Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 19, 1846, Image 3

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    CALIFORNIA REGIMENT will encamp on
Gnorr „, r 's Island this mormogi preparatory
to their departure for the shores Of the Pacific.
his Tell undersmnd that every into going Out
in this expedition is to remain in California as
permanent settler, and the law .pf that country
no w g uarantees a square [eve (1.920 acres of
land in „ e t, „( 'hem. They will find a very
small por u lation there. hut by : next year ten
or f i fteen th , its .11,1 Mornin , ..: Wilt join them,
a nd no daub. large numbers frOm the States.—
T. Sun.
BZATIR, PA., January 22, 1841
D 2. darns—Dear Sir : Having been for a long time
afflicted with Bronchitis, a disease which annually
sweeps sway thousands of the human race to a prema
ture grave, under the mistaken name of Consumption;
sod having heard of the wonderful efficacy of your Ex
pectorant for Couglui, Asthma, Difficiritif of Breathing,
sad every other diseaee of the Lungs, I purchased two
ba d e , of it, and am happy to inform you, and all the
toes and daughters of affliction, that it immediately sup
pr %F ed the cough, removed the pain and difficulty of
La thing, and produced a free and easy expectoration,
te a very soon effected a complete cure.
JONATHAN DAVIS, Babtiet Minister, Beaver, T'a.
imerican and Foreign Newspaper, Advertising Is
Subscription agency Offices.
GEORGE PRATT, 164 Nassau-street, New-York;
y B. PALMER, No. 30 Ann at., New York; Real
Estate & Coal Office, No. 59 Pine-st., Philadelphia;
Receive subscriptions and tk.vertisements for most Fo•
r eign and American Newspapers, and are duly consti
tuted Agents for the" Bradford Reporter."
T" partnnrship heretofore existing between the
'subscribers under the firm of Carrier & Hurlburt.
Is this day by mutual consent dissolved.
Towanda, Aug. 10, 1846.
Dreadful Shipwreck.
fIIN the 11th of August inst., was dissolved in can
t" sequence of mismanagement of the Capt. of that
st;i, which sailed from this port the Ist of June last--
the Mate escaped with his life; the last he saw of the
Cir.t he was stuck on the shoals of selfiAtneu with all
uluables left of the wreck on his back. The Mate has
concluded to sail on hit own hooka; he is ready to do
Nouse, Carnage, Sleigh. and Sign painting, Glazing,
Parr hanging. dc.; on reasonable terms and shMt no
ore. he thinks all will find it to their advantage to em
ploy thliSe to do their work that do not go on the prin
ciple of - I had just as leave work by the day here as
ant where." J. M. HCRI.BURT, Mate.
Towanda August, 12th. 1846.
HEREBY forbid all persons buying a note given
I ty me to Abraham Towner or bearer. dated May
s lett& as r have received no value for the same.
rm determined not to pay it unless compelled by law.
Rome .4 ug 16th '46. EN OCH TO WNE R.
THE Co-partnerchrp heretofore eMiSilllff between L.
Bttchelor 6: 4. M. Corel i. this day dissolved by
mutuil consent ali persona indebted to said firm are re.
•Nr.ted to merle their accounts with f.. Hatelielor. who
sill continue the business at the old stand. I would
'older ray acknowledgements for post favors, and far
„Lai when a share of public patronage. •
Towanda, August 13th, 1846.
, 1 - m DO \NE, oly sort. a lad over eiahteen
my house on the sth of AuelpEt
any good reason for doing an, and I hereby
, ,P all apd Itlor er latHautoz or trust
:ll,:t on :By c..unt as I oil) pay no debt* of Ina
',ll , rdelltia or (`X1.e1).4 - 41 614'11171'd 1,111111."
11 ..ibarti. Aura I Ith Jf EP H DOANE
iirrat attraction al \o. 1, Brick Row'
rfiA VBF.I:I.IN nr, nreising a splendid
.1.-ortmet,t Dr:z, `4,-th .mes. PArntN, I )114 nod
Utz Jtn(S oil 111 .1 , iit1133, a fall end a.-
.. , rtrner t on MILS WERIES;—Lbe stock iuda-
K.tttig m i dr..; the I.lln. I II! :
Alum. A!rribol. Aloes, 2. , ‘ 'math], Antinomy, Arrow
Root. Arsenic. Aqua Forti:, do. Ammo& Bottles, assort
ed., Bears' oil. British Oil, Blue Vitriol, Borax, Bark,
Perin. poly., Bath Brick. Balsam Copaiva, Burgundy
Pitch, Camphor. Catholic!. Caraway Seeds, 4;antharides, •
Cub. Ammon ..Cayenne Pepper, Chamomile Flowers,
Cinnamon, Cloves, Cnurt Plaster, Copperas, Confec
•iiinary, Corks of all t inds, Cream Tartar, Comma
Curs Fs , Emery, ass'd from No. I to 6, Epsom Salts.
Fmenr e Bergamot. dn. Lemon do Peppermint. do. and
Oil Spruce- Flom. Sulphur, do.' Benzoni, Glue, of all
kinds, Gold Leaf. Gum Opium, do. Arabic. do. Copal,
do. Assafirlida, do. Myrrh, do. Tragaranth. Harlan
Oil, !held Plan, Indian, Spanish. fine Jo. Bengal, Ink
Panders. Ink, in bottles, do. Indeltilile, Irish Moss,
!sultana, Itch Ointment, Ivory Black,Jialap, Laudanum
Licorice Root, do. Bull, Lunar Caustic, Macassar Oil,
Mare. Magnesia, do. calcined, Manna, Mustard seed,
'do. ground, Nuts ng Bottles, Nutgalls, Nutmeg, Or!,
fill. minter and slimmer strained Sperm, bleached,,wht.
and natural, do. Linseed. do Camphine. Sweet, do Vit
ro!. do. Wintergreen, do. Peppermint, do Aniseed, do.
