Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 09, 1846, Image 3

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    Ilizhly Important from the Pacific.
[Corresponienee of the Public Ledger.]
Corn. Stoat tak n Possession of California
-1:J-tension :of the Revenue Laws of the United
States over that•Vountry. ,
W•SIIINGTOPt. Sept. lot. 1846.
I wrote you a week ago that onr squadron in
the Pacitic would not long remain idle, having
rece i v ed positive instruction to be up and doing.
1 nowhave the pleasure of communicating the
following important news .
Commodores Sloat entered the harbor of Mon
terey, and on the 6th of July-issued his procla
mation to the inhabitants of California, calling
on them to remain peaceful, assuring them that
he did not come as the enemy of Californir, but
a s their friends—that they are destined to form
part and parcel - of the great federal union of the
United States, enjoying the same rights and
. v ileoes as the citizens of those States. They
should select their own civil officers and magi
strates, and enjoy all other privileges of freemen
o f which they are now in part or wholly de
prived. The same revenue laws should be in
force in California as in the United States, by
which means they would, as Californians and
members of the American Union, obtain provi
sions and manufactures of the United States
duty free, while all other imports would pay a
duty at least twenty-five per cent. less than is
t,ow levied on the same articles by the laws of
Mexico ; those who will not become citizens of
d ie great American confederacy, to depart in
peace with all their property, provided they lay
down their arms and remain in other respects
neutral. Ile enjoins them to retain their Alcades
and other magistrates till they should have bet
ter digested the particular form of government ,
they wish to adopt, and have had time to, elect
oilier officers in their places. All property of
private citizens, and particularly that of the
hutches, should be respected ; all supplies and
provisions paid for, on reasonable terms, and no
private prflperty, used for public purposes with
out proper compensation.
The proclamation is dated Savannan, harbor
of Monterey, and signed John B. Stoat, com
roinder-in-chicf of the U. S. forces in the Pa-
Captain Montgomery, of the - U. S. ship
rortsmorth. entered the harbor of Yerba buena.
and issued his summons to the inhabitants of
the country, in virtue of instructions from the
Commodore. The summons bears date July
9, teas..
In addition to the above news information
has reached here that Col. Fremont's advanced
pats have reached Sonoma, to the north of
San Francisco. Gen. Castro, Governor of
the Prov.nce, advanced at the head of his
troops to repulse them ; but the gallant Col.
meeting him in person, the Mexican.forces re
The Californians are greatly divided among
themselves. A junta met at Santa Barbara.
headed by Governor PiCo, proclaiming Cali
fornia an hulepentlent Republic. Hereupon
the Mexican Governor. Castro, declared the
pro ice under martial law.
Goobs.—The opening sale of the sea
hibit prices greatly reduced from those
et fact year. Printing cloths, which last year
r 7, cents, have recently been sold at .1
,rots, and yet we are told that the new mills
ri afford to make them. Calicoes have fallen
,:itictlitng like the same proprotion. The
times are now quite as low here as in England
for common goods. Woollens too are very
c'leap, and our manufacturers hate acquired
such skill that they make, a beautiful casstmere
by 55 to 75 cents, and.yet save sometliing.—
There is nu fear of England, France or Germa
ny. nt such a market. Whether these prices
are !hr consequence of the excessive action tin
der a high tariff, or the apprehended influence
of a lower one, we cannot say. The low pri
ces which both Protectionists and Free Pra
yers have predicted as the consequence of high
proiertion, have come about and are present
with us. —Journal of commerce,
This is a very importaw matter to every con
sumer in the country—a reduction in the price
•of articles they extensively use of more than
/oily per cent. We do not bear that the wa
ges of the work f men employed in these factor
ies haven been reduced in the least. The re
duction in the prices of the articles must there
care come from the manufactureres profits.—
still, ills said, that they can afford to make
goods at these prices. This shows that the
cotton manufacturers of this country are fiXed
upon s tirm basis, and may now defy the com
petition of any one.
ELECTION IN VERMONT.—The State election
is 1 ermont occurred on Tuesday 'ast. Re-
froni two counties, make Eaton, the
" ' candidate for Govenor. 1,015 ahead—a
'; , Il!c better than Slade last year. Partial re
;,,ras for Congress leave no doubt of the re
i.e,-tion of lien. Jacob Collamer (Whig) in the
"I:nlor. and very little of the choice of lion.
it in. Henry, (Whig, in place of Don. Sol.
I ~tit. declined) in the Windham and Rutland
1 4istrict. The Atlas has returns of the election
4” 10 Whigs and 2 Dena. Representative-1
\Vim, gain. 1 (Ludlow) no choice.
There are three tickets in the tield for go
ruler, Whig, Democrat and Abolition.
/lnizcinc,—On Tuesday at Philadelphia,
strnuel Taylor, about 30 years of age, went 'mate men into a tavern. They all took
f=r. , nt-thi ug to drink and left Taylor to pay the
henry McDonough, who waited at the
VI, demanded the pay, but was refused ; he
told Taylor to leave the house.-as he was
shut•up. Taylor seized him by the
the neck, but McD. pushed him away,
' 211,1 [1; Taylor to fall on an iron foot railing
1:1 trout of the bat, striking his head and pro
tl,Flag death. The Coroner ' s inquest render
ti a very indefinite verdict, so that MeD. was
, -cannitted for a hearing on the charge of mur-
1 1Att. To OtEGON.—The Postmaster Gen
eral gives public. notice to postmasters and oth
er., that an- opportunity of sending letters,
newspaper s and other mail matter to O:egon,
Anil to citizens of the United States at the Sand
etch Islands, mill shortly occur by means of
public vessels : to be despatched from the port
of New York around Cape Horn, and up the
P. , eitic coast, free of any charge for the trans
"""ion in those vessels—the matter to be for
trarcled by other opportunities from their pla
r.l.l debarcation. The inland ptistage to
€'l;e York must be pre-paid, and the letters be
tiirected to the care of Mr. A. E. Wilson, crier
(..llll, Astoria, Oregon.
srt.Ait CANAL BOAT.— We see it stated that
, aeatuboat is daily passing front W ilkesbarre to
1'41510 5.0n the North Branch canal. This boat
'was built by Capt. Converse, for the purpose of
r, tile prameability of navigating the North
~atic,l Canal With steam, and so far it hag been
Proceedings or the Liberty Convention.
held in the Moro' of Towanda, Sept. 5, 1816.
GILES M. De WOLF was elected President and
J. W., iNGLIAM Secretary.
The following resolutions were discussed and unani
mously adopted.
Resolved, '!'hat the highest of all the enjoyments of
life, and the dearest of its pleasures grow out of person
al liberty, to which the Creator of Earth and Heaven
has given to every man an inalienable right by nature.
Resolved, That the fundamental principle upon
which all republican governments should be based, and
the foundation of all republican institutions, should be
the right of every man by nature to personal liberty,
and the equal rights of every citizen in their persons
and property and its -aanagement.
Resolved, That the declaration of our fore-fathers
to the world in 1776, that all men were created free, and
equally entitled to liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
is the grand principle upon which our federal republic
is based.
Resolved; That the powers of the federal government
of the Milted States of America, instead of being exer
cised for the promotion of personal liberty, the establish
ment of justice, and the extension of the area of free
dent, have been wielded by the Whig and Democratic
parties, for Abe suppression of personal liberty, the de
struction .of natural tights, and the extension of the
area of slavery.
Resolved. That the war which our nation is new
waging with Mexico, owes its origin to the insatiable
cupidity of the slave power to strengthen slavery by the
annexation of Texag, and is, in our opinion, a national
calamity ; visited upon us for wrongs done to the African
Resolved, That the organization and success of the
Liberty party, will not endanger the permanency of the
Union, or the rights of Southern men, in their person
or property, hut will secure both by the abolition of
slavery, wherever the power of the ballot, and the will of
the people can legally accomplish it.
The followinz persons were nominated as Liberty
Congress—G.F. Horton.
Senator—G. N. De Wolf.
Assembli—John Keeler, J. W. Ingham
Commissioner—Daniel Coolbaugh.
Auditor—John Bolles.
completed his task on Wednesday, of walking
1000 miles in 1000 consecutive hours. He is
a wonderful , walker. He walked in 1818 a
quarter of a mile in a quarter of an hour suc
cessively, for six weeks ; 1815. 1100 miles,
at a mile an hour; 1816, 1100 miles, begining
each mile within 10 minutes after each hour ;
1816, 1993 half miles in 1994 consecutive half
hours ; 1817, 2000 miles in 42 days : 1845,
51 miles daily for 20 successive days.
—The British Government has sent a gold
medal to Captain Daniel P. Upton, of the ship
Governor Davis, belonging to Train & Co's
line of Liverpool packets, for his noble and hu
mane conduct in saving the lives of the crew of
the British ship Glenview, on a passage from
Liverpool in 1845. The same Captain, last
winter, in the Governor Davis, from N. Or
leans, to Liverpool, tell in with the wreck of the
British ship Mary Barbara. and took off the
Captain and Crew, fourteen in number, and car
ried them all safely to Liverpool.
RANT.—A family of sixteen Germamernigrants,
in company with others, on their way to the
West, took passage cin the steamboat Oneida,
I . or..llhany. last Saturday evening. When they
arrived, on Sunday morning. they took accom
modation at a German boarding house on the
dock. IV hile waiting, for one of the'canal boats
for Maid", on which they had taken passage.
theft whole stock of money, amounting mahout
250, was stolen out of a small willow basket
in the hat. worn. The har-kireper and several
others have been arrested on suspicion.
FROM SANTA FR.—Several Santa Fe traders
arrived at St. Louis last week, They brought
between fifty and sixty thousand dollars in spe
cie. They represent the travelling on the prai
ries as good, and the grass in excellent condition.
The news is not later than previous adt ices:—
The people of the upper provinces genendly
are lepresenteo as being favorably disposed to
wards the government and people of the Unite]
States, and inclined towards a political alliance.
stalment of $l5 is called for on each share on
which the payments already made do not ex
ceed twenty dollars. The directors advertise
for proposals for the construction 01 133 miles
of the Erie Railway, extending from Port Jer
vis, in Oringe county, to Binghamton, in
Broome county.
Smart, of our city, on Monday. went with a
friend into the "cave of the winds." He at
tempted to climb a rock near the mouth of the
cave, but slipped, and was seen lying on his
back. Assistance was procured, lint he was
dead. It is thought that he was suffucare'd by
the rush at wind. •
We have heretofore 'numbered ourselves among those
who believed that the '• Hotr Tonic" prepared by Dr.
