Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 20, 1847, Image 3

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y virtue of sundry writs of venditioni exponas
Bissued out of the court of common pleas of
Bradford county, to me directed, I shall expose to
public sale at the house Stephens in the
borough of Towanda, - on Monday, the first day of
FebrOary next, at one o'clock P. M., the following
property situate in Troy tp., bounded on the north
i)r land of Henry Miller and Zina Case, on the east
by g a m Case and 0. P. Ballard, on the south by
p. Ballard, and on the west by Hiram Goddard
and Naham Jackson, containing seventy-five acres
be the same more or less, with about sixty acres
improved, two block houses, frame] barn and a
small orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of O. P.
Ballard vs. John Smith.
ALSO—A tract of land situate in the township of
Orwell and bounded as follows : Beginning at the
n orth west corner of a lot formerly run out to Ralph
B J sttrick, a beech sapling; thence south fifty per
ches to a post; thence east seventy-five perches. to
a post; thence north fifty perches to the northeast
corner of a lot run out for said Bostwick, a beech
tree; thence west seventy-five perches to the place
of beginrung, containing twenty-three acres and a
half with about sixteen acres thereof improved and
a framid house and barn, and also, au apple or
chard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
Warner vs. Elizur Warner.
ALSO—The following progeny situate inSpring
-seld tp. and bounded on tWuorth by The public
road, west Uy Dorus Eaton.sotith by Wm. Fanning,
and east by land of T. Leonard, containing fifty-two
acres with twenty acres improved, one framed house
and framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ros
well Doan - vs. James Dickenson.
ALSO—The following property situate in Athens
tp. and bounded north by the south line of Athens
borough. east, south and west by the Susquehanna
and Climbing rivers„containing about five hundred
acres, with about four hundred acres improved with
one large Stone dwelling house, three small framed
duelling houses, four framed barns and out build
ings and two orchaxils thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Henry
C. Baird Administrator of Robert Oliver, deceased,
rs, Gee. H. Welles, Executor of Henry Welles, as
trustee of Susan Perkins and Frances M. Stuart,
rhil.lrcs 'of said Henry Welles, deceased, Sarah
Welles. executrix of the said Henry Welles, dec'd.
and James HOVelles and Henry Welles, children
of me said Henry Welles, deceased
ALSO--A piece or parcel of land situate in bitch
net. tp. bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine
rkt and slimes and a rock oak witness, N. 67°
tre‘t. 15 ;inks; thence N. 31 0 W. 100 perches to
a ohmic oak sapling fur a corner; thence E. 1:0
readies to a chesnut sapling for a corner; thence
N. 21 perches to the S. W. corner of a reserved lot
tar Solomon Merrill a post; thence E. 130 and 2-10
perches to a post, a corner for Chauncey Parks;
Mende S. 184 perches to a post on the north line of
Dame Mainney's lot; thence W. 231 and 2-10
rirxbes to a post a whitei oak; N. 8 ° W. marked
as a witness; thence N. 167 perches to a post, 8. E.
clner of a lot bought by the parties of the first part
tram Robert Spalding; thence W. 150 perches to a
post on the town line between Athens and Litchfield;
thence N. on said line 60 perches to a post; thence
E. 55 perches to a corner; 8.6 and 8-10 perches of
a lit formerly deeded to David Parks; thence N. 6
and 9.10 perches to said Parks' corner; thence E.
perches to another of Parks' lots or place of be
ginning, containing 327 acres and 28 perches more
vr less, with about 2.00 acres improved, one framed
house, one framed barn, two log barns, one log
house and two apple orchards thereon.
ALSO—one other lot beg inning at a.orooked
ehe.nut. the 8. W. corner of a lot surveyed to Dan
iel Doan; thence N. 100 perches to a hemlock sap
; thence E. 80 perches to a post; thence 8.100
perches to a post ; thence N. 80 perches to the be
;tinning. containing . 51) acres more or less, with 15
acres unproved. And both pieces inclusive con
taniorz 377 acres and 28 perches. Also, all the inte
rn; or title of defendant in a saw mill on the wa
ters of Satteriee's creek supposed to be half with the
privilege &e.. and a framed house, near the saw-mill.
.Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ben
palm Lambert to use of Job Shepard vs. Charles
ALSO—the following piece or parcel of land
imitate in Burlington tp. and bounded north by lands
id Hoyt Ballard. east by Wm. Nichols, south by
Wm. Sleyter, and west by Hemmingway, con
:await.; one hundred acres with about ten acres im
proved with one log house thereon.
Sewed and taken in execution at the snit ofTimo- -
thy Paxson and:Wm. Davidson. trustees of the bank
N..riti America vs. Daniel McD. Stroud:
ALSO—The following, piece or parcel of land
'mate in Litchfield tp, and bounded on the north
he land of Keeler; east by land of Wm. Stew
:.rt and and land formerly, in possession of Jacob
an .I Abram F. Campbell, west by land of Thomas
Evans, south by land of Jacob and Abram F. Camp
bell, containing about ninety acres about fifty acres
improved, with one framed house,one log stable and
roe apple orchard thereon.
seized and taken in execution at the snit or Letty
E. Shepard vs. Jacob Campbell and Abram Camp-
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in tp. and hounded as follows: beginning
at a white maple N. W.corner of lot No. 182, on
war, ant lot No. 1724, thence west on said warrant
I,tte. 100 perches to a post S. E. corner of lot No.
.•7, thence N. SI perches to a post, thence Di 100
perches to a post, thence S. Si perches to the be
cum; ng, containing fifty acres and 100 perches, strict
measure, it being intended for the south half of
IA No. 276, on warrant lot No. 4436, thirty acres
improved, with one log house, one shed and one oth
er outebuilding erected thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suirof Myer
sod Manville to use of Geo. Sanderson vs. George
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land
saint, in South Creek tp. and bounded north by
Ira Is of Wm. Burke, east by land of David Hil
dreth and Ralph Crane, south by Wm. Decker and
we.' by land in possession of James Dewey, con
-1.41 acres, about 35 acres improved with
nor log house, log barn and two apple orchards
there, .11.
.\ ISO—One othcr tract of land situate in South
. _
Creek tp. and bounded north by lands of Widow
Aber, east by lands of James Dewey, south by Wm.
Decker, and west by Philo Fassett, containing, 71
itcd-r, with about 25 acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Da
rius Bullock and James 11. Webb Administrators
~ f the estate of John L. Webb, deceased vs. James
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of 'even facial issued
tarn said court, a tract of land in Smithfield begin
to,ll at a pat, the north-east corner of Oliver Can
ted's :at, thence by the line of said lot, south 165
31 0 perches to a hemlock tree, the south-east cor
ner of said iat, thence west 110 perches to a beech
tree the south-wee‘t corner thereof, thence by line of
said Canfield's other lot, south 29 perches to a post,
thence by the southern boundary line warrant Nos.
263 and 972, east 219 6-10 perches to a hemlock
tree, for the south-cast corner thereof, thence north
193 3.10 perches to a dead beech tree, the north-east
corner hereof; thence west 109 6-10 perches to the
beginning. Containing 143 and 1-10 acres, with al
tirized arid taken in execution at the suit of John
Benson, assignee of Wm. White vs. James Benson,
and Ulysses Moody, terre tenants.
Al O—A tract of land in Windham tarp., begin
tung six rods north from the north-east corner of a
Int of fifty acres deeded by V. L. De Chaumont to
s ainuelNandusen, thence east 114 5.10 perches to
post for; 7 a corner, thence south 139 8-10 perches to
a pest for a corner, thence west 114 5-10 perches to
the east line of one of the lots belonging to the said
Vandusen, thence north along east line of said Van
dusen's lots 139 9-10 perches to the beginning. Con
taining 100 acres, be the same more or less, : with
about - 15 acres improved, one framed house, and
In; Stable thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Pier-
Rl. De Caters and Jeanne Antoinette Ergo, his wife,
vs. James Kinyon.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Jan .5, 1847.
and the Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment, for
'ale by the sabseribei, only agent for the town and bo•
levet of 'rowenda. N. N. nraTs.
- T 18T OF JURORS, drum for February Tenn and
Benioniof Bradford Oo,coannencing Feb. 1,1847.
• IiIIAND 710110116
Athens borough—E. 8. Mathewson;
Burlington --H. Garange ;
Canton--J. A. Bothwell, Wm. Gotseline, ;
Columbia- r jobn Morgan, Charles 8. M'Kean ;
Durel—D. Holland
Franklin—Leonin/ WEee ;
Hen ick—M.D. F Hines,-C. Stone;
Litektleld--0. H. Everson;
Munroe—David Ridgway ;
Pike—P. Buck, Z. Beeman, J. C.Stevens; _
Ridgberty--Stniges Squires;
Smithfield--Samuel Wood ;
Towanda. borough—D. L Scott ;
Troy township—Ebenrzer Preston ;
Wyalusing—Charles Ingham, James Vaughn;
Wells--E. A. Ayres, Shubel Rowley.
Windham—J.B. G. Babcock, Charles Russell ;
Smithfield—Nathan Bosh, jr.,Joshua King;
Warren—Wm. pradford ;
Ridgberry—Wm. Brown, John Seely, Sam'l Colatostr;;
Wysor—Mm. A .Benerliet, Daniel Coolbaugh ;
Granville—Robert Bailey ;
Canton—ft R. Cole, R. Kendall, J. Lindley •
Athens tp--C.Chnstopher, I. Gregory, Rob ert Sutton
Troy tp—Saml. Case, Francis Sowed, A. Williams ;
Towanda tp-:-Jas. W. Decker, H. C. Fox ;
Monroe—D. 8. Dußois, E. C. Kellogg, Alexander Me-
Asylum—Moses Eiliugburger ;
Standing Stone—H. Ennis;
Burlington—L. Goddard;
Columbia—D. C. Havens, Geo. Moore, Collins Soper,
H. Taylor,
Springfield—P. M. Halley ;
Towanda born—Wm. Keeler 2d ;
Wells—L. W. Knapp, L. Wing ;
Albany—M. A. Ladd, Wells Wilcox ; •
Orwell—A. G. Matthews, L. M*Kee ;
South Creek—Jesse Moore, John Thompson;
Leroy—A. G. Pickard ;
Athens boro—Geo. Park;
Litchfield—Thos. Park ;
Herrick—Chas. Stevens ;
Pike—Nathaniel Stevens Dl ;
Shesheguin—lra Temkin, ;
Orwell—J. W. Algier. Davis Hurtles, James Beaus;
Towanda boro—M. C. Arnout, 0. R. Tyler, E. S.
Goodrich ;
Ister—Joseph Berry;
Warren-4. C. Bowen, Geo. Chillsora Gar. Coburn
Wind,ham—Wm. Cook, G. W. Prince;
Canton—Jaws Cornell
Springfield—F. Cole, Leonard ;
"Ridgbury—James Covell ;
Litchfield—S. Doane ;
Durell—George Fox ;
Towanda tp— Wm. H. Forger, Nelson Gilbert ;
Ath,nv boro—F. S. Hoyt •
Aiken, i; , —Cbas. hallo John Watkins;
s m i t hadd— A. A. Jones;
Granville—john Lewin; -
Franklin—A. 12ockwell jr.
