SERIOUS ACCIDENT.--011 Wednesday o we ek before last, a company of ten persons, f fi r e ladies and five gentlemen, went from the vicinity of Lima. Lagrange co., la., to a ball at .. Union Mills," in the same county. About g e e o'clock in the morning they left for their homes. in a two horse lumber wagon, the team b e ing driven by a young man of the company. They had proceeded about half a mile from the house, whe two orih - ree persons came up on borse-back, a nd made a rush to pass the load ed wrgon—the horsemen put spurs to their hor ses and the rein3man put whip to his, and when under fug headway. the nightbeing dark, t he front n heels of the wagon struck a stump, and the passengers and the box of the wagon were thrown some thirty-five feet from the m op against which the wheel first struck.— One lady struck a tree distant 30 feet, and broke her neck, and died instantly. One man had his ribs broken, and was so seriously in jured that he died the day following. Another of the company, a young lady, was so serious ly injured that her life was despaired of when our informant left—a fourth one, a female, se tiodsly, and five of the other six more or less injured.—Col :water (21lich.) Sentinel. THE DEEPEST LEAD YET.—Lieut. Bache, of the U. S, Surveying brig George Washing ton, whose loss at sea has been so much deplor ed, succeeded. after repeated attempts, in as certaining at one point the depth of the Gulf Stream. The length of the 'the line OUT was twelve hundred fathoms, or about one mile and a third. This is probably nearly three-fourths of a mile deeper than plummet ever sounded be fore. The soundings of Captain Scoresby, and all mhos, so far as we know, fall far short of this prodigious depth. Generally, the sound ings for the roast survey extended to the edge i . Gulf Stream. and the water as might be ex pected, • s deepens where this "tremendous uric ni oils long.—Sao. Rebuldican. t;ONS OF TEMPERANCE.—The re gut tt meeting: of TOWANDA DIVISION, HA of the Sons of Temperance. are held on Tues dtetii ning4, at 6 o'clock, precisely, in Temperance over Mootat e's & Co' store. By order of the Division. C. S. RUSSELL, R. S. rp ta: GILEFENBERG VEGETABLE PILLS, 1 and the Green Mountain Vegetate Ointment, for nlr by the subscriber, only agent for the town and ho tough of Towanda. d• 2: N. N. BETTS. ADMINIS"TRATOWS NOTICE. LL perYons indet.ted to the estate of A. A. Beck. with, Lite of Ridgberry town-hip, deed., are hereby rrque•ted to make payment without delay, and those hating claims against said estate, will please present them duly attested to the sub,criber, who will be found st the store of J. R. Coolbaugh. in Ridgberry. E. R. BECK WITH, Admi—istrator. fhdaherrv, December 15. 1846. irrit of Partition. pursuance of a writ of partition issued from the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, commanding me to make partition of the real estate of David Pratt, late of Canton township, intestate, to and among the terra and legal representative.s of the said intestate. I berrhy minty all pCtROJA concerned, that I will hold an inquest for said purpose on the premises, at Canton afore !ad. on Friday, the 22d day of January next, at 1 1/ .. . ClOrk, P. M. J2O J. F. MEANS, Sheriff. st:),INER, M D., DENTIST, announces to J. friend. and the puld c that he is again in town and swill remato a few weeks. lie will he happy to wan upon hp. friends, at his rooms at Mr. Woodruff on Main sucet—newly the Reporter ollicx. d 7 ASH WILL BE PAID FOR SHEEP PELTS, by dee 9. MONTANYE & FOX. :DR J .11 - N E's CELE 13 I:AT ED NIEDICINES— Erprrha-ant ; Alterative; laic Vertu; ruge ; I Carminale Bolcom; s'anat:ce P,113 ; Hair Tonic and Lye; Fur sale by ilonlanye ,s• Fox. Towanda, Pa. Only authorized Agent. far 13railford county. IIIG:11.1r I nPORTANT NEWS rnom Tat SOCTII. The t01:., tra[ t.l a letter is from a very respecte loc un rv.ittiv i101.1Al• d aril Flappahanneck Co, 111qc 26,1846. Dear Str—Our Mr. Jones hart been in a very low state 01 for mare than a _year; he has had the benefit of the be,d medical adt ice our county affords. and also I,ur rub during the part bummer, but found no Wier (ht the 15th of April la-t, we purchased a half dozen tattles of your Tonic Vermifuge, and a half do om boxes of your Sanative Pills. Through carelessness in parking the articles in a dry goods box, one half the Vermifuge was broken. Mr. Jones commenced with the Pak and after taking a few doses, felt a derided icuprotemenL The three bottles of Vermifuge, which tame sale to hand, brought from him, he thinks, not leas than ONE THOUSAND WORMS, and perhaps many mare. He is now in better health than he has been in for many years, and hope a few more bottles of ysur Vermifuge and Pills will effect a penna lent cure. Ali _pr plits,cians have entirely mistaken his case; Pro. byfitiel Jackson, of your city at the head. As to our -- fesponsilin v , we have to refer you to Messrs. Inskip. Sheen & ‘loo,lruff, Silk House, Market at., near Fourth, and Hieskell, Hoskins & Co., corner of Fifth and Mar ket drevts. Mr. Jones is moot anxious to get more of your Pills and VI rmifuge, as soon as possible. 2Nrc, Respectfully, • J. B. JONES & CO. ORl'll-ANS• COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of I Bradford County there will be exposed to public sale at the house of J. Herman. in the township of Iliachur 2 , at one o'clock in the afternoon of the 19th day January next, the following tracts of land belonging to the t ntate of John L. Webb, deceased. to wit : 'Hie equal and undivided half of ■ tract of land situ ate ID South Creek township bounded north by land of Corneliu s Ilatglit, rant by land of Samuel Pettingall, routh by blurb; of the estate of the late Will. Bingham, no, tined by land r f Isaac ICelles, being the Stilea farm (.a coded.) containing about one hundred and forty tens with about sixty aerea thereof improeCiL with a house and framed barn thereon erected. Also, a certain tract of rand situate in Ridgbery town ala p in said county, bounded north by . land of Aaron Maredlrs, east by land of said Marceline and VI/tartan ; south by land of Cumin, and Ilispenian sod welt by land of Marione Stevens, being the same land on which Francis J. Huntley resideta containing about one hundred acres with about thirty arm thereof improved with • framed house and barn thereon erected. A 6, a c. mein tract of land situate in Springfield & Rklebury townships in said county, bounded north by land ‘rilliam Covell, east by land of Obadiah Hall, with by land of Uilliam Cooper and west Luke N. Pitts, containing about forty acres, with a framed house and barn thereon erected, and with about nineteen acres th s"! *f in"Voced, being the wane lot on which John W. ..revro re.idca. Alm, a tract of landeituate in Centerville in Ilidgbury lo.rapship aforesaid, bounded north by land of Seth Dag trt and John Sint, east by the highway, south by land sfehas.F. Wilson, and west by land of Wm. Essten, '" g `,lining about four acres with framed house and 4ra:thereon erected, and about two acres thereof int pronrit A , o, the undivided one (north fart of a Certain tract of land satiate in Centerville aforesaid, bounded west by 14 highway, north and east by other land 4 of the dv ccascd and George M'Alpin, and south by Innd of Hos , and Burt, containing about one fourth of an acre with the whole of the store thereon erected. A l 2O, the equal and undislded half of a lot of lend atuate rin Centerville aforesaid, bounded west by the ''ghway, south by land of Howard F, Burt and by the ' t `le 101, east and north by land of said Burt, containing shout two thirds g f on sere. , Alan. a tract of land tjthate in Centerville atoresaid &NNW south by land of said Burt, west by the high north by 'and of John Burt and runing to a point ou the east, containing 'dont three fourths of at re. Dec. 19,1615 WINT-ER GOODS! H. S. & M. C. MERCUR, H AVE just received and are now o ff ering for sale at vt holesale or retail, the Jarges and most general as: eurtment of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, ever brought into Northern Pennsylvania, which will he sold as here tofore at prices satisfactory to the purchaser; Dec. 10. Cloths, Cassimeres and hattinettL ALL those wanting anything for Cloaks, Overcoats, Coats, Pants or Vests, will find it to their advan tage to examine the large stock of French, English and American Cloths, black and fancy Cassia:tents, Saur netts, Kentucky Jeans, Vesting's, &c• &c.. at Dec. 10, 1846. MEECIIR'S. LADIES can find a supedor asaortment of DRESS CIMA KINGS, at . dto MERCUR'S. 10 TONS IRON, American, Swedes and English, st general assortment of hoop, band, scroll, round. square, one and two horse wagon tire, bar, drc., just re ceived at d 33 MERCERS'. 11'.02RR.8NTED .9LIF.t2YS TO CURE t.•:........ , ,,i.,•....e....,•;6-:,..-.,' -- -,:- • ,--.-- '-'_. -:;-- :• 4 " .' " ir -... '':3l .1 - i•• r , 40- - •.-:;;-- '' • .• . . -p ~,.. ~. ._ .... .... ~,-,..-: ii.....- -:.- • i . -. % ..- z .: - • v ti .., -. ."'-',..?i ,,.. - . --:. 7• .. . :7 :',, - ....rt ..' t • ... . • t: ••••.: N HEMORRHOIDS, OR PILES, is • disease, pram ed by local irritation costiveness, purgative stimu lants, undue determination of blood to the hemcirrboidal vessels by excessive riding or walking, or a congestive state of the liver, and peculiarity of the constitution itself. It is usually considered under three (mai, or vaneties, as fnllcwa: Blind Piles, White Piles, end Bleeding Piles. This disease is so common, and so very well known, that a description of its symptoms is not deemed neces sary. The.success that has followed the use of the Embro cation iti the cure of this disease, has been trulyastnnish ing. Phy-icians nue advise their patients to try it, as the only Pile Medicine. In addition toils being a positive remedy for the Piles, it never fails to cure that INTOLERABLE ITCHING, which is so very common, and has its location in the same parts as the Piles. Read the following, from the editors! colums of Alex ander's Weekly Messenger: . FOCNI:1 AT I.AAT—A Sons Ctrill TOR TIII PILLS ! —Physiciansand Chemists have long been anxious to discover a medicine the would cure one of the most diseases, t e Piles. Success has at last been the result . Dr JACKSI'N'S PILE EMBRO CATION not only stops all bleeding, allays pain and inflamation, subdues that into lerable itching, but effectu ality cure's, like a charm and in a very shot time, per sons whose lives have been rendered miserable fur years. Only a few from the great number of certificates will be published. Read the following : New York. 721 Broadway, September 8, 1815. Dr. N. Jacxacm—Dear Sir : Will you send me six six bottles of your Pile Embrocation ; I wish them part to keep myself, and part for a legal gentleman, • friend of mine, who has found great relief in using from my bottle two or three ticaes. You remember, when in Philadelphia, I was suffering dreadfully from this terr:ble scourge. I only took one bottle from you ; I have not used it quite all, and am now perfectly well. As you ntny suppose, I proclaim the virtues of your medicine wherever I go. I tell every friend about it ; and it is singular to perceive how many are suffering in this way-1 believe half of my acquaintances are more or less afilicm.l. Let me tell you that you can sell here as fast you choose to make. When you want a certificate from me, you aholl have it, and you are at 'Mr ity to show this letter if you wish. Respectfully yours, LEWIS P. ASHFORD. For v ale by MONTAN YE & - FOX, Towanda, Pa. only Agents for Bradford County. 28m6 - L-mit the cure of DEAFNESS, pains, and the dia -1 charge of matter from the ears. Also all those dis acrrealle sounds, like the Ironing of it sects. falling of watrr, whizzing of steam, &c., &c., which are symp toms of approaching delfnets, and also generally atten dant with the disease. Many persons who base been deaf for ICH. fifteen, and even twenty years, and were obliged to n•e ear trumpets, have, after using one or two bottles, thrown aside their trumpets, being made perfect ly well. Physicians and Surgeons highly recommend its Use. The very great number of happy results that have fol lowed the use of SCA RPA'S ACOUSTIC OIL, have bCen truly astonishing. And what is wonderful, some who were deaf from birth, have been so much improved as to hear common conversation very readily. It would be the height of presumption to warrant • cure in all cases, but in nine cases out of ten of recent date, there is a certainty that the results will be most 'nippy and satiscfatory to the patient. The application of the oil produces no pain, but on the contrary an agree able and pleasant sensation. The recipe for this medi cine has been ontained from an Aurist of great reputa tion, who has found that deafness, in nineteen eases out of twenty, was produced from a want of action in the nerves ofhearing, or a dryness in the ,ears; his object therefore ',Was to find something which would create • healthy cOdltion in those parts. After a long series of experiments his efforts were at last crowned with suc cess, in the discovery of this preparation, which has re ceived the mime of SCA !IPA'S CON POUND ACOUS TIC OIL. A long list of certificates might be given, hut such is the confidence in the medicine, and so high has been its reputation, that but one of them will be at present published: MOST EtritIOILDINART CCIIR!-A lady in Smith field, Brad. Co., "a.. and now about eighty fears of age, had been gradually getting deaf for more than 40 years, so that it was next to impossible to make her hear conversation in the loudest tone of voice. Last winter she was induced to try ** Scarpa's Oil for Deafness." It is only necessary to add that she used two bottles, and is -perfectly restored—she is cured. Any information in regard to the case may be obtained at the store of Dr. Jayne, No.B. South Mini street, Philadelphia. For sale by MONTANYE & FOR, Towanda, Pa; only agents for Bradford county. 28—ly lielV 1 1 6 1 . 1 re c. receivedompanby y fthe or purchaseN rth roatit Ti m beriroilot the lands of the Company in Bradford county, for • quantity not less than two millions f feet, and to be cut during a period not oxreeding two years, and under the direction of on agent of the company.. Persons making proposals will state the security they propose to give for the fulfilment of their contras'. Proposal to be left et the Officeof Wm.Elwell, in Tewanda; on or before the let January, as after that day proposals will not be considered . W H. WINDER. Preat. N. B. Iron and Coal Co. $lOO REWARD. IVILL be paid for the deteetion and conviction of V any person or persons found cutting, Timber on tho Lauds of the North Branch Iron and Mateo., with out authority from the Company for so doing. The Reward will ba paid through thp hands of. At Towanda. W M ELWELL. The Cheapest Th is Store in Towanda e truth THAT G. E. F. & CO.. have taken the lead in eel ling.cheop goods of all descriptions, not conflnio thoeo "great reductions of prices" to • foot leading an ticks, and ' 270 truth is That G. E. Flynt & Co., will contuaue to sell Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware &c.. cheaper than any other establishment in Bradford County, and Remember, That on thsse "two sayings" bangs all the truth that is necese , sary - to ensure great Winking to all those who purchase for cash. No. 5 Bs'ek ROT , . _ _ D. BULLOCK, J. H. WEBB. Adininietratori PRINTS—a largo and beautiful lot of PRINTS. by no,. I I. MONTANYS & FOX. ..P . ~•• X- ^ • L" . L .if UM ss " . " - -•-...:% .7 . ACOUSTIC OIL! el , THE CRT CURE MA VI. , L,_ °WIVES% 'Y.. PROPOS.A LS G. E. FLYNT 4 CO. • =rem Imam a way 050=0 CHEAPEST IN TOWN! . • DIONTANTIE Et FOX LEAVE just received and are now opening a very extensive atorortioent, of GOODS, consistinFof ehnost everything every kept in Et country store, which they pledge thenivelves to foil es low as the samis'•in be bought in any town this • side ofihe city of New York. Come one and all, and if we don't sell you Goons Cues, don't buy; it will coot you nothing to look, and all wensk is a chance to show our stock of goods. Be sure and final the right place, it is the Old Corner Store. a few doors south of Montagu'. & Co's. The B'Aoya are on bend and will veld you goods right for Cash or Produce. Towanda, Nov. 9, 1846. 5000 yDs. SHEETINGS ¢ SHIRTINGS selling very low for cash et produce: by MONTANYE & FOR. Nov. II L✓IDIES' GOODS WE HAVE a goal assortment of De !sines, repps, eashmeres, gingham!, (some beautiful patterns) white dress goods, different styles ; fringes, gimps, cord, velvet ribbons, bonnet ribbons, kid and silk eons and mitts, comforters, linen handkerchiefs, &c., &.c., all of which will bs sold cheap. MONTANYE 4. FOX. FOR GENTLEMEN. TUE HAVE ague lot of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, VV Vesting., and some very nice Satin; Kid and worsted gloves, suspenders, net drawers and wrappers &c.„ which we have pu` down to the lowest notch. ' MONTANYE & FOX. ROCKERY—ts good assortment, in setts or otbcr !L . ./ wise, 10 suit purchasers, by Nov.ll. bIONTANYE & FOX. BOOTS AND SHOES 11/(EN'S' kip and coarse boots; boys' do., mons' and boys' coarse, kip and fine shoes ; mend and boys' pumps; ladies' thick boots, morocco do., common and kid slips and buskins; misses slips; gentle rubbers ; ladies' patent and buskin rubbers, misses' do.; also, • first rate lot of children's shoes. november 11. MONTANYE & FOX. TXTOODEN MEASURES, brooms, patent pails'and VV • sealed bushels. MONTANYE & FOX. HATS & CAPS, a first raw lot, of all kinds, descrip. lions, colors and qualities, cheaper than ever by november I I. MONTANI E & FOX. PEAS! TEAS! WE have on hand a largo stock of nice FRESH TEAS at all kinds of prices. But, we have just struck a vein of 4s. Tea that is right. Cali anti try it. INONT. AYE & FOX. HARDWARE AGENERAL ASSORT:6IEN 1' of HARDWARE such as nails, axes, shovels. manure forks, shovels and tongs, sad irons, knives and Italia, pocket knives, butcher do., shears and scissors, razors, cloth and halt brushes, shaving and tooth do., wool and horse cards, cofrea mills, hatchets, augers, wood saws, door trim mings, steel squares, g brushes. ark ropes, and bed cords, by nvtl MON FAN YE dr. FOX. CODFISJI AND MACKEREL., a good ankle, by novll MONTANYE I FOX. TAPIOCA—a nice article—for puddings, fur sale at novll MONTANYE & FOX. PAINTS. OILS 4- DYE STUFFS. ALARGE quantity White lead, No: I, pure, gr'nd in oil and dry, whiting, Venitianced, chrome green. Paris do., Prussian blue, rose pink, etc., linseed oil, lamp oil, ociach and copal- varnish, logwood. red wood, camwood, madder, cochineal, mulatto, etc. We cantle be undersold in anything in tills line, al all, at all. november I I. , AIONTANYE & FOX. DRUGS .'IND MEDICINES WE have on hand the largest stock of Drugs ana Medicines in this county, including every thing used b the Physicians and people generally We also keep on hand nearly all of the most popular Paten! Medicines of the day. One of our firm (A. D. M.) having had a long experience in dealing out medicines. we flatter ourselves we ran snit all who may favor us with a call. Prices can't fail to suit. Particular-atten tion will be paid to orders from physicians. november 11. MON TANYE & FOX. You may be Interested ! ALL persons that know themselves to be indebted to be indebted to the subscriber for Goods or Medi tines. arc requested to call and setlle the same before the l.t of December, however small the amount may be, or they may expect to pay cost, without respect to per sons. nv I t A. D. MONTANYE. LIQUORS, a full assortment, consisting of Cog. Brandy, American Brandy and Gin, Monongahela Whiskey, Port. Maderia and Malaga wines, may be found at the New York Cheap Store, No. 2 Brick Row of REEDS'. BOOTS & SHOES—a first rate assortment of coarse and fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers, the latter French of course, just opened at nov3 0. D. BARTLETT'S. SHA WLS—gnantities of Shawls. nice. 4 kind. going off fast and cheap at 0. D. BARTLETT'S. CAPS of all.kinds cheap. besides every thing else at 0. D. BARTLETT'S. SANTA ANNA TAKEN ! JUST received a large and splendid nasostment of new Goods, bought entirely with Cush, during a great depression in the market, and with the express view of UNDERSELLING the BRAGG ADOEIES, D. D. BARTLETT. FLOUR, from the Globe Milk" a supimor article eh* PORK, first quality, for sale by November 3. FLYNT 6c CO. MORE of those A. No. 1, BOOTS, end a large quantity of LADIES' SHOES. just received by. November 3. FLYNT & CO. TARZ. DDAVM, DILLIN ER AND 111 ALTUAM AILED, Corner of Inver and Briars els, TOWANIIA, PA CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Cloths of all shades ti and colors, and qualities, and prices. Caimans. Fancy and Plain. Sattinetts and a good assortment of Vesting's may be found at GEO. E. FLYN r & CO. BONNETS—A great saving to the " Heads 0f ,. . the Nation." The Ladies will find it a great saving - to heir heads to call and purchase one of those beautiful Straw, Devon, Gimp. Florence, or Lace, Lawn. Gipsy Bonnets, selling an cheap at REED'S. NOTICE DAVID DOANE, my son, a lad over eighteen years left my house on the Sth of August inst, without any good reason for doing so; and I hereby forbid all and any person whatever harboring or trust ing him on my account as I will pay no . debts of his contracting or expenses incurred by him. ' Windham. Aug. I lth '46. JOSEPH DOANE. NOTICE.—In purulence of an order of the United States District for the Western District of Penna. I shall dispose of the balance of assets and effects of J. Kingebery Jr., assigned in bankruptcy, at public sale at the Court House id Towanda, December 23d. at two o'clock P.M. G.SA ND ERSON, Asignee: Towanda, Dec. 7, 1846. CASH PAID FOR OATS. at nov3 0. D. BARTLETT'S LADIES! I SAY, !Awns!! II you have made up your minds to buy a nice dress. cloak or shawl this season, don't fail to call at N 0.3, Brick Roar, where yon can find the mod, bed and cheapest articles in that line, that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trimmings. Remember, call at nal I BAIRD'S. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALI. person s indebted to the estate of Joseph Tuthill late of Smithfield township, deed., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, are requested to present them forth with for adjustment. BENJ. TUTHILL, Smithfield. Dee. 9, 1846. Administrators. CiLOTHS, CLOTHS—We wish the attention of all who are in want of Clothe, Cassirneres. Satinet &e., to our large stock on hand. These cloths must be sold. We never have been undersold, and never will be. C'all end examine. G. F. FLY NT .# CO. NEW DRY GOODS, Corner of .If/ahs and Bridge Struts. TEST OPENING, at the corner of Main & Bridge streeti. a well.selectedi assortment of new and fish. ionalile DRY GOODS, which will be sold unusually low for reedy pay. The stock consists in pan of &Alain, flannel, gingham. alpacce, the cheapest lot of prints in town, edgings, insettings, Sails sad cam bric matins; linsey, canton flannel, drilling, bleached and brown muslin, (not to be surpassed) ticking, check, cashmere. Action, wool and buck gloves, cotton boa, suspenders. German handdrchf's, cotton and pongee hdkrs, gingham cravats. plaid shawls, 5 -" wool comforters, cation tapes, patent thread, sewing silk, cotton balls, packs pins, needles, spool cotton. books and eyes, suspender, shirt and metal buttons, with many oth. er articles, usually found in a store, not mentioned. The public are invited to call and esarnine the stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will be sold cheap er than at any other establishment in town. Towanda, Nov. 11. H. O'HARA & BOOTS & SHOES OF ALL KINDS, 1118 T received from Philadelphia, a large and splen did assortment of men's calf,kip and coarse hoots, ofrm $1 50 to $5 50; boy's do.; ladies gaiters and walking shoes; also, fine kid slips and buskins, and all kinds of overshoes; do. calf bootees and lace d shoes; cbildien's and Misses shoes of all kinds. heavy and light, suitable for every kind of weather, Youth's ea% kip and coarse boots to suit children from 4 to 12 year. old. We pledge ourselves to give a better article at a lower price than any other establishment in Bradford county. TRUNKS from $1 50 to $lB Q 0 HATS AND CAPS. • A large assirtinent of fashionable Hats and Caps of every kind and description for sale very low. GROCERIES Molasses, sugar, coffee, codfish, No. I. and 2 Macker el, best quality black and green tea, from 31 to 88 cents u pound ; pulverised and loaf sugar; rice tobacco, snuff, sperm. dipped and mould candlre ; raisins by the box or pound, starch, soap, segars at 50 cents per hundred, and in fact all kinds ever. kept in our line wb}ch people will find it their advantage to purchase and we will give you reasons for it: A little Logic and Common Renee. Them am three things beyond dispute:—lst—lf a man pays out much money, be must receive as much. 2. If a man's espenses in business are large, his profits mum be large. 3. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoe Establishment at the corner of Main and Bridge eta., in a small plain store, at a cheap rent, can afford to sell boots & shoes, hats & caps, and groceries, at lower prices, and of better quality than any other store in town. Now, if this is not sound logic, two and two no not make four ; but if it is, common sense calla on you to come to us for your Hats & Caps. Roots & Shoes &c. See the contrast, and let your own reason decide it it was not your advantage to give us a trial. FINLINGS of all kinds constantly on hand. Thread, awls, bristles, shoulder-sticks, kit and files pincers, all kinds of binding, silk cord and straps for hoots, patent pegging awls, skiving, paring and crooked knives and floats. H. O'HARA & CO. Towanda, Nov. 17, 1846. fIROCERIES, of all descriptions, at wholesale or re- NJ' tail. Attention is particularly directed to their assortment of Fresh Teas ; (we don't know the differ ent names of the packers, but the "article " is " C.K.") now I t W. H. BAIRD & CO. 'LTA RD WARE, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints, Oils, Dye 1.1 w muit, Dye stairs Medicines, etc.. in general awl large quantities. ny I t W. H.-BAIRD & CO. LIATA IMES !—Su perfine flour, pork. fresh butter wheat, etc., etc., conatantly on band and for sale at null NO. 3, B. R. HORSE SHOEING done on short notice by Towanda, Oct. 13.'46. N. H EMMINOW AY RINTS, 200 pieces now opening and for sale very P low at REEDS' BONNETS, velvet and superior Leghorn Bonnets. Also, velvets of all colors, together with artificial., taps, bonnet ribbons, am. may be found at REEDS'. The Last Arrival of New Goods, IN TOWANDA, are now being opened at No. Brick Row, by IVm. H. Buird $- Co.. the fist Pio news in the cause of Low Prices and liberal barter ex changes. They do not hesitate to say, that they wil sell Goods for cash or any kind of Merchantable pro duce, at lower prices than any other establishment in Bradford County, Owego, Elmira, Binghamton, (or any branch thereof.) Call and see. Further particulars next week. November 9, 1846. LOOKING GLASSES, one case of very nice, 0 G frame's, latest style, just opened at novll NO. 3, BRICK ROW. NOTICE RAN away from the subscriber, an apprentice boy by the name of John H. Thompson, 16 years old, without my leave or notice. All persons are hereby forbidden harboring or trusting said boy on -.y-account as I will pay no debts of his contracting.—One cent reward for the return of said boy, but no charges paid. Warren. Oct. 9,1846. CALEB C. TUNE. FALL & WINTER GOODS, mONTANY & CO., ere now recieving a very desirable assortment of Goods,purchased during a great depression in the market, comprising French & English BROAD-CLOTHS,Vassimeres and Bettina% and the choicest patterns of Prints and Wowed Goods. Grateful for past favors they respectfully solicit a gene. roue public to call and examine their stock. and think can bold out suificient inducements to ensure their share of public patronage. Septembor 7, 1840. 011ta,'LL641.05r0 INLEEE23/3WCIM EVERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic Springs, Iron Axels, Mall-4ble Burs, Dash, Seat mud Stop Irons,Ornaments, India Rubber and Oil Cloth, Lae*, Tufts, Moss, &e. for sale at jIB MEW :UR'S. INSURANCE AGENCY MHE subscriber enntinues to act as agent Inc the DE -1 LA WARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia, a stock company of good standing and re pute & does business on as fay Table terms as any other. He is also agent for the LYCOMING CO. MU TUAL INSURANCE CO.. a company which has al. 'avert been punctual in the payment of losses and, pre sents advantages seldom found. Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT. ' ositive and timely .i llice I 8 hereby given that all my accounts for 'costs bare been placed in the hands of N. J. KEELER, fa. collection. This is to inform all persona interested that unless settlement is made by the close of-the approach. ing December Court, these accounts will be left in the hands of WM:finer, with instructions to collect them without delay, and without respect to persona. Nov. 1,1846. JOAN N. WESTON. FOR SALE. 21 HEAD OF COWS and young cattle will sold 1 cheap for cash or approved credit. Towanda, Oct. 13,1846. HIRAM C. FOX. Pt COTS & SHOES—t I dozen pair Coarse Boots, 1.1 boys` eml men; ale° calf and kip boots and shoes. end 's good deal the best sod cheapest lot of women's and misses' wirer in town. Call at BAIRD'S. DOMESTIC rOTTONS--Brown sheetinge, shirt ing, and drilling; Alan. cotton yam, batting, w ick. Inge, and wadding. for sale by tho bale or kes quantity. at nyll BAIRD'S. tpawatimi 221=1Q:4=320 FASHION.IIILE MILORs, Over Montanye's store, next door to Mercer's law office at the old stand of Powell dr. Seaman. oc t LATEST NEWS FROM MEXICO ! THE most extensive variety of Ladies' Winter Dress 1 Goode with ell sorts of outlandish names, of the . . most beautiful patterns scd lowest prices ever seen this country, just opened at 0. D. DARTLETT'S. CIROCERIES, Fresh Groceries, just teamed, by n 07, 2 „ FLYNT 6; CO. Retailers of Foreign . Tiferebandiae. 5 rrtHE following- statement of Retailers of Fureigp J. Goods and Merchandise, in Bradforicasialy. has been certified to me. ss mods inconformity with the 6th section of the set of March 4th, 1824, r. !sting to. Re tailers of Foreign Goods and Marebendiar Retailer's Names. • ATHENS BOROUGH.. satterles, Welles & Harris 12 $l2 50 L 8 Ellsworth 13 li Thomas Ma:Weald 13 (exonerated.) Gauge A Perkins Chester Perk C ft Herrick 1, 24 13 Rogers 14 S Comstock 13 Job Morley 14 - ATHENS TOWNSHIP. John Watkins, 14 (exonerated. Thomas Gardncr' RSTLUM, Elam. Horton 14 lobo Horton, jr. 14 BURLINGTON, A & e A Morley Coryull & Gee CANTON, Charles Rathbons DURELL. Ulyeees Moody 14 0 D Chamberlin 14 FRANKLIN, James W Meteor Liquor 14 R K Hawley HERRICK, Willir m Angle MONROE. Rogers Fowler D C Salsbury N C Warford H S & l H Money Benjamin Coolbaugb J & eolith Liquor 13 0. 14 .. 13 , 14 ORWELL. Theopilus ilumphry Henry Gibbs PIKE, Smith & Ross E Bullock Daniel Bailey P M Bostwick ROME, Maynard & Waulea 14 RIDGBERB Y. A eaph Colbuni Jobe L Webb 811L'SHEQUIN, Storrs & Jones 13 Horace Kinney & Co. Liquor. 14 Welles, Nichols & Co. 14 SMITHFIELD, Lyman Durres 13 10 Bullock & Phelps 13 10 E 8 Tracy 13 10 SPRINGFIELD. 14 .7 STANDING STONE. Henry W Tracy Liquor 14 10 60 Mix & Storrs 14 7 TOWANDA BOROUGH. Elliott & Mercur, 12 12 50 0 D Bartlett 14 7 Burton Kingsbery Liquor 13 .15 Charles Reed " 19 15 Wm H Baird & Co. " 12 18 75 Tracy & Moore " 14, 10 50 D C Hall " 14 10 60 Miles Colter " 14 10 50 JD&ED Montanye 12 12 50 J Eingehery jr. 14 7 A 1.) Montanye 14 7 HS&MC Mercur 12 12 50 George E Flynt dr. Co. 11 15 8 Bailey 14 7 A 8 Chamberlin 14 7 Patrick 14 7 E Norman TROY, Liquor It 22 50 G F Redington Layton Runyon " 14 10 50 DFh 8W Pomeroy h. Co. " 11 22 50 Baird & Stephens 0 P Ballard ULSTER, Truman & Co. William Gibson Guy Tracey Liquor 14 10 50 TITSOX. Liquor 14 10 50 Robert Spalding .. 14 WERLUSING. 14 7 13 111 Judson Holcomb Ella's Lewis MH&GHWelles WELLS. Robert Shears WRRREN, 14 ' 7 Liquor 14 Robert Cooper Marcus Tyrrel Benjamin Buflington All those who have not paid their license, will call and settle the same without delay, and save cost. J. REEL, Treasurer. Treasury Offlce. November 3, 1846. YANKEE DOODLE To the People of the United Stales THE Publisher of YAN KEE DOODLE, after watch ing patiently the result of their efforts to establish a humorous illustrated newspaper, partaking of the spirit of this country and identifying itself with the in. 'crests, sympathies, tastes and progress of the American People, have the pleasure of announcing that their success has thus far been unparalleled in the history of Literature. Having carefully laid and cemented the foundations of our enterprise, we feel now warranted in going on to erect a durable superstructure. Although riding no hobby, nor professing to be the exponent of any narrow school or sect, YANKEE DOODLE is broadly and strictly "national," and has no meaner ambition than to embody and reproduce in _permanent forms that free spirit, that exuberant life, the), creative energy and refining enthusiasm which so ethinently characterize us and distinguish the New World from the Old. In the Editoral and' Articled! Departments of YANKEE DOODLE, the Publishers have engaged the eminent and diversified talent that could be pro• cured. They snake no parade of names, - but leave him (YANKEE DOODLE) to speak for himself. The object of this Prospectus is to introduce YANKEE DOODLE to the great body of the Ameri can People who reside out of the large Cities, and upon whose decision must. at last, rest the fate of any national enterprise.- We invite attention.therefore, to the following terms upon which we propose to extend the circulation of our paper. Any person remitting us $22 by mail or otherwise. 811111 receive Ten Copies of YANKEE DOODLE for one year—directed to such-address as he maydesignate. For $l2 we will send Five Copies foi one year For $5 we will send Two Copies. single subscriptions $3 per annum. CO 'All orders most be accompanied by the cash.' Address, (poet paid.) d. A FRAETAS & CO. No. 7 Spruce Street, New. York. YANKEE DOODLE is published in New York every 13aturday morning, and will be mailed to country subscribers in time to arrive at its period of destination simultaneously with its issue in the City. Nov. 1846. SAVINGS BANK 1 NOTWITHSTANDING the rush at the Savings Bank. for goads; we are happy to date for the he ne6t of Mr. Pay-down," that ho can be accommodat ed with any quantity and style of goods, and new goods at that, and at the lowed poeoibba usual, We are constantly adding to our stock all the new end rash. ionable styles of goods, that none need pay thg price," from the fact that we have not got Bur,. purchaser. need not be deceived, by those whose, tote rests it is to keep Onto away. no we ale:rays has i e of the same sod kft." Be SUM Ton are • a ighe—N o , 5. November 3. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. Print* jags 2 ANY quantity of New Prints, and desirable patterns just received by ta FLY?iT & CO. SHAWLS, of ea descriptions anti pile' es, , from four shillings up, by n 3 FLYNT & CO. _ _ SHEETING. Shirting, In c hi ng . Batting, Collo* Yam/ 4e., at FLYNT & CO, MEW YORK CHEAP STORE: & MIMED wouli respectfully beg leave to tens er their thanks to the citizens of IltadAwd for their litters/ patronage and sapient, and would kwr form them they an now emitting a lame and full sup. ply of FALL. and WOLTER GOODS, which will positively be sold at even less than their former low prices. The war to exterminate high prices is still' kept up—no compromise has been made, and they intend to carry the war into the heart of the enemy until they shall yield or adopt the principle of selling goods tit small pro fits. A nimble sixpence better than a slots shilling, is OUT PlOttel. Memoll I Void: I L-upod 14 7 7 7 - 10 T A VERY large stuck of Brad cloths Casairwrm. Beaver cloths, and winter vestino_of all prices , . coluntand patterns, now opening and for sale very low REED'S. A A 62000 LBS. Sole and Upper Leather.— A 100, plenty of Boots and Shore may ho loam! at , REEE'S 10 50 7 THE subscriber is now receiving from the city of New York a large assortment of GOODS suit d to the season, carefully selected, and purchased at unusual ly low prices, which will enable him to sell very low for cash, lumber, country produce, or approved credit. His friends and the public generally are Invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.— lie feels confident that he can otter them better bargains than they have heretofore made is this town, or any other in this region of country. In his assortment will he found in all their varieties, Dry Good's, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Ohs.% Nails. Iron, Steel, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes, ¢c. iowan‘la, Oct. '26, MG, N. N. BETTS. 10 15 10 50 15 7 7 THE Ladies find great variety of worsted dress goods; '1 1 1. 4 0, s beat uful assorunentof prints at very low prices st BE CTS' 10 10 t 10 13 - 13 19 13 ENCH and English clothe. heavy - Bracer and !'weeds for over maul, fancy Caturienenteittul Sat , lunette., a giant variety will be found at BETTS'. MOUSLIN Do LA INE, eashmires, Rob Roy and I3roch, Shawls, a great variety will bo found at BETl'l3' New Supply of Fall and Whiter Goods. lIVRTON iiiLNGSBERT TENDERS his thanks for past favor., and respect fully informs his old customers end the public generally, that he is now receiving from the city of New York tho large,t and cheapest assortment of GOODS ever purchased for this market, which he' pledges himself to sell 20. per cent. lower than the same quality of goods were ever before offered iu Tow. enda. This is no hunthuggery. Ju-t drop in and price my goods. I have almost every thing wanted by the farmer, mechanic, and everybody else, and 'partien. Icily the Ladies. My stock of Cashmeres, M. DC Lanes, Bleck end colored Alpaccar, California Plaids and - Gingham', en very cheap. With regard to Broad Cloths, Cessions's, Bennetts, Jeans, Domestic clothe, Vesting's Prints, &r. knock under to no merchant in this tOwn or any where else. 20001.85. Sole Leather, Upper Leather and Calf Skins, lower than was ewer offered in B. KINGSBERY. Towanda, by Q WEEDS Iron, Horse Shoe, Round Band, I'llail s rods Horse Shoe Nails, Steel of all kinds will he sold very low by BOOM and 4110 ES, a very urge assortment, and unusually cheap at B. KINGSBERY'S. 1 00TDS. Beautiful Carpeting, two shillings per yard below the market price at B. KINGSBERY'S. THOSE LAWNS, ORGANDIES, LAWN GlNG hams, Rept DeLaina, Lamma cloths for summer dresses, so long looked for by the Ladies, base arrived and may now be seen at REED'S 13 10 13 10 13 10 a. embracing just received, and are now opening a large and general assortment of Fancy and Staple ti a. embracing almost every thing wanted by the Housekeeper, Farmer, and Mechanic, which were par chased principally fur cash and at rates that enable theirs to sell at such foto pricey, that it will be for the Interest of every ono paying cash for goods, (regardless of all ; puffing advertisemnts) to gtve them a call and examine their stuck, 110 they still adhere to their motto of " small pro6ta and quick sales." Towanda, Sept. 30, 1846. - 11' /SI 9 attorney at Law, OFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Bow.di rectly over the Post Office, Main street. Cj'En a t the north end of the building. d 3. Estate of Patrick Brady. deceased. rrO Lockwood Smith, one of the Administrators of said estate, •eke notice, that application has boen made to said Court Cfh, behalf of James 1111fahon, Guardian of James Brady, to vacate your letter of ad. ministration. Said application set forth that you have left the state for more hen one year last past and have no known place of residence therein. You aro these. fore required to appear at the neat term of raid Court in December, and show show cause, If 'any you hare, why said letter should not be vacated. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, by the subscriber. a Journeyman Blacken:l,th ; also. an apprentice to the Bleeksmithing business. J. B. RIDGWAY. NEW GOOM AT THE N 0.2 BRICK ROW. FULL SUPPLY of Men's and Boy's Gaps, Hats and Muffs may be found at REED'S. SPLENDID assortment of fall and winter dress goods, Cloaking*, &c., for sale very • low at REED'S. New Fall and Winter Goods. NEW FALL GOODS FOR 1846. 11. S. & M. C. MERCUR. , LYMAN E. DE WOLF, ClLOrptian% Coca. Oct. 13, 1846. Surrender of the Mexican Batteries ! Old •• Rough and Ready" again flclorioua! ONE ARK LOAD, and veveral wagon Joads of NE W GOODS, have just arrived, and areselling cheaper than ever at No. 3, Brick Row. November 0. WM. H. BARD 4: CO. PRINTS -500 diti'i•rent styles, bought in the city of NCR York, by the ease, on the "cash down"-plitn, aid sill be cold accordingly. BAIRU & CO, !IT 111 H: - w - lar t2sa-®Onto. Grent.Reduction in Price ! RINGBBERY JR., would invite purchasers to J . examine his NEW STOCK OF GOODS. a* be is confident that the great fallingofr in prices will enable him to offer greater inducements than can Be presented by those who purchased their goods earlier in the sesson. Towanda. November 3, 1816. TIIE SUBSCRIPTION LIST is now upts forth° Pamphlet Lams for 1847. November 3, 1646. .1. REr.L, Treasurer. Broad Cloth, Cassiml , ,res & Sattinets. ALARGE ASFOrtnent nrcula Cloths, ensinteree. and Sattinel.., ty',, o b, n o hare long born famous for gellin g g e 9. ..0 door, note cheaper than arre— and up at we challenges the world, just receirsd . 0. 1). amatxrr. T''.42Mla, Noe. 3. 1540. 107 ANTED rN CN.CIIANOC Ft►R GOODS— Wheat, Ontnebtio Woolen Bock., Corn, Buckwheat, Oat?, ril/VON d, Butter, White Beane. Cheese, COON 811UNS, • in short, almost anything, for which liberal pricey will be paid at 41. A BARTLEITIV Towanda. Nov. 3. 1890.. Air UFFS, MUFFB--The most fashionable and / eat Waking Men out, in any quantity, eheap at nova O. D. BARTLETT*. B. KINGSBERY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers