keepris hoe
been duly appointed _Agents for the sale of Wrighf*itl•
dian Vegetable Pil's in Driolfor,LCounty
Montanvii's & Co., I ovianils
A 11. Gaylord, Cantor, ;
John 14 • Furman, 'Columbia Flans;
T. & S. Pul. rev, Troy ;
Coryell & Gee. 'Burlington ;
• Wm. Gibson, Ulster ;
Lyman Durres-, Sunitifiehl ;
I, .S . Ei ortil, A then, ;
Gov Tracy. Milan;
U. Mii•sdv & Co. Frew-Mown :
John Hort in. Jr., Terrytim ;
Spr ;
j CsCorr. & J 1111 , 4. Z.11L,114-4111Irl;
lirtnk. liornbro.k ;
N. D. & C. Watt - old, Monroeton.
Offices devolid es, luNssek to the sale of IPriau:
Indian Vegetable Pill., )f the Norli A meriran Collep
of Health. No. 2'2•4 Greeimn Is street:New Bork: Na
198 Tremont St.. Croton ; and Principal Ohm. :kr 16,
Race street., Philodelphsa. Or
G-LLEPtyrs ; awardtd the Gold and t. , 00 - thata.
Four first Prrmt umw , and Two Iligheht Honor, it frit
National, the Mat , achn,ett., •he New York, ac. 11.8
Pennsylvania Etthlbitir n . respeetoely. for 11 , eua
splendid Colored Daguerreotyped and bvu Atprato
ever ezlohned,
Portraits taken in excuisate td)le, without t epra
instructions given in the art.
A large 11,411 t nient of Apparatus and ...teci.ala . 3sso
band. at the lowest rash Hee,
New york. 551 Broads at; l;.h m. 116 PI ,
nut S.; Boston, 75 Court, and 54 Hanover St..: IN-
tunure, 2115 Ilal,inlore SL; \V ashm2;on.
, t'une.; Peter-burz, V.., Much 111,••• FI ilk Cina ,
ntti. F.'utrth and Walnut, and IS \lain St ; Strett: ,
Springs, Brand way; 1'27 Vicilh Rue du Tempi!:
Li verro,d, :12 Church St..-3v.
Exp . ciortuit ;
'I r fuge f .11 , an t e
Iht.r Tori,r and 14::
/I , r suir l.y .11 , nlan ye A. To.r, Totraipin , fo.
Only autlioo it'd A grata fir Bradford minty. .
111..nur rourss - r Nuws (nom ret sorra—
Tbe following extra( t of a letter is nom a • - rly reit'ce
btu merimittilehyuse Hated
ashin Tahan n.vt, Co.
May gfi. 1,116. -
Dear Sir—Our Mr. Jones liat been in a rrrr loge!
of health for more than'a rear; 6r ha. lintl.thelre' R
of the best medical ads tee our counter Litton'y and alt
visited lour city during the past sumier. kit food to
On .the rirtt t it' April la-t, we al o
dozen bottles of your Tonic Vermiluee, and s Wilt°
zen Lures of your Sandlii - c Pulls. 3 g 6 ''''',
in picking the articles dry good- !",“ 0 " b. ', „-.;
Vertnifuge was broken. Mr. Jon. ,
the Pills, and after taking a tett; d 0,,, Mt . ado.°
improvement. The three bottles of Vertmfa.g.. 's i kh
came sate to hand, I glut 11,11 1110. ilethllitttli
less than ONE THOUSAND \I l IRMS, and prbi's
many more. lie is now in better he.;lth than he!
been in for many years, and hop , a lon " ore
your Vetiniftige and Pills hill etfect a ',convent re.
All our ph% s;rians have etilinlv ekes t' s
Samuel Jackson, of sour city at the he HI, At lace
responsibility, we have to refer Vila
Mown & Woodruff, Silk House, h ar F ea. "
ord Hieskell, Hoskins & f t., corner of filth arilllttei
ket streets. Mr. Jones is most , an twos
our Pill, and Vermifitge, as omit Cp
_Wm Respectfully. J. 13.1 1) `.V k
A I..FFS, NIL:FPS—The most fashionable " t " 1" .,
L est looking Muffs out, in an y . qustaity.c ili g"'
not:; (1. D. isAR-iherra
linant Scott;
,Al l _2
\A - ILL ptomptlP and punctually render ha P 74
sronal setNicrvi in A t :Tut-ie.. Colkfr ia '..„ . •
other matters in his prolession entrusted to hasse.i.
Hat has removed id * office to t h e r oom ow -
N. Betts' store.
•mntinucs to art as a'rnt far 01
Philadelphia, a- stock company of good :4:n1 , 3 41 07ml
pute & dot's business on as fayarahle terms 11
He is also agent for the LYCOMING C l ' . ' 4
TUAL INSURANCE CO.; a t'oett'anY
Ways been punctual in the payment of lasses • -
sents advantaea seldom found.
Towanda - May 20 O. D 13ARTLErr.
7 en 11.9; (if the Bradford RepolT
. .
Te:ad:Alen; and fifty cents per annum; fo l lr
deducted if paid within the year: and 61sllp',
iirtidcance. Os/. DOLLAR IX` deuutir.• 4
Sut , sctibeta at liberty to discontinue al
P3Singarrearages. Most kinds of Coesvar ft
received in pas,ment, tit the insrket pier.
of ee fl'
Advertisements, not exceeding a ~ l e'.i not alt
lines. inserted - for lift y Cents; everystito
tvrentyvfive (ten ta A discount 'mid , . to y eta.? re
Jon PRIRTIxa, Of every " 116'1
peditiotivly executed on new and lethieanhi c
lattlept - tan•bustriess itertanlinz " I ' l
r.-e of 1 , , , , 3,g0, to enteir ..ttlta.,lo^•