Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 20, 1847, Image 2

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Towanda, Wednesday, Jan'}'. 40,1816.
Democratic County Nominations.
rnn norraann.
reab.i.ot to the decision of the Denenratie State Conveur on.)
- -
FRANCIS SMITII, of Troy Borough.
[T. fin onod by the 11,ath co - JOHN T.. wean,
F-.4l.—Tbe day of c!ccion, is 1. - rid:ly, Fcbinary
!Moab nub Grain, 113ar.tcb at this o)ffirc,
On Accounts six ycys
VOTES ! VOTES !-Our democratic friend+, from
the various townships, who lis i pps in thel3orough.
are requested to call at this office, - and procure a
supply of tickets for their respective election dis
Election for Representative.
Friday, the 29th instant, has been appointed by
the Speakdr of the House of Representatives, for
holding a'special election, to supply the vacancy
occasioned by the death of ions L Wetre, Esq.—
The death of that esteemed and valuable republi
can, has imposed upon the Democratic party, the
necessity of once more rallying to the defence of
their principles and their candidate. And in
. this
exigency, they are fortunate An having for their
candidate a man upon whom the entire party can
rally, and in whom they repose the utmcil confi
dence. Few men have rendered the democratic
party more efficient and valuable services than
Fn.t.Ncts SMITB, Esq. Possessed of talents and ex
perience, and firm in the support of the cardinal
principles of our faith, he would be an excellent
colleague to our worthy representative now fight
ing the battles of democracy : against a Federal ma
jority in our State Legislature.
We would urge upon our Democratic friends the
necessity of not permitting this election to go by
default. We know that the Federalists are calcu
lating upon success from from their inactivity and.
apathy. Secret but active efforts are making to
secure every Whig vote for their candidate, in hopes
that democrats not feeling the necessity of a rally,
and secure in their strength, will stay away from
the polls. Democrats, this should not be. You
' have recently spoken through the ballot-box, your
adherence to equal rights, and it is now your boun
den duty. to make one more demonstration of your
strength and of your continued and firm reliance
upon the justice of that expression. The principles
which you so valiently vindicated and sustained a
the late election are now equally at Wake, and your
defeat at this juncture in our state affairs fraught
with more than ordinary evil to future prospects.
Shall Bradford county—never vacillating in her
political faith—now swell the Federal majority in
our state Legislature, by sending a Whig Repre
sentative? - Shall it go forth, that you have forsaken
the political faith in which you lately were so strong,
now that the entire democracy of:the State are real
izing and acknowledging its justice and its truth?
We do not believe the staunch and indomitable de
mocracy of Bradford will permit this. One day of
active exertion ; a general attendance at the polls;
no staying away from a mistaken feeling that this
election is of little consequence to our faith—will
triumphantly elect our candidate, and render us more
certain of a triumphant success next fall.
Shall this be done? Will the democratic party
to a man go to the polls on the day of election, and
fill the place of Mr. Webb, by a firm and consis
tent democrat, or are they contentlhat the enemies
I of their measures shall have the gratification of
exulting in their overthrow, and witnessing their
mortification ?
s:fforresponbcnoc from garrisbur2
• ILL RAISISCHG, Jan. 8, 1847.
The proseription.hating Whig party have made a
striking exemplification of their principles by turning
out every democratic member of both branches of the
legislature down even to the women who wash the
Halls. The democrats, of coarse, do not complain of
this, but it fornistis • beautiful commentary upon the
inane. epthetic complaints we have heard from this party
devil of a federalist who l'aiittitd"t4iSetrineilar &pour
thirty years has been obliged to give place to an honest
democrat, under a democratic administration. After all
the Federalists are themselves the proscriptive party, for
proof of which, we need no stronger evidence than their
recent acts in removing every democrat within their
power, while there are scores of federalists now enjoying
the honors and profits of important stations under the
general government. Even in' our own State, the
Treasurer of the Mint is held by a most inveterate, un
disguised Federalist, and but very recently, very gracious.
ly bestowed a "small favor" 'upon a democrat by giving
him a clerkship. The Naval office, too, of the port of
.Philadelphia, has continued as his deputy a straight out
Federalist to the exclusion of all friends of the democratic
cense. I mid before, the democrats do not complain be
cause the.whign exercise their power removing democrat
ic incumbents, but if it is right in one case, it cannot be
wrong—nay, must be right in the other, and our friends
have a tight to expect and insist upon it, to the letter, in
all cases.
In the Senate, Mr. }Temerity was elected clerk, Mr.
Sullivan, a nephew of the late Senator, Assistant clerk.
Mr. M'Cauley, of Franklin county, and Mr. Chapman
of the Susquehanna Register, Transcribing clerks. Mr.
King, of Allegheny county, Sergeant-at-ems, and Mr.
Cowell, of Bucks county, Door-keeper, each receiving
the entire whig vote-17. The Democratic members
cast their votes for the old officers withocit any hope of
electing or preventing the election of Whigs.
In the House, David Fleming of this place was elected
clerk over Mr. Jack, the old clerk, a democrat, by a vote
of 58 to 38. - Mr. Russell, of 13.4f0rd, was, elected As
sistant by the trams vote. Col. Duffield, of Philadelphia
county, Mr. M'Ree;of Washington, and Mr. Hunter of
Erie, were chosen Tr:inscribing clerks, and Maj. Moore.
head, of Westmoreland, Bsrgeaat•atumr, and Mej..
Sanders, of this place, Door-keeper.
Nothing further of interest has transpired is either
branch. The Governor's Message is received w:th fa
vor by all parties. It is en excellentdocument, and does
honor to the head and heart of its author. The pope.
larity of the Governor is daily increasing, and as his re•
nomination is now certain, it is due to the honor of the
State that be should be re-elected by such a majority as
w.II tell to the world. that the Keystone State, can end
'will sustain an honest adminstration. The prominent
candidates of the opposition are Mr. Cooper, the present
Speaker of the Horne of Representative's, and Mr.
of Centre county. Present appearances indiate. that
Mr. Cooper will be their man.' I' care not.'whieh it is."
be is loomed to defeat sa certain as the lelection day
comes. An enthusiasm la favor of "tild Shunk" is st•
ready clearly discemakle, which when fully developed;
will make a clear sweep in the State. The accidental
whig majority in Pennsylvania carmot esist another
year, although it will secuer theiri the - Senile for - the
next three.
The Governor has vetoed the Bill passed lad session
making certain changes; in the jurisdiction 'ofJustiees of
the peace in Bradford county. The message contains
strong reasons why the Bill Should not bechme a law.—
'fhe Bill was certainly so imperfect one, end much as
the people of Bradford desire something of the kind, I
think when they come to read the Governor's message,
they will agree with the Governor that this Bill would
not answer the desired effect.
I send refiadatat the announcement of the death
of Mr. Webb, your 'Representative elect, es made by
Col. Piollet yesterday, in the Home.!You will, of
course, publish his remarks. His speech was nest, chaste
and very appropriate.
Your new Senator. Cul. Mason, responded to the re•
resolutions Of the House when they were brought in,
and resolutions were passed in both Houses that the
members will wear a hadgeof mourning fur thirty days.
Col. M. bids Sitio become a popular and useful Sena
tor. He is possessed of a clear, discriminating mind, s
cool head and sound judgment, and 1 am much mistaken
if the whigs should undertake to head him, they will
have cause to regret their temerity.
The new Canal Commissioner, Mr. Power, is in town
ready to be installed, which ceremony will take place on
Tuesday next. There are hordes of Whig applicants
here for offices on the public Improvemerits, as if having
one member of the Board entitled them tU the " spoils
of that department too. In this they will find their
mistake. Yours, &c.
llAnnisscau, JiM. 12, 1817.
The great hobby of the present acrid/Mal Whig Le.
gislature, is to be the repeal of the Tariff act of last sea
lion' of Cungress and the restoration of the act of 1812.
Already the notes of war have been sounded. On the
first day of the session, Mr. Edie, of Somerest, offered
the following preamble and resolutions, which have been
mode the order of the day for to- day :
WriEnest, The tariff act of one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-two, answered all the purposes of revenue,
and yielded to American industry the encouragement
neceesary to the development of the great resources of
the country.
Avis witeness, A bill has since passed the Congress
of the United States and become a law, which has in
juriously effected the important staple productions of this
Commonwealth and retarded the great agricultural and
manufacturing intereets of the nation. Therefore,
Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representa
tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Gener
al Assembly met, That our Senators in Congress be,
and are hereby instructed and our. Representatives re
quested to use every effort to procure the repeal of the
tariff act of one thousand eight hundred and forty-six,
and the restoration of the art of one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-two.
Resolved, That the Governor be requested to trans
mit a copy of this resolution to each of our Senators and
Representatives in Congress.
These resolutions will be met by the democracy in the
true spirit of patriotism. There is but little diversity of
opinion prevaillng among the democrats, especially of
the House of Reresentatires, on this question. The
iubject, it seems, was fully and fairly canvassed before
the people, and and the democratic districts have sent
representatives imbued with sound principles, and ability
to sustain them. The present tariff law is more favora
bly considered than l had anticipated, and will find many
able and efficient advoiates on the floor of the House.—
Whetthe question comes up to-day, an amendment:will
be offered, and receive the undivided vote of the Demo.
cratic party—something like following:
Whereas, the tariff of 1846, being based upon the ad
valorem principle, which we regard as the only just and
permanent basis for a scale of duties, having revenue for
its primary object, and extending incidental protection
to our home products and manufacture*. Therefore,
Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be instructed
and our Representatives requested to vote for =increase
of the present rates of duty upon coal and iron and other
staple products of Pennsylvania, if they judge an increase
of revenue would thereby ensue.
