''S'ittial - -Eteetioir.- A` : vii e , of i'ltirArel-Writs ,entlitioui exponas %Valeta* the SpenLyr oftluiT House. of Rcpyesente-, Ish r :shed ain't' Wale cenre of contemn peas.of tires of this CoTmonwealthl ttistfirir . ofe . ,_ Bradford county,' to me -directed,( Shall expose to ! tion,_ declaring th at a vacs,pey occcreti, tzt public sale at the Ihru,s. of 1. H. Stephens in the ' House, by the death of Jol u L. Vlir i ebb, 'Esq, — metntate ' and berobgh of 'l',Altaieda, on Moodar. the first day ,01". ,:leettroui the county of llisidGinliand author February next ; - tat one o'clock P. 'i., the following enjeming me to issoe Prorlainalcon - foi s'aPeciall Elcc. , property jitiate in Troy tp„ bounded on the niirth thin to fill said vacancy: - Therefore'', john ' r•Slealla , bv.land of Henry Mailer and ZinaCai , e, on the east Nigh Sheriff of the county 'of Brallfprd; by virtue . of , by Zina , Case; and. O. P. Ballard. on the south by said authority, dole:Jetty Mel t e vill ino and glee noece. 0. P. Batlall,mnii on the west by Hiram Goddard ' that a special Mcrae'will be heldly aaiir . County, on and Kellam Jackson,•containtng seventy-five acres FEW.% Y. die 29th day ofJaiiiituy inst., in the several he the" sarnenetwe or less, with about sixty acres chaplets its said county, to wit .-- improved; two block houses, framed barn and a In Alb a ny, at the school house in the north district small orebard Of'frent trees thereon. near thy house al W. Wilcox. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of O. P. •In Asy luau at Jacoli rrutche,"4 Ballard vs. John Smith. In Athi tut boro. at E. S. Mithewson'e. traertflar.d situate in the township of le Athens tp, std.& W. Kendall's. Orwell and'bonnded as follows: Beeiiining at the In Armenia at Wrightinairi Phew's. north treat cornerof a lot formerly run out to Ralph In Burlington- at Addison ill'Kean'e. Hoslyeli,ll, a tie - ech sapling; thence south fifty per- In Canton at Betijdmin Coolbaugb's. ches to a post; thence east seventy-flee perches to Iu Columbia at ya„ira a poit; thence north fifty perches to the northeast In Dune at S. is. Bradley e. corner ofes lot run out for.: stud 'Costa ick, a beech In Franklin at Wm, Deemer's. • - tree.," thitnce west seventy-fiv e pet rites to the place Granville at the school, house no. I,'at Granville or beginninVcontaining, twenty-three acres and a I corners • • . • half with about sixteen act ci tl.cre..f improved and hi-nick a t w a . r. B eran sf a , ~ • ~ a framed house oat: barn, :La an apple cr- lln Lit With! at R. Path's. • chard tnereon. • in loniy at the'schnol house in Leroy. Seized - Ana talten•in executhaz at the sent. of Jchn I. In Mutinae tit J. Warner Vs. Mazur Waiver. I In Urwell at the house formerly occupied by I. IL ALSO—„The following propene situate in Spring- p o.a.r. field tp. and bnunded -n the north by the. public In Pike et E. Derthlre. mud s ores{ by . Dorus Eatnn.sonth by Wm. Fanning. I n gogbery Stephen Furman*, and east by land of T. Leonard, containing filiv-te•el. Ls . m a i n „„e s . acres with twenty acres improved, "Ite framedh.mse I In Shesheatini at D. Brink's and framed hem thereon. I In Siutififiahl at A.J. Ge routers. Seized - and taken inf eksleutien at the suit of Rog- In r 1 tingtield at T. Wilder's. well Doan vs. James 1/ et-eosin-. In St stone et• 8. fthosene. ALBO- 7 The follonene property Situate in Athen. In South Creek at the school house near Asa Gillet's. tp. and bounded north by the south line of Athens pi n Bpringhill at P. Wacky:is. borough,"east„ south sad tve.t by the Susquehanna In 'I ewand borough at tbe Claremont House. and Chemung el,ntlining about fire b inidred 1 Ili Tutianduip. at the school house near Andrew C. acres, with about for hundred acres improved with ! Orage'a one large Stone dwelling hence, three small framed ! l it Troy borough at the school house. dwelling htiuses, four framed harns'and out build-1 f Tr o y town s hip, at the house of Wm. - A. Go tin; togs and two orchards thereon. ' near the residence of Peter Garatratie, in said tp. Seized and taken in exiseutioo at thesutt of Henry y„ liter, a t S. B ay e l eu r n b a. - • •! C. Baird Administrator of Robert Oliver, deceased,' In Warren, at R. Coo o rs, — vs. Geo. 11. Welles, Executor Ileury aa r Well., at ,E. Ayres. trestee of Susan Perlons and Frances M. Sttlayt,, Witallortu, at E. Russ..ll's (deceased,) rhtldren of said Henry. Wel - es, deceased, Sarah In Wysos, at the .Actulcuty. Welles, executrix of the said Henry deed salusing, at the school Tiou.o on the 'post road and James.l-I.lVelles sod Henry - \Velles, ithi.dren at or near John Bien, at which time and Ithaca the of the said Henry Welles, deceased electors aforesaid iv ill eleetby ballot ALSCr—A piece or parcel of land situate in Lich- One person to represent the county of Bradford in , frejill2-14333tieti 34 follows: Beg lining at a pine , the House of Representatives of this. Commonwealth. rum' and' ' l "e 2 a n d a ruck oak witness, K. ° 73 in lace ofthilin 1.. deceased. .rest, 15 links ; thence N. 31° W. 100 perches to Arid in and by sail act, lam thither directed to give a white oak eapling fur a c o rn e r; thenc e E. leo norce"that ascii pertain excepting justice of the peace pirchei to a Chesnut sapling for a corner; thence who shall bold an y „irice e t - pro fi t and 'ma t u n d er th e N. 24 perches to the S. W. corner of a reserved lot government of the United M lles, or of lhie stattener of for Solomon Merton post; thence E. 130 and 2-10 I any city or ifice.pwated district, whtther a conirmss;ori• perches to a post, a c a rne t f ur .c.b annee y Parks; eel officer or avid, who is, or shall be, employed under . thence B: 184 perches to a post on the north lute of the legislative,etecutive or judiciary department of this Daniel WKinner's /or; thence IV- 251 and 2-10 stae,or et the Ceeed States or of aiiy incorporated perches to -'n post a white oak; marked d u t rie t, a nd ,il,O that every number of Congres, and as a entnet.s; thence N. 167 per c h es t o a post, S. E. I 01 tl.e state I...gislature, and of the select and common cornet; ofm lot bought by the parties of the first part council of any city, or conamiasioners of any incorporat (rem Robert Spalding; thence W. 150 perches to a I eel district is by law incapable of holding or esereisine, post on the town line between Athens and Litchfield; a t the saute tune, the oincc or sppointatent of jud ge, drenceN: on said line GO perches to a post ; thence in.pei for or clerk of any election of this commonwealth E. - 65 perches to a corner; S. 6 and 8-10 perches of and that no inspector, or judge or other officer ofany, a lot formerly deeded to David Parks: thence N. G s-oh•rlcttion, shall be then eligible to any officeto be. and 8-1.0 perches to said Parks' corner; thence E. „ ir d 19 perches to another of Parks' lots or place of be- By the 4th section of an act passed the IGth day of ginning, containing 327 acres and 29 peaches more April, 1840, it is provided that the 13th, section clan or less, with about 200 acres improved, one framed act passed July 2d, 1839, entitled. "A act relating to hottse, - . one framed barn,' two log barns, one log the electors of this. Commonwealth," skall not be con. house and two apple orchards themes. slrurd. as to prevent any militia officer from serving as ALSOit me other lot begiontrg at a orookedge, inverter or clerk, at any general or special elee c.heannt,' the S.,;VlT.,corner of a lot surveyed to Dan- .„„ of this renint „ rirma ah . tel Dean; thence N.-100 perches to a hemlock sap- I In 6lst section tit the act 1441 m rationed, is enac ling; thence E. 80 perches t o a post; thence S.lOO tel that etery general and epochal electieo shall hi perches to a post; thence N. 80 perches to the be- open• b etween e i g h t and ten i n the forenoon, and ' t u x glankne , coaraimag. 50 acres more or less, with 1 5 continue gythout interruption or ta-joumment until 7 acres improved . And both pieces inclusive con- o'clock MI& evening, when the pulls shall be closed, mining 377' acres and. 29 perches. Als.o, all the irate- By the ;Bth sect. of die act passed •3d Feby, 1846„ rest or title defeuilant in a saw mill en the wa- oft shall tie laafui for the inspectors and judge of any tees of Satterlee's creek supposed to lie half ith 'the general Of special election, which shall bereafeer be privilege &c., and a framed thuse,near the sa w•"'ill., held in the Anneals election district, in the county of Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Ben, Bradford, to close the polls of such election at 5 o'clock Jai:Qin-Lambert to use of hub Shepard vs. Clarles i sm the ahenroon- Chandler. It is further directed that the meeting of the Judges al ALSO—the following piece or parcel of land the Court House in Towanda, to make out the. general situate to Derlington ip. and bounded north by lands return, shall be on thethird day after the election, which of Hoyt Ballard, east by Wm. Nichols, south by will b e. t h e t at d ay of . F e b ruary. Win, Sleyter, and west by Demmineway, con- JOHN F. MEANS, Shenff lathing one hundred acres with about tee acres ins- Sheriff's Office. 'rowania, Jan. 101 b, 1816. proved with one log house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Timo thy Paxson and Win. Davidson, trustees of the bank of North America ve. Daniel MeD.Strond: ALSO —The folloWing piece or parcel of land aithateth.Lithlifteld tp. and bounded on the north by land of,--Keeler, east by land of Win. Stew art and and land formerly in possession of Jacob and libtaltilF.Alarnpbell, west by land of Thomas Evattereonth - by land of Jacob and Abram F. Camp- Containing about ninety acres about fifty acres irttproverliWith one framed house, one log stable and brie apple twehard thereon. Board and taken in execution at the suit of Lefty E. Sheparytets, Jacob Campbell and Abram Camp. . - - • ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Rtirlinpoialp. and bounded as follows: beginning at.,a white maple N. W.-corner of lut No. 162, on warrant lot No. 1724, thence west on said warrant line, i 0.0 .perches to a post S. E. corner of lot No. 287, ilisnce N. 81 perches to a post, thence E. 100 perches to a post, thence S. 01 perches:to the be ginning,containing fitly acres and 100 perches, strict measure, it being intended for :the south half of lot No: 240, on warrant lot No. 4430, thirty acres improved, with one log, house, one shed and one oth a small outbuilding erected thereon. :Seized and taken in execution at' the suit of3Jyer • and Manville te' use of Geo. Sanderson vs. George litifinett. • • ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land 'lftdate in South Creel fp. and bounded north by laads, of Win. Burke, east by land of David Hil drith' and Ralph crane, south by Wm. Decker and s tmat,briund in possession of James Dewey, con taining 124 acres, about 33 acres improved with one log house,. log barn and two apoic orchards thereon.‘; • ' ALSO.-tine other tract of land sitnate in South 'Erciek' tp. and bounded .north by lands of Wichstv 'Aber, - east by- lands of James Dewey, south by Wm. Deelrerx-fivid-west -by ; Philo Fassett, coutaining 71 sneee.S.-with Whom 25 acres improved. • Seized atiffitiken in exectflion at the suit of Da. Thill - kk - and" James 11. Webb Administrators of the' estate of John L. Webb, deceased vs. James Dewey..., • 7 A r,s43= - 82,;"Cirtbe of a writ of le vari facial issued.' fromosaid court, a .iract of land in Smithfield begin ning at a'prist; the horth•east corner of Oliver Ilan lihri .thence by the line of said lot, south !fir, '3:l - 1/" .s Pifcties - to a'hemlOck tree,- the south-east lot, thence West.llo.perches to a beech 11 - `etitie:aoinktrest cornerthercot, thence byline of said danfieltri otherlot, south 22 perches to a post, ...thence _by the southern boundary line warrant Nos. 003 artd;272, - east . 