Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 22, 1846, Image 1

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mare of Falsehood and Fraud!
re have seen a half sheet, issued in, and sent
oad through Tioga county, containing the speech
1:1mon Li. Read in Congress upon the tariff.—
le this all it contained, we should not notice it,
it also contains a long series of resolutions,
oiling to have passed a democratic meeting In
quehanna county. The democrats of that corm
.ever passed any such resolutions. They were
u p by Franklin Lusk and a few unprincipled
r•Sanizers, who for years have been playing into
hands of the Whigs. Mr. Lusk himself, was
(aU supported by the Whigs as a candidate for
, T esentative ; and he and his contemptible fac
are now at work against Mr. Wilmot, and the
ok democratic ticket. The, resolutions are in
niselves a fraud, in as mucli as they purport to
y expressions made by the democrats of other
ones, when thoSe counties in their conventions
-e taken directly the opposite grounds". •
.et not 'democrats be deceived by the deceptive
na:lement of Mr. Lusk. He is an-open enemy
,h e democratic party, and for years has done all
could to break it down in his own county. We
e below the resolutions of the regular democratic
.-eation of Susquehanna county, in relation to
, Wilmot and the tariff.
lesolved. That in Hon. David Wilmot we recog
r a Representative true to his pledges, and faith
!!, !he interests of his constituents. His inde
'dent stand in opposition to the unjust and labor
.resqug tariff of 1842, meets the cordial appro.
of those who bestowed on him their suffrage.
~olved. That w hail the modification of the
of Isr2 as another progressive step in
!p7,l , hfliori of our country, to free labor from the
-xselions of the moneyed poti•er.
We desire to call the attenasn of our friends
:nr•hont this Congressional district, to the pro
hilf,'s of the meeting which we publish below.
as one of the largest and most respeetable coon
•tvet.a;s ever held M this Borough. The men
• n•suied as officers, are among the oldest and
Adluenital IiCIROCratS 111 this County. Their
acs atlord a guarantee that the meeting was what
urported to be, thoroughly democratic. The re-
Were passed by acclamation ; and met with
arr . response from every democrat present
ly,,auto.n our friends abroad to be on their
Ord acanou the schemers and frauds of certain men
•le.runiv. Mon %who are well known at home,
H ho should be known by Democrats in the ad
z counties.. We assure our friends, once for all,
2;...,ineoing has been held in this county, in which
renlocia:s have participated, that takes ground
-amt our candidate for Congress. No such
, :an be held in this County, reflecting the views
1,./en to tubers of the party. Never a•as - the
•roo.racy of Bradford more .united. never more de
•m:nt.d to 4tand by their principles and to sustain
candidittes. Mr. Wilmot «•ill commarkl more
.ar a party majority in this county
W. democrats to beware of the
and fesehoods of some two or three men in
county. They will stop at nothing to accom
,h their purpose of Mr.Wilmot's defeat. linpos
pruceedirgs will be spread•out on Taper, and
khod a , the voice of large democraiic meet
r. culler no such meetings were held, or if
.hr the Whigs. Especially do we warn our Ti
!needs. A desperate onset is to be made on
Ir. Wdmot, in that county, and we have good rea
m to know that fraud, falsehood and treachery are
r. meeting of the Democratic citizens of
''7lfll:ord, convened at the Court House, on the
of September 16, 1810, the meeting
mar.ized by electing BENJ. M'EEALN,
r iirSTON, CYRUS SHUMwAV. J. M. Bislior,
r , ronci. D. WILLIAMS. Vice Presidents ;
I.i Dr. Seth Salisbury and Charles Stockwell,
iie following resolutions were .ottered by.