I an hardly think that sentiments eo just and accep
table to the people will find favor with the Whigs; but
they will be fully sustained by the Democrats in the
Rouse and find favor with the people. The Senate, too,
will present a different -aspect from last year. Instead
of tamely and quietly submitting to the management and
seductions of the leaders of the whig party, a few will
be found with courage enough to take the poputar side
and battle against these insidious attempts of the Whigs
to bring odium upon a popular democratic administra-
Yours, ka.
HARBISISCRO, January 15, 1847
I informed you in my last that the whig leaders had
introduced resolutions instructing our filmdom &c., in
Congress to vote for a repeal of the tariff of 1846, and a
w ddreinn,pcjhe act of 1842, and that the Democrats
principle of Avalorem duties, and generalli 4 ir ' i n VOr tn o u r
the present law ; at the same time yielding their assent'
to such modification u the exigences of the times may
call for. The resolutions - were called up on Tuesday,
and as I predicted, party lines were strictly drawn, every
whig voting for the original resolutions, and *very de.
mocrat for the amendrnent. The amendment was lost,
of course, and on the main question an elaborate discus
sion has ensued. It was apposed by MrJ Piollet, in an
able and eloquent speech; also by Mr. Pierce, a staunch
democrat from the iron district in Columbia co. Yes
terday, Mr. Cooper left tho chair, and spoke to the hour
of : adjournment. Ile closed to-day, and Mr. Knox has
the floor for to-morrow.
An entire different sentiment prevails here this year,
flow what was seen at the last session. In the House,.
the Democrats are united, and-as one man will oppose
the restoration of the act of 1842; and in the Senate, a
majority, at least, of the some party, will vote with their
brethren of the House. So the effect of any instructing
resolutions on this subject, emanating solely from the
Whip, will lase their tnfluencet.
Tb:new Canal Board was organized en Tuesday
last, and their first act wu to remove Mr. Mitcbell,their
Secretary, and re-instate Thomas L. Wilson, who has
held it for' i ail years before. Mr. Wilson is a " one term"
man, the editor of the Harrisburg Argus—the mostrabid
and unreasonable one term paper in the state. So you
you see that "one term" loses all its force with the de.
magngues who prate so loudly about it, when an oppor
tunity is offered them to accept or retain office for two,
three, or six terms. It is in fact, the veriest humbug of
the day, and is used only to delude the honest voters in
to opposition to faithful public officers, in order to open
the way for those who would fatten on the spoils and
plunder of the Commonwealth. his, however,confined
to the few who intend to apply it to those who ire in
of f ice, and shOuld they succeed in gaining their places
for themselves, the principle of one term would lose its
potency, and you afoul,' and these very patriotic men;
like the new Secretary of the Canal Baud, willing to
serve their country for as many terms as they could se
ethe their places. •
You will see by the reported proceedings of the Rouse
. .
of Represented Mc Chit the — position asanined by- Mr.
Wilmot, in aongres4,. on the introduction of Blown in
newly aoluired territory; it likely to receive good back
log at home. 'Yesteliy, Mr. Piollet introduced the M.
lowing preamble . ond resolution, which were bid on the:
table: (" •
W a, The eiiseneg war with Mexico must in•
evitably result in theeequiremerie of new -territom par
the only indeinnifiesition for the lass oftneasure and blood,
which the perfidy ofa weak and treacherous nation have
rendered unavoidable: Acew s, measures ars now
pe — ridiiiiiiiCOnierieni;liairing - in grieve - the appropriate — on
of ,Honey, and the conferring authority upon the treaty
making power to this end, therefore. '
Resolved, by the Senate and House, That cur
Senators in Congress be instructed, and our Representa-
tives requested, 10 vote against any measure whatever.
by which territory will accrue to the Union, utile,' as a
part of any fundamental law open which any compact or
treaty for this mirpose is based, slavery or involuntary
servitude shall be forever prohibited.
They will undoubtedly pass, as the democrats will
unite on this well as ilia tariff, and the whigs
dare not vote against them.
Our friends are an overmatch for the leaders of the
whigs, even with Cooper at their head. Knox and Piot
let are ever on the look out far them, and on every con
flict as yet, have 'completely liegpd them. The demo
cratic members, as a body, area fine set of fellows—owl
Will act in harmony on all the leading questions before
the Legislature.
Important from 11;iito
Santa Anna Elected President of the Repub
lic—Capture of Laguna by Com. Perry—
The Official alccount of the action at Loa
WAsumaros, Jan. 14.'1847.
By the Southern mail we have later, dates
from the army, which reached New Orleans
by the arrival there of the steamship Alabame:-
She left the Brazos on tho 3d, at which dates
there was no news of especial interest from
Sahalo, from which it is inferred that the dan
ger of an attack was not so imminent as sup.
posed, when Gen. Worth's express was
despatched. The remains of Watson, Ridgley,
and other Baltimoreans, had arrived at New
Orleans. Lieut. Boyle, of Washington. died
on his passage. The dates Irom Matamoras
are to the Ist inst. Since the last dates ru
mors of battles, marches and counter-marches,
Wool's columns cutoff, Worth's division driv
en back to Monterey from Saltil!o, that he and
General Taylor were shut up in Monterey.
have prevailed.
Gen. Scott a9tl his staff left two days pre
vious in great haste for Camargo. On going
up the river, they met a steamer with a mail.
bringing intelligence that part of the corps of
observation belonging to Santa Anna's Army
had been near Parras, where Wool was, and
that Woothad joined Wohlt at Saltine , . Twig,gs
and Quitman. as per previous accounts. Gen.
Patterson's division' had crossed the river San
Fernando five days previous, and would soon
be at his destination. General Taylor. it was
thought, would, no doubt, return home as soon
as Gen. Scott takes command. When Gen.
Patterson reaches Wictora, all the panes to
San Luis will be shut up.,
Advices have been received from Tampico
to the 30th ult. Every thing was then quiet
and orderly.. The barque Ivanhoe, from New
York. had arrived at Tampico with the com
pany of artillery under Capt. Magruder. and
were at once marched into camp. Mr. Chase,
the former Consul, had been appointed Collec
tor of the Customs at Tampico. The ru•nors
of attacks upon Tampico were chneidered as
only Mexican tales.
A slip from Norfolk has been received here,
dated yesterday. The steamship Mississippi
had arrived there from Anton Lizardu. which
place she left 'on the 29th ult. On the 20th
Dec. Coin: Perry, with several vessels, took
possession of Laguna, and destroyed the guns
and munitions of war found in the port and
town. Corn. Sands, with two vessels, had
been left in charge. Off the Alvarado, the Mis
sissippi captured the Mexican schr. Amnia,
and sent her to New Orleans. Purser Crosby ,
had been killed on board tile Vixen by acci
dentally falling from aloft.
Santa Anna has been declared by the now
Congress as duly elected President of the Re
public. From a further examination of the,
files of Mexican papers, it appears that no di
rect action was hail upon the subject of the war
by the Mexican Congress. The Mexican pa.
pers convey the impression that San Luis is
to he the great battle ground of the war. The
official accounts of events at Lne Angelus, on
the Pacific, in relation to the action of the 27th
September, stales' that 27 Americans were
made prisoners and three wounded. One Mex
ican was killed, hut no Americans. The con
querors then laid siege to to the city of the An
gels, and on the 30th September, the town
capitulated' to Flores.
The terms of the surrender are drawn up
• p igewi t i . ca l p s .and deliberation as that of
New Orleans papers. in the
Gen. Jessup, and his staff, together with 240
sick and discharged soldiers, came passengers
in the Alabama.
FROM SANTA Fe.—The St. Louis Repub
lican of the 31st ultimo hoe the following intel
ligence from Santa Fe :
At a late hour last night we received a budg
et of letters Rom several correspondents in
New Mexico. Those from Santa Fe hear date
as late as the 15th of November. and give us in
detail all the events of interest which had trans
pired in that quarter for several weeks previous.
In no part of onr correspondence have we
been able to find any allusion to the reported
defeat of the sixty dragoons, mention of which
was made in our paper yesterday.
A letterfrom Moro, dated on the 21st of No
vember, announces the arrival there of Mr. N.
Colburn, in advance of the wagons belonging
to the last company of the traders which left
Independance. On the 17th they experienced
severe'storm of snow; which killed many of
the oxen, but they were able to supply them
selves at Moro, and would get safely into Santa
Fe. The United States trains could not, it is
said, move a wagon on account of snow and the
loss of animals, and they were then buyingozen
to get the wagons along.
A wealthy Mexican citizen. seeing the em
barrassments of the Government's agent for the
want of man-y. had getter. naly proffered to
loan Maj.* Walker, paymaster,' one' handled
thousand dollars, at an interest of only three
per cent a month.
A LITTLE TOO °Ark.—Talking of Use pre
tences, says the 'rimer, a gentleman of Phila
delphia. recently married a woman reputed to
be rich, who turned out not only t(r . be poor,
but some seven hundred dollars in debt, which
he hail to liquidate. She assured him,, how
ever, that the debt was contracted for tlrf goods
which she bough to captivate him. Think
of a 6sh paying for the hook with which he is
AII4OIIIIOESCIIt of Mr: Webb's Deat h.
- llome of Representatives.
- . . lisiousnotto, JannarY 0, 1847 '.
Me.Ptor.rsT announced..tho death of his
entlleague. Mr. WED% who. died: shortly' fter
the late_election. and pronounced's eulogy to
hilt-memory ill the fulittv.ring aPProPriate and
impressive terms :
Mr. Secatims—Parliamantary proceedings
and common usages impose upon me the pain
ful duty"of announcing to• this House. that my
late ;colleague, Joust tetariu Wants, *Esq..
Repiesimative elect from Bradford county, is
no more. He departed this fife after a few
hours sickness, at his residence in East Smith
field. on the 17th of October, four days after
his re-election to this House.
Our friend has been called to another world
in the midst of health. when public honors
' were fast gathering around him. and when be
had years in prospective of honorable useful-
ness to his country, and of invaluable pa:
rents! protection to a confiding and interesting
• •
I may be permitted to say • that this is not
the place, nor am I prepared. to speak the eu
logy of such a man as John L. 'Webb. He
was a valuable citizen in the best sense of the
word : a patriot without disguise—and nct
least, our departed friend and colleague was an
honest man—•• the noblest work of God."
Mr. Webb was emphatically the builder of
his own fortune ; he was a self-made man, re
upon his own energies, intelligence, and
unwavering integrity, of conduct. Marge por
tion of his life, indeed, the best portion of it.
was devoted to the public service.
Be had been called succsssively by Isis fel
.low citizens to fill the various stations of Coro
ner. Auditor. Commissioner, Sheriff. and final-
Was twice elected by the same people to rep
resent them in the Pennsylvania Legislature.
In a 'country dike ours, where merit alone
should furnish the passport to public honors,
it is sufficient t 6 say of the deceased, that un
aided by wealth. or the influence of powerful
connection, he had attained to honors, and en-
joyed confidence unalloyed, and the highest re
spect of those who knew him best.
With what ability he discharged his repre
sentative duties we all remember, who hail the
pleasure of being associated with 'him at the
last session of this House; and it is entirely
proper to say, that the death of Mr. Webb is
deeply to be deplored by the public generally.
for at such a crisiein the administration ofour
affairs of our.comrnon country the best talent.
and the highest patriotism are eminently de-
Sir, we need the experience. the cool judg,.
ment, and unfaltering hands of such a man as
we have lost in the person of John L. Webb.
He grasped the most important State questions
with a native acumen, ability and practical
good sense, and at the same time displayed a
courtesy and respect for the opinions and feel
ings of others which never failed to command
that consideration for his own opinions and
sentiments. to which they were an well enti
tled ; and it affords me the greatest consola
tion, indeed, it is an antidote to the unaffected
sorrow which I feel in announcing to this
House the demise of my late colleague, to
know that he carried with him to his constitu
ents and to his home, the universal esteem of
the entire body in whose deliberations he had
participated with so much credit to himself and
usefulness to the public.
But while I realize that this House partici
pates with me and my constituents in feelings
and sentiments of sincere respects for the char
acter and memory of the deceased, still I can
not but know that in the progress end excite
ment of business, our minds will partially
yield, and we forget in a measure to sympa
thize for the signal loss which we have sustain
ed. It is the inevitable consequences of our
natures, and of the impreati which time brings
with it that it should be so.
But Mr. Speaker, while alluding to the hon
orable associations of my late colleague with
this House, I cannot forget that there is anoth
er place hallowed by the beet impulses of our
nature, made void in his death, which neither
time nor the excitement which it brings alone
with it, nor any human agency can supply ;
it is the desolation of a home—of a fir .-side.
Ile was stricken down suddenly and awful
ly in their midst—hut thank Ileaven, he died.
surrounded by an affectionate wife, sons and
daughters, who loved, knew how to appreciate
and did appreciate a kind and tender parent.—
Alas ! sir, the desolation of their hearth, and
domestic circle ; never, never, was a husband,
never war a father more emphatically the star
of hope to a family than lie to his.
The highest consolation, the balm which is
offered to their wounded spirit, is that he died
as he lived, in the full hope of a glorious im•
mortality, and my prayer is that .• He who
tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," will
April that consolation, and support the widow
ilicti ti-ik e y,he y ht s ur of their deep af-
Mr. Speaker, this sudden a . nd unexpected
dispensation of Providence, while it falls with
overwhelming force upon family and friends.
also bears with it the language of solemn ad
monition, and should determine us all with ear
nest and renewed efforts to sustain those -rela
tions with one another which will be pleasing
to reflect upon when the grave closes the earth
ly career of our fellow man.
Mr. Speaker, I offer the following results
lions :
Resolved, That the members of this House
have learned, with the deepest sorrow, the
death of their esteemed friend, and fellow mem
ber elect, John L. Webb, Esq., from the coun
ty of Bradford.
Resolved, That a committee of three be ap
pointed to convey to the friends of the deceas
ed the respectful condolence of his fellow mem
bers, and to express their ;Jeep sense of his
loss which the Legislature and the whole com
munity have snitained by this painful dispen
sation of Divine Providence.
Resolved. That as a faithful testimony of
respect for the memory of the deceased, the
members of this House will wear the customa
ry badge of mourning thirty days.
Ma. Eats now rose and addressed the House
as follows:
Ma. EDIE. of Somerset said in substance,
that he arose to bear testimony to the character
and worth of Mr. Webb. He was not prepar
ed to ?pronounce his Eulogy—but the talent.
the energy, the untiring researches, in all mat
ters of Legislation, and his urbanity and cour
teous deportment in the serial circle—all cal
led upon his feelings, and forced him from his
seat. The deceased was opposed to him in all
the great questions which agitated the body
politic—.bot this , should never prevent him
from paying that tribute of respect which was
due to the man. Ile was all tha&his colleague.
the gentleman from Bradford, had said of him.
the noblest work of God—an honest tnan."
LlLLoireini-4 1 is due. Mr. Speaker, no
less to the 'memory of, our fellow member,
whose untimely and unexpected death we are
called upon to mourn, than to this /louse, in'
in which hit
- talents and abilities had been so
often employed foi the' public weal,_thet the . _
resolutions just offered should not he , passed:
without loam hearty concurrence froth me, on,
my ow - w-behirlf as well as that of my colleatt
ges. It was the lot of many of us, during the
last session. to be associated with or opposed
to the deceiiidnpon this finer. in many
tive measures of absorbing interest, and calling
for the exercise oldie highest mental qualities ;
rind none who witnessed his frequent. manly,
and able efforts here, will fail to recognize the
the fidelity of the portrait so admitality traced
by his colleague. the gentleman from Bradford.
in the feeling and beautiful, but not exaggerated
eulogy which be has just 'pronounced. With
a mind naturally bold. vigorous, and compre
hensive, Mr. Webb always brought untiring
industry and research to the examination and
dticussion of every leading measure; and treat
ed them accordingly. with that species of elo
quence which addresses and reaches the un- I
derstanding—honest, straightforward and lucid,
as became an honest representative determined
on fulfilling his duty. but not stripping by the
way to leyy contribution to vanity, or empty
praise for barren declamation. flow much lie
possessed ofiliat readiness in debate, and of
that grasp of intellect and critical acumen so
justly attributed to him by his colleague, some
of us, now assembled here, can well remember,
in the discussion of several questions of strict
law of general jurisprudence. and of high po i
tical concernment in all of which, though not
a lawyer. by profession, lie never failed_ to
surprise by legal erudition whilst he -convinc
ed his delighted listeners by the luminous and
original views presented by his full and teem
ing mind.
Without the pleasure of and personal intinacy
with the deceased, beyond that which our tem
porary association here produced. I soon learn
ed however to appreciate his frank. honest.
and determined spirit; and so tar as I can
learn, the allusions which we have heard to
his private worth, and to the deep and widely
spread regret for his loss, public as well as
social. are not the mere tributes of friendship,
but the just utterance of merited regret for a
bright light suddenly put out in Its effulgence
and usefulness—for an exemplary and beloved
relative, cut off untimely, Ilona a bereaved fami
ly. To them this recorded expression of his
virtnes.,ol deep sorrow (or our public and their
irreparuhls private loss. may serve at least as
a mitigating balm ; and in that hope I most
sincerely concur an the resolutions just submit-
ted. -
The resolutions were then read a second
time and adopted, and Messrs. Piollet. Mat
thin and Knox were appointed the committee
called for by the second resolution.
HARRISBURG, January 6. 1847
Ma. MASON announced the death of Jon!: 1..
W can. late a member of the House of Here
sentatives from Bradford county, in a brief and
appropriate address, and submitted the follow
ing resolutions, which were unanimously
adopted : _
Resolved, That the Senate has learned with
sincere regret the announcement of the death
of John L. Webb, a member elect of the (louse
of Representatives. and unite with the Mem
bers of [louse Representatives, in the ex
pression of their sorrow for his early decease.
Resolved. That the members and officers of
the Senate will- wear crape on the felt arm for
the space of 30 days in testimony of respect for
the memory of the deceased.
Resolved. That a committee of three mem
bers of The Senate be appointed to act in con
cert with the Committee of the House of Rip
resentatives for the purpose stated in the reso
lotion passed by the House.
Ordered that Messrs. Mason, Harris, and
Creacrafi, be said committee.
Porzsvit.r.e..—We learn from the Democratic
Press, published in Pottsville. the following
particulars of an attack and robbery near that
place :
On Saturday evening last, between 5 ansi 6 ,
o'clock. as Mr. Joseph Spenser, a peaceable, , 1
orderly and respectable citizen, was returning I
from the East Delaware Mines, about two and 1
a half miles north of Pottsville, to his residence
on the Port Carbon road. adjoining this bo
rough, he was attacked by a person who came
up stealthily from behind, knocked down by a
heavy hlow upon the head, and then beaten
and bruised until utterly insensible and appar- 1
ently dead. While thus insensible, he was
robbed of his watch, the watch pocket being
entirely cut off, and the blade of the knife thrust
nearly through his hand, in the attempt to cut
the pocket.
In about two, hours he recovered en far as to
be able to crawl to the r a ilroad; a distance of
.—.,..-4...,deeil and fifty yards, where he met
with persons wn.. —141,.....1 him horde. Mr.
Spencer still lies in a very critical c , u,,,ti.4—,
his body being much bruised, and hid face and
head so cut, bruised and swollen . , as complete
ly to close his eyes and ' render him entirely
blind. We:are pleased to learn that his physi
cian is of opinion that he may recover, with
proper care and attention.
On Sunday. three men, Terence Fitzgerald.
his son, and James Brennan, were arrested on
a charge of participating in the outrage, and af
ter a preliminary bearing before Justice Reed.
were held to bail in the sum of $6OO each for
their appearance on Monday next.
VEKEONT ELECTION..--The recent election
in Vermont to fill the vacancy in Congress. has
iesulteal in the choice of a sterling Democrat—
Leona 11. PECK. The result is given in the
Montpelier Patriot of Tuesday. That paper
remarks in reference to the contest:—•• The
battle is fought and the day is ours ! Sufficient
returns of the election on the 15th for a mem
ber of Congress. are in to make it certain that
the old 4th district, in Vermont. by the election
of Lucius B. Pscx. has gloriously triumphed
over her Mexican enemies, and declared for
the country forever ! It has been a terrible
struggle—but the people hlive triumphed, for
which'every tote-hearted Atnetican will feel de
Scisxce.—.• A frog," says,Professor Pump.
•• is air amphibious animal as What tickers on
cold water, and consekvently invented the tee
total society. He always walks with a jump.
its does ; and when he sits down, he has to
stand up. •!Wog a lover of native melodies,
he gives free concerts every 'tight. its does,
himself.—He perwides music for the million.
which has been en called because it is usually
heard in a millpond. He is a %varmint what
ain't so had when briled on a griddle. No sir
es r.—Libitry of Universal leitowledge.
being one of the best anti.bilions medicines"
pmen , s power in retnosing pain, which is truly 2446
ing:' Four or fire of said Indian Vegetable Pm, hill _
every night on going to bed, will in • stunt c m* tO5.
plebtly rid the body of those morbid htunon erbid,
lodged in the Deer, are the cause of pai n i n du
sometime extending through to the shwa., 4.
difficulty of breathing, nausea and Bickner., i on 0
'appetite, costiveness, indigestion, flatulency wrartbi
yellow complexion, sod other symptoms of m a
tuition or torpid state of the liver.
right's Jn d isn Vegetable Pala tharsaghlyd at4
the stomach and bowels of all bilious human!, m d
impurity, and therefore are • certain ewe
dysentery, cholera morbus, and every ot h er d 40 , 6 ;: f
the intestines. They also aid and improve diz ei k i,
and consequently give health and vigor to the * it
frame, as well as drive diseases of every name from t it
ugwa.ns. or Consreurcres.—Tlie public so ca k ,
tioned against the many spurious medicines abiki s
order to deceive, are called by names similar to ll*
Indian Vegetable Pills.
. .
Remember, the. only original and genuine l e ,/,
Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wil t ,
Wright on the top label of each box.
o ff i ces devote') exclasisely to the sale orWiti.
Indian Vegetable Pills, Wholesale and Itetail,l694,
SL, Philadelphia; 2811 Greenwich St„ N. y att; . i
198 Tremont St., Boston.
• A gents • for the sale of Wright's Indian V •
Pills. in Towanda, Montanye'l & Co; (or other
cies, see advertisement in another column.
On Wednesday the 13th inst., !bliss Ecirra TAtut,
eldest daughter of John Taylor, J r., of Standing s ilk
Pa., aged 22 years.
Rarely, indeed, if ever, has such deep feelingsefdb
tress been witnessed in this vicinity, as on this oel s
eboly occasion ; the age, the suddenness of the cud
the love and esteem every one felt foe the Youn g ~e,sz ,
sufferer—all contributed to the generid gloom Inj
vernal sorrow. The deceased 'was in one short ro d
hurried from s ata te of perfect health to the tomb.
was the eldest of seven fine and promising cbdhen,
ever blessed parental affection. Her younger huh ! ,
and sisters all looked to her for kind offices of siso
love rind affection, as well as council and advice toeit
their conduct. Well did she deserve, as she slams
ceived, the approving confidence of hoz. beloved Wes
filing parents,—her amiable deportment, her roams
and intelligence, her kind and benevolent hem, galls
agreeable manners, had secured forher the lore, siss
tion and reaped of numerous friends and associate, h
deed, one had but to know to love and respect her. Es
spirit vies naturally buoyant, full in the antitipatimi
lengthened years of- success and happiness. L'o=e
touted to disappointment or .distress, she had lint
hoped to accomplish many of her plans to promote b
happiness of herself and friends; but while it ram
morn, in the spring-time of life, the destroyer nne
medical skill, attentive and anxious friends araileia
thing. All thi ' s world had promised fled at ase
shadow. Nothing now but the certainty of inners
death was in view—her last and. dreadful hour Mica
of which she was fully sensible. She took Is m au
kindest manner of her nummous young friend. skei•
ed to see her—of her brothers and sisters, she bsi M
a most affectionate farewell ; and finally of her pen
and grand parents she took a final leave, whom de
cured, since it was the will of the Father of Morro
summon her thus early before the Throne of GrIC7
even now, in the morning of her existence, she is
ready for her departure, to stand in the presence sin
Angela sing praises, he.—felt the most cod s:est
that through the merits of the Redeemer, she coeds
herit life eternal. Even then, friends and relatives=
fain hold on to her ns some sacred thing, but she pus
away—and forever.
-- Obituary.
DI To, in Troy, on Monday the 9th ult.,ofl3 , arit
Mr. JOUN WI Lnxu, in the 67th year of hit ge.
Many and chequered were the scenes throe:She
this venerated father passed. In early life he 11,119
of those who vrereengapd in the revolution:7 474 , -
of our country. He heed to see nearly all whop
pitied in that conflict, pass away. Here red
who resemble the venerable and solitary sat.
him. They too, must pass away. The hex not
be far distant when not one of them will wawa
Mr. Wilber was one of the first settlers of Bridi
county. None but those ?rho locate then:J..lm s
country entirely new, can form an ides how incls
great were the hardships which he and ethers edd
for several years after first coming to this rrett'll•
Wilber united with the Presbyterian church. in
about twelve years ago, and was a member at the' .
of his death. In the latter conversations shill
writer had with him, he ezpreeeil at unbroken fst
eternal realities. When ho could scarcely nag sys
ho remained a firm witness to the truths sf Itt
He uniformly expressed, a strong desire to &pans,'
with t'ht-iat
M. Wilber was favored with a cow:mutton
bly robust. He never had occasion to eir4l
cian until a short time before his death.
"He had his virtues; and his et-Win; La
Olt to the needy ministered mita:
His tray CI breast that pity could comnoni
11; "" a heart could feel another s grief
He had his faults; but who wou!J dare o't
The hidden seetets of the Ai+, rint; tomb—
Low may they sleep in undisturbed rere•
Deep in the solemn grave's forgetful glows.
Ask you to know them!- Oh, disturb him aar
Seek not perfection on time's sinful short,
His were As frailties of our common lot—
He was a mortal—mortal ask no more•
warida are requested to meet in Soarfifo;
perance Hall on next Saturday eyeniag.e,''',,
lighting, for the purpose of declaring a criv- 00 . , ;
dead. All those interested are particulsrly Trf'r.
attend— -and especially the l'resatner of the
By order of H. 1,. SHAW. Na4l"
AS my wife Mary Ann has lea _ g o
and board without any Pa CON Or Fp
now therefore I for bid any pereon or F." °° _. ; .,.
or Kindling her on my account as lam &tr." —
no debts of tier contiacting after this dale.
Ridgebury Bradford (:0. Pa. Dee. 5. 06 ' 0
HENRY )1.00C2.4
Orphan's Court ,
INpursuance of an order of the Orphans."
a for( the county of Bradford, WI it to
on th e 9 th Jay of December, 1846, dice
ed in sale by public venduo or o utcry. .
on Thorsday. the 28th day of Jarmo , 1 04 " .. , 4 1/
clock in the afternoon, a certain piece or
situate in the township of Troy, and busJel,r
lands of Ward, card by lauds o f ..I.ins t . 4 :
south by lands of Wm. Morrison,and errs r1 „.. 0.
way leading from Granville to Troy. :. t ;ft
brindled acres or thereabouts, being WO '",,f e yral ,
Unox, dec'J., late of Troy tp., died sirsol•
3v Rso
known on the day of sale. CHARLE,
A• 11108111,4
Troy, Jan. G, 1847. Ads. of true
(lAMB to my enclosure, about theca e
ber, a deep red yearling BULL. nati 0
quested to provo property, pay chargo o l A'ioy, li
Sheshequin, Dec. 28, 18 1 8. 101'..