Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 07, 1846, Image 3
.:1 - t- • • T y e ofSee ofAnditor isoncof . great importance ro the sappayers of Ilic•county, • Mr. ,Mus t assA p , the deowan n e eamiidati., was selected for:ihist :pill lamme bgity.: integrity, and' discrithibMion: i His business qualification's ethinently fit filth for tht c h a rge of its duties irithrimbor to himself and with credit to 114 county. Let not this itibjeet hi iiVer looked; Some, way think because it is apinortifece' i t is officio conseq ience,whetier they vote ihticpart of the ticket or aoc :Lit :no one enteriM*A slush thought. EvicabOde.titiat calla aPcmpeaMerats to rote the entire, ticket: Let no one forget sn ib e n one of our. candidates to be defeated supineness orneglect.:! We wish every dembcrat to unite in the shout 'at Me closing of t hat as haie ttiomphantlY elected our whoTitak- El PEETING OP THE BAPTIST ICHOHOH (For the Bradfet4 Rep:otter...l A council of the pastors and delegates from neittbcirhaigap, to Carats! win ,CMlTene._ the Baptist t kittase t on w e d,,,, t ay,the 14th of October, to Consider the prcopriey, of the recognition of a .Baptist Church in this Borough, Serrices ,ozp Ear ncc at 'half past ,10.o'cloci, A. M.; consistingd•titi ,ronination of their Articles bf Faith and Chrirekeerenanz, r paratory to the reeognitiorC ; At 9 o'clock, P. 51., a union will be: piiaattel ypith refer.. raretbe occasion. This contmzusityseitirank,see iavitedto ' Towanda, October 5. IPSO. • - • • id - biome and Specific Dntiete TOE AD VALOREM Dart.—The ternrad,i lorem' is a Latin term, which means prppor tion to the value. Thus, .when a commodity charged with a duty of 30 per cent.. ad lorem, the importer has to pay at the custom house e3O for every hundred of its value. If the duty is 20 per cent., he pays $2O for 'every $100; and if 40 per cent., 940 for every 3100 in value of the article imported. Thus it is crident'that this description of duty is a _just and an honest one. , If the articles are of a c heap description. they are of less value. and of course, par less ditty. If they are valuable and costly, they pay a higher duty, in propor. non. Each person 'whtypurchases the articles imported. whether cheap.,er. dear. pays a! duty only in proportion to its value. To illustrate more clearly : Suppose that silks *ere charg ed with a duty of 30 per cent., ad valorem, and Oat two pieces were importedone valued at 50 cents per yd. the other at 81. Under this description of duty, the person who purchased a yard of the cheap silk would have to ply on ly 15 cents duty; while the person who bought the dear silk would have to pay 30 cents--just double the amount—because the value is double; bat both articles paying only a dew of 30 per cent., ad valorem. Thus an adva/orern duty. whatever may be the rate, falls equally and im partially upon all consumers—the high and the low, the rich and the poor. It is the only kind of duty which an, honest, republican pea. pie should ever submit to or tolerate. 2. ME Murvirtrat Dcrry.—This. in the lad rage of the framers of the tariff of 1842, is al .scalled an ad valorem duty ; but while pre tendinc to that character, it is a mere mendac i rte, and cheating legislative de rice to collect a duty, in some instances four or ~ iretimesMore t/uus it professes to collect. It ..alan a Latin word, which means the smallest possible. In the present tariff it ap t only tacotton fabrics and yarns. There <re three minimums which apply to fabrics, all or a part of which are cotton, viz : the 20- rents, 3O -cent, and 33-cents minimums; and No which apply to cotton yarns, viz : the 60- cents and 75 cents minimums. ICE SPECLEIC Darrw.—A specific duty is a , enain, precise, and invariable sum' imposed cpon all articles of the same kind. per pound. !ird bushel or 4on, without reereitee to their cuatity,cost or value, lie meaning will be best rderitnoil.from its application. Fur instance.: brown sugar pays a specific 4iy af two and a half cents per pound.; that tett is imposed nn all kinds of brown sugar. liCalerer may be- heir east in foreign markets crobatever their -quality. The best brOwn Havant sugar pays no more than the poorest Porto Rico. Loaf sugar pays a specific duty of six cents mplund, whatever may be its cost in a (st ir country, or whatever may be its quality Silk fabrics, used for dresses, pay a specific , sity of $l. 50 per pound, whether they are came or fine, cheap or costly, A silk dress neighing one pound, and costing not more 1 41,10, pays jest as mneh duty to the Co. +camels as a pound of rich silk lace, which tOill $5O. - It would seem Oat a specific duty which 'mid he equal to 20 per cent. ad valorem. *odd be enough, in all conscience, to satisfy the manufacturers, iron-masters, sugar-plan ;Att, and salt-boilers, or to raise a revenue for th e goverameat. But, instead of that, reasona ble amount, on some of the articlei above men toted the duty ranges from 30 to over 300 per eem, TEE PAINED AND - TUE ''Nails.—The New Eon Register says, the late news from Eur ope, mtherring to the Amerfuu fanner. does.Bol *el/ ttl gratify the Whig editors .— The pros pet of s good market for them is distressingto fzi class of people, whose whole 'efforts are Pests swell the profits of the mammoth "lords the loom." They think. hat /3,000,000 far ee. coed to he satisfied with the market which kw don 1,000,000 niartufactirrenraffotd - - 1-)l at the acme time, take their gnods in ez 62"ge at a Price which is enhanced by a high lard, beyond the profits of iheir agricultural Moen! which is making the many ' . tributary few.—The same Whig legislation which ' 423 4 foreign commerce for the benefit of a hinge manufacturers . ; also shunt off -the ex- Maio!) of fuming products 'to the injury-of k'f r iettitorist-aso that the farmer is doubly 4 1 1 /tvd, while the manufacturer, is doubly- bene '4o- But yet, the Whis say that. sch a c , 4 1)61 for the cou n try ! There u is no ; 41 Yllig this.. Facts prove it. During the last . L ear : a gricultural products have been remarka thus reducing the profiteof the. farmer :'bile the highly protected manufacturing in i...stahare paid from 20 to 75 per cent, pro fi t 1: , 4 (mute ell, egiig to understand' these . vitt and intend to have s. ea lclinstice" in the matter - hereafter. r , L !ocusTic lama araurrim.r 7 Gen.H ooston, 3 extensively engaged in iron' works' iu t fre county Pa., has authorized the contradi -1;2( a statement put afloat' by 'the •6 panic rt ri , ". that he had reduced, or was about to De,ailetthe wages of his hands. The centre sa ys t v are authorized to contradict the state arv,N,l4lblank. Gen. H. will not - reduce-the i n p the laborers in his employ. Should tie ca be necestaty, it will' be taken th,, li u t° 4 Profits, not from the hard earnings ar,,,,, lre wer. and we may add, 'that Avere_truin avorl.genrallY to pursue • a similar course, ~ I n t , l ll 4le L / 48_ ,av a d, not only benefit, the -Tann wact ea, eibNiat.7-,',!'Xkr-g 4444 1 1 T rele i tion o ' thee bVi S tat 4o ihteiiihriflP°4- Post argelmaoeitylmajtozelection' of his competitercMr..-P'owesvk t f this county. . who bero'ngi tothe , Thiddeithi iSievidie school • utpolitietada;-,vroeld 'be ' one Br otlietrestest m isfortuneithiticiuld'heral the eoidmonwealth. Uudii khi : iiitidageihenistilk.4‘siii'iiid his demo er at iettiljetitieithe T riublidn,irorks. have kaali so , Oaiiiitt)P.'lVOra* #fikoiti.f.‘h#:,*!?", come aot aotirOap6 lirgixiqveOus.wiloOmite —under OM:control and menagemint, (Cinch men at tits ::Whig nominee;. they Would, he: ,comethespoil'of thelustilicidunderir.2 Foiref'was 'one;of those' democrats, 'br.•thisy which the keiti-Sighted Steietiii.' jilisle - 'at lb; him! .6t this Canal .board....nuirketk'inii wade:his own. ;Efforts his change in politics. we knew no man who could curse the bank heartily - or - rail PO loudly'' at the 'whiga. 'tHe had two or three contraption.the public:works ,the election for:. Governor.approicheil—'Rit ner, was Ooventor and Thad ;Stevens was Ca nal Commtssionev—more contracts were to tie allottmk-hir; Pewsr hecamisatisfied that. Rit per mide an able eFecutive, that' Stairens was s'vety honest ni6j, and that the Babk ot'ihe United tate, *is, the only institution the country really worth preserving ! Such was hts, introduction into the ranks of whiggery.and ever since he' has flourished: Although' , other. contractors were , ruineti f he became Wealtht4:-, and'When the. Erie canal .iverkinc; °iteration he became and has 'condone& to be one of the directors of this concern--and we here venture the prediction that some future day will unfold a story about its managenient that will astonish'the people of ibis common wealth. , EEC' Between Mr. Foster, who has proved him self honest and eapbbla in his managetnertt of the public works, and Mr. 'Power. who his ehowit hitbself to• be a thin of *. principle 'in :proportion to interest." .the people .ardl 'pot fail to elioose aright.--iffereer, Press. .. • • Effedsof,tholarilt of '49.• I shall now liroceed 'show that the ke:treal tariff disertiminites'infavor of the mciriVcr . e•• Surer, against the producer qfthe rad , material; who is the agriculturist. In. the first place,•-•it admits, duly free;• - or with very light dOties. a large class of ankles used in manufactures ; , while it imposes . ' vefy heavy duties on all ariteles consumed by lite aviculturist, which come in competition with the articles produced by the manufacturer. I might adduce a long array of instances in which the p;esent tariff discriminates in favor of the manufacturer; - against the producer of the raw material and the consumer. But .If must pass on to the last proposition which I shall attempt to . establish in this • wool , nica tion, viz : That the present tariff discriminates in favor of the rich consumer—in other words. it imposes the lightest duty on the article con sumed by the rich, and the heaviest duty upon those consumed by the poor; thus • exempting capital and taxing labor. A few examples must suffice. It taxes the rich man but 31 to 34 per cent., on his fine Wilton carpet, while it makes the man in mid dle life pay from 46 to 99 per Cent., on his common ingrain carpet. • It taxes the rich •weinan but 30 per cerit. on her fine French muslin dress, while it taxes - the poor' woman as high as 160 per cent., fer her cheap calico., • It taxes the rich man only 14 cents per yard on his fine flannel, which costs in England 31 cents, which isequal to a duty of 40 per cent. ad valorem ; while it taxes the poor mail 14 cents per yard on his coarse flannel, which cost in Eng and only 14 sews; being equal to an ad valorem duty of 100 per cent. It taxes the rich silk dress worn by the lady of fashion but 22 per cent ; while it taxes the pour woman for her silk sircss,', made of the poorest and cheapest material,A2 per cent. 11 taxes the sad-iron of the poor washerwo man from 80 to 150 per cent., the hatter's and tailor's irons from 80 t 0.150 per cent ; the blacksmith, for his anvil and hammer. from 36 to 65 per cent; and the farmer, for his axes, hoes, shovels, spades and chains., frorriOlo 175 per cent ;—while it taxes the gold. 'watch of the dandy but 71 per cent; diamonds, gems, and cameos, 74 per cent ; and jewelry, gener ally, but 20 per cent. On foolscap writing paper, used by all class es of people, it imposes a duty equal . to 97 per cent ; but gilt piper pays only 25 per cent., billet-doux paper 30 per cent.. and French en velope, "plain, ornamented and colored." 30 per cent. It compels the planter and farmer to. pay from 30 to 150 per cent., on the iron and iron impliments which they use ; from 65t0 190 per cent on the sugar they consume ;.35 to 170 on the molasses. and 106 to 170 : ons the salt they have to purchase. In Binh Fe. BALTIWORE. Sept. 28-8 PAP) The Western mail brings us St. Leila pers to the 21st. The Republican learna front a gentleman Just from Intlependenee, that , :'a traveller arrived at that place, who statea that at the crossing of.the Kansas. river. he. tell • in with an express from Gen. Kearney. passing across to Fort Leavenworth, who reported that Gen. K. was iir Santa Fe ; that he ;bid taken. possession of the without . reaistinen. r . Gov. Armijn. Who, was still there, hailing ritaife no opposition, or evinced the least .henitation in giving up the town. This, rumoribough it is, was.generally credited et Independence: .The Mormons Were - fait leaving -Naming, and many o(tlielii hatiAlreatly arrived at St. Louis; almont'in a. Ida of .starvatiou. The terms of she capitulation - ijad. been. complied with by Ilifi'inti-Morruone, : Pr., Marvin Hoyt. of. Melt tires found dead in liis bed this Ibis city. .with three. bullets in his head and breast.., 'Hs is vuppoied to have been :murdered by Ir-teen with whose wife he had held improper infer. course.—:Peniiipkutian: Nsw Ftinweca.—The 'Allentown Le high' Bulletin of 'the 9th inst say's: This Work the property of Beim &..Huirti , ilreYti Philadelphia. is said to be one of the. most per feet-things of the kind in the state., They have spaie4 noexpense or trouble in inz'.,ing it,per feet in every department.. Having ir,frodueetl all, the latest improvements discovered as ; well as lame Of their owe design. 7 -li will be'in lull blast in the course of -a , month. - ,All- we can say is that we wish there' itere..halla dozen more in the neightnirtMod; for we hafts already felt the benefit-of having some hundred -thou sand`dicillitri sCatitiid'iterono4.."oll: There is plenty of ore,- enough- irelk 6 9it ;, 5 97 ply half the vrotht, :Therwhole-counity. erally covered with it. ,:* . • .. , • :QOF , COrMVOIIIt.4S 4144 e . ! l ) t Fkr°4 li 31_ lkT kAs,,4loo4l4niq LA*LT— t 1 n 3 g ` 'cummunitnition,.whieh , lnitalls:striratiff,falhacy, No 2" .Wolitint ilfbohnspieunublft: beesull4:1111; •thiChksa l yitittiihleSublecfli) *Oti s w-ittedilon. l and S Ir,jsKifitr . ;'bWil : k1 , ..44, 6-s aßtergrilksi:': l .. l 3, 4 .1 k0 '3 9 4 )i1.48k,3 11,1rit;11140111b5: of all the tariff orators and tariff presseep Until theiniaw se ifinitiliailo` , lttekiim that they , believe Ahqtilifeiddlittetile4ll4nte. ii '.*f n it;;• ' ! 4 c.ll l ,o . 6 O r g iiih Mlflifir*,All; ai4Y-Pleer.bic" 8 'woe ili t akti.ol44AAt*ipp. on protection. bible Itahettld• of ton' rthestietuting us f -At' by *. a home:marketimis mesh(' thin' 644 of the products,of the:o11 re pi!" the spot wheit_ttie,i)uxtiiitied. the, iensl4 We:meaning, their:ii4'l, 411;861'n:tit Or, own and , almost' 'other stations.: Bat if - their,spplicallott as the tariff, they artidesign.4 ed' io did anyl'iiiniimable; increased prorfollitin the Iftifthing products are consumed insonsequence,of the: estaphehment of cotton . and.wolleth.or.other , ,manufectories. ' is a fallstoyewesstly' facts. • that 'itbe eomitridiculiws in then month of's 'mart lays' 'crab,' bi'anoinice Of comnion The iiiimhW of itersdni . emphiyed'in t ,ll,* .0 1 Allf4P 1 9011 11 Ffill4 **Aced eslnuchlour ailone county in lour State pro.: ;duces. , Threintpleleison is, that thererso few of there. ttorennoglyto make merethatt deeeei 'Pied village,' get' the protectionistsWetthrmalte us 'heliefe thit' me nufactereri iteep. Op' the, 'piles of agticulturat products. The truth of these remarks may be illustrat ed by taking-the return of the State of Massa chusetts, as an example, fur the Teat; 1845 ; There were ihen emyloyed in the canon menu = fictures - - 20,710 And in the vollen factories, including • women tooth' . • - 8.218 Add these „the calico printers add' carpet Wcalferg••., - • ,•!•••• Also the persons employed in making miehlitery`-U ..: •. . . We 'then'ffavi tit i total'of itetsthis " 34,52 The estimate in this country of the consumpt ion of flour is one barrel to each individual.— The county„of,lllnnroe, in this State, raise cne million two hondßti. and fifty, Ihousand bushels of wheat annually--eqwil to two hundred and fifty thousand bapeiiiOl,lJour. and half as muck as the highest pretender in 91assachusdisalleges. is Wien by That, State for ccinsumption, - fiotn;all` other parts pf the Uni . nn. , - The same ritliculm4 pretensions are made in 'reference to Pennsylvania. Yet the county of 'Lancaster alone raises more whealthan can be consumed by all'the iron and coal . miriera and manufacturers in the'State. In order , to get , over these difficulties. we are told -sometimes sometimes that we must Include the families who are de pendant on these operatives. This - would not help the , matter essentially. ea if we allow five persona 'for each laborer, the comity named would furnish 'the whole quantity. required. In cottons and woolens, however, the muss of the operatives have no families. being generally tin- . marriedpersnns. , The number ofpersons inem ployed coalmines the ,ruanufactory of iron in all: its brandies in. Pennsylvania in 1840. was 14,350; 'allckiing 'five persond to 'each of these end there would be dependent . 611 - 71hent. inculairt; 71:750_persons.a 41tive-sopposS the number to havedoabled sinew that time. so that there would ' now lie 143,500 personss - they would .nnliconsu nie 7)7,500 bushele of/whea.t The county of. Lancaster raised in . that year 1.129.277 , bushels, more than .fifty percent. be yond what these operatives *Mild consume.— The ineresseof the ernlyinvlichigan, annually, is more thin ill tliat in committed by the manu facturers in ,thet-,llnited,Statee: all :t hey con 'nine& wire burned every year. it would not make' ti halfcent difference,. in the price of -wheat ottif bushel. ,t, .Thuii fat , freirtirade'Vblit let .us. au bjoia a tear . other. facts : ' The crop of IMlian Corn. for 1840, will be more than•five ,hnndred millions of bushels; The crop of wheat will exceed one hundred and forty millions of bitshelscwhich would pro duce equal td tweitty.:eight millions barrels of , Within Ole last fouriveekethe price'of Indian corn in, this market has. rifle% in consequence of largeshipments to Europe, from fifty cents per bushel to eighty cent's per bushel, Which is An adyiteea,ixtv percent . on its ialue. Floni within the same period, his 'risen froin $4 to $5 pesbariel, whiCh is sin advanCe per.eent. Rye has experienced mach 'greater advance than wheat. - , 5 ' ' All.inlier article!, of agricultural , produce. :as well as provision . s; , hfive• advanced considerably in price in cciniiquenee, of a foreign demand._ Th. . „ e enormous amount of Wealth: „ which' this advance adds to Or capital of_the. country,,. and which goes chiefifinto.the':pnikete Of this far mers, can easily be estimated by referring - to tabulattnatislicr.v. , )We.shall riot-pretend in ifleateitie.precir amount ; it , will .seen _at a `glance Mat it uniikbeprtliligione ; we will even venture to say. *tVgreatly exceeds.all ;the wealth thatill.the:_Ottori and *dolled Manufac tures of the.natinneddlif make feritin ten years. Yet the reimers; who are so deeply interested in the spread of tint,,,pririeiples of free. trade,. ate most andacibustY'esked to sacrifice their stupen-, dcias interests, ; that' 'upstart Manufacturers, May,bit,ratlowiti money . Jeritheinselves. They are real: sated to forego the, vast advantages of an. unlimited trade. abroad. fora problematical home , market; -which. , after an experience of halta centtyy,. ire .authoriied to say; will never riPen.. is quit'ineredthle . hoW the sgri ctilturiate istmuld have • allowed theinseivea to' be duped.iu this respectae much as they liave ,beten.' Parette.4The Dthe.nian a over tlq.'ll.)Pte 149 4 ,ne; 134a:Iie beits ..r reinaritsicietfr'-their:,-;•'• ft , toeing . Ettirt”' when rbought. Mr:Senator Webster by their .eubseriptiotr, of: 8100.000. '-raised for Omfatter° bier. Mr : Webster. it). the • eriiing of "184 i, tieid#:;heri oaf of riffled, melte 'a po (Weal eerit Bartiotert;,littlittijOii adria eetett•A ,aoj 4 ptipelit of tariff, 'du tit* : by reeip- JroCal commercial, treatieu: Since the 511011,4:100 operation, he -bailene '••flat, footed"- against any alieration' cif the" tariff' of 1130. ktas#9r! ..., T! Bosasess.-,Shozdy after the pas sage of the nisi Tariff bill: a large •fouiidre in - West - Philadelphialtir the manufacture a( cad irprl, ; :vria;cloitedlik, the .. iirOPriefOrsi, and ;the itroilinieii ail itietilirgeit i iy.Foriskuesi F itOtan impression that the change.wotildoperste very irjurionsty.7 In consequence of a heavy order received, the foundry heir' hgain Wean lopehed .sad the:workmeaxbale.resnmetio"theit •tspers tions.:.? 3,087 2,506 CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. , - . ALLARGE ASSORTMEN T' f ClothaOf all, shades and colors, and Oralitiel,littill price!. casinieres. Fancy and Pain:' SiMinetts and's toad assortment of Vemings may he found at GEO:E. FLYN l'& CO. erACHOICE selection of dress goods can be. found at the Siring' Bank, consisting of Carmen*, 11.; nes, Ciuhmere Dresses, Plain kind . Changeable Alpacas, vemendmins, Bombazines, and a good , variety, of Dress Bilks. 'Price low at FLYN'p I I • InT,OF LETTERS; remaining' td the PO4 Of lice at Towanda, quarter ending 5ept:40,1846. • Ave• y RUfits .•' • • 2 Howland tP.-• .- • ' Bosh Wm • . 2 - -., Horton E-11 , -- • ' Bishop Eliza 4 Herkimer• Henry ' Bingham• Mere Mary E - • Herrick• Margaret• Bancroft L 0 • ••* • Holcomb i ',!•'.• i Brown Henry Johnson Nicholas' Brommil.ncy• • - • -. 'Johnson CAI- Burbank•ll , o- - - ' .'• ' :'Jones•Robertjl .. .f Benjamin Lueins• , .'. .' Jones Thom.,::; Bennett Chester' . • F . ' d• Ketcham John i , Metier Marvin ' ', : • . Lilley - Mm C•••• -Bramhalf Mlss'P A' '.. • Late Saitioef.H. Bowman David . MullanrThininis . ! !.', Baittei John .: -' , , I • Moore Robert' , %", .. ••`1 Break Win . , :- -- ! : McAndrew Martin - •' ••.' 1 !,. Corning., Akar% •-• 't • •• ' Morgsn•S'H ,i ' r '!'" 'Campbell Wm E- • '. ', Monaghan John , • :, ~. ' 'Crowley lno -.. , ' •M'Card4oliii•' . •-• ' Cornell Thomaii Castle & Hamilton •MeAfeeM. , •.l :. • • . Cranes :1-D' • f-' •' : , "rforthmpMiss Mary S 2 Coemeer M—Z - • -.. '... l :Pcneiii.:l.l •• Drake James C :• • •". Phinney' fr S Drumm), D ! i • -Palmer Mstriet Doherty A •• '.' Pfiiiiiiey Gould Davenpori JI -.. 7 ; ' , Auk id . N , Etheridge isaad E • ' , 'Porter James Ennis Miss M i • ' ` ifiuneh . Eilinond Fox John M '... . ••;•-•!THairgige!T•'-' Foster WB jr Hon 2 13iekterG- :- Forest Benj ' Sickler Mica A -- - *Fiiithaiii.John P. ••••-.. : - :Sullivan Mrs' Hannah Firieler Rivera :-. •! • lihapiiiii 8 E '..",. Gore Capt A - Taylor Jacob S ' OilbeitJohli , .• • , - • ! .Tame Jare`nh 7.1•' ••. . . • flotmeolohn : -' - • '. Taylor Matilda-':.• - ' Thompson Joltn%LtA. S.,.CHAMBERI.IN. , P. M. ,L.IST, OF JURORS ArFarji:.,4 l o s Peci — ) 11 c ei , !4 . ed Oetoker 26;1846. !Aijiluial;-Mlinaillus AtttensAi—ip.r O. Smart* Picke 'Bililicigton Win. Knapfo: ; Columbir! - 4am4,Piesh, N. :rl4lalmul C:autpa--Ssat, K. ?octet.; • 9pinville . —:Janies L Itoas ; Litchfield—Daniel gallery ; Mottio64Penick, Dunfeedamce .Reck4eil • Pike--Iseac, IL (ieas, Platt, Wax); Rome—L.43inith; P.Potrinion, D. !railer ;i . Ridgbetry—John Kline, - , ' --- Sheahequin - -LA p H orton; Smithfield-L.7i M. Tieliti; • Litinii'd ;' - Standing' Mr•Ti nl4fr. rowaildifWilz. 7 E 2 A. Goiarieb 't/H t LW. W. Goodiieb, .0. Guodpriui Trogr,-.4., Gcuuttidit J ilamlettruln; Al. r; ?neat ; .Ulsitri...EdwurdiM 1164. i • WytaxDril.lDscriu, L. Trumbull. , - lit'it TOl*ltilla'i Wht"PrOV2ll-!stwo to rtliflitlr by v ... ael.whig -...7.4.10,.:004.i.0tAtiAew Tattittime - 1 - :TimuvrodktArroo***loo by A L__ the* ' - ",,,t, I*Sittirietrird, ,,, ,: . l t ,' ,. _ :Rem lo Ila o4idle,vrpl,l a thelatie ' , .'ti Al do -' ' ' itenikterrellthdthe 4 Tsytheir ti t op ' rollAufTreess tit 11 , ,,aeeirWid;', has bee l at4te*: ..,,".`4l4riit 444, :PAuni-4 D is_liers. ne ,dristriptttiiiiistild'W riiii'meeks logo pro ' ' radial, itni - iiieiViiiiiiiiiiiileg a 'wee: o l o ,4l/ AlcOsltir lllet Ceigli*n in, nuillo4ll concluded AO gaitgi thoittsult mai, theists:mitten-days if . .teriqbeis employed mere - ghat-to 'get dew .to go , * treitkiigain at togeS,v , No not fill'onibillisd'Mair nos t 1141 ,t,7 b "`+'' ' be 4 ill - ° , l ' ii" ,was ilui4oled , he had , beelf Weintritiiirip: " lld " ' l.' ' li ''' • Inente ,ttr,t acing lus.fe.lots-wor Welt lodetst, these' oppreadve and uncalled : for, reductions.; A. manufacturer in the satne•ireighborhoOd i re-! deiced theMigea otitis , girls inliie facto& sizi 61bnifie;tigo'; we atikitme itur . fednitioti ht"tbe', •ritiff.',l4ol chi cause of Able, 04*W:Pi* tri.eldtv somethingii(tbe nature, of,tkeire i ro the -fad:- :The 7 girls, :{it ap-' peers; received 15 rots *cur o ( 40 yard.; the 'reduction Was to `l3 ru ts the `raw` ore-' pi;l;iiir 10, cents, . Stied redtied tips as, tliese,i'e must say, look beCwhip dide,frfkjhoiif who .have.antassed large , fortunes; by -the labor. of Altair opernures, : :,,,., ~ --:- ! .4,1:1 , - -,, 1,-,.;.... . , - Wm hate ether eases ln,thettowityfit•Phili 'oeiPbUti'Mirerii attempts ICl'edteerma'gealisi itik.been resided. old prireee Ideilehein_cerntiuti ed ; "this is aci - rloubt the cause_ of the , change' ordne in the Whig . . press, and the man ufacturers.--'--Pennsylvaniatn, ,', ' -. • - The Night Cop'Steep Spoiled. From the'New York Sao, September 25 • . • • • DALLAS'.NIGHT CAP. " -1-10der this cap •tion' yollAltlOte from a 'Pottsville paper -Fettle remarks Intimating that the , Schuylkill Valley furnace Wes recently stopped;'o 'account of 'the; ew Tariff; 'and.that., in token, of this., a barrel is placed On.the tOp,Ofibeistack, .any la belled, Dallas's-Night •Cap.! • The-writer istne of the principle owners of 'the fernace referred to: The'workS vvernitop :ped Ping before th#,lteriv Teiit bill piisi;Otill a Nun 'Cheap that . snii furriaCes—:' 'failltor" Tariff" Tne lessee writes,- that, at:present prices of iron, the furnace; which is-in sexed lent order; cart do . a handsome basinest4:6l which fie can convince ) any' person , =ltavingii fciv thousan d dollars . to nnite in carrying it 'On. ni t .. Night CiP!!ia..ifietinn- I VJAP4;4I - ly desire to defend the new: Tariff, fair play indu ces melo correct themisstatement. :• ' ColniTyrATIOX of VIZ Cdbaseness, headset'. giddiness, pain in the aide and names and sickness, satiable appetite, yellow or swarthy coca. plexion,..dae., ate the lutist aymptams of Liver Coin. plaint. . , , . . -Wright's Indian 1. - e,getable) Pills are always eirtain to remove the , above complaints because they purge from the body (hoer-morbid humors which are the cause, not only of all disorders of the liven but of every,mala• dy incident to man ; . A single 25 ces t box, will in all cases give relief, and. perseverance will most assuredly (bias every particle of disease from the body. .Wrght's Indian. Vegetable Pills also , completely cleanse the stomach and bowel° of all bilions and putrid humors, and therefore are a certain cure fur colic. , dye entery,cholera nuebtis,:totil other disonlere of the in. testing.. , . : - Coution.r-Tlti should Le remember( d that Mr. Edward Bole, of Philadelphia ; Mr.. John , Dison, of Eamon, • Pa. and Metsui4 Browning* 'Brothenrof Philadelphia, are not agents of ours, and as they purchase no Vliright's Indian Vegetable Pills st our office, nrconneigurtran. ty as genuine any medicine they may ilastfor sae,. Agents for the sale. of :Wright's, Indian Vegetable Pills. in Towanda, Montane'. & Co': for other agen• cies,see advertisement in, another column. • t• POSITIVE. IW.OT IPE iihereby - giviii to lheie Allchenbs 111 who wished, to . cornpiomise;tuid thereby, rsiiie..thei price of Goode in Towanda; that „we .cennot enter . .inta. any arrangements ofthe kind: 'Weir. beunil to. sell goods ch'espee thin any other eigablislicrient; let iheAr. cue:agat:el be what - they, 'Peisetie "detilr'ott of purchasing Goods at the lowest ,Call at the Sayings - Bank" as tistml. where . tbe mast' goods are giving for the caoney. Sept.. '46., GEO. : E. PLitN'T kW. - , .DRESS GOODS • •- • ' NEW FALL 4100DS , 'FOR 1846, r ! lb al'u agairakot.wilyidopp .cm,liPativiow AK d . ;jai 44,1klynt EA riff Goods: - entbnichtE, e n t Yl l * l ig wan " I I Re g ii ikV.o74 F an n e r/ A lif li* teCil l. i % V4, 4 7 41 f,grir7 A830.11.11".103*.P1140,1134 4Pllesitilacs4l°ll4o' 40,9 k , . t h # itighbl+ KeTafj,4!444lPg c 1 0 4 " t c i F4 4 ti r 1 1 41 F IR NlYs taeu N o ) , ;WC 14 ,9 1 tSfil l o Ivo duontsasiumi,m, ll'(jti .14 A , li/t 11 . 0. 4 roirander*PL,3o• 4 46 * • •; a e'Blittlett% . ACM. Yelgralip • fke., araaperaxassortmeasalaverrktag mimed for Men's irr. Day's cloaks, over costs, cosia, PAM IWO vests,, for ale at eitictoo4 , l* at *430.. DRESS difftiita: 7: LARGE'liiicattieisi Cutitiliatei; Chard "id M. Der ' Paiwroaltit's. Botilbesio;btott i. alimes; Gale & Cidirorede fields. plaid vidd Iviaided Ginahami&e., it 7 ' MENCURI3., -- . _____ 'all li A WLB,lho largest, end'. etil4pest . assorrqient . cif 0 Pair& Winiei'Sflawbiever ; attired foi, date' In TO• iraniii iii '' '' '''''' '. ' : ' -', ' StIgIIQURII: .... ) - ;t ISHERIEIrS SALEP.. Y! sin me. ef rit oirgnditioniexponasiaaned out ..of the court OrcexotoottPlefe of Bradford Court tto.rne alisectedd ; expooe to 4411We...5a1e at the *IA f2f. V ..X.X.ottg . .io:Tr9Y.Pß.Wea t gi ZIP 14,of,Noyentheretee4, lOrecioeltiA-41.041,e_folloering !MI 6 sijult• hafeY,'•lirad county ; , 4 ogutieti on the east by, the Sum enlek.anti ispda of flatocirl Allen; tho•Aeory. !hoed, ,and path& mouth byluad,o(Aldriek Wand, on the yell by, lend . of paid Naid and Gardner Seaman, on the north' by the iodd creek road , and jand irelcinetng• trfthe' heirs ofMyron Alleni and the'Tmy end Toirandi toed ecintelning about 'fbny,litrimlivOre or tea, with- al:rimed - bouie,. framed end's le4 house, end some entail iiiiplittrera thereon ellialpnzeed. Seized and taken in•exetatioir nt the suit of J. Morrie Wettlei vs. Adolphus Allen. " - .. . • '-• - JOHN P. MEANS; Nberiff: , Bheriff 'a Offiee,-Tourenda. Sept. Su,-1846, , • r• WRITING, , IIiSTITUTE. R . elAcxErr, whose ryau m and :manner of the art of WRITING, havit,.been the vubjett'of pubito iriprobaticiti 'of late, Will be' in place, hest week, for the pupae of teaching iv dams in 'the 'above very umful'accomplishment'' , 7 • '" MI desirous of attaining the art' aid!, areittieetlitl. 19 invited to4deue thentaeletwundet'!hia iitatwtctiol.— Setisfeckgy improvement will Ae guatantiedto the e itep , live student. •Tettni, itereTve dam iii hddrs'eaeli,' dual nit intend to' frighted the `.'people Banda with a display of 'mute and' binds, as hialrittea akin' is that ore teacher of writing; to which he applies his whole • • i. ttie . Human censiitniine, arid «lei! 40 cone idevetl eurebledieettie,'will be Coned in' , trright'a IzNin„ reg etpOeyl -•• /firth imericko,Collego,of health. • These extmordlnary 'Pills are .compmed of :01014 which grow spontaneously on our - own soil, and are; therefore bettecadapted to oar constitutions, than Medi• eines concreted from foreign drugs, howeser . well,thiry 'they be compounded ; end as WRIGHT'B INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS era founded upon the principle that the human body is in truth ' • • •- .. • SUBJECT TO BUT- ONE , DISEASE.: : namely, corrupt. humors, : and that said 'medicine Cults •. • :NATURAL: PRINCIPLES, , • by cleansing and purifying the'body.h:trill, he Mani. fest that if the cortaitraion. be not 'entirely; exhausted, a perserenince in their use. according to direction, , bat& soltdely certain to drive disease of every name from the body. !lek• 01 6 ttere'.: a Waltrip . * • anomie* to fertility, we drain ii of the superabundant water. In like manner ; if we. wish to restore the.kid,jlO healurlare must cleinie akar impanly. -„ -; • r : ?„ WRIGHT'S INDIAN -VEGETABLE PILLS. will be found one of the bew,"if nut the' limy Wit, medi. eine in the,warkl-fornstrying,ouLthic. - GRAND PURIFYI NG' PRINOIPLE,• : , !weenie they expel hind that bedy itnahid and cornapt hunter, the Cause of the darease, iii in;easy, and Naha. re:Manner., 'and while theietti,day gave EASE.:& Pleasure, diembei of eaery'mithe as raptilly driven :front The fallowing higbly reirpectaide fitOre.ikainiliaae 'been dilly appointed Agents. foitheaafe of:Wright'a tn• am, Vegetable Pills in Bradford County::: MontanYe's &G t o. , Towanda ; A. H. Gaylord:Canton:a • John H.,,Porman, Columbia F/atts ; , ' T. dr S.W . Pomeroy, Troy; - & Gee. Durlingten ; , f i „ 7 . f ; Wm. Gibson:U.l3am , • Lyman DprfeeoSmithfield 1. . • I..S.Ellearoitb:Athehi Guy Tracy, Milan'; . •L U. Moody &Co Frenchlown;, John Holton, Jr., Terrytown ;• ,B..NOnntut, Springfield ;• • - • Storm & Joues,..Sheshaquin; , , Daniel Brink, Horninnok;,, N. D. &C. Watford, Mohroeton. o Officei devoted exchorively to the sale, of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, of the , North American College of Bealtb,,, 423 Greenwich ,atneei, New : York ;, No 198 Tremont ate Cerium and Principal Office, No ,189 Race street., .„ •, 19y, • • - • 'MONEY- LOST: the'rindersiarsed on the •99 Mew sr the To!I ~JED Heine, ormear../dathemain'a, 'tavern; tn.. Athena, • Wallet • containing $l7• In Hank Nedak • and ithaat 42 in change.... Alsb 1 Note signed by Samuel Nile. & -me signed by, A. C..-Secitti'amounting in all-to about $9O and•imate othet papant; if (the persop _fueling be hatingthemtarill Morn them to therunderaigned, shall be entitled to $5; or any -information threanwherehy ,4bitibore may be recovered, shoal be amp ly by 'lltNJ4l 4 /N P.-VCOTTU • .' •, Smithfiel d , Sept, , • , : ~:,'• i •; OF. LETTERS, temainhtenf Ihe 'Poet . or.. Athens, quarte'r'encTirig 841.1361;1546. 16 1867 DrOtiis' 4sery' E Jenksji;' Me - Ayres '• -' •, . J'C & C Jenkins C Bnnlc." /adroit ' Joseph Bar hatr Lehman J H Burch • y G Litzenberg • Daniel Doyen • „, rfarottel.Onno , f. ~.Rev F Lane. , Corneman :, • , ,J,G Marvin A Halsey Thomas Mounsey E Dunhatm : • Nana Myers C A Di-cull Harriet A . Morris E Dingee - T Maxwell D Dacia = ' C AV'Northoti . "hfr:Bnidie . f .D Playkm • 'P DyYher,' 'Pomeroy • R S Finch"' • 't'l Nancy Park - Samuel Finch Park '(fookeeper):.! J T Cilbertje , Directors of- the PoorA Thomas Gardner 3 • .. -..Athens and Litchdad • Mary S Griswold , townships: Phebe Gray .C.S I'aik Levi .A.GardWer.,• , It fr.A Healseiff 6 Symonds !! Jo es 0 ,Ifinc,hreitet F. Poydet Mary Berne ur Kcnie If ffrisr,lainll:, J Berprottit 1, Horton 11 : Wilcox Wit Hunt -C 1 1tiliDet4ar't ft jenki-' • • ' C. 11: HERRICK, P:'l4: , - E FAIL&VINTE11,10011t ..1 IMONTANYEeet. CO.; are now tech:mingepry togertaten'i tic:41414'6041ml !lilting , I a - grfarifiernainn in the market. eotepriiiink'Frenehl* ;Enklieh BllOAD:ttf;OTHBjesesimeree am) Sintiiefe, end; the choke tgtteiue of Printitinit Whiseed GC•pde... Gratefof roi pale frogis tkei•;evecittaliifeolietfizette., roue public to ealtiOd'etrtinilnit "tke . it ittiefeittialftintv eanitotd. not'4uledent indatimenti.tdetistiritheli Aire or public Patc4ll l ;. :t )111 • FOno:wis ..-,,1011” IV: B.LAGgSMITLIW lANAII.7IS , AN D ..IFICEB. 'iv.. , 4Wy 7..7.: : L ::, ,! f. - % . '7e.'.: ,:-...:: MERCUR'B....;: i PP C *I II /01r94 leri HERE AB,44)litiliaellly of the Com. Irlip.Tionsese4malliodOtAmodeMildog TWO olomioits iil thiseammoulnithiniimonjoimmippooNlis Oaks. fiotico of much eleetionsikr ifsekl.rood also Ilmteboumnitioitio mikionotic' soda& iiiettasukta, well:eta!, k - JOHN .F4, - ) 1114.1 0 P.Bistgiiingidi,oltba comaymf 43n441.dit tiokt* , mlMaikamemlomidatt oottoitoltmeleitorsoftimayithatraalaN / 841. Ei d gcrws ,bo hold?Ma osigiitquity4maigisa. DAVI: .thofiatb..osyMfisitikaposo4.4l4lioll.6A raid ;wit .le-,;;;i. 4.1H:14 Avit,-t; . Vin Atbauy i l sittm;sehool trooorimilmokOlitdillikt >rasthd:hateeu6W.;WikesY':l AY: d'ai . 2'.->. 3 .rfat.var ..:12 , AirsiumagJeco4frututtey!sii. In 4i ktimut 61 : 10,1 : 1 Er IL Mafber•Othleirr dtbef.3 ,, (fr In Alb:up:We 44415,W 40Nrigtallt , Pjelaeso7tsj P. ,6%1,;; In Burlington et Addison litt'Kainitao lard al..la3tNIA Io Canton at Ilaniattaittlitt's. . 14 . 4 ; 01111 04a",..kt" 1 . •••.;a iv! all . I tata at °wry - afil p . StE,VI9 I ,If.PA,SW+IO , A. lolo o 4lll :o l e.l49s4. o "ls4Rll l 6*YrN,Pge corner { ..., !,, 4 1, Frs Voroi in k te rg i . 4 . llolU "il;NFlE9 l- 4. "to • LA UW14004 4,,PW1 4 .1.,.f. ;t0t...5 , 1,11x/ . Irt , Laia hmiglqn l<. e. orgo,no, In Mortioti 141 ifrq Orwell : at 4he ,Ltwfirikprtuerly-,,ficcprilPY,,h ROMIF r • I a. In 'Van; at E. De;;olf's. r In Ritlgher7 at int:pbryAanna.tie t - - •' In tto;ei;tl:, 7 l =Kg i t i;eit.7lll e g T In Apeabeitiiir at. Pf 14,89 vinati bidola"p'A: . L udei t i; In. titanding artornait , In'ttgo'cith Creek aithe'sr*eijtaniat" ,In . ' In'roivarntii tgire4oniOnsta .7 ". '' • In !tin rieho3) l ll4ein:liiii#74 l o4nrl• 'Gl' Trod bcirotigh at tbieictsont hearse." • 1 :1"-''.•?; In Trop nmattehfp, , in the horise.ofrffilm;A4Gastln. near the ria,itlenee of 'Plan Ortealsrant,, saja • In Millen /AO , l l 44coa#!, . 4 .-f .Lu Warren. 'at R-voonana. S . '', 1 In Wells. At E4.e4.Yr, in,Wintilisp), et.E,tto*.4'e t Vcearli',: %.ti; In Wyeox, AL ;be ACOCARI. ', let e- ll'. t.:l • ', , Cr.: In Wypliving, at the school house_ort.44t Ind at or near John Biles', at rFlichiltipip4l44,,phie. the d e electors aforesaid will_elest.b - ballot---------,- ono . poraop 14i0aRal 0 ftstOdelortiittANW: Oina .persou ill: . repreiseni.i ittitikitteetirlYrOW sailliehann i . inil Tiogi,l ill tha Congldirat thd UV. One frisson to represent the ctluintritt.Beidfoql Ad Tiii 4 a in tlp - I.Bernita . l4-Wir - Ca furiAn - Arpttlf; ,- - - ..' Two pent:mita refees'ent etetiebinia 4 j4faradford in the kotne.of:llekeisentititei of ihiii.) ClMPlnirart• . ~.. ~ One Geteinicioatc : o , :ljr . siiiid County One persen.for. Audible :Of Bradford imcari;:f Aud in and amid act, I soy flintier diackt4 rive notitx the , -every person except iug- jufficesof I,4eptaire bold a ny offic e of profit sud:Vlttkirstodosia2c government of the United Andes, arpf notch." or incorporated district, .wheeteladtdfultASP9P• ed officer or agent, who is, or shall: k J einpfeyßl a gotider the legislative, executive or judiciary deportOOnt 04 1 state, erof Vie or (4.1 0 1. cbga.k`ofiqd district, and also -.dd every meolber:of*.Couver,, is., and of the state Legisletute„ - and scoolectsuidn.en council-018a city,circommissionerwat%any-ituaugiorat ed district is lass itroallable of holding .116. 4 4 ffgi et the same time. 'the office or. appointment •at judge, inspector or clerk of any election. of We comotolieradth awl that no inspector, or judge or other offices ofistny, such efeetion , shall Tie Wen efigibTeliFaliyAl#ll.,tie , By the 4th ‘ seatiortrif an act passe April, 1890, it tr, prodded " that the 13th section ocp set passed' July 2d, 18814 entitled the eleetorsofthis - COMMoiweiddr;fl baireau aimed; al to' Preient - ens militia _otrtcei:(raTit'tttrattig 2 , al :judge:respecter:or aka, at inky Deafer. iiiPinflefeci don of - this commotitirealtb.;• e-r r 4 • In the 8181 sectiortof the eel Brst.oteelicate4isensc- La dst: every. - genital tuxd iperial election:v*4W b e open between eight foredetin,lirid shall continue withoot - litterrnpuiearidjourenteqs. Audi 7 o'eleek:in theeveq' ofld PEE '• 18th'sect.'of _e ati ' .."1 0141 1 4 lawful tot ilie'lloriecteis i aild]uake r at any genaraf - oi slimier election - . achich !hall heyeaftor held in thiArtnenia election,iliatrieti in . dii"cclinty of Bradford, to ty*on at 5 o'clock in. the atterticeii6.7, It i 7 father directeiritito6iiiAilig . Aro.ruggi at Iro*erilla„,to team out fialoperel .vii4rri,'ebill be amtlei . *lll be tile 1.4 4iy 54,:tietobe!.' "if • ry e C.1)13041i11 . Of itIP;.)11 - 4ililt Ai 'the tdint 1 - TO‘4 io t tie Nroigti aiii•intli a y alter tlit.'election,*bieh'iiikWeialie 14-C..IJ day tbe poieekees of thi„swa.,lo , dhirteiam , zaaet et Jo~yti 0, Purniai6 Colataia - flatei; gay. enttiday ,aftff the ,ioctiON iv4iaik . wilf6eitims tint day . • , JOIE* C AM:kW V314 , 121' • 'Shades ofhei.,i4ptetnbrio,'lB4k:-T ) ' 4 " • _ —.. .•• - " , •-•ilsorm ••••.,. .., - . --- I:.' , • ••re • ••";:.:;'-': :''atdiiiiiilitlitat,tl,lSaiee: v... 6 o - IN . puma:nue of , ittorUer cif,she OsphiteArGtott..of Iliad ford Cobuty, will he sold, atiloblin Yktaltte.At the house of George Cueyellv in Motifoctoni.Bl;Vdotit pan in theafternoonOn•Thundayi th e.-15th.dapoll . r .nett; the followhirdeseribedvoperty. late Atli Cnintuer, 'died. to"iiirt . , Tha ldndisideitaniweig part of a tract of land situate in Mains% inwitthiPshnihided north by lands of A. 1.. - ..ctangier, els!: hy G. F., Mason, Sarah calm and Frsnialti IT4ott on the south bx.thsqo - e.rerli itid'isi the'l;testtil lanai - W ' rt itfaion, :Containing One hundred Siel'tint!) shad ifseit . tansi hi/pi:dyed: with i friuntik '4'43 ind:Wiiril'ahaiii it'pple Utehaid thereon. ' • - —....• ", - 1 , 1 4 47-1:. 5:1 , . Alf4riEl(! - goßih - half of clot or itha ki!iiiti fie 4an. 166 townitiio .pootiiili4 one huidititriittrii,liniiiided at the north by limas of Joel. Summsra. east by James IL .. Irvine & 3V, W.liiit‘shtfity iv: w:vvine & pop mi marei; thd n he ws py lymili f illit e % lictitcy`'ind Siftelliut Fo*ler. •'-I,!e shin ye ing all unimpit.4.l.:Toirlits nisdo kiwi& on day of sale. • • ...., • CII,ARRISSA CRANPOSH;sidusiti - • . - .lft'lt. 1 - 11ViNEi kdatistishrianrs! MIME " • - "''snE'RrOFt . aste .-- .:'r.L.:: 114 Time of.mwett:olvenditiolakei4ol.l49 a- IED aried'out of , tho mit ot:Commoußleas of Bradford county; in'ontAirepied.s4 the, l6tb , day,of October, thefolluiviug sac fibed .piece or parcel ~.of WYelueirig township. , bounded norily lands of: Justus Lewis. west by --iv- Siallordoialith H. Black. east' by: : ilierioie wifhip~ l ibordeining 352 acres, alm; kuto:,hunilled o acOsSlinti?oved. with fouriMmiedjuenses. taree c ldglibiim. one framed batnepue log barn. onoe*pringlouse. one grist Mill and tife i liall of any Milland.three small oriliardOi thereon..' na , LvA. IMIIIE Seized" !!t'111? init 4 41 11Itti;K: jOtiN,F. • Sheriff -7s Offir.etZuwanda..Sepl46.-,18441.1. , -ort • . tl§i7BttimiEtv tfatia ref fulfy:rinfdi he pub!,c that he continuer to eatrl alythit aboie huebleia it fill ishiVin the :of TeniyavAte , lend Itt'at he'is ' pre'pared bl'ftihtieh SP' the 4 rtmat ieaiiuiabfe terins,' WIRE CLOTH, iufis6letoP Befell ler Hoitht Serpens, ip Qriet Mit h t, or fur, SOW itigatitiiiiedini. Leridiaille,ltiadroaCe,;ra., will be pmniptiv attentild to E. MARSH. L e n k atill o ,,, q4CMtf-i! . P 346 * ; ` :.11 , .aramtnltio- - • '~r.7• .f /), Arophywe: 4...,4, _ Z. -rxr,.., ~,,, 4 i ii ..YILP entfireijido • c• - 1 1 . 0 . , 1 . , 1! ingke tkfer- Conti le Waitress, iedpciog th alto* .o r i qiid,ija t rf o krii4 bearidritraitlitA tXrAcrigiar ikapniiidiae . ViiilietiViltifrtfitiioci:tiineVier-Let. Willetiri iiiptiroffer`pufflialtilniShiiiiinVieltline*Rl Opit ittfo their taialtatio:4ll**/ afaiiiiiilnbii - rirnada Wore purchao#2itrtie.rct,,i•V. o. ri_nMril.±l;l4A. Aril i., A 55.471.17 9, a fiy 10 t 2.0 by 1 . 23 0, s. by. 14 IJ.- 111131 r by 15. LIS tir 441 12 by t6.2.2015t1 B:A3-by 16, 16r.ttjati; thin day remised at ,6 jiB,, .51Ecii,CUEC9.. ~. ENE