Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 10, 1847, Image 3

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    Appalling Distress In Ireland.
The conuition of Ireland continues to be the
absorbing objects of attention. Day after day
the di s tress continues to increase, and- famine
is doing the _work of death in various parts of
the country. Immense numbers of poor, half
starved creatures find their way across the chan
nel, and beg and exist as beet they can, by ap
peals to the feelings of the inhabitants in the
great towns of England.
- The number of these poor creatures in Liver.
pool, •
anchester, and the manufacturing dis
Inas, natives of the sister country, who have
!led from the wretchedness of their homes is
adding siriously to the local taxation of the
places named. The parish of Liverpool feels
t h e pressure so painfully, that they have me
morialized the Goverment on the subject, but
a ny Measure to be effective must be general in
its application, and the hands of the Govern
ment are too full of Irish misery to pay much
attention at the present moment to ad miseri
cordiam appeals from other quarters.
The distress is su overwhelming that the
Irish lifidlords have bicome alarmed 'for the
safety of their estates, and are combined to de
vise measures to arrest the ruin which seeing
to be impending over their heads. The poli
cy of the Government is adapting itself to the
new state of things, and more enlarged views
have been promulgated from Downing street.
Th e public money is ; withdrawn from non-pro
ductive and concentrated on productive works
and landlords who derive benefit from the la
bor of the people, will have to bear their share
of the expense .so incurred, or submit to the
pena'ties of confiscation.
Panaceas of all kinds tomeets the calamity,
are as plentiful as blackberries ; and the chro
nic diseases of Iteland pass, of course, in re
o.o, in compassing measures of amelioration.
Bat the present is the time for action , not dec
i,mation, and accordingly. Parliament is to be
tided together on the 19th inst., to consider
chat ought to he done in the crisis of the peo
pio', foe. Lord John Russell has issued a
cirular to his ati; porters in the House of Com•
ciihciting their attendance at the open
log of the ~es-ion, as measures of great impor-
Lowe are to he immediately considered.
dtsphys earnestness of purpose, at all
crews, whatever else it may denote. Some
lariltri_ annmincement may be looked for in
rsterence to Iryland, and assuredly there never
was a mere liming time in the history of the
two connives for carrying out a great and COM
7ebev4ive in, , ,,.nre of itnprovementi
The oil obstacles and prejudices which
would have testsied, tooth and nail, all - etforts
01 amelioration a year or two back, are now
beaten down and prostrate, and even the land
ed proprietary are beginning to see, although
hg;,l has broken on them tardily, that the
welfare of the masses is essential to their own.
The misery in Ireland is so appalling. that it
has touched the hearts of the much abused Sax
ons, who have been generously getting up sub
scriptions in iheir z various places of worship to
le'wive it. lliielt money has been thus cullec-
A, arid sent to the scenes of the distress.
Sifine idea of die state of society' across the
channel may he inferred from .the fact, that in
county of iavo alone. nu less than thirty
at deaths are sliegeiTto have takeuplace from
starralic , F..—E77giiSh Pap er .
•Prophrty and kality.
PerhAN it would not now be amiss
~to look
f,o t and see bow the bold prophecies that were
11 lie by the Federaliets during the List—
of Conaress. when the Tariff was under
! , !1 ~tn, have been verified.
We were told in speeches almost countless
!Nred by Federal Congressmen and Federa
vmp iir.itors'iraversing our Stale, that if the
.ii.ctite principle of the Tariff of 1842 was
and the Tat iff of 1846 established, the
:olefacturers -would be immediately broken up
-that the people employed in the factories
wn1:1 be thrown upon•the land—that the home
market would he destroyed—that the tarmer's
pr , :r.:l , ts would rot upon their hands, or be
at unusally low prices—that our coal
interests would he prostrated--(and to
assertion, calculations .were repea
,ily pot forth in the United States Gazette,
-Irt 1 other Federal papers)—that our cities would
. ..crowded. with persons thrown out of employ
rem —that commerce would languish—that.
`.read of busy industty, the grass would grow
:rmantly in our streets—that our merchants
be ruined—that specie would be sent
of the country by shiploads—and that we
only have the bare representative of
ineylleft. in fact, every evil was to befall
people that talent and ingenuity could de
;n. Al these prophecies were scattered over
country, and on doubt a great many people
"lously thought they would be realized. And
what $s the reality !
The Tariff of 1846 was passed, and has been
, peratton for a considerable period of ume.—
' ,l lls see :Ihrtiter these prophecies have been
d. Our inanufscturers are fully employ
remunerating wages ; the coal and iron
are in lull and successful operations,
ti. , • ,, isine daily ; the products of the far
•'"nm: inu , h better prices titan they have
: , :la.amle,l for many years back, - with a good
of p. rmanent prices ; our ships are ful
'•lTl-1,,vt.t1 with taking the products of the far
(ram our 'bores at remunerating freights.
`'-''"any more vessels are wanted ; numerous
are made. and being made, for the
' f "'n= of houses in the coming spring ; specie
"‘" , .q into our country, the bit steamer
"2 akin , hroueht over one million of
stell are the pleasing results, no doubt
to the annoyance of the Federal prophets.