Wysox—Wm. D. StroPe ;
Standing Stone--Chas. Sill ; •
Sheshequin—Ja erz Tomkins ;
Pike—Ethel Taylor, Samuel Warner
Rome—Thos. Fought ;
Burlington—Wm. Vrornan ;
Leroy—Davis Vandyke ;
Franklin—Horace Willey ;
Herrick—N. B. Witmore.
NOTICE is hereby given to ao p -mon o interested, th.
Edmund Fairchild, Adminiareor of the estate of
Ephriam Fairchild, deco aced,
late of Pike township; Nathan Coon jr„ and Reuben
Bennet, administratont of the the estate of
:t limners Bennet, deceased.
tate of Towanda township: Benjamin Beaten ■od La
man Putnam, administrators of the estate of
Benjamin Saxton. deceased.
late of Granville; and Samuel Ball and Martha Bill
.achninistrator's of the estate of
Samuel Ball. deceased.
late of Litchfield tp.; and Jesse Edson administrator of
Samuel Edsall, deceased.
late of Columbia ; Orson Rickey and Archibald Forbes
adm 4 aistrators of the estate of
Elisha Forbes. deceased.
late of Sheshequin ; and Nathan Coon, jr. and H.
Mace administrators of the estate of
Smaziah Coon. deceased.
late of Towanda township, have filed arid settled in the
office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county of
Bradford, the accounts of their several administrations
upon the estates aforesaid, and that the same will he
presented to the Orphan's court of said county, on
Monday the Ist day of February next. for confirmation
and allowanee. L. E. DEWOLF, Register.
Register's Office, Towanda, Dee. 30, IBM
T IST OF LETTERS, remaining in the P.O. at
TROT, Pa. quarter ending December 31, 1846.
Atwood Mn,. Maria Leonard Eber
Alvonl Royal Leonard Albert
Ave-y Wm C Leonard Alfred
Besney Mrs Amanda Morrison E R
Bonfire C S Monroe Andrew
Bush Wm • 2 More Ebenezer
Ballard Myron Mott Alphonso
Boyce W m Momford Mrs E A
Baldwin A Moinford Dr. T R
Chamberlin Miss Sasan Miller Henry
Cnmmins C W Peters Comfort
Curtis Roscmand .1 Purris Charles
Clallin Robert Putter Mrs. Sary
Curtis Nathaniel Parsons Oscar
Curtis G Irt . Rockwell Miss C
Dunbar Alanson • Stylas Reuben
Dcmund 1 Y Sherwood Mrs Sarah
Eaton Win Soper Moses
Gustin Miss Jane Scott John H '
Grundin J J. S Spencor G W
Goddard 'Miss Holen Splding A N
Goodwin John Spalding Miss Helen
Harrison Miss Achsah ' Sherwood Julius Esq.
Hichok S Spencer Mrs M H
Harding Hiss Harriet Sanford Mrs Rhoda
Kinyon L T Thomas Samuel E
Knapp D B Warren John
Long Ezra Wheeler Ralph
Lis . r OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post Office
at Towanda. quarter ending Dec. 31. 1848.
Allen Lucinda W Lent Wm J
Allen Stephen W LeFavor Amer.
Agney Mi. Mary Laporte Maj B
Bullock S A .. Marvin A J
.. . .
Burny Edwd Mason E H
Buckley Edwin M'Allister Capt John C
Bowman Sally Morrow Joseph
Bradley S S - McCan.Owen 3
Bowman David Mitchell Ilk
Conney Nelson Nobles Jonathan
Crowly David Northrop G H
Carman John o'Blain Patrick
Cummings Harvey Osbum Isaac
Cummings Clark O'Kieffe Daniel
Carle Mrs Anii E Peckham A K
Doane Mrs Maria E Powell George
Drialaine Richard Patterson Edward
Edgar J W Pratt David T
Fitzgerald Cornelius Ruggles Mrs
Foster W H Rutty E
Grosvenor Charles r Santee Wm jr.
Galigar Michael Bandfonl P P
Guilin John Bidder Abigail $
Gillsen Mrs Diantha Bmith Cko W
Granger Roderickkiptitt John
Hubbard W B •dard 8 2
Hemingway 0 F Smith James
Harrison Rev Wm Tattle Nathan
Heath Geo Truman George
Hoyt H T Tomb Jacob
Horton Miami Wood H F
Hull Miss Sarah Wilson & Allen
Howley Eleanor Warner Wm
Jones Rev Daniel Wilcox Daniel
Keeler George Weelbridge • Naney Mrs.
Lentz 1 J A. 8. CHAMBER . LIN, P. M
Prints t Prints /
ANY oantity of New Prints, and desirable CO.terns
just q received by o 3 FLYNT &
CAME into my enclosure about the first of list Jane
a light red yearling STEER, marked with • row
of warts on the back of his neck. and without any other
particular marks. The owner is requested to prove
property : pay charges and take him away.
Burlingtonaan. 1,1817. JOUN PryTitt.)llN.
• Special Election. •
Waltzes the dpeaker of the House of Representa
tives of this Commonwealth, has issued his writ of elec
tion, declaring that a yammer has. °cared in . said
House, by the death of John L. Webb, E.q, member
elect ficoni the county of Bradford, and authorizing and
enjoining me to issue Proclamation for a special Elec
tion to till said vacancy. Therefore I. John nMealls.
High Sheriff of the county of Bradford, by virtue of
acid authority, do hereby make known and give noire.
that a special Election will be held In said wanly, on
FRIDAY. the. 29th day of Jae nary inst. ,in the several
districts in said county. to wit •
In Albany. at the school house in the north district
near the house of W. Wilcox.
In Asylum at Jacob Fraiche, 's.
In Athens born. at E. 8. Mathewson's.
In Athens tp, at.l.gc W. KendalFs.
In Armenia at Wriglitman Pierce's.
In Burlington at Addison knidan'a.
In Canton at Benjamin Coolbangh's.
In Columbia at James Morgan's.
In Dural! at 8. 8. Bradley's.
In Franklin at Wm, Deemer's.
In Granville at the school, house no. 1, at Granville
In Herrick at Wm. Durand's.
In Lit , l6eld at R. Park's.
In Leroy at the school house in Leroy.
In Monroe at J. P. Smith's.
In Orwell at the house formerly occupied by I. H
In Pike at E. DewelPs.
In Ridgbery at Stephen Harman's.
In Romo at L. S. Maynard's.
In Sheshequin at D. Brink's
In Smithfield at A. J. Gerould's.
In Springfield at I'. Wilder's.
In Standing Storm at 8. Stevens'.
In South Creek et the school house near„Asa
In Springhill at D. D. Black's.
In Towanda borough at the Claremittnt Hones.
In Towanda tp. at the school berm near Andrew C.
In Troy borough at the school house.
In Troy township, at the house of Wm. A. Gottin,
near the residence of Peter Garabrant, in said tp.
Sin Ulster, at S. B. Holcomb'.
In Warren, at R. Coopers.
In Wells at E. E. Ayres.
In Windham, at - E. Russelrs (deceased,)
In Wysox, at the Academy.
In Wyalusing, at the school house on the post told
at or Dar John Biles', at which time and place the
electors afopoid will elect by ballot—
One Ferran to represent the county of Bradford in
the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth.
in place of John 1.. Webb, deceased.
And in and by said act, I am further directed to give
notice" that every person excepting justice of the peace
who shall hold any office of profit and trust under' the
government of the United States, or of this states,or of
any city or incorporated district, whether a commission
ed officer or agent, who is, or shall be. employed under
the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this
state,or of the United States or of any incorporated
district, and also that every member of Congres, and
of the state Legislature, and of the select and common
council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporat
ed district is by law incapable of holding or exercising,
at the same time, the office or appointment of judge,
inspector or clerk of any election of this commonwealth
and that no inspector, or judge or other officer of any,
sucheioction, shall be then eligible to any office to be
voted for.
By the 41A section of an act passed the 16th day of
April, 1840, it is provided "that the 13th, section °fan
act passed J u ly bd, 1839, entitled. "A act relating to
the sectors of this Commonwealth." shall not be con
strued, as to prevent any militia officer from serving as
judge, inspector or clerlc, at any general or special elec
tion of this commonwealths, . .
In the 61st section of the act first mentioned, is enac
ted that every general and special election shall be
open between eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall
continue without interruption or skjournment until 7
o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed,
By the 18th sect. of the act passed 3d Feby, 1846,
" It shall be lawful for the inspectors and judge of any
general or special election, which shall hereafter be
in the Armenia election district, in the county of
r o Nord, to close the polls of such election at 5 o'clock
in ijie afternoon."
It i n Ortlier directed that the meeting of the Judges at
the Cou.'t House in Towanda, to make out the general
return , s h e ': be en the third day after the election, whicl
w ill b e t h e ilsy of February.
Towanes, Jan. 10th, 1846.
Sheriff's OS
ALL persens indeb:e.. 4 to the estate of Patrick Brady,
late of Ulster towva ‘il 3 , dedd., tun requested to
make immediate payment, and these basing demands
against said estate, are reque. , O'Nit- 3 v Msim ANDE t
R the e m oo li K ..mih"
with for adjustment DANI.% .
Towanda Jan. 9th, 1847. Administrators.
Tot LETTERS remain: .4 'in the P. a a
-1-4 ATHENS Pa. quarter ending:: I, Dm 1846.
N H Arnold • Friend Retina
John E Aldred Adeloth Days
B B Bennet - Mrs M til Done
Alsop Baldwin . Michael Driscoll •
Reuben F Brownian Daguerrian Artist
Peter Brooks John Fergurson
Simeon H Brown Alex Fruman
William Beach Joseph Fisher 2
Mason Crary M D Proprietor of Fulling Mill 2'
Stephen Cummings Phoebe Gray
Ira M Cavrington 2 Sheldron Gummy
Joseph Coke Thomas Gardner
Rachel Cahill Bevenhart Gilbert
Moses I Clark Giles Hoyt
Wm Campbell James Hulet
H 0 Orbin 2 Hayman Hall
lamb M Hathaway 8 C Park
B F whitney 2 Directors of the Poor of
Wm Wooley 2 Sheshequin & Litchfield tps
Mom & Jackson Isaac Reynolds
Nally Jackson Isaac Rice
E Keeler Mack Reed
Past Leanard W II Richmond
Medley Lane James F Redfield
Wm Maxwell Chad, B Stair*
M G Merolla-s w anevens
it tgran Head Martha Spaulding
Haney Ma Ilery Sarah A Spading
Simon M*Cullen R Sutton
John M Mack lessee F Sikes
'James Olrnstead Alvah Smith
E Owen Jewish& Toler
E C Ogden Almerin H Tow
Rosins Pinks A & J Pot Tozer
Wm Payson Ira Sherwood
C. H. H &MUCK. P. M.
211 HEAD OF COWS and young cattle wit! sold
cheap for cash or approved credit.
Towanda, Oct. 13,1846. HIRAM C. FOR.
PRINTS -..a large' and beautiful lot of PRINTS. by
noir. I I. MONTANYE 41 FOX.
LADIES I SAY, LADIES 11 If you have made
up your minds to buy a nice drag cloak or shawl
this season, don't fail to call at N 0.3, Brick Row, where
yon can find the most, best and cheapest articl es in that
line, that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trimmings.
