Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 13, 1847, Image 3

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    IST OF lAA ft,RS remaining in the P. O. a t
LATHENS Pa. quarter ending 31, Der. J. 846.
Nll Arnold . Fr:end Ea!king
John E Aldred Adeleali Davis
B B Bennet Mrs M M Done
Mop Baldwin Michael Driscoll
Reuben T Brownson Daguerrian Artist
Peter Brooks John Fergunion
Simeonil Brown . Alex Fruitier'
William Beach Joseph Fisher 2
Meson Crary M D Proprietor of Fulling Mill 2
stepben Cumming' Phoebe Gray
Ira AI Carrington 2 Sheldron Gurney
J os eph Coke Thomas Gardner
Rachel Cahill Bevenhart Gilbert
Moses I Clark Giles Hoyt
Wm Campbell James Bidet
' n C Orbin 2 Harman Hall
' Sarah M Hathaway S C Park
B F whiney 2 Directors of the Poor of,
Wm Wooley 2 Sheshequin & Litchfield tps
Mom & Jackson Isaac Reynolds
iCelly Jackson Isaac Rice
E Keeler Mack Reed
Pat Leanard W H Richmond
Malley Lane James F Redfield'
Mm Maxwell , Charls.B Stuart
MG Merchant G Stevens
Algiah Mead' Martha Spaulding ,
Haney Mallory Sarah A Sperling
Amon lirCullen R Sutton
Jahn JI Mack Jessee F Sikes '
James Olmstead Alvah Smith
5 OsrenJerusha Tozer
E C Ogden Almerin H Tozer
Rosins Parka A & J M Tozer
Wm Payson . Ira Sherwood
C. H. HEMCK, P. M.
LWI' OF 1.k.:1 - I'ERB, remaining in the P. O. at
TROY, Pa. quarter ending December 31, 1846.
Alwaxl Mrs. Maria Leonard Eber
Alrord Royal' Leonard Albert
Are-y Nm C Leonard Alfred
limey Mr., Amanda Morrison E R
Bonfire C S Monroe Andrew
Bush Wm 2 More Ebenezer
Bullard Myron Mott Alphonio
Boyce Wm Momford Mrs E A
11s1Jois A Momford Hr. T
i'h■mbetlin Miss Susan Miller Henry
Cummins C W Peters Comfort
runts Iloarmsnd .1 Purrig Charles
Omuta Rotert Potter Mrs. Lary
runts Nathaniel Parsons Osrar
Rockwell Miss C
Dunbar Manson Stvl..3 Reuben
Demuntl J Sherwood Mrs Sarah
Eaton Wm Soper Moses
Gteitin Miss Jane Scott John II
Gnandin J 1. S Spencor G %V
Goddard iss Holcn Spalding A N
Goodwin John Spalding Misa.Heleri
Harrison Miss Achsah Sherwood Julius Esq.
Hichok S Spencer Mrs M II
Ilarding,Hisa Harriet Sanford Mrs Rhoda
KenyonT Thomas Samuel E
Knapp D B Warren John
Lang Ezra- Wheeler Ralph
Tis I' OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post Odice
.14 at Towanda. quarter ending Dec. 31, 1846.
Allen Lucinda W Lent Wm J
Allen Stephen W LeFavor Ames "
Agney Miss Mary Laporte Maj B
Bullock S A Marvin A J ...
Bony Triad Mason E H
Buckley Edwin WAllister Capt John C
Bowman Sally Morrow Joseph
Bradley S S Wean Owen 2
Bowman Da‘id Mitch, ll I) jr
Cooney Nekon Nobles Jonathon
Crow ly David Northrop G II
Carman John (Yrilain Patrick.
Curoniings Harvey Oahurn Isaac
Cummings Clark , (YKieffe Daniel
Carle M. Ann E Peckham A K
Boone Mr.r Maria E Powell George
Drt-larnii Richard Patterson Edward
Edgar J W Pratt David T
Toxzerald Cornelius Ruggles Mrs
Faster \V R Rutty E
Gro.venor Charles F Santee Wm jr.
Gs.tgar Michael Sandford P P
Cu-M1.1,4in Sickler Abigail 2
Cillsen Mrs Diantha Smith Geo W
Granger Roderick Scott John
Iluhlstrd W Ii Stoddard S
Ilrirringo: R y () F Smith James
Ileri.on Itev IVtn Tuttle Nathan
Meath Ceo Titman George
Ilot II 'V Tomb Jacob
Herron Miami Wood II F
Hull Miss Sarah Wilson & Allen
Ilavrl.y Eleanor Warner Wm
inns. Rev Daniel Wilcox Daniel
Eerier George %Verlbridge'Nancy Mrs.
1.1,17..1 I - A. S. CHAMBERIIN, P. M.
THE subscriber-hag obtained the right of a very bin
gide'. Last iron Water Wheel, called the
tel.ich is rapidly coming into use throughout the Uni
te.: States, for operating mactiinery of all kinds, propel
ird be water power, patented Sept. 27, 1845, by T. V.
Tiniliv, of Cayuga co.. N. Y. The first glance at this
shcel, involves the beholder' in immediate doubt in re
gard to its operation. But its construction is such that
a receives three distinct powers of the water to one dis
charge: viz— Ist . The direct or percus4ion power. 2d.
The inelino plane or Archcmidean power. 3d. The
discharging or reacting power; being all the power con
tained in the massive weight of hydraulic pressure. The
mine construction is also perfectly adapted to obviate
all difficultit s of flood-trash, ice, backwater, freezing.
or any impediment or disaster to ahich water wheels in
general are subject.
A perfect safeguard against any imposition, by this
Slue!, ie formed by a readiness in all ita venders to
""Afft more business with less water than any other
wheel now in use, except the Overshot wheel under high
beas. Manufactured at the furnace of Hopkins and
Leach, Elmira, N. Y. Persons wishing to repair their
Mdls will gain py applying to the subscribers, patent
proprietors of the county of Bradford. All communi
cations addressed to either of the subscribers will re
ceive prompt attention. JOHN BURT.
Rid:Merry. Jan. 4, 1897. GUNSAULES.
CAME into my enclosure about the first of last June
a light red yearling STEER, marked with a row
of warts on the back of his neck, and without any other
Particular marks. The owner is requested to prove
roPeny, pay charges and take him away.
Burlingto n Jan 1,1547. JOHN HA YTHORN.
1 1 dcc 9. ›IONTAN YE & FOX.
D. LE..lr7r,
WOULD respectfully say to the citizt:na of Towan
v da, and the public generally. that if they wish to
ha , e their work done in the most fashionable, neat and
&nide manner, and good firs, and as cheap as at any
other establishment in town, they will find it to their
fitterett to give him a call.
BUrfING done on abort notice, and warranted
tt fit, if made up ri;hL
h. ‘ 3 P or the next building below Brick row, upstairs,
Erectly over Brown's Gioceiy.
T 'wlirlZa.lanuary 1, 1847.L43
Orphan's Court Sale.
INpursuance of an order of the Orphans Court, in
'ad forithe count, of Bradford, held at Towanda.
co the 9th day of December, 1896, there win be expos
to sale by public 'endue or outcry, on the premises.
Tbrnsday, the 28th day of January at one o'-
clock in the afternoon, a certain piece or parcel of land
situat e in the township of Troy, and bounded north by •
lini ` of -- Ward, cu• by lands of James Dewitt,
south by lands of Win. Morrison,and west ey the high'
leadina from Granville to Troy, containing one
° ,„ocklred acres rat thmeabouts. being land of which Wm
sa le •
c•d ec late of Troy tp., died aimed. Terms mado
known on the day of sale. CHARLES DRAKE,
n. 6,1847, Ads. of Wm..Knoa. dee'd•
•• .•- ••
CMME to my enclosure:about the middle of Beptem
ber. • deep red yearling BULL. The owner is re
gorged toprove property. pay charges and take it away.
14.44 beiuln, Dee. 28, I 8 RI. WM. runrroN, 2d.
T IST OF JURORS,dravvn for February Term and
14 Sessions of Bradford Co., commencing Feb. 1, 1847.
011141‘111 3CIIOIIB.
Athens borough—E. 8. Mathewson;
Burlington—H. Gamege ;
Canton—J. A. Bothwell, Wm. Goiaeline. John Lilly ;
Columbia—John Morgan, Charles 8. Malta ;
Durel—D. Holland ,
Franklin—Lenoir.) IlPKee ;
'fen ick — vM.D.F.Hines, C. Stone;
Litckfield—O. H. Everson;
Munroe—David Ridgway ;
Pike—P. Buck, Z. Beeman, J. C.Stevens;
Ridgberry—Sturges Squires;
Smithfield—Samuel Wood;
Towanda borough—D. L.Scott ;
Troy township—Ehenczer Preston ;
Wyalusing— Charles Ingham, James Vaughn;
Wella—E. A. Ayres, Shgel Rowley.
TRAVERSE arsons--rtngT WEEK.
Windham—J.B. G. Babcock, Charles Russell ;
Smithfield—Nathan Bush, jr , Joshua King;
Warren—Wm. Bradtbnl;
Ridgbeny—Wm. Brown, John Seely, Ssm'l Coleman ;
Wyeox—Wm. A .Benedict, Daniel Coolbsugh ;
Granville--Robert Bailey ;
Canton—D. R. Cole, R. Kendall, J. Lindley ;
Athens tp—C.Chnstopher, I. Gregory, Robert Sutton ;
Troy tp--Saml. Case, Francis Sowed, A. Williams ;
Towanda tp—Jas. W. Decker, H. C. Fox ;
Monroe—D. S. Dußois, E. C. Kellogg, Alexander Me.
Asylum--Moses Eiliugborger ;
Standing Stone—H. Ennis;
Burlington—L. Goddard;
Columbia—D. C. Havens, Geo. Moore, Collins Soper,
H. Taylor;
Springfield—P. M. Hosley ;
Towanda born—Wm. Keeler 2d;
Wells.—L. W. Knapp, L. Wing ;
Albany—M. A. Ladd, Wells Wilcox ;
Orwell—A. G. Matthews, L. M'Kee ;
South Creek—Jesse Moore, John Thompson ;
Leroy—A. G. Picard
Athens boro—Geo. Park;
Litchfield—Thos. Park ;
Hemck—Chas. SFEVCIIS
Pike—Nathaniel Stevens 2d ;
Sheshequin—Tra Tomkins, ;
Orwell—J. W. Aldier, Davis Bottles. James Beekus
Towanda boro—M. C. Arnaut, 0. H. Tyler, E. S
Goodrich ;
i titer—Joseph Berry;
Warren—J. C. Bowen, Geo. Chillson, Geo. Coburn
Windham—Wm. Cook, G. %V. Prince;
Canton—James Cornell
Springfield—F. Cole, C, Leonard ;
Ridgliury—James Covell ;
Litchfield—S. Doane ;
Durell—George Foz ;
Towanda tp—Wm. H. Fo.ter, Nelson Gilbert;
Athens boro—F. S. Hoyt ;
Athens tp—Chas. Jaeklin, John Watkins;
Smitla Id—A. A. Jones;
Granville—John Lewis ;
Franklin—A. Rockwell jr.
Wys rs—Wm. D. Strope ;
St ruling Stone—Chas. Sill ;
S eshequin—Ja ez Tomkins ;
Pt - e—tithel Taylor, Samuel Warner
Ro e—Thos. Fought t
B "nc,tott—Wm. \'roman ;
Leroy—Davis Vandyke ;
Franklin—Horace IVilley ;
Herrick—N. B. W itmore.
T"Epublic arc hereby cautioned against purchasing
a Note, given by us to Joseph Marsh, or beater.
on the 30th day of last December. for seventy-two dol
lars and fifty rect.:. as we have received no consideration
for said rime, and ate determined not to pay the same,
unless romp Iled by law. JAMES- M'CANNER.
Pike, Jon. 1847. JOHN W..:ANNI R
LAY virtue of sundry writs df venditioni exponas
I_Jt issued out of the court of common pleas of
Bradford county, to me dirccted.l shall expose to
public sale at the house of 1. 11. Stephens in the
borough of Towanda, on Monday, the first day of
February next, at one o'clock I'. M., the following
property situate in Troy tp., hounded on the north
by land of Henry Miller and Zina Case, on the cast
by Zina Case and 0. P. Ballard, on the south by
0, P. Ballard, and on the west by Hiram Goddard
and Naham Jackson, containing seventy-five acres
be the same more or less, with about sixty acres
improved, two block houses, framed barn and a
small orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of O. P
Ballard vs. John Smith.
ALSO—A tract of land situate in the township of
Orwell and bounded as follows: Beginning at the
north west cornerof a lot formerly run out to Ralph
Bostwick, a beech sapling; thence south fifty per
ches to a post; thence east seventy-five perches to
a post; thence north fifty perches to the northeast
corner of a lot run out for said Bostwick, a beech
tree; thence west seventy-five perches to the place
of beginning, containing twenty-three acres and a
half with about sixteen acres thereof improved and
a framed ho♦tsc and barn, and also, an apple or.
chard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
Warner vs. Elizor Warner.
ALSO—The following property situate ;n Spring
field tp. and bounded on the north by the public
road, west by Donis Eaton, south by Wm. Fanning,
and cast by land of T. Leonard. containing fifty-two
acres with twenty acres improved, one framed house
and framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken to execution at the suit of Ros
well Doan vs. James Dickenson.
ALSO—Tile following property situate in Athens
tp. and bounded north by the south line of Athens
borough, east, south and west by the Susquehanna
and Chemung rivers, containing about five hundred
acres, with about four hundred acres improved with
one large Stone dwelling house, three small framed
dwelling houses, four framed barns and out build
ings and two orchards thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry
C. Baird Administrator of Robert Oliver, deceased,
vs. Geo. H. Welles, Executor of Henry Welles, as
trustee of Susan Perkins and Frances M. Stuart,
children of said Henry Welles, deceased, Sarah
Welles, executrix of the said Henry Welles, dec'd.
and James H. Welles and Henry Welles, children
of the said Henry Welles, deceased
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Litch
field tp. bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine
root and stones and a rock oak witness, N. 67°
west, 15 links ; thence N. 34° V. 100 perches to
a white oak sapling for a corner; thence E. 120
perches to a chesnut sapling for a corner; thence
N. 24 perches to the S. W. corner of a reserved lot
for Solomon Merrill a post; thence E. 130 and 2-10
perches to a post, a corner for Chauncey Parks;
thence S. 184 perches to a post on the north line of
M'Kinney's lot; thence W. 231 and 2-10
perches to a post a white oak; N. 8' W. marked
as a witness; thence N. 167 perches to a - post, S.E.
corner of a lot bought by the parties of the first part
from Robert Spalding; thence W. 150 perches to a
post on the town line between Athens and Litchfield;
thence N. on said line 60 perches to a post; thence
E. 55 perches to a corner; S. 6 and 8-10 perches of
a lot formerly deeded to David Parks; thence N. 0
and 8-10 perches to said Parks' corner; thence E.
19 perches to another of Parks' lots or place orbe
ginning, containing 327 acres and 28 perches more
or less, with about 200 acres improved, one framed
hou z se, one framed barn, two log barns, one log
house and two apple orchards thereon.
ALSO—one other lot beginning at a oronked
chesnut; the S. W. corner of a lot surveyed to Dan
iel Doan; thence N. 100 perches to a hemlock sap
ling; thence E. 80 perches to a post; thence 5.100
perches to a•post ; thence N. 80 perches to the be
ginning, containing 50 acres more or less, with 15
acres improved. And both pieces inclusive con
taining 377 acres and 29 perches. Also. all the inte
rest or titre of defendant in a saw mill on the wa
ters of Satterlee's creek supposed to be half with the
privilege &c.,and framed house, near the saw-mill.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ben
jamin Lambert to use of Job Shepard vs. Charles
ALSO—the following piece or parcel of land
situate in Burlington tp.and bounded north by lands
of Hoyt Ballard, east by Win. Nichols, south by,
Win. Sleyter, and west by Hemmingway,- con
taining one hundred acres with about ten acres im
proved with one log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Timis-
thy Paxson and Wm. Davidson, trustees of the bank
of North America vs. Daniel McD. Stroud:
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land
situate in Litehfield tp. and bounded on the north
by land of -- Keeler, east by land of Wm. Stew
art ararand land formerly in possession of Jacob
and Abram F. Campbell, west by land of Thomas
Evans, south by land of Jaciab and Abram F. Camp.
bell, containing about ninety acres about filly acres
improved, with one framed house, one lug stable and
one apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Letty,
E. Shepard vs. Jacob Campbell and Abram Camp;.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in
Burlington tp. and bounded as follows: beginning
at a white maple N. W. corner of lot No. ,182, on
warrant lot No. 1724, thence west on said warrant
line, 1 00 perches to a post S. E. corner of lot No.
287, thence N. 81 perches to a post, thence E. 100
perches to a post, thence 8.81 perches to the be
ginning, containing fifty acres and 100 perches, strict
measure, it being
.iotcnded for the south half of
lot No. 276, on warrant lot No. 4436, thirty acres
improved, with one log house, one shed and one oth
er small out building erected thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Myer
and Manville to use of Geo: Sanderson vs. George
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land
situate in South Creek ip. and' bounded north by
lands of Wm. Rorke, east by land of David Ml
dreth and Ralph Crane, south by Wm. Decker and
west by land in possession of James Dewey, con
taining 124 acres, about 35 acres improved with
one log house, log barn and two apple orchards
ALSO—One other tract of land situate in South
Creek tp. and bounded north by lands of Widow
Aber, east by lands of James Dewey, south by Wm.
Decker, and west by PhiloFassett, containing 71
acres with about 25 acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Da
rius Bullock and James H. Webb Administrators
of the estate of John L. Webb, deceased vs. James
and Ulysses Moody, terre tenants. t
ALSO—A tract of land in Smithfield twp., begin
ning at a post, the north-east corner of Oliver Can
field's lot, thence by the lino of said lot, south 165
3-10 perches to a hemlock tree, the south-east cor
ner of said lot, thence west 110 perches to a beech
tree the south-west corner thereof, thence by line of
said Canfield's other lot, south 2S perches to a post,
thence by the southern boundary line warrant Nos.
963 and 972, east 219 6-10 perches to a hemlock
tree, for the .south-east corner thereof, thence north
193 3-10 perches to a dead beech tree, the north-east
corner hereof; thence west 109 6-10 perches to the
beginning. Containing 143 and 1-10 acres, with al
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
Denson, assignee of Wm. White rs. James Benson,
ALSO—A tract of land in Windham twp., begin
ning six rods north from the north-east corner of a
lot of fifty acres deeded by V. L. De Chaumont to
Samuel Vandusen, thence east 114 5-10 perches to
post for a corner, thence south 139 8-10 perches to
a post for a corner, thence west 114 5-10 perches to
the east line of one of the lots belonging to the said
Vandusen, thence north along east line of said Van
dusen's lots 139 8-10 perches to the beginning. Con
taining 100 acres, be the same more or less, with
about 15 acres improved, one framed house, and
log stable thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Pier
re J. De Caters and Jeanne Antoinette Ergo, his wife,
vs. James Kinvon.
JOIIN. F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Jan. 5, 1847.
'NOTICE is hereby given to all p• room interested, it t
I Edmund Fairchild, Adinintstrator of the estate •f
Ephriani Fairchild. (imaged,
late of Pike township; Nathan Coon jr. and Reuben
Bennett atheini.trators of the the estate of
bonus Bennet; deceased,
late of Towanda township: Benjamis Saxton and Lu
man Putnam, administrators of the estate of
• Benjamin Saxton. deceased.
Tate of Granville ; and Samuel 13411 and Martha Ball
administrator's of the estate of
Samuel Ball. deceased,
late of Litchfield tp.; and Jesse Edsall administrator of
Samuel Edsall, deceased.
late of Columbia; Orson Rickey and Archibald Forbes
adm;oistrators of the estate of
Elisha Forbes. deceased,
late of Sheshrquin ; and Nathan Coon, jr. and H. If
Mee administrators of the estate of
.Imaziah diteased.
late of Towanda townahip, have filed and settled in the
office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county of
Bradford, the accounts of their several administrations
upon the estates aforesaid, and that the same will be
presented to the Orphan's court of said county, on
Monday the lot day of. February next, for confirmation
and allowance. L. E. DE WOLF, Register.
Register's Of fi ce, Towanda. Dec. 30,1846.
THE undersigned having been appointer" an Auditor
by the Orphans' Court of the county of Bradford,
to adjust the accounts of Daniel Decker, administrator
of the estate opererniali Decker, deceased, will attend
fir that purpose, at his office in the borough of Towan
da. on Thursday, the 28th day of January next, at one
o'clock, I'. M., of which all persons interested, will take
Towanda, December 28, 18.1 A. Auditor.
I N pursuance of no order of the Orphans' Court of
Bradford County there will he exposed to public sale
at the house of Moses J. Herman, in the township of
Ridgliury at one o'clock ii the afternoon of the 19th
day January next, the following tracts of land belonging
to the estate of John 1.. Webb, deceased, to wit:
The equal and undivided half of a tract of land situ
ate in. South Creek township bounded north by land of
Cornelius Haight, cast by land of Samuel Pettingall,
south by lands of the estate of the late Wm. Bingham,
and crest by laud cf Isaac Welles, being the Stiles farm
(so called.) containing about one hundred and forty
acres with about sixty acres thereof improved, with a
log house and framed bam:thereon erected.
Alga, a certain tract of land situate in Ridghery town
ship in said county, bounded north by land of Aaron
Marcell., east by- land of said Marcelhas and
Whitehill; south by land of Coming and
Hapeman and west by land of Minions Stevens, being
the same land on which Francis J. Huntley resides,
containing about one hundred acres with about thirty
acres thereof improved with a framed house and barn
thereon erected.
Also, a certain tract of land situate in Bluing&ld A;
Ridgbury townships in said county, bounded north by
laud William Covell, east by land of Obadiah Hall.
south by land of William Cooper and west Luke N.
Pi - Us, containing about forty acres, with a framed house
and barn thereon erected, and with about nineteen acres
thereof improved, being.the same lot on which John W.
Brown resides.
Also, a tract of land.situritc in Centerville in Bidgbury
township aforesaid, bounded north by land of Seth Hag
and John Butt, east by the highway, south by land
of Chas. F. Wilson, and west by land of Wm. Beaten,
containing about four acres with a framed house and
barn thereon erected, and about two acres thereof im
Aiso, the undivided one fourth Fart of a certain tract
of land situate in Centerville aforesaid, bounded west by
the highway, north and east by other lands of the dv.
ceased and licorge and south by Innd o
Howard Burt, containing about ono fourth of an acre
with the whole of the store thereon erected.
