Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 02, 1846, Image 3

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ctsundry WAS of readitionrexponas it
B p s d get of the court of common pea. of Bead
o, to MO directed, shall expose :to public
Yet the horse of Int H. Stephens in the borough of
0 •L en Monday, the seventh day of December
, W.2ll°swg o ne o'cloek P.M., the following property ottu
-1°1" township and -bounded on the north
i s in
Sumner fr- innings, east by lands of Jas.
im of
, g i oghn, south by Michael Wildrick, west by C.
L a g, Containmg about 88 acres, about 50. acres
with two framed homes and a small orchard
se i ze d aid taken in execution at the suit of John
Bo rg Ws. Isaac Place and Wm. Place.
LLSG-The following piece or parcel of hind situate
:be tornahip of Athens and bounded on the north by
load Abnaham Hoskins, on the east by Watson L.
. t rig, co the south by lands of said Sutliff, and on the
h ol d of Win. Rolfe. Containing eight acres
71 'd m , l i e perches, more or less, with about four acres
wro wl, & one small framed house thereon ended.
gaged and taken in execution at the suit of Francis
Ti l e & H. Williston Jr. assignees of G. A. Perkins is.
p a id ?fib.
A vo-.The following piece or parcel of land situate
in the township of Litchfield and bounded on the north
M Inds of Folly Parka, Thos. Evans & Jacob Camp
mathe east by land of Wm. Wailcros and land io
pl osion of John Campbell, on the south by land of
Clad" Comstock, now in possession of H. Paine, on
:he seat by lands of Jahn CampbelL Containing 153
more sr less, with about one acre implored, one
ighoto thereon.
s e ized and taken in execution at the suit of Letty E.
gb e gsrd vs Abram F. & Jacob Campbell.
mos.-The following piece or parcel of land situate
B ge fingtoo tp. and bounded as follows: beginning at
hemlock the 8. E. corner of warrant: of no. 1723 ;
:brace rest 300 & 5-10 p. to a post and stones ; thence
p ath 64 & 8-10 p. to the north line of said warrant lot
, 10 : and stones; thence south 89° west 300 & 5-10
p .t a the N.E. corner of said warrant lot, a past; thence
pat h 1° east 70 & 2-10 p. to the beginning. Contain
ing 123 acres 4161 perches strict measure.
&bled and taken in execution at the suit of Timothy
Polon and Wm. Davidson trustees of the bank of N.
America vs. Frederick Crof=t, James L. Crofut, Israel H
&pm= & terre tenants.
AbsO-The,following property situate in Ridgbety
to wit : bounded north by Ira G. Hill; east by Peter
s ivi sea, south by land of Alonzo Wynkoop, west by
Wynkoop. Containing 40 acres. two acres
inge ored with one log house the property of C. Hoover.
. ALSO-One other piece of land situate in Athens
a hounded north by D. S. Brown, east by land of D.
forduer, south by Charles Jacklin, west by Niel Mc.
rkitse. Containing ten acres, about eight improved
rap one framed house and framed barn and apple or.
Acrd thereon, evied upon as the property of S. C. Clark.
s e ined and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy 4.
Lockwood vs. Cornelius Hoover & Samuel S. Clark.
ALSO-The following piece or parcel of land situate
n Renick, and bounded on the west by Oliver Gray &
Late Poland, 'north by unseated lands and N: Rogers,
moth by Synns Rogers & Owen Snow, met by R. De
r, la. Containing 190 acres, about 80 acres thereof
=proved. with three log houses, two framed barns and
a mall orchard' thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
Overton vs. M. D. F. Hines.
ALSO-The following piece or parcel of land situate
ix Sheabequin and bounded on the north by Archibald
Forbes, on the east by Harry Shaw, on the south by
Adelaide Delpeuch and west by the Susquehanna river.
containing sixty acres, fifteen acres improved and two
framed houses and one framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Theodore
W. Brink vs. Wm. Forbes 2d.
AL SG—The following piece or part of land situate
in Orwell township and bounded on the north by John
ran egliCS. east by Bliss/old Matthews, on the south
Morns Woodruff &John Moore. Containing one
hundred and thirty acres more or less, seventy acres im
rord, with a framed house and barn thereon with an
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Reuben
Atwood vs. E. W. Waffleld.
ALSO—The. following described piece or parcel of
knd situate in Burlington and bounded on the north by
Wells d Perkins, west by Charles Scouton, south by
Wm. C. Hall, east by G.R. Haight. Containing fifty
saes more or less, about twelve acres thereof improved
with a log house thereon.
Nixed and taken in execntian at the suit of A'. D.
Spalding vs. L.M. Berry.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
Is Orwell township, and. bounded on the north oy land
rflohnson Coles, on the east by land of Griswold Mat.
fievxand on the south and west by land of Morris Wood
ruff& Asa Payson. Containing 125 acres more or
'a ss with about 75 acres improved with one framed
hog. one framed barn, and Jne apple orchard thereon.
Send and taken in execution at the suit of David
F. Barstow vp.l E. W. & Wm. Warfield.
ALSO—ThI following piece or parcel of land situate
in Aryl= township, bounded on the north by the Sus
cothstuta river, east by Chester Butler, south by Moses
Eifinghery. wait by Mary Horton and others. Contain
m; 157 acres, fifty acres thereof improved, one framed
home one log house one framed barn and shop thereon.
ieisal andiaken in execution at the suit of H. & 8.
Stark n Aaron Ely & Daniel C. Miller.
ALSO—The following piece or pared of land situate
In Athens township and bounded on the north by land
Hils, Davidson & McEuen, east by lands of C. N.
shipman, east by lands of C. N. Shipman, south by
bads of H. W. Patrick, on the weir oy lands late
outed by Wynkoop, being lot n 0.9, as surveyed
17. Otena Rickey. Containing 108 acres. .
s exod and taken in execution of the suit of D Paine
velf, O. Welles.