Jayne, was one of the many quark nostrums whose vir
tues are never seen beyond the fukonie pulTs of their au
thors. We arc willing, at length, to make public ac
knowledgments of the error of our belief. An intimate
friend, some two or three months since, all the top of
whose rraninm was as bald as a piece of polished marble,
maugre all our jesting and ridicule of the idea of attempt
ing to cuit;rafe so barren a spot, purchased a bottle or
two of the Ilair Tonic from Dr. Jayne, and, according
to his directions, applied it. During the present week
the same friend ushered himself into our presence, and
uncovering his hitherto naked bead, astonished us with
a thin, tho' luxuriant growth of hair, from one to two
Mae% in length—upon the very premises we had be
lieved as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless sand
thavalcirts the Atlantic. This is no puff, but is religious
ly true, and to those who doubt, the gentleman eats be
pointed out. What is more in favor of this "Tonic,"
the cash here cited was not one of temporary baldness—
no sudden loss of the hair—but was one of years stand
ing. though the gentleman is but forty-five years of age.
—Phila. of the Times.
American and Foreign Newspaper, Advertising &
Subscription Agency Offices,
GEORGE PRATT, 164 Nassau-street, New-York;
V. B. PALMER, No. 30 Ann st.. New York; Real
Estate & Coal Offiee,No. 59 Pine-st., Philadelphia;
Receive subscriptions and,a,vertisements for most Fo
reign and American Newspapers, and ore duly consti
tuted Agents for the ' l ` Bradford Reporter."
13y the Rev. S. H. Hazard, en the evening of the Ist
instant, at the residence of Mr. Harry Strope, in Wy
S . 4llOrE, all of Wysoz.
rp , ""• -- S. M. HEW LE rr, ut Massachusetts, the
"Jersey Own," will lecture on the subject of
TEMPERANCE, at the Court House, on MONDAY
evenilig, nest, at early candle light.
annual meeting in Springfield, Bradford county, Pa.,
on the third Wednesday and Julawiug Thursday, in
Septcnikr, (16th and 17th.)
MONTANYES' & CO.. are now recieving a very
desirable assortment of Goods.purchased during
a great depression in the market, compriing French dr.
English- ROA D-CLOTHs. CassimeTs and Sit ttinete,
and the choicest patterns of Prints and Worsted Goods.
Grateful for past favors they respectfully solicit a gene.
rims public to call and examine their stock, and think
can hold out sufficient inducements to ensure their share
of public patronage.
September 7, 1848.
fIARDWRARE, Crockery, Boats & Shoes, Hats
& Caps,pron, Steel, and Nails, Sole and Upper
Leather, Calf. Morocco and Lining skins, Codfish and
Mackerel, and all kinds of Groceries Will he arriving
during this weok at MONTANYES' & CO.
• Writ/tam Scott,
WILL promptly and punctually render his profes
sional services in Agaicies, Collections, and
other matters in his piotession. entrusted to his care:
CO' He has removed his office to the room over N.
N. Bette' store.
WOTICE is hereby given, that a special Court will
- 111 be held at Towanda, in and for the County of
Bradford, by the Hon. Wm. lesser, on Monday, the
26th day of October, 1846, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the
trial of the following causes
Alexander Baring et. al. vs. Almond Berry; Meet.
Girard Life Insurance Company & Co. vs. Edward
Overton et. al. ; Eject.
A. Boring et. al. vs. Ezra Allen ; Eject.
A. Baring et. aL vs. E. A. Ayres and terre tenant;
A. Baring et. al. vs. Nicholas Voorhes; Eject.
• A. Baring et. al. vs. Moses Chamberlain et. al.; Eject.
Chester Butler and wife vs. John Burnet et. al.; Eject.
John Ackla vs. A Bowman et. al. ; eject.
A. Baring eL al. vs. Clement Leonard; eject.
A. Baring et. al. vs. J. Wood Adms. &c. sci. fa.
A. Baring et. al. vs. J. Wood Admit. &c. t sci. fa.
A. Baring et. al. vs. Stephen Wilcox; sci. fa.
A. Baring et. el. vs. B. Seely et. al. aci. fa.
A.,Baring et. al. vs. S. Rawly Ear. Om et. nisei. fa.
A. Baring et. al. vs. W. Galusha et. al.; eject.
A. Baring et. A. vs. G. Harkness et. al.; eject.
ADDISON M'KEAN, Prothonotary.
Towanda August 22, 1846.
Arrival of the Great Western !
At Towanda. August 18th 1816.
jrN the Cargo will ha found a large lot of soda, sugar
and lemon crackers, Ladies lasting gaiters, do. Misses
Morocco boots, do. Misses walking shoes, do. childrens
leather boots, do. Misses gaiters, and boots and shoes of
all kinds, which will be sold very low for ready pay.
N. H. 50 Firkins of good butter wanted, for which
half cash and half trade will be paid, and the highest
price. and the lowest trade at the grocery and shoe store.
The subscriber has been so long in the business of
boots and shoes, that he flatters himself that he can
furnish a better article than was ever brought into this
I want you all to come ano try,
If they do not tit yo need not buy,
Some WA are broad,and some are narrow,
If you want good shoes, come to O'Hara.
Towanda. August 18, 4846.
Great Attraction at No, 1, Brick Row !
CHAMBERLIN is now receiving a splendid
~ assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and
e Sniffs and in addition, a full and complete as
sort tof FAMILY G )CERIES ;—the stock con
si-ting in part ul the following:
Alum. Alcohol. Aloes, A nnatto, Antimony, Arrow
Root. Arsenic, Aqua Fortis, do. A nimoc, Bottles, assort
ed, Bears t ill, British Oil, Blue Visriol, Borax, Bark,
l'eruv. pule., Bath Brick, Balsam Copaiva, Burgundy
Pitch, Camphor. Calomel. Caraway Seeds, Cantharides,
Carb. A trillion ~Cayenne Pepper, Chamomile Flowers,
Cinnamon, Cloves, Court Plaster, Copperas, Confec
tionary, Corks of all kinds, Cream Tartar, Curcuma
Culiclis, Emery, aad from No. 1 to 6, Epsom Salts.
Fsscnce Bergamot. do. Lemon. do Peppermint, do. and
Oil Spruce, Flor. Sulphur, do. Belmont, Glue, of all
kinds, Gold Leaf, Gum Opium, do. Arabic, do. Copal,
do. Assaf -, do. Myrrh, do. Tragacanth, Harlem
Oil, Hiera Picra, Indigo, Spanish, float do. Bengal, Ink
Powders, Ink, in bottles, do. Indellible, Irish Mom,
Isingiass, Itch Ointment, Ivory Blaek,Jalap, Laudanum
Licorice Root, du. Ball, Lunar Caustic, Macassar Oil,
Mace, Magnesia, do. calcined,. Manna, Mustard seed,
do. ground, Noes rig Bottles, Nutgalls, Nutmeg, Oil,
fall, winter and summer strained Sperm, bleached, wht.
and natural, do. Linseed, do Camphine; Sweet, do Vit.
rol, do. Wintergreen, do. Peppermint,* Aniseed, do.
Lavender, Opodeldoc, Para,goric, Pearl Barley, Pepper
Sauce, Perfumery, Pill Boxes, Pink Root, Prussian,
Potash, Quicksilver, Rhubarb, rt. dr. powdr„ Roll Brim
stone, Red Chalk, Red Precipitate, Saffron, American
and Spanish, Sand Paper, Sal. Ammoniac, do. Clauber,
Saltpetre, Sarsapa-illa, do-Syrup, Sealing Wax, Senna.
Shaker's Herbs. Sponge, coarse and fine, Starch, Snuff,
Maccaboy de. Scotch, do. Cephalic, Soap, Castile, do.
Shaving, do Winsor, Spermaceti,,Spts. Hartshorn, do.
tilt Dulc., Sugar Lead, :kip. Curb. Soda, Sulph.
Quinine, Syrinfies.assom:sl, Tart. Acid. Tenter Hooks.
Vials, assorted, Valerian Root, Wafers, White and Red
Black Lead. Casßia, Chalk, Chrome Yellow, do.
Green, Coral Varnish, Coach do. Lead. White, dry
and in Oil, Lamp Black, Litharage, Putty, Paria White,
spani.ih Brown. French Green, Spt. Turpentine, Rosin,
%venetian Red, Verdigris, Vermillion, Whiting, Yellow
iinl 1,V00,1, Nicaragua, Madder, Muriate Tin, Oxalic
Avid, Plii,siait Blue, Pumice, Red Saunder,, Rotten
tst.aie Caisoaond, Cochineal. Ext. Logwood, Eustic,
Crain Tin, Ilatcliwood, Lac Dye, Logwood.
The gnat English remedy, Burhan's Hungarian
B Adam of Life, Viand': Sarsaparilla, Breitol's Ext., do.
Weaar's Bal,nni Wild Cherry, Pectoral Honey of Li
verwort, Cheescman's Arabian Ita!sam, Pills, Oriental,
do. De. Pose,. do. Hooper's, do. Moffat's, do. Persian,
do. Brandreth's, do. Phinney's, do. Lee's, Godfrey's
cordial, Thompson's Eyewater, Dr. Jayne's Epectorant.
Tea. Coffee, Sugar, Spice and Pepper, Starch, Rai
sins, Soda Crackers. Cinnamon, English Currants,
Nutmegs, Ginger,Sein ref. Family Soap. Sperm Can..'
dies Chemical Wax, do. Tobacco and Snuff, Sal „Era
tux, Pipes, Brooms, Pails, ropes, Refined Loaf Sugar,
Looking Glans plates of all sizes, Window Glass, 7
by 9, 8 by 10,10 by 12, 10 by 14;11 by 15, 12 by 16,
12 by 18.
Fancy articles of all kinds. Also—Fine Butter
Towanda. Aug. 4, 1816. ' A. S. C.
,' V indent Judge of the 13th Judicial district convist
ing of the counties of Luzerne, Bradford and Tioga, and
H. Morgan and Reuben Wilber esqna, Associate Judges
in and fur the county of Bradford. have issued their pre
cept bearing date the 25th day of July, 1896, to me di
rected, for holding a court of oyer and Terminer, general
quarter sesi,ons of the peace, common pleas and orphan's
court, at Towanda, for the county of Bradford, on the
first Monday of September next, being the fifth, to COll
- two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given,
to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables
of the county of Bradford, that they be then and there
in their proper persona, at 10 o'clock In the ferenooc of
said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations,
•and other their remembrances, to do those thinga which
to their office appertain to ho done; and those who are
bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute against
the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said coun
ty, or who are or shall be bound to appear at the said
court, are to be then and there to prosecute against them
as shall be just. Jurors ore requested to be punctual in
their attendance, agreeably to their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 25th day of July, in the year ef
oar Lord one thousand eight hundred - and forty-six
and of the ludtpellilence of the United States the
sevuny•9rnl, JOILN P.MLAN6, 6hcrall.
LIST OF JURORS drawn fur September Tbrm &
Sessions, A. D. 1846.
an 4ND irnoun.
Pike—Lyman Buck, George W. Humphrey.
Windham—William R. Dunham;
Smithfield--Sterry Duffey, Asher Huntington
Athens boro.—James Fritcher,Chest: er Stephens
Monroe—Abram Peak.
Warren—Eben Griswold,
A lbany—Christain Beverly,
Leroy—Orator Holcomb, Nelson Reynolds,
Wella--811as Jones,
Burlington—Ales. Lane. Mark Preston,
Durell—James P. McCracken,
Troy—Uel Porter,
Granville—Joseph Pratt, Benjamin Saxton.
Canton—John J. Reynolds,
Columbia—Mial P. Slade, Ira Webber,
Athena tp—Levi Westbrook t
Herrick—David Armstrong, •
Monroe—George E. Arnout, Judson Blackmon, Ely
Warren—Benjamin Buffington, Jacob D. Burbank, A.
Pendleton, Thomas Stevens;
Granville—William Bunyan, Alanson Bailey. R.
Columbia—Albion Budd, •
Litchfield—linen Corner, Samuel Davidson,
Towanda born—William A. Chamberlain, Henry
A. Carey, Harry Max, G. H. Eaton;
Troy—Gilbert Elliott, Joshua G. Landon,
Asylum—Elmer Horton,
Smithfield—A. Hale,
Shesheguin—lthel Horton, H. Hughes ;
Ridgebery:—S. Hermin ;
Windham—William D. Hartshern ;
Wells—P. Mopes;
Athens tp--8. McDuffee, H. Murray, Benjamin G.
Rice, A. H. Tozer;
Wysoz—D. E. Martin, H. Strope,
Canton—E. Rocklell ; •
Spnngfield—N. L. Yetka;
SICOND wxetc.
Springfield—William Brace, S. D. Haiknesa;
Springhtll-3 Black;
Monroe—William Bowman. I Hart;
Herrick—N. P. Bosworth ;
Wyalusing— A. P. Bites, E. Beeman, William Mor.
row, D. Williams ;
Leroy—N. Bullock •
Pike— G. W. Brink, C. Lewis;
Sheshequin—J. Brink, M. Russell ;
Granville—L. F. Clark, E. Twain ;
Warren—J. Canfield;
Ridgebery—W. Collin. L, !artisan;
Troy—l. B. Greenleaf, A. Hebbard ;
Athens bore—.l., Harder;
Towanda boro--S. Huston
Standing Stone—H. Hutt;
Burlington—J. Hillson;
Columbia—B MeKean ;
Towanda tp-8. Powell, J. J. Slaver;
Wysox--C. Pierce;
Athens tp—G. Rogers;
Duren—J. Stevens ;
Ulster—A. B. Smith ;
Canton—C. Stockwell
Windham—William Sibley, M. Wood ;
kl 7Y - ' CO t
THE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing, to
his friends and the public generally, that he is
now receiving a very large and carefully selected ad
dition to his stock of GOODS, bought for Cash, and
selected with the express view of UNDERSELLING
Towanda, May 13, 1846.
ING DEPOTS ; awarded the (fold and Silver Medals,
Four first Premiums, and Two Highest Honors, at the
National, the Massachusetts, !he New York, and the
Pennsylvania Exhibitions, respectively, (or the moat
splendid Colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus
ever exhibited,
Portraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to
Instructions given in the art.
A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on
hand, at the :owest cash prices
New i(ork. 551 Broadway ; Philadelphia, 136 Chest
nut S.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58 Hanover Sts.; Bal
timore, 205 Baltimore St.; Washington, Pennsylvania
Avenue; Petersburg, Va., Mechanics' Hall; Cincin;
nati, Fourth and Walnut, and 176 Main St.; Saratoga
Springs, Broadway ; Paris, 127 Vieille Rue du Temple ;
Liverpool, 32 Church St.-3y.
FLOUR --Superfine Flour, for sale by the barrel at
4 EATHEK—CaIf Stuns, Solo and Upper loather at
July 7. MERCTIR'S.
BLACKSMITHS, and others wanting IRON OR
STEEL, will do well to call and examine the large
assortment kept constantly on band at MERCURS'.
O n - • ALT—a quantity just received, and for sale by
NAILS & SPIKES, assorted sizes, and of superior
qualities, for sale et jlB MERCURS'.
d r, LASS-7 by 9, Bby 10, 10 by 12,10 by 14 IT,
VW by 15, 12 by 14, 12 by 16. 12 by 18. 14 by 16,
16 by 20, this day received at jlB MERCER'S.
Dreadirsi Shipwreck.
Arlol the 11th of August inst., was dissolved in con
sequence of mismanagement of the Capt. of that
Siiip which sailed from this port the Ist of June last—
the Mate escaped with his life; the last he saw of the
Capt. he was stuck on the shoals of selfishness with all
valuables left of the wreck on his back. The Mate has
concluded to - sail on his own hooks; . he is ready to do
House, Carriage, Sleigh, and Sign painting, Glazing,
Paper hanging, &c., on reasonable' terms and short no
tice, he thinks all will find-it to their advantage to em
ploy those to do their work that do not go on the prin
ciple of I had just-as leave work by the daq here as
any where." J. M. HURLBGRT, Mate.
Towanda August, 12th, 1.546.
HERF.I3I' forbid all persons buying a note given
X by me to Abraham Towner or bearer. dated May
lot 1845, as I have received no value for the sante. I
am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law.
Rome Aug. 18th '46. ENOCH TOWNER.
THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between L.
Batchelor & A. M. Corel is this day dissolved by
mutual consent all persons indebted to said firm are re
quested to settle their accounts with L. Batchelor, who
will continue the business at the old stand. I would
tender my acknowledgements for past favors, and fur
ther solicit a share of public patronage.
A. M. CORM..
Towanda. August 13th, 1846.
ArIAME into the enclosure of the subscriber on the
J 25 of July, two COWS; one a muily with a
while spot in her_ forehead and a bell on ; the other, a
black with some white on her tail. The owner is re
quested to prove property, pay charges and take them
Athens Aug. 10,1846.
Ink AVID DOANE, my son, a lad over eighteen
KY years left my house on the sth of August inst,
without. any good reason for doing so, and I hereby
forbid! all and any person whatever harboring or trust
ing him on my account as I will pay no debts of his
contracting or expenses incurred by him.
Windham, Aug. 11th '46. JOSEPH DOANE.
LARGE QUANTITY OF 7by 9, 8 by 10, 10
by 12, and 12 by 16 Window Glass, just ree'd,
and for sale by jll5 B. KINGS BER Y.
A N UI.ORDS supplied on the most favorable terms.
BLAI Thoac wishing to buy good Liquor and Segars 25
yor cent. below the usual prices cannot fail to find it to
their n.lonntagr to cell ou TRACY & MOORE.
THE partnorship heretofore existing between tho
subscribers under the firm or Currier & Huriburt.
is this day by mutual consent dissolved.
Toivauil4, Aug. 10, 18-16,
New Wholesale and Retail Couimis.
sion Grocery.
• .
-MIRE sulesrsiber would inform the coed people of
jd . Towanda arid-vicinity, that lie hay opened a new
Emily Grocery store on the corner of W.riu.nd Bridge
streets, where he intends to keep ull kinds of 'Uteri-ries,
that will suit all kinds of customers. Him, kock c•on
prises every article offered in his line, (IN uprx excepted)
Among which can be found candle.. James River Tu
rbacco, sugar, tea, coffee, molasses, tics, ground pepper,
ground allspice, saleratus, cloves, starcb, cinnamon, do.
ground, lump sugar, bar, fancy and castile seep, com
mon crackers, herring, by theiax or less quantity,
mustard,codlish, No. 1. mackerel. Also. swift; segars,
(half vanish at 50 cents per 100) cream nuts, filberts,
almonds, raisins, pepper-sauce, tomato and walnut
ketchups, lemon syrup and carpet bags; combs of all
kinds. A large-stock of CANNES, of all kinds at
wholesale and retail.
Bbots and Shore
He has also a large assortment of the finest and best
article of BOOTS AND SHOES, ever brought into
this market ; beingof Philndglphia manufacture: consis
ting of hlisses'fine morocco boots, calf boots, coarse do..
kip boots and shoes. A very large, lot of ladies kid
slippers, made of the best material and workmanship.
Ladies half gaiters, silk do., boys and children's morocco
monroes, children's half gaiters, boys kip brogans. all
of which will be sold very low for cash, or ready pay.
The highest price paid f..r any quantity of good
Towanda, July 1, 1846.
lEHE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his
4 friends and the pnblic generally, that he i. now
receiving and opening an entire new stock of GOODS,
(et his store in the borough at Towanda, situated on
the east side of Mom street, three noors south of Mon
tanye's Co., and nearly opposite B. Kingbery's) em
bracing everything in the line of
Dry Goods, Groceries, (the ardent excepted,)
Hardware, Glass 4• Queen's Aare, Bouts
and Shoes, Paints. Oils and Var
nish. Iron and Nails, 4-e., 4-c.,
which he will sell as cheap as the cheapest, not except
ing the Ileumlor, or any of 'the champions of small
profits and quick sales. He would respectfully invite
those who wish to buy cheap to call and examine his
goods and price' for themselves, before purchasing at
any other place.
Towanda, May 16.1944
PRINTS, LAWNS & MUSLINS, a large tl.flOrt
ment on hand and for sale cheap at BETTS'.
will be found at uty2o BETTS'.
Of New and Chrap Spring and Summer Goode,
Direct from the City.
BURTON KINGSBERY most respectfully in
forms his old customers, and the public in gene.
ral, that he is now receiving at his old stand, a large
assortment of all kinds of goods, which he intends to
sell a little cheaper than any other store in Towanda.
It is impossible to put in a newspaper all the different
kinds of goods that may be found at my store. I have
a full assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs. Boots and
Shoes, Nails, Iron, Hots ¢ caps, &c. Call and price,
before you buy elsewhere. May 14, 1846.
PRINTED LAWNS, Muslin de Lemurs and Sum
mer Shawls, a very large assortment, which will
be sold lower than be bought at any other store. Call
and see. myl4 B.KINGSHERY.
NONNETS—Any quantity, from two shillings,
Tto $6, with beautiful trimmings, also flowers, in
side sprigs and wreaths, all French, which will be found
at my 14 .B.KINGSBERY.
NO. I, CODFISH & MACKEREL, for sale at
may 13. B. KINGSBERY.
extra - cocoa. superior to old Java coffee, and n
very healthy beverage, Which may be found at the old
Cheap store !of myl3 B. KINGSBERY.
Stray Slurp.
CIA VIE to the enclosure of the subscriber, about the
Li first of June last, 20 SHEEP, having no particu
lar marks, with the exeeption of one sheep having p bell
on. ANN E. lICLL.
Towanda, 1, ly 25, 1846.
THE subscribers would tender their thanks to their
customers for past favors, and call their attention
to their New Stock of Goods, "which exceed their for
mer one in quantity, quality and low prices. Their
present stock having been selected with great care, and
bough! low; they will endeavor to give their customers
better bargains for Cash or Produce than can be had at
any other establishment.
Their assortment being complete. it would be useless
to particularize articles, but would just say that their
stock consists of a full supply of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, Hardware, Dye Stuffs,Drugs, Hats, Bonnets,
Boots and Shoes, &c., &c.
The above stock shall be sold at prices that will give
entire satisfaction.
Being satisfied that ready pay is best for all parties,
enabling the former to sell his produce at a better rare,
and the merchant to sell his goods at lower prices than
he can do on credit, therefore will adhere to the Ready
Pay System. We do not ask you to call and see our
goods first, but examine others first, if you please. and
then ours, and we are sure you will purchase of us if
you want bargains. MAYNARD & WATTLES.
Rome, Juno3o, 1846.
-Arol ici..
THE partnership htretotore existing between the
Subscribers under the firm of Elliott & Mercur,
is this day by mutual consent dissolved. All accounts
due the firm will be found in the hands of Thomas
Elliott who is duly authorized to settle all of the busi
ness of the law firm THOMAS ELLIOTT,
Towanda, August Ist, 1846,
31 So. 4. Brick Row.
THE'subscribers arc now receiving and opening a
very large supply of seasonabl. GOODS, which
they are anxious to yell on the most favorable terms for
ready pay.
They are fully determined 150 t no one shall sell Goods
cheaper than they. Having taken much pains in the
selection of their goods—and as many articles of mer
chantlize have fallen off in price since spring purchases
were made, they confidently believe they can offer
some inducements to those who wish to buy cheap
gaud, they will not readily find elsewhere, especially a
stores that purchased their goods early in the season
!twill take but a moment to drop in and examine some
of their cheap Goode. Such as
'Good 'Brown Muslin, 7 cents per yd.
Calicoes, 7 do.
Very good Prints„ Dial 2& 15 per yd.
Brown Sugar. 7, 8 & 9 cents per lb.
Good Molasses, 30 rents per gallon.
Green Tea Imm I2i cents to $1 per lb.
And all other articles in proportion. They do not
like to say they will sell "eh , aper . ' and "more" "goods"
than any body else. That would seem too much like
bciasting; but they will say distinctly, they ecru. 'COT
be undersold; and, will also gay to their Lumber and
Produce customers, that they have the most entire con
fidence that no fault will be found with the price of
Goods. If thee only bring in their Lumber and Pro.
duce, they will find goods as cheap as where they sell
exclusively for CASH!
Thiry do not consider it necessary to enumerate all
or any of the articles they have fir sale. Suffice it to
say, their assortment is now full and complete. Call
and examine for yourselves.
Towanda, July I, 1848. TRACY & MOORE. •
lIHAVING made arrangements to exchange Cloth
and other geode for WOOL, the subscriber de.
sues to gain the confidence and approbation of the wool
growers In giving them the very be,it exchanges which
dui nature of the market will permit. Call and KY.
Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BARTLE:T*I'.
;TIEN Boxes Lemons just received and for aale •at
July 20, 1846. EfiCtill'S
BONNETS jugt receive,f at the Savinv Bank,
which we are offering as cheap an yemcrany.—
Call and examine. jel7 U. E. FLYNT & CO.
War against Ries Prices and the Credit System
at the .11reto ForL Cheap Store,
No. 2, Brick Row, one door south of Me P.O.
THE Subscribers having entered into a co-panne/-
ship for the express purpose of furnishing the good
people of Bradford County with goods, wares arid mer
chandise, at least one notch lower than they have ever
been sold in this market. They are now securing one
of the largest and hest selected stocks dewing and sum .
mar goods, ever lauded in Northern Yetais)
Thew stock comprises almost every article ever offered
in a country slum. Among which, we can only men
tion that there is a general assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Glass;
11...9ihr, Iron; Bonnets. Boots and Shoes, Sun, Tin
ware, Slone-ware; Liquors. 4e., ¢e., ¢e.
I •
Their goods have been purchased mostly for cash at
auction, and they pledge themselves that they will not
be undersold by any other establishment in this secuou
of the country. !"eople have d only to call at the New
York Cheap Store, (No. 2 liriclt Row,) to satisfy them
selves. C & E. REED
Towanda. May 26. I 546.
r I xi-lUE LA %% Ns, ORGANDIES, LA W
-IL hams. Rept DeLains, Lanolin cloths for summer
dresses, so long looked for by the Ladies, have arrived
and may noiv be seen at REED'S
either Silk, Gingham, or Cotton, may be found
ch.•ap a
M ER Shawls. Muslin
. Del.aine. Omani Del.aine,
Plain and Embroidered Stradilla and liarege Shawls
suitable for summer, - now opening at REED'S.
TEGHORN and ?elm Leaf Hata of all qualities just
1-I received
. _
'l4 ONNETS—A great saving to the '• Heads of the
1- , :Nation." The Ladies will find it a great saving to
their heads to call and pikehase one of those beautiful
Straw, Devon, Gimp. Florence, or. Lace, Lawn, Gipsy
Bonnets, selling so cheap at REED'S.
WI;ST RE'C'D the Largest, Best, and Cheapest
ep of Goods ever brought into Me eousary ! !
Printed muslins, lace muslins, lawn gingham, organdi,
print marquise, Canary lawn, cashmeres, muslin sing
hums a new article, &ranee satin istnped, balzarine, n
few pat. black balzarine, checked print reps and crape
delaine, white dress goods, a large lut of prints rich sod
beautiful patterns, corded arid grass skirts, ombre de'.
laine shawls, plain and shadiNl d 4., blk. 4 cold stradella
shawls, barrige and net shawls, satin striped barrige and
net long shawls, ladies polka, fig'd and striped cravats
and lies, beautiful gimps and frringes, silk demiveils.
green barrige, &c. •
Cheaper than the cheapest—Gipsey pearl braid, oorde.
net lace. florence, gipsey devon- straw edged and plain,
Misses gipsey pedal, birds eye braid and devon straw ;
spendid Bonnet Ribbons, some very desirable styles ;
20 doz. Parasols and 8013 Shades, lady arid gents black
and cul'd Kid Gloves, liin.Cambric Hdkfa. Hosiery 4-c
Twilled French. English and American; doe skin Caa
simere, light and dark striped checked do. a great varie
ty ; golden tweeds, merino caasimere, Kentucky Jeans,
blue drills. A superior assortment of VESTINGS
marsails. valentine. cassimere, plain and striped satin.
10 bales Sheeting, Batting, Wadding and Wicking.
Such as Iron, nails, steel, log chains, halter and trace
-do., mill and x rut sows, augurs and tiles. A large as
sortment of Shelf Hardware, door trimmings, cutlery,
shoe thread. wool and horse cards, coffee mills, &e.
Blood's, Harris' and Wadsworth's Warranted Grain
and Grass Srythrs.snaths and sickles, a first sate article.
Ladies' kid buskins and slippers. morocco and calf skin
boots, black and fancy gaiters and half gaiters, children'■
gaiters and calf boots. A beautiful article gent's gai
iers ; coarse and line Boots. in abundance.
A large stock of Sugar and Molasses: Lump, Loaf and
Pulverised Sugar Fresh Tins Coffee, Rice, Raisins,
nutmegs, indigo, tobacco, fine cut and cavendish, shad
mackerel and codfish.
A general assortment, in setts, or otherwise, to suit cus
400 Men's and Boy's Leghorn Hats ; 600 P. L. do.
n" Butter, Flaxseed, Beeswax. Eggs and Orlin,
wanted in exchange for goods, at cash prices.
Towanda. May 20, 1846
. 311_ at No. 3, Brick Row. my2o BAIRIXS.
Those who wish to Purchase Cheap Goods,
WILL find it to their interest to call at
before purchasin g elsewhere, as we are deter
mined to sell at all hazards. NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
12 D12"I . z•
6 PA doz. Washtubs;
Batts Wooden measures ;
the at No. 3, Brick Row. BAIRD'S.
lbs. at my2o N 0,3, BRICK ROW.
DRUGS & MEDICINES, paints, oils and dye
stuffs, white lead, ground and dry, varnish, pills,
madder, copperas, opts. turpentine, gum copal, alum,
Venitian red, log-wood, red-wood, cam-wood, all for sale
cheap, at ma 20. NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
TO the citizens of Bradford County in general, and
the Borough Towanda, in particular: All
the judgments, notes and accounts of the subscribers,
4111 be collected according to law, without dictinclion
of persona, unless satisfactorily settled within thirty
days of this date. Those who think we are.not in
earnest, will find out their mistake to their own cost.—
Mark that. W. H. BAIRD &CO.
Towanda, May 15, 1846. •
N. B. We would furthermore say upon this subject,
That we have just received a large stock of New Ganda,
which will be sold verfcheap indeed, for ready pay.
VERyTHING in the line. including Elliptic
Springs, Iron Axela, Mailable Burs, Dash, Seat
and Stop Irons, Ornaments, India Rubber and Oil Cloth,
Lace, Tufts, Moss, &c. for Mlle nt jIM MEW 'UR's.
MBE subscriber enntinues to act as agent fox the DE
Philadelphia, a stock company of good standing and re
pute & does business on as favorable terms as any other.
He is also agent for the LYCOMING CO. MU
TUAL. INSURANCE CO., a company which .has al
ways been punctual in the payment of losses and pre
sents advantages seldom found.
Towanda. Mac 20. 0. D. DARTLETT.
CALICOES—the largest assortment and prettiest
patterns, and cheapest CALICOES, to say no
thing of Gingham, Lawns, Are., ever seen in this re
gion. fir sale by my2o 0. D. BARTLETT.
Just received at the Savings Dank :
100 sup. Parasols;
50 Pars/saliency;
100 Umbrellas ;
For the " splinters," we will put Ihem down - low.
May 27. G. F. FLYNT hr CO.
MI WO Journeyman Tailors wonted immediately.—
IL Also, a lad to learn the Tailoring bufinesa, to
coma well recommended, and apply wool. •
Townncla, June 10, 1846.
Nem York in Miniature !
THE Nutwcriber 11314 taken great pains to iiimltitr JIM
assirtittrnt NO complete in
Dry Goods, Books 4. .9otioncry, C roe k ery .
flardawre, Pain's S. Oils. Groeirics.
Nails, !loots A• Shots. bon 4. steel.'
!;hiss, ..S.r., ke-..
8.10 present 10 his frietill. ana Iltc public nearly of quito
all the nth:ant:um of denlma iu dung which conlino
then...4ves eveluhive ly w any one of the ..l.ove branch-
Ch. He 'Mites altenti..ll I. h i , .§...,...1i111C121.
Towauda, May u.kataa-r.
tai CI) 11