- .
Also. the equal and undivided half of a lot of land
situate tin Centerville aforesaid, bounded west by the
highway, south by land of Howard F. Burt and by th.,
store lot, eat and north by land of said Burt, containing
about two thirds of an acre.
Alan. a tract of land situate in Centervi:lo atoreaaid
bounded south by land of raid Burt, west by the high
way, north by 'and of John Burt and riming to a point
on the east, containing aduut threefuttha of acre.
Dec. 19,1846. J. H. WEBB,
Z~7ILL 6e paid for the detcetion and conviction of
VV any person or persons found cutting, Timber on
tho Lands of the North Branch Iron and Coal Ca, with
out authority from the Company for so doing. The
Reward will he paid through thp hands of.
At Towanda.
AVD just received and are now opening very
t extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting of
almost everything every kept in 'a country.atoni. which
they pledge themselves to sell as low' as the same can
he bought in any town this slate of rho city of New
.York. Come one and all, and if we don't sell you
Goons linear don't boy; it will cost you nothing to
look, and all we ask a chance to show our stock of
goods. tie sure and find the right place, it is the Old
Corner More, a few dotes south of Montanye fir. Co's.
The Irltoys are on hand and will sell you goods right
for Cash or Produce. Towanda, Nov. 9, 1846.
Mimi very low for cash of ptoduce. by
----- .
E HAVE a good assortment of De !aloes, repro.
cashmeres, ginAsms, (some beautiful patterns)
white dress good; different styles; fringe; gimps, cord,
velvet ribbons, bonnet ribbons, kid and silk gloves and
mitts, comforters, linen handkerchief; Arc., dee. all of
which will btu sold cheap. ItIONTAN YE 4. FOX.
WE RAVE a Ewe lot of Broadcloths, Cassimeres,
Vestinks, and some very nice Satin; Kid and
wonted gloves, suspenders, net drawers and wrappers
drc„ which we have par down to the lowest notch.
Nov. 11. MONTANYE dc FOX.
CROCKERY . . 7 a good assortment, in setts or other
wise. to suit - purchasers, by
Nov. 11. MONTANYE & FOX.
- -
11/jENS'kip and coarse boots; boys' menu' and
boys , coanse, kip and fine shoes; menu' and boys
pumps; ladies thick boots, morocco do., common and
kid slips and buskins; misses' slips; gent.'s rubbers ;
ladies' patent and buskin rubbers, misses' do.; also. a
first rata lot of children's shoes.
november t t. MOIVI'ANYE At FOX.
Pau may be Interested I
ALLpersons that know themselves to be indebted to
be indebted to the subscriber for Goods or Medi
eines, arc requested to call and setlle the same before
the let of December, however small the amount may he,
or they may expect to pay cost, without respect to per
sons. nvi t A. D. MONTANYE.
LIQUORS, a full -assortment. -consisting of Cog.
Brandy,.American Brandy am] Gin, Monongahela
Whiskey, Port. Modern' and Malaga wines, may he
found at tho New Yolk Cheap Store, 'o. 2 Brick
Row of REEDS'.
B OOTS & SHOES-3 first rate assortment of coarse
and fins Boots, Shoes and Slippers, the latter
French of course, just opened at
nov3 O. D. BARTLETT'S.
SllAWLS—qoantitics of Shawl., nice-4 kind. going
fagt and cheap at 0. D. BA RTLErrs.
CAPS of all kinds cheap, besides every thing else at
JUST received a large and splendid asimitment of new
Goods, bought entirely with Cash, during a great
depression in the market, and with the express view of
- CtL01.712, from the' Globs Mills," a superior article
also PORK, first quality, for sale by
November 3. FLYS r & CO.
mOIZE of those A. No. 1. BOOTS, and a large
quantity of LADIES' SHOES. just received by
November 3. FLYNT & CO.
Corner of Inver and Bridre .1..,
A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Cloths of all shades
and Comm.os and qualities, arid prices. Casimeres.
Fancy and Plain. Sattinctis and n good assortment of
Veetinge may be found at GEO. E. FLYN rsc Co.
ONNETS—A great saving to the " Heads of the
.1.3 Nation." The Ladies will find it a great saving to
heir beads to call and purchase ono of those beautifill
Straw, Devon. Gimp, Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gipsy
Bonnets, selling on cheap at REED'S.;
DAVID DOANE, my son, a lad over eighteen
years left my house on the sth of August Met,
without any good reason for doing so, and I hereby
forbid all and any person whatever harboring or trust
ing him on my account as I will pay no : debts of his
contracting or espouses incurred by him.
Windham, Aug. 11th '46. JOSEPH DOANE.
j_TAvE just received and arc now offering for sole at
1-1- wholesale or retail, the largest and most general a.-
sort ment of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, ever brought
into Northern Pennsylvania, which- will be sold as here
tofore at price.; satisfactory to the purchaser. Der. 10.
Cloths, Cassimrres and Sattinelts.
ALL those wanting anything for Cloaks, Overcoats,
Coats, Pants or Vests, will find it to their advan
tage to examine the large stock of French, English and
Ametican Cloths, black and fancy Cassitneres, Saw
netts, Kentucky Jeans, Vcstings,ttc. &c., at.
- Dec. 10, 4846. E
LADIES can find a superior assortment of DRESS
1 0 TONS IRON. American, Swedes and English,
a general assortment of hoop, band, scroll, round.
square, one and two horse wagon tire, bar, Ate., just re
ceived at d 33 ME IICURS'.
Irrrit of Partition.