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of
Iliad situate in Wyalusing township bounded
eribel north by the main mar leading from Towanda
%men Eddy, east by Charles Hendricks, on the
wtch by land of Fpbraim Beeman and the Susquehan
na liver, and on the west by E. Leine. Containing 37
lens, all improved, with a new two story tavern house
me ax e house, and two barns thereon erected, it being
'he sone property that was purchased at Sheriff's sale
by Philip Sullivan in execution against Jacob CMS
k ones.
B eizel and taken in execution at the suit of 1. H. Ste-
Pbeta . ow's. Philip Sullivan.
ALSO —A piece or parcel of land in Litchfield tp.,
1 7 , 0 11 the at a pine root, and stones, and a rock oak
*mesa, N. 67° W. 15 links, thence N. 34° W. 100
Pemba to a white oak sapling for a corner, thence
EllO perchestto a chesnut sapling for a corner,
!knee N 24 perches to the 8 W corner of a resarv
ei lot for Solomon Merril a post, thence E 130 2-10
Niches to a post a corner for Chau ney Parks, thence
8184 perches to a post on the N line of David Mc
l.xney's lot, thence W 331 2-10 perches to a post a
white oak, N 8° W marked as a witness, thence N
I ST perches to a post S E corner of a' lot bought by
T. Parties of the first part, of Robt Spalding, thence
„MO perches to a post on the town line between
Jens and Litchfield, thence N on said line GO per-
to a post, thence east 55 perches to a corner,
„. , 88-10 perches of a lot formerly deeded to David
'en, thence N 6 8-10 perches to said Park corner,
knee E 19 perches to 'another of Park's lots, or
P la te ofbeginning. Containing 327 acres, and 28
Niches more or less.
4180 —Another lot beginning at a crooked ches.
L ll/4 8W corner of a lot surveyed to Dart! Doan,
rB° NlOO perches to a hemlock sapling, thence
Perches to a post, thence south 100 perches to
I ?tence north 80 perches to the beginning.—
,„ 1 '. 113, 8 50 acres, more or less, and both pieces
25 tre containing 377 acres and 28 perches with
,:teres improved, a framed house, fed and log
„,_' 444 two apple orchards thereon ram and all the
s 1 or this of Defendants in sawmill on the wa
rt of B atterlee's creek, supposed to be one-halt;
‘ lll, the privileges, e.
ges, &
i lzi r and taken in execution at tho suit of Ben
4%faleher to the use of Job Shepard, vs. Chas
piece or parcol of laud in South Creek,
bounded north by lands of William Bark,
Mot: land s of David Hildreth and Ralph Crane,
,:t4 of lAtlllliam Decker, and west by land in pOs•
-41711:t: James Dewey. Containing 124 atm,
ta x4 ,,aeres Unproved, with one log house, log
ii ma4lro apple orchards thereon. . • '
e r ; e 7..u tairris ae ,.. other , tract of Ind situate in South
Abe a .„ bounded north by lands of Widow
r4„, 4 1) - ec i e , b ,
_and, of James Dewey, south by W . il
etiai„. watt west by land of Philo Fasset. Lou
-4.ol.efes with about 25 acres improved.
Niz ert ,__ 4 taken m execution at the suit of John
s e.r 10 the axe of Calvin West, vs.-lag* Dewey'
R', b , A T ide l tee n !. or arcel of l
h by I p and of Jamesand in Windham
Kinyon, eaot
by land of Joseph Doane, south byliwul of Natlum
Doane, vest by Matthew Back. Cdlitnining about
100 acres, 4 acres improved,' one lag hone and
small framed tarn.therecm. • • ' '
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of P. P.
Sanford & Co., •to the use ofJalins Russell vs. John
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Duren 'tarp,
bounded south by land Of William Kilmer. 'east by
Samuel Chilson, 2d, north by lands of Charles F.
Welles, and west by land of L. E. DeWolf. Con
taining about SO acres, .11 acres improved, with a
log house thereon.
• Beizetta.nd taken in execution at the snit of Jesse
11. Cowell vs. James D. McCracken.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Standing Stone
bounded north by !and of Alonzo —, east by land
--- Hensley, south by lands of Dime and Henry
W. Tracy, and west by land of Anson Goff: Con
taining about one hundred and eleven acres, about
filly acres improved, with one log house and framed
barn and one small apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Win.
H. Baird & Co. vs. James T. Taylor. '
ALSO-By virtue of it writ of Lemi racks, all that
certain piece or parcel of land butted bounded ■rd de
scribed as follows; beginning at a post thence south 80°
west 363 p: & 6-10 to a post; thence south 10° oat
104 p. & 3-10 to a beech sapling; thence north 80°
east 129 p. & 8-10 to a post ; thence north 10° welt
13 p. & 1-10 to a post; thence north 78° east 234 p.
to e cucumber; thence north 10° east 83 p. & 2-10 to
the place of beginning. Containing 200 acres & 1-10
of en ten with the allowance of six per cent. for roads.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alma
den Basing & Henry Balling, who survived Robert
Gil Mont, Thos. M. Willing, C. Willing Hare, devisees
in trust for the estate of Wm. Bingham vs. Samel
logg, Gordon Wilcox, John Doty, T. C. Kellogg and
Shelden Guernsey terre tenants.
A piece or parcel of land in Ulster, butted, bounded
and described as follows: beginning at a poet theees
south 80° west 363 & 6-10 p. tot post; thence north
10° west 71 p. 7-10 to a post• tinnier north 80°
east 363 p. & 6-10 to a hemlock; thence south 10°
east 71 p. & 7-10 to the place of beginning. Contain.
ing 153 acres & 8-10 of an acre with the allowance of
six per cett.
Seised and taken in execution at the nit of Alezart.
der Batting H Biding who survived Thos. M.
Willing and . illing Hare deviiees in trust of the
estate of Wm. B . gham vs. John Bassett, Gordon Wil.
cue; John Dot .0. Kellogg and Shelden Guernsey
terre tenanLs.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Franklin tp.,
Beginning at an ash the N E corner of a lot deeded
to Josiah McCrane, thence 8 237 8-10 perches to a
post, thence E 58 perches to a post, thence N 241
5-10 perches to the S bank of the Towanda creek,
thence up the said creek, according to the several
courses thereof, to the place of beginning. Contain.
ing 82 acres and 70 perches, with allowance.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of The
Bank of North America, to the use of Stephen Pierce
vs Jediah Cranmer.
F MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff Office Towanda Oct. 21 1846.
' virtue of sundry writs of venditioni exponas
issued out of the court of common pleas of
Bradfdrd county, to me directed, I shall expose to
public sale at the house of Ira H. Stephens in the
borough of Towanda, on Monday, the seventh day
of December next, at one o'clock. P. M., the follow
ing described sixteen tracts or parcels of land situ
ate is the townships of Monroe, Franklin and Alba
ny, in.the county of Bradford, viz: One thereof call
ed in the 'Patent from the Commonwealth, "Dome,"
surveyed in the namelof Robert Hampton, situate on
the waters of Towanda creek, in Monroe township.
Beginning at a maple, thence by land of Frederick
Castator, N. 29° E. 424 perches to a post; thence
by land of Samuel Anderson, N. 61° W. 160 perches
to a post; thence by land of Peter Schotts, 8.29°
W. 424 perches to a post; and thence by land of
Mary Wallis, 8.61° E. 160_ perches to the begin
ning, containing 400 acres and' allowance.of 6 per
cent. for Roads.
One other thereof called in the Patent "Coleshill,"
surveyed in the name of Peter Schotts, situate on
the waters of Towanda creek, in Monroe township.
Beginning at a post, thence by land of Robert Hamp
ton, N. 29° E. 424 perches to a post, thence by land
of Samuel Anderson, N. 61° W. 160 perches to a
post; thence by land of George Schotts, 8. 29° W.
424 perches to a chesnut oak; and thence by land
of Mercy Ellis, S. 61° E. 160 perches to the begin
ning, containing 400 acres and the usual allowance
of 6 per cent. &c.
One other thereof called in the Patent, "German
town," surveyed in the name of Stephen Hollings
worth, situate on the waters of Loyalsock creek, in
Franklin township. Beginning at a post, thence
by land of Harman Castator, Joseph Castator and
George Castator. N. 61° W. 320 perches to a post ;
thence by land of Henry Hardy, S. 29° W. 212 per
ches to a post; thence by old surveys,S. 61° E. 820
perches_ to a post ; and thence by land of Ann Har
ris. N. 29° E. 212 perches to the beginning,, con
taining 400 acres and the usual allowance of 6 per
cent. &c.
One other thereof called in the Patient, " Frede
ricksburg," surveyed in the name of Frederick
Schotts, situate on the waters of Towanda creek in
Monroe township. Beginning at a post, thence by
land of George Schotts, N. 29° E. 424 perches to a
post; thence by land of Peter North, N. 61° W. 160
perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel North,
S. 29° W. 424. perches to a chesnut sapling; and
thence by land of John Moore, 8.61° E. 160 perches
to the beginning, containing 400 acres and the usual
allowance of 6 per cent. &c.
One other thereof called in the Patent "Spring
field," surveyed in the name of George Schotts,
situate on the waters of Towanda creek in Monroe
township. Beginning at a chesnut oak, thence by
land of Peter Schotts, N. 29° E. 424 perches to a
post; thence by land of Peter North, N. 61° W.
160 perches to a post; thence by land of Frederick
Schotts, S. 29° W. 424 perches to a post; and thence
by land of Hannah Woodruff; 5 . 61 ° E. 160 perches
to the beginning, containing 400 acres andthe usual
allowance of 6 per cent. lee.
One other thereof called in the Patent, "Bristol,"
surveyed in the name of Samuel Anderson, situate
on the waters of Towanda creek, in Monroe town
ship. Beginning at a post, thence by land of Peter
Schotts and Robert Hampton, S. 61° E. 320 perches
to a post; thence by land of Joseph Anderson, N.
29° B. 212 perches to an ash sapling; thence by
vacant land N. 61° W. 320 perches to a Hemlock;
and thence by land of Peter North, S. 29° W. 212
perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and
the usual allowance of 6 per cent. &c.
One other thereof, called in the Patent, " Byford,"
surveyed in the name of Joseph Anderson, situate
on the waters of Towanda creek, in Monroe and
Albany townships. Beginning at a post, thence by
land of Frederick Castator and George Barnes, 8.
61° E. 320 perches to a post; thence by land of
John Barron, Junior, N. 29° E, 212 perches to a
white oak; thence by vacant land, N. 61° W. 320
perches to an ash sapling; and thence by land of
Samuel Anderson, S. 20° W, 212 perches to the
beginning, containing 400 acres and the usual allow
ance of 6 per cent. &c.
The unsold residue (containing 93 acres or there
abouts) of one other thereof, called in the Patent,
"Lisle," surveyed in the name of Moses Rush,
situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in Albany
township. Beginning at a post, thence by land of
Elizabeth Rush, N. 29° E. 364 perches to a post;
thence by laud of George Barnes and Frederick
• Castator, N. 61° W. 199 perches to a maple; thence
by land of Mary. Wallis, 8.29° W. 364 perches to
apost; thence by oldsurveys, 8.61° E. 199 perches,
to the beginning, containing 427 acres, sixteen per.
ches and the usual allowance of 6 pet cent. &c.
The unsold residue (containing 422 acres or
' thereabouts) of one other thereof, called in the. P
atent, "Oatfield," surveyed in of Elizabeth
Rush, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in
Albany township. Beginning at a post, thence by
land of Mary Robb,N. 29° E. 364 perchei to a post;
thence by land of Peter Benson andGeor.e,, Barnes,
N. 61 0 W. 198 perches to a post; thence by land of
Moses Rush, 8.29° W. 364 perches to a post; and
thence by old surveys, 3.61° E. 198 perches to the
beginning, containing 425 acres and the usual al
lowance of 6 per cent: &e.
The unsold residue (containing 78 acres ar there
abouts) of one other thereof, called in the Patent,
"Copenhagen," surveyed in the name of Frederick
Castator, situate on the waters of Towanda creek,
in Monroe and Albany townships. Beginning at a
post, thence by land of George Barnes,N. 29° E. 424
perches to sliest post; thence by land of Jost7b Ander.
sem N..-61° W. 160 perches to a post; thud by
lard of Robert Hampton, 8. 29* W. 424 perches to
a mapl6; and thence by;land of 'Moses Rush 8.61°
E. 166 perches to the beginnnig. col:malting 400
acres and die usual allowance of 0 per cent, &e.
The unsold residue (containing 393 acres or
thereabouts) el one other thereof; palled in the pa
tent," surveyed M the name of Pan
Moore, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in
Monroe township. Beginning at a post, thence by
land of Hannah Woodruff; N 29° E 424 perches to
a post; thence by land of Frederick Schotts, N.6l°
W. 160 perches to a chesnut sapling ; Ounce by
land of Harman Castator, a 29° W 464 perches to
a pok; and thence by land of Ann Harris, 8 61°
E. 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400
acres and the usual allowance of 6 percent. &c. - -
The unsold residue (containing 280 acres or
thereabouts) of one other threof, called in the Pa;
tent," Monmouth," surveyed in the name of Han
nah Woornif, sitntate on the waters of Loyalsock
creek, in Monroe township. Beginning at a thee
nut oak, thence by land of George Idchotts, N. 81°
W. 160 perches to a post ; thence by land of John
Moore, B. 29° W 424 perches to a post; theueo7
land of Ann Hams, 8.61° E. 160 perches to apost;
and thence by land of M. Ellis, N. 29° B. 424 per
ches to the beginning, containing 400ar.res and the
usual allowance of 6 per cent. &c.
The unsold residue (containing 272 acres or
thereabouts) of one other thereoG called in the Pa-_
tent, " Richland," situate on the waters of Towanda
creek, in Monroe township, surveyed in the name
of Mary Ellis or Mercy Ellis. Beginning at a cher:-
mit oak,thence by land of Hannah Woodruff 8.29° .
W. 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Mary
Wallis, N.29° E. 424 perches to a post: thence by
land of Peter Schatts, N. 61° W. 160 perches to the
beginning, containing 400 acres the usual allow
ance of 6 per cent. &c.
The unsold residue (containing 280 acres or
thereabout%) of one other thereof called in the Pa
tent, "Plainfield." surveyed in the name of Mary
Wallis, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in
Monroe township. Beginning at -a wage, thence
by land of Robert Hampton, N.6l° W. 160 perches
to'a post; thence by land of Mercy Ellis and Ann
Harris, 8. 29° W. 524 perches; thence by old sur
veys, 8.61° E. 115 perches to a past; N.29° E. 160
perches to a spanish oak; 8. 61°E. 45 perches to a
post; and thence by land of Moses Rush, N. 29° E.
384 perches to the beginning, containing 450 acres
and 150 perches and the usual allowance of 6 per
cent. &c.
The unsold residue (containing 107 Beres or
thereabouts) of one other thereof called in the Pa
tent, " Germany," situate on the waters of Towanda
creek, in Albany township, surveyed in the name of
John Barron, Junior. Beginning at a post, thence
by land of Joseph Anderson, 8.29° W. 212 perches
to a post; thence by land of Peter Benson and John
Barron, senior, 8 61° E 320 perches to an ironwood,
thence by vacant land N 29° E 212 perches to an
ash, N 61° W 320 perches to the beginning, COW.
tabling 400 acres and the usual allowance, &c.
And the unsold residue, containing 390 acres, or
thereabouts) of the last of the said tractsicaUed in
the Patent, "Olympus," surveyed in the name of
Ann Harris, situate on the waters of Loyalsock
creek, in Monroe township. Beginning at a pst,
thence by land of Mercy Ellis, Hannah Woodruff,
John More and Harman Castator, N. 61° W. 525
perches to a posts; then= by land of Stephen Hol
lingsworth and old surveys, 8. 29° W. 256 perches
to a spanish oak; thence by old surveys, S. 61° E.
160 perches to a sugar tree; N. 29° E. 160 perches
to an ashl; 8.61° E. 363 perches to a post; and
thence by land of Mary Wallis, N. 29° E. 96 per
ches to the beginning, containing 448 gcres and 19
perches and the usual allowance of 6 per cent &c.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Bo
bert Bell vs. John L. Newbold:
Also, seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Robert Bell vs. Nathan Smith.
Also, seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Robert Bell vs. William L. Newbold.
- JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Nov. 9, 1846..
Surrender of the Mexican Batteries !
Old is Rough and Ready" again Victorious!
/AKE ARK LOAD, and several wagon loads of NEW
GOODS, have just arrived, and are selling cheaper
than ever at No. 3, Brick Row.
November 9. WM. H.BAIRD & CO.
PRINTS -500 different styles, bought in the eity of
New York, by theme, on thew cash down" plan,
sad will be sold accordingly. BAIRD & CO.
air MEC 10117' 11G. 4CD CD 111:0 "Mile
Great Redaction in Price !
JKINGSBERY JR., would invite I:Kirchner, to
• examine his NEW STOCK OF GOODS. u
he is confident that the great falling off in prices will
enable him to offer greater inducements than can to
presented by those who purchued their goods earlier in
the season. - Towanda, November 3,1848.
. Court Sale.
PURSUANT to an order of the Orphan's' amt in
and for Bradford county, held at Towanda, the
17th day of September, 184$, will be exposed to public
sale, on Monday, the 30th day of November next, at
1 o'clock, P. M., on the eternises, all the following de
mitred tot of land situate in the township .r Rome,
commencing at • corner on the public highway leading
from Rome village to Johnson's, in Rome township,
and running north one degree cut two rods; thence
south 89° east 101 rods to a corner; thence soath one
degree west two rods ;'thence north eighty.nine degrees
west ten and a quarter rods to the place of beginning.
Containing twentpone square rods,with a framed home
thereon erected, being • lot bought of Stephen Cran
mer. now deceased, by John B. Taylor in his life time.
The above will be sold as the property of John B. Tay
lor, deceased, late of Rome township. Terms made
knoWn on the day of sale.
Rome. 0ct.31, 1848. Ade .of J. B. Taylor, deed.
rpHE SUBSCRIPTION LIST is now open foram
-L. Pamphlet Laws for 1847.
November 2, 1848. J. REEL, Treasurer.
Broad Cloth, Cassimeres & Sattinets.
ALARGE assortment of Broad Cloths, Nahum',
and Sattinetts, which we have long been tante=
for selling good and chejp, now cheaper than aver—
and upon which we challenges the world, just received
at • 0. D. BARTLETT.
Towarula,Ncor. 3, 1846.
Wheat, Domestic Flannel,
Rye, Woolen Becks,
Coro, IBuckwheat,
Oat., IFlssseed,
Butter, White Beans.
in amt, almost anything, for which liberal prices will
be paid at O. D. BARTLETT'S.
Towanda, Nov. 8, 1846.
THE most extensive variety of Ladies' Winter DIM
Goods with all sows of outlandish names, of the
most beautiful patterns and lowest prices ever Pero in
this country, just opened at 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
MUFFS, MUFFS—The most fiutionable and
est looking Miffs out, in any quantity. cheap at
B 0 0T 8 to SHOES—a first rate assortment of mane
and fine Boon, Shoes end Slippers, the latter
French of course, just opened at
rloe3 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
QUA WLB—quantines of Shawls. nieeat kiad, going
off fast and cheap at 0. D. BARTLETT'S.
CAPS of all kit* cheap, betides every Wag elm at
TM received' lame and splendid essottment of new
J Goods, bought entirety with Cash, dating • vest
Upreesion in the motet, and with the espreas view of
&COMA eVingraZlPAtelifil2t3o •
Over Montanye's store, next door to Meteor's law office
at the old wand of rowel! dr, sancta oel
Retailers of Foreip . Nerebaadize.
THE Mowing inateneent of Rendre of remiss
Goode and ktesehandise. io lEneiferd eoonty, btu
been eatided bin" es made in eoefuensity witb thelith
section of the set of Math 4,11; less; relating en &t
-una* of Foreign Goode end Ideenbelidis -
Snar' Nimes.
Betted's, Welk. is Hu* Is - $ll 50
L 8 Ellsworth ' - 13 10
Thames Maxwell 14 ' IS (seed.)
Gene A Parkins ~ 14 7
Chester Part ,' . 14 7
C II Renick • , 14
II 8 Rama i 14 ,
1f 8 Comae& - IS
Job Maley" 14
Sohn Watkins. - 14 (escarrated.)
Thou Chmlnee 14
Elmo Hansa • 14
John Bolton, jr. • 14
A & 8 II Matey 14
Cenyell I ties 14
Chutes Rothbono 13
Clams Moody ' 14
0 b Chambeglin 14
Jams W Ma= Liquor 14
R K Hawley 14
William Abe. 14
Rouen Fowler 13 10
D C Salsbury Liquor 13 15
N Didc C Wuford " 14 10 50
HBlc J H Pbinney 1 ' 13 15
Benjamin Coolbws& 14 7
J 11 & 0 Binith 14 7
Thamilus Humpbry 14 7
Henq Gibbs 14 7
Smith & Ross
J E Bullock
Daniel Bsiki
P M Bostwick
Maynard & Winder 14. 7
Aaaph Co!bans 14 7
John L Webb 14 7
Stores & /ones 13 10
Horace Kinney k Co. Upon 14 10.
Welles, Nicht& &Co. " 14 10
Lyman Durres 13 10
Bullock & Phelps 13 10
E 8 Mei 13 10
E Nolman 14 7
Henry W Tracy Liquor 14 10 60
Mk &Storrs 14 7
Elliott & Mercer, 12 12 60
0 D Baitlett • 14 7
Burton Kingobery Liquat 13 15
Mules Reed " 13 15
Wm H Baird & Co. " 13 111 75
Tracy & Moon 14 10 ISO
D C Hall " 14 10 40
Miles Carter " 14 10 50
JD&ED Madams 12 1250
J Kinpbely jr. 14 7
A D Madams 14 7
H 8& 51 C Ma= 12 12 50
George E Flynt &Co. 11 16
1:115 Haley 14 7
A 8 Chamberlin ' 14 7
Patrick °Wain 14 7
43 F Redingtan Liquor 11 22 50
Layton Runyon a 14 10 50
D F.& 8 W Pomeroy & 11 22 50
Baird & Stephens 19 10
0 P Ballard 13 10
Truman & Co.
William Gibson
Goy Traay
Robert Spalding
Jude= Holcomb
Matta Lewis 14 7
MH & G H-Werlas 1$ le
Rabat Mara 14
Robert Casper 14 7
Marcus Tyrrel Liquor 14 101
Benjamin Buffington 14 7
All those who have not paid their license, will call
and settle the same without delay, and save cost.
.1. REEL, Treasurer.
Treasury OMee. November 8, 1846.
NOT WITHSTANDING the rush at the Savings
Bank. for goods, we are happy to state for the be
nefit of Mr. " Pey.down," that he can be mommodat•
ed with any quantity and "style of goods, and new goods
at that, and at the lowest possible prices. as usual, We
are constantly adding to our stock all the new and fish•
ionible styles of goods, that none need pay the " old
price," from the fact that we have not got them. Cub
purchasers need not be deceived, by those whose into,.
rests it is to keep them away, as we alwayshave " a few
of the lame son left." Be sure you ere right—No. 6.
November 3. OEO. E. FLYNT & CO.
Prints Prints!
A NY quantity of New Prints, and derirable; patterns
IL just received by n 3 FLYNT & CO.
SHAWLS, of all descriptions and prima , from four
shallop op. by n 8 'FLYNT & CO.
SHEETING, Shirting, Wicking, Batting, Cotton
Yarn, at FLYNT &
GROCERIES, Ptah Groceries,just received. by
nev3 FLYNT & CO.
FLOUR, from the " Globe Mills" • superior article
also PORK, first . quality, for sale by
November 8. FLYNT & CO.
MORE of those A. No. I. BOOTS, and a large
quantity of LADIES' SHOES, just received by
November 3. FLYNT & CO.
1111:1 . VID DOANE, my son ' a tad over eighteen
years left`my house on th e6thof August inst.
t any good reason for doing ao, and I hereby
forbid all and any person whatever harboring or trust.
ing him on my ocerrant am I will pay no debts of his
contracting or expenses inenned by him.
Windham, Aug. 11th '46. , JOSEPH DOANE.
ALL pima undekted to the estate of Oliver flinger,
fate of Smithfield tesruship.. dee'd., are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and. those
having claims against said estate. will please present
them duly attested to HENRY PEET.
Smithfield, 013.'13, 18115. Admigdstrator.
BONNETS -A g ro at saving to the •• Meads is the
Nation." The Ladies will find it a&a wing to
their heads to all and purehaas one of those beautiful
Straw, Daum, Gimp, Florence, or Lees, Lawn, Gipsy
Bonnets, aelliat so cheap at • REED'S.
03. For cheap Winter Shawls call on
October 15, 1846. B. KESTGSBERY
flAbli PAID FOR OATS. at
V. nova O. D. DAR lIETT'S.
LADIES! I SAY, LADIES ! ! If you have made
op your minds to boy a nice dress. cloak or shawl
this lemon. don'tfail to all at N 0.3, !Lick Row, where
yen can find the most, best and cheapest article! ittlhaf
that is kept to town, besides all kinds of trinungs•
Remember, all st nal I - BAIRD'S,
DOMESTIC COTTODDS—limara aheatism, obi*
ing, and dulling; Ataia, cow yam, batting, wick.
and wadding. to safe by the bee or Ws quantity,
at Pei I P4IBD'BI
I i ATu'ato(Licetae.
C/4 "' ;Pid. I r °mu.
10 00
13 10
13 10
13 19
IS 10
Liquor 14 10 fie
Liquor 14 10 50
- NO. 2 BRICK ROW. NEW DRY G00D5,.. ; ..,
Corner of .711aht filed Bridge litreeter
&E. REED worth! respemfolly trig kws e o .
11./re tender their thanks 10 the 1,1122e101 of Bradford E ST OPENING, agthe unwed *guar EWE"
for their liberal patronage and support, and Would treet, a welketectest assortment of neur and fish.
form them they are now receiving a Lune ina, full sup. ionable DRY GOODS, whit& wilt bireokikanusually
ply of FALL and WINTER GOODS, which will tow for ready pay.,.. • These Conoistnin put of - • -
positively be sold at even less than thei" former low teatinett, flannel, gingham, alpsear r threlitspestr lot ar
pima, The war to exterminate high pricaris still kept town, edgings , i nwitinion Elwin and taco`
op—no comp/emirs has been made, and they intend 10 • . brie muslin, Nosey, canton flannel& drilling.
carry the war into the heart of the enemy until they shall
.bleached and brown muslin, . (mot to ,
yield or adopt the principle of selling goodi at small pro• surpme d) tic ki ng , c h ec k, m a xim ,
fits. A nimble sixpence better than s slow shilling, is Lotion, wool and buck gloms,. •
our motto. cotton hose, suspenders,.
German haruliirchrs, --
cotton and pongee Wee.,
gingham cravats. plaid shawls,
wool comfonem.couon tapes, patent
thread, sewing silk, cotton balls, packs
pins, needles, spool carom hooka and eyes.
suspender, shirt and metal buttons, with many oth.
ir articles, usually found in a store, not mentioned.
The pubic are invited to calf arid fillelitle the stock.
before.purcbuing elsewhere, u they wilt be sold cheap
er than at say other establishment in , town
Towanda', Nov.ll. H. O'HARA is CO,
AVERY large stack of Brood cloths Cassia:oes,
Brant cloths, and winter Testing. of ail pricer,.
cakes and patterns, now opening and for rale very low
at REED'S.
AFULL SUPPLY of Men's and Boy's Caps, Hats
and Muffs may be found at REED'S.
ASPLENDID assortment of fall and winter dress
goods, Cloaking's, &e., for sale very low at
2000 LBS. Sole and Upper Leather.—
Also, plenty of Banta and Shoes may
bo found at REEE'S
REGISTER'S NOTICE I N OTICE is hereby given to all persona in 'interested,
, that Tatiomas Vaught Adminitrator of Lbw estate of
rfehidias P6ught. dec'd..
late of Rome township; a d Geo. Van Ness, Guardian
Lydia S. Hornet , mina child of
C. Ho &deed..
late of Assylum township itsnd Wm Keeler, one of the
adMinistrators of the estate of
Richard Horton. dec'd..
late ofBheshequin township ; and Jos. M. PioHet. one o
the administrators of the estate of
Frandi Ddpeuch. dec'd.,
late of Towanda township, have filed and settled in the
office of the Register of. Wills, in and for the county of
Bradford, the accounts of their several administrations
open the estates aforesaid, and that the' same will be
presented to the Orphan's court of said county, on
Monday the 7th day of December next, for confirmation
and allowance. L. E. DE WOLF, Register.
, Register's Office, Towanda, 0et,28,, 1846.
New Fall and Winter Goods.
THE subscriber is now receiving from the city of
New York a large assortment of GOODS suit d to
the season, carefully selected, and purchased at unusual
ly low prices, which will enable him to sell very low
for cash, lumber, country produce, or approved credit.
His friends and the public generally are invited to call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.—
He feels confident that he an offer them better bargains
than they have heretofore made in this town, or ant
other in this region of country. In his assortment will
be found in all their varieties, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Crockery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paints,
Oils, Dye Staffs, Boots, Shoes, 4c. 4c.
Towanda. Oct. 28, 1846, N. N. BETTS.
THE Ladies will find a gnat variety of worsted
dress goods ; also, a beautiful assortment of prints
at very low prices it BETTS*
FRENCH and English cloths, heavy Beaver and
Tweeds for over coats, fancy Easimeres end Sat.
duet**, a great variety will be found at BETTS'.
MOUSLIN De LAINE, Cashmeree;Rob Roy and
Stoat Shawls, a great 'variety will be found
Mary Brayman va. Thomas Brayman—No.
170 May T. 1846, In Brad.-Corn. Pleas—
Libel for. Divorce.
TO THOMAS BRAYMAN, the defendant in the
above case—you are hereby notified that Ma-y
Brayman your wife, has filed her petition in said court
for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony entered into
with you,and that au alias subpena has been returned
and proof made that you were not to be found in asid
county, You are therefore hereby required to appear at
the Court House in the borough of Towanda, at the
December term of said common pleas, on Monday the
7th of December next, to *answer the said complaint, &
show cause if any you have, why the said Mary Bray.
man shall not he divorced from you.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Oct. 24, 1848.
New Supply. of Fall and Winter Goods
MENDERS his thanks for put favors, and respect-.
fully informs his old customers and the public
generally, that he is now receiving from the city of
New York the largest and cheapest assortment of
GOODS_ ever purchased for this market, which he
/ledges himself to sell 20 per cent. lower than - th
same quality of goods were eve. before offered in Tow.
ands. This is no humbuggery. Jug drop in and
my goods. I have almost every thing wanted by
the farmer, mechanic, and everybody else, end particu
lady the Ladles.
My stock of Cashmeres, M. De Lewis, Black and
colored Alpaccas, California Plaids and Gingham,. are
very cheap. With regard to Broad Claim Cush:tete%
Batinetts, Jeans, Domestic cloths, Yestings Prints, &c.
I knock under to no merchant in this town or any
where else.
2000LB8. Sole Leather, Upper Leather and
Calf Skins, lower than was ever offend in
Towanda, by B. KIN GSBERY.
QWEEDS Iron, Hone Shoe, Round Band, Nail rods
►J Horse Shoe Nails, Sisal of all kinds will be sold
very low by B. KINGSBERY.
BOOTS and SHOES, a very lame assottmetn, and
nnnaually cheap at B. KINGSBERY'S.
YDS. Beautiful Carpeting, two shillings per
yard below the market price at
ALL persona indebted to the estate ((John L. Webb
late of Smithfield township, deed., are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having &Mande
spinet said estate, are requested to present them forth
with for adjustment. . B. BULLOCK,
Smithfield, Oct. 26, 1846. J. H. WEBB,
horns, Rept DeLaing, Lemma cloths for simmer
dresses, so long looked for by the Ladies, have arrived
and may now be seen at REED'S
•H. 8. . M.C. MERCUR.
_ .. .
1 1 'D 11-
AVE just received, and are now opening a large
and general assonment of Fancy and Staple
ods. embracing almost every thing wanted by the
Housekeeper, Farmer, and ; Mechanic, which were pnr
chased prineipally fur cash and rarities that enable them
to sell at such foto prices, that it will be for the haterest
of every ono paying cash for goods. (regardless of all
puffing adierusemnts) to gtve them a all and examine
their stock, as they still adhere to their motto of " small
profits and quick sales." •
Towanda. &pt. 30, 1846. ..
3111Z112.2* U3®®71119.
attorney at Law,
OFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Rowoli.
featly over the Poet Office, Main street. 133 En•
in new *Vibe north end of the tinkled . . d 3.
Estate of Patrick Brady. deceased.
To Lockwood Smith, one of the Administratom of
old estate, 'eke notice, that application has been
made to said Court on behalf of James WMahon.
Guardian of James Brady, to vacate vont letter of ad
ministration. Said Application set forth that you have
left the state for more than one year last past, and have
no known place of residence therein. You are there.
fore ;squired to appear at the next term of said Court
In Dtcember, and show show cease. &tun you have,
why Said letter shoeld not be vacated.
LYMAN E. DE WOLF. CIL Orpban's Court.
Oct. 13, ItMe.
UTANTED IMMEDIATELY, by the pubeaiber,
TY a Journeyman Illreksm,th ; alto. an analmtle°
tq Itte viewilthing businemh J. IL RIDE WAY.
TEM iabigiiir
Corsets' of lbw as* iritieweink,
TemPtinta, Par
T UST received from Philadelphia, a larger and *len
el did assortment of Inca's milf,kip and,
from $1 50 to $5 80; boy'. do.; ladies gaiters, and
walking shoes; also. Are kid slips and buskins, andel,
kinds of overshoes; do. emir bootees sod him! shoes;
children's and Misses shoes of all kinds. heavy and
light, suitable for every kind of weather, Youth's ad,
kip and coarse boots wink children from 4 to 12 years
old. Ws pledge ourselves to givers better article at
lower price than any other establishment in Bradford
county. TRUNKS from $ 50 to $lB 00
A large assortment of fashionable Hats end,Cspe of
every kind and description kyr ode very
Molasses,aupr, cottee, codfish, No. I. and Alatker•
el, best quality. black and greett tam, from 31 to 8* cents
a pound ; pulverised and loaf sugar; !ice tobacco, snuff.
sperm. dipped and mould candlts ; raisins by the boa
or pound, starch, soap, snare et 50 cents per hundred.
and in fact all kinds ever kept in 'our line which people
will find it their advantage to purchase and we will
give you ravens for it:
A little Logic and Common Sense.
There are three things beyond disputer-Ist—lf s man
pays out much money, he must receive as much.
2. If a man's expenses in business ate large, his profits
must be large.
3. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoe Establishment at
the corner of Main and Bridge sta., in a small plain
store, at a cheap rent, an afford town boots & shoes.
hats 6t caps, and, groceries, at lower prices, and at
better quality than any other store in town.
Now, if this is not sound logic, two and two no not
make four; but if it is, common sense calls on you to
coma to us for your Hata &Caps, Boots & Shoes &c.
See the contrast, and let your own reason de tide it it
wss not your advantage to give us a trial.
FINLINGS °fan kinds constantly en hint' Thread,
awls, bristles, shouldereficlus, kit and files pines", all
kinds of binding, silk cord 'and straps for boots, patent
pegging awls, skiving, paring and crooked knives and
floats. H. O'HARA & CO.
Towanda, Nov. 17, 1846.
GROCERIES, of all descriptions, at whoksole or re.
tail. Attention is particularly directed to 'their
assortment of Frah Teas r (we don't know the differ.
eat names tithe pal:kent, but the "artide" is" C.K.,
nos 1 I W. H. BAIRD & CO.
HA RD WARE, Iron, Mess, Paint< ORB, Dye
Woods, Dye atuf&,Medreinea. elm, in general end
large quantities. gal r W. H. BAIRD & CO.
EATABLES!--Bapelline flour, port, fresh' butter
*heat, etc., etc., constantly on band and for sale
at roll NO. 3. B. FL
HORSE SHOEING done. on mhos notice by
Towanda. Oct. N.HEMMINGWAY
DRINTS, 200 pieces no opening and for ale way
-L lOW et REEDS'
BONNETS. velvet end superior Leghorn Bonnets.
Also, velvets of all colors, together with 'minds*
taps, bonnet ribbons, &camp be found et REBDW.
The Last Arrival of New Goods,
TN TOWANDA, are now being opened at Nci.
1. Brick Row, by Wm. IL Buird Co.. the fitst Pie.
nee* in the cause of Low Prices and liberal barter es
changes.- They do not hesitate to say, that they will
sell Goods for cash or any kind of &Tenting:amble plc.
duce; at lower prices than any other establishment in
Bradford County, Owego, Elmira, Binghamton, (or !II
branch thereof.) Call and see. Further particulars
nest week. November 9, 1846.
LOOKING GLASSES, one ear of very aka, 0
frames, latest styk, just opened at
novll NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
RAN away from the subscriber, an apprentice boy by
the name of John H. Thompson, 18 years old.
without my leave or notice. All persons aro hereby
forbidden harboring or trusting said boy on .ny account.
as I will pay no debts of his contracting.—One cent
reward for the return of said boy, but no charges paid.
Werren.Oct. 9.1848. CALEB C. TUNE.
3 , I ONTANYEW & CO., are now rec .
oiling • very
desirable assortment of Gowls,purchased during
• great depression in the market, comprising French &
English BROAD-CLOTHS, Casaimeres and Satinets.
and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods.
Grateful for past favors they respectfully solicit • gene
rous public to call and examine their stock, and think
can hold out sufficient inducements to ensure their share
of public patronage.
Septembor 7. 1846.
EVERYTHING in the line, ineltuling EUlptie
Springs, Iron Auk, Malhthle Burs, Dub, Beat
and Stop Irons,Ontamenu, indiaßobber and Oil Cloth.
Lace, Tufts, Moss, dm for sale at jig MEM :UM
MBE subscriber .amtinues to act as agent for the DE
Philadelphia, a stack company of good standing snits
pute & does business on as towable terms as any other.
He is also agent for the LYCOMING CO. MU
TUAL INSURANCE CO.. a company which ha si
fts been punctual in the payment of losers and pre
sent, advantages seldom found.
Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT.
_ - -
THE partnership heretofore existing between the
subsaihers underthe firm of J. H. & H. 91. Piths.
ney. is this day by- nottual consent dissolved; all notes;
and accounts doe theta' firm will he found in the hinds
of .1. H. Phinney, who is authorised to settle all husi.
nett of the firm. J. H. PHINNEY Jr.
Monroeton, Oct.. 19, 1948. H. 14. PHINNEY.
P. 8. All unsettled iteezemts of the hte firm tout
be settled by note or otherwise by the first of Jiroloy
next, or they will be left In the heads of some offteinl
men lot J. H. PHINNEY. Jr.
POsitiie and timely Notice
IS hereby given that all my accotintrfor costs tam
been placed in the hands of N, J. KEELER, for
collection. This is to inform all peratma interested that
bolas settlement is mode by the close of the approach
ing December Court, :Mee accounts will be left us the
hands of an offiner, with instructions to collect them
without delay, and without respect to persons.
Nov. 1, 1846. JOHN N. WESTON.
21. HLAD p
f O or F cu T o W r
a ti pp a ro nt y ed oong iu eattle will sold
Towanda. Oct. 13, 1846. HIRAM C. FOX.
BOOTS & 8110E8—I I dozen pair Coarse Boom,
blue and men; elso calf and kip boots and shoes.
cid r geed deal the best and cheapest b i z of woman'a
and misses' emit in town. Call au 13 Milli&