Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 16, 1846, Image 1
ini 1 WVZ,2 v U67eaRD.La EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1846 [For the Bradford Reporter.] Mr,cll, EDITOR :—lf there be none in these parts to y on , the'following in any measure applies, none can be ,s.nv mea'...ure offended by its re-publication. But as 'gale is often idiopathic, (i. e., if I understand the Km ,gprings up of itself in the system, without any influence from without,) the young may well put Upon their guard against contracting it. The to shake it rff, from the very beginning. A Nad IY,•—A correspondent of the Western 'lri.U.ll Mao Cate, a Methodist clergyman, complains tfu prevalence, in his neighborhood, of a disease which caLs the Sunday sickness."' It is neither fever, :us. nor small poc, but is sympathetic with the moral oodunai et the patient. The disease is periodical—the anent is imhsposed about Church time on Sunday o 'rning, but is usually quite able Cu attend to his ordi ov la,mecs ou Monday, however early in the morning r aw commence. The correspondent adds, in a post pit% t atwhen a strange preacher cornea along his it, the ilDwase is not Dear so general." This, by the o . r rather an awkward confession fur the reverend ealleatall to make. - The Night is Come, Belostd forth, beloved, into the dim night, Take thou thy way; oh ! cheerless is the dark, .1a lynely doth the savage north wind bite, And threainingly its surly voice doth bark. 4' thst I were a star to shine upon thee, cerole moonlight break in the black sky, hearth blaring through some easement on thee Which thou rhould'st bliss as thou goest lonely by! mien. as the gathering stinins doth blow, Firglfaint and far. then deep, and loud, and near, ad than, o here furthenn,g still my footsteps go, stretch my arms, and wish that thou were here r cortam'il (smell, with folded draperies, Ind isnot, soft. invites my drooping brow not do-on. I.n• their light fingers on my eyes, ught - is come, beloved, where art thou - . v ATI tot lore; how in that lonely bed Iwunt me in my wistful sleeping; J' I not hear thy voice, and then thy tread, 4 , +1 +•e thee nt sl froth mr, and wake with weeping. Bond night; oh ! that my !the might be kr. serla-ding Ide,ing wrapping thee. .' ill), I were hut God, that I might see . es. oh! my beli,ed, eternally. Q4-tqcaTatuous. ",r1 1u the Alphadelphia Tocsin.] I'd tires to Laboring lien. No. VI. biu , datie is upon thee cast, or that IA tought out by thine own erring hand Laut. of the Tariff. and 31ertuull fle Sysi en" I= P4ertive Tariff incidentally increase • !:ithr prodrlrt., uari , h ire g i,e in .oe" pr ,, tecird Its ? thin_ n other words. If the munufactnred null one portion of community h.]; to :y, are mcreated in price prote6tive tariff, it lucre:lse 04 price til the -Articles .cn the t p. ,y u ith,ny creating a home War- sortie contend theoretically for the affirmative questio n ; and it must be confessed, if theory be true, it does away in a measure '• ,4, the t.:9erti.n, that a protective tariff in %,ses the prtre bf the articles protected ; (or .sl,eu a beaver hat is worth $3 and a barrel of ,tur worth $3, a protective specific duty omhats $2 each, raises the price to $5, and if this ~ 1-, , lentally raises the price of flour, also to $5 iqbarrel, the exchange would still be even ; .•:,) neither set of interests would be injured, ..C4ll IL Must be confessed it would be hard to ~r aline shin would he benefited by the new T , agelueilt. But if the hat were raised in raw tiletarriti to $5, and the flour still re i.,,aed at $3. it would be easy to perceive who 4 have the worst of the bargain. tie hire carefully compiled all the manufac ;.-r• that are increased in price by the operation it Lie 1 , r,117, and hate found that at first cost amount 1 , , $216,8 tO,l IS, as we previous ; • We have also carefully computed nu Sher of persons employed in the mann , nre ot these particular goods, and find they tiirt in 300,000, including wornen and cirri- This number of persons aided by ma add enomrh labor to, say one hundred .r,aorc intilimis, of crude materials, to make worth two hundred millions of dollars, & ' 4 ' 4,l ‘. by converting them into the various manufactures. The remaining labo , rnthe United States are engaged in the ~ a s Others industrial pursuits, but perhaps in the various branches of agri- Now the theory is, that a.protective tariff by - i . telsin g the prices of these manufactures, in 'in ,e 9 incidently the price of agricultural pro ' `Yuen to return, by creating a home mar- If this be Arne, the tariff leaves us just finds us, and no one is injured : but if, him the beaver hat is raised from $3 to $5, by Lod, the farmer still has to pay in flour at lithe manufactured articles are increased in 40 per cent, and the fruits of agriculture chi remain the same, then the increased price of is an unmitigated tax on community. determin