210 6-10 perches to a hemlock tree ; f ur 4,e Anuth.earst corner thereof, amine north 103 3-1 0 per-hes to a dead beech tree, the north-east corner hereof:. thence west 100 C-10 perches to the beginning. Cimtaiaing 143 and 1-10 acres, with al lowance. Seizedam - en to execution at th e suit of John - • . , AuEtwil....a&stgnee - of Win. White vs. James Beason, and - Illyptr4ocicty:terre ten a 111 'ALSO — IA tract of land-in Windham twp.; begin ning-six rods north fromthe north-east-corner - of a lot of fitly acres deeded by-V. 1.. De Chaumont to , ..SatuiterTandusehohence east 114 1-10 perches to "post:for sr miller; thence south 133 6-10 perches to Cpoay fora comer; thence West 111-5.10 perches to thestastline of one of the lots belonging to the said . - Vandriserwthence , north.along easchite of said Van, iltisefal6o 139 B.4oipbrehesto the beginning.. Con tainiFp7;,qiinarZi; hi the same more :ur 1e3,, with - 711Mirtrilftrimp.,, 01',ItAalur &tin sr, and log stable:tori:•-• ' • 'taletPin xceutfon'at The stlit - o . e.Piiir ! Cater-s and Jeanne AritoinetteErgo, his . trife, - - • •‘"''''-' '''.loliN F. MEANS, Sheriff: OtlletiTowantla, Jan. 5, 1847. -riIIit:GR2RFENBERG VE(IE:CABLE PILL, X ;:hd t6e OrtEn Mountain re,ovtatte Ointrund.ruc Wen!, the subscriber,' only s c ent l the town and hor. rough N. N. 14:11'S. T IST OF JURORS,drawn for February Term and T Sessions of Bradford Co., commencing Feb. 1,1847. Oil ANTI it:MEM Athens borough—E. S. Mathewson ; Burlington—lf. Gamnge ; CantonJ. A. Bothwell, Wm. Goiselino, John LiUy Columbia—John Morgan, Charles S. hrlfean ; Durel—B. Rolland , . - Franklin—Leonmd ltrKee ; Herrick—M . D.F StOne; I.nel:field—O. H. Everson ;• Munroe—David Ridgway ; Pike—P. Dude, Z. Beeman, J. C.Stevcns; Ridgberry—Sturges Squires; Smithfield—Samuel Wood; - Towanda borough—D. L.Sc.itt; Troy township—Ebenezer Preston ; Wyalusing— Charles Ingham, James Vaughn; Wals--B.A.,Ayres,Shubel Rowley. ?nays nsa Ilr Windham—J. B. G. -Babcock, Charles Russell; • Smithfield—Nathan Bush, jr., Joshua King; • w orre a—:_W m . Bradford; Ridgberry—Wm. Brown, John Seely, Sam'l Coleman Wysos—Wm. A. Benedict, Daniel Coolliaugh ; Granville—Robert Bailey ; Canton—D. R. Cole, R. Kendall, J. Lindley ; Atheu tp—C. Christopher, I. Gregory, Robert Sutton Troy tp—Saml. Case, Francis Scored, A. Williams Towanda tp—Jas. W. Decker, 14. C. Fos ; Monroe—D. S. Dußois, E. C. Kellogg, Alexander Me Chine ; Asylum—Moses Eiliogburger ; Standing Stone—H. Ennis; Burlington—L. Goddard; Columbia—D. C. Havens, Geo. Moore, Collins Sopeli, Taylor; . Sprinebeld—P. M. Healey ; Towanda born— Wm. Keeler 2d ; Wells—L. W. Knapp, 1,. Wing ; -• A thany-111. A. Ladd, Wells Wilcox ; • Orwell—A. G. Matthews, L. M'Kee ; South Creek—Jesse Moore, John Thompson ; • Leroy—A. 0. Pickard ; • - Athens born—Geo. Park; Litchfield—Thos. Park ; Herrick—Chas. Stevens ;• . Pike—Nathaniel Stevens '2d ; Sheshequirt—lrd Tomkins ; • TRAVERSE.II.7IIOtIS-SICONti WEEK. Orwell—J. W. Algier, Davis Bottles, James Heekos; Townntla, I.Orn—M. C. Arncut, O. R. Tyler, E. S. . Goodrich ; . Lter—Joaej,h Derry; Warren—J. C. ,Bowen, Geo. ChiHaab: Ge . n. Coburn 11,Indham—Wm. Cook, G. W. Prince; Canton—lames Cornell Springfield—F. Cole, C, If:canard ; Ilidehuiy—Jorneg Covell; 1.114111dd-3. Doane ; Dirrell—Georee Fox ; Tonands tp—Wm: IL Fo,ter, Nelson Gilbert; Athens boro—F. S. Host ; Athens tp—Chai. Jaeklin, John Watkins; 'withheld—A. A. Tones; Granville—John Lewis ; Franklin—A: Rockwell Wygss,-Wina, D. &rope; Sur:Sing Stone—Shag. Bill ; , Shftheynin—J. Pike—Ethel Taylor, Samuel Warne i Itotue—,Thos. Follett ; Ilurlingtun r7 W tn. Truman; Leror—Darrs Witnifft• A - DmiNtsTßAT()lt's-wo.ricE-:.n,- AI.I. Ferserig indebted to the eitate of rairfek Brady, fate of taller tewnsbip, dee'd.; ate ' eaves:of to mute ireinedute payment.' and them halting demands against said eFlitc; arc reimeited tf pnatent them forth with for adilstmek. ' DANIEL' VANDERCOOK: . Towanda .I.m. 9t11,' 1e47: AdrninistratOnr. • - Prints t Prints:, -•• . • ..• r A NY qatintity of Nevi Prints, and desiroblapottern just recri‘rti by n 3 FLY NT & CO. "togii %stet tts."—)spefre .!CaNtio - IrjrlHEclegnseAtinr - ,parpulssity:pf Dr. Cr: BSNJ. ..SAllrflirSlktPlit7VDD INDIAN 'VEGETA -13 IX '1; GOAD' 'colvrEty 'PILLS: • bee-rlndidealk •Muirib'ei Pence* Winakirsotninbing shey Arrrs and colt them - With iigar;in order mall them foe' the gericine,' wrhifo they Mot , possess: , a-Inane-le of tsr goodness; mor - even ' assiesilato 'appears:bee •to The original. Di.:Kilili v e - PilgTriillreil;. ol 4 7 tire,lifliV: tended FRAUD - upon Mir'eurinntirrity.t -A 'minister who at first-turd-an interestin itt imitation Sugar Ctiati ; a.' Fill,minufactuid in Albany, N. Y 4 Magian' . Utem. up. as he Safi, on scented- of - the- miserable - dishonest , parties concernedin Manufacturing !them. The- same party arena* Mitustrionsly cirmilstinmreports calculat ed tolnjuie De. Smiths and m affect the reputation of his valuable pills; but rather Min notice them in paldie: Dr. Smith is about legal proceedings agdpst them for their altinders,las ho histin - anottier'crise against* a similar party, in which he recovered klargemnountof damages.. Their miserable imitators have IQ Jeseri the most abominable - moans to palm of their counterfeit pills, as the public know that Dr. Smith's are the °naiad and ger - Mine. Several instances have come to public notice which fifetutabccnendangentd by tbi, hate use of the counterfeit s n . It ie7 Dr., , Pills that are doing so much 4:41 in the 'cinnitry- - --as the fullewing plainly..shote, - . - , • MINISTERS: ' Use end Recomreend Pills than all nth O.! This is to certify that 1,, have: used the Sugar Coaled: Pills manufactured G. Ilenjlmin:. Smith,' of " New.' York. for some time, and beirevc them'' " good medicine; and also, from inquiry in; that city, - 1 itti persuaded that be is the 'original joyentor, and therefore is entitled to Me, benefit of the invention: ' S. 