II lel 1 andercook, Esq., and after some few
. ..TAT , . were adopted :
Retolcetl, By the democrats of Bradford co.,
iv pssemoled, That we are most happy in i
• r.; able to congratulate our republican friends
, nghout the state, upon the union of feeling 1
'lt now animates the democratic party. here,
.Lc to duty and to action ;—a sure presage that
'4'M' Vir.lOry is before us.
itesolved. That ire who would seek to strike
. 0 2'n the ors,4nic power of the democratic party li
—that broad superstructure upon which Repub
.:asem rests its hope of success now and in
"min, time, is a vile traitor to the cause of de- '
- Lk - Tatic truth in America, whether the treason
'o.oor organization, is perpetrated in the Senate
7 !I,e f: . S., or in our party ranks, at home.
It R.:15 through the moral force and influence
,ohlical organization that Mr. Jeffers , m,Gen.
l 'kssa, and all' our democratic Presidents,
;',7' o, evated by the republican party, to the
lief Magistracy of the Union ; and tt was
,'.gh an effective organization that President
-., Etr-on'stood up against the machinery , of Fe
'trtlirri in 1801 ; and Gen. Jackson through
:l the whole of his eventul administration of
t;oTer ement.
Il ia the moral influence of this power (orga
:::`11m,) that . traitall (to the great cause of hu
'..n rights, and to their own party) in high lila
:. haye endeavored to strike down ; and it is
", moral power, that petty demagogues. at
' . ' n 4 te , try to weaken, in order to give federal
„sly ascendancy at the ballot boxes.
,I,TqTed. That unwavering adh rance to par
,lsonzation is the touch-sto of our politi
. I .. sti. the evidence of einem”. y in our proteas
~,,°;l a chtnent to the principles , the doctrines,
.' ,O , e thea9uces of the democratic party of the
loser •—and he who would defeat the organic
4 ri of the Democraticparty, in an ignoble
,1, to defeat i ts eandidates, belong to the Whig .L . ,:,
,irur,. .7natever may be his professions; and if
T i : e the treason"—fa Meru hare the
Resolved, That we extend the hand of fel
lowship to-the republicans of the State—as al--
ways, Democrats in the United States stand
upon (462 common ground—upon the same
great platform, viz.: respect for the organiza
tion of thir party; and however Democrats
may differ - in some measures, they all agree in
one distinctive and controling character—the
imperious, vital necessity of an effective orga
nization; an essential, elementary. pervading
power, by which the • democracy of numbers'
have achieved all their triumphs in the onward
progress of civil liberty in this country.
Resolved, That we will not permit such
hypocritical, canting demagogues as Bull and
Patton, by their vile attempts and pretentions,
to gain admission into our party. Their mo
tives and their course of conduct are well un
derstood and appreciated. By holding what
they call •• Democratic tariff meetings,", they
have not been able to, nor can they deceive one
solitary individual in the county. While the
Republicans of Bradford have held their coun
ty Convention under a democratic organization.
and presented their candidates to the party with
harmonious feeling and unprecedented unani
mity of action, these petty politicians and small
beer demagogues have been at work solitary
and alone to disorganize and disband the re
publican party of the county. Their influence
is neither feared nor respected.
Resolved, That our Representative in Con
' gress, Hon. David Wilmot, is eminently wor
thy that entire confidence and high respect
which he enjoys by his democratic fellow-citi
zens of the 12th Congressional district. His
course in congress challenges our best approval,
especially his speech and vote on the important
national measure of repealing the unequal and.
unjust tariff law of 1842. His speech sets forth
in a clear and statesman-like manner, the doc
trines and sentiments of :he Democratic party
of Bradford county. His vote faithfully sus
tained the declared will of his constituents and
his own solemn pledges. Therefore be it
unanimously resolved, That we will now sus
tain and cheer him on with our whole moral
and numerical force. We pledge ourselves
before the county to do this in defiance of the
outpourings of wrath by the federal cohorts of
Pennsylvania—and we feel a pride in assuring
the democracy of the State and Union, that our
patriotic representative wilt be victoriously re
turned to Congress by an independent Demo
cratic constituency.
Resolved, That we are in favor of giving the
the tariff act of 1946, a fair and impartial trial
—it having been passed by able statesmen of
our own political faith—men of talents. intrgri.
ty and experience, in whom we have the fullest
confidence as patriots and friends of their
Reiolved, That the proceedings of this meet
ing be published in the democratic papers o
the State.
The' meeting was addressed by Ulysses
Nlercur, Esq.. and Hon. David Wilmot, and
on motion adjourned.
the year 1798. when patriotic feeling prevaded
the country, and when there were several par
ties in the field, Mr. Fox, a young plaver.who
was more admired for his vocal - than histronic
powers, called one morning upon his friend,
Mr. Hopkinson, and after stating that the fol
lowing evening had been appointed for his
benefit, and expressing great fear for the re
sult, as not a single box had been taken, beg
ged his friend to do something in his behalf
" tf," said Fox. " you will write me some pat
riotic verses to the tune of the • President's
march,' I feel sure of a full house, Several
of the people about the - theatre have attempted
it, but they have come to the conclusion that
it cannot be done ; yet 1 think you may suc
ceed." Mr. Hopkinson retired to his study.
and in a short time wrote the first verses and
chorus, which were submitted to Mrs. Ilopkin
son,who sang them to a piano accompaniment.
and proved the measure to be compatible and
and in keeping. In this way the second and
other verses were written, and when Mr. Fox
returned in the evening, he received with de
light the song as it now stands.
The following morning, small hand-bills an
nounced that Mr. Fox would sing a new pat
riotic song, &c. The .theatre was crowded ;
the song was sung and received with rapture ;
it was repeated eight times. and again encored ;
and when sung the ninth time, the whole audi
ence stood up and joined in the chorus. Night
after night, " Hail Columbia" cheered the vi
sitors of the theatre. and in a very few days it
was the universal song of the boys in the street,
from one end of the city to the other. Nor
was the distinguished author of this truly na.
tional song—a song which met the entire. ap.
probation of all parties of the day—forgotten.
The street in which he resided on one occasion
was crowded, and " Hail Columbia" broke on
the stillness of midnight from a hundred patri
otic voices.
EDTICATION.—Every boy' should have his
head, his . heart and his hand educated. Let
this truth never be forgotten. By the proper
education of the bead, he will be taught what
is good and what is evil—what is wise and
what is foolish—what is right and what is
wrong. By the proper education of the heart.
he will be taught to love what is good, wise
and right. and to hate what is evil, foolish and
wrong ; and by the proper education of his
hand, he will be enabled to supply his wants.
to add to his comforts, and to assist those
around him. The highest objects of a good
education are to revernce and obey God, and
to love and serve mankind—every thing that
helps us in attaining these objects is, of great
value, every thing that hinders us is compara
tively worthless. When wisdom reigns in
the head, and love in the heart, the head is
ever ready to do good ; order and peace smile
around, and sin and sorrow are almost un
It is a fair.step towards happiness and virtue
to delight in the company and conversation of
good men ; and when these cannot be had, it is
better to keep no company at all.
(Signed by the officers)
Yr 01 eil
Cfn var.
[From the Monthly Jountai of Agriculture]
There are few operations in American Hus
bandry, in which so much want of reflection,
not to say gross and wilful neglect, is displayed
as in transplanting 7'rees. The following ex
tracts from Mr. DOWNING'S valuable book on
the 6• Fruit and Fruit Trees of America," we
find in the 66 Monthly Journal" for November,
arid bespeak for them a careful perusal from
those about to transplant trees, whether for
ruit, or ornamental purposes :
"As nearly all fruit trees are raised first in
nurseries, and then removed to their final po
sition in the orchard or fruit garden ; as upon
the manner of this removal depends not only
their slow or rapid growth, their feebleness or
vigor afterwards, and in many cases even their
life, it is evident that it is in the highest degree
important to understand and practice well this
Early in autumn, and in the spring before
the buds expand, may as a general rule be con
sidered the best seasons for transplanting. It
is true that there are instances of excellent
success in planting at all seasons, except mid
summer; and there are many who, from hav
ing been once or twice successful in transplant
ing when trees were nearly in leaf, avow that
to be the best season ; not taking into account,
that their success was probably owing to a for
tunately damp state of the atmosphere at the
time, and abundant rains after the experiment
was performed.
In the middle States, we are frequently lia
ble to a dry period in early summer, directly
following the season of removal, and if trans
planting is deferred to a late period in the Spring
many of the trees will perish from drouth, be
fore their roots become established in the soil.
Spring planting should be performed therefore
as soon as possible. that the roots may have the
great benefit of the early and abundant rains of
that season, and get well started before the
heat of summer commencer. For the neigh
borhood of New York, therefore, the best pe
riods are, from the fall of the leaf, to the mid
dle of November, in autumn, and, from the
close of winter, to the middle of April. in the
spring; though commonly. the seasons of re
moval are extended a a month beyond these
TAKING EP THE TREES is an important part
of the operation. A transplanter should never
forget that it is by the delicate and tender points
or extremities of the root that trees take up
their food ; and that the chance of complete
success is lessened, by every of these points
that is bruised or destroyed. if we could re
move trees with every fibre entire, as we do a
plant in a pot, they would scarcely show any
sign of change of position.
After being taken up, they should be planted
directly ; or. if this cannot be (Nile. they
should be kept from drying by a covering of
mats, and when sent to a distance by being
packed in damp moss.
PREPARING THE PLACES. --Here is the fatal
stumbling-block of all novices and ignorant
persons in transplanting. An English garden
er, when he is about to plant fruit trees, talks
about preparing his borders ; an American
says he will dig his holes ; and we cannot give
a more forcible illustration of the ideas of two
persons as to the wants of a fruit tree, or the
provision necessary to supply those wants,
than by contrasting the two phrases themselves.
The one looks at a tree as a living being, whose
life is to be rendered long. vigorous _and fruit
ful by a good supply of . foodond a soil mellow
and eas i ify - wnetrated by the smallest fibre ; the
other cOnsiddra•it very much in the light of a
truncheon or a post, and supplies with the least
portion of manure, trusting to what he seems
to believe the inextinguishable powers of Na
tnre to make roots and branches under any cir
No fruit tree should be planted in a hole of
less size than three feet square, and eighteen
inches to two feet deep. To this size and
depth the soil should be removed and well pul
verised, and it should if necessary be properly
enriched by the application of manure, which
must he thoroughly mixed with the whole mass
of pulverized soil, by repeated turnings with
the spade. This preparation will answer, bin
the most skillful cultivators among us make
their spaces four or five feet in diameter, or
three times the size of the roots, and it is in
credible how much the luxuriance and vigor of
growth. even in a poor soil are increased by
this. No after-minding of the soil, or top
dressings applied to the surface, can, in a cli
mate of dry summers like ours, equal the effects
of this early and deep loosening and enriching
the soil. Its effects on the growth and health
of the tree, are permanent. and little expense
and care in this preparation are necessary, but,
on the contrary, it is a source of early and con
stant pleasure to the planter.
The whole art of transplanting, after this
consists in placing the roots as - they were be
fore, or in the most favorable position for
growth. Begin by filling the hole with the
prepared soil, within as many inches of the
top as will allow the tree to stand exactly as
deep as it previously stood. With the spade,
shape this soil for the roots in the form of a
little hillock on which to place the roots=and
not, as it is commonly done, in the form of a
hollow; the roots will then extend in their na
tural position. notbeing forced to torn up at the
ends. Next examine the roots, and cut off all
the wounded parts paring the wound smooth.
Hold the tree upright on its little mound in the
hole of prepared soil ; extend the roots and co
ver them carefully with the remaining pulveriz
ed soil. As much of the success of transplant
ing depends on bringing the soil in contact with
every fibre, so as to leave no hollows to cause
the decay of the roots, not only must this be
secured by patiently filling-in all cavities among
the roots, but when the trees are not quite
small, it is customary to pour in a pail full of
water when the roots are nearly all covered
with soil. Chia carries the liquid mould to
' every hidden part. ' After the water has settled
away, fill up the hole, pressing the earth gent
ly about the tree with the foot. but avoiding the
common practice of shaking it up and down by
the stem. In windy situations it will be ne
cestary to place a stake by the side of each
tree to hold it upright, until it shall have taken
- Arm root in the soil, bat it is not needful in or
dinary cases.
Avow Dace Pwrryso.—More than half
the losses in orchard planting in America arises
from this cause. and the equally common one
of crowding the earth too tightly about the
roots. No tree should be planted deeper than
it formerly grew. as its roots are stifled from
the want of air, or starved by the poverty of
the soil at the depth where they are placed. It
is much the better and more natural process in
fact to plant the tree so that it shall when the
whole is complete, appear just as deep as be
fore, but standing on a little mound two or
three inches higher than the level of the ground
about. This when the ground settles, will
leave it nearly on a level w;th the previous
Structure° is an excellent practice with
transplanted trees, and more especially for
those which are removed late in the spring.—
Mulching is nothing more or less than cover
ing the ground about the stems with coarse
straw, or litter from the barn-yard. which by
preventing evaporation, keeps the soil Irom
becoming dry, and maintains it in that moist
and equable condition of temperature most fa
vorable to the growth of young roots.
Very many trees, in a dry season, fail, at
midsummer, after having made a vigorous start.
from a parched and variable ; condition of the
earth about the roots. Watering. frequently
fails to save such trees. but mulching when
they are planted will entirely obviate the ne
cessity of watering in dry seasons, and promote
growth under any circumstances. Indeed, wa
tering upon the surface as commonly perforia
ed. is a most injurious practice—as the roots
stimulated at one period of the day by water,
are only rendered more susceptible to the ac
orn of the hot sun at another, and the surface
of the ground becomes so bard by repeated wa
tering that the beneficial access of the air is
almost entirely cut off. If trees are well wa
tered in the holes, while transplanting is going
on. they will rarely need it again, and we may
say never. if they are well mulched directly af
ter planting.
Pruning the heads of transplantrd trees, at
the season of removal, we think generally au
injurious practice. For, as the action of the
branches and the roots is reciprocal, and as
new roots are rapidly formed just in proportion
to the healthy action of thejeaves, it follows of
course that by needlessly cutting off branches
we lessen the vital action of the whole tree.—
At the same time, when the trees are large,and
many of the roots lost in removing them, it
may he necessary to cut back or shorten a few
of the branches—as many as will restore the
balance of the system—otherwise the perspi
ration of the leaves may be so great. as to ex
haust the supply of sap faster than the roots
can collect it. A little judgment only is ne
cessary, to see at a glance, how much of the
top must be pruned away Wore planting the
tree, to equalize the loss between the branches
and the roots.
In planting an orchard, always avoid placing
the trees in the same spot where an, old .tree
stood before. Experience has taught us that
the growth of a young tree, in 'ugh a position,
is weak and feeble: the nourishment suited to
that kind of tree having been already exhausted
by the previous growth, and the soil being half
filled with old and decayed roots which are de-
trimental to the health of the young tree."
he washed in very hot suds and not rinsed.—
Lukewarm water shrinks them.
Suet keeps good all the year round, if chop
ped and packed in a stone jar, and covered with
When molasses is used in cooking. it is a pro
digious improvement to boil and skim it,-he
fore you use it. It takes out the unpleasant
raw taste, and makes it almost as good as su
Use hard soap to wash your clothes, and soft
40 wash your floors. Soft soap is so slippery
that it wastes a good deal in washing clothes.
It is eaSy to have a supply of horseradish all
winter. I.lave a quantity grated while.the root
is in perfection, put it in bottles, fill it with vine
gar, and good it corked tight.
Ixornirray.—Men must have occupation or
be miserable. Toil is the price of sleep and
appetite, and health and enjoyment. The very
necessity which overcomes our mutual sloth
is a blessing. The, world does not contain a
briar or a thorn that divine mercy could have
spared. We are happier with the sterility
which we can overcome by industry, than we
could be with spontaneous profusion.
The body and the mind are improved by
the toil that fatigues them ; that toil is a thou
sand times rewarded by the pleasure which it
bestows. Its enjoyments are peculiar, no
wealth can purchase them. They flow only
from the exertions which they repay.
Tea—This is a a native in no countries ex.
cept China and Japan. From these places the
world is supplied. Tea is procured from the
leaves of an evergreen shrub 5 or 6 feet high.—
The leaves are first steamed over boiling water,
then dried on copper plates over fife.
Wheat—Originated in Tartary and Siberia
Raisins—are dried grapes ; they ripen nn the
vines, are dried in an oven or in the sun. They
come to us from the Mediterranean.
Sugar-Cane—ls a native of China. whence is
derived the an of making sugar.
It is no great matter to live lovingly with
good natured, with humble and meek• persons ;
but be that can do so with the froward, with
the wilful. the ignorant, the peevish, and the
perverse, hesonly bath true charity. Always
remembering that our true solid peace of God,
consists rather in compliance with others than
in being complied with • in suffering and for
bearing, rather than in contention and victory.
[From the American Review.]
Earning of Moscow.
At length Moscow. with its domes and tow
ers and palaces. appeared in sight ; and Napo
leon, who had joined the advance guard, gazed
long & thoughtfully on the goal of his wishes.
Murat went forward and entered the gates with
his splendid cavalry ; but as he passed through
the streets he was struck by the solitude that
surrounded him. Nothing was heard but the
heavy tramp of the squadrons as he passed
along, for a deserted and abandoned city was
the meagre prize for which such unparalleled
efforts had been made. As night drew its cur
tain over the splendid scene, Napoleon entered
the gates, and immediately appointed Monier
governor. In hie directions be commanded
him to abstain from all pillage. •• For this,"
said he, you shall answer with your life.—
Defend Morcow against all, either friend or
The bright main rose over the mighty city,
tipping with silver the domes of more than two
hundred churches, and pouring a flood of light
on a thousand palaces, and the dwellings of
three hundred thousand inhabitants. The
weary 'army sunk to rest, but there was no
sleep for Alortier's eyes. Not the gorgeous
and varigated palaces and their rich ornaments
—nor the' parks and gardens, and oriental mag
nificence that everywhere surrounded liim.kept
him wakeful, but the ominous foreboding that
some dire calamity was hanging over the silent
capital. When he entered it, scarcely a livihg
soul met his gaze. as be looked down the Icing
streets ; and when he broke open the 'build
ings, he found parlors and bedrooms and cham
bers. all furnished and in order, but no cccu
pants. This sudden abandonment of their
homes betokened some secret purpose yet to
be fulfilled. The midnight moon was sailing
over the city, when the cry of fire !" reach
ed the ears of Monier, and the first light over
Napoleon's 'falling empire was kindled, and
that moat wondrous scene of modern time com
menced, TILE BURNING OF Moscow !
Monier, as governor of the city. immediate
ly issued his orders, and was putting forth
every exertion, when at daylight Napoleon
hastened to him. Affecting to disbelieve the
reports that the inhabitants were firing their
own city, he put more rigid commands on
Monier, to keep the soldiers from the work of
destruction. The Marshal simply pointed to
some iron-covered houses that had not yet been
opened, from every crevice of which smoke
was issuing like steam from the sides of a pent
up volcano. Sad and thoughtful Napoleon
turned towards the Kremlin, the ancient pal
ace of the Czars, whose huge structure rose
high above the surrounding edifices.
In the morning, Mortier by great exertion
was enabled to subdue the fire. But the next
night, Sept. 15. at midnight,the sentinels on
the lofty Kremlin saw below the flames burst
ing through the houses and palaces, and the
cry of fire, fire I" passed through the city.
The dread scene had now fairly opened.—
Fiery balloons were seen dropping from the
sir. and lighting upon the houses—dull explos•
ions were heard ou every side from the shut
up dwelings, and the next moment a bright
light burst forth. and the flames were raging
through the appartments. All was uproar and
confusion. The serene air and moonlight of
.the night before had given way to driving
clouds and a wild tempest that swept with the
roar of the sea over the city. Flames arose
on every side, blazing and crackling in the
storm,while clouds of smoke & sparks in an in
cessant shower went driviim towardes the K rem
lin. The clouds themselves seemed turned al
to fire, rolling in wrath over devoted Moscow.
Monier crushed with the responsibility thus
thrown upon his shoulders, moved with his
Young Guards amid this desolation, blowing
up the houses, and facing the tempest and the
flames—struggling nobly to arrest the confla
He hastened from place to place amid the
blazing ruins, his face blackened with the
smoke, and his hair and eyebrows singed with
the fierce heat. At length the day dawned, a
day of tempest and of flame ; and Mortier,who
had strained every nerve for thirty-six hours,
entered a palace, and dropped down from fa
tigue. The manly form and stalwart arm that
had so often carried death into the ranks of the
enemy, at length gave way, and the gloomy
Marshal lay and panted in utter exhanstion.—
But the night of tempests had been succeeded
by a day of tempests ; and when night again
enveloped the city, it walune broad flame.
wavering to and fro in the blast. The wind
had increased to a perfect hurricane.-and
ed from quarter to quarter, as if on purpose to
swell the sea of fire, and extinguish the last
hope. The fire was approaching the Kremlin,
and already the roar of the flames and the crash
of falling houses, and the crackling of burning
timbers were borne to the ears of the startled
Emperor. He arose and walked to and fro,
stopping convulsively and gazing on the ter
rific scene. Murat, Eugene, and Berthier
rushed into his presence. and on their knees
besought him to flee ; but he still clung to the
haughty palace, as if it were his Pulpit?.
But at length the shout. " the Kremlin is on
fire !" was heard above the roar of the the.con
flagration, and Napoleon reluctantly consented
to leave. He descended into the streets with
his staff. and looked about for an egress. but the
flame blocked every pissaee. At length they
discovered a postern gate, leading to the Mosk
va, and entered it, but they had only entered
still farther into the danger. As Napoleon cast
his eye around the open space. girded and
arched with fire, smoke and cinders, he saw
one single street yet-open, but all on fire. In
to this be rushed, and amid the crash of falling
houses, and the raging of the flames---over
burning ruins, through clouds of rolling smoke,
and between walls of fire. he pressed on ; and
at length, half suffocated, emerged in safety;
from the blazing city, and took up his quar
ters in the imperial palace of Pstrowsky, near
ly three miles distant. Mortier, relieved from
his anxiety for the Emperor, redoubled his
efforts to arrest the conflagration. His men
cheerfully rushed into every danger. Breath-
Zna=ll2. P.Zo
ing nothing but smoke and ashes—canopied
by flame, and smoke,and cinders--sorroonded
by walls of fire that rocked to and fro, and fell
with a crash amid the blazing ruins, carrying
down with them redhot roofs of iron ; he strug
gled against an enemy that no boldness could
awe, or courage overcome. 'those troops had
heard the tramp of thousands of cavalry sweep
ing to battle without fear ; but now they stood
in terror before the march of the conflagration,
under whose burning footsteps was heard the
incessant crash of falling houses, and palaces
and churches. The continuous roar of the
raging hurricane, mingled with that of the
flames, was more terrible than the flames of
artillery ; and before this new foe, in the midst
of this battle of the elements, the awestruck
army stood powerless and affrighted:
When night again descended on the city, it
presented a spectacle the like of which was
never seen before, and which baffles all .des
cription. The streets were streets of fire—the,
heavens a canopy of fire—and the entire body
of the city one mass of lire. fed by a hurricane
that whirled the blazing fragments in a con
stant stream through the air. Incessant explo
sions from the blowing up of stores of oil. tar
and spirits, shook the very foundations of the
city. and such vast volumes of smoke rolling
furiously through the sky. Huge sheets of
canvass on fire came floating like messengers
of death through the flames—the towers: and
domes of the churches and palaces glowed
with, red-hot heat over the wild sea below, then
tottering a moment on their base, were hurled
by the tempest into common ruin. Thousands
of tyretches, before unseen, were driven by the
heat from die cellars and hovels, anti streamed
in an incessant throng through the city. Chil
dren were seen carrying their parents—the
strong the weak—while thousands more were
staggering under the loads of plunder they had
snatched from the flames. This too would
frequently take fire in the falling shower. and
the miserable creatures would be compelled to
drop it and flee for their lives. Oh, it was a
scene of woe and fear indescribable ! A migh
ty and close packed city of houses, and church
es palaces,wrapped from limit to limit in flames.
which are fed by a whirling hurricane, is a sight
this world will seldom nee.
But this was all Within the city. To Napo
leon without. the spectacle was still more sub
lime and terrific When the flames had over
come all obstacles. and had wrapped every
thing in their red mantles, that great city look
ed like a sea of fire. swept by a tempest that
drove it into vast billows. Huge domes and
towers, throwing off sparks like blazing fire
brands, now towered above these waves. and
now disappeared in their maddening flow, as
they rushed and broke high over their tops,
t3cattering their spray of fire against the clouds.
The heavens themselves Seemed to have caught
the conflagration, and the angry masses that
swept it, rolled over a bosom of fire. Columns
of flames would rise and sink along the sur
face of this sea, and huge columns of black
smoke suddenly shot into the air, as if volca
noes were working below. The black form
of the Kremlin alone. towering above the clin
es, now wrapped in flame and smoke. and
again emerging into view—standing amid the
scene of desolation and terror, like virtue in
the midst of a burning world, enveloped but
unscathed by the devouring• Element. Napo
leon stood and gazed on this scene in silent
awe. Though nearly three , miles distant, the
windows and walls of his apartments were so
hot that he could scarcely bear his band against
them. Said he, years afterwards. •• It was the
spectacle of a sea and billows of fire. a sky and
clouds of flame, mountains of red rolling flame.
like immense waves of the sea, alternately
bursting forth and elevating themselves to skies
of fire, and then sinking into the ocean, of flame
below. Obi it was the most grand, the most
sublime, and the most terrific sight the world
ever beheld."
burets of Mailts
Apple—All varietietis of apples are derived
from the crab apple. which is found in most:parts
of the world.
Asparagus—This was brought from Asia to
America. Asparagus is often improperly call
ed Sparrow-grass.
Almonds—are the fruit of a tree which grows
chiefly in the Indies.
Barilla—is a plant cultivated in Spain for its
ashes, which are said to afford-the purest alkali
for making soap and glass
Bread-Fruit Tree—is a native. of the South
Sea Islands. especially of Otaheite.
Coffee—is a native of Arabia Felix.. It is
now cultivated in various parat of the torrid
zone. especially in the East t and West Indies.
Cork—is the bark of a species of oak, whiolt
grows in Spain and Portugal. After the bark
is taken from the tree, a new bark is formed.
and in the conrse of six or seven years it is re
Camphor—is the concrete juice of a !tee, a
species of the laurel. whicn grow• in Borneo,
Sumatra and other parts of the East Indies,
Chocolate—is made of cocoa. which is a
outgrown in the WestliPs.. The. kernel
of this nut is parched like coffee, 'pounded into
dust, made into a paste, then dried and cut into
Coca—This nut grows in' both Indies, on
trees from 30 to 60 feet high,' • They grow in
bunches of 72.
Cloves—are the flowers - of a plant which
grows in the Molucca Isles and East Indies.
Cabbage—was brought from Holland.
Currants—Dried ones come,to us from. the
western part of Greece. ,
Horse-Radish—was bmughilrom China. •
Lettuce-4as brought from Holland.
!it Nutmeg—This grows in the• East Indies. It
is 2 kernel.
Onions and Garlic—are natives of. Asia and,
Oats —The oat is considered a native of Mex
Peaches—The peach tree is a native of Per
sia. In its wild state, it is small, bitter and poi
Potato—This iq a native of Smith America
In its native state. it is small and bitter.