Married, ID g o ne; ea Monday evoking, the nel init., by Item. ix & pp" Hr. fliltit•lllf Cot:ham:ea, Rob to gm 0.1. Sunray, all elliontee. , e as SONS OF TEMPERANCE.—The re , Off ply meetingid - TO WANDA DIVISION, 03, of Me Sans of Temperance, ars Mild on Tues. ay E ve nings, et A o'clock. precisely, in Temperance gel, over Montoya 's at Co's store. By order of the Division. C. S. RUSSELL, R. a _ Retailers of Foreign Merehandize. HE following statement of Retailers of Foreign T G oo ds and Merchandise, in Bradfotd county, hu bees certified to me, as made in conformity with the 6th redo of the act of March 4th, 1824, relating to Re. milers Fcarign Goods and Merehandizs Nam, cu.. Anintof Lieenre. • I Paid. I, Uupaid. ATHENS lIOROUGft• sw e des, Welles I Harris 12 $l2 50 1, .4 Ellsworth • 13 li Thomas Maxwell 2d , 13 (exonerated.) ... G ea rge A Perkins 14 Chester Park ' . 14 7 c H Herrick , . 14 XIS norm • 14 if $ Comstock 13 1 job Morley 14 .9THENS TOWNSHIP, I ,h,,watking. - 14 (exonerated.) Thomas Gardner 14 7 _ .ISYLU.II, Elmar Horton 14 . 14 John Horton, jr. BURLINGTON, 7 A & $ H Morley Coryell & Gce CANTON, • 13 10 Chyle§ Rithbone DURELL. Ulysses Mnody 14 7 ll U Chamberlin 14 FR3NKLIS. Junes W Mercur Liquor 14 10 50 Hawley 14 7 HERRICK, .410NROE. A nee RovN Finder 13 10 D c Sal,bury Liquor 13 15 I) & C Warlord 14 10 50 BSA Jll Phinnry •• 13 15 Benjamin Coolhaugh • 14 7 B& Smith II 7 ORfrELL, flieopilus Humiiiry 14 7 Ilihry Gibbs 14 7 PIKE, Smith & Rou J 1; Bullock Daniel Bailey M Bostwick ROME, Mowed & Wattles 14 7 BIDGBERRJ: tct ph Canon 14 7 ohn L Webb 14 7 SHESHEQUIN, 'tam & Jones 13 10 I !mace Kinney & Co. Liquor. 14 103 Vars. Nichols &Co. •' 11 , 103 S.VIT1117E11), Liman Burke 13 10 Bullock & Phelps 13 10 E $ '7racy 13 10 SPRINGFIELD. E Norman 14 7 ST..INDING STONE. W Tracy Liquor 14 10 50 Nix & :Sens 14 7 TO;TII.VD.I BOROUGH. in nit & Merrur, 12 12 50 41 D Barnett 14 7 Dorton Kingejiery Liquor 13 15 Cl - iarlmi Reed 13 15 Wm 11 Baird & Ca. " 12 18 75 Tram & Moore 14 10 50 11C Hail . 14 10 50 Mit, Carter 14 10 50 JD& E U Montanye 12 12 50 J Koigabery jr. 14 7 A D Muntaure 14 7 11$ &M C Mereur 12 12 50 11rerqe E Flynt & Co. 11 15 1 . 1 Bailey 14 7 A $ Chamberlin 14 7 Patrick APSIon 14 7 TROY. FR,linuton Liquor It 22 50 .awn Runyon * 14 10 50 )F& S N . Pomeroy tik: r:: O. " II 22 50 laird& Stephen* 13 10 _ )1' BAllanl 13 10 ULSTER, Tnnatin 13 10 Willy., Gutman 13 . 10 toy Tracey Liquor 14 10 50 ‘Noliert Spalding Liquor 14 10 50 Judwu Holcomb ' 14 103 111:11,USING. El ha Lewis - _ .11 II h. H Welles IrELL.S. Cohen S3cara 11:1RRE N. i:olrn Cooper 14 7 Tylrel Liquoe 14 10h Buffitrron 14 7 ' All throe who have not raid their limner, will Call awl ,euk the same without delay, and save cost. .1. REEL, Treasurer Trra4ry Office. Nq.rmber 3, 1g46. • ' SAVINGS BANK VnTIVI . IIIIt;TANDING the rush at the Savings Ilsal , ..forloods„ we are happy to state for the be of Mr. - raw-down," that he can be acconnodat. sah any quantity and style of goods, and new goods , hat, and at.thedowest possible prices, as usual, We to eatotottly adding to our stock all the new and fish "'ble xtlra of goods, that none need pay the old VT.... kola the fact that we have not got theta. leash owliaser s need not be deceived, by those whose tote 'l , vao Im/them sway, a. we always have " • fete ""is• battle-sort left." Ile sure von are right—No:s. Neetn.ber 3. GEO. E. FLYNT Sc. CO. Prints Prints! A NV yrantny of New ['riots, and eleiroble patterns juin rerri,rvl by n 3 FLYNT & CO. •••- - - of all descriptions and pIiCCS, from four - tfolltnes on. by o 3 FLYNT Jr. CO. _ MORE of those A. No. I, BOOTS, and a I llfge quantity of LADIES' SHOES. just received by Nwember 3. FI.YNT & CO. 41)C ERIEb, Freed Groceries, just received, by I nov3 FLYNT & CO. FI.OOR, from the' Globe Mills," a superior article a6O PORK, firit quality, fur sale by !I...Tuber 3. FLYNT & CO. NVV HEYTINO, Shirting, Wicking. Ballinc. Coll°n Yarn , lif at FLYNT k CO. NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore existing between the select-there under the firm of J. H. sk. H. 8. Phin ,s this day by mutual consent dissolved i all notes srtounts due the late firm will be found is the hoods " H• Phinney, who is authorised to settle all bust rd the tirrn. J. H. PHINNEY Jr. ihmrueton. Oct. 19, 1846. H. ti. PHINNEY. 6 ,, P. 8 - All tinselled accounts of the late firm must , by note or otherwise by the first of January ""t• re thee will be left in the hands of some official for collection. J. H. PHINNEY, Jr. Positive and timely Notice C -r ell evert that all tny accounts for costa have .`"ml Pieced in the handset N. J. KEELER. for This is to inform all persons interested that Zl""'s• settlement is made by the clse of the approach' a airrember Court, ese accoun t, will be left to the s n h,42?_ 64E. ° ffrter, with icon/Woos to collect them "`..Y. and without respect to personas • on. I, 1 - JOHN N. WESTON. BIT 31EC 1171117 WM- lab alb 1110 iii Great Redaction in Price ! T KINGSBENY /IL. would invite purchasers to J • examine his NEW STOCK OP GOODS. as be is confident that the great falling off in priers will enable him to offer greater inducements than an le pntsented by those who ponthayi their goods miler in the mason. Towanda. November 3, 1846. Orphans' Court Sale. PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans' cant in apd for Radford minty, held at Towanda, the 17th day of September, 1848, will be exposed to public sale, en Meeday, the 80th day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on lb. °remises, all the following de. scribal at of land situate in the township of Rome, commencing at a corner on the public highway leading from Rome village to Jolutan'o, in Rome township, andrunning north one degree east two rods; Ahem* south 89° east 114 rods to a comer; thence south one degree west two rods; thence north eighty-nine degrees west ten and a quarter rods to the place of beginning. Containing square reds,with a framed house thereon erected, being • lot bought of Stephen Clan g:lM. now &eased, by John B. Taylor in his life time. The above will be sold as the property of John B. Tay lor, deceased, late of Rome township, Terms male known on the day of ale. LEWIS GOFF. WM. E. MAYNARD, Rome, 0m.31, 1846. Ads.of I. B. Taylor, deed. _____ THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST is now open forint -8. Pamphlet Laws for 1847. November 3. 1846. J. REEL, Tiessurer. Broad Cloth, Cassiweres k Sattinets. ALARGE assortment of B ro ad Cloths, Cassimeres, and Sattinetts, which we have long been famous for selling good and cheap, now cheaper than ever— and upon which we challenges the world, just received at 0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, Nov. 3, 1146. VV ANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS— Wheat, Domestic Flannel, Rye, Woolen Socks, Corn, Buckwheat, Oat., Fla:aced, Butter, White Beans. Cheese, COON SKINS, in short, almost anything, for which liberal prices will beepaid at - 0. D. BARTLE VT'S. Towanda, Nov. 3, 1846. CASH PAID FOR OATS, at nova 0. IX BAR rLETT'B. LATES NEWS FROM MEXICO! rr HE'most extensive variety of Ladies Winter Dreu Goods with all sons of outlandish names, of the must beautiful patterns and lowest prices ever seen in this country, just opened at 0. D. BARTLETT'S. 11I1CFF8, MUFFS--Tni most fashionable and ugli ill est looking Muffs out, in any quantity, cheap at nova 0. D. BARTLETT'S. 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 800 I'S & SHOES—a tinst rate assortment at coarse and fine Boots, Shoes and :Slippers, the latter French of course, just opened at nov3 U. D. BA RTLETrB. QHA W LS—quantities .FBhawls, nicest kind. going IL-1 all fast and cheap et 0. D. BARTLETT'S. CAPS of all kinds cheap, besides every thing else at • 0. D. BA RTILE'I7II. SANTA ANNA TAKEN ! . T ug" received • large and splendid asamtment of new J Goads, bought entirely with Cash, during a great dr pre.ion in the market, and with the express view of N DEINELLIriti the B RAGGADOCI Eft 0. D. BARTI.ETT. "Sugar Coated fills."—Bewart Caution. IFVHE increasing popularity of Dr. G. BENJ. SMITH'S IMPROVED INDIAN VEGETA BLE reUGAR COATED PILLS. has induced ■ number of persons to make something they call Frees and coat them with sugar, in order to sell them for the genuine, while they do not poseess a particle of t e goodness, nor even assimilate in apps arance to the original. Dr. Smith's Pills. In shirt. they are an in tended FRAUD upon the community. A minister who at first hid an interest in an imitation Sugar Coat i il Pill, manufactured in Albany. N. Y., has given them up. es he says, on account of the miserable dishonest parties concerned in manufacturing them. The same party are now industriously circulating reports calculat ed to injure Dr. Smiths and to street the reputation of his valuable pills ; but rather than notice them in public, Dr. Smith is about to institute legal proceedings against them for their slanders, as he basin another mere against a similar party, in which he recovered a large amount of damages. These miecrable imitators have to resort to the most abominable means to pahnoff their counterfeit pills, as the public know that Dr. Smith's are the original and genuine. Several initan, s have come to public notice in which life belts-en endangered by the unfortu nate use of the counterfeilt It is Dr. Smith'," Pills that are doing se much good in the esuntiy—es the following plainly show. _ . Use end Recommend Dr. smith's Pills than ■ll others This is- to certify that I base used the Sugar Coated Pills manufactured by G. Benjamin Smith, of New- York, for some time, and believe them to be a goal medicine; and also, from inquiry in that city, I ern persuaded that be is the uriff:nal inventor, and therefore is entitled te the benefit of the inveniMn. 14 7 13 II We call the attention of our readers to the certificate of Ree. S. Williams. Pastor of Ist Baptist Church. Piusburgb. in relation to Dr. Smith's Pills. We ran ourselves bear testimony to the excellence of these Pills. one of us having used them and experienced great relief from them. The above is the beat paper in the State of Delaware s The" 1311.1 large INDIAN TTOZTABLE PILLS, " (SUgaT Coated.) are certainly doing much good in the whole country, and are highly esteemed, if ene bailie true that people write and say about them. They are so easy in their operation that all like them. The editor of the Northern State Jonrnal, Cone of the largest and best papers in the State of N. Y.,) writes as follows: Waleitina a, May 31, 1846. . . Dr. G. Benj. Smith— Dear sir. I was laid up with a bad cold some time since my return from N. V., and during my illness I Made trial of your pills, and I must say I found them excellent. They are the best medicine for the purpose they are intended, that I base yet seen. I seldom take pills, but I found yours entirely free from the objections to which other pills are liable. I hopetbey will continue to be a source of profit to you, as I doubt not they sobs be means of relief to the afflicted on a large scale. Young truly, J. GREEN. Tonawanda, Pa, Sept, 18 1846. Dr. G. Benj. Smith— Dear Sir: Your agent left with me a Int of your Scsaa Coarse PILLS, and I have hut a few boxes Every box 1 have sold has given entire satisfaction. I have taken them myself and I consider them the best pills I have ever urea, and I am not afraid to recommend them to the public. I wish a further supply at onCe. Yours respectfully. JACOB KIBLER, P. M. Dr: Smith— Dea► Sir: I am mostout or your INDIAN VLOSTABLL Baas■ Cl/Aran PILLS." and find them selling so fast that I think you had bettersend me two gross immediate ly. They give such general satisfaction that people at least twenty miles for them, and as it is generally known I am agent for them, I would be very sorry to get out. Yours respectfully. SAML. MOORE & CO. 11G. BENJ. SMITH, be not written with a pen on the boll of the box, all '• Sugar Coma' PIN are Coo nterfea. Principal Office 179 Greenwich Street, large brick block. N. Y. Price 25 cents ■ box. - L?CiIMI , I tibardasatvzsu, AtISHIONsIBLE T.TILORS, Over Montauye's store, next door to Mercur's law office, at the old stand of Powell & Seaman. oel 7 For cheap Motet Shawhs call on October 15, 1945. B. KINUSLIERir MORE MINISTERS S. WILLIAMS, Pastor Ist Baptist Church, Pittsburgh. From the Blue Hen's Chicken. (Del.) Huntington Ind., June 21, 1646 BEWARE!!! REGISTER'S NOTICE! NOTICE is hereby given to dl persons in interested, Ow Thome Vaught Adminitrator of the estate of Aciatiets Voughl. deed., late of Rome township; and Geo. Van Nee% Guardian of Lydia B. Home; minor child of C. Rome?. deed.. late of Autaylum township; and Wm Keeler, Ilse of the adminialzatate of the estate of Richard Horton. dec'd.. tate otBheshequin township ; and Jos. M. Piellet, mks o the administraws of the estate of Francis Dclpeuch, deed., - late of Towanda township, have filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county of Bradford, the accounts of their several administratiotw open the tastes aforesaid, and that the game will be presented to the Orphan's road of said county, on Mondiythe 7th day of December nest, fee confirmation and allewanee. L. E. DEWOLF, Register. Register's Office, Towanda, 0c1,28. 1848. NEW GOODS AT THE NEW YORK CHEAP STORE NO. 2.BRICK ROW & E. REED would respectfully beg leave to •. tender their thanks to the citizens of Bradford fur their liberal patronage and support, end would in- form them they are now receiving a large and full sup ply of FALL and. WINTER GOODS, which will positively he sold at even less than their former low prices. The war to exterminate high prices is still kept op—no compromise has been made, and they intend to carry the war into the heart of the enemy until they shall yield or adopt the principle of selling goods at small pro. fits. A nimble sixpence better than a slow shilling, is our motto. 2000 LBS. Sole and Upper Leather.— A Imo, plenty of Boots and Shoes may bo lound at REEE'S New Fall and Winter Goods. - THE subscriber is now receiving from the city of New York a large muortment of GOODS suit, d to the season, carefully selected, and purchased at unusual ly low prices, which will enable him to sell very low for cash, lumber, country produce, or approved credit. His friends and .the public generally are invited to call and examine hii stuck before purchasing elsewhere.— He feels confident that he can offer them better bargains than they have heretofore made in this town. or any other in this region of country. In his assortment will he found in all their vanetics. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Glass, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots, Shoes, kc. Towanda, Oct. 26, 1846. N. N. BETTS. THE Ladies will find a great-variety of worsted dress goods ; also, a beautiful assortment of prints at very low prices at BETTS' FRENCH and English cloths. heavy Beaver and Tweeds fur over emits, fancy Csssiinermi and Sat linens, a meat variety will be found at BETTS'. 1 . 01781.1 N Ile LA INE, Cashmeres, Rub Roy and 111 Brecht Shawls, a great variety will be found at Berm NEW FIRM k NEW GOODS, CIWAPEST IN TOWN! MONTANTE & FOX HAVE just received and are now opening a very extensive assortment. of GOODS, consisting of almost everything every kept in a country store, which they pledge themselves to sell as low as the same can he bought in any town this side of the city of New York. Come one and all, and if we don't sell you Goons CHICAP don't buy; it will cost you nothing to look, and all we ask is a chance to show our stock of goods. De sure and find the right place, it is the Old Corner Yore. a kw toots south of Montan}... & Co's. The Nhoys are on hand and will sell you goods right for Cash or Produce. Towanda, Nov. 1, 1946. Mary Bradman vs. Thomas Brayman—No. 170 May 'l'. 1846, In Brad.-Com. Pleas— Libel for Dirorce. To THOMAS BRAYMAN, the defendant in the above case—you are hereby notified that Ma-y Brayrnan your wife, has filed her petition in said court for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you, and that au alias subpena has been returned and poor made that you were not to be found in said county, You are therefore hereby required to appear at the - Court House in the borough of Towanda, at the December term of said common pleas, on Monday the 7th of December next, to answer the said complaint; & show cause if any you have, why the said Mary Dray man shall not be divorced from you. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Oct. 24. 18411. New Supply of Fall and Winter Goods. BURTON KINGSBURY TENDERS his thanks for past favors, and respect fully informs his old customer , and the public generally. that he is now receiving from the city of New York the largest and cheapest assortment of GOODS ever pun•haved for this market, which he pledges himself to sell 20 per cent, lower than the same quality of goods wem eve, before offered in Tow anda. This is no humhuggery. Just drop in and prier my goods. I have almost every thing wanted by the tanner, mechanic, and everyhody else, and particti lady the Ladies. lily stock of Cashmeres, M. De Lanes, Black and colored Alpaccae. Calif, ~,,, a Plaids and Gingham,. aro very cheap. With regard to Broad Cloths, Casstmereek Sstmetts, Jeans, Domestic cloths, Vestings Prints, I knock under to no merchant in this town or any where else. 20ilf 11. BS. Sole Leather. Upper Leather and 111111 Call b'kina, lower than RaP. ever °Retell in Towanda, he B. KINGSBERV. W EITDS Iron, H o ne shoe, Round Banal, Nail to& CY Horse Shoe Kayla, Stagl of all kind. will be gold very low by 11. K INGSBERY. ROUTS and SHOES, very laree'aseortroeni, and unuettally eheap,at B. KINGSBERY'S. 1001"; T. be llr o a w uti t f h u e l m C a u r rte et ti v n:: ,. , p t . tv t o I ings per B. KINGSB ERI"S. ADM I /! , 4 iS l'ltA FOIL'S nu rice. ALi, persons indebted t the estate of John 1.. Webb late of Smithfield township, dee'd., ate requested to make immediate paynient, and those haring demands against said estate. are requested to present them forth with for adjustment. L. BULLOCK, Smithfield, Oct. 26, 18.16. J. H. WEEB, Administration. THOSE CA WNS, oIIt:ANDIES, LAWN GIN ; - hams, Rept Llelmins, Lamm,' cloths for summer dresses, so Ion; looked fur by the ladies,lmee arrived and may now he wen at R E NEW Elll, GOODS FOR 1546, 11. 'S. & M. C. MERCUR, HAVE juyt received, and are now opening a large and general aasonment of Fancy and maple Goods. embracing shoos' every thing wanted 17 the Housekeeper, Farmer, and Mechaiiia, which were pur chased principally for cash and at rates that enable them to sell ■t much lore price., that it will be for the Interest of every ono paying cash for goods, (regardless of all *puffing advertisounis) to give Mein a call and examine their stuck, at they mill adhere to their motto of "small profits and quick sales." Towanda, :leo. 30, 1846. Ufa IA .1713 1E) CD iF LE ..tttorney at Law, Ark FFICE in the north corner of the Brick now.d- NUF rectly over the Pol. Office, Main utrect.ta Eu trauac at the north end of the building. SHERIFF'S SALES. MIT virtue of sundry writs of venditioni es pones is. JUIP sued out of the court of common pets of Brad- ford county, to mo directed, I shall enuose to public sale at the bows of Ira H. Stephens in the borough of Towanda. on Monday, the seventh day of Da:somber neat, Mt. one plebe P.M, the hollowing property situ ate in. Wyalusing township and bounded on the condo by lands of Bu m*yr & Jennirrs„ east by lands of Jas. & Ed. Vaughn, sloth by Michael Wildridt, west by C. Bogart. Containing about 8Y acres. about 50 acres im proved, with two &mud baud end a non orchard thereon. Seized end takein in execution at the suit of John Bunnell vs. Isaac Place and Wm. Place. ALSO—The allowing planer parcel of WA situate the township of A then and bounded on the north by land of Abraham Basking, on the east by Watson L. Sutliff, on the south by lands amid Sudtff, and on the west by land of Wm. Rolf% Containing eight acres and thirty six pembes, mote or less, with about four acres improved, & one small fumed house thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the sort of Francis Tyler cc H. Williston Jr. assignees of G. A . Peritins vs. Daniel Mills. ALSOThe following piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Litchfield and bounded on the north by lands of Polly Parka, Thos. Evans & Jacob Camp bell, on the east by mod of Wm. Watkrrui and land in possession of John Campbell, on the south by land of Charles Coragoek, now in possession of H. Paine, on the west by lauds oflehn C■mptell. Containing 153 acre mono sr leas, with about one acre implored, one lug house thereon. ' Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Letty E. Shepard vs Abram F. & Jacob Campbell. AI.SO-111e following piece or parcel of land situate In Burlington tp. anti bounded as follows: beginning at a hemlock the et. EL corner of wanartillot no. 1723 ; thence west 300 & 6-10 p. to a post an thence north 64 & 8-11/ p. to the north line of said warrantlot a post and stones; thence south 89° weal 300 & 5-10 p. to the N.E. corner of said warrant lot,. post ; thence south 1° east 70 & 1-10 p. to the beginning. Contain ing 128 acres 4161 perches strict measure. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Timothy Paxson and Wm. Davidson trustees of the bank of N. America vs. Frederhit Crofut, James L. Crofut, Israel H Shipman & term tenants. ALSO—The following property situate in Ridghery to wit : bounded north by Ira O. Hill; east by Peter Squires, south by land of Alonzo Wynkoop, west by Handlin h Wynkoop. Containing 40 acres. two acres Improved with one log house the property of C. Hover. ALSO—One other piece of land situate in Athens and bounded north by D. S. Brown, east by lend of B. finAlner, south by Charles Jacklin, west by Niel Me- Duffle. Containing ten acres, about eight improved with one (canted house and framed barn and apple or• chard thereon, evied upon as the prrperty of S. C. Clark. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy 4 , Lockwood vs. Coinelius Hoover & Samuel S. Clark. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Herrick, and bounded on the west by Oliver Gray & Luke Deland, north by unseated lands and N. Rogers, south by Bynus Rogers & Owen snow, east tiy R. De pew lot. Containing 190 acres, shout 80 acres thereof improved, with three log houses, two framed barns and • small orchard thereon. Seized and hiked in execution at the suit of Edward ()Tenon vs. M. D. F. Hines. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land'situate in Sheshequtn and Wended on the north by Archibald Forbes, on - the east by Harry Shaw, on the south by Adelaide Delpeueh and m.=t by the Susquehanna!: river. Containing sixty acres. fifteen acres improved and two framed houses and one framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Theodore W. Brink 'a. Wan. Forbes 241. ALSO—The follow in piece or parcel of hula situate in Orwell township and bounded on the north by John son Cowles. east by Griswold Mauhcws. on the south by Morris Woodruff & John Moore. Containing one hundred and thirty acres more or less, seventy acres im proved. with a framed house and barn thereon with Ra orchard. Seized snit taken in execution at the suit of Reuben Atwood vs. E. W. WaffllJ. ALSO . —The following described piece or parcel of land innate in Burlington and bounded on the north by Wells 4. Perkins, west by Charles Scouton, south by Wm. C. Hall. east by G. R. Haight. Containing fifty acres more or less, about twelve acres thereof improved with a log house thereon. eeized and taken in esecutioa at the suit of A. I). Spalding vs. 1.. M. Berry. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Orwell township, and hounded on the north by land of Johnson Coles, on the east by land of Griswold Mat. thews,and en the south and west by land of Morris Wood. ruff & Asa Payson. Containing t 2 acres more or less, with about 75 acres improved with one framed house, one famed barn, and one apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in esecutiop at the suit of Day id F. Barstow vs. E. W. & Wm. WorGeld. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Asylum township, bounded on the north by the Sus quehanna river, tut by Chester Butler. south by Moses Eilinghery, west by Mary Horton and others. Contain ing 157 acres, fifty stirs thereof improved, smt framed house ear log house one framed barn and shop thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. & S. Stark vs. Aaron Ely & Daniel C. Miller. ALSO—The following piece sr parcel of land situate in Athens township and hounded on the north by land of Hale. Itavidson & bfeEuen, east by lands of C.N. Shipman. east by lands of C. N. Shipman, south by lands of H. W. Patrick, on the west by lands rite owned by Wynkoop, being lot no.o, as surveyed by Orson Rickey. Containing 108 acres. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D Paine ♦s. O. O. Welles. ALSO—The following described piece or partel of land shoats in Wye!flying township bounded and de scribed north by the main ran leading from Towanda to Skinners Eddy, east by Charles Ilendricks, on the south by land of Fphraiiii Beeman and the Susquehan na river, and on the west by E. Leine. Containing 37 acres, all improved, with a new two story tavern house one store house, and two barns thereon erected, it being the same property that was purchased at Sherill'a sale by Philip Sullivan in execution against Jacob Cams & others. . Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I. H.Ste pliens' use vs. Philip Sullivan. ALSO—By virtue, of a writ of Levari Facies, all that certain piece or parcel of land hutted bounded a id de praihed as follows; beginning at a post thence south 80 ° west 363 p. & 6-10 to a pest; thence youth 10° east 101 p. & 3-10 to a beech sapling; thence north 811° east 129 p. & 0-10 to a peat ; thence north 10° west. 13 pt & 1-10 to • post ; thence north 78° east 234 p. to a cucumber; thence north 10° east 83 p. & 2-10 to the place of beginning. Containing 200 acres & 1-10 of an gem with the allowance of six ter cent. for roads. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alexan der Baring & Henry Darling, who survived Robert Gilmore; l'hns. M. Willing, C. Willing Hare. devi.res in trust for the estate of Wm. Bingham vv. Sane' Kel logg. Gordon Wilcox. John Doty, T. C. Kellogg and Shelden Guernsey teem tenants. A piece or parcel of land in Ulster, butted. bounded and ilescribed'as follows: beginning at a post thence south 80° west 363 & 0-10 p. to a post; thence north 10° west 71 p. 4.7-10 -to ■ post • thence north 80° east 363 p. & 6-10 to a hemlock ; thence south 10° east 71 p. & 7-10 to the place of beginning Contain ing 153 acres & 8-10 of an acre with the allowance of ■ix per cct t. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alexan der Darling and Henry Darling who survived Thos. M. Willing and C. Willing Hare devisees in mist of the estate of Wm. Bingham vs. John Bassett. Gordon Wil cox, John Doty, T. C. Kellogg and Shelden Guernmry terre tenants. J. F MEANS. Shelia. Sberili Office Towanda Oct. 21 1990. FOR SALE. - 91 HEAD OF COWS and young cattle will sold "s 1 chrap for c.redi or approved credit. Towanda. Oct. 13, 1846. HIRAM C. FOC NOTICE 11)111D DOANE, toy son. o lail river eighteen years left my house on the Mb of August in-t, evil out any good reason for doing an. mid I hereby forbid all and ony penoin whatever harboring or trust ing him on my account as I will pay no debts of his contracting or vomiters lectured by I Windham. Aug. I I th '46. JOSEPH DO A NE. A DNII N ISTR A TOR'S M) rick:. Ald. persona uttlelsed to the estate of Oliver Ainger, /ate of Smithfield township, deed., am hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those hating claims against said estate. will please present them duly attested In HENRI' PEET. Smithfield, Oct. 13, 1846. AdutiuisUator. 1' 187' (IF LETTERS. remaining . in the Pert Of. JU fice et Towanda, qatutifending Sept 30, 18 4 0. Avery Rufus - Howland J P •Ilush Wm 2 Horton E H • Bishop Eliza 4 Herkimer Henry Bingham Alias Miry E Hetrick Margaret Ilanenft LG ' ' Holezmb J Brown Beaty Johnson Nicholas Brown Lacy Johnson C A Burbank H C . Jones Robert Benjamin Lotion Jones•Thornas Bennett Chester Ketchum John Butler Marvin • Lilley Mrs C . Bramhall Miss P A ' Late Samuel H ' Bowman David Muttony Thomas -• Bartley John Moore Robert Bret* Wm MeAndrus Martin Corning* A Imirm Morgan 8 H . Campbell Wm E Monoghan John Crowley Jno IWCunl John Cornell Thomas Morse C A Cagle & Hamilton McAlTee 11 Crams: J D Northrop Miss Mary 8 2 Coemeer M . Power M Drake James C Phinney II 8 Drumlin, 1) Palmer Harriet Duherty A . Phinney Gould Davenport H Park 8 N Etheridge Naze E Porter James Ennis Miss M Roach Edmund Fos John M Savage 'l' Foster %, Bjr Hon 2 Sickler G • Forest Benj , Sickle, Miss A' Farnham John P. Sullivan Mrs Hannah Fowler Rogers Shemin! 8 E Gore Capt A Taylor Jacob 2 Gilbert John Tame Jacob Holmes John Taylor Matilda Thompson John L A. R. CHAMBERLIN. P. M. SHERIFF'S SALE. Y virtue of a writ of reeditioni espartos in sued out of the court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, to me diverted. 1 shall ex pose to public sale at the house or Ira H. Ste phens in the borotigh of Towanda. on Friday. the 16th day of October, the following described piere or parcel of land situate in Wvalusing township. bounded north by lands of Justus Lewis, west by Station!. south by J. 11. Black, east by the township line. Containing, 3.A2 acres, about two hundred acres unmoved, with fourframed houses. three log houses. our framed barn, one log ham, one spring , house. one grist mill and the hall of a saw mill and three small orchards thereon. Seized and taken in exeretion at the suit of Elisha Lewis vs. Sainitel Black. JOHN F. MEANS. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sept. 16, 1846. POSTPONEMENT VIIIIE above sale stands adjourned to the 6th I_ of November next. at the Caine place at 1 o'clock P. M. J. F. MEANS. Sheritt (kOMee Towanda. 0.4. 24. 1816. ORE 8 HOELNO'dona an Omit notice by 11 Towanda, Oct. 13.'46. N. HEMMING WAY. A NICE ARTICLE BLACK TEA can lir roan at, No. 3, Brick Rosa. my 20 BAIRD'S. Thou who wish to Purchase Cheap Gorilla, WILL God it to their interest to call at BAIRD'S, before purchasing elsewhere, a* we are deter mined 4:kr!l at all hazards. NO. 3. BRICK ROW. COTI'ON YARN de CA RVET WARP—I,OOO lbs. at iny2o N 0.3, BRICK ROW. DRUGS 6c .MEDICINES. psints, , oils and dye dugs, white lead, ground and dry, varnish, pills. irgolder, copperas, apts. turpentine, guru copal, alum, Venitian red, log-wood, red-wood, cam-wood. all for sale cheap, at ma O. N 0.3. BRICK ROW. IZOIVEOLto MO the citizens of Ilradfonl County in general. and the Borough of Towanda.. in particular: All the judgments; notes and accounts of the subscribers, will be collected according to law, without distinction of persons, unless satisfactorily nettled within thirty Jays of this date. Those whit think we are not in earnest, will find nut their mistake to their own mi.— :Mark that. W. H. BAIRD &CO. 'Towanda, May 15, 1846. N. U. We would furthermore say upon this subject, that we have just received a large stock of New Goods, which will he sold very cheap indeed. for ready pay. (1411EireaLame inatantacsne.,-, EVERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic Springy, iron ,A zels, Mallahle Burs, Dash, Seat and Step Irons,Ornaments. India Rubber and Oil Cloth. Lace, Tufts, Moss, ate. for sale at JIM MEM %UR'S. INSURANCE AGENCY. IIIHE subscriber •antinues to act as agent (or the DE -1 LAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. of Philadelphia, a stork company of good standing and re pute do does Lushness on as fas..rable terms as any other. He is also agent for the LYCOMINU CO. MU TUAL INSURANCE CO.. a company which has al ways teen punctual in the payment of leases and pre sents advantages seldom found. Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT. THE WAR BEGUN ! War against MO Priers and the Craft System NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS .11 the .iretty Fork Cheap Store, No. 2, Brick Row. one door south of (he P.O. THE Subscribers having entered into a co-partner ship for the express purpose of furnishing the good people of Bradford County with goods, wares and mer chandise. et least one notch lower than they have ever been sold in this market. racy are now securing one of the largest and heat selected stocks ofspring stud sum mer goods, ever landed iu Northern Pennsykuni.i: :filen stock comprises almost every article ever offered in i country store. Among which, we can only mini Lion that there is • general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Glass Nuils, Iron, Bonnela, Boots and Shoes. Sul I, Tin ware, Slone-ware, Liquors. 4c., ere., 4-c. Their goods have been purchased mostly for cash auction, and they pledge themselves that they will not be undersold by any other establishment in this section of the country. "ei3ple have only to call at the New York Cheap Store,(Nu• 2 Brick Row.) to satisfy them C. at E. REED Towanda, May 25, 1P45. ONN ETS— '1 great .sung to the '• Heads of the 1.3 Nation." The Ladies will find it a great saving. to their heads to call and purchase one of those beautiful Straw, Devon, Dirty, Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gipsy lat,selling en cheap at REED'S. LAN I)Lt)R DS 11119111 M on the moat favorable terms. Those wishing to buy good Liquor and &Tars 25 pore ent. below the usual prices cannot fail to find it to your advantage -to call ou TRACY & Molt? F,. CMM.:DES—the largest assonnwitt end politest patterns, and Meanest CALICOES 4 to wiy thing of Ginghaans, Lawns, &c., ever seen in this re gion. for sale by trty2o 0. D. DA Ktri.Err. AUDITOR'S NO ICE THE undersigned Auditor. appointed by the Or. phan's Court of Bradford county, to make distri bution of fund. proceeding from sale by the Ai'minis. !rotor of real estate of Wm. Myer, late of said county. deceased. hereby gives notice that he will attend in the duties of hie appointment at his Mho. in 'Towanda 80. ruugh, on Saturday the 14th they of November nest, at two o'clock P. M., when all persons interested ore re quired to present their visions, nr be debarred nom com ing in upon toad funds. H. DOOTH, Auditor. Towsnds. Oct. 14, 1a46. it'slute tf Patrick Brady deem:tell. rl l O Lockwood oao of the Ad "-trators of I paid state. .ake notice, 'lilt application hap Iceti made to paid Court 011 behalf of James WAlidom. Guardian of Janie,. Brady, to vacate your letter of ail miniptration. bald application pet forth that you have left the mate for more hen tote Tear last past, and have no known place of residence therein. You are there. fore required to appear at the next tram of said Court in Deremberostul show show cause. if any you have, why paid letter phmild not be vacated. LYMAN E. DE WOLF, elk.Orphao . Coun Oct. 13, 1816. A WORD TO MOTHERS ! Health is one of the beat gifts of parents to their chil dren. and without it, all the drainages of fortune are but evils in disguise. Nature always admonishes the pentad when aid is required. If a young 'Chill cries much, it must be ill, for it is not capable of being glen t.-d by any ideas, but those of bodily pain or pleasure.— At such times mothers are apt to give their infants car• doh, containing intoxicating or stupifying properties, and thmgh this may answer their immolate purpose. what is the result! The children either dial in convul sions, or live miserable and nnhealtKpine in - their growth, with debilitated stomachs, ■ -,:-7 1sied nerves.— The food dedgnrd by nature for children is so dearly pointed nut, that skis marvellous how any person can he mistaken, the Wrest of the mother, or trend and milk for infant., is so clearly adapted to the delicate state of their stomach', that nothing can be enbatituted equally nutritious and wholesome. It is at, the .critical p er i o d teething," or when the infant withdrawn from its mother's breast, in order to substitute estranger diet; that those fatal diseases arise which sweep off so many tens of thousands of- infants annually. Who can esti mate the ravages made by .• Cholera Infantunr!" And y. t there is a specific for it, which ha; never been known to fail. when applied amending to the directions.- -.JA VNE'S UAININ ftWE " is a reme dy that has restored many a languishing babe to the arm. • f the delighted mother, restoring vigor to the sys tem, at the same dine that it eradicate! the disease.— As men are but children of a larger growth," the sante remedy will Ito found equally efficacious in Cholera %Anis, Nervous or :Sick Headache, and indeed all dis eases that arise from a disordered state of the stoma It and tamely Disowlutlon. THE partnership heretofore existing between the subseribers under the finn of Carrier & Hulbert. is this day by mutual consent dissolved, M. T. CARRIER, P. M Towanda, Aug. 10, 184(L Great Attraction al No. I, Brick Row ! I,ATE ARRIVAL. A K. K. CHAMBERLIN i. now receiving:, .plerlid • mum iment of Drugs. Medicines, Points, Oils end y tittili.,; Oinl in addition, a lull and complete e.- .0 rtnier.t of FAMILY 6 RIX klitl ES t—tbe Stock con si,iting input ul the lollowing : MEDICINES, &e. Alum, Alcohol, Aloe's. Amain', Antimony, Arrow Root. Arsenic, Aqua Forties do. Ammar . ..Bottles, Isll64lii. eel, Bears' nil, British Oil, Blue Vitriol. Bone, Bark. Peru.. poly, Bath Bock, Balsam Copuira, Burgundy Pitch, Camphor. Calomel, Caraway Seos,Cantharides, Carl). Ammon ..Cayenno Pepper, Chamomile FloweN, Cinnamon, Cloves, Court Plaster, Copperas, Confec tionary. Corks of all Linda, Cream Tartar, Curcuma Cube's, Emery, ass'd from No. 1 to 6, Epsom Salts, Feesence Bergamot. do. Lemon, do Pepper' JJ ll t, do. and Gif`Sprucir, Flor. Sulphur, do.BBelm o nt, Glue, of all Linda, Gold Leaf. Gum Opium, Ao. Arabic, die. Copal, dn. A saaluetiela, do. Myrrh, do. Tragacanth, Harlreen Oil,theta Piers. Indigo, Spanish, flout do. Bengal, Ink Powders. Ink, in bottles, do. Indellible. Irish Moss, Isingiass, lb% Ointment, Ivory Bluck..lalap. Laudanum Licorice R001, , d0. Ball, Lunar Caustic, Macassar Oil, Mace. Magnesia, do. calcined, Manna. Mustard seed, do. g d, Nora teg Bottles, Nutgeella, Nnimeg. Gel. fill, whiter and summer strained Spet en, bleached, a ht. and natural, do. Linseed. do Camphitte. Sweet. do Vit ro!, do. Wintergreen, de. Pepper' ll ill t, do linseed, do. Lavender, Opodeldoe, Paragoric, Pearl Barley. Pepper Sauce, Perfumery. Pill MIN!. Pink Root. PrUP!$l3lO Potash, Quicksilver, Rhubarb, it. & powdr„ Roll Brim- stone, lied Chalk. Red Precipitate, Saffron, American and Spa n ish, Sand Paper, Sal. Anatomise. do. Claufwr, Saltpetre, Sensapasilla. do Syrup. Sealing Was. Senna, Shaker's Herbs. Sponge. coarse and fine„Starch, Snuff, Macciiboy de. Scotch, do. Cephalic, Soap. Castile, do. Sharing, do Winsor, Spermaceti, Spts. Hartshorn, de. Nit. Dale., Sugar Lead, Sup. Carl). Soda, Sulph. Syrinfies. assorted, Tart. Arid. Tenter Hooka, Vials, iwaortetl, Valerian Root, Wafers, White and Red Tartar. PAINTS . - Black Lead. Cassia. Chalk, Chrome . Yellow, do. Green, (n al Varnish, Coach do. Lead. White, dry arid in Oil, Lamp Black, Litharage, Platy, Paris White, Spanish Brown. French Green.Spt.Turpentine. Venetian Red, Verdigris, Vermillion, Whiting, Yellow Ochre. DYE-STUFFS Red Wood. Nicaragua. Madder, Muriate Tin, Oxalic Arid, Piumian Blue, Pumice, Had 2.4aunders, !buten Nhate, Camwood, Cochineal. Ent. Lonwood, Pudic, Crain Tin, Hatchwood, Lac Dye, Logwuud. PATENT MEDICINES The great English remedy. Elochan's Hungarian Balsam of Life. Sand's Sarsaparilla. Bristol's Est, dn. Wistar's Salaam Wild Cherry, Peewit.' Honey of Li verwort, Chreseman's Arabian Ba!sons, Pills, Oriental, do. Dr. Past's, dn. Hooper e, do. Moffitt's. dn. Persian, do. Branthrth's, do. Phinney's. do. Lee's. Godfrey's cordial, Thompson's Eyesrater. Dr. Jay Ile. Epectorant. GROCERIES Ten. Coffee. Sugar, Spice and Pepper, Starch, Rai sins, Soda Crackers. CinOantun, English Currants, Nutmegs, Ginger, Sem ref.Tamily Soap, Sper n Can dles I.:beam-al Wax, lb. Tubsee• and Snug, 8.1 .I:Ma tus. Pioas, Blooms, Pails, rupee, Refined Loaf Sugar, WINDOW-GI.AS Looking Gino* pliarii of all nizen, Window Mann. 7 by 9, 9 by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 11 by 15, 12 by It, 12 by I. Fancy articles of all kinds. Alec—Fine Butter 11..ltarkera. Towanda. Aug. 4,1816, ll4isr OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post Of. fire, at Athens, quarter ending Sept. 30, 1846. Hr Aria Avery K Jenks jr Mr A v rev . JC & C Jenkins C H limit: Matilla Jai kaim ' Joseph Bell liar hair Lehman J 11 Burrh . li G Litzetiberg Daniel Dian R Udell SWUM LitrAgs Rev F Lane E Eoflll . llllofl .l G Nfarvin . A Dewey l'hoinvs Mounlay E Dunham Sand Myers C A Di roll Harriet A !Horrid E Ilingee T Maas% ill D Davis Ili W Nartinlp Mr. Bmilley I) Playloot P S Evymy 1 Pomeroy • l It S Finch 2 Nancy Park_ _ S mind Finch. ' Park (Innkeeper) I'l Gilbert jr ' 'Directors of the Poor of Thomas Gardner 3 Athens and Litchfield Illary 8 I iriaweiti ittansherra Pheite Gray C 8 Park .Levi A Gardner . It I. Poud (1 A Hudson S Symonds . • Jo or 0 Hint:buin H I' Snyder Mary Herne or Kerno II Rowlati4 2 .1 _ It Willt•tott I. Horton H w aro: W II Hunt l oft C VanDebngart I ii. Jenks C. H. HERRICK. P M. FALL & WINTEB-Guolls, MOSTANYEW & CO., are now recietinz a very &aura dr toomirtni`ent of dim.; a great tierroinn in the market, eionpri-im; % BROA 1/431.4 )111S. Cit-4111 Cf., nod Z•zatttoo., and the rhoirrod patle , nno of Prints and INetroed Gael.. tir.stelnl for volt favor they reapectfully Whett a gt public to rail and Psnmitie their mock..oof think ran hold nut entlivienlifoluceinvola to ensure their of public patron:l.4r. rteptembor 7. lOU', LLACKSNIFI'II'S ..MILS AND VICES. Judy 7. pEi HAS* 11,S, 3 4 GASGLI•FA's„stiN SHADE: either Sill., Gingham, or Cot ttttt , mav he l'en n , HEED'S Eli,:ip At/ ;INTL!) 11INIEDIATF:I.V„ by the aubvrih , V a Journeyman Ularkam.llt ; also. an apprem hi th. lllrc4emttLwg bu.inee,. J. D. RIDGWAY.' A. $.O