Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 23, 1846, Image 1
VE:L ~'~:Wa~Y 1 J~ls . „ ......... WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1846 rapers from the Department ; of State, JetospaSiaf the President's Atmore. CossrLT tTE OF TO C•. S. or Altimic.t.: Mciiro, April 26, 1948. Sir : I have the honor to enclose herewith,a punted plan. and copy of a communication of G e n. Saitta Anna, addressed to a friend iu * l v. dated Bth of March. to which is. ad ed 3 note under date of the Bth of April last, relating to the, political regeneration of 3lesic , o; f ,1311 has heen secretly circulated amongst t.e leaiiers of the federal party. and adopted them ; , revolution to put this plan . Mt,. e;+erl'1011 Was to have commenced in Vera i . al an the Ist of ;his month ; but 'airing to vale difference of opinion, which took place 3rtiong the chiefs at the time, the thing failed into elrect.. Notwithstanding, 6.0. A ar, z. n he. was it the pl in, and who his.. acted ,inrtt:raneoesh•. i n c o n cert , m .c.iment it.tenited to !rise core en- Vtrt Uruz, afterward. ma le a prorrtn v,r. i 1 tl.e this deplrtlnent fur tLe prrsf.r.t F. , 1% - :rnnirrt. an.! t•I s•en.l for the pre. ^t, d of ,Anna, nrcrpy the sent of govern ment crnl a tre,. election could he made of a p rtf. .oent by th e people. 11 this pronunria :rn!o.lntetoted to have been commenced at Iva Cruz. ha;! o.,ne into v ir, c t. i t tvoli hd h ave ed bt nearly , a'.l the departments ; int!ioo to take phwe, the departments tr no. mot, J la ' this aff.‘r ; ;11111ot:oh a rerr • The love of provincial libert:es being firmly rooted in the minds of all, and the democratic prioelple pred,•mitiating every'where. nothing can he established in a solid manner, in the country, which does not conform with these tendencies ; nor a idiom them, can we attain either order, peaCe, or pro•perity, or respecta e among foreign nations. To :1it.... evert tiling. to the ce.,:re, and thus t = lee unity of action to the lat • e nine constacred best, is not longer pos.'s h!.' illy more, I say tt is d:11 - 1;:CrOlIS ;it is eon- Iran to tl.e object whidi I proposed for my • ii t 1 Iltlii1111:1 system, l‘e("3tlSe we there by a rose cur...di-es to the separation of the northi to departments, which are the most , „ _ t .1, 11)0:0115 !or freedom of internal administra -u.-h pretext to inters addle in non. ezt n. vritv of the peop!e are stron. , lv op. 4 '1.1 o the nrose: , l ort!( rof thilta..l. a•d wo,;1.1 :‘,.‘ti".lf: by ally 1110:111S i:1 their ftotrer !end r t! , o tlfst:oy the present izoverq are .Irt-tietl are workin , 'for the e=- ` 3 N .0•'11 n: of tt nrl inter,. to rag 1:11CrVe:1;1011 to St., - ure rtr.a A .tt the opt. ttf . t!te tt .t.e Co- , res , inert (%!o •!t is to be the 1.1 of the% %%di es•.ollish a roornrr!lie:24 hral NA In 11 iVe '+‘ r rt !II i n f-re A r, , 1 1.2; ❑O .ot‘- 1:or, - .'r. to Vie, with , tc—t r.'•zp•-c •ir SCTV7tI r S.i itl: Pan d , I - -t -u:.ri,r._• Ole re; t.Y.o, i • '.'.... szt:- ~.; , •,,, t d,,l, , 1 , novi c vp. , rd . - .:,11 co': lIM '• ^ - t ' sit , - • , n. ri MEE , o; 3 , r 1 V “11 ?'‘e !111, I MI 111 S' 1- !.., • tt 171 .1 r tr. , .h been torn in .:1 eT,.S L m %.• ithol.ll ha been str•'• sAme. spurioul Mexicans hare con :-rri.titernselvi.f. author zed to endearor is ..o , he ruo- , t shnntefut at :111- rm 0 1 - ,re. izn prince 13 Z-1 - .111 it. -of !TO - are!.l 111 to I repare tf:e tr::v for C. •E'y darftl to eeny the si , Vt - rt..7711:%" p.t , ..p.e. b% stia,monir. g 3 C4 , :wret , , ,, ta cart has been taken rir.4 ..her Cie mer.ts the mos: strange. 1 ...u; the " 1 1'1; :r.'. tot eellsuatraatie , the s f.l !111 r'44. , `3V:r •- • 3 is f 2.4 L.? r. t•.!L, , •••!e! rt-rresen:eit. is favor this ' -- r - e r-trtleahal Frojeet of the adnytt shed zn the enpitz? of the rs• 0 0 .i:1 . ..rrti.•:11 of 3 monar,-lir to nc; orly ezr Ywh the new rnona7ch sul , sist, as he et..,:!,! 11=M1=MM cs-?-o b c•rlt: __ire ME r illa, -rr :ht terte. 4 f or wh it , , F.atritie- •T • T:1• ,,, C =MiliffMtnnitMl ferer...e MEE 1"1:71 e.. OVf • Sa itnnlrd:J•ely e,•l',!ish ! tro-Yro t-or.!.•rina vr.'' rizy of IRE hc f• o ‘ ,7 ' err:: era: , rip 'wcr sr'•! •-",t pro.cssim. a^l,l he7c- ' f‘r Ile real n.-- ROE 8 t.l Tth tf earrison of the •-----as-mm the SO 2 , OMR - to 2 cern, ;. 21 ttee. ri the t'.7 , h rf M7rrli list. by rin-4 Pres:sh-e: irt:?-r:tn ant! his !nut :!•r*tt 1tt..,7:1 upon the sore a_ ti. , % -Led ?5 , 57.ta with the eri- et o•,e rvicsn ?qsre , :r to h 3 fs‘rei ,. . - a co rr-r, 1"*". t!.:•e• xr. 4:lfr 10=2:i t••••• t!:e: ct.sct:.”2: Llivrts u"'`-lrr -"‘" s-01-t zo rise u-2s chasers, . th- for tlt - 2--11 to saMpt for it 2 25 et raxr Titri:H . BRADFORD: - REPORTEK tle every thing connected with the question of Texas. and the other frontier ._clepartmeuts. Art. 3. Within four months after the oecu j pation of the capital of the republic by the hb -1 erating forces, the Con g ress mentioned in the preceding article shall b e assembled : to which end it shall be the duty of the general-m-chief to issue a decree of summons in the terms here in indicatcd, and to take other measures for the conduct of the elections. with the utmost free ! dom possible. having oepOsed the free organizationolthe re public by the,people, I am anxious.on retiring forever from the political scene, to mark this solemn act of my life by authorizing; with my signature, the fundamental code of the nation. After giving to the peoples decisive proof of my respect and devotion to their aovereign will. and having concluded this act by which I de sire to reconcile myseif With my country, I will net remain `twenty-four hours in power ; it being my trrevesalle . determination never from that moment 16 n ietern `to the exercise of authority, limiting myself wholly to my ser vice as a soldier iii support of the constitution thus established by me; and in defence of the rights of the republic against foreign nations. It will. however, be necessary. in all re spects, to proceed with the utmost caution; for if our project ,Mould be discovered by the ar me , which is adverse to the federal systenowe should find great difficulty in establishing it ; and much address will' be therefore required to prepare the minds of the republic by adopt ing a plan in which that name should appear, ,‘ and which may yet lead us to ter proposed end-ti Intl end, so far as I an concerned- isl repeat on my word of honor, none other than the re-establishment of what was overthrown in 1834, strengthened by such improvements and additions as_esperienee may have sugges ted to Its. You may, however, proclaim the assemble of a convention, composed of deput ies elected by the nation. with the utmost pos sible freedem e for the organization of a system of government on the terms which the nation may prefer. excluding only the monarchical ! I fTtIiNSLATION.:: form which it Jet:sta. NATIO , al Pa I.4CE. MEXICO, '. In conclusion. it is material that no time 1 A•l2il , t 31. leee. should be lost, as we may thus lose the most : Sin : The under:lianaA. Minister of Fore ign - brilliant occaston whi c h could be presented.- ; Relations of the ,Mexican Repubitc. has rub. Send me an agent, active and ex, ere, to corn- 1 tweed to his Excelleticy the General in-Chief muntcote to me . your ideas, and let inc know of the liberating army. charged ca.i inler:an with the resources which you can command in your the supreme executive po :ter of the n atio n. own as well as in ether departments, so that• your exeellettcv'e note ef the 21". h of the p-tat with all the circumstances before us, we arty month of Juts-. i'l which you propose, on the , arrange our first measures. F o r my own part, part of your eoverenhant, to open neeottatiens 1 I hare made made preparations. and I feel con- iwhich may tend to the conclusion of peace justl tident of the aid of Yucatan ; . hut I is tub emelt- and honorable to both countries. Me ta be tiudettaken unless with the concur- His excel encr, on being made acquainted . urn .. rence of the 1.11.).9l hitluential persons among the with the terms of the said note , could not bat . ' , In the attitude lbw; assumed by Mexico , the peep e. , fix his atteletton strorg;y o n the c:rcuiustaitee iii .Lies can appeal to the whole oorld that tent"" Let our device in the future be the union of ; that, refusing diaeu4seon up in the causes of the ' h i' the people and the army, as it was in 163'2 ; ' war exlstine :lei:no:Ile eemainsfer , thern but to prosecute the i t i between li;,- tiro rei"'elies• it is ' .e.:llr U. Ith . t Igor. maw the diseeesition which they caneidering that we are now to defend the i desired at present to cere•ider those eatese. ' ~. Saute cause t and upon this point • one of the I merely at a thine the is past. and helonee te ; d Iv "' s° .. sl g;' 2ll Y m .“. mir ' ; ' d I° blm;''• it to a "P"' e " persons on whom we should in me opiniotire- i history. For the executive to accept s w n i 4 .. t h a a : y !ermine:ton altar! be met by a eorreeponding , ; eerie-nem on th e. part oi lexico. an] the neg.). :Seeing always what seemed to be moot ad- , Is-, is his excellency Gen. Dan Juan Alvarez. I propo - eicing, on that basis. ashen deal inn tatio l n which they have inritea she!! be brnught i vesierehntis to the native, I have resolutely , who will never compromise with the monarch-! subject which cotcerns the hoeor of the coon- I mnintnined views which. if thee hare+ ot led to ists. If you should bare an opportunity write I try and the inteerity of Its territory. anti en.; tj r t PPS °rl e l ith""• •m himself o f t h e no ,. ‘ A DYING MOTHER'S Loret.-The plague far oriole results , hire been the otraprine of ,to him. In my name, and show turn the neces- dangers its nation:mit for time futhre: would ee I sent occasion e"n'ien"--n T r2Tathieex e' . ; broke out in a lode Italian either: In one destroy the ad- [ to waive the queehot; 01 itejuatic•chaad to tom- , [ aiah 01 -, ~. reign I l i ° a l:, sincerity and good hnh. Facts h,ve since i sity fur our union, in order to republic , ratc h an d d W or th,. 3 ee i lleeey the min house the children were taken first ; the per conrmae, d me. that by following them longer. yancement of It canny. %Inch alarms me the t plete the irritation of Pubil°. "Pinion• airea'ir e the ease-ranee - of his mast " l, in e ute e consi - .. . .. d t ems watched over them, but only eaneht the malting mold he settled , and the co-operation , more as I see and feel th e preperatiens now in bleier alarmed, as es peered be the chscusetanTa 1 i ''' • JAMES Breii.C.i.i.S. , tasea,le they mated not cure. The whole fami of the people could not be seetired, in order to progress amone theold masters of our country. which have taken place on the subject , through i rri„mun• ent of Sta.. Washington, "Nth Sept-, Ft i died. On the opposite side of the way lived pre., tee us from th e terrible invasion with to support the designs of Paredes, Alanaan, and , fear that the questio n ;night receive the solo- i '' lr'm - -..' 15 - 16. • * ' --- •-• ' • , th e family of a poor laborer , who was absent e I ;el, we are 0;o:eel:rid Irvin the north ; be- the others of that faction. Thif, keelis me con- i non now sue era•ed Thus it is that the effairs : ; the whole week ; only coming on Saturday eleee, rut coetent well eny of the institunons : seemly uneasy ; and. indeed. I feel so little as-et - the republic, harine been brauele. by those , Odd FiIIOITS , nights to bring his scanty earnings. His wife e., -, e, tbem e'otee lei 34. they oppose at last; surance of safety here, that 1 am preper.:d to, same causes, to the situation in which awl: I We like the Ohd : felt betel( attacked by the fever in the ' night ew e e, of feartirr. tl, filet) renders every pro- i quit this island. I now are with regard to the Untted States, it , W ' Fli ows on many accounts n accounts rs !--,h h ouzl, not of their number. oneself. If there plague the morning she was much worse, and be t ; ea.-, .e.rmiee".l art,.Metier:tire. I The manifestations which you may have re- I has - been necessary- tocall up m the nation. in e fore night the plaee spot showed itself. She I tinea• ~ ...emee pi rsiiaJed myself of the ne- cenly seen in the newspapers have alarmed , order that• through represent:do:es elected with ; is e ildiahn se in their ceremonies. as some i though .- 'to( the terrible fate of her neighbors • -- o ,i • b eee e •'.e course of things , . and ; these gentlemen here. Let General Alvarez j the ful:est liberty, her late may be deliberated allege• mere is dignity, too, in the manner of 1 She knew she must die. but as she looked op o threthe to the tr lek from which we hare be assured, that in political ma t ters lam taupe-, upon, her secuetty, her honor, and her future performirg them, and something, !' even more oa her dear !tote boys, she resolved tint to art....-,. tier iht b .1.1 swaying in order to al- flier to all personal considerations. I say to ; welfare provided fur. A corneas haring been beatet tut than mere dignity in their moral he-ir- 4 ) ! : comranniczt e death to them. Site therefore :.;t• :`,.ea e t Item:ie...l . a'3ove indicated full play. , , him, whose merit.. and services render him ' convoked for this reject, which will commence too gad influence. As an 2 d 40C13!IOnt I- ' locked the children into the room, and snatch er...l to remove aside all that could embarrass i worthy of the consideration of all patriots, no , its sessions on the nth of December next. nail Fel - touts accomplishsoinethang+n something, as that body will charge esiell. anion, other im- frequently, worthy of men-eometione tend " ied her bedclothes. lest they should keep the th, t r action. In two - words. I become persuad. more than I as to the humblest 31exiean, that coreeeion behind her. and left the Foresee She ed tee t e without leaving the republic at liberty ; I trill receive ftim with open arms. Write to pertant 1133lirrr t with:id that relates la the war ire to remee up humanity, au-I make it "'P eet I even denied herself the sad pleasure of a last to tireereze its own system in the manner : him. and assure him that I shall he most hap-, wait the United States. to it tel.i the above itself and have confidence in its strength, 39 : e „h met t . ii !Ix!) it ~•t/::•::::ereti best, and submatine to the pc to see hes letters. as ITOt as to continue with ' mentioned note from t our emeellancy be sue,- well to do at; to restst-as well tu remove tie- I 0 think of the heroism that enabled her to ttlees cif the ege, according to which all the! him our ancient refitions. ; meted, in order that it met- determine upon It. "' a " . `''''' lled ' t ce•nOrter her fet-lines. and leave home and all laraierhea el our admitee.tration should be edep- Farewell, and command your most affec• ! what It shalt jnetze to be prneler fir the intereses flies understand or. nneeer to anderatand ;she loved, to die I Her eldest child saw her led. we should nevei attaiu prosperity. nor ; tionate friend and servant, Sec. " i o f t he nation, Th e eorerement of the under- human nature-1 thing note ny too generely , from the window. .. Good bye, mother." ehhtnd we preserve our national extetence from; A. LOPEZ e- DC SANTA Ass. i signed , in canseqeence, awni • 4 the deter Min- understood, we fancy. by those who wont.] i ' said he, with his tenderest tone, fur he wonder the ambitious etlerts of our northern neigh- i [He. (General Santa Anna.) sent a plan con- 1 lion of that assembly, in grit, rto rice the be=l glee direction to human thought. Thus they - ed why his mother left him so strangely hors, which can only be restrained by princi- , formable with his idea.. as manifested in this I coming answer to the essanteal parr of the said crox ,poetry with their prose-reereation with I „ Good lice, mother." repeated the Youngest plies, and by principles which they themselves ' letter: and some intrieuereirestigaied by Gen-1 corner:en:canon. the relattors of Mextce with their iebor-and blend the beautilul with the ' child, ine hislittleoutofthe wm stretch. hard - i subetantial i n their eh:venue:se - I Lea bury their I hare s. 1 be r to re us with the hnppiest results. • : eral Almonte, added to it in every part. and ; your reptialic remetnire mean.% hile ie. the same dow. The mother herh rinses ; Heart was To the. subject I was directing my efforts : disfigored it throughout in its sense and its ob. ' slate in which his Es.celleley, the Generalon- '- ' • -• Toe "b • ' its .-net as the • . n ems ea pauper- drawn tone :Ids her children. and she was on it::C3 it erente of December• 1e44, came op- ' ject. Thus the revolution which was abort to Chief of :he ltheratine army Coiled them w een. e•lt as the 1 ;d:';'" buries his suliject-nOt 3. the polo! of return,. back : she struggled on me. in which the lilicrale also took part. ,be commenced at Vera Cruz was rendered ihe assumed the charee of the executive power , pattred-up wealth buries creafted down poverty t hard, wide the tears trolled down her cheeks V, y fro .. flew not haying comprehended . rain. Santa Anna was informed of the mecum- of the nation. ~ • -hut 55 brother buries; brother-as he naeity at the sight of her helpteee;ibaties. At length Thee eihrethi rot hare been so precipo : stances and he reprobated such conduct. send- I . The 'meet - sizzled. in trin , :niting this 33- : commite hum a nity to dolt and to its God.- she tiarned from them. The childreucontion ttous : for iheY had the guarantee of those be , ine his owo plan wee the following note : ..I : ' saver of his enternes ene tlespatehire ato yew' f - hey minister to the relltreed -to time sick and ed to ere. •• Good bye, mother." The soor.ds whom 1 was surreuuded In my lase actin:metre- will be understood that this explanatory memo- ; exeellency through the channel which you in-; poor. Some say they do it. not in charity sent a thrill of anguish to her heart ; but she ton ; and if I was not explicit as to me de- ' random is by the person from whom the copy ! de•eite, avails humse'f oe ill*. opperienity to as- not In the spirt 01 gift from a fortunate to an pre•sed tin to the house of these who were to .ieete. they should reflect that my position he- of General Santa Anna's letter and tote was t sure you of his thetineuiehed consideration. ; uniectunete man-but assn insurance company bars- her. In two days she died, recommend tee then very entharraestre. I could not have • obtained be 3.1 r. Blaele."3 I .Na]-EL CISZE.I•cr.Nczo REJa:C. , pays over to the insured the value of Ins lost t ineher husband and children to their care with dechered :rat self folly w i t h out ' h e e e rdine the : Nare..-- - rh. p!an being the anis proper one .To His Excelleecy the altaiater R'--; i" - 'sPer.F- So much the better ; for now the her last breehli. pient feel= tha . t . he is o getting sun-sex of my enterprise. on!; his due t, for die reeeneration 01 the republic, and for I humus of the Uneel States of Aioenca. . "'"• 0 that mothers were as CS:did Ent in fin- ZS 111... believe that a favorable opreirtunity placing it in the war of preservation. I could i _ • • his right. - Clicra:,k. :as it has gat to be under- nart e e worst contagion of sin to their ebil ttoe ,fe red me on mr return from the interior . not, and should not conform to the fourteen ar- ; Ti, Ifs Erce!.'erze•;; t'ie .1174:',!er of Ferereeei . etood in this selfich world of -ours, might en- : leen m to the creptral r, tMt remembering what ha n- f tieles whieb I have seen printed, and which ' Thlchlz"" of rAP -ice: L'h--l'h"irf.",,, ',lave him, or make him bluish far his poverty : ed to General Bustemente at the reneneration. , riot only modify. but almost destroy the pre- ? The undersigned. Secretary of :s:etc of 'tee ;;; it raigllt be turned to base uses by :fir! diseen- COVPLArrr9 or LITE.-Those whet most I rot:at:level it noire honorable to fall with my ; eethoe ones. I. therefore , now write to my iU• States , has had the honer to •eareice then see of it. and meke a tyrant of him. While ' . complain of life are those who have made it old t 'ea., than with others which cnieht have coreespondente. eeques t i n e t h em t o ur e e t o;- ! eeronvilliwitinn of his ee^-llenee • the oimister ; the plFmeln of 31 hottest debt euelatee , no one.. demereeible. Some men stuff their beds with been viewed as a earrefice to :he law of severe friends. and those who are '.,:rrereh- attachet.i ;of ((omen affairs of the Mexeconrepaleee. da ta I 1 e 57 , nes no one. mares a tyrant of no one. ; there's of remorse instead of the down of re neeeesity. I to our courerv, netters , strietie to this plan for k on the 31st of August, in answer to the prop-- The regalia of Odd feeew.hip. the eaehee, ;eerie, zed when they he on them they roar a secret which has remained ca- I prome.tion of the reeeneratton of our coentrw : i storm ma d e b y the eader ' s i.'-'i e d L e the Niel' i'c 'i er-. apron., crooks, 29.1 banner. are Jeered E with the re: oily they have inflicted on theM known to con : but Yon should know it now : ' weer tite underetendine that neither my hon•er. enveramene to Lie note tit the - 2;71h July leo. ehhectienaade by stoop. eceettee they are vie- ; !melees. As reasonabl y might the ass complain re.--ease the-ii me is come when we should un- ' sole:n:11r pledaed, err my a:at/lot:eel% allow - th at • " rh"Zoilat"Orls ~' •, l ;i i'rt' ,, Tl ,,, c:=o-IT, 1"7 to 311 'l7° l "n'"'-'•• Snarethe tinge. ;dn.. ;of the thesees tt hiria wound his month when deretend each other, in order to act in eni- 'me to accept the slichtest -alteration etther in , fir the cime:usien el a pace just amt heeere e ielnd emeettos of 3 fashi .na , ..le tad c, eer i e-es, In :he :perisis•s in eltewine them. Those who feenitr. t its letter ei in its spirit I =eke this frank and b:e for bath _"1"1"-'••• . :..e sone sense. .B..`e is very rameli of the or- I meet feel the I ead of life complain the least . Yen will. I think- , be roneinesel. as I am , of honest eyeemation biez.eszt I a,. not wish h . n _ i This note deelareth. et rli-7,,'...“. '.:l-11.. 012:n I c . einental in our critireitee a nd . parlors. ::_li t , in of it. the neeeseitr of eivine, this new Oirecion to . patriotic intentions to be used, nor to hare f noes the ''"site of the Presider: • .. fe ceme t e e e ; dies rea nritehd eerier., is iii ere ere pay•ein cuta,s - rher, are virtues which admit of no des et-flies : and I therefere 'tree Yee to use iii * muse f pleeel in contradietioa with mrsela by 1 , ' treaty of p eeve er e o e, „ s e a e a e etest ail the , f.:: -eaa we lice for . , Te.e surplice olithe --n pion, wlereh inspire on the first mention of t questions in thepute b etwei - n t e e . two re p u t e ., ;nest., the uniform of tee rd:itee. the crawkof them bet little interest. Greet fachs and he t troleence to receneile the Itherels. core- ! the rresebtation of different plant... lin eor;- .',. tai ,- ::,;' ul-.e m• - •t ' e chanertee-i wela '' • Munientine, with Senor Farl34 and his friends.' seqtaenee aeswer br this writing. to which I ; he -s - .. These gees:tone hid all eat-te..l bel..ere , ..._ __. . ...... , _ _ .... ,„... et , rote qualities may be portrayed : but those : 1e5i,...0 commenced heeelloice. and to adjuat ,we wish to become Qtakere era: ehorees :bt ; mtider ateri".. whirl) creerilMte -- So touch to ie order to induce them to come to an under- ' eire atethority by my signstnre. •. _ se temloso with us ; for whieh purpope. :teems - A. L. DC Seyra ANNS. i these qu „ti.,,,, , i,, ~,,, 21., anon e hi eel e e th e `we should Cad it bard while doh tan neture rek-- . the comfort and hapoicees of life. ; that !Wert . ..eeethi be Feet te PCIPbII, G231331122)0. Jalisco. ff eeeee , 0., S. 'sea.. m ! prop; neomeatiOn. 'I: ie. thee. with :ha ilt- rriahe es it ta, to eoperese a'-heely whet. .crita- . . ::ell of diapoeit oe, to w,hich every hoer that: . • 21("Itet - 31. and other depertmeuts • so that si t' p. S -Th e p er eem a.. who delirers this letter. li de astonishment idiot the_rre9i&r:,) El24j!^reetr- I revs. or wit,l deeti - neeratriT' e . me:tie gee, as eaases by bear. an e'pprcorine testimony. eve i . ed from the commenicretton of his exe - el7eeeee. reset- se to , these employed by 0! i Fell:ewe.- he•ouly, felt. eriae e n: and regretted. Beneroe beine thus ple.. :red in 3(1^0111 With each Other.! throu e h whese eeer n ey it i s seat, is no t j e f orm . o - :. the: the Mexienn eevernment end so far unit.' 1:10:man nature is cot made ep of meet reo-ke recce that :ever fens. patience. under the heat= may soon lead the republieiato the way of e d o f its eenee , e „ o preer. erotic-re- You may tell the first eterr-ed .; ' eeeeehentled the oteeneoe of the - tin to art:lnt.:hewn stone!. i test celezaities. fhorthees in 1r endihip. nrier relS:iesont ma). With the same good faith with treeerreter CT C=AT'. Z as to se the; this re:ern:neve etth ..e , er h- - . , .. . 0 :,4 Fri; ..,.. h i v e ~„. • ..• r,.:T ... F.." . me th‘ .- treg- teeee n- erre:- Irvine charee-thew are 9111 , ..V3g its char s-hi:llA sestaintel the unitarian edminietratien ' waommetC.3.3o7 'Vt. 11.5,16. 3 `sited or inten d e d to oe t h m e ra w from tee oegn: ~ cc's-their hickeringe. for nright we know--hut ac: efas e c f ee m eee . . _ from o.e Year IS3I. I aid in future support the T Str,-The President , of the I: cited State -' not Da:tons for pessee the cou-te. el either eirle. I they Lteee them t. a inerreiclires, s.r_ c l Scole them ! • ' '''' e ---:. -•-. • FYI) or eme qeetsr.-.The emeet wearers elei t es of th e masses'; !cantos the people en- lese anx.inli. to teri G uv 2 : 2 .. t han be 49-2, in 2110. f Wn)Ch :Cd 0 the extereiee nee , reel el co.:el-lee ; 2-:lllrzst thera.St_ce... . 2 i'2 C.... 71.............. ttt., - .: •-• • werk hit week ...- a.-- , , ,t I.%• er - e . - 0 0 , size their system of go.. the present te.happy war with the 3loxima re- I them merely •• as 3: 1:41:12 0-21 is poet aae. be- :: , ..v.-r been excited' cr dielec I onah 2 - 51 - co tr . at Thorepeeetrille. went t o :.. .... •... • . _ ' date their affairs in the: Public. h".. 2 -` de to make= euort to :se- i longs to bise-ry - ." Very !•r freM io ?`his: ; re! of theire- They :ever aeack am ere. e r The !Tice! , were rompromosed between them cerement, ono to rep. ~.. d fised at IS 14 per b - h mar ri , ase them be lt : that I'. cam !tali this p urp ,,,,,,,.. at e has a e r oremeely i a meld here &ea ta eher..lon tee jeat an' I.c• i r aly seCi. Or 3.15 , parr, that ere knew of. Tt :e , and th e employers. an d , . mruaner w h i c h hevereenired •o the in the meinteinence of iaeleaebel the undersigned. SeeremeF of State , 1 /n'wlede- • - - - e e • - -eel e'eree acme telert ' etteene • fer ide net that we kron- cf. ?Frill!. tht leas ..f cent reell - ti`ln 11. ."'" e' ''''' ^ " 6 . .."" P '• I 1 -... gad -e eeno.sed to tier erery :to emeose. through roar excellency, to the ~" viola:in:ls of their pe !eerie.: !errs- xrd enrizaras .. the leent. or the roles of right, nr the ordirtr:r ' Lecse opt..tettrs,,, St CA -. 4 ' t i Qt-orec pa.peradroesee a tea fog mate% which coetle be deeired to assure .; Mexicen envernment. that negotiations shell ,of their poverty, centiened threnehom raany i prepese!ee e t of e . •They- eeild belie. and de- • - - - • e &-- . et:arse:re to muse oat owe ay, tmoti e after eerine. l euereeeive rears end o hiedi to the re-inioa of i co-mte the - • - ' toed r --. ' - their fulfilment. I only ask. in recompense . feriliwith commence for the coeclosionuf a - ...- . . ; I ,_ , moes _ e f e h y ., ~...I ...msmetzums. *mite." eo- the semi whithl mar recderonthis me- ,: peace just and honorees:L. for both petits...-. i President heksoo , so long 3;13 as Fel-emery. parade he the streets. go on leshuriio= ,. sod ". - I b are d u hewer at se=tion- , Shmeid this offer be re:Tired slid rm-to t l aded to I 1831% would have Juni:led •• is the eyes of all e hare eelebranores , just as, arty :atesociatien of , Hear er r -etas is erit s enlinten'rfl° - irat emote. that may ..1 J 4 n -err in ' t ' 321.i085 imanteliate war ire the cortetitetino : beesuee. having - been be . On- Meximn govern: B eet is the same. fran , .. .. ; . . . , 1.. the kilo. masedo.oodie. For. crave we e we ' e e . I Aposee me :snot!-m• of menecierre - e- 1.-...ce- 1 v-i• , l ',14 - I•T at: enemy to the and frier:cry spin: by whirl) it has been dictaht This inisappreheelion oa tee port ofeen' et no obeection re it :we reellet thial well rf i:- " re" d ererf mete tee ray r . ........r.=-- -- rce in ha. olnn r7i...13:E1.:a c .-- .. -, .•- - - --, ~_. • - _ _ ...- ._ _ • . - ' •'-, •-• ." ail vita end, he n ::: inamedietely deseett•N an =soy Melee in ger ernment. a 2 peers the 111 , : t re re ., Fenia n :nee ,. sh a t h ee, ea - - I mind." , per. eeheeetee ;....-ece . :: ...e -a . n. Art. .4. The existence of the army is guar antied. giving to it all the attention which is due to the meritorious military class of a. free people. • Art. 5. All persons shall be declared traitors to the nation who shall attempt to impede the assembling of the said Congress, or to attack It y placing ol•starles to the' liberty of its members, by dissolyino or suspending its ses sions. or who shall endeavor to oppose the constitution which it may establish. Traaalation of alt.:ter from Cuter! Antonio ,te Santa .inna. TO Sit. D —Niyiesteemed friend : As *he situation of the republic is daily becoming in:we cri:tc:ll, and environed as it is by serious penis, no order of things could be as yet estab-, 11,-hetl suriizicot to meet its exigencies. and to restore Its force. so as to preserve it from the scorn of all foreign nations, the occasion is now offered. my esteemed friend, for making a strong effort, by unitif e. all good Mexicans i.l the re-establishment of its system, agreea bly to the wishes and the interests of the J. UN CLACI rri-on of the town ME I= NEE - er;! , rnr ~i PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY,- PA., BY E. O. k H. P. GOODRICH: NlARcii S. 1846 "REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM AMY 'QUARTER." extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary ,to the city of Mexieo..with instructions—and fell powers to conclude a treaty el peace which shall adjust all the.quetnions in dispute between the two_ republics. - If the Mexican govern-, ment should prefer to send a-minister to Wash.' ingtohto conduct the. negotiations here, he shall be received with kindness and respect, and every effort shall, be Made. to accomplish the object of his mision with :he least possible delay. In the preient communication it is deemed useless, and it might prove injurious, to dis cuss the causes of the existing war. This might tend to delay or defeat the restoration of peace. The past is already consigned to his tory ; the future, under Providence, is within our piwer. The ocasinn mar. however.'he ctril , raccil to state that the President has ever cherished the kindest feelings for Mesico, and' that one of the first wishes of his heart is. that she may he a powerful and prosperous republic, in perpetu al amity with the U. States. Commodore Conner will transmit this de spatch, for your excelleney, to 1;:e Goe:roor of Vera Cruz. under a flag of truce; and you are respectfully invited to adopt the same chan nel for communicating your answer. . . I avail myself of this occasion to offer your excellency the assurance of my most dzstingu: ished consideration. • JAMES BCCIIVOLN. ro his Excellency the• Minister of Foreign Relations of the Mexican republic. markable its it is art inf,:rence drawn by them from that 'part of the note of the undersigned most conciliatory in its character. In this note, which was intended as aluere preliminary to die opening of negotiations, it was desirable to avoid all irritating topics. , For ihis.reason the tango ige employed was : in //represent com nzunication: it it..deemed needless, and it !night prove injurious, to. discuss the ,causes of the existing war. This might tend to d , -lag orde feat the restoration of peace. The past is al ready consigned to history; 'the future, under Providence, is within our•oscn power." And vet it is from this last' sentence, disconnected from all which precedes it. that the Mexican government have inferred a disposition on the part of the government of the United States to avoid, in the progress of the negotiation, the discussion of the , questions out of which the war originated. It is most certain that no such disposition exists ; and the undersigned feels assured that he need add nothing more to con vince the Mexican government that, in this particular, they hate placed an erroneous con strnrtion on his language. Conscious that in rn,king the nvcrore ur peace he has performed his duty, the President will now await with patience and with hope the goal decision of the Mexican oovernment. In making this overture thus early. he - in no small th.gree influenced by the consido lion that the longer the, war shall last_the gr.( er will be the d.ffieulty of concluding a 83/ factory peace, on account of the heavy increas,. cd expenditure which its continuance will rein: der indisp- nsab!e. Ile will, however. hole himself 3'W37• ready to terminate it upon prin ciples of impartial justice. I faring, in the ; iirst insimee, used all proper efrorts to avoid hci - Stili. I ties• and having now proposed to open nesotia tions for the conclusion of a just and honorable peace. nothing is left flir him but to, acquiesce in l the decision communicated by your excel otter. 01-At until changed by the act of the .Mexican Concress. the relations between the twp coup ! Imes will rein-tin '.• in the same state in which they were found hy hi= exeellenry the Comm •11- ; der-in rliief of the liberating army when he charge of the executive power of the na The Slate's Dream =I Beside the ongathezed net be lay, -With sickle in his'haMl; His 6r, at wu butt. his matted bait Was buried in the and, Again. in the mist end shadow of steep, He saw his 'Lathe land. Wide through the landompe of Ilia drums The lordly Niger flowed ; Beneath the palm-uree on the plein Once more a king he strode ; • And heard the tinkling caravan" Descend the mountain wadi He uw once more his dark4yed queen • Among her children stand ; They clasped hts neck, they kissed his chocks They hell him by the band ! A tear bard from the sleeper's We Anl fell into the and. And then at furious speed be rode • Along the Niger 'a bank ; His bridle-reins were golden chains,. And with a martial dealt. A: each leap he could feel his scableandrafateel • Satiting-Usstallion's flank. 3efore bim.likc )it blood-red flag. The bright IlaniltTes flew ; From morn till nigtd he-fill:owed their WA; O ' er plains where the tamarind grew. Till he saw the roof, of Cane huts, • And the wean rose to view. At night he beard the lion roar, And the hyena scream. And the Firer home, as he crushed the meds Beside same hidden stream. And it passed, !the a glorious roll of (blithe, Through the triumph of his dream. The forests, with their myriad tongues, Shouted of Itbelly And the Blest of the Desert !died atrad; With a voice's» wild and free, That he started io his sleep and smiled At their tempedcenn glee. He did not feel the dritet's whip, Zicr the burning heat of day For Death had ithund the Land ..d - Sieep, And his lifeless body lay . A worn out fetter. that the soul • Has broken and thrown away. 1 , :qtr1V41:310i:44.41 ENE