Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 22, 1846, Image 2
, ratlfort• Towanda, Wednesday. Sept. t 3, 1846. FOR CANAL CONINIISsIUSER,. WILLIAM B. FOSTER; JR._ OF DrADFORD CnI•NTI. • Diniocratic County•Nominaflons. • TOR C.NGRE.<, DAVID WILMOT, of Towanda. FOR %EN &TOIL GORDON P. MASON, of Monroe. Fan nrrns.ww - rrrirts. JOHN L. WEBB, of SnbiOldeld. VICTOR E. PIOLLET, of Wysox. TOR INVIC.ITRSTONER, JOHN IL BLACK, of Wyolnaing. _ Tow Aenrron, LEMUEL S. MATNAED, of Roane. - • llieserria P.polON, nrcaday, Orlober 13th, IS-46. Coincidence of Events. One of the arguments deemed most conclii.ive and invincible the whole oppi,itiob phalanx in this district—Whigs panic, makers and disiirga tisers, in their crusade against Mr. Wilmot, is the fact that he alone of the entire delegation from the State, in Congress, voted in favor of the new iariil law. From this it is held that he cannot be right. The Whigs of course count it heresy in any man to vote against monopolies and exclusive privileges : and panic makers and dioorganisers seize upon the occasion' to denounce Mr. Wilmot as recreant to the interests of Pennsylvania, because he had the -firmness and independence to record his vote in op position to the odious and oppressive tariff of 1512, while every other Democrat from this State, adher ed to the bill without repeal or modification. And the abuse heaped upon Mr. Wilmot is out ahateilune jot or tittle by the known and acknowledged fact, that the sentiments he avowed on the door of Con gress, were precisely those he proclaimed before his constituents pending his election ; and his vote ex actly as he had oft and repeatedly declared and pledged himself he would vote. Oh no. No matter how faithfully and fearlessly he has discharged his duty; no matter for the interests of his constituents. he voted alone, and it is believed by his enemies that capital can be made out of this simple fact, to prostrate hjm before the people. They set up the cry of ruin, ruin, and the whole pack, "Tray, Blanch and Sweetheart," echo the strain. ' We can point to a coincidence. If we remember rightly, when the Bill passed Congress to re-charter the United States Bank, in 1932, but one 601itary Democrdt of the entire delegation front Pennsylva nia voted against it. This was Mr. King, of York comity; and no sooner was the fact known, than the federal and Bank batteries were opened spun' him. A persecution was waged and kept up for the purpose not only of destroying Mr. King, but of silencing all opposition to the arrogant claim:, of the Monster Bank, equalled in virulence and feroci ty, only by the assaults now waged upon Mr. Wil mot. The Bill was passed and vetoed by Gen. Jackson, and then commenced the war of the Bank and the money power upon one side, and the President and the people on the other. None who then took part in politics, have forgotten with what desperation that war was waged, and long may it be remember ed how gloriously it terminated. Then, as now, the cry of ruin, nets, RIA.N, was spread through the land. The business of the Country was_ to be prostrated, manufactories were to be stopped, wages reduced, and starvation was to stalk abroad over the whole Coned States, unl checked and insatiate. Unfortunately, the Bank with her immense capital, had The power by sudden i contraction, to accomplish partially what it had so boldly and audaciously threatened. Her iron grasp was felt wherever her power could be exerted, and all who came within her reach were entwined with in her Anacondiac folds. The timid were alarm ed and fled—Me venial were pUrchased u , :th her gold— presses were subsidized, and the whole united ma chinery of Federalism and the money power were put in motion to force the people to yield, to defeat the man of their choice for President, and to com pel an acquiescence with her selfish and unholy demands. But the people were equal to the crisis. They met the assault firmly, and withstood the shock most gallantly. Shoulder to shoulder _they breasted the storm, and rolled back the tide upon their enemies', until they were as completely over whelmed by the torrent of public opinion, as was - the host of Pharoah by the waves of the Red Sea.— Everywhere was the President's veto, and the vote of Mr. King sustained by the senuments of the free men of this Commonwealth, reflected from their public meetings and their cohventions'ef,dclegates. The result was, at the election, which immediately succeeded, an overwhelming majority for General Jackson. His, veto of the monster Bank Bill, and the vote of Mr. King against its passage, were triumphantly sustained. The country was saved.— •The Bank it was that died." Not unlike that cattiest, is the present. 'Ate Tariff of 1842, admitted on all bands to be unequal in its details, Operating unjustly and oppressively on the great mass of the people—the poor and laboring classes, by taxing heavily most of the articles ne cessary for their comfort and the +ippon of their families, for the benefit of the wealthy and haughty capitalist;—forcing the poor to .contribute daily, from the avails of his toil, to the already overflow in: coffers of the wealthy manufacturer of those articles—making the rich, richer and the poor, poor er: and, when an effort is made by the true patriots of the country to relieve the oppressed from the cruel exactions of these parse-proud nabobs—rexac lions tolerated by laws passed with a special regard to their exclusive interests, we again see the power of wealth and aristocracy arrayed against justice and equal rights ; again we see the assaults of men in high places, and of presses in the inter l, ests of the money power, unscrupulously directed \at evety one alio dares to advocate a reduction of the - high duties to be paid to those who have their millions invested in manufactories, yielding a dividend of from 50 to 100 per cent. per annum; and of all who voted for the repeal of that 14w, no one has been more fiercely, unfeelingly and mali ciously assailed than Mr. Wilmot, the representa tive of this district. Federalism and money are combined to crash him and defeat his election.— His bold and manly effort against the odious tariff of 1842, has aroused all the bitter wrath and oppo sition of the same party and the same class of men who assailed Gen. Jackson and Mr. King. for their unbending opposition to the U. 8. Bank.— But like them he wilt pass the ordeal, not only unscathed, but like gold from the crucible, refined by the fire of opposition. lie will he bore than ever cndeared to the people by his noble et in sustain ang their rights alainst the hand of the oppressor. We have collected, in another part of oar paper, from the few exchange, on our table, the sentiments of the dentOciacy Of seveial Ono Yes, on - the subject' of the recent 'tariff law,as eipiessed in their Oount e lr conventions, showing most emphatically that ttic position avowed and so ably maintained by 'SFr. Wil:no: on the, lloorof . Congress, Will soon—if it not already—tie-the popular iloetriti ofl'enn.vlva nta. as it is certainly is of the Democratic party of the Union„ It is the cause of the people against die money power—of Truth. Justice and Equal Rights again s t oppression and tyranny—and must and a ill pi evad. Gen. rat:on—his Communication and Ills Claitra to Democracy. We give plan- to the communication which appears in stir paper to-Jay over the signature of W. Patton, as a matter of favor to the General. at his own personal re quest, not coneerlingr to hire in the least degree the tight to the use our columns to defend himself before the party which has so recently repudiated his pretended claims to be considered a democrat. while all his actions and sympathies arc essentialiy with the Whigs and disorgas nisersof this county ; nor are we willing to have it un derstood that we open our columns to a continual dis cussion of the subject, or for any further communication from Gen. P. or others who choose to drier wbh the De mocratic party in the support of its measures or its-can 'blares. Our paper is, politically, devoted to the come and interests of the Republican party of this county, and its columns are open to members of that party ire the discussion of great political questions. Federalists, Whigs, disorganirrers and Panic makers. inust srek a medium of promulgating their views, and denouncing the measures and members of the Democratic party elsewhere. They have an organ in the federal print of this place, adruiraLly adapted to their purpose—and to that let them resort- A few words in relation to the communication and we will close the subject and allow the General to follow in quiet in the arms of his chosen companions, hoping in justice to them, if they receive him into full fellowship, that he will do them better ser vice than he tilia rendered to the Democratic party for the last six years. - We should be culpable indeed, to permit the state ment: and allegations made by the General to go forth unexplained and uncontradicted, when to our own per sonal knowledge they are incorrect, untrue, and colehla ted to mislead and deceive the people. • In the first place, the General says there were only come half a dozen voices proscribing MC. " Bow the General could bare the hardihood to write•that sentence and maintain any pretetisior,sto truth, we are at a him to conceiver The meeting was a large turd highly re. spectable one; respectable in numbers, in talent and character, and more decider], efficient and energetic ac tion is rarely witnessnd in a public assembly. The re solution+ were adopted almost by acclamation, and with great enthusiasm. The General and two or three others toting against them. The resolutions were adopted en sull,r, aed to lather the enthusiasm and applause which followed acre cau-ed by the nnc refusing him and Col. Bull admission into our ranks or not, be ought to be able tit judge by the manifestations made in his presence. The assertion that Mr. N% ilium was the um ther of the resolution of which Gen. Patton complains, is made upon Ala hOri 'yand upo n his own our mire. We know it to be incorrect. We rl we know it, and we speak advi•tdly, for we know who did write it; and we are authorised by Mr. Wibrud to say. that be nei:her penned nor dictated any of the resolutions passed at the meeting. But of all things contained in the CL!.ner.d's Corll/11U Meation, n hat is most surprising is, that lie should at tempt to deny or conceal the fact that in the Prestdcauel campaign of 1911, his opinions were concealed front the puhlic rye. We well remember, and with the most unmitigated disgust, the equivocal position he occupied at that time. We remember that in all the controvrr ales with the Whigs, we were taunted with the remark that we had n't got Gen. Patton to work for us any more. We remember that Gen. Pittrin was often seen in pri vate confab with some of the leading Whigs of this Borough—as was 'generally believed advising, aiding and abetting them in their schemes to defeat at least one cf the demoetatie nominees,and break down the democratic party. Well do we remember that in all the estimates made upon the vote of the borough, Ger.. Patton was never put Joan on the . Demni rine side—generally ho j to as counted doubtful; but boinetious, so well assured were sonic of our Democrat c friends of his desertion to the enemy, that his name was placed in the tanka uf the Whigs. We know the Whigs did fur a time confident ly calculate upon having fairly caught and secured him. We remember more—we wish for the sake of the Gen eral's political reputation. we had never had the occasion, but we saw it ourselves. and the General dare not deny it. We saw the General on the morning after the Pre sidential election in this county, when the news had b een received that the majority for Polk was less by more than :ZOO than it had cast fur Shenk in October previous, all life mil activity, his good natured counte nance glowing with animation. We saw hint deposit in the Post office a host of extras just issued from the Federal Press of this place, full of exultation at the re sult, and full of hope, not only that Penn.? lvatsti had cast her ,vote for Clay, but that other states who were yet to hold their elections would follow her example.— We saw him depo-it these extras in the Post office, di rected to prominent and leading Whigs in other states ; and we recollect distinctly that the mail Was detained fire more than an hour by the Whig Post master to enable the General to get his-matters in. Yes, the mail itself must be detained to enable General Patton to communi cate to his Whig friends abroad the humiliating fact that Bradford county had fallen elfin her majority over 2110; that the influence of such a fact might have its effect in places where elections were to come off in a few days after. We recollect that pendingthe campaign of 1844, a friend of Gen. P. advised him to take open and decided ground for l'olk and Dallas—and that his reply was— the Senate would be Whig, and if he was active against Clay he 'would . lose his place at Washington. Talk about his support of James K. Polk! there are many such, who always claim to be the supporters of a suc cessful candidate, and had Henry Clay been elected, Gen. Patton could with as much consistency have claimed to have been one of his supporter., and eve Irate no d.,n1,1 he would hare done it. Gen. Patton, very ingeniously attempts to convey to the public the impression, that all this opposition is in consequence of his opinions on the question of the Tara. But IliieviN begging the question, and as tar from the truth as the East is from the West. We are well aware that an honest difference of opinion may and does exist on this subject, even among democrats, but we know of no attempt ever having been made to proscribe men on account of this difference of opinion. unless it exists and is seen in the underhanded, anti•slemocratie maivevre re cently consummated by the men with whom Gen. Pat t acts, in gruing up sham meetings and appointing spurious conferees to nominate a professed Democrat, for Whigs to support, in opposition to the regular nominee of the Democratic party fur Congress. Small indeed is the consequence attached by the Democracy of Bradford to Gen. Patton's opinions, but of his actions while he claims to be a Democrat,. they have a right to . . . speak. Every member of the party who desires the perpetuity of its principles and the success of its candi vietas, will feel henna by orrery considemtionpfheAl?r• and godi faith, when candidates are fairly pominalled, ghre , to tfiele'ciinditlatt;s en open, end. heartY' euppeil. t As a member of the iiarty, each individual trialll.its privi eges.. meld to participate in all iirnAttinteettilli for its success. fiat who would tolerate the hypocrisy and treachery of that member who would go into the pritnaiy meeting. ind Itartiltifinte in thh'electitin - orDetes; gates fur the purpose of making nominations, and as soon as those nominationes are made, turn round and en , toe into a conspiracy with the common enemy to defeat the candidates and break dowp, the, ergfinizati?nof , the party 40 which ha professed to Wong. 'None: tAiPieDemocya e y n f,Lhadford complain of Gen. _Patton.. He claims to be a Democrat, and acting upon his privi lege as such, he attendritl the meeting in this borOugh for the choice of Delegates to- the County Convention.— We heard of no complaint, nut even from ibe Getv ' eral himselt of the Pioneer or result of that election. The delegates so chosen, met iii Convention and unanimous lyre-nominated Mr. lA'llinut fur Congress. Now if the General has one shieluw of claim to being a deumrat, he will of cum..e give to the nomination, so made, his cheerful end entire support. But be refuses to do so; and nut only does be refuse to vote for the candidate of the democratic party, but he sets himself actively nt work i to defeat his election and destroy the organization of the party he pr01e...4 to helm]; to, and whom principles he pretends to admire. What right has Gen. Patton to complain! If he will not hold himself bound by the rules and nominations of the Democratieparty, the par ty will not permit him to sail under its colors. He re pudiates his party, and turns pirate upon the broad sea. of pelities; and the party owe it to themselves--to jUti lice and good faith to its blends and members abroad, to disown Lim and disavow the treason. As . 8 democrat he aids in making nominations, and then under color of his claim as a democrat, be aids m electing conferees to make an opposing ticket—currying water on both shoul ders, and crying good lord good devil—not knowing in to whose Lends he may fall. Out upon such Democrats, the fewer we have of them the better we are off. The Line of Battle. The plan of the battle, to he fought in this Congres sional district on the gd Tuesday of October, between the democracy on the one hand, and the regular - Whig army, aided by the mai-contents and disorganisers on the other, appears in the last Federal paper of thin place. It seems the Whigs have determined to place their new allies in front of the battle, with a promise, that at the proper tune they will endeavor to flank the Democratic ranks on the right and left. The Argus speaks for both parties, and we raid in its columns, side by side the pros ceeedings of certa.n meetings held by men cfaiming to be conferees, to nominate a candidate for Congress.— One set claiming to be D..mocratic, the other undisputed. ly Whig—and Leith settling upon the same individualus their candidate, li.bert G. White, of Toga county. Of Mr. 'White we Ital,e nothing to say, further than to express our regrets that be should lend himself a tool to a lutist meagre and nil-eraiile faction in this county, for the sole and only purpose of gratifying, their personal malice and wreaking their vengeance upon the candidate for Coneress placed in nomination by the unanimous voice of the Demorrane tarty. Mr. White is an entire stranger to us; but we have been taught to respect him for the many gentlemanly quallies he is said to possess; and we have no doubt could he but know who it is and whdt it 1-, and what ore the motives fur bringing his :.attic forward at this time, be would at once withdraw and repudiate the wholB matter. That lie has lawn ill/- p-rd upon and deceived, we have no doubt, and that he will repent his credulity, arid despisa thoeycophanne who are duping 'inn, When he sees and understands their true ismition, is equally certain. But, of the conferee', or rather those claiming to be "Democratic," we have a few words for our readers.— The regular Demo: ratio Conventions, of the counties of Susquehanna, Bradford and Tiara held at the usual time and place in the respective counties, selected con ferees to meet at this place anthaaminate a candidate for, Congress. In this county the conferees were unani mous'y in-trotted for David Wilmot; in Susquehanna, altlionah not unanimous for Mr. Wilmot, there was but a small niatnrily oppowd to Lim; and in 'riot::, but five of the winL,number of delegates. - The conferees so chosen, in eutkrilitty with the wages of the part, ' and unanimously a . reed upon Mr. Wilmot, whose name now stands at the head at every Demurred: paper in the district_ We were warned by the Democratiii paper at Mont ri se, that some half dozen disorganisers with the re doubtable Col. I.u,k at their head, re'rred at a late hour, after the Convention had closed its labors, to Col. Lusk's off.ce, and there constituted theinseiscs a Convention and appointed Mr. ,Lusk and some other person of equal ly doubtful democracy, to meet conferees from the other comities. In Bradford we know something of the toadss opssirodi by which these spurious conferees were manufactured. Col. D. M. Bull, the same who took the Geld against Mr. Wilmot in 1844, and run on the •• broad platform of the tariff of 1842;' and was beaten near three thousand votes—called a meeting at the Court House in this place, on Tuesday evening of last week, for the purpose of denouncing Mr. Wilmot and' his vote on the tariff bill. Although the meeting was pretty fully attended, mostly by the friends of Me. Wilmot from motives of curiosity, vet as Col. Bull had rolled it for a special purpose, he was permitted to have it all his own way. At the mine time, any and every of his motions could have been voted down by more than Nix to one. At that meeting Col. Bull nominated a chairman, pronounced it carried, then a secretary, and pronounced that carried, (although theliecretary elect did not appear or offidate as such.) Col. Bull then called on Gen. Patton to make a speech. and Gen. Patton did make a speech. Col. Bull then called on Mr. Ward, and Mr. Ward responded. At the close of Mr. Ward's ' speech, Col. Bull moved that Esq. Barstow and Maj. Fisher be appointed conferees to meet conferees from Susquehanna and Tioga counties to nominate a tariff candidate for Congress. But this motion was not coat nconded. It was however . put, and on the question, not live voices were heard in response, and not one democrat among them. Such is the manner in which the con ferees—pretending to represent the wishes of the Demo- crats of this county, were manufactured. No notice had teen giVen that such was the purpose of the meeting.— No portion of the Democratic party wished another set of conferees, anti nobody but Col. Bull thought of malt ing conferees at that meeting. The whole move was piratical and disorganising from the beginning, The Democrats of Bradford are true to their sister counties, true to the regular nominations of the party, and true to themselves. Hew the spurious conferees were made in Tioga, we have not been informed; we have seen no account of any meeting since their regular Convention, and certain it is, that these self erristituted conferees can claim no relationship to that body. The Democracy of Tioga was heard in the voice of her regular Democratic Convention, and from the nominations made by her delegates and properly constituted conferees, she will !levet swerve. We have an abiding faith in her truth and patriotism; and we shall never, till wet see it, be lieve that her sterling yeomanry can be seduced from her political faith by the arrogant pretensions of recreant de mocrats. Such is thersonner in which these gentlemen, whose . , names appear iwitheircaleral: papa!' as conferees , !blam ed their tulthority - ; to speak for. the Idepaocratie • . , against ila i nornittaition* regularly ;made.) Theiriapm tionaWill hest appear try, referenda to Muir unit tea/. W * quote nuowthe Bradford Arguir,SOL,l9, "Ate meeting of the democratic conferees for the 12th Congressional District, composed of the counties of renagueitanna, Bradford and Tioga, held at .1-Detnocnitie Head Quarters," in Towanda, on the 16th Mat., ISA-AC NUKE, Dig, of Tioga, was appointed Chiircnan, and F. Luak Eaq„ of Susquehanna, Secretary. Where upon, on motion of F. Lusk, David F. Barstow and Frederick Fisher of Bradford, S. F. Wilson of Tioga, and Waller Ohnsted of Susquehanna, were isppnirited Camthitted to prepare a preamble arid Resottitioni - for the consideration.of the Conference, After an interim, by adjournment of one hour, the Committee reported as follows: Resolved, ,TlPtt we nominate R. GA WHITE, Esq., of Tioga county, to the office of Congressman froth this district, and recommend his support at the approaching election." [We omit the resolutions, except the one nominating a candidate in opposition to the Deufueratic ticket.] Mark the language—" At a meeting of the Democratic confereea." Was there ever such impudence! These men know the Democratic conferees had held their meet ing a week before, and unanimously nominated Mr. Wilmot;—they knew they were unauthorised to act for any portion of the democratic party ; yet the first line of their proceedings is framed purposely to deceive the p forte and carry the belief that these were the regu. hit Democratic conferees. Out upon such hypocrisy ! The place of meeting, " Democratic Head Quarters," we have no place in this Borough known by that name— neither tavern, Hotel or Inn, and the very fact that they have enveloped the place of their meeting in mystery, leads us to believe they met in secret conclave at the house of some mil-content near the lower end of the Borough. The time of meeting, Sept. 16th, just one day before the meeting of the Whig conferees. So much for the.-e self-styled Democratic conferees. Now for the Whig ratification of these proceedings. We' quote again from the Bradford Argus, of the same date. Meeting of Whig Conferces—Thursday Morning Towanda, Sept. 17, 18411. "The followin‘ , Conferees were present—from Susquehanna, Henry Brinker, George Walker— from Tioga, Joel Parkhurst, J. N. Bache—from Bradford, George Tracy, John C. Adams. Joel Parkhurst was called to the chair, and John C. Adams, Secretary•. Whereas, we regard our party too weak to ren der it probable that we could elect a Whig to Con gress from this district; while we would much pre fer one, we feel called upon under existing circum stances, to lay aside all party considerations, and act for the welfare of the interest of Pennsylvanta. -Therefoie,-on motion all. Drinker, Esq. it was Resolved, As tee are informed that Robert C. White White, Esq., of Tioga, has been nominated as a can didate for Congress, in opposition to David Wilmot, by Conferees from Counties composing this C o n. gresstunal district, and as we have every assurance of Mr. White's soundness upon the subject of the Taritf—as We deem it the most important question to be acted upon in Congress, until the odious Bri. hilt bill of 1516 is repeaA, and as we are ~ausfied Mr. White would, if elected. act in concert with the rest of the Pennsylvania Delegation in Congress, in sustaining the interests of our state and nation, tie deem it inexpedient to nominate a third man as a candidate for the approaching Ci•ngressi,nial cam paign." A regular amalgamation of mal-contentg, panic ma kers, disorganisers, Whigs, federalists and no•party " Black spirits and white, blue PpiritA and grey, Mingle. mingle, mingle, those %she may." Democrats of Bradford, you have hero presented to you the means employed and the men at work to destroy your organization and defeat the candidates of your choice. Men from your own ranks arc conspirinr, with tl common enemy, who openly acknowledge their own rty too weak to elect their own candidate, and that ..y have no other hope of defeating YOUrd, but through t e aid and treachery of recreants (loin your ranks.- 1 b you believe the Whip would vote fur a man whose • mocracy is unshaken and undoubted I Do you ne ve they are any more reconciled to democratic prin des now than heretofore I What new light has burst on them, that they "deem it inexpedient to nominate ,third man I" Is it because they have no hope of elect g a Whig, and have no choice among democrats!— Do you believe the Whig party have "laid aside all party considerations "—arid that they will rest quietly during the pending canvass, and let the matter take its own course; or do you believe they are acting in close concert with disorganisers and renegades from the De mocratic party, to defeat your candidate for Culigr'esag and at the day of election will be found as one man in support of the disiarganisers ticket. Such we tell you will be the fact; and we cannot too earnestly call upon you to arouse and to action. • We have no (ear for the success of Mr. Wilmot ; but his friends should not rest tu listless security—relying upon his acknowledged strength. Our enerniesare reckless and untiring in their operations: they have nothing to lose, but every thing to gain. 'lt lo a death struggle on their part, and If the Democracy but do their duty, its last gasp and expiring throe will be made un Tuesday, October 13, t8•1G. Communication from General Patton. [For the Bradford Reporter.] TO THE PUBLIC. ME , l{ll5l. ,EDITOIt% been politically pro scribed by a small portion of a public meeting held in this Borough, on Wednesday evening last. (for there was only some half a dOzen voices in favor of the Resolution proscribing me) I deem it due to my self and the public to state, the facts in relation ton. It is well known that I have ever been decidedly favorable to a Tariff that will give adequate protec tion to the manufacturing and mining interests of my native state, and no one knows that fact better than Mr. Wilmot, the author, though not the mover, of the resolution. On Tuesday evening, a democratic meeting was called by those opposed to the Tariff of 1816. I had no band in getting it,up, and took no part in Its pro ceedings, except to respond to a call made on me to give my view- on the subject of the Tara, which I consider a lod-al and not a political question, and which Mr. Wilrhot himself, in a speech delivered at Tioga Village, on the 26th of August last, said "That this question of the Tarifwaa one upon which there was an honest difference i t f opinion among De mocrats, and he did not believe it right that any man should be proscribed on ncrouni of his views upon that sulject."—See report of his speech in the Tioga Eagle. My remarks were principally confined to the evil ef fects df theTardl . of 1846 upon the interests of Penn sylvania. and upon the people of this section of the state, forming an integral portion of it. I avoided all personalities, and did not even mention Mr. Wil mot's name. The only portion of my remarks that could be considered as having even a rembear ing on politics, was my defence of Mr. P c, Mr. (34t Walker, and Mr. Buchanan, against an attar - made upon them in a wing meeting a few evenings be fore. I said I considered the attack upon Mr. Polk, unjust because no better bill for Pennsylvania had been offered to him fur his approval, and that I be lieved if one more favorable to Pennsylvania had been offered to him, he would have given it his offi cial sanction as readily as he did this one, and that the members of Congress alone were responsible fur the act. That whatever Mr. :Bnchanan's opinion might be inrelation to the act of 1942, I did not be lieve be was in favor of the act of 1846, at least so far as it affectetrthe interests of Pennsylvania. That Mr. Walker's high order of talents and indefatigable Industry, peculiarly fitted him for the difficult and responsible station for which he had been selected. That I knew him intimately, as we had been school malesi6iethee, ( andlkiat. on coming toFtherin man , lioild, out earlygssociations 'had ripened gin)" iiwarlD. friendshili; but, thati having left his' native. state, (Peiresylitania) In early life, his subseqitent soutibi eta assOciationa had paturally te4outh4 erg interests ;'and that so tar from es'erviitg cep sure fars•lganirig-towards the local interests-witli which he was identified as a southern man, I gave him credit for it, and expressed a regret that some of our- public men in. the 410 fill had not shown the same natural inclination to northern interests, so that mutual and equal concessions might thus have brought those cootlicting interests to the true tne dmm line of permanent adjustment. I did not say that I was in favor of either- the act of 1842 or 1946, butihat so far ale the interesmof Pennsylvania were concerned: I cohsidereit thetiet of 18-12 preferable to that oftB'4B„ and - that I preferred , specific to ad cab , - rem duties, wherever they were applicable, because under :that, system there • was a beater security against fraud upon the revenue. At the meeting of Wednesday, I was publicly in terrogated as to my intentions of supporting the de mocratic ticket, then Rimed, and that too, by J. M. Bishop, intent the Secretaries of the meeting, who first saw the light of Democracy through a canal contract, while Mr.Wilmot was Clerkto the.Superiniendent,& who until within a few years, was one of the bitterest opponents the democratic party ever had. Waiving exceptions to Ma catechising a demberat of a quar ter of a century's standing, who never voted for any but a 'democrat, and who has probably speht more time and money in support of the cause, than any other one man in the county, I frankly stated that I. intended to support the whole ticket with the excep tion of one candidate. This newly-fledged de 1110 C rat then demanded of me, whetherl intended to vote fir David Wilmot ! I emphatically said I would giveno further pledges. My old and worthy friend. John L. Webb, Esq., our present, candidate for the Legis lature, probably remembering the gross injustice done him by a similar proscription cm a former oc casion, spoke somewhat touchingly of the many hard battles he and I had fought together, shoulder to shoulder, against the enemies of democracy, and closed his remarks, by expressing a hope that my name might be {qt out uf the proscriptive resolution. A current of feeling seemed to be rising against the resolution, when Mr. Wilmot got up, and charged me with pursuing an equivocal course in regard to the election of Mr. Polk, and ai , erted that th e v o ters of this Borough. ot both parties, were in doubt as to which way I should vote. I pronounced the charge false, and as the witnesses were present, I challenged him to produce a single individual, of either par ty, who would sac that I ever uttered a word or ',en- Price from which it could lie inferred that I hail any intention of supporting Mr. Clay. As he coot,' find no democrat who could bear him out, he then en quired of Mr. Adams, a leading Whig ot the Bor.', who was present, and lie prop - 1111y odd han that none of the Whig party had entertained any hopes of my voting for Mr. Clay. Thus publicly conVlCt ed of the falsity of the ehame, lie nevertheless, per sisted in urging my proscription. The vote was taKert, :tint although not over half a dozen voices were heard in its favor, the resolution proscribing me is to Lm out to the publ:c as the ex pre,ion of the democracy of Bradford county Why did 11r. Wilmot select me as a viettni I. proscription from ammer, the number of prominent democrats of .this borough, who have ako de inarcd their opposition to his views on toe Tardi ! W'lly unt prose rube C. 1.. Ward, Esq., who made a speech at the name ineetitea, directly in i pie to los speech in Congress !. Why not pro.cribe t t y t .l F. Barstow, Esq., of the liorough, and Maj. Fisher, of the Townsh.p, the democrauc conferees appointed at the meetuu.t, to put to nomination a'l'arm demo crat ut oppositmn to tutu! Why nor plaint:Jibe rue democracy of every county in the state, out of ronart .ssional district, for expre,slng 1.11.? Sallie opinion ! The seeret of tIoN whole matter is, that Mr. Wil mot stated at Waithituirlon city, that the COUr ,, ' at the late Presideatial eleatein was equivocal, and that it was the (Millli/110 , 4N wish of the dem ocratic party of his 4_ll , lnel, that I should be 1.12ut..C -,il from Inv situation there, which by the way, he had promised to Mr.'Gondrie . h. and having faded to teL an expression ag,ainst me here last winter, noir he I, etideavormg to I.l,olfildljlr polite opiiiion by desperate means, to corroborate his take assertioh , . and nowt:err to make me a it htppizi o ,7 post to en tether il'llloCrats who are opfiomiti to his view's, trio 0pp,,50.:4 re-elcetion. . Many men l iters of that meeting—yes, five time, the number that toted a, proscribe me. ha e since called on lee to expre.s their disapprobation of it, and the c.mundanet of their friendly regards fin ine, and among them Col. Sali.burv, the author of the resolutions which preceded it ; who in ram, after reading his own reNolution. in the meeting. declined reading the proscriptive one. and handed it over to a more pliable instillment of Mr. Wilmot to do ht., biddin T. He also assured me that he had no hand in that resolution, and gave me a pressing invitation to attend the 6tuithheid meeting, where lie assuied me I u lu'd - rece,ce a hearty trek 0111 e. thin hrzh-hai.ded vidation'of of the nio.t acred princip!es of demoeraey—the liberty or speech—one of the inherent and ilia! L , II aloe nehls of fret.tmen—.l pro•crilitam worthy of the day, of 'he Eldri Adam:, and equalled only by Mr. Wilmot's Vluilltit,U' of the liberty of the pre..., at hn lact elec tion, Ihoid hut: accountable before ,the highest po litical tribunal on earth, the so cercr:ru pettple. Towanda, Sept. 21, 1812 MILITARY INSUBORDINATION IN TIM ARMY. —The steamship ilcliim, Capt. Page, arri ved on the sth inst., at New Orleans, from Bra zos Santiago, which place she left on the ad inst. She brought several sick volunteers, and some discharged soldiers. A great riot among a company of Irish vol unteers, and some others, took place on the night 31st. at and encampment oppoSite Burl ta. Guns were fired. and 15 or '2O men are reported to have been killed or wounded. Be sides the killed and wounded seen or known, eiget or tgn are said to have been pushed from e steamboat (lying by the shore) overboard, and were drowned. The Colonel of the Georgia regiment gallant ly attempted, with sword and pistols in hand. to quell the not. lie shot down one man, and wouneded several others. Col. Baker, of the 4th regiment Illinois vol unteers, repaired to the scene, and ordered two of his companies. A and C, to assist in duell ing the tight, and went in person with. twenty chosen men to the steamboat. lie comman ded peace sa soon as he got on board, but was attacked by the rioters, and had a desperate conflict, in which he defended himself bravely fur sometime against sa ords,bayonets and shot, but was finally s hot in the neck;, the ball en tering behind, passing out through his cheek or mouth. GREAT FIRE is Ncw Yonx—Ntnto's THEA TRE DEb - ranvEu.—Our beautiful, brilliant, popular niblo's" is no more. The whole of that extensive establishment—theatre, saloon, garden, conservatory, the layge and beautiful dwelling—all fell before the devouring element between four and eight o'clock this morning, and scarcely a vestige remains of any portion of it. The fire broke out about 4i o'clock in the theatre, and from thence spread — rapidly to the saloon and buildings South of the dwelling, on Broadway—thus surrounding the dwelling by a'sheet of flame, which its [parasitic brick walls long resisted, but which finally fell with the resi, an uuthstingui,hahle 111 344 of ruin.. The dwelling, with the ground, belonged to the great Van Itenssebier estate, The theatre and other buildings were Niblo's, as were also the property of the theatre, the furniture, &e., of the dwelling, saloon. bar-rooms, &e. ❑is loos is ruinous, esceetlitig the amount of tug: Ulan. ranee, $lB,OOO, two fold, SENTIMENTS OF THE PEOPLE! We select the following resolutions from the p ro , ceedings of the Democratic Conventions of several of the Counties, as expressive of the sentiments of their Democracy. Other counties have spokes similar language, but we have not the papers t er ,. mi n i ng their proceedings where we :an lase,* hands upon them. We recollect, however, M ercer and Wyoming. Will it any longer be said thatch. nth district stands alone I We mistake the si b of the times greatly ; or she will be backed by erery Democratic district in the state, before the elate o r the next Congress. R eso l ve d, That we cordially approv e of the principles of the tariff of 184 G, regardira as more equal, fair and just in all its featuresohaa the tariff of 1812 ; at the same time pledg ing ourselves for such reasonable moddiCation s a s the great and leading interests of, our country may front time to time require. True to ou r principles oh political eqiiality,we cherish alike all the interests o; our great and glorious Co rn• monwealth, agricultural, manufacturing; nom mercial and mechanic arts, and while we are unwilling that any one of them shall be favor e d at ihe expense of another ; we are in favo r of each one having enough to amply secure n from all danger. AND LISTEN TO BEDFORD Resolved. That it is the duty of the gmern, went to extend, as far as practicable to do fa by its revenue laws and all other means with. iu itg putVer, fair and just- protection to all the great interests of the whole Union, eruhraries agricultural, manufactures, the mechanic am, commerce, and naviwition ; that we believe the 1816, which reduces the taxes nn the nee ressaries of life. such as sugar, salt, muslin, hoop iron. chains, &n.. &e., and raises them on the luxuries of life, is just, equitable, and honest, because et places the farmer and the mechanic upon an equal finning with the Man. facturer. LET LITTLE DELAWARE SPEAK Itesolved, That the tarilr.of 1846 is entitled to confidence, and a fair trial. It as the result of the compromised jutlmeril of a majority of the Unin, after a deliberate investigation of the relation winch the great thlerestS of the rout. try bear to each other. It is a tariff for reit. nue, and remprawal protection. It equalizes the hurthens iipou the people, by taxon_u all at. tides adotriling to their actual Value. Tar du. is on the raw material pliers the Farmer more on au equality with the .Maitufacturer, and al. forils •ufTotent protection to each. That we ri:Jpec,re of the repeal or modification of the iartlf of 1812„ ', realise a was a huh tax upon the absolute ileeebSarirs that entered into the daily consumption ut en , ry i.uutly. robbing the many to till the punts of a few capitalists. FILE VOICE .OF JUNIATA IZesolYrd. Thai NI. lim.t.ns, Vire Pres!. dent of the I.:tilted Stairs, in his reecu i t dpm lied anti statesman-110. course in the I need States Senate, I:mug : 11w eastina vote e n th e t a . bill, exhibited a ‘frgree ofnitural :tannin, which lies e:carcely: a p irallel to our legiplastue records ; hr It as Fliown Ifiursrlf a aria of run nerve. Wien beset by hungry spent:Jun:gar. mandiz.tri. wit.. infest uor le , to, dive domp his ditty to the us hub Ultltill, devcluped in his adilres, to the Nen.durs on that occasion—lnd the day is not far di-het v.1.r:1 that c. 1.11,11 01110 will he celebrated alen of ihr pairtotio sere - Ives of Jackson, in remot. toe desposits and .retoing the recharter of the United States Bank. NEXT,:COMES CENI'RE Resolved, That we fully concur with atr hrethren of ('pester county, that the Demo racy of Pennsylvania are not to he bought byt hank, or frighteried by a tariff panic; that the intellagenee of her Democrats is adequate solve the tariff. as it has done the currency questioli, a id place sundry whro notions ming the class of nris.ilete rdrn< ; that her vote teal e4At in I S I I, upon the littlest and most aenur ate of the vartons issues 01 the (hi. nicer having been tinted hot inner—tin 1,910: t.n 1 WP ow , proclaim 1.. nor politiral brethren , that, de. pite the manoitivers of serrrt or open enemies—as Periuselvaniti always has here, so Nt 111 she e true to ! airientrolun W. PATFON AND DE MO(' It A TH °Will A NIPTO Resolved. That in levying our i:npart the tics lor revenue. we are in favor of esteudialt fair and even litrei'al proteetion to our name Lecturers ; and whenever, by untoward ler boom, they are _deprived yf that protevtion, se NI Ind ready to aid if/ rPll4lrl '0 the r.r,cr. "flot, though we believe the tariff of IS-I.: whew). J . l 4i and opressive by reason 01 its levyingli ties it many eaves milieu-R.:ink• t o glt, vole believe that the recent tariff aet of 1616 Ina need alteration and correction. That herder. some minor details of which we tlisippronr . the great iron interest of our St:ite. in some. not all, of its branches will not he sufficient : lr protected. That the same is also trite Bard to our anthracite coal, and that-the it• terests and wishes of Pennsylvania replier: the hands of the next Congre , is, that limt" shall be remedied; and the democracy of Nenh' ampton hereby pledge themselves that theirini Iluence shall he honestly Verteed to accus• plish this end. Resolved. That the manufacturers owe': to theinselves and the people to frown do" all attempts to get 'up a false alarm of panic l ad ruin, aad thus to unsettle the business ofttf country ; arid in view of the filet that the grel : mass of the people of Pennsylvania slind to urge upon Congress the proper ed weer ry legislation, it is their duty to treat the pee ple and the subject fairly ; and any attempt ) derange the business of the community. wrq press their operatives unnecessarily, (or 4. 9 sake of making political capital. is the suits mode of forfeiting all their claims upen iherr ertions and good will of their f e llow-cut: l . o 6 and to produce the - very state of `things 4: they profess to deprecate." ALONG SIDE IS M TIER SISTER MONT' GONIERY. k,;•Resnlved, That we approve of .hr reptmfr . modification.of the larifof 18.1'2; beeassege,, der the enormous bounties it offered toocolit fists, it was building up aristocratic , Pr 1 lt 1 ; g 7 : 0 orders that are already controlling Our " legislation. and if left to go on would 5000 or trol our State elections. • rstii " Resolved. That the tarijP7f I ' lll ' IS f , rt (kit 10 a fair trial ; that it is curt intended t, duce the wages of the operatives, but tnered l p <lessen the enormous profits, ranging from to 50 per cent., upon the capital invested,o4 the bill was matured after the most s eall , br s investigation of the relation which the ' 4 l great interesti of awricultute, c3nunerce HEAR OLD BERKS