'WILLIAMS,' • Pa.tor let Daptist . Church, Pittsburgh. From the Blue lien's Chleken - ,t7Dek) We call the suiidlon of our renders ttiifie certificate of Rev. 8.. Williams, Paster ,Ist •D 0 1 44. Pittsburgh, in relation to Dr. Smith's Pills. WO , tin. ourselves hear.testimoor to the excellence of tbsse, Pills. ono of us having used them and ex crienecd - great relic from them. ' •• The abort, is The best paper in. the State of -The 'itromerto inertly 3'aGETAISTA PILLS,'" (Bdgir Comed,)'sne certainly' doing Mach good in tho - whole Country, end are highly esteemed ; if one half is true that peolde write mar asy shout them.• They are so easy in their %xi:titan-diet rU likethem. ,The. editor of the Northern State Jonrnal,,;(cMe of 'the largest, and Jtest paieis in the State "of 'wastes as folhierti; ' Watertown, May 31; 1846. Di. G. Benj:l3mith Dear Sir: I waS (aid' op'crith a bad' cad some - time -since my return from",N. Y., and duiing my illueSs I made trial of your pills,and I must-, say. I; found- them, excellent. They melba best modicitte -for the: purpose' they are intended, that F hare yet . semi. I seldom ta k e pills, but I found yours entirely free from the objections to which other pills are Cade: I impethey will continue to be - e source of profit to you, as I doubt ootrthej• be ineans of relief to the afflicted on a large scale.' t ' • Yours truly, • J. GREEN. 'Tonawanda, Pa, Sept, 18 1846. Dr. G. Benj. Smith— . . n Dear Sir: Yoni agent left with me let of your Sco•rt COATZU P/1.441, and I have but a few hoses left. Every .boi 1 hive sold has given - 6)BN, satisfaction. 1 have taken them myself and I consider them the best pine 1 have ever aced, and I em not' afraid to recommend them to the public. I wish a further supply at once. Yours respectfully. , JACOB KIBLER; P. M. 841101.;-• . . DeaiSir : Lem MC/stoat of your ZNJILL'IUTZdtTABLS. SCGAII COATLD PILLS. " end find diens sellinQso fast. that L think you had better send me two gross immediate. ly. They give such general satisfaction that people at least twenty miles for them, enttes it is generally known I am agent for them, I would be very sorry to get out. Yours respectfully, 8:1151L. hiOORE & CO. US. SENT. SMITH, be not written with a pen on thc s bottom of the boz.. all " Sugar Coated" Pill, are Counterfa. Princiial Office 179 Greenwich Street, large brick block, N. Y. Price 25 Cents a box. DR. WOOD'S SARSAPARILLA arm, 1147LD CHERRY, .113177'ERS. OR the permanent removal of all such diseases as F take their rise in an Impure Blood, Impaired Di gestion, Morbid state of the Liver and Stomach, Weak. ness'ofthe Nervous System, and a Disorded Kalif, of Constitution generally. Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters have already, by their substantial excellence. won 7 A degree of public - favor and patronage which 'kite thins beyond the need of , recommen da tion. Being faithfully prepared of the most excellent materials, they. can 'be fully confided in by all in need efts tonic, aperient or alternative remedy. This preparation found on trial to' be - a - sure and speedy remedy for the diseases enumerated above. They purify the blood; secure regular digestion, promote a beally action of the'Liver and Stomach, andotrengthen the nerves, at once securing health• and vigor to the I whole system. In aU cases of despondency, eriaing from indigestion or nervous irritation, they have been used with remarkable success; nor are they lea; useful as a remedy for Headache, Flatulency, foss of A pPitite and a general prostration of thetsystem. At the -same time it mast be stated that they arc neither - violent nor at all' dangerous in their operation, securing as they do the desired end, by a steady,'regolar and easy influence.. Taken daily, in doses precribed, they will be .found to operate in that. gentle and salutary manner, which re, in fact, their highest recommendation. That 'prejudice usually existing against advertised medicines, would not be merited if bestowed on this. The wonderful cures it has performed and the acknowledged celebrity of its principals constituents, should at once commend it to the public. favor... ' RECOMMENDATIONS, Mr. Philp - Wilcox; New Bedford, was entirely cured of a confirmed cancer of the stomach, throat and mouth, and his general health much improved by this use of only one bottle.:Col. John Bsyliei, Bristol, Meal, has voluntarily certified that he was cured -by. 'the Bitters, ofJaundiee, Indigestion, Headacheand Vertigo. J. P. Perlins,Esg., New Bedford, was cured of an eruption ;Atha face. Dr. W. H. Miller - calif. Y...testifies that many of his patients have been benefitted by the use of the Bitters, and in every case they have given the Most perfect astufaction. ' Hold - Wholesale and Retail by WYATT. & KETCHUM, 121 'Fulton. St. N. 1, HUSTON - :& LADD, Towanda, and bydroggiat generally throughout the U. H. 'Price Al. Lirge bottles. . 6m24 CLAREMONT HOUSE . , • - AltaraWila.UftattitaULlWYfr -ITh - EBPECTI?ULLY infonns his frientli that he MO 111' leased the above House, situated - on the' eolith side of tue public square; lately.occupied and having made entirely new arrangements, is now prepared for the reception of visitors . . Presenting, his compliminni to hisfrieridi and the public generally, and assuring .thern:no. pains or expense will be ipared,to , please hiiguests; „he -respectfully aolicits ptiblie,patron-: age, pledging himself thee While - the estahlisliinent is: under his control, it shall not.be excelled by any in_the. country. . , The rooms a thrii., CLARHMONT HOUSE,' are' - spacious *minify. and furnished nr,the , The Table.will be furnished with every- substantial : the country can .prod nee. , — The Bar' will he - stocked with - the be et !bluets in a -pure and unadulterated stoic. • diet late : Btebiing attaiehesa rzady: mid - faithful ,Qstlers slways inatteptheitea, • 14'41tior4 : tiottiing will ld the eoinforkand convenience - or chstotnera,ind facilities, he believes eativractioiwwili liri•rctnic!Fd.bfr, Towanda, April 8, 1A4f1.-.. - IBM it SiNsni scow,-" 4E. 12 a , U 1 aDMIZ,Ig 51 6 '.411! IraAMA 'rofes. l ir i siU 7 7:72: 9 ll= F lggeiV'T 4 other thauerela bieproression tific:ere!, He hie mural hie office'to the room ever r N. N. Bette dole. Huntington Tnd, Tune 2i, 1646, BEWARE!!! _.~:-~ - , fir4P44A7rg. , z,...•.1•1 • - 1 - 1 . "M' • -'-' ** A.." TY r4rWrlt'm : 1..),n,i s .. 4);l rt ar/ r. 4. t...)..4',1, f•,. p - . ' - ' 4 ,1iE•: - '' - . EMBROCATION HEMORRHOIDIVOR PlL'Eg;:tiviiirtease teil-by , Meal irritatiormaiiteffesigicant lama, undue diterannatigniid-blified to Abe hemorrhoidal easels try.ezeesaire aiding tot Volking. ; Ur A comp:Ova, • late of the liver, and peeriliarity,n! thoetAttneo. : It is usually ,bottt47ol under threctitim i. or vanetlett, as fotlows tßlind This l3isease is in cotnipott, act that a description _ of its , i3,94ti . oras . ii,tt'ot, Pli.encela that has ut.6 ta,tyli the:. curO'or,,thii lyttaHti . ots, :f5t1 . 914E1t! Pile 1' , IriadtlitiOn to iiit?Ang for thit Etas !, leiteT,ei fajta to cute thatANTOVERAILETreiIfir, which is ilO Per 9. eoriinjop, and , !las Alta . tocitifrit , itt'tflit" 68030 Irani its:the - ' ' ' _ 'Read the Tollciwio.i, , trom•thoaditifgral eolatas cadet j Weekly:l4ltorr =a- , : •- FOUND AT LAST"A Song Cone-Tori.irit*'-PiLes.b. '-••••Pby eacianatintl Chemists tave long been. an - 4M= to discover a medicine that'wetild cure" one 'of .ttie most troublesome clititaSes,lbe Piles. Success iquct `at, last been the rcrallt. ,l llr. -JACKSON'S Plli f E'Elllßllo.ti CATION not only Steps all bleeding, allays psiti infiamation,s nisi uest hat:into !crab le itcbing.but effect* . slily cures, like'a charm , 3fia in a very abet ions whose lives base been rendered miserablefor years:: Only a few from the great numbea ,be published.' Real ithefAloiving : 71 • .•' New York: 72 i'ffresailisray, Septerisbar - 8, 1815. Dr. N. Will you send •ine. six six bottles of Your"Piter Entbrocation -I. • wish them . part to keep . myself,aaakpart for a legal gontletearri...* friend of mine, whiy , barrfound great relief 'in uaing 'from my bettleteiriwols , three times. You 'remembery when in Philadelphia; twas suffering dreadfully front: this terrible scoiirge.' , ' honly took one bottle from you''s 1 have not used 4 Quito utl, and am now perfectly welt. -As 7on mayse . piovei-f, proclaim the virtues' of your I tell every friend about it;' rind it is singular' to peteelee how many aril suffcruog in this waY-4 believe ball of my acquaintances, are more or lessiilliet'A's Letme tellyou that you ,can sell here as fast yob choose' to make. Whertyou. went a certificate (rent me, you shall have it, and you taro,- at [away tq show this letter if you wish. , • Resisettftilli yours: . • :LEWIS P. ASHFORD. YOt gal° by 11,10:1TANYE &, PDX, yowanda, Pat only Agents for,Brailfind 'County.' ."28616 • 4A-, Vie Ard.l2P4 s Aet i4liN ACOUSTIC OIL! r LURE (OA , S', OFAFPESS • FOR the curo of DEAFNESS, pains, and the dts, charge of - matter from the ears. Allan all those dis agreeable soon*, like..the buzzing of it Sects, felling Pr water, whizzing of, steam, &c., whirl are symp toms of approaching deafness, and al,o,geneially atten-. dant with the disease. . Many persons who liave been deaf for ten, fifteen, and even twenty years, and went, obliged to use ear trumpets, have, after, using one or two bottles, thrown aside their_ trumpets, being' made perfect, ly well. Physicians and Singeona highly recommend its use. The very. great number of happy results that have fol lowed the use of BCAIIPAI.B A cousric OIL, have .. been truly astonishing . Aral what is wonderful, some. who were deaf/I'OM birth, have been so Much - hnprovul as to hear common conversitigp very readily: - It would be the height of presumption to warrant a cure in all cases, but in nine cases out of .tati of recent. date,-there is a certainty. that the resuliirvillbe most happy end satiscfatory.to the patient... The application of the oil produceauo pain, but on the contrary an agree able and pleasantsensation. The recipe for this medi= eine has been obtained from an Auriat of lreat reputii; lion, who has found that deafness, in nineteen cases out of twenty, was produeed from a want of action - in the nerves of hearing, or it dvyttess in the ears; his, object therefore was to find something which would create • healthy condition in those-parts. After a long series of experiments his efforts werest last crowned with sues cess, in the discovery of this pfeparation, which has re - - ceived the name of 80A RPA'IB COM FOUND ACOU. TIC DIU A long.list of certificates might be giver', but such is the confidence in the Medicine, and so high has been its reputation, that but one of them will be at present published: ••- ' • Most ES Coned—A litlY in Bmith field, Brad. Do-• Pa.; :and now abaft. eighty years of - age, had been- VraduailY getting deaf for—more tban..,4o years, so that, AMU I/00,1p impossible to make her bear conversation in the loudest tone of voice.. Last winter she was induced to try acarpa's Oil for Deafness." It is only necessary -to add thot she used two - bottles, and is perfectly restored-4EOa cured. Any information in regard to the case may be obtained at the store of Dr. Jayne, No.B, South Third street, Philadelphia. , For sale by MONTANYE & FOX, Towands,l l a ; only sgents . for Bradford county. ly NEW ,ESTOLISELTIENT ="IIEC 11011 Gr. 3P.'ffile_MCGC3l3:2•, ___, --, - ,s- .- L. 51. NYE & CO., .would re •''''',l-7.., —' - 'pettily inform the citixerusof Tow. ---"%,.„ - L - - ands-and the public generiliy,.tnal Ca . I th o e: rd h e a r ve al o i n k l i i n a d n . d manufacture: t A i . . 13 14 --Z , 'FURNITURE, of the beat mate lot out rials, and workormship that cannot out be surpassed, in addition to the ususi assortmentln conntiy: shops, we will keep on bend-end make to order SOFAS, of various and most improved patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered-in. soperior style, and for case and 'durability cannot be surpassed even in our • tine title II • . Also, the half French -Ma hogany Chair,-beautifully -upholstered, with curled- bah, which never lenses its elasticity, and finished with the' best heir seating:: -We Batter ourselves that . baring had much experience in the husimiss, we shall Le able to sedisfy all who May feel disposed to call:both -sa to quality and price, and--by strict attention Jo business hope to merit and receive-the patronage of it liberal coat. munity. ' -- -' •- ' L. M. NYE &-CO. • Tosvande, September I, 1815. C.I.IIIVI'ET U VIII its AY' BE HAD at our shop much lower than it it. has ever been sold in .Towanda.- - .Goods are cheap. and wheat, am lowered, and vhat is the reason we can afford all for to do it. Aillirinds of produce will he received in payment., • Also, Ll.ll.lBEltot all kinds. t - Hept. 1.:. • .• 4 CO.. L be kept on- band aberge assortment, and Yom/ade - to'onier on shifter trinity and f.n. keg me. % bey than tail be produced atiany other establishment in the bind. 'Theme :who are under the neeetwitY of laci eurirtglbit infidel wit! and ehall be eatialied.. A pia!, hearse and pidt nay §e-had in attendance when devired.. September 1, 445. L. 51. NYE & CO. • 809r,§‘,51:104 ' flt r ' ' wittitCrOVeL SAGE hove , assticiateil "them:eves : TT Tingle Aqui - VlCttton gaging nkwilOttriorgle bevinever-Tponnderaiurtsiejt•betontidist the 018.Hathawiy,tately sNrpled by, Elkanah r. rr.sop4env olibinge ifikel,.:4there i they aolicit a sftire of Public pitirtionige; They' intend, by te eaiffcl iehicac t o or'stOok, odd by 'attention to'the interests of theii['castonieni,td snake ae neitatur dn'rabfewark as etiii be triittiitfsetutea in this Voition,of the enonliy. - They 'keep eonitaiiity on hand, end will niatinfleinie to °Tao ! , morocco, c alf, and coarittiluiats* ind _shoes; • Lidlixt 'Gaiters; oeti endaltpi . ; ,childien's-dc4 gent's taitora,and pumps, "drc.,-fec. • - - 'zr: • serliv w. wrt,cox, _ 'Pill?A NDE Towanda, May 14,1835". FOREIGN " PERIODICALS ....- --._ REPIII3LIOA rION OF LITV LUNTION QUARTERLY REVIEW, rag Ulf NBURGH REVIEW, T fIE FOREIO VI QUARTERLY REVIEW, THE WE'STAIINS I ER RE VIE W, .D BLAcITOOD S EpTNGBURGH MAGAZINE l f!.z ~ r a`l &a' OE r ler:erre' leprinteitin New. Ymk, - tartiiidhWely Barthettarrind - by the British summers, in •litiatifnl type;, oh line :white .paper. and are faithfullnivif of,ther eriginalar-tke.rev.wouo's Maas - its; Ir in; exact , fac , liimite ofthe Ediriborg The - isidir.sprhad - fail bt apiendid Periodicals rdadiii it needlisti irtirdhAti - their praise. .literterycoriatrit; they- statetdar, in adlitinie of any works Of ait siniilei stariap,llloPlf; published, : while,the political! e0t010441R4 tweh issaarked, bya dignity. eandorand Blearartea rtRI: o °1.104134in works : ocis party, char : "thii r. i;n4Wiierithe'ilawir oeihe`three great pa . riimi in Tirry; and Radical. -= Blsel wood!! tied the "London are Thryt - - ilk": Win. hot Revbisa."- Whist: and the "Rfestminister,"; „Tbel,‘,.Foreign,Quarteileispurely literary, be ing tAypitticistes on foreign Conti nentarWorka. : 'Thiprices,4 the Rt4tiirlris ire lees than one-third - of those of thelfordign - cdpies, and white they are equal ; iy. strata :all. that. sidsaatage to the .4/8117:ezas over the English. reader; • , • •rAysztrr x s mine snrssez: 4 • ERMS:. For any_ one of the four Reviews, $3,00 per annum For any two," ' dci.' • 5,00 " For any :do" - • .7,00.. r. Far all four of:the Reviews,. • 8,00 • n For Blackwood's Magazine, •.•. . 3,00 : -• :Per .Blapk wood sod the .4 Revieves, 10,00 " • ' CLUBBING. . • . , 'Four Maples of any, or all of the above works will be aerate . one iladridil payment of the regular subscrip• tido for thireO-Are fourth copy being gratis '.Remittances - and communications must be made is all esses without. expense to the pub4shers.—The former may always be dune through a Post-master by handing him the amount to, be remitted, taking his re ceiptand forviarding the receipt by mail, Post-paid; or die money may be erieldsed - in' a letter, Post paid, di .. retied to the poldishers. . N. B.—The Poatage on all these Periodicals is re duced by the luta. Poet-Office law, to about one-third thefuroter, roles, making a very important saving in the expense tattle inail subscribers. • ,„• In all the principal cities and Towns through out lire United States to which there is a direct Bail= flood or Water eonununication from the city of New York; these periodicals will be delivered FREE OF POSTAGE- • .LEONARD SCOTT & CO. Publishers, , , lyear 112 Fulton St., New York. ME New Blaeksmithing Establishment, . . • . , •IR Totranthi, Prices 25 per cent. cheaper titan have ever been knin6n in Northern Penn'a. subscriber, having commenced the above bu g siness, takes this method to inform the infield tants of Towanda and vicinity. that he is prepared to do all kinds of work entrusted to his cate in the m vt neat and workmanlike manner: such asironing coach es, corrisges, sleighs, of all kinds; mill-work of all kinds, done a little nicer than at any other shop in the county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOLS, to fill up crevices, and finally all kinds of work in the above line (borsenshocing excepted) and will warrant all my work to stand the test. Try me and if you Jo not find thingsjust right, then put me down. From my long experience in the business, I flatter myself that I can please all kinds of people. You cen find me at all times at my shop. a few rods south of Bridge suet!, known as Means' old stand. Ali kinds of Produce taken in payment for' work, and a hulls of the ready Jo-Davis will not he refused. N. ItEMINGWAY, JR. , fawaoda, May 6, 1846.