I N pursuance of a writ df partition issued from the
Orphan's Court - of Medford county, commanding
me to make partition of the real estate of David Pratt,
late of Canton township, intestate, to and among the
heirs and legal representatives of the said intestate. I
hereby notify all persoas concerned, that I will hold an
inquest for said purpose on the premises,at Canton afore
said, on Friday, the 22,1 day of , January neat, at I o'-
clack. P. M. d2O .1. F. MEANS, BherifE
Michael Koons (now to the use of B. F. Bar
stow) vs. The Towanda Bank—No. 577.
May Tenn, 1842, .91.10. John Bunnell vs.
Isaac Place and trillium Place—No. 112,
Spfeinier T:rai. 131
THE undersigned having been appointed on Auditor
by the Court of Common Pleas of the county of
Bradford, to hear and adjust the several claims to the
moneys raised by Sheri ff a Sale of real estate, by virtue
executions issued in the above cases, will attend for that
purpose, at his office in the llsroulili of Towanda, on
Wednesday the 27th day of January neat, at ono o- clock, P. M.. when and where all persons are required
to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in
upon - said fonds. - HENRY BOOTH,
Towanda, December :t3, 1946. Auditor.
Eliska Lewis vs. Samuel Black—No. 248.
May Term. 1846. .also, Guy Tracy vs.
Platt Smith—No. 339, Sept. nem. 1842.
/ rRE nnderdgned, having been opprinted an Auditor
1 by the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford coon•
ty. t hear and adjust the several claims to the moneys
raiset by Sloqiff . t , sale of real estate, by virtue of exe
cution ir.uecl in the above Caere, will attend for that
purpo.. at hr. relief% in the borough of Towanda. on
artatof,y, the :10th day of January next, at one o'clock,
P. M., when and where all persons interested are re
quired to present their elsims or Ow be debarred row
coming in upon said funds. 8. PIERCE,
Towanda, December '2B. 1846. Auditor.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Joseph Tuthill
late of Smithfield township, dec'd., are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having demands
against said estate, are requested to present theta forth=
with for adjustment. RENT. TUTHILL,
Smithfield, Dec. 9, 1840. Administrators.
. _
Corner of .Iflain neut Bridge Streets.
JUST OPENING, et the corder of Main & Etridgo
street, a well-selected 110'mM:tent of new and rash.
ionable DRY GOODS; which will be sold unusually
low for ready pay. The stock co naists io part of
Satinet', Chanel, gingham, almicca, the chespext lot of
prints in town, edgings, inserting., S , mod r aut•
brie muslins, limey, cannot flannel,
bleached and brown muslin, (not to' be
surpassed) ticking, cheek, caehmere;
cotton, wgol and buck glovee,
'cotton hose, suspenders,
German handdrchra,
cotton and pongee Inlkrs.
gingham cravats. plaid shawls, '
wool comforters, cotton topes, patent
thread, sewing rilk, coiling bulk. parka
pine, needle., spool cotton, hooka and eves.
au.pender. Alin and metal liutthila, with many oth
er article:s, usually bond in a store, nut
The public are invited to call and examine the abut;
before purchasing elsewhere, as they will be sold cheap.
er than at any otherestahlishment in town.
Towanda, Nov. 11. • IL o'll NRA & CO.
alus 1' received from Phil idelphia. a large and spiel].
did assortment of men's calf, kip and soarse boots.
ofrm $1 50 to $5 50; boy's do.; ladies gaiters and
walking shoes; also,fine khl slips and buskins, and all
kinds of overshoes; do. calf bootees and laced shoes ;
children's and Misses shoes of al: kinds. heavy and
light, Suitable fur every kind of weather, Youth's calf,
kip and coarse boots to suit children from 4 to 12 year.
old. We pledge ourselves to give a better arkicle at a
lowei.prica than any other establishment in llradford
county. TRUNKS from $1 50 to $lO 00
A large ass.rrtunnt of fashionable II tts and Caps of
every kind and description fur sale very luw.
Molasses, sugar. coffee, codfish, No. 1, and 2 Macker
el, hest quality black and green tea, from 31 to 8 cents
a pound ; pulverised and loaf flUgar dela tOllOO3lll, snuff.
sperm. dipped and mould conillrs ; rai-ins by the box
or pound, starch, soap, Began at 56 co nts per hundred,
and in fact all kinds ever kept in our Ike which people
will find it their advantage to purchase and to., will
give ynu reasons for it : -
A rule Logic end fumy-um Sense.
There arc three Wings Iseyond dispute:—Lt— If a man
pats out muck money, he must reeeiviaiut much.
2. if a man's expenses in business aro large, trio profits
must be large.
3. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoe Establishment at
the corner of Main and Bridge sta., in a small plain
store, at a cheap tent, can afford to sell boots & shoes,
hats & caps, and groceries, at lower prices, and of
better quality than any other store in town.
Now, if this is not sound logic, tivo and two on not
makefour ; but if it is, common sense calls on you to
come to its for your lists & Caps, Boots & Shoes &c.
See the contrast, and let your own reason decide it it
was not your advantage to give us a trial.
F INIAN GS of all kinds constantly en hand. Thread,
awls, bristles, abnuldcr•sticks, kit and files pincers, all
kinds of binding, silk cord and straps for boots, patent
pegging owls, skiving, paring and crooked knives and
floats. 11. O'HARA & CO. -
Towanda, Nov. 17, 1896.
GROCERIES, of all descriptions, at wholesale or
tail. Attention is particularly directed to their
assortment of Fredi Teas ; (we don't know the differ
ent names of the packers, but the "article" is .• C.K.")
novll V. H. BAIRD & CO.
HA FID WA RE, Iron, Nails. Gloss, Paints, Oils, Dye
Wood.. Dye stuff., Medicines, etr.. in general and
large quantities. n.l I W. H. BAIRD & CO.
ESTABLES !—Su perfine flour, pork, froth butter
wheat, etc., Ste., coubtantly on' hand and for gala
ORSE SHOEI\G done on abort notice by
Towtunla, Oct. 13. N. HEMMING W A Y
PRINTS '2OO pieces now opening and for sale very
law yr REEDS'
BONNETS, velvet and superior Leghorn Bonneti.
Also, velvets of all colors, together with artificial;
taps, bonnet ribbons, dcc. may be found nt REEDS'.
The Last Arrival of New Goods,
T N TOWANDA. are now being opened at No. 3
Brick Row, by Was. H. Third ¢ Ca., the fitst Pio
fleets in the cause of Low Prices and. liberal barter ex
changes. They do not hesitate to say, that they wil
sell Goods for cash or any kind of Merchantable pro
duce, at lower prices than any other establishment in
Bradford County, Owego, Elmira, Binghamton, (or any
branch thereof.) Call and see. Further particulars
next week. • November 9, 1846.
IMESTIC COTTONS—Brown aheetings, shirt
ng, and drilling; Also, rotton yarn, batting, wick
ings, and wadding, for sale by the bale or hes quantity,
at will • BAIRD'S.
RAN away from the subscriber, en apprmtide boy by
the name of John If. Thompson, 16 years old,
without my leave or notice. All periena are hereby
forbidden harboring or trusting said boy on •,‘• account,
as I will pay no debts .of his contracting,—One cent
reward for the return of said boy, but no charges paid.
Warron,Oct. 9, 1846. CALEB C. WUNE.
mONTANYES . ik. CO., aro now recieving a very
desirable assortment of Goods,purchased during
a great depression in the market, compri , ing French &
English BIWA D-CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Sattirnds,
and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods.
Grateful for past favors they , respectfully solicit a gene
rous public to call and examine their stork. and think
can hold out sufficient inducements to ensure their share
of public patronage.
Septembor 7, 1846.
aflasraLif , ..T.E umE,D.2ma-iac.c6go
EVERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic
Spring., Iron A nein, Mnilable But., Dash, Seat
and Stop Irons,Ornarrientn, India Rubber and 011 Cloth.
Lace, Tufts, Moan, Ate. for rale at jlB MER. UR'S.
IXTOODEN MEASCRES, brooms. patent pails and
VV . sealed bushels. MONTA NYE & FOX.
HATS & CAPS, a first tato Int, of all kinds, descrip.
*lons, colors and qualities, cheaper than ever by
november 11. MONTA NI E & FOX.
WE have on hand a largo stoel; of nice FRESH
TEAS at all kindA of prices. Rut, tee have
ju'.t F truck a vein of 4s. Tea Out is right. and
try it. moNTANYIi FOX.
11.3 R I)IF.YR E
.fl- such as nails, axes, shovels, manure forks, shovel,
and tone, nod irons, knives and forks, pocket kniv4,
butcher do., shears and scissors, razors. cloth end bait
brushes, shaving sod tooth do., wool and horse cards,
coitta mills, hatchets, queers, wood .saws, door trim
wings, steel squares, flvalt brushes, ark ropes. and bed
cords,loy nslt MON TA N E & FOX.
CODFISH AND MACKEREL. a good artick, by
nov II 110.STANYE & FOX.
rTI APIOCA—a nice artirle—Zor ruddinaei; fur Kik! at
A I.9RGE quantity White lead, No. I. pure, Vial
in oil and dry, whiting, Venitian red, chrome green
Paris do., Prussian blur, rose pink, etc.. linseed nil.
lamp oil, ooach and copal varnish. lor,nvood, red wood
ran:wood, madder, cochineal, annatto, de. We eanno
be undersold in anything in this line, ci all. ct aft.
novemlwr I I: MONj'ANYE,L Fox.
ATE heart nn hand the I.irgra .-
t stock of Doga ana
Medicines in this county, including every thine
used h the Physicians and people generally Weals.,
keep on band nearly all of the most popular Patent
Mcdicines of the day. One of our firm (A. D. M.)
having had a long experience in denting out medicines.
we flatter ourselves we can snit' all Who may favor us
with a call. Prices can't fail to suit. Particular mien
lion will he paid to ordcrs from physicians.
november 11. MONTANYE & FOX.
Utk E. REED would respectfully beg iimite frr
, tender their thanks to• the citizens of Medford
for their liberal patmttage and support, and would in
form them they are now receiving a large and full su; -
ply of FALL and W.INTER GOODS,. which wi
positively he sold at even. less then their former 10...
prices. The war to exterminate high prices is Still kei
up—nn compromise has been made, and they intend t.•
Corry the war into the heart of the enemy until they Oen
yield or ado;.t the principle of selling goods nt small pro
fits. A nimble size rote better than a slow shilling, is
Ail t. f{ t lorgr of Bnowl clathd
l!ra•er Hail... and winter vestino of all prlres,
iaiars and patti-rna, 1101 V areniiig, nal for Fa!e very low
at FEED'S.
AFULL SUPPLY of Men's and Boy's Caps. liars
and Mutts may be found at REED'S.'
4 - spLENDI assortno ni of fall and winler drum
goods, Makings, &c., for sale very lots
New Fall and Winter Goads.
rrHE subscriber is now receiving from the city of
X New York a large assortment of GOODS suit d to
the season, careful• selected. and purchased at unusual
ly low priees, which will enable him to cell very low
for cash, lumber, country produce, or approved credit.
Ibis friend; and the public generally arc invited to call
and examine his stock. before purchasing elsewhere.—
He feels confident that he can nlli•r them better bargains
than they have heretofore made in this town, or any
other in this region of country. In his assortment will
he found in all their varieties. Dry Goods, Grriceries,
Hardware. Crockery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paiute
Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes, 4-c.
Towanda, Oct. ttG, I Sin. N. N. BETTS.
Trim Ladies will find a great I, aneiy ot worsied
11, dress goods t also, a beautiful assortment of prints
at very low prices at BEN'S'
FRENCH and English clotits,iheavy Beaver and
Tweeds for over coats, fancy Cassimeres and Silt-
tinetts, a gtcat variety will be found at BETTS'.
MOUSLIN De LAINE, Cashreere.s. - IZo4 Roy and
'Broche Shawls, a great variety will be found
at . BETTS'
New Supply of Fall and Winter Goods
TENDERS his thanks for past favors, and respect
fully informs his old cu,tltners and the public
generally, that he is now receiving from . the of
New York the largest and cheapest assortment of
GOODS ever purchased for this market, which ho
pledges himself to sell 20 per cent. lower than the
same quality of goods were eve' bCfore of in ..Tow
anda. This is no humbuggery. .lu4 drop in and
price my goods. I have almost every thing wanted by
the farmer, mechanic, and everybody dse, and particu
larly the Ladies.
My stock of Cashmeres, M. De Limos. Black and
colored Alpaccap, California Plaids end Dirmhams, aro
very cheap. %Vith regard to Broad Cloths, Gass'inieres i
Satini.its, Jeans, Domestic cloths, Ve s ti ngs p r i n t s ,
I knock wider to no merchant in this town or any
where else.
2 1. L
B s
tva 000fskoert,anerofred in
Towanda, dy B. KINGSBERY.
NO. 3, B. lt.
Q WEEDS Iron, Horso Shoe, Round Bond, Nnil rods
L nurse Shoe Nails, Stool of all kinds will be .1a
very low by B. KINGSBERY.
10QYDS. Beautiful Carpeting, two shillings per
yard below the market price at
qiilasE LAWNS,brtc:7%N GIN G.
-11.- hunk Rept DeLains, Lamina cloths for'summer
dresses, no'lang looked for by the Ladies, have arrived
and may now be seen at REED'S
Surrender of the Mexican Batteties !
Old " Rough and Ready" again Victorious !
ONE ARK LOA), and several wagon loads o(NEW
GOODS, have just arrived, and are selling cheaper
than ever at No. 3, Brick Row.
November 9
PRINT'S -500 different styles, bought the city of
New York, by the case, owthe "cash down" plan,
sad will be sold accordingly. BAIRD & CO.
T t OOKING GLASSES, one case of very nice, 0 p
frames, latest style, just opened at
nov II NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
BOOl'S & SHOES-11 dozen pair Coarse Boots.
boys and men; also calf and kip hoots and shoes.
and a good deal the best and cheapest lot of women's
and misses war in town. Cull at BA I RD'S.
PILE subscriber enntinuestn act as ngent for the DE
Philadelphia, a stock company of good standing and re
pute di does business on as fay midis terms as any other.
He is also agent for the% INCOMING CO. MU
TUAL INSTRAINCE CO; a company which has al
ways been Attnetual in the payment of losses and pre
sents advantages FeWinn found.
Towanda, May '2O. \ 0. D. BARTLETT.
Positive and dimly Notice
XS hereby given that all lily serounts for costs haw,
been placed in the hands of N. J. KEF.LEE, fn
collection. This is to inform all persons interested that
unless settlement is made by the close of the approach
ing December Court, these accounts will Ise left in theme
hands of nil officer, with instructions to collect them
without did uc, and without re.pect to persons.
Nov. I, 18 , 16. . JOHN N. WESTON. -
Mc-~c.r• ••~ rzz .-~
• Great Reduction in Price !
T KINGSBERY JR.. would invite purchasern to
s. examine his NEW SIOCK OF GOODS, no
he is confident that the great foiling- oil in prices will
enable him to offer greater intlnerments than can be
presented by thmtet. Ito ptirette,ll their grinds earlier in
the nelson. Toomnda, November S, 1816.
r 1 1 11 E ÜBSCR.I is mow open for the
Paniphld Lows for 1917.
November 3,1 F 46. 1 . REEL, Tienstirer.
Broad Cloth. Casshavres Sattiaots.
A LARGE assortment of Bread Cloths, C iesimcres.
-Li and Sattinetta, which we have long been femme.
for selling good and cheap, now cheaper than ever—
and upon Which we challenges the world, just received
at 0. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda, Nov. 3, !MG.
) • Dontesti, Flonnel,
nye, Woolen
Butter, %A. kite Bean..
Choette, COON etKINS.
ut ,thott, alnins ant thing, for lito , r.l foie", will
be roil at O. D. nAn . rl.E r-rs.
TillV3rpla. Nov. 3, 1 F lIL
PriPCS g"ri:::s I
NY qnnti:ity of N, P. int, 11 , 1 I
reocivel by n 3 1 7 1 ti \ • i A. •
- -
A LI, pr , -nos todet•ted to the est tte of A. A.
with. Lae of R:1.7.1” rry toom-htp, dre d., nrr tlerOM
rrvirctell to make paytnent without delar, and tho , e
having awn. nglidst quid estate, will ;dense pre.ent
them Jelly nttested to the FoS , rribm who will he found
at the storo of J. R.Coollmsrzh. Ri.lch..n.v.
R. BF;CK WITH, Admit.istrator.
nidithern-, necetnl•er I a. I S 4 fl.
FS, 11,11415-110• moat fnJjonnkle nnJ
•-• ucli
11kaa4in4 Mat ant, in on' 0..11)111V; opa l , at
nov3 U. D. BAR lIIETrb,
5.,113 ms.l I,pl.rr Leather.-
Also, pkwy of Boa., and Shoes may
Wht.H.D_OR I & CO