Patriotic people, will with one determined effort hurt the traiterous miscreants from the places they disgrace.—Easterrt-.Beget:. TOR TwO RAILROAD PROJECTS COMPARED. ...I I is well known that Mr. Whitney has pro , mo lgated a grand scheme for a railroad across the United States, to connect the, Atlantic with the-Pacific oceans. It is also known that Lieut. Willies has published and is urging a scheme of a similar character. Between these two projects the public mind i s, and probably will be for some time, divided. And yet few are familiar with the comparative merits of either. To enlighten our readeni on this important subject. we give, from the N. Y. Gl o be, a succinct statement: of the nature of ea ch proposition : •.IWhiiney proposes-Ist.. To construct the road, himself. and to start from the lower p o int of Lake Michigan, on the eastern border of Illinois. 2d. He asks the government to relict a stretch of the public domain 60 mi l es in width, froin that point to the Pacific ocean, whish he agreep i to sell to obtain the Means to build the road. Bd. The road to be long to him and his associates for the first 20 years attar its completion, and afterwards to the government, unless his associates or their successors" shall then conclude to pay the go vernment 16 cents the acre for the granted land. Wilkes proposes, on the otlier.hand ..let. That the work ba national, and that it he built and owned by the government. 2d. That its c onstruction and control be confided to sworn Commissioners elected by the State- Legisla tures, or by the people of the several States. 3d. That it start from the Missouri river, and run thence westwardly over the territories of the General Government. 4th. That its re senues and tolls be kept down to the measure of its current expenses. sth. That it be open to foreigners and their merchandize- on the same terms as to our own citizens, with the ex eeptuin of mere debenture fees on foreign freight. 6th. That it be built out of the pub treasury, and that no special allotment of the contiguous public lands be made, except in favor of the laborers and mechanics on the rnad 7 -it being recommended that each man alto has worked " 0,.e i ear upon it. receive, in ahninrt to his esual wages. a reward of 80 or Ititacres, a: a farm to settle on." These are the two plans. They are both for the si emit! time before the Congress of the canon, and the people can take their choice be tween them. THE M ITRDER of LIEUT. RITCHIE.—We find in the New or;eans Times, an account of the murder of the Lieut. Ritchie. "On Gen. Scott's arrival at the mouth of the Rio Grande, and assuming the chief command, he (outlet ith sent despatches to Saltilln. address. ed to General Taylor, or the commanding officer there. When the bearer reached that city. General Butler, the officer in command, opened the dr,ithtvlies, the result of which was the im departure of Gen. Wool' and his dr % 01011 for the Rio Grande. The despatches were then resealed and sent off la charge of Lieut. Ritchie, sth infantry, to Gen. - Taylor. then on_ his retrogradjinovement t, Monterey front Victoria. Ten men, belong e.g et Kearney's company. of the sth. accom pa.frd Lieut. Ritehie as an escort. They arriv• id at Aloinerey in safety, stopped there a night, edeil on their route to meet General 'f ,t lin' the next d.iy. Towards dusk Ritchie retched ilie,Villa Grande, distant twenty three fh , in Monterey. Meeting. just after his 2rriv.,l..y. nit an Englishman established in bus -11,,s there. lie availed himself of his services to 'route r, freshments for himself and command; A , the tint were crossing the plaza or, Villa lir ,n,le. in furtherance of that object, a Mexican .di lir...hark came whisking by them, when saldenly he threw a lasso over Ritchie, put ors to his animal. and succeeded in dragging I'll heyr.ll.l l the town to a small creek in the Here he murdered him, and after rourr4riing his body in a horrid manner, made elf win, the despatches. These are said to be oft:teat consequence, containing a sketch of the Om of the , forthettming' campaign, with other unportatkpartieuharP. It seems as if the move ment., of Ritchie and his party were narrowly matched by the enemy, for during the night they passed ai Montefey the arms of five of his men uere:stolen trout them necessitating a demand en the quartermaster for a fresh supply. Lieut. Ruch e. we undeptand, is a nephew of the venerable editor of the IV ashington'Union." The Daily Keysloac. of Philadelphia, has been dit.continued, and its subscription list added to that of the Sp:rit of th'e Timex. • Seneca Ca ES.—Thee is nothing more trying to_ the human constitution than sudden changes of atmos phere. Heat rarifies the blood, quickens the circulation, sal increases the perspiration ; but when suddenly ebrcled, those humors which should pass off by the skin an thrown ofrinwardly, causing coughs, Folds, consamp• duLculty of breathing, watery and inflamed eyes, are throit, fevers, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and many Other - complaints, the usual symp toms of catching cold. - Wnght's Indian Vegetable Pills area delightful medi 7 rine for carrying off • cold—because'they expel from the 6 .4 those Rumors which are the cause not only of the above complaints, but of every malady under heaven.— Fvto Or fire of said Pills takedevery night on going to bc , l sill, in a few days, carry off the most obstinate cold . ; at the mine time the digestive organs will be restored to healthy tone, and the blood so completely purified. that Dew life via vigor will be given to the abote frame • -7Brwial or Cou zzzzzz trs.—The public are can .t,cled against the many spurious medicines which, in w f , r dereiie.are called by names similar to Wright' Induct Vegetable Pills. , R emember , the only original and genuine Indian "rtrtitile Pills have the written signature of William Wntbt oti the top label of each box. Office. devoted exclusively to the sale - of Wright's Indira Vegetable Pigs, Wholesale and Retail,l69 Race Philadelphia; 288 Greenwich N. York and 198 Tremont St., Boston. .Agenta for the sale of Wright's. Indian Vegetable Pat, In Towanda, Montanye's & Co ; for other agen cies. see Oreitiarment in another column. - Orphan's Court Sale. Pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bruiford county, there will be exposed to public ule stnie house of Moses Berman, in Ridgbery, at two °clock in the afternoon of the 6th day of April nest, the following tract - of lartillto wit :—A tract of land Arne in Ridgbery aforesaid, bounded north by land of o n - Mareellus, east by land of said Marceline and Mitchell, south by land of Cummins David tll Ptumn. and west by land of Malvinas Stevens. Con- I tning about one hundred acres with about thirty acres L% , on sud barn the improved with w saw mill arid a filmed house thereon erected. ALSti—A certain tract of land situate to Ridgbety 67 bousileil north by land of Wm. Covell, east land of Obadiah HxlLsouth by land of Wm. Cooper, !thd a cres y land of. Luke N. Pitts. Cotainin about !!!,t7 c with a framed house and barn n thenece g erect- Viet about twenty acres thereon improved. Meth 9, 1847 1847. NEW YORK CARD. 1847. T HE attention of merchants and others visiting New York is requested to the kdlowing Cards._Those advertising are determined that nothing at their power hall be wanting to en able customers who cation them to purchase cheaper than aver. Lee, Zs Brewster, Have received and are now opening MO Cana Pion= CALI• con. comprising all the new spring styles of American, Bri tish and 'French manufacture, in market ...all of which an now being exhibited and offered for sale,—at the , • 19&111)21 1 201019 0 44 CEDAR STREET, .Peto Pork. 11. 11. Sehleffelln & Co., Druigtate, . 104 and 106 John-street, N. Y. Imponers of British. Mediterranean and India Drop. - Agents of New York and Brooklyn Glass works. White Lead and Tremanns colors at factory prices. Agents for Swaim's Panacea and Vennifuge. Varnishes, Irunruments, Snuff, Brushes, at factory prices. Edward Black, Manufacturer and Importer of Musical Instruments, No. 81 Fulton street. corner of Gold, N. Y., keeps constantly on hand the largest assortment of Musical Instruments in the city, and all kinds of musical merchandise. Brown's Coffee House & Dining Saloon, 71 Pearl street, Centrally situated in the busineas pan of the city, (facingCoen ties!alip. between Hanover Square and broad ay The belt ea. tablishritent in the city for country marchauta m get their meals. GEO. BROWN, late of Lovejoy's Hotel. Wrought Iron Pipes, For steam. 4c., from 1-b to a inches calibre. Also, Ebro; Brass and Iron Cocks, Flanges, &c. Manufacturers , and others, sending a diagram, can have p ipes accurately fitted to measure. T.H.NORRIS & BROTHER,r62 Goldwt. • Flushing Institute - , at InushLug, 1.. I. 1 Nine miles from the city of New York. This School has been well sustained - more than twenty years. Its present accommodations are not surpassed in the country. For circulars, containing terms, references, &c, &c., apply by mail or otherwise to EZRA FAIRCHILD, Piincipal, Flushing. Catapheao Solid Bottom Glass Bchatitala ' Lamps , ' Cannot corrode or become heated—they are superior to other lamps: Manufactured wholesale &ad retail by J. 0. PAY, DB Fultop•st. Also, Howe's, the best article of Camphene I Stout & Ward, Munufacturers and arholesaledealers to Boots and Shoes, Lea ther. Morocco. &v. No. 953 N. B.—Stout & Ward are maitufactueng the finest quality of Ladies' French and Kid stitched Buskins., Slips and Gaiters, witch they warrant superior to any thing manufactured in the City or Country. Bullard and Ten Pin. Balls. SHARDLOW & BROTHER, 118 Fu Turners and dealers in Ivory and Fancy hard Woods. Martin gal and Napkin rings, Sand-boxes. Letter stamps, Wafer cups and 'alders, Ivory Lhecks or Counters, or of all patterns. Dice &c., l'aum keys, Cue leathers and wax. Orders solicited. Carpeting*, Oil Cloths, &e. The subscriber is constantly receiving by importations and otherwise, full supplies of Tapestry, Wilton. Brussels, Three ply. Ingrain and Venihan Carpeting., and Oil Cloths in great varietA. coniprisng,a complete assortment. at prices satistacto ry to the purchaser. Wholesale and retail by R. E. PURDY, 442. Pearl street Silver Ware Manufactory. J. & L COX, 13 Malden Lane, New York, keep constantly for sale of their own manufacture, Silver Tea Sets, Forks, Spoons, &c. Also. gas Fixtures, Lamps of every description, Mantle Ci.ks. , CliandelteraGirandoles, Table cutlery, Japsumery, Sil ver plated and Britannta wares, tee. Look.frig 01 JOHN H. WILLI/01S. SO:\ & CO.. Importers and Maaufac turers of Looking Glasses. looking '..;lass Plates. &c., 315 Pearl (opposite Peck slip.) We supply the above at such prices as will preCludc-ilie possibility of being undersold, and of s qua lity equal ti) that whirls has charactcrued our establishment for the past thirty-seven yearn. Upholstery. $01.0310N & lIART, Importers and NI anufacturer of all kinds of Unholstery gcsads..curtrun materials and incomings, window shades and paper hangings, wholesale & retail, 243 Broadway, opposne the Park. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms. • Nankin Tea Company. The Nankin Tea Company, =4' Pearl street, N V., dealers in pure and fragrant Teas exclusively. By recent importations they are prepared to fill up all orders for their superior teas in packages for famtly use. Merchants and others wishing ua have our superior packed teas on sale, will be allowed a liberal disc. Iron Safe Warehouse. 139 %V ater st., N. Y. SILAS C. HERRING. dealer 111 all kinds of Iron Safes and Mo ney Chests, and tr. the only person in this state authorized to manufacture or it , ll W.lder's Genuine Patent Double and Sin gle Salamander Sate. N B. Second hand Safes of other makers. such as have been taken m part payment for Wilder's. Mr sale at leiw-than one half of first cost. Looking Glasses. Merchants from'the country, who wish to porchase Looking (user, direct front the inanufncory. at much lower prices than they have ever done. ore invited to make their selections from a most extrusive assortment at the ware-room of H. W. MERRIAM, 130 Chothom-st. Snuff and Tobacco. The subscriber conunnes to manufacture and offer for sale the following articles. viz: Genuine & immt,on Maccaooy Scotch Snuff. Snuff rose flavored, High Toast do. do. Amer. & French Rappee snuffs. Irish Thant or Irish Black- Detn:gron do. Am. gent do. guard do Put up in pound And other kinds of brown snuffs. and hlf pound bottles, large Put up to bbls. kegs. prs, and and small bladders, barrels, lb. and half lb. bottles. l kegs and tars. .Also„ Fine Cut Chewmg Tobacco, in large and small papers and bulk, & sweet !merited Oronnko extra sup • in quarter lb. papers. Fine Cut Smoking Tobabco. viz: Span sh Canaster, I Ordinary and cut stems. In hulk and different sized papers, and packed in tierces bar rels half barrels and kegs. A full pr.ce current may be had by d.recting per mail to PE I'ER LORILLARD Jr., 42 Chatham-et. The Book of the Feet • 1111 0 1T0112 Or BOOTS AND %HOZ& - With illustrations of the fashions of !he F.gypuans. Hebrews, Persians Greeks and Romans and the prevailing style through. out Europe during the mddle ages, down to the present per.od —MAO. elms to the Last-makers and Remedies tor Conns etc. by J. SPAIDIES HALL. from the second Imndon edition, with a history of Loots and Shoes in the United States, B ographical sketches o f eminent Shoemakers. Anecdotes. Isc. PncesOcts. per copy. or five copies for 52 by mail. Country merchants can procure this work at the trade price in any of the cities WM. H. GRAHAM, Tribune Buildings. • • Chas. F. A. Hinrichs ; 150 Brnadway, and 75 - Liberty street, New York. HINRICHS & CO., 11 Kiihy-st. Boston. Importers of French. German and Vancy Goods Fr. porcelain Vases and Ornaments.' 'Toys of all description. Bo hemian r eh cut. colored and porceln.n Glans ware, vases and mugs. Colored sheet glans cut glass prisms. alabaster-statuary and - Ornaments. pendules, engravings and lithographs, archery and cricket implements, etc. W ADAMS, dealer in %Vetches. Jewelry, Aeeordtans, Toys, Fancy Goods. he. At. every article - marked in plain figures. No charge for looking--eivilities is non•purehasers grass, at I 9 Olathe= Squire, near the lluw•ery. Coffee &. Spices. TIIE STATE MILLS numuiarturr and offer in sale to wen try merchants at the lowest remunerating cash prices, Mun tenia, Cocoa. Coffee. and Spices of hest mater:als, packed and boxed in the first style of neatness and elegance. HENRY B. BLAIR, 178 Wishingtocmit. ,New Hardware,Cnt Wrought Nails, &c. DENNISTOUN 3 DISHROW. EsiPearl. opposite Pearl Street House, New York, are opening toe sale a very full assortment of New Hardware. They keep conautntly on hand Cut and wrought nails. anvils and vices, log and trace chains, mill, emu cut and circular sawaahovela spades and tae•, scythes, sick les and fad irons, &c. tcc. Stationery, Blank Books 6 Paper. RICH& LO uTREL., 6t Wiliam sh Importers pt Foreign Sta tionery of every description. Manufacturers and dealers in Account Books.; Papers of all llculs,gold pens, letter copying presses. seal presses, manifold Writers. Excelsior ink. and ell other articles sold by stationers. Please call and sue us. Goods freely shown—prices very low. riots v. aica. { 61 William wx. x. tourist. Publishns of G. Brown's Grammar, New York Readers, Put nam's Analytical Readers. dec. &e. Medical Books, a very ex tensive asiorunent, all on the most reasonable terms, ter cash, or approved credit Britannia nom tea setts, coffee pots, castors. candlesticks, lamps. pitchers, flagons, tankards, goblets. ladles, table and tea ms.roasses cups. plates and cape (or s pittoons. ,gtec t um bler,. .m.netupediire at the lowest price. Also Bane. tin, Straits tin, antimony and bar tin, Or sale at 6 Burling WV. by LUCIUS HART, late Boardman & Hart. ttmlbrellas. The imbscriberi being the larva( munfuturers of Vmbrellas, Parasol!. Parasollems end n-shades in the Unite Sulu, and baying facilities which no other house possess, e n conse quently sell goods cheaper than any other este/diatom ot HOrGHTON, MERRELL , & C0.,48 Cedar at Sailers Celebrated Geld Pens. A. G. BAGLNY t Co. IE9 Broadway, N. Y. manufacturers of their ever potnted gold pens, patent extention cues kir pea and pencil, and pencil eases. The trade supplied at the knreursets. . Wliblisigtos t Francla & Weida, Coffee anit Spice Factory, N 0.7 Dula d., N. Y. Have constantly on hand the following articles: Coffee—Green, Roasted and Ground. • • Spices—Whole and Ground. Mustard of superior quality in various sired packages. Drugs & Chemicals rotted for dealers in drugs& medicines. W Mebane.. D. BULLOCK, J. IL WEBB, HINCIMIN & NEWTON, Manufaeonen and wbedesale dealers. la Dress, Stay and Skirt Bones, of superior quality. suitablvfor the retail trade, always on hand. Jobbing and Couniry Merchants supplied. N 0.35, Cedar street. Nan lb* rilimntscmato. PRINTS ONLY. Spring Styles, 1847. Adam. , Fancy Bazaar. 198 Chatham Squa e, New York Samul 8. and William Wood. No. 261 Pearl at., New York, Brnava:Lis Ware Neni Vock %beam:lents. Pllatfbras Boaleo. Fairbanks' Patent Platform Sales, of every desirabletrodifl eation, Dormant and Portable &ales, kr stores. vrarebouses. &e. Pay. Railroad, Coal and Grain Reales, ice, to War:Mts. ed perfmtly and permonewly accents. For sale by FAIRBANKS & CO.. 124 Water at. C. P. bit. WILLIAM!. Late Williams & Hawley, Wholesale dealers In One Teas and Gmeenes, Invite attention to their superior assortment, which they offer on the goat fa. 'arable terms in cash or approved math, N 0.192., Front at, (neat Fulton.) WINDOW SHADE DEPOT. No. 7 Spruce street. Tribune Buildings ESTABLISHED IN 1840. WHOLESALE and Retsil--SHADES of all do. acriptiens, inel2ding superb and brilliantly colored Gothic Scenes, of various sizes and prices ; al• so the late style of beautiful Rural Landscape Scenes, a much admired and desirable article ; together with every style and description .of shade maw in use, at fifty per cent, cheaper than can be bought at any other place, Trimmings. at manufacturers prices. Sign, Banner and interibr decorations dune in a style not to be surpassed. BA RTOL & ORMSBEE, 9m2P Manufacturers and Importeri. Premiums -Awarded to Levi Irowu, By the American .Inotitate for Gold Pens. T 1840—A Silver Medal for Superior Gold Pena. 1841—A Diploma foe Gold Pens, 1842—A. Diploma far the best Gold Pens. 1843—A Diploma for the best Gold Pens. 1844—A Diploma for superior Gold Peps. 1845—A Silver Medal for the best Gold Pcna. ' 1846—A Silver Medal foe the best Gold Pens. This is to certify, that the above is a true copy from the record, of the American Institute • HENRY MEIGS, 6m38 Rec. See. of the American Institute. Eqpt %Innttisements. Corporate . .rottee. In Bradford Common Pleas. Feb. T., 1847. .L others, the matter of the application-Of T. Morgan and others, to be incorporated under the style and title of •• The Baptist Church and Society of Athens Borough, county of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania." Notice is hereby given that Wm. Morse, C. Bene dict, 7'. Lane Jerome White, R. T. AP . George, G. W. Plummer, L. D. Hart, sal Levi Morse, on the 10th day of Feb. 1847, presented totha said court an instru ment th writing; and the objects, articles and conditimis therein set forth and contained, appearing to the - Said court to be lawful, and not injurious to the community, directed the said writing to be filed, and notice to be given in one newspaper printed in said county of Brad ford, for at least three weeks before the next court of common please of said county, setting forth that eppli. cation has been made to said court to grant such an act of incorporation according to in act of Assembly in such case made and provided. • A. M'KEAN, Prothonotary Prothonotary's Office, Towanda, March 3d, 1847. 5 Orphan's Court Sale. "DUBLIr.) NOTICE is hereby given that in pursu ance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, held at Towanda, the first day of Feb., 1847, will be exposed to public sale on Thursday the let day of April.aext, at two o'clock, P. M., on the premises, the following described lot of land situate,lying and be ing in the township of Monroe, county of Bradford, on the road leading from Monroeton to Towanda, bounded u follows : on the north by Joseph Hornet, on the east by Russell Fowler, on the south by the heirs of A. C. Rockwell, and on the west by the above mentioned road. Containing about three-fourths of an acre with a large building erected and fitted fora tannery, together with a dwelling house and barn ; to be sold as the pro. perty of 1. 8. Warn, deceased. Terms made knoon on the day of sale. JOSEPH HOMET, Monroeton, Feb. 19, 1847. Administrator. Orphan's Court Sale. N pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court in and I for the County of Bradford, held at Towanda, on the 11th day of February, A. D. 1847, there will be ex posed-to sale, by public ',endue or outcry, on the premises, on Thursday the 25th day of March, 1847, at one o'clock in the afternoon, • certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Troy and bounded north by land cf -Ward, east by lands of James Dewitt, south by land of Wm. Morrison, and west by the highway lead ing from Granville to Troy,: containing one hundred acres or thereabouts, being land of which Win. Knox, deceased, late of Troy townshipidied seiz?d. Terms made known on the day of sale. CHARLES DRAKE, A. FIORRISON, Feb. 22d. 1847. Ad's of WM. KNOX, dee'd. Orphan's Court Sale. I N pursuance of en order of the Orphans' Court, in and for the county of Bradford, there will be ex posed at public sale at the House of V. M. Long , in Troy. borough, at one o'clock, P. M. of the I Othday of March-the following tract or parcel of land belonging to the estate of debt C. Taylor deceased, to wit: The egosl and undivided half of a tract of land situate in the township of Troy and bounded as follows: Begin ning at a putt the south west corner of Alfred Rations' lot, and the south east corner of • lot belonging to John and Uel Porter and the north east curler of a lot owned by John - Courtney thence east thirty-six perches and sixteen links to a post at the side of the road, thence south twenty-seven degrees west, forty-three perches to • post, thence west twenty-six perches to a post titand mg in the line of John Courtney, thence north filly-two degrees east, five perches and seventeen links to• post in said Courtney's line, thence north, twenty-four and a half degrees east, twenty-eight perches to • stump, thence north, forty-five degrees west, eleven perches and a half to the place of beginning. dontain , ng about five acres, after deducting one acre therefrom enclosed within said boundary belonging to Danis' Dobbins.— There is situate thereon • valuable flouring mill, to which as appurtenances thereunto belonging, are cer tain mill racerieading to said mill. ALSO—A tract of land si..uate in Troy township in said county, bounded as follows: Beginning at the centre of the Williamsport end Elmira road, in the east line of Daniel Dobbins land; thence - north along said line, ten rodsand two links all stake and stones, thence south eighty-one degrees east, eight rods to a stake and stones, thence south ten reds and two links to the cen tre of amid road, thence north, eighty-one degrees west, along the centre of said road, eight rods to the place of beginning. Containing about one half acre of land. , Feb..s. 1847, JOHN M'KEAN. Administrator. AUDI VOWS NOTICE THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, to make distribution ,icif funds raised by an administrator's sale of the real estate of Hector W. Strong, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointmtnt at his ofhoe in Towanda borough, on Tuesday the 23d day of March next, at two o'clock P. M.,ovhen all persons interested are required to exhibit their claims to him, or be debarred from coming in upon said fundi. Feb. 15, 1547. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. • Michad Koons et. al. to the use if 1). P. Bar. -stow vs. the Towanda Bank. No. 577. May Term. 1842. Bradford Common Pleas. MBE undersigned hiving been appointed an Audi for by the Court of Common Pleas, to disnibuto moneys raised by execution in this suit, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at his office in Towanda borough, on Thursday the 25th day of March next, at two o'clock P. 51., where all persons interested oda required to make known their claims before him, or be detente] from coming in upon said funds. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. Feb, 15, 1847. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. TAE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor by the Orphan 's Court of Bradford county to az• amine and adjust the accounts cite administrator. of. Hiebeld Horton deceased. he will attend to the duties of his said appointment at his office in Towanda bon.; on Wrens:day the 24th day- of March neatlat two o'clock P. M., of which all personsinteristed wdl take notice. • T HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. Feb, 18, 1847:. BONNETS—A great easing to do Heads' of ob. Nation." The Ladies will find it a greatening to heir beads to call and purchase one of those beautiful fitraw, Devon. Gimp; Florence, or Lace, Lila, Gipsy Bonnets, selling so cheap at • sum. Mg Sabo, Orouties, SR., &-c. WINT E R ..G 1 0 0.11. g I H. S. Br.M. C.,MERCUR, HAVE just received end are now offering for sale at A 1 wholesale or retail, the hugest rind most general as sortment of Foreign and DoMestic GOODS. ever brciught into Northern Pennsylvania., which will be sold ahem tofore at prices - amidst:tory ,to the purchaser. Dec. 10. Cloths, Cashmeres and Battinetts. ' ALL those weenies anything for Cloaks, Overcoats, Coati,-Pints or Yeats, will find it to their advan tage to examine the large stock of French, English and American Cloths, black and fancy Cassimeres, Sam netts, Kentucky Jeans, Vesting., &c. &c., at ' Dee. 10, le.& ME RC UR'S. T ADZES can end ■ aupesior assorttnent or DRESS .LIGOODI3 & CLOAKINOS. at MERCUR'S. Ur TONB IRON, American, Swedes and English, 1 • general assortment of hoop, band, scroll, round, square. one and two bona wagon tire, bar, &c., just re. mired at d 33 MERUIJRS'. CLOVER SEED. - A QUANTITY of superior new Clover Seed this -Eli. day reeeived.aod for sale at NIERCUR'S. Raw unnwar, as wavy Ebezzgo CHEAPEST IN. TOWN ! MONTANTE & FOIL HAVE just received and are now opening a very extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting of almost everything every kept in a country store, which they pledge themselves to sell u loci as the same can be bought in any town this side of the city of New York. Come one and all, and if we don't sell you Gaon. Cisar don't buy; it will Cow you nothing to look, and all we ask a chance to show our stock of goods. Be sure and find the right place, it is the Old Corner Store. a few doors south of Montanye & Co's. The Slops are on hand and will sell you goods right for Cub or Produce. Towanda, Nev. 9, 1846. 5000 i it era . g . - 347 0w 7I f N or GS S p Zig uoe. TlN b GS Nov. MONTANYF. & LADIES' GOODS WE HAVE • good assortment of De laines, repps, cashmeres, gingham., (some beautiful patterns) white dress goods, different styles ; fringes, gimps, cord, cried" ribbons, bonnet ribbons, kid and silk gloves and mitts, comforters, linen handkerchiefs, &c., &c., aU of which will ha sold cheap. MONTAN YE 4- FOX. FOR GENTLEMEN. WE HAVE a flue lot of Broadcloths, Cassie:lento, Vestings, and some very nice Satin; Kid and worsted gloves, suspenders, net drawers and wrappers &c„ which we have pit' down to the lowest notch. Nov.ll. MONTANYE & FOX. el ROCKERY—a good assortment, in setts or other tab.., to suit purchasers, by Noe. 11. MONTANYE & FOX. BOOTS AND SHOES A/rEINTS. kip and coarse boots; boys do., "mens' and boys coarse. kip and fine shoes ; mens' ■nd boys pumps; ladies' thick boots, morocco do., common and kid slips and buskins; misses' Slips; gent.'s rubbers; ladies' patent and 'buskin rubbers, misses do.; also, first rate lot of children's shoes. november 11. MONTANYE & FOX. You may be Interested t ALL persons that know themselves to be indebted to be indebted to the subscriber fur Goods or Medi eines. arc requested to call and Belle the same before the let of December, however small the amount may be, or they-may expect to pay cost, without respect to per sons. nvll A. D. MI)NTANYE. LIQUORS, a full assortment, consisting of Cog. Brandy, American Brandy and Gin. Monongahela Whiskey, Port. Maderia and Malaga wines, may he found at tho NOVI Yoik Cheap Store, No. 2 Brick Row of REEDS'. BOOTS At SHOES—a first rate assortment of co - arse and fine Boots, , Shoes and Nippers, the latter French of course, just opened at noir3 0. D. BARTLETT'S. SHA Vl'LlS—guantitics of Shawls, nice-t kind. going off fast and cheap at 0. I). BARTLET"I":3. CAPS of all kinds cheap. besides every thin.; else at 0. D. BARTLETT'S. SANTA ANNA TAKEN! JTINT received a large and splendid assortment-of new Goods. bought entirely with Cash. during a great depirssion in the market, and with the express view of UNDERSELLING the BRAGGADOCIES. 0. D. BARTLETT. FLOUR, from the " Globe Mills," a superior article also PORK, first quality, for sale by November 3. FLYNT & CO. MOIIE of those A. Na, I. BOOTS, and • large quantity of LADIES'. SHOES. just received by November 3. FLYNT tSt. CO. MIR% DIDMNIM, MILLINER AND MATUAMAKER, Conner or River maid itridlgi sts, TOWILYD•, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. A LARGE Assort-rm ENT of Cloths of all shades ./1 and colon, and qualities, and prices. Casimeres. Farley and Plain. Sattinetta and a good assortment of Vesting, may he found at GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. • CA:Vit . :to my enclosure, about the middle of Septem ber,, a deep red yearling BULL. l'he owner is re. negated to prove properly, pay charges and take it away. Shasheguin, Dec. 29, 18•03. wm. HORTON, 2d. TGR2EFENBERG VEGETABLE PILLti X and the Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment, for sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town and bo• rough of Towanda. d 22 N. N. BETTS. FOR SALE. 21 HEAD OF COWS and young cattle will sold 1 cheap for cash or approved credit. Towanda, Oct. 13,1848. HIRAM C. FOX. PRINTS—a large and beautiful lot of PRINTS. by nov.ll. MONTAN Y E & FOX. LADIES! I SAY, LADIES ! ! If you have made up your minds to buy a nice dress. cloak or shawl this season, don't fail to call at N 0.3, B ick Row, where yon can find the moat, best and cheapest articles in that line. that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trimmings. Remember, call at net I BAIRD'S. Estray. Cinto my etclusure about the first of last June a light red yearling BTEER, marked with a mw of warts on the back of his neck, and without any other particular marks. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. Burlington. Jan. 1.1et7. JOHN HA YTHORN. VILB.ICaIBI OM:B.MM This may` or Bargains THE subscriber would respectfully say to his old customers and the publie generally, that he has re-commenced the manufacture - of Chairs, etc., at his old shop on the north side of Bridge street, in the build ing known us thew Yellow House." He keepe am- Mantly on -Multi, or will mike to order, (in a nest and durable style ) all articles in his line as cheap u the I:baited. His friends can be supplied with Faney. Winsor and Common Chairs. of differ ent patlerns—Sdtees. Rocking Chairs, Children's Chairs, fe.. 4-e. . Also--Bcdsteads.aud Tables- Cal and sea me it my shop On Bridge street, and I will satisfy you that you ran buy reasonable. N. 11.--Whito wood, Cucumber sad Basswood plank, wanted in etchings • for choirs on reasonable terms. .IEBBE TAYLOR. Towanda, Jan. - 20, 1847. NOTICE. 11THEREA8 my wife Mary Aim has left my bed T and board without any judos= or- provocatbm DOW therefore I for bid any person or persona harboring or trusting her on my account as lam determined tom no debts of her contracting after this date. - • Ridiprbitry Bradford Co, Pa. Dec: 6.18!8. HENRY M. COOP2M-' AHMES AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. JUST received • large_guantity of Fine and Common Hames. Also, Plated and ispued Hena' Trim mings at Feb. 22. MERCUR'B.• BUCKWHEAT FLOUR AFpw pounds BUCKWHEAT FLOUR in 60 lb. tacks, a superior article, just received and for Pie by Feb. 22. O. D. BA RTLErf. THE COMMISSIONERS of the County of Brad ford,./ hereby give notice, that they have fixed upon the following places and days respectively. fur the hear ing of Appeals of those who may think themselves og grieved by the assessments for A. D. 1847, and are de sirous of appealing from the same, to wit; • Towanda township and borough—at the Commission. er's office, on Tuesday, the 16th day of March. Ulster.—at J. M. Pike's, Wednesday, 17th. Athena township and borough—at E. S.-Mathewson'e, Thursday, 18th. Litchfield—at Reuben Park's, Friday, 19th. . Shestieguin--at Daniel Brink's, jr.. Saturday, 20th. Rome—at W. W. Kinney's, Monday, 22,1. Orwell—at H.Z.Frisbie's, Tuesday, 23d. Windham—at Wm. Sibley's, Wednesday, 24 , h. Warren—at Robert Cooper's, Thuursdsy, 25th, , Pike—at Dennison Johnson's, Friday, 26th. Herrick—at N. B. Wetmore's, Saturday:27th. Springhill--at D. D. Black's, Monday, 29th. Wyeluaing—at J, ft. Black's, Tuesday, 30th • Asylum—at James .DePuy's, Wednesday. 31st Standing S l one—at S. H. Canfield's Thursday the Ist day of April Wysox—at Harry Morgan', on-Friday. 2nd Monroe—at Josiah Lawrence's, Saturday. 3d Burlington—at Henry Polies, Monday, sth Smithfield—at A. J. Gerould's Tuesday 6th itidgberry—at M. D. Herman's Wednesday 7th 'Springfield—at Thomas &nand's, Thursday Bth South Creek—at David R. More's Friday. 9th Wells—at Wm. S. IngalTs, Saturday, 10th Columbia—at James Morgan's Monday, 12th Troy borough dr. townships—at, F. Herrick's, Tuesday lath Armenia—at E. Kira Wednesday, 14qt Canton—at A. E. Spalding's, Thursday, 15th Leroy—at Parley Morse's on Friday, 16th Granville—at Levi Taylor's, Saturday, 17th Franklin—at A, Hibbard's Monday, 19th Albriny—st Horatio Ladd'a Tuesday, 20th. Duiell—at Simeon Decker's, Wednesday 21st At each of which places, respectively, they will attend, between the hours of 10 o'clock A, M. and 3 P. M. L.P. TNAM, • A. L. CRANMER, Commissioners. J, H. BLACK, Attest—J. M. War -etas, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, 'Towanda, Feb. 18,1847. DM:OMo 1 Dattig.B I 3 PHONIPSON & CRAWFORD, WHOLESALE Druggists, No. 40 Market street, (South side, below Second.) Philad. offer for sale a large stuck of Fresh Drugs, Medicines and Dye•StulTs, -to which they call the attention of Country Merehants and Dealers visiting the city. Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black and other varni-heaf a superior quality. Also, White rind Red Lead, \Vin •dow Glass, Paints and Oils—cheaper than ever. 0 a• T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian Vege table Balsam, celebrated throughout their own and neighboring States, as the best preparation for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, dm Money refunded in every instance where nu benefit is received. Philadelphia, Jan. 8. 1847. 3m IMPORTdINT To EPICURES. -N - FOOLSEP'S REFINED SYRUP, equst in flavor V to the best maple molasses, fur sale by December 29. MONTANYE & FOX. OLOTKS, CLOFILS—We wish the attention of all who are in want of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinet &c, to our large stork on hand. These clothe must be sold. We never have been undersold. and never will be. Call and examine. G. F FLYNT 4- CO. 91',& 1 112aC/MlliZf.' 6 . 8 S'AIU24'LIaIIIZZ 3 ii . Jr. mEorr, WOULD respectfully say to the citizens of Towan da, end the public generally, that if they wish to have their work done in the moot fashionable, neat and durable manner, and good fits, and as cheap as at any other establishment in town, they will find it to their interest to give him a call. fl:r CUT lING done on short notice, and warranted to fit, if made up rijit. Shop in the next building below Brick row, up stairs, directly over Brown's Grocery. TowanJa, January 1, 1947.-43 New Fall and Winter Goods. TNew York a,large assortment of GOODS suit J to the season. carefully selected, and purchased at unusual ly low priees, which will enable him to sell very low for cosh, lumber, country produce, or approved credit. His friends and the public generally are invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.— He feels confident that ho can offer them better bargains than they have heretofore made in this town, or any other in this region of country. In his assortment will be found in all their varieties. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hanlware, Crockery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes, 4c. dc. Towanda. Oct. 28, 1846, N. N. BETTS. HE Ladies will find a great sanely of worsted T dress goods ; also, a beautiful assortment of prints at very low prices at FRES CH and English cloths, heavy Beaver and Tsireda fur over coats. fancy Cassimeres and Bat nouns, a great variety wilt be found at BETTS'. MOUSLIN De LA INE, Cashmeres, Rob Roy and Broctui Shawls, a great variety will he found CIASH WILL BE PAID FOR SHEEP pni.T6 by dec 9. MONTANYE h mi. Broad Cloth, Cassimeres & Sattinets. ALARGE assortment of Broad Clotho. Cassimeres, and Battinette, which we hove long been famous fur selling good and cheap, now cheaper than ever— and upon which we challenges the World, just received Tow aruis, Nov. 3, 1546 WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS— Wheat., Domestic Flannel, Rye, Woolen Socks, Corn, Buckwheat, Oats, Flaxseed, Butter, White Beans, Cheese, COON SKINS, in short, almost anything, for which liberal prices will be paid at O. D. DARTLE CT'S Towanda, Nov. 3, 1846. - LOOKING GLASSES, one case of very nice, 0 G fumes, West style, just opened at novll NO. 3, BRICK ROW. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL persens indebted to the. estate of Patrick Bra!). , late of Ulster township, dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and these having demands against said estate, are requested to present them forth with for adjustment. DANIEL VANDERCOOK. Towanda Jan. 9th. 1847. Administrators. NEW DRY GOODS, Corner or Main and lerldge streets. "PST OPENING, at the corner of • Main Qt Bridge .11 street, a well-selected assortment of new , and (sob. ionable DRY GOODS, which will be sold unusually low for reedy pay. The stock consists in part of Sstinett, flannel, gingham, alpacas, the cheapest lot of prints in town, edgings, inverting 4 Swiss and cam bric muslin., linsey, canton flannel, drilling, - bleached and brown muslin, (not to be surpassed) tacking, check, cashmere, . cotton, wool and buck gloves, cotton hose, suspenders, German handdrchr., • cotton and pongee edkr., gingham cravats, plaid wont cam footers, cotton tapes, patent • • thread, sewirig silk, cotton balls, peeks pins. needles, spool cotton, hooks and eyes, suspender, alibi and metal buttons, with many oth• er articles, usually found in a store, not mentioned. - The public are invited to call and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. utility will i3e aoidcheap .Z.than>t toy eitherestablishment in town. Towed); Nov. U. H.O'HARA & CO BOOTS & SHOES; OF ALL KINDS. JUST received from Philadelphia, a large and view. did assortment of men'slcalf,kip and coarse boots, ofrm $1 50 to $5 50; Wes do.; ladies gaiters and walking shoes; also, fine ki slips and buskins, and all kinds of overshoes; do. cal bootees and laced shoes ; children's and Misses shoes! of all kinds, heavy and light. suitable for every kindof weather, Poutit's calf, kip and coarse boots to suit children from 4 to 12 year. old. We pledge ourselves to give a better article at a lower price thaw any other] establishment in Bradford county. TRUNKS From 53 50 to SIB 00 , HATS AND CAPS. A forge ess.,rtruent of Cull:nous'le Hats and Caps of every Ittud and description (or sele!very low. Molasses, suitor, coffee. coilfish, No 1. and 2 Macker el, best quality black and green tea, from 31 to cents II pound ; pulverired and loaf sugar; nee tobacco, snuff, sperm. dipped and mould candles ; raisins by the box or pound, swell, soap, segars at 60 cents per hundred. soil in fact all kinds ever kept in our lire which people, oil find it their advantage to purchase and we will ;live you renqons for it : A Lille Logic and Common Sense. There are three things beyond disputet—lvt—lf a man pays out much money, be must receive as mud]. 2. e lf a man's expenses in business are Urge; his profits must be large. 3. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoe Estoblishment at the corner of Mato and Bridge sts, in a small plain store, at a cheap tent. can afford to sell boots & shoes. hats & caps, and groegit 5, at lower prices, and of, better quality than any other store in town. Now, if this is not sound logic, two and two ao not make four ; but if it is. cmqq~ seri. calls on you to come to us for your Heti Caps. Boots & Shoes &c. See the contrast, and let yqur own reason decide it it was not your advantage to g,ve tis a trial. FINLINGSofaII kinds Constantly on hand. Thresh, awls, bristles, shootder-sticks, kit and files pincers, all kinds of binding. silk cord and straps for hoots, patent pegging awls, skiving; paring and crooked knives and flogs. H. O'HARA & CO. Towanda, Nov. 17, 1846. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted t!ci the estate of JOSEPH GIBBS, late of Windham top., dee'd., are hereby requested to mate payment without delay, and those having claims against said; estate, will please pesetas then; duly attested to the subscriber. JULIUS RUSSELL, AdmiListratar. Windharit, February 23 1847. GROCERIES, of all descriptions, at wholesale or re tail. Attention is particularly directed to their aw:urtinent of Perish Teas ; (we don't know the differ ent crimes of thelpaekers, but the " article" is C .K.") noel I W. H. BAIRD & CO. ETA ROW A IZE, Iron, NOld, Glass, Paints, Oils, Dye Words, Dye stuffs, Medicines. etc., in genetsl and large quantities. ns I I W. H. BAIRD & CO. EATABLES !—Su perfine flour, pork, frehli butter wheat, etc., etc.. coustantly on hand and for sale NEW YORK CHEAP STORE C& E. REED would respectolly big leave to tender their thanks to the citizens of Bradford for their liberal patronage and support, and would in form them they are now receiving a large end full sup ply of FALL and WINTER GOODS, which will positively be sold at even less than their former low prices. The war to exterminate high prices is still kept up—no compromise has been made, and they intend to carry the war into the heart of the enemy until they shall yield or adopt the principle of selling goods at small pro fits. A nimble sixpence better than a slow shilling, is our motto. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE A such as nails, area, shovels, manure forks, shovels and tongs, sad Irons, knives and forks, pocket knives, butcher do., shears and ticisbors, razors. cloth and lisit finishes, shaving and tooth do., woof and horse cards, colrea mills, hatchets, augers, wood saws, door trim wings, steel squares. fl 'oh brushes. ark ropes, and bed cords, by null MONTAN YE & FOX. CIODFISII AND MACKEREL, a good artirle, by noel l MO.NiTANYE & Ft XT, TAPIOCA—a nice article—tar pale at nov I MONTANYE & FOX. P.RINTS. OILS 4- DYE STUFFS. ALARGE quantity White lead, l, pure, gend in oil and d rvo, biting, V eni tian red, chrome green. Paris do., Prussisti blue, rose pink, etc., linseed oil, lamp oil, coach an ! enpkl vorniqh, lagsvond.• red wood, ea:mei:int], madder, achineal, annetto, etc. We canna be undersold in an •thing in this line, al all. at all. ' november l I. , MON FAN Y E & FOX. WE have on hand the largest stork of Drugs aria Medicines in this county. including every thing used h - the Physicians and people generally Weslaco keep on hand nearly all of the must popular Patent Medicines of the day. One of our firm (A. D. M.) having bad a long experience in dealing out trAliones. we flatter ourselves we ran snit all who may favor us with a call. Prices can't fail to suit. Particular atten tion wilt be paid to orders from plitaiciatts. november I I. MONTAN YE a; FOX. BET rs BONNETS. velvet and superior Leghorn Bonnets. Also, velvets of all colors, together with anilicials, Bps. bonnet ribbons, Amway be found at REEDS'. The Last Arrival of New GOods. T N TOWANDA, are now being opened at No. 3 Brick Row. by Wm. 11. fhtird ), Co.. the filet Pio neers in the cause of Low Prices and liberal barter es changes. They do not hesitate to say, that they wil sell Goods for cash or any kind of Merchantable pro duce. at lower prices than any other establishment in Bradford County, Owego. Elmira, Binghamton, (or any branch thereof.) Call and ace. • Further particulars neat week. November 9, 1846. B Errs' 0. D. BARTLETT DOMESTIC COTTONS—Brown sheeiings, shirt ing, and drilling; Al.; 'ottnn yarn, batting, wink ings, and wadding, for sale by the bale or less quantity, at nrll BAIRD'S. D AN away from the subscriber, on apprentice boy by the name of John H. Thompson, 16 years old, without my leave or notice. All persons are hereby forbidden harboring or trusting said boy on account. as I will pay no debts of his confniciing.—One cent reward for the return of said bey., but no charges paid. Watren.Oct. 9,1840. 'CALEB C. TUNE. FALL & WINTER GOODS. ONTANYES' & CO.. are now recieving a very /VIII desirable assortment of Goods,purehasell during a great depression in the market, comprising Freneh & English BROAD-CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Sattinets, and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods. Grateful for past favors they respectfully solicit a gene rous public to call and examine their stock, and think can hold out sufficient inducements to ensure their share of public patronage. Septembor 7, 1846. HORSE SHOEING dont, on short notice by Toorsnda, Oct. 13.'45. N. H MINGW A Y RINTS •00 pieces now opening and for sale very 4. low at REEDS' 01,113212..te1l UIIaSMMIEXISOO EVERYTHING in the line, including. Elliptic Springy, I ron Aleis, Mailable burs. Dash, Seat and Btop Irons, Ornarnenta, India Rubber and Oil Cloth. Lace, Tut.. M.s, &c. for sale at jle M CR. 'llllrik u-oobEN broomsklArUßES, lenl pai law d buiemoAit4Foc. HATS h CA PI% a first rate int. of all kinds, descrip none, colors and qualities, cheaper than ever by november 11. MONTANE E & FOX. IX/HE have on hand a large susek of hire FEE 3 I' V vs TEAS at ell kinds of pricer. But; we ha just sruhruek a vein of 9s. Tca that is v;zit. - Call a try it. -MONTAN YE 4, FOX. GROCERIES. NO. 3, 131 ELM NO. 2 BRICK RO W IMRDW.9RE DRUGS 3ND MEDICINES. NOTICE TEAS! TEAS!