Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 09, 1846, Image 4

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Laburs of Srptember.'
This month should be spent principally in
making improvements on tin• farm. No crops
of ronsequeoce arc to be hArvested, nod:lands
which would not suffl-r us to approach tliton in
the spiang,on ac‘tount of their exuberant omit,-
ture, may now tie plusahed or pared, and burn•
ed, and fitted (r a next year's harvest oh
Forty or fifty yctars ago. when some people
lovad labor bett•r than at prt•-•ent, two or thrst.e
weeks were often spent in mowing the annual
growth, of bushes m the row-pastures, whcic
the plough would do the butoners much more
No service or drudgery can he bett✓r calcula
ted to make boys dislike farming titan this
eternal rePetition of clippint , huslics without
prospect of reducing them. T h e labor is about
ao interesting as that of turnint , a grindstone by
hand, or churning cream in cold weather in a
Wherever the pinueli ran be made to an in a
hush-pasture, it should be preferred to any in
strument that barely. cuts the bushes. These'
will make good manure when well buried, and
it is more pleasant labor to plough than to mow
them, Farmers often say we have more Find
near home than we eau mmure, and it is folly
to plough up our pastures unless we ran ma
nurethem : we' are only making them!pnorer.
This is not sn where a grain crop is not taken
off. Every ploughing makes lands richer, pro
vided there is vegetable matter to be buried in
the furrow.
None ploughing will not kill all the bushes,
a second ploughing may finish them ; and it is
'lever to kill half than to let them,. all stand.
lasture•lands that are turned at this season
should lic s sowed directly with gras•seed : no
grain shonld be thrown on. If plaster of Paris
snits the soil, a couple of bushels apread 0:1 an
acre will give. tha grass a good star:: but on..
some soils pla.iter seems to do on !loud.
A man may plough one or more acres in a
large pasture without the labor of fencing off as
in case of planting ; for his cattle may a eneral
ly be taken from his summer pssture in !his
month, before they can injure the new grass.—
When lands are seeded down to grass, !bey
should be harrowed well and laid as smooth as
may be, that they may he better fitted for anoth
er ploughing a few years hence. If no manure
can he spared, the land should be turned occa
sionally, and more especially where there are
bushes. In most cases we obtain better feed
the next summer than if we had not turned over
the soil; but we should not -turn in the cattle
quite so early in the spiing.
Hour doctrine is correct, that grass does not
exhaust lands, it must be evident that by repeat
ed ploughings, and turtling under the vegetalde
growth, we are making our pastures richer and
richer. But how few will plough without sow
ing grain ! Many are loath to make the cx
The plea of the slothful is, " we cannot en
rich our farms, because we have not manure."
This plea will not hold where a man has a team
and a plough.
Truspin ME kDoT: INTO ENGLI 4 II.—List
September oc carted as Emmy loads of loam and
soil from the roadside on to a meadow near by.
as one man could do in one day with a yoke of
The grass on the meadow was coarse,
and as we had an abundnare (d bay, we prefer
red not to Winn' thi6, but to here it green.
One man with oxen would cover nearly one
fourth of an acre in a day, as the long grass
helped to fill up the hollows betwieo the has-
socks. After this was evenly spread over the
grass, so as to cover it completely, a few toads j
of compost manure were spread on the top. and
then herds grass and red-top were sowed and
brushed in. It was near the middle of Septem
ber when it was sown. This summer the piece
gave a fine crop of English hay, and the clover
which was thrown, on in the spring now looks
finely for fall feeding. This land was thorough
ly drained, and the mud from the ditches help-.
ed' us to form the new surface.
Thus where there is soil near a meadow that
is made dry enough to be carted on, one man in
a week, with a si n gle yoke of oxen, will carry
on enough of soil to convert a whole acre of poor
meadow into English mowing.' Say the ex
pense is two dollars per day, or twelve dollars
per acre,—and such land needs not much ma
nure: it will nearly maintain itsell in grass, if
the rowen crop is turned under once in a few
years. This Lind, thus prepared, is worth more
than one hundred dollars per acre twenty miles
from Boston.
How much of such land we have within
thirty miles of Boston, which now bears 'a bur
den that will hardly pay for fencing ! It re
quires no expensive process to double the quan
tity, of hay now cut in Massachusetts.
low Lends.
Now is the time to improve upon lands that
lie too low to be tilled for grain. We know of
many farmers who are determined to make trial
of our mode of treating these lands. We beg of
all our brother farmers to make the trial of at
least one acre each. We know what will be the
result, for we have been practising on this plan
for years. We bring our low lands directly
into grass from gram- without going through
with the very unprofitable process of planting
such lands with corn or potatoes.
We have formerly said much on this subject,
but we think it must not yet be dropped ; and,
especially, as we have very many new patrons
who wish t , know our views in full on a sys
tem of seeding lands to grass which never has
been extensively practised in any part of the
Any farmer may try a single acre without fear
of ruin, for he may plough din a day, one more
day will serve to carry on his manure and seed
it to grass. If he dare not venture so far out of
the common course of hushaudary, let him try
one fourth of an acre, and finish up the business
in half a day.
Every farmer of fifty acres has some land too
low to be planted. Every one has lands which
lie cannot make so productive as he whould
wish. If we pursue the systern of planting
each field before we lay it to grass, the process
requires so much manure we cannot do lustire
to all our fields : some must lie nearly unpro
ductive, merely for want of due attention.
In general, the time to plough is when there
is sot - fiend:l , r on the ground that may be turned
in green. This is cheapest, the easlest. the
safest mode of enriching our worn-out
By adopting this pl.m we can easily make, all
our tilia , e lands fertile. We can go through
each field with such rapidity that the whole
farm may feel the benefit ofoor presence.. 13y
ploughing in a green crop of rower at this bole.
hut very little manure is required to addition
fur an,acre, and ivc arc thus enabled to reed
down four acres for one for the next season's
In addition to this, the sod keeps the land
light !ouch longer than if it had been pulverized
by plaiting; consequently the land will no'
need to be ploughed again so soon.
' But Most of Ds have lands so low that we
cannot think of planting them. They produce
nedies, skunk-cabbage. buckhnrn, polly-pod,
bond's bane, moss• or low blueberry' bushes.
that are all worth rather more n he covered up
by the ColDeh than to be mowed or fed.
Many such fields as these may be easily
plotwhed. and now is our time. Our cattle are
strong., Rod Are kept new at small expense, com
pared with 'sprint , keeping on hay. We have
now more leisure for ploughing than at any sea
son when We have any thing that is green to be
covered up.
We will a mil remind our early patrons and in
form our more recent friends of our mode of
,eedinc on tl.e furrow at this season of the year.
We take a good plough that will lay the furrows
flat; we next roll them down hind, then carry
on a duzedloads or more of compost, or fine
in-inure. and harrow thoroughly. Ast length
wise of the furrow, then a litile angle-wise.—
We then sow herds-grass seed and red-top, and
cover it up with a brush-harrow. It us hest to
sow clowil a. soon a. possible after ploughing,
as the seed is more likely to vegetate.
In winter we sow on some clover-seed. and
that will he forward enough for fall feeding next
season. Clover will not remain long in such
laud, hut me think it best to fill up the ground
with good grass, to kimp out the poor. By the
time this top-rooted plant dies, the whole space
will he filled by the spreading herds-grass and
red top
Preparation of seed \lint.
_ I have noticed several communications in
our velualile paper, al mot the preparation of
seed ; as they all differ somewhat from
the method I have adopted for the last three
years with much success, I beg leave to give
you inv mode of preparation.
I place a half e liesehead nearly full,of water
in my barn—add glanber salts until the water
ceases to dissolve them ; then take half a bushel
of wheat in a bale basket, sink it gradually,
stirrinz it with a paddle, untillevery particle of
filth is washed out, whir h'Avill float on the brine;
raise the basket suddenly to throw off the filth,
let the brine drain from it. place the wheat on
thereat and roll it in newly slacked lime, then
run it a side to let it dry a few hours before
seeding ; skim the floating filth from .the brine
and strain it throu gh a colander or IMO seive.—
lly this mode one hand can wash as fast as ten
ploughs can put it in.
In 1813, I' received 100 bushels of seed wheat
from the Western shore ; after seeding more
than one half. 1 discovered smut in it, and pre
pared 30 bushels as stated, =shine °Min quanti
ty of smut and other filth. In 1844 Ifound the
smut much increased in the wheat not prepared ;
in that prepared after a careful examination. I
found only one smuthead ! I then examined the
grain, and thought Iteould see a perceptible dif
ference in favour of the prepared wheat.
In the fall I seeded 75 bushels of that wheat,
washine imly 12 bushels. In 1815 1 examin
ed carefully the 12 bushels seeding, and found
no smut; I did not - examine that not prepared,
but found none in cleansing it for market. 1
again compared the grain, and observed if any
I thing, a great difference in favor of the prepar
ed wheat. I also discovered a like difference
in a white wheat that I was seeding.
Last 1,11 I prepared my entire crop s 162 bush
els, using
. 200 lbs. salts, and nearly six barrels
of slacked lime. '1 seeded two small parcels of
wheat, one from Pennsylvania, the other from
the southern part of this ititte, both containing a
large portion of smut ; if these prove clean, the
coming harvest. I shall consider this preparation
Roof against smut. As we have discovered an
antidote for this pest, I now no longer fear it
and will recommend to your subscribers in this,
part of the country, the change of their seed
wheat at least every two nr three years, for I am
fully satisfied from experiments I hive made, that
great gains will result from it.—Farmer's Cabi
MENTAL. AnarrsTios.--Wonderfully does
the mind of man suit itself to occasions, and
become accommodated to every circumstance.
