New Wholesale and Retail Commis. sion Grocery. - Mal& subscriber would inforni the good people , of Towanda aad vicinity; that be has opened a new Groceryatore on the owner of Main sad Bridge serceis,wshere he intends to keep sll kind■ of Croceriws, th twil twit all kinds of customers. His etoek com prises every article offered in his line, (Epos exzepted) among which cart be found candles. James Hirer To bacco, WOG . tea, colfie, 'molasses, figs, ground pepper. would allspice. saleratus, cloves, starch, cinnamon, do. crowed. lump sugar. bar, fancy and amity soap, com as.• crackers. herring, by the bog or leas quantity, neastard, codfish, No. 1. mackerel. Also. snuff, segars. (half 'pettish at 50 cents per 100) cream nut., filbert•. Witiends4 raisins, lepper•sauca, tomtit., and walnut ketchups. lemon syrup nml carpet bags.; roini.a "fail kinds. A large stock of CANDIES, of all finds tat wholesale and retail. Rats and Shan. He bail also a large 'assortment of the finest and best ankle of BOOT'S AND BHOEB, ever brought into this market; being of Philadelphia manufact ore, •canals tiog of Misses fine morocco boots; calf hoots, coarse do.. kip boas and shoes. A very large lot of ladies kid slippers, made of the best matewal and workmanship.. Ladies half garters. silk dn., boys and children's morocco mantes, children's half gaiters, boys kip brogans. all, of which will be sold very low fur cash, or ready pay. The highest price paid 1.4 any quantity of good BUTTER. HUGH O'HARA. Towanda, July 1, 1846. TARIFF REPEALED ! • IHE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to hie • friends and the pnblic generally, that he now seceising and opening an - entire now stock of GOODS. (at his state in the borough of 'Towanda. situated on the east site of Main street, three noon; south of Mon tanys's & Co., and nearly opposite B. Kingbery's) eat levelog everything in the line of Dry G oods, Groceries. (the ardent excepted Hardware, Glass Queen's !fare, Boots anti Shoes,. Paints. Oils and l'ar niah, Iron and Nails. 4.c...5T.. which he will sell as cheap as the cheapeq, not except ing the Rear=for, or any of the champions of small profits and rick sales. lle would respectfully • invite these who wish to buy cheap to call and examine his 'goods end prices for themselves, before purchasing at any other place. N N BET lb. Towanda, May 16,1944. PLAINTS, LAWNS & M UsLINS, a large amen meta on hand and for tale cheap at BETTS'. LWHOM doPALM LEAF HATS smi bonnets will be found at my2o BErrw. M OA *I DIAI ti ti MI 4 Of New and Cheap Spring and Summer Goods Direct from the City. BURTON KINGSBERY most respectfully in forms his old customers. and the public in gene thst he is now receiving at his old stand, a large assortment of all kinds of goods, which he intends to tell a Lillie cheaper than any other store in Towanda. It is impossible to put in a newspaper all the different kinds of goals that maybe found at my store. I have a fall assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Dye stuffs. Boots and Slum Nai4, Iron, Hats 4 Caps. &c. Gall and price, before you. buy elsewhere. May 14, 1846. sold LAWNS, Muslin de Laines and Sum mer Shawls, a very large assortment, which wil sold lower than be bought at any other store. Cal and wee. myl4 B. KIN GSBERY . ONNETTS.J-Any quantity, from two shillings, B to $6, with beautiful trimmings, also Gowen., in side sprigs and wreaths, all French, which will he found at myl4 B. KINGSBERY. NO. 1, 130DFISH & MACKEREL. I°F lel IC at may 13. B. KINGSBERY. RADDE'S CELEBRATED CHueul.ATEdo extra cocoa. superior to old Java coffee, and a morehealtby beverage, which may be found at the old Cheap store of myt3 B. KINGSBERY. Stray Slurp. CAME to the enclosure of the aubwriber, shout the 6nit of June last, 20 SHFEP, baring no particu lar marks, with the exception of one cheep ha rinz a bell Towanda, /illy 25, 1846 MODERN ROME! THE subscribers would tender their thanks to their customers for pest favors, and call their attention to their New Stock of Goods, which exceed their cor ral:: one imuantitg. quality and low prices. Their pptr~esaeent stock having been selected with great care, and bought low; they will endeavor to give their customers better bargains for Cash or Produce than can be had at as other establishment. Their assortment being complete. it would be useless to particularize articles, but would just say that their stock consists of a full supply of Dry Gond., Groceries, Crockery, Hardware. Dye Stuffs,Drugs, Hats, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, hcc., &c. The above stock shall be gold at prices that will give entire satialartinn. Being satisfied that ready pay is best for all parties. enabling the former to sell his produce at a better rate, and the merchant to sell his gouda at lower prices than be can do on credit, therefore will adhere to the Ready Pay System. We do net ask you to call and see our goods first, but examine others first, if you please, and then oura, and we are sure you will purchase nine if you want bargains. MAYNARD & WATTLES. Rome. June3o, 1846. -Toffee. r'm partnership htretofore existing between the Subscribers under the firm of Elliott & Mercur, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. All accounts doe the firm will he found in the bends of Thomas Elliott who is duly authorized to settle all of the busi ness of the late firm THOItAS ELLIOTT, HIRAM MERCUR. Towanda. August let.. 1848, ARRIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS, ' St No. 4, Brick Bow. THE subscribersare now receiving and opening a .L very large supply of seasonabl. GOODS, which they am anxious to sell on the most favorable terms for ready PM% They are fully determined oat no one shall sell Goads cheaper than they. Having taken much pains in the selection of their goods—and u many articles of meo chamlitre have fallen off in price since epring purchases Well made, they confidently believe they can offer tome inducements to those who wish to buy cheap goods they will not readily find elsewhere, especially a stores that purchased their goods early in theseason It will take but a moment to drop in and examine some oftheir cheap Goods. Such as Good Brown Muslin, 7 cents per yd: Calicoes. 7 do. Very good Prints„ 10a12 &15 per yd. Brown Sugar. 7, 8 & 9 cents per lb. Good Molasses, 30 cents per gallon. Green Tea from 12i cents to $l per lb. And all other articles in proportion. They do not like to swag) , will sell "cheaper" and "mare" "goods" than any holy else. That would seem too much like boasting; but they will say distinctly, they WILL :car he undersold; and, will also say to their Lumber and Froduee customers, that they hero the most entire con. fi&nee that DO fault will be found with the price of Geode. If they only bring in their Lumber and Pro duce, they will find goods as cheacias where they sell exclaims* , for CAWS! They do not consider it necessary to enumerate all oe any of the articles they have far sale. Suffice it to say. their assortment is now full and complete. Call and examine. fee yourselves. Towanda, July 1. 191.9. TRACY &, 11tOt1Rfl. WOOL! 11HAVING made arrangements to exchange Cloth and other goods for WOOL, the subsmiber de salts to gain theesnfideace and approbation of the wool omen by giving them the very beat exchanges which the esters of the market will permit. Call and Towanda, May 20. O. D. BARTLETT. IVO? FOR A DAY ONLY !—More FLORENCE 111 BONNETS just received at the Savings Bank, which we are offering' toilay as cheap as yestenlay.— Call and examine. jet? G. . FLYNT & CO. THOSE LA WNS, ORGANIk;S, LAWN GlNG haute, Rept DeLsins, Lemma cloths for summer /Wales, so loom looked for ty the Ladies; have arrived am! rosy now LC NM at REED'S NO. 3 AGAINST THE WORLD. 51' REC'D the Largest, Best, and Cheapest :at of Goode ever brought into the country DRESS U(VODS, , . . Printed muslins, lace =slim,. Limn gingham". mgandi. print marquise. Canary litany cashmeres, muslin ging hams a new article. tloretteo satin striped, balzarine, a few pat. black balzarme, cherclital print reps and crape detains, white dress goods, n large lot of prints rich and beautiful patterns, curled and grins skirts, conkc de- Nine shawls, plain and shaded do.. blk. cord stradells shawls, barrige and net sbawk, satin Striped barrigs and net long shawls. ladies polsa, fig'd and striped cravats and lies. beauntid gimps and bridges, silk demiseits. green budge, &c. _ _ BONNETS. Cheaper than the cheapest—Cipsey pearl braid, oorde net lace, dorenee, gipsey devon .straw edged and plan, Misses gipsey pedal. birds eye braid and demo straw; spendid Bonnet I.ibbon.•, some very desirable styles; tln doz. PardsOls and Suw-Shades, lady and cents black and cord Karl Gloves, I.M.Combrie H tllds. Hosiery /re BROAD CLOTHS. 'Twined "French. English and American; doe skin Cas simere, light and dark Striped c reeked do. a great varie ty ; golden tweeds, merino easdinere, Kentucky Jeans. blue drills. A superior assortment of rEgTINGS nuirsails. valentine, cassitnerr„ plain and striped satin. 10 bales Sheeting, Batting, Wadding and Wicking. HARDWARE. Such as Iron, nails. steel, log chains. halter and trace do., mill end x cut saws. augurs and tiles. A largo as sortment of Shelf Hardware. door trimmings. cutlery, shoe thread, wool and horse cards, coffee mills. &c. Blond's, Harris' and Wadsworth's Warranted Grain and Grass Scythes,. smiths and sickles, a first sate article. BOOTS & SHOES. Ladies kid buskins and slippers. morocco and calf skin Isms, black and fancy gaiters and half gaiters. children's gaiters and calf boats. A beautiful article gent's gai ters; coarse and fine Boots, in abundance. GROCERIES. , A large stock of Sugar and Molasses: Lump. Loaf and Pulverised Sugar; Fresh Teas; Coffee, Rice, Raisins, nutmegs, indigo, tob ice°, fine cut and cavendiAt, , shad mackerel and codfish. CROCKERY. A general assortment, in setts, or otherwise, to suit ens tomem. 400 Men's and Boy's Leghorn fiats ; 600 P. L. do Cr Butter, Flaxsted, Beeswax, Egg. and Grain wanted in exchange fur gorkls, ut cash prices. Towanda, Nfay 20, 1846. NICE ARTICLE BLACK TEA cati he found at No. 3, Brick Row. tny2o BAIRD'S. Those who wish to Patellae Cheap Cads, Will. find it to their intere,a to call at BAIRD'S before purchasing elyewhere, as we are deter mined to sell at all havinls. 'NO. 3, BRICK BOW LMJZ. PATENT PAILS; 2 doz. Wash tubs; 7111 12 .'oz. Brooms ; 6 setts Wooden measures ; h t No. 3, Brick Row. BAIRD'S. AIIakOTTON YARN & CARPET WARP-1,000 lbs. at my2o N 0.3, BRICK ROW. DRUGS & MEDICINES. paints, oils and dye jsjl stuffs, white lead, ground and dry, tarnish, madder, copperas, spts. turpentine, guns copal, alum, Venitian red, log-wodd, red-wood, Calll-IVOOII. all for ask cheap, at ma 20. NO. 3, BRICK ROW. To o the citizens of Bradford County in general, and the Borough of Towanda, in particular All the judgments, notes and accounts of the stibscritters, will he collected according to law, without diAtinelion of persons, unless satisfactorily settled within thirty days of this date. Those who think we are not in earnest, will find out their mistake to their own cost.— Mork Mal. . 11. BAIRD &CO. Towanda, May 15, 1846. N. B. We would furthermore cay upon this subject, that we have just received a large stock of New Goods, which will be sold very cheap indeed, for ready pay. akIL laaalLM MSZ=2. l l.a r C.!..•%,5 1 EVERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic Springs, Iron Aids, Mailable Burs, Dash, Seat and Stop Irons, Ornaments, India Rubber and Oil Cloth, Lace, Tufts, Moss, &e. for sale at jIB ANN E. BULL rpHE subscriber continues to act as agent for the DE -1 LA WARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia, a stock company orgood standingazuf re pute & does business on as favorable Willem; any other. He is also agent for the LYCOMING CO. MU. TUAL INSURANCE CO., a company which has al ways been punctual in the payment of losses and pre sents advantages seldorolfound. Towanda, May 20. - 0. D. BARTLETT. War aping High Prices end the Credit System NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS the ./rew renic Cheap Store, No. 2, Brick Row. one door south of the P.O. /THE Subscribers having entered into a co-pattncr ship for the express purpose of furnishing the good people of Bradford County with goods, wares and mer chandise, et least one notch lower than they have ever been sold in this market. They are now reaming one of the largest and beet selected stocks of spring and sum mer goods, ever landed in Northern Pennsylvania. Their stock comprises almost every article ever offered in a country store.. Among which, we can only men tion that there is e 'general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Itirdware, Crockery, Glass Nails, Iron, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Soh, Tin ware, Stone-ware, liquors. 4c., Their goods have been purchased mostly for cash at auction, and they pledge themselves that they will not he undersold by any other estahlishment in this section of the country. People have only fe call at the New York Cheap tore,(No. 2 Brick Row.) to satisfy the:n aives. ' C. &E. REED Towanda, May 25. I R 46. oIs.NETs—A raving to the 6 : Heads of the .1J Nation." The Ladies will find k a great 'saving to their heads to call and purchase one al those beautiful Straw, Devon, Gimp. Florence, or Lace, Lawn. Gipsy flonneta, selling so cheap at REED'S. A NDLORDS supplied on the moat favorable terms. Thosc wishing to buy good Liquor and Segura 25 per cent. below the usual prices cannot fail in find it to sour savointsze to cull nu TRACY & .1110‘1RE. T"partnnrship heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of Carrier tk. Hurlburt. is this day by mutual consent dissolved. M. T. CARRIER, P. M HURLDURT, Towanda, Aug. 10, 1846. CALICOES—the largest assortment and prettiest patterns, and cheapest CALICOES, to aay no thing of Ginghams, Lawns, &c., ever •seen in this re gion. for sale by my2o 0. D. BARTLETT. KEEPBHASf! Just received at the Savings Bank : • 100 sup. Parasols; 50 Parasollettes ; ; 100 Umbrellas; For the "eplintere," we will pot them down'lont. May 27. a E. FLYNT & CO. 1111114EASUIAt PA HASULLETS, SCli SHADES, either Silk; Gingham, or Cotton, may be found cheap at REED'S STIMMERSbands, Muslin Del.aine.iflrnbri Del.aine. Plain and Emhrohlered &militia and Barege Shawls suitable for summer, now opening at REED'S. LEGHORN and Palm Leaf Hats of all qoal , tiee jolt received nod for sale cheap at REED'S AVID DOANE, my sen. a lad over eig,htecp,. UV years left my house on the sth of August Mit, without any good reason for doing so, and I hereby forbid all and any person whatever harboring or trust ing him on my account as I will pay no debts of hia contracting or expenses incurred by him. Windham. Aug. Ilth '46. JOSEPH DOANE. IRON AND STEEL B L LACKS3TITHS, and others wanting IRON OR' STEEL, will do well to call and examine thelarge assortment kept constantsy on baud at hiERCURS'. OREGON OR WAR ! INSURANCE AGENCY THE WAR BEGUN! NOTFCE CLEAR TREIVAY. nd make roan fur Me Sovereign Balm Pilln It is now about four years since Di. E. L. Soule first introduced the Oriental or Sovereign.lialtn Fills to the public, and we venture many, that no other medicine has given such universal satisfaction, and the sale in crease so fast. for with very little exertion or advertising the demand fits increased to cover -1000 boxes per day. They aro intirely .vegetable, and cause no - pain in their operations, being perfectly safe for young or old, and those of debilitated constitutions. and as a family med ieine,:have no equal. They are an effectual remedy ferdiscases of this climate,such as bilious diseases in all their various forms. Fever, Old Liver Complaints Head 4hes, Coughs, Colds , . Costiventw &c. We have warranted them in over 100 cases of Fever and Ague, and have never known them to fail in removing it, in from one to six days, when taken according to direct. tiona. They sever lease the bowels 'costive, being , very different from any other Pills in use, which leave the bowels costive, and one dose only creates the necessi ty for another. In nervous debility and female weakness their effects have been truly astonishing. They have restored a large number of such cases niter they had been confined to their bell, and given up by their physicians. The certificates a few of which may be seen in our cir culars, which May Inc had of our agents gratis: They qaiet the nervous system, and remove-the cause of ner vous irritation. In short they strengthen and renovate the w hole system. In cases of Dyspepsia and costiveness they have worked Wonders: Thousands have been re stored from all the horrors ditto above diseases, and a number of them in Syracuse, and in this county...- For particulars see circulars. We have always taken great care in selecting and compounding our medicines, which has been done by 1)r. Soule in person,, as may be seen by the following cen We have acted as agents for Dr.E.L.Soula for the last four years in purchasing most of the medicines used in the composition of his pills.—Poring that time some of the articles have advanced nearly an hundred per cent. Fie has not varied his proportions, end has at no time (red any but the best qualities of medicines. We have also acted as 'agents in selling his Sovereign Balm Pills, and from the universal satisfaction given, we con sider they rank among the best pills now Wore the pub lie. Pr.Soule is the person who first introdbeed them into this country, and has continued the manufacture of them ever since. T 131 .Frrc & Co. Syracuse, February '23. 1840. None are genuine. except thrum bearing the name o Dr. E.L.Soule & Co. on the face of each box. For sale by Huston A; Ladd, Towanda: George A. Perkins, Athens; Lyman Duffer., Smithfield; A. 4. S. H. Morley, Burlington; Levi Taylor, Granville; Saud Smith, Franklin; A. Burroughs, Monmeton ; George Nichols, Rome; H. Z. Friable, Orwell; Le Raysvflle, J. E. Bullock. 12-3 m CLAREMONT HOUSE saaaam M111322:1Qa RESPECTFULLY informs his fi tends that he has leased the above 'louse, situated on the south side of toe public square. lately occupied by A .M. Coe, and having made entirely new arrangement., is now prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting his compliments to his friends and the public generally,and asmring thetn no pains or expense will be spared to please ltis guests. he reepeettully solicits public patron age, pledging himself that whale the establishment is under his control; it shall Out be excelled by any in the country. The rooms of the • CLAREMONT if 0 are spacious and airy. and (urniehcd in the beet style. The Table will be furnished with every substantial the country c.rn produce. The Bar will be stocLed with the best liquors in a pure and unadulterated state. First rate :Stabling attached, with ready and faithful Ostlers always in atte,.dance. In short, nothing will be omitted. which will add to the comfort and convenience of customers, and with his facilities, he believes satisfaction will be rendered to all. Towanda, April 8, 1848. UKSMIM.L roFIE next,year of ibis In-titutio, will commence on Monday tho 3lbt day of A ugust.• MR. J. C. VANDERCOOK. Principal, tniss E. C. 131. A CK MA N. Preceptress. The year viii be divided into four terms of eleven weeks each. The first term will be fol lowed by a vacation of one week. The second term will commence November 23d. The third term out commence February Bth, and be followed by a vacation of one week. The fourth term will commence May 3, and be suc ceeded by a vacation of six weeks Tuitwn,perterm qf cleren wcd-s, For the common Eng studies, For the higher branches, including, Natural, Intellectual and Morol Sciences, 4 00 Mathematics and Lingtraires, 5 00 For the second and third terms, Extra, 25 For Drawing and Painting. 2 00 For Music, with use of Iti,trument, 7 00 " Without, • 5 00 Several literary and scientific gentleman, in conjunc tion with the principal, have consented to favor the in stitution with lectures on the more important branches of education, free of charge. All rtudent4 will be charge% for not less than half term, unless absence 1.3 occasioned by illness or other unavoidable causes. The of composing and declaiming Trill he required of every student, unte..s excused by the teachers or parents. The comae of instruction is designed to be thorough and practical, adapted to the requisitions of business, and the demands of an intelligent people. • The Academy has one of the finest locations on the Snequehanna,. commanding a charming view of that beautiful riser, the borough of Towanda and the sur rounding landscape. From a confidence in the zeal, enlerprize and abilities of the teachers, and the unusual prosperity of the school during the past year, we take pleasure in recommending this institution, to the favorable regard and patronage of en enlightened, intelligent and generous people, trusting that it will continue in usefulness, and the consequent reser of the public. HIRA M MIX. President. ENOS TOMKINS, J. D. MONTAN YE, C. L. WARD, J. P. MEANS. DAVID CASH TnrarnFa KINGSBERY, I IL 8 MERCER, WM. ELWELL. J Towanda, August 3, 1846. , •Owing to an errdr in manuscript, the date ofthe hand-bills will be found incorrect. It is three days too late. t The late Preceptress, having left the institution, without giving the. nrce■sary notice, we are under the necessity of deferring the opening of the Female De partment for one week. MISS BLACKMAN cornea highly recommended as a pianist and a scholar. .1. C. VANEERCOOK. STILL THEY COME! II 5.4 air. .311ERCUZi, !AVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, consisting as usual. of everything. which will be sold al Ihc notch. Toweal, July 6, 1846.. • Prbsts and Gingham?. VERY large and beautiful assortment of Print", Gingham* and Lawns, purchased in :hem York, since the late reduction of prices, just received at July 8. MERCERS'. WORINTED CALICOES-20,000 yds., finm to 25 mtg.Ose wishing Prints had better avail themselves of this opportunity.—they are selling rapidly. G. E. FLYNT & CO. - - AT. AN ANNUAL. MEETING Othe Directors of the " Towanda Savings Bank," 111 U, held at Tolwanda, May Ist, 1846, the following preamble and resolutions Wens unaniriabusly adopted : - • Resolved, That the, largest stock of GOODS shall he placed in No. 5, Bomb end Btick ROw. Resolved, That GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. shall con nate., 'Ai sell Goods as wield—cheaper than any other establishment iu Towanda. , , - Resolved, Vhat the " Savings Bank "'regulates the prices'of Merchandise and Eschtutge until our nest an nual meeting. Resolved, That the war Against Lumber—Credit and High Prices, shall be continued. • - Resolved, That the " Ready Pay System." is best adapted to this atmosphere, and when 0 successful 'operation, goods have, can and shall be sold cheap as. in the nett place. Resolved, That pore goods and better, shall be sold at N 0.5, (F. & Co.) for -the coming twelve months, than any other establishment. Resolved, That the proceedings or this meeting be published in the " Btadford Reporter," and "Bradford Argus," and two thousand copies circulated throughout the county. GE 0. E. FLYNT & Co. another Great and Enthusiastic MEETING! AT A MEETING of "611 No. 3 Brick - Row," held on the 33d day of May, inst.. OLD BAIRD. was called to the Chair, and Btabßiatto appointed a com mittee of the whole to draft resolutions. After several pathetic speeches by L• fen: and George, the follow ing Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, There appears to bee great desire . on the part of some Merchants in the Borough, to come up . along 'with No. 3; and Whereas .we are willing to assist them in doing so as far as consistent : Therefore Resolved, That such merchants have nut consent to unite their several stocks together, as the only means by which they can equal No. 3. ' Resolved, Thal the •• Sluroi tg.t Bank' . take the right wing ; "Natal/ profits and quick sales" the left, and "Nem York in Miniature " the rear,—a pike team. backwards. Resolved. That we never before thought New York was aticka looking place as • its miniature exhibits. Resolved, That No. 3 always has, always CAN, and always *VIM,. sell goods cheaper, better goods and more of them than anx_store in town. Resolved, That the proceedings of this. meeting he published in the Village papers, and that one, copy he handed to each of our competitors, and half a copy to "New York in miniature." May 29.1846, BILL BAIRD S. CO BOOT & SHOE MAKING. L:1 WILCOX & SAE have associated themseves in the Boot and • Shoe Making business. in the borough ofTowanda, and may be found at the old stand of S. Hathaway. Lady occupied by Elkanah Smith. near i. H.Stephens Exchange Hotel,' where they solicit a share of public patronage. They intend, by a earefil selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of their customers,to make as neat and dumble work as can be manufactured in this portion of the couhtry. They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture to order, morocco. calf and coarse hoots and shoes; Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and blips; children's do.; gent's gaiters and pumps, &c., &e. Towanda, May 14, 1845 CABLVET FUE.II7TURE AY DE HAD at our'shop much lower than it ha+ ever been sof,' in Towanda. Gnodi are cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we can afford all for to do it. All kinds of produce will la• received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds. , Sept. L. M. NYE 4" CO. <1!C01:8)2E. - '133'XICMIT.I5 tarfl,l. bo kept on hand a large assortment, and VW made to orderer' shorter notice and for less mo ney than can be produced at any other establishment in the land. Those who are under the neeessity of pro curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good hearse and pall may be had in attendance alien desired. September 1, 1845. L. M. NYE St CO. NE if ESTaBLISHME N7' 1C1T=1111101117" 31P 21 .11M - ILIZIF L. hl. NYE & CO., would re • spectlly inform the citizens of Tow 'anda and the public generally, tbut tip.* they have nn hand & manufacture ii:; Ito order nll kinds of CABINET .., ...v.-._ , FURNITUEE, of the best mate ! riots, and workmanship that cannot "" 0 be au rpassed, in add ition to the usual assortment in country shops, - we will keep on hand and make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved patterns; Sofa Rocking Chaini, upholstered in superior style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair, which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having had much etperience in the business, we shall be able to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to quality and price, and by strict Attention to bosiness hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal com munity. L. M. NYE & CO. BEI Towanda, September 1, 1845. CASIR FOR lIVOOL.—The liubs.ribet him no 111 . ../ objection to pay part or even all CASH for Wool, at at high rates us the market will permit. Towanda. May 00. 0. D. BARTLETT. JI.Y NETS, another lot just received and for sale cheap a jel7 REEDS'. WANTED -500,000 Shinale 300,000 feet Board:: 1000 lbe. Good Butter; June 14. J.D.4E.1). MONTAN YE 4- CO mod, Niro 4IM-•9 INEITei 3E O D• TOWANDA SAVINGS BANK. Established flay 1845. New Store, New Goods and New Prices ! G. E. FLYNT Si CO., the only Original Cash Store Fin WELVE MONTHS' experience has induced the Cashier & Co. of the " Towanda Savings Bank" to enlarge the sphere of their operations, being well as sured from the past, that the system of " Pay Iq-day and trust 10-morrow," is well adapted to Bradford county. Our stock of Goods surpass in quantity and quality any previous stock, which will enable us to of. fer greater inducements than ever. The following are !a few among the many articles that comprise our stock of Dry Goods: French, English and American Cloths, French Cas sinter°, Vestings, Sattinet, Summer Stuffs. Caipetings, French Muslin., Lawns. Barages, Batzaiirru, Gingham Gingham; Cashmeres, De Laines, Shawls of all descriptions, such es Brocha Plain do Lame, Ramp, Super silk, Rob Roy. and Merino, Parasols, Sheetings.Tiekinge„ Drilling, Bagging, Wicking. Oil Cloths, &c. 20,000 yards printed calicoes.- together with our usual stock of Milinery Goods. Our stock embraces almost every article usually called for. We have just received a large invoice of Family Crocenes— which we aro offering at reduced prices—time and space will not allow us to enumerate. Also, a large stock of Crockery, Glassware, Shelf Hardware, Nails, Steel, Iron. Hats and Caps,Boots and Shoes, &c., &c. We take this opportunity of returning our thanks to the people of Bradford LA •••• c , unties, and in vite all who wish to BM' GOODS CHEAP, to give us a call, as we aro pledged to go for " The Cash Par ty." We assure our friends that no compromise has bee n effected with flu CREDIT OR DU:II9ER pri ces, but we shall continue to huy . hao and sell cheap, as long as there is a cash customer la : Bradford manly. Our motto far the year to coure,is—" WE HAVE WE CAN. WE WILL." cr Lila for the Saving. Bank, 11'o. 5, South End, Brick Row. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. Towanda, May O. 1846. SUMMER SHAWLS, Handkereheifs and Ribbons, beautiful and cheap, at myllo BETTS'. The republication of this valuable , work has been undertaken partly on account of the high favor with which it has been received in England, but chiefly in consideration of its intrinsic value, analog from the felicitous adoption of the plan to a want that has been long and generally felt and from the judgment and fidelity manifested in its execution. 'I he idea of giv. ing in a single woik, of no very formidable dimensions, a sutlieient outline 3f the world's whole history, and similar outlines of the .history of every nation, is so obvious, judicious and appropriate as to require no eulogiuni. Every person who cares at all for the acquisition of useful knowledge must desire to pesesa such a general knowledge of past. events, not only in his own country "but in all countries, as shall enable him to understand the perpetually reaming tdlusions that are found in almost any course of general reading; because for want of,such understanding there is always a serious diminution both of pleasure and profit even in the perusal of such works as are design ed chie fl y far amuse ment. For instance, most of Sir Walter. Scott's novels are roundeld upon history; and abound with reference to historal events and personages, a want of some acquain tance with which detracts seriously from the interest and delight they are so well qualified to awaken; and so of most other works belonging to the better class of what is called light literature. lint the difficulty has been to obtain this general' knowledge without going through many books, requiring a greater expenditure of time and 'flimsy than most persons are able, or willing to afford; and toobviate such difficulty has been the purpos of Mr. Maunder. His plan has the merit of completeness, and is un doubtedly the hest that could have been desired. H. gives first a general sketch of ancient :and modern his tory—a rapid and comprehensive bird's-eye view, as it were of the rise and progress of nations, the most im portant incidents of their career, and their relations to each other; and after this he takes up the nation's,' separately, furnishing a concise digest of all that is ins- taartatit or desirable to know concerning each, and thus affording a sort of key to the changis and events that, were more briefly indicated, rather by their•results than Uteri incidents, in the general 'sketch or outline. Thus the salient points of history are brottaht within a man ageable compose; and an excellent foundation is laid for more thorough• and extensive reading in reference to any portion of the world or any epoch of which a com plete knowledge may he desired. In the execution of this plan the author has been very succeraul.'.: His notices of historical events,though brief, are lucid arid satisfactory; and he traces the connection of effect and cause with singular acumen and generally with most commendable freedom from partiality or bias; thus supplying a very good idea of the philosophy of history as well as of the facts which history records.— In a word, the work will he found invaluable to the ge neral reader, and,a very useful help to the student. Complete in two volumes, large octavo, with engrav ings, $4. An edition in paper covers, complete, suita ble for mailing, $3. DANIEL A DEE, Publi-her, ;07 Fulton -street, New Fork. Elmira, Corning. and Buffalo Line. MBE Proprietors of the above T.ine will continue to run a Line of Passage Boats b e twee n EINTIRA, CORNING and BUFFALO. for the accommodation of EMIGRANTS and FAMILIES, moving West, af fording facilities not heretofore ofTered to the Emigrant, from this section of New York and Pennsylvania. The' Boats of this Line are of the FIRST' CLASS fitted and furnished with all the conveniences and ac commodations of PSCKETS, commanded by experien ced Captains. and towed by ruin.. of, BOAT ROME, Capt. 11. W. THOMPSON, TEMPEST, Capt. A. M.TARLOH. JOHN W. WILCOX, PHILANDER sAUE. During the season of 1546, one of the above Boats will leave Corning, and Elmira, every week, in the fol lowing order : ConaING, es-o,y Monday evening, at 6 o'clock P. M., ELMI MA, every Tuesday evening, at 6 o'clock P. Towing down Seneca lake every Thursday mornin#, touching at Big Stream, Lodi, and Dresden, leaving Buffalo for Corning and Elmira, every Wednesday morning. FOR EREIGHT OR PASS kGE apply to Captain on board, or to WM. Mallory, Corning, 6. 13. Strut:: & co., /:;, Air/7. Wintermute & Tuttle, iluieellead., A Nash,. Havana, • 1,. G. Townsend. /VA. , . Sircem, Woodworth & Po-t, Loll, Price & Holly, Groratu, Gay 4- Swart, Watedoci. .I.Sb en kcr , S, urcu Foil, Raker 4- Ross, 31matzuma, H. Wright, Rorhe.sier, li.. Kiln. iloirolo. oftzazg THE subscriber not being in full communion with the firm of Ill—. he is not prepared to boast of the largest assortment of JEW ELlil" out of Jnil : and having never learned the Cabinet nitzka:g busi nese,— he in not prepared to .16 any work in that .line; but having served a regular apprenti-erh.y in the watch repairing businyss, att.: the e. Inaience at 16 years, has no hesitation irfsaying that all work entrusted to him shall be done in a workmanlike manner, promptly, and second best to none west of that city from whence came that mighty melt of Gad Jewelry ! . Now my friends, in all your getting.: don't - forget to get your watches ilird at obi No. 100 opposite the Public Squats and two doors north of Briggs' tavern, Towanda, April 2 , 3, 1646, 6.7 N. B.—!pledge myselftedo my work right. Al work warranted one year and - the money refunded if i does not perform according to nmeement.- Stick a P.O there ! and afterMONDA V. MARCH 3Uth - IBM the CP Passenger Cars on the William.sporl and Elmira Rail Road will learn Williamsport daily at half past five o'clock, A. M., and at two o'clock P.M. while the watermen are travelling. A doily line of mail coacher,. will I•ave Trout Run for Tina County, i .inediotely after the arrival of the Taro. Extras, will always he in readiness en the arrival of the cars at Ralston. (besides the regular mail line,) to carry P.agengfts to EL2IIIR.::'OIrEGO,TI?OF. TOTT:IND.I and the intermediate places. The road rorditot travel ing from Crandle's to 1 13lossburg is in good order. Passengers - may rest assured, that every etTort will be made by the company to give satisfaction to the travel leg public, and that this route North, is t.e cheapest, the most comfortable and expeditious in the State. • RonEnT FARIES, President. WillHammon, March i 3, 1846. ALl....persons indebted to the estate of Joel Tuttle, late of Standing stone township, dec'd., are reques ted to make immediate payment, and thole haying claims against said estate, will please presenOthem du ly attested to ALBA TUTTLE, Executor. Standing Stone, June 4. 1946. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to tho estate of James L. / . 1 Ennis, late of Standing Stone township, deed., are hereby requested tomake payment without delay, and those haying claims against said estate, will please pre sent them duly attested to ASA STEVENS, Standing Stone. June 4, 1846. Executor. SUMMER STUFFS—By the Yanl, 111 . 1 e or P nek oze, at G. E. FLYNT An CO. DEUNQUENTS. flinflOE who base purchased goods at Nf.ontanye's 4- Co.'s store on a years credit, at as cheap rates as they could have been enabled to do at other places for Cash will do well to pay up, if they wish to keep the pot boiling. June 17. 1846. 1 130CTU .11torney at Lair, OFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Row, reedy over the Poet OfliOe. Min vtreet. Q 3 0 trance at the north end of the building. ‘33. The Treasury of History, Comprising a generatintroductory outline, of tiniverva History, Ancient and Modem, and a series of se perste histories of every principal nation that • - exists, their rise, progress, present non dition, ac., Ate., &c, BY SAMUEL••MAUNDER. 'Author of the "Tiesteury of Knowledge," " Biograph „ . cut Treasury," dm including THE HISTORY_ OF AMERICA, EDITED DE JOUN lINMAX,ISQ, 1187CIEDi'aiirTiL t''llM's SPRING ARRANGEMENT! EXECUT'OR'S NOTICE FOREIGN_. PERIODICALS; REPUBLICATION OF THE LONDON QUARTERLY REV THE ED_NBURGH REVIEW, THE FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIN THE WEsTAHNsTER REVIEw, AND • • BLACKWOOD'S EDINGBURGII MAG'ulst The above Periodicals are reprinted in No e y immediately on their arrival by the p r i t e, b stein., 2o, a beautiful clear type, on fine White papa / , 1 faithful copies of the originals- Br . wood, 14:: zINE being an exact fac.simile of the Ediatarm tion. The wide•sprcad fame of these splendid Pe t i o e„„ L renders it needless to say much in their praise literary organs, they _stand far in advance of sa, of a similar - stamp now published, while the ;,, s°l : 1 complexion of each is marked by dignity, e a Li m , -- 72, forbearance not oftenfound in works of a p iny 4 7 ,. atter. They embrace the views of the three gnat • . England— Vt . hig, Tory, and R r a - dica1,....." El ee k4 and the " London . Quarterly" are Tory; th e . E dia. burg Review," Whig: and the" Westminirtee,^ cal.„ The "Foreign Quarterly ” is purely lit eele ;7 4. ing devoted principally to criticisms on foreiga c e , 4 nental Works. The prices of the EVPRISTS are lets thin Twilee of those of the foreign copies, and while they in , en ,„, ly well got up, they afford all that adviat ege American over the English reader. PERMS: PATNENT TO BB "[ADE II AOTANCL For any one of the four Reviews, $3,00 per ini4 For any two, do 5,00 . For any three, do 7,00 For all four of the Reviews, 8,00 For Blackwirod's Magazine, 3,00 For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00 . •.. CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above works IQ k, sent to one address on payment of the regular subseor. Lion for three—the fourth copy being gratis. • ' crf Remittances and coliimunicauons must beta s & in all cases without expense to the pabilib en , T6 former may always be done through a Postgam e t e handing him the amount to be remitted, taking hiir;. ceipt and forwatding the receipt by mail, Pat-paik w the money may be enclosed in a letter, Parri c id t i . recital to the publishers. N.B...—TheYostage on all there Perisdicdrin duces! by the late Post-Office law, to about one4i6i the former rates, making a very important sawing/odt expense to the mail subscribers. • ~• In all the principal cities and Totem liins.s out the United Stales to which there is a dine! Zit Road or Water communication from the city of iT ~, York. these periodicals will be delitered FREE 0? tUSTAGE. ' LEONARD SCOTT 6: CO. Publisben. lyear 112 Fulton St., New Yori. . • New Blacksmitiong Establishmeg In Towanda,. Prices 25 per cent. cheaper Juan hare oft been known in Northern Pewee. THE subscriber, having commenced the alm a. siness, takes this method to inform the Wail,. tants of Towanda and vicinity, that he is Neutral s do all kinds of work entrusted to his care in the it s neat and workmanlike manner: such as ironing esti. es, carriages, sleighs, of all kinds; mill-work or 1.1 kinds, dune a little nicer than at any other ahop in to county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOL: 4 , ro till up crevices, and finally all kinds of work in iSe above line (horse-shoeing excepted)-and will item! all my work to stand the test. Try me are; if yos,w not find things - just right, then put me down. Freon r long experience in the business, I flatter myeelf !tin i can please all kinds of people. You can End Mr ‘: all times at my shop. a few rods south of Bridge see. known as Means' old stand. • All kinds of Produce taken in payment for irerk.M a little of the ready Jo-Davis will not he refured. N. HEMINGWAY, JR. T monde, May 6, 1846.—y , MEDICINE AND SURGERY. DR. JANIES M. GOODRICH lis'ilocated Nca at MONROE, for the practice of bin proten.z. and will be pleased to wait on those requiring hiss:. vices. He may he found at J. L. Jnbeson% tavern. Reference may be made to Drs. ErSTON & 11..,0 of Towanda. -April 23, 1845. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry k.Silyertrau, .$T NO. I.' Biel& Rory - - • WA. C H 8E1314N Ihis just 'clamed (Ts the city of New York with the largeeswr: mrnt of F ASHIONA BLE JE WS Llb Y, ever brocrx to this place, such as Flllgrt-rings, Breast-01Mo( ewl descripti o n Lockets, bracelets, gold and curer NHL, gold k e ys,o tIIIII.IIICS, Silver spoons. sugar tongs. qua. cles, for all ages, pen riml pocket knives. (Roger'. A' nufacture,) and many other articles which he salsi extremely low for CASH. All kinds of WATCHES; consisting of pentk' err, L'Epine. English and Swiss notches, warrants:a keep good time. It is as clear and unquestionable as our right te6t whole of Oregon, thht VV3i .A: CII.OIB I OLIN be the largest and best selected assortment of Fancy Gol. ever brought into the borough of Towanda, and thug will sell his goods cheaper than snug tree -sold by cs! human hying being . I —stick a pin there !! N. 8.. Watches warranted to run well one yens the money refunded; and a written agreement Pen to that effeg. to all that desire one. CO M A PLE SUG A R, Wood, and all kloilsof Cru try Produce received in payment ; - W. A. CHA MBERLIN, Ara. Towanda, April 22, 1846. A.M. WARNER . CHMRS BIND BEDSTEAS. .. ~ THE subscriber. stil 'com / t to manufacture and keep on WI 1 ,,, j 1 at their old staad, all Lai if ( alf . Cane andWoodseatChcia ',.! also Setteesof carload , : -I7V i. 4- BEDSTEr2DS,offreru \ description, which Wt iii 4 sell low for cash &product. TURNING done to order. • . ' . TOMKINS & MAKINSON. Towanda, April 23, 1845. zpqmataa