e this question, volumes of al ' . ifiturencal argument; have been wasted Un.l,nn, When it really appears to us, that trull only to be ascertained by a careful :''""'''ice of filets. The latter demonstrates l """ce makes only p robable. If men would to rune down from them icing stilts, 4: II the more humble process of observing tir: (lets, truth would often be made we are now groping our way in the "fiat n mazes of conjecture. Then let us ' a" farts 11l connection with this ques 40th The protective policy wait ostensibly coin hi by th e ~t of the first SCSM7TI of the l.,11;11tbz into effect, on the tirot of THE . BRADFORD. -- REPORTER July 1816. In that age, the people were not prepared so immediately to commence operation under a new law of this kind, as they are now, so that a year would most likity elapse before any considerable effects could arise from its operation. In the three months of the year 1817, six monthsafter the act went into operaion, flour averages in Philadelphia about $l4 per barrel. But now it commenced falling, and for the year 1818. the average was $9,96, for 1819, $7.11, fur 1820, $1,72, for 1821, $1,78. In four or five years after the act passed, flour depreciated more that $9 on a barrel, or 200 per cent ! The above facts are takenjrom a 'table in Hazard's Register Vol. 1, 1830 ; and from a table Of prices from 1790, to 1838, published in thelPennsylvanian. Prices now appear to have begun to adjust themselves again to the new state cf things, and flour raises gradually to an average of $6.62 for the year 1823, though much of this year, flour sold for (tier $7 per But the protectionists, clamorous for higher and more duties, got a new tariff law passed in 1821 ; ana,now prices of ag ricultural produce began to cline again, so th at in' 1825, flour sells on an average for the whole year, for $5, 10, in 1826 for $1.55. Flour now raises again gradually, to an average 0185.60, in 1828, $6, 33, in 1829, but the more enormous protective tariff of 1828, goes into operation at this time, and in 1830, the average price for flour was, $1.83, ; & afterwards it rose again to an average of about $5.70, per barrel until_lB36 when the excessive expansion of paper money and specu lation, drew off men from industry, and produce rose in consequence of a scarcity, and a redun dant curn•ncy, and the more moderate taxes of the compromise act. August 10th 1810. before the passage of the late tariff, flour was quoted at $5,75, or $6 per barrel in New York City. Through April and May of 1831 it stood at une dollar less at least. EXPEIII EICCE Now let us suppose the full effect of the pro tective tariff took place in 1818. If you count hack front this year to 17110 inclusive, for twen ty nine years, we find the average price of flour. for the whole period is $8.50 per harrel ; and if we h , trin front nos period, and count forw aid to 1813, includin_ the latter year. twenty five years, the a% erag.e price for the whole period, is no more than 86,00, the former price exceeding the latter by 411 per cent. We" have also consulted the tables of prices for the leading articles of agrictiltural produce, such as cotton, pork, beef, corn, &v., and find the variations in prices correspond to the above. For instance in 1816, the average price of cot ton, was 29 cents per pound, and it commenc ed declining from year to year, till in 1823 it brought 21 cents ; when the new tariff law of 1524 took effect, and it came'down again in 1527 to 9 cents. Cotton is now from to 8 cents, probably averami G. These facts must be looked upon as curious circumstances. to say the least, if they du not stand in the rela tion to each other of cause and effect. But perhaps we 'dwelt] take one more view of the facts in relation to this matter, viz. We hive demonstrated that goods were higher in die United States, by the amount of the tariff, than in other countries at the same time. which 10,p0,-11 no tab's on the same kind of goods. But now, if our agricultural produce, though lower in fact iluin previously, %%as limber, at thr vim(' time, than in those other eountnes, "then it would, or at least make it probald.e. that protective duties on eoods, raise the pore otei dental] y of produce, merchandise Grant , Itilz• er at the same time than in a atighharing country by the amount otter tariff. I.s agri cultural pro lure maintained at the same rela tive elevation. at the vallic hilne ? is the ques tion to be decided by facts and observation.— We say that all experience and observation go to prove the negative of this position. One of the must familiar instances of this kind, has fallen under the obeservation of every one liv ing in the northern purnons of our Union, bor dering on. the Canadas. Though for many years, all the leading articles of merchandise have been from 30 to fifty per cent higher, on this side ; yet produce has been no higher.— Ten barrelS of our flour would buy as much merchandise of particular kinds, on that side, sa fourteen or fifteen would ou this. One hun dred bushels of our wheat would pay for as much of these articles of merchandise there, as 110 bushels would on this side. Can any one believe that tf our tariff were doubled, it would raise the price of our produce here, any higher titan in Canada ; or, relatively higher than in any other part of the world ? Or if our tariff were entirely abolished, can any one bring himself to believe that our agricultural produce would fall below that in Canada, rela tively lower than in any other part of the world I But we have some of the most strik ing specimens of thus law of trade in continen tal Europe. There the duties on merchandise. vary from of ono per cent, in the Hanse Towns and Gibealter. through all the interme diate per centums up to 100 per cent in Spain and Italy ; and through all these states and kingdoms from the Baltic down around the Peninsula, and into the Mediterranean, there is no difference in the prices of agricultural and other surplus products, but what arises from the quality, accessibleness of the port &c., all of which are referable to the natural laws of trade, the same a the difference between New Orleans, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, and Chicago, in America., The most striking contrasts in the prices of merchandise, frequently occur, by just crossing an imaginary line, amounting in some places to 100 per cent; and yet in such instances there is not the least difference in the prices of agricultural and oth er redundant products. We will take for in stance, Cadiz and Gihralter. The latter is a free port, and is not farther from the former by sea, than New York City is from New Haven. Cadiz is subject to the duties of Spain,amount ing to about 10h per rent, and merchandise is nearly that much higher there, than in G ibral ter, and would be quite, if it were not for the enormous aitiount of smuggling carried on there ; but the prices of agricultural and all surplus products, are the saute in both places. To show the sufgular uniformity of prices in atirirultural produce. throughout the conti nent oh Europe, we will take that of wheat as PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. 0. & H. P. GOODRICH. " REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." an example. The prices are taken from the British Almanac for 1842, and for some places from the account, take mostly in December last published in the Rochester Democrat, and republished in the Detroit Daily Advertiser No. 3234. We will begin with Archangel near the Arc tic Circle on the IA him Sea ; a place nearly as remote as Sault Sie Marie in the United States, and come down by the Baltic, North Sea, Bay of Biscay, around the Peninsular up through the Mediterranean, and into the Black Sea. Archangel. $1 02 Memel 1 06 St. Petersburg 139 Konigaburg, 123 Stockholm 1 02 Dantzic • 1 23 St. Petersburg 139 Marseilles 140 Stackholm ' 1 06 Genoa 1 38 Riga 1 50 Leghorn 1 26 Stettin 1 21 Naples 1 03 Hamburg 1 27 Trieste 1 17 Rotterdam 1 66 Ruatchuk 1 08 Antwerp 1 70 Odessa 98 Paris 1 38 New York 1 08 Nantes 1 38 Philadelphia 1 05 Bordeaux 149 Baltimore - 102 Santander 1 38'Montreal 1 07 Lieban 1 18, The average foreign prices at twenty four export markets, being $1.27 per bushel. By this it will be preceived that in Rotter dam, in Holland ; and Antwerp, in Beligum I I'aris, Names, Bordeaux, and Marseilles, in France ; where the tariffs and merchandise are much lower than in Spain ; and lower than in Leghorn, Naples and 'Trieste, in Italy ; and Odessa in Russia ; in the former place the price of wheat is still hig•he.. The tabb of the Brit ish Almanac. fur 1842, also contains the prices for other agricultural products, in these farm ing countries, such as rye, barley, oats, &c., and the same general rule holds good. SO you will perceive that in the agricultural states of Continental Europe, where the pro tective and revenue ditties on manufactures va ry from nothing up to 100 per cent ; and where, accorditig to theory, a corresponding variation should be produced, in prices of produce, yet we find in the latter no variabons, but what is attributable to difference in transportations, and the quality of grain, as we shall show hereaf. ter ; except what seems to be a variation in fa vor of the higher price of produce in coun tries imposing the lowest duties on merchan dise. One would suppose if high duties on im ports, could incidentally increase the prices of the redundant productions of a country, our tri als in this emoitry, and the more numerous ex periments cf Europe. would afford us at least a solitary instance of it. Thus we have com pared the prices in this country at different periods of time, and we have found, as a gen eral rule, that when we have increased our im port taxes, agricultural products declined in price ; and moreover we