Remember, call at nail BAIRD'S.
WooLsErs REFINED SYRUP, equal in decor
to the best maple ruoleare% for sale by
December 29. MONTANYE & FOX.
CLOTHS, CLOFHI3—We wish the attention of all
who are in want of Cloths. Casaimeres, Satinet
&e., to our large stock on hand. These cloths mat
be sold. We never have been underookl, and never
will he. Call and examine. G. P. FLYNT 4 CO.
Jr. Lam
TITOULD respectfully any to the citizens of 'rowan.
VV de, and the public generally, that if they wish to
have their work done in the most fashionable, neat and
durable manner, and good els, and es cheap as at anx
other establishment in town, they will find it to their
interest to give him a call.
Cr CUTTING done on abort notice, and warranted
to fit, if made tip riiht.
Shop in the next building below Stick row, cep dabs,
directly over Brown's Grocery.
Towandaaanuary I, 1847.-43
by dr:o9. MONTANYE & FOX.
H. s. M. C. MERGER, AvE just received and differing goViale at
wholesale or retail, the !oilers' t and moat gefterot as.
sortmettt of Foreign tuatltivmestic GOODS,ever btiveglat
into Northern Pennsylvania. which will be sold es befeJ
torment prices satisfactory to thit purchaser. Dec.lo.
Cloths, Cassimeres aad Batt!netts.
ALL those wanting anything for Cloaks. Overcoats,
Coats, Pants or Vests, will Sod it to their advan
tage to examine the large stock of French, English and
American Clothe, black and fancy Casvicneres, Sam
oans, Kentucky Jeans, Vestinp, &c. dre,„ at
Dec. In, 1846.
LADIES can find a supetior asiottanent of DRESS
10 TONS IRON, American, Swedes and Engliah,
• general aworunent of hoop; band, scroll, round.
square, one and two home wagon tire; bar, &c., just re
ceived at d 33 M E RC URS'.
HAVE just received and are now opening a very
extensive assortment Of GOODS, consisting of
almost everything very kept in a country sums, which
they pledge themselves to sell as low as the same can
be bought in any town' this side of the city of New
York. Come one and all, and if we don't sell you
Goons Cesar don't buy; it will cost you nothing to
look, and all we ask is a chance to show our stock of
goods. Be sure . end find the right place. it is the Old
Corner Shoe. a-few doors south of Montanye & Co's.
The B'hoya are on hand and will sell you goods right
for Cgsh or Produce. Towanda, Nov. 9, 1846.
5 00
V selling very low for cub of pioduce, by
Nov. 1 t
WE HAVE ■ good assortment of De !sins, repps.
cashmeres, gingham., (some beautiful pattern■)
white dress goods, different styles; fringes, gimps, cord,
velvet ribbons, bonnet ribbons, kid and silk gloves and
mitt; comforters, linen handkerchiefs, &c., &c., all of
whith will bs sold cheap. MONTAN YE 4. FOX.
WE HAVE • fine lot of Broadcloths, Cassimeres,
Vesting's, and some very nice Satin; Kid and
worsted gkivea, suspenders, net drawers end wrappers
drc,„ which we have pu' down to the lowest notch.
Nov.ll. TiIONTANYE do FOX.
CROCKERY—a good assortment, in data or other
miss, to snit purchasers, by
VIENS' kip and coarse Luau; boys do., merle and
boys coarse, kip and fine shoes; mens' and boys'
pumps; ladies thick boots, morocco do., common and
kid slips and buskins; misses' slips; gent.'s rubbers;
ladies' patent and buskin rubbers, misses do.; also, a
first rate lot of children's ahem.
november 11. AIONTANYE & Fox.
You may be Interested t
ALL persons that know themselves to be indebted to
be indebted to the subscriber fur Goods or Medi
tines, arc requested to call and settle the same before
the Ist of December, however small the amount may be,
or they may expect to pay coat, without respect to per
eons. nail A. D. MONTANYE.
T IQUORS, a full assortment, consisting of Cog.
.1.4 Brandy, American Brandy and Gin. Monongahela
Whiskey, Port. Maderia and Malaga wines, may be
found at the New Yea k Chcap Store, No. 2 Brick
Row of REEDS'.
BOOTS dc SHOES—a first rate assortment of coarse
and fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers, the latter
French of course, just opened at
• nov3 " 0. IL BARTLETT'S.
SHA WLS—quaatities of Shawls, nice,4 kind, going
off fast and cheap at 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
CAPS of all kinds cheap, besides every thing else at
JUST received a large and splendid assortment of new
Goods, bought entirely with Cash, during a great
depression in the market, and with the express view of
FLOUR, from the u Globe Mills," a superior article
also PORK, first quality, for sale by
November 3. FLYNT & CO.
I%, , l'OftE of those A. No. I, BOOTS, and a large
.11'1 quantity of LA DIES' SHOES, just receised by
Nose:utter 3. FLYNT ifs CO.
-5. DOM 7
cirriur of Inver and dridre
Te 'A/ ANDA, PA.
A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Cloths of all shades
Alik and colors, and qualities, and prices. Casimeres.
Ocy and Plain. Saltine and a good assortment of
V ea tima may be found at
. 1' 0. E. FLYNT . &co.
BONInT/3--A great .rving to the Heads of the
Nation." The Ludieii will find it a great sawing to
heir heads to call and purchase one of those beautiful
Straw, Devoe:, Gimp, Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gips,'
Bonnets, selling so cheap at REED'S,
4VID DOANE, my' son, ■ lad over eighteen
Jean left my . house an the sth. of Auguat invt,
without any good moon for doing ao, and I hereby
far id all an d an ~ ...sawyer harboring or trust.
in . ~:._ — 'y rat all I 'Wu pay no debut of his
contracting or expenses incurred by him. -
Windham, Aug. lith '46. JOSEPH DOANE.
brit of Partition.
TN pursuance of a writ of partition issued from the
J.. Orphan's Court of Bradford county. commanding
me to make partition of the real ciliate of David Pratt,
late of Canton township, intestate, to and among the
heirs and legal representatives of the said intestate. I
hereby notify all pentoas conoerned, that I will bold an
inquest for uid purpose on the premises, at Canton afore•
said, oa Friday, the 22d day of January neat, at 1 o'-
clock. P. M. d2O J. F. MEANS, Sherhi.
Michael Koons (now to the use of D. F. Bar
stow) vs. The Towanda Bank—No. 577,
May Term. 1842, Also, John Bunnell vs.
Isaac Place and William Place:—No. 112,
September Term. 181
THE undersigned having been appointed en - Auditor
by the Court of Common Pleas of tbo county of
Bradford, to hear and adjust the several claims to the
moneys raised by Sheriff's Sale of real estate, by tinge
executions issued in the above cases, will attend for that
propose; at his erica in the Beroubh of Towanda, on.
Wednesday the 27th day of January next, at one %d
-eka, P. M., when and where all persons am required
to present their claims, or be debarred Rom coming, in
upon said funds. . HENRY BOOTH,
Towanda, December 28, 1848. Auditor 4
Elisha Lewis vs. Samuel Black—No. 248,
May Term 1848. Who, Guy Tracy vs.
Platt Smith-No., 389, Sept. Tenn. 1842.
PHE undersigned.lurring been appointed an Auditor
by the Court of Cadiz:atm Pleas of Walked coun
ty, to hear and odiust the several claims to the moneys
raised by Sheriff's sale of real estate, by virtue of exe
cutions issued in the above cues, will attend for that
putpose, at his office, in the borough of Towanda. on
Saturday. the 30th day of January next, at one o'clock,
P. M.,
when and Where all pentane interested are re
quited to present their claims or else be debarred from
corringin upon said funds. S. PIERCE,
Towanda, December 28. 1896. Auditor.
ALL persons indebted to the swats of Joseph Tothill
late of Smithfield township, deed., are requested to
make immediate payment, and those haring demands
against said estate, ate requested to present them forth
with f o ra m adjustmmt. BENJ. TUTHILL,
Ste .44 Dee. 9, 1 1846. Administrator.
Corner OrJefahs - and Bridge Streets
TEST OPENING, at the comet of Main Ar:Bridge
al street,- a well.selected unearthing of new and faide•
tunable DRY GOODS, which will- be sold unusually
low for ready pay. The stock'conerista in part of
Gatinett, gannet, gmgtram, alpacca , the ebeSpetalot of
prints in town, edgings, inserting,. Slain and cam
bric muslin, finny, canton flannel, drilling,
bleached and brown muslin, (not to be
surpassed) ucking, check, cashmere.
cotton, wool and buck gloves,
cotton hose, suspenders,
• German honddrchrs,
Men and pongee hdltri,
gingbaea craves. plaid shawbr,
wool coufoHers, cotton tapes, patent
thread, sawing silk, cotton halls, packs
pins, needles, 'spool cotton. hooks and eyes.
suspender, shirt and metal &Mons, with many oth
er articles, usually found in a store, not mentioned.
The public are invited to call and Examine the noel(
before purchasing elsewhere, fp they Wilt boSold cheap•
er than at any other establishment in town..
'Towanda, Nov. H. O'HA R. 4 & CO.-
JUST received from Philadelphia, a large and spleo.
did aseortment of men's calf.kip and coarse boots,
ofrm $1 50 to $5 50; boy's do.; ladies gaiters and
walking shoes; also, fine kid slips and buskins, and ell
kinds of overshoes; do. calf bootees and laced shoes ;
children's and Misses shoes of all kinds. heavy and
light, suitable for every kind of weather, Youth's calf,
kip and coarse boots tomtit children from 4 to 12 year.
old. We pledge ourselves to give a better article at a
lower price tharhany other Bradfield
county. TRUNKS from $1 50 to $1 800
A barge assortment of fasbionabja•Hats and . Ceps of.
every kind.and description fur sale very low.
Molasses, sugar, coffee, codfish, No. 1. and 4 Macker
el, beet quality black and green tea, from 81 to 88 cents
• pound; pulverised and loaf sugar ; rice tohaerw snuff,
sperm. dipped and mould candles I raisins by the hoe
or pound, starch, soap, segars at 50 cents per hundred,
and in fact all kinds ever kept in our line which people
will find it their advantage to purchase and we will
give you reasons for it:
A link Logie and Common Sense.
There are three things beyond dispute :—let— If a man
' pays out much money, ho must receive as much.-
2. If a man's expenses in business are large, his profits
most be large.
S. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoe EstsbHallo:tent at
the corner of Main and Bridge eta., in a small plain
store, at a cheap rent, an afford to sell boots & shoes.
hats & caps, sod groceries, at lower prices, snd of
better quality than any other store in town.
Now, if this is not sound logic, two and two do mot
make four; but if it common sense calls on you to
come to us for your Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes &e.
See the contrast, and let your own reason decide it it
was not your advantage to give us a trial.
FIN LINOS ofa!I kinds constantly on hand. Thread,
awls, bristles, shoulder-sticks, kit and files pincers, all
kinds of binding, silk cord and straps for boots, patent
Pegging awls, skiving, paring and crooked knives and
floats. H. O'HARA & CO.
Towanda, Nov. 17, 1846.
GROCERIES, of all desc ri ptions, et wholesale or re.
tail. Attention is particularly directed to their
assortment of Fresh Teas ; (we don't know the differ
ent names of the packers, but the "article " is " C.K.")
now l I W. H. BAIRD & CO.
