Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 02, 1846, Image 4

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    ---. 1t4"4-fliiriii:iiite'
Ai:nut's Arum is .011411
' "'•
Now ‘ we rent froiti,bur toilaLord „our )atiora are due;
"'The haunt:lei - thou givest‘tp" felon are won
We have .have sari:wird our grain= - -tvellvur toil it re.:
-,. And Urania 'ine'eroriping the grass on the braes
We'gathared our harvests with. pulsOtwaiing high; .
The mower toiled on with a lough in his eye,
And the upper, u nimbly he felled the proud erain,
Wss blither than those who wield sceptre's anJ reign.
Anti the wheat stalk great tall; sod the fill, golden ear
Proclaimed that . die months of irej:ticings were nee ;
The grape in rich clusters hung.' Promising mirth.
And the boughs of the apple-tree slept on the earth.
Did we r thinkTbee then, God of the seasona t ph no.
We were quick, to accept of tby favors, but slow
Were our lips to give tbankefor . the -rich elfte Thy hand
Bbosvered &eon on the catmlitteredvetes of our land.
. ,
Thou !tan
mined on us manna. Lord yet we are muse
Thou guest us summer; each product to suit:
Elpiings and autumni as fair as Italia hoasis
Dawn onus, yet.faint are our tongues, Lo'rd o`Hotts!
Now we raise our glad voices, in gratitude raise
And we _waft en the beam. or the morning' our prvhe
We thank l'hee for grain we have gathered in elincit,
And the wilk of the kiue, and the fleece of t• e thkcic.
And we thank Thee for which mOve lietito the task,
And Thy Gum for 11w spirit which bids us lo ask ;
41 te; Lord, with jug seine of Thy bounty, and give
Health tons, and to all in the land where we live.
Went Tishu ry, Oft. 11, 1816.
[From the Albany Chliator.l
meeting of the ',Newcastle (England) FAriner's
, Club. Mr. Glover. the seereiarv. spoke of his
mode of stall-feeding cattle.. Ifs , said he was
partirularto have Iris etude fed at stated times.
'The cattle, he said. o•kni-ty perfectly well when
meal time hail arrived. and were restless and un
easy when dis-tppointed of their Mod." Ile
th night • cleanliness and a good supply of litter
should never he neglected. To keep the s kin
clean, and use the currycomb liberal'y tended
to fatness." fle remarked that the food should
also be given with regularity as toi quantity.—
•• They should not, be exposed to alternations of
- hunger Rmisurfeit. The food of code should
also be varied as much as possible: Like hu
man beingi ihey were fond of variety and ca•
pricinas in their appetites. Two potindslof oil
cake. tive'pounde of harley-meal,and fite pounds
of .hay.t.ihaff, with a plentifull allowance of
Swedish tundra. had been recommended as a
daily' allowance:"
- lie spoke of the use of linseed nil in feeding,
Which he said hsd heem attended with much
success. oil was sprig klel on good oat
straw. laver. art the rate of a gallon of oil to a
week's allowance of straw to be frequently
turned over, and kept two days before wied by
Which time the oil would be absorbed, and there
wouhl be slight fermentation le the fund." Fie
described also die mode of making ‘Varne's
Compound, which tr highly esteemed for fatten.
ing cattle. Ile put 160 lbs. water in a
dog cauldron. and %Omit bnilinn, stirred into
it for five minut e s. 21 lbs. linseed weal. Then
63 has, of oruAtt,l barley eras sprinkled upon
the, boiling mueihig-. by one person. while
another rapidly stirred the mixturei. Ti aimea.
pied another five minutes." It is then left to
cool --if there is mush fire it ahnutd•he put nut,
it should be used the next day. or by being ex
cluded-from-the-aim-mar be-kept homer. — 'llO
quantity riven to each p-r day. is eight
pounds. with hay or straw in addition.
Apples fur Begs,
have kept my hmls on ap
ples every tall and winter for ten years past.—
I put ralho Inure meal with my appl. :4 than
people usually do it hen they ht.!! pottihte , ; but
not ent.usli to keep the hogs arise they la ,l
nit'apples, Myintes itsually Ited. her •t in the
sPrtod than any . of my; neiShbots that are led .1.;
1..M1.44, I a fact. they thrive and ke.p f a a'
trio. r. I lay my apples in a large hitt in Inv
ling.pen. let them rfel'it! When 1111. WY:1011 . 1
Itettoutet.-sery-44.1 4 .- thew-rover them Hp wee
rye strau and keep them frozen all winter.-
IVt:n I n In u:p lhetir, I put ihetti, on my
Lif g e pot or kettle,-let ; them be tut
just long enough to-take •the• Ont. of.- tt.ein
and 6setttlient tu the hoes warm: Sotne pen
rlp only torn w:iler ntl them mid Ihus t
the rrer.t. !tr . :l6ra ot~italr in_ them takes the
s•turteess Ur acid all out, ;If them. tied reMkr ,
them nntre palatahle and nonri-laing 1 give
each ling "in.-third i•f a p:106.1 elf .titit't 5 at tt
timr.three times a day. 111 led 111,141 Fall ieS.l
should give them nearly as many in •4•1 as
1 do apples ; Therefore. I think a tpples
is %Veto!' as natal) for hoes as a bushel of
is my opptnion that. our farmers had
bette'r 141•11.111 more nieltards rather than ent
what they now have. The told orehards are
fast going to deray. and the ruing getter:llM!)
wild Want hr apples unless there are tettre trees
set out Stltrl;" HORACE GOODlitiE:
P. S.—l feed gio I mellow sour and some
sweet. pplus to my fat bow and sLoats, every
tly, sod that they both make theth grow
and help towards fattening them. ' •
Oncitsans.—Turn your fines and pies into
your orchard to eat the falling frait,and thereby
get rid of the eirentims whiett are 'imbedded in
every .fipple that falls. In addition to the pre
caution. mike a mixture. such as , we have often
recommended to you,, in the proportion of 2
gabons of soft soap. 1 lb. of flour of , 'sulphur,
and have the: trunks of your trees, from the
ground upwards painted with it. This mixture,
besides pruving destructive hi the eggs and em
bryo of insects, will otherwise prove beneficial
to the trees.
A GIIEPS ONE.—A few days sineci.a young
one. just Iron] the r;otintry, was employed' to
one of our 31arketlireet stores. Among other
duties he was to affeii 'in the spee.„ On the
first eight. preparatory going o het), he blew
out the,gss • light, not stoppili2 it off. In the
morning the poor fellow was nearly dead. and
declared !hit he *mild riui'sleep there any
more. • •
Cuss - von Sorts Taniwr.—The Charleston
Courier:publishes Two table
spoonsrul of ashes in one pint of boiling water.
to which, after.being strained. add two tea-,
spoonstul of table salt. a piece of alum and one
of saltpetre. each the sire of a nutmeg, the
juices& three lemons, or a little vinegar• or
orange juice. all rsweetened with honey. and
when cold. gurgle 'the thrill( every three hours:
Th - e remedy has been frequently tried, and
neves known to fail."
The C ommdtee appom e 3, the Cumberland
r. unty ‘, Agriehltural Society, examine
F a d
re • p:, tru, upon, frarrus,! • thou,g,h 4 Sigh'
Chriedait:Thiel. Made a'ref;ri to Mel &Minty
of an examinalidn which:the committee made on
the 11th of Septemberhist.of the fart! of Robert
Breson,andwhieh the'SoMetYordeMd - in be pcb-
To the President' and Managers' •of • the
Cumberland - County - Sg rieulturalSo c iety:
. -. .- . . .... . ..
' Vile cometittee 01j:smuts. at. this Our ttecotul
annual meeting, take, express--their
regret. that,.scf.. few membrra ,- of the. Society
should have intimated a desire at 'any' time dor
ing the past year, that their fain' and ; Mode,•Of
Cumvattott.should he submitted forexaminstion;
ut a *bight memiter Made . applicatinit.' l ,atitlit is
\ l l,
ith feelings Of great pleasure that'sierriitilly
Mahe in itte•expressit4ctil the 'opiniiiiii that the
fartil'ef 3lr. Il'illacri Bryson, and the condition
of it—its cultivation, ;cal the itibeipl'ee 'of .11—
all ird a most , gratifying example of the' - rich
product a orb Winade by enirgy, industry and
skill. The farm con.ists of twoltundied -and
tifty-seven acres of Ilind, moat of wititili is
clea red' lea ving ni:ly trees enough - 1o( , Oitaile.;--
As \ ou.approarli the farm, t Mt are at since sirtiek
with the cleanliness of field and fence-row,
which indicates• that within. grows . Mete hit
what is planted. A large elope manziotfexhila
its the comforts of a profitable tartu:', and a no
less capacious barn shows Mat there roust lap a
place. for Grain, for there Much here to be stor.,
ed away. A particular description of ibis barn
may be useful to the Society,; it Is.M size ninety
eight feet six inches. by 'filly four feet which
includes a seven feet over-shot. - and thirty-lour
feet Mob in the square. It is built' in the 'Fide .
of a band, and has setts °Darn 'floors , tine allud e
the other—the tirsf haying an elevation of about
eight feet and the second is used as a threshing
floor, front which the grain, as it is threshed,
passes down into the .first tour, where it is
cleansed ; the stables are below the whole.—
There is an advantage gained by this strange.
'Dent in this, that you ran get out any quantity
of grain. without 'being hindered by the floor ;
and there.cao be nri better, phisiration of this .
advantage than by the laid, that 3lr. Ilryion's
whole crop was thrashed.. cleaned; and. really
for market on the 25th July of this year. With
the peculiar capacity and arrangement of his
b4rn,• this was effected without any waste of
straw, or throwing more into the barn-yard titan
would be read!) , converted into manure ; it was
all stewed away in his capacious barn, ready to
be used the succeeding winter as occesion'shall
require—the quantity of wheat was nineteen
hundred and ninety-five bushel., which 'grew
upon' eiolity acre's—five acres of barley was also
thrashed, and produced 250 bushels ; forte tons
of hay were made, well cured 'nd stowed away ;
the produce of ten acres of oats; which your
committe supposed would yell 270 - bushels,
were also here ; the corn .was .yet upon. the
ground, and it was the subject of particular ex
amination, anJ the conclusion to which we came
n Lit regard to it was. that it would yield
about fifty bushels to the acre—not withstands.
ingthis season has not been as favorable as usual,
we have nut seen in any year so large a erop - of
corn which was as good, as this. Thirty
bushels of clover seed were also made. This
is a limestone firm. and the manure used upha
it is pnocipally . LIME. The stock which we
found here were eighty bead of steers, twenty
mileh cows and young cattle, one hundred hogs;
fifteen sheep. six horses. and three yoked oxrn.
The eighty head of steers were in a course of
preparation for the market, and hail been •fed
since the corn had passed the waisiing ear state,
hy cutting it off anti f-etlitor it to them in the
hulk-.llw cattle and hogs 01118.41;d Intrellitl. ex•
Iti.oted this system as a creditable one ;—se--oc. -
ly two acres had yet been consumrd. and thr
rattle were alines' ready for the market. One
would suppose that a farm like' this would M;iiii-I.v all the attenti n of its owner: hut not so With
%Ir. 11r: son--on his farm three kilns Wire e o n 7
-tooly employed hunting lime, producing about'
2909 hied.els a wei•ls, battled from Ow kiln as
lAA as it w.i•ltiiroeil. to enrich the lands of die
sarroutt.h i til country. NIG Bryson employs ,
..lati: It a Prise about thirty hands. who are 'en
,:,,,.d tit th. • lllll , . , rtti the farm and the blotting
:oil hoof ill ot loftl• : the I:01.4 of these • men is,
diri.i.ti il I, i . %Tr Ilrys ri in a•• 41 with a
ay-booa ..t .........i.y of ci•in. ni ; , •liflettis fii he
hint tr. AI 1011.11,0 . .' ee try mast knows trout
me mouth of tit. ctim'ot er what' is its busi , ies•
f„„. pp,. ,1„ y . w,..-i no .o go so mi 'mods.' into
lite tiot “wat'ir".:"llvo.icher NMI ettultrort.! skill
:t r ot j - 11,11.•111 dii-Oltr II nu ed. limn. as would
1 to I, ....iiv,y li.. tool !...f % Olin 1 . 11111,1110VV11 .
c' 111 I. W." •iioiril 1,111. to L!iy i it., t le,a• e ; ; ,tio n ,,
~f op• tirtilo r ill it bii•lt 3 l'illiili ' t' i111:11111. bas a ti •
lira .1 int; in, i. erovh-tl.lll the barn 1 aril, by.
wi n . h e vioe r i• to...tight into : fly r.i.o . ii of ice
Ittttuat•—fititV trAtts ttnt• rot-semi ti me lila! lilt V
Ivllllot swag wit of only phee, how. in tine.
li t - roinforta-awl plrasures i• 1 arm .tre bogt cons
stilled by makiag all coinfirtable and pleasant'
I ;Moto lion.
e can not close this report. with mt an.elThit
to iinpr•ss iipmt the Society, the necessity of
more extensively iutroductog =infest Its; the
h a bit.of subiniutind our farms to the visitation of
your committee. Thern is- no one whose exper
ience and practical skill in the emirse of hislionle
alarming, has lint developed sminedling worthy
of observati,m and there are, perhaps, many
whose practical Operations are based upon
some mistaken principle. Why not bring all
this, to light, by the examination and report of
your committee? Why not make it the-subject
of remark. and discussion, that each one and all
of us may profit by the discovery. if a valuable
one, or avoid-the error, if ftnmd lo be a fatal one.
Let no one say to himself, Lhave nothing on me
farm worth showing-4or the answer which_
suggests' itself at once is, if you ) lave not von
ought to have.
fiIeGOG requires the presence-of- water ;' henee,.
by drying animal substance they are,preserved.,
Hence one reason of the preserving power of
Fa I,'froth its strong affinity for the water con
tained in these substances. Alcohol operates part
ly in the sante way. Various other substan
ces -entering into combination. - and the
different tendencies of the' affinities Of the- con
stituents of those substances are overeat/Hi ;-
among:these are corrosive sublimate. coppers,
tannin., wood vineghr, and kransote. A high tem
perature stops pntre faction - by coagulating the
azotized materials. Putrefaction is ,iutpdisible
above in° or below 32°. Freezing acts pre
ci,zely as (hying. Hence bodies • preserved be
frost, and those which remain fresh fur years
afier death on the Arabian deerts,' are preset
ed from the same essential cause. •
NITROGEN 0.,r A CROP OP thiy.-tr ß y con;,
tains t snafly about 11 per eent.etr oitrunen.. or a
ton contains 30 prunds.' A gmal meadoti..lltere.
(me, yields about 60 pounds ofmitrozert Off zer?
per annum.
03itager I •
( 4 - 7 - 1 1 1 --)l;f:re4
Tnoifi ncr eali n g've ? puiamy 4 tif 'l3: Beal.
BLE 't••• riGA ell'ATßD'' PILLS, his :induceil,ll
number of peivoturtoni#C,iiitiething
. tliejr! tali ' et cur
eil'eirie'ltiem with Ordcr,to sell llienifor,the
genuine.lehile particle of. !r.
goodness!, 043 f cyan .r
..adiate bi appesrance to th
original, Dr. Sma's Pills. In short, they are an in.
tended FRAUD . ' Upitv Alta "eniaihilaity's, A minister
who al drat bad es Warm iR injuntatiouiSugae. Coat.
e.' Pill, mantifactured in Albany. N. Y.. hasgisen thorn
up. u r .o.says, en account of the :Miserable dishonest
parties concerned in manufacturing ..theln.i. The arum
party are pow industriously circulating reports ttalculatl
ed to injure Dr. Smiths and to erect, thareputitinn - of
his valuable pil4; but rather than not them,in public,
Dr. Smith is about to instiu.te legal procealingsapiust
them for their slanders, as he basin anethercastvagainst
a similar putty;in 'which hX, reel:l4Elo amount of
damagea., ,these miserable imitators have to , resprt to
Mimeo, abominable means to palm off theircouutelfrit
pills, as the public know that p.r.Smith's are the original
end genuine. Soviet" instances hare come. to , public
notice in g i [deb life has !wen endangeredlly the: unforiut
n,b , use IR' the counterfeits. It Dr. Smith's' Pills
that are doing stirthich ica3d itt 'the cogutiy7ts Ole
following plaialy' show.
Use and Recommend Dr:Smith . ; Pills than all others.
'Phis is to ieitify that I hare o.ed the, 'Sugar Coated
Pills manufactured Ifeklarnin Smith. of New.
]'ark, tor some tittle. and belleae them to he a good
ni•dirinr: and also', from inquiry in that •city, I sin
persuaded that be is lbeVrigruid inventor, and therefore
Is entitled to the hem& of the ina•ention.
Pasiorlkt Baptist Church, Pittsburgh.
Prom the Alue.llmee Chicken. (Del.)
We call, the attention oro'ur readers - to the certificate
or Rev. S. Pushy of Ist Baptist, 'Church.
Pittsburgh, hi refation'ioPf. Smith's Pills. We can
oursehre4 hear tesliinnny to the excellenee,d(theliaPille f
one of us having oiled them and experieneedgreat relief
riom them.,
The abotie is the bestpaper:in the Staitii of lielaseere
The " IMPROVen I3DIAN reriETASI.T. PALC7(Suger
Coated,) are certainly doing ,much good in the tehole
country, and are highlresteelied, if one bolf is true that
people write and ''sity about them. They are so easy
in their operation that all like them. The editor of the
'Northern State Journal, ( of the lorge'st end best
pipers in the State of N. writes as follows; -
. ..Watertown, Mali 31,1846.
Dr. G. Benj. Smith—
Dear Sir. I was laid ppwita it bad cold some time
since my return from N. V., and during
.my illness I
made trial of your pill. , and I must say I forma them
excellent. 'They art the. brit metlieitte for the purpore
they ore intend o l, I have yet seen. I seldom take
talk but I brund yours entirely free from theobjectiona
to ivtriell other pills ere I hapetbey wilicontinue
to be a source at prat to you, as I doubt not they wit
be ureun4 of relief to the '.rniCted on a large scale.
Your. truly, J. GREEN.,
' Tonawanda,, Pa, Sept, 18 1846
Dr. G. Bvni. '
Dear :Sir: Your agent left with me st let of your
Cowen Puce, end I have but a few boxes left.
Every hot I hove sold has given entire satisfaction. I
hove taken them myself and I consider them the beet
piUs I have ever need, and I am net afraid to
recommend them to the public. 1 nigh a further supply
at once. Yours respectfully.
Huntington Ind„ June 21, 1696.
Dr. Smith--
Dtar !Sir :1 am most out of your INDIAN VLGICTABLE
Stow COATED PILLS, " and fill.] them selling SO fast
that I think you had better semi me two • gross immediate-'
ly. They give such general satisfaction that.peoplo at'
least twenty miles for them. and as it is generally known
I am agent fur there. 1 would be very sorry to get oat.
Yours res p ectfully. ' •
ti NI I. . MOORE &
If G. BENJ. s‘lllll,lienot written with n pen on
the bottom of the box. all 4 . Sugar Coaled" Pills gra
Principal (Vice 179 Gret•riaitch Street, large brick
block. N. Y. Price 25 emt.. , box.
criaanr nirrzns.
L'Olt the permanent removal of all Anon diseases as
take their rise in an Impure 1.110 el.; Impaired Dia
gentian, Morbid auto: I, lthr. Liver end Stomach, %Veal:-
11001 of the Nervous Systent, and a lls.oided habit •of
Cutistitu'lion - generally.
Dr. Wood's Sarsapatilla and
. Wild Cherry' Bitters
have already. by their substantial esei Hence, won a
it i urea, of public favor and pairmia,te winch, puts Them
hey.tad the heed of recommendation. Beim; faithfully
rep:, ed of the 'mist eseellent tnaterials. they ran be
luny confided in by ill in iie4il of a tunic, aperient or
alternititae remedy.
'f lea precoration will be found on trial to be a ante
and . .preily remedy tor the diseases enumerated above.
pouf ) the blood. •. cure retular dtgestiiirt, promote
a beatify aeuon 11111se Liver and e.tomaeli, and strengthen
the 111 . 1NLY. at 01101 Serlin lig health and rigor to the
whole as i•bin. 111 all eases of des' leuey, arieing
Inmi ne or iiervnii: intuition. they' have liern
usrd'wo m ii4 rk a bl e aucc.,.; tea' are turn Iran iri.•1111
r fnedy for Brodie:ie. Flitiffency. loss or Appetite'
an 1 it general pronfralluo r f theeystens. • At the -same
hill • n $1$11 , 114,1.111•4 Illat they are muller indent nor
at 4 11 Ir• it. in thetenperanim, ra.guittat a. they do
pi;• ,
tial regular atfil coat nillamice.
lady, w iawae tart-lila al they tumid to
.4..t511.• iniles'wary alert, in. 111
ir ea fa c. wow nif. a tem. rt, it pfs
ti -it 1,1-11,12 414 $1 .na aneitivisie., would
wit be 1 / 1 1f.te.: .41 1:$1 , . The wond. Aul
eat. a 0 Ia r mrnud .0 J the ailifsaaledged ea:felony
01' ua 1511t. , 11 , 1, et once commend
it to ilw, publiea,4r.
Mr. Plato 1 iieqt New trar'entirely cured
of a confirmed cancer 01 the •tnmmh, then nand inbuilt.
and Ilia eeio rat !ie.& h •It improved by - the _use of
"O.Y one. l'uttl.,. John 11.41ir, Bristol. , lifailLt
boa aoluntortly ceititi.•d that he waa cured by the
Bitters, ofliondiee, lauli t t,tion. Headache and Vertigo.
J.•P. Perlms, Evq., New Bedford, was cured of en
eruption of the lice. '
Dr. W. H. Miner oIN. Y., testifies that many of
his patierits have been lienriiiteil by the u4e of the Bitters,
and in every case they hat.e given the most ietfect
&Id Wholesale' and 'Retail tip • WYATT a,
1421 Foon St. N. Y., liusToN dr.
LADD, TIAIMmIi, and by dru4gist gencrally throughout
tho U. S. Price Sl.
.4arge *flea.. Otn22
(DMr , JT.II2 . , • •
gSft C.171.:11Y informs his intends that ha hos
,leased the above tiousis, inusted.ou the south.
side of toe public hqu tre„late,ly oceupied•hy , A.M. Cue,
and havhve, nm,te entirely near arrangements, now
prepared for
. I.lle reception, or visitors. .Presenting his
compliments' io hi'-friends and the publie geitei•elly; and
as-using them n9.pairitior expense '.vvill
please his 'detests, ha respectfully solicits public jmOorb.,
sae, ph-acing thatvrhile the ' establishment is
under his control, it shalftiot be excelled by the
The ronms' ''the, • CLAREItIONT'
quickie+ and airy. and furnished in the bestirryle ' '
The Table will. be furnished with every substintiall
tileinuntry can produce. • •"" - • • • •
The-Bar will be stacked with the best' liquithr in ■
pure and unadulterated date. •
• Fir.;! rate Stabling.attacited, with 'may and-faithful
Ostlers always in:atteodance. •
In abort, nothiog will be ornitted; which will add to
the comfort and coaveniericp of cast - mere, and With his
facilities,' lie believes satiSfaction will be rendered to all.
. Towanda, April 8, 1846;!' , : - :
. CLO•riigiAmi',o, 4 Vs§tmEßEs.
. 1;A RP E. SSOETM ENT•of Cloths of lit elladel
and colors, And qualities,.and price. Oasimarest.
Fancy and Plain. Sauinetta and a good asmiatment of
F i estings may he found at GEO. E. FLYlsTr.&.coct
Ea TilEll—Zalf Skins,Adole add Upiwile2tbet'at
• ~
. on,M9ndiithet:3lst day of itugnet.'.! ;:411 1 4. Ot
A DEke o o/i, Principal, ; E . C. BLACK 4
sl,ilSl,.Preceptnuts...Tbe year,swill, be divided into bin/
ten* deliver' weeks each. The first term will be fld•
lowed by p,llleatio94 of one Week, ,
• The &Mud lira; will commence November 23d.
. The th ird ;elm .4111 commence reaginsy Orb. and be
L followed by.,s notion oflone week. , • .' •
• Thtsfeatith term still crinamenee May 0. and be env
Fouled, by O vacation of six week, ; . • '
11tition, per term of ckres 4. ieeeks:
For Vie 'common. English studies.: : ; 14.50,
For the higher tondos% including Natural, -
• , .Intellectual and, Mond Sciences, • - 40 0
.Mathiquitica cud Linguages,,,, •• ; 6110
For the second , and third terms, Extra, , • , . •95
For Drawing and Painting, , , 9OO
For Music, with, ow of Instrument, . 700
• ••• . Without,- - • , ' • ~6 ea
. .
Several literary and scientific genthenan, in conjunct
Pon wilhthe.Pttncipal , have consented to favor, the
stitution with femme* an the more impotUnt branches.
nfetliteationsffee of charge.:
.; Allagadents will. be charge" for, not less than half a
'term, unless. absence. is occasioned by:illness or caber
unarojclahle causes. •. • • i
eseteises of composing and declaiming will be
required of every student. unless excusedby the teachers
or parents. s
The counts of instruction is 'designed to be thorough
and practical, adapted to the requisitions of business,
and the demands of an intelligent - people. „
Acadewy has one rf the Anat, locations on the
Susquehanna, commanding a 'charming • that
beautiful river, the borough of Tsisiands and thks , ,,
rounding landscape.-
- .
Frain # confidence in the zeal, enterprise Iliad abilities
of the teachers, and,the unusual mosperity outlet school
during the past year. ere take pleasure in recommending
this institution, to the favorable regard and patronage
of :an enlightened, intelligent and generous people,
trusting that it will, continue in usefulness, and the
- consequent favor of the p . oblic.
HIRAM MIX, President.
• • .C. WARD, . • .
J. F.. MEANS. . ,
DAVID CASH Taus:rras.
. .
Towanda, Augtist 3, 1846.
•Owing to an error in manuscript, the dale of the
handbills will be found incorrect. It ts three-days
too late.
j The late Preceptress, haring left the institution,
without g!sing the necessary notice, we are under the
neeessitY of deferring the opening of the Female De
-parlment for one week. . .
' MISS BLACKMAN comes highly -recommended as
o pianist and a scholar. J. C. VANEERCOOK.
IP Ufa m Scott.
il - TILL promptly and punctually render his protes
t' V sional services in. sigenefes, . Collections, and
Other matters in his pmfession entrusted to his care.
( o.llle has removed his Office to the•nxim over N.
N. Bettie-store.
Webb. -I .V .arega
WILCOX fc SAGE have associated themseves
in the Boot 'and Shae Making business. in the
borough of Towanda. and may he found at the old stand.
of S. If atha way. 13 te ly orruiiiraby Elkanah Smith. near
I. ll.Slephern?iehange lintel, where they solicit a
share of public patronage. "They intend, by a careft I
selection of stock, and by. Attention to the interests of
their eu vtom erii, to 'make as' heat and durable work is can
be ,nanufadured in this portidmof the country.
• They keep constantly on kali& and will manufacture
to, miler, morocco, calf and coarse :hoots and shoes;
Wits Gsiters, shoes and slips; cbildren's do.; gent's'
gaiters and pumps, , &c:, &c:
Towanda, May 14, 1845: `
11:V IM WIRT 31EmMIL311.111C 1:1.- 4, •
• • r
, .
.......,yri g Liair ''- M . NYE & CO., would re.
- .- . spectlly infonnthe citizens at Too•
' 4 ...7- 4- ' 1 : s , ' -'"--. - arida and the public getteridly, mat
'ln. N . r i they have on hand & mlfalra , lure
.ife/C. • ' . lx. ,to order ill kinds of VA BIN ET
P-: 1.. .: ,, .'FURNITURE, of 16;1..4 mate- .
1 pi rids, and workmanship that ea t
"" 1, be additiouto the usual
assortment in country shops, ive will keep on hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various, and most approttal
patterns; Sofa flocking Chain, upholstered in superior
style, and fur ease and durability cannot lie surpassed
even in our faro cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair.
which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the
best hair seatitig. We 'flatter ourselves that having
had touch experience in the Mistime', we shall he able
to satisfy all who may feel IN - posed to call, both as to
quality and price, and by strict attention- to business
hope to Milli and receive the patronage of a M. 11l con.
minify. 1.. M. NIT. it. CO.
Towanda, September I, 1845
eicuurr,r s'u .1"/TVU
M\ V BE lIA 0 At - oar atop inueli lower tlim tt
Itaa ever heed said in Towanda. 6...1.1 an•
cheap, awl wheat liil It. eTtill. and that to till• Ma1...1 . 111 nr
can alrerd all fur ta - In it. .%11 kinds al pra.l.ser will
he received in payment. Also. 11.1UN1DE:14.4,111 knelt.
Sept. I. ' - 1.. if. NY) 4 till. '
care - a- - n W Ami
TILE SI Bitit a r,ld retintetittly
the puttl t e that ho co...tows ',tom) 0111 the at4tve
I4itteso at hi. Any- in the %loony of It. rnyomille. and
that he 4 ttreportl u. furnoth on Ow
1, 1 n. . i11g.4.3.11 I:41. shivit.!o 1,, 84 6, 4 Itr Rolittitz
ser r nits.. in G t i,,t. MD, or for Seivett in k
Fanning mill..
¢r, ftlirreintl 1•11,16, ,
111;tnt i;,..
I will hr promptlyatiendell u.. E. 31.1118 H.
Lepty•vdie September 21. 1846.
WILL be kept on hand a large 111141.11111011t a
made to. hider on sherter mains and 1 Jr'. Ind
my than can be produced at any other establishment
theJand.: 'l'.lliise :who are wider the necessity of pt..
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
hearseand pall may be had in attendance when desired.
September 1, 1n45. • 1.. M. NYE olk. CO.
Dr. A- UphaM's ViTriable Eirttliarr,
DR. A. UP IiAM• a distinguished Physician of
New Turk city, is the only real successful remedy fir
that daneerous read distrceiing complaint—the PILES
—ever offered to un American public.
Mark Ibis. It is an INTERNAL. REMEDY—and
nit an 'external application, and will cure every case
of Piles, either bleeding or blind, interrisl or, external,
and probably tho. only thing that will. There is no
Mistake 'sheet it. It s a positive cure--speedy and
permanent. It is also a convenient medicine to take,
anu linproopsthe :general heal h in a remarkable Man-,
nets Each box 'contains twelve doses,'at 8/ a dose. It .
is very mild in itrropria4in, snail:my be taken in cases
of t h e- most acute inflammation without danger:
external applications are in the highest degree•dirsagreo..
; able, inconvenie . ,t and offensive': from Mowery On
ture of the disease,.. inconvenient intheir elrects. • This
medicine attecks,the dilemma its source, and removing _
the cause, renders the cure certain andpermancnt.;
To Alin firsu'Lsrit ss..Merried ladies ire almat'iiir
-variably sahjeet to that painful andinjurious 'dieelse;
the Piles, with consequent inflammation of thalitimach.
boweli and spine,' - weakness of the back, flow of blood
to to the head, The Electusry is perfectly sere for
pregnant ladies, And the moat useful cathartic that can
possibly bo used, as it
,not only, removes the Piles and
• all inflatornatory diseases without pain or irritation,
;lint will insure an easy time,, a safe deliiery, and oaound
constitution in the piing. I • ••
The Electuary contains no mineral medicine, no al.
oes, colocynth or genthOge, or other - powerful and irnia,
tive penalise. , No fear of taking nild, while under its,
influence—no 'climige in . , Met, necessary, , If taken. we,.
cording to direetionf, 'darn Pr . guaranteed.
7 Bold wholesale and 'retail -by Waiver &-Krecoux.
" General -Agents 'for the Sonthein Shure' 'RI Yukon
street;.l,L, r)'.IIUST.,I2N`, 6c . 444 DD, .TitSreindi. 'and
druggists kenerillititronghout t t r United 130tes.. Price
' ; 6m22
The above Periodicals are , reprinted in New York,
Immediately on their arrival by the British steamers, in
*beautiful Aar= type; vin 'fine, white paper. end-ere
faithful copiesarfibe originels—Bl-acswo oo 's Maui
*UM. being an exact. fanoiruile of the Edinburg edi-
The widesspreed fame of these splendid Periodicals
render! it needless, to say numb in their praise. Aa
literary •orgairs, they stand far in advance*/ any works
of a similar . stamp now published, while. the political
complexion of cock ia.marked by a dignity, candor and
prbraxarme not alma fouudio works .of a party char
' •
. .
/Theren:brace,the view. of the three great parties in
England—AV big, Tory; and Radical—" Blackwood"
and the:" London Quarterly" are :Fray; the" Edin
burg Remiel."..l4 big :, and the" Wethoinister," Ralli-
Cal. • The " Foreign . Quarterly, ".• im purely: literary, be.
ing devoted principally to triliciama nun foreign, Conti
nental Works • • • ,
The prime of the It4rattres are leas than one-third
of thwe of the foreign c.ipieo, .11111 while they are equal
ly cell got. up. they afford all that advantage to the
American over the Eniaish trader. .
" • • 'TRAM: . -
• .
PAIXIONT TO BS Naas Is an►aaes!
Fur any rme:uf the four Reviews, 53.00 per annum
Fur any twr,
.:. • do , 5,00 "
Fur any three, do • 7.00 "
Fur an four of the Reviews, 8.00. "
rog.Block wood's Ma6zioo, . 3.00 "
Fur Blackwood and the 4 Review.; 10,00 ta
Four awl., of any or. all of the above works will be
sent to one aeldreaa On payment of the regular subsea!)•
non for darer-the fuLrth copy being gratis.
cj- Remittances and communicanons must be made
in all cases : without. experts; to the pub ivhers.—The
former may always be done, through •a Post-master by
- handing him the amount to be remitted, taking his re
ceipt and forwinding the receipt by mail, Post-paid; or
the money may he enclosed in a letter, Poet paid, di
rected to the publishers.
N. B,••• • nle. Postage on all these 'Periodicals is re
duced by the late . Fovt-Office law. to about one-third
the former rates, making a very important saving in the
espenae to the mail subscribers.
• .In all theprincipol e: ties and Towns through.
out the flailed Stales to which there is a direct Rail.
Road or , Water com munication from the city of New
York. these periodicals will be delivered FREE OF
LEONARD SCOTT Sc CO. Publishers,
112 Fulton St.. New York
New Blaeksmithing Establishment,
_ In Towanda,
Prices 25 per cent. cheaper. than hare ever
. been known in Northern Penn'a.
/1111 E subscriber, having commenced the above ha:
siness,.takes this method to inform the inhabi
tants of Towanda and vieinity. that he is prepared to
do all kinds of work entrusted to his Core in the m st
neat and workmanlike manner: such ssirontng coach
es, carriages, sleighs, of all kinds; mill-work of all
kinds, done a little nicer than at any other shop in the
county, • Some attention paid to EDGE TOOLS, to
fill op crevices, and finally ■ll, kinds of work in the
above line (horse-shoeing excepted) and will warrant
all my work to stand the test. 'Fry me and if you do
not find things just right, then put me down. 'From my
long experience in the business, I flatter myself that I
can please all kinds of .people. You can find me st
all times it my shop. a fow rods south of Bridge suet*,
known es Means' old stand.
All kinds of Produce taken in payment for work, and
a little of the ready Ju.Davia will not he refused.
" Towanda, May 6, 1846.—y
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry & Silverware,
wA. CHAMBERLIN bps just returned from
• the city of New York with the largest aysort
went of FASHIONABLE JEWELR Y ever brought
to this plate, such as Flogrr-rings, Breasi-pins. of Corry
description; Lockets, bracelets, gold and olives p ncils,
gold keys, thin.hlcs, silver spoons, sugar tongs. specta
cles, for all ages, pen aul pocketknives. (Roger's ma
nufacture,) and many other articles which tie will sell
extremely low for CASH.
bind. of WATtIiES ; consisting of patent le-
Vet. I.'}inn, Englo.h Saisa watches,
,keep time.
It is us clear - and anyn•••ti.u..hle fig our tight to the
whole of Oregon, that •Wm. A. Cusn n 1.174' has got
the I oil hest .4.4 , 1,11 :t•••ortmont of FMK'S , Goods
ever to tight /10- , horough of T0u5001.... and that he
u t0.,14 ci• •prr flow wap et; T mu
h•z mil" I r ”.? is u g/—.tiro a 1 in tlt.•rr ! !
N.B. W.otclwo Aar tilted I.• nth a.I In. yenr. or
the,,.,, n 00.1.41, moll a aritten_agreriPrisi gown
d.. Arr ~,,,
m tll.l killalga COUII
Ira Pe..fuer re, eivril 1.11
W. 1111.1E31.1N. Acta.
Torun April 22, 1816.
C/MilliS DSTE.2DS.
..4evon THE sun.wrilala -0 co .i1.11.e.
to I ' m nnir.lrtun.,,nol Levi, on hand
i l 7
‘,...,,,." it, rt olia
/l ot .o und t , 4 all • c k ti nolm• s if
. .., . - utr
Wm; S'eler itrarit., , : kinds
, . 1 . •
A L'ELI:‘ , 7/,',.• DA. of every
ileArrip , irm. u'/belt WP will
0 '
TIIHNINt i dime to order.
TtnIKINS $E 11AKI:VS . 0X.
. .
Towanda, April 23. 1.
ViT4IIV-z \ Bl5
V: -. 1 . 2741
•DEPI awattled the G , dd and Silver !dedals,
Four tirk Ptentiutis, and rwo'llighest llntints, at the
National, the NlSsitartiusetts, 'he kiew York, and the
PetinsYlVatiia, Exhibitions , . respectively, far the mak
splendid' Coloredaguerreutypes and best Apparatus
ever eittibited;
Portraits taken in exquisite style, without re4ard to
weather. • •
Instructions giveri in the art.
A large assortment of %pparatus and Stock always on
hand. at the :owes,. cash prices
New York. 551 Broaderay ;_Philturclphia, 136 Che-t.
nut S.; Boston. 75. Court, and 58 Hanover Ste.; Bal.
dinette, 205 Baltimore St.; Washington, Penneylv,ttlia
Avenue; Petersburg, Va., Mechanic.? ; Cincin
nati. Fourth and Walnut, and 176 Main St. Saratoga
Springs. Brandies) , ; Pari..l27 Vieille Rue du Temple ;
Liverpool, 32 ChUreh St.-3y.
rinHE subscriber not being in full communion with
1. the firm of id—. he is not prepared to houi of
the largest assortment of JEW ELRY out of Jail : and
,having never learned the Cabinet making business.—
he is not prepared to Jo any work in that line; but
having served engage apprenticeship, ; (!) in the
watch repairing busineas, and the experience of 16 years.
has no hesitation - in saying that all work entrusted to
him 'shall be done in a workmanlike manner, promptly,
and second beg to none' est of that city from whence
came that Mighty rush of Gold Jacelry •
Nob . r my friends, in all your geuings.don't forget
to get your watches fixed 'kohl No. 100 opposite the
Public SqUire and two doors north of Briggs' tavern.
- . - A.M. WARNER.
Towanda. April 28, 1846. •
(a N. 4.—i pledge myself to do my work right. All
work . Irammied one year and the money refunded if it
does not perform *cording to agreement. Stick a P.O.
. -
And make room for ,the fgorertilm &a;
It is now about four years since Dr. E Be e k L
introduced the Oriental or Sovereign Bale pig o .4 ,
public...lnd we venture to say, that no mh o . je . t. 7 l
has given such universal satisfaction, indit e
crease so fast: for with very little exertion en e d itt ....-
the demand has increased to cover 1000, be e p cy l i l
They are intirely vegetable; and cause no pea e l*
operations: being' perfectly safe for yoilagee e le ,
those of debilitated constitutions. and asi fe e t 3 :l
icine, have no equal. They are an ,effeerost ft ;
for dikes= of this' chmste,trucb as bilkite &eo n hi
their various forms. Fevei, Old Litier Comphicts It *
aebes. c oug h., :Colds, • Costiveness etc. ly e
warranted them in over 100 mites of Fever ftraj deR
and have never known them to fail iturettose l e:;
f rom one to sib-days. when taken secording ts the o
dons. They never lease the bowels costive, to..
very different from any caber Pillsin use; ; din t
the bowels costive, and one dose only antes the a te ,
ty for another. In nervous debility and fernakirtik to
their effects have 'been truly astonishing.' ?& y
restored a large number Minch cases arta:l4lW 6 3
confined to their beds, and given up by theirphyon,
The certificates a few of which may be seen is Oeti
mama, which may be bad of our agents gratis, h.,
q lieu the nervous system, and remove the cam tr e ;
you. irritation. In short they strengthen anthe m%
the ;stole system. In cues of Dy.pppaia and mei n "
they have worked wonders 'l'housande hare & no
stored from all the horrors of the above 'diseses.. e i t
number of them itt 'Syracuse, and inithis coontj,
For particulars see circular,.
. Wa bane always tskeia great care Mlebatina
commiunding our medicines, which has been
Dr. Soule, person,, air maybe- seen by the { mil
certificate: • -
We have acted es agents for Dr.E.L.Eoule kr the I, s
four years in most of the medicines %nec k
the composition of his pills.—Doring that time by
of the. articleir have advanced nearlv as hundred Tsi t ,,
He has not Varied his proportions, arid had st note,
u-ed any hut the lest qualities of no dimes. Ue Et!
also acted as agents in selling his Soverei;a 9,4
Pills, and from the sati.fiction L'irea, stab
cider they rank tile beg 'pills now hrtiorths
lie. Dr.Soule is the person who first introduced th e ,
unnitlus country, and has continued the mammo n
of thee' ever aitice. T.D. F TCrf & CO.
Syracuee, February 23. 1890.
None are genuine. except.tbore bearing the mo t ,
Dr. E. L., Smile & Co. on-the face of each NU.
For sale -by Huston & Ladd, Tow-stub • Gem. A.
Perkins, Athens; Lyman Durfee, Smith Geld; A.
H. Morley. Burlington; lest Taylor. Gramillt; Saal
Smith. Franklin; A. Burroughs, Monmeton; Gen e
Nichols. Rome ; H. Z. Fsisbie, Orwell; Le Payres,
J. E. Bullock.
atae - saa4. E 31257. -
sui!rd to thellUilloll Coll,illtaloll, and equal to th em ,
of even curable diseaee. will Le found in
Irright's Indian Vegetable Rib,
North imerleon College of &alai.
These extraordinary Pills are composed
which grow spontaneously on' our oon tail, and as.
therefore better adapted to our constiudions,o3i) Molt
eines concocted from foreign &lags, fioweter sell ur
may be compounded ; and as W BIGHTs
VEUETABLE PILLS aro founded upon the prinniir
that the human body-is in truth
namely, corrupt humors, and that said medicine=
this disease on
by cleansing and purifying the Lody, it will l auar
feat that if the constitution he not entirely exhausted,
perseverance in ,heir use, according to directions, is si
- ftolutely certain to drive disease of every 111116 e fromee
6,1 5 . • . •
When we wish to restore a swamp or mortu'a
fertility, we drain it of the supendiundant water. la
like manner, if we wish to retore th i .h body to health,.
must cleanse it of impurity.
will be found one of the best, it not the .ery best,rdr
eine in the world for n.irryou pmt thr.
beeause they expel from the body all morbid and mom
humor, the cause of the tli.ease, itv , an easy and Nat
rod Manner, and while they . every day give EASE it
ple,.un•, di.n.a.e of every name is rapidly driven from
the hr,lv.
re.p•rnhlr Stnre•kerpen
1 , 1 II 11111 . 111.;1 , 114.:11 .‘gentm (.411 r vn!.. of \%rtgbtt!a•
LI r'affliftl C,•unlj.
! 611 01111111y1` . .. & Ca:, TIM 311114 ;
A. ti. lisylonl, Cant. LT, ;
Jobn I:!littritin, I 'iilumbia Flans;
T. & W. Pomeroy,' l`ros ;
I;oryeIl & Gee. Burlington
Wm. Gna.on, MDT ;
Lyman Durrs.. Smithfield ;
Guy Tracy, Milan ;
U. Moody & Co. Frenehtown;
•duhn Dorton. Jr., Terrytown ;
E. Norntan. Springfield
Morro! &Jones, Shesheguin;
Daniel Drink, Hornbrook;
N. D. & C, Watford. Monrocion. -
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Miele!
Nth in Vegetable Pills, of the North A merino Cate
of Health, No. 228 Greenwich street, New York:
198 Tremont at., COston ; and Principal Office,No 169
Race street, Philadelphia.
(From tb Nurrigework (Me.) Journal.)
We poblieb the follow-log. as enTlfla the maim
denCeg which we are conepantly of the mane
nig p-mularity of Dr. Jayne'e Expectorant'. We "
no interest in "putting" itse-an4 further r h ea nem"
o desite to promote the health and happine-s of oat
low-eteatureo, who are wasting away ai h thaseetice
plaint.. 'or which this medicine is an Oen-lute
And ur calling the alptvittn of the rubbr m e, "I'"
that We Sci in the faithful dierluerge of our duty.
NEW PoßTLANe.,ti,tt. 4, Me
Mn. Pit I vii•lt se n d Ws 3 MOW
of Jay 1.e . ,/ ECl.erloieurt. and in this eolittertiorb i
Ply, that I deem it en inedlonr, 41011:101.'
eta that no timily elieuld be Welton' tut a 'oinale 4V'
I hone med it the two %ears I. ow lanc , y, and ham
wets (mind i a nankin aml ellimmit remedy
nit the lungs,- produced by long t nrtrertrd ir...1d 4 1!"
tooduce the -Itort lotelditd etutuh, the renaming d.
C.maionpi an whirl, it a. nrilin•isllV
finis rihnile, If IT Telly and ame.onahlY
it will effectually creek up the in-e-1 y t oleat cOhi" led
then-by puwent the many vtofeut n w ers. frefinr°
Conereillfla 1115 , 11 them. I would eared Chneffulll m
commend this dartlicine to the public in all m m1°1424
nature, so invaluable.
Every mother nhould have Jeyoe's Ceiminattm
jig the very thing they nee& for their children. iti ° '
meiliately cores the eholie, a n d a n". s ui t -m. 40 of&
stomach ant bowel*.
Preitated only by Dr. D. JAYN. No• 8 Sdigh•nita
Street, Philadelphia. Sold by D . m,, i me. To.
wands, Pa.
Terms of the Bradford Reporter'
TWO dAlare and fifty cents pe,r annum: Firritoti
deducted if paid within the year.; and fie CASllBoP
idly in advance, ONE DOLWa Well be deducted.
Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at sal tit"' ` 1
paying arrearages. Most kinds of COIINTE 7I3IOPra
received in payment, at the market price. dw
Advertisements, not exceeding a square of kis
lines. inserted for fi ft y cents; every subsequent inset
twenty-five cents. A diseount made to yearly sactel,
dots PRINTIIgo, of every description, Bevel LN
peilitiously executed on new and fashionable tylairoge
Letters on business pertaining to the office Ca s
me of postage, to enaute attention. •