•- las head. which is half -turned round, as if te e she had been lo king up. The entire st t ,jleetb were beauiifully perfect, but the fr4nt tof the lower jaw dropped when it was o „d, There is e ntire of the hack bore, arm oie s, leg. ring and thiehs ; in fact, .1 believe V, h• we them all complete. The bongs of the • 6,Llay beside the hunian hones.—LeferarN Iff REMITTANCE? TO IRELAND.- r. Jacob II ar- Tev. „I to published recent] V a statement that sum of $608.000 had been remitted ;;ITlasd front New York, in small sums doe r,' die last tear. through certain houses, has rerevejl returns 'from Philadelphia and g,it!more,-which swell the total of remissions fr , l l o three nines to $1,001.650—t0 wit. 5170.150 Irom Philadelphia, and $22,600 from Di on,re. He' says : •. - Here are one million of dollars, partof the earnings of the poor Irish gmigrante, sent ;le year to help their poorer friends at and all done quietly, regularly and sys- V isuealf y, without any parade of public meet- or committees. - .lt wilt he acknowledged by the ro st prejo j::•ed sectarians and politicians that Lay coun .rrnien hare their virtues as well ns their fail- PP—they certainly received a full share of 2 5tise for the one, and I therefore think they ace honestly entitled to praise for the other." A Pastox.--Judge Breckenridge, of Pitts hcret. Pron., who by the way is-a Whiz, and opmed to the annexation of Texas, has id,tre,ied a letter to the public, from which we , 1:1 et the following fed l'or the honor of Inv country, and hope f l t he success of her arms ! As respectil Alexi ., I consider our course JUST ; Texas had a to annex herself- Mexico had insolently, (wen ure s of peace. Having got into in consequence of annexation, 1 do hnw• a war could be avoided by the ad ,,•.•:rannn, without 'the surrender of eertain could`not surrender. It was to rialto the Rio Grande as the line; and war, the amount due for suoliatoms by must be secured by sequistratton of i. u ma, or other territory, and indemnity :u-t' , &mooed for the expenses of the war." T...eour,e olJtidae Breckenridge is highly I''.e and patriotic , . 1. ::s brother Whigs imitate the noble -ex: .. , .e he has ',et them. •Rrir BRANCIL—The news continues to he az a+ to the prohalulity of the sub. of this n (irk. Liter news is that .••••itions hut a sinal balance of stock not small however, as in the opinion fretick ,rf the measure,. not to prevent riikice of the work during the sum- I: wdl he a bright day for the people of isle north, when this canal shall he coin• What a most miserable and mistaken -v ut the part of the Slate, not to have ra,:tl". But it is only in keepile u i h 111, ,, 11FC5. of the part of the The lasi link in the chain ot • r j., 1.—%11,1)111,11ell IMIIMIE f. 1.311 'a prisoner a! • rra. lii Gen. hili) a lair there and. pr • lii, liberty. His re x;,,ott•.l every date. A I , I , A.IILF.AIILE ra, rt. IX T.IL r . TI .n - her unplea,t tnt svmptam4, are at nehtte4non. When the CIO I, Distend re.n gin, in the stain lc]; an 1,1 .1 Ott inner rUINIII•qi. II drirterlOUS 111011 A. id, 16 (.1,11, rabid m the bunDavh, which, e '1 0 , field of the 'ln cert tin net e,'N- hreaZh. but is ti%to the true Call, ilero,t of t I rtar. ult.! aI or 1 . 1.1 , 1 t••••• It. , ;:i :lan Pd... not 0.,1y an I husael4 (ruin nil :1;1,1 putritl 11. e 1.10.nt, !wt they tato restore the digt,-live ‘I• t a hedlthy t. m .• ; and arc- therefore eel!. on to ad bicalll,.and prevent a premature decay ad qtr OF COCNTERFEITi—The public are Cal/ I:sess4 the rii.lny 'spurious medscinea which, is '*. -celve.are called by Dames kdindar to Wri,tht V , 201.1 , 1r -:n , «r, the only original and genuine Indian t: s Pills have the written signature of tVuham on the top Libel of each box avv,,ted exclusivery to thr Rflie of Wri2he, V holt-wile and lirtad. 169 R an . ; Greenwich St„- S. York ;. AD. ^•l'rem•.ot Si., H.•-ton. ' , .;Pub for the • , 410 4,1 Wrizher; Indian l'eacurt.l •. In :I'm !nth., Montanye'rt & Co ; tor op.er • .re.-ottherti,ntern 111 Juother co:uri.n. 0 8 , (7 ri:oj..,:ixf 1 :12.53 AT :LAW. ,HE Smiling Committee of the Bar of Brad sunny. ha,e &lowed a reNolutian that they will ”'llllle Atuderit4 preparatory to admi.,stun to prae- vtltz a term of eirlft .'-. raret regulddy on the Saturday afternoon, eAci.l term, for the purposes of their appoint- C. L. WARD, i'M. ELWELL„ AIERCUR. T NVAN'PED. THREE 111'NDRED good steady men can find I r..a.tarit emOnyment at Boating Coal during the , won, at Itberal price.. Apply et this office. E. A. DOUGLAS. Supt. & Bnoineer, : 1 .-e of the I.ehigh Coal & Navigation Company, Chunk, February 8, 1847. AC DI 10k S I'ICE. Tanderszgned Au - dant. appointed by the Orphan's ( : , art of Bradford county, to makedistribution of by an administrator's sale of the real estate Strong, deceased, hereby gives notice - that " v'end to the duties of his appointment at his lowanla borough, on Tuesday the 23d day text, at two o'clock P. M., when all persons required to exhibit their claims to him, from coming. in upon said funds. r _` • 4 1517. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. NOTICE.' 3 - i i'"Jat/ Koons et. al. to the use of D. F. Bar. vole ti. the Towanda Bank, No. 577 , May Tfnn, 1812. THE undersigned having been appointed an Audi 'ior by the Court.of Common Pleas, to distribute tamed by execution in this suit, hereby gives that he *ill attend to the duties of his appoint ,this office in Towanda borough, on Thursday day of March next, at two o'clock P. _M., all persons interested are required ts make known before him, or be deli:tried from coming in fund4. HENRY 1300TH, Auditor. F.1 . 1 5,.1647. O - YSN CE. T" DlTundeencnral ha‘in-heen appointed an Auditor b the Orphm's Cowl of 13eultort1 county to ex "t',ll.' the set tints of the Itintttitstr4tore ' , ' 3 4 11011,m deeea=ed. he nt attend to the dutic ';':::,Thlappo.totti,t at low office in Towanda bor.. '.iv the :4th thy of March n ext, at two P. hi., of which allpeison a interested will take PA IS, 1647, HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. Citizen Soldiers ! rinHE ten regiment bill has passed. Those wish• ing to enrol themselves in a company, in actor de nee with the notice before given, are desired to meet et the Court House on Monday evening 9.24 inst'. to take steps towards organization. Cfficers of the State service are requested to attend. E. W. MORGAN. Eeh. 16, 1647. Cilizrn•Soldiers of Bradford ! rr HE underAgned has recently received authentic as surance that a company - tendered by him to the go vernment for service during the war with Mexico, will be accepted as soon as the ten regiment lull, pending in the House on the enate's anictidatent, becomes a law: The bill dolUbtless, soon pass. Men, between the ages of 18 and 35, desiring such a tour of service, are requested to communicate, as ear-. ly as possible, with the undersigned at Wysox, where he can be seen at all hours in reference thereto, It to hoped that the patriotism of Bradford will prove prompt at our conntry's call ,emalating the efficient zeal gloving throughout the counties of this Commonwealth. E. W. MORGAS, late of U. S. Army. Wpm!, 'Feb. 9, 1847. NEW GOODS AT THE NEW YORK CHEAP STORE NO. 2 BRICK ROW &.E. REED.woulil resperfully beg lease to tender their thanks to the; citizens of Bradford for their liberal patronagend support, and would in form them they are now rheiving a large and full sup ply of FALL, and WINTER (IOPDS, which will powively be sold at even less than. their former low prices. Ttie war to exterminate high prices is still kept compromise has been made, and they intend to carry the war into the heart of the enemy until they shall yield or adopt the principle of selling goods at small pro fits. A nimble sixpence better than a-slow shillifig, is our motto. Orphan's Court 'Sale. I pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court, in and for the county of Bradford, there will be ex posed at ptiblic sale at the House of V. M. Long, in Troy borotigh, at one o'clock, P. M. of the 10th day of March the following tract or parcel of land belonging to the estate of :tetra C. l'avlor deceased, to wit: The eye rl and undivided half of a tract of land situate in the township of Troy and bounded as follows: Begin ning at a post the south West corner of Alfred Parsons' lot, and the south east corner of a lot belonging to Juhn and l'el Porter and the north east comer of a lot owned by John Courtney thence east thirty-six perches and sixteen lurks to a post at the side of the road, thence south twenty-ser.en degrees west, forty-Three perches to a post, thence west tw-rty-six perches to a post stand the line ofJolin Courtney, thence north fifty-two degrees east, five perches and seventeen links to a post in said Courtney's line, thence north, twenty-four and a h rif degrces e 141, twenty-eight perches to a stump. thence Twin. forty-five degrees west, eleven perehes and a halt lo the place of beginning.) Grist an•r.! about live acres. lulu r deducting one acre therefrom enclosed. within -aid boundary belonging to Damel Dobbins.- 7 here isl-srtuate thereon 4 valuable flouring mill, to which as alpurtenatrees thereunto belonging, are cer tam arill races leading to said mill. A LSO—A tract of land arm lie in Tray township in said county, Rounded as follows: Beginning at the centre of the Williamsport and Elmira road, in the east line °I Daniel Do'd.ins' land, thence north along said hoe, ten rod:4am' two link, to a slake and atones, thence ~(1. ? 1 • /0/1)-1•11C d. grew earl, eight rods to a !auks and Atom, tb•abie ten r d..mil two lint,. to the cen tre ,a to a d. them.. north, eighty-ore degrees went, c hire efe.i l 'c rods to the !dace of g C ottaimog about one hdf acre of land. 5, 1617, JOHN WhE \ N. D.1121;(3.5 D1V1714.51 T II() %1 I'S()N & (' I? AIV F( it f), M - 71' 11()LY , s No 4U M Irket r.trevt. 5ec. , r1 , 1.) Phirad.ll.liia. r 1.. r .4ier a lane r.t ..1 Fre-lt D a.ll 1)”. :scuff, In %.hu•h tlwy roll the uttrrition at (...uri , ry M. rehaiii: aii.l D,• .rot,og city. C e.udr, C.llllllet. J B .ek and wher v.trto•hett of .111.enor yo.t.oty. Al-,t.1 hoe .thJ Red Lead. Wit,- Jove p ! th..tn ever. T. & C. are .11-o ioroi/nviors ol the Loh tn Vey,. t ,1,1•• It 11. crl..hr.ize.l throu t tliont 11 fir own and •r,:i 4 S Vie l,r-t prerwan m for the Core t. 11..nry etunJed in ~,, Lc, tit is rect.!, ed. l'h .1 .n. N. I sl7. /JP': TO EPICURES AA:' I )01::4:1" , El) SI - vq , lll in flavor V t.. m. 11,-t by ..1i Li !TIN. t. 1.0 1.115—\1,• wiser m14,111..11)1 all "ho ire to tx utl "I" 1 . 1.11114. Cos./mere+. Sittmet eke., 111 our I irze Thee el.clot MUM he eriev . er ht . . 11 und.r.,1,1 never "In li e . Call "1 , 1 ex inure.. G. FLY "`T 4 CO. :o - 01'l ttndv the citizen. of Toain `l d t..itt.l the put)." the if they wish to hat• their ancirk dune tip the mn,l loallionaiiie, neat and ilur,hle mariner, and fig and no rh•ap on at nov other e-Inldt+t.rnent in !OA n , . they trill find it to their intereiit In ai.,• inn, a rani!. CC ING done on short notice, and warranted to 11 , , it 171,10 t• up n , :".1.1 in the n. xt buddin g below Brick row, upstairs, 1t,., ii o,er Brown's (Irooery. To,s ato anti try I. I SI7 . —43 New Fall and Winter Goods.. THE subscriber is now receiving, from the city of New York a large assortment of GOODS suit. d to the season, carefully selected, and purchased at unusual ly low priers, which will enable him to sell very low for cash, lumber. country produce, or approved credit. Ills friends and the public generally are invited to call and ex ainme his spirk before purchasing olsew here.— lie feels confident that he ran offer them better bargains than they have heretofore made- in this town, or any other In this region of country. In his assortment will be found in all their vanetim Dry Goode, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff+, Boots, Shoes, .1-c. Commitiee Towanda, Ort. 26, I 546, N. N. BETTS. HE Ladies will find a great variety of worsted jt dress goods ; also; a beautiful assortment of prints at very low prices at - FORENCH and'Engkish cloths, heavy Bea•er and Tweeds for over coats, fancy Cassuneies and Sat tinetts, a great variety will he found a; BETTS'. MOUSLIN De L A INE, Cashmeres, Rah Roy and Broche Shawls, a great variety will be found at BETTS' CASH 'WILL BE PAID FUR SHEEP PELTS by dec 9. MONTANYE & F9X Broad cloth, Cassimeres & Sattinets. A LARGE as.ortment of Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, .11 and Battinetts, which we have long been famous for selling good and cheap, now cheaper than ever— and upon which we challengestheworld, just received Towanda, Nov. 3, 1646 WANTED IN EXCHA.NGE FUR GOODS— Wheat, Domestic Flannel, Rye, Woolen Socks, Corn, Buckwheat, Oats, . Flaxseed, Butter, White Beans, Cheese, COON SKINS, in abort, almost anything, for which liberal prices will be pajd at Towanda, Nor. 3, 1846. LooKING , GLASSEttt, one ease of very nice, 0 G flames, latest style, just opened at • novll C NO. 3, BRICK ROW. A D ' .llN ['KA IOR S NOTICE — A Id. persens indebted to the estate of Patrick Brady, late of I;l.wr township, ded., are requested to tp Ate immediate payment. and these having demands agatnst said estate, are requested to present thes . forth with for adjustment. D %NIEL VANDERC OK. Towanda Jan. 9th, MT. Administrant. 11 , )N I' .‘".% YE Sc FOX L . BETTS 0. D. BARTLETT 0. D. , BARTLETT'S ANNUAL Of the Expenditures and Receipts of Eipcaditorm Assessors, S 994 60 Building new bridge in Windham, 315 00" Repairing bridges built by'courny. 1,166 591,481 69 Damage views, 14 00 Damages by toads passing through improvements 45 00 For fuel for Commissioners offices, Court House. Jail, &e., ' 75 13 1 Sundry incidental espeuses, 13 04. Justices fees, 25 76 Grand Jurors, 608 79 Traverse do. 2320 67 Blank books for various public offices, 84 31 A. Martin, Ctier of Court, 80 00 Sundry wild cat certificates, 18 00 Support of prisoners in county Jail, 473 69 Sundry bills for Printing, 258 611 Repairs of & about public buildings, 168 64 J. N. Weston for conveying con victs to E. Penitentiary in 1845. 100 00 Support of convicts in E. Penitentia ry in 1845, per bill rendered, 87 96 187 96 Recording, • 4 27 Stationery, 23 14 Township views. 14 00 Account with the several Collectors of County Taxes, end Borou g hs. T , xis township, Collector's Names. Richard Horton, Wm. Smedley, Elijah Horton, Geo. 0. Wells, John Russell, Hiram Holcomb, H. S. Stevens, 8 W. Hiles, Jason Horton, Robert Sutton, Samuel Annable, James A. Ennis, Clark Hollenback, A. T. lit'Dowell Freeman Wilcox, John Gray, Elisha Keeler, ElLiati Wolcott. O exam Wells, Sheshequin, Athens borough, Windham, Leroy, Standing Stone, Wyal using, Asylum, Athens townihip, Franklin, Standing Stone, Wyafusing, Athens borough Albany, Canton, Herrick. Litchfield, Orwell, Pike, Sheshequin, South Creek, Springfield, Springhill, Standing Stone. Towanda township, Ulster, Windham, Wy Musing, James Chubbuck, John Baldwin, Jeremiah Kilmer, J. L. Phillips, H. S. Grover, J. C. Brown, Isaac Westbrook, David Rutty, James L. Goreline, A. Dunham. jr.. Austin Stafford Abner C. Hinman, James Wilcox, James Lyon. I;eorge Terry, Wm. H. Shapley, Harris Murray, A aahel Smith. Ebenezer Lilley, Vengorder, Thomas T. Smijey, John Vroman, Jere..iiah Barnes, J. D. M'Kee, Elijah Wolcott, Libbeui Mersey, James Chubbuck. G. W. Humphrey, Hiram Dewey, Asa laser K. Horton, Rufus Cala, J. L. P hillipa. Harry S. Grover, J. C. Brown, George Vannes', W. C. Bogart* A C. Gregg, George P. Freeman, James L. Gnrsline, H. B. Bowen. L. W. Knapp, A. Dunham. Ephraim Beeman, Wm. D. Swope, `sox, A Itmny, Armenia, Asylum. Athens Irclough, Athena township, Burlington, Canton, Columbia, Durell, Franklin, Granville, Herrick, Leroy, Litchfield, - Monroe. Orwell, Pike, Ridgbery, Slumber:oin, Smithfield. south Creek, Sprin2field, Standing Slone, Towanda borough, Towanda township, Troy, Flater, Warren, W i N% al using, NV i sox, •Sinrr pn:d in ful J . . r, cub Peel. Trrasn)yr of the County of Brad .ford, in account with said county. T, Ft - limey in Treasury at last settlement, $1.697 91 A omit of verdict tees received. 128 00 II e •m dup. for yenrs of 1840, I, 2,3, 4,5, 2.822 11 111 phealea for 1846, 9,101 FIO Ul seitrd line tranvcripts, • 897 38 Bo ila. judgment,,. notes, 2,083 17 M ey recd for redemption of Un.Lands, 1,650 86 ....: " _ premium on. ply% of state tax, 405 43 Int. and cost on settlement in full of dup., 68 00 By county orders retutned by L.Paerce, lent - Tcrasurcr, Jan. 8, 1846, and allowed here. in settlement. $ 736 53 2 per cvnt. , commission on same, 14 73 Co. orders returned by J. Reel; in 1846, 11,691 50 2 per cent. commission on POMP, 233 82 Returned on dupltcatcs as uncollected, 2,625 97 Bonds, judgments, notes, " 1,25,5 52 Per centime allowed collectors, . 666 82 Money in Treasury, Dec. 31, 1846, • '1,728 72 BRADFORD COUNTY, SS. We, the undersigned, Commis 'loners of said Courttymmicrs in-account with Bradford C o .: [L. S.] county, do hereby certify that the cling is a To amount of-orders issued in 1846, g.14,796 28 true and correct statement of the Ri vals and Cr. to collectcirs 262 21 Expenditures of said county, from the Ist of Janu- Outstanding Jan.l, 1846, 423 671 'Ty, to the 31st day of December 1845. inclusive. Witness our hands and seal of office, at Towanda, this first day of February, 1847. By Amount of county olden returned in ' 1846. including credit orders, $12,248 04 Outstanding Jan. 1, 1847, 54 13 vmaziaßi vyLaxata; L IST OF LETTERS remaining in the P. O. a This way for Bargain!! ATHENS Pa. quarter ending 91, Dee. 1848. THE subscriber would respectfully say to his old Friend Ealkins customers and the publie generally, thin he has Adeleah Davis recommenced the manufacture of Chairs, etc., at his Mrs M M Done old shop on the north side of Bridge street, in the build- Michael Driscoll ing known as the " Yellow House." He keeps con- .Daguenian Artist stantly on hand, or wiltmake to order, (in a neat and John Ferguson durable style) all articles in his line as cheap as the Alex Freiman cheapest. His friends can be supplied with Joseph Fisher 2 Fancy, Winsor and Common Chairs. of differ- Proprietor of Fulling Mill 2 eat patterns—Settees, Rocking Chairs, - Phoebe Gray Children's Chairs. .ke.. se. Sheldron Gurney • Also—Bedsteads and Tablet. Thomas Gardnerßevenhart Gilbert Call and see me at my shop on Bridge street, and I Giles Hoyt will satisfy you that you can buy reasonable. James Holet N. B.—Whito wood, Cucumber and Basswood Hayman Hall plank, wanted in exchange for chairs on reasonable S C Park terms. JESSE TAYLOR. Directors of the Poor of Towanda, Jan. 20, 1847. Sheabequin & Litchfield tps Isaac Reynolds Isaac Rice Mack Reed W H Richmond • James F Redfield Charles B Stuart 0 Stevens Martha Spaulding Sarah A Spading R Sutton Jersee F Sikes Alvah Smith Jerusha Tozer Ahnerin H Tozer A & J M Tozer Ira Sherwood C. H. HERRICK, P, M. . NOTICE WHEREAS my wife Mary Aon has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation now therefore I for bid any person or persons harboring or trusting her on my account as lam determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Ridgebury Bradford Co, Pa. Dec. 5, 1846, HENRY M. COOPER. CAME to my enclosure, about the middle of *prem. bey, a deep red yearling BOLL. The owner is re 'legated to prove property, pay charges and take it away. Shashequin, Dee. 28, 18. 1 6. WM .HORTON,2d. THE OR.BFENBERG VEGETABLE PILLS and the Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment, roe sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town and bcn. rough of Towanda. d 22 N. N. BETTS. REPORT he County of Bradford, for A. D. 1846, Amount brought forward, L. E. De Wolf for traJscribing index to docket in Proth's °film Messrs. Cbubbuck & M'Rean's fees as Proth'y & clerk of .Quarter Eleuimas, Bridge views, Sheriff's fees, Road news. Costs in Commonwealth suits. Election expenses, Constables attending Court and mak , log return, 858 35 Costs in civil suits, 180 86 Redemption money received on unseat ed lands, 667 37 D. Brink for services as Commissioner in 1845 in full, $8 Al J. Towner, " " 1 00 AI MI 1846 208 00 L. Putnaii, " 1845 in full 950 " 1846 226 00 A. L. Cramer, 1845 in fun 600 " 1848 194- 00 J. H. Black, 1846 10 00 603 01 J. 51. Mutilator services u clerk to Com'rs. 1845 in full 99 59 _ " " 81846 • • 285 41 385 00 $6.780 90 1, in the County of Bradford. Amount Pere ,' M V Amount Amount Am't chwled• Ex'nert'd. Received. Due. Collectors. On 0131 85 $ 60 92 25 55 39 18 182 71 24 67 106 05 32 25 23 75 71 41 60 42 104 84 139 36 32 12 81 90 46 92 119 32 27 51 169 08 152 13 1 186 23 7 75 42 36 142 60 217 59 63 98 118 65 86 26 302 01 29 84 162 42 41 35 203 56 211 25 636 28 1 359 76 1 909 64 379 74 190 23 121 47 154 74 \ t, 131 29 135 31 233 38 250 82 - 297 18 483 73 219 18 212 00 409 14 341 75 118 67 302 62 142 92 182 76 466 37 297 96 450 24 256 42 273 71 176 31 293 30 , 350 45 315 82 1840 1841 1842 4 06 3 69 20 64 EEM EMI 1113 IM3 34 06 2 87 1 70 1 80 14 42 2 29 79 6 72 9 48 I 14 6 70 E1:133 5 16 4 20 6 29 3 10 4 06 4 56 $10.923 91 $257 34 $566 86 $8473 74 $2625 97 Jacob Reel. Treasurer of the rnun'y of Bra ford, in account with Ea Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—on account of State tax. To amount of Unseated Land transcripts, $ 502 28 I.ud on duplicates of 1841. 2,3, 4 and 5 2.385 45 Amount of duplicate of 1846, 9,469 54 Balance due Treasurer, 688 35 By amount returned as uncollected, on du plicates prior to 1845, $18,853 68 " " " of 1845, 149 58 - " " 011846, 655 77 Exonerations allowed collectors, 240 11 Percentage " 114 515 39 State Treasurer receipt for taxes prior to 1845, 500 00 " on unseated lands, 500 00 " .. of 1845, 1.334 57 " .. of 1846, 8,759 27 1 per cent. commuesion on $11,093 84, 110 94 $18.853 66 $12,482 16 Attest:—J. M. Wrerssis, Clerk. $12,482 16 N H Arnold John E Aldred B B Bennet Alsop Baldwin' Reuben F Brownian Peter Brooks . Simeon H Brown William Beech Mason Crary M D Stephen Cummings Ira M Carrington 2 Joseph Coke Rachel Cahill Moses I Clark Wm Campbell H C Orbin 2 Sarah M Hathaway B F whitney 2 Wm Wooley 2 Moss & Jackson Nelly Jackson E Keeler Pat Legman' Mathey Lane Wm Maxwell M 0 Merchant Algiab Mead Haney Mallery Simon WCullen J.thn M Mack Imes Olmstead K Owen E C Ogden Rosins Parks 3 Win Payson •$6.76u 90 $ 92 87 625 51 70 50 970 00 7 00 877 83 777 09 $11,798 28 $l3l 55 80 92 2 57 29 25 184 62 13 99 22 98 9 93 14 03 6 99 I 72 311 14 41 14 39 17 84 5 00 69 95 In 60 42 41 19 88 76 81 82 63 65 60 60 19 34 23 36 9 25 17 64 21 85 37 41 31 21 33'91 '2O 69 102 37 9 87 145 43 100 80 155 02 5 46 18 11 127 07 154 00 20 00 94 01 66 43 236 94 2 77 30 00 26 42 190 38 193 76 295 67 109 37 286 07 352 46 176 03 112 73 145 aisr"' 123 05 119 51 14.62 81 64 148 65 236 66 280 85 290 31 186 89 158 79 64 58 196 47 382 44 320 78 105 16 282 95 10 00 127 94 EMS 14 74 43 38 43 98 14 49 15 16 18 69 65 77 20 37 132 42 12 41 10 13 10 19 327 SI 239 19 15 19 1955 9 27 5 93 7 65 6 49 12 54 14 79 10 34 2i 12 15 94 5 53 14 87 182 76 325 49 112 66 279 OS 421 76 118 00 138 42 194 00 79 71 164 58 285 28 213 00 137 45 215 00 96 26 2.1 06 14 6 22 19 8 66 13 96 $13,045 62 $ 279 93 $13,045 62 L. PUTNAM, A. L. CRANMEIL 3. IL BLACK,- ' Comminieners WINTER GOD'S! H. S. & M. C. MERCUR, HAVE just received an 4 are now offering for gale at wholwwle or retail, the large-t and most general as sortment of Foreign and 1; wnet•tie GOODS, ever brought into Northern Penney's% m I. which will besold as here tofore at price,. satisfactory t o the purchaser. Dec.lo. Cloths, Cauimeres and &Annetta A LL those wanting anything' for Cloaks. Overcoats, Coats, pants or Vesta, will find it to their advan tage to examine the large stock o.' French, English and American Cloths, black and faro v Gassimeres, Satt netts, Kentucky Jeans, Vesting., ac &.c., at Dec. 10, 1846. ERC UR'S. LAMES can find a superior assail meet of DRESS GOO DS & CLO A KINGS. it h 1 ERC UR'S. 10 TONS IRON, American, Swedes and English, a general assortment of hdop, bsnil, scroll, round. square, one and two horse wagon tire, bar. &c:, just re ceived at d 33 Raw aunt= ais Izaw ezazzo CHEAPEST IN TOWN 1 _ MONTANVE & FOX HAVE just received and are now opening a very extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting' of almost everything every kept in a country store, which they pledge themselves to sell as low as the same eau be bought in any town this side of the city of New York. Come one and all, and if we don't sell you GOODS CLIIAP don't buy; it will cost you nothing to look, and all we ask is a chance to show our stock of goods. Be sure and find the right place, it is the Old Corner Stare. a few doors south of Montanye & Co's. The B'hoya are on hand and will sell you goods right for Cash or Produce. Towanda, No.. 9, 1846. 5000 YDS. SHEETINGS ¢ SHIRTINGS sellin g very low for cash of produce, by Nov. U. MONTANYE & FOX. L4DIES' GOODS WE HAVE a good assortment of De brines, repps, cashmeres, ginghams, (some beautiful patterns) white dress goods, different styles ; fringes, gimps, cord, velvet ribbons, bonnet ribbons, kid and silk gloves and mitts, comforters, linen handkerchiefs, &c., dm., all of which will be sold cheap. MONTAN YE Zis FOX. FOR GENTLEMEAr. WE HAVE a fine lot of Broadcloths. Cassimeres, Vestings, and some very nice Satin; Kul and worsted gloves, suspenders, net drawers and wrappers &c„-which we have pu• down to the lowest notch. Nov.ll, MONTANYE & FOX. et ROCKERY—a good assortment, in setts or other wise, to suit purchasers, by Nov.ll. MONTANYE & FOX. /MOTS .IND SHOES. MENS" kip and coarse boots; boys' mens' and boys coarse, kip and fine shoes: wens' and boys pumps; ladies thick boots, morocco rru., common and kid slips and buskins; inicses slips; gent.'s rubbers ; ladies' patent end buskin rubbers, misses do.; also, a first rate lot of children's shoes. november 11. MONTANYE & FOX. . rou may be Interested Li. persons that know themselves to be indebted is be indebted to the subscriber for Goods or Medi cines, arc requested to call and settle the same before the Lit of December, however small the amount may be, itthey may expect to pay cost, without re,ipect to per sons. nv I I A. D. MONTANYE. LIQUORS, a lull assortment. cons'ofine, of Cog. Brandy, American Brandy and Gin. Monongahela Whiskey, Port. Modena and Malaga wines, ninny he found at the New Yolk Cheap Store, No. 2 Brick Row of REEDS'. BOOTS & SHOES--a first rate assortment of coarse and fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers, the latter French of course, just opened at nor 3 t). I). BA RTeETT'S. QHA Wl.S—quantities of Shawlr, nire-t kind. going 10 off feAt and cheap at 0. D. BA ItTLF:rI"4. CAPS of all kinds cheap, besides eery eke at 0. D. BA rurLE SANTA ANNA. TAKEN' TUST received a large and splendid a-soitment of new J Goods, bought .eitrely unth Cash, during a great depression in the market, and with the en press view of LIERSEI. LING tho BRAGG DOCI O. D. B X RTLETT. 1:LOU11, from the - Globe u superior article 1: also PORK, first quality, fur sole i.y Novewher 3. , FI.VN r & Cit. OifE 0! am... A. No. 1 , 111 JOTS, told a large yomility of LADIES' SHOES ju.t received by No...tuber 3. FLYNT & CO. DOK.Nali, DIILLINER t iND 314TUAMAKER, Corner ;kilt", and Br Mr* at.., TOWANDA, P.. CLOTHS AN D (ASSI ERES. • ALARGE Assowrm ENT of Clothe of nil shade:: and colors, and qualities, and prices. Canimeres. Fancy and Plain. Sauineus and a good namittnent of Veatmaa may he found at GEO. E. FLYNS & CO. ' BONNETS—A greut saving to the '• Heads of the Nation." The Ladies will find it a great saving to heir heads to call and purchase one of thole beautiful Straw, Devon, Gimp. Florence, or Lace, Lawn. Gipsy Bonnets, sellina sn cheap at REED'S. LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the P. O. at TROY, Pa. quarter ending December 91, 1846. Atwood Mrs. Maria ,Leonard Eber A Ivor& Royal Leonard Albert Ave-y Win C t Leonard Alfred Besaey Mrs Amanda Morrison E R Bonfire C S Monroe Andrew Bush Win 2 More Ebeneier Ballard Myron Mott Alphonso Boyce Wm Momford Mrs E A Baldwin A, Momford Dr. T R Chamberlin Miss Susan Miller Henry Cnmmins C W Peters Comfort Curtis Roscmand J Purris Charles Claßin Robert Potter Mrs. Sary Curtis Nathaniel ' Parsons Oscar Curtis G • Rockwell Miss C Dunbar Alanson Styles Reuben • Demund .1 Y Sherwood Mrs Sarah Eaton Win Soper Moses Gustin Miss-Jana Scott John Grundin J L S Spencor G W Goddard Miss Holen Spalding A N Goodwin John Spalding Miss Helen Harrison Miss Achsah Sherwood Julius Esq. Hichok S.--•''lSpencer Mrs M H Harding Hiss Harriet Sanford Mrs Rhoda Kinyon L T Thomas Samuel E Knapp D B Warren John Long Ezra Wheeler Ralph LAYTON RUNYON, P. M. ADSIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Joseph Tuthill 'steal Smithfield township, dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, are tequeited to present them forth with for adjustment. BENJ. TUTHILL, Smithfield, Dec. 9,11846. Administrators. FOR SALE. 21 HEAD OF COWS and young cattle will sold cheap for cash or approved credit. Towanda, Oct. 13,1846. HIRAM C. FOX. PRINTS—a large and beautiful lot of PRINTS. by n0v.11.. MONTANYE h pox. LADIES! I SAY, LADIES ! ! If you have made up your minds to buy a nice dress. clank or shawl this season, don't fail to call at N 0.9, Brick Row, where yon can find the most, best and cheapest articles in that line, that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trimmings. Remember, call at twit , BAIRD'S. Estray. (lAMB into my enclosure about the rot of lattJune .V a light red yearling 'STEER, marked with a row of warts on the back of his neck, and without any other particular marks, The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. Burlingtoo,Jan. 1,1847. JOHN HATTHORN. NEW DRY GOODS, Corner or'Xain and Bridge Strata. JUST OPENING, at this corner of Main & Bridge , a well-selected assortment of new and fasts. ionahle DRY GOODS, which will lie sold unusually low for ready pay. The stock consists in part of Setitiett, flannel, gingliatn, alpocca, the cheapest lot "of .prints in town, edgings, ilisertings. Swiss and Lam. brie inuslint, linsey, canton tisimel, bleached oral hrown muslin. (not to be aurpoeseu) ticking, check, cashmere. woot.and buck gloves, cotton lose, suspenders. German henddrchrir, cotton and pongee hdkrs. gingham emeriti.. plaid shawls, 'a of comforters, cotton tapes, patent thread, sewing silk, cotton balls, packs piny, .1,001 cotton, hooks and eyes, suspender, short, and no us! buttons, with many cub !r articles, uswilly tound in a store, not mentioned 'f tie public are inviled to call and examine thossoelc before purchasing elsewhere. as they will be sold cheap er than at any other establishment in town. rovanda, Noe. 11. H. O'H A RA & CO. LOOTS SHOES OF ALL KINDs. CST received from Philadelphia, a large arid 'plen a/ did aseorttnent of men'. calf,lop and coarse boots, ofrm $1 50 to $5 SU; boy's do.; ladies gaiters and walking shoes; also, Gne kid slips and, buskins, and all kinds of overshoes; do. calf bootees arid- laced shoes; children's and Misses alfoea of all kinds.- heavy and light, suit tble for'every lOnd of weather,s. Youth's calf, kip and coarse boots to suit children from 4 to 12 year. old. We pledge ourselves to give a bettor article at a lower price than any other establishment Mt Bradford co tuty. TI-11U1 KS from $1 50 to $lB 00 HATS AND CAPS. A large assortment of fashionable Hats and Caps of every kind and description fur riale' very low. GROCERIES Molasses, sugar, coffee, codfish, No. 1. and . 2 Macker el, best qualiry black and green tea, from 31 to 88 cents a pound ; pulveriied and loaf sugar; rice tobacco, snuff. sperm. dipped and mould Candice; raisins by the hos or pound, 'wen, soap, segara at 50 cents per hundred, end in fact all kinds ever kept in our line which people will find it their advantage to purchase and we will give you reasons for it: A little Logic and Common Sena Thera are three things beyond dispute a man pays out much money. he must receive as much. 2. Its man's expenses in business are large, his profit, must be large. 3. Therefore, the Grocery mid Shoe Establishment et the earner of Main and Bridge eta., in a small plata store, at a cheap rent, eau alEord to sell boots & shoes. hats & caps, and groceries, at lower prices, and of • better quality than any other store in town. Now. if this is toot sound logic, two and two on not make four ; but if it i.. common sense calls on you to come to us for your Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes &c.. See the contrast, and let your own reason decide 11 tt was not Your advantage to give on a trial. FIN L;INGS °fail kinds constantly on hand. Thread, awls, bristles, shoulder-sticks, kit and files pincers, all kinds of binding. silk cord and straps for bunts, patent pegging awls, skiving, paring and crooked knives and goats. H. O'HARA & CO. Towanda. Nov. 17, 1.5 V. GROCERIES, of all descriptions. at wholesale or re- Jail. Attention is particularly directed to their assortment of Fresh 7'eas (we don't know the differ. ent names oldie packers, but the artick" is " C.K.") novil W. H. BAIRD 4: CO. HARDWARE, Iron, Nails, Glass, Points, Oils, Dye Woo] Dye shift., Medicines. etc.. in general Mail large quantities. uvl ‘L'. 11. BAII-ID & CO. - ETABL A ES !—Su perfine flour, pork,, fresh butter wheat, etc, etc.. constantly on hand and l'or sale EMI ORSE SHOEING dont, on short notice by it Tow•tnda, Oct- I 3. '46. 1. HEMNIINGWAS viilNTs 200 pieces nog, opening and fur mile very Law at REEDS' I_ZONN ETS, ',bet nib! superior Leghorn Bonnets. 1) Also, velvets of all'cofori,, together with artificial; taps, bonnet ribbon., Src. may he bound nt REEDS'. The Last Arrival of New Goods, I ow ANDN, are rimy beirix opened at No. 3 I Brick Itow, by War. 11. B urd Cu., the lost Pio, veers in the cause ot Low Prices and liberal barter ex chair:tea. They do not hesitate to say, that they wil sr4l Goods for cash ur any kind of Merchantable pro duce, at lower prices than uric other establishment in Brarlionl Comity, Owego. El tors, Binghamton. (or any branch thereof.) Call and ace. Further particulars neat week. November O. 1846. DOMESTIC COTTONS—Brown sheetings, shirt ing, and drilling; Ako, eiston corn, batting, wick ings, and..wadding, for sale by the bale or bas quantity, at an I t BAIRD'S. NOTICE D AN away from the subscriber, an apprentice boy by IL the name of John H. 'Thompson, 16 years old, without my leave or notice. All persons are hereby forbidden Ira boring or trusting acid bay on account, as I will pry no debts of his contracting.—One cent reward for the return of said boy, but on charaes paid. Wnrten. Oct. 9. 181 . 6. CALEB C. TUNE. FALL & Wlll - 0 GOUDS, MONTANYES* & CO.. are now recieving a very desirable assortment of Goods.purchased during a great depression in the market. comprising French & English B 110 A D• 1.0 HS, Ca.nineres and Satinets, and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods. Grateful for past favors they respectfully solicit a gene rous public to call and examine their stock, and think can hold out sufficient inducements to ensure their share of public patronage. Septemhor 7, 1846. INastEEMZSS(SO VERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic 11 1 4 Springs, Iron Atels, Mailable Burs, Dash, Seat land Z . top Irons, Ornaments, India Rubber and Oil Cloth, Lace, Tufts, Moss, dee. for, sale at jIB BIER' UR'S. NX7 OODEN MEASURES. bronant. patent pails and 1 sealed bushels. MOSTA NYE & FOX. fj AI'S& CAPS, a first rate lot, of all kinds, desert') H tions, colors and qualities, cheaper than ever by november 11. MONTAN YE & FOX. TEAS! TEAS! WE have on hand a large htch:k of nice FRESH TEAS at all kinds of prices. But, we have just struck a vein of 4s. Tea that is rig•ht. Call and try it. C' MONTAN & FOX. 113 RDIV3R E A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE such as nails, area, shovels, manure forks, shovels and tongs, sad iron; knives and forks, pocket knives, butcher do., shears and scissors, razors, cloth and hair brushes, shaving and tooth do., wool and horse card., co ea mills, hatchets, augers, wood saws, door trim mina ' s, steiil squares, dish brushes, ark ropes, and bed cords, by nail MONFANYE & FOX. riODFISH AND MACKEREL, a good article, by nov I'iIONTAN YE & FOX. rr APIOCA—a nice article—for puddings, for sale at 1. nov I MONXANICE & FOX. P.IINTS', OILS 4- DYE STUFFS: A LARGE quantity White lead, No. I, pure, gend in oil and dry, whiting, Venitian red, chrome green. Paris do., Prussian blue, rose pink. etc.. linseed oil, lamp oil, otkrh End copal varnish, bigvrood• red wood. (-animism], madder, cochineal. annatte, etc. We canno he undersold in anything in this line, at all, at all. november J I. MONTANYE & FOX. DRUGS .LVD MEDICINES WE h jifr a d Y i e rin o , n , l i i n an t i h l i t n hc I county, in st e oc hi k Du dig ev r erv ga tt n: used h the Physicians arid people generally We also keep on hand nearly all of the most popular Patent Med.eints of the day. One of our firm (A. D. M.) ha had a Inns experience in dealing nut medictnes. we (fatterourselves we ran snit all who may favor up with a call. Prices can't fail to suit. Particular suen- Lion will he paid to order* from physician.. november 11. MONtANYE & FOR. ME!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers