Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 03, 1847, Image 1

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,:.1:0)N-2.0 7220
UL' V3*.il.lM.k.t
... • .
doctrines of the Egyptian religion, the. myste- the theories and opinions hitherto entertained
ties were instituted of which we have remains on these subjects. The opinions received from .:
A Federal Monopoly `edic t{ ! tailor, of the earth, that fills the held with pie i . 'n,is bill cntletnis rem extraorilinery.feature.
probably, in Free Masonry. Of these ancient the ordinary books of travels in Egy pt. were To ree e eciefe and )louse Represen Wires: ty. The spinning wheel, behind which the! By illie seventh section it is provided. that the
frUgal homiewife was wont to ply her evening sioekholder • shall he individua l ly laitee, when
symbols we have a striking instance . in the of little consequence and entitled to littleere.. - GENTLEMEN :—The bill entitled •' An act to case, is hushed by the whirl of millions of , the corpoiation is ieselvent, not to pay all their
winged Globe signifying _the overshadowing die He might meter upon the incidents of his •
incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad Iron spindles, propelled by the power of Steam in , just di Ms. but only those due to an enumerated
provinces of God, which -could in the absence oWn travels, (for he had commenced them Manufacturing ' Company," hasibeen presented
of an Alphabet, be only pictorially represented, when but two years old,) and occupy his am- for my approbation. the manufactory. The-dependent trafic of En- ; class of creditors. while the claims of oilers
.... gland, is exchanged rot an enlarged am; pr o s- I are excluded from the benefits of this security.
It was imagined by Mr. Gliddun that the dience with the vexations, the changes, the l'his'
bill provides for the incorporation of table commerce With the world. The meehen. I The. preference thus given, limits the liability.
leading minds of Primeval ages would in their I dangers he had encountered. in various eosin- five persons, naming them , and s u c h others as ic arts, that once furnished only a Innifed sup- I not to the honesty and merit of the claim, but
associate inquiries fora First Cause, arrive at similar tries, with the glorious sunlights and sunset s - may with them, for the 'purpose of Ply of necessaries to a scattered people, now jto the prolessioe or business of the claimant.
results, and though_ separated from each other,. he had witnessed from Mount Blanc. in the manufacturing railroad and other iron, in all its minister in profusions La the wants and con-4 and intrude s a role of moral obligation so
they would arrive at the corclusion that there great desert, or gilding the minarets of eastern varieties, with a "oat stock of tw o hundred venicnces of a large population. - The boweisa novel in its terms and unreasonable in its ap•
was a Creator and that lie is one. This idea cities or immerging forth the charming - island thousand dollars ; and in addition to the usual lor tht. earth have been explored, and its miner.l pie -alien, es tii tied no sanction in the plain
they rtaieht
.e ,represent by a point or a line—but of the Mediterranean , but these were not the corporate privileges, may purchase and hold al treasures brought out and appropriated for Prinei Ales of 0 t . justice , Beside., l
pc melte t ill
regard duel principles or the male topics which he deemed important. nor was • one thousend acres of land . - The they would
company Purposes of eeneral good. And the small and eel tion preaenis the strong temptation to the
and female as necessary to the production of he ambitious of making known his wanderings may go into operation, when the amount of obscure furnace and tilting hammer, are sex.,• ' in:oh:ger, of a failing corporation, to apply the
effects. The product must also be added and and adventures to the trurld. Not until 1829, fifty thousand dollars of the. stock is paid ill, I ceded by the full stacks, and eeteesive raring funds theycan coma' • nil, to . the payment of
thus Yon have the Triad of Pythagoras and of when the library at Cairo ern preserved the
the Chinese. The grand term or Hirst cause works of the Champollionista r were facilities Various provisions are made for the g
overn. mills, by which our limitless mines of i ron ore ;those creditors wilo have maims by the law,
meet of the , company, and the secutityof the
.are n e 'e en e erted , in ' all possible varieties, to tie 1 upon the Ind ivelnel estates of the stockholders,
would hare neither body roe figure. y et in the aff or d e d in E gyptfur great and valuable tits- stockholders. f use of man. Those are achievements under I and throw the loss upon those creditors from
manifestations of its attributes the Triad or,l coveries—not until then did the orientalists When I assumed the duties devolving on I
the Constitution, and sanctioned by its princi- ; whom this security i. withheld. This provis-
Trinity would be seen and symbolized. Such awake front what had been to them like the the Eiecutive under the Constitution, in Janus- tales. and I cannot believe, that it is either the ' ion demonstrates the ieconsietency and injus
; were universally the primitive ideas in * Egypt, barbarism of the middle _ages. In Egypt and tee 1845, I announced the following, among • policy, the Interest or the right of the govern- tree which are inseparably connected with eve
other portiOns of the East are still preserved other eading principles, b y which fproposed
China, and India. - metre to exchange such solid foundations of ry deviation from the plain and natural peinci
. Thus the triangular (oxen (as seen in the Py- the records of earliest history and eivilization, to be guided in the performance of my offieed true greatness, for a new system of special orb - ides of right. widish tioll every man liable to
ramids) would become sacred: and the ancients and it is now train. for us to look upon the neb- dutiee,. to kit ; .. That the grant of exc l usive alleges. repugnant to the principles of the go-' Pay all his honest debts, and have the salutary
represented the male principle in the creation. i ulae in that region threitegfi Roman and Gre- privileges to some. is repugnant wearer whole vernment. and in my opinion, to the sentiment' ; efrect of checking extravagance and making
in ;the form of an upright triangle , and the fe. cian specula, since-our powers of observation system. the intent Of ' which is to mike firm of the freemen of Pennaytraniaa ! men careful and cautious io their enterprizes
male in that of an inverted one, both of which I were now vastls augmented, and we could die- the equal rights of all, anti that men associated The introduction of a class of operators. ' and hostile.° operations,
cern'the signs and symbols of an antiquity and for gain, should, in common with others, be clothed with exclusive privileges, to me ap- ' I are combined and preserved in the Mascnial have olrea:ly adverted to achievements of
ti 1 : mind. This triangular form is seen not on• eivilizaeon 'which the Greeks and Romans ne. liable individually f u r all their joint eneaen. , pears to he not only contrary to the spirit and individual enterpriZe, wrieli is most strongly
lv in Egyptian hut in an - Gothic Architecture. i ver suspected. Indeed the words of the Egvp- means." These I then regatded, and do still ' meaning of the Constitution, but - it promises illustrated by the extensive arid seecessful
'lt adopting pictures to represent ' Theoloeical tiara sage to Solon were still applicable : •• 9 teemed, as being among the primary truths, af• no advantage either to the public or to itidivieu. manufacture of Iron throughout the State. By
ide as (befo re the invention of an Alphabet) Solon, you Athenians are ele:e children. Yo reefing the basis of our government. and need. als. This is peuved by the result of all at- granting special pr.iiieees to some. great in
they would he likely to make them so impos. know nothing of that which was before your ing no better confirmation of their value, than ; !anvil; that have hitherto been made in this justice es done to utters engaged le marry ing
it was with yourselves thb e f oun d everyw h ere n t h e h istory o oure 's
to i o f
• sihle in real life, as to be strikingly fi gurative. and imagine that State, to benest public or private interests by on the same business. Upon this subject I
, Thus to human bodies were added the heaths world began to exist." country, , means of corporations. for 'purposes within rearirketl t . i thc message upon the Laecaster
of birds or beasts and the whole was painted • Well might this priest of Sais use this lan- - In the application of these primary trinda to' the' compass of iinlii.daal.nieaus and enter- . mane; neer; eg compo; ,in I SiG : - Aggregate
in sieniticant and appropriate colors. Anton iguage 200 years. ago, when he considered the action of the General Assembly , it has p rize . l L.• coreenne a neill. eemitA ed in ant branch of
i kneph is represented of a blue entor ( that of that Cer ops. an emigrant from Saia , had foun- been my painful duty on several occasions, to • All that legislative grants could do. seem; to indos.r whit la has already engaged the etiter
the sky) with a rams head and human body:: ded Athens only a thousand years hefOre— 1 return with objections, bills that hail received here been done to animate inzorporaied Coal prize and capital of Individuals. rather is or ti
'fire ram is remarliab'e for t h e strength and os, afloat the time of Moses. a period of Egyptian., the assent of a majority of both branches' of Companies with the ability to di-ref. - me this not, more ad . - a-iteeous a,.1 than in
teology of his forehead. the seat of intelligence history resplendent; with the dynasties of; the fogislelure. In the messages 1 had the Inv:du-able mineral. Thiry-five companies dividual inresia n e irs , der.oed to the same oh.-
in the Egyptian phineorphy and the whole Thebee, actween which and the time of the 'honor to transmit. containing these objections... have been incorporated, with an azererate cap!- jech flit is n ; more profitableyki-re can 'be
eninhieation was fisted to express Amun Knepli , first great pyramid. 500 to 1,009 years had my views upon this important sub jest . are es • tae more than eight millions of dollars. and no reason founded in State re - licy which
Arnim atenifying ireth and entelligenee.(whence • rolled away —this long period from the crown- i pressed to mime extent •in detail;—they will with authority to hold eighty-flee thousand. will 5 - action its ad..; lion : If it is more
; our Arm-n.) anti Kneph spirit., both togPtherbig of doe vast monument of Egyptian gran- be found among others in die message ;if the acres of coal land. Where are they ? Whet proetahle. then it is made, SO by special prise
, being the Divine lotellagent Spirit . The J i-k. , dure to the laying of the first Inoue of the Attic- eed March. 1815. Senate Joarnal, Vol. 1, have they done! They are useless. be.: use I •
,es. eOnfrlTed by the G.orernmetit on some.
al's heal (hie Jact - .1 being a restless wiieliful loan acropolis. page 4137. on the hill relating to the - Duneanonn of their organic inadequacy to accomplish the aue d: ni din others. a p::-triple wnich finds
touin-al on a ',meal body represented ArnubisThe lecturer observed that on this suleect Iron Works. rat Perry e 1111 l ity—in the messag e objects for which they were created. no saertion in th e tioirersal °pinto.) of the peo
or Me C o e! of Vieilanee. A - Hawk with a ha - • truth Was more. lerful than fable. liinto of the p 2,11) April. 1815. Journal House Of R"e- • Individual enterprize, capital and energy. pie Cr this State. kiaaf is ieptign-n: to the Ima
met body sigitifi...l the Soul or dieeinhodied it - terabie errors exisiel, in regard to the pyre- t preeentaiives. Vol. 1. page 717. nn the bill to sanctioned and invigorated by
the sprat an d d mential law." . And again : .. h a t i,j, p ropcia .
s;erits The-e miinal symbol. chosen to ex• - no•ls• Thos • who would know the truth incorporate the North Branch Railroad - and meaning of the Constitution have fp-rformed ed chanee .otstatne.l by this allegation that the
pre.: di ri,e a tri ,, wes or s iii•ual ideas were shoe dread the werkstf Rea - whine Wilkinson. Coal Company; and in the meesie tee of the the work web resistless power. Anil those great mann. emenee esoabiishoietos at Philadel
aelaeled fr.arn si.pposeil resem.lin -es, in the i... the Clia pollions. and particularly that of Col. Orb March, 1840. Senate J.iurnal, Vol. I. page petty artificial creations have shrunk from coin-
obis. Pattsbairg, and throughout the State, be
s•i-ci- •, r qoalines of the atlIM• I Chosen t-, such Vise. who was extremely ;particular arid exact 355. on the bill to incorporate the Nlanae-re of peutii;n with the natural and rtgorousemer-
kun al a i c milaarted as they have been, by inda
atirnoe or o'ea. • in all his measurements and descriptions. The i the Conestoga Steam Mills. in the coy ot Lan- lions of the peaple, made withont the ail nil ' LI . " I 'ac t s a"- 1 " 0. .t• hare rayed in accom-
he fi•st tree tewarea id,eatre occurred lecturer had stualied - ,these works; while for easter. These views are predicated in ponce- in some dearer. in defiance of legislative en- , l d'aiiin g the purposesl'r wi '" -i i 'her were
wh oi the mat'ttaude begin to hold the aminate eleven years he lived in the near vicinity of pie of the first section of the bill of !before aetments. ; erected, or W.ll They are lan guishieg for want
: s 1,-rcd to the Petty wla,se our:hires it ca as theft:, and had ascertained the great p) rainid i which declares - That airmen are horn equal-: Lending money has been condieoed in ibis of corporate autatiattou ? The chute aspect of
use lin ptc.tir, ato r , -Tr,seni —Th -pr oare•is of many tones. ilv free. and independent. and have certain in. State by incorporated banks, perhaps with the State neeatia es il.e idea." 'll byshould
i!,, , e , 1er1-y p/Oreedeti 11WIT /Witty sacred nni- - Ur. Glidilon then briefly adverted to the herent and indefeasilee rights, among which more success than has attended any other at-
one company er :associetion be privileged to
mats were pre at public c vrense ia th- great Variety of erroneous opinions whiCh had are those of enjoying and defending life and tempt to carry on business, by conferring spe.
place only a portion of the estates of the part
temples and fina'ly ttreir aemaacs embalmed her iiadopted in reference to the epoch, the liberty, of so:lemma, poesy:4smo and panryecr- cunt, stud tl,e aggregate lasses and ners. in a position to be subject to the contin.
with ete•at expense and ewe. The Priests found htialders, and the objects of the pyramids.— ' tic property and reputation, and of
.? pursuing injeries which have been indicted upon the geneses of the ho'in". ' and in ""of Milli '
an The enjoy client of their pro
prole in the superstitio n and IA datry of the Tile a
e day was passed for rely log upon dogmas their own happiness." -
m•.lirtele. and fillally revealed the true m.". 3- of Ro ti :na and Grecian history in regard to the By this section. the power of the ' Legislature : tune, fall hack u P` *
have been the prolific source, are badly cum-
tected m, and haa:d their creditors at deft
' in: ~f the symbols, only to those few oho were li story of Eey et. Inked recent discoveries to make distinctious among the citizens, in re- . pensated by al/ the alvantages they have eon-
i ance, while all the rest honestly apply all:heir
a 'm , itad to 111,1 r mvsieri-5... Thus' became showed t ! al most books of the learned on the gaol to the arquisition , possession and protee. feared . The festering sores that were created to meet the just dementia of thew
: property
m , re a ti more obliterated the distinction he- suject of ancient chronology, need to be re- Iron of propenv. is as clearry prohibited as the aeon the body politic. under jhe banking net creditors
. twa- en the snirenal or internal sense of the written. aid are not safe guides in reference power to place the life. !inert - . reputationation .or ol 1814. and the (hod of vie'. gambling. and Every aspect of this bill, presents to my
ti• mind insuprrAle objections to the adoption of
t m', , l and its material form io
—and anim if woe . to the civilization and epochs of ancient times, pursuit of happiness. of selected and favored fraud which it spread over the land. had bare-y
-:ants. suit aorengthet•s my creiviction.e
exe.uat n of corporate privileges,
ship e^ becam the opular religion of Eeept and All the memphite pyramids were built be. individuals, under. partietearcuardiarehipend been stayed and controlled, when the Bank of
iis pros-ise . o her countries. tween the time of Noah and of Moses. that is protecting care, from which the rest of the pea- the United States cemineneed and (tarried out 't h at, ha - t
. Mr. lantedee deemel it unreaennehle : o' between the first and thirteenth Egyptian dy- I pie are exceeded t—a proposition too monstrous ' its work of desolation — unsettling the fonnda-
and by a strict adherence to the sound. old
.lll .4,/ ,
eof the earliest Philo nestles . sophy and Religion neses. They were constructed exclusively to be tolerated under a free government. • tion of prnperte , stripping the virtuous of their fashioned principles , by o - hich the reward of
secrd. and even man is ceampel
. .
of ancient naiions by the degrading forms they as the sepulchres of kings—and before the in- Equality of rights is the pea-olio. feature cf honest acquisitions. and robbing the widows
eventually assumed among - die ignorant. who trodection of the Shepherd kings. Nearly all our system. This pone pie had a deetinet apt and the fatherless of their means of eubsistenee. ,' e t , i f
e ' s 3'' ' ' '• to pay all his honest debts ,
among the beet -means of promoting indt
were exposed to the impost tion and oppression . are mausoleums. each of one king, whose size plication in its adoption. when the love of II- The hUpe is now entertained. that by limiting a re r,.
,of th e l'oesthood. Referring to Joshua 2 4.2. marks the proportionate length of his reign.— ! berty. and the inherent and indefeaattee rights the amount of banking capital, and by the iii
vadne:ei e h : t p te pL e q .7e s ra a l c o d e' p la 7 e s . P'ritY, and
ni must now (natal Mr. Glehlon.! he con- ' 'tad In Eosins 6. 3. we must conclude that the , They were built by the Missaimites—children iof
.man were felt and apprehended in their . troduetton of wholesome restrictions, the ail-
U. Upon a r . . - o - i w _of • Me ' wh..le su l sieet. lan
! that the sad - it:et of mumnittimitien is ' ancient Ezyptaans were nor worse than their !of Want and of the Caticassianor white race. ; fullest forte; being then placed m strong COD . . vantages to be derived from the, system may ,
cony .. , e - , -
.ce.. ,than prespeciire of o , Jections to of sato r vent as will as litterest. 211,1 _we I:e101b••/: ; but there are tribe foun lin the ex- i These pyramids are all built with exact re-; least to the inequality that prevailed in the go- be secured, without being exposed to die don- .
tails, t he granting of CIC.:III•Pie privileges to
e now arrived at what is reearded as th e trealt ly ancient ritual for the dead, evidence of Terence to the pomp of the compass—the en- , remittent , from which our rerolmionary fathers ' ger of those excesses which have heretofore ,
'sis w teen the comp ass of in
rat evil , the darkest stigma on th e Ecypeen lofty roncept;ons of the supreme power and of , trance to all is on the norte side: The angle , separated these States. This eqUalite is sealed been so de-troczive. But. should the power . ' l '
d - iVidt;al en 1 - • ant to thespirit
meter—that of animal worship. Yet ri lls . llir:iovuo rta ! destiny of th e human soul_ This =of the great pyramid is 51 deg- 50 mine its in -a and sacredly guarded by the Constitution. as to regulate and control the banks fad. who,
Constitution ilrePugn of the Stare—
_ _ . _ .
.1. , sreveeeted W3. l derved from an innorient a-ctiont ritual, ( from which extracts are to be stied height 611 feet. and its perpendicular . one of the great and essential principles of ti- • that values honesty , truth , virtue and refit:me,
orients of the people, and to the go-
pure us - 'e oracattaally of animal fi,uresin found, upon every object ceetnected with death height 451.1 feet. 9 inches. It. was originally ' betty and free government. would not infinitely prefer the old fashioned , to. the ' el " . . .
mesni . rag er i P if r i7l:
„, • rims of our Institutions.
7 and .
,m , ..,ic htero,:vphies—which gradually de- or religion.) which has prole - hily been modified Ilerrectly smooth, but th e exterior to.the depth i The distinguishing features of the bill before , simple and frugal mode of lending
• ; Wel. these 01 jeetion•, I- have the bill
en - led net only in Egypt. but Giceee a nd during the lapse of centuries,. hut, which has ;of almost 30 feet has been removed , leasing me. is to disturb this eqnelity.—it proposes to when those who were fortunate eateeteu men.
l'• r ctunortrii into practical idolatry . It was • Fern preserved with great mire , and has been ' the interior massive construction fully exposed , caofer on an incorporate., Compme , not only • enterprizine neighbors upon a safe neighbor
to be r turned to the Senate where it orieinared. •
. l'•- . : when the Greeks fast became S`- • mite:shed recently entire by Lapeius from the to view. " [ltem Mr- Glidden directed the at. the right to manufacture Railroad iron, but iron hood security, to all the benefits of e FRS. R. SHUNK.he b ak- ,
a •
;nee:eon-Ith Egypt in the s:h or eth century copy to the rflisrtrin of Tnrin. is a poem. dive : tention to his fine accurate drawing of the great in allits varieties ; a business in which Than- ' ing system, par-based be the introduction
Ex ecterivn Cnexsen. -
L e
. let,., animaleal worship - prerailed, and sled three p-rts. 'fineeirse doectire the ; paryini.l. its entrance. chambers, with his , sands of our - citizens. with an investment of -of so much fraud, profligacy. oppression and Il wrisburg. Fib 9
•• m - eet wee believe the
. story of the Roman ` prat Cr;, ceremonies and offerings to he :,used views of the other pyramids and his many ad- i millions of capital. are already engaged on their' disgrace.
11 oars e.N el—The young Lady
, a; a: a 1,,, Cr.IS :nenkred by a furious m o b while the body was conveyed by the embalm- : mirable representations of the valley and ace - l own individual responsibility. It does not lt fellows from this review , that our history will - a great wir e , w h o dote not ap,4
:',.....Z,L.F.C. Ile .h3ti killed a eat, sacred among the • ere to the Ininh--the second conteini-,g eleven ' very , of the Nile and the adjacent regions. giv- even compel the company to eater upon the ' proves conclusively that individual enterprize„ a
henll VOL) find her at work in ,lhe LiZeiten, Out
:1 - 7•::-.5, and the disgust which eferodotue prayers to Thoth, as the dm:no wisdom—the ing highly instructive explanations of the i manufacture of Railroad iron. which is held in all the ereatdepartments of bustoess has been . cominUes at her task till it Is feniebed.
so -eel as in hie day towaeds the onion thtid the Pldiltnent scene , where the deceased ;whole.) .. . ,
- t
• out as a principal object. • The billproposes as beneficial and successful , as corpor a te opera-
When you hear a lady say. - I :shall attend
, ea
in imagination ''' , r ,!. : , E. Eerptians. Vet one who studies ' appears before 42 assessors. each of whom ' ue concluded by -ascen dingi to authorize the Compeny to hold one thou. - tions haVe been toe frequently useless and ; ehareit and , at ter my cee: bonnet -and every day
• :en, -tars of Eat - will find t' idolatrous f -- . 1-1- s over one sin, and tine 'trial and sea
e an the ....- e-: the great pa ramid and surveying and deserib- I sand acres oe l land in Blair county'. which they - ruinous. gown. fro I fear we shell hate a ram .storna... .
'z' , :...:.ea v-mishing more and more- as he tepee of the soul in the presence of Thoth.— : hoe the varied scene from itslofty i coarse
summit.— , ma y of hold in as many different places ' But it is sometimes argued that by corporate o i s h e w ill -. g oad :a
eperto unon 0. wt. wiale a g v ier.
--- -:4ch,, the eel - hest times. We most con- The doctrine of the state of the soul appears , Egypt as thus seer: e aves worthy the encona- ii n th e county_ as to them may seem convert- - privileges men of small means may engage in , When a dan.htst remarks.** Mother. I
to have been this : That after death, for set- inms. lather, its Saracenic Conqueror in , A. ;lent , to _
catebltsh furnaces , forges, and rolling " 1 large business , by aggregating their capital t would not hire lie - 10. for I ran assist ;lin to do
"hat . he htlill3ll mind has passed from
•• On its river the hies- i mills to Carry on the ordinary mannaaetore of • and by this . ' legal device, a man having one
ete slut it is cow . that it has - bee.n elecct. enty days the soul became extinct - but as soon D. 540.wh0 exclaimed. ,an tine work in the kitchen," set it down that she
ea. t'tc.,: i :la farm centuries of intervening so-' :as mummification was completed it was resits - , sing of the Most Hi e
eh reposes both morning i iron , in competition with inifiviluats. without hundred- five hundred or a thousand dollars will make somebody a erecel wife.
i—that in the form of a hawk with a he- ; and evening 1 and according to the v.eissi- !conkmner any. the s li g h test beneet upon the : mac become a coal operator. a banker, or an ' When von overhear a Yee°. - women ravine
''•l -- --tl We shall learn from the learned '
on , eilatet•. . - e .. - . -
seasons,the face of the country is - public. the: is not derived from indireduel man- t won-cone er. 'to her f l o..e r , Dent Purchase 3 very expeninve
its- 1 ,„ . that w h at we , aneen t atie a pure man bead it ascended to the new moon, arid tudes of the
. . . .. . . .
Lines to My Brother.
DID La<h~r ' my broiher!
sv Indermg fax frOCCI
And ...Vere.i tow lit[ vacant Peas
I sal by thee.
TS- woes ot thy loved Taft,
NJ ct,re mar Greet mate ear,
n•ory Im o -ers o*er tr,e time
When thou Wert wltl4 me here.
Sal Inn, on hours now ded,
It hen hand in hand w gaily maned,
tt er towers - hill and mead.
Thr tuv tlrw by 011 angers wings,'
:se ~seetlf liaised the hours— '
-i•leint•reiner now is all that left,
To fend braris as ours.
My rte> Eh tears arc tided
A rtr, sn,',:vss Ella ml !wart,
-Id yet w ash paln
•rth r I wander o'er tie scenes
ter o. eJ dal s INy-gone
~,...,la C - 1,4 thVY
.ott. Scar en:, art goat
1 , •an .1..a,s az ga:ly brgat.
ak% e '11.11; the !caves
,•9 r! rq, Mr:C..l • o; . s SIMMS
A• ihc one )0.3 loved.
u - waves.
sorrow's cam. st rrsyrr,
. 7.1;a q• sum.
rhou t,,1
' s s:z :r
'-C N,.:rr', rr; 3,a.t 'S
c-1. 4.. i. 'Aw:;S:
fro.t.l tt.e :Vex Yotei otsiercer.)
;lures on the Antigaiiies of Egypt
-Sn 7 o ly = ear-.seine i , F ideas in F.Tml;olje r took a seat in:ihe sons boat.- = Chat in this it adorned with a silver ware,. a re.d2nt emerald. ufaciurrrs. 1 cannot perreire the objects• of,
r breiii" you are certain she will make a --
`t=i .ife.
=tile, !...-came ean utthaf loured dogma and ;' encountered eiiemies which were appealed he :or the J e ep y e ll ow o f wolden harvest." To : this associanon. reasons of preference or peen .' their money by beetiming shareholders in rot
`l...‘ C. ee ,„.,1 1 -,,,, the y: „„" o f ~,,,b,..) 1 ., ; p ra y ers ari d o ff e et n es, that-it pas s ed gates eras - the west is a vast sand ' s' Sahara, stre.ehiog 2 ; liar merits, sufficient to warrant a, departure poratirms demonstrate the fallacy and ftillv of
`.' z• -, ' rUes „Ir d a b wrt i n ht e pr . et ie ee o f W.A.', tsed rivet.. and finally :.need before the dread thousand mires to the Ailanue Ocean-to the ; from the seated policy of the commonwealth- ' this Argument Small aliaribilders in eorpo
-1 :non is the Delta o f Lower Egypt. with was : aid an invasion of the - princip!es of the Coo- ... t. When con see a female rise early. get ...k
- INzacst he admitted ' that animal woo. , tribunal of the eternal world. In the meanr -- tio4 are the mere trainmen:l...i the areal:he { mot. and ill Up her mother's work i n ft ,
a ";•trrtlied in E l lept daring the Raman p e - ; time the bodv had become an idol or image to :.inn palm trees, verdant fields and distam tow- ; stitotion. p. oprie ors: they hare no eff-ctire view in and t:•- n sit dawn to sew or kuit. ife t - nral upon
, , - m i unites! .
. 'l.
I V ' he beitered in a far different ti ati'v wth O s iris until enclosed in . er. and far in the north - last have
, You the °he.; Individual means, enterprise and talents, ' the roanagemrn-of affiirs: they powerless,. i, ~ i... ••- ,A
~ -..- Sala make a gnot,... ate.
:' ” l.-1.1.1 f : d 1,.;311 th in i n th e Pct _ i "„ e ' the tomb. Then tecorerint nil identity iteom- ; lists of lieliopoli---a• cultivated plain, inlersee- ili se underthe benign protection of equal laws, helpless and dependent. A few large share- . 111F-ra - Inh Fee a feraa'e anai-•tra to Iparn a
' , Fs- T - ...s irorz-hip had no existence i re p t ! nu-need a fearful journey in search of the soul. , ted by canals and rd tined by _hamle spreads '! and with a sacred regard to. the inherent and ' ho'ders manage the ins:tuition. and direeLit tra d e, 5 ,,,•,,.. to ...„ tu , mrthit ,., l. .
stit,„,it herself
L .. " -- as rf I!; ee ,- nstruet i ort 0 ( th e fi $t '—' :it bein..mpossibie until.rennited - .for either to tei ards the Nile. and ten miles disrattl under ; indefeasible equal rights areorril to ill, infourd for evil or for r.ood t and thus. instead ef Cif-
Inl, .1 . , Un- l . = 1 - and • s• ; - . r
perriapr- afaist ...-: aze- ro-reuta. 'pr.) may
be save that she wirc mllte one of the best of
t -e 0 , -,r mention of it in r apturer is 1 appear before the judgment 'ssat. - , 1...: shadows of a mountain is Cairo stied in ' into the departments of busines: in the :fusing the benefits of a profitable heti . ..less. and
"Ittee of the Golden Calf of iron, sup .. Thi s Bo o k is termed the Book of t he mini.. queenly beauty and rftplentlent with her mos- !sta.e. Agricultural. Cornmerrial.-31.ining,33;..0.' limiting the power and influence of individual . ,i,,...
!..... --- a to be thence dented. Mr. liddon pro- 1 iestation of light and probahly, shines' not with , qnesind palaces. and to Vie south Are the oth- 3 ofacineing and Meghariimla l e v e e o r e ne nal . is-e.tilt iltis Power and infilience . are greatly : th e b est qtr A ittes „ too .. a f ter in a wife am
,'' -
.7 4-4 -• a somewhat exrended a t tunes% to !many beams of the earliestE•rvotian Theolo&v. - i erpYramids of Gheezeb. with those of Alma- l entetprige and health. which have! earned ns : increa...d. The principal shareholders not on- ! __,: imiu . tey. humility. 11 ,.. 1 .. e .... ..",!....". he.
5z0ir.!.. 1 1.,,, . -'t'lr
- - : : •• ' -Sr If - - - t about 1 .-•'--- - - it . -- and '1 , diet.. -Mr bot.thr - - ''
er a .
--1_ L - l as e ..
1: t: • a period animal worship i . ,-. ; sit} . w
- . •, • aer2Fra. and Dashnor. in a hoe of M -Jll onward in prcoperity.•civiliaotron 'and refine- 'lc aunage Lt . teir own oahney, --,:-they work , „ To f eu ., ~,d ....:..•.;..- wt...,, eon fi4,4i these ,
4444 t ' 4 1 6". - itt a -that the doctrine of one su- 1 • ;mums rt.,. • 120 miles. ' Concealed a hula to the right. in a ; meta. The pe-ple who have thus.. urMer Pot.: with the augments! power. derived from the • - • i " ..- ir ' -,, i. .
.- hiere is to urn. re. ~,ti Ira.. n.-tran 2 treargare,
'' 4
widener. been the instrummit of estrbli--fnag means of their neigh'aors. The boil before me • o „d co: mt .,,.. t ,- 4 ,„,„4..,- .„6., :aunt ree,d.
, - „ ? , CI 'l Wu the primeral doetrinetif Eovtif. I After briefly alluding to his former lectures i forest of roles twev. are the nationds which
e r ., 4 mtriae enquiring claims .of Ins% is l on these 'structures , which he had extended '. Were onee the walls et the renowned city -of - our greatness--Who have enjsyed their righis 4 prondes that tie romp_var mar gp I ° lo ^ P er • :- -P '.l Trite .
-'ll'm .orn a -i znir.
, e l "tmales troo'd arrire-and that from ' and polished and enriched. With new farts- ! Memphis. sod at your feet the sritholehres of in common with their f-flow-cit;4.ens-who • t.on when fifty thor-nt: dollara of the stork - .
. of 1 , -
2. , .e Leads and forms of animals (of- i and to hi s general purpose which was far hi g h.? countless generaticre . .. Tenn inane Tie* ale have thriven under the obsemince of the de- - et, paid in; a few prin eips' .sharehedders 161.0 Tvm-What can be mere :0-actarcl or
; ,.. - _, *l. , ' 3l ' 1 nine - -a - .intal joined to the hit- 1 4 *Takla c•emnannieattoo of mere details. and re- eomPrisid the dwellings; the tombs. and the t earl - lion of righti, and h -re been a blessints, to - oleo, twenty-six thousand &tiara of the etoeh. ' touching 1 1, 42 .. th e forgot-T. be -Sttrae. on th e
~..„4 • - • -‘ 1 - - sr.•••`..•. ..c ,t o ~... ~..ti1.,,,, --,n4 • prii---4 o.;: - .. - : i.• -d a-..: 1.! -1 s:,4•:i• L '.----- :- a tn:f!Liest and weal ancient room:meats of man- • themselves and in the country ;*these are meri- ', may , as each share is entitled to one rote, as- m t ii.:r of tim e : -- T•me. avaste-s too fist. cr.
.._ 444.4 ' f a -ter.. i,,,, r ,..„....,,, i .,,. x „. •up - ~,4 44;„ ~..„.„. ts e
....,., A - ..:.. , i -Al •„,,,,,_,..
_, p.,,, ii t „ r ,- - ...,„,„,, , i-:.:.: Y-•• Poe the . present Febiati fleet - I' gof a few ' torions men of the COnaormereatth. and they • Fume the direction. and :knee who have 'paid re.. le , -ri 1 11",.... - R.;:"....".. ,, . I:IL 11, has ra;ndis•
''l' e Lies, •• •L! a , c , o , .1., . t o i i. os . e t
. E.r. :•-•,, v.-. utt ~, a in. •la to t,°lO'l 1 , .."'.n' •-• kr le' aml the cowl of the kite his miserable ' • are eierlied Ht above the desire to 244 toihrie in the reins:nine prrntt -fru, th.issand • eciP a r.... tif'nfel.... ( to,- ;---t- : i'-e - -la a* a -. !l ' v.,-ur. 04 i!.
"." .' 4r-‘1 -... • ' t ot :l -slab- Font of
.‘,.....4 -- -. or% i ~,,,, , ~,,,.., , e .,... , e r e-...- ..t , r- t.t As , eof •,'.. •v^ee :.1•T. -az'. i!3-- ~ apa mood a-110i has set , • grinimor to seek for sveuritt- ssainst e.,•-ntiote-L- mint p so,•oa it. ha.* one.-or perhaps pree".., s. !Tr 4e.T ..f--,nv ! the, th.-. fn.
‘,.. - r ~........ in ~.„,,..,„ „._. t .„, a „,,„, I, ~, ,__. i i ,„ ~,..., „, v i , , a , .4 i . g.,.., p ..:„. Ow • 1/(.1143;1. 5.000 cans and IFO many reined' - r te.. he aakili f Ikrarerial priail , L ., er.- Re;ci.z taro .1. t`-rea- Men, n!Ill 1 capital •if err - fi11i . ....ta k,it...a.t. -as a err:. >re 2. :cc , over ....r hrsde
p..- ' 'l' . "" 4 " , t. - 11e:•.‘ =1 - . .. * .. , 4, , - ‘ ,.. n ...n .. • eie..l snit ih 41 pesnls 'inn Zr."-VI eta-r-res." - . • up on thencre'rea. as Irr.efalen MeV. they hare . - th-uoirol doltar.; anal the pOwec wh o •h ises ,t,h l ; la.- te- , :t .4-606 o: a a rear dar.. n.-1-er ts. fe ..
Tv,. ~_ . - AIR ini..ent-a. e• •n • • , .
- - .
",„.,..,.., 4 " ".•'• '4' e‘r••ta Il e e mane i n (jai.• ir,,rt,.....0.1 se - . .4r tr,.n on the:re - hr. lir G ut. , .
..o:tr-ir piesef•-. ma-when
t.,,,,....; .-. ?.'' 'P.... 1., E z% p 4 d i , e ... t . r ... 4 d ,n 0t...-eve.tlitiL tlI was his •te-iTo to Le 11,14 ., Mt-s stemma-D.-The name of Alainwaria* ar„;.. and the homely shed. which Wave now,gtven liourse of th az.. !-131 be tegal e. it a rt eaysr;ard OKKI ar , tirtst:taz:Lat 'w-k---e.e !it crow* err.
~-,,,.... "4 " I:It of th e e „ 4 ....t e ,„,„, - f „,.„„4„.; t bs . f iet e w ah,lhe s to w* e." Da .h..e , - . oritt , rs., t'll i 'be- 1 e..Esgtiotti) ii•sito:anetscindred and : pltre to tdowles of cocaine{ and eoareoienee-: t he errs- 27ernos..nt ha- affair', ttp•re s r e l onsi pri- slit , ra . rY tletell VHS i .,, r ha-r, I. hiA ada.-at.
r "" 4 IN: :la at- r i a ,r,„....sip_ I t . „ ma : di,,,,,,,,,j„, ~:a,r1,4 tgi E. rope is opentor slaty-114re Afferent Ariqs in- the deeds. ae... :t. IND pea -ations mop. growirmvami Ist de a d ex ed ad.:ies are wreier ed ta It. t•-o--1 a" , l cm, - re....eore ichi-h Aelows is. are Mfr.
l'!ek,-,.. '"' ''' °:'-'-er . :0 pteserv e t h e 0 c5,...i0 1 d ; new Gets in ehron•Ooey aid aneient• history. he 4. Cleint to the family , and eattbe spelticr tau , litexr urea . and snatched - front th., htusik 15- ciprsa rcararivion In he s ave::.,e to the end 1...: !odes in , that 6.16 , -.: sep tt ati o z wh ich w t oil
- 6 Cli ' t - i k
''.-- S 4 '.: l Qit•s•O:S and the migrant ; and dcitttnell to cridify to *considerable extent :deed ninety:four different war.
t 1 duns, is Ina in the general and •peacefil Lieu- I wthica it IA - advamve.
. shot-2y tn. make'
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The thousands of our citizens who have lost e ' r showy t',:rts for me. hot one that will
Ce 2