have compared the price of produce in the different agricultural countries, at the sonic lime laying side by side, to which the most excessive disparities exist in import taxes and prices for merchandise ; and we find if there be any difference, produce Is highest where the tariffs are lowest. If these be facts, as we have stated them, we see no other inferences that can be drawn from them, but such as are unfavorable to the theory of pro tection, as it is called. Many of these truths, have come within the observation of every one present, and many of them are now under each of your observations. vii , that the prices of goods are higher where the tariff operates, than where it does not, and yet the prices inf surplus produce are the same. lint we have extended the field of observation and history much wider than intended, and find the facts all in agreement, and tending to prove that the benefits of tariffs are all a false unsubstantial theory—holloweision. Unle, , s the facts are different from what we have staled them : unless they arc all the very reverse, from what we have slated them, tt must he conceded that experience is all against the theory ; and how, in view of all these obvi ous farts, men should let a mere theory like this, take such a deep hold on their minds, is one of the most unaccountable phenomena of the age. It seems have nothing to recommend it but its venerable monarchical orijiu. To GUARD AGAINST SPONTANEOUS COMBUS TION.-It is a fact better ascertained than can be accounted for, that fixed oils, when mixed with any light kind of charcoal; or substances con taining carbon, such as cotton, flax, or even wool, whichbs not of itself inflammable, heat by the process of decomposition, and after remain ing in contact some time at length burst into flame This spontaneous combustion takes place in waste cotton which has been employed to wipe machines, and then thrown away and allowed to accumulate into a heap. We have known ant,instance of the kind in a manufactory forlspinn ing worsteds, where the wools, or “slubhings," as it is termed in Yorkshire, was thrown ihto a corner and neglected. It then heated, and was on the point of bursting into flame, when the attention of the workmen was directed to the heap by the smoke and smell. In cottonmills, the danger exists in a still greater degree, and it is believed that the destruction of many cotton factories has been occasioned oy this means.— The cause of this peculiar property of fixed oils deserves more attention' than has hitherto been paid to:it.—Scientific American. CONVERSATION.—How delicious that con versation is, which is accompanied with a mu tual confidence, freedom. courtesy and com placency. How calm the mind, how compo sed the affections, how serene the countenance. how melodious the voice, how sweet the bleep, how conienitul the whole ble, that neither de viseili mischief against others, nor suspects any to be contrived against hun MAKING A CONQUEST.— . • Fred," said a wag to a conceited fop, •• I know a beautiful crea ture who desires to make you acquaintance." •• Clad to hear it—fine girl—good taste— struck with my fine appearance, I supposed!" •• Yes. very much so. She thinks you would mike a capital playmate (or her poodle dug.“ A Gem, from Fanny Forester. [The following touching stanzas, were written to her mother, by Mae. Junsox, previous to her departure u • Mimmionary,.a few. weeks ago.] Give me my old out, Mother, With my head upon thy knee; Fee passed thro' many a changing Kane, Since thus I sat by thee. Oh ! let me look into thine eyes— Their meek, soft, loving light Falls, like a gleam of holiness, Upon my heart, to-night. I've not been long away, Mother, Few suns have rose and set Since last the tear-drop on thy cheek My lips in kisses met. 'T is but a very little time, I know, But very long it seems ; Though every night I came to thee, Dear Mother, in my dreams. The world has kindly dealt, Mother, By the child thou lov'st so well ; Thy prayers have circled round her path, And 't was their holy spell Which made that path so dearly bright, Which strewed the roses there; Which gave the light, and east the balm .On every breath of air. I bear a happy heart, Mother; A happier never beat; And even now, new bulls of hope Are bowing at my feet. Oh, Mother ! life may be a dream Hut if such dreams are given, While at the portal.thus we stand. What are the truths of Heaven! I bear a happy heart, Mother ! Yet, when fond eyes I see, And hear soft tones and winning words, I ever think of thee. And [hen the tear my spirit weeps Unbidden tills my eye.; And, like a homeless dove, I long Unto thy breast to fly. Then I am very sad, Mother, very sad and lone ; Oh ! there's no heart whose inmost fold Opes to me like thine own ! Though sunny smiles wreathe blooming lips, While live tones meet mine ear; My Mother, one fund glance of thine Were thousand tunes more dear. Then with a closer clasp, Mother, Now hold me to thy heart; I'd feel it beating 'gain.t mine own, Once more, before we part. And, Mother, to this love-lit spot, When I am far away, Come ott—too off thou canst not come— . And for thy darling pray. CUNNING AND MEMORY OF THE lIORSE.LA curious instance of the cunning and memory displayed by the horse is exemplified in the following anecdote from the Plain Englishman. The late General. Pater, of the East India ser vice was a remarkably fat man; while station ed at Madras he purchased a charger, which, alter a short trial, all at once betook itself to a trick of laying down whenever the general pre pared to get upon his back. Every expedient was tried without success, to cure him of the trick : and the laugh was so much indulged against the general's corpulency, that lie found it convenient to dispose of his horse to a young officer quitting the settlement for a distant sta tion up the country. Upwards of two years had subsequently passed, when, in the exe cution of his official duties, General Pater left Madras to inspect one of the frontier canton ments. He travelled, as is the custom in India, in his palanquin, (a covered couch, carried on men's shoulders.) ,The morning after his ar rival at the station, the troops were drawn ont; and as he had brought no horses, it was proper to provide for his being suitably mounted, though it was not easy to find a charger equal to his weight. At length an officer resigned to hint a powerful horse for the occasion,vrhiefi was brought nut duly caparisoned in front of the line. The general came forth from his tent and proceeded to mount, but the instant the horse saw his advance he flung himself flat up on the sand, and neither blows nor entreaties could induce him to rise. It was the general's old charger, who from the moment of quilting his service, had never once practiced the arti fice until his second meeting. The general, who was exceedingly good hurniwed man. join ed heartily in the universal shout that ran through the whole line on witnessing this lu dicrous affair. Goon A Drlcr..—The following excellent ad vice is clipped from a corner of the Scientif,c American, whether original there, or not we cannot say : file Editor's Advice to his youihful readers is—Read books which contain real. solid infor mation. though they may appear dry at first.— lion% spend your time poring over the misera ble cheap novels so plenty at the present time. The more you read them the bigger fool you will be. They are unworthy the attention' of an intelligent being. and are the great drawback upon the intellectual advancement of the young. One old musty history. which can be round in almost any worth more than theiwbole of them. PREITY' FAR GONK.- I During a heavy fall of rain, a lellow who had taken a drop too much, happened to desposit himself underneath a water spout. Ile thus lying alone in his glory,' ever and anon exclaimed—" Not a, drop more, gentlemen—Znot a drop more.' By taking revenge, a man is but even - with his enemy, but in passing it over be is supe- nor. I'he prodigal robs his heir, The miser robs himself. i Sign in the Newspaper NEIGHBOR SHOEMAKER !-1 see you, have fine stock of boots, bootees, and shoes on hand —all sorts, sizes and qualities.—cowhide, calf skin, superfine and extra superfine—for gen tlemen, ladies, misses and children. You wish to sell them, I suppose • Yes." I perceive you have got a shingle over the door with the words... Boot and Shoe Store." inscribed thereon. That I presume is to In . - form the public of your occupation, and invite them to give you a call ?" •• Yes." Well, some few of those who pass alone this street wall doubtless notice your sign, and perhaps come in and trade with you. But a great many people will traverse the streets of this city who will not see your sign, and they may be in want of shoes too. You need an other sign, Mr. Shoemaker." '• That's a fact, I did not think of it be- 1/12S Go then, the fiat thing, and get an adver tisement in your newspaper. Tell the people where you are, and what you are about, and what varieties of shoes and boots you keep for sale, and that you will be glad to see them.— Thus, instead of barely notifying those who pass along by your shop. you will inform the people all around—not , only those who pass the other streots, but the farmers and their families away back on the lulls—the ladies, mechanics, workingmen of the oilier towns— and hundreds of others ;—and my word for it, one such sign ui a newspaper, Bill be wori?i dozen over your door !" Faith, I'll try it before I'm a day older." •• And you. Messrs, Tailors, Tnikers, Cabi net makers, Saddle and Harness makers, &e., —you've all got your shingles over your doors, as though that would notify everybody in crea tion. Had you not better try a sign in c news paper, as well as neighbor Shoemaker t" CAPITAL ADVICH.-N ears Gazette gives ,the following •• cool" and seasonable_ advice— heed it, and you will be well repaid : •• In the first place, don't gormandize. We hate a glutton at all. times, but especially in summer. II is monstrous to see men. when the mercury is up to 90. cram a pound of fat 'neat down their throats. Don't you know that animal food increases the bile Eat-Spar ingly. and be sure to musticato well what you eat. Don't bolt your food like the Anaconda. Take exercise in early morning. Ah ! what fools we are to sweat in bed, when the cool breezes of the morning invite us forth, and birds and the 'dew and the streams are mur muring in their own quiet way, pleasant &- sic, which arouses a kindred melody in the soul. Be good natured. Don't get into an angry discussion on politics or religion. Them will be time enough to talk the former over when the weather becomes cool, and as for the latter. the less you quarrel about it the better. Bathe often—three times a week—every day. The expense is nothing to the benefits' derived. If you would enjoy- health, have a clear head, a sweet stomach, a cheerlul disposition, put your carcasses under water every day. and when you emerge use the crash vigorously for five minutes. There is nothing like the pure bra cing water. We never dip beneath us surface without thanking God for having placed such a health promoting element within our reach." CURIOUS CUSTOMS THREE CENTURIES AGO. —lleavy tables, formed of planks laud upon tressels, massive oak benches or stools for seats. and floors strewed with straw, formed the ac.: commodations which satisfied the princes and prelates of our early history. Even HI the time of Elizabeth, the comfort of a carpet was seldom felt, and the luxury of a fork wholly unknown. Rushes commonly. supplied the place of the former, and the fingers were , the invariable substitutes for the latter. Harrison, writing in the time of Elizabeth, thus describes the furniture in use immediately before his time : Our fathers (yea, we .our. selves also) have lien full oft vpori straw pallets, of rough mats, covered oldie with a sheete. viider coverlets made of dugswain or hophar lots, (I use their own term) and a good round log under their heads instead of a bolster or pillow. If it were so that our fathers or the good man of the house had, within seven years after his marriage, purchased a immerse or flocke-bee, and thereto a sacke of chaff to rest his head upon. he thought himself to be as well lodged as the lord of the town, that per venture, lay seldem in a bed of down or whole feathers. As for servants, if they had any sheet above them it was well; for seldom had they any under their bodies to keep them from the pricking straws that ran oft through the can vass of the pallet, and rased their hardened hides." PAPEL—The first paper mill in England, was erected in the year 158 F, a (overman who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth, being 258 years ego. A bout 140 years from that tune, a paper mill was erected in New England. in the town of Milton, Mass. on a site adjoining the Neponset river, near the lower bridge. An art to encourage the manufacture of paper in New England, was passed by the general court of Massachusetts, oh the 13th of September, 1728. and a patent was granted to Daniel Henchman and others, for the sole manufacture of paper for ten years, on the following conditions. viz : During the first 15 months to make 140 reams of brown paper. and 60 reams of printing paper. The second year, to make . 50 teams writing parer, in addition to the first mentioned qusntity, and so no, that the total annual produre of the various quantities. may nut be less than 500 reams per year. Such is the origin of the /irst paper mill built in New England, and probably the first in. America. And such was the commencement of that now in valuableiand extensive branch of New England productive Industry, on which so many thousands depend for suppOrt.—E.)sc.r Constal. At Boston a child is being exhibtted with two heads. RTIDIM3Y-SE fofio ROUND SIIOULDERS.-.-PDIIOOI who carry weights on their heads, as fish women jo the streets, are remarkable4or holding themselves erect and 'straight. and never have a stoop or curved spine. Cine of du most effectual means of removing stooping. and even of checking in cipient lateral curvature of the spine, is by making the patient carry weights on the head, gradually augmented ; this compels all the mus cles, by which perpendicularity is produced and preserved, to exert themselves, and by this exertion they grows; and as the body cannot be alidwed either to bend forward or to either side. the muscles gradually pull, all the bones and ligaments into their proper position, and 'keep them. as well as themselves, in due posture.-- In fact, lateral curvature is caused by dispro portioned strength, or exertion of different lat eral set of muscles, and by relaxation of liga ments, and can only be cured by producing a contrary state, by exercise and well balanced perpendicularity of the spine ; never by artifi cial machines nor by mere rest. The peasant ry in those parts of the country where it is cus tomary to carry burdens on the head, are re? markable for their erect stature and ease 'of motion. This is well seen about Aveyron in France. GETTING THE M ITTEN. —Most young men are acquainted with this familiar expression. and that too, by_ sad experience. Now we know that this thing of " getting the mitten " is by no means so agreeable as it is " cracked up to be ;" and produces no very pleasant sensa tion in the mind of the ardent lover. When an answer to the anxious " Miss, will you ac cept of my compani ?" she says, half pouting- Iv and half good humoresily, " I shan't," none' but those who have been similarly situated can form any conjecture of that peculiar sensation which it naturally creates. The victim feels -- 0 dear ! he feels all over. He would gladly .exchange places with a mud turtle or boll-frog. for then lie might find some friendly hiding place wherein to conceal his devoted bead.— The soul seems for a moment to secret itself somewhere between torrid zones, and the heart that but a few minutes before bounded like the 'deer of the forest, is now endeavoring to hide its blushing face. between the liver and the kid neys. However, if he is a man of sound sense he will attach no blame to the fair one who has thus repulsed and thwarted his design, but af ter a few monmems pertubation of mind he will come to the natural and honorable conclu sion that if she don't want to go with him, be certainly cares noting about her company.— And furthermore, as it commonly takes two to make a bargain, and as the man generally makes the proposition, we think, it perfectly just that she exercises her own liberty and choice in all such matters. A NEW WAY..—A young man having enter tained a tender passion for a young woman. and feeling such insurmountable diffidence as, to prevent his ever disclosing it to thil fair em press of his heart, resolved on an issue. He went to the clergyman and requested that the bans of Marriage might be published, accord ing to law. When the publication was brought to her ears, she filled with astonishment, and went to him to vent her resentment. He bore the sally with fortitude, observing that if she :lid not think proper to have him, he could go to the clergyman and forbid the bans. After a moment's pause she took wit in her anger and said, •• As it his been done, it is a pity that a shilling should be thrown away." To ASCERTAIN A HORSE'S AoE.—Every horse has six teeth above and below ; befine three years old he sheds his middle teeth ; at three he sheds one more on each side of the entral teeth ; four he sheds the two corner and last oftliefore teeth. Between four and five the horse cuts the under tusk ; at five'will cut his upper tusk, at which time his mouth will be complete. At six years the grooves and hollows begin to fill up a little ; seven the grooves will be well nigh filled up, except the corner teeth, leaving little brown spots where the dark brown hollows formerly were. At eight, the whole of the hollows and grooves are filled up. At nine there is very often seen .a sine' bill to the outside corner teeth ; the point of the tusk is worn MT. and the part that was concave begins to Mt up and become round ing ; the squares of the central theeth begin to disappear, and the gums leave them small and narrow at ton. LucirentaSi.-- I wonder how they make Lucifer Matches," said a young married lady to her husband, with whom she never agreed. " The process is very simple," he replied "I once made one." Indeed, and how did you manage it ?" By courting you," was the brief and satis factory reiily. SUARP RETORT.—A lawyer, while arguing point of law before a rather heavy judge, not long since, was interrupted by the latter with, I do not understand you, Mr.—„" •.,1 find it very difficult to make your honor understand anything." was the quick reply of the counsel. His honor took snuff and. looked over his minutes. A TRUE M ASTER.—One day, when the peo ple of Athens desired Euripides to retrench a certain passage from one of his tragedies. he came upon the eta,ge and exclaimed, • I do not compose my works to learn of you, but toteach you." SINGULIII PIIENOMENON.-Il is stated, that any person who practices writing an hour or so. with carmine•colored ink, in a strong light. will find ordinary black letter print to appear green for some time afterwards. TILE OLDEST SOWEREIOS.—In conseqnene.e of the death of the Pope. the oldest sovereign in Europe is now Ernest Augustus. King of Hano ver, born June 5111. 1771. The nest in ane is the King of the French, born October 5, 1773. II Ann Tint..,.—The times are .o hard. and the riymetila so rare, that some of the city girls romplain MA the young men can't even pay thcir addretise,..