Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 09, 1846, Image 4

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' Bless the lane Laborer.
si iuir.
e laanst laborer.
h dy
4 4::.Tkor in chi cletteilryi =Tip
Tttr ,;elser of the soil.
Trie cr.e whose brawny hands hive tom
Fr.:3 earth . her hoarded west h,
TVL.,at eu:o return for eesaless toil
is nature's boon, sweet health.
0411) wields the ponderous s!elge,
1 In is leathern mail,
~a 3 Nyanja?' parmply,
(tom the lieething
1 'Pt from beneath rach cruka
.nighty =oohing blow.
4.-eka to lighten labor's toil.
to ruddy flies glow.
r 4 him nho turns the matted soot
7:1.0 will the early down
Etc:. ria :0 gather nature's storv—
to the yellow corn !
plantain nature's bosom wids
The,fruitio! golden grain,
A, ; co to it her guardian care,
L rundhine and the rain.
u *ni.n w:mlaye the 11:11111iVe keel
l'end 3 the trusty ■ail
Is the ocean wanderer
Ssf cattle with the gale ;
rr., rears the tall and slender mast
Whence floats to every breeze.
surs and grim of liberty,
As rainbow, o'er the am.
him whose ribbed palace rests
rp.on :he heating era,
;vbs stormy the dangers of the Food,
in the ocean cradle sleeps
C , - :nly in storm-fraught hoUr,
I.;;.:',..tung, that his bark will fall
':are !.hr teropeses power
:111711110 gives each beautous thought
A - , wing,plaee, a name,
Aral ....Nines its transient glories
the , fadeless wreath of fame;
il'J sends it forth onevery breeze,
d bide it live to bleu,
ceaseless clicks the elender type.
;roans the printing pre m.
s!! who toil. God's blessing rest
t.ln them with double power
Wht , .!e honest brows the sweat drops deck
•vvry daylight hour.
- tram though rot, and may they win
.tat v.ealth can never gain,
ntmont with their lot on earth,
for every pain.
t!:em, and may the ni:orkrnan's hand framed the giantlarth,
'1 11: each star in glory Shine,
gars to seas their birth,
nn high • rastio,:g . place
~, thout the realms of light,
r 7cry honest son of tAI,
ncn pass'd death's darksnme night.
,' : . ggricitCttri . eir.
Cam Doings.
from the Cohen Democrat, the
-eceipts for• making Corn Bread.
for the benefit of our females rear!•
some of them may be new.—
cz c 14,? published in England by Elihu
Learned BTscksmith, (now en a
:oat country.) with a view of inviting
housewives into the art and mys
- converting Indian meal into human food.
' • ."' :10t much faith that it will ever be
. - 217 ':Fed in England ;—so far as we are
with John Bull's tastes, we should
::ia:•will• prefer his wheat bread, and
and plum pudding, to any of our
' 4. corn doings." We have never
: Englishman tvlin is partial to corn
7':il We think the English will ever
. . to eat corn meal as a luxury, or
opinions and predictions of
caw co: , ;-3. , tporaries to the contrary notwithstand•
nne are, however, many of the pawn'
'Nil° will doubtless, use it, through
if it can be purchased. cheaper than
t!,,ar. and an extensive market may thus
ppzr,ed for this great western staple. The
of these receipts on the other side of
may not. therefore. be entirely with.
.d , •annge.—Fort Wayne Sentinel.
in Olive Leaf.
r: ,:u1 the Housewives of America to the House
Great Britain and Ireland: Or •
Receipts for making various Articles
rf Food of Indian Corn Meal.
Co-;:neon Journey or Johnny Cake.—lnto
ça.trt nf meal, stir one pint of bailing water,
.alt ; spread it on a board an inch thick.
A,. liAke it over the fire, or otherwise on an
over the fire.
S:zpt:ior'Johnnii Cake.—Take one pint o
ilaira pint of meal, two eggs, two table
"II of carbonate of soda. and, salt to au
Bake is a hot oven.
Cie above receipt was furnished by the Rev.
Lovejoy. of Illinois. brother of the
.%,'ar!:;r," with the remark... Try it. and tell
•-1 M-rpeth to do the same."
ExcEllent Johnny Cake.—Take one
•i" milk, three eggs. one teaspoonlull of
)Gnate of 1(4 one teacup of wheat flour
mealsufficient to make a batter of
t, cc:-....istency of Pancakes. Bake quick in
previously buttered, and eat it warm with
:..:ter or milk.
/r:;:iezn Pound Cakr.—Eight eggs, the
g!:: of the eggs in sugar : the weigth of six
.n i u milk; half a pound of meal; half a
~ f &utter, and one large nutmeg.
Cake.—One pint of sour milk, one
pc,anful of carbonate of soda, one table spoon
ni one egg, salt, and with Meal make
'•nough to pour.
Cakes.—No. I.—Prepare 2 thick
ter s,r wetting sifted meal with cold Walter.
t!tr.:l stirring it into that which is boiling.—
• :ad when it is luke warm, add yeast ;
• ilsen, bake in thin cakes over the fire.
• IL—Take sonr milk, correct its acidity
• carh.on.ate of 'sada, add salt and meal
• a thick liatter, and cook as before.
3.—Stir a qnart of bOiling wayrrlinto the
quanti t y of meal. add a little silt and two
qv ; beaten - ; cook as before. •
i-r-er Cakr.—One quart of sour milk with .
: of soda, one quart of meal, one pinto(
c”e :4.11 of mohtsscs, add salt and ginger
Corn Meal Cake.•;- . l:oimne !Pint of meal
take one teacup of sweet unlit, one cup of snot
eam. Vif a cop• of aiolasses or. treacle,-,one
egg well beaten. one , teaspoonful 'cirbonite . of
soda: half strasphonful of salt,' citinemon: bul
meg, or other spices 'may be used to suit the
Corn•Dollgers.—To one quart of until pout
boiling water till thoroughly wet; a.ld two
tablespoonfuls of dour, a tcaspontiltd of 11311
mix it well ; spread it smooth in n ski. et or'
pan ; first heat and oil the pan well. Ikea it
on the coals till you can run a knife under •nd
turn it round, then set it up buture tie lire Its
Hoe Cake —Three tablesprinnfols of sugar ;
three of Cream mr.e eggs ; One teacup of hot.
tertnilk. Sur in the weal till it is a little thickfr
than batter. and salt and spice to your liking..
Corn min qa,rt of buurr•
milk. three or four eggs, well beaten, a small
quantity of flour ; mix ilient tfigethrf and " then
make it quite thick with corn meal ; add a table
sooonful of melted butter, and salt to a in tie
taste ; huller the pan in which it is baked. '
Corn and Flour Bread.—Prepar thin
by wetti 'Billed weal in cold wafter. and then
stirring it into that 'which is boiling ; and
when it is lukewarm, add yeast, and as much
flour as there is coritnion meal,` bake in deep
dishes in an oven when risen.
Yankee Brown Bread.—To two quarts of
corn meal. pour one quart of boiling water. stir
yeast into two quarts of rye meal, and knead
together with two quarts of lukewarm water.
Add, if you please, one gill of molasses or
Corn Brearl.—To one quart of sifted. meal,
add one teacup of cream, three eggs. one tea-
vpoonful of carbonate of soda dissolved to water.
buttermilk to make it quiet soft ; stir it well,
and bake it in a cake kettle or oven.
Brown Bread Biacutt.—Two quarts of In•
dian meal, (me-pint and a hallo( rye meal : uric
teacup of flour, two spoonful of mulaasea.—
Add a little carbonate of soda to the yeast, and
let it rise over night.
Indian Dumpling.—To one pint -of sow
milk with carbonate of soda, add one qua rt
, of
meal, and a large spoonful of flour; roll mit 'with
flour and put in an apple, and cook as before.
' Green Corn Pudding.—Take eighteen ears
of green corn, split the kernels, lengthwise of
the ear with a sharp knife, then With a case
knife scrape the corn from the cob ; mix it with
thee or four quarts of rich sweet milk ; add four
eggs well beaten two tablespoonful of sugar. salt
to the taste, hake it three hours. To be eaten
hot with butter.
Ilinnony.—This article is considered a great ,
delicacy throughout the southern states, and is
seen on almost every breakfast table. It is pre
pared thus. The corn must be ground not quite
into meal. Let the broken grains be about the
size of a pin's head. Next shake the grains in
the seise. so as to make hulls or hran come to
the top, when they can be removed with the
hand: The grains must then be washed in
several waters and the light articles welch rise
to the surface poured off with the water 'fiirotigh
the fingers so as to prevent the escape of the
grains. Ilave a pot or boiler ready on the fire
with water in is, add the grains at the rate of one
pint to two pints of water. Boil it briskly
about twenty minuets. taking off the scum, and
occasionally stirring it. W hen the homonyh as
thoroughly snaked up the water, take the boiler
off the fire, cover itand place it'near, or an a less
heated part of the fire. and allow it to soak there
about ten minutes. It may he eaten At ith milk,
butter, treacle, or sugar. The flour or meal
sifted out can be used to make bread or cake.
The editor of the Philadelphia Citizen. who
contributed this recipt, remarks at the close of
his note. "I know the English people , will
lose America the more for the sake of homony."
Hasty Pudding.—Put in three pints of
water and a tablespoonful of salt, and when it
begins to boil, stir 4n meal until it is thick
enough for the the table. Add if you choose,
sour apples chopped. Conk for twenty or
thirty minutes. Eaten with milk, butter or
Fried Hasty.Pudding.—Cut cold pudding
into smooth slues, and fn brown in a little
butter or pork f.d.
laity Padding. Bread.—Prepar, tile pudd
ing . as before ; when lukewarm add yeast ; and
alter rising. bake i i a deep dish, in a but oven.
Cara Meal Pulding.—Seald lour quarts -id
milk. our into it one quart of 3iftrd meal. one
cup of molasses, a table spoonful of salt, ' little
spire of any kind you like; bake it three or
four hours in a pretty hot uven.
Baked Pudding.—To two quarts of milk.
add one quart of meal, a little salt, and a cup of
sugar. Prepare by heating the milk over the
fire. stirring it occasionally to keep it from
burning ; when it scarcely boils remove it. put
in the salt and scatter in the meal stirring rapid -
ly to prevent its collecting into lumps, put in the
nutmeg and turn it into a deep pan. • Bake im
med:atelyorjotherwiee. as may be convenient, in
a hot oven three hours. When. it trot baked
an hour or more pour over the pudding 'one
gill or half of milk. this will, soften the crust and
form a delirious whey.
Bailed Budding.-Into two quarts of meal.
stir three pints of boiling water, some salt socks
gill of molasses or treacle ; spice .or not se you
choose. Tie up in a strong cloth or pudding
boiler. put in boiling water, and coop over a
steady fire for three hours.
Superior Boiled Pudding.—To oen quint
of Indian meal, add three pint of molasses or
treacle, a desert spoonful of salt. an ortnetr , or
more of beef suet shred fine. Stir the materials
well together, tie them iri a clOth, allowing room
for the pudding to swell one eighth larger, and
boil it six or eight hours. The longer it boils
the better. It may be made without suet.
Bucl• Meal Cakes.— This cheap article of
food is considered a luxury in the, most of
the American States, from the first of October to
the first of April. During this period it is found
every where for breakfast on the moat frtigal
and on the moat sumptuous table. When eaten
warm with butter:sugar, molasses. or treacle; it
possesses a flavor that cannot be equalled by
any gritldle•cake whatever. The buckwheat
floor. pot up in small casks in Philadelphia. is
the best that can be procured in America.—
E. P.
Receipt.—Mix the flour with cold water.
put in a cup of yeast and a little salt ; set it in a
warm place over night. lilt soukd be sour in
the morning, put in a little carbonate of soda.
fry them the same ati any griddle cakes. Leave
empire!' of the hatter to leaven the next mess.—
'ro be eater! with butter, molasses or sugar
Suppose you uy it,. .
CnlLD'—ealls the - slave boy George
Kirk The living govel of Freedom. bound in
black She should have added that he was also
hot peeled.
!lorappniodfflitileitare 1 Cannon..
popular q of Dr:l3.”
El.B limit!: COATED. !PfLLf3::hai induced:a
number of persons to raoke, iometlting, they call etas
and coat theta with SLIPi, is ordei to sell them for the
genuine, while they do not possess- a particle of tto
goodnesir, nor even assimilate in appearance to the
original. Dr. Smith's . Pills: In short. illey,are an in
tended FRAUD upon the community.., A; minister
retreat first bad an interest in an imitation Sugar coat.
o' rill, manufactured in Albany. N.A . .. has given.them
up as be says, on account of the miserable dishonest
parties concerned in manufacturing them. The .same
party are now industriously circulating reports calculat
ed to injure Dr. Smithson," to affect the reputation:of
hismaluable pills; but rather than notice them in public,
Dr. Smith is about to institute legal proceedings against
them for their *hinders; Odle "tarrinAnothet: ca . S . against
a similar pity, in which be recovered a large airiount of
damages. 'these miserable imitators have to resod to ,
the most abominable means to palm off their counterfeit
pills, as the public know; that Dr.Sthith's are the origioal
and genuine. : Several instances have come to public
notice in which life has been Fndangered by the unfortu
nate use of the comiterfehri. It Is Dr. Smith's Pills
that are doing so Oath good in the country—as the
following plainly show.
Use amt Recommend Dr. Smith's Pills thin all others
This is, to certify that I base used the Sugar Coated
Pills G. Benjamin Smith, of New.
York, for some time, and believe them to be a good
medicine; and also, inquiry in, that city. I ant
persuaded that he is the original inventor, and therefore
is entitled to the benefit of the invention.
• • • S. WILLIAMS,
Pastor Ist Baptist Church, Pittsburgh.
From. the Blue Hen'e Chiehen, (Dcl.)
We call the attention of our readers to the certificate'
of Rev. S. Williams, Pastor of lst - Baptist Church.
Pittsburgh, in relation to Dr. Smith's Pills. Wo mid
ourselves bear testimony to the excellence of these Pillsj
one of us baiting used them and experienced great relief
from them.
:'he above is the best paper in' the State of Delaware
The tmenovenisuissi VVIETABLIC ems," (Sugar
Coated,) are certainly doing much good in the whole
country, and ore highly esteened, Vane !Istria true that
people write and say about them. They are so easy
in their operation that all like them. The editor of the
Northern State Journal, (one of the largest and best
papers in the State of N. Y.,) writes as follows;
Watertown. May 31,1846.
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Dear Sir. 1 was laid up with a had cold some time
since my return from N. Y., and during my illness I
made trial of your pills, and I must say I found them
excellent. They are the best medicine for the purpose
they are intended, that I have vet seen. I seldom take
pills. but I found yours entirely free from the objections
to which other pills are liable. I hope they will continue
to be a source of profit to you, as I doubt cot they will
be means of relief to the afilicted on a large scale.
Yours truly, .1. GREEN.
Tonawanda, Pa, Sept, 18 1846
Dr. G. Bcnj. Smith—
Dear Sir: Your agent left with mo a Int of your
Scoan Coarmn PILLS, and I have but a few boxes left.
Every box I have sold has given entire satisfaction. I
have taken them myself and I con;lider• them the best
pills I have ever med, and I am not afraid to
recommend them to the public. I wish a further supply
at once. Yours respectfully. ,
Huntington Ind., June 21, 1646
Dr. Smith—
Dear Sir :1 am most out of your INDIAN VBaOTIILE
Scosit Coerce PILLS." and find them selling so fast
that I think you had better mend me two gran immediate
ly. They give such general satisfaction that people at
least twenty miles for them, and as it is generally known
I am ageut for them, I would be very sorry to get out.
Yours respectfully,
11G. BENJ. SIIITII, be not written with a pen on
the bottom of the box. all " Sugar Coated" Pails are
Principal Office 179 Greenwich Street, large brick
block. N. Y. Price 25 cents a box.
FOR the permanent removal of all such diseases as
take their rise in an Impure Blood, Impaired Di
gestion, Morbid state of the Liver and Stomach, Weak
ness of the Nervous System, and a Disorded habit of
Constitution generally.
Dr. Wood's Sarsayratilla and ;Wild Cherry Bitters
have already, by their substantial excellence, won a
degree of public favor and patronage which puts them
beyond the need of recommendation. Being faithfully
prepared of the most excellent materials, they can be
fully confided in by all in need of a tonic, aperient or
alternative remedy.
This preparation will be found on trial to be a sure
and speedy remedy for the diseases enumerated above.
They purify the blood, secure regular digestion, promote
a healty action of the Liver and Stomach, and strengthen
the nerves, .at once securing health and vigor to the
whole system. In all cases of despondency, arising
from indigestion or nervous irritation, they have been
used with remarkable success:liar are they less useful
as a remedy for Headache, Flatulency, loss of Appetite'
and a general prostration of thespian. At the same
time it must be stated that they are neither violent nor
at all dangerous to thew operation, securing as they do
the desired end, by a steady,'regular and easy influence.
Taken daily, in doses precribed, they will be found to
operate in that.geoile andsalutary manner, which is, in
fact, their highest recommendation. That prejudice
usually existing against advertised medicines, would
not be merited if bestowed on this. The wonderful
cures it has performed and the acknowledged celebrity
of its principals constituents, should at once commend
it to the public, favor.
Mr. Philp Wilcox, New Bedford, was entirely cured
of a confirmed tender of the stomach, throat and mouth.
and his general health much improved by the use of
only one bottle. Col. John &Ines, Bristol, Mass.,
has voluntarily certified that he was cured by the
Bitters, of Jaundice, Indiervtion, Headache end Vertigo.
J. P. Perlins, Esq., New Bedford, was cured of an
eruption of the face.
Dr. W. H-. Miller oIN. Y., testifies that many of
his patients have been benefitted by the use of the Bitters,
and in every case they have given the most perfect
Sold Wholesale and Retail by WYATT &
KETCHUM, 121 Fulton St. N. Y., HUSTON &
LADD, Towanda. and !y druggist generally throughout
the U. S. Price 61. Large bottles. 6u122
eraeaMsZlMs23 s aa ro
,1101 ESPECTFULLY informs his calends that helms
MIL leased . the above Rouse, situated on the south'
side.of toe public square, lately occupied by A.M. Coe,
and having made entirely new arrangements, is now
prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting his
compliments to his friends and the public generally, and
avoring 'them no pains or expense will be spared to
'please his guests, he respectfully 'solicits public patron
age, pledging himself that while the establishment is
under his control, it shall not be excelled by any in the
The rooms 3 the • CLAREMONT HOUSE,' are
spacious and airy, and furnished in the best style. •
The Table will be famished with every substantial
theeountry can-produce.
The Bar will be stocked with the beet liquOrs in a
pure and unadulterated state.
First rate Stabling attached, with u4dY and faithful
Ostlers always in
In short, nothing will he omitted, which will - add to
the comfOrt and convenience of customers, and with his
facilities, he believes satisfaction will be rendered to all.
Towanda, ApilB, 1846.
,A LARGE AESORVIENT of Cloths of all shades
till: and colon, and qualities, and prim. Casimeres.
Fancy and Plain.- Eintinette and a good ar•ortment of
Pairings may he found at GEO. E. FLYNT & CO.
ZATHER..CaIf Skin% Bole and Upper leather at
MW.Eb=ik. klT9a3l2:lE7rO
TRE neit year of this In,tititholt will cortimenle
on Monday the 81st day - of August.* MR. J. C.
VANDERCOOK, Principal, tidies! E. C. BLACK.
MAN, Preeeptress. The year will be divided into four
terms of eleven weeks: each. The first term will be fol
lowed by a vacation of one week.
The second term will commence November 23d.
The third term will commence February Bth, and be
followed bye vacation of one week.
The fourth term will commence May 3, and be sue'
ceeded by • yacation of six weeks
Tuition, per term of eleven weeks:
For the common. English studies, 62 an
For the higher branches, including Natural,
Intellectual and Moral Sciences, 4 00 .
- mathematics and Languages, 5 00
For the second and third terms, Extra, 25
For Drawing end Painting, 2 00
For Music, with use of laistniment, 7 00
Without, 5 00
Several literary and scientific gentleman, in conjunc
tion with the principal, have consented to favor the in
stitution with lectures on the more important branches
of educatiOn,free of charge.
All students grill be charge•' for not less than half n
term, unless absence is occasioned by illness or atber
unavoidable causes.
The exercises of composing and declaiming will he
required of every student,unless excused by the teachers
or parents.
The comes Of instruction is designed ba r be thorough
and practical., adapted to the requisitions of business,
and the demands of an intelligent people. r
The Academy has ono of the finest locations on the
Susquehanna, commanding a charming view of that
beautiful river the borough of Tmvanda and the sur
rounding ledscape.
From a confidence in the zeal, enterprize and abilities
of the teaehers, and the unusual prosperity of the school
during the past year, we take pleasure in recommending
this institution, to the favorable regard and patronage
of an enlightened, intelligent and generous people,
trusting that it will continue in usefulness, and the
consequent favor of the public.
14IRAM MIX, President.
C. L. WARD, ;
J. F. MEANS. •
Towanda, August 3, 1845..
•Owing to an error in manuscript, the date of the
hand-bulls will be found incorrect. It is three days
too late.
t The late Preceptrcas, having left the institution,
without giving the necessary notice, we are- under the
neeessity of deferring the opening of the Female De
partment for ono week.
MISS BLACKMAN comes highly reeommended ea
a pianist and a scholar. J. C. VANEERCOOK.
Mit/ to so Scott,
7r26 L§ .NR* 0
v - TrLL promptly and punctually render hie proles
atonal services in Agencies, Collections, -and
other matters in his profession entrusted to his care..
ccr He has removed his office to the room over N.
N. Belts' store.
gueb.. .444
WiLcox & SAGE have associated themseves
in the Boot and Shoe Making business, in the
borough of Towanda, and may he found at the old stand
of S. Hathaway. lately occupied by Elkanah Smith. near
I. H.Stephens Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a
share of pdhlic patronage. They intend, by a careft. I
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
their customers. to make as neat and durable work as can
be manufactured in this portion of the country.
They keep constantly nn hand, and will manufacture
to order, morocco, calf and coarse boots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's
gaiters and pumps, &c., &c.
Towanda, May 14, 1845.
14. rwik /AID
L. M. NYE & CO., would re
'pet-illy inform the citizens of Tow
arttl the public generally, tnat
it th o e . y rd h e a r ve al o i on hand& of 72A n B ur i a is ctur .. e .
a z tit„.. i )FURNITURE, of the best mate
:lll la riots, and workmanship that cannot
'"'", be surpassed, in addition to the usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
which never lona, its elasticity, and finished with the
best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having
had much experience in the businses, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to
quality and price, and by strict attention to ,business
hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal com
munity. 1.. M. NYE & CO.
Towanda, September I, 18”.
MAN BE HAD at our shop much lower than it
has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are
cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we
can afford all for to do it. All kinds of produce 'will
be received in payment. Also, LUNT BEE of all kinds.
Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4 CO.
NATILL be kept on hand a large assortment, and
made to order on shorter notice and for less mo
ney than can be produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro-
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired.
September 1, 1845. L. M. NYE & CO.
Dr. A. Upbam's Vegetable Eleetuary,
DR. A. UPHAM' a distinguished Playsicum of
New York city, is the only real successful remedy for
that dangerous sad distressing complaint—the PILES
—ever offered to an American public.
Mark this. It is an INTERNAL REMEDY—and
not an ;external application, and will cure every case
of Piles, either bleeding or blind, internal or external,
sind probably the only thing that will. There is no
mistake about it. It is a positive cure—speedy and
permanent. It is also a convenient medicine to take,
anu improves the general health in a remarkable man
ner. Each box contains twelve doses, at dose. It
is very mild in its operation, and may be taken in cases
of the most acute inflammation without danger. All
external applications are in the highest degree disagree.
able, inconvenie t and offensive ; and from the very na
ture of the disease, Inconvenient in their effects. This
medicine attacks the disease at its source, and removing
the cause, renders the CUM' certain and permanent.
To Mature° Lanres.—Married ladies are almostin
variably subject to that painful and injurious disease,
the Piles, with consequent inflammation of the stomach,
bowels and spine, weakness of the back, flow of blood
to to the head, 4-c. The Electusiy is perfectly safe for
pregnant ladies. and the most useful cathartic the; can
possibly be treed, as it not only removes the Piles and
all inflammatory direases without pain or irritation,
bat will insure an easy time, a safe delivety,and• sound
constitution in the offspring.
The McCreary contains no mineral medieine, no al
oes, colocyoth or gamboge, or other powerful and irrita
tive purgative. No fear of taking cold while underlie
ingeerle e .—no change in diet necessary, If taken ac
ccirding to directions, a cure for life , is guaranteed.
;Sold wholesale and retail by W rim?, Atk Barrens,
"General Agents for the Southern States,". 121, Fulton
street, Pi. Y., HUSTON t LADD, Towanda, and
druggists generally throughout the United States. Price
a bees,
- _
The etsi‘e PeriodiCllN are reprinted in Nra Yink,
inutediately on their onset by the British steamers, in
ebeautiful clear type. on tine white paper, and are
faithful copies of the originslsßLAClL WOO till MACiA.
sues being an exact lac...simile of the Edinburg edh
- The widespread farce of these splendid Periodicals
Tenders it oeedless to say much in their praise. As
literary organs, they stand far in advance of any work;
of a similar stamp now published, while the political
cOmplexion of each is marked by a dignity, candor and
forbearance not often found in works of a party char
They embrace the views of the three great parties in
England—Whig, Tory, and Radical.—" Blackwood "
and the Linclon - Quarterly" are Tory the. Edin
burg Review," Whig: and the" Westminister," Radi
cal. The "Foreign Quarterly "is purely literary, be.
ing devoted principally to criticisms on foreign Conti
nental Works.
The prices of the Its-ritsTs are lead than one-third
of theme of the foreign copies, and while they are equal
ly well got up, they afford all that advantage to the
American over the English reader.
• T,E R 8 :
For any one of the four Reviews, 1;3.00 per annum
For any two, do 5,00 ..
For any three, do 7,00 "
For all four of the Reviews, 8.00 '6
For Blackwood's Magazine, 3.00 6.
For Blackwood and ilie4 Revicwa, 10,00
Four copies of any or all of the above works will be
sent to one address an payment of the regular subscrip
tion for three—the fourth copy being gratis.
Remittances and communications must be made
in all eases without expense to the pubdahers.—The
former may always be done through a Post-master by
handing him the amount to be remitted, tithing his re
ceipt and forwarding the receipt by mail, Post-paid; or
the money may be enclosed in a letter, Post paid, di
rected to the publishers.
N. B.—The Postage on all these Periodicals is re
duced by the lato Post-Office law, to about one-third
the former rates, making a very important saving in the
expense to the mail subscribers.
,• In all the principal cities and Towns through
out the United States to which there is a direst Rail-
Road or Water communication from the city of New
York. these periodicals will be delircred FREE OF
LEONARD SCOTT & CO. Publishers,
lyear 112 Fulton St.. New York
New Blaeksmithing Establishment,
do Touizazda,
Prices 25 per cent. cheaper than have ever
been known in Northern Penn'a.
WEE subscriber, having commenced the above
aims, takes this method to inform the inbabi
tants,of Towanda and vicinity. that he is prepared to
do all kinds of work entrusted to his care in the in at
neat and workmanlike manner: such asironing coach
es, carriages, sleighs, ofkill kinds; mill-work of all
kinds, done a little nicer t at any other shop in tho
county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOLS, to
fill up crevices, and fmallyt all kinds of work in the
above line (horse-shoeing e3cepted) and will warrant
all my work to stand the test. Try me and if you do
not find things just right, then put me down. From my
long experience in the business, I flatter myself that I
can please all kinds of people. You can find me st
all times at my shop. a few rods south of Fridge street,
known as Means' old stand.
All kinds of Produce taken in payment 1.3 t i. .and
a little of the ready Jo-Davis will not b.
TJwanda, May 6,1846. y
- -
Clocks, Watches, Jewel & Silverware,
.117' NO. I. BI?IeK ROW
A. CHAMBERLIN h s just_ returned from
~ the rity of New York with the largest assort
ment of FASHIONABLE JEWELRY, ever brought
to this place, such as Fine,rt-rings, Breast-pins, of every
description; Lockets, bracelets, gold and silver p ncils,
gold keys, thin.lde• .dlver spoons, sugar tongs. specta
cles, for all ages, pea a.d pocket knives. (Roger's ma
nufactuie,) and many other articles which L.e will sell
extremely low for CASH.
All kinds of WATCHES; consisting of patent
L'Epine, English and Swiss watches, warranted to
keep good time.
It is as clear and unquestionable as our right to the
whole of Oregon. that W'n.A. Cog's n tax has got
the I irgest and hest socketed woowtmetit of Fancy Goods
ever brought into the borough of Towanda, and that be
will sell his goods cheaper than woo ever sold by any
human living being!—slick a pin there !!
N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, or
the money refunded, and a written agreement given
to that eir , ot to all that desire one.
(10- MA PLE SE GA R, Wood, and all kindsof Couu
try Produce received in payment
- W. A. CH AMBERLIN. Agent.
Towanda, April 22, 1846,
THE suhscribers , stil 'contique
, to manufacture and keep on hand
at their old stand. all kinds of
/ Cane and ftbod sen!Chairs
SLkikV,Tris also Settees of various kinds
‘., ,S• BEDSTEADS. of ever
. 1 . • description. which we will
sell low for cash or produce.
TURNIM.; done to order.
Towanda r April 23. 1845.
TijTraMi Wl2. 1 1,
THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully infor..l
the public that he continues to carry on the above
business at his shop-in the vicinity of 1..-raysville.- and
that ho is prepared to furnish on the most reasonable
terms, WIRE CLOTH, suitable (or Safes, for Rolling
Screens, in Grist Mills, or for Selves in Fanning mills,
*c. Orders directed to Leraysville, Bradford Co. Pa.,
will be promptly attended to. E. MARSH.
Leraysville, September 21. 1896.
ING DEPOTS; awarded the Gold and Silver Medals,
Four first Premiums, and Two Highest Honors, at the
National, the Massachusetts, the New York, and the
Pinnsylvania Exhibitions, respectively, for the most
splendid Colored Daguerreotypes and beat Apparatus
ever exhibited,
Portraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to
Instructions given in the art.
A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on
hand,"it the lowest cash prices.
New York. 551 Broadway ; Philadelphia, 136 Chest
nut S.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58 Hanover Ste.; Bal
timore, 205 Baltimore St.; Washington, Pennsylvania
Avenue; Petersburg, Va., Mechanics' Hall ; Cincin
nati, Fourth and 'Walnut, and 176 Main St. ; Saratoga
Springs, Broadway ; Paris,l27 Vieille Rue du Temple ;
Liverpool, 32 Church St.-3y.
GSUXIKEZ Vol7& P algingo
THE subscriber not being in full communion with
j the firm of M he is not prepared to boast of
the.largest assortment eifiEWELRY out Of Jail: and
having never learned the. Cabinet making business : —
he is not preparedto do any work in that line; but
having served a regukre apprenticeskp in the
watch repairing business, and the experience of" t 6 years,
has no hesitation in saying that all work entrusted to
him shall tedious in`a workmanlike manner, promptly,
and second beat to none west of that'city from whence
tame that mighty rush of Gold Jewelry 4 0
Now my friends, in all your settings don't forget
to set your witches fixed'at old No. 100 opposite the
Public Square sand two docus north of Br',,z , :e tavern.
• Towanda, April 29, 1846.
. • C L 7 . N. 8.-[ pledge myself to do my work right. All
work:waininted one year and the money refunded if it
doett.not perform wonting to agreement. Stick a P.O.
theni !
And make room fur Me Sovereig n B A N Az. •
It .is now about four years since Dr. E. L. s 0 o'a
intiriduced the Oriental or Sovereign Balm Pills to
s y v
public: and we venture to say; that no other rreekist
has given such universal satisfaction, and the 's i t e
avow so t ag , for with very hula exertion or am eoisoi
the demand has increased to cover 1 000 boxes per day,
They ere intitely vegetable, and Cause rpi pain is their
operations, beirig perfectly safe for young or old, i t pi
those of debilitated constitutions, and as a Wily „ sq.
ieine, have no equal. Fhey are an effectual reach
for diseases of this chinate,such as bilious diseases rasa
their various forms. Fever, Old Liver Complaints fi n d,
aches, Coughs, Colds. Costiveness &c. h on
warranted them in over 100 cases of Fever and
and have never known them to fail in removing it's )
from one to six days, when taken according to duets.
Lions. They never leave the bowels costive, b osi
very different from any,other Pills in use, which lean
the bowels Costive. and one dose only creates the cr ee p,
ty for another. In nervous debility and female ne a t-., us
their effects have been truly astonishing. They hue
restored a large number of such cases after they hat bees
confined to their beds, and given up by their physie ws.
The certificates a few of which may be seen in air es.
milers, which may be bad of our agents gratis. Thee
cilia the nervous system, and remove the cau s e Of Ctr.
sous irritation. In short they strengthen sod tenor s
the whole system. in cases of Dyspepsia and costive, '
they have worked wonders : Thousands have bees n.
stored float all the horrors of the shove diseases, said s
number of them iu Syracuse, and in this county,_
For particularise° circulars.
We have always taken great rare in selecting Hi
compounding our medicines, Which has been done 1 1
Dr. Soule in person, as may be seen 'by the follovils,
We base acted as agents for Dr.E.L,Soule far the he
four years in purchasing moat of the medicines 13151
the composition of his pills.—During that time some
of the articles have advanced nearly an hundred per rm..
He has not varied his proportions, and has at no tat.
used any but the best qualities of medicines. Welair
also acted as agents in selling his Sovereign Bib
Pills, and from the universal satisfaction riven, we coo.
cider they rank among the best pills now before the puo
lic. Dr.Soule is the person wbo first introduced icen
into this country, and has continued the 1113 11UrIt%rt
of them ever since. T.B.Pirca d: Co.
Syracuse. fehruary t 3. 184.0.
None are genuine. except those-bearing the aux a
Dr. ti. 1., Soule & Co. on the face of each Ims.
For sale by Huston & Ladd, Towanda: Geoile A.
Perkins, Athena; Lyman Durcee, Smithfield; A.. 1
H. Morley, Burlington; Levi Taylor„Granvilfe; Sal
Smith. Franklin; A. Burroughs, 14conroeton Graz,
Nichols. Rome ; H. Z. Friable, Orwell; Le Rayude,
J. E. Bullock. 12-3
Suited to. the Human Cumtitution„and equal to thew,
of every curable disease, will be found in
Wright's. Indian Vegetable Pill!,
bilk American College of Balta.
These extraordinary Pills' are composed of
which grow spontaneously on our own soil, and an,
therefore better adapted to our constitutions, than !dell
eines concocted from foreign drugs, however well they
may be compounded ; and ex WRIGHT'S
VEGETABLE PILLS am founded upon the princip,e
that the human body is in truth
namely, corrupt humors, and that said medicine rare
this disease' on
NATLTAL piax_cipi.Es.
by cleansing and par fying forryilt will he non.
fest that if the constit,uton - he nut carrel, exoinutta. a
perseverance in theft i s.. acaonho4 to d+ ,,, L
atihilely certain to drive tasease of r e c}.-{Mite frou the
When we ni.h to rratore a swaMp 117 noon 's
fertility, we drain it of die soperaturolaot oratm Is
like manner, it err wish to restore the body to heahllti
most Cleanse it of impurity.
will be found one of the beet, ii not the' very beg. tied ,
eine in the world for carom, oudthiA
beeeure they e.fel from the :lor:y 811 drei omit
humor. the eatt-,of the ar+r rni
ea/ Matine . r, loot vs , if, t'aer E.V'E
ple.i•tlre, rvely Itani I. • I
drl , fll
the body. -..
The Inllmvin2 highly respectable Stnee.terpers hoe
been duly appointed Agents for the sale of it rigtis
dian Vegetehh. Pit's : in Bradford County .
& Co., Towanda ;
A. H. Gavtod, Canton ;
John H. Putman, Columbia Flays;
T. .St S. W . Pomeroy, Troy;
Cornell & Gee. Burlington ;
Wm. Gibson. Ulster ;
Lyman Durfee, Smithfield ;
L. S. Ells. orth. Athens;
Guy Tracy, Milan;
U. Moody & Co. Frenchtown ;
John Horton, Jr.. Terrytown ;
E. Norman, Springfield t .
Storrs & Jones. Shoshequin;
Daniel Brink, Hornbrook ;
N. D. & C. Warlord, Monrnehirr.
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of iCrioo
Indian Vegetable Pills,. of the North Arnencae C.Slew
of Health, Nu. 228 Greenwich street. New York; No.
. . • • ..
199 Tremont Kt., Costnn,; antl•Principal OdicOo 10
Race street, Philadelphia', hit
Tllllll MiDICISE T o n [ we exclaimed the ether Jo.
on tasting some of Jayne's Tonic Vermrfdge. It unaz•
ly has none of the nauseous flavor, which one wane
with the idea of physic. Children consoler it G age!
treat, and in taking it their palates are gratified, ang'n'
health restored at thesamo time. Jayne's 'fonic rtr-7
loge not only destroys worms, but carries off the roast
in which they are imbedded, and effects a radical 14
permanent core. Every mother knows the promise l ,
symptoms of worms, such as voracity, imams?, fet
breath, grinding of the teeth during - sleep. plea"'
the lips, itching of the nose, dze., but there is other
cia not so generally recognized. A dry cough, dud. clo ,
enlargement of the abdomen, and many other iyropuo
common to other diseases, frequent:y denote the profs°
of worms. If their existence is even suspected. the V C.
mifuge should be administered, became it can j" )
harm in any case, and may do incalculable good-
JATEres EXPECTORANT always cures Afthint,-''
or three large doses will cure the Croup or Nivea .
dren in from 15 minutes' to 1 hour's time. It lams ,
ately subdues the violence of whooping cough, sai 4 69
a speedy cure. Hundreds who have'been Cirrs uP
their physicians as incurable, with Consumption, Se
ting of Blood, and other Pulmonary Alleetioa° ,l3 !'
been restored id perfect health by it. It never fat! P
Prepaid only by Dr.D. JAYNE, No. a South Dij
Street, Philadelphia. Sold by A. D. Motley" 1 "
wands,. Pa.
Terms of the Bradford Reporter•
Two dallare and fifty cents per annum; Firm' W I
deducted if paid within the year; and tar GASH rd 2.
ally in advance, ONS DOLLAR will be deducted..,
Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at soy urs'•
Ming irrearages.' Most kinds of COVNTRT Poo
received in payment, at the market price. • " et „
Advertisements, not exceeding a musts 0 1 t w o ,
lines, inserted forfillyeents; every subewinept
twenty-five cents. A discount made toyearlY, l ; A n.
Joe PRINTING, of evi..7 description. nesuY
pcilitiously executed on new and fashionable
Letters on business yertaining to the, ofce ' 2ll-41 ` --
free of poet sr, to 111111113 re ottontiet.