Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 24, 1847, Image 3

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    dACTIOW TO COVICTUT STOPL-altrZliffherelki•
infalTaelloll has been reimived as (Amin
Rasni'a, March 4, 1947.
.D r j, w. Wright—Dear Sir: There is a man going
through the country with counterfeit Wright's Indian
V e getable Pills—he calls himself your agent, and says
be bad the pills from your office. Mr. donna Shaker, of
tichujlkill Bend Pa., took some from him, but after sell
ing a few boxes found them miserable enunterfella.—
Ile laid them aside till the man came again, and then
told him the pills were counterfeit, and that he must take
them hack. The man got very angry sad refused. Mr.
chatter told him he would try the law, upon which the
min took them hack, and confessed that he received
them from an equivocal establishment in Philadelphia.
Then:misname is SMITH. has W. P. Miller, of
Adams Co." masked on his wagon.
Yours, <Ye., S. M. Gir.azirr.
Prom the shove statement, country storekeepers will
perceive that they cannot be too much on their guard
a gainst traveling impostors; and it is earnestly requested,
that when they see visited in a manner similar to the
,;b o ve, they give the earliest informatiorrto the Philadel
phia office so that, l.y means of our numerous travelers,
we may ihtercept, and so stop their wicked career.
The authZ4ized traveling agents have a Cerlificak of
Agency signed by me, which they are ready tra produce
when so de4ired. Vt'st.
169 Race street, Philadelphia.
Nan Abuct-fiscmcrits
T HE '
wbsernbers having met with severe losses by
the late tire in Towanda, as well as other losses,
earnestly request that those who know thethselvcs in
debted wiil make every effort p.ssihle to put us in funds
o u t vie may he able to meet our honest engagements
and continue our business.
_ _
MON N 1 F.',13 4: CO. hove removed their business,
ocuation a few ddora below ..,Bridge street where they
mend t o accommodate their customers on their usual
liberdl term. We have now on howl a fair supply of
tioibb a d.ipte.l to the ..princ trade. which will bedicpos
nt fat credtly reduced in 7 icea, compared with the great
virt.:o Good, in the city.
trrli IS 17.0
NTIT V of superior clever seed, hnth of the
Lire,. and small kinds, just received and for sale
. . _
cn,aph} 0. D. BARTLETT
'Foramln, 7%l3rch 2?.., 1&17.
5.,& M. C; MEI - it:l7R, have removed their
(;001.1:3 to the &Mire formerly occupied by H.
& Sons, north side of the public square, where
o are prepared to supply their customets as hereto-
C. Too anda. March 17, 1,'17.
Of Colored 311filatures._
of Geo. .11,, , crran , , in Pine street, oppaTife
the Presbyterian' Chnreh.
lin. Ji ill NsoN beg, leave to call the attention of
..L the Ladies :mil Gentlemen of this village to his
xv:.; It for is Pliancy and beauty, are unsurpassed by any
to t'ie counirt and warrank.;l iniptriahrible; •
Mr. 1„a s,sv hen been several years engaged in the
and is a- formerly an operator in the celebrated
Prof. Pu can's Galt, r',. Pictures
Late isLen the Fdr,l Premitgars. two years in Cuero.
iris..[ the area! ['air of the American Institute, in the
ra of Prof. Piumbe.
M.. J. n -peetfully a call front the citizens of
tee.—riot ink front 1114. c desirou: of procuring
I , et a t Pi..toria, but 11.-in all who may wish to ezamine
ty ovatut ,iittetint its of the Ait.,
1 hr col, and material of the dress, add a great deal
of tli'e impression, and therefore for La
d blat kor dark it meows arc considered preferable.
Polar, laketi clear or cloudy weather.
P, po ,, essina inferior pictures, rata have them
riir!iatitt,.l ou reasonable toms..
lioion, open front Si A. :11.. to 5 P. M.
losiiinlatitt, and apparatus furnished on the most
ssEs mEizci•H HAS ia:movED his LAW
1 , 11.1rE, Iu thy/second story,of N0.,5. Brick
- 'March 16. 1817.
11- - 11 ILEN A having left my house and
.randy avithreui any cause nr provocation. I hereby
II isosons harboring' or (awing , her on my
las 1 shall pay no iteld4 of her contractile:,
ington. March 12, ISI7.
Fire I Fire Fire !,
IXTANVE & FOX would respectfully inform
heir old customers and the public 'generally, that
e not quite laird up yet, but have removed their
ri to the oil store formerly occupied by 0: H.'
(way down town, where we wi6 aell anything in
e, as cheap as the cheapest.
Ise call and see us. March 16.
hir-N - GNIS ER V, Jr., Nas removed his Goods, Books.
. slidionory. 4-e., to the Brick store , formerly occu
1ii410.1 'Akan,. O.: Overton, where his friends and the
art i tvitcd to•rall,
i rll : COII3,IIBSIONEIZS of the County of Brad•
1. Gird. hereby gat give notirr, that they have fixed upon
' 1, 1140%1m: places and days respectively, for the hear
nt of 1.1 [peals of those who may think themselves ag,..
.11 ,,, 1 IN tkeasses.rments for A. D. 1817, and are de;
' 1 e..14 atye.iline. from the same, to wit ;
and borot2h—at the Commislion•
Tut,lay, the lath day of March.
r .0..1 M. Pike's, Weaciesitiv i 17th. •
and horougli—at E. S. !Mathewson':,
•1 1 . , I.l—at Reuheu Perk'.. Friday. 19th.
it B a rnet Bri n k's. jr., Saturday, 20th.
w . W . Kinney'., M o nday, 22d.
n 'tl--at 11. Z.Fr.sltiehi, 'Tuesday, 23d. '
‘G in sibtey's, Wednesday, 21th.
W‘rom—.lt Hohurt CorMer's, l'hutirsday. 25th,
Johnson's, Friday, 26th.
11 "t4-3t N. B. Wetmore's, Saturday, 27th.
B. 8.. Black's, Monday, 29th.
\V ytlii:ing—at J, 11. Black's, Tuesday,3llth
A'llu 4 o- 3 t James DePuy's, Wednesday, 31st
ttecne— at S. H. Canfirkre Thursday the Ist
!lay of April
11 coo Barre Morcott's, on Friday, 2nd
4;47o e—at oh Lawrence's, Saturday. 3d
6c riJncton—at Henry Boltz's, Monday, sth '
A. J. Gerould's Tuesday 6th
Q! d g t "..l-21 M. D. Hermon's Wednesday 7th
P 9 Nrmll-1t Thomas Smeatis, Thursday Bth
B,tzinih t hasid- B. More's Friday. 9th
ell 5- -31 Wm. :,. Incall'oeattirday, 10th
t...elenikia—ai James MorgatA.Monday. 12th
r "Y ivrauzh 3 townships—at F. Herrick's, Tuesday
A m:Lerma— a t E. Kifi - s, Wedneivilay, 14th
4 :aston— st ,A:,A:E. Spalding's, Thursday, 16th
e ms—at Perley Morse's on Friday, 16th
4,11 4—at Levi Taylor's, Saturday, 17th
I` l alai—at A, Ilit;liard's Monday, 19th
~ll l '—at Horatio Ladd's. Tuesday, 20th
"'lll—atltarneon Decker's, Wednesday 21st
Al each Of to
places, respectively, they will attend ,
"e•teto the hours of 10 o'clock A, M. and 3 P. M.
L. P. TN"A M. •
A. L. CRANMER, Commissioners.
AtteAt—),.M. WsrrLas, Clerk. •
~w o aa,i .io 's Office, Towanda, Feb. 18.1847.
13 .)0 7 s h sHoEs_. I dozen pair Coarse, Boots, t
boss' and men • also calf and kip bonta and shoes ,
r~ Sand deal the hest and cheapest lot of *omen's
t 4 lsera w-ar in town. Call at BA IRD'S.
city of
d le.,
in the
:tl. York.
i .r
solrd accor
by thdingly, e case on tile ••
Bca3hßD do &
. AI
Emil Mivertist . meats
BY 4 r . irtue of sundry writs of vece'itioni capons, is
sued out of the court of common pleas of Bradford
county, to me directed, I shall expose to priblia sale at
the house of I. ll. Stephens in the boro' e of Towanda, on
'Monday the third day of Maylllixt, at one o'clock, P •
AI., the following piece or parcel of land situate in Rome
township and bounded on the porth by land of John
Park, on the east by land of Silas Allis, south by Hea
r', Burchard, and on the west by Edward Overton. Con
taining about eighty-five acres with about fifty acres
improved with one framed house, one framed barn and
one small apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Henry
Gibbs to use of Geo W. Wells vs. Harry Burcbroll•
IALSO—The following p ece or parcel of land lying
iTuscarora township (now Springhill) Bradford CO.
Pa., beginning at a post and stones on the old line of
this tract on the south side, 70 perches west of the south
east corner of said tract, thence west one hundred and
ferty•nine perches to a Ilack oak, thence north twenty
perches to a post and stones, thence north fifty-seven
degree east, one hundred and. fifty-nine perches to a
pitch pine,' thence south one hundred and seven per
ches to the place of beginning. Containing fifty nine
acres and twenty-one perches strict measure or less, part
of Peter North's warrantee, with about twenty acres
improved with a framed house, a log house, framed barn
and a small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Cyrus
Shumway, who survived Daniel P. Lacey to the use of
C. C. Wright vs. Wm. L. Galbraith.
ALSO—The following piece or parcat of land situ
ate in the township of Athens and bounded:on the north
by A Tozer, west by the mainrcrad leading from Athens
tol Elinire, south by ti. Tozer, - and east by J. Shepard.
Centaining one half an acre, one framed house, framed
barn.and small orchard thereon.
and taken m execution at the styit 'of Union
Pennell ye. Israel S. Mead.-
'A LBO.--A piece or parcel of land in Springfield
township, bounded north by Samuel Severna and .I.lln
D.lLeonard, on the east by -Allmon Fuller, on the
south by Clement Leonard, on the west by E. King.
Containing thirty-fi.e acres with about twenty acres
improved, one plank house, one framed barn, one framed
shop and a small orchard thereon.
Seized aid taken in execution at the suit of A. D.
Spending vs. Robert Bardwell.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Orwell and bounded en the north by land of John
Lyon, on the east by David Beers, and south by T.
Vaughn rind Isaac Park, and west by Samuel Grey.—
contakiung about fifty acres more or less, with about 30
acreri improved with one log house one log barn and
one apple, orchanl and one peach orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Anne E.
Bull EEecutrix of Janice P. Bull decd., vs. Jeremiah
A llen.
ALSO—Thq following described piece or parcel of
land attuAte in Orwell township and bounded on the
northhy lands of Harry Parks, east by Curtis Robinson,
south l by Westley Robinson and nn the west by Linn.;
Robinson. Curtaining eighty-one acres and 25 perches
strict measure, with about thirty-five acres improved.
and one framed house and apple °reliant thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry
Gibbs to the use of Geo. W. Wells vs. Dan Robinson.
Al.Bo—All the interest of the defendants in the fol•
lowing property situate in the Borough of Towanda,
and heuneed south by lends of Wm. Patton. west by
George Craft, north by Wm. Patton, east by Pine street.
Containing about 800 feet with one framed house
Sr reed and taken in execution at the suit of David
M. Bull vs. Michael Miley and Martin Burk.
A Li!3o —The following piece or pareel of land situate
in Springhill and bounded nn the north, trust, south and
west, tiy land oyA. Kerney. Containing about fare
acres more or less, with about three acres improved with
one framed house, one framed barn and one other from•
ed building lately occupied as a Chair Factory end
Clothier's shop. •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joshua
Pinney as. James P. Slocum.
Al.Bo l —The following piece or parcel of laod situate.
in Wyot township and hounded as follows:—Begin
ning at the hank of the Wysos creek at the west end
of the bridge crossing the same at the corner of Joseph
Conklin's land, thence along the line of said Joseph
Conklin% land to the corner of Harry Strope's land to
a corner; thence south, five arid ono fourth degrees east,
along H. Strive's land to a corner on the bank 'of the
Wysoi creek, toe same being a corner of H. Strope's
and 8, Patrick, thence upon said bank of the Wyse's
creek, its various courses to the place of beginning.--
Containing about hij acres, it being part of a larger tract
of land patented to Theophilus Moger, with about 29
acres improved, with one framed house, two framed
barns and one trained building -lately occupied as a
blarksrisith shop, wood-house &c., with a few fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sao:welt
Coolbaugh to the use of D. F. Barstow vs. Willard C.
ALSO—The folloWing piece or pereel of land situate
in Moliroe artd bounded. north by land of John Schrader,
east byllaral of Mason, south by David and Joseph
lnghaM and West by land in possession of Charles M.
Brownland the Tonianda creek. Containing one hun
dred and sixty met; !more or [elm with shout twenty
eight acre.= improved, with two saw mitts, 3 framed
dwelling houses, one: framed barn and' a small apple
oreha•d thereon. 1 .
Seized and taken execution at the suit of Thomas
Elliott .rs. John M. FOx.
• • . . • .
4OHN F. MEANS. Sheriff.
Shecifra Office, Torianda, March 24, 1847..
Dv - virtue of sundry writs of vi.nditioni exponas
sui , tl out of the court of common pleas of pradford
county, to me directed, I shall expose to publf! sale at
the house of I. H. , tephens, in the borough of 'Towan
da, on Saturday, the 17th day of April next, at 2 o'clock
P. M., A piece of land,in llnrel township. bounded north
by lain of John Aela, east by the Six , queltanna
south by land of the lioldens, and wesxby lands in the
warrantee name of Sarah Morrison. Containing about
thirty-five acres, all improved, with a framed house and
barn, rind an orchard thereon.
. . .
Seized and Liken in execution at the suit of Thomas
Elliott vs. Ames Acl4.
- .
piece or parcel of land in Stealing Stone
townshiKtiounded nortl by John Park, cast by That.
Burns and`laines M'Greg,ory, south by Patrick Lynch,
and west by land in possession of Wm. Compton. Con
taining one acres or thereabouts, with about
thirty acres improve with one log house, one framed
born and shed, and som fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in ext ution at the suit of Edward
Overton, vs. Harry N. Spaldi g.
JOHN MEANS. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Ofliee,'Towanda, Ma 14. 1847.
Corporate oroti4 , -.
In Bradford Common Pleas, l'et
IN the matter of the application of T.
others, to be incorporated under the style am.
"The Baptist Church and Society of Athens Bet
county of Bradford and State of Penney lvania."
Notice is hereby: given that Wm. Morse, C. Bene
dict, T. Lane Jerome White, It. M'George, G.
Plummer, L. D. Hart, and Levi Morse, on the /OM
day of Feb. 1807, presented to the said court an instru
ment in writing; and the of jests, articles and conditions
therein set forth and contained, appearing to the said
court to be lawful, and not injurious to the community,
directed the said writing to be filed, and notice to be
given in one newspaper punted imsaid county of Brad
ford, for at least three weeks before the next court of
common please of said county, setting forth that appli.
cation has been made to said court to grant such an act
of incorporation according to an act of Assembly in such
case made and provided.
A. AFICEA?I, Prothrmcda4
Prothonotary's Office,
Towanda, March 3d . , 1847. S•
Orphan's Court Sale.
I N pursuance of an order of the Orphen's Court in and
for the County of Bradford, held at Towanda, in
the llth day a Tebruary, A. D. 1847, there will be ex
posed to sale, by public vendee or outcry, on the premises,
on Thursday the 25th day of March, 1847, at one o'clock
in the afternoon, &certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the township of Troy and bounded land of
-Ward, east by lands of James Dewitt, south by
land of Wm. Morrison, and west by the highway lead
ing from Granville to Troy, containing one.hundrcd
acres or thereabouts, being land of which Wm. Knox,
deceased, late of Troy township,died seized. Terms made
known on the day of sale. CHARLES DRAKE;
Feb. 22d, 1!147. Ad'. of WM. KNOX, deed.
Orpheinge. COW: Sale.- • .
T3IIBLI ~N OTICE is hereby given that in , ponnr•
L 'arca of an order alba Orphan's Court of Bradford
county, held at Towanda, the first day of Feb.; 1847 ;
will be exposed to public sale on Thursday the Ist day
of April seat, at two o'clock, P. M., on the premises.
The following described lot of land situate,Pring and he ,
tog in the township of Monroe. county of Bradford,. on
the road leading from Monmetim to Towanda, bounded
as follows :on the math by . Joseph Homet, on-the east
by Russell Fowler,on the south by the heirs of A. C.
Rockwell, and on the west by the steno mentioned
road. Containing about three-fointhe of an acre with
a large building erected and fitted fora tannery, together
with a dwelling house and barn; to be sold as the pro.
pert, of I.E. Warn, deceased. Terms made known on
the day of sale. JOSEPH HOME?,
Monroeton, Feb. 19, 1847. Administrator.
Orphan's Court Hale.
TH pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of
-I. Bradford county, there will be exposed to public
sale at the house of Moses Herman, in Ridgbery, at two
o'clock in the afternoon of the 6th day of April next,
the following tract of land, to wit:—A• tract of land
situate in Ridgbery aforesaid, hounded north by land of
Amon Marceline, east by land of said Marceline and
MitcheU, south by land of Cummins and David
Hapeman, and west by landof Mentions Stevens. Con
taming about one hundred acres with *bout thirty acres
thereon improved with saw mill and a framed house
and barn thereon erected.
ALSO-11 certain tract of land situate In llidgbery
township. bounded north by land of Wm. Covell, east
by lend of Obediah HalLsouth by land of Wm. Cooper,
and west by land of Luke N. Pitts. Containing about
forty acres with a framed bouse and barn thereon erect,
cd, and with about twenty acres thereon improved.
March 9, 1847
TIRE undersigned hawing been appointed an Auditor
by the Orphan • Court of Bi-adford county to ex
amine and adjust the accounts of the administrators - of
Richard Horton deceased, he will attend to the duties
of his said appointment at his office in Towanda boa',
on Wednesday the 24th city of March next, at two
o'clock P. M., of which all pAvoniiqternited will take
notice, HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
Feb, 18, 180.
_lfichael Koons et. al:to the nse B. P. Bar.
stow vs. the Towanda Bank. No. 577. May
Term. 1842. Bra for.! Common Plcas.i
MINE undersigned having been appointed an eiudi-
Ltor by theVoitrt of Common Pleas, to distil ute
moneys raised by execution in this suit, hereby gives
notice that:he will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at his office in Towanda borough, on Thursday
the 25th day of March next, at two o'clook P.
where all persons interested are required to make known
their claims before him, or he lichened from coming in
upon said funds. HENRY BOOTH, Auditori
Feti. 15, 1547.
ALL persons indetted to the. estate of JOSEPH
GIBBS, late of Windham twp..dec'd., are hereby
requested. to make payment without delay, and those
bating chums against said estate. will please present
them duly attested to the subscriber,
JULIUS RUSSELL, Administrator.
Windham, February 23, 1847.
Itterclianbi3c, ter.
dird & E. REED would nspectftilly beg 'mod to
Li e tender their thanks to the citizens of Bradford
for their liberal patronage end support, and would in
form them they are now receiving a large and full sop
ply of FALL and WINTER GOODS, which will
positively he -sold at even leas than their former low
prices. The war to exterminate high prices is still kept
up—no compromise has been made, and they intend to
carry the war into the bean of the enemy until they shall
yield or adopt the principle of selling goals at small pro.
fits. A nimble sixpence better, than a slow shilling, is
our motto.
such u nails, axes, shovels, manure forks, shovels
and tongs, sad irons, knives and lorka, pocket knives,
butcher do., shears and scissons, razors, cloth and hair
brushes, shaving and tooth do., wool and horse cards,
coffee mills, hatchets, augers, w4od saws, door trim
ming& steel equates, flesh brushes, ark ropes, and bed
coeds, by nv I I MONTANYE & FOX.
CODFISH AND MACKEREL, • geed article. hp
APIOCA—a nice article—for pudding; for sale at
ALARGE quantity White lead, No. I, purr, gelid
in oil and dry, :sidling, Venitian red, chrome green.
Paris do., Prussian blue, rose pink, etc., linseed oil,
lamp oil, ooach and copal varnish, logwood. red wood,
camarood, madder, cochineal, annatto, etc. We ammo
be undersold in anything in this line, at all. at ail:
november Sl. MON'FA NY E & FOX.
"UTE have on hand the largest stock of Drugs ma
Medicines in this county. including every thing
used b • the Thysicians and people generally We also
keep on hand nearly all of the most popular Patent
Medicines of the day. One of our firm (A. D. M.)
having had a Idng ezperieice in dealing out medicmes.
we flatter ourselves we can snit all who may favor u
with a calL Prices can't fail to suit. Particolarattei
thin will he paid to orders from physicians.
november l I. MONTANXE & FOX.
BONNETS, velvet and superior Leghorn Bonnets.
Also, velvetsof all colors, together with artificials,
tips, bonnet ribbons, &c. may be found at REEDS'.
The Last Arrival of New Goods,
IN TOWANDA, are now being opened at No. 3
1. Brick Row, by Was. H. Buird ¢ Co.. the fuss Pio
neers in the cause of Low Prices and liberal barter es
changes. They do not hesitate to say, that they wil
sell Goods for cash or arty kind of Merchantable pro
duce, at lower prices than any other establishment in
Bradfonl County. Owego, Elmira, Binghamton. (or any
branch tbereoE) Call and see. Further particulars
nest week. November D, 1846.
7'., 1847.
wan and
‘4,title of
OMESTIC fiOTTONS--Brown sheeting,. shirt.
ing, and drilling; Also, cotton yarn, batting, wick.
alga, and wadding. for sale by the bale or less quantity,
at nyll
m. 6 NTANYEB' & CO., are now recieviag a very
d -:rable assortment of Geods,purchased during
a great dep :on in the market, .comprising Freneh &
Euglish HROUl.CLOTHB,Caisieneres and Satinets,
and the choicartPattcms of Prints and Wonted Goals.
Griteful for past fat they respectfully so li cit a gene.
roue public to call an esamine their stock, and think
can hold riot sufficient • cements to ensure their share
of public patronage.
Septembor 7, 1846.
(1,4131,3=5zai .I' is ins .1 N
EVERYTHING in the line, in koding Elliptic
Spring', Iron Aiela, Mailable Bota,,Oaab, Seat
and Stop Irons, Ornanie'nts, India Rabbnr an. Oil Cloth,
Lace, Tufts, Mosa, ece. for sale at jIB MIER , I RV.
TITOODEN MEASURES, brooms, psient pail said
VV sealed j !umbels. .MONTANYE do FO.
"ETATS & CA PB, s Ewa rate lot, of all kind., des rip
.ILI. lions, colors and qualities, cheaper than ever by
november 11. MONTANIE & FOX.
LOOKING GLASSES, one ease of very nice, 0
frames, latest style, just opened at
null NO. 8, BRICK ROW.
2KEArrot COWS and young tattle will sold
1 deep for cash or approsed credit.
Towanda, Oct. 13, 1846. : 1 1 HIRAM C. rok.
}Lg. a Ai:C.- MERCUR,
}Viz jail received endue noW.pfeeing fur sale it
wholesale or retail , the larger't end moat general 04-
softwood of Poteigis and Domestic GOODS, ever brought
into Northern Pennsylvania. which will-be sold as here
toforeiaapricee sitistactory to the purchaser. Dee. 10.
Cloths, (*dining aid Mutts.
A .
LL those wanting anything for Cloaks, °gen:oats,
Coats, Pants Or Pram will find it to their advan
tage to examine the large stock ofFrench, English and
American Cloths, black and fancy Catsimeres, Sant
netts, Kentuely lease, Vesting', dtc. acs, at
Dec. 10, f 846. MERCUR.B.
ADIOS can find ■ awed°, assortment of DRESS
in TONS IRON, American, Swedeeand English,
4 ti a general wortroent of hoop, bind, scroll, round,
square, one and two horse wagon the, bar, &c., just re
ceived at d 33
AQUANTITY of superior new Chaser Seed this
reeeived.and for aide at ME RC UR'S.
=Ma lIINT 60=0
HAVE just received ind are now opening a very
extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting of
almost everything every kept in a country store, which
they pledge themselves to sell as low as the same can
be bought in any town this side of the city of New
York. Come one and ail, and if we don't sell you
Goons eitIAP don't buy; it will.crist
.you nothing to
look, and all we ask is • chance to show our stock of
foods. He sure and Lou the right place, it is the Old
Corner Store, a few doom south of Montanye & Co's.
The frltoys are on hand end will sell you goods right
for Cash or Produce. Towanda, Nov.% 1846.
5000YAS sntErmws ¢ SHERTIVGS
selling very low foresail orptoduee, by
Nov. 11
WE HAVE a good assortment of De laines, repps,
eutuneres, gioghams, (some beautiful patterns)
white dress goods, different styles; fringes, gimps, cord,
velvet ribbons, bonnet ribbons, kid and ■ilk gloves and
mitts, comforters, linen handkerchiefs. dte., &e, illl of
which will be sold cheap. MONTAN YE 4- FOX.
WE HAVE a flue lot of Broadcloths, Cassinteres.
Vesting*, and some very nice Bolin; Kid and
worsted gloves, suspenders, net drawers and wrappers
&c.„ which we have pu' down to the lowest notch.
Nov. 11. MONTANYE & PDX.
CI ROCKERY—a good assortment, in setts or other
li wiss, to suit purchasers, by
MENS' kip and coarse boots; boy. do., teens' and
boys' coarse, kip and fine shoes; mem!' and boys'
pumps; ladies' thick boots, MOTOCCO da., common and
kid slips and buskins; misses' slips; gent:. rubbers ;
ladies' patent and buskin rubbers, misses' do.; also. a
first rate lot of children's shoes.
november It. MONTANYE .& FOX.
You snag be lide esled
A"persona that know themselves to be indebted to
be indebted to the subscriber for Goods or Medi
eines. arc requested to call and seine the same before
the Ist of December, however small the amount may be,
or they may expect to pay cost. without respect to per
eons. null A.D.; NI ONTANYE.
LIQUORS, • full asactitirent. consisting of Cog.
Brandy, American Brandy and Gin, Monongahela
Whiakey, Port,' MaJetia and Malaga wines, may be
found at the New York Cheap Store, No. 2 Brick
Row of REEDS'.
Boqrs & - SHOES—. first rata assortment of coarse
and fine Hoots, Shoes and Slippers, the lauer
French of course, just opened at
nov3 O. D. BARTLETT'S.
SQUA WLB--quantities of Shawls, niee-t kind, going
off flat and cheap at 0. D. DA WrI,ETT'S.
CAPS of all kinds cheap, heaides every thing else at
0. D. BA RTLE - 1"1"S,.
TtJST received • large and splendid assortment of new
Goods, bought entirely with
. Cash, during a great
depression in the market, view of
FLOUR, from the " GI
also PORK, first qui
November 3. •
MORE of- those A. No. I, HOOTS, and a large
quantity of LADIES' SHOES, just received by
November 3. FLYNT & CO.
ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Cloths of all shades
and colons, and qualities, and prices. Casimerrs.
Fancy and Plain. Sattinetta and a goal assortment of
Vestings may be found at GEO. E. FINN V & CO.
and the Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment, for
sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town sod bo
rough of Towanda. d 22 N. N. BETTS_
PRINTS ---a large and beautiful lot of•PRINTS. by
nov.ll. MONTANYE & FOX.
LADIES! I SAY. LADIES ! If you hose made
up your minds to buy a nice dress. cloak or shawl
this season, don't fail-to call at No. 3, Wick Row, where
you can find the r 11024, best and cheapest articles in that
flue, that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trimmings.
Remember, cell at ' nv I l BAIRD'S.
OOYDS. Beautiful Carpeting, two shillings per
yard below the market prier at
Broad Cloth, Cassimeres & Satinets,
ALARGE assortment of Broad Clothe, Csssimeres.
and Battinette, which we hare long men famous
for selling good and. cheap, now cheaper than ever—
and upon which we challenges the world, just received
at 0. D. BAHTLErf.
Towanda, Nov. 3, 1343.
Wheat. Domestic risme!,
. Bye, Woolen &as,
Corn,, . Buckwheat.
• Cato, Flaxseed,
Butter, White Bean..
inshort, almost aajtbing, for which liberal prices w
be paid at . O. D. -BARTLE;
Towanda, Nov. 3, IMA.
11 in 50 lb. sacks, a superior .roc's, just received .nd
for sale by Feb. 22. 0. D. BARTLETT.
JUST waived a large quantity of Fine and Common
names. Also. Plated and Japan'd Hanrrea Trim.
mints at Feb. 22. ERCUff'B.
Surrender of the Mexican Batteries
Ohl Rough and Ready" again ficloriatn:
ilia ARK LOAD, 'Warmest wagon leaden( NE W
GOODS, have Jut animal, and moiling cheaper
hen ewer at No. 3, crick Row.
November 9.1 WM. Ii.BAIRD & CO.
lifFoßraivr TO EPICURES.
IXTOOLsEra REPI N ED SYRUP, egurl in flavor
'T to the beat maple molasses, for sale by
Deeembes 29. MONTANYE & FOR.
t THS, CLO VHS—We wish the attention of all
are in want of Cloths, Cassia:Jam Satinet
da ft to •• r large stock on band. These cloths must
be sold. a never have been undensuld, and never
will be. Call)aed examine. G. F FLYNT 4 CO.
DAUNTS 20 coos now opening anJ for sale very
low REEDS'
New Veldt 2thvertianatato.
847. NEW- YORK CARD: 1847.
rp:ln attention of merchant* and where vieting Nev.:Yuri.
.L is regnostrst to the , Coyowfing Cant*. 'Mare truverlwang
determined that nothing in tbeir power shill lie wanting to en
able autumn; who rail anthem to purchase cheaper thou ever.
Spring Styles,
• ,
Lee IV Brewster,
Have Mei Veil MAI ex now opening 500 CASES PRINTIM (-,u
ea®. entriprlarng all the new spring at lea of American. Bri
tish and French manufacture,
_in market i— nil of which aro
now beitr, exbdthed and offere d for salc,—ist the
Jrew Yor/4
H. H. Seh!straits a. Co., Druggists,
104 and 106 John•street, N. V.
Importers of British. Blediterranean and India Drugs.
Arms of New Nark and Brooklyn Glass works.
kl, bite Lead and Tiernanns colors at (artery prices.
Agems for Bsraim's Panacea and Vennifuge.
Vacualies, Instruments, Snug. Britshes,at fa - entry prices,
Edward Haack,
Manufacturer and Importer of 31usleal Instruments, No. El
Fulton - street. comer of Gold, N. V., keel's constantly on hand
Om largest assonnwnt of Musical Instruments is the city, and
all kinds of musical merchandise.
Brown's Coffee House & Dining' Saloon,
71 Pearl street,
Centrally situated in the bmeness pan of the city. (facing Corn
ties slip, between Hanover Square and broad at.) . The 1 est ea
tablialoneat in the city for country merchants to get their m.•als.
CEO. BROWN, late. of Lovejo)'s Hotel.
Wrought Iron Pipes,
For steam. &e" nom 14:1 to 3 inches calibre. A 1.,. Fellows. .
Brow and Iron Cocks. Flange., Ike. Slanuracturem. and others.
sending a diagram. can have pipes accurately fitted to measure.
T.H.NORRIS do BROTHER, 62 Cold-it.
Pinching ticititute, at Mashing, L. I. -
Nine wileitioni the city of New York.;
This School has been well sustained more than twenty years.
Its present accomzucelcdions are not surpassed in the country..
Far eireulars, containing terms, references, &c., lee-, apply by
mail or otlicro-qte to
EZRA FAIRCHILD, Principal, Flushing.
Comphene . Solid Bottom Glass Posintain
Cannot corrode or become heated—they are superionto al other
lamps. blanutactured wholesale and retail by J. 0. FAY, 136
Fultou-st. Also, Howes, the best article of Camplicue.
Stant a. Ward.
Manufacturers and wholesale dealers to Boots and Shot's, Lea
ther, Morocco. &e. No. 253 Fearl-st.
N. 11.—Stnat & Ward ore manufactur:ng'the Guest quality of
Ladies' French and Kid stitched 'Muskat. Slips and Gaiter.
which they warrant superior to any thing ustunnactured in the
City or Comup•.
BLUlard and Ten Pin Bans.
SAARDLOW 6c lIKOTHER, 118 Fulton-d.,
Turiters and deniers in Ivory and Fancy hard Woods:Marti •
gal and Napkin rugs, Puud•hozes. Letter stamps, Weer cup
and elder*, h - ory Checks or Counters. or of el pattern., Vic.
&c., Piano keys, Cue leathers and wax. Orders soheded.
Carpeting., Oil Cloths, &e.
The subscriber is constantly rucetving by importations and
otherwise. full supplies of 'Tapestry, Icilton. Brussels, Thtre
ply. Ingrain and entarin Callyetatgs, and (141 Cloths in great
variety. comp . ..tug a complete assortmen t, prices ailtiatacto.
ry to the purchaser. Wholesale and retaiby
R. E. PURDY, 447. ?earl curet
J. & 1. COX. Li Maiden Laue, New York, kcep'constantly f.
sale of their own manufacture. Silver Tra Sets. Forks. Syrons
he. Also, Gas Fixtures, Lamps of every dcscripnon, .sfantl.
Clocks. Chandeliers, Gi randoles, Table cutlery, Jriparusery, rid
ver plated and 13ritunwa wanes, &c.
Looking Glanieg.
JOHN 11. WILLIAM:3. t 4 ON & CO.. Importers and Maunfac
tureri of Looktng (Ceases. Looking Glints Pjatca !cc., 315 l'earl
it. (oppocte Peek slip.) We supply the above at such price
as scull preclude the pouibilaty cot being undersold, and ala qua
lily equal to that which has characterteed our establishmen
for the pact thirty-seven years.
. Upholstery.
SOLOMON & BART, Immirters and Al anufacturer of all kind
of Upholstery grails, curtain materials and trimmings, windo
*badss tool paper hangings, wholesale 3 retail, 243 Broadway
opposite the Park. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms
Wits:skin Tea, Compa.say.
The Nankin Tea Company. `SW Pearl street, N Y., dealers in.
pure and fragrant Teas exclusively. fly recent importations
they are prepared to fill up all orders for their super or teas in
packages tor (mutt) aye. Merchants and when' wishing to have
our superior packed teas on sale, will be allowed a liberal disc.
froze Safe 'Warehouse
139 Water it.; N. Y.
SILAS HERRING. dealer m all kinds of Iron Safes and :Ho
oey Carina. and is the only person in this state authorized to
manufacture or .11 Wader's Genuine Patent Double and Sin
gle Salamander Safe.
N It. Second hand Safes of other makers. such as have been
taken in part payment stir Wilaces, tin. sale at less than one
halt oiliest cost.
Looking Glasses.
Merchams from the Colllllly. who wish :to porches° Looking
Glosses direct :Min the manufactory. at much lower prices
than they have ever done, are invited to make their selections
from a Must extensive assortment at the ware-room of
U. W. MERRIAM, 130 Chatham-at
Snuff and Tobacco.
The subscriber mini tales to manidacture and offer um sale the
following articles. viz :
Genuine & imitation lifaccaboy Scotch Snuff:
Si m& tow Savored, kligh-'Coast do. do.
Amer. & French Rapper snuffs, Irish Toast or Irialt Black-
Demigros do. Am. gent. do. guard do Pot up to pound
And other k Inds ofbrown snuffs. stud hlf pound boules.
Put up in bbls. kegs. jars, and and small bladders, barrels,
lb. cud half lb. bottles. ' kegs sud jars.
Also, Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in large kind small ptpers and
bulk, & sweet seemed Omnokn extra, sup . in griarter lb. papers. Cut Smoking Tobalico. viz
Splifl r xh CallnAtrr. I Ordinary and eat stems.
In bulk and dillerent sized papers,and packed in tierces: bar
rels, half barrels and kegs. A ful price current may be bad by
directing per mail to
PETER LORILLARD Jr., 4/ Chatham-rt.
The Book of the Feet;
• aisTolti or SWOTS AND 50055.
With illustrations of the (ashioao of, the Egyptians,
Pennons Greeks and Itoonans and the prevailing style through
out FkwOtte during the noddle ages, down to the p resent
. period
—Alen. I lints to the Last-makers and Remedies for Corn. etc.
by J. ttlettaltr. HALL, from the second London edition, with a
history of Boots and Shoes in the United'States,
sketchers of emment Shewmaker. Anecdote. Ste. Price Sit cis.
per copy. or live copies for Sit by mad. (bourn merchants
tan procure this Work at the trnile price in any of the cities.
WM. H. GRAHAM, Tribune Buildings.
Chas. P. A. flint
150 Broadway, and 75 Liberty street, New York.
HINRICHS & CO., it. Kilby•st., Beaton.
ItioNnrters of French. German mid English Fancy Goods. Fr.
porrenon Vmrs and Ornaments. Toys of all deserittron.
betamn &eh cut. colored nod porrelam Glass scare. vases nod
mugs. Colored ahem •dass. cot pans prism& alabaster statuary
tool ornament& pendiflei. engravings and lithographs. archery
and crt i kct implements. etc.
Adams , Finney Bazaar.
198 Chatham STA e, New York.
W ADAMS., dealer in %Vatclies, )evreiry. Accordions. Toys.
Fancy Goods. &c. &c. every . article marked in plain figures.
No charge for
lo g-- in non-purclascrs gratis, at
lON Chadoun &mare, neat the Bowery.
Co>Tee & Spices.
THIE STATE MILLS manufacture and offer tbr sale to coun
try merchants at the lowest remunerating cash prices, Mita,
lards, Cocoa. Collar,. and Spice. of best materials, packed and
boxed in the first style of fleetness and elegance.
HENRY U. BLAIR, 178 Waahingtaaat.
New Hardware, Cut * Wrought Nails, &e.
DENNISTOUN DISI3ROW. PS Pearl. °opaline Pearl Sircrt
ilonee, New York. are opening fur sale a very full assortment
of New Ilardware. They keep constantly on hand Cut and
wrought nada anvils and awes. log and trace chains. mill, ens.»
cut and circular say., shovels. spades and hoes, scythes, sick
les and sad irons, Bc. &c.
Stalls - nary, !Munk 'Books £ Paper.
RICH & LUUTRE.L. tit W:ll.turi at Importers of Foreign Sta.
Voncry of every dascripLon.
Monnfooortra and deniers in Account Books, rapera of all
lk , nda. gold pont. letter copy ag presa,a. seal maims, man:fold
WraerS. Excels:or ink. and nil other antics sold by stationer,.
Please cull and see no. Goals treely shlwn—pf.ees eery low.
gauze i'. attn. {GI William at. wo. x. I.OI7TALL.
Samnl S. and William Wood.
No. 261 Pearl st., New York.
Pubiit.hcra of V. BMW... Grammar, Neer York Render:4, rut
natter Annlytient Reader.. hr. he. Mettien) Looks. n very ex
tenetve nennnnent, all on the most-rennunattle terms, for cash
or approved credit.
Brit anitta Ware.
Britannia urns, lea netts, ootke rots. castors, candlesticks,
lumps, pitchers. flagons. tankards. goblets. ladles, table and tea
hpoon.. MOi 114 Sell sups plates and cups fotehildren. spittoons.
shavang hoses. tumblers. &c. &c. manufactured and for sak
at the losses; tree, Moo Banea tin, Straits tin, ant.mony and
bar tia, for ask at 6 Burling' by
LUCIUS HART, late Boardman & liar
The rubseribers bent; the largest oranufarturers pf Umbrellas,
Parasol!. Parasollertea and Sunshades in the 1.7 n
1 Kites,
mil having facilities whAh no other house possess. co n conse
quently sell goods cheaper than any other establishin ot.
HOCIGHTON, MERRELL & 1 48 Vedar at
Gaglees Celebioted Gold Pena.
A. G. BACtbk.l( & Co. P-011koulway. N. Y. manufacturers oc
their cure primed pad pour patent extenCon cases for pen and
pencil, Cunt pencil-tura The trade supplied at the lowest rates.
Withingion, 'traumas & Welch,
Coffee and Spice FCCiorg, N 0.7 Thatch at., N. Y.
nave constantly on hand the following ankles:
Codes—Green, Roasted and Ground.
Spleen—Whole and Ground.
Mustard orsuperMr quality in oarioni sited packages.
Drugs & Chemicals ground for dealers in drugs & otedkines.
W halelbones.
. .
ITTNCILMAN & NEWTON. Manufacturer* and wholesale
dealers in Drum star acid Skirt Bones, of tutlicrior quality,
suitable, far the rntaii trade., always, on band. Jobbing and
canary neretuttitstopptird.. No. a Cedar Streit.
Ncw 11.3 c% Mmerctioments
Platform Souders
PairbanksTratent Platform &idea, of every desirable modifi
cation. DorMant and Portable Scales, for stores. warehouses,
Le. 1 ay. lla'irozul. Coal and Stain Scales, d.c. ac -Warrant
ed perfectly and permanently accurate.
For Bate by FAIRBANKS & CO., 124 Water M.
C. P.& E. WILLIAMS. Wdlnaurs & Hawley,
Whal.•eale dealers In due Teas and °macaws. lance artendop
To Mr' super or tmornuent. whirl, they oft' on the moat I
vornide 10111/8 fot 1.71141 or apooved crvdtt, Ko s Fn. Front at,
tumor r01i0,..) M-11.
'1 a. 7 Spruce erect. 7ribrme Buildings
WHOLE:SALE and Retail--ziIiLADESof all de
scriptions, incl tiling superb- and brilliantly
colored Gothic Scenes, of various 1 , 12C11 and prices; al
so the late style of beautiful Rona tanilorape Scenes,
a much admired and ileairablearnale ; together with
.wen• style and description of 'hada now in use, et
filly per cent. cheaper than can be bought et any other
place, .I:rimminus at manufacturers prices. Sign,
Hunter and interior decors tionii' done in a style not to
be surpassed. GA I , ll'ol. & ,OHNISBEE,
9m2n Manufactasera and Ittlionera.
Premiums Awarded to Levi Brown,
By the Wien lostitutr4or Gold Pens.
I, -rs 1540—A Silver Medal for Superior Gola . Perut.,
151 I—A Diploma fop Gold Pen..
l 8 '2—A Diploma for the best Gokl Pena.
1843—A Diploma for the beat Gold Pena.
1544—A Diplom for superior Gold Pens.
1845—A Silver Medal fur the hest Gold Pans.
1849—A :Silver Medal fop the hest Gold Pew.
This is to certify, that the above is a true copy from
[he records of the American Institute
Itec. See. of the American Inetiente.
Cornier of Arabi nod Bridge Streets.
JUST OPENING, at the corner of Main & Bridge
street, a well-aeleeted assortment of new and fash
ionable DR Y GOODS, which will he sold' unusually
low for really pay. The stock consists in part of
Satinets, flannel, gingham, alpacas, the cheapest lot of
prints in town, edgings, insertings. Swiss and cam
bric rnuslins, linsey, canton -flannel, drilling,
bleached and brown muslin. (not to be
surpassed) ticking, check, cashmere,
cotton, wool and buck gloves,
cotton hose, suspenders,
German handdrchrs,
cotton and pongee hdkrs,
gingham cravats. plaid Shasta,
wool comforters, cotton tapes, patent
thread, sewing silk, cotton halls, packs
pins, needles. spool cotton, I ka and eyes,
suspender, shirt and metal buttons, with many oth
er articles, usually found in a store, not mentioned.
The public ore invited to call and examine the stock
before purchasing elsewhere, as they will be sold cheap
er than at any othej establishment in town.
Towanda, Nov. I I. H. trii A RA & Cb
Ncw Fall and Winter Goods.
THE subscriber is now receiving from the city of
New York a large assortment of GOODS suit d to
the season, carefully selected, arid purchased at unusual
ly low prices, which will enable him to sell very low
for cash, lumber, country produce, or approved credit.
His friends and the public generally are invited to call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.—
He feels confident that be can offer them better bargains
than they have heretofore made in this town, or any
other in this region of country. In hi+ assortment will
he found in all their varieties. Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hanlware, Crockery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paints,
Oils, Dye Styffs, Boots, Shoes, !re. de.
Towanda, Oct. 26, 1846, N. N. lI,ETTS.
/1111118 lathes will find a 'great variety of worsted .
1 . dress goods ; also, a beautiful assortment of prints
at very low prices at •k.-rre
BENCH . and English cloths. heavy Beaver and
Tweeds for over coats, (alley Cassirneres and Sat.
link's, a great variety will he-found at BETTS'.
MOCSLIN De I.A IN E, Cashmeres, Rob Roy and
Brochs Shovels, a great variety will he found
by dec 9. MONTA,NYE h r CIA .
JUST received from Philadelphia, a large and' arden
did assortment of men's calf, kip and coarse boots,
ofrm $1 50 to $5 50; boy's do.; ladies gaiters and
walking shoes; also, fine kid slips and busking, and all
4 )
kinds of overs oes; do. calf bootees, and laced shoes ;
children's iro Misses shoes of all kinds. heavy and
light, suitable r evrry kind of weather, Youth's calf,
kip and coarse boots to suit children from 4 to 12 year.
old. We pledge ourselves to give a better article at a
lower price thea any other establishment in Bradford
county. TRUNKS from $1 50 to $lB 00
A large assortment of fashionable Hats and Caps of
every kind and description for sale very low.
Molasses, sugar, coffee, codfish, No. 1. and 2 Macker
el, hest quality black and green tea, from 31 to 88 cents
a pound ; pulveri‘ed and loaf sugar ; rice tobacco, snuff,
sperm. dipped and mould candles; raisins by the box
or pound, etarcn, soap, segare at 50 cents irer hundred,
and in tact all kinds ever kept in our line which people
will find it their advantage to purchase and we will
give you reasons for it:
A bile Iwgie rind Common Sense.
There are three tbings beyond dispute :—lst If a man
pays out much money, be must receive as much.
2. lfe man's expenses in business are large, his profits
must he large.
3. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoe E.dablishment at
the corner of Main and Bridge sta., in * small plain
store, at a cheap rent. can afford to sell boots & shoes,
hats & caps, and groceries, at lower prima, and of
better quality than any other store in town.'
now, if ibis is not sound logic, two and two no not
make four; but if it is, common sense Milo on you to
come to us for your Hats & Caps, Boats & Shoes &c.
See the contrast, and let your own reason decide it it
was not your advantage to give us a trial.
FINLINGS °full kinds constantly on hand. Thread,
awls, bristles, shouldersticks, kit and tiles pincers, all
kinds ofbintling. silk cord and straps for boots, patent
pegging awls, skiving, paring and crooked knives and
floats. H. O'HARA & CO.
Towanda, Noe. 17, 1846.
DEETET, I O Dgrlt}.ls I
rtioupsoN & CRAWFORD,
WHOLESALE Di uggisii, No. 40 Market atreet„
(South side, below Second.) Philadelphia.
oar for sale a large stork of Fresh Drugs, Medicines
and Dyt , Stuffs, to which they call the attention of
Country Mereliants'and Dealers visiting the city.
Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black and other varnishes of
a superior quality. Also, White and Red Lead, Win
dow Glass, Paints and Oils—cheaper than ever.
i & C.. an' also proprietors of the Indian Vege
table Balsam, celebrated throughout their own and
neighboring States, as the best preparation for the rule
of Coughs, Colds. Asthma. &r. Money refunded in
every instance where no (*refit is received. l
Philadelphia, Jan. B. 1897. ' 3m
GROCERIES, of all descriptions . at wholesale or re
tail. Attention is partleirhaiy directed .to their
amortment of Prowl; Teas ; (we don't knots the differ.
cut names of the packers, but the "arliele " is " C .K.")
nor I I W. BAIRD &
HARD WARE, Iron, Nails, (lees. Paints, Oils, Dys
Woad., Dye stuffs, Medicines, etc., in General end
[m ou e ,. nv i t W. H. BAIRD & CO.
PATABLES !—Suprtfino flour, relit, fresh butte
-Ed 111 b eat, etc., etc.. constantly on' hand and for sale
W E T h E7S o a n t h a a l n l d k a iii l i a ls rge of 7ri . ces.
k of D i re
w F . RE h S av I e l
just struck a vein of 4s. Tea that is right. Call Atal
try it. AIONTANYE rir FOX.
AVERY large stock of Bniad cloths Cassirneee*.
Beaver cloths, and winter vesting' of all prices.
cobra and patterns, now opening and for sale very l ow
NO. 3, B. R.