Opodeldoc, Paragoric, Pearl Barley. Pepper
sauce, Perfumery, Pill Boxes, Pink Root. Prussiate
Potink, Quicksilver. Rhubarb, et. & powdr., Roll Brims
sore, Red Chalk, Red Precipitate, Saffrcin, American
and. liyaanzah. `sand Paper, Sal. Ammoniac, do. Cluuber.
Saltpetre, Sarsapa-illa; do Syrup, Sealing Waz, Senna,
Shaker's Herbs. Sponge, coarse and fine, Starch, Snuff,
M.ccahoy de. Scotch, do. Cephalic, Soap, Car-tile, do.
Slo.eing. do Winsur, Spermaceti, Spts. Hartshorn, do.
'it Dulc., Sugar Lead, Sup. Carb, Soda, Sulph.
ailcuine, Sl rinfies, assorted, Tart. Acid. Tenter Hookas
TVoia, assorted, Valerian Root, Wafers, White and Red
Black Lead. Cassia, Chalk, Chrome Yellow, do.
Grwn. Coral Varnish, Coach do. Lead. White, dry
and in 011.1. amp Black, Litharage, Putty, Paris White,
'Plinish Brown, French Green. Spt. Turpentine. Rosin,
Inman Red, Verdigris, Vermillion, Whiting, Yellow
- - - -
Red Wood, Nicaragua, Madder, Moriate Tin, Oxalic
Arid, Prunian Blue, Pumice, Red Saunders, Rotten
Nt,ne, Camwood, Cochineal. Eat. Logwood,
Caul Tm, Hatchwood, Lac Dye, Logwood.
B TU gnat English remedy, Buchan's Hungarian
Istm of Life. Sand's Sarsaparilla, Bristol's Ext., do :
Isles Balsam Wild Cherry, Pectoral Honey of Lis
Cheeseroan's Arabian Balsam, Pills, Oriental,
' 4 . Th• Post's, do. Hooper's, do. Moffat's, do. Persian,
Brandreth's, do. Phinney's, do. Lee's, Godfrey's
Tbompson's Ey ewater, Dr. Jayne's Epectorant.
Tea. Coffee, Sugar, Spice and Pepper, Starch, Rai-
Skala Crackers. Cinnamon, English Cyrrants.
ml.s. Ginger, Sem ref. Family Soap, Sperm Can.
dle. Chemical Wax, do. Tobacco and Snuff; Sal lE'a
PiPes, Brooms, Pails, ropes, Refined Loaf Sugar,
Looking Glass plates of all sizes, Window Glass. 7
9. Wh by 10,10 by 12, 10 by 14, 11 by 15, 12 by 16,
12 hy
Cr Ftn eY Moles of all kinds. Also—Fine Butter
" 4 4, Aug. 4,1816
,Ikon Scott,
k700 M5. 9 ::511 . .61.0 Ir. .41.7 0
WILL promptly and punctually render his proles.
~r Rona/ a/mice' in Agencies, Collections. and
`.a matter s in his profesaicm entrusted to his care.
• 7Y ' ll ' ha. tailored hie' office to the room over N.
• 13.146..t0rc.
First season since their tom. of Europe, compre
hending in one extensive and magnificent entertainment
ell the varied exercises and talent of
Embracing the most beautiful Stud of Hones, and the
most costly and brilliant equipage to be
found in all Europe or America.
Among the great features of this Circus, are
The celebrated Dancing Horse May Fly,
The French Polka Horse Has Tempa,
The Twin Waltzing and Trick Ponies,
The Fighting Ponies,
The Fairy Steed Cinderella,
The Lilliputian Troupe of 12 Ponies.
The aetoniehing performandes of the great classic
gymnasians Mr. R. SAND 4, and his talented children
Maurice and Jessie.
The unequalled Juvenile Rider HERNANDEZ,
called the Ducrow of America
The celebrated Juvenile Rider Mester WALTER
The Negro Minstrels, Master Wm. AYMAR, Mr.
Clown to the Ring, Mr. J. PLUTLAND,
Master of the Ring, Mr. B. HUNTINGTON.
Full particulars of the entertainments will be given
in bills and pamphlets on the days of exhibition.
Boxes and Pit 25 cents. Reserved seats for Families
50 cents.
Will exhibit in Towanda on Wednesday the 2d day
of Sept. 1846. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock. Per
formance commences at 2} and 7i P. M.
drIAME into the enclosure of the subscriber on the
k../ 25 of July, two COWS; one a muily with a
white spot in her forehead and a bell on; the other, a
black with some white on her tail. The owner is re
quested to prove property, pay charges and take them
Athena Aug. 10, 1846.
_K2) ~;;
THE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to
bis friends and the public generally, that he is
now receiving a very large and carefully selected ad
dition to his stuck of GOODS, bought for Cash. and
selected with the pawns view of UNDERSELLING
Towanda, NltAy 13, 1846.
Register's ..lrotiexs.
