Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 02, 1846, Image 1

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    TZILMIIIii =0
9i 3 OW&S!2:DAIB
[Continuedfrom last week.]
■ Oh, happy love ! where lore like this is I=4
beu . t ; felt rapture ! bliii beyond iorriant,,
Ph pawed moth this weary mortal round,
And sap experience bids me this declare—. ,
nesven a draught of heavenly pleasure spars, ,
Clue cordial in this melancholy vale,
• when II youthful, loving, modest p a i r , ,
In others arum breathe out the tender tale,
'Bawd the faith whitettions that seen to the ov'ning
Taw next day and 'the next, passed away
without Everington's , being able to, hear any
thing from a person in whose fate he was ao
-.deeply interested.—The merchant too, was
Invisible; and though Ilainors faithfully latch
ed all comers and goers to the palace.. noth
ing of them was to he seen. 'Ha indeed learn.
ed from some one in the train .of the prince.
that in .order inure strongly to cement the
(mendable. which existed between the prince
and his new subjects of Schwas, he declared
his determmation to select frorn the most beau
fu lof their women, another one to athl to IBIS
harem ; and report, now as before fix• d
the daughter of the Circassian turret:mit as the
happy individual who was to be thus top: need.
It was further stated that the martin • ceretun.
ny would be performed in a few days with all
imaginable splendor.
Evermgton •who hail strong reasons for
believing that rumor was nut in this instance
the liar, which this so often. e nh Pu much jiiii•
tics represented to be, this intelitence.ll gh
nut unexpected. was,gill and wormwood. If
it was what he had feared, still unt.l
had vrhispared that the fears he felt, vrose from
the dread of a rival, and-the intensity of his al
fectiims for the beautiltd Coralinn. He spent
a day iri-a thousand wild and useless projects.
in disguise during the moonlight evenings, he I
examined as closely as he dared, the pi!e of
buildings in which fancy pictured his loved
sine to be a prisoner. - He gazed on the high
walls which surrounded 'the palace and gar
dens of the prince, but was unable to catch a
glyropse of her he so much wished to seg....
Everington recollected that the gardens in
which the entertainment had been given ,Seach
ed,the walls of the city, and that they were
washed by the Bendenaire. Live is fruitful
in expedients. The thought occurred to him
that some spot might be found where he could
frum the river enter the gardens. and though
the enterprise mtght be fraught with hazard,he
determined on making the attempt. Hamora
procured a light boat, and in it, when night
came on, disguised as they were, on the even
ing of the entertainment, they mingled with the
numerous parties, which in their fanciful wa
ter craft, were on the surface of the beautiful
and quiet stream, enjoying all -the glories of an
oriental evening. The air was balmy, music
came soft, and echoing oesr the waters—the
light dipping of the numerous oars fell upon 1
the ear with measured and soothing effect—
crowds were clustered on the rose covered
- banks of the river—nightingales were emula
tag the sweet tones of the Persian lute and i
syrinda--the fire fly was darting amidst the
thick woven and deep green foliage of the
pomegranate and Indian fig tree; and from the
gardens of the prince, came the rich odours of
the jessamine, citron and rose.
Everington & Hotlines floated along through
the delightful scene, the former too deeply in
tent on another object to fully enjoy the witch
eros of the present. 'file walls next the wa
ter were carefully and anxiously examined,but
even the searching eye of Everington could
discover no place where access appeared with
in the limits of possibility. Sometimes min
gled with the fragrance which the light even
ing breeze wafted from the gardens, came the
tnelang sounds of distant musie 7 gay and
laughing voices—and once Everington started
as tones which he vas willing to swear were
those of the charming Coralino, and which
sent the blood, thrilling, to his fingers' ends.
were heard warbling one of those sweet and
pathetic airs for which the maidens of their
Ova country were so celebrated. They were
about to relinquish the search as hopeless; the
tner was washing the last angle of the wall ;
the gay company had begun to disperse, end
Everington was about to'give Hamors orders
%return, when he happened to see that from
the itranches of the pomegranate. which
about the wall on the inn.-r sate, ' a ; in^ of th
tio , l which pi-04111,re the rielplet w•i,ea,i Schtr
as, and hieh is sweet" to the sun. hail ;read
it. tendril. upon illy aid loaded with
itt clusters biog et the
' l "y eater's edge.
•• Whit think von." said Evrrington os he
rod the light itinetiin e in which they were
'int. so as Its bring them chess to the wall :
let think )011 lia/birlrs of making _ a holder of
'hest tine's. with which. to scale the wall t Is
i t Prarttrah'e ?
ly Bo." answered the ' he
grasped nu e of the rimy, auj drew the bOat'to
w ill : but would it hot he 2'144.'861e In wait
hQ new de ;noun has get, ar at this time we shall
More likely to be observed in our attempt,
thin then."
"True." replied Eyerington : but tin will
"41116 r by waning we shall much dt
mtnitush ,be chance ui meetin2 tbuee we wish
s ee. Now is
Paii^d. the bout but it will swim be
" 4 is enough." said IlarnOrs. and in a mo- .
test the skiff was secured to one of the vines:
thus should it be necessary affording means of
! I . e e lPe• An angle of the wall screened them.
°me measure b by'
intercepting the light of
„ moon, and in a few moments Erefingt"
i n a 'w,ed bY Hainon, stood in Safety on . the.
1, 144 th e will, a distance of thirty 'feet from
Le the inside the descent was at
tendedvith'iittle or no difficulty, and carefully
reeelmultering the ground, Everington *drone-.
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ed. .It was not long before hn found himself
.the.vicinity of the-very bower, where he
bad met the young Coralino and the prince on
the night of the festival. Everington had al
teadypassed several groups of gay and laugh
ing houris. but she whom" he most wished to
encounter, was not, he wes confident, among
As he and his servant silent and cautiously
approached the secluded and beautiful retreat.
they suddenly heard voices. and listening - a
moment preceived they weiei females, convers
ing lowly, but earnestly. The quicker ear of
Everington instantly 'detected the silver toned
voice of Coralino, and his heart Buttered , to
think be was so near the lovely . object of his
adoration. In a whisper to MUMS he direct.
ed him to remain where he was. while he wen
lured to approach near enough to dimmer
how many sad what persons, and how em
ployed. • , •
If danger was approaching. Humors was to
communicate the intelligence by a.ahrill whis
tle. Everington then with noiseless step ap
proached the bower, and to his joy saw that
the beautiful Coralinn was' reclining on the
very couch which she had occupied when he
performed the part of a minstrel at her feet, a
place filled now by a young Woman who' was
evidently her attendant: Neat hp was one of
the richest sofalof Ispahan, which the prince,
on her happening to mention the pleasure, she
took in visiting that place had ordered, with
out her knowledge, to be placed there, and
certainly they have been destined to support
the precious burden. Her hair was loosed
from the diamond clasp, and flowed in rich
curling tresses, arcund her beautiful and pol.
ished neck. She held in her .hand a cluster
of the.fragrant white roses brought from the
hanks of the Nerhuddah, and while convers
ing. slowly scattering the pure leaves on the
earth around her.
•• So perish our sweetest, dearest hopes."
said she with a sigh : "to-morrow. Myriads
you say the prince has determined this hateful
ceremony shall be performed and the sacrifice
" Not to-morrow madam but the day after,"
replied , the attendant.
•• One more day of happy freedom is then
mine," said Coralinn ; I must become the
victim. let the sacrifice be delayed to the latest
hour possible 1"
" It cant be delayed no longer." said the ser
vant 1 "you know the words of Abbas Mina
this morning 1"
" I remember them too well." replied the
young Circassian; " 0 that I could see the
Frank once more, before I am lost to all hope
of happiness."
Everington was on the point of throwing
himself at her feet, but prudence prevented,
and he listened.
" Alas my dear mistress," • was the newer
of the attendant ; " if you should he could not
help you. and be might instead of saving you
only involve you in ruin."
Allah forbid that I should bring destruct
ion upon him." said the beautiful girl adding
in a voice that trembled with deep emotion,
perhaps he thinks not of me, and I will per
ish rather than be to him the cause of evil, or
the source of one moment's misery."
Everington waited no longer, he left hit re
treat. and presenting himself before them pro
nonneed the name of Coralinn. The beautiful
girl sprung from her seat and exclaimed " Al
lah be praised !" and in an instant was clasped
to Everington's bosom.
When the first wild and unchecked gush of
transport Was over, the danger to which the
person she so tenderly loved was exposed,
rushed upon her mind, and throwing herself
on her knees before him, she bathed his hand
with tears.
"Fly, fly !" said the lovely ereatire in the
low deep tones of passicnate agitation "8y be
fore ruin overtakes you : before it overtakes
ue both—fly and be happy, beyond the reach
of a tyrant !"
When I have-seen you safe..— w h eh I b r i e
seen you freed from the bondage which ha.
been imposed on von—when I have heard my
destiny from your own lips, and know wheth
er you will fly with int., and not before.•• said
Everington and raised Catalina fr•m the
earth, and with her seated himself upon the
The beautiful Coralinn was l.fore him.
his arm wa.around her plenal. r waist. he felt
the quirk throhlongs of her heart. as she re.
rimed oiion his bosom; it was a moment' of
extacy. and the event kips hie!,
li e improved on her unpo tiled lir wa..
in the mine of pure and hallowed affection.
" 10 Y with You," replied the !Anglin, girl
Olt. no I cannot ; would to heaven I could ;
but the attempt would he the destruction of us
both ; go and leave me to my fate, and may
the blessings of the Prophet attend you!"
you. and not without," replied Ev
erinetnn firmly.
At that moment the whistlenf Hanson was
heard. and sham of Entington detected the
voice of men at a distance..
..The guards are on theirgrounds—fly or we
are loft toreeer—fly and leave me to my fate."
eielaimed the agitated girl. an'ahe' Bung her
white arms amund his neck. • ..
"Will you meet me at this place to-morrow
evening t" said Eeeringtiou who was warned
by the repeated summon! of hie email that he
had 'tot a mouient , tolose. ,
4 , 1 will meet von," was the hurried answer
of the maiden ; I "will meet yon,though it can
avail nothing."
The young lady who was in attendancembo,
on preceiving that it was Everoigton., had re.
trired a little distance from the !oven now ap.
proached. • "
4. My dear mistress we most, be gene," she
said u she threw the Cashmere around. Con
fine; and as the young Circassian, leaning on
the arm of her maid left the buWer in one di-
rection, Everington darted thicket of
shrubbery &y another. Here he remained et
lent' until the guards had puled, when hejoin
ed Hamm ; and together, reached their boat
in safety, and without interruption.
flo light tote croup the bar lady be u wuug.. . •
Bo light to the addle berate her he• sprung. : - .
She's won we are gone over bank, bush and mar,'
'hrill have abode that follow." cnothleing Leckinvar
The next day was spent by Everington in
making necessary preparations furflight.. Hor
ses, were procured - and every. thing arranged
long before the - eveniug came on.. It was the
intention, of Everiogton to gain if possible the
,of the Hetzerdera before morning with
his prise and then secrete themselvea.or pro
ceed as circumstances should , dictate. Among
the rude and hostile natives of the mountains,
he knew he could have time to determine ; on
his further course. He was more Confirined
in this plan because Hamors had spent some
years in that segion when young, and not only
acquainted with the Kurdistan dialect spoken
their, but was familiar with the localities of
that mountain region,.; and because from that
point he could with equal ease, pursue his
route to Bagdad or Teats.
Evening came and lound every thing prer
peed fur flight. As the last rays of the set
ting sun gilded the peaks - of .the Hetserdera.
Everingion and flamers placed their steeds in
a thick grove of mangoes at'a considerable &s
-tance from the city, and but a short space from
the river, down which, should they succeed in
escaping from the gardens, they knew it would
be necessary to float. They then procured the
little skiff which they bad used the evening
previous and as , the moon began to decline and
the hour appointed Everiogton and his servant
found themselves at the place of ascent. The
boat was again secured, and again they suc
cessfully ascended the wall. Everything
around them bore the same appearance of fes
tive joyousness, which it had done the even
ing before. The palace was illuminated—
lamps glittered in every recess, to which the
moonbeam. could not penetrate—gay and
beautiful forms, the tenants of the harem, were
gliding about, their steps followed at a respect
ful distance, by the black eunuchs, who had
them in charge—music lent its witchery and
while the adventurercarefully threaded his way
thorough the moat unfrequented walks, and
at intervals caught glympses of the majestic
domes of the palace—while they listened to
-the sweet notes of musicrwhile he breathed
air freighted with, the fragrance of a.thousand
flowers; he felt thatilie splendid ecenes of ori
ental romance were not altogether fabulous.
Silently they approached the • bower, and
Everingtoo breathed more freely, when be saw
two female forms, the airy gracefulness of one
of which he could not mistake, enter beneath
the shadows of the orange and acacais, whose
branches met and mingled over the opposite
enterence. He was not mistaken for in a mo
ment the beautiful Curalinn was in his arilss,
and clasped to his bosom.
" Thank Heaven, we tare met,l trust nev
er again to separate." said Everiogton, as he
affectionately kissed the blushing girl.
" We have met," said the lovely maiden in
a voice which trembled with deep feeling ; we
have met but it is that I may warn you of your
danger, bid you farewell, and be miserable."
Coralinn," said Everington ; if you love
me think not of any danger that threatens me ;
think of the fate that awaits you, if you remain
where von are."
" Gracious Allah protect me," exclaimed the
beautiful girl as a sense of her helpless situa
tion flashed over her mind, she instinctively
clung to the arm of Everingtou, to whom—she
scarcely knew how—she looked for protec
tion and safety.
" We are loosing the precious time." said
Everington : and taking the fearful and half re
luctant Coralinn in his arms, with his lovely
burden he led the way to the wall, followed by
their two attendants.
Without difficulty they ascended to the sum
mit, from whence without delay, Everingtnn
descended to the boat, into which Hatnors low
ered the girls, and having witnessed their safe
ty. followed lum4elf.
Lousing the boat from its grape vine retie.
hinge. they floated down the river. passing
numbers both on the waters and tin the eh.)ren,
who were enjoying the heauiful eveinn.g ; and
Hamots.'to preve.,l woke. mingTetl the music
of his hoe with that. which fr the shores
echoed over the water.. M. which the last rays
of the in ombeants stere tout ring Gradually
the music died away : the sweet song of the .
nightingsle rose from the bordered margin
of the river. yet that was stem deserted, and
Everington and his fair CorAinn. with their
attendants were soon floating on in silence and
Creation reclined on the bosom of Evering
ion, her hand was clasped in his ; and he
saw that tears were trembling in her dark eye.
•• My dear." said h.•. "come cheer up your
spirit's the danger is past, heaven will bless us,
and we shall he happy. "
" Allah grant the , danger may he past." re
plied Coralinn ; "but I tremble when I -think
what awaits us, if we - are-overtaken in'our
flight—feir. myself I care not, I can but die.and .
I will sooner than submit to the destiny to.
which I am destined by the prince—but Air
" 0 not of me." replied Everington,
rupting her. " I do not intend to be overtaken;
if we are, do not think that I shall forsake you: ,
I can at least die for you.", •
"This morning." said the blushing maiden.
"the prince came to me, took my hand and re-
quested me to walk with him into the garden.
I could notdo otherwise than comply." ••Why•
so dejected," said he. as we turned - into a walk
Which led . uslrom the observition of the at
tendants;," why so dejected on the eve of an
event which b had reason to believe would
'have filled 'you with pleasure r Grecians'
prince, I am unworthy of the honor you'
sign me; forgive me. when I. eay`t!lat'llpleti
doiend 'royalty has no charms tor me. Let'
me entreat you - to forget me. and in one of
these Persian families, seek a bride worthy ef,
yourself, and your destiny." The 'prince
looked at me sternly and fixedly for a loweni.
and I trembled at kis glance. "By the sword
of Ali. I see how it is," he exclaimed fiercely,
that rascally Frank. that accursed infidel has
been beforehand with me.indbe winning your
affection ; Abbas Illirza is not thus to be
thwarted in his wishes, and were it not that I
have promised - to delay until to-morrow, the
ceremony that you are mine should take place
within an hour." As he pronounced these
'words he laid his hand on his citniter, and
swore by the prophet, that should he discover
any thing on your par, to justify the act. no
punishment should be too severe for the pre
sumption of an accursed infidel.. I threw my
self on my knees before him, and with tears
begged him not to l drive me to desperation—
told him that I could not give him my heart.
could never love him, and entreated him to
forget me. " Sweet girl." said he " think not
of my forgetfulness I shell .not try to forget
you ; these feelings you have you must forget
—this reluctance you must overcome, and con
sent in the splendor of my court, to shine the
brightest star in India. the most brilliant gem
of the diadem of Persia's prince." I perceiv
ed that it was in vain to remonstrate, and as at
that moment he was called by a slave. I was
left to reflect on the ominous manner in which
he repeated as he left me the words-- remem
ber to-morrow d"
The boat had floated down the current to
the place where the horses were secreted, and
running the little bark on the shore, they as
cended the bank, and soon found themselves
seated on spirited chargers, and while flamers
led the way across the plain of &hires, Ever
ington rode by the side of the fair Circassian,
who had, as the distance between them and
the city increased, gradually recovered her
spiritc—With the fleetness of the wind, they
were lessening the distance that separated them
from the mountain and as they approached the
long sweeping range which bounded the plain
on the west, the hope that in its almost inac
cessible gorges and defiles the should be able
to elude the pursuit which they feared, filled
them with joy.
They had reached the mountain.; and ascend
ed the first range of hills, as the day broke,
and revealed to them in all its'beauty the city
and' plain they had left. The rising sun threw
its glories over the ruins of Persepolis. and the
dark shadows of the massive columns that still
remained standing, stretched like giants over
the plain. Beyond the smooth flowing Bende
mire, glittered, like a silver thread, amidst
gardens and mosques, and groves and palaces.
The minarets of Schwas were visible, and the
blue mountains which bounded the plain to the
east, had their uneven outlines marked in the
first gush of the sunbeams. Seated on a vel
vet covered bank beeeroh a huge mango tree,
ins littledell, overshadowed with fragrant me.
tle. the party reposed themselves ; while Ha- !
more produced some wine and fruits which' he
had provided, and thus formed the refreshment
which their rapid ride had rendered so desira
ble. particularly to the ladies.
After they had finished their repast. reclined
on the smooth turf, they were congratulating
themselves on the success which had attended
their :irons to escape, when Everington ob
served the attention of Hamors fixed with
anxiety on some object barely visible on: the
plain in the direction of Schwas. Everington
waited a moment until he caught the eye of
Homers, when beckoning him to follow, he
roseand went a short distance on a place where
the oportunity of observation would be fairer,
and where 'no alarm would be given to Cora
What see you that has riveted your atten
tion 1" said Everington, when they were
•• That which if ii were possible my 'suspi
cions could be correct, would bode us no good,"
answered Hamors ; unless I am much deceived,
there is a party of horsemen yonder; that
cloud of dust would indicate a rapid movement,
and it is. I think in this direction."
•• Your 'eyes are better than mine if you can
make a party of norsemen Out of that speck,"
said Everington ; but be it what it may. per
! hapa we had heifer be moving. as our horses
by this time MUM he sufficiently breathed." •
Coralinn and her Mielidalit were now busily
! engag..d in picking some of the wild berriei of
the mountain, and admiring the scene follow.
and above them; but they immediately obeyed
the summons of Minors, and they took their
• way to the loftiest range. of mountains. After
a ride of an hour through a ravine that shut
from their view the. plain, they emerged on a
kind of table land, from which they were able
to view the course they - had traversed. and
they. now found that the conjecteres Of Humors
were correct, as a dozen horsemen at least
were plainly to be seen rapidly following the
same tract over the plain that had been pursued
by themselves. Coraltnn was not yet apprized
of the apprehended danger ; but to add to the
fears of Everington: he saw from' the signs of
fatigue that she exhibited, although'she corn. :
•plained.tot, that her delicate frame was unequal
to the . exertion whieh *Would in !all probability . '
be required'ten , lake their escape. It.was
to_COneeal - tile danger longer frcim hei,
for her tinink!ila nee' 'dire r the plain at once sew,
the'party_and 'eciinPrehended their object:'
said She. While her blan ch=
. ed, 'cheek told the - ageny . ef her fe e lings; s .7 We,
are'pursued,:ind fi"not vet too late for Yon
to save yourself=teaviiine and hastenin' place
that barrier of mountains between you and cer
lain ileatrnetiOn'."
I regret *MY dear "Corilino." sain Evering
ton. 4• that you should'havi inch a despicable
opinion of mei' as . in etippOse that lihou'd for
sake yon now ; ittylove."Abbas
not make me shrink from my purpose
jag You or perishing in-the attempt."
Let us not deipair." said 'Hamors ; 4• we
ate' notis yet certain that these men are in Put:-
suit of tie, and if thee 'are. I trust we shale find
some way"to evade them." • "
The borseaten;w'ere so neat; thirtheY'eould
bit distinctly Counted and' theit polished; rmS
glittering in tbiltin. - and the Int i'hite 6 re°
tail that waved from their caps indteated
they belonged to the hOusehold troops :of'the
prince. thus dispersing every doubt of their . db;
jest and destination. The fugitives now press-
ad forward with all the speed possible. but was
evident that Coralitufs strength was unequal
to the'task blur° them. , Although she u4ed
every exertion to keep up her spirits, it was in
vain: and the fatigue of another hour's rid
ing. madelt necessary that they should again
halt. •
What can be done ?" raid Everington to
Hamors ; can we not find some place.where
we may deviate from the usual route. and thus
shun oar pursuers, or be able to choose our
own ground for defence?" . -
•• I have thought of such a plan myself." re
plied the faithful Hamors. there is each a
spot a little before UN but if we choose it and
are overtaken, we. must die or be captured.
there is no leaving it.
.6 Do not hesitate," said the beautiful faint
ing Coralinb
.. in this course we must be
overtaken ; to that we may escape."-
There are bubbles that vanish when gasp d in band,
There are rosebuds that wither before they expand,
Thereare implant's% are blighed when brightest they seem,
And pleasures that fade like tke joys of a dream.
Sketches of a Traveler.
The party of fugitives soon entered the de
file of which Hamors had spoken, and. wound
along its rocky bed for a considerable distance
without hearing,anything from pursuers and
the pale features of the trembling Coralidn.
were re-animated by the assurances of her
Everington. Suddenly Hamors stopped and
listened. All were instantly silent. / No one
could hear any thing, except the murmur of
the trees that overshadowed the deep glen, and
the hollow sound of a distant waterfall. Ha.
more alone by his countenance betrayed his
alarm. He threw himself from his horse, laid
his ear close to the rock and again listened.
" It is as I ;eared ; we are pursued, and the
horsemen are close upon us," said Hamors.
We know then what we are to do," re
plied Everington ; " I think we can make this
pass go against a dozen or more Schirans."
I am exactly your opinion," said Hamors
"but not here can we make our defence. If
the lady will ride forward, in one hour she will
reach the extremity of this narrow rail .y.
within the boundaries of Kintlista% and there
she shall be sure of a hospitable reception and
•• The advice of Hamora must be followed,"
said Everington to the ladies ;--dearest Cora•
linn escape if you can ; we will join after we
have disposed of these villains."
But it was plain the strength of the fair girl
was unequal to the task enjoined, and the dan
ger to which Everington was exposed. had no
tendency to tranquilize her spirits. The 'whole
party now hastened onward to a place where
the rocks approached so near • together as to
have only a space sufficient for one to pass. at
a time; and as it was evident their pursuers
were not. far distant, Hamors proposed making
a stand at that plaee, since in the narrow pass
numbers could be of little advantage.
Coralinn endeavored to proceed,"buf dizzy
faintness came over her; and had not Evering
ton who was watching her disappearance, flew
to her aid, she must have fallen to the ground.
Everington caught her in his arms. sprinkled
some cold water in her face, and while the girl
Myrtilda hastened to the aid of her mistress,
he kissed the pale forehead of the beautiful
creature, and held her in his arms wittea-feel
ing of the tenderest affection.
Placing Conklin, who had revived, on a
mossy rock, which, by a turn of the ravine,
was hid from the path they had• traveled, he
left her with : her attendant f and hastened, to
Hamors, who had been preparing their arms
for the expected conflict. Their position was
such as to prevent their pursuers from riding
them down, and they had hopes that by a
vigorous defence they should be ultimately
successful. Their pistols were loaded and
primed. theircimiters were drawn, and in anx
ious suspense they listened to the rapid and
approaching trampling of their pursuers.
It was but a minute before their foe appear
ed at the pint of the rocks below them, and
they no sooner caught a glimpse of the fugi
tives, than a loud shout announced their grati- I
fication. ai,d the certainty of their triumph.—
Thinigh their bores were covered with sweat
and foam, and p citing forbreath. they halted'
not a moment; but drawing their sabres, with l
shouts of praise to Allah and invoking the aid
of the Prophet for the destruction of the infidel .
dog. advanced at a swift gallop and in single
file to the assault. Everington and ,Hamors
stood firm, with their cocked pistols in their
right hands, and their,sabres in their left.-
.., We must block up the road, and they must
form the barrier," said Everington to his ser
vant: you shout the leader's horse,. and I
will dispose of the rider."
"Fling down vont arms you rebel dogs !".
shouted the chief, who led the squadron.
The only answer given was by the pistols
of Everington and Hamms, who both fired at
thesame instant with fatal effect. " The noble
beast on whibh the Emire was mounted, made
a'aebperate plunge forward, then partly turned ;
reared on his hind feet, and while his master's .
hand relaxed its grasp upon the bridle, both
fell lifeless in the narrowest part of the path•
The effect was so sudden and the assault so
rapid that the second individual in pursuit was
linable to check his. horse before he was en
circled by the fallen one, and ere he could ex
tricate himself, his rider received a shot through
the brain ; While clinging with a death grasp
to the reins as he fell, the afrrislded steed was
instantly trampling him under four. and by his
endeavors to escape; creating stilt greater con
fusinn in the body behind.
The curse of the prophet rest on the infi
del dogs." cried the second in command, as he
threw himself from his horse. and followed h.t
three.orfour others. struggled forward to en.
counter the defenders of the pass, hand to
: They at lastlineceeded in reaching.thant.bat
Everington" end his 'servant eew the coming
storm"; were prepared fo - meet it. and two more
of the assailants were bleeding at their feet, one
by the pistol of Minute, and the other, by. the
sabre of Everington.
- At this instant. in endeavoring to push She
advantage gained. Hatboro was thrown off his
guard and received a blow from a sabre on his
head. which to appearance killed him dead on
the spot. Thus encouraged, the assailants
pressed forward with loud shouts of •" Allah
Achsr ;" God its mighty ; bin still Everingntn
maintained his proud,, and the boldest of thia
assailants shrunk back from his death•dealing
At this critical moment a sudden scream from
the females reached his ear, which was follow-
ed by a shout of exultation from .the pass be
hind him. Turning on his heels he flew to
save his fair Coralinn from this new danger,
and as he turned the point of the rock that in
tervened between them, he saw her struggling
in the hands of some of the party that had puie
stied them. These; while Everington and
Humors were engaged with those in front, had'
retraced their steps for a few rods down the
ravine, then clambering up the 'precipice by
the aid of the mantling eltrubbeiy, had silently
'made their way above them, and passing on a
kind of projecting, ledge, had intended to take
them in the rear ; when on gaining the pass,
they to their great surprise found Coralino and
her attendant alone, and completely within
their power. '
Let go that maiden, villain," cried Ever
ington, as he darted upon them like a„tiger,
and with a single blow severed to the-shoulders
the head of the chief who was endeavoring to
secure the hands of the terrified Coralinn.
By this time those of the assailants.oho had
been held in cheek came up, and those who
had seized the girls finding themselves so fu
riously attacked, letting them go to defend
themselves, Everingtoti fdund himself sur
rounded by swords, and after a desper+'strug
gle, was knocked down and securely hound.
••0 spare hirit," cried Coralint'. as forget
ting her own danger, she clasped the arm of
the individual who appeared to have the com
- Our orders, sweet runaway," replied the
chief, were to spare him and take ;
or his brains would have been knocked out.—
After. all," continued the officer, •• I much
doubt whether this Frank will feel mach oblig
ed to us for the favor we have shown him, for
he has a serious account to settle for the mur
der of this man and with the prince, whom
Allah preserve, for running away with you,
sweet blossom of the mountain."
.• 'limn he is lost!" exclaimed -Coralinn ;
•• already lost; there is not the semblance of
hope in his case."
Not in hes case. certainly," answered the
Einire ; " and for you—ah you know the
prince is merciful."
• If your prisoner dies, I die with him':
said Coralinn firmly; the undaunted courage
oilier (Imposition raising as the danger which
threatened Everington grew formidable and
unavoidable: •• I will never be the slave of
Abbas Mirza, or the minion of his will."
We shall leave these matters to be settled
between you and his highness, on your return,"
said the officer.
Corali"n," said Evermgton, who had
maintained the most inflexible silence, while
they were binding him, and scorned to reply
to the threats and execrations showered upon
him by his captors ; " I know my destiny, but
I hope I have lived long enough to despise the
power of a tyrant, and if I die I shall do so,
happy in believing that to the last I have °b
lamed the remembrance and love of my dearest
•• You see," said the chief, pointing towards
the sun, •• that it is declining, and our work is
but half done ; we must now return."
The orders were immediately obeyed. The
horses of both parties were secured, and great
was the surprise not only of Everington, but
of the pursuers also, when they found that
Hatnors whom they left for dead , had disap
peared, and that one of their fleetest horses was
no where to be found,. This difficulty, how
ever, was removed by the chief, who assured
his followers that Eblis had undoubtedly car
off the servant of the infidel, fur his pre
sumption in fighting against the faithful, and
that the horse would probably be found some
where down the valley, though his explanation
did not prevent carrying into effect, with in
creased activity, his directions for an immediate
descent. of the mountains. Everington was
was mounted on one of the horses belonging
to the party, and Coralinn being so fatigued as
- to be unable to maintain her seat on horseback.
was placed behind one of the hokscmao, and
the whole party were retracing their steps to
the plain. The dead 'were left unburied, ens
chief remarking as he passed them that they
had fallen honorably, and that now since the
gem was stolen, it was of little consequence -
what become of the casket.
A sort of undefined hope had lingered in the
bosom at Everington. that Hautors had escape
ed, and that he would rouse some'of the hardy
mountaineers to their rescue; but they reached
the place where they partook of the last sligh
refreshment in their ascent, without his wished
for appearance ; and here the sight of a , . large
party of horsemen at the foot of the mountains.
among which gYerington not only discovered
several elephants, but the black standard of
Persia, convinced him at once, that his hopes
were utterly futile and groundless.
Cuancost..-I—The preserative qualities to
charcoal are not so generally known as they
should he, z and I hope you wid tell your readers
that if they will embed their smoked beef and
pork in some pulverrised charcoal they may
keep it as long as they please without re.
gard to weather. Tell them also. that if they
w ill ta k e A unt a pint of charcoal,also pulverit
ed, and put ,it thin a bag , then put it into a
barrel of new cider, it can never ferment:. will
never contain any intoxicating quality; end is
more and more palatable the longer kept . --
'Farther, take a piece of charcoal of a surface
equal to a cubic inch. wrap. it in a elean cotton
cloth two thickneiseii, and made moist: and
work about one pound of butter which has be
come 'rancid, and it will restore it perfectly.