13 gv - i(txtrturcil. [Prom the Mos,:arhubelts Ploughmen.] t the Farm. Why will ynu chonAe the dusty sheet! The farre, the farm, for em; The (ragout rose and r.whltp oweo, There's nought so bright with titre. Come. my good boy, and dill the land Come tomb the morning dew; Come join the ever-joyful band, There'll-he a eking for you. And shall we not iirr•pare the field The gattirn of the Lord! Labor's hard hand will ever yield It's hums?, rich reward. 0. where does Eden's hhss remain [f not the camel's home ; There's naught so fair En earth's domain, That we should wish to roan . 'Ti. a great work: thought's lofty brow, And love's Warm heart are here; Come join the happy party nuW, Anil let your skill appear. Come, and prepare for Autumn's board, And Autumn's comforts share, Where the Creator is adored Who makes us his first care. [From the Albany Cultivator.] Manufacture of Cheese. The following is an extract from the st.te rnent of Alonzo L. Fish, of Herkimer county, who received the first premium of the New York State Agricultural Society fur the best cheese dairy, in 1844. Calves' rennets only are used, after being dried one year. There are less animal pru pertiee in them than in new rennets, and will not make cheese swell in warm weather; and, on shrinking,' leave them (like honey comb) full of holes, with a rank flavor. Calves whose rennets are'designed for cheese. making are not allowed to suck sick cows, or, those giving bad milk, but are fed a plenty of good milk from five to ten days old; twelve or fifteen hours after sticking, when the gastric juices are most abundant and pure, the rennet is taken out-and stretched on a bow ; as much fine salt is added as will adhere without drain ing, and hung in good air to dry. Milking is done in tin pails, and strained through a large tin strainer into a tin vat, where it is not skim med ner moved till the cheese is made. The pails are set into a common sap bucket, which being light, and smaller at bottom than top, a little press on the pail will fasten the bucket to it so that it carries with the pail without any inconvenience. A light tap un the bucket will drop it, and leave the pail clean and not bruis ed. A tin vat, large er.ough to hold the milk, is set within a larger wooden cut, with one inch space between the sides and bottoms of the two to admit water, which is cooled by ice and heated by steam ; which water cools the milk, to take out the animal heat, warms it to receive_ rennet, remains and heats whey, and scalds curd. It is discharged by a cock, to pass off into a tub, and scalds bran or meal for slop feed when it is required. Scalded feed is required daily when the cows are milked on hay feed. A large reservoir is built of stone and cement, to contain fifty hogsheads of rain-water from buildings, to discharge by a cock into the above described s,race, into a stream generator. or to a tub, or any other place in the lower rooms where it is desired. A pump affords water to' this apparatus in cause of drought. Thus the same water is made to perform three distinct offices, by no more lahor than to turn three cocks with the thumb and finger. After the water in the reservoir is not wan ted for cheese-making, a pipe conducts it into the top of the ice -house, to freeze in solid mass in winter, for cooling milk the next season.— No skimmer, pail, or dipper is required about this apparatus, only to milk in, as the cream which rises over night is not separated, nor no dipping of milk, whey, or water. The heat ing is done daily by a handful of chips or Your quarts of charcoal, and all shift of apparatus can be mbde with one hand, while the other is employed in the milk or curd. A young man is hired at 811 per month, fur eight months, td take the whole charge of nursing, feeding. making. and taking care of milk and cheese through the sumer, and does no other businees. lie is required to keep a register, daily, of the variation (if any) of heat, salt, quality and effect of rennet, number of cows milked, quantity of milk from which cheese is made, condition of curd when put to press ; when cheese is put on shelf, that it is weighed and numbered upon the bandage. so that, when cured. the result of certain variations may be known. An inch pipe passes from the steam generator, and dis charges steam into water under the tin vat; in ten minutes the whole mass is warmed to nine ty degrees, to receive rennet. -The cheese is then turned off (which would otherwise be lost) into a tub, which stands high enough to dis charge into the cheese vat and scald it after the cheese is made. lint water is drawn at any time from the same to cleanse pails, cloth hoops, izc. Calves' rennete only are usq, after be ing one year dry, they being less apt to make cheese swell in warm weather, and of bitter flavor. A piece of rennet, to bring curd in forty minutes. is pounded fine in an iron mor tar, and soaked a short time in warm water, mixed with a little annatio, drained, strained, and put into the milk. When come, the curd is cut in large pieces with a wood knife: thick est in the,midd . le , to give it a t slight pressure before there is much surface exposed to be rinsed by whey; after standing ten minutes, the pieces are cut smaller with the same knife. • then broken up by putting the hands to the bottom of the tub, bringing them through to the top, with fingers spread, with a slow mo tion, to give it all a slight pressure without tearing fine, while tender. Heat is kept as high as eighty-eight degrees while working. steam let on ; the motion and pressure with hands increased with increase of heat and toughness of curd ; heat is kept up to continue the action of the rennet, as it is most active when warm ; heat raised to ninety-eight de grees; the steam is then turned off; it is kept at that heat thirty minutes. The heating is stow done ; the water and whey are discharged. One pound of fine salt to fifty of curd is added, while warm, to shrink the curd and oreient holes in the cheese. After getting cool, it is pot to press ; the-pressure is from five to seven tons. In six hours it is turned into clean cloth; and again. in twelve hours more, is taken out of the press and put upon the shelf. weighed. bandaged, greased with oil or whey butter— turned daily. No greater heat is ever used in the operation than the natural heat of milk, (ninety-eight degrees.). On Saving Seeds We lose immensely by not taking care, in season, to save the best seeds for spring cols- In the multitude of our cares we forget. and need often to he reminded of the proper times and tunds of preserving what we have grown .111 our 2ardens and . in our fields. We 'teed a fluidal sentinel it hose business it shall lie, like the preacher's, to remind us often of nue duty ; and, if lie tells nothing new, tf he shows us nothing which we have not seen be fore. he may still he more useful than one who is always leading us into new .sehenies, and us to. adopt his theories which he has reduced to practice. In general. peas, beans, and all other vege that grow in pods, should be preserved kir seed in those pods until the time for sow tug. Melons of all kinds. pumpkins, squashes, encumbers. &e,, should have their seeds taken from the shell and washed ; then they should he laid up an a dry place severe from mice, &c. SEED IVDEAT.—If we could ever spare the time—and n hn cannot ?—we might easily se lect the very-beet of seed from our own fields. Experiments are not wanting in show, that in must fields of wheat, there is a vast differ ence between the productiveness anti the quali ties of the different heads. Some will ripen much earlier ban others, and these should therefore never be sown in the same field; for it is an important point to harvest the grain as soon as it is ripe. It is also ascertained that the straw of et main kinds of wheat is much heavier than that of other kinds ; that the straw of some will weigh less titan the grain which it produces, while the straw of other kinds will weigh twice as much as the grain. Very little attention has yet been bestowed. in New England. on this subject. We 60W in haste, and. we reap in haste, without spending time to examine the different varieties in the same field; and no doubt a dozen different kinds of wheat and of rye are often sown to gether. In regard to ,potatoes, we have generally been so careless that we are obliged very often to procure new seed from those who have been more careful. It is notorious that most people use only the refuse potatoes for the seed of a new crop ! Can tt, then, be a matter of sur prise that our potatoes run out ? If we should always save our poorest calves and pigs for breeders, we should he obliged to send to Eu rope for cows as often as we do to our neigh bors for new kinds of potatoes. In regard to Indian corn we have been more cautious. This has ever been a favorite grain' in this country, and more care has been taken to save good seed. The consequence is. we have now the very fine=t varieties of corn ; tind we need only to be more careful to select those grains for seed which are soonest ripe in the field. But - who ijoes into his wheat and his rye tield; his barley. his oat, or his buckwheat fields', and selects the best heads in order to se cure a prolific or an early variety ' We hardly hear of such an instance ; but all this must be done before we arrive at perfection in farming. Harvesting Corn As to the best mode of harvesting, we have some hesitation. If we had a field oflate corn, and we were in fear of a frost, we should be inclined to cut the whole stalk at bottom and make shocks of the corn, to stand two or three weeks before harvesting. Fifteen or twenty hills may be put together "in one shock, and onesliould be left standing to support the oth ers winch are to be placed around it. One band,lor birch withe, Will be sufficient for one shock ; and, if. well put up, they will stand two or three weeks without racking over.— V hen we wish to cart them home, we throw a whole shock at a time on the cart, and' keep the stalks straight. In this way they are more easily husked. We are not sure that we save any labor in adopting this mode of harvesting, but it is cer tain the fodder is better when secured in this way. If the stalks are cut above the ear, they shOuld always be put in pikes, or shocks, as some call them, and there suffered to stand as long as two or three weeks : they become sweeter, and are better relished be cattle.— When we house them soon after cutting. they retain an acid which is not agreeable to cattle, even though we take the trouble to hang up the bundles on poles and let the sir in the barn draw through them so much as to prevent any mould from gathering. We have had stalks that were thus kept, and looked perfectly well and bright, but the cattle would not eat them so well as they would others that had' been weather-beaten. r When we have put stalks in the pike we are apt to suffer them to st,,fid out too long. Three weeks of pretty good weather will fit them to be packed close on the scaffolds. They should be opened and sunned on the day of carting. GATHERING POTATOES.—Young farmers of ten dig their potatoes too soon. They should be suffered to stand until fully ripe, if we wish for the most nourishment they will afford. In truth they are not wholesome for man or heast when unripe ; and by putting them early in the cellar, they are liable to heat and spoil in the heap. They should he hut little exposed to the air, and no amount of dry loam mixed with theni will prove injurious when housed at the pro per season of the year. We have known some very early farmers obliged to overhaul their potatoes and throw them out oldie cellar to prevent their spoiling. So long as the vines are green the potatoes are growing; and, though after the frost has taken their tops we expect no great increase, we think the potatoes often become more ripe and mealy by lying in the ground until the vines are dead. COLD AND WET GROUNDA.—PeopIe often ask, What shall we do with our cold and wet grounds ! If we put no manure in the bill we fear we shall get no crop." It is be lieved that most farmers have some dry and warm land. Let•the corn he planted on such land. We are not so bound by a system of rotation of crops as be obliged to try every field with corn. Rotation to some extent is useful. hut we have thousands of acres • excel lent for grass, yet wholly unsuitable for corn. Let these acres remain in grass. If they need ploughing. sow them again, to grass in Septem berc they need not he planted. . Warm and dry grounds. if =inured, and the manure thoroughly mixed with the soil, will generally give us good crops of corn when they are well attended to. To FARMERS.--ThOge farmers who hesitate', about their ability to take a newspaper, are re quested to keep one lien more than usual. The profits will p.iy all costs. CLEAR THE WAY. 7 . , :,,,T; _,,-, , , , , , r, 7 . 2 . , 1 7 ,--. -.....-,,-;,-.,-.= 77 , . 6 q,-....-). -.,. , -"NI i 4 Oi OtllggrAlL, - 1 ! , „' l ',/0 ~, .&.,,,,., , . ~.. ...., ... 4 / ‘1 \ ~....._ Dr. E. L. Soule & Co. i v/i n ftilj - aPerlialt , ~,\''-'\ i ,, . , .4zg , 13 -- .t.., •,' Jr.-' - ',.. ---1 . ‘ , ,, Y, , 1 , , ~ , , ,,,.ill -.,..!._ ..- ii;. : rini , - s' - : ,1 . ,,, ,, • , ~,,i And make room for the Sovereign Balm put, It is now about f u me years since Dr. E. L. Souk+ first inttoduccd the (Incubi! or Sovereign Balm Pills to the public. and w•c venture to say, that no other medicine has given such universal satisfaction, and the safe in crease so last. fur with very little exertion or advertising the demand has increased to cover 1000 bares per .day. They are intirely vegetable. and 'rauge no pain in their operations, being perfectly safe lot young or old-, and those of debilitated constitutions. and as a family med 'eine, have no equal. They arc an cffccrual remedy for diseases I , f this chrnate.such as bilious diseases in all their various fur ms. Fever, Old Liver Complaints Head aches, Coughs, Cobb,s Costiveness &c. We - have warranted them in over 100 cases of Fever and Ague, and have never known them to fail in removing it, in from one to six days, v. hill taken according to direct nuns. They never lea de the bowels costive, being very dilf•rent from any other Pills in use, which leave the bowels canner, and one dose only creates the necessi ty for another. In nervous debility and female weakness their effects have been truly astonishing. They have restored a large number of such eases after they hail been. confined to then beds, and given up by their physician:, The certificates a few of which may be seen in our en sulars, winch may be had of Our agents gratis: They q net the nervous system, and remove the cause of ner vous irritation. In short they strengthen and renovate the vs hole system. In eases of Dyspepsia and costiveness they have worked wonders : Thousands have been re stored from all the horrors of the above diseases, and a number of them iu Syracuse, and in this county.— For particulars see circulars. We base always taken great care in selecting and compounding our medicines, which has been done by Hr. Soule in person, as may be seen by the following certificate. We h a ve acted as agents for Dr.E.L.Soule for the list four years in putties:rig mist of; the medicines used in the composition of his pills.—During that time some of the articles have advanced nearly an limillredper cent. He has not varied his proportions, and has at no time u-ed any hut the hest qualities of medicines. We have also acted as agents in selling his Sovereign Balm Pills, and from the universal sattsfiction given, we con- sider they rank among the best pill. now before the pub lie. Dr.Soule is the person who first introduced them into this country, and has continued the manufacture of them ever since. T.B.Fircii dr. CO. Syracuse, February 23, 1810. None are genuine, except those bearing the name of Dr. E. 1., Soule & Co. on the face of each box. For male by Moon & Towanda George A. Perkin.. Athens; Lyman Durfee, Smithfield; A. 4- S. If. Morley, Burlington; Levi Taylor, Granville; Saml Smith, Franklin ; A. litirrougliii, Monroeton ; George Nieholv. Rome ; H. Z. Friable,. Orwell; I,e J. E. Bullock. eamw,4lsj-1, THE next year of this In-titutiox will commence on Monday the 3lst day of August.• MILL C. VANDERCOOk, Principal, tMiss E. C, BLACK MAN. Preceptress. The year will be divided into four terms ofeleven weeks each. The first term will lye fol lowed by a vacation of one week. The second term will rommemm November 23d, The third term will commence February Bth, and be followed by a vacanon of one week. The fourth term wdl commence May and be suc ceeded by a vacation of six weeka Tabun, per term Qf eleeen tretb: For the common English studies, $2 50 Fur the higher branches, Including Natural, Intellectual and Moral Sciences, 4 00 Mathematics and Langungeg, • 5 00 For the second and third terms, Extra, For Drawing and Pailiting, 2 00 For Music, with use ut lii•trument, 7 00 IVithout, 5 00 Several literary awl scientific gentleman, in conjunc t...on with the principal, have consented to favor the in stitution with lectures on the more important branches of education, free of charge. All student, will be ~,,, ' for not lens than half tern, unless abseaee is occasiened by illness or other unavoidable causes. The exerci-e, of composint: and drrinimin¢ will he required ul ever) btudetit,unle,iexeused by the teuchers Or iiareilts. The course of in , truetion designed to be thnrough and practica!, adapted to the requisttioni of business, and the demand• nt an intelli,tent people. The Academy ha, one of the finest locations on the Susquehanna. commending n cliariuing view of that beautiful river, the borough of TJ. tiella lied the Fur rounding landscape. From a confidence in the zeal, enterprize and abilitiea of the teachers, and the unusual piinTerity of the-tschool during the past year, oc fair pleasure in recommending this instuntion, to the favorable regard and patronage of an enlightened, intelligent and generous people, trusting that it will eontinue in usetuluesa, and the conmnuent favor of the public. HIRAM MIX. President. ENOS TOMKINS, J. H. MONTANYE, r. 1,. WARD, .1. F. D 1 1 .11) H. KIN(IsI)ERr, H. S NH:I2I'FR, W. 13. J Tntianda, Ang,n,t :3, 1/1416. • lhym7, In an error in mann•rript, the date of the hand-hillb will be found incorrect. It is three days too late. f The late Preeepttess, having left the institution, without giving, the necessary notice, we are under the neees,ity of deferring the opening of the Ermale 'part moil for one week. MISS BLACKMAN comes highly i i cerimineniled as a pianist end a scholar. .1. C. V A NEE RCM Ili. CLAREMONT HOUSE, = RESPECTFULLY informs his filen& th it he has bmsed the House, situated on the south side of too public square, lately occupied by A.M. 1",oe, and having inade entirely new arrangements, is now prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting his compliments to his friends and the public generally, and assuring them no pains or expense will be allured to please his guest, he respectfully solicits public patron age. pledging himself that while the establishment is under his control, it shall not be excelled by any in the country. The rooms of the • CLAREMONT HOUSE,' are spacious and airy. and furnished in the best style. The Table will be furnished with every substantial the countiy can produce. The Bar will be stocked with the best liquors iu a pure and unadulterated state. First rate Stabling attached, with ready and faithful Ostlers always in attendance. In short, nothing will be omitted, which will add to the comfort and convenience of customers, and with his facilities, he believes satisfaction will be rendered to all. Towanda, April 8, I R 46. STILL THEY COME! IL 8. ;FL C. .11ERCUR, ❑AYE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER AssoirrmtNT OF GOODS, • Consisting as moat. of ererythingi which will be sold nt the lowest notch. Tow,anda, July ti, 184th Prints and Gift„/cants. A VERY large and beautiful assortment of Prinjx, Gineams and Lawns, purchased in New York, 'Since the late 'reduction of prices, just received at July 8. MERC U RS'. pouvrEty CALICOES—'2O,OOO yds., froin sf to 25 rents. Those wishing Prints had better avail thenwelves of this opportunity—they are Selling rapidly. U. E. FLINT & CO. AT AN ANNUAL MEETING elk the Directors of Rio " Towanda Savings Bank," LP held at Towanda, May Ist, 1846, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Unsolved. That tge largest stock of GOODS ahall be placed in No. 5, South end Mirk Row, Resolved. That GEV. B. FLYNT & CO. shall con tinue to sell .Gyeils as tm:it—cheaper than any other establishment iU Towanda. Resolved, That the " Savings Bank" regulates the prices of Merchandise and EA change until our next mi nus! Eructing. Resolved, That the war against Lumber—Credit and High Prices, shall be continued. Resolved, That the " Ready Pay System best adapted to this atmesphete, and when in successful operation, goods have, can and shall be sold cheap as in the next place. Resolved, Tirt morn goods and better, shall be sold at N 0.5, (F. & Co.) for the coining twelve mouths, titan any other establishment. . . Resolved, Tim: the proceedings of this meeting be published in the " Bradford Reporter," and `` Bradford Argus," and two thousand copies circulated throughout the county- GEO. E. FLYNT &Co. _ _ Another Great and Enthusiastic • MEETING! -T A MEBTING of "all So. 3—Brick Row."held Aon the 3341 day of irlaY, inst.. OLD BAIRD. was called to the Chair, and Br IA B•inn appointed n com mittee of the whole to draft resolutions. After several pathetic speechea by Meltzer and George, the follow ing Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, There appears to te a great• desire on the part of some Merchants in the Borough, to conic up along with No. ; and Whereas we arc willing to assist then, in doing so as far as consistent : Therefore Resolved, That such merchants have our consent to unite their several stocks together, as the only means by which they ran equal No. 3. Resolved, That the " Sharr'ng.r Bonk" take the right wing ; "snurn profits and quirk mobs" the left, and New York in Miniature" the rear,—a pike team backwards. Resolved, That we never before thought New York was ouch a looking place as itm miniature extubits. Resolved. That Na. 3 always km, always CAN', and always WILL, sell goods cheaper, better goods and more of them than any store in town. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Village papers, and that one copy he handed to each of our competitors, and half a copy to "New 'tuck in minialure." Mae 29, i 18411. BILL BAIRD & CO. BOOT & SHOE MAKING. WILCOX & SAGE have associated themru•ves in the Bout and Shoe Making busrtiess • in the borough of Towanda, and may lie found at the old stand of S. Hathaway, lately orcuided by Elkanah Smith. near f. H. Stephens' Exchange lintel, where they solicit a share of public patronage. They intepd. Icy a rarefy selection of stock, and by attention to the Interests - of their customers.to make us neat and durable work as can be manufactured in this portion of the country. They keep constantly on hand. and w ill manufacture to order, morocco, calf and coarse hoots and shoes; Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's gaiters and pumps, &c., &c. JOHN W. WILCOX, PHILANDER SAGE. Towanda, May 14, 1845. • Cant. rET l'lr r/T UR? El AY BE HAD at our shop much lower than it has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are cheap. and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we ran atrurd all for to do it. All kinds of produce will bw received in payment. Also, 1.UM8E12.1 . all kinds. Sept. I. 1.. M. NYE ICICOLD SP' 16.-r Jim M.77fLI, he kept on hand a large assortment, and \14./ made to order on shorter notice and l'or less mo ney than can he produced ut any other establishment in the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro curing that article will and shall he s mi s fi r d, go o d hearse and pall may be had in attendance la hen desired. Septenther I, 1H45. 1.. Al. N VP. & NEW ESMBLISIIMEN7'- ilariaw MOAT H'llrlG734llCndi • L. M. NYE & CO_ would re spectlly inform the citizens of Tow :.anda and the public generally, that Ithey have on hand & manufacture order all Lind , / of CA 11/NET , rr t:II.E. of the best mate mgriots, and workmanship that eamint be surpassed, in additionto the usual assortment in country shops, we 'will keep on hand and make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs. upholstered in -ulterior style, and for ease and durability cannot be stirpa,sed even in our large cities. Also. the half French Ma hogany Chair, beautifully uphu6tered,wiiii curled hair, which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that haling had much experience in the bunions., we shall be able to satisfy all who may fuel disposed to rail, both as in quality and price, and by strict utteniinn fin business hope to mein and receive the patronageilf tr!libct al com munity. 1.. M. NYE & Towanda, September I, 1545. CSII FOR WOOL.—The subs,,riber has no objection in pay part or even all CASII for Wool, at a < high rates as the market will permit. ' Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BA RTLETT. 1 - 11 .4 kV NETS, another lot just received and dor sale cheap a jel l REEDS', I T NTED— -10)101:00::00 I S ... !u t loe3 1000 11,s. (;"o.xl Butter : .Tuna 14. J. D. 4 E. D. MONTAN E 4 CO. leir • •1, 1 , 61: • 411EZ- • • 122. • TOWANDA SAVINGS BANK. istablished allay ISIS. \'cu• Siam Goods and ..\"( w Prices ! C. E. FLINT & CO., the only Ori:inal Cash Store! Fri V.' EL VF. MONTHS' ea perienee has induced the Cashier & Co. of the "'Towanda Savings Bank" to enlarge the sphere of'their operations, being well as sured from the past, that the system of " Plll/ 11,-day and frost ta-morrow," is well adapted to Braillirril county. Our stock of Goods surpass in quantity and quality any previous stork, which will enable us to of fer greater inducements than ever. 'l'he following are a few among the many articles that comprise our stock of Dry Goods: French. English and American Cloths, French Cas aimere, Vestings, Sattinet. Summer Stuffs, Carpetings, French Muslins, Lawns. Barages, Balzarines, Gingham Moshe, Ginghams, Cashmeres, Ile Laines, Shawls of all descriptions, such as Brocha Plain de Lame, Rarage, Super silk, Rnh Roy, and Merino, Parasols, Sheetings.Tickinp,. Drilling. Bagging, Wicking, Oil Cloths, &c. '20,000 yards printed calicoes, together with our usual stock of ?ifilinery Goods. Our stock embraces almost every article usually called fur. We have just received a large invoice of Family Croceries— vvhich we are offering at reduced prices—time and space will not allow us to enumerate. Also, a large stock of Crockery, Glassware, Shelf Ilanlware, Nails, Steel, Iron. Hats an t i Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c., We take this opportunity of returning our thanks to the people of Bradford and adjoining counties, and in vite all who wish to BUY GOODS CH E.IP, to give us a call, as we are pledged to go for " The Cash Poe lg." We assure our friends that no coMpronii, has been effected wills the C R EDIT 01 pri ers, but we shall continue to hrqdron and srllehrup, as long as there is a cash customer in Braillned roan! y. Our motto for the sear to come, is—" WE HAVE WE CAN. WE WILL." (C, - Look for the Sitring,m Rank, 0.5. South End Brick Row. (;EO. E. FLYNT & CU. Towanda, May. 20. I 16. E SHAW I.s, Ilandkercheift. awl Ribbons, r 3 beautiful and cheap, at in) B The Treasury of Ilisiorv, Comprising a general introductory outline, 011 iniversal History, Ancient and Modem, and a series of se perato histories of every principal nation that exists, their rise,: progress, present Coll. dition, &c., &c., &c, 'BY SAMUEL MAUNDER, Author of the "Treasury of Knowledge." " Iliographi• cal Treasury," &c. including 'IIIE HISTORY OF AMERICA, F.DITED VT Jolts /NMAN, Esq. The republication of this valuable work has been undertaken partly on account of the high favor with which it has been received in England, but chiefly in consideration of its intrinsic value, arising from the felicitous adoption of the plan to a want that has been long and generally felt and from the judgment and fidelity_ manifested in its execution. The idea of giv ing in n single work, of no very formidable dimensions, a sufficient outline 31 the world's whole history, and similar outlines of the history of every nation, is so obvious, judicious and appropriate as to require no eulogium. Every person who cares at all for the acquisition of useful knowledge must desire to poses such a general knowledge of post events, not only in his own country but in all countries, as shall enable him to understand the perpetually recurring allusions that are found in alinoA any course of general reading ; because for want of such'undcrstanding there is- always a serious diminution both. of pleasure and profit. even in the perusal of such works as are designed chiefly for amuse ment. For instance, most of Sir Walter Scott's novels are founded upon history, and abound with reference to historal events and personages, a want of some acquain tance with which detracts seriously from the interest and delight they are so well. qualilied to awaken; arid so of most other works belonging to the better class of what is called light literature. Bnt the difficulty has been to obtain this general knowledge without going through many books, requiring u greater expenditure oh time and money than most persons me able or willing to afford; and to obviate such difficulty has been the purpoa of Mr, Maunder. • His plan has the merit of completeness, and is un doubtedly the best, that could have been desired. ff. gives first a general sketch of ancient and modern his tory—a rapid arid comprehensive bird's-eye view, as it were of the rise and progress of nations, the most int. portant incidents of their career, and their relations to each other; and after this lie takes up the nations separately, furnishing a concise digest of all that is im portant or desirable to know concerning each, iand thus affording, a sort of key to the changes aid events' that were tame briefly indicated, rather by their results than thcri incidents, in the general sketch or outline. Thus the salient points of history are brunalit within a •neul ageable compass ; and un excellent foundation is last fo r more thorough and extensive seedling in reference to airy portion of the world or any epee!' of which a com plete knowledge may be desired. In the execution of this plan the author has been very successful. lfi= minces of id.torical eveidts,tlidnigli brief, are laid and nalisilaary ; aid Ile traces the coma...non of direct and cause with singular acumen and generally with most commendable freedldint front partiality or bias ; thus supplying a very gond idea of the philosophy of as sell as of tile facts which In a word, the work will be loniad invaluable to the ge neral reader, and a very useful help to the student. Complete in two volumes, large octavo, with enemy.' ings, An edition in piper cover+, complete, suite ble for mailing. $ 3 . DANIEL ADEF:, rubli.her, 107 Fulton -street, New York. Elmira, Corning, and Buffalo Line. EHE ProprictoN of the a hove Line milt continue to run a Line of Passage Ituatc between ELMIRA, CoRNING and BUFFALO. for the arrommodatum of EMIG RAM'S and FA M lUD'', musing We,,t, at. I almse Inn, t hor,e-shoeing excepted) and woll warren fording facilities not heretofore oll'ered to the Emigrant, all my work to stand the lest. 'Fry me and Ifrou (ruin this wectinn of New York and Perno.ylvania, not find thing , ..prwt nght, tutu put me down. 16/s1 in The Boats of ihis Line ore of the FIRST CLASS long CNIll111`liCl• I a the businc , s, I flatter mywelf tt,et fitted anti furnished with all the convenience, and please all hinds of pe,.ple. Von roil ti n d , commodations of PACKETS, commanded all limo, at my shop. a few rods sunlit of Bridge o:n red Captnms, ;111 . 11 towed by rt.latN of Hof.,, BOAT ROME. Capt. }I; \C. THOMPSON, .• TEm PEST, Capt. A .m.TANL.R. During the season of 1S 16, one of the of o v e Bmts will leave Coming, and Elmira. every week, in the Ml liming order : I N., eVe,Y Monday evening, at 6 o'clock P. M., Eon Ilk, every Tuesday evening, at 6 o'clock P. M. Towing down SOW:CA lake every Thur,..lay morning. touching at Big St•e:un. Ludt. and Dri,:alen, leaving Bkit1:00 l'or Corning and EltnirA, e,cry \Vetlile,dav morning. F U R I:REAGLIT OR pAssAGE apply to (:aptain on Load, or to Win. Al ailon, S. II Strang & co., / . 3.t,: co, Winterintite & Tuttle, ilur.‘c I, alb, A Nash, - !Aram?. I.: G. Townsend. Rig Stream, Woodworth & Post, Ists/i, Price Sc, Rolle, Geticai Gay 4- So eet, Wair J.shormaker, Seaera Fall, fl ,her 4- nos.., ! oot (1, 11. Wright:Rwhe.strr, H. Nile,. Btijraln. `.l HE subscriber not being in full comm4nril with the titan of Al , he is not prepared to boast of the largest assortment of JEW EI.R V out of Jud : and having never leaned the ('a f . a./ outk.ng he is not prepared to do any work in that line; but having served d regular appreotirrAT the watch repairing business, and the experience of Iti years, has no hesitation in saying that all work entrusted to him shall he done in a workmanlike manner, promptly, and second !sst to none west of that city from whence came that mtLchly roxli Gold fro , ley! Now me friends, in all your getting., don't forget to get your watches fixed at old No, 100 opposite the Public Square and two doors north of Briggs' tavern. A WARNER. Towanda, April 1818. (CY r . 8.-1 pledge my helftii do my work right. All work warranted one year and the money refunded if it does not perform according to agreement. Stick a P.O. there 3.11 hr tiliab7llL7 GC XL -T . : • SPRING ARRANGEMEN T! (IY and after MONDAY. NI ARCH nth Ikl6. the NUIP Passenner Cars on rite Williamyorl and Elmira Pad Road wall learn Williamsport daily al half past fire airlock, A. M., and at two o'clock P.M. while the watermen are travelhui•. A daily line of mail ertarhe,i, will l'at'e Trout Run for Tiogu County, i imediotely after the arrival of the E x t rss , wilt always he in rearlines.s on the arrival of the cars at Rolston, (besides the regular mail line,) to carry Po , sengeis to 11111?.1 4 , Oil TROD, TOTIIIND.I „and the intermediate places. The road roc foot travel ing from Crandlea tb Blossburg is in Food order. Passengers may rest assured, that evcryeffinttVill he made by the company to give satisfaction to the travel ing• public, and—tifat this route North, is t cheapest, the must comfortable and expeditious in the State. ROBERT FABLES, President. Willliamsport, Mardi 23, 1846. EXECUT'OR'S NOTICE. ALL -persons indebted to the estate of Joel Tuttle, lat.," of Standing S'tont- township, deed.; arc reques -cal to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against said estate, will please present them du ly attested to A 1.13 A TETTLE. Executor. Standing:Mona, June 4, 1946. EX U TOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of .James L. Ennis, late of Standing Stone township, deVd., are hereby requested to make payment without delay, rind those having claims against said estate, will' please pre sent them duly attested to ASA STEVENS, Standing Stone, June 4, 1846. Executor. 1:N1 MEN STUFFS—By the Van]. Bale or Pack age, at G. E. FINNT & co. DELINQUENTS. THOSE who have purchased goods nt Motitanye's 4 Co.'s store on a years credit. at as clwap rates as they could vise been enabled to do at other plata, for Cash will do well to pay up, if they v.ish to keep the pot boiling. June 17, (R 46. - 21 _ attorney al Latr.. _ AIrikFFICIE in the north corner of the Brick Row.tli redly owl the Pot-t (Mire. Main ,treet. t uucc at the north tud ul the l wldtue. d FOREIGN PERIODICAIS IMPUBLIOATION OF THE LONDON CS , RTERLY REviE w THE ED NHU RGIF, REVIEw, THE FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEu THE WESTNIINsTtIt REVIEW, AND BLACKWOOD'S EDINGBFRGII MAGAZIN Theabine Periodieniqnre reprinted in Ne immediately un their arrival by the British steamerarn: a beautiful clear type, on fine white paper, and ns faithful copies of the originals—Bcatawo on ' s ZINC being an eus y . ..43,,rricuile of the Edinburg ph,. lion. The widi-spread -fame of these splendid Peri a di * renders it needless to say much in their praise. A. literary organs, they stand far in advance of any s oo n. of a similar stamp now published, while the Nalco complexion of each is marked by a dignity, canda riod forbearance nut often found in works of a p ar t y vie. tide!. They embrace the views of the three great mi lt , i n England—Whig, Tory, and Radical.-- 81 u k,,,, ed ,, and the " London Quarterly" are Tory ; the" t r y, burg Review," Whig : and the.. Westininister,"l44. cal. The " Foreign Quarterly " is, purely literary, b o , ing devoted principally to criticisms on foreign Ca n . nental Works. The prices of the Rs-rni NTS are less than one.thbl of those of the foreign copies, and while they are eip a i • ly well got up, they afford all that advartage to ly e American over the English reader. 'PERMS: PATMENT TO LIE NAM; IN 1 /TANC't. For any one Of the four Reviews, $3,00 pe „ nn „ ,, For any two, do 5,00 For any three, do 7,00 For all four of the Reviews, 8,00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 11,00 Fur Blackwood and the I Reviews, 10,00 CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above wor k, a rm I . sent to one address on payment of the regular sub sc 4 tion for three—the fourth copy being gratis. c — j• Remittances and communications must be m a d, in all cases without expense to the poi:lli:hem—Th e former may always be done through a Post -master by handing Min, the amount to be remitted, taking his re. Halt and forwarding the receipt by mail, Post-paid ; or the money may he enclosed in a letter, I'o4 paid, r l o rected to the publisher's. N. B.— The Puitage on all these Period:l(.2l 3 i: rr ducat by the late Post-Office law, to about one-fibril lhe Paler rates, making a very important savin g math, expense to the mail subscribers. • • In alllhr prencipal cities and Tawas lharegi• out the Uniled Males In which there ix a direst had. or Writer communiraiion ferns the elite 'York'. these perimbeals will be delivered FREE ur I'OsTAG E. LEONARD SCOTT & Co. Publishirs, lycar 112 Fulton St., Ncw York: — N e w Blackmail m: Establishment. In Towanda. Priers 25 per etal. cheaper than hare tr , r been known in .Varthern Pf TII E vim b,criber, having Coati - neared the able h. sines, this method to inform the a bb.. tants , of Towanda and virinity. that he Is prepare! VI do all kin.ls sit w ark en rusted his came la the a A neat and workmanlike mnSnner •uch witrotanz, caxt,. ra. carriages, alciglia, of all Linda; mill-v.ark nt Lint,,, done a little iiii% - thori at any attier altap ja cntinty, StIIIIC attention paid to EDGE Ti)Ol.S. till op ire. IV, . and finally all kinds. of walk known a: Menm‘' iild stand. All kinds of Produce taken in payment for work, a little of the ready Jo-Davis will not he rele•ed. N. ,H,EMINGI% AY, JR Taw arida, May 6, 1616.—y MEDICINE AND SURGERY DI: J Es M. GI MDIZIGH- hits located tom nt Mt IN HOE, for the prartwe'of hts rut,o and will he ple,ed to watt 00 those requiring Its vice,. He may he Maud at .1. 1.. J.lllllNun's. tavern. letlfltt 1t1.12, helolt . to Dr,. too ti %tot of ' Poasnda. April 2:1, (Tacks, Will CIIPS. vntarr, .117' .VN. 1(111. W. '.l BERLIN has Just returned A 4'll the coy of New I ink avrli the meat JEll ELE Vier £0 de ,, li , trot , : Lockets, hracrlet,, gold all , 1 , for .dl mres. ism a id knives. ( liegrr's lm nufilettire.) and lIIIIIIV tither article. u hid] tie aril ,e 1 extremely low for .111 kinds of 11 ATUILES ; rom.ibtioa of (WW l ' Cr. It ' Ef'itltt, Eugitoh eud Ewa too w tticite.., keep good tone. It is as eliiar and tirove.ii,riable as nor right tr , th• I whole of Oregon, that . A. Cit imp, in iv ha.zt the I irge4 nod fast , ereeted.akAortno.ot of Fancy tier brought iloe borough of Towanda, anil will sell his .4..41, rio-oper Mon emu fro - ...Id by "" brAoorn lirin'g bring a pun there" N.B. Watches warranted to run well one the money refunded; and a written agreement gills to that efregr to all that desire one. CET MAPLE SEGA R, and all kinihaf try Produce received in payment. IV• A. (11.1 M BE RLIN, /1;rx:. Towanda, April f. 2, IS 1 ti. . CII.IIRS JIVI) 11EDS7'E.1DS, THE ault.icriben full rant ' •Ifto manufacture and keep on huil at their old Maud, all kinds d jar Cane and II ood sratChain :4•••1•5:1,4=‘!•-7:i alCo Sellersal tarioullatids \BEIISTLiDS,eferry deNrriplion, whilh oil ll bell 1110 101 rash or rroducir. T 1 /iN Es, t; done io rndo TomKINs & m;KiAso• Towanda, April 23, IR 15, .LNiv:s246 zP15 , 5t.u.3a).1.\..9:.-,33 , F./181110 N.II BLE 1LIII.ORS• ovcr Mootattyr's store, next door to Mert.or'S at the old stand of Powell & Seaman. oc SJDDLE ./1 ND ILVINESS ripAr maLAIERT ELKJ. :ill 5.711T11 Y SO- 1. • RESPECTFULLY infiarm that they r•tilleimui vx tho manufacture of Saddles, Bodies. &c., in Cot. Mix's building, treat dim to J• 1• • •Ad 4 " Law Office, where they will keg, constautly ea and manufacture to order, • Elastic Ifeb, Common and Quilted Saddle, Harness, - Cagle!' Bap, Bridles, i Trunks, • Collars, ,Vidises, kr. Carriage Trimming, and Military Wyrk order. Mattrasses, Pew and Chair Cushions ins& on tV notice and rex...liable terms. The subscribers hope by imp, their work arli.c by a strict attention to business, to merit a 410 public patronage. ELK.% N.lll SMITH & Towanda, May 21, 1545, 7ernis of the Brodford 1010 Two d.dlars and fifty rents per annum; r'fr deducted if paid within the year ; and for '1: 4 1 1 ally in adsauce, Ox lyur.t. an will he d'''T'u h ' d. 4 Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at scut paying arrearages. !Oust kinds of Um • 1 111 l'av'''' remixed in payment, at the market puce• dvertisenit nts, nut vx ,,,„„u ng , of A lines, inserted for fifty cents ; CA ern twenty dive ern trx. A discount MAC 10vi•arh 3'1"1 Jolt POI VTI NG, of every desroption,netth ,d peditiously executed on new and lastnonabk type' Letter, out 'oldness prrl;univa to the uQ ; e loin rkl: at po tagt,, totit-ate atti.nutlll • CIESiI