7OTICE is hereby given to all persons interested,
11 that Ira Brown-on and .1. D. Huinphry, executors,
and Cyntnia M. Bull, Executrix, of the last will and
testament of
E heard C. Bull. deed..
late of Orwell township; and Daniel Decker, Adnainis
tratoi of
Jeremiah Decker. deed
late of Towanda; and James C. Ridgway and Margaret
Brissel, Executors of the last will and testament of
James Brissel, dee d..
late of Franklin ; and Chen. Keyes, and William
Peck. timirdians of Hannah Keys, William Lyman ;
Parmelia Keys, nsinot children of
Rerssil Keys. dec'd.,
km of Columbia timmshimi ; and Sstii Smith, adminis
trator of
William Smith, d0.r.(1
Wt. of %VIII iltaol 4.1.111 p ; and Mrrrit.t. (I.lburn II cling
Gunt.itun ut Nelpne G. Hunt, one oi the minor childrtn
de of Totv.oid., borough ; and Daniel Brink, J. Kilmer
and C. BrihY, adinint-trators of
B,l),:grnin Brink 2d. dec'd.,
late of She.hry intown.hip, have filed and Fettled in
the office oft r Reginei of Wills, in and for the county
of Bradford, the accounts of tura several administra
tiona upon tlit• estates airresand, and that the Fame will
he parented to the Orphan's court of said county, on
ftiond.r, tue 7th day of SrptEmher n.oit. (or confirma
tion and allowance. L. E. DE WOLF, Register.
Register's Otfiee, Towanda, July 23, 1846.
.d, .1. Jones v.. .Sarah .9nn Jones. No.
101, Feb. 7'. 1846. In Bradford Common
Pleas—Libel for Ditiorce.
MO SARAH ANN JONES, the defendant in the
above case. You ere hereby notified tha Amass
A. Jour:, your husband, has tiled his petition for divorce
from you from the bonds of matrimony. And that an
alias subtacne has been resumed, and proof made that
you were not to be found in said county. You are
therefore hereby required to appear at the Court
House in the Borough of Towanda, at the September
term of said common pleas, on Monday the 7ch day of
SeptemheT next, to en-wer the said complaint, and show
cause if any you have, why the told Amass should not
be dtvorced from you.
_ .
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, July 25th, 1846.
T HE next year of this ln-titutioi will commence
on Monday the 3lst day of August.• MR. J. C.
VANDKRCOOK, Principal, Miss S. F. WoaTurso,
Preceptress. The tear will be divided into four terms
of eleven Weeks each. The first term will be followed
by a vacation of one week.
The second term will commence November 23d
The third term will commence February Bth, and be
followed by a vacation of one week.
The fourth term will commence May 3, and be suc
ceeded by a vacation of o:x weeks
Tuition. per term' of eleven weeks :
For the common Engli.h studies, $2 50
For the higher branches, including Natural,
Intellectual and Moral Sciences,
Mathematics and Languages,
For the second and third terms, Extra, 25
For Drawing and Painting, 2 00
For Music, with use of Instrument, 7 Oa
Wsthout, 5 00
Several literary and scientific gentleman,in conjunc
tion with the principal, have consented to favor the in
stitution with lectures on the more important branches
of education, free of charge.
All students will be charge , ' for not less than half a
term, unless absence is occasioned by illness or other
unavoidable causes.
The of composing and declaiming will be
required of every student, unless excused by the teachers
or parents.
The course of instruction is designed to be thorough
and practical, adapted to the requisitions of business,
and the demands of an intelligent people.
The Academy has one of the finest locations on the
Susquehanna, commanding a charming view of that
beautiful river, the borough of Towanda and the sur
rounding landscape.
From a confidence in the zeal. enterprize and abilities
of the teachers, and the unusual prosperity of the school
during the past year, we take pleasure in recommending
this institution. to the favorable regard and patronage
of an enlightened, intelligent and generous people,
trusting that it will continne in usefulness, and the
consequent favor of the public.
HIRAM MIX. President.
C. T,. WARD,
Towanda, August 3, 1846.
A. 8. C
•Owing to an error in manuscript, the date of the
hand-bills will be found incorrect. It is three days
too lair.
DEPOTS ; awarded the Gold and Silver Medals,
Fuur first Ptemiums, and Two Highest Honors, at the
National. the Massachusetts, he New York. and *lw
Pennsylvania Exhibitions, respectively, tor the most
splendid Colored Daguerreotypes and test Apparatus
ever exhibited,
Portraits liken in exquisite style, without regard to
Instructions given in the art.
A large assortment or Apparatus and Stock always on
hand, at the :owest cash prices
New York. 551 Broadway ; Philadelphia, 138 Chest
nut S.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58 Hanover Sta.; Bal
timore, 205 Baltimore St.; Washington, Pennsylvania
Avenue; Petersburg, Va., Mechanics' Hall; Cincin
nati. Fourth and Walnut, and 178 Main St. ; Saratoga
Springs, Broadway ; Paris,l27 Vieille Rue du Temple ;
Liverpool, 32 Church St.-3y.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo., lamed
from the court of Common Pleas of Bradford co.
to me directed, Lshall expose to public sale at the hoOse
of I. H. STEPHENS, in the of Towanda, on
Monday, the 7th day of September nett, at 1 o'clock,
P. M., • certain lot or piece of land situate in Wyalu
sing Township, Bradford County. Bounded north by
lands of Justus Lewis, west by Stafford, South
by John H. Black, east by the 'township line. Con
taining three hundred and fifty-two acres, about two
hundred acres improved with four framed houses, three
log houses, one framed barn one log barn, one spring
house one grist mill, and the half of a saw mill, and
three small orchards thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Maim
Lewis vs. Samuel Black.
ALSO--The following described piece or parcel of
land situate in Wyelusing township, bounded and de.
scribed as follows, north by the main road leading from
Towanda to Skinners Eddy, east by Charles Hendricks
land, on the south by land of Ephraim Beeman and
the Susquehanna river, and on the west by E. Lain.—
Containing thirty seven acres more or less, all iropiov
ed, with a new two story tavern house, one stone house
and two hams thereon erected, it being the same prop-
erty which was purchased at Sheriff's sale by Philip
Sullivan in Execution against Jacob Cams and others.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I. H.
Stephens use va. Philip Sullivan.
ALSO—The following piece or pareel of land sit
uate in Granville township. Bournlee on the north by
land of Harry Bailey, on the met by land of Harry
Bailey, on the south by land of John Simpson, and on
the west by land of said Simpson and Bailey. Con
finning fifteen acres, five acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Obadiah
Blakeley vs. John Ashcroft.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Canton township, and bounded es follows, on the
north by the main road, east by Elisha Bloom, sop%
and west by lands in possaadon of Lawrence Ammer
man. Containing about 'en acres more or leas with
about eight acres thereof improved.
seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. H
& L. 0. Hickok se. Lawrence Ammerman.
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of
land situate in Armenia township. Bounded oh the
north by lands known as the Welles lands, on the east
by unseated' lands, south by lands of John Morgan and
Riley Hawkins, and on the west by lands of Philo
Rockwell and unseated lands. Containing two Hun
dred acres, or thereabouts, about sue hundred acres
thereof improved, with one log house, flamed barn and
small apple Orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in Execution at the suit of Peleg
Pecks use vs. John Urainger.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ridgberry twp.
hounded nor h by lands of the heirs of J. Davidson. on
r. 1 4 by land of D.S. Brown, south by lands of C.
1% raix. and west by lai.da Of Timothy Roe. Contain
ing nb..ut twenty acres, with about six acres thereof im
prov“l, with a framed house and barn, and a few fruit
tiers .hereon.
:Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John L.
Werth, ad . .trator of A. A. Beckwith, who survived
H. W. Strong, vs. Jeremiah David-on &D. S. Brown.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of 'and in Itidgberry tarp.
hounded north by tho state line. east by land of
Herrick. Franeia Tyler and I).S. Brow.i, on the south
by land- of B. S. Brown, and J. 'l'. Hoe, arid went by
land of Timothy Roe. and Ww. Seely. Containing
about ninety al re, more or le-s, lifiy acres improved.
with a double dwelhng house, part framed and part log,
arid an apple orchard thereon.
5. ized and takcil in execution at the suit of Neil :Cl%
Duffle v-. Jeremiah Davidson, Sturges Squires and Da
vid Brown, terre tenants.
A I.SO—A piece or parcel of land in Burlington tp.,
Beginning at a white pine N W corner of lot N 0.241.
on warrant lot No. 4430, thence east 118 perches- to
the north east corner of same lot, and south east corner
of Joshua Bailey's lot, thence south
. 147 perches to the
southwest corner of lot 243, a post for a curlier, thence
west 118 perches to the north west corner of lot N 0.255
a post for a corner, thence north 147 perches to the he ,
ginming. Containing 118 acres and 66 perches, strict
measure, it being part of warrant lot No. 44:10.
Seized and taken in execution at the -Mt of Timothy
Paxson and Wm. Davidson. tru-tees of the bank of
A ~ vs. Michael Russell and Enos Bennett.
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of
land situate in the township of Springhill. Bounded
on the north by land of Wm. Mlchuish and John
Rosecranse, east by land of H. W. Neigh, south by
land of Ebenezer and Daniel Limey, and west by land
of William Thompson and William Melbuish. Con
taining one hundred acres, he the same more or less,
about forty-five acres improved, with one (rained house
one framed barn, and a small orchard of Wuit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph
Bramhnll to nse H. W. Neigh, vs. Robert Melhutah.
ALSO—The following described piece of parcel of
land situate in Rome township. Bounded on the north
by lands of the estate of Matthew Cannon, dec'd. on
the east y land Of Godfrey Vought, south by laud of
Matthew Cannon, deed., and 1.. 5: Maynard and Na.
than Maynard, and on the west by land of John Pass.
more and Samuel Mann. Containing fifty•five acres or
thereabouts, about twenty acres thereof improved with
one framed barn and apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofHarry
Gore vs. John L. Cannon.
ALSO—The following property situa'e in Ulster
township, and bounded as follows, to wit. On the north
by land of 0. Saltmarsh, east by the Susquehanna River,
outh by J. C. Adams, west by land% of Hen. Smith,
Containing about one hundred and forty acres With
about sixty acres improved, with one framed house,
framed barn and apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Guy
Tracy, vs. Platt Smith. •
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Sheshequin tp.
Beginning at the east bank of the Island creek, 5 perch
es north of the line between Obadiah and Ralph Gore,
thence south 789 ° east 8 6.10 perches to a post, thence
south '24° east 20 perches to a post, thence south 74}0
west 8 1.10 perches to the bank of said island creek,
thence along said island creek. north 244° west 22 pchs
to the place of beginning. Containing one acre, strict
measure, together with the mill privileges from the isl
and cove.
4 00
5 00
ALSO—One other lot situate in Sheshequin, hound•
ed north by land of Obadiah Oore,east by land of Ralph
Gore, south by land of Avery Gore, west by the island
of Ralph Gore, in the Susquehanna River. Containing
about five acres, all improved, with a grid mill, saw mill
and framed house thereon, together with the mill privi
leges of the cove between said island and the main land.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 0.6 z R.
Gore to the use of Douglass Davidson "vs. Perky Ayres
and David Horton.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Sheshequin tp.,
bounded north east by land of Win. B. Horton and
H rry Smith, north-west by W. B. Horton. and on the
'south east and south west by land of Elias Post. Con
taining about filly acres, about thirty acres improved,
with a log house and !mull orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David
Cash ye. Aaron Post.
ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Leroy
township end bounded as follows, to wit. On the north
by Stone, on the east by S. L. Riggs, S. Yantleet
int N. Reynolds, on the south by the Towanda - Creek
•n the west by lands of Widow Winters. Containing
-events five or eighty acres with about thirty improved,
an old log house and small framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 0. P.
Ballard, vs. Wm. Gorsline.
ALSO—A piece er parcel of land situate in Wells
township. Bounded on the north by land of Caleb
Lawrence, east by the public highway, south by lands
Oliver Be' , ley and wed by land of Henry Beers. Con
taining fifty eight acres, about twenty two acres improv
ed, a bniall framed house and a small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in Execution at the snit of E. C.
Oliver vs. Joseph H. Beefs.
ALSO—By virtue of Sundry writs of Lev. Fa.. •
certain piece or parcel of land situate in Canton town
ship. Beginning at a post, S. E. corner of a lot form
erly retracted to (sliver Bartlett, thence south ninety six
and two tenths perches to a post thence west seventy
nine perches to • post on the east line of Thomas Wil
hems lot, thence north ninety six and two tenth perch
es to the S. W. corner of said Oliver Barnette lot.
thence east seventy nine perches to the beginning.—
Containing forty seven acres and seventy four perches,
Seized and taken, in execution at the suit of the
Bank of Mirth America to the use of Stephen Pierce
vs. Lawrence Ammerman.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Colombia twp,
Beginning at a beech, south west corner of Sarni Lam
phires lot, thence south 25° west 715.10 perches, south
65° east 165 perches to a hemlock, north east corner of
Calvin and Luther Havens.'nortk 25° east 71 and 5-10
perches to a beech, north 65° west 165 perches to •the
beginntog. Containing 79 acres, 117 perches, part of
warrant No. 962.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas
H.' White and Henry Reed executorsof the last willand
testament of Wm White, deed, •s. Alfred M. Moore.
A LSO—Beginning at • post, thence east, eighty
perches to • poet, thence north, one hundred and
seventy-seven perches to • hemlock, thence west 80
perches to • post, thence south 177 perches to the plate
of beginning. Containing esghty-three acres and Ewe
tenths of en acre, with the allowance of sir per cent.
for roads, &c,; being a part of two tracts of land in
Lycomingeoonty (noW Bradford) granted by the Com
monwealth by warrants No. 1119 and 1121, dated the
19th day- of April 1792, to Charles Willing, and by
him conveyed to William Bingham.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alexan
der Baring etal.Acc. vs. Ezra Niles, Samuel Holcomb
and Daniel Lenox terre tenants.
JOHN F. MEANS. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, July 20, 1846.
H. 5..... C. JPIERCUR,
consisting as usual, of everything, which will
be sold at the lowest notch.
Towanda, July 6, 1846.
Priests and Gingham,.
A VERY large and beautiful assortment of Prints,
Ginghams and Lawns, purchased in New York,
since the late reduction of prices, just received at
July 8. MERCERS'.
EVERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic
Springs, Iron A :els, Mailable Bura. Daah, Se. 4
and Stop Irons,Ornacuents, India Rubber and Oil Cloth.
Lace, Tufts, Moas, &c. for sale at jlB M ERt
FLOUR—Superfine Flour, (or sale - by the band at
LEATHER—CaIf Skins, Sole and Upper.leather at
July 7. MERCER'S.
BLACKSMITHS, and other wanting IRON OR
STEEL, will do well tonal and examine the large
assortment kept constantly on hand at MERCURS'.
SALT—a quantity just received, and for sale by
11VAILS & SPIKES, assorted sizes, and of superior
111 qualities, fur sale st jIB MERCURS'.
GLASS -7 by 9, Bby 10, 10 by 12,10 by 14 11,
by 15,12 by 14, 12 by 16. 12 61 18, 14 by 16,
16 by 20. this day received at jIB MERCE'R'S.
MIEN Boxes Lemons just received and for male at
July 20, 1846. MERCUR's
BONNETS ju-t received at the Savings Bank,,
ohich we are offering today as cheap as y.sterday.—
Call and examine. jel7 G. E. FLYNT 4!IE CO.
No. 4. Brick Row.
THE'subscriber. are now receiving and opening a
very large supply of seasonsbl. GOODS, which
they are anxious to sell on the most fasorahle terms for
ready pay.
They are fully determined exit no one shall sell Good.
cheaper than they. Having taken much pain, in the
selection of their goods—and as many articles of mer
chandise have fallen MT in. price since spring purchases
were made, they confidently believe they can offer
some inducements to those who wish to buy cheap
goads they will not readily find elsewhere, especially a
st,res that purchased their goods early In the season
It will tike but a monent to drop in and examine some
of their cheap Goods. Such as
Good Brown Muslin, 7 cents per yd.
Calicoes, 7 do.
Very good Prints„ 10°12 &15 per yd.
Brown Sugar. 7, 8 & 0 cents per lb.
Good Molasses, 30 cents per gallon.
Green Tea lom 19i cents to $1 per lb.
And all other articles in proportion. They do not
like to say they will sell “cheaper" and "more" "goods"
than any body else. That would seem too much like
boasting; but they will say distinctly, they WILL Nor
he undersold; and, will also say to their Lumber and
Produce customers, that they have the most entire con
&knee that no fault will be found with the prier of
Goods. If they only bring in their Lumber and Pro•
duce, they will find goods as cheap as where they sell
exclusively for casts!
They do not consider it necessary to enumerate all
or any of the articles they have ler sale. Suffice it to
say, their assortment is now full atid complete. Call
.and examine for yourselves.
Towanda, July I, 184fi. TRACY & MOORE.
A NDLORD supplied on the most favorable terms.
• Those wishing to buy good Liquor and Segars 25
yor cent. below the usual prices cannot fail to find it to
their advantage to call ou TRACY & MOORE.
THE undersigned, haring been appointod, by the
Orphan.' Court of Bradford county au Auditor
to awn the accounts of Carter Heavens, Administrator
of the Estate of the late Lather Havens, deceased, will
attend to the ditties of appointment on the 20th day of
August next. at 10 o'clock. A. N., at his office it Troy
Borough, of which all concerned will take notice.
July 15, 1846. 5w E. W. I I AZARO, And.
_ .
ALARGE QUANTITY OF 7 by 9, 8 by 10, 10
by 12. and 12 by 16 Window Glass, just reed,
and for sale by jIIS B. KINGSBERY.
THE partnership heretofore existing between the
Subscribers under the firm of Elliott & Mereur,
is this day by mutual consent dissolved. All accounts
due the firm will be found in the h ands of Thom:.
Elliott who is July authorized to settle all of e the busi
ness of the late firm THOMAS ELLIOTT,
Towanda. August Ise., Iflefi.
MYRON TAYLOR respectfully informs the citi
zens of Bradford county, that he has opened a
shop in the borough of Towanda, where he is prepared
to do all kinds of HOUSE PAINTING in all Its va
rious branches in the very beat possible style on short
notice. Having served a regular apprentice. and had
several years experience at the business. he gotten him
self that his work will be WELL DONE, and no mis•
take. Terms to suit the times.
Towanda, July 17,1840,
No. 1, Brick Row Once More.
Wm. A • CHAMBERLIN,has just arrived from
New York, with a splendid assortment. of
Watches. Gold and Silver Pencils, Breast Pins, Brace
lets. Rings, Knives &c. &c., and any quantity of other
articles, too numerous to mention, which will be. sold
Chriper than ever, call and see.
Towanda, July .20tb, 1846.
WANTED -500.000 hbirntle
300.000 fret Board*: •
100016.. Good Butter;
Juno 14. D. 4. E. D. MONTANTE 4 CO
New Wholesale and Retail Commis.
sin° Grocery,
BHE subscriber would inform the good people of
Towanda and vicinity, that he bas opened a new
Family Grocery storeon the comer of Main end Bridge
streets, where he intends to keep all kinds of (lrocerit.v,
that will suit all kinds of customers. Hil .cork com
prises every article offered in hisline, (liquors r.recidtd)
among which can be -found candles. James River To,
bacco, sugar, tea, coffee, molasses, figs, ground pepper,
ground allspice, saleratus, cloves, starch, cinnamon, do.
ground, lump sugar, bar. fancy and castile soap, com
mon crackers. herring, by the nos or les. quantity,
mustard,codfish, No. 1. mackerel. Also. snufl; segars.
(half spanith at 50 cents Per 100) cream nut,,
almonds, raisins, pepper-sauce, tomato and walnut
ketchups. lemon syrup and carpet bags ; .combs of all,
kinds; A large '
stock of CANDIES, of all kinds at
wholesale and retail.
Bois aud Shots.
He has also • large assortment of the finest and best
article of HOOTS AND SHOES. ever brought into
this market; beingof Philadelphia manufacture, .ons's.
ting of Misses'fine morocco boots, calf boots, coarse do.,
kip boots and shoes. A very large lot of ladies kid
slippers, made of the beat matenal and workmanship.
Ladies half gaiters, silk do., boys and children's morocco
monroes, children's half gaiters, boys hip brogans. all
of which will be sold very low for cash, or ready pay.
The higheit price paid for any quantity of good
Towanda, July 1, 1846. _ _ _
r. IHE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his
' I friends and the pnblie generally, that he i+ now
receiving and opening an entire new stock of GOODS.
(at his stare in-the borough of Towanda, situated on
the east side of Morn street, three noors south of Mon.
tanye's & Co., and nearly opposite B. Kingbery's) em
bracing everything in the line of
Dry Goods, Groceries. (the ardent excepted.)
Hardware. Glass 4- Queen's if are. Boots
and Shoes. Paints. Oils and Var
nish, Iran and Nails. 4 c.. 4-c.,
which he will sell as cheap as the cheapest. not except
ing the Renovator, or any of the champions or small
profits and quick sales. He would respectfully Mare
those who wish to buy cheap to call and examine his
goods and prices for themselves, before purchasing at
any other place. N .N. BETTs.
Towanda,-May 16,1944.
PRINTS, LAWNS & MI.NLINS, a large assort
ment on band and for sale cheap at BE'I"FS'.
will be found at my2o HETTs..
New York in Miniature !
THE subscriber has taken great pains to make his
assortment so complete in
Dry Goods, Books 4 Stationery, Crockery,
Hardware, Paints 4. , Oils, Groceries.
Nails, Boots 4 Shoes. Iron 4. steel,
Glass. .ke., 4-c.,
as to present to his friend's and the public nearly or quite
all the advantage of dealing in stores which confine
themselves exclusively to any one of the above branch
es. He invites attention to his assortment.
Towanda, May O. 1846. 0. I). BARTLETT.
yy WOOL!
11HAVING gide arrangements to exchange Cloth
and other goods for WOOL, the subscriber de
sires to gain the confidence and approbation of the wool
growers by giving them the very beat exchanges which
the nature of the market will permit. Call and see.
Towanda, May '2O. - 0. D. B A RTL Err.
r HE subscriber .-ontiriiies to act ,as agent for the DE
Philadelphia, a stock company of good standing and re
pute & does business on us fay. Table termans any other.
He is. also agent for the LITOMING CO. MU.
TUAL INSURANCE CO., a company which has al
ways been punductin the payment...of losses and pre
sents advantages seldom found.
Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BA RTLETT.
CALICOES—the largest assertnietit and prettiest
pitterns, and cheaper! CALICOES, to sac no
thing of Ginghams, Lawns, ,cc., ever seen in this re
gion. for sale by Eny2o 0. D. BARTLETT.
Just received at the Savings Bank :
100 pup. Parasols;
50 Panisullettes;
100 Umbrellas;
for the "splinters," we will put them down low.
41ay 27. . (1. 4 E. FI.YNT & CO
TWO Journeyman Tuilors wanted immediately.—
Mao. a lad to learn the Tailorin.; business, to
come well recommended. and apply soar.
Towanda, June 10. 1846.
PRINTED CALICVES—L2O,O4O yds., from 5}
to 25 cents. Those wishing Prints had better
wonl themselves of this opportunity—they are selling
rapidly. G. E. FLINT & CO.
Of New and Cheap Spring and Summer Goods,
Direct from the City.
BURTON KiIISIGSBERY most respectfully in
forms ins old customers, and the public in gene
ral, that he is now receiving at his old stand, a large
assortment of all kinds of goals, which he intends to
sell a little cheaper than any other _store in Towanda.
It is impossible to put in a newspaper all the different
kinds of goods that may be found at my store. I have
■ full assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs. Boots and
Shoes, Nails, Iron, Hats q Caps, &c. Call and price,
before you buy elsewhere. May 14, 1846.
PRINTED LAWNS, Muslin de Laines and Som
mer Shawls, a very large assortment, which will
be sold lower then he bought at any other store. Call
and see. my t 4 B. KINGSB Y
MIDONNET'FS—Any quanuty, from two shillings,
I to $6, with beautiful trimmings. also flowers, in
side sprigs and wreaths, all French. which will he found
at myl4 B.KINGSI3ERY.
IA and silk Hats. latest styles, and very cheap, at
may 13. 13. KINGSBERY'S.
API'LEBT‘S FINE CUT chewing and smoking
TOBACCO, a prime article fir Pale at
may 13. B. KING:II3EIIIPS.
may 13. B. KINGSBERY.
HOLLOW -WARE, such as pots. kettles, spiders,
&e., at my 13 B. KINGSBERY.
extra cocoa. superior to old Java coffee, and a
very healthy beverage, which may be found at the old
Cho p store of my.l3 B. KINGSBERY.
Stray Shaw.
MME to the enclosure of the subscriber, about the
fins of June last, 20 SH FE P, haying no particu
lar 'marks, with the exemption of one sheep having a bell
on. ANN E. BULL.
Towanda, Jsly 25, 1846.
TAE subscribers wou'd tender their thanks to their
customers for past favors, and call their attention
to their New Stock of Goals, which exceed their for
mer one in quantity, quality and law prices. Their
present stock having been selected with great careoind
boug/d low; they will endeavor to ,tive their customers
better bargains for Cash or Produce than can be had at
any other establishment.
Their assortment being complete, it would be useless
to particularize articles, but would just say -that their
stock consists of • full supply of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, Hardware. Dye Stuffs,Drugs, Haug Bonnets.
Boots and Shoes. &c., &c.
The ahovc stock shall be sold at prices that will give
entire satisfaction.
Being satisfied that ready pay is best fur all parties.
enabling the former to sell his produce at a better rata
and the merchant to sell his goals at lower prices than
he can do on credit, therefore will adhere to the Ready
Pay System. We do not ask you to call and are our
goods first, but examine others first, Wyatt please, and
then ours, and we are sure you will purchase of us if
you want bargains. MAYNARD At WATTLES.
Rome; June 30, 1816.
War against High Prim and the Credit System
.11 the Alla York Cheap store.
_Vd. 9, Brick Row. one door eolith of tfre P. O.
THE t•;ubscribere having entered into a co-paitner
1. ship for the express purpose of furnishing the good
people at Bradford County with goods, wares and mer
chandise, it leto4 one notch lower than they have ever
been sold in this market. They are now securing One
ofthe largest and hest selected stocks °faring end sum
morr goods, ever landed in :Northern Pennsylvania.
Their stock iomprifts almost every article ever offered.
in a country store. Among which, we can only men
tion that there is a general assortment of
Dry Goods," Groceries, Hardtrctre, Crockery, Class,
'Nulls, Inn), Bonnets. Boats and Shoes, Salt, Tin-
ware, Slone-ware, Liquors, 4r., 4-c., 4-c
Their goods helve heen purchased mostly for cash at
auction, and they pledge themselves that they will not
he undersold liy any other establishment in this section
of the country. "eople have only to call at the New
York Cheap More, (No. 2 Brick Row.) to satisfy them
selves. C. dr E. REED
Towanda. May 26. 1 a 46.
HUE LA %,%, .N 6, URtiAA DIE, LA W' WAG-
I. hams, Rept beLaine, Lamina cloths fot summer
dresses, taw long looked fur by the Ladies, have arrived
nral may now 1w seen at REED'S
- 110AILAsU1,e., P. RAe,4I,ETS, rilj:N SHADES,
Tither SA, Gingham, or Cotton, may be found
cheap ga
(1 6 1 t UM M ER Shawls, Muslin DeLaine.Ombri DeLeine,
M Plain and Embroidered Stradslla and Barege Shawls
suitable for summer, now opening at REED'S.
T EG HORN and Palrn Leaf Hats of all qual , ties just
1-4 received and tor sale cheap at REED'S -
11Q0NNETS—A great saving to the " Heads of the
Nation." The Ladies will find it a great saving to
their heads to call and purchase one of those beautiful
Straw, Devon, Gimp. Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gipay
Bonnets, selling so cheap at REED'S.
0 UST RECDthe Largest, Beat, and Cheapest
.ot of Goods erer brought info the =miry !
Printed' muslin& lace muslin, lawn ginghams, organdi,
print marquise, Canary lawn, cashmeres, muslin ging.
hams a new article, (lore:ice satin striped, balvirine, ■
few pat. black halzarine, checked print reps and crope
delaine, white dress gond., a large lot of prints rich and
beautiful patterns, corded and grass skirts. umbra de
laine shawls, plain and shaded do.. blk. cord stradelli
shawls, barrage and net shawls, satin striped trudge a&J
net long shawls, ladies polka, fig'd and striped eravats
and lies, beautiful gimps and (cringes, silk demiveils.
green harrige, &c. _ _
Cheaper than the cheapest—Uipsey pearl braid, oonle
net live; florence, gipsey devon straw edged and plain,
Misses gipecy pedal, birds eye braid and devon strata ;
spendid Bonnet Ribbons, some very desirable styles ;
20 doz. Parasols and Sun Shades, lady and lents black
and col'd Kid Gloves, Lin.Uambrir Hdkfa. Hosiery tic
Twilled French, English and American; doe akin Can
simere, light and dark striped checked do. a great varie
ty ; golden tweed 7 merino cessimere, Kentucky Jeans.
blue drills. A s perior assortment of l' ESTING S
marsails, valentin , caysimere. plain end striped satin.
10 bales Sheen] Batting. Wadding and Wicking.
Such as Iron, nails, steel, log chains, halter and Jam
do., milieus] x ci4 saws. augurs and tiles. A large as
sortment of Shelf Hardware, door trimmings, cutlery,
shoe thread, weed and horse cards, coffee milli, &c.
8100 d ... Harrijand Vi'adsworth's Warranted Grain
and Grass'aths and sickles, a first Bate article.
Ladies kid buSkins and slippers. morocco and calf skin
bouts, black and fancy gaiters and hall_ gaiters, children's
gaiters and calf ismts. A beautiful article, gent's gai
ters; coarse and fine Boots. in abundance.
A large stock of Sugar and Molasses; Lump, Loot And
Pulverised Sugar ; FreA Tra.r ; Coffee, Riff', Raiding,
nutmegs, indigo. tobacco, fine cut and cavendish, shad
mackerel and codfish.
A general assortment. in setts. or otherwise, to suit cur
400 Men's and Boy's Leghorn Hats ; 600 P. 1.. du.
Cr* Butter. Flaxseed. 13eeswas, Eggs and Grain.
wanted in esebange for guilds, at midi prim..
Townntla, Marc 20. 1846
of No. 3, Brick Row. mv2o BAIRD'S.
Those who wish to Purchase Cheap Coals,
WILL find it to their interest to call at BAIRD'S,
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter
mined to sell at all hazards. NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
0) DOZ. Pa PENT PAILS; 2 doz. Washtubs;
JEkiii 12 doz. Broome; 6 setts Wooden measures ;
cite at No. 3, Brick Row. BAIRD'S.
lbs. at my2o N 0.3, BRICK ROW.
DRUGS & MEDICINES, paints, oils antl dye
Milli:3. *shim lead, ground and dry, varnish, pills,
madder, copperas, apts. turpentine, gum copal, alum;
Venittan red, log-wood, red-wood, cam-wood. all for sale
cheap, at ma 20. NO. 3; BRICK ROW.
Y( I ::Q2CEn
To the citizens of Bradford County in general, and
the Borough of Towanda, in particular: All
the judgments, notes and accounts of the subsciibers,
a ill he collected according to law, wiThoitr distinction
of persons. unless satisfactorily settled within thirty
days of this date. Those who think we are not in
earnest, will find out their mistake to their own cost.—
Mark that. W . H. BAIRD &CO.
Towanda, May 11% 1846.
N. 13. We would furthermore say upon this subject,
that we have just received a large stock of New Goode,
which will be sold very cheap indeed, for ready pay.
lIIIT • • ICIT • oliGo Misr Im.
Established flay 1845.
New Store, New Goods and New Prices .!
G. E. FLYNT b CO., the only Original Cash Store
rirt WELV E MONTHS' experience has induced the
Cashier Sr Co. of the " Towanda Savings Bank"
to enlarge the sphere of their operations, being well as
sured from the past,. that the system of " Pay la-day
and trust fo-morrow." is well adapted to Bradford
county. Our stock of Goods surpass in quantity and
quality any prey inns stock, which will enable tis to of
fer greater inducements than ever. The following are
• few among the many articles that comprise our stock
of Dry Goods:
French, English and American Cloths, French Can
simere, Vesting+. Satinet, Summer Stuffs, Carpeting*.
French Mudins, Lawns, Barages, BaLzatines, Gingham
Ginghama, Cashmeres, De Laines, Shawls
of all descriptions, such. as Brocha Plain de Laine,
Range, Super silk, Rob Roy, and Merino, Parasols,
Sheetings. Tickings. Drilling, Bagging, Wicking. Oil
Cloths, &e. 20,000 yards printed calicoes. together
with our usual stock of Milinery Goode. Our - stock
rmbraces almost every article usually called for. We
have just received a large invoice of Family Crocerres—.
which we are offering at reduced prices—time and space
will not allow us to enumerle. Also. a large stock of
Crockery, Glassware, Shelf - Hanlware, Nails, - Steel.
Iron. Hats and ('alas, Boots and Shoes, &e., &c.
We take this opportunity of returning our thanks to
the people of Bradford and adjoining counties, and in
vite all who wish to Fury (mons CHEAP.' to give
us a call, as we are pledgedigo for " The Cash Par
ty." We assure our friends ithat no compromise has
been effected with the CREDIT OR LUMBER pel
t-al, but we shall continue to ht 4 low and sell cheap, as
long as there is a cash customer in Bradford county.
OUT motto for the wear to come, is—" WE HAVE,
0.7 Look far fha Sacings Rank. :V, 5. South End.
Brick Row. GEO. E. FLYN-T & CO.
Towanda. Ma) 20. 1840
QUM:HER SHAWLS, Handkercheira and Ritthnna,
o_9 beauiful and cheap, at my2o BETTS'.