• . . • SHERIFF'S SALES. y virtue of sundry writs of venditionrexponm is 7 sue d out of the court of common pelas of Brad turd County, ha Imo directed, -I shall expose to public u." at the the house of Ire B. Stephens in the borough of To a. on Monday, the seventh day of December. Met , i t one a' P.M., the following property oho re-in Wyalasing township and bounded, on the Death ° lands Sumner & Jennings, east by lands of Jas. by 1.• south by Michael Wiidrick, west by C. Ed . Yang Y Containing about 813 acres , about 50 acres :En rol- y - 0 3, with two framed houses and !small orChird . u se s e i z e,3 and taken in execution at the snit of John Donnell vs. Isaac Place and Wm. Place. A Lsc)—The following piece or parcel of land situate the township of Athens and bounded on the north by lad of Abraham Haskins, on the east by Watson L.. s o ar, on the south by lands of said Saint and on the west by land of Wm. Rolfe. Containing eight acres' , sa d t hirty sit perches, more or less, with about four acres iinpme ed, & one small framed house thereon erected. Scud and taken in execution at the suit of Francis' To o & H. Williston Jr. assignees of G. A,Perkins'vs.- Daniel SfuHs ALsO—The following piece or parcel of land situate j o the township of Litchfield' and bounded on the north to- lands et Polly Parka, Thos. Evans & Jacob Camp bell, on the east by land of Wm. Watkins and land in possession of John Campbell, on the south by land of Charles Cornstock. now in possession of H. Paine, on ihe we st by lands of John Camphell. Containing 153 at less, with about one_ticreimptoved, one t o g house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Letty E. Shepard vs Abram F. & Jacob Campbell. ALSO—The following pieee or parcel - of land situate i n Darlington tp. and bounded as follows: beginning at a hemlock the S. E. corner of warrantl'ot no. 1723 ; throw west 300 & 5-.10 p. to a post end stones ; thence north 61 & S-10 p. to the north line of said warrant lot post and stones; thence south 89° west 300 & 5-10 k to the N.E.comer of said warrant lot, a post; thence south I° east 70 & 2-10 p. to the beginning. Contain tag 12S acres 4-161 perches strict measure. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Timothy Paxson:and Win. Davidson trustees of the batik of N. Aw n,* vs. Frederick Crofut, James L. Crofut, Israel H Shipman & term tenants. ALSO—The following property situate in Ridgbery to art : bounded north by Ira G. Hill; east by Peter Squirm south by land of Alonzo Wynkoop, west by ll, n dko Wyukoop. Containing 40 acres, two acres i m proved with one log. house the property of C. Hoover. ALSO—One other piece of land situate in Athens and hounded north by H. S. Drown. east by land of D. Cardner, south 'by Charles Jacklin, west by Niel Mc. IJdle. Containing ten acres, about eight improved nth one from house and framed barn and apple or chard thereon, levied upon as the prrperty of S. C. Clark. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy d• Lockwood vs. Cornelius Hoover & Samuel S. Clark. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate rn Herrick. and hounded on the west by Oliver Grav & Luke Roland, north by unseated lands and N. Rogers, said by Synus Rogers & Owen Snow, east byDe pewlot. Containins ' 190 acres, shout 80 acres thereof I.,,growal, with three log houses, two framed hams and small orchard thereon. seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward ()canon vs. Al. U. F. Hines. ALSO—The followin-, piece or parcel of land situate ra Shesheman and bounded on the north by Archibald', Fortes, on the east by Harry Shaw, on the south by 1d l,i le Delpeuch and west by the Susquehanna river. Containing silty acres, fifteen acres improved and two Maud houses and one (named ba'rn thereon. • Sewed and taken in execution at the suit of Theodore W. Bank vs. %Vol. Forbes 2d. Al.:SO—The following piece or pare of land situate in Oror:1 township and hounded on the north by John .. Cooks, cast by Griswold Matthews. on the south Morris Woodruff & John Moore. Containing oue hado'd and thirty acres more or less, seventy acres With 3 framed house and barn thereon with an on hard. Nixed and taken in execution at the suit of Reuberi 4a-no.l vs. E. W. Warfit•ld. ALSO—Thr fdlluiving desCribed piece or pareel,of Laid •mate in Burlington and bounded on the north by Weis F Perkins, iseq. by Ch.trlei Scouton, south by wna. C. Hail, east by G. R. Haight. Containing fifty srrn mute or less, about twelve acres thereof improved ad ato bores thereon. Nixed and taken in execution at the suit of A. p iulding Vs. L.M. Bury. "ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Orwell township, and boatided on the north ny land , liohnfon Coles, on the east by land of Griswold Mat t lewn,end on the south and west by land of Morris Wood-, RUT& Aga. Payson. Containing 125 acres more or wah about 75 acres improved with one framed Lou., one framed barn, and me apple orchard thereon. Selze , l and taken in execution at the suit of David F Bargow v 5. E. W. & Wm. Watfiehi. Al.Bo—The following piece or parcel of land situate in A.s7lum township, hounded on the north by the Sus. .I:Auntie river, east by Chester Butler, south by Moses E:lingbrry, west by Mary Horton and others. Contain -157 acres, fifty acres thereof improved, one framed 1v.11.e ore log house one framed harp and shop thereon. `rm•d and taken in executinn at the suit yr H. & S 'tan: r.. Aaron Ely S Daniel C. Miller. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate m Athens township and bounded on the north by land. f Hsk, rsvidson & McEuen, east by lands of C. N. hturnan, enst by Louis of C. N. Shipman , south by land"( H. W. Patrick, on the wes ny lands I to nwrasi by Wynkoop, being lot no., as 'surveyed Or.n Rickey. Containing 108 acres. Seized and tisisen in execution at the suit of D Paine vs. G. 0. Wellea. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of Itrd situate in Wyalusing township bounded and de scrihed north by the main rone leading from Towanda to Skinners Eddy. east by Charles Ilendrielut, on the , outh by land of Fphraim Beeman and the Susquehnn ns and on the west by E. LaMe. Containing 27 urea, all improved, with a new two story tavern house one note home, and two barns thereon erected, it being game property that was purchased at Sheriff's sale Philip Sullivan in execution against Jacob Cams it ethers. Seized and taken in eseention at the suit oft. H. Ste- I use vs. Philip :Sullivan. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Litchfield tp., B•monine. at a pine rent, and stones, and a rock Oak xitness, N. 67° W. 15 links, thence N. 34 ° W: 100 to a white oak sapling for a cortier,ithenee E. 120 perches] to a chesnut sapling for a corner, , thence N 24 perches to the 8 %V corner of a reserv ed lot for Solomon Merril a post, thence E 130 2.10 Perches to a post a corner for Chauticy Parks, thence 8 114 perches to a post on the N line of David Mc li nney's lot, thence W 331 2-10 perches to a.post a white oak, N t° W marked as a witness, thence N IG7 perches to a post S E corner cf a lot bought by the parties of the first part, of llobt Spalding, thence 150 perches to a post on the town line between Adhens and Lachfield, thence N on said line GO per this to a post, thence east 55 perches to a Corner. ! „ 6 ' l - 1 0 perches of a lot fdrmerly deeded to David rot thence N 6 8-10 perches to said Park corner, ,4 ette E 19 perches to another of Park's lots, or place of beginning. Containing 327 acres, and 26 Perches more or less. A LSO—Another lot beginning at a crooked ches eat the 8 W corner of a lot surveyed th - Danl Doan, 6 ence N 100 perches to a hemlock sapling; thence E BO perches to a post, thence south 100 perches to pa o, thence north 80 perches to the beginning. Containing 50 acres, more or less, and both pieces. tech:lure containing 377 acres and 28 perches, with ‘ I4 acres Improved, a framed house, framed and log Sam and two apple orchards thereon, and all the interest or title of Defendants in sawmill on the wa ters of Satterlee's creek, supposed to be one-half, with the privileges, &c. Seined and taken in execution at the suit of Hen- . /loin Lambert, to the use of Job She ard, vs. Chas Chandler. p A LSO—A piece or parcol of land in South Creek lewaship, bounded north by lands of William Burk, east by lands of David Hildreth and Ralph Crane, tonally Willliatn Decker, and west by land in pos session of James Dewey. Centaining, 124 acres, !bam °011 t3.5 acres improved, with one log house, log and two apple orchards thereon. 4140—One other tract of land situate in Smith township, bounded north by lands of Widow I .‘me, east by land of James Dewey, south by We "11:1. Decker and west by land of PhiloFasset. Con "s&°; Tr acres with about 25 acres improved. ' „ ited and taken,in execution at the snit of. John 'lAm:it:titer to the use of Calvin West, vs. Jos- Dewe y' Pt piece or laudeacl of land in Windham lldduteled north by of James Kinyon, Onett . - - bg land - of loseph,Doitte, south by land of Nathan Mane, West by Mattheir Back. Containing abont 100 , access:4 acres :itdpixtved, one log house :and small fretted barnifherecnt. •,! . Seited'all taketl'in ,expention•nt. the snit of F. P. Sanford Co. tti i the We Jpiila3 iitUl3ol vs. John' Russell.* , , , .j" • • - ALSOAIie4 - 0 Oa' reel] 'of' land in' Du rail ticll-; bounded son* ity.fairrof Villiare Kilmer. east by Samuel Chilson. 2d., north by lands of Charles F. Wellel;'.altd west by land of 'L. E. DeWolfi 'Con taining about 80 acres, 11 acres improved,. with a log house: thereon. , j, „ . Seized:and taken - in execniion at the suit of Jesse R. Cowed. v& James D. McCracken. - • . ALSO—A piece or parcel of Mod in Standing Stone bounded nortlzhy !and of Alonzo —, east by land Beasley, south by lands of Dixson and Henty W. Tracy, and west by land of Anson Goff. Con • taiuing about one hundred and eleven acres, about fifty acres improved, with one log house and framed barn and , one smallapple. orchard thereon. ' • Seized and takenin execution at the snit of Wm. H.-Baird dr. Co. Nrs..Jaitkete t T. Teylor. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levad Faelas, all that certain piece or parcel - of land butted bounded aid de scribed as fellows; beginninat a post thimze south 80° wed 363 p. & 6.40 to a post ; thence south 10° cast 104 p.& 3-10 tira,baech sapling ; 'thence north_llo° east 129 p. & 6-10 to a post; thence north 10° 'west 13 p. & 1-10 to a past; thence north 78° east 234 p, to a cucumber; Mehra north 10° east 83 p. & 3-40 to the place of beginning. Containing 200 acres & 1-10 of an aere with the allowance of six percent. for roads. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alexan der Baring dr Henry Bailing, who survived Robert Gilmore. Thos. M. Willing, C. Willing Hare, devisees in trust for the estate of Wm. Bingham vs. Banal Kel. • logtl. Gordon Wilcox, John Doty, T. „C. Kellogg, and Shelden Guernsey term tenants, • A piece or parcel of land in Ulster, butted, bounded and described as follows: beginning at st . post thence 'south 80° west 363 & 6-10 p. to a post; thence north 10° west 71 p. le 7-10 to a post • thence north 80 ° - east 363 p. & 6-10 t a hemlock; thence 'south,- 10° east 71 p. & 7-10 to the place of beginning: .Contain ing 153 acres Sc' 8-10 of en acre with the allowance of six per cer t., 1 • Seized.and taken in execution tithe suit of Alexan der Burling and Henry Darling who survived Thos. M. Willing and C.• Willing Hare devisees in trust of the estate of Wm. Bingham vs. John Bassett. Gordon Wil cox, John Doty, T. C. Kellogg and Shelden Guernsey terse tenants. • , ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Franklin tp., Beginning at an .ash the N E corner of a lot deeded to Josiah_34cCrane, thence 8237 8.10 perches to a post, thence E .58 perches to a post. thence N 241 5.10 perches to the 8 bank of the Towanda creek, thence •up the said creek, according to the several courses thereof, to the place of beginning. Contain ing 82 acres and 70 perches, with allowance. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of The Bank of North America, to the use of Stephen Pierce vs. Jediah Cranmer. • - J. F MEANS, Shen& Shea - Office Towanda Oct. 21 1846. SIJERIFFS SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of venditioni exponas issued -out of the court of common pleas of Bradt* county, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the house of Ira H. Stephens in the borough of Ttimanda, on Monday, the seventh day 'of December next, at one o'clock P. M., the follow ing described sixteen tracts or parcels of land situ ate in the townships of Monroe, Franklin and Alba ny, in the county of Bradford, viz : One thereof call ed in the Patent from the Commonwealth, " Dowa," . surveyed in the namelof Robert Hampton, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in Monroe township. Beginning at ,a maple, thence by land of Frederick Castator,N. , E. 424 perches to a 'post; thence by land of Sainuel Anderson,N. 61° W. 160 perches to a poet; thence by land of Peter Schotts, S. 29° W. 424 perches to a post ; and thence by land of Mary Wallis; S. 61° E. 160 perches to the begin ning, containing 400 acres and allowance of ti per cent. for Roads. ' _ . One other thereof called in the Patent "Coleshill," surveyed in the name of Peter. Sehotts, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in Monroe township. Beginning at a post, thence by land of Robert Hamp ton, N. 29a E.424perches to a post, thence by land of Samuel Anderson, N. 61° W. 160 perches to a post; thence by land of George Schotts, S. 29° W. 424 perches to a Chesnut oak; and thence by land of Mercy Ellis, S. 61° E. 160 perches to the begin ning, containing 400 acres and the usual allowance of 6 per cent. &c. One other thereof called in the Patent, "German town," surveyed in the name of Stephen Hollings worth, situate on the waters of Loyalsock creek, in Franklin township. Beginning at a post, thence 11 land of Harman Castator, Joseph Castator and George Castator. N. 61° W. VA perches to a post ; thence by land of Henry Hardy, S. 29° W. 212 per ches to a post; thence by old surveys,S. 61° E. 820 perches to a post ; and thence by land of Ann Har ris. N. 29° E. 212 perches to the 'beginning, con taining 400 acres and the usual allowance,of 6 per cent. &c. One other thereof called in the Patent, " Frede ricksburg," surveyed in the name of Frederick &lions, situate on the waters of Towanda creek in Monroe township.. Beginning at a post, thence by. land of George Schotts, N. 29° E. 424 perches to a post ; thence by land of Peter North, N. 61° W. 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel North, S. 29° W. 424. perches to a chesnut sapling; and thence by land of John Moore,S.6l° E. 160 perches to the beginning; con trtining 400 acres and the usual allowance of 6 per cent. dm. - One other thereof called in the Patent "Spring. field," surveyed in the name of George Schotts, situate on the waters of Towanda creek in Monroe township. Beginning at a . chesout oak, hence by land of Peter Schotts, N. 29° E. 424 _perches to a post z . thence by land of Peter North, N. 61° W. 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Frederick Schotts, S. 29° W. 424 perches to a post; and thence by land of Hannah Woodruff, S.Bl° E. 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and the usual allowance of 6 per cent. dcc. One other thereof called in the Patent, "Bristol," surveyed in the name of Samuel Anderson, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in Monroe town. ship. Beginning at a post, thence by land of Peter Schotts and Robert Hampton. S. 61° E. 320 perches tol.a. post; thence by land of Joseph Anderson, N. 29° E. 212 perches to an ash sapling; thence by vacant land N. 61° W. 320 perches to a Hemlock; and thence by :land of Peter North, S. 29° W. 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and the usual allowance of 6 per cent. dcc. One other thereof,called in the Patent," Word," surveyed in the name of Joseph Anderson, - sitante on the waters of Towanda creek, in Monroe and Albany townships. Beginning at a post, thence by 1 and of Frederick Castator and George Barnes, S. 61° E. 320 perches to a post; thence by land of John Barron, Junior, N. 29° E, 212 perches to a white oak; thence by vacant land, N. 61° W. 820 perches to an.ash sapling; and thence by land of Samuel Anderson, S. 20° W, 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and the usual allow ance of 6per cent. dcc. The unsold residue . (containing 93 acres or there abouts) of one other thereof, called in the Patent, "Lisle," surveyed in the name of Moses Rush, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in Albany township., Beginning at a post, thence by land of Elizabeth Rush,'N. 29° E. 864 perches to a post; I thence by land of George Dames and Frederick Castator, N.'6l° W. 199 perches to temaple; thence by land of Mary Wallis, S. 29° W. 364 perches to apoat;_ thence by-oldsurveys, B.Bl° E. 199 perches' to tbelegitining. containing 427 acres, sixteetrper ches and the.nsual allowance of 6 per cent. - The unsold residue (containing 122 acres or thereabouts) of one other thereof, called in .the• P atent," Oatfteld,'?. surveyed in the name of Elizabeth Rash, situate-on the waters of Towanda creek. in Albany township. Beginning at a post, thence by. landrof Mary Robb, N. 29°-E. 364 perches to a post; -thence by land of Peter Benson and George Barnes, N. 61.° W. 199 perches to a post; thence by. land of Moses Rush, 8..29° W.. 364 perches to a post; and thence by old surveys, 8.61° E. 198 perches to the beginning, containing 425 acres and the • usual al lowance of 6 per cent. &c. Th 6 unsold residue (containing 78 acres or there-, shouts) of ode other thereof, called in the Patent. Copenhagen," surveyed in the name of Frederick Castator, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in Monroe and Albany - townships.. Beginning at a po.st, thence by land of Georg Barnes, N. 29° E. 424 perches to a p'etstiii; enceiF6Ttiflireph'Xider son, N. 61° W. 'l6O perches to a - post;thence by land of BOliert - Hatiiptoti, 8.29° W. '424 perches to it maple; and:thence brlaid of Moses Binh S. 61° E. • 160•.'percb l s• 4.11.• the ' beginnnie,. tontaintig 400„ 'acres ind`the tonal alltiwance of 6 per cent, dtc.../•' ' The tinitold . 6raidqi•••*(containing .1193 . acres • or . thereabOuts) °robe btheethereofi oalled 'in the' pa tent, "Moorefield," sunreyed •in the name of l'Obn Moore, 'sin:lateen' the waters of Tovnuadai creek;. in Monroe loarnshipr Beginning at a post, thence by land of Hannah Woodruff, N 29°'E 424 perches to a post; thence by land . of Frederick Schott.% N. 6 10 W. 160 perches to a chesnut sapling ; thnece by land of Harman Cgstator. a 291 W 464 perches to a. post( and thence by laid of l Ann 'Harris, S 61° E. 180 perches th• - the beginning, containing 400 acres :and the usual allowance of 6 per cent. &c... The unsold residue (containing 280 'acres or 'thereabouts) of onicriher threof, called in- the Pa. tent, "'Monmouth," surveyed in the name of Han nah Woorut; situtate• on - the waters of LoyalsoOk. creek, in Monroe township. Beginning at a elms nut thence by , land of George Scholia, N.. 61-9 160 - PClthei to a post ; thence by land' Of John Moore; V. 29 0 W 424 perches to•a post; thence by land of Ann Harris, 8. 61° E. 160 percheslosipost; and thence by land of M. Ellis, N.' 29° E;•424 per. cbes to the beginning, containing 400 acres and the usual allowance of 6 per cent. dce.... • The - unsold residue (containing: 272 acres. 'or thereabonts) of one other' thereof, called in the:Pa tent, " Richland:7 sitqate on the waters of Towanda creek,in Monrae township, surveyed 7 in the name of Mary Ellis or Mercy Ellis. Begiuningava chef!. nut oak,thence by land of Hannah Woodruff'B. 29° W- 426•pereffes to'a post ; thence by land of Mary Wallis, N:29° EAU perches to a'postirrtbence by land of Peter Schtltts, N. 61° W. 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres the usual allow ance of 6 per cent. dec. • • ' • Ther'unsold residue (containing 280 acres or thereabout:o of oar other thereof, called in the Pa tent, "Plainteld,"-surveyed in the liame'of Mary Wallis;situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in • Monroe township. Beginning at a -maple, thence by land ofßobert Hampton, N. 61. W. 100 perches to a post; thence by land of Mercy Ellis and Ann Harris, 8. 29° W. 524 'perches; thence by old sur veys, B.Bl° E. 115 Perches to a pose; N.29° E. 160 perches to a spanish oak; S. 61° E. 45 perches to a post; and thence by land of Moses Rosh, N. 29° E. 364 perches to the beginning, containing 450 acres and 150 perches , and the usual allowance of 6 per cent. &c. The unsold residue' (containing 107 acres or thereabouts) of one otherthereof called ie the Pa tent, " Germany," situate on the waters of Towanda creek. in Albany township, surveyed ini.he moment John Barron, Junior: Beginning at . a'post, thence by land ofloseph Anderson, 8.29° W. 212 perches to a poit; thence by land of Peter Benson and John Barron, senior, 8"61° E 320 perches Matt ironwood, thence by vacant land N 29°'E'212 perches to an ash. N 61° W 320 perches to the be et 4nning,iconr taining 400.itcres and the usual allowance, .sce—' And the unsold reiidue.'containing 390 acres, or thereabouts) of the.last of the said tracts, called in the Patent," Olyinpus," snrveyed. in the name of • Ann - Harris, situate 'on the , watere . .of.Loyalsook creek, in Monroe township. Beginning' at a Post. thence by land of Mercy Ellis, Hannah •Woodrutf, John More and Harman Castator, N. 61° W. 525 perches to a post ; then a by • land of Stephen Hol lingsworth and old surveys, S. 29° W. , 256 perches' to a spaniah oak; thence by old surveys, ,S. 61° E. 160 perches to a sugar tree; N. 29 0 E. 160 perches to an ash;; 8. 61° E. 365 perches to a post; and thence by land of Mary Wallis, N. 29° E. 96 per ches to the beginning, containina 448 gores and 19 perches and the usual allowance of 6 per cent. &c. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ri› bert Bell.vs. John L. Newbold: Also, seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert Bell vs. Nathan Smith. Also, seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert Bell vs. William L. Newbold. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Nov. 9, 1846. Siirrender of the Mexican Batteries ! Old ...Rough and Ready" again Victorious ONE A RICLOAD, and several wagon loads of NEW GOODS, have just arrived, and are selling cheaper than ever at No. 3, Brick Row. November 9. . WM. H.BAIRD & CO. pRIND6-500 different styleS, bought in the city of New York, by thecase, on the "cash down" plan, ud will be sold accordingly. BAIRD & CO. 111 C mac -.war GO O 11 Si • Great Reduction in Price ! JKINGSBERY would invite purchasers to . examine lA, :NEW STOCK OF GOODS, as he is emnfident that thegreat falling otr in prices will enable him to offer greater inducements than can be ,presented bribes. tirho purchased their goodi earßerin the season: Towanda: November 3, 1846. • Orphans! Court Sale. PURSCANT io an order of the Orphans' court in I- and for Bradford county, held at Towanda, the 17th day of Bcpteitibsi.'lB4ls, will be exposed to public sale, on -Monday, the 30th day of November next, at 1 o'clock; P. M.. on the °remise% ell the following de scribed rot of. land - situate in' the tawnphip'of Rothe, commencing. at a corner on the public highway leading from Rome village to Johnsen s; in Rothe township, and running' north one degree east two rods; thence south 89° east 10+ rods to a corner: thence - loath one 'degree west two rods; thence north eixhtf.ilineilegrees west ten and a quarter roila to the place or. beginning. Containing twenty-one square rods,witlfe framed hobos thereori erected, being a lot bought of Stephen Cron- Mer. now deeethred, by John B. Taylor in his life time. The above will be sold as the property of Initn'B. Tay lor, deceased. late' of Rome tovpehip.... Terms made known on the day of sale. - • • :LEWIS GOFF. . WM. E. MAYNARD, Rome. 0ct.31, 1848. Acle.of J. B. Taylor, decd. MHZ SUBSCRIPTION LIST •is now open ford's Pamphlet Laws for 1647. November 3, 1646. ' J. REEL, -Tueutirer. Broad Cloth, Cassimeres & Sattinets. •• A'LARGE assortment or Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, and Battinetts, which ere' have long been.famous for selling 'grad and chap, now, cheaper than ever— and upon which we challenges the'worldijust'reeeived at . • , . „. .0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, Nov. 3, 1646,;" ' - • • "IXTANTED IN EXCHANGE TOR,GOODS— ' Domestic flannel, Bye, • Woolen Axis; Corn, Buckwheat,' Oats, , Flaiseril,• ' • Butter, White Beina, • • Cheese, . 'COON SKINS, ' in short, almost anYtbing,,for srhiebliberal . pticals will be paid at • ' 'O," Di' DADTLErT'Si' .TOWands, Nov,. 1,. Ei4d. LATESI' NEWS FROM• MEXICO 1, , THE most estensive variety of Ladles' Winter Drees Goods with all Aorta of outlandish names. of ~the most beautiful patterns and lowest prices 'weer rein in . this country; just opened at , D. BARTLETT'S. ,' Itfr UFFM'SI U rris—The'must fashionable ani.l ugh.. it! est looking Molls out, in ani,onaptity, cheap at . nos 3 ' • ' • ' O.'D: BARTLETT'S.. OOTS do SHOES--• fuse nusoltutment , dcolimil B Auttl. floe Boots, lib= sod !!tippers, the litter French of come. just opened at, . i • , .„ nov3 •. , • 0.1). BARTI;ErrB. HA Wl.&..loantitita of Shawls. niert•ltintl. gaiag S otrfirit Ind cheap at 0. D.• DA MEW'S: . . etAps . or all kinikct!eity, evcil thino*: ll Co. - D; nARTLE'rrit SANTA ANNA-TAKEN:!.. MIST reeeiired a large arid aptentli4 assaiiment ofbew- Goala, bought cutittly'with Cosh, during ripest 14ttimion in the market, and with thri extrresi time of DIDE4BELLINt; the. BfIAGGIADOCICS,: d. D. BOTLErr, ,tiecausah austantikamisms, F4SHIONJIBLE MILORS, Over lifantanye's :tire, need door ti Meriur rs a bw an, at the old mad of Powell seiTiiiu ,gel. ffetaildif of rPHE , Mowing statement at ;Rears ,ef. , ,lroreii; Goods and Menitaidism, in Bisdßinr has tient rettided to me, se made is conformity with itta Mkt pretiottot Menet ot:Aisrett 4111.• milers ofFondmt Onekend Merebinags•• -="l i tactur. "tei's'dkesl.l: Welki & Hanle •"•• 'Ol2 •• L 8 ElliwO1*" • ' .13 ' ' 10 Tbilisi; Mune!' td • ' 13 ((splendid) Giarge. - A Perkins • •l4 • • • 7 Chester Palk ' - 14 • - 7' • - '0 11 " "'` -14 • 7 118 Angers l4 ' ' 4 l • 118 PM:l4O# 13 " ,• 10 JoiiMort4 14 • 7 'ATHENS TOTPNSHIP: , . - `John Wstkina, .. --(410011,410d. !Thoinio Gardner l4 ' 7 .sLLr" .r. Effeitiat . - . Jolla Horton. jr .. • - 14 .7 .fieliA/ArGtGIN., A &in Martel ,:• • ~I 4 Conrail &Geo. • , '.14 . diPiTOA Charlim Rathbene • 13..13 . DURELL: ' • Vlysim Moody" - ' ,• - 1 14 .7 0 D '• 14 • .• . • FIONKLIN. ift/11111 W Mercur Liquor 14 10 60 R X Hawley• - 14 • 7 • ' HERRICK, •'• William Angle 141 • . • ' MON#O.E. Roger. Fowler ! 13 10 C Salsbury - • Ilium 13 - 13 - N Dot C Wexford ~" 14 10 50 H S.& J H Phiaaey 13..15 Benjamin Coolbsogh , 14 7 JBdo 0 Smith. _ .14 7 ••-- ORWELL. Theopilas Hamphry • 14 7 Henry Gibbs ••! - 14 . 7 PIKE. Smith & Boss J E Bullock Daniel Mile? P.M Bostwick ROME, Maynard & Wanks - -14 7 • . .RIDGBERRY. • • Asapb Co'bum ' ' 14 7 John L Webb SHESHEQUIN. ' stas4s& Jones 13 • ' 10 Horace Kinney & Co. Liquor:. 14 ' 10i Welles, Nichols &Co. "' 11 • • 10i SMITHFIELD. Lyman Dorfee • . . 13 10 BnUork & Phelps 13 10 8 8 Tracy 13 10 • SPRIATGFIEI,D.. E Norman 14 7 STANDING STONE. Henry W Tracy Liquor 14 10 50 Mx &Stomp , 14 7 • • .TOFFANDR BOROUGH.. • Elliott & Storm, 12 12 50 O'D Bartlett 14 7 Batton Kipgsbeiy Liquor 13 - 15 Charles ROW ' " 13 15 • WmE Baird & 18: 18 75 Tracy & Moore' " 14 10 50 D C Hall " 14 10 50 MileiCartei ' " ' 14 10 50 JD&ED Montanie 12 12 50 J Kinisbery jr. . 14 7 A D Montanyn ' 14 ' 7 ' HS& M C Meteor - 12 12 50 Gegrge E Flynt do Co. 11 lb e 1 b Bailey A 8 Chamberlin Patrick o.Blain • 'TROY. . O F Redinaton Liquor 11 22 50 Layton Runyon " 14 10 50 UF& 8 W Ponteroy . &Cha," 11 22 50 Baird & Stephens 13 10 0 P Ballard i 13 10 ULSTER. '.. Truman & Co. William Gibson' Guy Tracey . Liquor 14 - 10 . 50 - WYSO.Y. Robert Spalding Liqu or 14 10 50 Judson Holcomb' , " 14 103 ff*Y. , ILUSING. Mishit Lewis 14 7 MH& G H Welles 13 10 WELLS. Robed Shears , 14 7 ' • 'WARREN, Robert Cooper ' 14 7 • Marcus Tying Liquor 14 , 10 Benjamin Buffington 14 7 All those who have not paid their license, will call and nettle the tame without delay, and save cost, • • J. REEL, Treasurer. • Treasury Office. November 3, 1846. - SAVINGS BANK ! NOTWITHSTANDING the rush at the Savings , Bank. forgoodi, we, are happy to state for the be nefit of Mr. "Pai-down," that be can be accommodat ed with any quantity and !Style of goods, and nevigoods at that, and at the lowest iwmaible prices. at 'usual, .We are constantly adding'to our stock all the new andfash ionable styles of goods, that none need pal the "old price." from the fact that we have not got them. Cash purchasers need not do deieived, by those whose inte rest' is IS to keep then' away. as we alwayshive " a few of the same mart left." Be sure you are tight—No. 5. November 3. ' UEO. E. FLYNTA CO. Pilafs t Prints t: - ANY quantity of New Prints, and desirable patterns just reeeived'by a 3 FLYNT & CO. • QHAWLS. of ill descriptions rind Prices. from four AD shillings up, by a 3 FLYNT & CO. SIEETING,- Shirting, Wicking. Batting, Cotton Yarn, 4e.. at FLYNT. et CW G . ROCERIES. Fresh Groceries , just received . by nor 3 IFLYNT•& CO. FLOUR, from the " Globe Mills , " . a superior article 'Mao PORK. first (wilily, for sale by. _ , November 3. ; FLYNT & CO. 1%/1 ORE of *toms A. Nn. I, BOOTS, and` a large . .IV.I. quantity of LADIES' SHOES, just received by November 3. . FLYNT 6r., CO; NOTICE. 111) .. AVID DOANE, mr son a hid over eightern - yeirs left my, house on the f,th f August invt. wi uvany good reason' for doing so, .ond I, hereby forbid ill end any person whatever harboring or Won ing him on my account as I will.pay ' no; debts of his contracting or expenses incurred,by him. :_ ,VVlndhsto, Aug. lith.'46. - JOSEPH DOAN E. ; • 1 iblk - lINIB — TBATOR'S NOTICE. A-LL- pesos tndetted to the estate otOliver , AinVe, 11 /ate •ot eintithileld township, deed.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having chums against maid-estate. wilt please present them duly attested to • • • HENRY PEET. 'Smithfield. Oet. • • Adniicistratnr. • BONNETtit—A' golf anus or the '" Heads' or the' ;iodine!, The Ladies will find its grntsiiing to their heads to ialf end 'perdue nite of those beautiful Straw; Nino:Gehl. rleienee, ti - see..Lawn,,Gipay Bonnets, selline' in Attie at • 'REELVS. atr — For eheisFoWinta!Sharlo call on • , October 15, 1846.KINGSBERY.: •-• . , lAISH PAID FUR 0.11'1:1, at : •• • %-/ nov3 O. T. AprEs! I SAV. DI F r *? If inn haw! mole L up pant mind: to ,bny ,a oiee.Jrr i.dueler.4awl dile season. don't fail to inn at Nn. S. I/ .ick Ittne; where you can find the Rios; best end chemist articles ID that_ line. that Is kept In twins; banding!! kinds of trimmings. Remember, all at , • ; nett - , BAIRDIK -; TIOMESTIC eOl7O1 4 1S—Btolia shietinis; &in% aila4frillitig 'Abe. mum yarn, battiatosioto Inv; and wadding. for We - by thd balsa lass quantity,. II sell • •• lyeißive, • • Al. THE • NEW. YORK CHEAP-STORE • isaidd-rtipetfally . beg Wee . eo tandat their theilY.4,lo tlias Miami, , Bradford - 1, 0 : th eir iiistmkpatiptym and anpport, and woutd4n- IninObenalthey are now revising a largerindrull anp , ply or:FALL end ',WINTER 'dOODS, which will pasitiselj he sold ii:even' thiiii their fusilier low , ,pries!.; Tbit'star to - extertnigue bight prices ii still kept up—me compromise tiii bees) midi, and they intend to /nary thewarinto the heart ortha menu until they shall ' yield os 'duo .thisptimiple cif selling goods at Scull pro-, fita, ,A., nimble sixpence loetter.thsp is A NEBY: o , l ,P.FrA.d.ciPitts Clo9 , iwerw. ji.L.l3wrireTclotto,,,,rod wiNervestiogs of all piers ?. color, BlO.PaYcnisr Irv!: and for rale very low ~ A_ • F;tll.44Bl.l,o,CK.oftion's and B oy' s Caps. H at jak., arid Motto ntaj : _l4 fcitiiof at ; ,- HEHD't3. . , ABpLpHDlD,aosortotent, of fall, snit.. winter thevs : goof.* ClOairinga die; for rare very linv at . REED'S. - - - Solo and Uppol' Leathor.— .4 211[1411111", • ti43,seniy of Boots and Shoes'onay bu sound'at " " • • " REEWS ItgGlB.lt;lL'..g NiTrICE! . •- . kkerri t y given to oil prnions in interested; JOI 'thoilliomai Yong Addliiiitratcir of the vitateot ' deed.. ' late of R/ine Gee; Van Ness, Guardian linitieq Minor:child of .'` Tate Aayluto touiihipt . and Wm Keeler, one. orate administrators of the estate, :„ . • ~ • • • • Pighard late °lB4f4eiluirltgowrishipt and Jos. M.,Piollet, one co ths'ailpinistrators. of the,estateuf M.:!pitch; . • Trite of Toviertdio lown'ship, have' Bled sod settled In the utike ofthe' Regiiter of Willa, in and fog the eininty. Of . Dradroed,:theaceoniiti of their several administrations upon the Ratites aforesaid, and that the same will -be presented.to the. Orphan's court, of , said county, on Monday 00,14 day of December next. for con firm ation, anttallovtanee. , ,L E. DEWOLP. Reg6ter. . Towanda. 0ct,28. 1846. 13 • 10 • 18 10 • ' 18 10 18 • • 10 'llet Fall. , and , Winter Goods; - HE Subscriber' Is now• receiving from the city of. Ytnitit large assortment of GOODS snit- d to the *vamp, patefullytielreted,and purchased at unusual. ly. Joni wire, a..rltich,yrill enable Elm to , Very laar . for cash, lumber, 'counfry' . prcluce; or approved credit:- Mai . ..tea& and the public generally are invited to'call 'and before. purchasing • elsewhere.—' He feels confident-that he on offer them better bargains. than they have heretofore made in this town. oranv other in this region nfeouittry. In hi. assortment will he found - in all their varieties. Dry Goads, Groceries, Hinlivary, Crockery, Glasi. Neils, Iron, Steel, Paints, ,Oils; Dye StnlD,Hoots, Shoes, ' • '.Toorandsi: Oct.! 26; 1846, • ' N. N. BETTS. • HE .Ladies will find a great variety of worsted T dnris 'goods also, a beautiful assortment of pririts at very low' prices at - . • 8E17.8' _ . FRENCRENCH arid Ruglish 'cloths, heavy Beaver aed H tot over meats. fancy Cashmeres and Bat tinetwi a great variety, will be found at DEVI'S'. OUSLIN Ue LAINE, Cashmere*. Rah Roy and .IV.K LimeW , Shawls,:la great. variety will be found !Nary Bragman. va:r77ponas Braprurn—No: 770 May T' 1646, In Brad,-Com. Pleas— (Abel for Divorce.' • ' 1 O THOMAS BRAYMAN, the defendant in the above; easer—qou are, hereby notified that Ma 7 Braymaniour wife. bax6led her, petition in. said coup._ (or a divorce from the bonds of matrimony Entered into with you, and that au aliae radipene has been returned and proof made that were not to he found ciannty.4Yria are therefore 'hereby required to appear at the Court House' iii the', borough of Towanda. at the December term of said common pleas. on Monday the 7th of December next, to answer the said complaint, & show cause if any you have, why the said Mary Bniy: man shall not be divorced from you. , JOHN F. ME ANS, Sheriff; Sheriff's Offiee, , Tiowande, Oct. 24, 1846. 14 7 14 7 14 7 13 10 New Supply of Fall and Winter Goods. BERTON ,ILLNGNLIERY MENDERS. his thanks fur past favors, and respect fully informs his old customers and the public 'generally, that he is' now' receiving from the city of. NeW York the firge4 and cheapest assortment of GOODS ever purchased lor • this market, which he pledges himself to sell 20 ;per cent. lower than the same quality of goods were eves before Offered in Tow anda. This is. no humbuggery. Just drop in and price my goods. I have almost every thing wanted by thelariner, mechanic, and everybody else, and particu larly the Ladies:_ My stock of Cashmeres,. M. De Lamm, Bleck and colored , Alpaccar. California Plaids end Cinghams, are very cheap... With regard to Broad Cloths, Cassimcies, Satinetts,Jeans,,Pomestic cloths, Vestings Prints, 4c.. 'I knoCk :wider to 'no merchant in this town or any where else. 2000 LBS . Sole Leather. Upper Leather and Calf Skins, lower than was ever ofrrred in Towandn, by w us Iron, How f3ltoe, Round Band, Nail coda L: 7 /Core 'Shoe flails, I:Staid of all kinds ...- viry'ltivr by ' B. KINGSBERY. BOOTS and fillOES,z very large aaacitment. and unusually cheap at B. KINGsBERy's.: 1 (1/IYDS. , Ballot:01. Carpeting , two shillinga.pat kl! , - 1 yap; below t 4 market time at B. KINGSDERY's. • • —ADMINISTRATOR'S NOVICE. .. persons indebted to the estate of John L. Webb • Z - i-late of : Smithfield warTshir.tlec'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, ore.requestral to present them forth- with for adjustment. ' • ' D. BULLOCK, Smithfield, 'Oct. 28, 1816. J. H. WEEB.' • Adminintrators., /'WHOSE LAWNS; ORGANDIES, LA WN'OING -1 'llama; :Rept , DeLailmi Lamma cloths for mummer Amara, so long Igo* for by the Ladies, have arrived and may.nort be, • eren at, , . , REEtr;i: NEW. FAA AIOODS FOR 1846, 11. S. M. C. MERCUR. .11D114VEJOsereceieed, and ore now opening a large ji `arid'geheral isiortment of Fancy and '• Mais. -thiods;'.embracing. 'almost every thing wanted. by' the ; llonackerver,Farmec. and ..11achanit, °which orere.pur chased prineipally foe:cash and et rates that enahle them to self at aimh tem price., that it will be Tor the Interear of every, ono, paying Coati for gouda, (restarilleiii r,r all puffing adverthiemuts) to gtvo them a can and'eximine their: itoelf,'as they . still 'adhere to their motto of knell prafi to and *deltic:AlL". • .' • • • ' Towanda, Sept. 30, 1846. : : „. , anoiney as Lnm, dIFI , ,IC . r in '!he enrth cornet of the.Pilek Ra'efoli 11U, iettlieeer the Pcni• Mike; Mein eyed. azrEp.. fra at the north "end' of the build i • , 3144 - of , Patrick B r ady, deienited.' ;i rirti jmelilromf Smith. one of, the Admini.trebiie 'l' reirinitali,' .; tea' notice...that minlinoton fon'bern, fl ule•tir nid 'Cook O.:behalf of James Wllfetion. Garroting of JimesDrada, to tents .pout, iruntorrol. ministration .% application set 6th,thet you f er ie left timetebtfor mrn hen one year, leet peet,Nsod hne qo finown place of residence therein. You ere ihrie.; fore required biaimeitratihe nest term of said flotirt in December, etel show show eause,4'any you - hate, why said letter should not be vacated. ,LYMAN •Fript,WOLF L ClLthnho's.Court., Det.l3„ 1846.-1 „ , . TITANTED - ilifintllATaY, by the: arthaerther, Jentheyouthillatharoset ; also. inn apprentice. to an Phickspithin# Npinesse , ! J. 11. amcw),ki.; 11 '' Great4gratimaisKor 4 , . f , rickitiv.l., 'ATE; A-RRIVAL: , S. CiIAMPERLIN know receiving waplemlidl • asisortment of DniisAtedicines, Paints, Oils sad yr Sentra e" aid ikr - additionot full. and 'complete' as. — eortment of FAMILY OROCRRIFS ;,— , the stock con , i4ting in part of tin: following: - MEDICINES, die:, :.- i . -Alum, Aleoliok Aides,' Minions; Antimony, Arrow'`' 'Root. A mule, Aqua Portia, do. AM mot, Bout/. lossoste . ... ed, Bears' Oil, Arilish ,Oil, Blue Vitriol, Boras, Bark., : Peru+. pulv., Bath Brick,, Balsam CoPuira. Burgundy Pitch, Cs mpLir.'. CallOMel. Cs ritiraY Seeds,l;inthatrides,- .Carb. A mmou. ,Coyenne4lipperi Charnel:nibs Flanirir Cinnamon, Clowes..C.sort:Plaster, Copperas, Conker' tionary, Corka.of. . all, kinds. Cream 'Parlor, Corot:pp Cuhrbs, Emery, aisi'd from No. I to 6, 'Epsoin" Salta. Fssence Bergamot. do. I.ernon. do Peppermint. do. and.' Oil Spruce, Flor,i Sulphur, do..Benzont, Glue, of al) kinds, Gold heat Gum OPiuM,*(lO..A rabic, do. Copal. , .10. Aeenketid.e, do. - lelYiehoelo: Tragscamit. Harbeitir ' Oil, Hoene . Piera, Indigo; Spanish, float du. Bengal, Ink. Powders, Ink, .in 'bottles, do.. Indellible,lrish b105te,,, , ? feineiaits, Itch .oinymen t,.1 eery B lack. /slap,. Laudanum°, Licorice 'ROM, do. Bill, Lunar Caustic. Macassar OiL. , Mace, Mit:nest°, do.' ealcitied;• Manna. Mustard 'seed,' .'' do. ground,.'Nun ng Bottles, Nutgalls, Nutmeg, .Oil s fall. winter and summer 'strained Sperm, 'bleached, whe. and natural, do. Linseed,elo Camphine, Sweet, do Vit:if rol, do.' Wintergreen; do: Peppermint, do Aniseed.- do. Lavender, OPodeldi 3 c..Parspric, Pearl, Barley. Pepper. , Sauce. Perfumery, Pill Bozeri, Pink Root, Prussia's , Potash. Quicksilver. Rhubarb, it. & poisdr., Roll 'BA». stone, Red Chalk. - Red Precipitate, Saffron, - American' ' and Spanish. Sand Paper; SaL.4enntoniac t _olo. Clauber. Saltpetre, Sanuipcilla,,dn Syrup, Sealing Was, Sinnav Shaker's Herbs. Syonge, coarse and fine. Starch, Snuff. Maccaboy de. Scotcli;do. Cephalic; Soap. Crirtili;;Jo. -Shaving, do Winsor, Spermaceti, Spts. Hartsborn,do., Nit. Dole.. Sugar Lead, Sup. Carh. Soda, Sitlplis Quinine, Syrinfies,assorted,'Tart. Acid. Tenter Meta. Vials, assorted; Valerian Root, Wafers, White and Red. Black Lead. Cassia, Chalk, Chrome Yellow, rio. •Green, Coral. Vartiish, CoaCh' do. Lead. White, dry and in" Oil; Lamp lillack;Litharage, Putty, Paris Whito;! Brown..Prench Oreen.liipt.Turpentine. ROAD.' Venetian Red, Verdigris, Vermillion, Whiting, Yellow Ochre. Red Wood. Nicaragua. Muddee,Aluriate Tin, Bulk!: Acid, Prunian Blue, Pumice, lied Saunders , , Roller, stunt., Camwuo,l, Coebinial. ir Logmid Fusil4, Brian lac Bye, Logwood. The gr.st 'English reniedy. Bnehan's Hungmigni Balsam of Life. Sand's Sarsaparilla, BKistors Est„ rlo. Wistaes Balsam, Cherry, Pectosal Honey of J.is ; verwort, Chresertien'S Arabian Ba!satit, Pills, Oriental,: do. Dr. Post's, d 6. linoper's; thi.'l'iTchiat's. do. Persian,/ do. Brandreth's, do. PhinneyN, do. bee's, Gadfrey's cordial,_ Tho m pson's Eyeerater, Dr. Jayne's Epectorant. :;Tea. Coffee. Sugar, Spice and Pepper, Starch, Rai sins„ Siela• Crackers. Cinnamon, English Currants. Nutmegs, 9inaer,St'sn ref. Family Soap. Sperm Caw, dies Chemical Was, do. Tobacco and Snuff, Sat Mot: tus, Pipes, Broome, Pails; ropes, Refined Loaf Sugar,' ..Looking Glass plater of all sins, Window Glass, 7 , by 9, 8 by 10,10 by 12, 10 by 14, 11 by 15, 12 by 16,, 12 by IS., Fancy articles of all kinds. Also—Finn Butte' Crackers. Towanda: Ang. 4. 1810, FALL & WINTER GOODS. MONTANYES' & CO.. are now rreievine a very' desirahleas.ortment of thiedsmurchatied doting , a great &premien in the market, - comprising freneh & English BROAD-CLOTHS. Cassiniercs and ,Sattinetai attd the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods. , Grateful for past favors they respectfully 'pollen a gene- TOU4 public to call and examine their stock. and think Can hold out sufficient inducements Measure - then shire, of Public patronaze. • September 7, 1946. ataamanzaa Ponanacan;geeL.. .91VERYTIIING in the line, including Elliptic Springr, Iron Axeis, Mailable Bars, Dub, beat end Step Irons, Oros men ts, India Rubber and Oil Cloth, Lam Tufts, Moss, dm fur rode at jld M Eftt INSURANCE AGENCY. ITlRE•miliscriber .;intinues to net al agent for the DE .I LA WARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO:, of Philadelphia. a stock company of good standing and re pute Ot does business on as &storable terms as any other. Re is also agent. for the Li'COMPNO CO. MU TUAL INSURANCE CO., a,company which has al ways hien punctual in the payment of losses and pni. sews advantages seldom found. • Towanda. May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT. THE partnership heretofore existing between this subscribers under the firm of J. 11. & H. B. Phin. fey. is this day by mutual consent dissolved t all notes and accounts due the late firm will he found in the hand* !If J. H. Phirtney, who is authorised to settle all busi ness of the firm. J. H. PHINNEY Jr. - Ilftiproelun, Oct. 10, 1816 P t S. All unsettled accounts of the late firm must he settler! by note or otherwise by the first of Januay next, or th.•y will be left in the hands of some others! man' for collection. J. H. PHDINEY. Jr. Positive and. timely Notice TS hereby given that ail my accounts for oasts hive been placed in the handsof N. J. KEELER. ‘for collection. This is to inform all persons interested Allot Unless settlement is mode by the close of the spproseli ing December Court. these accounts Wilt he left in the hands of an officer, with instructions to collect them without d.lsy, end without regpect to pentane. Nov. 1, 1846. JOHN N. WESTON. B. KINGNBUftY ' * • , ' , • . FOR SALE. 21 HEAD OF COWS and youne did(' will sold 1 rtwsp for cash or approved,rredit,.. - ... , . Towanda. Oct. 13,1846. HIRAM C. FOX., BOUTS & SHOES—I I dozen pair Coarse Boots, boys' and men; ul+co calf and kip hoots and shoes, and a good deal the best and cheapest lot of women's and Misses' W.SIT in town. - csii at BA lairs. Pis"F.s,.H.!..—Codfielt, mackerel and Sha a,' of itte ' ' , key; iirAt quality, at NO. 4, BRICK ROW.'` OE LETTERS, remaining in the Pi:4bl% si'l`ovranda,,quaitefiniling Sept. 30, 108. 4 Avery, Rufus Howland J P Mk Wm : 2 Hortoil E H Bishop Eliza : 4• • Herkimer Henry ' • - Bingham Mies Mary E Herrick Margaret' t • • Bancraf I. q „ liolcomt) J • •131'01411 Henry . . Johnson Nicholas Brown 'airy , • Johnson C itl .(1 • ' • • Jones 'Hobert •-- Henjiniin 1.. dint Jones Th,iinsan • • •'• . •••' 'Bennett•Unener , Ketchum John' • .Butler, Marvin Li 1 11 ). Mr. C. ." Hramhalt Mies P-A. - Late Samuel:ll, ~!, -. • , thawrusit.David . ,Mallany lfanir john • • • liToora 'lnhere Breele Wth • ' ' MeNndrui Martin • " CarningiAlrhira • Morgan S E Monaghan John• C4 . o*,kY el 110 M'Coril John , - Cornell Thomas Atom. C A Castle Hamilt on lire M trance .1"1.) l'imitimp 'MIAs :iftty S 2' (Inetneet'M• rawer M 'UrakeiflMPS Phinney H S • 'lTrunimey D • • Palmer Harriet Dohen - yA Phinney Gould• - ; litaeenrent tI , - )'ark SN .• Etheridge Isaac E Porter James Eniii•eAtis* M • " Roach E.lintanl • " FIII Jahn • Fristet lo B jr Ilan Siel.ler Forest Henj siehier Miss A - ' • Farnham John. F.• sollit,nr Mrs Hannah • • Fowler Rogers • Shepard S E Gars Cala A , 'Faylor lino!! 2• • , Gilbert 411107 Jacob . Iffilnies John ; • Taylor Matilda Thdrapaan 'John L A. S. CIIANItERLIV. , O 128.1:: SHOEING done .on short IT nice htf,.., la Towanda, Oc t. 13, 46. t. ESIMiNg WAY. 621213 DYE-STUFFS. PATENT MEDICINES GROCERIES WINDOW-GLASs NOTICE H. PHINNEY Al S. '0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers