Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 28, 1846, Image 3

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    In the pit bp _ the authbrity, o f the Com
- monto4t, Pumagyania.
oceran er of the meld .Commonwealth. ;
W HEIM S, the publii'and grate
fel acknowledgment of the good
, nest of God—the confession - of our
_sins, and the supplication—ot.his
--- continued favor, is a duty, not more
d by the obligations of religion;'
i m pose
sa nctioned by the dictates of reason
simagas, by the general observance of a day
devoted to these sacred duties, we may hope
to aver merited judgment, secure the blessings
HIS goodness has promised, and bind our. ,
selves together as a community in our allegianOi
ta HIM, who is rightful sovereign.
THERSFOR6, in accordance with my own
sense of propriety, and the solicitations' of a
large number of respectable citizens, 1 appoint
sod recommend,
Tlanday, the 26th day of November next,
to be ot - served by the people of this Common
oealth, as a day of THANKSGIVING TO ALIUGH.
Ts Gov, for his goodness, vouchs:-led to In du
ng the past year—in continuing to us the
blessings of civil and religious liberty—in pre. :
se rving us from ;he ravages of malignant' dis
ease—in loading us with the fruits of his boun
ty—in furnishing so abundantly the means of
individual, domestic and social improvement
and enjoyment; and in continuing among us :
the ins,timiions and Ordinances of our holy re
ligion. in all their purifying and elevating in
fluences: and •while thus with grateful hearts
we thank him (or his goodness, let us acknow
ledge our sins, invoke his forgivness, and sup
plicate his continued favor to"our beloved coun
try. Let us huttible ourselves before fits. that
in his Maly providence we have been involved
in a war with a neighboring Republic. In our
thanksgivings for the victories he has caused
oar arms to achieve, let us commend to his
compassion the hearts that have been made de
mrlislf by the ravages of the sword and ear
nestly pray that a peace, alike honorable to
both nations may be restored ; and that the
whole family of man, united in the bonds of
fraternal affection, may go forward in the culti-4
nation of every .peaceful and useful art mitt
'clew, in the advancement of civil liberty)
and the universal diffusion of a pure,and
defiled religion, correcting whatever is wrong
in the condition of human society. to the
achievement of that high and holy destiny con
templated in the purpose of infinite benevo
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State. at HarrisbUrg, this tweniy.firet
, day of October. in din year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and
of the l tommonwealth the seventy-first.
Secretary of the Commonitealth.
[Corre.spontleuce of the Pennsylvanian.]
LANCSATER. ikt, 17, 1740
MELANCHOLY TRAGEDY.—Our coy was this
rooming the scene of one of the nmst cold blood
ed and Hinman murders ever perpetrated in a
ihristain community. It was committed by
John Hagerty, a most desperate character, who
was hut a few years since convicted of snail
s au2liter. and the persons he deprived litdite
were Alelchoir Rodney, his wife. and £llll , l
about six years 61 About 9 o' truck.
Ilagerty was seen to come out of his house,
next door to Mr. Fordney's, with a double-bar
relled gun and axe. At the time his own horse
was passing inlthe street, and sewn; down his
ate, he took deliberate aim at the horse, and
shot him twice, through the body. He then en
tered Furdney's house, and meeting Mrs. F..
inflected upon her head a tremendous blow
with the axe, splitting open her skull, and caus
ing instant death. He then attacked and killed
Mr. F“rdney, , and also inflicted several severe
lemmas upon a little bby, six years of age.from
which he-has since died. The shouting of the
horse in the street caused a croivii to collect,
and hearing a.cry from inside the house, several
turfed, when .Hagerty was discovered cutting
of Mr. Forney's-legs with the axe at the thighs.
-He immediately attacked those who had entered
the house, and after driving them out, made his
escape, flourishin g his axe as he ran, and
threatiening to cut down any one who (night
attempt to arrest him. ' He was pursued, how
ever, and finally knocked down by a stone,
securely bound, and committed tojail, where he
will remain, to await the inevitable punishment
.ho awful clime will call clown upon Lim.
A Now DErteE.—The rogues of St. Louis
nupety their violins by giving them :cigars to
make. containing the :Jamestown weed.(Datu.
Stramonium.) and ,then rob them. This
opens a new chapter in the history of rillany.
One - perso , n who had smoked a cigar of this
kind died from its effects in a few hours.
%ILMOT 1 HIU3IPIIANT.---11 affords us much
pleasur e to announce that the lion. David Wil
iam. the only Member of Congress from Penn
sylvania. who had the independence to expose
the injustice of the Tariff of 1842. has been
triumphantly re-elected, by the honest Democ
-4,5* of Bradford. Tioga ai,d Susquehanna.
aver the combined forces of whiggery and pro.
tested democra ts.=-4Festchester Republican. .
New FertNiics:.—The Allentown Lehigh
ruetin of the 14th inst. thus speaks of the new
"Allentow n Furnace t"
" This extensive machinery .adjoining our
ban, we are happy to say, is about to go into
operation. Within a few months, the active
and able gentlemen who superintend the work
hare erected at ver.if houses in the neighborhood
of the Furnace f r the accommodation of their
h 'rido. The Furnace will he a great adition
to our thriving borough, stud while it will give
, Itiplilenent to a large number of our citizens.
silllleso circulate a large amount ofmmiey in
the community. It is owned ny Mesari.
16 4 11 yres & Co. of Philadelphia; and issunder"
the charge of David E. Wilson.' Esq. member
of the firm. We expect to see them manufactur
ing iron in a very feW days. - •
A TRWMPII.he re-electton of the Hon.
n "iti Wilmot. is not oar. a noble-16=0. hut
it is one of the severest rebukes to federalism
44 the truckling creatures who bowed at the
P°lllool of whizgery, that . has ever transpired lour State. ‘Ve - are rejoiced to see this pa
Aristides, returned auin to the Halls of
Lo s
f t
,ganan. despite all, the oracism's of ,federal
niers Which were put in requivition.-blatb .
Gandout of the State , to defeat him. :MaY
rtant him health and strength, to defend
: s tain in the councils of the Nation, the inter-.
3of his State and the Union, and by the
Patti of his eloquence, and the foiee of his
:Potent pros trate the efforts, and defeit the
r i l iPan of selfishness and rnortopoly.--,-Upfand
Tilmfillakthelteount t• -
• •
46 dertiocrate throughoUtthilßtaie't ; ` All the.
detnocratic Congiesinnen,4vidUise;eliciiii
hare yet heardate intavor olihe,Tirifref '4le,
except! Mr: , Brodhead.'i tho' noble.
generous; and. high.minded dentociat •of7ther
12th Pistrict,is triumphantly elected.' Vi by
is iltisl. Because he his fearlessly proclaim
ed himself a deMocrat, and because .the;
_Pee r
ple 'believed- hint to be, such. and believed
the principles be has'so nobly , advocated 'and
sustained !' How has it been in' this Ccionty
and Representative .District I: *The 'opponents ,
of the regular ticket, who prefe'sa to be,•derno
era*. were'42.TariEf Men.
Lord' declared: himself to be such through . the
press. , Mr. Bushnell, the regular nominee 'of
the party,although true,PennsYlvanian in nee
ry sense ot the WORT. ' iepudia,ted the ides' that
the Tariff cf, '42 • :was, the onlY Tariff under
which Pennsylvania could live,; his opponents.
every where, sought to make Abe impreamon
that he was the'll6,Tarpreandidate. and his
friend,' claimed his) as such; and he has. been
elected notwithstanding the snail violent oPpo
sition from the whip, and holters.-IFoyne
County Herald. - •'
untisal degree of vigor on the part ofthe govern
ment of that country. and the:War *ith' that
country. from present appeandiees, is only
gun. Santa Anna is at the.head of the
for which a levy for 30,000 addititmal troop, has
been made. ' With stich a force as this. Gener
al Santa Anna will he able to give General
Taylor plenty of work to do.. especially :if the
Mexicans fight as bravely. and at as great an
advantage, as at Monterey. The next battle will
probably-be fought at Saha!), which Aaspudia
will probably fortify as strongly as Monterey...—
With the 7000 men under his'command and the
8000 under . Gen. Solas, Which. it ii said, hive
left the Capital, there will be still greater . otlds
for our troops to content) with. Taylor appears,
however. to understand his foe. and to be able
to engage him at any odds. We .expect iii- a
few weeks to hear of another desperate en
THE Hox. DAVID Witorwr. the only member
of Congress from Pennsylvania who took' bold
arid open ground against the Tariff of '42 has
been triumphantly re-elected, over all the corn.
tinted forces of federal whiggery. Seven of the
Democratic members of Comiress from Pennsyl
vain], who used their utmost exertions to sustain
the Tariff iir42, have ' her;n defeated in a re
elec inn. and Whig members have been returned
in their places. • Is such a result as this calculat
to strengthen the high Tariff cause I As in
the United States Batik cantor, and protracted
political war, so in the issue, now used for par
ty purpotes, will the deui , etaiie patty be again
united. and victiirmus. and the power thus ac
quired will he used as lieretnfore, for the glOry
and prosperity. of the whole country. and not
for it e special benefit of the few at the expense
of the matiy.—Donville. Intelligent er.
FREE, num.—The charge of the Whigs
that the Democrats are in favor of trade."
while even in the new tariff they give $3O p
ectio n in every $lOO. and promise In modify
it co as to give more if that Is not enough, is so
alumni and wide of the truth, that all classes of .
our citizens canntiderstand the deceptive charge.
SALE of Prime LANDS.—The commissioner
of the land effi,:e, by authority of the Presi
dent. has advertised that the followin addition
al sales of public lands will be . .held, being the
reserved mineral lands in the State of Illinois,
and Arkansas, and in the Territories of Wis
consin and Iowa:
rAt Batesville, Arkansas, on the 15th of
Mrrch '',next.
At Fayetteville. Arkansati.the 2.2C1 of March.
At Dtbuqne.. lowa, on the Bth or March
At Dixon, Illinois, on the sth of April next.
At Shawneetown, Illinois, on the 10th of
These are valuable mineral lands, believed
to abound in valuable ores, and the sale will
present to enterprising settlers, opportunities
to purchase some of the best lands yet brought
into market.
NO. 2 BRICK ROW. , •
• ,
C& E. REED would respectfully
,beg leas`e to
. tender their thanks to' the citizens of Bradford
for their liberal patronage and support, and would in
form them 'they are now receiving, a large and full sup-,
ply of FALL and WINTER. GOODS, which will
positively he sold at even leas than their former low
prices. The war to exterminate high pricei is still kept,
up—no compromise has been made, and they intend to
carry the war into the heart of the enemy until they shall
yield or adopt the principle of selling good's it email pro-
fits. A nimble sixpence better than a slow shilling, is
Out motto.
AVERY large stork of Broad cloths Cassimeres,
Beaver cloths, - and winter vesting, of all ricer,
colors and patterns, now opening end for sale very low
at ' • - REED'S.
. .
IFULL SUPPLY of Men's and Boy's Caps. Hats
anti Muffs may tot found at.' REED'S.
A SPLENDID assortment of fall and winter dress
gm", Cloakiogs, du.; for sale very Jim. at
. , REED'S.
2000•1.13. Sole and Upper Leather. t —
Also, plenty of Boots and Shoes may
ho found at . HEBB'S -
• •
New • Fall 'aiid 'Winter. - Goods.
. • ____
THE subscriber is now rereisin: from the city of
New York a large assortruentof GOODS suit d to
the sea.on. carefully sel , cted, and purchased at unusual.
ly low prices. which will enable him to sell very low
for cash, !unifier. country pnaluee. or 'approved credit;
His friends and' the public - generally are invited to'call
anti esimine his stock before purehrtsing elsewhere.—
He feels confident that he can offer them better bargains
than they have heretofore made Art this town. or any
other in this region of country, in'his assortment will
be found in 'all their viinetieri; Dry Goods, Groceries.
Hardware. Crockery, Glass. Nails, frOn. filed, • Paints,
Oils, Dye Slurs. Eloote,liftoei,' 4r. •
• Towanda: Oct. 1846. , '• N. N. VETT&
fir HE Lsulies will find great "variety of worsted
divasoloi ; also, a beautiful assortment of print. ,
at eery lOW pricekat. • • • " BETTS' ,
. . .
FREICH rand Encliah..cighs, . heavy Bearer and
.-Ttaceds for over coats, fancy Cassimeres and Sat.
tine/trot cleat variety will be found at . 134 rTs.. ::
MOUSLIZI De LAME. Cashmeres, Rai Roy and
&oche Shawls, a great' variety will be found
, • .
at• • • BETTS'
peratins irulebted :to the estateofJobn , L. Webb
late of Smithfield township. deed., are requested to
Make immediate 'payment. and those hawing demands
against ssid estate. are requested to present them forth , :
with for adjustment. . ; D. BULLOCK, t
8 1:1 3 ithfield, Oct.:18, 16 , 0 7 1. H. WE EB.
• A dministratoits.
, NEVr. .16 -NEW GOQDB - ,
• TOWNlia ,
I i"!
• :310BrieiNTE 711 0 X.
InFAVE jUllt, fttrivedlnd nee new mg r s"S "ety
Al-00 16 00 • 11 41101114 of GOiltis
asmest eve 9rg noi, kept a couau7 same ,. Sag
they pledge stasebres to ad as row as the mane can
be bought any town this ,
sld• of the esty , of New
York. Co. One and all, and if we don't sea Yolf
Goons Cash don't buy; It will east you noting to
look. and 811 we ask is chance to show oat glade of
good". Be sure and find the nest place, It is the OM
Come Stern, n fistr doos• math of Montanye de:Coif
This Irby/are on hand and will nail ion goods sight
for Cash cie Produce,
Towanda. Nor. 1. 1946.
BY virtue of a wnt ofitenditioik expanse is
sued out of , the courivorCommon Pleas
of Bradford.county. itynie efiiected,4 shall er•
pose tc!publiti sale - at the-Wolin:W . lra H. Ste=
phemein the borough. of Towanda, ou Fnds)'.
the 16th day-of Octotiel . , the following described
piece. or parcel, °fiend situate in. Wyalusing
township; bounded north-. by , landi of Justus
Lewille wearily Stallard, south . by J. H.
Black; east by the township Containing
352 acres, about two, hundred acres hiproved.
with'fnur framed houses, three log:houses. one
framed . barn, one log spring house.
one grist mill and thehallof a saw mill and three
small orchards thereon. - •
Seized end 'taken in execution . at the 'suit of
Elisha Lewis-ye. San Mel Black;'
JOHN F, MEANS. Sheriff, ,
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sept. 16. 1846.
THE above sale Mande adjourned to the 06
of November next, at the same , place , at 1
o'clock P. M. " J. F. MEANS. Sheriff..
Share Ooffice Towanda, Oct. 24.1840.
THE course of Lectures contemplated fr,this Institn,
tbm, will commence on Friday next, at, 4 o'Clock
P. M. The subject of the first lecture will be the Solar
On the Saturday following. at 16 o'clock' A . M., ifihe
sun shine, the Solar Microscope be exhibited, when
a number of insects and other. minute objects will to
submitted to I magnifying power of 4100,00. The put.
tic are invited -to attend. J. C. VANI)ERCOOK.
Oct. 67. 1846.
Mary Brayrnan vu. Thomas Brayrnan—Nol
170 May T. 1840,•In•Brad.-Com.
Libel for Divorce. .
MO THOMAS SHAY:VAN, the defendant 'in the
above cue—you' ere' hereby! notified that May
Drayman your wife, has filed her petition in said court
for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony entered into
with you, and that'au alias subpena' has been returned
acid plod made that !you were not to be found in said
county; You ire therefore hereby required to appear at
the Court House in the borough of Towanda, 'tithe
December term of said common pleas, on Monday the
7th of December, neat, to answer the said complaint;
show cause if any you hive. why the said Mary Dray
man shall not be divorced from you.
JOHN F. MEANS. Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office, ToWands, Oct. 24,.1846.
New Sapply . Of Fall and Winter Goods.
TENDERS his thinks fa: past-favors, and respect
fully informs :his old customers and the public
generally. that he is now receiving from the city of
New York the.largest and cheapest' assortment of
GOODS ever purchased for this market, which be
'pledges himself to sell .20 per cent. lower than ,the
same quality of goods were ever before offered iu Tow
anda. This is no hombuggery. Jug drop in and
price toy goods. I have almost every thing wanted by
the firmer, mechanic, and everybody else, and particu
laity the Ladies.
`My stock of Cashmere., M. De Lanes, Black and
&awed Alpaccar, California Plaids and Gingham). are
very cheap. With regard to Broad Cloths, Cassimetes,
Satinetta. Jeans, Domestic cloths, Yestings Prints, dm.
knock under: to .no 'merchant in this town or any
where else.. !
00LBS. Sole.
Le'ather, Upper Leather and
Calf Skint, lower than wee ever offered in
Towanda, by B. KINGSBURY.
Q. WEEDS Iron, Horse Shoe, Round Bend, Nail rods
►. Horse Silos Nails, Staid of ell kinds will he sold
very lost by • B. KINGSBERY.
B9OTB and SHOES, a very large assortment, and
, tingsnally: cheap; at B. KiNGSBERY'S.
0 0Yr ler lCarti T o i hilli n" pe lyadbcrtte ma rrtpMet
07 For cheap Wintry Shawls call on
October 15,1846. B. KINGSBERY
HORSE SHOEING done on short notice by
Towanda, Oct. IS, 46. N. HEMMING WAY.
riecoran a UM2EIMPAOZIEri3)
Oyer liontanye's store, next door to Meteor's law aloe,
• at the old stand or Powell' &Seaman.
hams, Rept DeLain*, Lemma closha for soma:ter
&mit, so long looked for by thn Ladiei, have arrived
and may now be seen at REED'S
• 11: S. St M. P. MERCUR.
WVAVE just received, ind are now opening • large
and general' assortment of, Fancy and Staple
Goods, 'embracing almost. every thing wanted by the
Housekeeper,. armer, and Idechanic, which were pur
chased principally for cub and at rates that enable them
to sell at inch low prieev, that it will be for the Interest
of evert , ono paying gash for goods, (regardless of all
puffing - advertniemuts) to gtve them a call and examine'
their stuck, as they grill adhere to their grotto of "small
profits and quick Ulu."
Tovittndo. Sept. SO. , 184 6.
:a - 12..112,1r m,ocivag g ,
dittuailey atrldaa - :
OFFICE in the north corner of the e s ßrick R0w.41
redly oyer.tho Pon Office, - Maiti street.,VEn•
tramp at the north end of the building. (13. -.
yr .IST. or LETTERS. remaining an.ttie- Post sir.
6ce at Towanda, quarter ending Sept. 30, 1843.
Avery Rufus . • Howland .1 P •
Bush Wrn • 2 • , Horton .E 11.
'Bishop Elias. 4 Herkimer Henry.. -
Bingham Abut Mary E Herrick - Margaret - '
Bancroft 411 . . • Holcomb J • , .
Drown Heery • -, Johnson Nicholas . '
Brown Lucy :- Johnson C . • . , •
Burbank H C - •Jonea Robert
Benjamin Lucia* . Jones Thomas •• .
Bennett Chester . • . , Ketchum John ' : „
Better • Lilley,Alrs C
Bramhall Miss P A Late Samuel H
BOWIDMI David, ' Mallory Thomas .
Elsitley John - Moore Robert
Bfieck : • • hicAndrusilartin,
Cowlings A 'mit.' a Morgan 8 H ,•
Campbell Wm E.. : Monaghan John
Crowley Jno .„ M'Cord John.
Cornell Thomasf Morse C A . . ,
Castle & Hamilton .', MeAffee M• • -
Cranee.J D Northmp Miss Mary El: 2.
•Coemeer Ai ' Power Di • .: • '
Drake James C , 'Phinrscy H -• .
- Drumm*, • . • ,Palmer Harriet
Doherty.A : • . Tbinney,Gould
Etheridge lose E • • Porter James.
Ennio! Mies hi • •Roach•Eilorand •,.
.Foz John M ~ • ,• Savage T-•
Foster h B jr Hon 2 Bidder G' '
- Forest Benj . " . Sickkuldiss A
Faridratn John P. Solliiran Mrs Hannah •
Fowler Roger* ' ' Shepard S E
Gore Capt A Taylor Jacob
Gilbert John . • --Tame Jacob'.
Holmes John• - Taylor Matilda ••
Tharripenn John L A. 5. - CHAMBERLIN, P. M. •
£B ..
Y ibtae; 0,6444 iwniagglifoPini e_st"
Rivoiecdogche,P4oll):oP, Pe4
ford %WV, 40- . 01 W4A, .04#11 exiAto.r?
"le it IktibPao Sx/S* wool. of
Towind.4l4, mooky, thei, atitli4 ot.Thsiintar
iiot, et one oltier.R.4;,the I'9lbiiiig *rigidity
mif is. Wyslusittx imerwhip .bits*d porno_ with
by hinds of :Bower & !Mastitis:east by lands of Jas.
dr, - EeVifigtirt, siittth 6J Mictiad Wildrick", motet 6y L':
Homer. Contaluittgiboot 8a aerett.'abliutso acres im
prondositli framed' hotisiti and smolt :orchard
fdebied and Mien- in emeution mthe suit of John
Brutuell ve.lasim Maw and -Wm•Plme. •-•
41,130.-.Tha fidletwirlpieee or pareel.of land situate
tho township of Athens and houodat on : the north by
laud of Ababa:ail/whim, vm I the: am by. Watacto
Sutliff, °mete Math by lands of said atitigt and oo the
west by , land of .Wm. Rafe; Coataialzut •eight acres
sod thirty six perches, more or lose. with deo four, acres
improved, & one mull framed house Marron eretted.,
-Beizel and taken in ectecution at the suit of ?mei'
Tyler& IL Will Jr. assignees ofGI. A.Perkins es.
ALSO--The following piece or meet dila situate
in the township of Litchfield'and bounded on the north
by lands of Polly Parks, Thu:Enna & Jacub. Camp?
bell, CM the eau by land of Wm. Watkins and land in,
possession of John Campbell, on the south of
Charles Comstock, now in possession . of. It, Paine, on
the west by lands of John Campbell. Containing 153
sues more er less, with about our acre imposed, one
log house thereon.'.. , ,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Letty E.
Shepard vs Abram F. & Jacob Campbell.:
' ALSO..-The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Burlington tp. and bounded as follows: beginning st
& hemlock-the S. E. corner Of WILITIIIi-lOt 110. 1723 ;
thence west 300 & 6-10 p.m a post and stones ; thence
north 64 & 8-10. p. to the north line of said warrant lot
a post and stones; thence south 89°, west 300 & 5-10
p. to the N.H. corner of said wamudlot, a post; thence
south 1° east 70 &-..2-10 p. to the beginning. Contain
ing 128 acres 4161 perches strict measure.
Seized and talumia execution at the suit of Timothy
Paxson and. Wm. Davidson trustee* of the bank of N.
America vs. Frederick Crofut4lames L..Crofut, Lout H
Shipman & terre tenants.
ALSO—The following property situate in Ridgbery
to- wit r. bounded north by Ira O. Hill; rut by Peter
Squires, south by land of AIOLIZO Wynkoop, west by
Wynkoop. , Containing 40 acres, two acres
improved with one log huuse the property-of C. Hoover.
ALSO—One other piece' of land situate in . Athens
and bounded north by D. S. Brown, east, by land OE 4 D.
Gardner, south, by Charles Jacklin, west by Niel Mc-
Duffle., Containing ten acres, about eight - improved
with one framed house and framed barn and , apple, or
chard thereon, levied upon aa the property of S. C. Clark.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy 4
Lockwood vs. Cornelius Hoover 4 Samuel S. Clerk.
ALSO—The following pieceor parcel of land situate
in Herrick. and bou l ttded on the west by Oliver Gray &
Luke Deland, north by unseated lands and N. Rogers,
south by:Synus Rogers & Owen Snow, eut by R. Do.
pew. lot. Containing 190 acres, shout SD lefts thereof
improved, with three log houses, two framed barns and
• small orchard thereon. . .
Seized and takea in execution at the snit of Edward
Oeenon vs. M. D. F. Hines.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Sheshequm and bounded on the north by Archibald
Forbes, on, the east by Harry Shaw, on the south by
Adelaide Delpeuch and the Susquehanna river.
Containing sixty , acres, fifteen acres improved and two
frimed houses and one framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Theodore
W. Brink vs. Wm. Forbes fid.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Orwell township and bounded on the north by John.
son Cowlar, east by Griswold Matthews. - on the south
by Morris Woodruff' & John Moore. Containing one
hundred and thirty acres more or less, severity saes im.
proved, with a framed house and barn thereon with an
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gaubert
Atwood vs. E. W. Warfiekl.
ALSO . --The followirig described piece or parcel of
land situate in Burlington and bcanded on the north by
Wells 4. Perkins, west by Charles Scouton, south by
Wm. C. Hall, east by G. R. Haight, Containing fifty
acres more or less, about twelve acres thereof improved
with a log house thereon. •
, reized and taken in at the suit of ,A. D.
Spalding vs. L.M. Berry. ' • ,
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land , situate
• in Orwelllownsbip, and bounded on the north. by land
of Johnson Coles, on the east by land of Griswold Mit
thews,and on the south and west by land of Morris Wood
ruff & Asa Payson. Containing 125 acres more or
less, with about 75 acres improved with one framed
house. one framed lam, and lae apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Dav id
F. Barstow vg. E. W. & Wyo. Wartivid:
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Asylum township, bounded on the north by the Sus-
quehanna river, east by Cheater Butler, south by Moses
Eilingbery, ant by Mary Horton and others. Contain.
ing 157 acres, fifty acresthereof improved, one framed
house one log boos. one framed barn and shop thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit oil!. & 8.
Stark vs. Aaron Ely & Daniel C. Miller..
„ALSO—The following piece or pareel of land situate
in Athena township and bounded on the north by land
of Hale, tlavidson & McEoen, rut by lands sof C.N.
Shipman, east by lands of C. Dr. Shipnisn, south by
lands of H. W. Patrick, on the west by lands late
owned by Wynkoop, - being lot n 0.9, as surveyed
by Orson Rickey. Containing 109 acres.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of D Paine
Ts. G. 0. Welke. • -
ALSO—The hallowing described piece or parcel of
land situate in Wyalining township bounded- and de.
scribed nortb by the main rose leading from Towanda
to Skinners Eddy, east by Charles Hendricks, on the '
south by land of Fphraim Beeman and the Susquehan
na river, and on the west by E. Leine. Containing 37
acres, ail inaproied, with a new two story tavern house
ono store house, and two barns thereon erected, it being
the same property that was purchased at Sheriff's sale
by Philip Sullivan in execution against Jacob - Cams
& others. '•• • '
- .Seized and 'taken in execution at the suit of f. H. Ste
phens' use vs. Philip Sullivan.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levan Facies, all that
certain piece or parcel ; of laid butted bounded •111 de
scribed as follows; beginning,at a wet; thence moth 80°
west 363 p. & 6-10 to a post; thence south 10° east
104'p. (L_ 3-10 to a beech ; thence north 80°
east 129 p. & 6-10 to a post ; thence north 10° west
13 p. & 1-10 to a post; thence north 78°.east 238 p.
tia. a enenmber; thence nosh 10° east 83'p. & 2 7 10 to
the place of beginning. , , Containing 200, acres & 1-t0
of an acre with the slloprence of six Per cent. for coeds.
Seized end taken in execution at the suit of, Alexan
der, hiring .& Henry Batting; who survived Robert
Gilmore ' Thos. M • Willing, C. devisees
in. trust for the estate of Wis. Ilinghauo vs. Sam'' Kel
logg, Gordon Wilcox , John, Duty , T. C. Kellog g and
liiheldeta Guesiney, tam tenants. . .
A piece or parcel of land in Ulster, hutted:bounded
and described as follows: beginning at, a post ; thence
south 80° west 363 & 6-10 p, to !t pat; thence earth
10° west,7l p. 4 7-10 to •a post; thence 'north 80°
east 363 p. & 6-10 Jo. a hemlock ; thence south 10°
:east 71 p.&,7-11,0 to the Plins of, beginning. ..Contain
ing 153 . acres di, 8710 of an sere with the allowance of
six percett..,
Seized. and takes in .execution at•th'e suit of, Alexan
der Beating and Henry -Bailing,whosurvivod Thos: M.
Willing and C. Willing Hare devisees in nuat of the
estate of Win. Bingbainl , 4: John Bassett, Gordon Wit
°ova John Dat,,, T. 04iello:Tind ShaldetiGtiernsey
• • • • • • - • J. P , MEANS, Sheriff.
• Sheriff Office Towanda Oct: 21 1846. -
HEAD' oil. Cows mod will sold
1 chrap for eisbOrAPp.tori:„ervdit'
Towanda. Oct. 15.'18.10.
-;...>- NOTICE; ,
'DAVID DOANE, lny son ' - a 1•11 over . 'eighteen
rant left 'my -bonne oo thefith cf.:Anoint: iro4.
without any4oort reason for doing 50,..501l 1 hereby
Saba 'all and any person whitsvor 'harboring' or trust
ing him on my amount u 1 will pay . no •riebts of his
contracting or expenses incurred by dim.
Winilharn,,Ang. Jlth '46.. JOSEPU DOANE.
ALL. *ion. lodated to the estate of Oliyer Akin*,
Joe 'of SmittiGeld township, deed., .are' herebyi
requested* to make payment 'without delay,. and-.thaw
hawing chinos against said edam' will please , *wet
them doly attested to - HENRY PEW; •
Smithfield, Oct: 13, 18$6. , -Admixistmior.
' A :I; .4 Cis is -.11:4 - 4:
r • , • 7)
- • .
iflr• jEalYthi 'Best; .and' eheVea
iit6*Etessr briughtinfo theetnnitry_
Priaran;isiiiii; leen iniislitOatin
print usarguise,GannrY i l!'i7fl.Fs lll , l7 l l 7 l ;aWslin ging'
nairta ; a new niticle; tloYenett satin striped, loslnuirio, is
raw pat. 'Web balialine, clucked print reps And crape
delitine,vdtite dress goimls, a large lot of l innterich aud,
beautifulpattenat corded and graaiCaliirts; midge de
tainer shawls, plain and 'boded do., blk. 4 cord stradella
"bawl!, budge and net shawls, satin striped barrige and
net long shawls. ladies , polka, Aid and striped cravats
and ties, beautiful &tips and frringes; silk den , ircils
grim harries, ate.
Cliesper than the chiapek—Uipsey mid braid, op' nit:-
net lace, florence, gipaey devon straw edged: sad Orin,
Misses gipsey pedal. birds eye braid and dem straw ;
spendid Bonnet Ribbons, some very desirable styles;
20 doz. Parasobi and Stitt Shades. lady and genre black
end cord Kid Gloves; Lin. Cambrielidkfs. Hoidery
. „.
Twilled French..Engliski and American; doe Skin CAS;
and dark striped checked do. a great
ty ; golden taietals. merino cassitnere, Keiducky
blue drills. A superior assortment Of rESTINGS
inarsails. valentine, cassimere. plain and stiiped Sethi.
40 bales Sheeting,.l3aiting..Wadding and Wicking.',
Such as Iron, nails, steel, log- chains, halter and, trace
do., mill and x cut saws, augurs and files. A large se.
garment of Shelf Hardware, door-trimmings, cutlery,
shoe-thread, wool and horse cards, collie mills, _ &c.,
Blood's, Harrisand and.. adswonh's Warraided -Grai
and Grass Septhes,snaths and sickles, a firstssto article .
Ladies' kid husking acid slippers. moroteo - and calfskin
boots,'Maek and,faitei gaiters and half gaiters, children's
gaiters and !mats. A beautiful' artielergent's gai
ters; Axiarse and tine Boots. in sharttlance; 7 _ •
A large stock of Sager and Molasses: . Lump. - Loaf Ind
Pulverised 'Sugar ; Fresh Teas; CoSee, Mee. Raisins,
nutmegs, indigo, tobacco, fins cut and caveudiab, shad
mackerel and codfish. ' '
A general essotionent, in was, ur othzuvise, to suit cus
tomers. - ,
400 Men's annoy's Leghorn Hits ; 600 P. 1.. do.
CE? Butter. Plaxsted.Beesatx. Eggs and Grain,
wanted in exchange foi good., at cash prices. .
Towanda, May 20, 1846.
IS: at No. 3. Brick Row. my2o BAIRD'S.
Those:-who wish , to. Purchase Cheap Goods, •
4m. findit to their inteteitto call at BAIRD'S,
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter-
mined to sell stall hazards. NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
lbs. at • 'my2.o N 0.3, BRICK ROW.
11111EDPS & MEDICINES, paints, and dye
stuffs, 'white lead, groynd and dry, varnish, pi 10;
madder; ertiperrui. sets: turpentine;, gum copal;-tdurii,
Venitian red, lorwoad,nal•wood, caro-wood. all for sale
cheap, at tai 30. - NO.' 3, BRICK ROW..
AO the citizens of Bradford County in general, and
the Borough of Towanda, in particular: All
the judgments, notes and accounts of the subscribers,
will he collected aecordine to law, 'without diatindioiz
of perm., "unless satisfactorily settled within thirty
days of this date: Those who think we are not in
earnest, Will find out their mistake to their dwn
/Mark that. W. H. BAIRD &CO.
Towanda.May 15.184 G„
N. B. We would funhermore,say upon this subject ;
that we have just recalled a large stock of New Goode,
ihich will besot(' very cheapindced, for ready pay.
VERYTHING in tilt lina,, including Elliptic
Springs, Iron Axels, Mailable Burs. Dash, Seat
and Stop Irons; Ornamenbr, India Rubber and Oil Cloth,
Lace, Tufts, Moss, die. for .ale at JIS MEM lUR'S:•
MAE subscriber ebntinues to act u agent for the DE
Philstlelphis; &auk company of good standing and re
pute &does business. on - as loanable termed any other.
He is also agent: for the LYCOMING CO. MU.
TUALINSURANCE CO., a company which has al•
ways been punctual in the, paiment of losses and pre.
tents advantages seldom found.
Towanda, May ttO. 0. D. BARTLETT,
War against High Prices and the Credit System
48. the .Veto roe* Cheap store.
3 7 6,2, Brick Roth. one door south ofthe:px.
MEE Sabacribers having entered into a co-paltrier
ship for the' express purpose of famishing the good
people of Bradford County with goods, wares and mer
chandise, at least one notch' lower than they has!) ever
been sold in this market. They are now securing:One
of the largest and hest selected stocks offspring and sum
mer goods, ever landed in' Northern Pennsylvania.
Their stock comprises almost every article ever offered
in a country store. •Among which, we can only men
tion that there is a general assortment of •'
Ay Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crackery, Glass,
Nails, Iron, Bonnets, Hoots and Shoes, Salt, Tin
' ware, Stone-ware, Liguori, 4-e., l f e.,*e. , '
Their goods hive been purchased mostly for at
auction, and they pledge themselves that they will not
binndersold . by any other establishment in this section
of the country. ~.?eople have only to collet the New
York lee.
cheap store, (No. Drick Row.) to satisfy them
seC. dc E. REED
'Tovrandi, ?tray 25. I 46.5 '
BONNE•I'S.;-01, great saving wino rrratts ut too .
Nation." The Ladirs.will &slit a great saving to
their beside to call and purchase one of those beautiful
Straw, Devon..Gintp. Flotence, or Lace, Lawn, Gipsy
Bonnets, selling so cheap at , • • REED'S.
ANDLORDS supplied on the most favorable terms.
JtAl 7 . 4050 wishing to buy pod Liquor .
. ind &gars . 2s
per cent. helots the usual prices cannot fail to find to
your advantno to, call on, TRACY & MOORE:
. Dissolution.. •
T"partnnuhip . heretofore existing between the
subscribets under the firm of Carrier & Hurlburt.
is this day by mutual consult dissolved.
. o .hi. T. CARRIER. •
. • i " P. 11 11URI.BURT,
Towanda, Aug:. 10.1846. -
CALICO EP4-= the la N . :mit saaar.tment and prettiest
patterns, and cheopeit CALICOES; to sily: . .no•
thing of Ginikaa:Liwns, 3c., ever seers this re
ginn. fqr vale.hy .my2o
• • • •AU DITOR'S , NOTICE. • '
TfiE undersigned Auditor, appninted by thd
phan!'s Court of Bradford county, le 'make distri.
linden of funds proceeding from wale by the Adminis;
orator of real estate of, win. Myer. late of said county.
deeeased. herebY gives notice that he will attend to the
duties of his aPpointment atlas office in Towanda B.
rough; on Saturday the 14th day of November 'text, at
two.o'elOek. P. Mi. When all persons interested' are,re
quired to present their claims, or he dehermditOin corn
ing 'upon said fundi. -H. BOOTH; Auditor; •
ToWandt. 00;14,1846. • ' •
Estate. of Patrick Brat. :deceased. •
T o,l.ociwood timid', one of the Adminiotratora of
Said estate, -'eke maim- thit application has bean
made to. said. Court .on k r ehalf of James Wldahon.
Guardian of Jena Brisk*, to vacate ;cow letter of ad-.
ministration: Said air4diestiori' set forth that jou have
left the state for navy° than
,one-year hapset, and knee
_n o knownidiee:ii .tesideneetterein, You are there-
fore required to appear at the next' term of said Court
in Deeeuthiv,rand show' 4164 cause. if any you hare,
why said letter should not he vomited.:
• • LYMAN E. DE WOLF, CUCOrPhan'a .
• 11, 18,4 d, ' • • . •
E.:7 akar Silk, 'Gingham oi C r awl, may - ba fatind
eaPaci ' ' ' ' '' " REED'S
TXTANTEP -IMMEDIATELY, by the subileriber;
• V 'it loottleimari - oleo. apprentice
to the Blacknoithini . bulioom — J. 8.. RIDPWAT.
_ .
-LATE 4 Rin Visio. ~:. ~/.'
~" ' "•=IC'eIIAMBERIAN iittwolealointsi olloW
41 ,
• itn • n a r li To ; t ot t in ' 41:114116 ,
widitior, ad s
leineL fall soll taildl awaP O ldly: lis sagi es-
'soninkt of FANIIIY . GROCERIESte.'-AbedO&Oots ;
'liming in pa:24th° following:
. ,
' ''' iivoitrigs, 4e.
Alum,. , Alcohol, Aloci., nnatto, Ault =my. low*
,Roar. Arsenic !qua Kati*, Ananias, whirr! ,
ed, Bcara'.t fj..llritish Blur. Vitriol, Buris,Oirk,..,
Peruv. pplv., Afath.Briek,; Balsam Copawa,
Piten,'Afamphor.Ciadnmel.Caraviay Seeds, Caiduaidok.:,
Carl). Auttoon.,Cayenne Pepper, Chamomili nag*
Cinnamon', Cloves, Conti Plaster; CoimPeins;
minnary, CmOrkeof all, kind... Cream l'artar,,CureMins'
Cubchs, Emery , said from t 0 .6. EtrOli3 Salto.
Faience Bergsmoi. Linton. doPrimpertrunt. do. and
Oil Spruce, Floc; Sulphur, Jn. : Bemmunt,Oltai.tait
kinds. Gold Leaf. Gum Opium, elu. - Arabic. do. COW. .
110.. Asimatictida, do. Ifyirb, do. Tragscauth.limiseb'.:
Oil, Hima, Piers, Indigo, Spanish, float do. Iliutal,Lolt
Powders„,lnk, in bottles, do. Indellible; Iriakm
Isinglass, Itch Ointment, Ivory BlaclC,Jalaff, Lands:num
Licorice- Rout, do. Ball, Lunar Csuatie, Macassar Oil;
.Mace, Magnesia, do. . caleined, • Manna. :Mustafa "WI
dn. ground.. Nun multottles,, Numgalls,, Nutmeg, Otl, ,
fall, winter and summer stiained Sperm,, blear-bed. wbt.
and natural. do., Linseed, do,Camphine, Sweet, do,
rot; dn. Wintergreen, do. Peppermint, do Aniseed; do. ,
Lavender. Opodeldor, Parlignric, Pearl Barley. Pepper .
Since, Perfumery, Pill ,Boxes. Pink Rant. Prussuito
Potash. Quicksilver, Rhubarb, it. dr; powdr., Roll Brits- i
stone.lted Chalk,, Red Precipitate), Safrron. Aimeriein;
and Spanieh,,Sand Paper. Sal. Ammoniac,
Saltpetre, fiarsapallfs,.do, Syrup,Sea ling Was, Sena..
Shaker's Herbs. Sponge. coarse and fine, Sinai'. Snulra s ,
Maccaboy di..Scotch. do. Cephalic, Soap, Castili;mda.
Shaving, do Winsor, Spermaceti, Stmia-.llminficmcmruselm;...,
Nit. Buie., Sugar Lead; Sup. Carb, Soda, &WO.;
Quinine, Sy /intim. 'cloned, Tart. Acid. Tenter
Vials, assorted, Valerian Root, Wafr4 White and Red
Black Lead. Cassia. Chalk, Chroine Tellow;Aos
Green, Cop! Varnish, Coich do. Lerid. White, dry
'and in Oil, Lamp Black, Litharage. Putty, feria. White.
Spanish Brown. French Grcen.Spt.Turpentinir. Rados
Venetian Red, Verdigris, Vermillion, Whiting, TeikOW
Red Wood. Nicaragua, Maddet,Muriate Tin, Okay
Acid, Prussian Blue, Pumice, Red Saundin . :Rottela
Stone, Cainwood, Cochineal'. Eat: ,
I,liigwCrod: Foatie e
Crain 710,Hatchwood, Lac'D'ie,'Lor,arood; ';
, .
The great- English remedy, Buchan . s
Balsam of Lift. Sand's ,Sarsaparilla, Bristol's, E346.1/0.
Wisties Balsom Wild Cherry,, Pectoral Honey of L`t►
comma, Cheeserasn's Arabian Balsam, Pills, Orteritat,
do. Dr. Post's, do.:Hoopees; do.' Moffat's, go. Persian,
do. Brindreth'a, do. Phinney'l, do. Lee's, Ocalfniffi
cordial, Thompson 's Eyewater, Di. Jayrie'sEple
Tea, Coffee,. Sugar, 'Spice and Pepper, Starch,'EaK.'
sine, Sods Crackers., Ciiiirainon, English .Cirtatitil;
Istuhinigs, Ginger, Sem ref. Tainily Soap, Sperm Cane
dleir Chernical Waz,•do. Tobgivo and Snuff; 8"
tOs, Pipes, Broome,' Pails, ropes, Retied Lod Sagati
- Looking Glass plates of all sizes, Window 01014
by 9, Et by 10,10. by
. 1200 by 14, 11 1195, 12 by 1111,
12 by 18. ' ' • '
Fancy articles . of, all kinds. Also—Fine Pal s /
Crackers. - .?.
' Towanda, 'A on,.
IST OF bET!'EItS, remaining in the PANS Of
fice, at Athens, quarter ending Sept. 80, 16411..
'Dr Otis Avely • • E Jenks jr - •
Mr Ayres J C do C Jenkins
Marina Jackeon
Bar hatr Lehman
H G Litzeoberg
- Liddell
Hey F Lana
C 11 Bunk •
Joseph Bell
J fi Berth
Daniel Bayou
Samuel Boggs
J 0 Marvin
E Cornemau
• Thomas Moo=7
Sand Myers.
Harriet A. Morris
T Maxwsll
W Northop-
A , Dewey
E Dunham
E Dingea
D Davis
D Playhot
J .Pomeroy
2, , Nancy Park.
Path (Innkorper)
Directors . of the Poor of
Athens and Litt:MOW
Mc, Bradley
P S Evyner
R S Finch
Samuel Finch ,
J T Gilbert jr
Thomas Gardner
Mai' , S Griswold
Phone Gray • .. C 8 Park
Levi A Gardner .R L Pond
... _.
0 A Hudeinv - . . 8 Synioiida
Jo or 0 Hindman • II P Snyder , '' -
Mary Herne or Kerne . H Rowland / 5' . •
13 Williston --- •
H Wilcox -
.0 VanDehogart .
J Harman
I. Horton
W H Hunt
I R Jenks
BRONTAINWEir &, CO., are now missing*, try
desirable assortment of Goods.purchased during
a great depression in the market, comprising Freneh 'du
English BROAD.Cl.oTHS,Cassimerea and tiattinets,
and the choicest patterns of prints and Wooded Goods.
Grateful for*: favors they respectfully solicit a gene.
roue public to call and examine their:stock, and think
can hold out sufficient inducements to ensure their sham
of puibliepatronage..' •; ; ' ' • ' _ -
September 7,'1146. . ,
'July 7; NIERC
'auhacriber takes • pleaaare in announcing to
his friends and-the public generally, that ha is
nowveceiving a very large and carefully selected ad•
dition 'to his stock of GOODS, bongha for • Cult. and
selected with-the @sprees view of UNDERSELLING
Towanda, - May IS. 1546. •
Al ll 4 l :rt e c K r E TV RAG: b lY ay s e ten bee a n n t d he'irE ! ; r t
public apOrobation of-late, - will be 'in thbe plum out
breek,,foi the tacching a classln Abisbora
. .
MEdesirous of, susinbig the art wen, are Sespeatftcl•
ly incited place Ihentrelees under his inatinetion.—
§atisfactory Jraprorentent . ail; tie gnat willed to the illsaw
1,i7(1 student.. • „
1Torno; twelve daya, six hours each, - : . poo
Mr. B,'llocinot intend to (tighten the peal* Ole.
wands with a diaplay.of beasts and birds. as hiw'refer.
Won is that of a teacher of, writing, to which hi appalls
his whole . ; ..
k tftlIGE ASSOR.Tht ENT of Cloths of all abodes
AIL and colons, and qualities, and rice& CeihniereL
Fancy and Plain.. Salaam end a pod assortment of
Votive may be found tie! pEO. E.FLYNTic
IsT OP JURORS diawn ' for directs! Court, to
ju he holden October 2G, 1946. •
ArgieniaAllta Barnhant •= ' '
'Aryluto.—Cenellus Quid; ' •
'Athens tp-02 D. klatterlee, James Piereet
-13nolington—Wni. Knapp. jr. f, •+ - • —•-
Colarnbiii=4‘mes Sorb, L. . Tinkhani ; •
Corstini-wArth K. Porter; '
Grineille—:]'amen How;
;'' • •
Monroe- 7 Parrick Dunfro,'„ Jarmo Roetwell; -
Pike—Trace H. Rose„ Plait Wood;
Rome—T.....s4;ilh; P. Polinson, D. Aries'; • •'
Ritigterry—John, Kline •- . •
Sherbegoin—A .13idiartc; , /whoa Hortlrti
Srintb6el&-T.M. Heieh; Leonard Pierre;
%Miran Stone—P. G. Harem, H. W.Tracy; .•
Trirrandahnio- - -E:O. cw • idlich: •
"Gowldeh.B. Goodwin; -
T 144. E. Mr:Odell, J. Linder*rn, A. E. Thows;
Hlater--Edwini Mils; • ' •
Hrialorine-'—John Ellion,•.l.lnlhain; • - •
Wyrox-D l H.Oarerr, - L. Trumbull. • • '
&etirvi - ra, the !meet end deepen inennne . ni of
Winter Shawls eTne offered few este in To.
:er ? Dge,'lq ••-'" '• I • ' ' 'l!Eltclgr3.
A. 8.0