. c he : , :eture is full or i interest, and is a most
i' l '• , (lmentary upon Federal predictions.--
P"' nisi - alas of any kind, whether arising from
headache, toothache, or any other kind of
all cases caused by impure humors of the
4 ' 4, which nothing save vegetable purging; (purify
can remove ; becadie by no other means can said
be driven from the body.
Sotta's Indian Vegetable Pills have no 'superior, if
they have an equal, in removing every descrip
°Pun; liecau se th e y carry off, by the stomach and
'44, 4 morbid and corrupt humors, (the "use of
:4 4k, tt so easy and natural a manner, that the body
ie In skily restored to health as if by magic. Four or
' st d Pills, taken once in twenty-four boars] on
I. : 114 bed, will in a short time not only drive pain or
s4tv of every kind tram the system, and restore the
ate of sound health, but the blood and other
be le completely purified, .that new life and
pal he given to the whole frame,
,Idevoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's
,2etahie Pills, Wholesale and Iletatl,l69 Race
ephts; 289 Greenwich St„ N. York ; and
;• ',soot St., Bosto
''.„ - f o s: the sale of 'Wright's Indian Vegetable
Montanye's & Co ; for other agen
eltSCMClat in another C9/1403a.
In this boroagh, on ganday evening, 7th hut LYDIA Rev
lioxiT, all of ibis borough.
Citizen. Soldiers of Bradford !
THE undersigned has recently received authentic as.
surancs that a company tendered by him to the go.
vernment for service during the war with Mexico, will
be accepted as soon as the ten regiment bill, pending in
the House on the Senate's amendment, becomes a law.
The bill doubtless, soon pass.
Men, between the ages of 18 and 35, desiring such
a tour of service, are requested to communicate, as ear
ly as possible, with the undersigned at Wysox, where
be can be seen at all hours in reference thereto,
It is hoped that the patriotism of Bradford will prove
prompt at our country's call,emnlating the efficiant zeal
glowing throughout the counties of this Commonwealth.
E. W. MORGAN, late of C. 8. Army.
Wyse:, Feb. 9, 1847.
On's Cour Sale.
TN pursuance ofrpha an order of the t
Orphans' Court, in
and for the county of Bradford, there will be ex
posed at public sale at the House of V. M. Long, in
Troy borough, at one o'clock, P. M. of the 10th day
of March the following tract or parcel of land belonging
to therestate of *be C. Taylor deceased, to wit: The
equal and undivided half of a tract of land situate in
the township of Troy and bounded as follows: Begin
ning at a post the south west corner of Alfred Parsons'
lot, and the ;oath east corner of a lot belonging to John
and Uel Porter and the north east comer of a lot owned
by John Courtney thence east thirty-six peiches and
sixteen links to a post at ther side of the road; thence
south twenty-seven degrees west, forty-three perches to
a post, thence west twenty-six perches to a post stand.
ing in the line of John Courtney, thence north fifty-two
degrees east, Eve perches and seventeen links to • post
in said Courtney's line, thence north, twenty-four and
a half degrees east, twenty-eight perches to a stump,
thence north, forty-five degrees west, eleven perches
and a half to the place af beginning. Contain;ng about
five acres, after deducting one acre therefrom enclosed
within said boundary belonging to Daniel Dobbins.—
There i• situate thereon a: valuable flouring mill, to
which as apportenan6es thereunto belonging, are cer,
rain mill races leading to said mill.
ALBp—A tract of land ei'uste in Troy-township in
said c nty, bounded as follows : Beginning at the
centre of the Williamsport and Elmira road, in the east
line of Daniel Dobbins' land, thence north along said
line, ten rods and two links to a stake and stones, thence
south eighty-one degrees east, eight rods to • stake and
stones, thence south ten rods and two links to the cen
tre of said road, thence north, eighty-one degrees west,
along the centre of said road, eight rods to the place of
beginning. Containing about one half acre of land.
Feb. 5, 1847, JOHN
WHOLESALE Druggists, No. 40 Market street,
(South side, below Second.) Philadelphia,
offer for sale a large stock of Fresh Drugs, Medicines
and Dye• Stuffs, to which they call the attention of
Country Merehants and Dealers visiting the city.
Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black and other varnishes of
a superior quality. Also, White and Red Lead, Win
dow Glass, Paints and Oils—cheaper than ever.
ao> T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian Vege
table Balsam, celebrated throughout their own and
neighboring States, as the best preparation for the cure
of Cciughs, Colds, Asthma, &c. Money refunded in
every instance where no benefit is received.
Philadelphia, Jan. 8. 1847.
uTOOLSEP'B, REFINED SYRUP, equal in flavor
1 . 1 to the best maple molasses, for Gale by
December 29. MONTANYE & PDX.
CLOT S, CLOTHS—We wish the attention of all
who are in want of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinet
&c., to our large stock on hand. These cloths must
he sold. We never have been undersold, and never
will he. Call and examirvi. G. F FLYNT Of CO.
U...11. 1 MC1LL11.2- 8 IP&EUZILIIIM 8
lITOULD respectfully say to the citizens of Towan-
V V da, and the public generally, that if they wish to
have their work done in the most fashionable, neat and
durable manner, and good fits, and as cheap as at any
other establishment in town, they will find it to their
interest to give him a call.
Lry CUT !INC done on abort notice, and warranted
to fit, if made up ri.Oat.
Shnp in the next building below Brick row, up stairs,
directly over Brown's Grocery.
Towanda, January 1, 1847.--4.1 -
TIBT OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post O ffi ce
-1-2 at Towanda, quarter ending Dec. 11, 1846.
Allen Lucinda W - Lent Wm J
Allen Stephen W ; LeFavor Ames '.
Agney Miss Mary Laporte Maj B
Bullock S A Marvin A J
Burny Edwd Mason E H
Buckley Edwin M'Allister Capt John C
Bowmen Sally Morrow Joseph
Bradley S 3 McCan Owen 2
Bowman David Mitchell D jr
Cowley Nelson Nobles Jonathan
Growl), Davit] Northrop G H
Carman John O'Slain Patrick
Cummings Harvey Osborn IsasO
Cummings Clark O'Kielfe Darnel
Carle Mrs. Ann E Peckham A K.
Doane Mrs Maria E Powell George
Drislaine Richard Patterson Edward
Edgar J W Pratt David T
Fitzgerald C.irnelius Ruggles Mrs
Foster W R Rutty E
Grosvenor Charles F • Santee Wm jr.
Galigar Michael Sandford P P
Gustin John Sickler Abigail 2
Gillsen Mrs Diantha Smith. Geo W
Granger Roderick Scott John
Hubbard W B Stoddard 8 2
Hemingway 0 F Smith James
Harrison Rev Wm Tuttle Nathan
Heath Ceo Titman George
Hoyt H T Tomb Jacob
Horton Miami Wood H F
Hull Miss Sarah Wilson & Allen
Howley Eleanor Warner Wm
Jones Rev Daniel Wilcox Daniel
Keeler George Weelbridge'Nancy Mrs.
Lefits J J - A. S. CHAMBERIIN, P. M.
Broad Cloth, Cassimeres & Sattinets.
A LARGE assortment of Broad Cloths, Cassimeres,
and Sattinetts, which we have long been famous
for selling good and cheap, now cheaper than ever—
and upon which we challenges the world, just received
at 0. D. BARTLETT.
Towanea, Nov. 3, Ig4B.
Wheat, DomeStic Flannel,
Rye. Woolen Socks, ,
Cqrn, Buckwheat,
Oits, Flaxseed,
Butter, White Beans,
in short, almost anything, for which liberal pliers will
be paid at 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
Towanda, Nov. 3, 1846. •
Hear Ye ! Hear Ye !
T _
llEnates and accounts of Dr. Jam ear M.Goodrich.
are in the hands or A. L. CRANMER. Esq., of
Monroeton, foi collection. Persona interested, are re
quested to call there, and settle the same u soon to
convenient December 1, 1846.
ALL persens indebted to the estate of Patrick Brady,
late of Ulster township, deed, are requested to
make immediate payment, and these having demands
against said estate. are requested to present them forth
with for adjustment. DANIEL VANDERCOOK.
Towanda Jan. 9th, 1847. ' Administrators.
PINTSSOO dilTerent styles, bought in the city o
New York, by the case, on the " cad: down" plan
aad will be sold accordingly. BAIRD & CO.
LOOKING GLASSES, one ease of very nice, 0
frames, latest style, just opened at
' noel' . NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
BOOTS & SHOES—II dozen pair Coarse Boots,
boys' and men; also calf and kip boots and stadia,
and a good deal the best and cheapest lot of women's
and misses' wear in town. Call at BAIRNS.
Of the Expenditures and Receipts of
Anneors, . $ 994 60
Building new bridge in Windham, 315 00
RePurinlt bridges built by county, 1,166 691,481 69
Damage views, 14 00
Damages by roads pantos through
improvements, 45 00
For fuel for Commissioners *Sink
Court House. Jail, &c., - . 75 13
Sundry incidental Opernes, 13 04
Justices fees, 25 76
Grand Jurors, 508 79
Traverse do. 2320 87
Blank books for various public office; 84 31
A. Martin, Crier of COurt, 80 00
Sundry wild cat estwillestes, -
18 00
Support of prisoners in county Jail, 473 89
Sundry bills for Printing, 258 641
Repairs af & about public buildings, 168 541
.1. N. Weston for conveying coo.
Tina to E.
,Penitentiary in 1845, 100 00
Support of convicts in E. Penitentia.
ry in -1845, per bill rendered,
Township views.
Account with the ee►eni CeHelton et Dusty Tun, in the Cony
Towanda township, Richard Hansa,
Wells, Wm. Smedley,
Sheabeguin, Elijah Horton,
Athens borough, Gas. 0. Wells,
Windham, John Rowell,
Leroy, Hiram Holcomb,
Standing Stone, H.S. Stevens,
Wyafuzing, 8- W. Bike,
Asylum, Jason Horton,
Athens township, Robert Sutton.
Franklin, Samuel Annable,
Standing Stone, James Aj Ennia,
Wyalusing. ' Clark flellenbock,
Athena borough A. T. M'Dowell
Albany, Freeman Wilcox,
John Gray,
Herrick. Elisha Keeler,
Litchfield, Elijah Wolcott,
Orwell, James Cbubbuck,
Pike, John Baldwin,
Sheshequin Jeremiah Kilmer,
South Creek, J. L Philips,
Springfield, H. 8. Grover,
Springhill, J: C. Brown,
Standing Stone, Isaac Westbrook,
Towanda township, David Rutty,
Ulster, James L. Confine,
Windham, A. Dunham. jr.,
Wyalazing, Austin Stafford,
Wesoz, Abner C. Hinman,
Albany, James Wilcox.
Armenia, James Lyon.
Asylum, George Terry,
' Athens borough, Wm. H. Shapley,
Athens township, Harris Murray,
Burlington, Anhel Smith.
Canton, Ebenezer Linty,
Colombia, D. Li!ley,
Duren, M. T. Vangorder,
Franklin, • Thomas T. Smiley,
Granville, John Vromsn,
Herrick, Jeremiah Barnes,
Leroy, J. D. M'Kee,
Litchfield, Elijah Wolcott,
Monroe. Libbeus Macey,
Orwell, James Chant*.
Pike, G. W. Humphrey,
Ridgbery, Hiram Dewey,
Rome, Au Fuller
Shesbequin, Isaac 8. Horton,
Smithfield, Rufus Cala,
South Creek, J. L. Phillips.
Springfield, Harry 8. Grover,
Springhill. J. C. Brown,
Standing Stone, George Venn's!,
Towanda borough, W.'C. Bogart°
Towanda township, A. C. Gregg, •
Troy, George P. Freeman,
Ulster, James L. Goraline,
Warren, H. B. Bowen.
Wells, L. W. Knapp.
Windham, A. Dunham, jr..
Wyalusing, Ephraim Beeman,
Wysoz, Wm. D. Stsopa,
*Since paid in full.
Jacob Red, Treasurer of the County of Brad.
ford, in account with said county.
To money in Treasury at last settlement, $1,897 91
Amount of verdict fees receded, 128 00
Due on dup. for years of 1840, 1, 2,3, 4,5, 2,822 11
Daphcates for 1846, 9,101 80
Unseated lane transcripts, 897 38
Bonds, judgments, notes, 2,083 17
Money rec'd for redemption of Un.Lands, 1,650 88
" premium on pay% of state tax, 405 43
Int. and cost on settlement in full of dup., 68 00
By county order's returned by L.Pieree, late
Tcessurer, Jan. 8, 1846, and allowed
here, in settlement,' $ 736 53
2 per cent. commission on same, 14 73
Co. orders returned by J. Reel, in 1846, 11,691 60
2 per cent. commission on sante, 233 82
Returned on duplicates as uncollected, 2,625 97
Bonds, judgments, notes. &c.. " 1,255 52
Per centage sllewed collectors, 566 82
Money in Treasury, Dec. 81, 1846, 1,728 72
County orders in account with Bradford Co.. We, the undamped, Commissioners of said
[L.B.] county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is •
To amount of orders issued in 1848, $11,796 28 true and C01111:11 statement of the Receivals sod
" Cr. " to collectors 262 21 Expenditures of said county, from the lit day of Jana-
Outstanding Jan.l, 1846, 423 671 ary, to the glut day of December 1845, inclusive.
Witness our hands and mil of office, at Towanda,
this first day of February, 1847. _
By Amount of county orders Monad In
1846, including credit orders, $12,248 O.
Outstanding Jan. I, 1847, 54 13
ej grig ®II gg. Al g el 31 &g als: TI B T OF LETTERS remaining in the P. O. a
This way for Bargains 1 -44 ATHENS Pa. quarter ending 31, Dec. :846.
THE subscriber would respectfully say to his old N B Arnold Friend Ealkins
customers and the publie generally, that be has John E Aldred Adeleab Davis
re-commenced the manufacture of Chaim etc., at his B B Bennet Mn M M Done
old shop on the north side of Bridge street, in the build. Alacip Baldwin Michael Driscoll
ing known as the " Yellow House." lie keeps wan. Reuben F Brown= Daguerrian Artist
stantly on hand, or will make to order, (in a neat and Peter Brooks John Femur=
durable style) all articles in his line as cheap as the Simeon H Brown Alex Fryman
cheapest. His friends can be supplied with William Belch Joseph Fisher 2
Army, ;Timor and Common Chairs. e d ifi er. Mason Crary M . D Proprietor of Fulling Mill 2
enl patterns—Settees. Rocking Chairs. "'Oen Cumm ings Phoebe Gray
Da M Cawington 2 Sheklinn Gamey
Children's Chairs, 4v.. 4.e.
Joseph Coke Thomas Gardner
Also—Bediteads aid Tables. Rachel Cahill Bevenhart Gilbert
Call and see me at my shop on Bridge street , and I Moses I Cis*. Gib Hoyt
will satisfy you that you can bay reasonable. Wm Campbell James Hulet
N. B.—Whito wood, Cucumber and Basswood H C Orte e 2 Harman Hall
plank, wanted in exchange for chairs on reasonable Sarah M Hathaway 8 C Park
terms. JESSE TAYLOR. H p whimsy 3 Directors of the POOP of
Towanda, Jan. 20, 1847.
base Reynolds
base Rice
Mack Reed
W H Richmond
Moss & Jackson
NOTICE. ally
WHEREAS my wife Mary Ann kas left my bed E N Jackson
V and board without any just nose or provocation p ia ' mini m
now .therefore I for bidamy reason or paeans harboring m at * L i ,.
or trusting her on my account Baleen determined tom mi me s
no debts of her contracting after this date. M G Merchant
HidPbury Bradford CO, Pa. Dec..s 1848, Algish Mead
HENRY M. COOPER. Haney Malley
C AME to my enclosure, about the middle of teptem- Simon M'Callen
ber, a deep red yearling BULL. The owner is re. John M Meek
muted to prove properti. pay charges and take it away. James Olmstead
Shashequin, Dec. 28, 1 848. WM.HIIRTON, 2d. E Owen
and the Green dfounferin Vegetabk Oinhaeni, frir Rosin Parks
sale by the subscriber, only agent for the town and bo. W m Pa l ma
rough of Towanda. d 22 N. N. BETTS.
he County of Bradford, for A. IL 1846
1 Amount brought forward,
L. E. De Wolf for Unavailing index
to docket in Proth's raw,
Ahura. Chobboek & llVlEcen's feu
Proney & clerk of Quarter &salons, 625 Si
Bridge views, 70 60
Bberiirs fees, - 370 00
Road news, 7 00
Costs in Commonwealth snits, 877 83
Election expenses, 777 09
Constables unending Cant and mak
ing return,
Cans in civil suits,
Redemption money received on ourrat
ed hods,
D. Brink for enviers as Commissioner
in 11145 in full, $8 51
I. Towner, " " 1 00
u. .. 1848 208 00
L. Putnam, " 1845 in fall 960
" • " 1848
A. L. Cranmer, 1845 Lo full
" 1846
J. if. Black, 1846
J. K Wattles for ativicas as cleric
to Caner.. 1846 in full
" " 1846
87 90 187 98
4 27
23 14
14 00
$6.780 90
AMOUnt ^
Amount I Arn'nt
I Ito Received. Due.
Ain't charged.
$l3l 85
80 92
25 55
89 18
24 67
108 05
32 25
28 76
71 41
80 42
104 84
189 38
32 12
' 3 81 30
$10,928 91 $257 34 $568 88 $8,473 74 $2625 97
Jacob Reel, Treasurer of the county of Brad
ford, in amount with the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania—on account of State tax,
To amount of Unseated Land tranaceipts, $ 502 28
Dad on duplicate' of 1841, 2,3, 4 and 5 2,985 45
Amount of duplicate of 1846, 9,469 54
Balance due Treasurer, 688 35
By amount returned se uncollected, on du
plicate, prior to 1845, $ 279 99
$18,863 66
ofl 845, 655 77
Exclamations allowed collectors, 240 11
Percentage " " 515 39
State Treasurer receipt for taxes prior to 1845, 500 00
" " on unseated lands, 500 00
" " of 1845, 1,334 57
" e of 1848, 8,759 27
1 per cent. anormixdo; on 111),093 84, 110 94
$18,859 66
$12,482 16
$12,482 le
Attest:-3. M. Wsresss, Clerk
226 00
6 00
134 00
10 00 603 0
99 59
285 41 385 00
$11.796 2
of Bradfa
60 92
2 57
993 29 25
14 03 164 62
6 99 13 99
4 06
3 69
20 84
14 41 17 94
14 39 5 00
69 96
50 60
34 06
2 87
1 70
13 34 33 91
23 36 20 69
9 25 102 37
17 64 9 87
21 65 145 43
37 41 100 80
31 21 155 02
5 48
14 25 18 11
127 07
14 49 154 00
1 BO
14 42
20 80
15 16 94 01
18 69 66 43
236 24
2 77
9 48
1 14
6 70
20 37
30 00
26 42
10 19 190 38
10 19 193 76
295 67
109 37
15 19 286 07
18 55 252 46
9 27 176 09
5 93 112 73
7 65 145 98
6 49 123 38
119 51
81 64
12 54 236 66
14 79 280 85
290 31
' 158 79
10 24 196 47
20 12 382 44
15 94 320 78
553 105 18
14 87 282 95
10 08
5 16
4 20
6 29
2J.08 325 49
14 68 279 08
22 19 421 76
118 00
194 00
866 164 58
13 96 265 28
213 00
216 00
3 10
4 08
$13,046 62
of 1845, 149 58
$13,045 62
James F Redfield
Charts B Stuart
0 bitten'
Martha Spaulding
-Sarah A Sperling
R Sutton
Jeans F Sikes
Alvah Smith
Jerusha Tozer
Almeria H Tozer
A & J M Tozer
Ira Sherwood
H. S. Sc M. C. MERCUR,
HAVE just received and are now offering for sole at
-Li wholesale or retail, the largest and most general as
sortment of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, ever brought
into Northern Pennsylvania. which will be sold as here.
tokire at prices satisfactory to the purchaser. Dec.lo.
Str,7Bo 90
$ 92 87
Cloths, Cashmeres and Battinetts.
ALL those wanting anything for Cloaks, Overcums
Coats, Pants or Vests, will find it to their advan
tage to examine the large stock of French, English and
American Cloths. black and fancy Cassimeres, Saul
netts, Kentucky Jeans, Vesting!, dec. dm.. at
Dec. 10, 1846. ?of E HOUR'S.
958 35
180 86
LADIEB can find a Buntline asaortmei2t of DRESS
1 A TONS IRON, American, Swediss and Englb.h
a general assortment of hoop, band, scroll, round
square. one and two horse wagon tire, bar, &c., just re
calved at d 33 MERL:Win'.
HAVE just received and are now opening a very
extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting of
almost everything every kept in a country store, which
they pledge themselves to sell as low as the same can
be bought in any town this side of the city of New
York. Come one and all, and if we don't sell you
GOOD/ Casa, don't buy; it will cost you nothing to
look, and all we ask is p chance to show our stock of
goods. Be sure and find the right place, it is the "I
Corner Store. a few doors south of Montanye & Co's.
The D'hoys are on hand and will sell you goods right
for Cash or Produce. Towanda, Nov. 9, 1846.•
MI 55
22 98
selling very low for cash in pioduos, by
Nov. II
WE HAVE I good assortment of De laines, repps,
eashmeres, ginghams, (Kline beautiful patterns)
white dress goods, different styles ; fringes, gimps, cord 4
velvet ribbons, bonnet ribbons, kid and silk gloves and
mitts, comforters, linen handkerchiefs, &c.. &c., all of
which will be sold cheap. MONTAN YE 4 FOX.
4 36
60 42
41 19
88 76
91 82
WE HAVE a Gee lot of Hioadcloths. Cassimeres,
Vesting*, and some very nice Satin; Kid and
worsted gloves, suspenders, net drawers and wrappers
&c„ which we have pu• down to the lowest notch.
eROCKERY—a good assortment, in setts or other
wise, to suit purchasers, by
14 74
43 38
43 98
MENS' kip and coarse boots; boy s do., mend and
boys' coarse, kip and fine shoes ; mens' and boys'
pumps; ladies' thick boots, morocco do., common and
kid slips and but - Albs; misses' slips; gent.'s rubbers;
ladies' Patent and buskin rubbers, misses' do.; also, a
first rate lot of children's shoes.
november 11. MONTANYE & EOX.
65 77
132 42
12 41
rots may be Interested I
ALL persons that know themselves to be indebted ts
be indebted to the subscriber for Goods di 'Medi
eines. arc requested to call and settle the same before
the Ist of December, however small the amount may be,
or they,,may expect to pay cost, without respect to per
sons. null A. D. MONTANYE..
327 81
239 19
LIQUORS, • full assortment, consisting of Cog.
Brandy, American Brandy and Gin, Monongahela
Whiskey, Port. Maderia and Malaga wines, may be
found at. the New York Cheap Store, No. 2 Brick
Row of REEDS'.
14 62
148 65
186 89
54 58
BOOTS & 81 - 10 ES—a first rate assortment of coarse
and fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers, the latter
French of course, just opened at
nova O. D. BARTLETT'S.
WLB--quantities of Shawls, nice.t kind. going
1, -) off fast and cheap at 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
127 911
182 76
112 66
CAPS of all kinds cheap, besides every thing else at
J UST received a large and splendid assortment of new
Goods, bought entirely with Cash, during a great
depression in the market, and with the express view of
138 42
79 71
137 45
96 26
FLOUR, from the." Globe Mills," a superior article
also PORK, first quality, for sale by
November 3. FLYNT & co.
MORE of those A. No. I. BOOTS, and a large
quantity of LADIES' SHOES, just received by
November 3. FLYNT & CO.
Tana DO .6.7ENM,
Corner of River and arid,. ay.,
A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Cloths of all shades
_kW and colors, and qualities, and prices. Casimeres.
Fancy and Plain. Sattinetta and a good assortment of
Vestings may he found at GEO. E. FLYNT& CO.
BONNETS -A great saving to the •• Heads of the
Nation." The Ladies will find it a great saving to
heir heads to call and purchase one of those beautiful
Strew, Devon, Gimp, Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gipsy
Bonnets, selling so cheap at REED'S.
la I S T T R O O Y F la E . T q
u T a E r t e ll
S r
, e. n r e di n n a g i n p n g m i n b
et the
3 P.
. 1 0 8 . 4 6 a t
Alwood Mrs. Maria Leonard Eber
Alvord Royal Leonard Albert
A ve7 Wm C Leonard Alfred
i;ißestiey Mrs Amanda Morrison E R
: onfire C S Monroe Andrew
Bush Wm 2 More Ebenezer
Ballard Myron Mott Alphonso
Boyce Win Momford Mrs E A
Baldwin A Momford Dr. T R
Chamberlin Miss Susan Miller Henry
Crimmins C W Peters Comfort
Curtis Rosemead J - Puffin Charles
Claflin Robert Potter Mrs Sary
Curtis Nathaniel Parsons Oscar
Curtis G I , l' Rockwell Miss C
Dunbar Alanson Styles Reuben
Demund J li Sherwood Mrs Sara!!
Eaton Wm Soper Moses
Gustin Miss Jane Scott John IT
Grundjn J L 8 Spencor G W
Goddard Miss Holen Spading A N
Goodwin John Spalding Miss Helen
Harrison Miss Achsah Sherwood Julius Esq.
Hichok S Spencer Mrs M H
Harding Hiss Harriet Sanford Mrs Rhoda
Kinyon L T Thomas Samuel E
Knapp D B . Warren John
Long Ezra Wheeler Ralph
ALL persons indebted to the estate ofjcssaph Tuthill
lethal Smithfield township, dee'd., are requested to
'nabs, immediate payment, and those having demands
against said estate, are requested to present them forth.
with for adjustment BENJ. TUTHILL,
Smithfield. Dec. 9, 1846. . Administnithrs.
21 HEAD OF COWS and young cattle will sold
deep for cub or approved credit.
Towanda. Oct. 13, 1846. HIRAM C. FOX.
DRINTB-a large and beautiful lot of PRINTS. by
nov.ll. MONTANYE & FOX.
L IE I BAY, LADIES! ! If you have made
up your minds to buy a nice dress. cloak or shawl
this season, don't fail to call at N 0.3, Hick Row, where
yon can find the most, best and cheapest articles in that
liue, that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trimmings.
Remember, call at nett BAIRD'S.'
Es tray.
("JAME into my enclosure about the first of last June
N.-iv & light red yearling STEER, marked with a row
of warts on the back of his neck, and without any other
particular marks. The owner is requested to prove
property , pay charges and take him away.
Burlington, an. 10847. JOHN HATTROEN. •
Corner of Main and Bridge Streets..
TEST OPENING, at the corner of Main & Bridge
street, a well-selected assortment of new and fash
ionable DRY GOODS, which will be sold unusually
low for. ready pay. The stock consistsin part of
Stinnett, flannel, gingham, elpacea, the cheapest lot of"
prints in town, edgings, insertings. Swiss and cam
bric marlins, linsey, canton flannel, drilling,
bleached and brown muslin, (cot to be
surpassed) „ticking, check, cashmere,
cotton, wool and buck gloves,
cotton hose, suspenders,
German handtirchroy
cotton and pongee hdkra,
gin4ham cravats. plaid shaabt,
wool comforters, cotton tapes. patent
thread. sening silk, cotton bills, packs
pir+. curdles, spool cotton, nooki and eye.
sthiagaler, .h.rt nod metal buttons, with many oth
er articles, u.u,tly Mum, in a more, nut mentiooecl-
The pubbc are invited to call and examine the stock
before purchasing elsewhere, as they will be sold cheap
er than at any other establishment in town.
Tossed', Nov. I I. H. O'HARA & CO.
JUST received from Philadelphia, a large and splen
did ascorttnent of men's calf.kip and coarse Laois,
ofrm $1 50 to $5 60;" boy's do.; ladies gaiters and
walking shoes; also, fine kid slips and buikins, and all
kinds of overshoes; do. calf bootees and laced shoes;
children's and Mimes shoes of all kinds, heavy and
light, suitable for every kind of weather, Youth's calf,
kip and coarse boots to suit children from 4 to 12 year.
old. We pledge ourselves to give a better article at a
lower price than any other establishment in Bradford
county. TRUNKS from $1 50 to $lB 00
A large assortment of fashionable Hats and Caps of
every kind and description fur sale very low.
Mataxies, sugar, coffee, codfish, No. I. and 2 Macker
el, best quality black and green tea, from 3l to 88 cents
a pound ; pulverised and loaf sugar; rice tobacco, snuff,
sperm. dipped and mould candles; raisins by the box
or pound, starcn, soap, segara at 50 cents per hundred,
and in fact all kinds ever kept in our line which people
will find it their advantage to purchase and we will
give you ressong for it:
A little Logic and Common Sense.
There aro three things beyond dispute:—lot—lf a man
pays out much money, he must revive as moth.
2. If a man's expenses in business are large, his profits
must be large.
'3. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoe Establishment at
the corner of Main and Bridge eta., in • small plain
store, at a cheap rent, can afford to sell boots at shoes.
hats & caps, and groceries, at lower pnces, and of
better quality than any other store in town.
Now, if this is not sound logic, two and two ao out
make four; but if it is, common sense calls on you to
come to us for your Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes &c.
See the contrast, and let your own reason deade it it
was not your advantage to give us a trial.
FIN bINGS elan kinds constantly on hand. Thread,
awls, bristles, shoulder-sticks, kit and files pincers, all
kinds of binding, silk cord and straps for boots, patent
Pegging awls, skiving, paring and crooked knives and
floats. H. O'HARA & CO.
Towanda, Nov. 17, 1846.
GROCERIES, of ell descriptions, at wholesale or re.
tail. Attention is particularly directed to their
avant:pent of Fresh Teas; (we don't know the differ
ent names of the packers, but the "article" is " C.K.")
•nos It W. H. BAIRD & CO.
LTA RD WARE, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints, Oils, Dye
WoalA, Dye stuffs,3ledicines, etc, in general and
large quantities. n.ll W. H. BAIRD & CO.
EATABLES !— Su perfine flour, pork, fresh hotter
wheat, etc., etc., constantly on hand and for sale
at nvtt NO. 3, B. R.
HORSE SHOEING done on short notice by
Towanda, Oct. 13, N.HEMMINGWAY
PRINTS 200 pieces now opening and for sale gray
low at REEDS'
BONNETS, velvet and superior Leghorn Bonnets.
Also, velvetsof all colors, together with artificials,
asps, bonnet ribbons, &c. may be found at REEDS'.
The Last Arrival of New Goods,
N,TOWANDA, are now being opened - at No. 2
Brick Row, by Wm. H. Baird 4- Co.. the first Pio
neers : in the cause of Low Prices and liberal barter er
changes. They do not hesitate to say, that they wil
sell Goods for cash or any kind of Merchantable pro
duce, at lower prices than any other establishment in
Bradford County, Owego, Elmira, Binghamton, (or any
branch thereof.) Call and see. Further particulars
next week. November 9, 1846.
DOMESTIC COTTONS—Brown sheeting', shirt
ing, and drilling; Also, cotton yarn, batting, wick•
ings, and wadding. for sale by the bale or leas quantity,
at nal 1 BAIRD'S.
RAN away from the subscriber, an apprentice toy by
the name of John H. Thompson, 16 years old,
without my leave or notice. All persons are hereby
forbidden harboring or trusting said boy on I.y account,
as I will pay no debts of his contracting.—One cent
reward for the return of said boy, but no charges paid.
Warren,Oct. 9 . 1 8'16. CALEB C. TUNE.
MONTANYES . & CO., are now recieving a very
desirable assortment of Goods,purchased during
a great depression in the market, compri,ing French &
English BROAD-CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Sattinets,
and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods.
Grateful for past favors they respectfully solicit a gene
rods public to call and examine their stock, and think
can hold out suf f icient inducements to ensure their share
of public patronage.
Septembor 7, 1846.
01111122.21.(525 1 1
an VERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic
Springs, Iron Axels, Mailable Bars, Dash, - Seat
an Stop Irons, Ornaments, India Rubber and Oil Cloth,
Lace, Tufts, Mose, &e. for sale at jlB MEW ,ER'S.
TXTOODEN MEASURES, brooms. patent pails and
WV sealed f bushels. MONTANYE & FOX.
HA Ts tit CA PS, a first rate Int, of all kinds., descrip
done. colors and qualities, cheaper than ever by
november 11. MONTANI E dc FOX.
T h E av A e s o a n t hand
k a in l i a . rge or stock
k e ol n i ce3tFe ha ve RES
just struck a vein of 4e. Tea that in right. Call and
by it. ' MONTANVE & FOR.
- .
11. such as nails, axes, shovels, manure fork; shovels
and tongs, sad irons, knives and fork; pocket knives,
butcher do., shears and stissors, razors, cloth and halt
brushes, shaving and tooth do., wool and horse cards,
coffee mills, hatchets, augers, wood saws, door tnm
mings, steel squares, flesh brushes, ark ropes, sad be‘l
cords, by null NION TAN YE A: FOX.
CODFISR AND MACKEREL, a mai article, by
rriAPIOCA4 nice article—far puddincs, for sale at
ALARGE quantity White lead. No. I, pure,gend
in oil and drv, whiting. Venittan red, chrome limn.
Paris do., Prussian blue, rose pink, etc., linseed oil,
lamp oil, ooach and copal varniah, logwood, red wood,
camwood, madder. cochineal. annstto, etc. We =lea
be undersold in anything in this line, at all, at all.
november t I. MON rANYE & FOX.
ITTE have on hand the largest stock of Drugs ones
• Xedie;nes in this county. including every thing
used b the Physicians and people generally Weals°
keep on hand nearly all of the most popular Patent
Medicines of the day. One of our firm (A. P. M.)
having had a long experience in dealing out medicines.
we flatter ourselves we can suit all who may favor ua.
with a call.. Prices can't fail to suit. Particular atten—
tion will be paid to ordem from physicians.
november 11. MONTANYE S: Fox.. •