Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 07, 1846, Image 4
_ --., iiiiis CIM New Woks le _,art& ; IWail i ~mis S ,-, /MIN waignlxe.- arotald--laford; duo food itissidol;of Tomo& mad Wiiiiiiii.alial. lac hes Opened a new Vandy tksomey anasse the einyer ri Maisaiad Bridlo sun* wham ha intestate to impel/ kin& of,Grocenaw. skit Will sait - all Wads Of irsetwiteca Ma stack Mimi primarty srticlie Aired iabis hoe; (Woos excepted) *moo; iraich combs fogad caridlea..Limett - RireeTfo. e t tour harem Mica: tn. cot" motaWes, 518.0 IlieftfOl. Vega& ingiCi!.- Si" &Mir 411111. 'dd. f rond. lump m. 7 .. bar, fancy and ' soap. com- MAW -essigumse lowing« by Idol bat or - qdantity. tonstard.cadtlaft. No. I. nisticerel.- i Alm. ull. wont (half vanish at 50 cents pa . MO) Mrs= nom Bihar% aloutods, Mains. - toppeosande. ' tomsto and. walnut ketchups. lemon syrup and eartief bags; combs of all kinds. A largo oast `rif CANDIES, of all kinds at wholes& and ntiall. , %.. • . ..,., - s:ds ud 6,101. : ' - ' • ' Hs has also a large swiattntent of-due finest indlest snick) of BOOTS AND BROEIV:reir - brought Into this aushrt ; bcing of Ph - dadelphis mainfitetuse; 'ccitisht; this of MillirieSilf mosolicoloota.caff botiot mauve do.. kip boots and 4110e11. A; Tem Large k 4 of ladies kid slippers, made of the heat niatertal - and woauMnahip. Ladies half Wont silk do; bops and children's morocco mimes. chilthen's MI/ wiiwri, boys' hip brogans. all of which will be sold .eery tali - for cob. or truly pay . The hithast' pica raid f,cany quantity of good BUTTER.. HUGH O'HARA'. Towanda. July I. 1846. ' • TARIFF REPEALED! OHE subscriber tan; yiksistire in announcing to his Ginnie and tbe public generally, that'he i• now receiving god opening an entire nsw Stack of GOODS. OW his stare in the borough of Toirands„ situated on the eilit iide Of Mom street; three noon' south of Mon-, tanye's ilk Co., and neviy opposite B. rtnabety's) em levant ererythinginibe line of 'Dry Goads, Grticeries. (the ardent excepted.) Hardware, Glass 4r Queen's It are. Boot s and. Mots. Paints. Oils and Var. ned . 4- Iron and Nails. 4.c.. 04. which he will sell as cheap us the chespe-t; not exivpt lag the Renoterfar, or any of the champions of sivall preps oudquithsake. Be would sportfully invite lbw" who wish to buy cheap lo .call and: aniline ,goods and prices far , themselves , before purehisine at any other place. • • N.N.BETTh. Toonmas.llay le. 'Ste. IrN IIs,LAWNS es.latUbLlNs, lame won .:DM an bind sna for ate cheap nt BETTS', EGHOI4 do PALM LEAF HAlSand bonnets .wilibe found at . my2o-, , BETTS% . LARGE ARRIVAL • • Of Nur at gliap Spriag and Summer Golds, Diret from the City. Krin.URTON EIIiIGBBERY - moat notpectfally form his old cualoniera, sod the public in gene. mi. that he is now receiving at , his old stand. • WV sawareent afaU kinds of 'goods. which he intend" to sell s litfle over than any other store in Towanda. It is inipsestll• to put ins newspaper all the different kindred goods that may be found at niy store. 1 have e fall issorunent of Dry Goode, Grverries, Crockery, Drugs. Aleditities, Paints, Oily, Dge stub, Boots and blocs, Nails, Iran, Rata 4. Caps. ho. Call and price, befogs you buy elsewhere. May 14, 1846. ?HINTED LAWNS; Moslin de Lakes and Sam ism &gawk, a way hate asacatmeal• which will self lower then be bought at any other stare. Call mad eee. eny IA B.KINGSBERY. PONNETT—Any quantity.. from two shilling., to $6, with beautiful trimmings. also flowery in e rip andwaraths, all French, which will be found at " myl4 B.KINGBBERY; NO. 1, .UolWllni & MACKEREL, tor sale at may 13. B. SINGSBERY., "MAUDE'S CELEBRATED CHOCOLATE & AL extra coma. roperior to old data coffee, sad, • marshal by homage, which may be found at the old Cheap , woad . myl3 B. KINGSBERT. , , Stray BM' ep. eItAME • to.the enclosure of the suberiber, 'aboOf the 111./ Soittif /WM het, 20 SUMP, fleabag no panic& las. is(aiks,erith the exceptional, one ehrep ham* e ben w, ANN E. BELE, Towsti44. Jety.24, 1846. . , • ' • MOD 'RN ROME! Irubwqmimoold tender Mathias to their J.* eistanism fa past favor; and call their atteatioa to tissir New Bloch of Goods; which Mead their for. msi► aim in eqtamhfy. guslify4w_cr rewp*m. Their prawn, ma& having been Wed -M with great are, and Bonk ;MD ; they will Weaver to give their enWorners betide bargains for Cash or Produce thin can be hid at say abet establishment: Their assortment being =Wets. it would be =Sees partimilanis articles, bat would jaw say. that their atm* Cm:sista of a fall supply of Diy Goads,' Grormiro, Mackay, Etardiani. Dye Straffs,Dropt, Rats, PaMtette Boots amillhosw, &a, &e. Te shore adck.eima be sold at prices, that wilier° . . _ tieing raided that ready rig is best rot sa patties, enabling the &tine( to yell ha poglieetit a better nue, and die linieltuit to sell hie goods at Wear .ptiowthan he an do ail creak, thermion will adhere to the ilesdy Payliketete. We do net ask you to earl and see our goods dm , but efinthir others Scat: if you please, and then outs, and sto ors SUM - 701:1 will potehaao of as ;if yoit want harms. MAVIARD I& WATTLES. Rome, Janello, 1846. - - . . Mit *iambi? hitetii&te .existing between - the Seliseribers under the firm of Elliott & Men*, le ibis eltry Irl_mattial consent disealeed.. AU *coition' - dui tan fins will be focind in the bends of Thomas Elliot who is 'duly euthatited to settle all of the buii• neekorlhilelOna • THOMAS ELLIOTT, MRAM MERCER .towen&t . . Amnia VMS. . ARRIVAL. OF SUMMER GOODS, 4i Ns; 4. _Brick ;lbw. • 'rag eatiseribeni as now y sod opening a -IL ea, large strycly ,a(aeseocialit. GOODS. which they are animato *too the atoiyavorable terms for " toW fallYdeteratkinitast mate shall sell Goods &apse than they Hawing later much pine In the selection of their pedev , and es many articles !A' mel t:bo's'n:Pl Waal fidlattle iu Prim nines spring purchases were made, they, conadendy helices they can offer: rani inducements thews wbri wish to bay Amp goods they will net teadily 111113 elearhent.lespaially a stores that purchased their goods early in the mason - ft will take ho) a manna to drop in and examine some of their chesp(Gkals. Bosh a_ Good Prows Muslin.. cents per yd. • Very pod Prints,. 10a19 &16 per yd. , • Brown T, & 9 tents per lb. • Coed Ifelaaes, 90 ante per gallon. • Grata Tarim= a 12g cents to fti per lb. • , And all ether and in proportion. They do not like tosatin will Or* desire?" and "snare" *woods" than any body else. That would seem too 'pouch ; like boating: bet they will ay distinctly , they Witiirei be . Cavitisoldt and. will alter say: a. their Lumber ' r and haloes anuses». that they hear the most soda Con identathat no fault will be found with the price of beads. „-If they dolt Wing lit their Lumber and Pro. Awn.. they w ill ,gad goods as chiiPaiTioltlin thq,ao l texclusitraly far case! _ .- ,They_ do oat consider it necestary to .eunmerate all ea. any of the anklets they gave. Fir sale. Soto, it to uri. their sasorunint is noir full and coreplete. Call iod namisimfor yourvelvei. • . . I.IB46. : TRACT'. di WARE • WOOL! MI HAVING rosde - artinseiisati eichingieloth - Ma mid other goods kr WOOL, thssoboother de. stnesroviiiihrteon6deties and eppogodoetonhieseool growers tiyogriog tbsot the erfy ben nohong . which the none oldie market will permit' Ca and fee. • tamed*: Sky 20. t ••'l3.* ELBARTLETT: ;'" 1114,0 T roe A DAN. ONLY 2—IfoorLORENOE baliNVllkin *RAMP 0044 Ira ap,4o.cos- rip4,l3r IL VW/4P ThriOrpr• Vall mamisempia. th "i _ A, 1 r t ' 66 / 111 ' .1411001. roma fige summer ern% dm ladies. bum ertilid arra gimalamri* meg mg , REErr'!4 _ 100.91igia N 0.3 419AINSTTHEWQRLD. 'TIIIT ; iIECT•tifio , Litgest; Mu' lie Co:dicier' tifitiat swift ;,. _ _ PiiiO4 HO .04 t;', it cis learet,•••itsktnairek litadiri gill* kintSk rite 6 noreirio •isittitistriped;`bishaiiniot rl.• 'll4 ' 64 1410#1* **Weal 16:1;.di f irliill, litre jprinneriehioi keaulifnl &Paid akidoidibirelet , , lain. skalds, plain and shaded &Matilde&' • • shawls, barrage and net stisirli,'sitinviriped net long altaarlseladisa trolladhed sod Aliiika• Emig?' • and ties.-beautiful giapr and4rtintresoilk .demisalk. ~ P ONNETS: Ch'e;ieatliin'tke ehespest—Uipsq pearl braid, weds.; net Ire, floreneu i llpse,*anst Attest edged and Maws Ripley ile4l.pirkayi .braid . and Army 11411617 d" i 4 051 3 411 404011.,gara15111 tadj . ..iiitzent4 Meek: and col IR 'arm Lin. Cambrie Ildk&-.4* 1 7 [. • . BROAD CLOTHS . , • Twilled Trench, Eugitib and Aniericititt;doe ' skiti situare„light and dark etriped checked ad. a Oeat ty• - ; golden tweeds. merino eusoree, Kentucky Mn,sblue drills. A 'auperior assortment ol .YESTINGS manila, valentine, maintain. plain and striped satin. to bales 'petting, Batting.`' Wadding" sold Wick*: - • • • HARDWAR. • Snell u trim, nine, kited, tog' chain", hatter Ind trace do.„ mill and ..r.ent scan; Ingram and fika ` Afirge •soitment of Shelf Hardware, 'door triminintfc 'Cutlery, `shoe thread. . Wool 'and !fuse cards, Coffee' mills; • &e. Blood's, Muri' and 'Wadsworth's' Worended . -Weedis mid Crain South minsibi lila sickle's, a first BOOTS, Ar...SHOES..." Ladies kid buskins and sliiiens, mcriocco slid calf skin hoots, blacken.] fancy gailersand half gaiters, children's. gaiters and WI hoots,: A binotiful articki gents, gai ters; costae and fine Rants, in al,ondance. GROCERIES. • , . A large stock of Sugar and Molasses; Lamp. Leaf and Polterisoi Iftget: Fresh . Was ; Coffee, Rice, Raisin*, nutmegs, indigo. tobsceo. fine cutspil can:radish. shad mackerel and codfish. . • CROCKERY:: ` A. gemal assortment. in sons, or ..400 Men's and Bcry I,eghorn.tdats ; .600 P. L. do. oc7 Butter. I,lasseed. Beams:. -Eggs and Grain, wanted in exchange for goods, at cash prices„ • • • Towanda, May '2O, 1846. , • A NICE ARTICLE BLACK TEA can be fount' AIL at No. - 3. Brick Row. - . 10y40:,.. • these who wish to lard= Cheap Goods, uTILL find it to their interest to call at BAIRD'S,' VI, • before purchasing elsewhere. at we are decor• alined to sell at all bawds. O. 3. BRICK ROW. DOZ. PATENT PAILS; 11 doz. Wash robs; 12 Am. Brooms; 6 setts Wooden, measures ; eat No. Wirriek BAIRD'S. g irIOTTON YARN & CARPET WARP-1,000 Itrs si my2o N 0.3, BRICK ROW. AyOIBGS &' MEDICINES ;' paints, oils-end 'dyd stuffs, white lead, round and dry, varnish, pills, madder, iipperaa, opt& turpentine, ' gum" copal, alum, Venitisu tad, 10g.w0.,d, red-wood, eam.wood. all for sale cheap. at ma RR. N 0.3, BRICK ROW. S! CDU 11 1E o riplO the citizens of Urnlfonl County in general.end %the - Borough of Towanda. in partieukrr: All the judgments, notes sod accounts of the subscolsers, will be collected according to law, without eistindion of prime, oaks, "satisfactorily settled within thirty days of this date. Mime who • think we ate not- in earnest, will find out their mistake to their own cost.— Mark that... '• • _ .W W. li. ItAIRD & CO. Towanda, Msy 15. 1840. . • N.B. We would furthermore say upon• this subject, that we twee jest waived a largo stock of New Goode, which he rald way cheap indeed. for ready pap. tD~IB3ImIIB~t i 1 lIILEMTLMinigo 1101VERTTHING -in- the Tine, including , Elliptic Spring?, Iron Melo,'MAW& Box% DIA; boot endtitop Imni 3 Orriaments,inditßubber and' Oil Cloth, Lea, Tufts. Mom ske. for silo . at jla MERS:UR'S. .I.EMSUBAN,LIE'A,,GENCY. rrHE sithicribei continues to act as agent for the DE. twATIE MUTUAL; INSURANCE CO. jot PhilPielPhithi'Atock company Of good standing mare. puts &-abuSiness On as fo,rable terms as any other. lie L" also'agent for 'the LYCOMING CO. MU. TUAL INSURAISC4 CO., a company which , hail& ways beeniwridua/ in the payment, of WWI* and' pre- Santa adsintimes seldom found. Towanda;May 20. , 0."10. BARTLETT. THE WAR BEGUN! War against High bites aad the CftAit System NEW FIRM AND NEW 'GOODS, .it the Atte' Ihirk: Ciicetii,fitOre. No. 2, Brick Row. one door iouth of the P.O. THE Subscribers luiVeng entered into - a 'Copartner. ship for the espress 'Purpose of furnithiag the good people of Bradford County with goods, wares and mar. chandise, at kid one notch lower than they bate ever been sold in this market, - They are pow Securing one 0: the largest and hest selected stocks ofspring and sum. Me, gOods, ever landed in, Nor th ern Petursylvsnis..— Their stock 'comprises altriost every article ever offered in a eountryatore. .Aumag wideb, we can only men. tion that there is a general assoitroat of• • . . . Dry Goode. Gnxerice, Har:droccre: Crackery, Gk is, Nails, Iron, Bounds. Boots meant., Sch, Tin . • =ve x . Stone-wore., Liquors. 4e2.4t•oted Their goods have bra purchased mostly fee ash at auctica o and they pledge, themselves that they WM not be undersold by any otherestiblishment in this section of the country. • People , have only to call at the New York Cheap Mork (No. 2 Brick Row,) to satisfy them. selves... • • : C. ik Towanda le4B. • •• ••• : • ItONNETI3--A,great sOtrig W the ' " Heidi of the .10 Maim" 'The Liaidi dal find it a yam saving to their heeds to call and parehassione of those berritifut Straw, Gown. Gimp. Florelme,Ar Lace, ,Lawn, Gipsy limmeta, wiling so cheap it READS. LANDLORDS sopplied on the moat favorahletemts. Those swishing to bay good Liquor and Sews 25 yor cent. Weer the Una ! prices cannot fail so find itto their advantage to call on TRACY & MOORE. Dissolution. • THE partnorship heretofore existing between the subseribewrtmder the Gnu of Carrier dc'Hurlbort. is this by mutual consent dissolved. " • • • - M. T. CARRIER, • -P. 31 HURI,BERT, Towanda; Mg. 10, 184 G. CALICOES—the largest assortment and prettiert pauems, and cheapest CALICOES. to. say no. \ thing of Ginghams.:Lawns, &c.. ever wen in . this re gion. for sale by ; cor.:o 0. I). BARTLETT. EEP SHADY ! • .. law meted at the *livings Hank , 100 eap..Parawolwt ,- SO .'. . • Panwollettew; • • • 100 Umbrellas: For the "eplinteis,`-' we twill pat them tlawalow. May 07. , • G. E. FLYNT &ICO. PA EtAULLETet, ISIIN'SHADES, jr — either Silk,' or Cotten; inky he'll:wind cap ‘REEIYs', : /kiInBI4EIIBEIAM; Muslin DeLaine.OmbriDeLaine. 0 Plain Sad AlßbrOille, Stradilia and Barege Shawls suitable for former, now opening $1 REED'S. ;EGIIORN Leif. Rota of 01 viatitiep just lorsihiebeato liEpfrB; • IrIkAVID DOANE. iny. !ion, lad 0 , 4:r. eighteen 'tries left tioi.e on the Atp of AOgust Kist, without ini goof selywrijor ;Joint, so , tail I 'hereby foil ' . 411 - sad; any [east wt4teope hirboiloa Or,tinra .4,4l tan On . •,, ny aeor;oni 411i,'Obtoi, 'or his sl.eixpes by 1116'1', • Wham, Au . II I tti oszPwriniVE.' IRON AND STEEL.' D LAC/03141TM% acid othm'ytaating IRON - OR 1.1 STEEL, well la call alai ninth* %balky aspottateat: kept coastaatty on hand at MERPIRS`..I CLEAVTHE WAY. .' 'till's - 11:4 sts...— __ yew sum,. iithediceithe fklettud or DolientignMabliF Anil, Die .pubtiea end welt:shore tow. that.: noiettrat. niedigior hos giant suatindeeteal.awisfeetion, mut OM IR* 0.1..: 1 arias oes, (jai. for, w4 YeT *a* ezethgliclo7 l l4*4l ilia llereartdhil inert:ailed to cover lOU DeAra On. Aty; `t.tiii brehitlrely Vagetabbi, tind netatiselteyoli lit Iheir laptittinisr; being' Pelee: tly safe' for ' `yeatill Or 61d; 'Mid those' of debUiteted•constitotions. and atm Familrmita:. icintiihave solved. , • .rbry -are *a ,offegreal: remedy 1 fee disessmiatthiscluaste.such of bilious; dinusen Intel :their msntms feints. Feyir. Ohl Liver C.omplaints Lind. 1 'ears, :COoglia; I . :olds, ';Costieeneni olke. ' Wo 1 have 'Warranted them in ores 100 awes bf Parer' sad 'hie; add have never tutinsh thein to fail ininentovingt it; in .front OW taSiX dike. when taken monling to tdinks: bons., They .never . leawr; the. bowels:gentile !./eeing very .digerrebt :from any_ettumPills in nee, Whi;4 l A*? the bowels costive, end one dose °alit:metes the necentt . 4 fdanothar; In nervous 'debithykindranter Meknes* their ercitis 'hive' bein•tnilY astoutsbitig; I'lll4 hive :.mtored a large dprober of'sueb cases after they hadiwin confined to their beds, and given op by their physicians. The' genifinnell a fete:ef which may be seen .113 octr eir. whichmay he had, of our egentsgratia.,:,Thej _ q u a ; the nervous system, and 'remove the cause of bee voila irritation: • 'ln short they strengthen and laborite the whole singlet." In gloried Dyspepsia end witiieness they have (Worked wonikeirrThousauds have hein re; steroid from all the horrors of the above diseases. and a number of then' iu Syracuse. and in this-county.— For partici:denim circulars.: ; .. . .. , We bare always taken great care in selecting and compounding our medicines. which -has been done by Dr. S.Eule in per Son, as may be seen by the following certiflcide.' • ' • - i ~ : . . We have acted as agents for. Dr.E.L.Boulo for tber last four. years in purchasing most of, the medicine" the composition , of his pills.—During that Urns, some of t he article!' have advanced,nearly an hundred, per Cent. He has not varied his proportions, and hal at no time Mid any but the beat onlitieS of Medicines. We bias also acted as rigerds in iellitigt his kloiertigirßalin Pills, sad from :the. universal astidadion given, weents• eider they rank among the kit pillsnpar before the pute. fie , Dr.Boule is the person Olitritira krttoducg4 1 4 0 into tins country, and has - contiriued "the minifacture, et theni . ever once. T.B.FiXcit * CO. ' Syracuse. February 23, 1840. None are genuine, except those hearing the Ramo, o Dr. Soule 4 Co. onthe facet of each Ws.. • • . For sale to Huston*. Towanda; Grow . 4. Parkin.,Alheoa ; Lyman Durfee, Smithfield.; A. 0. IL 14°04; Burlington ;I:evi Taylor. Granville Saud Beath', 'Franklin ; Binfoughs;.l4lornmetirit . oeirge Nichols, Rpme ; .11. Z. Noble, •;• Motivate, .1. E. Bullock. , • • - • • •.• --• ‘,12--3an CLAREMONT HOUSE . ..easacam . wiEtzezavoc, . ESPECTFULLY informs his friends that helms VII, leased the above Hauge, situated on the south, • aide of tad public square, lately occupied by A.M. Coe. and having made entirely new' arrangements, is now prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting ' his compliments to big friends and the public gruerally. and inuring them no pains or expense will' be spared to please his guests, ho respectfully solicits public patron gge;y4gdging himself that while the establishment is under !hit control, it shall not be excelled briny in the The MOM. of the • CLAREMONT -HOUSE,' are spacious and airy. and furnished in the best style. • 'the Table kill - famished with. egegy substantial the sCluntry ean'produie. , -The Bar snicked with the; begt - figurits in 'a pore and unadulterated state - First ratartStabling suriched, with ready-and faithful Otxlas always in attendance.'- • short,. noihit4 will he Omitted, which' will add to the comfort• and Convenience of customers, and with his facilities. he !reneges satisfaction 'will be rendered to all. i:' ,- Togranda; April 8. ISt& ' • .92c1-I.oo2.k. , ..kgrEinurir.- Ir.. HE weat year Of ibis' . 10itutiol *ill' 'commence , do Monday' the 3 Is; day! of Miguel:* /4111. J. C. A NDERCOpK, - "Priiicipit, pride:E: C. BliACK- YlAN,Preeeptreaa. "The year will he ,dividett into four terse. of eleven weeks e a ch; The And terin; will be 61- .1014 by . a . i+icatiokor'onii.wrek. ' ' , • ' The seeOnd,tenz williommenceiNeyeinbei 33d: — Thefihinl term Will eornin'enee Pitbinal Bth, and he followed by o vacation of one Week: ': . ''• ' The fourth teera.will commence May 3, and be Inc. eeeded by ',swim of six *Peke. , ' t ' ; ' 7 _'7' - '' • roil Ont PC. 1 t 7 n 1 ,0:1 1 . 100 .t Fee.4 l .;' ~.! Far the cowman Hoghth suldiee, FOr.thebigher branches. including Neutral, ; intellectual amt Moral t3cienco v Mathematic, and pniguages, For the second anil third terms, Estes, Far:Drawirm and Painting; . • ' For 1N wde, uith_ use of Inbtrnment, Without. Several !dewy andecientific . gentleman, in conjune• thin with the principal, have eonsentwl to fliaoribe in stitution with lectures on the more important branches of education, free, of charge. students will be charge , ' for not less than half a term, unless absence is occasioned by illness or other unavoidable, causes. • The exercises of composing .arul declaiming will be required of every strident, unless excused by the teachers or parents.:._ . ••• - . . . The comp of instruction ii designed to be thorough and practical: adapted to the requisitions of Widnes, and the demands of an intelligent people. : The Academy boa one nf the finest ; locations on the Susquehanna,, commanding a charming, view of that beautiful liter, the borough of Tommie and the rear rounding landscape.,' - ' From a confidence in the zeal, enterprise and abilities of the teashenr, and the unwind prosperity of the echoed during the past year,.we take pleasurein recommending this institution. to the favorable regard and , tatronage of an enlightened. intelligent and generous people, trusting that it will continue in usefulnew and - do' consequent favor of the public. . .- . ; , . . . HIRAM M . M. President. ENOS TOMKINS. -J. D. MONTANYE, , - , -. , .. C. 1.. WARD, • • J. F. MEANS. DAVID CASH Tecsizas. D. KING/MERV, H. 8 MERCUR, • • ^ ' WM. ELWELL. Towanda, August 3,l 464 --; :- , -,-- •- . 1 . -- ~_--. •Owieg to art error in m the _ •in hand.bills will be found incorrect. _lt its. three .days too late. , 1. The late Preeepoess, having le!! ltke , Institution, without giving the neeavairy notics; wit ips.turder -the neettalty.ef,dcfeeing the - opening rifl*evErnlnk , De' premed for one week. , . , 7 ,-- .. -,, , • . ' • MISS BLACKMAN - conies highly reithilpVtlideglne. a pianist and a scholar: •J.C: VA ' • : OCIOIC . STIII T H ETIOVE - 1 , Hi' 19..114af. MERVOIII4 HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTIIER*MST OF( GOODS consisting di-tonal, of erterylhint. iohieh roil! be soh, 'at the torrestnotek'',' Towanda; laly 6,1840. n tn/A and , A VERY lergeiarsl beautiful, aatsonttni at if tw*, GOgimns gin4434oi.:P.AriSM,Yidf, since tbe late reductinta4prieei.juinrreseireettat, ..T July 71 , . - u ABACI*. , .11316611 TED. CALIOOI2II-2001tatlydc : CMS ral jr - to 25 rents; Those wishinielbiont Ind better avail thennelsee of this.blipanunitpeiher.ansselliint rapidly. . . 6.I3:FLYNT &VW; Glil AT AN AN, MaI:;MEETING; OF the gtiviiinthi &slop 13enk, 1 1 held st,Towands,lifir Ist, 1846, the following vinsidble : I6bhl46;Thst , tbil Isaged`wtnekotHaocot sAall Plstedl4 No.l6opooth end Bliclillows I! '"" • ClEit:l3. FLYNT &C/iL 41, ear 9n• I°-* 1 , 1604 u'im l4 . - !*OFFi l #ll l l.i! th". . ; Resolved. That the '• SavingS'llatiklileig4tes the *Orli( Sfartind Exelnligetktitil ottiwest an. noel cotetingii ea. aVI. • •% I ,witocorcrhouNow sisbuiliwoles44m_. ad : • b ) 41 1insoV " 0 s Lksai an4o,l).oliiii,jiincsililiete, sod When% !o fol Orif Resolved. The moreloodivad , better, sitail bused fiAo44s,'(oortbb coming menthe; than *DI ottrills!abliltooPlL.. - `,. t ReSayetf.,Thsithe„piWeeedings ' Oi '1046 . 8 Ud Vnblishid iniher Biidroid Reponeestitto Brad* 'MOW' lied • tiYn thotniaind!inples efraidateddirinigbertit the •enissi. %.13ECI.E: FLYNT& C 0.,, .. , 4iietlie.r:Grat, , and.giithisiastic MEETING ~: , I BEET .INCI aft No. held. "*.33d dad crlrter, inst..; OLD-BAIRD. was WWI to the Choir. end Bs Laßitual.appointeti s e°to ,110teaAthe whole , to draft-resolatiorw. • Aftin amend pathetic !pitches Elam-n..20 ,George, tlie . follow' togPTfitFaie eps) 4,eaolotigis were utatiintoeisty; ,fie' ' I Whereat!, Thaiippdiro to bell greatlemintikedia, part of • ilium,• Metelmetti in tbe , Borottgh, to COMO Up, Iko3--witlv No. sod , W hawerwe''-aut willful lO as theta, In, doing, se as far 414mnsistent. z ,Thatefore I Revolve* That soeh,merebantalmve,ony convoke to unite 'their several liacks taiga*, es. the'only arias by which they equal No. 3; • • Resolved, That the Shariiiis"&ank^' take the tight wring t "small profits and quick sides" ttie' left, end "?New Yorkin AfiniMare the reare—ei pike team Resolved. That we never been.' theinght New 'York was each a kmkinu place is ...its - miniature eshibitit: Resolved. That No. 3 always has, always CAW, and always WILL, iell goods- ebester a ; haute goods and more of them than any stops in mem._ „ . - Resolved, That the proeeetlinge of 'this u; be published in 'the" Village papers, and thit one copy be :banded to each of our competitors, and half 'tetopy to "New Yin* iai miniature" - ot7? • -• .; • May 29.1846. - BILL BAlRD.dt.pci: . __L._ BOOT Bpo4 4INCA. ..• • . . :404 inpritecct alsMiE Marociated dimitis* • 'V V ' lniheßorit'entrllhoor Making business; in the, borough of Towanda, and may be coundat the old stand of S.Hattraway.letely occupied Elkanah Smith.near I. H.Stepheas' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit e share of pUblic patronage. They intend, by a carafe! selection of sive*. and by attention to the interests of theilcustotieni,to, make as neaten') durable work as caa be manufaciiiied in this portion of the country. • They kerpeonstantly on hand, and will manufacture to. order, morocces,' calf and coarse foots and shoes; Ladies' -Gaiters, aloes and slips; children's do.; gent's gaiters and pumps, drx., &c. JOHN W. WILCOX, PHILANDER. SAGE. • Towanda, May 14;1845. FUE.rITVIRE IN AY BE HAD at our shop much loWer than , it ICE -has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are cheap. and Whom am lowered, and that is the reason we can alibrd all for tri'do it. " AU kinds of produce will tie received in payment. ,Also. LUMBEILef all kinds. Sept. t. • ; L. H. NYE .4 CO. Atii:f , ILL, be qn.baud a, bare, assortment, and * O 'J , made to micron shorter noti&and for less mo ney than can be psoJticidatany other e:stablishmentin the land. Those who are undek the necessity of pro curing that article' will and shill be satisfied. "A good beansoandpalrrnay be had inattendance whin desired. Beptemher 1. 1845... c, L. M. NYE . & EO. NEW ESTABLISH2MNT NerlEdUr iLlillitarimmimftt: ~., ...___. 4 ,,,,, u ,-, • . - L. M. NYE:ds CO., .werahlre wwa._. spectlly inform the citizens of Ton '''''':-.-=' ` ,6 :-.""i1 v. ",, ands and the. public generally. mat tfOrtl l t l • - • they byre on hand dr. manufaiture 3 ' + T ,to order all kinds of 'CABINET ... ,4 .. z. _- L. --'-' • -.-• FURNITURE., of the beit mate- IS I ' in i vials; and weirtmenship that cannot ... -"'' be surpassed, in edditionto the usual assortment ha country. 'homer, will beep 0 11l hand and make to order SOFAS, of„various and mast approved patierns; Sofa Rocking Maim, upthilstered in superior style. and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed even in our large cities. - Alie, the halt French 'Ma hogany Chair, beautifully upholsteredosith'Uurled hair, which never loses its elasticity, sod finished with the hest bait seating. We flatter ourselves that having had much experience in thebusinass, we %hall be , able to satisfy all wbo may feel disposed m 'call, both a to 4joalify and price. end by strict attention to liminess hope to Metitimd receive the patronage el a liberal com munity. L. M. NYE ds tn. EC 4 00 600 25 200 700 5 00 • • Torranda.Beptember 1. 1845.1 7: • - ; CASH FOR WOOL.—The subswibei hes no objection to psy pats or even all GASH irriWool, it as ,Itigb rakes as* market will permit. Towanda. May,213., - O. D. B A RTLETT. , VILTIFIVI,EIB,,snother lot just received end. foe sale r Cheap REEDS', W ANTBI-4 3 1 0 1 10 ' 0 ° C ° 10 1 : h er2 _ ea L k. 1000 Ibs uew "T Butter: June 14. LI) g.D. MONTANYE CO. 'mar: J No' TOWANDA 'SAVINGS BANK, Established *!Y . 1845, New &ore New 'Goods .and New Prices .. .G.E.irrisT.4. CO, the only Ortgoar Caili tali , ... ririvaLirg MONTHS' experience has induced the ' ji. Cashier es . Co. of the "Towanda Savings Dank" to eolaigethe Sphere of their *pentane, being well H eated fmm thepeat, that the system of . Pay today and trust forsorrour:' is well adapted to ' Bradford minty. Our stock of Goods surpass in .quantity , and quality any, previous stock, which.,will enable us to of. inducements than ever. ,The following ,are a few Soigne, Ott marry "'dais ilia apprise our stock of ,Dry Goals i ' ' ' -'' " .'" ' French; tagruih . and American Cloths ; French Cat: simere, Vesting.. Satinet, Summer Stiff/. Carpetbags, Preach Muslin, Lawns, Ranges: Balsaines, Gingham idishoe, Ginghams,Caslurlareas Pe Uinta. rThinala ellen descriptions. such is Broeha Plain de Leine, Ramage,' Super 'silk, Roli Roy. and 'Merino; 'Parasols. igheefinitirichingi, Orin*, 'Begging; 'Wicking. 'al .0 lot* ite. .20,000 yards-printed calicoes., together arlth.oor usual; stock of Milkier, Gotalls . Our stock ain bi stes ' la w n ersi article usually called for.. .We hive jtiatreeeired. $ large hivaioe cif Fatally Craceriiis,- Which we Steaming at falai:ea pricia. , -'-UMe'ind it ace irill 'not ilia/ uti to ehuttieratik r . 'AGO:a brie stock of Crockery, Glawnesiti, Shelf 'Hardware ' , :Nails, /Steel, Iron:Esti Sod repaißootalltaPhaor, dm. tire.. , I #.a.take WS opPNtookl: 4l 4!ttafrd NI Par. the people of Bradford 1.. t ., .E.;.--r,g .C , Ontiek• andi '" rite ell who wish to Mr IrttOODS OftdAP.: tpre us a call,es we lee pledged to go for '. The Cart ar -467 .. We loin" *or limas-dun na.i.omp se Thas , tees, effected trithilde CREDIT: Olt L Graf .pri.• ;c a, last - fialkior end .cheoPr 4 1 .bossy oemit kerzekeiss{eerfir q4,14 1 :df m in ty .cheap, il:: hie mode' Oh. the year tO 'colic, ts'... , WE 'HA S vrctitlit.:WnWit.l,. o ";• 4 " , :•-• . '•: • ,•., 1•,—,...•••,•• 4 '. l l4!'Lefolr,* 5 111e8artisfrogad •Bilick % 040; n 41,. ay 20.18985 e otrmstell beautiful and cbcap, The 'History; Treatiot on=flf" Puna UctCq, oo o-Rer 11131 Fernl Pandein; aid 'CUM"; rifmr f grehtn Uterine 'of every principal nation ttfililr • • siosiste;theirliartr pempeu,*aut yaw 21. !ditisne dr.e.,41rm,,,i514‘ , ..pi. , , , 'ET,43AMIDELI'MAIINDER. ' Anther of* Vroraeltr7, Knarletise , !!BiogfaPhi; ttekTreasury ! &e. inclndiug „ THE JIISTOWir Or Adgßl.C4,,,' CMPIn J O ." P I X- P r • `): 1 7 1. le P4 lPli f il"l ; 44,44 M i c i abi. " ark J /1 1 kr teficeektnt Ai' WA floor With Whiettitltiolietereekivid ht lEnglia; bit reinsidittntina of Ins Minsk vilitiOnisint tiourthe :filicitottundeption oftb plan .tol.nib% that bait been 10111 -VoromilY•folt , mid filirkgro •indillnonlArnd ,40 4 f , l'?; 1 P ir oO rd, in in Monnion.ides,of.gly ilin a MOO! TM*, Of Tag *.rinidable'aitirskons, l .0 trot lf th e angst whole fluty ! and dallaietttliniM`erf the Matory . 'of every leaden', ts' . 0 ,obviekrei jitilichrtie end eppropdate es require , nts Auksginto. Every person who cues at, all ;for the cquisidan- of useful knowledge must dente to posers such e teural knowledge'of put events, Dot only in hie' own Country but in , all countries, as shall enable , him r to understand ttie perpetually reenrrineallusions that ins [mind in almost my codas of general readies ; because' for want of such understanding there is always a Serious diminution both- of pleasure •and • proliteven Mel perusal of such works as ars designedchiegy for emus& ment. FCC instance, most of sir , Weiss scou's novels lie founded upon history, and sound with reference -to bistoril events imd parsonages, airaiit'of SOlllO acquain tance with which detracts seriously from rhennenm and 'delight they am so well qualified to Medea rand so of mod other , works belonging to &a better etas*, ot what is called light literature.. Brit the difficulty . .has .beetito shisin this general knowledge without. gonig through mmny books, requiring , a greater expenditure °Dime 'and motley dum mod persons are able or willing to afford; aid toobviste such difficulty has been:the purport of Mr. His plan has the merit of completeness, and is na doubtedly the beat that , could have been denied. H. gins fast a general sketch of ancient and modern hit. tory—a rapid and comprehensive, bird's•eye view; u it Were of Metier and progress of nations, the mod' WI. pedant incident' of their career! and their relations to eseh other; and after this be takes up tho nations 1 nTinnrely, furnishing a concise digest of all that is, im portant or desirable to know coricerning each, slid thus affording a sort of key to the changes and events that were more briefly indicated,uther by their results than then incidents, in the general sketch or ontline. Thus the salient pribitsof history ere Mauna - Within a man ' ageable compass; and an , excellent foundation is laid for more, thorough and ,extessive reading, in , reference to any portion of the world or any epecb of which a cau -1 Pkte knowledge maybe desired. ' In the execution of this plsn rho atithorttas been very successful. His notices of historical events,though brief. . initial and satisfactory; and be traces the connection of effect and cause, with singular acumen and generally with most commendable freedom from partiality or Wm: thus supplying a very good idea of the philosophy of history as well sa of the facts which 'history records: 7; Ina word, the work will be fotind invaluable to the ger' mast reader, and a very' useful help to the student. , Complete an two volumes, large octavo, with engrav ings, $4. An edition in paper covers, complete, suita ble fur mailing, $3. DANIEL ADE E , ' • Publi.her, ;07 Fulton-,street. New York. Ehnird, Corning, and Buffalo Line. THE Proprietors of the above Line will continue to run a Line of Passage Boats between ELMIILii CORNING arid BUFFALO. for the accommodation isf BMIGRAN'FS and FAMILIES, moving West, af fording (soli:ire no; heretofore offered to the Emigrant, from this ruction of New York and Pennsylvania. The Boats of tbia Line are of the FIRST CLASS Bite,' and furnished with all the conveniences and cc eommodatiodsof PACKETS, commanded by experien ced Captains. and towed by relays of Horse., BOAT ROMEXapt. H. W. THOMPSON, TEMPEST, .Capt. A. M. TA RLOR. Daring the season of 1846, one of the above Boats .wilj.leive Corning, and Elmira, every week, in the fol. . : COR:f INC, eveor Monday evening, at 6 ia'cloek, P. M., 'Etvirai, every Tuesday ovening, at 8 o'eloCk P. M. Towing down Seneca lake every Thursday morning, touching at Big :Stream, Lodi, and Dresden, leaving :Buffalo for ,Coming and . Elmira. every • Wednesday morning. FOR EREIGHT OR PASSAGE apply to Captain on board, or to Wm. Mallory, Coining, tt.D. Strang & co.. /...U;ro. Wintermutu St Tuttle, llurseheads, k Nub, Hanana, Townsend. Big Sliesun. Woodworth &Post, Lodi, - Pair & Holly, Geneara, Gay 4. sweet, Waterloo, .I.Shoemsker, Seneca Fall, , • '' Baker* Ross, Mcrnt=umai H. Wright, Rochester, . H. Niles. Buffalo. • aIIZZ Ver&EV/01{§0,2 T ug subscriber not being in full communion with the firm of be is not prepared to boast of the igen assortment ofJEWELRY out of Jail : end having never learned the Cabind making business,— he is not prepared to do any work in that line; but having served a regular apprrntlerrhp r .,• in the watch repairing business, and the experience et 16 years, has no hesitation in saying that all work entrusted to him shall be done in a workmanlike manner, emruptls, 'and 'second best to none west of that city from whence came that mighty rush Of Cold Jeweb-y Now my friends, in all your gettings don't forget to get your watches fixed at old No. 160 nepenthe the. Public Square ant two doors north of Brine tavern. Towanda. April 253, le Ia . (17' N. 13.-4Fdedge myself to do my worts right. AU Work warranted one sew and the money refunded if it does pot perform seconding to agreement. Stick a P.O. there ! npNand alter MONDAY. MARCH 30th 1840, the l'oPITtPr Carson the Williamaport triad Elmira ,Rail Road will, leave Williamsport daily at half past five o'clock, A. M.. and at two o'clock P. M. while the trainmen ani travelling. • • A daily fine of mail coaches, will lease Trout Ron for Tliga County, i imediately after the artiiit of the Estras„ will always be in readiness on the anise] the can at Ralston, (besides the, reguhir mail lin can./ Passehgere to EL IRA OtrEoo,7llok TOYY and the intermediate puma. The road roe', ing iron" Crandle's to Wolfsburg is in Passenaeronsy rest assured, that made by the company to give eatiafej irg public, and that this route Noi the mast comfortable and exnediti ' ' 110 BERT: • WillliamepOrt, March 23, t, EXECUTO NOTICE. ALL -persons indebt td the' estate of Joel 'Tuttle, We of SiiitidingS.• etownshiP,deed., are reques ted to Make • brio "ate payment, and - thole hiring claims epittst • estate. will please present theta' do. ly • • ALRA TUTTLE. Executor. !wading De, !! Ems 4,1946 z ALL Eg SUMMES. , R STITES-4V the Vint'.lisle' et P nit S UMMER age, at • G. E. PLYSIVA CO; . . firtROSE who, haveipitichaied goods at Montaiiiii's Ca:swore:on Yeari credit. alas cheap Vain is they 'could have 'beta.enatikd to deli other places fix - Cash *MA° twit- ta pa3t up; it,they , wish to keep the Pot NiliXg• 14unfl e:sci '; • • • rur• iii the bonder of wily: over the Post Office, Main diem al•En• trance at the north'c:l,l of the building. d 3. . nvo.:s;,' &taiga, . FLYNT- & ENE eriilkeicheifiuidityi t, my .10 BETTB'.- It, NE • 1e ibt C two =4l SPRING ARRANGEMENT! EC U 'POWS NOTICE. • ma ;Wetted 40 the estate of James L. Ir., fate of Standing Stone townshipi-dec'd.,. are make payment without delay, and having claims against said estate: will please pre. it them daffy attested to ' A 134 . STEVENS; Standing Stone. June 4,11540.', Eleanor: REpNQUENTS FOREIGN -7 f-ERIODICAL ItEPtrtitacivriort OP - S TEIE•LONDON QUARTERLY'REVIEr THE ED. NBURGII REVIEW... 'EVE FOREIGN QUARTERLY REYlet THE WESTMINSTER REVIEw. RLACKiVOCtiri .il*GPti/PA AIAGAziN "bete Perioaieile ere rreptitiW r 'iirithergabiti on iheir "trivial by Vie Ihttioi ste ...!i. - a beautiful • eleer type..eto fut. Welt paper,;„Vi posies of the oficiaibi — sucmrsubs m u t : snug beincsn eZaCt ‘ P ri f le itty The wide•sptesd fare of theme epleadid P• it seeders noottlen to say mach barber pr am A. literVY -,arguks. theY it" ffria ab ance of any 1,4, ore similar , stamp wow, puhliatied, while th e b e„,_ eomptizien of each ill Vlialed' b.* a' es ia 4 - 7 tcetetaratecitiot dim &Rua in work" of. paty otter. • They embrace the vicani of the threi gre at wi n . t 'England—Whig. Tor,, end Radical.—"Bledm a , v . and lh'e "London Quarterly" In Tory: the., k m. burg Review." Whig: and the" Wastroirrister,"g4 cal. The "foreign Quarterly" is purely li t e" h ing devoted principally to criticisms on foreign Coot' ciente Worts. . - The prices of the' Re-ratsra are lea Go of those , of the foreign copies, sod Awhile tiny are Nzi , , fy well got up. they • afford ill liild of'uttare to 0, American over the Englith reader. • TERMEI: cents's? To. It sues as .avynrcs. For any one of the foul Bevies', $3,00 po am , Foe apy ,two, do 5,00 my three. 7.00 INT all font of the Braless; ' so* • Foe Blactitoxi's Magazine; • 3,00 For Blackwoodand the 4 Refiner, 10,00 •k. CLUBBING. • • , . Four copies of any or all of the above worts ad sent to one allies" on payment of the regul a r 5u b.... ;. tion fir threer-the rot rth copy kiring gratis. - - . „ g:y• Remittances and communieatenurmort be in all eases without expense to the pub irbenr.—Th. former may always be done Through a Parietal*, b banding hinkthe amount to be remitted, tibia; hi, n. ceipt and . forarai ding the. receipt bytimil. Poo r * „, the money, may be earbmwd in a letter, het paid, .rested to the publishers. , • • N: SrThe Post age as all ' •dneed iry the late - Pust-Offiire law, to.abirat 'onarai she f o rmap . nden making stay impatient saving ht, eapenso bathe mail subscribers. • /n nif the prEncipal cities , and Tmais fArr l! out the United , States to which there is a &net lie; R<for Water consmuisication from Ike eitg of St: lbrk. these Periodicals will Le delire7ed FREE (2 POSTAGE. - LEO:SUED_ SCOTT Sr. CO. Pablishers, iy ear , IIZ Felton at., !incl.& New. Blackimithing lEstablithieg . . In Towanda, Prices 25 per ,ceitt. cheaper than hone been known ia Northern Penn' d. THE sithwriber, having mmenced the abotta sine* takes this method to isfonn the 1e1..., tants of Towindi and vicinity. that ke is papal b do all kinds of Went entrusted to his one mite a c neat and workmanlike manner: mai swironmr, roM cs, carriages, sleighs, of all kinds:- mill.wolt kinds, dune a little nicer than at any other shop to rt., county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOL:, fill up crevices, and finally all kinds- of work it above line (horw•ahoeing excepted) and will won-. all my work tosfand the test. Try me one. if you ant find things just right, then pat me down. Fan w tong experience en the bukiness, I flatter inpuf u s ; can please all kinds .a , people. You can find ce',. all times at my shop. a- few rods south of ll,idp arc. known as Means' old ,siand. All kinds of Produce taken in payment for woke: -a little of the - ready JorDavis will not he rehired. . N. HEMINGWAY, lit Towanda, May 6, 1846.—y IVIED,ICINE AND SURGERY. jurß. his [edited hire at MONROE; for the practice of his profe and will be, pleased to wait on thaw teqabing laces. He way he found at J. L. Johneoe tamn. Refetence may be male te. Drs. licsioy & Mas of Towanda. Aprll;3, 1845. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry S Sikerre, iIT<NO. 1. BRICK ROM WA. CHAMBERLIN his just reteronli , . the city of New York with the Logo sim road of FASHIONd IS LE JE WE LB r, ever Hsu to this place, such as Fluor-nog; Breasi.simshr description; Lockets, bracelets, gold end Alm vis. , gold keys,,thin.bles, silver spoons. mess tory, lois des, for all ages, pen aid pdcket knives: (Regd.' s, oufacture,) and many other .isticks which is lasi eatremely low tot CASH. AU kinds of WATCHES; consisting of rune yet, L'Epine. English and Swiss oodles, imortadt: keep good time. It is as dear mitt unquestionable is our rift whole of Oregon. 'the Wst.A. Coires ncn'h> rtl •the largest and best selected assortmeneef Fair fa ever brought into the borough of Towanda, snits ti will sell his goods asap& Os= was era pilly as ittiman living being —stick a pin there ! ! N:B.' Wstches warranted to roe well ear the money refunded; and a written agreement p to that ell:.. to 111 that desire one. 113 MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and try Produce received in payment. A W. A. CHAS Twirl'flak April 2 2.. 18 46. A A.M.WARNER ~EDSTEAS. rIE subscribe's stil lova /manufacture and keep to WI t their okl amok ill kieh ii Cane and Woodscatelsio - also Setteesof rariouslidJ . • -. 4 BEDSTEAD B,O f !Tel", ( 4.... description, whiter ut re -, sell lowfot mob or poodle& TURNING done to oder. / I /ow . ands, Apni 2S, 845 T I OMKI.. NS & 4SKINbIIS' CHJIRS JINNI) I . Tar • )411A eatsarmswE 33, tioximai KiSHIONJIBLE. TAILORS. Over Montatiyee store , ,next door to Names tor.t , at the old stand of Nwen & Saban s', SADDLE .AND RJRNESS UVDA rot travel order. • ~ - ELK/VFW/I MUTH 4 SOJ •1111111,E8PECTFULLY into= that i bmstilicoc o the minpfseture of Sadala, pridie o r,, iiro4 in Col.. Mia's building, neat door to 3. C. ' 1 ,.. j. "" Liti 'thEcer; where they will keep eonstaadf °'' °"" and manufacturer to order, ' • Elastic Web, Common and Quitted ` ' . Harness, .''• , • c il ip e t 80, -' Bridles,: • ••• . . T h inks, ' Collars, ' -• •. • • •,Fedises, 4 1 - tt• • - Carriage, Trimming. and •Xilitely 164 461' Viler. 0 ~ Mammas. PO and cl;ir CO;ions antis (4 ; notice ,'EIJ leasiontible,teitna., 41.4 . 'Vie subscribers hotie• by,dchng their weal 1 by a atnet attention • tot bitiiriesa, to taint 1 . 4 ',1 . Public Patronage._ ELICANAH 8741T8 a•• Towanda, May 21;1845. .. r e6omt will Fe w to the twea k, is t:a cheapest, kin the State., M== 7arms grthe Bradford Reporitt Two dAlara andfifty,cents per annum; Firt..: lUdacti4i if paid within the year; at in advance, Own DOLLAR will be deducted: Sitbscribeni" at liberty, to tlierOntioee it.iny 0 7, • paying linnaingea- - . Mat kinds of CoasTst received in pasintent, id thtmsdiet. Pliec• o f to° #tivertisernents, net, csf!:o4eg Si n '' and 'for CASip linrni forfiftieenis ;every sebeecue ° _,' : e .30 twenty-dVecentS; A disecitint tide to yetilf 7 . , : e a Jon Pain?' every' desctirtioo. peditiOnsly exectited on 1111* and farbiaorideiTsio . :Letters on' business pertaining to tbe 0° 12 free of rootage, tocnsthe attention. I kindad Orr DEMI IONE.EILMiN,3I:M4M•