It will rise superior to the strokes of fortune,
he happy in adversity, and serene in death.—
The consciousness Of rectitude will not onlyi
enable it to endure evil, but divest misfortune
of its every terror. Tenderness will yield to
an unbending firmness, and the eve in which
the tear of emotion has so often started will
disdain to weep. Ile who remarks the vicis
situdes of fortune, and how quickly prosperity
may be succeeded by a fall, can alone appre
ciate that property of the mind by which it be
comes elevated in triumph and . extracts from
adversity its hiddenjewel . N ot rightly allow
ing for the action of this property, we err often
in imputing misery to the cheerful, and felici
ty to the sad. Belisarius, blind, and the sport
of his enemies, might have yet been happier
than the emperor of the east. The principle
of adaptation to every thing which can be the
lot of man is a good genius which follows him
throughout his being. and its workings are
alike evident, whether you regard his mental or
physical relations to the phenomena which en
, compass him ; it is this which gives a zest to
his pleasures, a solace to his cares ; it gilds for
him the sunbeams of the morning, and when
night approaches. it smooths" for him the
raven down of darkness till it smiles."
PARSNIPS FOR Moos.—W hile carrots appear
to be excellent food for horses and cattle, and
very poor food for hogs. parships are found to
be very fine for hogs. A writer in the PRAl
rue FARMER. says, that parsnips are preferred
by hogs to all other roots. make excellent pork,
and will fatten them in six weeks. A hog 22
months old, weighing when alive 750 pounds,
was fattened entirely on-raw parsnips, and sour
milk " and liner rneat was never seen."
INDIAN CosTuur...,.—ln Washington recent
ly, during the hot weather. it is said that one
of rile Indians now. in that city, was going up
the avenue clothed in such apparel as civiliza
tion was heaping upon him. Feeling them of
no mariner of use. he took off his pantaloons,
threw them over his arm, and strode up the
avenue in buff instead ru black. He attracted
quite as muck notice with them on his arm as
if they had h-en on hie legs. It was comfort
over ciethzinion.suggestive ofone of the south ,
ern styles of costume for the summer, viz : a
straw hat and a pair of Spectacles.
Gazette propounds the following Mollie:batt
en! question : •• If a man is to poor to pay for
a newspaper, how many dogs can he afford to,
keep ?"
And make room for the Soreragn Balm Pilk.
It is now about lour years since Dr. E. L. Soule first
introduced the Oriental . or Sovereign_ Balm Pills to the
public, and we venture to say, that ho other medicine
has given such universal satisfaction, and the sole in
crease so fast. for with very little exertion or advertising
the demand has increased to cover 1000 boxes per day.
They arc intirely vegetable, and cause no pain in their
operations, being perfectly safe for young or old, and
those of debilitated constitutions, and as a family med
icine, have no equal. They are an effectual remedy
for diseases of this climate,such as bilious diseases in all
their various forms. FC% CT, MI-Liver Complaints Head
aches, Cough's, .Colds, Costiveness &c. We have
warranted them in over 100 cases of Fever and Ague,
and have never known them to fail in removing it, in
from one to six days. when taken according to direct
toms. They never limie the bowels costive, being
very different from any other Pills in use, which leave
the bowels costive, and one (low:only creates the necessi
ty fir another. In nervous debility . and female weakness
their effects have been truly astonishing,. They have
restored a large number of such cases after they hail been
confined to their beds, and given up by their physicians.
The certificates a few of which may be seen in our cir
culars. %M i ch may be had of our agents gratis. They
q iiet the nervous system. and remove the cause of nor.
vows irritation. In short they strengthen and renovate
the who le system. In cases of Dyspepsia and costiveness
they hove worked wonders: Thousands have been re
stored from all the horrors attic above diseases,- and a
number of them it] Syracuse, and in
, this county.
FOT particulars see circulars.
We have always taken great care io selecting and
compounding our medicines, which has liven done by
Dr. SOU IC in person, as may be seen by the following
curb ieidr.
We base acted as agents for Dr.E.L.Soule for the last
four years in purchasing most of the nr,slicutca used in
the composition of his pills.—During that time some
of the articles base advanced nearly an hundred per cent.
lie has not varied his proportions, and has at no time
used any but the bent tinalities of medicines. R•e hive
also acted as agents in selling his Sovereign Bairn
fills, and from the universal satisfaction given, we con
sider they rank among the best pills now before the pub
lic. Dr.Soule is the person who first introduced them
into this cnuntry, and has continued the manufacture
of them ever since. •r.B.Frrcnt fit Co.
Syracuse • February 23, 1810.
None are genuine. except those bearing the name of
Dr. E. L, Soule & Co. nn the fare of each linx.
For sale by Huston & Ladd, Towanda: George A.
Perkin= • Athens; Lyman Durfee, Smithfield; A. 4. S.
H. Morley, Burlington; Levi Taylor, Granville; Sand
Smith, Franklin; A. Burroughs, Monroctan ; George
Nichols. Rome ; H. Z. Friable, Orwell; be Raysville,
J. E. Bullock
S .1 7- ;' -
THE next year of this In-titutiot will commence
on Monday the 3lst day of August.' :1111.J. C.
MAN, Preeeptress. The year sail be divided into four
terms of eleven weeks each. The first term will be fol
lowed vacation of one week.
The second term will cottatienre November 231.
The third term will cow:ame Fela nary Sth, and he
followed by a vacation of one week.
The fourth term will vornmenco May 3, and be sue
ceeded by a vacation of 51[ wee Ira
T.itcot. iwr hrn .?1 rle , •cn treck,
For the common Fm.llirsli studies,
For the higher branches, including. Natural,
llcctital and Moral Sciences,
Matlientatics and I,mm:tux's,
For the second and third terms, Extra,
For Drawing and Palming,
For Music, with use of Instrument,
Several literary and sidentilic gentleman, in conjune
t:on with the principal, have consented to favor the in
stitution with lectures on the more important branches
of education, free of charge.
All students will he charge.' for not less than half a
term', unless absence is occasioned by illness or other
unavoidable causes,
The exerciseitiof composing and declaiming will he
required of everv‘student, unless evcused by the teachers
or parents.
The COWS() df instruction is designed to be thorough
and practical, adapted to the requisitions of business,
and the demands of an intelligent people.
The Academy has one el the finest locations on the
Susquehanna, commanding- a charming view of that
beautiful river, the borough of Towanda and the sur
rounding landscape.
From a contiden, in - the zeal, enierprize and abilities
of the teachers, and the unusual prosperity of the school
during the past year, we take pleasure in recommending
this institution, to the fa vor.tble rec. , Ira unit patronage
of en enlightened. intelligent and generous people,
trusting that it will COMM.., 111 U,111111,5, ao,t the
consequent favor of the public.
J. It. moNTANI - E
c. T.. WARD,
.1. F. MEANS.
11. S 3tIERCCR,
Tolianda, August 3, 1916.
•Owing to an error in manuscript, the date of the
hand-hills will be found incorrect. It is three days
too late.
t The late Preceptress, having left the institution,
without giving the necessary notice, we lire under . the
necessity of deferring the opening of the Female De
partment for one week.
MISS BLACKMAN comes highly teennitn".ledss
0 pianist and a scholar. J. C. VANEERCOOK.
RESPECTFULLY informs his litends that helms
leaned the above House, situated on the south
side of tne public square, lately occupied by A.M. Coe,
and having made entirely new arrangements, is now
prepared for the reception of vi•itnrs, Presenting his
compliments to his friends and the public generally, and
assuring, them no pains or expense will he spared to
please his ,guests, hr respectfully, solicits public patron
age, pledging himself that svtide the establishment is
under his control, it shall not be excelled by any in the
The room, f the • CLAREMONT HOUSE: a r e
spacious and airy, and furnished in the best style.
The Table will be furnished with every substantial
the country can produce.
The Bar will be stocked with the best liquors in a
pure and unadulterated state.
First rate Stablina attached, with ready and faithful
Ostlers always in atteodanrc.
In short, nothitia will he omitted, which will add to
the comfort and convenience of customers, and with his
facilities, he believes satisfaction will be rendered to all.
Towanda, April F. 1 sic,.
S. Z'S .11. C. .7EFIRCUR,
consistin a. of err rtif h which will
be sold at thc loeLest notch
Towanda, July 6, 1816.
Prints. and Gin:chains.
17.1ZY large and beautiful assortment of Printx,
Ginghams and Lawns, purchased in New York,
since the late reduction of prices, just received at
Jolt' S. M ERC I "ILS'.
IaRECTED CAEICOES-20,000 yds., from
to 25 cents. Those wishing Prints had better
nail themselves of this opportunity—they are selling
rapidly. G. E. FLYNT & CO.
iiihr the Directors of the" Towanda Savings Bank,"
1.31 held at Towanda, May let, 1846, the following
preamble and resolutions were dnanimously adopted :
Ilesolved. That the largest stock of GOODS shall
be placed in No. 5, south end Brick Row.
Resolved, That - GEU. E. FL YNT & CO: shall con
tinue to sell Goods as usual—cheaper than any other
establishment itt Towanda.
Resolved, That the " Savings Bank" regulates the
prices of Merchandise and Exchange until our next. an
• -
Resolved, f Phat the war against Lumber—Credit and
High Prices, shall be continued. • -
Resolved, That the " Ready Pay System " is best
adapted to this atmosphete, and when in successful
operation. goods have, can and shall be sold cheap as
in the next place. .
Thrt more goods and better, shall be sold
at N 0.5, (F. & Co.) for the coming twave months,
than any edict!. establishment,
Besotted, That the proceedings of this meeting hi
published in the " Bradford Reporter," and " Bradford
Argus." and two thousand copies circulated throughout
the county. GEO. E. FLYNT & Co.
Another Great. and Enthusiastic
A T A MEETING of "all Na. 3—Brirk Row." held
11. on the 33d,day of May, inst., 01.. D BAIRD. was
called to the Chair, and BILL ll•inn appointed a com
mittee of the whole to draft resolutions. After several
pathetic speeches by Eleuzer and George, the follow
ing Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
Whereas, There appears to be a great desire on the
part of some Merchants in the Borough, to come up
along with No. 3 ; and Whereas we are willing to
assist them in doing so as far as consistent : Therefore
Resolved, That such merchants have our consent to
unite their several stocks together, as the only means
by which they can equal No. 3.
Resolved, That the " Shavings Bank" take the
right wing ; "small profits and quick sales" the left,
and " New York in Miniature" the rear,—a pike team
bark wards. .
Resolved, That we never before thought New York
W 34 such a looking place as " its miniature exhibits.
Resolved, That No. 3 always has, always CAN, and
always WILL, sell goods cheaper, better goods and
more of them than any store in town. •
Resolved, That the proceedings, of this meeting be
published in the Viithge papers, and that one copy be
handed to each of mir iompentors, and lull a copy to
New York in minialurr."
11av 39.1846.
- T y
.1. -14.1
WILCOX & SAGE have associated themseves
in the Boot and Shoe Making business. in the
borough of Towanda, and may hr found at the old stand
of cl.lfathaway,lately occupied by Elkanah Smith. near
I. H.Stephens' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit n
share of public patronage. They intend, by a carelll
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
their customers,to make as neatind durablework as can
be manufactured in this portion of the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture
to order, morocco, calf and coarse boots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's
gaiters and pumps, &c., &e.
Towanda, May 14, 1845
C.4III✓3'ET f: It E
3141 BE HAD at our slow much lower than i
has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods ar,
ebeilp, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason w
can afford all for to do it. All kinds of produce wil
he teceived in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds
:Sept. I. 1,. M. NYE 4 CO.
4 no
5 ou
2 00
7 00
5 00
CCID XE.r"II2L Ec4:s
ILL be kept on hand a large assortment, and
4\7/ made to order on shorter notice and for less mo
ney than can be produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired.
September I. 1845. 1,. M. NYE A• CO.
1011:1 VOCE% 33L'°' ..1Z4231141:1C '
L. M. NYE & CO., wouldre
spectlly inform the citizens of Tow.
. arida and the public generally, that
e - .2fltM rt - -•:: • they have on hand & manufacture
54faL 'tfItfl.
ti,• if' to order all kinds of CABINET
'FURNITURE, of the best meter
dabs, and workmanship that cannot
• - he surpaq.ed, in additionto the usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
o hall nes er lases its elasticity, and finished with the
best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having
had much en pt•rience in the businstw, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to
quality and price, and by strict ,attention to business
hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal com
munity. L. M. NYE & CO.
Tat GT t.F 4
Towanda, September 1, I ftdb.
A - 14M FOR 4FOOL.—The sulivorther ha. n
objection to pay part or even all CASH for Woo
at as high rates as the market will permit.
Towanda. May 20. 0. D. BA RTLETT.
jIX NETS, another lot just received and for sale
cheap a'. jell REEDS',
IWANTED-500,000 Shingle
300,000 feet Board;:
1000 lbs. Good'Butter ;
June 14. J. D. - E. D. NI ONTANYE 4- CO
1111; • 90 AN O 111._=.•
Established .71lay MEL
Sew Store, :Vac Goods and Nov Pricis
G. E. FLINT & CO., the only Ori:inal Cash Store
TWELVE MONTHS' experience has induced the
Cashier & Co. of the "Towanda Savings Bank"
to enlarge the sphere of their operations, being well as
sured from the past, that the system of " Pay to-day
and trust to-morrow," is well adapted to Bradford
county. Our stock of Goods surpass in quantity and
quality any previous stock, which will enable us to of
fer greater inducements than ever. The following are
a few among the many articles that comprise our stock
of Dry Goods :
French, English and American Cloths. French Cas
simere, Vestings„Sattinet, Summer Stuffs, Carpetings,
French Muslins, Lawns, Barageo. Balzarines, Gingham
Ginghams, Cashmeres, De Laines, Shawls
of all descnptions, such as Brocha Plain de Laine,
Rarage, Super silk, Rob Roy, and Menno, Parasols,
Sheetings,Tickings, Drilling, Bagging, Wicking, Oil
Cloths, &c. 20,000 yards printed calicoes, together
with our usual stock of Milinery Goods. Our stork
embraces almost every article usually called for. We
haspiaar, received a l ar ge invoice of Family Crocenes—
which we are offering at reduced prices—time and spare
will riot allow us to enumerate. Also, a large stock of
Crockery, Glassware, Shelf Hardware, Nails. Steel,
Iron. Hats and Caps,lloots and Shoes, &c., &c.
We take this opportunity of returning our thanks to
the people of Bradford and adjoining counties, and in
vite all who wish to Dn . GOODS CHEAP, to give
us a call, as we are pledged to go for " The Cash Par
' N." We assure our friends that no compromise has
been effected with the CREDIT OR LUMIIER pri
ces, but we shall continue to buy I'm' and sell cheap, as
long as there is a cosh customer in Itself ernenig.
Our motto for the sear to come, is—" WE HAVE
WE CAN. WE Wi1.1.."
rr - 3 - Lind: far The Sarin cs Bank, No. 5. South End
Brick Bon•. GEO. E. F'l.V\l' CO.
Towanda. May 20.
W . UM NI F.:11 SHAW LS. Handkerclicifd and Ribbon
bcaatiful and cheap, at lay 20 BETTS'.
The Treasury of History,
Comprising a general introductory outline, of Universal
History, Ancient and Modern, and a series of se
perste histories of every principal nation that
exists, their rise, progress, present -con
dition, &e., &c., ,ke ,
Author of the " Treasury of Knowledge," " Biographi
cal Treasury," &c. including
The republication of this valuable work has been
undertaken partly on account of the high favor with
which it has been received in England, but chiefly in
consideration of its.intrinsic value, arising from the
felicitous adoption of the plan to a want that has been
long and generally felt and from the judgment and
fidelity manifested in its execution. The idea of giv
ing in c single work, of no very formidable dimensions,
a sufficient outline )f the world's" whole history, and
similar outlines of the history of every nation, is so
obvious, judicious and appropriate as to require no
culogium. Every person who cares at. all for the
acquisition of useful knowledge must desire to posess
such a general knowledge of past cventr, pot only in his
own country but in all countries, as shall enable him
to understand the perpetually recurring allusions that are
found in almost any course of general reading; because
for want of such understanding there is always a'serious
diminution both of pleasure and profit. even in the
perusal of such works as are designed chiefly for amuse
ment. For instance, most of Sir Walter Scott's novels
are founded upon history, and abound with reference to
historal events and personages, a want of some acquain
tance with which detracts seriously from the interest and
delight they are so well qualified to awaken; and so of
most other works belonging to the better class Of what
is called light literature. lint the difficulty has been to
obtain this general knowledge without going through
many books, requiring a greater expenditure of time and
money than most persons are able or willing to afford;
and to obviate such difficulty has been the purpos of Mr.
Itis plan has the merit of completeness, and is un
doubtedly the best that could have been desired. H.
gives first a general sketch of ancient and modern his
tory—a rapid and comprehensive bird's-eye view, as it
wercynt the rise and progress of nations, the most im
portant incidents of their career, and their relations to
each other; and after this he takes up the nations
separately, furnishing a concise digest of all that is im
portant or desirable to know concerning each, and thus
affording a sort of key to the changes and events that
were more briefly indicated, rather by their results than
theri incidents, in the general sketch or ontline. Thus
the salient points of history- are brought within a man
ageable compass ; and an excellent foundation is laid for
more thorough and extensive reading in reference to
any portion of the world or any epech of which a com
plete knowledge may be desired.
In the execution of this plan the author haii been very
surri, , f Li I. His notices of historical events,though brief.
are lucid and satisfactory; and he tracer the connection
of effect and cause with singular acumen and generally
with most commendable freedom from partiality or bias;
thus supplying a very• good idea of the philosophy of
history as well as of the facts which history records.—
In word, the work will be found invaluable to the ge
neral reader, and a very useful help to the student.
Complete in two volumes, large octavo, with engrav
ings, $4. An edition in paper covers, complete, suita
ble for mailing, $:3 - . DANIEL A DEE,
Publisher, 107 Elton-street. New -Stork.
Elmira, Corning. and sitiffalo Line.
THE Proprietors of the above Line will continue to
run a Line of Passage Boats between ELMIR 1.
CORNING and BUFFALO. foi- the accommodation
of EMIGRANTS and FAMILIES, moving West, af
fording facilities not heretofore of 'red to the Emigrant,
from this section of New York and Pennsylvania.
The Boats of this Line are of the FIRST CLASS
fitted and furnished with all the conveniences and ac
commodations of PACKETS, commanded by experien
ced Captains. and towed by relays of Horses.
During the season . 4 1816, one of the above Boots
will leave Corning, aturElmira, every week, in the fol
lowing order:—
CORNING. eve r y' Monday evening. at 6 o'clock P.M.,
every Tuesday- evening, at 6 o'clock P. M.
To, mg down Seneca lake every Thursday 'morning.
touching at Big St•enm, Lodi, and Dresden, leaving
Butralo,for Corning and Elmira, every Wednesday
FOR EREIG HT OR PASS \GE apply to Captain
on board, or to Win. Mallory, Corning,
S. B. Strang — Sr. co., Elot;ra,
Wintertnute & llor,chead.v,
A Nash, Havana,
1.. G. Townsend. Big Stream, .1
Woodworth A: Post, Lodi,
Price & Holly, Geneata,
Gay dr Sweet, Waterloo.
J.Shoemaker, Seneca Fall,
Boker 4- Ross. Montezuma,
H. Wright. Rochester,
H. Niles,, Buffalo.
THE vubscriher not being in full communion with
the firm of he is not prepared to boast of
the largest asssirtment of JEWELIIN" out of Jail : and
having ney er I, arned the iilV , lel ni bußiness.
he is.not prepared to do any work in that line; but
having served a re.zulur apprentirrsh:p ( 7 ) in .the
watch repairing business, and the experience of I G years,
has no hesitation in saying that all work entrusted to
him shall Inc done in a workmanlike manner, pmmptly,
and second best to none west of that city front whence
came that lull:lay rush of Gold Jenuiry
Now my friends, in all your . getting, ° don% forget
to get crier watches fixed at old No. 100 opposite the
Public Siivare,and two doorsmorth of Briggs' tavern.
Towanda. April 2", 1916.
ICI 1. 13.-1 pledge myself to do my work right. All
work warranted one year-and the money refunded if it
does not perform according to agreement. Stick a P.O.
there !
AIL - CCM 'ME" Mt 411 E.. SIL.T.".ab
AFIN and after MONDAY. MARCH 36th 1846, the
Ur Passenger Cars on rhe liamvort and Elmira
Rail Road will leave Williamsport daily at half past
five o'clock, A. M., and at two o'clock P. M. while the
watermen are travelling.
A daily line of mail coaches, will Hive Trout Run
for Tioga County, i ianediately after the arrival of the
Extras. will always be in readiness on the arrival of
the ears at Ralston, (besides the regular mail line,) to
carry Passengers to
and the intermediate places. The road ror foot travel
ing from Crandle's to Blossburg is in"good order.
Passengers may rest assured, that evemetTurt will be
made by the-company to give satisfaction to the travel
ing public, and that this route North, is tat' , cheapest,
the most comfortable and expeditious in the State.
RI/BERT FAMES, President.
Willliamsport, March 21, 1846.
ALLpersons indebied to, the estate of Joel Tattle,
late of Standing Stone township, deed., are reques•
44.1 to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate. will please present them dil
ly attested to AI BA TUTTLE, Executorr
Standing Stone, June 4, 1946.
ALL7:persons indelded to the estate of lames
Ennis. late of Standing Stone township, der . d., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
those having claims against said estate, will, please pre
sent them duly attested to ASA STEVENS,
Stnniling Sibiu.. June 4, 1846, Executor.
CNINIER sT CT FS—BY the Yard, 1311 e or Pack
nge. at G. P.. FIXNT
11 ELINt/li ENTS
TMH who have purchased enods Montanyes
's stol on a years credit. at as cheap rates
as they could host been enabled to do at oilier places
for Cash will do o ell to pay tip. if they wish to I.uip
the pot hoilintr. I tine 17. 1546.
18 - L. 123 ci 1.1.1
orney at Entr,
OFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Row, di
rectly over tl,e Pmt Office. Main street. rrEn
trance at the north cud of the budding. (13.
The above Perindicas are reprinted in Newl6, 6
immediately on their arrival by the British steawe n7 7
a beautiful clear type,_ on fine white paper, zuld tre
faithful copies of the originals—ELl czwoon's
ziNS being an ciact fac-simile of the Edinburg e di.
The wide-spread - fame of these splendid Peri o di cal ,
renders it needless to say much in their praise, A a
literacy organs, they stand far ill advance otani worts
of a similar stamp now published, while the .
complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candormd
forbearance not often found in works of a party char.
They embrace the views of the three great parties
England—Whig, Tory, and Radical.—" Blackwood',
and the •, London Quarterly" are Tory; the'• Ellin•
burg Review," Whig : and the" Westminister,"
cal. The "Foreign Quarterly" is purely litera r y,t,
ing devoted principally to criticisms on foreign Cone.
nental Works.
The prices of the RE-PRINTS are leas than one•thiel
of those of the foreign copies, and while they are eq u ,i.
ly well got up, they afford all that atlvantaze to th e
American over the Enflidi reader.
• PAYMENT TO BE MADE`' IN •nviiircz.
For any one of the four Reviews, $3.00 per mum
For any two, do 5,00
For any three, do 7,00 '.,
For all four of the Reviews, 8,00 u •
For Blackwood's Magazine, 3.00 .. •
For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00 .
Four @ivies of any or all of the above works will be
sent to one address on payment of the regular subscrip.
Lion for three—the fourth copy being gratis.
c" .. .1 - Remittances and communications must'be mad e
in all cases without expense to the publishers.—Th e
former may always be done through a Post•maget
handing him the amount to be remitted, taking his
ceipt and forwarding the receipt by mail, Post-paid; or
the money may be enclosed in a letter, Post paid, ea.
rected to the publishers.
N. B.—The Postage on all these Periodicals is re
duced by the late Pnst-OlEce law, to about one-third
the former rates. making a very important saving in the
expense to the mail subscribers.
•.• In all the principal cities and Towns throve
out the United States to which there is a direst Rail-
Road or Water communication from the cilpf No,
York. these periodicals will be delirrred FREE OF
LEONARD SCOTT & CO. Publisher,,
]year 112 Fulton St., New York.
New Blacismithing Establisiiment.
In Towanda,
Prices 25 per cent. cheaper than hare ere
been known in Northern, Penn'a.
HE subscriber, having commenced the above bi
siness, takes this method to inform the inhabb
tents of Towanda and vieinity. that he is prepared to
do all kinds of work entrusted to his care in the in
neat and workmanlike manner. such I...ironing role,
es, earriages, sleighs, of all kinds; mill•wrtrk of as
kinds, done a little nicer than at env other shop in in
county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOL.", to
fill up crevices, and .finally all kinds of work in the
above line (horse , shoeing excepted) and will warrant
all my work to stand the /PA. ry me end if you Jo
riot bird tliingnjust right, then put me down. iron my
long experience in the buiones+, I Bauer myself 'hat I
can please rill kinds of people. You ran find me It
all times at my shop. a few rods south of Bridge suer.
known as Means' old stand.
All kinds of Protluett taken in payment for work.ard
a little of the:ready Jo-Davi. will not he mfu•ed.
Towanda, IV ay 6, 1846.—y
R .1 \M Es M. GOODRICH has located lon,
if' at NIONIZOE, for the practice of hi+ profess:en
and will be pleased to - wait on those requiring his re
vices. He may he found atl. L. Johnson's tavern.
Roletence may le made to Drs. lice ram tk. Ml5O,
of Towanda. April s
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry Silverwr
.17' NO. 1. lIRI.CK ROIL
1 11, 7 .a of M N ß 'e E w [ l l-j o i r -\ k - ! i s r l e or tu tre rn ,t 6 Z
ment of FA Sif I - All 1.. E J E IVEU: Y. ever brought
to this place, such as Fingrr-rings, Breasbpins,of every
.description; Lockets, bracelets, gold and silver pooh,
gold keys, thimbles, silver spoons. sugar tongs, specta
cles, for all ages, pen aad pocket knives. (Roger's toe
nufacture,) and many other articles which be will
extremely low for CASH..
All kinds of WATCHES; consisting of potent! ,
ver, L'Epine, English and Swiss watches, warranted to
keep good time.
It is as clear and unquestionable as our right to the
whole of (irogon, thjt m .A. CreAMDLTILIN
the I tege.t and be-t ,elerted aseatettnenf,of Fancy
ever 10-oight into the I.orotezh of To%,,and.t, and Ulu be
will sell his goods rile-tip - 7 lhan was r nala' by any
human tiring. bring !—stick a pin there !
1.13. Watches warranted to run well one year, or
he money refunded; and a written agreement goo
o that effect to all that dp.ire one.
CO' MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kindsof Coate
ry Produce received in payment.
W. A: - CHAMBERIJN, .Agent.
Torrarvla April 2'2, 1846.
THEsubscribers stilleonze
tomof : et : t : o : keepood
. at their old stand. all lands d
411 Cane and lrood rs
also Settees of rariouskind i
4. BEDSTEADS, of erelV
I k
description, which we will
. sell low for cash or prolate.
TURNING done to order.
Towanda, A pril'23. 1845. _
aZrsTtralai is ZielVV?a(i)2)
Over Montanye's store, next door to ?demur's law ail
at the old stand of Powell & Seaman.
MIER/ IfilEral 4IG.
ELlielJr4ll SMITH . 1 4 SOX. ,
113,ESPECTFULLY inform that they,still roma
1.11, the manufsEture of Saddles, Bridles, Harriet
&c., in Cot Mix's-building, next door to J. C. AMP
Law Office, where they will keep constantly on hot
and manufacture to order,
Ehtstie Web, Common and Quilted Saddle.
Harness, Carpet Bags,
Bridles, I Trunks,
Collars, Valises, 4:e. tr .
Carriage Trintnting and Military Work dose'
Mattresses, Pew and Chair Cushions made oe
notice and reasonable terms.
The subscribers hope by doing their work nell. cd , ,
by a strict attention to business, to merit a 00
public patronage. ELRIANAH smrre:
Towanda, May 21, 1845. '
7 crins of the Bradford Reporlrr•
Two tl,llars and fifty cents per annum; Firrl,69
deducted if paid within tho year; and for C.ISII ten"
ally in advniire, Ov.r. DOLLAiI WM' he deducted-
Stri,scriliers at liberty to discontinue at sny MO'
11,1 In; orrearozes• Most kinds of CorNTal rllOOlll
received in parment. at the market price.
f ;TEO
.Advertisements, not exceedinu a s 4 l lll r e
inverted for fifty cents ; every subsequent iirc,°s"
twenty-fivc cents. A discount made to yearly sd" ut ,.„
-inn Pni vri NI:, of every description, neatly sa d
red executed op new rind fashionable 1 7r*
Letters on business pertainitn; to the oil& tog' tc "
free of postage, to cn.mte attentiou•