OREGON OR 'WAR N I) 3 AGAINST THE WORLD. rsT FEC'D the Largest, Best. sod Cheapest J Goods err,. brought into the country : 1 DRESS GOODS, rnord mo ling, lace muslins, lawn ginghams, organdi, ar o, Canary lawn, cashmeres, muslin ging urn,: na'new article. florence satin striped, balzarine, a black halzanne, checked print reps and crape jelsior, pt. white dress gwds, a large lot of prints rich and utiful patterns. corded and grass skirts, ombre de% wireais plain and shaded do..blk. col'd stradella sho ls, liarrige and net shawls, satin striped barrigc and pet log shawls, ladies polka, fig'd and striped cravats soil lies, beadliful gimps and frringes, silk demiveils. vea haute , Icc- BONNETS. c to per than the c heapest—Gipsey pearl braid, °owl°• nettear. florence, gipsey devon straw edged and plain, gipsey pedal, birds eye braid and devon straw ,pendid Bonnet Ribbons, some very desirable styles; .o don. parasols and Sun Shades, lady and gents black and cord Kid Gloves RO , AD CLOTHS. Lin. Cambric Hdkfs. Hosiery 4. c B Twilled French. English and American; doe skin Cas sore, light and dark striped checked do. a great vane. n; g olden tweeds, merino cassimere, Kentucky Jeans, blue Jas. A superior assortment of VESTRCGS valentine, cassimere. plain and striped satin. 10 bales Sheeting, Batting, Wadding and Wicking. HARD Seth 25 Iron, nails, steel, log chains, halter and trace d ; i_ mill and x cut saws, augurs and files. A' large as „,rtment of Shelf Hardware, door trimmings, cutlery, ,lice thread, wool and horse cards, coffee mills. &c. 31,,,d'5. H35515 ' and Wadswonh , er Warranted Grain c G 1 s Seyt hes. .snaths and sickles, a first sate article. BOOTS & SHOES. I,tdits. kid buskins and slippers, morocco and calf skin toots. black and fancy gaiters and half gaiters, children's pan , and calf boots. A beautiful article gent's gai ters; coarse and fine ß Boots. in OCERIES ahundance.• . G. A large stock of Sugar and Molasses; Lump Loaf and p i j,erised sugar; Fresh Teas; Coffee, Rice. Raisins, nutmegs, indigo, tobacco, fine cut and cavendibh, shad aackerel and codfi Cß sh.). OCKERY. A general assortment, in setts, or otherwise, to suit cus t,menc 400 Men's and Boy's Leghorn Hats ; 6004 1 , L. do. rj Butter, Flaxseed, Beeswax, Eggs anti Grain, noted in exchange for goocls, at cash prices. Towanda, May 20, 1846. AMWE ARTICLE BLACK TEA con be found lat No. 3, - Brirk Rory. roy2o BAIRD'S. Those who wish to Purchase Cheap Goods, ligrit.L. find it to their interest to call at BAIRD'S, I before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deters to sell at all hazards. NO. 3, BRICK ROW. filiDOZ. 4' Cr ENT l'A IL'S; 2 doz. 1% . ash tubs; al2 •'oz. Brooms; 6 setts Wooden measures ; t No. .4. Brick Row. BAHays. orroN V.AuN & CARPET WARP-1,000 P lbs. at ; myl2o NO. 3. BRICK RO DRUGS & MEDICINES, paints, oils and dye stuff:, white lead, ground and dry, varnish, pills, ~,;;;ier, copperas. Nits. turpentine. aum copal, :limn. brawn red, red-wont, cam-wood. all for sale ,rap, at M 9 NO. 3, BRICK ROW. n' (1 U Z - 0 `' 0 Tin the citizens of Bradford County in eeneral, and thr Barough if Totranda, in part;rtriar All etsluttateenn., notes and accounts of the subscribers. collected accorthinz to laic, /riffm•rf 11,t;nthon Pf 0011 F. unless sattsfartorilv Nettled mann thirty .11F nt this date. Those who think we are not in , n w s t hell find out their mistake to their nn n W BAIRD &CO. Istvanda. May 15, I R 44. N. R. \Ve w,uhl furthermore fay upon thin vnrg••rt owe have just received 3 . LUZI. stuck of .Y,lr a..!) van Ie mold very cheep indeed. for rreillq parr. • n." • VERYTIIING in •the linr. including Elliptir Sprirx,, Iron xelA, Mallahle Bor,. Lash, Seat er, crop Irons, Ornament+. India iti , bor and 081 Cloth. Io Tuft., Moss. Rte. for gale at j 1.4 M EC' CleS. INSURANCE AGENCY. iIE ad, rlln r •-ontono,:: to act a: nzrot for tile DE LON AltE 31171 TA I. INSUR \NUE CO., of anlelphia, a rtnek con[pny of good vfanding and re & doe s bu,i ne . % rahle terms as any other HP 1. aka anent for Lige LYCONIING CO. ND; INSCIZANOE M.": a company which has al him pundual in the payment of losses arid pre gehltlra 1. 0 1, 111t1.1. S lav 0. D. BA re'r LETT. THE WAR BEGUN! T7.f Ipinst Ugh Prices and the Crtdit System • NEW FIRM AND 'NEW GOODS. .11 the .S etc Chet ;, Store, Ca 2, Brick Pow. one door south (if the P.O. THE Subscribers having entered into a cospaitner ship for the express purpose of furnishing the good swple of Bradford County with goods. wares and mei , at least one notch lower than they hove ever , ssa ,old in this market. They are now securing one a . to e larg.st and best selected stocks ofspring antl.surn mr goods, ever landed in Northern Pennsylvania . Itea stack rompriseS almost every article ever ofi'erell ai country stare. Among winch, we can only inert that there ii a general assortment of I '7 Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Croeleery,-Glass, Nulls, Iron, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes; Sul I, Tin mare, Stone-ware, Liquors. 4.e., Their goods have been purchased mostly for cash at imam, and they pledge themselves that they will not , t undersold by any other establishment in this section dthrcountry. 9eople have only to call at the New Tort Cheap Stare,(No. 2 Brick. Row.) to satisfy than- C. &E. REED Towanda, May 2.5. I&I G. DONNETS—A great saving to the Heads of the Nation." The Ladies will find it a great saving to ctr heads to call and purchase one of those beautiful Devon, Gimp, Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gipsy '"'.et;.elling so cheap at REED'S. LANDLU (WS supplied on the mast favorable terms. Those wishing to buy good Liquor-and Segars ;c rent below the usual prices cannot fail to find it to call ou TRACY & NM./ RE. Dissolution. T" partnership heretofore existing between the tabsenbers.under the firm of Carrier & Hurlburt. -+LL'I.6 day hg mutual consent dissolved. M. T. CARMF.II, P. M Hlill1.31;11T, Ong. 10, la ALICOES—the largest assortment and prettiest patteins, and theapest CALICOES, to sac no. of ti!aghatan, Lawns, &c., ever seen in this re. br sale by mv2O 0. D. BARTLETT. KEEP SHADY! just received at the Savings Barth : 100 sup. Parasols; 50 Paresollettes ; 100 Umbrellas: Fo' the " sphntent " we will put them dots-111ov. Ilsa :7. G. E. FLYNT & CO. ' pARA , OI.s, PA HASUL L ETS, SUN SHADES. either Stlit, Gingham, or Cotton, may be found REED'S ‘ ll:llN lER§howls.Huslin DeLaine,Ombri 11Plain and Enahroideted Stradilla and Berme Shawls tor snnitner, now opening nt REED'S. l E GHoRs and Palm . Leaf Ilatsof all qualities just "wed and tar sale hat cheap REED'S III Av IDDOANE, my son, a lad over eighteen Pam left iny house on, the,sth of August inst. t y ,,: i m 'my good reason fur doing so. and I hereb y z , 44 all and any person whatever harboring or trust. my account u 1 will pay .no debts of his 1 7 g o expenses incurred t 'lhstra. r Ang II th ' 4 6 JOSEPH DOA NE. . IRON AND STEEL. RACKSMITHS, and will do well to oth a wanting ILION OR k,212:Ei., : t all and examine the latge 7 ' 4 ' (111 Lept comtantly ou hand at MERCUIIV. Great Attfaction at .No. 1, Brick Row ! , LATE ARRIVAL. AyoB, CHAMBERLIN is now receiving a splendid • assortment of Drugs. Medicines, Paints; Oils and St ; and in addition; a full and complete as sorttutn of FAMILY GROCERIES ;--the stock con sisting in part of tho following: MEDICINES, dte. • Alum, Alcohol, Aloes, Annette, Antimony; Arro* Root. Arsenic, Aqua Fortis, do. Ammot. Bottles, alisoit ell, Beane Oil, British Oil, Blue Vitriol, Borax, Dark, Peruv, pole. , Bath Brick, Balsam Copaiva, Burgundy Pitch, Camphor. Calomel, Caraway Seeds, Cantharides, Carb. A mmon.,Cayenne Pepper, Chamomile Flowers, Cinnamon, Cloves, Court Plaster, Copperas, Confec tionary, Corks of all kinds, Cream Tartar, Curcuma Cubebs, Emery, ised froM No. 1 to 6, Epsom Salts, esence Bergamot. do. Lemon, do Peppermint, do. and Oil Spruce, Flor. Sulphur, do. Benton', Glue, of all kinds, Gold Leaf, Gum Opium, do. Arabic, do. Copal, do. Assafeetida, do. Myrrh, do. Tragacanth. Harkin Oil, Hiera Picra, Indigo , Spanish; float do. Bengal, Ink Powders, Ink, in bottles, do. Indellible, Irish Moss, Isinglass, Itch Ointment, Ivdry Black,Jalap, Laudanum Licorice. Root, ilo. Ball, Lunar Caustic, •Macassar Oil, Mace, Magnesia, do. calcined, Manna. Mustard seed, do. ground, Nursing Bottles, Nutgalla, Nutmeg, Oil, fall, winter and summer strained Sperm, bleached, wht. and natural, do. Linseed, do Camphine, Sweet, do Vit ro!, dd. Wintergreen, do. Peppermint, do Aniseed, do. Lavender, Opodeldoc, Paregoric, Pearl Barley. Pepper Sauce, Perfumery, Pill Boxes. Pink Root, Prussiate Potash, Quicksilver, Rhubarb, rt. dr. powdr., Roll .Brim stone, Red Chalk, Red Precipitate, Saffron, American and Spanish, Sand Paper, Sal. Ammoniac, do. Clauber. Saltpetre, Sarsaparilla, do Syrup, Sealing Wax, Senna, Shaker's Herbs: Sponge, coarse and fine. Starch: Snuff Maccaboy de. Scotch, do. Cephalic, Soap, Castile, do. Shaving, do Wieser, Spermaceti, Spts. Hartshorn, do. Nit. 'Dole., Sugar Lead, Sup. Curb. Soda, Sulph. Quinine, Syrinfies, assorted, Tart. Acid. Tenter Hooks, Vials, assorted, Valerian Root, Wafrrs, White and Red Tartar. PAINTS Black Lead, Cassia, Chalk, Chrome Yellow, do. Green, Copal Varnish, Coach do. Lead. White, dry aid in Oil, Lamp Black, Litharage, Putty, Paris White, Spanish Brown. Prenrch Green, Spt. Turpentine. Rosin, Venetian Red, Verdigris, Vermillion, Whiting, Yellow Ochre. DYE-STUFFS Red Wood, Nicaragua, Madder, Mudge Tin, Oxalic Acid, Prussian Blue, Pumice, Red Saunders, Rotten Stone, Camwood, Cochineal. Est. Logwood, Fustic, Crain Tin, Hatchwood, Lac Dye, Lagwood. PATENT MEDICINES The great English remedy, Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, Sand's Sarsaparilla, Biistol's Est., do. Wistar's Balsom Wild Cherry, Pectoial Honey of Li verwort, Checseman's Arabian Balsam, Pills, Oriental, do. Dr. Post's, do. Hooper's, do. Moffat's, do. Persian, do. Brandretles, do. Phioney's, do. Lee's, Godfrey's cordial, Thompson's Eyewater, Dr. Jayne's Epcctorant. GROCERIES Tea. Coffin., Sugar, Spice and pepper, Starch, Rai sing, Sods Crackers, Cinnainott, English Currants, 'Nutmegs, Ginger,St'm ref. Family Soap, Stern Can dles Chemical Wax, do. Tobacco and Snutt, Sal Xra tug, Pipes, Brooms, Pails, ropes, Refined Loaf Sugar, Cassia. WINDOW-GLASS Looking Glass plates of all sizes, Window Glass, 7 he 9. 8 by 10,10 by 12, 10 by 14, 11 by 15, 12 by 16, 12 by 18, Fancy articles of all kinds. Also—Fine Butter Crackers. 'Towanda. Aug. 4,1816. A. S. C. IST OF LETTERS, remaining in-the Post Of d lice, at Athens, quarter raiding Sept. 30, 1346. 1/r t Bin Avery E Jenks jr Mr Aare. J & C Jenkins C it Brink Manilla Jackson Joseph Bell Bar bate Lehman I II Burch G Litzenberg Daniel Boy an R Liddell Mamma Boggs Rev F Lane E Cornernan G Marvin A De, ev Thomas Mouusey E Dunhalm Sand Myers C A Dfi-lcoll Harriet A Morris E Dingee Haswell B Davis G W Northup Mr. Bradley D Playfoot P S Evvner J Pomeroy lt S Finch 2 Nancy Park Simnel Finch Park (Innkeeper) .1 T Gilbert jr Directors of the Poor of Thomas Gardner 3 Athens and Litchfield Mary S Griswold t townships Phei,r, Gray C S Park Lesi A Gardner R L Pond O A Hudson t, Symonds Jo or 11 H mchmen il. P Snyder M.try Herne or Kerne H . Rowland 2 .1 Harlon:ln 0 Williston I, II•mton I,ll,,Wilecr: \V Ii Hunt OyanDeleurart J.II Jenks e.. 14,11 E 'MICK, P.M EM L WINTE 'GOODS. oNTANyEs• & CO.. arc now recieving a very Li. desirable ass ortment of Goods.purchased during great depression in the market. comprising French & En.gli. , .h BROAD-CLOTHS. Cassimeres and Saltiness, and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods. Grateful for ,past favors they respectfully solicit a gene thus public to call and examine their stock, and think can hold out sufficient inducements to ensure their share of public patronage. Septembor 7. 1846. TLACKSMITH'S ANVIL . AND VICES, AT July 7. MERCUR'S. 11 %PI 0-(OD3t THE trubscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public generally, that he is now receiving a very large and carefully selected ad dition to his stock of GOODS, bought for Cash, and selected with the express view of UNDERSELLING the BRAGGADOCIOS. 0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, May 13, 1846. WRITING INSTITUTE. 31IL SACKETI', whose system and manner of the art of WRITING, have been the subject of public approbation of late, will be in this place next week, for the purpose of teaching a dam in the above very ti:cful accomplishment. All desirous of attaining the art well, are respectful. Iv invited to place them=elve• under his instruction.— :tat isfoctory improvement will tie gust untied to the atten tive•student. Terms, twelve days, six hours each, $5,00 Mr. S. does not intend to frighten the people of To wanda with a display of beasts and bird , . as his profes sion is that of a teacher of writing, to which he applies his whole attention. CLOTHS AN CASSI ERES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Cloths of all shades and colors, and qtralitics;and prices. Casirnercs. r3(11 and Plain. Sattinetts and a good assortment of Vestintts may he found at GEO. E. FINN T & CO. N oF JultUli. drawn tor biaxial Court, to L. 4 I.4holden October '26, 1846. Armenia—Alba Burnham Asylum—Corneilus Quick; Athens tp—O. D. Satterlee. James Pierce; Bualington—Wm:Knapp, jr.; Columbia—James Nash, L. N. Tinkham ; Canton—Seth K. Porter; Granville—James H. Ross; Rachficld—Daniel Mallery ; Monroe—Patrick Dunfee, James. L. Rockwell; Pike-4mo H. Ross. Platt Wood; Rome—L.Smitb, P. Pohinton, D. Tayler ; Ritl,7,berry—John Kline; Sheshequin—A.Bidlack, A. Baldwin, Joshua Horton; Strutlield—T.24l. Beach, Leonard Pierre; . Standing Stone—P. D.,Havens, H. W.Tracy ; Towanda hoto—E."o. Goodrich; tp—W. W. Goodrich, B. Goodwin ; Troy—J. E. Goodrich,.J.Lindermsn, A. E. Thomas; lilsiter—Edward Mills; Wyoluiiing—John Elliott, J. Inghsm ; Wysoxl). H. Owin, L. Trumbull. i t ;LIH AIA LS, the largest and cheapest assortment of -• Fall & Winter Shawls ever offered for sale in To wanda; at MERCUR'S. atavtaaaz lamm-5,1 Suited_ to the Homan Constitution, and equal to the cure - of every cambia disease, will be found in Wriihr 8 Indian ,Vegetable Pills, North American College of &CIL These extraordinary Pills are composed of plants which grow spontaneously on our own soil, and are, therefore better adapted to our constitutions, than Medi cines concocted from foreign drugs, however well they may be compounded ; and as WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS arq founded upon the principle that the human body is in truth 817BJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE, . namely, corrupt humors, and that _said -medicine cures this disease on NATURAL PRINCIPLES, • by cleansing and purifying die body, it will be mani fret that if the constitution be not entirely exhausted, a perseverance in their use, according to directions, is ab solutely certain to drive disease of every name from the body; . When we wish to restore a swamp or morass to fertility, we drain it of the superabundant water. In like manner, if we wish to restore the body to health we must cleanse it of impurity. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS will be found one of the.hest, if not the very best, medi cine in the world for carrying-out this GRAND PURIFYING PRINCIPLE, beranse they expel from the body all morbid and corrupt hunior, the cause of the disease, in an easy and Natu ral Manner, anti while they every day give EASE & pleasure, disease of every name is rapidly driven from the body. The following highly respectable Store.keepers have been duly appointed Agents for the sale of Wright's In dian Vegetable Pills in Bradford County. Montanye's & Co., Towanda ; • A. H. Gaylord, Canton ; John H.Furman, Colombia Flatts ; T. & S. W. Pomeroy, Troy ; Coryell & Gee, Burlington ; Wm. Gibson, Ulster; Lyman Durfec, Smithfield ; L.S.Ellaworth, Athena; Guy Tracy, Milan ; U. Moody & Co. Frenchtown ; John Horton, Jr., Terrytown ; E. Norman, Springfield ; Storrs & Jones, Sheshequin; Daniel Brink, Hornlirook ; N. D. & C. Warlord, Monrocton Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. of the North American College of health, No. 22 Greenwich street, New York ; No. 198 Tremont at., Colton ; and Principal Offitx, No 169 Race street, Philadelphia. -15 y MONEY LOST. BY the undersigned on the 23 inst., at the Toll House, nr near Mathewson's raven), in Athens, a t) L allet containing $l7 in Bank Notei, and about $2 in change. Also 1 Note signed by Samuel Niles de two signed by A. C. Scutt, amounting in all to about $9O and some other papers ; if the person finding or having them will return them to the undersigned, shall be entitled to $5 ; or any information given whereby the above may be recovered, shall he amply rewarded by BENJAMIN P. SCOTT, Smithfield, Sept. 29th, 1846. Administrator's Sale. NWpursuant* of an-order of the Court of Bradford Couuty, will be sold at public vendue, at the house of George Coryell. in Monroeton, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Thursday, the 15th day of October next, the following described property, late of Nnadiah Cranmer, dec'd, to wit: The undivided one-eighth part of a tract of land situate in Monroe township. bounded north by lands of A. L. Cranmer, east by G. F. Mason, Sarah Care and Franklin Lyon. on the south by the To wanda creek and on the west by lands of G. F. Mason, Containing one hundred acres with about sixty acres improved, with a framed house and barn and an appld orchard thereon. Also—the south half of a lot of land situate in Mon to, township containing one hundred acres, bounded on the north by lands of Josh Summers. east by James R. Irvine & W. W. Irvine, south by W. W. Irvine & *bleu. Niamey, and on the west by lands of Sebleus Marcy and Sevellon Fowler. The said fifty acres be ing all unimproved. Terms made known on day of sale. CL Al 2 R ISSA CRAN ER, Administratrix. JAS. R. IRVINE, Administrator. Sep. 9. SHERIFF'S SALE. B Y virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas is sued out of the court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, I shall ex pose to public sale.at the house of Ira It Ste phens in the boron,' of Towanda, on Fritts), the 16th day of October, the following described piece or parcel of land situate in Wyalusing township, bounded north by lands of Justus Lewis. west by Staltord, south by J. H. Black, east by the township line. Containing 352 acres. about two hundred acres improved, with four framed houses, three log houses. one framed barn, one log barn. one spring house, one grist mill and the half of a saw mill and three small orchards thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Elisha Lewis vs. Samuel Black. JOHN F. MEANS' Sheriff, Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Sept. 16. 1846. Arrival of the Great Western !. At Towanda. August ISth 1846. IN the Cargo will ba founds large lot of soda, sugar and lemon crackers, Ladies lasting gaiters, de. Misses Morocco hoots, eo. Mimes walking shoes, do. childrena leather boots, do. Misses gaiters, and boots and shoes of all kinds, which will be sold very low fat ready pay. N.B. 50 Firkins of good butter wanted, fur which half cash and half trade will he paid, and the highest prire .ord the lowest trade at the grocery and shoe store. The subscriber has been so long in the business of hoots and shoes, that he flatters himself that ho can furnish a better article than was ever brought into this market. I want you all to come ana try. If they do not fit yo need not buy. Some toes are broad, and some are narrow, If you want good shoes, come to O'Hara. Towanda, August 18. 4846. ~?II1 ~I~J '~L°^J~iC~II~C~~ THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inforia the public that be continues to carry on the above business at his shop in the vicinity of I.eraysville, and that he is prepared to furnish on the most reasonable terms, WIRE; CLOTH, suitable for Safes, for Rolling Screens, in Grist Mills, or for Selves in Fannine 4-c. Orders directed to Leraysvilli, Bradford Co. Pa., will. be promptly attended to. E. MARSH. Leraysville, September 1846. SHERIFFS SALE. Y virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas issued out Up' of the court of common pleas of Bradford Coun ty, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the house ~f V. M. Long in Tray, on Wednesday, the 7th day of November next. at 10 o'clock A.M., the following lands situate in Troy, Bradford county, bounded on the east by the Sugar Creek and lands of Samuel Allen 4- the Avery Road, and on the south by lend of Atari& Ward, on the west by land of said Ward and Gardner Seaman, on the north by the mud creek road and land belonging to the heirs of Myron Allen and the Trey and Towanda road ; containing about forty a cres more or less, with a framed house, framed horn, and a log house, and some 'smell apple trees thereon all improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of .1. Morris Wattles vs. Adolphus Allen. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sept. 311, 1846. POSITIVE. OME is hereby given to call those Lfercharita 111 who wished to Compromise, and thereby raise the price of Goods in Towanda, that we. cannot enter into any arrangements of the kind. We are boot id to sell gocids cheaper than any other establishment, let the cir cumstances be what they may. Perrone desirous of purchasing Goods at the lowest " notch," must call at toe "Savings Bank" as usual. where the most goods are giving for the money. . Sept. '46. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. 1 BATHER—CaIf 81am, Sole and Lippe leather at AA jib MEECUR'S viltVo.L.E=A AUMIIIIMMro THE next year of this toothed°, will cornmence on Monday the 3to day of August.• MR. J. C. VANDERCOOK, Principal, Phis E. C. BLACK. MAN. Preceptrew. The-year will be divided into funr terms of eleven weeks each. The &sit= will be fol lowed by a vacation of one week. The second term will commence November 23.1. The third term will commence February Bth, and be followed by a vacation of one week. The fourth term will commence May g, and be suc ceeded by I vacation of six weeks • Tuition, per term of eleven weds: For the common English studies, f 2 GO For the higher branches, including Natural, Intellectual and Moral Sciences, • 400 Mathematics Mid Languages, 5 00 For the second and third terms, Extra, 25 For Drawing and Painting, 2 00 For Music, with use of Instrument, 7 09 .. Without, • • 500 Several literary and scientific gentleman, in conjunc tlon with the principal, have consented to favor the in- stitution with lectures on the more important branches of education, free of charge. All students will be charge,' for not less than half a tern, unless absence is occasioned by Shwas or other unavoidable causes. The exercims of composing and declaiming will be required of every student, unless excused by the teachers or parents. ' The coutse of instruction is designed to be thorough and practical, adapted to the requisitions of business, and the demands of an intelligent people. The Academy bas one of the finest locations on the Susquehanna, commanding a charming view of that heautifuf river, the borough of T.twanda and.the our. rounding landscape. From a confidence, in the zeal, enterprise and abilities of the teachers, and the unusual prosperity of the school during the past year, we take pleasure in recommending this institution, to the favorable regard and patronage of en enlightened, intelligent and generous people, trusting that it will continue in usefulness, and the consequent favor of the public. . • HIRAM MIX, President. ENOS TOMKINS, J. D. MONTANYE, C. T.. WARD, J. F. MEANS. TIMITZI3 DAVID CASH • B. KINGSBERY, H. S MERCUR, WM. ELWELL. ) Towanda, August 3, 1846. •Owing to an error in manuscript, the date of the hand-bills will be found incorrect. It is three days too late. t The late Preceptress, having left the institution, without giving the necessary notice, we are under the neeessity of dcferriug the opening of the Female De partment for one week. MISS BLACKMAN comes highly recommended all o pianist and a scholar. J. C. VANEERCOOK. CLAREMONT HOUSE, 111M523 , 21 MMI-33A11t0 I[IID ESPECTFULLY informs his friends that he has kV leased the above House, situated on the south side of toe public square, lately occupied by A.M. Coe, and having made entirely new arrangements, is now prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting his compliments to his friends and the public generally, and assuring them no pains or expense will be spared to please his guests, he respectfully solicits public patron. age. pledging himself that while the establishment is under his control, it shall not be excelled by any in the country. The rooms of the • CLAREMONT NOISE, are spaciouv.and airy. and furnished in the best style. The Table will be furnished with every substantial the country can produce. The Bar will be stocked with the best liquors in a pure and unadulterated state. First rate Stabling attached, with ready and faithful Ostlers always in attendance. In short, nothing will he omitted, which will add to the comfort and convenience of customers, and with his facilities, he believes satisfaction will be rendered to all. Towanda, April 8, 1846. STILL THEY COME! 11. S. ri JII. C. MERCUR, HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, . consisting. as usual. of everything. which will be sold at the lowest notch. Towanda, July 6, 1848. Prints and Ginghams. A VERY large and beautiful assortment of Prints, Ginghams and Lawns, purchased in New York, since the late redaction of prices, just received at July 8. MERCIIRS'. MOUNTED CALICOES,-20,01.0 yds., horn to 25 cents. Those wishing Prints had better avail themselves of this opportunity—they are selling rapidly. G. E. FL VNT & CO. LIa:MBE NATIONAL iPAGUEIZIG AN GAL- I.E RY AND PHOTOGRAPHERS FURNISH ING DEPOTS; awarded the Gold and Silver Medals, Four first Premiums, and Two Highest Honors, at the National, tho Massachusetts, he New York, rind the Pennsylvania Exhibitions, respectively, for the most splendid Colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus ever exhibited, Portraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to weather. Instructions given in the art. A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on band, at the :owed cash prices New York. 551 Broadway ; Philadelphia, 130 Chest nut S.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58 Hanover His.; Bal timore, 205 Baltimore St.; Washington, Pennsylvania Avenue; Peteriburg, Va., Mechanics' Hall; Cincin nati, Fourth and Walnut, and 176 Main St.; Saratoga Springs, Broadway ; Paris,l27 Vieillo Rue du Temple; Liverpool, 32 Church St.-3y. DISSOLUTION TIIE Co-partnership heretofore existing between L. J. Batchelor &A. M. Corel is this day dissolved by mutual consent allßersons indebted to said firm are re quester.; to settle their accounts with L. Batchelor, who will con finite the business at the old stand. I would tender mv acknowledeements for past favors, and fur thee solicit a share of public patronage. . L. BATCHELOR, A. M. CORE!.. Towanda. August 13th, 1846. SPECIAL COURT. • NOTICE is hereby given, that a special Court will he held at Towanda, in and for the County of Bradford, by the Hon. Wv. leaser, on Monday, the 26th day of October, 1846, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the trial of the following causes : Alexander Baring et. al. vs. Almond Berry ; Eect. Girard Life Ina urance Company & Co. vs. Edward Overton et, al. ; Eject. A. Baring et. al. vs. Ezra Allen; Eject. A. Baring et. al vs. E. A. Ayres and term tenant; Eject. A. Baring.et. al. vs. Nicholls Voorhrs; Eject. A. Baring et. al. vs. Moses Chamberlain et. al.; Eject. Chester Butler and wife vs. John Burnet et. aL ; Eject. John Ackla vs. A Bowman et. al.: eject A. Baring at. al. vs. Clement 11.eonard; eject. A. Baring et. al. vs. J. Wood .4films. sci. fa. A. Bering et. al. vs, J. Wood Adms. &c. ; eel. fa. A. Bering et. al. vs. Stephen Wilcox; art fa. A. Baring et. at. vs. B. Seely et. al. cci. fa. A. Baring eLal.m.S. Bondy Ear. &c. et. al,sci. fa. A. Baring eL al. vs. W. Gslushs et. al.; eject. A. Bering et. al. vs. G. Harkness et. al. ; eject. ADDISON M'E_EAN, Prothonotary. Towanda August 22, 1946. Wr3NU .LraM....4gret cl :lM l :SZTlo .9. D. Montanye E 7'. Fix. AV IL(; entered into a co.perinenthip in the Mer cantile business, are desirous of reducing, the stock on hang as much as possible before receiving their new goods, and are willing to sell thcirold stock AT COST. Persons wishing to purchaso anything in their line will find it to their intercet to call and examine their goods before purchasing elsewhere. Towanda, Sep. 14, 1846. GLASS -7 by 9, Bby 10 , 10 by .12,10 by 14 11, by 15. 12 by 14, 1211 16. I:by 18, 14 by 16, l 0 by :0, this day received at jlB MERCIXBI i • . • ...,.,.. . - The - TteAstity 'of - History,— ...'' Comprising a general introductory outline; of Universal . History, Ancient and Modem, and a series of so- •-• perste histories of every principal nation that .• exists, their rise, progress, present con- . • dition, ske.,, &c., &c ,- : 7 , BY SAMUEL. MAUNDER, •-- Author of the "Tmasury of Knowledge." " Biogrspbi cal Treasury," Am. including THE HISTORY OF AMERICA, EDITED DT JnuN IN.WC,Esq. The republication of this valuable work has been undertaken partly ou account of the high favor with which it has been received in England, but chiefly to consideration of its intrinsic value, arising from the felicitous adoption of the plen to a want that has been long and generally .felt and from the judgment ant. fidelity manifested in its execltion.. The idea of giv. ing in a single work, of no very forrbidalile dimensions,' a sufficient outline 3f the world's whole history, anti similar matinee of the history of every nation, is so Obvious, judicious and appropriate as to require no eutogium. Every Janson who cares at all for • the - acquisition of useful knowledge must desire to loess such a general know:Paige of past events, not only in his own country but in ali countries, as shall enable hint to understand the perpetually recurring allusions that are found in almost.'any course of general reading; because for want of such understanding there is always a serious diminution both of pleasure and profit even in the of such works as ore designed chiefly for amuse ment. For instance, most of Sir Walter Scott's novels are founded upon history, and aboard with reference to historal events and personages, a want of some acquain• tanee with which detracts seriously from the interest and delight they ar• so well qualified to awoken; and so of most other works belonging to the better cuss of what is called light literature. Bat the difficulty has been to obtain this general !mowledge , without Ow , through many hooka, requiring a greateceopenditure ottium and money than most persons ore able or willing to ah:'rd; and toobviate such dilficuhy has been the purpos of 11.:r. Maunder. His plan has the'merit of completeness, and is un doubtedly the best that could have been desired. 11. gives -first a genend sketch of ancient end modem his tory—a rapid and comprehensive Mars-eye view, as it were of the rise and progress of nations, the most im portant incidents of their career, arid their relations to each other; and after this he takes up the nations separately, furnishing a concise digest of all that is im portant or desirable to know concerning each, and thus affording a sort of key to the changes and events that were more briefly indicated, rather by their results than then incidents, in the general sketch or praline. Thus the salient points of history are brouaht within a man ageable compass ; and an excellent foundation is laid for more thorough and extensive reading in reference to any portion of the world or any epech of which a com plete knowledge may be desired. In the execution of this plan theeuthor has been very successful. His notices of historical ecents.though brief, are lucid and satisfactory; and he trace's the connection of effect and cause with singular acumen and generally with most commendable.freedom from partiality or 'bias; thus supplying a very good idea of the philosophy of history as well as of the facts which history records.— In a word, the work will be found invaluable to the ge neral reader, and a very useful help to the student. Complete m two volumes, large octavo, with engray. inge, $4. An edition in paper covers, complete, suita ble for mailing. $3. DANIEL ADEE, Publi,.her, 107 Fulton-street, New York. Elmira, Corning, and Buffalo Line. /SHE Proprietors of the above Line will continue to run a Line of Passage Boats between ELMIRA, CORNING and BUFFALO. for the accommodatiOn of EMIGRANTS and FAMILIES. moving West, af fording facilities not heretofore offered to the Emigrant, from this section of New York and Pennsylvania. The Boats of this Line are of the FIRST CLASS fitted and furnished with all The conveniences and ac commodations of PACKETS, commanded by experien ced Captains, and towed by relays of Horses. BOAT ROME, Capt. H. W. THOMPSON, TEMPEST, Capt. A .M.TARLOR. ' During the season of 1846, one of the above Boots will leave Corning, ; and Elmira, every week, in the fol- lowing order:— MR, eve r y Monday evening, at 6 o'clock P. M., ELMIRA, evr;ry Tuesday evening. at 6 o'clock P. M. Towing down Seneca lake every Thursday morning. touching at Big Stream, Lodi. and Dresden, leaving Buffalo for Corning and Elmira, every Wednesday morning. FOR EREIGHT OR PASSAGE apply to Captain on board, or to Win. Mallory, Corning, S. B. Strang & co., Elmira. Wiptermute & Tuttle. Horseheads, A Nash. Havana, L. G. Townsend. Big Stream, Woodworth & Past, Lodi, Price & Holly, Geneata, Gay 4 Sweet, Waterloo, .I.Shoemaker, Seneca. Fall, Baker 4 Ross, Montezuma, H. Wright, Rochester, H. Niles, Buffalo. gm/I=2g alglip THE subscriber not being in full communion with the firm of Nl—, he is not prepared to boast of the largest assortment ofJEWELRY out of Jail : and having never learned the cabinet making buoinesx,— he is not prepared to do any work in that line; but having served a re,zular apprenliechtp '(.,...) in the watch repairingbusiness, and the experience of I 6 years, has no hesitation in saying that all work entrusted to him shall be done in a workmanlike manner, promptly, and second best to none west of that city from whence came that might rush of Gold Jewelry ! Now my frienlls. in all your gettings don't forget to get your watches fixed nt old No. 100 opposite the Public Squats and two doors north of Briggs' tavern. Towanda, April V, 199 6. N. B.—l pledge myself to do my work richt. All work warranted ono year and the money reftinded if it does not perform according to agreement. Stick a P.O. there ! MODERN ROME! THE subscribers would tender their thanks to their customers for past favors, and call their attention to.their New Stock of Goods, which exceed their for mer one in quantity, quality and low prices. Their present stock saving been selected with great care,ind bought law; they will endeavor to give their customers better bargains fur Cash or Produce than can be had at any other establishment. Their assortment being complete, it would be useless to particularize articles, but would just my that their stock consists of a full supply of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware. Dye Stuffs,Drugs, Hats, Bonnets,- Boots and Shoes, &e.. &c. The allow stork dadl be sold at prices that will give entire entiefertien. Being aatisfitalxhat ready pay is best for all parties, enabling the former to sell his produce at a better rate. and the merchant to sell his goods at lower prices than he can do on credit, therefore will adhere to the Ready Pay System. We do not ask eon to call and see our goods first, but examine others first, Wynn please, and then ours, and d•e are sure von will /tomboys , erns if you want bargain's. MA YN Alpo & WATTLES. R ome, June3o, 1846. JIV 1 ice. THE partnership heretofore existing between the Subscribers under the firm of Elliott & Merritt.; is this day by mutual consent dissolved. All accounts dun the firm will be found in the bands of Thorns. Elliott who is duly sotto:inv. , ' to settle all of the bust ness'of the late firm THOMAS ELLIOTT, HIRAM MERCER. Towanda. August lot.. 1Q46. Tiliitant Scott. IFT al `ir '0 A\ 'SV v - TILL promptly onil punctually render hie YV sional ina vices in Agenefes, Colketiimv, met other matters in hiA procession entreated in his care.. Crl• He haii removed his office to the room over N. N. Bette' atom. NAILS & SPlKES,assorted sues, iind of superior qualities, f u r sale at jIB . MERetiRS'. ALARGE ASSORTMENT of WINDOW SASH at jlB MERCERS'. Q.ALT—a quantity just received, end for sale by jIB MERCURS'. "G‘LOUR...-Superfout Flaw . , for ;are by the barrel at jIB MERCUIVB, FOREIGN -. PERIODIDALS4 4 6 • REPUBLICATION • Ot • .•; • 'Jt', • s THE LONDON (4,I3fiRTERLY REVIFAV . ... ;IO , THE ED NBURGH REVIEW.. ..., THE FOREIGN QUART REVIEiV. THE 1% EsTa4t.NsTER itEviEw, • • BLACKW6(OIYS EDINGI3I3I - 614 MAZAZINE.! The abo - re Perindimila are reprinted in NrOmit, immediately on their arrival by MeI:SARA moment; to a beautiliti clear type, on .fines white paper, end. are NUM copies of the originalff—lhictwoot.'n,MoA zixt being, au exact fac•ritaile of the EdinliorTetti tion. • The teble,spresil faefle of these splendid Toriodleale rernlrrs it overlie. to Nay much in their pr'aitte. A.e litetary nrganw, they stand fur in advance nt oily works' of a simslor rutty now published, while the pnlilicai complexion of each is marked by a diinity*, etitoltirritni forbearance not often found in works do party char acter. They embrace the views of the three great parties in England,-Vt big, Tory. and Radical.—" Blackwood" and the - London Quarterly". are Tory; the. Edin burg Review." Whig!: and the" Wertminitter." Radi cal. The "Foreign Quarterly." is purely literary, be ing devoted principally to criticisms an foreign 'tyrant Works. ' ' The prices of the Rit-ettlitTa err Iran than me-third of tho.e of the foreign capieA, and while they ore equal ly tvell - got up, they Alford all that adeartscete tilt America', over the E ith reader. 1 1 ERMS: ' PATIIENT TO 11E MADE - id ADVANCE. For any one of the four Reviews, 0.00 per annual For any twc, do 5,00 ' For any three. do 7,00 ,' , For all tour of the Reviews, . 8.00 For Blackwood'a Magazine, 3.00 " . . Fur Black wood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00 . Four enpien of nny or all of the abate works will he twit to one ruldrree on payment of the regular sulnscrip- Lion for three—the birth copy being, gratis. c:y Remittances and conintunimitions must be made in all ca. en without expense to the pub ishers.—The former mai always be done thmngh a Postmaster try handing him the amount In be remitted, taking his re ceipt and forts auling the receipt b y mail, Postpaid; or the money may be,enelesed in a letter, l'ust "midi di rected to the publial:ers. N. B.—The Postage on all there Periodicals is re duced by the late Past-Office law, to about one-third the former rate"), making a very important swing in the expense to the mail subscribers. • • •.• In all the principal cities and Towns thrott4h. out the United States to which there is a direr! Rail- Rood or Water communication from tht dty of New York. Am periodicals will be delivered FREE OF -POSTAGE.. . I.CONARD SCOTT & CO. Publisher., lyear 112 Fulton St., New York. Nem gAlacksmithing Establi.lunnt; In • Towanda, Prices 25 per cent. cheaper than - have ever been ,known in Northern Penn'a. THE subscriber, having commenced the above sinew, takes this method to inform the inhatri• tants of Towanda and vicinity, that he le prepared to do all kinds -of work entrusted to his care in the m at neat and workmanlike manner: such asironing 'coach es, carriages, sleighs„ of all kind.; mill-wink of all kinds, done a little nicer than at any other AO' county, Some attenticin paid to EDGE TOOT.S,:to fill up crevices, and finally all kinds of work in the alcove line (horse.shoeing excepted) and will warrant all my work to stand the teat. 'Fry me and if you do not find things just right, then put me down. From my long experience in the business, I flatter myself that can please all kinds of people. You can find me at all times at my shop. a few rods south of Bridge istretr, known as Means' old stand. • All kinds of Produce taken in payment for work,ana a little of the ready Jo-Davis will nut he refused. _ T3Wanda, May 6, 1846.—y _ - -- MEDICINE AND SURGERY. D 2. JAMES M. GOODRICH has located bitare at MONROE, fur the practice of his profession, and will ho pleased to wait on those requiring hiiser• vices. lie may be found at J. L. Johnson's tavern. Relefence may be male to Dra. Hottrux & Mason of Towanda. April 23, 1845.• Clocks, Watches, Jewelry & Silverware, ST NO. t. BRICK ROW .' WA. CHAMBERLIN has just returned Rem • the city of New York with the largest assort ment of FASHIONABLE JEWELR Y, ever brought to this place, such as noon-rings, Breast-pins, of every description; Lockets, bracelets, gold and silver gold, keys, thiohlt a, silver spoons, sugar tongs. specta cles, for all ages, pen aid pocket knives. (Roger's ms nufacture,) and many other articles which he wilrricll extremely low for CASH. All kinds of WATCHES; consisting of potent le ver, L'Epine, English and Swiss notches, warranted to keep good time. It is f* clear and unquestinnable as our right to the whole of Oregon, that Wm •A. CliAligtAILIN has got the btrgest and best selected assortment of Fancy Goods ever brought into the borough of Towanda, and thathe will sell hio goo& cheaper Than was ever sold by any human living being !—stick a pin there ! ! N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, or the 'muter refunded ; and a written agreement given to that eiT , :.• to all that desire one. (0j MA PLE S CG A R, Woad, and all kindsof Coon try Produce received in payment. W. A. CIIAMBERLIN, Agent, TOsvanda. April 22, I S4G. - A.M. WARNER CHrill?S AND BEDSTE.RDS. THE subscribers aril lcontinue 4. to manufacture and keep on hand at their old stand. all kinds if Cane and Wood-seat Chairs also Settees of various kinds 4 BEDSTE.MS, of eilery description. which we will sell low fat cash or produce.; TURNING done to order. . TO%IKINS & MAKINSON. Towanda, April 23, 1845. \ A ► RIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS, 41 No. 4. Brick Row. " T HE subscribers are now rzceiving and openingl. very large supply of seasonabl. GOODS. which they are anxious to Bell on the moot favorable terms fur ready pay. They are fully determined Cant no one shall sell Goods cheaper than they. Having taken much pains intho selection of their goods—and no ninny articles of mer eh-iodize have fallen oil' iii price since spring purchases were made, they confidently lwlieve they' can olfci wine inducements to those who wish to buy , cheap Arwd., they will nut readily tind elsewhere, especially a stnrex that purchased their goods early hi the sealant It will take hut a mo nem to.drop in and examine sonic of their cheap Goods. Such no • Good Brown Muslin, 7 cents per yd. • Calicoes. 7 do. Very good Prints„ 10a12 &15 peril!. • Brown Sugar. 7.8 & 9 cents per lb. Good Mel -vises, 30 cents tier 24110 n. Green Tea fmm I'S3 cents to $1 pt•r And all ether articles in pruigirtinn: Thee do not like to say they will sell "clisuper" and : `inore""gotiffs" than any body else. That would FPerp too indeh like hanging; but they will say distinctly. they w5t.1..7-rr he undersold; and, as illalso nay to their Lit wthei 'sod Freduce customers. the they have the mo4t (•ittit.f;iaiu tiden6e that no fault -will be found with the price of Goads. If thee only. bring in their I.lnot.er and Prn. duce. they will find amide as cheap 48 where that' xell exclusively for cane! . They do not ern - 114:1er it tweesAary to enumerate all or any of tho articles they have f r .ale. Sic it to tray r their na,:ontnent is now full and completa.. Call and examine for yoor,elv.N. Towgrula. olv t. tout. TR\CV & unnßg. A aL " CHOICE affection of drew aoods ran Ile fauna at the Stwinca•Bank, consisting of Ctsimeres, M. Lanes, Cashmere Dresses. - -Plain and Changeable Alpacas, Semeiklrains, Bomb:Q.4IPS, and n tined *piety of ulei, Silki. nicv low 4 . G. Z. FLINT &(x. CLUBBING N. lIEMINGWAIt, JR DRESS GOODS. ,