LTA RD WARE, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints, Oils, Dye
LI Woods, Dye stuffs, %Amines, etc., in general and
large quantities. n.l t W. H. BAIRD & CO.
ri AT ABLES !—Su per6ne sour, pork, fresh butter
1.:4 wheat, etc., sec., coustantly on band end for male
LTORSE SHOEING d o m. on short notice by
Xi Towanda, Oct. 13, '46. N.HEMMINGWA Y.
PRINTS 200 pieces now opening and for sale very
low at REEDS'
BONNETS, velvet and superior Leghorn Bonnets.
Also, velvets of all colors, together with artifirials,
taps, bonnefribbons, dre.nty be found at REEDS'.
The Last Arrival of New Goods,
T N TOWANDA, are now being opened at No. 2
1 Brick Row, by Wm. H. Ruled ¢ Co.. the fist Pio
tierce in the cause of Low Prices and liberal barter ex
changes. They do not hesitate ~to say, that they wil
sell Goods for cash - or any kind of Merchantable pro
duce, at lower prices than any other establishment In
Bradford County, Owego, Elmira, Bingbamion,.(or any
branch thereof.) Call and see. Further particulars
next week. 'November 9, 1846.
DOMESTIC COTTONS—Brown sheetings, shirt
ing, and drilling; Also, cotton yarn, batting, wick.
ings, and wadding, for sale by the bale-or less quantity.
at nail BAIRD'S.
AN away from the subscriber, an apprentice boy by
the name of John Ft. Thompson, 18 years old,
without my lease or notice. All persona are hereby
forbidden harboring or trusting amid boy on i ny account,
as I will pay no debts of his contracting.—One cent
reward for the return of said boy, but no charges paid.
Warren, Oct. 9,1846. CALEB C. TUNE.
mONTANYES . & CO., orenow recioving a very
desirable assortment of Goods,purchased during
• great depression in the market, comprising French &
English BROAD-CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Sattinets,
and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods.
Grateful for past favors they respectfully solicit a gene.
mos public to call and examine their stock, sod think
can hold out sufficient inducements to ensure their share
of public patronage.
Beptembor 7. 1846. ---
MIIVERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic
. 1 Springs, Iron Alels, Mailable Burs, Dash, Seat
and Stop Irons,Ornatnents,lndia Rubber and Oil Cloth,
Lace, Tufts, Mossoke. for sale at jIB MEW :urcs.
ITTOODEN MEASURES, brooms. patent pails and
WY • Pealed buadels. MONTANYE & FOX.
HATS & CA PB, a find rata lot, of all kinds, deserip.
dons. colors and qualities, thesper than ever by
november 11. MUNTANI & FOX.
WE have on hand a • large stock of nine FRESH
TEAS at all kinds of pines. But, we hays
just 'Week • vein of 4s. Tea that is right. Call and
try it. MONTANYE & FOX.
such as nails, dyes, shovels, manure forks, shovel*
and tongs, sad irons, knives and forks, pocket knives,
hutches do., abeam and scissors, razors, cloth and - hail
brushes, shaving and tooth no., wool and horse cards,
col Tea mills, hatchets, augers, wood saws, (loot trim
wings, steel squares, flesh "brushes, ark ropes, and bed
cords, by co LI MONTANYE & FOX.
CODFISH AND MACKEREL.. good article, by
TAPIOCA -1i nice urticle—rat ri d ing% f ar Ede a
rtovl t MONTANTE & FOX.
A LARGE quantity White lead, No: 1, pure, end
in oil and dry, whiting, Venitian rad,chrome gpreo
Paris do., Prussian blue, rose pink, etc., Milked - oil,
lamp oil, coach and copal varnish, logwocict, fed wood.
camwood, madder, eothineal. an.oatto, etc. Wo canoe
be undersold in anything in this line, of ail; at all.
november 11. MOSMANYE FOX.
have on band the largest stock of Drugs on o
ditinet in this county. including every thing
used b • the Physicians and people tenerally We alio
keep on band nearly all Of the most popular Patent
Medicines of the day. One of our firm (A. D. M.)
having had a lobff etperience in dealing out medicines.
we Ratter ourselves we ran wit all who may favor us
with' a coil. Prices can't fail to suit. Particular atten
tion will be paid to orders from physicians.
november ti, MONTANYE &k-O.l'.
ITEEould respectfally beg Imre id
Co Irtr
tender their thanks to the citizens of Bradfuni
for,their liheraf.partiarege arid support: and" wontd-in•
form them they are now roceivin ,, • terve Intl futile*.
ply of FALL' emit WINTER " GOODO,' which will
pnsitively be sold at even ten than their 'former low
prices. The war to externalism high prices /weal kept
up—no compromise has been made: rind they intend to
carry the war into the heart Oldie emirny Ferttittlrejl shall
yield or adopt the principle of selling goeiddel small pro:
tits. A nimble sixpence better thou o Slow shilling, isr
00f motto.
AVERY large stock of Broad clattis Eas&new;
'drover chnlls; and winter vestino of 'red ptiCerf
colors and patterns, now opening and for vats veil lo*
t . REED'S.
ASPLENDID assortment of fall and winter dress
goods, Cloaking', &c., for sato very; low at
WOO . 1 % .13 1.0 6 ,p1t 1 t e y u h t n i3 l oo lj uracid Shott m er ay
ho bound at REEVB
New' Fall and Winter Goods.
THE sulkier/bet iS tiro receiving from the city of
New York it large essnefetiettt of GOODS gait. d to
the season, =elm* selected, and parchased at unusual.
ly low prices, which will enable hiar to sell very low
for cash, lumber, country produce, or approved credit.
His friends and the public generally are invited to call
and examine his stock before' pufcluising elsewhere.—
He feels confident that he can offer them better brigaina
than they have heretofore made in this foam or any
other in this region of country. In his assortment will
be found in all their varieties, Dry GaAs, Groceries.
Hardware, Crockery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paints,
Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes, 4-c.
Towanda, Oct. 26, 1840, N. N. BETTS:
WIRE Ladies will find a great variety of wonmol
JIL dress goods ; also, a beautiful assortment of prints
at very low prices at RET're
FRENCH and English cloths. treaty Braver and
Tweeds for over mats, fancy Clain:ales and BA-
Unetts, a great variety will he found at nerttr.
siOUSLIN Da LAME, Cashmeres, Rob Roy and
Broder Shawls, a great 'tacitly wilt he found
New Supply of Fall and Winter Goods•
TENDED g his thanks for pain favors, and rrspeet
fully informs his old catomers and the public
generally, that he is now receiving from the city of
New York the large.( and cheapest assortment of
GOODS ever purchased for link darker, which he
pledges himself to sell fifl per cent. lower than the
same quality of goods were ever before offered in Tow.
ands. This is no hen:thuggery. Just drop in and
price my goods. I have almost every thing wanted by
the fanner, mechanic, and everybody ehte,and particu
larly the Ladles: '
My stock of Chtsfrinetes, M. De Lore's, thick and
colored Alpaccar, California Plaids and Chigtams, are
very cheap. With regard to Broad Cloths, Cassirneres,
Satinet's, Jeans, Domestic cloths, Vesting,. Prints, dm.
I knock under to no merchant in this town or any
where else.
20011LBs. Bole Leather, Upper Leather sad
-IV Calf Skim, lower than Wag ever offered in
Towanda, hy
WES DS Iron, Horse Shoe, Round Band, Nail rods
14- 1 Horse Shoe Nails, Steel of all kinds will be sold
very low by
NO. 3, B. R.
00YDS. Beautiful Carpeting, two shillings per
yard below the market once at
-- hams, Rept DeLains, Lamm' cloths fat summer
dresses, so long looked for by the Ladies, have arrived
and 'may now be.sren at REF:D'S
Snrrendcr of the Mexican Batteries !
Old Rough and Ready" again rielotiotts !
ONE ARK LOAD , and several wagon loads of NEW
GOODS, have just arriired, and ate selling cheaper
than ever at No. 9, Brick Row.
November 9. WP4.II.IIAPROIit CO.
110 RINTet--500 different styles, bought in the city of
New York, by the case, on the "cosh dawn' Van,
sad will be sold accordingly. BAIRD & CO.
LOOKING GLASSES, one case of very nice, 0 G
flames, latest style, just opened at
novl I NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
BOOTS & SHOES— I t dozen pin Coarse Boots,
boys' and men; also coif and kip boots and shoes.
and a good deal the best and cheapest lot of women's
and misses' wear in town. Cell at DA IRD'Eh
THE subscriber enntinues to act as agent tor the lA
Philadelphia, a stock company of good standing and re
pute S does business on as fav mable terms as any other.
Ho is abet agent for, the LYCOMINO CO. MU
TUAL INSURANCE CO., a company which has al
ways been punctual in the payment of losses .and pre
sents advantages seldom found.
Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT.
Positive and timely Notice
Is hereby given that all my accounts for costs have
been pieced in the hands of N. J. KEELER, fo:
collection. This is to inform all persons interested_ that
unless eettletnentia,g*sbtre-atthrunti the
hands of an officer, with instructions to collect them
without delay, and without respect to persons.
Nov. I, 1846. JOHN N. WESTON,
IghT 11051 t^ 411:60 crs ism mi.
Great Redaction in Priee
TIitiVGSBERY jR., would invite purchaiSis to
J •esarnino his NEW STOCK OF 6•OObS, is
he is confident that the great falling oil' In prier vllll
enable him to offer greater induceMents than cold be
presented by those who purchased their goods earlier in
the season. Towanda, November 3, 1846.
MBE SUBSCRIPTION LIST is ado , open fertile
1- Pamphlet Laws for 1847.
November 3, 1846. .t. REEL. Twaseter.
Broad Cloth, Cassimeres Sattinets.
ALARGE assortment of Broad Clothe. (;assimerrs.
and Sattinetts, which we have tong been famous
for selling good and cheap, ode/ cheaper than ever—
end upon which we challenges the world, just received
at 0. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda, Nov. 3, 1649.
Wheat; Donieitie flannel,.
Rye, Woolen Socha, •
Corn, 'buckwheat.
Oats; . rluseni,
• Dutieii Whi'„o jeans,
in ahem illttiott atiyllling,Tor which liberal prim will
be paid at 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
Towanda, No.. 3, 1846.
TH' public ere hereby ei•otienia umbels perebe•ing
• Note. given by Os to Joseph Marsh,• or boiler.
on the 814. doiy of last Decoinhor, for seventy-two•dol.
Ws and fifty cycle, as we have ir . cris'artin consideration.'
for said note, and me detekniried not to pay the same,
Weas.iornyelled by law: TA MEB'ItIT ANN ER.
Piltklari; I, 184 t • JOHN biIiANN IRt
TAE undersigned hasjng been appointO' an Auditor
bi the Orphan.' Court of the county of Bradford,
to adjurrt the accounts of Daniel Decker, administrator
of the estate of icremialr Decker, decealsal, win attend'
for that purpose, rat hi. office itr the, borough of Towan
da. on Thursday. the 28th day of tannery next, at one
o'clock, P.M., of which all perstourintereste,l, will rake'
notice. umrs.t. Es MEIICUR,
Towanda, Difember 29, I 9 W.- Auditor: