Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 10, 1847, Image 4

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[Free) the Daily Sun]
"Friendship, Lore, and Troth:"
BY Xft2. I. 11. 11\LTM•DIIL
Friendship, Love, and Truth,
Glorious words are there,
Spread them where the earth extends,
Bear them o'er the seas,
Whrn they are heard on every shore,
Sites dominions shall be o'er. '
•' In our God we trust,"
Ye have chosen well,
Each frail spirit stayrd on Him
Shall in safety duell—
Peace your hearts and homes shall bless,
God your refuse in distress.
FatsTosnir—angel want,
Who but occult thy worth.
.Healing with a gentle band
Many a wound of earth ;
Through all thy waives ring,
Angel of the healing win;.
L3Vl—whal gifulue thine,
Of immortal birth, •
Dweller in the princely hall,
Guarding cottage hearth— to crowned head,
Watcher by the lowliest bed.
Joyful with the young,
Stay whets youth has fled,
Welcoming to life the babe,
Mourner for the dead ;
Royal pests where king: abide
Inmate where the sinful hide
TECTH—triamphant rover,
Attribute divine,
Spark of deity, whose fight
Mug still brielter shine;
sin's dark devices fail,
...Truth is gent and shall prevail,"
Wools of wondrous power,
Be their import known ;
Brighter day ahal: dawn for earth,
When their sway we own,
Pilots for eternity.
ts:ful nerripls.
CAPITAL CAKES._Everybody likes good
cakes, but everybody d,m't know how to make
them. Here is a receipt or two, which our
young female readers, and old ones too, will
find just to be the thing.
Cons BATTER CARL:S.-I'4l;e one quart of
good milk, three eggs. a little sail, and as much
sifted corn meal as will make a thin batter ;beat
all well together, with a spoonful of wheat
flour to keep them front breaking ; bake them
in small cakes on the griddle ; keep them hot
and butter them, before you send them to the
A NOTIIER.—Take a quart of rorn meal.
tn.() eggs, a small lump of butter or lard, and
mix it nit with milk. or half water if milk
is scarce, You may bake them either thin - or
VIRGINIA PONE. —Beat three eggs. and stir
them ina quart of milk with a little salt, a spoon
ful of melted butter, and as much sifted corn
Meal as will make it a thin hatter. Grease the
pans, and bake quickly. You can either use
small pany pans or a large pan.
RICE AND CORN CARES.—Take a pint of soft
bone() rice, a pint of milk, a little salt, and as
much corn meal as u ill make a thin batter, with
two Beat all together, and bakelas corn
hatter cakes, or make it thicker, and bake it in
a pun.
Porno JELLY.The potatoe may with ease
he made into a rich and nutritious jelly, and the
process should be generally known. It is as
Let a couple of good sized mealy potatoes be
washed, peeled, and grated. and throw the pulp
thus procured in a basin of water, and stir it
well, let i• stand a few minutes, and a suflicie:d
quantity of starch will have fallen for the pur
pose required. Pour off the water, and pour
on boiling water, stirring the starch the while,
and it will soon and suddenly pass to the state
of jelly. The only nicety required is to be
careful that the water is absolutely boiling
otherwise the change will not take place. On
Comparing this jelly with that obtained front
Bermuda, a difficulty of discriminating between
the two will be apparent. Their difference,
however, becomes more obvious on applying' .
stigar to sweeten the jellies, for then the superior
flavor of the potatoe jellyiis at once perceived.
as it is equal, if nut superior, also to arrow root
in its ominous properties. •
WOTZE.—W hat extremes in human life are
suggested by this little monosyllable? What
varied interpretations may we place on this one
short word ! And how different is it considered
in each circle through which we might trace its
universal application, from the light and elegant
occupation of affluence, downards to the toilsome
drudgery of necessityi! , One picture gives us
the fair and accomplished daughters of our land
seated before their embroidery frames. surround
ed by colors as bright as the rainbow's hue_
woisted and silk, and golden threads, scattered
in rich profusion with every accessory to in
terest and amuse.; but before the leaf, or the
flower, or the cunning device is half copied on
the canvass. scone anxious parent or careful
fcend will approach, and in tones of kind en
treaty request they will lay it aside. least the
graceful figure shuuld he injured, ur the radiant
eyes made d.m by work !
And this, again, is the term to designate the
employment that has holowed the cheek and
chilled the lite blood of the weary occupants of
many a solitary garret, who sighing, listen to
the midnight chime, and think that even then
they cannot lay it by to rest. Such are the ex
tremes. Would that neither boundary was so
strongly marked, and that a little. habitual self
denial in the same instance might afitird means
to lessen the privations of the other I
When Lord Cullingwood wrote home, en
kilning: his wife to inspire his daughters . with
a contempt for vanity and embroidery," it
might almost be imagined that the gallant ad
miral had a prophetic glimpse of the expendi
tures of time and money lavished by the present
generation on this fascinating pursuit. But it is
the abuse, not the use, of anything, which ren
ders -it reprehensible ; and we may remember it
wasra saving of the sagacious Doctor Johnson.
that many a man might have escaped
. hanging
had he known how to hem a pocket handier
chief. Let our fair countrywomen. then, em
ploy this recreation as a recreation, not as an
all-engrossing pursuit; and let us all, both men
and women, feel thankful that the needle has
provided an antidote against listlessness in one
class, ando means of livelihood for another.—
Operation of Plaster
There seems to be a peat diversity of opin
ion as to the reason why plaster or gypsum fails
to benefit such a large portion of our Atlantic
coast, Long Island and New Jersey particularly.
Mr. Ruffin of Virgana,in a work on Calcareous
Manures, advances a theory basal on his exper
ience as a practical firmer. that appears to me
to be mme satisfactory than any other 1 have
seen, and I am somewhat surprised that bis
theory lets never found its way into our northern
agricultural jowl:ale.
I made a visit to Virginia last winter. prepara
tory to removing there• and while there 1 mat'e
particular inquires in relation to the extensive
marl formation which underlays nearly the
whole eastern portion of the state below the falls
of the rivers and its effects upon the suit. 1
found it to be extensively and profitably used,
and producing importanfand permanent changes
in the soil ; so much so that cover cannot be
matte to grow at all until marl, or its equivalent.
lime is applied. The marl contaios tram 30 to
80 per cent of lime: which is the' principal if
not the only fertilizer contained in its composi
tion. I inquired how plaster succeeded on
clover; and the almost invariable reply was, it
does no good whatever until the land is marled
or limed. I inquired the reason of this, and
%% as refered to Mr. llnfßit's work on Calcareous
Manures.' 1 there found what appeared to me
to be a very satisfactory reason, and I will give
you a brief abstract.. fie says that the-most of
the soils of eastern Virginia were found, upon
analysis, to contain but a slight trace of calcare
ous matter, and with the exception of the land
along the margins of the rivers, which he terms
neutral soils. he calls them all acid soils ; and
the presence of sortel on the land he considers
an indication of acid soils. Sorrel grows abun
dantly on soils -which he terms acid. Oxalic
acid is the acid of sorrel Now, sowing on
plaster in the usual quantity, that being a
sulphate of lime, the oeetic acid has a strong
chemical affinity for the lime tithe lime leaves
its combination with the cull lea, and combines
with the oxalic acid, and forms an oxalate of
time, and sets the sulphur free to combine with
iron or any other ingredient tt can tied.
: Apply
a good dressing of marl or lime, and it combines
with the acid and neutralizes or destroys it.
and as a proof of this, sorrel is no Imiger found.
Planter applied then. is left free to act. and pro
duces the most satiefactory tesults, frequently
doubling the crop.
Long Island and New Jersey have soils some
what similar to Virginia. I can speak more
confidently of Long Island, as that is my place
of residence ; its soil produces sorrel plentiful
ly. Lime has been used btlt little; and in many
eases with no perceptible effect, and plaster
with a frill isolat.d earl pitons has totally
ed. I hope that Sofro. or pita Long Island -and
other readers who are similarly Stunted, will
Make experiment, and see 11 hke causes will
produce like effects. The experiment nerd
cost them but little moner . or labor.
%Voile on a recent viSit to Hinchess Co., a
friend infocined toe that the prevailing opinion
that country was, arit plaster applied to one
field, injured an Lisplastered field adjoining, as
touch as it had benefitted the one it was applied
to, and that sonic went so far as to say that if
a piece of woodland was anildbi cleared
land plastered. the timber commenced decaying
and dyiug, Ile told me an instance that went
strongly to prove the truth of that opinion.—
An old farmer had a very fine meadow, in a
creek bottom. He commenced plastering his
upland lying aronntl, and adjoining it. Hts
meadow, which had never before failed to pro
duce luxurious crops of grass, began to fail, and
continued to do so until it was hardly worth
mowing. He then commenced plastering ;it,
and its ancient fertility was at once restored e =
Now what can be the cause of that? Perhaps
our chemists are the most proper persons ;to
judge ; but I can,give my opinions as they do
not cost much. The idea at once occulted to to
that it might he caused by the absorption of
ammonia from the surrounding atmosphere, by
Me plaster, as (ammonia and sulphuric acid
have a strong affinity for eaeh 'other.) that .the
unpl i astered land was depreved of its due share
hum that source. as plants are said to derive a
large share of their ammonia from time atmo
sphere: Perhaps some of your able correspond
ents can enlighten us as to the cause of it.
itwiting,lun, L. 1., Oct, 1-ith, IS M.
Looß.—Look first and Mien leap, if: you
think best. In any undertaking whatever, look
to the consequence. It was the advice of John
Rodgers—not the flour merchant—but the mar
tyr-- Build not your house to high," and cap
ital advice it is. Thousands have followed it
to their satisfaction and profit.
If you spend all your means and all your
energies on one thine, without looking to or
caring for the -consequences, you make a fool
of yourself, and give your creditors the supreme
control of von.
Lot k ahead, then. Never let the dust of
gold, the tongue of flattery, or the meed of
praise. shut your eyes. See for yoursell and
be prepared-tor every emergency. Thus only
on succeed and prosper. Another and
wrong course may prole fatal to your brat in
S a.lattn's Rvrioss.—A ranon. furnished
daily to each soldier as be golation establish
ed. eynslee, of
Pork or Baron, three quarters of a pound.
—or, in hen thereof, a pound and a quarter of
fr+•rb or N.lll beef.
Bread or Hour. 18 ez.--or 12 oz of hard
bread, or a pound and a quarter of corn meal.
To evsry 100 rations are added : 8 quarts
peas or beans. or 10 lbs. rice ; 6 lbs;cotree
12 Ills sti tt ar ; 4 quarts vinegar ; a pound and
a hall of tallow or a pound of :sperm candles
4 15s soap and two qu.trts salt. Occasional
ly vegetable's and other articles are substituted.
AMERIcA' W HALE FI9HERY.—The whaling
fleet of the United States consisted on the Ist
November. 1846. of 668 ships and barques, 27
brigs. 19 schooners and 1 sloop, with a total
t6unaye of 226.757 tons. 650 of these vessels
4e now at sea in the Atlantic.lndian and Pacific.
drcan. The capital engaged in this branch of
Business is estimated at about 5M0.000.000.-
1 io esomuted that there are altogether, front all
nations. the United `fates included, but about
960 vessels engaged in this - branch of bushiest.
ing from this number the 715 belong-
Mg to this country, and it leaves but 185 for all
the rest of the world.
M‘ICE. Tura OWN 1 2ANDLE1. I .—Take two
pounds of alum for 'every ten pounds of Tallow,
di.sqlre it in water nefore the tallow is put in,
and then melt die tallow in the alum water,
with ftegient stirring, and it clarifies and har
dens !he tallow so as to make a most beautiful
article for winter or summer use, almost as
good as sperm.
the amount, description, and value of the real and . personal property, trades occupations and professions,
l.J'dcc.. made taxable by the net of II th lane, 1840, and the several acts paaaed subsequent thereto. —Showing
the amoune of me 'wand for County purposes in each township and borough of the County of Bradford; Also,
the sum aitiesed for the use of the Commonwealth and the apportionment thereof according to the assessments
made in the fall of 1846, fur the A. D. 1847:-. .
Townships and Boroughs.
A rmenia,
A •iy tun
Athens borougl•,
Athens township,..... .
Burlington,— ...........
Leroy, ......
Litchfield ........
Monroe. ..........
South Creek
Standing Stone,
Towanda borough,
Troy borough,
Troy township
Windharn,.... .......
We, the Cotnthissioners
fri.UTll4 made hythe .."1.4 ., ..0rS of the se. , T
that the -Board of Revision" will meet at the C ,
1847, to correct and egLalize the above Valuat
11th day of January, 1817.
A tfr.l Nl:WarTtr.s. Clerk
"Sugar Could Pills."
MBE increasing popularity of Dr. O. BENJ.
2 . - ssirrirs isiPtiovi:u INDIAN VEGETA...!
BLE rUG.IIt COATED PILLS. has induced a
nmuto•r of per-one to make something they call reees
and coat them with sugar, in only to 6.11 them for the
genuine, while they do tint postallite a it:allele of t e
goodness, nor even a-siaidate to apptaraece W the
original, Dr. Smith's Pills. In short, they arc an in- ,
trnaeti FRAUD time the community. A minister
who at first had an intAtest in an imitation Sugar Coat
e' Pill, manufactured in Alboay. N. has given them
up, us he says, or account of the mi.:seeable dishonest
part en concerned in manufaeturing them. The ,sitne
'tarty are now industriously clrrulattnt; reports calculat
ed to injure Dr. Samba:and to affect the reputatton of
Iris valuable pills ; but r Weer than notice them in putthe,
Dr. Smith is about to instil .te legal proccednigs against
thein for thtir slanders. as he basin another case against
a similar party, in ;stitch he recovered a large amount of
damages. These miserable imitators have to resort to
the most abominable means to palm off their counterfeit
pills, as the public knave that Dr. Smith's are the original
and genuine. Several instances have come to public
notice in M , hich life has been endangered by the unfidtu
nate use of the counterfeits. It is Dr. Smith's Pills
that ore doing so much good in the country—as the
following plainly show. ra
—Beware : Caution
Use and Recommend Dr. Smith's Pille than all others
This is to certify that I have used the :Sugar Coated
Pills manufactured by G. 13enjamin Smith, of sew-
York, fur some time, and believe them to be - a good
medicine; and also, from inquiry in that city: I am
persuaded that he is the (Mamal inventor ; and therefore
is entitled to the benefit of the invention.
Pastor Ist baptist Church, Pittsburgh.
From the Blue Hen's Chicken, (Del..)
We call the attention of our readers to the certificate
of Rev. S. Williams, Pastor of lel Baptist Church.
Pittsbuigh, in relation to Ur. Smith's Pills. We can
ourselves bear testimony to 'the excellence of these Pills.
one of us having used them and experienced great relic
from them.
The above is the best paper in the State of Delaware
Coated.) are certainly doing- much good in the whole
country, and are highly esteemed, if one - half is true that
people write and say about them. They are so easy
in their operation that all like them. The editor of the
Northern State Joninal, (one of the largest and best
papers in the State of N.1%0 it-rites as follows;
Watertown, May 31,1846.
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Dear Sir. I was laid up with a had cold some time
since my return from N. N., and during my illness I
made trial of your pub, and I must say I found them
excellent. They are the beat medicine for the purpose
they are intended, that I have yet seen. I seldom 'take
pills, but I found yours entirely free from the objectio IS
to which other pills are liable. I hope they will continue
to be a source of profit to you, as I doubt not they veil
be means of relief to the afflicted on a large sca'e.
Yours truly, J. GREEN.
Tonawanda, Pa, Sept, 18 1846
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Bear Sir: Your nent left with me a lot of your
Sun an Co.vsn Pima, and I have but a few holes lett.-
Every box I have sold hay given entire satisfaction. I
have taken them myself and I con4ider them the best
pills I have ever coed, and I am not afraid to
recommend them to the public. 1 iish a further supply
at once. Yours respectfully.
lltni:ngtun Ind., June 21, 1G46
Dr. Smith—
Dear am inie.t not of your t:e111 A If Vac ETA PLe
Svo II Curren Pi Lis, " and titul them selling so fa.t
that f think hoter send me Mil grm.s irnmmlime
ty. They give such general satisfartion that people at
leant twenty miles for them, and as it is generally know n
I am agent for them, 1 would be very lorry to get out.
ours revvrtfull;,
If G. GEN.I. SMITH, be not written with a pen on
the hottotO of the box, all " Sugar Coated" Pills are
Principal'Ofßco 179 Greenwich Street, law brick
.block, N. V. Price 25 cents a box.
oavaaut Fi1332.32AW D
RESPECTFULLY informs 1114 iiiends that helm
leased the above Howe, situated on the south
side of tne public square, lately occupied by A.M. Coe,
anal having made entirely new arrangements, is now
r e pli e d f or th e retention of visitors. Presenting his
compliments to his friends and the public generally, and
as-uring them no pains or expense will be spired. to
please his guests, he respectfully solicits public patron
age, pledging himself that while the establishment is
under his control, it shall not be excelled by any in the
The rooms 5 The • CLAREMONT HOUSE,' ore
spacious and airy. and furniblied in the best style.
The Table will be furnished with every iobstantial
the country eon -produce.
The Bar will be stocked with the hest, liquors in a
pure and unadulterated state.
First rate Stabling attached, With rattly and faithful
Ostlers always in attendance.
In short, nothing, will be omitted, which will add to
the comfort and convenience of customers, and with his
facilities, he believes 'satisfaction will be rendered to all,
Towanda, April 8, 1846.
ftra.) ,
;I' ll
n i
390 1
I ,800
, do 1
terti . certify the above Stage:writ to he ,
own,,bip4 and Boroughs in. said Co. And
ornmis-ioner's Office, on Monday, 'he 15t
tion. Witnesa our band., and *cal of of
J. 1-1.131, %Vic,
113RIHNTED .111,11;1I.S . TO CURE !
HENIORRHOID: 4 , OR PILES. it: a di-rate iirodur
ed by land irritation cmuv.-m•-a, pur, inso stini
lanta, undoe drt. rntrnation ul t , t thy heats,trll,ll.l,l
vessel,.Lv e‘ces , ise MUDS: or S4:1160112. Dr a riiiii,tr , 4ate
tate of the liver, and pecult.mtv of th.• stirs tottuon
It lit ciitinalereti uuiu•r three ‘,:ricties
as White hie-. :nil Ltieviiiii,z
I . IIIA Ih..llPr COI11010(1. Mid ern 411.11
that a tlescrr i ttuu of it, to not neces
'l' he success that has followed the urre of Ero,rro
cation in the cure of this di.,. -c. his herrl Inih er.toursl,
trig. Pirs , icians u rts utert ir.ruent, to try it. ter
the only file Medicine.
In . arkla,n to its biting a po•it ice rerie.'y f o the Pile , .
it ileor falls ure that INT(11.I.: II ISLE ITCHING,
which is so eery common, anti has its location in the
same parts as the Piles.
Bead the follnoin.q, from the echtural colums of Alex
ander's Weekly Messenger;
—Physicians and Chentios have long been anciuds to
discover a medichle that would cure one of the finf..t
troublesome diseasca, the Piles. Succe-o 112., at' 1 2 ,4
been the result. Dr. JACKSIWS PILE E 3,11.3110.
CATION nut only stops all bleeding. allays pail, and
intlumation, subdues that in . o lerable itching, but effectu
allly cures, like a charm and in a very slim time, per
%on:, whose lives have been rendered miserable fur years.
only a few from the great number of certificates n tIl
be published. Read the following :
'New York, 721 Broadway, September 8, 1815.
Dr. Jacksos—Dear Sir: Will you send me sic
six bottles of your Pile Embrocation ; I wi.h then,
part to keep myself, and part for a legal gentleman, a
friend of mine, who has found great relief in using
from my bottle two or three tiraes. You remember,
when in Philadelphia, I was - suffering dreadbilly from
this terrible srourge. 'I only took one bottle from you ;
I have not used it quite all, and am now perfectly well.
As-you mny suppo,c, I proclaim the virtues of your
medicine wherever I go. I tell every friend about it ;
and it is singular to perceive how many are suffering,
in this way—l believe half of my acquaintances are
more or less afflicted. Let me tell ybu that you can
sell here as fast you choose to make. When you want
a certificate from me. you shall have it, and yothrsare at
liberty to this letter if you wish.
Respectfully yours. LEWISP. ASHFORD.
For sale byMONTANYE & FOX, Towanda.Pa
only Agents for Bradford County. 2.8m6
F OR the cute of DEAFNESS, pains, and the dts
charge of matter from the ears. Alto all those dis
agreeable sound., like the buzzing of it sects, falling..ol
water, whizzing of steam, &r., &e., which ore sythp
taint of approaching dezfnessonel also generally...ol4n
dant with the disease. Many persons who have been
deaf for ten, fifteen, and even twenty years, and were
obliged to use car trumpets, have, after using one Of two
bottles, thrown aside their trumpets, being inade perfect
ly well. Physicians and Surgeons higl3ly recommend
its owe.
The very great nitml.r of happy remlis that- have fol.
hosed the u-e. of SC A IiPI•S CO US PIC (111., have
been truly astnntshine :And What in wonde r ful, no rte
who were deaf from birth. have been so much improved
nu to bear common conversation very readily,
It would be the height of presumption to warrant a
cure in all cases, but in nine rases out of ten of recent
date, there In a certainty that the results will be most
hnppy and natiscfatory to the patient. The application
of the oil produees no pain. but on the contrary an agree
able and pleasant sensation. The recipe for thin medi
cine has been ootaineil from an .lurist of great reputa•
than, who has found that driafness., i n n i neteen cases out
of twenty, Was produced from a want of action in the
nerves of hearin • or a Shyness ip the ears; his object
therefore was to find something which would create a
healthy condition in those parts. After a long series of
experiments his efforts were at lust crowned with sue
eess, in the discovery of this preparation. which has re
ceived th e name of SCA IVA'S COM POUND ACOLS.
TIC OIL. A Jong list oT certificates might be given,
hut such in the confidence in the medicine, and no high
ltas been its reputation, that but one of them will beat
present published:
Moor r3A1311IIIN•IIT CVIII:!—A I •dy in Smith
field. Drad. Co., "a., and now about eighty years of
age, had been gradually getting deaf for more than Ab
years, so that it was next impossible to make her hear
conversation in the loudest tnneof voice. Last winter
she was induced to try " 'carpri's Oil for Deafness." It
is only necessary to add that she used two bottles, and
is perfectly restored—she is cured. Any information
in vegan! to the ease may he obtained at the store of Dr.
Jayne, No. S. South Third street, Phil idelphia.
For sale by moNTANVE FOX, Towanda, Pa;
only agents forPra.lford county. y
aiV:lt.2l2s Cs V2alV2 -1 \02'33,
Over Montanye's store, next door to Mereur's law office,
at the old stand of Powell & ocl
;L . ,. F.'
1 s
T.; 7 , '•;,
• =2...p..7,
correct. according to the
1 we hureby vise notice,
h day of Fchrulry, A. I)
flier, at Towanda. this
rumor dxionera
r _ _ N‘
f .THE alai CUR um iltt
.7: :5 [
The above Periodicals are reprinted in New Yolk,
immediately on their arr,val by the British steamers, in
a beautiful clear type, on fine white paper, and are
faithful copies of the originals—BLAClLWooo's Mao A'•
g being an exact fac.situile of the Edinburg edi
The wide-spread fares of these splendid Periodicals
renders it needless to say much in their praise. As
literary organs, they stand far in advanceof any work
of a similar stamp now published. while the political
complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candor and
forbearance not often found in works of a party char
They embrace the views of the three great parties in
England—ti big, Tory, and Radical.—" Blackwood"
and the "London Quarterly" are 'Tory; the" Edin
burg Review," Whig : and the " W estrainiiiter," Radi
cal. The "Foreign Quarterly "is purely literary, be
ing.derroted principally to criticistns on foreign Conti
nental Works.
The pricer} of the RE-PRISTR are less than one-third
of those of the foreign copies, and while they are equal
ly well got up, they afford all that advantage to the
American over the English reader. . •
For any one of the four Reviews, $3.00 per annum
For any two, t do 5,00 "
For any three, do 7,00 "
For all four of the Iteviewa,
For Blackwoocre Magazine,
For 13Iackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00
Four copies of any or all of the above works will be
sent to one address on payment of the regular subscrip
tion for three—the lot rth copy being gratis.
Remittances end communications must be made
in all cases without expense to the pulni,hers.—Tbe
former way always be done through a Pout-master by
handing hint the amount to be reunited, taking his re
ceipt and forwaiding the receipt by mail. Post-paid; or
the money may' be enclosed in a latter, Post paid, di
rected to the publisliero.
N.B.—The restage on all these Periodical. is re
duced by the fate Pout-Odice law, to about one-!herd
Me, riste,s. making a 'Very important saving in the
elven., to the mail subsetthere.
•.• in aillhc antic :pal inCem and Tinont, throat-th
ou! the United States to 0,0, there is a deed !twi
t:mu! or WUIeT CfrinintilliCcl,nn from the r:ly ,f NA a .
York, tito , pciioth call will be delivered YULE OF
I.a).N ARD SCOTT & co. Publi , her , ,
1 year 143 Fulton St.. New Vorl
NeLjtlacksinitliing Establishmeal
Prirrs 23 per cent. rheaper than hare ever
neat known in .\o. - thern Penn'a.
THE, having commenced the slow(' ht
tines,. takes this inctliod to inform the tuna!,
tamr of l'oaanda and vivinti). that hr is prepanr,l to
do all kiwis of -w ork entiu , ted to his C.lle uo the in st
'mat and workmanlike manner: such asironing co tin
en. carriage;, of all kinds; mill-tvorl, of all
knids, done a hole nit er (ban at any ralril sh m rn tLr
county, S.litie Attention paid to EI/GE: Ti t, tl,r4 to
fill op creyoss, 'owl finally all kind., of work ni
a`•,,, line (harts shoront eteenttsl) sod will o - orall:
all my work to the le s t. Try r o e on o II you .1.,
met find thtmtsinst 'inn4 theillsitti me lio ' tV(). Fn.rn nit
loo L t eyperlenn uo the .t I
can knits 01 prryle. Vrrii c.ill 6111 air
311 f l in t , at my c pop, a 1., rod,. ,outl. of 8r..1a.•
kn,,vvii as \lean.'
All of Pr...!oee !Art, in paynn nt h.and
1:ttl.• of th; mt•a!y , slll hr 1 , 11.-0,1.
TJuandl, Co, IS-18.—y
A CI:111'1IN CURE FIR 111,1:x'
Dr. A rpliam's V, grlablr Elcrluary
D.R. UPIIANI• a dedinguislierl Ph) siriati of
New Vork city, tlio roily real SUCCe-,ful redieilv ha
that ilall:!..r0l/.; /Lid thatres%lll4 COMlAllllll—the PILEs
--ever offered to an A uter:cau public.
_ _
Mark this. It is an INTERNAL REMEDY—and
n't an external applicaition, and xi, 1 core every r_se
of Piles. either bleeding .or blind, it...ernal or external,
and probably the only thing that will. There :a no
mistake about it. It is a positive cure---speedy and
permanent. • It is-also a convert rot medicine to t
anu improses the general heal h in a remarkable man
Eifel) b ox cool, - 5 5 tuelve do es,ait C} a 1/0.5C. 11
is very mild in its opei.ition, 31111 mar be taken in cases
of the most acute infdimmation w about danger. All
external applications ire in the highest de-.see disagree
able, Meow enie t and offensive ; and bon, the very na
ture of the disease, inconvinent in their effects. This
medicine attacks the diseast at its source, nail remaring
the eizu,e, renders the cure el-slain and permanent.
TO MAII ai Cu LA st cu—Married ladies are almost in
variably subject to that tiainful and injurious disease,
the Piles, with consequent inflammation of the stomach,
bowels and spine, weakness of the hack, flow of blood
to to the head, ttc. The Electuary is perfectly safe for
'pregnant lashes, and the most useful cathartic that can
possibly be used, as it not only removes the Piles and
all inflammatory diseases without pain or irritation,
but will insure an easy time, a safe delivery, and a sound
coast nation in the offiipring.
The Eleetunry contains run mineral medicine. no al
oe., colors Dal ur gamboge, or other powerful and irrita
tive purgative. No fear of taking c 'ld while under its
influence—no change in diet necessary, If taken ac
cording to directions, a cure fair life is guaranteed.
Sold wholesale and retail by Wr ATT & K sTruem,
General Agents for the Southern St,des," 121 Fulton
street. N. Y., HUSTON er: LADD, Towanda, and
dru:zei-ts generally throughout the United States. Price
1, a box.
CleekS, tatehes, Jeweliv k. Silverware;
t . h k e . /v
city ,r NI N B ,, E w R I LIu . N k
, i ‘ t r i a s h ji t i t s ie t r ia e r tu v r . ti t er , l ,, fr , o r m t_
merit of FASHIONABLE JEIVELI: r, ever brought
to this place, such as Finn-rings, Breast-pins, of every
description; Lockets, bracelets, gold and silver p nrils,
cold keys. thiti.l , lrs, silver spoons, sugar tongs. specta
cles,for all ages, pen aid pocket knives, Rogve+
nufacture,) and many uthier articles which ne will sell
extreontly tow for CASH.
Allkiudaof WATCH Es.; rolOsting of patent lo
ver, L'Epine, English and Sllii.,S v.atches, «arranted to
keit good lima.
It is as clear and unquestionable as our right to the
whole of Oregon. that %V .A, Cit‘musaux has got
the largest and best selected re,mrtment of Fancy Goods
ever brought into the borough of Towanda, and that he
will sell hha goods cheaper than was ever told by any
bunion firing being !--stick a pin there ! !
Watches warranted to run well one year, or .
the money refunded ; and a written agreement given •
to that disc* to all that desire one. 7
(r:i MAMA:SUGAR', Wood, and all kindsof Conn- j
try Produce received in payment.
W. .I..CHAMBERLI.N, Agent.
Towanda, April `22, 1846.
c - rzomL
THE subscriber not being in full communion with
the firm ofg.--. he 1:9 not prepared to toast of
the largest assortment ofJEW EI,IIY out of Jail : and
having never learned the Cabinet making businem—
he is not prepared to do any work in that line; but
haring served a regular apprettlicwhlp (!) in the I
watch ,Npairing business, and the e%perience of 16 year,;
has no*aiesitation in saying that all work entrusted to
loin shall he done in a workmanlike manner, promptly.
arid second had to .tone west of that city trout whence
came that mighty end: of Gold .1. - wdr-x!
Now my friend., in -all your gintiM,te don't forget
to get your watches fixed at Id.. No. 100 opposite time ,
Public Square and two doors north of Ltrigg.' tavern. i
A . NV
Towanda. April !RIC.
"./: N. pledge my,elf to do my work 11 , ...,0. MI
work warranted one vearand the money refunded if it
does not perform according to agreement. Stick CI P.O.
there !
8,00 "
3.00 .'
In Towanda,
IZT:?..VY llS37ll"&ti'v-v.z
THE subscriber has obtained the right of a
gular cast won Water IN beet, called th e
which is rapidly coming into use throughout the
fed States, for operating machinery of an kinds,
led by water power, patented Sept. 27, te4s, T , R
Molly, of Cayuga co., N. Y. The first glau e at 4 , 3
wheel, involves the beholder in immediate dot in
gad to its operation. But its construction is seek tE e ,
it receives three distinct . powers of the water to m e
charge: viz--Ist. The direct or percussion 'nasty!
The inclined plane or Archemidean Power. 311. 4
discharging or . reacting power; 4 , eing all the power tot .
tained in the-massive weight of hydraulic prersure.TL;
some comdructian is also perfectly adapted to
all difficulties of flood-trash; ice, backwater, fr em , t.
or any impediment or disaster to which water whe e i sz
general are subject.
A perfect safeguard against any imposition, b y thi ,
wheel, is formed by a readiness in all its 've r t er ,
warrant more business with less water than any uth o
wheel now in use, except the Overshot wheel ander/14h
heads. Manufactured at the furnace of Hopkins le d
Leach, Elmira, N. Y. Perdons wishing to repai r Ls,
Mills will gain py applying to the eubacnbers, Is ht
proprietors of the county of Bradford. All cong er ,
cations addressed to either of the subscribers -wilt re.
ceive 'prompt attention. JOHN BURT,
Ridgberry. Jan. 4, 1847. S. GUNSArrts
__.__ •
D •
Expectorant; Aheratieep,
Tunic reran:liege ; Carminate Baliom
Sanative Pills ; Hair Tunic and b y ; ;
For sale by Montanye $ Fox, Towanda, p a .
Only authorized Agents f.r Bradford count
The following extra 0 letter is from a very re r w 4 ,
ble mercantile bowie dal
Wa.,bington, 12appahannock Co, Va.,)
May -6, 1846.
_ -
Dear Sir—Our Mr. Jones has been in a verTlew tire
of health for more titan a year he has had the
of the best medical adatee our county affords oaf tin
visited vour city during the past summer, but lea,A LO
relief. On the 15th of April la.t, ne purchased tit
dozen bottles of your Tonic Vermifugc, and a tat
zen btoteli of your Sanatia a Pil/s.. Through
in packing the articles in a dry goods lox, one tail Its
V erntifurre wan broken. Mr.. Jones commencel
the PAIL , and after taktim a few doses, lilt a , :etae.
improvement. The thr, c bottles of ‘'erinitage.%Lici
came safe to hand. brou4itt fro n lam, he ttatk.,
les then I)NE THOI:A.ANIJ 1 VORIIS, ara:
many more. He is now iii better ficalth then ;•t.
Item in for many years, and hope a few more
your Vermffuge and Pills will effect a !cif:l4lm s„,
All our phes.etatts have entirely mist-Ikea inacte.o...
Samuel Jackson, of your city at the bead, A i ,
respoitstliility,'ue have to re - et oil I Meor,
Nfiect t S ‘.% .0.1 ruff. Sillt !kit...J., Maths t ne, ,S t ,
mad llir.kell H at Go_ corner of nii!, air! ll n
ket oars-eta. Mr. Jones so mo , d MIXIfIUS to gst'r o .a
your Pill- and V; unit age, as .11.)11
Slim Respectfully, J. .1.1::14):\ ydiCu.
Suited to rte 1.,t!
01 vrt TV cur lii ,%1:1
irrigh Indian Itgriabic Pia
North Anuriran Leikg': of Etaila
ltranriluoiry aro cLupy . .. - ti . :.l
x. t. 14 h ac sr.:101111g MU c , ,rl '4 , 1!, an,
tarvis, cirov: - .. ,, x1.1
cm:11.11,1.d Jt , 1.1 . 1:111 S
\ Et .1.; L'I.F: 1'11.1.z• A!!„
tl.! !!!!,!!!! !!6:. ! ! I! !h
Sl . l3!Er I' 'l . 'l) 61 (INF.
`•I. . erupt 11Liln, .iti 111.11,1.1.2
t1:-e.i , t.
;\ \Tr IZ NI. Pi6M:l{l.l:s
v o•
s, 1111. 1 or ding ltl
rtalli di , t. of 114.114 110
WI en we TO .watnp or mea
fertility Ice d, ern G , d
like manner, re-tore the hod% tra.tle,.!,
must I.l...trist• It .d trup ,, ritti.
wis oe 1,11. d ,1,1.• of the be-t, It Itut the set)
tine m the r. 11,. n.: the.
herons. , they exi.rl Iran the tto,!y a,!cor . uo
inril•ir, the can, of the th , eat.e. m an 'a-y ar,r 3?,
nal _Mintier. and %.I.oe t h e y every t h y , ire EAt.E
pleasure, tle•ea..,e of every name Is rapny tinveo
the I,,dr.
The fellowini; :.tiir-keeril
h. en duly Appwol 9.r 11, ft, r of 11
dian Pd'. in um!) .
.Yoritariye'. 6: 170.. Ton an Sa ;
A. H. Go% lord, Cati(im
Jotin H. Furman, Ci3ldruliiii Flitts;
'l'. \V:Potnerov. Troy ;
Corvell & Gee. Buritecloil ;
Lyman Duriee, ;
I. ; ti.l:ll.‘yorth. Athens;
Guy Tricy. NI flan ;
Mouil & Co. Prenelilown :
Juhn Horton, Jr., Terry io II ,
E. Norman. Spriligfi,l:l
iStorrs Shl,lll I ,
Daniel Brink, Horribrook ;
N. I). & C. V. ulford, Menrgeton.
• Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of If
Indian Veget.thle Pills, of the North A. , r l.n
of Health, No. ::*2B Greenwich street, Nrs
193 -7mi:iota Et., ('Orion Ptweipal ace,
Race Su rat, Phi/adelithia.
I NG DE Pl).rB aw•anl - •d the (bild and Stlvrrllr i ':
Fur fires Piennumv, and l'wo Highest Wm' ,
ation..ll, the M.,,,tchti-ett, 'he York.
l'ennsykanta Exhlttitton, rt,itectitely: 10 ,
splendid Colored I)a, u,i reoty pea and best ;; - .7 , '
ever exhibited,
Portraits taken in etrquisite style, without
Itt , trurtions girPn in the art.
A lane a.,nnnent of ltl .tratu , and s 4 "' 37 ' '
band. at the .• pre•,..4
Ne, York. 331 8r3. 1 ,1,‘ ay ; 11313,1,41 , 1 , 0.
nut S. 73 Court. 'an.; r)! , . Hallow
tnnon., '205 Baltimore Sr ; Wa.don.zion•
A% 0111 W ; Peter46ur,,:, Va , Mer11:1111 ,. }I ' 4
-.nd and 17tlIdain 7'
iirnad, or ;
Liverpool, 3.2 St.—.3r
-A irrrs. I'FFS—The
looking , NlutTs out, in an, ,pau ,, •„,..;1
nov3 1-1 BARI:Lto":„
k LI, 1,ir..4,ns Indel led 10 the.tatate °IA
"i` h • hie i'i R 1 / 4 , 1.
117 V too n•tap. Jec.i- iiir co
r"ine'iril to take pet lint wa h., ta drip. '',., 4 5
hat intz-ct.orna again-4 .aid c.tato. will pi.'4 r- o ,
them duly _nitrated to the v.oll-rrther.. o°ll'
at Ike Aunt 41 .. .12. Coolltauttit• Ini iidii , . " Y. ..-€.l.
E. R. BECKWITH,. da."
ni.l 2 l4.rrr. Derro ~ 15. 1!;In. _ .'''._
• Irwin.", scoli, •
• 7 0 s! ;
Av ILL promptly anti punctually rent
r , r
.sioli:ii ; 111 ..11z,riZtex, Cuter:••,`•
other matters in entrumid to ta'''": l
(11" He ha;:. removed his office Ao the m ica '
IN. Betts' store.
7 crols of the Bratflinq ROW'
Tan d and tilt V per annum:
if paid auhiu the Car and fir
ally in oil caner% 0• r On Ikt <edl he dedorit'
, tirt‘i
Suiti•crilters at liberty to tbsenntiour k j ,,cf
Coo - rot ( '
nit:civet! in 1.3 nt the market 4 re
',,<l3ling 3 , q olft
!in.,. itity cent; ; es'OrV ,0'5 , 0" 1 ,01.
ce nt, A Matiol,lyeart,'''
Put , T I ,Of r<err de-rripuon. heidY
priliimmdy executed on 11M and foloonstikUr;,lo
Litter , on lin:Me,: pertaining to the 08;0°5"
roe of po.stage, to ensure atten:ion•
0 ill !r D