Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 16, 1846, Image 2

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    Vrofoo Mq,ovur
In presenting the name of W3t. B. Foveae, Jr., to
the people of Pennsylvania for • re-election to the grave
tries' of Canal Commissioner, the Democratic State Con
vention did but an act of merited justice to his distingu
ished services. Wm. B. Foster, Jr., is beyond contro
versy, one of the most abler' and accomplished Commis
sioners ever called by the Democracy of this great Com
monwealth to take charge of her vast system of internal
improvements. His public life, connected as it is, and
has been for years, with this vitally interesting branch
of our State service, has aaiirded a beautiful illustration,
uniform and consistent, of firm and steadfast devotion to
I the prosperity of his native state,
GORDON F. MASON, of Monroe-
Towanda, Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1346.
Democratic County Nominations.
riverm r•%,
DAVID WILMOT, of Towandzi.
_JOHN L. WEBB, of Smithfield,'
toll C11111110111.<161 1 .
JOHN IL BLACK, of Wyolnsing
TOR Arm?nu.
ellit•rili Bleats's, Tuesday, Oetaber 13th, 1946
Senatorial Candidate.
COL. GORDEN F. Misoa, has been put in nomination
by the Demoeracy of this Senatorial District, as the
candidate for State Senator. Col Mason is well known
to the people of Bradford county, and we are most hap
py to he able to my, that a more popular name could not
base been selected for this important trust. Mr. Mason
is a gentleman of high personal * character, his integrity,
intelligenci, and sound democracy are properly appre
ciated, and at this crisis•a more judicious selection could
not have been made.
A■ a well informed business man, Col. Mason stands
in the front rank ; indeed, there is no gentleman in this
section of the State who iv. „more fully informed and
thoroughly impressed with the great leading interests of
•• Northern Pennsylvania," than Garden F, Masan.—
Our people feel and know that their Interests' are emi
nently safe in his hands.
As a Democrat, as a sound, prudent party man, the
republicans of this Senatorial District have never been
- ailed upon to give their support to a truer or better can
didate. Col Mason has stood with unwavering firmness
and acknowledged ability in every emergency, by the
principles and measures of the Democratic party. Ilia
services in the Senate of Pennsylvania at thrs critical
conjuncture, to the cause of republicanism, will be hail
ed with pride and pleasure at home and abroad. Of his
victorious election, there is no doubt; the democratic
party of Bradford county are awake fully to their interest
—to the vital importance of attending the election on the
second Tuesday of October ;" and we assure our friends
that our Senatorial candidate will come out of the con
test with a decided democratic majority.
Our Representath•e Ticket.
Ma. Wean and Cm. PIOLLZT, are again before the
people of Bradford county fur a re-election to the State
Legislature. These gentlemeit are so well bnown•to
their democratic fellow.citizeits, that is unnecessary to
say much in relation to their claims upon your confidence
and regard.
As members of the last Legislature, lkfr. Webb and
Cal. Millet met the full expectations of their friends, in
an able and faithful performance of duty. For talent,
integrity, industry and sound democracy. our own repre
sentatives -have gained high reputation. The inter
ests of their constituents were attended to with untiring
care, and the principles and measures of the Democratic
party sustained with manly independence, and signal
The unanimous re-nomination of Mr. Webb and Col.
Prollet, is high testimony that the republicans of Brad
ford county properly appreciate the fidelity of their old
friends and representatives; and that they will be trim
phantly returned to the Legislature despite the plans and
efforts of the Whig party.
The democrats, in every district, will vote for Webb
and Pirdlet ;Got a single democratic vote will be given
for either of the Whig candidates—`• no not one." Whigs
remember that !
We assure our democratic friends abroad that the ma.
jnrity for our representative ticket will not be less than 500.
We feel proud of our gallant county—of the indepen•
deuce and patriotism of her Demoutary. A splendid
victory is before us—a triumph of reason and truth.
County Commissioner.
Jour H. BLACK, the gentleman placed in nomination
by the Democratic Convention for the office of County
Commissioner, is well qualified to discharge its duties
with honor to himself and his constituents. A farmer
by profession and occupation, he understands the inter
ests and wants of the people. With a well cultivated
mind, he will enter upon the discharge of his dutieswith
a fund of knowledge, and a vigorous action, that cannot
fail to prove highly beneficial to the county. His elec
tion can scarcely he considered an open question.
The , Ktffice of Aullitor of the accounts ofpublic °nicer',
is one of great importance; and in making a selection
for that post, the Democratic Convention have been pe
culiarly fortunate. Mr. MAT3AIID, the nominee, is en
excellent accountant, ready. prompt and correct in his
business habits, and perfectly familiar with the routine
of public business. The interests of the county will be
safe committed to his charge.
General Panic.
The third attempt to introduce this redoubtable
functionary into our county, tame offlast evening
in the shape of a "Demoeratic T.riff Meeting," and
like all former attempts proved a decided failure.—
The old gentleman meets with but little favor in this
region; and if he bad a moderate share of sagacity
he would he off with himself, or at least confine his
operations to his own peculiar people—the Whigs.
The meeting was pretty well attended, by Democrats,
Whigs and mongrels—drawn together by different
motives, mostly by curiosity, to see the animal
about to be brought to life. The farce was opened
by Colonel David Monson Bull, who chose Judge
Merrick for President, but couldn't find any one to
act as Secretary. Gen, Patton and C. L. Ward ap- -
peared as orators for the occasion, and we have no
doubt put forth their best exertions ; but it was no
go—General Panic kept dark. He didn't dare to
show his head—he may have peeped out from be
hind the curtain a few times, but he saw too many
true hearted Democrats for his purpose. He can
never flourish with the Democracy of numbers.—
When it was discovered that the old General him
self couldnot be called out, the long eared animal
made his appearance. Col. Bull who had acted as
fugleman all the way through, moved that conferees
be appointed to select a
/ tall candidate for Con
gress—but none could be found to second the motion.
It was however put, and three or four faint Whig
voices drawled out a half unwilling a-y-e. It was
pronounced carried, and the meeting adjourned.
03' A Demoerettie meeting will be held at the
Court House this .evening. The Tariff question
trill be discussed.
Mote Foote.—A $2O bill found in thin borough
can behaJ by the otvne-, no application to this office.
lion. William li.
His exalted integrity of character as a man, his emi
nent capacity and high qualifications for the station of
Canal COmmiasioner, stand out in bold relief, unques
tinned and unquestionable. These, too, are the senti
ments of the country—and the people are awake, dully,
to the importance of retaining the services of Mr. FOS:Cr
at this critical conjuncture in the affairs of Pennsylvania.
We are most happy in being able to (mare the Democ
racy of the State, that the repub;icans of Bradford are
moving in solid column to the rescue—and smile at the
puny schemes of Whiggery in every form and shape it
has assumed to effect his defeat—the overthrow of the
best interests of the Keystone State. The inglorious
efforts of Federalism to misrrprefent this able, faithful
and highly popular public agent, ore eminently worthy
the contempt which they are receiving at the hands of
the entire democratic party, noConly i• o Bradford, but
we rejoice to say, throughout the Ste' e. All their un
worthy exertions are being met at ev,,ry point ; and we
congratulate the democracy of Penfisylvania upon the
elerines prospects before her in the triumphant election
of her accomplished candidate for Canal Commisioner.
The democratic party are tlr .roughly aroused—their
whole moral and numerical strength is being gallantly
Iv' in teTtbOtion to biro h" : 7: the tide of federalism.—
Bradford county is prepar. d (or the onset—ready for the
fray—her vote will be tri_menuous. Her democracy feel
that the integrity or the State—the' administration of her
immense system of it ternsl iinprovements, imperiously
demand his continued serviette.
In order efficiently to sustain the democratic party,
and maintain the supremacy. of its principles and mea
sures, it becomes the duty of the party everywhere, at
once to adopt rdrch organization in every election district,
as will be most productive of vigorous and energetic ac
In the most trying times, Mr. Foster has stood firmly
by our party and its principles—that party wall now
stand with unfaltering fidelity said firmness by him.
Consummate Misrepresentation
The Bradford Reporter is pulalkhing week after
week a comparative fiat of duties imposed by the Tariff
bills of 1842 and 1846, in which it tell:lnnate I .
than we often see crowded into thai.ame space. For In
stance, it says that the duties on wool hat. and wool hot
bodies, by the tariff of 42, is hut 15 prr rent.' whale
under the bill just passed, it is 20 per cent. We hap
pen to have the Inn of 1542 before us, and on referring
to section 5, clause 8, we find that •• hats of wool, hat
bodies or felts made in whale or in part of wool, shaq
pay eighteen cents each!" Again, on men's bootees—
the Reporter says that the duty under the act of' 42, is
31 per cent, and 30 per cent, by the bill just paserd.—
We turn to section 5, clause 6, and it readia
men's boots and bootees of leather, wholly or partially
manufactured, one dollar and twenty-fire tents per
pair !" Men's-oboes, the Reporter say,f pay 28 per
cent, under the tarilT or 42, while under the new, they
pay 30 per cent. Section 5, clause 6, of the act or 12
says, men's shoes, whether wholly or partially made,
shall pay a duty of thirty ecnta per pair !!"
Again: the Reporter has down fur hats es paying n
duty of 50 per cent, under the act just passed. There
ism 50 per cent, schedule in the new tar.ff
quently there is not a single article that con curiae in at
that rate of duty !
Coating, 'he Reportet says, pay the •'rime (30 prr
cent.) under the new Tariff that they did under the oh'.
This is false again. Under the act of' 42. castings pay
a specific duty of from one to two cents and a half per
pound. (see see. 4—clause 2.)
Saddles, the Reporter says pay a duty of only 30 prr
cent, under the present act, and 35 under the new
Wrong again.—Under the present hill they pay a duty
of 25 per cent, and there is no 35 per cent, schidule in
the new bill !
We have not time, at present, to examine farther,but
give the above as specimens of the hind of falsutio.l3
that wcehly appear in that print le it not diegrareful,
that such thingsshouhl be allowed? What confidence
ought lobe placed in a print thit willfully publishes
such falsehoods ? Shame upon such conduct !
We quote the above entire as a specimen of tie
honesty and liberality of the Fet:e.ral paper at this
place. We are not in the habit of pa7in attention
to the assertions and demands of that debased and
profligate% sheet; but as this is a matter of sowe mci
ment, and having been repeatedly charged by the
Argus with falsehood, we have referred .to the Sec
retary of the Treasury's report to see if we might
not be mistaken. We find that the table we pub
lished is correct in every particular, with the excep
tion of two typographical errors' whiih were so
plain, that even the ignoranac of the Argus could
not mistake them.
The report to which we now refer, is a compara
tive statement of the tariffs of 1846 and 184; re
duced to ad valorem duties from Custom House
valuations, by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Firstly, the duty on wool hats and hat bodies was
15 per cent, under the tariff of 1842, while under the
new tariff it is 20 per cent.
On men's boots and bootees of leather, wholly
or partially unmanufactured," the duty under the
act of 1842, is 31 per cent; under the tariff of 1846,
315 per cent,
Men's shoes under the new tariff pay 30 percent.,
while under the old. they pay but 'ZS per cent.
Castings pay 31 per cent. under the old tariffs
under the new, 30 per cent. 1
The other articles rated at 30 and 50 per cent.,
were mistakes in the figures, and should read 30
per cent, being a deduction in the duty they pay of
only 5 percent. -
The Argus does not flatly deny that our table was
erroneous, but it gives the speciic duty, in contrast
with our ad valorem, relying upon the ignorance and
stupidity of the people not to discover the difference.
There can be no cavilling at the correctness of the
table we telex. to. We have no expectation, how
ever, of seeing the Argus, manfully and candidly
retract what it has said.and set us right before their
readers. Misrepresentation and abuse seem a por
tion of the policy of the new regime who have taken
that paper under their control. We hold them no
ill-will, however, and are glad to see that their in
terests are in no danger of being ruinously affected
by the new tariff. At least we judge by the follow.
ing item we find in Mr. Walker's report:
1842. 1848
Asses skills and imitations thereof, 25 30
Union, anr.o:inces the following appointments:
George Bancroft, of Ittas.achusetts, to be Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Unit
ted State■ for the United Kingdomsof Great Britain and
Ireland, vice Louis McLane, recalled at his own re
John Y. 3fason, of 'Virginia, to be Secretary of the
Navy of the United States, vice Hon. George Bancrofii
The Whig Game.
Wet:au:ion our democratic friends abroad, and !see
dally in the other swo counties of this Congressional
district, to he upon their guard against the. frauds and
falsehoods which we are apprised will be put in circula
tion a gainst our candidate for Congress. Let them be
prepared to expect and resist the most bold and audacious
frauds and falsehoods, put forth on the eve of the elec
tion when too late to be met and refuted. We know
the recklessness of some of the men in this county, who
have set out in a desperate and unholy crusade against
Mr. Wiltnot. They are actuated by the most bitter and
vindictive personal hostility, and will hesitate at nothing
to gratify their malignity, and accomplish their ends.—
We take this early, opportunity to caution the democrats
of this district, against a system of deception and fraud
which we are fully satisfied will he put in requisition.
' An attempt is already made to practice a gross decep
tion and fraud upon the democratic voters of this Con
gressional district. Two meetings have already been
called in this borough, under the name of Democratic
Tariff meetings, and which are to go out over the dis
trict as an expression of a respectable portion of the de
mocrats of Bradford. We assure our friends in Susque
hanna and Tioga counties, that all such pretended de
mocratic meetings are a gross fraud upon the public--
No lemocrasc meeting has been held, or can be held in
this county which takes ground against the new tariff,
or against Mr. Wilmot. All such meetings have been
and will be essentially Whig. We once for all, assure
our friends that the party in this county were never more
firmly united. Never has there been a day when the
democrats of Bradford would rally to the polls in support
of Mr. Wilmot, with more enthusiasm—with a stronger:
or more determined purpose of succes.i. The same man
who two years ago attempted to practice upon the pub
lic similar frauds, by the publication of pretended demo
cratic meetings, is again actually at work. He, and he
alone, is the prime mover and getter up of these fraudu
lent attempts upon the public Mind. He is actuated by
a deep settled hate and malignity towards Mr. Wilmot_
th it we tare never seen equalled. He is constantly and
incessantly at work, planning and concocting schemes
by which to Impose upon the democratic, voters. Wu
again earnestly caution our friends to be prepared fertile
most bold and unscrupulous deception and fraud. The
men at work, are capable of anything and everything to
accomplish their purpose of Mr. Wilmot's defeat. For
the democracy of this county, we have no apprehension.
They are prepared to resist every• effort, and in the face
of every falsehood to stand by their principles and their
candidates. Hem Mr. Wilmot is known; and here, too,
are his rem Hers and persecutors understood. now
say in perfect confidence to our facade abroad, that de
spite of (zetad and falsehood, Mr. Wilinot will receive at
least five hundred laryin-ity in Bradford.
The Twelfth Congressional District
It is important that the republicans of this district,
early understand the manner in w hich the Whig party
intend to conduct the reining election for Congress.—
We are sufficiently inflamed of their plans, to state with
confidence and certainty, that the most nefarious and
unholy means to defeat the democratic candidate, will
be unscrupulously employed. We solemnly believe
that money from abroad will befreelyexpenilvd. Efforts
will be made to alarm the timid, and seduce the venial.
fraud, falsehood and forgery will be boldly promulgated.
Means more desperate, more daring, and more reckless
than any heretofore employed will he put in active re
quisition. The money-power have selected the 12th
Congressional district for the field of their operations.—
Its worst resources will he brought fearfully to bear upon
the democracy of this district, with the direct object and
purpose of defeating Mr. \Ydniot. It is saying no more
than the facts will justify, to predict that the inonopolts.
• ing manufacturing establishments will exert their eon
' e i t means with a view of effecting the overthrow
of our congressional candidate.:
Fellow democrats, our relianlce is upon you. It is
for you to ray nhether you will permit your own long
cherished prineitiles and political independence to be I
humbled in the dust. It is now for the republicans of
this district to stand up like freemen, and with unbroken
and undivided front, turn hack the inglorious efforts of
federalism to effect the overthrow of their principles and
their randidate. We should remember, that while feder
alism in this district is aided; abetted and cheered on by
the federal farces throughout the country, that the de
mocracy are looking with anxious solicitude for a glo-
Hone victory under the banner of our principles on the
2,1 Tuesday of October next.
Bradford county, we are rejoiced to know, is sound to
the core. Every republican seems inspired with the
proper temper and stirit, and we speak advisedly when
we say, that at no previous Congressional election, have
the democratic party been so fully and thoroughly mous
ed as ut the present crisis. All dictation, or appearance
of i t from abrOad, will be met in stern reprobation. Our
pawner auc t. ietsts, we believe are fully prepared to march I
up to the marl, rd point of principle—to encounter, if
necessary, a storm of fire in defence of the great doctrines
of equal burdens and e -pal rights. We speak with con
fidence which appertains to a certainty of what we say,
and assure our friends throe Shout the State and Union,
that Mr. Wilmot will again be returned to Congreis by
one of the most decided party votes ever given in this
district. He has stood by the democratic party and its
principles at a most critical time, in its Joliet moments
—the democracy will now stand by him with un.savering
firmness, unshrinking fidelity.
It is proper to say.because it is true, that Mr. Wilmot
has earned for himself and for his constituents, a high
reputation. Perhaps no member of Congress from any
district or state, ever returned to his constituents from
the first session, with a higher reputation for all those
eminent qualities which constitutes the orator and states
man. How important then, that his old friends again
rally to his support, and thereby secure his continued
usefulness in that high sphere of political action fur
which he is so pre.emineady fated, It is the democra
cy of this district who have so much at stake in the re
election of their talented and gifted representative. No
district in the Union has at this moment a higher po
litical standing than our own. It is this high order of
talent—it is because your representative is able and true
to your interests, the cohorts of federalism are so anxious
to effect his defeat. Again we appeal to the intelligence
arid patriotism of the Democracy of this district, to stand
by a faithful politic servant, and thereby vindicate their
own character and capacity to govern themselves.
Bean -FACE) Ivrenzscr--Did the Bradford Ar
gots have the fear of falsehood before its eyes, when
it published the name of Samuel H. Mach as the
Democratic nominee for Commissioner! One of
the editors of that truth-loving sheet was in atten
dance when the Democratic nominations were made,
and if his senses were not all perveted, he knew the
name of our candidate, and consequently knew his
publication to be false, and intended to deceive the
people. Samuel Black is a whig, and belongs ex
clusively to the Whtg party. The democratic no
minee, JOHN H. BLACK, is a true-hearted, whole
souled Democrat. Entirely different characters.
Sanyan Hivr nion.r.—On motion of Hon. 1). %Va.
'nun, CHARLES Kr.i.ityr was duly admitted to practice
as an attorney in the several court.. of this county.
Thit Campaign.
Another campaign has come round, involving in its
consequences and issues, measures and principles of the
first importance to the ountry--affecting deeply the
welfare of the people, and exerting the most decided in
fluence over the future policy and success of the republi-
can party.
The great contest of 1844—the measures involved in
that memorable struggle, are now being earnestly and
faithfully carried out by the democratic party of the Un
ion. The Independent Treasury is re.establishcd. The
Whig tanff of 1842, au odious and unequal in its opera
tions upon the people, has been repealed, and in its place
a tariff has been established founded upon principles of
equity and right, leaving the industry of the country un
trammeled by onerous taxation, for the benefit of the
monied Capitalist.
Upon this last important measure, the Whig party of
the State and Union have raised the issue; they have
embraced the anti-republican policy of high restrictive
and prohibitory duties. It is port and parcel of their
system—it constitutes an essential and vital portion of
the federal creed to tax the industry of the many, for
the advancement and benefit of the few. It is directly
and intimately connected with the paper money system,
with the great currency issue, - so desperately contested
undei the administrations of Jackson and Van BUITO.
It is not our intention to re-argue this great question
of the tariff;—it is not necessary, it has been fully con
sidered in all its details by the Congress that has jut
adjourned. A republican Congress has fully examined
this question in all its bearings upon the prosperity of ,
the country, and its influence upon our political_ institu-,
lions. A republican administration, sustained and sup
ported by rite great republican party of the Union, has
settled the question. It is justly a subject of proud re
flection that the principles so long avowed by the repub
lican party of this county and congressional district, have
found so cordial a response with the democratic party of
the whole country ; and we may also be permitted to
say, that it is a theme of abiding congratulation, that our
Representative in Congress, has been found among the
boldest and ablest champion in vindication of the will
of his constituents upon this leading measure—the great
measure which separates democracy from federalism in
America. Mr. Wilmot did not fail to represent his con
stituents with fidelity and unwavering integrity in the
hour of trial. On the floor of Congress he - distinguished
himself in one of the ablest efforts in vindication of the
rights of the people, made by any member upon this
great question His speech has been extensively circu
lated in and out of Pennsylvania, and wherever it has
been published or read, it is claimed by the republican
press and party, as an eloquent, patriotic and unanswera
ble vindication of the principles involved in the tariff of
The republican party of this district are now ready
for the conflict with federalism. Desperate and unprin
cipled beyond all former precedents will be the onset.—
Fraud, falsehood, and every reckless appliance of federal
ism, will be put in requisition to prostrate Mr. Wilmot,
and with him the great principles he has so boldly and
fearlessly proclaimed. Influences coming from abroad,
are already actively at work. The concentrated and
combined energies of federalism over the whole eoin
monwealth, will be directly brought to bear upon this
hitherto, unwavering democratic district, for the purpose
of crushing the only champion of popular rights, who
had the nerve and moral courage to advocate the cause
and rights of the people from this State. on the floor of
the National Congress—who feared not to assail federal
ism in its lost strong hold. Our reliance is upon the
people. They will be found equal to the crisis—alive
lo the great duties before them.
The Republican patty of thin district, as the higher
idence of their approbation and confidence, have given
t.. Mr. Wilmot a unanitnnuA re-nomination. He stands
before the people the representative and champion of
the people's rights, In his success are directly involved
their highest and dearest interests. His defeat would
reflect discredit upon their intelligence and patriotism.
It would be everywhere hailed no a triumph of the mo
ney-power over the cause of popular rights. The exalted
integrity and noble bearing that has marked the course
of Mr. Wilmot in- Congress—the unshaken firmness and
fidelity with which he adhered to the great dortrinea of
the democratic faith, at a most trying period, one which
demanded the highest moral and intellectual qualities of
the Statesman, are the high testimonials;—thee are
same of the proofs which we offer to the people of Penn
sylvania, that David Wilmot is honest and capable, true
to the people, and faithful to the Conititution. Can
higher evidence be given of the capacity—of the moral
s and political integrity of a public man?
Stand by lbc Ticket.
Stand by the ticket and you will stand by the Dem
ocracy. Rest assured of this fact, and ho not led away
by any seductite promises of the Whigs. Take our
advice. Those who leave the Republican party, if any
there be who c.mtemplate no rash and ill-stlvised a move
ment, will sincerely regret a step which will certainly
be retraced with shame and sorrow.
Fidelity to regular nominations compels an adherence
to Democratic principles by procuring the success of the
Democratic party. This principle is a cardinal one in
our party drill, and ought to be - obeyed with military
promptitude and strictness. Without such a principle
we can never secure harmony of action, that long pull,
strong pull and the pull altogether which drew the ;st a te
back again into the clear chinnel of Democracy. Such
a principle silences all disaffection and brushes away
the whims of individual preference and prejudice.—
The candidate presented for the suffrages of the party is
no longer my mnn or his man, but he is the man of the
party, the regularly nominated candidate, and in that
capacity every Democrat is'bound to vote for him. The
man who does not intend to abide the decision of our con
ferences and conventions ought to take higher ground
and oppose tie met hod of selecting candidates, at the
proper time. and not seem to acquiesce in their proceed
ings until they have closed their deliberations, and then
withhold his support from the ticket which has been
frames!. Such a man does no party any good. Ho
scratches his ticket and votes for no one, or votes for
his own favorite, and thus the voice if one freeman is
Stand by the ticket. It is the sure test of a dieciplin
ed Democracy.—Union.
Democratic County Mass MceDug.
We are highly gratified to see the Democracy in
every section and neighborhood so fully aroused to
the importance of the coming election. Indeed, it
fully involves in its issues, the sticcess of the great
doctrines of the Republican faith.
We rejoice, therefore, to see that the Democrats
of the County have called a general Mass Meeting
to be holden at East Smithfield, on Monday, the tiOth
instant. The move is an excellent one, and we are
glad that the Committee, who have the charge of the
meeting, are taking active. and etlic.ient means for a
general rally. Democrats turn out ! There will be
some of the best speakers oithe day present.
The call for the meeting will be found in another
part of our paper.
(0 We invite attention to the "Lecture to Laboring
Men," on our outside.
Barites . AND 407 TEN BANKI..—The Lewistown
Bank has failed, mil its notes are now worthless. Its
circulation was great, and we fear our farmers are again
doomed to undergo a regular fleecing by way of loss of
the amount they may be so unfortunate 113 to hold in
notes of that institution. One after another of these
rotten, swindling shave•shops close their doors in the
faces of the people. and in answer to their just demands,
give them insults instead of specie.
We deem it our duty now to caution the public against
the notes of half a dozen other institutions in the same
category with the Lewistown ;—foremost among them is
the Susquehanna County Bank. Look out!
Congressional Ccnferenee Meeting.
At a meeting of the Conferees of the 12th
Congressional disuict, held at the Clairmont
House, in the born' of Towanda. on the evening
of the Bth of September. 1846, Ulysses Mercur
ank Maj. B. Laporte. of Bradford, Col. John
Blanding and G. A. Grow, of Susquehanna, and
Col. James Kimball and Henry Sherwood, of
Tioga. appeared as Conferees from their respec
tive counties. On motion, COL. JOHN KIM
BALL was called to the chair. and thi 9 iEd
MERCUR was chosen Secretary.
On motion, the HON. D.9VID WILMOT.
of Bradford, "was unanimously nominated for
The following resolutions were also passed,
unanimously :
Resolved, That the Hon. David 'Wilmot, by
the bold and unflinching manner in which he
advocated all the prominent measutes of the ge
neral Administration, of the last session of Con
gress, has endeared him to the constituents of
his whole district, as shown by the un
paralleled unanimity of his re-nomination in the
several County Conventions in the district.
Resolved, That for the support of the great
principles of the democratic patty of the whole
I union, we pledge our firm and unwavering sup
port ; and of the triumphant re-election of David
W ilmot to support those principles there can be
no doubt.
Resolved, That the next meeting of the Con
'gressional conferees of this district, shall be held
at Towanda, on the Wednesday following the
first Monday in September.
Resolved. That tire proceedings of this Con
ference be published in the democratic papers
of this Congressional district.
On motion, adjobrned .sine
JOll N KIMBALL, President.
Ut.vsses Mencra, Secretary.
Meeting of the Senatorial Conferees
At a meeting of the Senatorial Conferees f
the Senatorial district, composed of the counties
of Bradford and Tioga, held at the Clairmont
House. in the horn of 'l owanda. on the even
leg of the Bth of September. 181(1, Ulysses
Mercur, Esq.: and Maj. Bartholomew Laporte,
,of Bradford, Cokinel John Kimball and Henn'
Sherwood, Esq., of Tioga, appeared as Confe
rees from their respeetilie counties. On motion,
COL. JOHN KIMBALL, was called to the
e air, and ULYSSES MERCrIt chosen Secietary.
On motion, COL. GORDEN P. ..11.1SON
of Bradford, was- unanimously nominated for
Senator. •
The following resolutions were also passed
unanimously :
Resolved, That we present the name of Gor
den F. Mason as the nominee for senator of
this district, with pleasure. and with full confi
dence in die soundness of his politteal-princi
ples, and the fitltnness and ability of the man to
meet any reiponsthility that may occur.
Resolved. That the next meetim! of the Se
natora conferees of this district, shall he held
at the house of John 11. I urtnan. CohM,il
Fl.tits, Bradford county, on the Wednesday fol
lowina the tir,t , Nlimdv: ui September.
,ith.,.ived, That the proveeihriEs of.this meet
log he• 1.10 , 11:31ird in thn democrrtn• pacers of
ntliournhd sine die.
JOH N lA., !'resident.
LL's-Fs 1%1 Sretelary.
rx Nr.w YORK —On Thursday afternoon, the
steamboat Excelsor burst her boiler. just as she
was leaving the'dock. Immethatcly after the
explosion the boat took lire, and commenced
drifting with the tide towards the flatiery,
where some fifty or sixty small vessels were
anchored. The steamboat Columbus Intmedr
ately went to the assistance of the E., and
commenced towing her back to her dock, and
had brought her about two thirds of the way
back, when the steamboat Fairfield came in
contact w , th the line and severed it. The burn
ing steamboat then drifted again with the title.
and was proceeding at a fearful rate towards
the fleet of schooners aforesaid, when the Ito-'
boken steamboat, John Fitch, took her in tow,
and conveyed her to the flats between Ellis
Island and Jersey shore. Where she remained
and burnt to the water's edge. At the time of
the accident there were some forty persons on
hoard, including the passengers and crew.—
Four persons were injured. One, is Ito was
an u'd man, named Wynant, supposed to be
long to Montgomery, Orange county, died im
mediately from injuries he received. Two more
of those wounded were engineers of the boat,
and another was a passenger, named William
a ship carpenter, who was going up the
river to engage in his trade. The two enei
neers were brothers, named George and Will
iam Van Wart.
F. McConnell committed suicide this af
ternoon at half-past two o'clock, in his room.
at the St. Charles , Hotel, by stabbing himself
with a large clasp knife,three times in the neck,
and five times in the stomach. Ile had
: been
for two days previous laboring - under the in
fluence of mania a pots. The supposition is
that he must have died instantly; so deep were
the wounds inflicted thaeeither of those on the
Oak. or tliose on the stomach must have in
evilltbiy proved filial. An inquest was held
on the body, & f :yrdic.t rendered in accordance
with the above cts, after which the body of
the deceased was taken in the charge of the
clerk-of the H. of Representatives.—Union,
Sep. 11.
gents of this Institution assembled at Washing
ton on Monday last. After a provisional and
temporary org,anizatien, by calling the Vice
President of the United States to the chair, and
appointing the Ron. Mr. Ilong,h, Secretary
pro.tem., the .Regents spent the remainder of
the sitting, first, in a reading of the law consti
tuting the Insitution, then in a free interchange
of views, a general survey of the powers and
duties devolved nn Them, and of tho s e of the
officers created by the law. Caleb Cushing,
our late Minister to China, and Francis Mar
line, Esq.. of the State Department. are the
two principal candidates for Secretary. The
appointment of Caleb Cushing would give uni
versal satisfaction throughout the country and
in Europe.
The Rivers and Lakes of ?campusla
We have already called the attention 001,
readers to the,• Stale Book of Penneljletoki4,,
from the pen of T. 11. Borrower, of Lane li4t
and to-tlay we' present them with an extrl,l
from the,work..which describes the riveis
lakes of our great and prosperous Com mon.
wealth. ~,
1. The chief rivers of Pennsylvania all rile
in the Allegheny mountains, and therefore
possess the qualities of 'mental) stresins,be.
tug rapid in their descent, lime to soddee
charges of high and low water, and only pp.
manently navigable fur a shortUistance n ear
their mouths.
2. 'chose of the first class are the Delaware
in the easy; the Susquehanna in the middle•
and the Xlledieny and. Monongahela, fo rm i ng
the Ohio. in the west. •
3. The second class are the Schuylkill and
Lehigh, falling into the Delaware ; the Tiogt
Westbranch and Juniata, into the Susquehan
na, and the French-creek, Clarion, Kid emi.
netas, Youghiogheny, and Beaveronbutanet
to the Ohio.
4. The third class, sometimes called riven
and sometimes creeks, are the Lachawaxen
and Brandywine; in the east; Conestoga, e kte .
Wags. Conecocheague and Castleman's, in lbs
south; NI ahanny. Penn's creek, Conedogin tet,
Rawstown-branch, Leyathanna, and N e .
maugh, in the middle ; lAckawana, Tunklus.
nock - Pine-creek, and Sinnemaboning t o the
north ; and Slienang, Red-bank, and Mahoni tg
in the west.
5. In addition to these, there are great twai.
ber of smaller strearns or creeks, and latga
springs; Pennsylvania being a remarkably *ell
watered state.
6. The hikes are few and small. Conneaut,
in Crawford county. is the largest lake entirely
embraced in the Slate. In the north eastern
corner of it there arc numerous and beau&
small bodies of standing water called po nt i s .
7. Lake Erie, which forms a small ponios
of the north-west boundary of Pennsylvania,
is 200 mt'es long, and 50 broid.
8. tithe regret is often heard, that the rivers
of Pennsylvania are '.not permanently usr..
ble. But like all other complaints agamst the
works of Providence, this objection, when en
didly examined, is without foundation. For
let it be borne in mind. that though the geode
streams of New York and Ohio present a long
ronrse of navigable, waters from their mou t h,
to their sources. yet. that those sources are hr
below the rich mineral regions from which our
mountain torrents leap : and though difficult or
ascent, that our sires ni t have by the handof
enterprise and industry, been converted into
.the easy means of transmitting down to thelev
el plains of the sister states, the inexhaustible.
and indispensable riches found amidst then
wild fountain heads.
9. The widely distant points. also, at which
the rivers of Pennsylvania empty into the
ocean, present another proof that she -Fee &-
stetted to he the great mineral storehouse of
this part 01 the ctintinent.
10 From nor of her counties (Potter) •a•
ters flow Into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.Chess
peake bay, and the Gulf of Mexico ; andiron;
nearly all those that border on the Great Me
elieny mountain, considerable streams fall into
the two latter.
11. IN hen it is further remembered that
twice 'each year nearly all our streams arenm•
gable for descending craft, and that the few
artirles which are required to be taken up for
the use of the mountain 'counties, are IV;
freight in comparison with those sent deer•.
the olleetion that our streams are riot perms•
nently navig dile, disappears bet ore thonumr.
oils tidier advantages of our position. • .
12. Most of the streams of Pennsvlvanure•
tain their original beautifid Indian names.2cd
it is to be regretted that all do not. The Deis•
ware, which look its present name Irma I,Aid
Delaware. a n ri i i oi nobleman. who was oriel
the early governors of Vireinia, was 414
M..ekeriskiitan by the Indians. 11anirustf
viam t name by which they knew'the Schayli
kill . ids present naine was given by the llol•
!antlers. and is saul to mean '• the hliodit
River." its mouth not being visible to person
ascending the Delaware.
SAD ACCIDENT.-11he Huntingdon Meow ger contains the•particulars of a sad and mosr
melancholy accident that °retired in Or
Ridge settlement, Alirtirrie township, Bedford
county. The barn of Ilicksbn ru
struck by lightning nu the 14th ult., the eke
me fluid entering the gable end of the bra
running along the roof and wall plates of the
barn, and at once igniting the whrile. At the
nine the lightning sonek, Mr. Hickson roil
yonngman rrimcd Morgan Smith were enfs
ged in unloading Oats Iroin a Wagon on the bird
floor. l ounrs Smith seas on die muw, oolitic;
the oats [ruin Mr. Hickson, who was pitchy;
it up to him, when the horses took inghtfryill
the appearance of the tire. and ran nut 04
back end of the band, coming in contact int.
stacks of grain or hay,and could not make the!
escape until they were entirely r onsurned l !
the devouring element. At the nine the
bir d
was struck there were some of Alr.
little children near the sans. who seeing fh ,
awful situation of their father, ran and alarm
their mother. who went to the barn and co
murh difficulty rescued her husband. who"
reeling to and fro from the mass of flan s
which was around him, much stunned ands'
jured from the effects of the shock. I ° c
Smith was not found till the barn. with di'
contents, was entirely consumed. and fh , a
nothing but the body and head, the leg' er!
onearm being burned ofTelose to t hehndy , g'
his head much roasted and disfigured.
l ta
supposed that he was instantly killed by
lightning, when it struck the barn.. 'fberf'i
peared in the heavens only a small clAnd.lo',.
the accidinit happend, and no rain. Mr. P I
son, at the latest accounts. was r ecnreringl
the effects of the shock, but his mind
partially deranged.
rived at New Orleans on the 29th 'ult., bunk
ing our regular tiles and letters to t he23dl t ''
inclusive. We have no intelligence from°
squadron In the Gulf. Rumors were rirrillr
Ling among the American & English raid°
to the effects that Santa Aana lad agreed
eertain propositions for peace Wore 1e 3 " 4 .4
Havana, but no one credited them. d
ilmonte, in their intercourse with the
milic,corps at Havana, steadily men:elle
Frince. England, and Spain being Pit t
any treaty with the United States. Ag%
storm of thunder and lightnig passed °ler'''.
tanzas on the 19th ult.
LABORF.RS WANTED.—The .n(11:000-0
Portland. for the Atlantic and St. 10010
Railroad, advertise for five hundred
with a prospect of steady work for 00 °I: 1
years, at a dollar per day.