—y • A CERTAIN CURE FOR PILES ! Dr. A.. Upham's Vegetable Eleetaary, AN INTERNAL REMEDY, IN VENTED BY DR. A. UPHAM' a distinguished Physician of Now York city, is the only real successful remedy for that dangerous sad 'distressing complaint—the PII.ES —ever offered to an American public. ' Mark this. it is an INTERNAL REMEDY—and not - an 7external application, and: will cure every case of Piles,either bleeding or blind, internal or external, and probahly the only thing that will. There is no mistake ,about It is a positive cure—speedy and permanent 'lt is also a convenient medicine to take, ann improves the general heal:h in a remarkable man ner. Each boa contains twelve doses, at 81 a dose. It is very.ruild in its operation, and may be taken in cases of the most acute inflammation without danger. All external applications are in the highest degree disagree. able, incest - slob, t and offensive ; and from the very na ture of the disease, :inconvenient in their effects. This medicine tataeka the pieces° at its source, and remoring the cause, renders the cure certain and permanent. To MARRIED Lants.—Married ladies are Earnest in variably subject to that painful and injurious disease, the Piles, with consequent inflammation of the stomach, bowels and spine, weakness of the back; flow of blood to to the head, de. The. Electu.ry is perfectly safe for pregnant ladies, and the moat useful cathartic that can possibly, be used, as it not only removes Rib Piles and all inflammatory diseases without pain or irritation, bet-will insure en easy tithe, a safe delivery, and a sound constitutien in the offspring. The Electuary Contains no mineral medicine, no al oes, colocyndror garnhoge„orother powerful and irrita tive purgative. No, fear of taking cold while under its influence— no' change in diet necessary, If taken ac cording to directions,, a cure for life is guaranteed. Sold Wholesale 'and ret'ail by Wirt". & Kr.eciren, " General:Agents for the:Southern States," 121 Puttee street, N.-Y., HUSTON & LADD,' Towanda, and aniggists generally throughout the United Suites. Price 61. •; ' m 22 • Ock§, Ifatehes, Jewelry Silverware, - • • NO. t, BRICK ROM • A. CHAMBERLIN has just returned from IV • the "city : of New York with the largest assort mcnt.of F44lll,o4Vrtfi LE JE IVE LAI; ever brought to this place, such as Fingrr-ringi; Breast-pins, of every deScription • 'Lockets, bracelets, gold and silver p.neils, gold keys, thin.bleS, Silver spoons, sugar tongs, specta cles, for all ages, pert aid pocket knives, (Roger's ma nufacture,) and many other articles which be will sell estremely,low for CASH. All kinds of WATCHES; consisting of patent le ver; .4"Bpine, English.and Swiss watches, warranted to keeti good time.' It is as clear and unquestionable as our right to the whole of Oregon, that Wsr. A. CussreenLlN has got the largest and best'selected assortment,,of Fancy Goods ever brought into the borough of Towanda, and that he will self his gesads 'cheaper than was everl , suld by any human living ,leingl—stick a pin there ! ! N:11- Watches warranted to run well one.yeer, or the money refunded; and st written agreement given to that eirr . .r. ,- ,to all that desire one, az? . mApw SUGAR, Wood, and all kinds of Coun try Produce received in payment. - Vir2, A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April-22; 18.16. "X:~ ~.f _ ,:tlBlWilto *STID NNT4E.M3IM- go Tii HE sribscribei not being-in full communion - with ,'. - • the Grin - Of itf;.--:-.. hi is not prepared to boast of the /diA iiiioitasent OFJEWELRY out of Jail : and haying never learned the_ Csibinef making liainest, he' is alit flee tied ter& 'any fiork. in that line; but haVing , Seriedh'ftmilarapprenticeshrp 0) in the witch : repairinghistitesicand the ex pertenee or 16 years, has no- herdiation in saying that all work entrusted to him shall be done in a workinanlike manner, promptly, and reptia r best to none west of that city front whence Came that mighty 1.10 of Gold Jaaelry ! ' N'Ow'mY friebds, - in - all your • gettings don't forget to get your watches fixed at old No. /00 opposite the Public Sguaip and two doors north of Briggs' tavern. . .i. M. IVA RNE R. . . Towanda; April 29; 1816 •• 6:l` N.; 0 1 1 -1 pledge myself to do my work right.' All work warranted one yearend the money refunded if it does'not perform seeonling to agreement. Slick 3 P.O. there t • • • .?• • maw - usrmsrt - sztvrt ', T HE subscriber has obtained the right a 'very i n z ,„ gear eiet. iron Water Wheel, called the ' UNION 'WHEEL, 'width is rapidly coming' alto 'Sae throughout the led etatpr, for operating machinery of all hinds, m o t,. led by: water power,. patented Sept, 27, 1845, by r. Timby, of Cayuga N. The first glance at this wheel, involves . the beholder in immediate doubt in Ir. gait! to its operation. But its construction is such that it receives three ilistinctjarvers of the water to oaedia. charge: iiz—tit, 'The direct or percussion power. The inclined plane or Archemidean power. al. Thu discharging or reacting-power ; being all chip owerezo, tamed in the massive weight of hydraulic proteare. Th n some censtruction is also perfectly adapted - to obviate al! difficulties of. flood-trask ice; backwater, freezi ng , or any impediment or disaster tWtableb water wheeh general are subject. - ^ 'A perfect safeguard against any imposition, by thi s • wheel, is formed by a . readiness in all ifs' fended St. warrant more business with leas water than say other wheel now in. use, except the Oienhot wheel enderlike heads. 'Manukctured at the furnace of •Hoykins sod: 'Areal, Elmira, N. Y. Persons wishing to repair then Mills will gain pi applying to the subscribed,. pat en proprietors of the county of Bradford. - All coretausi-- cations addressed' to - either of the subscribed nil/ re , ceive prompt attention. JOHN ...BURT, .Eidgberry. Jan. 4,1847. GUT.CBAtII.EB. 'nit JAYNE'S CELEBRATED MEDICINES Expectorant : Alterative ; Tonic Vermifuge ; Curminate Balsam ; Sanative Pills ; Hair Tonic and bye : FOr sale by Montanye 4 Fox, Towanda, Pa Only authorized Agents for Bradford county. JITGIILT iMPOPTANT Nzws 1110 X TUE Solon.— The following extract of a letter ia from a very respecta ble mercantile house dated Washington, Rappahannock Co, May 26, 1846: • Dear Sir— , Oar Mr. Jones baa been in a very low stale of health for more . than a year ; he haa„had the benefit. of the best medical advice our county affords, and al. visited Your city during the past summer, but found no relief. On the 15th of April last, we purchased a half dozen bottle. of your Tonic Vermifuge, and a half do zen boxes of your Sanative Pills. Through carelessness in packing the articles in a dry goods ben, one half the Vermifuge was broken. Mr. Jones 'commenced mil/ die Pills, and after taking a few doses, felt a decided improvement. The three hmiles of Vermifuge, which came gale to hand, broughtfrorn him, he thinks, not less than ONE THOUSAND WORMS, and perhaps many more. Hein now in better health thanhe has been in for many years, and hope a few more bottles of your Vermifuge and Pills will effect a permanent cure. All out phys:cians hove entirely mistaken his curse; Pro. Samuel Jackson, of your city at the head. As to our responsibility, we have to refer you to Messrs. Inddp, Moten & Woodruff, Silk House, Market st, near Fourth, and Hieskell, Hoskins 6c Co., corner of Fifth and Ile ket streets. Mr. Jones is most anxious to get more of your Ms and Vermifuge, as soon as possirle. 28m Respectfully, J. B. JONES & CO. a lilac:fa:sal atamv - zi: - Suite) to the Humon Constitution; and equal to the ecn of every - curable diseabe, will be found in Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills CM North American College of Health These extraordinary Pills are eompowq of piano which grow spontaneously on our own soil. and are. therefore better adopted to our constitutions, than-Medi eines concocted from foreign drugs, however well then may be compounded ; and as WRIGHT'S INI/I.oi VEGETABLE PILLS are founded upon the principle that the human body is in truth SI - BJECT TO HU I' ONE DISEASE. ; namely, corrupt humors, and that said medicine ram this disease on NATURAL PRINCITLEs - - by cleansing, and purifyinethe body, it witi,be fest that if the caustitution be not entirely exhausted, a persevt ranee in their use, according to directions, is ab . o lutely certain to drive di.caqe of every name from the, body. When we wish to restore a swamp or morass , a fertility, we drain it of the superabundant water. Is like manner, if U - e wish to restore the body to heahhae must cleanse it of impurity. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS will be found one of the best, if not tho very best, meili• eine in the world for carrying out this GRAND PURIFYING PRINCIPLE, because they expel from the body all morbid and cornitt humor, the &use of the disease, in an easy bed Natu ral Manner, and while they every day Fite EASE & pleasure, disease of every name is rapidly daten from the body. The following highly respectable Storekeepers has been duly appointed Agents for the sale of %%right's Las dian Vegetable Pills in Bradford County . Montanye's & Co., Towanda ; A. H. Gaylord, Canton ; John H. Furman, Columbia Flans; T. & S. W . Pomeroy, Troy ; Coryell & Gee, Burlington ; Wm. Gibson, Ulster ; Lyman Beare, Smithfield ; • L.S.Ellsworth, Athens; Guy Tracy. Milan; U. Moody & Co. FrencEdown ; John Horton, Jr., Terrvtown E. Norman, Springfield ; Storrs & Jones, Sheshequin; Daniel Brink, Hombrook; • N. D. & C. Warlord, Talonromon. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wrialdr Indian Vegetable Pills, of the North American Coihce. of Health, No. 228 Greenwich street, New Port; 198 'Fremont st., CoMon ; and Principal Otlice,No Race street, Philadelphia, Iss - NATIONAL t PAW:ERMAN GAL LERY AND PHOTOGRAPHERS FrIZIIS/ 1- ING DEPOTS ; awarded the Gold and Silver m,des, Four first Premiums, and Two Higbest Dooms. lathe National, the Alassachusetts, 'be New York, told Ihr Pennsylvania Exhibitions, respectively. for 16e ' l°4 splendid Colored Dag,uetreutypes and (*Adi/pa' ever exhibited, Portraits taken in exquisite style, without reptd weather. lostfactions given in the art. A large assortinent of Apparatus and Stock alsrayr o, hand, at the lowest cash prices New York, 551 Broadway ; Philndelphia,l36 Chrt nut S.; Boston, 75 Court, arid 55 Hanover St , timore, 205 Baltimore St.; Washington, Avenue;' Petersburg, Va., Mechanics' Hall; 11.""- nvi, Fourth and Walnut, and 170 Mart St. ; S ..r ? ;" . Slitiogs. Broadway ; Paris, 127 Vieille hue du Tani " ' : Liverpool, 32 Church SL-3y. z 4 cmarzu, 2arAi.a RISH.IONJBLE T.IILORS. Over Montanye's atore,next door to Mercur's at the old stand of Powell do Seaman. "ci ADNIINISTRATOWS NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of A. A. /14* with, late of Ridgbt Try township, dec'd.. atcl requested to make payment without delay, and having claims against said estate, will plo'c I ' 4 them duly attested to the subscriber, aho ls ill be 1 1 ,1,5 ' at the store of J. R. Conlhauah, in Ilidaberq' E. R. BEcKW Admi,istok RidgberrY, December 15, 1846. G ROCERIES, Fresh Groc erirß, just tect'ise d ' ll nova F/ YNT h CO. Af r ulTs, Mprrs—Th'e most fashionable aft n ' ,est looking [Muffs out, an any quantity , rt"?, ov3 . • O . D BARTLET T ' -;--- - - D. Terms of the Bradford Relicrif f " r ajf . TWO a:alts and fifty cents per annum: Ftrrt deducted lipoid. within the year; and for e. 1?" ally in advance, OSE DOLLAR -Ha he Jethlcti d. rr • Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at a nt . paying arrearag,es. Most kinds of Coe:lit:o'oW' received in payment, at the market roiiv. n Advertisin '" twel" nenis, not exceeding, a sq"" - f „, n lines, inserted for fifty cents ; every subserp l,ol :' ' ,.. twenty - save cents. - A discoUnt made to yearlY 3 "‘ e Jun r*BINTIzin , of every description. itratif drr peditioubly executed on new and fashionable tyr.,4 Letters on business pertaining to the 011 , :r mo t ' ree of postage, to ensure attention.