- - • Married, 00 the [miming of the 11th Ind, by the Rev. 8. 1-1, flezerd, E VITICI A. COOL, LUGS GAUSS MIMI ITT Yogic, all 'of Wysoz. Jordon nod Foreign fieirspaper, Advertising & Subscription Agency Offices. GEORGE PRATT, 165 Nasnu-street, New-York; y. B. PALMER, No. 30 Ann st., New York; Real Estate & Coal Office, No. 59 Pine-st., Philadelphia; !Receive subpaiptions and aorertisementa for most Fo reign and American Newspapers, and are duly coned tutedAgenta for the " Bradford Reporter." Great Attract TE ARRIVAL. ionI, Brick Row ! AS. CHAMBERLIN is now receiving. splendid assortment of Dmge.Medicines, Paint; Oils and Dye Stnirs ; and. in addition, a full and complete as sortment of FAMILY GROCERIES ;—the stock con sisting in part of the following : • MEDICINES, &c. Alum, Alcohol, Aloes, Annette, Antimony, Arrow Root. Arsenie,•Aqua Fortis;do. Ammon, Bottles, assort ed, Bears' Dill, British Oil;-.Blue Titriol, Borax, Bark. Peruv. puts., Bath Brick, Balsam Copaiva, Burgundy Pitch, Camphor. Calomel, Caraway Seeds, Cantharides, Cart. Ammon.,Cayenne Pepper, Chamomile Flower., Cinnamon, Cloves, Court Plaster, Copperas, Confec tionary, Corks of- all kinds, Cream Tartar, Curcuma Cohen, Emery, ass'd Tram No. 1 to 6, Epsom Salts, Fame Bergamot: do. Lemon, do Peppermint, do. and Oil Spruce, Flor. Sulphur, do. Benzont, Glue, of all kinds, Gold Leaf, Guna,Opium, do. Arabic, do. Copal, do. Assafcetida, do. Myrrh, do: Tragacanth. Harlwm Oil, fliers Piers, Indigo, Spanish, float do. Bengal, Ink Powders, Ink, in bottles, do. Indellibli, Irish Moss, hints's, Itch Ointment, Ivory Black,Jalap, Laudanum Licorice Root, do. Ball, Lunar Caustic, Macassar Oil, Mace, Magnesia, do. calcined, Manna, Mustard seed, do. ground, burs ng Bottles, Nutgalls, Nutmeg, Oil, fall, winter and summer strained Sperm, bleached, wbt. and natural, do. Linseed, do Camphine, Sweet, do Vit rol, do. Wintergreen, do. Peppermint, do Aniseed, do. Lavender, Opodaldoc, Paregoric, Pearl Barley. Pepper sauce, Perfumery, Pill Boxes, Pink Root, Prussutte Potash, Quicksilver. Rhubarb. rt. & powdr., Roll Brim stone. Red Chalk. Red Precipitate, Saffron, American and Spanish, Sand Paper, Sal. Ammoniac, do. Clauber, Ssltpetre, Sarsaparilla, do Syrup, Sealing War, Senna. shaker's Herbs. Sponge, coarse and fine, Starch, Snuff. Maccaboy de. Scotch, do. Cephalic, Soap, Castile, do. shoring. do Winsor, Spermaceti, Spts. Hirtshorn, do. Nit. Dulc., Sugar Lead, Sup. Cub. Soda, Sulph. Quinine, Syrinfie■, assorted, Tart. Acid. Tenter Hooks, Vials, assorted, Valerian Root, Wafers, White and Red .Tartar. PAINTS 'Black Lead, Cassia, Chalk, Chrome Yellow, du. tirreti,.Coral Varnirrh, Coach do. Lead. White, dry and rn Oli, Lamp Black, Litharage, Putty, Paris White, :vanish 'Brown. French Green. Spt. Turpentine, Rosin, Venetian Red, •Verdigris, Vermillion, Whiting, Yellow Ochre. .DYE-STUFFS Red Wood. Nicaragua, Madder, Muriate Tin, Oxalic Acid, PfUSSLIII Blue, .Pumice, Red Saunders, Rotten ;None, Camwood, Cochineal. Ext. Logwood, Fuatic, Cann 7in, Hatchwootl,;Lac Dye, Logwood. .PATENT MEDICINES The greet , English .remedy, Buchan's Hungarian 111s.am of Life, band's Sarsaparilla, Bristol's Ext„ do. %Vista?. Ba!rum Wild Cherry, Pectotal Honey of Li veriserh.Cheeserrian's Arabian Ba!sam, Pills,. Oriental, .In. Dr. Post's, do..Hoopses, do. Moffat's, do. Persian, dn. Brandrethts, dn. Phinney's. do. Lee's, Godfrey's eunhal, Thompson Eyemiter, Dr. day ne'a Epectorant. 'GROCERIES.. Tea. Coffee, Sugar, Spioe and Pepper, Starch, Rai uel, Sods Crackers. Ca a nion, B,uglish Currants, Yuiniegs, Ginger, Sim reM'amily Soap, Sperm Can dle,. Chemical Wax, do. Tobacco and Sena Sal .Era c.. Pipes. Brooms, Pails, ropes, Refined Loaf Sugar, W Da W-Gt ASS. Looking Glays plaice of aril sizP,t, Windom Glatvs, 7 h•. 9, S by 10, 10 by 12, 10 11 14, 14,by 45, 12 by 16, 1:: by 19, Fsnry articles of all kinds. Also—Vine Butter MIMI Towanda. Aug. 4, 1846. A. S. C. PROCLAMATION, WHEREAS the Hon. ions N. CONWNGSI43I. Pre mdeut Judge of the 13th JUdicial district con4ist rog of the countios of Luzeme, Bradford and Tioga, and 11. Moron and Reuben IVilber mgrs., Associate Judges In :'ml for the county of Bradford. have issued their pre rept i , eariag - date the 25th day of July, 1846, to ms di rected, far holding a court °foyer and Terminer, general quarter stNs;onsof the peace, common pleas and orphan's nurt. at Towanda, for the county of Bradford, on the tir,t Mooday of Beptember next, being the fifth, to eon %nue two weeks. Nutley isitheitfore hereby given, w the Coroners, Juitices of the Peace and Constables ~f We county of Bradford,' that they be then and there lo their proper persons, at 10 o'clock In the ferenoon of .aid day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and other they remembrances, to do those things which 0 their office appertain to he done; and those who ore 'aunt be recognizance or otherwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said coun ty, or who are or shall be bound to appear at .the said roan, are w be then and there to prosecute against them '"ball be just. Jurors ars requested to be punctual in than attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 25th day of July, in the year cf 111, Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six and of the Independence or the United States the .treaty-first. JOHN F.MEANS, Sheriff. WalM .T sroi.l rill - HE next year of this InAittitiol will commence on Monday the 3lst day of August.• MR. J. C. ANDFIRCOOK, Principal, Miss S. F. Vlt'oaTut ten, Porrptress. The year will be divided into four terms ofeleven seeks each. The first term will be followed by• vacation of one week. The second term will commence November 23d. The third term will commence February Bth, and be fadrared by a vacation of one week. The fourth term will commence May 3, and be sue. r , drd by a vacation of six weeks Thrtum, per term of eleven weeks Ear the common English studies, Fir the higher branches, including Natural. Intellectual and Moral Sciences, tl ehetnatics and Languages, tar the 4erond and third terms, Extra, For Drawing and Pointing, for Music, with use of Instrument, " •" %% about, Several literary and scientific gentleman, in conjunc t•rgi with the principal, have consented to favor the in. .tuutto n with lectures on the more important branches .d education, free of charge. Allstudents will be charge , ' for not less than half a unless absence is occasioned by illness or other inisentdable causes. The exercises of composing and declaiming will be "luirod of every student, unless excused by the teachers 'a Parents, The comes of instruction is designed to be thorough practical. adapted to the requisitions of business, and the demands of an intelligent people. The Academy has one PC the finest locations on the mioquebanna, commanding a charming view of .that luutiful river, the borough of Towanda and the sur rounding landscape. Frew aeonfidenee in the zeal, euterprize and abilities °the Le athers, and the unusual prosperity of tbe school 4 ."; the year, pre take pleasure in recommending I past rl StitUlinn, to the favorable regard and patronage of ari enlightened, intelligent and generous people, tr "ini; that it will continue in usefulness, and the coruequent favor of the public. HIRAM MIX. President. ENOS TOMKINS. "II J. D. MONTANYE, C. 1.. WARD, - J. F. MEANS.t I DAVIT) CASH B. KINGSBERY, H. 8 MERCUR, WM. ELWELL. J =soda, August 3, 1846. t,,an error i p t. the th date Of te hams wllt he foundn incorrect.manuscri TeiN.reg da ys '0 at. OLYMPIAN FESTIVAL. SANDS, LENT & CO'.. AMERICAN CIRCUS., First season since their twit of Europe, compro. bending in one extensive and magnificent entertainment all the varied exercises and talent of THE ARENA, GYMNASIUM, AAD THE MEN ! , AGE! • Embracing the most beautiful Stud of Hones, and the most featly and brilliant equipage to be found in all Europe or America. Among thereat features of this Circus, are The celebrated Dancing Boise May Fly, • The French Polka Horse Bas Temps, The Twin Waltzing and Trick Ponies, The Fighting Ponies, The Fairy Steed Cinderella. The Lilliputian Troupe of 12 Ponies. The astonishing performances of the great classic gymnasians Mr. R. SANDS, and his talented children Maurice and Jessie. The unequalled Juvenile Rider HERNANDEZ, called the Ducrow of America The celebrated Juvenile Rider Master WALTER AYMAR, Mr. MOSELEY. Mr. PERRY. Mr. RUG GLES, Mr. LATHAM, Mr. HUNTINGTON. The Negro Minstrels, Master Wm. AYMAR, Mr. CONOVER, Master PERRY. Clown to the Ring, Mr. J. PLUTLAND, Master of the Ring, Mr. B. HUNTINGTON. Full particulars of the entertainments will be givers in bills and pamphlets on the days of exhibition. Boxes and Pit 25 cents. Reserved seats for Families 50 cents. Will exhibit in Towanda on Wednesday the 2d day of Sept. 1846. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock. Per formance commences tit 23 and 7i P. M. STRAY COWS. eIIANIE into the enclosure of the subscriber on the 111) 25 of July, two COWS; one a may . with white spot in her forehead and a bell on; the other, a black with some white on her tail. The owner is re quested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. Athens Aug. 10, 1846 alawit THE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing• to his friends and the public generally, that he is now receiving a very large and carefully selected ad dition to his stock of GOODS, bought for Cash, and selected with the express view of UNDERSELLING the BRAGGADOCIOS. O. D. BARTLETT, Towanda, May 13, 1846. - Register's .Voltees. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested, that Ira Brownvon and!. D. Hurophry, eseeutora, and Cynthia M. Bull, Executrix, of the - last will and testament of Edward C. Bull, dec'd., ate of Orwell township; and Daniel Decker. Mclnnis ratou of Jeremiah Decker. deed., late of Towanda; and James C. Ridgway and Margaret Erissel, Executors of the last will - and testament of James Brissel, deed., late of Franklin; and Cha's. Keyes, and William Peck, Guardians of Hannah Keys, William Lyman ; Parmelia Keys, minor children of Russel Keys, dec'd.. late di - Cok:tibia townshinp ; and Seth Smith, admittis trator of Hilliam Smith, deed.. late of Windham township ; and Merritt Osborn acting Guardian of Nelson G. Hunt, one of the minor children Benjamin Hunt, deed.. late of Towanda borough ; and Daniel Brink, J. Kilmer and C. Brink, administrators of Benjamin Brink 2d. drc'd., late of Sheshequin township, have filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county of Bradford, the accounts of their several administra tions upon the estates aforesaid, and that the same will he presented to the Orphan's court of said county, on Monday the 7th day of September next, for confirma tion and allowance. L. E. DE WOLF, Register. Register's Office, Towanda, July 23, 1846. T"partnership bxretofore existing between . the Subscribers under the firm of Elliott & Mercur, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. All accounts due the firm will be found in the hands of Thomas Elliott who is duly authorized to settle all of the busi ness of the late firm THOMAS ELLIOTT; HIRAM MERCUR. Towanda, August lat.. 1846. dneasa li. Jones vs. Sarah ..Inn Jones. No. 101, Feb. T. 1546. In Brad ford Common Pleas—Libel for Divorce. rroSARAH ANN JONES. the defendant in the above case. You are hereby notified tha Amass A. Jones, your husband, bra filed his petition for diveree from you from the bonds of matrimony. And that an alias subpcena has been rerurned, and proof made that you were not to be found in said county. You are therefore hereby required to appear at the Court House in the Borough of Towanda, at the September term of said common pleas, on Monday the 7th day of September next, to answer the said complaint, and show cause if any you have, why the said Amass should Out be divorced from you. _ _ JOHN' F. MEANS. Sheriff. SherifFa Office, Towanda. July 25th, 1846. Scott, L:U 7 03M,2:1 1 U L.PO TraL.Tro NITILT. promptly and punctua lly . render his proles sional se:vices in Agenc i es, Colleetwns, and other matters in his profession entrusted to his tare. EMI 4 00 5 00 Ty. Hi has removed his office to the room over N N. Betts' store. Orphan's Court Sate. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county. there will be exposed to public sale at the house of Wm.Griffis in Standing Stone,on Saturday. the 29th day of August next,at I o'clock, P. M., a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Standing Stone and Herrick townships, late the property of Isaac Ennis, deed., • hoghded on the north by land of George Sill, on the east bY land of John Lackey, on the west by land of Hiram Gordon and on the south by land of Charles Sill and Eli Gibbs. Containing one hundred and fifteen acres..•wtth a small house and garden. and a saw mill thereon. ASA STEVENS, 2 60 7 Oe 5 00 F.S.WHITMAN, Standing Stone. July 25, 1R46. Administrator*. HOUSE PAINTING. MYRON TAYLOR respectfully informs the citi zens of Bradford county, that he has opened a shop in the borough of Towanda, where he is prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE PAINTING in all its va rious branches in the very best possible style on short notice: Having served a regular apprentice, and had several years experience at the business. he flatters him self that his work will be WELL D01)1E, and no mis take. Terms to suit the times. Towanda, July 17,1846, No. 1, Brick Row Once More. wM. A. CHAMBERLIN, has just arrive) from New York, with • splendid assortment of Watches, Cold and Silver Pencils, Breast Pins, Brace le.s, Rings, Knives &e. kel, and any quantity of other articles, too numerous to mention, which will be sold Cheaper than ever, call and see. Towanda, July 20th, 1846. WANTED -500,000 Ithingle ; 300.000 feet Boards: • 1000 lbs. Gnat! Butter; .100 c H. 3.13.4 E. D. MO:STA:NYE 4 CO AMOS CORNEBY alotice. UMBE NATIONAL OAGUERRIAN GAL LERY AND PHOTOGRAPHERS F DANISH- G DEPOTS t awarded the Gold and Silver Medals. Pour first Premiums. and Two Highest Honors, at the National, the Museehuseus“ he New York, sod the Pennsylvania Exhibition. respectively, for the most splendid Colored Daguerreotypes sod beat Apparatus ever exhibited, Portraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to weather. Instructions given in the art. A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on band. at the :owed cash mums 114 W York. 651 Broadway Philodelphia,l36 Chest nut 8.; Boston. 75 Coon, and 58 Hanover Sta. ; Bob 206 Baltimore St. ; Washington, Pennsylvania Avenue; Fettisburg, Va., Meehanies• Hall; nati., Fourth and Walnut, and 176 Main St. ; Saratoga Springs, Broadway ; Parie,l27 Vieille Rua do Temple ; 4 \ dverpool, 32 Church \ SHERIFF'S' SALE. BY vi rtue °tawdry writs of Vend. Expo., issued Crowell, court of Common Pleas of Bradford co. to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the house of I. H. STEPHENS, inthe borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 7th. day of September next, at I o'clock, P. M., a certain lot or piece of land situate in Wyalu• sing Township, Bradford County. Bounded north by lands of Justus Lewis; west b 7 Stafford, South by John H. Black, east by the township line. Con taining three hundred and-fifty-two acres, about two hundred acres improved with \ four framed houses, three log houses, one framed barn one log barn, one spring house one grist mill, and the half of a saw mill, and three small orchards thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Elishe Lewis vs. Samuel Black. ALSO—The following descrited piece'or parcel of land situate in Wyalusing township, bounded „end de. scribed as follows, north by the main road leading from Towanda to Skinners Eddy, east by Charles Hendricks land, on the south by land of Ephraim Beeman and the Susquehanna river, and on the west by E. Lain.— Containing thirty seven acme more or less, all improv ed, with a new two story tavern house, one stone house and two barns thereon erected, it being the same prop- ' erty which was purchased at Sheriff's sale by Philip Sullivan in Execution against Jacob Cams and others. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I. H. Stephens use vs. Philip Sullivan. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land sit uate in Granville township. Bounded on the north by land of Harry Bailey, on the east by land of Harry Bailey, on the south by land of John Simpson, and on the west by land of said Simpson and Bailey. Con mining fifteen acres, five acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Obadiah Blakesley vs. John Ashcraft. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Canton township, and bounded as follows, on the north by the main road, east by Elisha Bloom, south and west by lands in possession of Lawrence Ammer man. Containing about mn acres more or less with about eight acres thereof improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. H dc L. 0. Hickok qrs. Lawrence Ammerman. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Armenia township. Bounded on the north by lands known as the Welles lands, on the east by unseated lands, south by lauds of John Morgan and Riley Hawkins, and on the west by lands of Philo Rockwell and unseated lands. Containing two Hun dred acres, or thereibouts, about one hundred acres thereof improved, with one log house, teamed barn and small apple Orchard thereon. Seized and taken in Execution at the suit of Peleg Pecks use vs. John Grainger. ALSO—A piece or parcel of laud in Ridgberry twp. bounded norh by lands of the heirs of .1. Davidson. on the east by land of D.B. Brown, south by lands of C. Weeks, and west by lat.ds of Timothy Roe. Contaio ing about twenty acres, with about six acres thereof im proved, with a framed house and barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John L. Webb, administrator of A. A. Beckwith, who survived H. W. Strong, vs. Jeremiah Datridpon dr. D. S. Brown. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ridgberry twp. bounded north by tho state line, east by land of Herrick, Francis Tyler and D. S. Browa, on the south by lands of II 8. Brown, and J. T. Roe, and Wart by land of Timothy Roe, and Wm. Seely. Containing abouzoinety acne,, more or less, fifty acres improved, with a double dwelling house, part framed and part log, and an apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in exeeuuon at the suit or Neil M'. Duffle v.. Jeremiah Davidson, Sturges squires and Da vid Brown, terre tenants. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Burlington tp., Beginning at a white pine N W corner of lot No. 241. on warrant lot No. 4430, thence east 118 perches to the north east corner of same lot. and south east corner of Joshua Bailey's lot, thence south 147 perches to the southwest corner of lot 243, a post for a corner, thence west 118 perches to the north west corner of lot N 0.255 a post for a corner, thence north 147 pinches to the be gloating. Containing 118 acres and 68 perches, strict measure, it being part of warrant lot No. 4430. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Timothy Paxson and Wrn. Davidson, trustees of the bank of N. A., vs. Michael Russell and Enos Bennett. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Springhill. Bounded on the north by land of Wm. Mlcbuish and John Rosecranse, east by land of H. W. Neigh, south by land of Ebenrzer and Daniel Lacey, and west by land of-William Thompson and William Melbuish. Con taining one hundred acres, be the same more or less, about forty-five acres improved, with one framed house one framed barn, and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph Bomb,ll to use H. W. Neigh, va. Robert Melbuish. ALSO—The following described piece of parcel of land situate in Rome township. Bounded on the north by lands of the estate of Matthew Cannon, dec'd. un the east by land of Godfrey Vought, south by land of Matthew Cannon, deed., and L. 8. Maynard and Na than Maynard, and on the west by land of John Pass. more and Samuel Mann. Containing fifty-five acres or thereabouts, about twenty acres thereof improved with one framed barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in, execution at the suit of Harry Gore vs. John 1.. Cannon. ALSO—The folloWiug pmperty eitua'e in Ulster township, and bounded as follows, to wit. On the north by land of 0. Saltmarsh, east by the Susquehanna River, outh by J. C. Adams, west by lands of lien. Smith, Containiug about one hundred and forty acre. with about sixty acres improved, with one framed house, framed barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Guy Tracy, vs. Platt Smith. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Shesbequin tp. Beginning at the east bank of the Island creek, 5 perch es north of the line between Obadiah and Ralph Gore, thence south 783 ° east 8 6.10 perches to a post, thence south 231 ° east 20 perches to a post, thence south 74i° west 8 1.10 perches to the bank of said island creek, thence along said Wand creek. north 243 0 west 22 pelts to the place of beginning. Containing one acre, strict measure, together with the mill privileges from the isl and cove. ALSO—One other lot situate in Sheebequin, bound• ed north by bind of Obadiah Gora,east by land of Ralph Gore, south fi land of Avery Gore, west by the island of Ralph Gout, in the Susquehanna River. Containing about five acres, all improved, with a grist mill. saw mill and framed house thereon, together with the mill privi leges of the cove between said island and the main land. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of O.& R. Gans to the use of Douglass Davidson vs. Perky Ayres end David Horton. . ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Shesbequin tp.. boUnded north east by land of Wm. B. Horton and Harry Smith, north-west by W. B. Horton, and on the south east and mouth west by laud of Elias Post. Con taining about fifty acres, about thirty acres improved, with a log houseand small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David Cash vs. Aaron Post. ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Leroy township and bounded adfollows, to wit . On the north by Stone, on the east by S. L. Riggs. S . Tanned and N. Reynolds, on the south by the Towanda Creek on the west by ?ands af Widow Wands. Containing seventy tire or eighty sues with about thirty improved, an old log house and 'mai/ framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of O. P. Ballard, vs. Wm. Uorsline. ALSO—A piece or petrel of land situate in Wells township. Bounded on the north by land of Caleb Lawrence, cast by the public highway, south by lands Oliver Bee ley: and. wed by. land of Henry Beers Con taining fifty eight acres, about twenty two acres improv ed, a small framed house sod a small orchard thtreon. Seized and taken in Execution at the suit of E, C. Meer vs. Joseph H. Beers. 4LBO--By virtue of Sunder writs of Lev. re.. certain piece or parcel of land situate in Canton town ship. Beginning at a post, S. E. corner of a lot form erly cotracted to Oliver Bartlett, thence south ninety sis and two tenths perches to a post thence west seventy nine perches to a post on the east line of Thorium Mil liams lot, thence north ninety six and two tenth perch ing to the S. W. owner of said Oliver Denims lot. thence east seventy nine perches to the beginning.— Containing forty seven acres and-seventy four.perettes. Seized and taken its execution at the suit of the Bank of North America to the use of Stephen Pierce vs. Lawrence Ammerman. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Columbia twp, Beginning at a beech, south west corner of Sarni Lam phire's lot, thence south 25°, west 715.10 perches, south 65° east 165 perches to a hemlock. north east corner of Calvin and Luther Havens, north 25° east 71 and 5.10 parches to a beech, north 65° west 165 perches to the begin') nag. Containing 73 acres, 117 perches, part of warrant No. 062. t3eized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas H. Whits and Henry Reed executors of the last will and testament of WM Winte,deed, vs. Alfred M. Moore. ALSO—Beginning at • post, thence east, eighty perches to • post, thence north, one hundred and seventy-seven perches to • hemlock, thence west 80 perches to a post, thence south 177 perches to the place of beginning. Containing eighty-three acres and five tenths of an acre, with the allowance of six per cent. for roads, &c.; being a part of two tracts of land in Lycommgeounty (now Bradford) granted by the COM. mimwealth bfarammts No. 1119 and 1121, dated the 19th day of April 1792, to Charles Willing, and by him conveyed to William Bingham. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alexan der Baring etas. Am vs. Ezra Niles, Samuel Holcomb and Daniel Lenox tone tenants. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. . Sheriff', Office, Towanda, July 20, 1846. STILL THEY . COME! IL S. If af. C. atERCUit, HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, consisting as usual, of everything, which will be sold at the lowest notch. Towanda, July 6, 1846. Prints and Gingham& A VERY large and beautiful assortment of Prints, Ginghams and Lawns, purchased in New York, since the late reduction of prices, just received at July 8. MERCURB'. C.O.L/13212.6i1(61.11i C 4 1.11222U.M.Z.t.00 EVERYTHING in the line, including Elliptic Springr, Iron Axel; Mallahleßors, Dash, Seat and Stop Ironi 3 Ornamenta, India Rubber and Oil Cloth, Lace, Tufts, Moss, &e. for sale' st jIB MEDI lUD'S. FLOUR—Superfine Flour, fur sale by the bane! at jIB MERCMIVS, EATHEK—CaIf Skins, Sole and Upper leather at 4 • jIB 3IERCUR'S BLAcKrrirs ANVILS AND VICES, AT. sm July 7. MERCUR'S. IRON AND STEEL BLACKSMITHS, and others wanting IRON OR STEEL, will do well to call and examine the large assortment kept constancy on hand at MERCURS'. QALT—a quantity just received, and (or sale by jIB MERCURS'. NAILS & SPIKES, assorted sizes, and of superior qualities, for sale at jlB MERCURS'. ALARGE ASSORTMENT of WINDOW SASH at jIB MERCURS'. GLASS -7 by 9, Bby 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14 It, by 15, IS by 14, 12 by 16, 12 by IS, 14 by 16, 16 by 20, this day received at jIB MERCUR'S. LEMONS. MIEN Boles Lemons just received and for *ale at IL July 20, 1846. MERCUR'rt NOT FOR A DAY - ONLY !—More FLORIENUL BONNETS jog received at the Sayings Bank. which we are olLring to -day BM cheap as yesterday.— Call and examine. jell G. E. FLYNT & CO. ARRIVAL OF SUMMERS GOODS, .11 No, 4. Brick Row. THE subscribers are now receiving and opening a very large supply of seasonabl. GOODS. which they ore anxious to sell on the most favorable terms for ready pay. They are fully deterinined Oat no one shall sell Goods cheaper than they. Having taken much pains in the selection of their goods—and as many articles of mer chandize have fallen off in price since spring purchases were made, they confidently believe they can offer some inducements to those who wish to buy cheap goads they will not readily find elsewhere, especially a stores that purchased their goods early In the season it will take but a moment to drop in and examine some of their cheap Goods. Such as Good Brown Muslin, 7 cents per yd. Calicoes, 7. do. Very good Prints„ 10a12 &15 per yd. Brown Sugar. 7, 8 & 9 cents per lb. Good Molasses, 30 cents per gallon. Green Tea from 12; cents to $1- per lb. And all other articles in proportion. They do not like to say they willsell cheaper" and more ' “ goods" than any body else. That would seem too much like boasting; but they will say distinctly, they WILL NOT he undersold; and, will also say to their Lumber and Produce customers, that they have the most entire con. fidence that no fault will be found with the price of Goods. If they only tiring in their Lumber and Pro. duce, they will find goods as cheap as where they sell exclusively for CASH ! They do not consider it necessary to enumerate all or any of the articles they have for sale. Suffice it to say, their . ..assortment is now full and complete. Call and examine for yourselves. Towanda, July 1, 1849. *TRACY & MOORE. LA NOLO RIDS supplied on the most favorable terms. Those wishing to buy good Liquor and Segue 25 yor cent. below the usual prices cannot fail to find it to their advantage to call on TRACY & MOORE. AUDITOR'S NOTICE riviE undersigned, having been appointotl, by the I Orphans' Court of Bradfonl county au Auditor to audit the accounts of Carter Harene, Adminiatrator of the Estate of the late Luther Harm', decreased, will attend to the (Intim of appointment on the 20th day of Angint nest, at 10 o'clock, A. 51.,"at his °nice it Troy Borough, of which all concerned will lake notice. July 15, 1846. Aw EW. HAZARD, And. A — LARGE QUANTITY OF 7 by 9, 8 by 10, 10 AL by 12, and 12 by 16 Window G 1864, just reed, ■nd for sale hy jll5 B.KINGSBERY. MODERN ROME! THE Rubsaibeng woad tender their thanks to their mtatomers for part favors. and call their attention to their New Stock of Goods, which exceed their far mer one in ssanliiy. quality and leer prices. Their present stock having been selected with great care, and Itonett foto: they will endeavor to live their customers better bargains for Cash or Produce than eau be had at ■ny other establishment. Their assortment being complete. it would be useless to pattieularile articks, but would just say that their stock consists of a full supply of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Hardware. Dye Stulrs,Drugs. Hats, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes. dke., The above stock shall be sold at prices that will give entire satisfaction. Beingxmtisfied that ready pay is best for all penes. enabling the former to sell his produce at a better rate, and the merchant to sell his goods at lower prices than he can do on credit, therefore will adhere to the Ready Pay System. We do not ask you to call and see our goods first, but examine others first, Ryon please, and then ours, and we are sun!' you will purchase ores if you want bargains. MAYNARD & wArrms. Rome, June 30, 1846. LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS, .11Ontanyes A' Co.'s Store. ONE ARK LOAD just received. and daily expect ing more. The prettiest and cheapest goods ever °tiered in this market. are now opening. and they hope their friends will not forget to give them a call. Wholesale purchaser. and merchants wishing to replenish their stock will be accommodated on liberal terms. J. D. & E. D. NION'TANYE & Ton - ands, May 13, 1916. J. IC SUMNER, M 1 D., DENTIST, Timm. make a short professional stay at-the Hotel V of Ira H. Stephens in Towanda, where he will lee pleased to sea all his friend& jIIS New Wholesale and Retail Commis. sion Grocery. • E subscriber would inform the good, people of il lTowanda and vieinitr, that he has opened a new .Femily Grocery store on the corner of Main end Bridge streets, where he intends to keep ell kinds of Groceries, that will suit all kinds of customers. His stock com prises every article offered in his line, (liquors exerilltd) among which can be found candles. 12111C11River To bacco, sugar, tea, coffee, molasses, fige, ground pepper. ground allspice, asleratus, cloves, starch. cinnamon, do. ground, lump sugar, bar, fancy and castile soap, corn- MP clickers, herring, by the box or Ices quantity, mustard,codfish, No. 1. mackerel. Also. snuff, vegan', (half Spanish at 60 cents per 100) cream nuts, filberts, almonds, raisins, pepper•sauce, tomato and walnut ketchups, lemon syrup end carpet bags; combs of all kinds. -A large stock of CANDIES, of all kinds at wholesale and retail. Rots uud Sham He has also ■ large assortment of the finest and best article of BOOTS AND SHOES. ever brought into this. market; being of-Philadelphia manufacture, consis ting of Misses'fine morocco boots, calf boots, coarse do., kip boots - and shoes. A very large lot of ladies kid slippers, made of the best material and workmanship. Ladies half gaiters, silk br.ys and children's morocco nionrcies, children's half gaiters, boys kip brogans. all of which will be sold very low for cask, or ready pay. The highest price paid for any quantity of good BUTTER. . HUGH O'HARA . Towanda, July 1, 1646. TARIFF REPEALED! UHE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his degia friends and the pnhlic generally, that he 14 now receiving and opening an entire new stock of COMM, (at his' store in the borough of Towanda. situated on the east side of Mont street, three floors south of Mon tanye's & Co., and nearly opposite B. Kingbery's) em bracing everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries. (the ardent excepted.) Hardware, Glass 4• Queen's II are. Boots and Shoes. Paints. Oils and Var nish, Iron and Nails, 4-c.. • which he will sell as cheap as the cheapeq, not except ing the Renovator, or any of the champions of small profile and quick vales. Ile- would respectfully invite those who wish to buy cheap to call and examine his goods and prices for themselves, before purchasing at any other place. N.N.BETTa. Towanda, May 16. 1944. PRINTS, LAWNS & MUSI.INS, a large, assort ment on hand and for sale cheap at BETTS'. EGHORN & PAI.M LEAF HATS and bonnets I 4 will be found at my2o BETTS'. New York in Miniature ! THE subscriber has taken • great pains to make his aaao•tment so complete in Dry Goods. Books .3• Stationery, Crockery, Hardware, Paints 4 Oils, Groceries. Nails, Boots 3 Shoes. 1r0n.4. steel, Glass, .kc., as to present to his friends and the public nearly or quite all the advantage of dealing in stores which, confine themselves exclusively to any one of the above branch es. Hr invites attention to his assortment. Towanda, May 20, 1846. 0. D. BA RTI.ErF WOOL! fIHA VING made arrangements to exchange Cloth and other goiids for WOOL, the subscriber de nim to gain the confidence and , approbation of the wool growers bt giving them the very best exchanges which the nature of the market will permit. Call and see. Towanda, May 20. O. D. BARTLETT. - INSURANCE AGENCY. THE subscriber 'ontinues to act 'as agent for the DE LA WARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., of Philsdelphia, a stock comparly of good standing and re pute & does business on as fitv.,mble termites any other. He is also agent for the LYCOMING \ CO. MU TUAL INSURANCE CO.. a company whiclt \ has al ways been punctual in the payment of losses and, pre sents advantages seldom found. Towanda, May 20. 0. D. HA RTLETT. ' APIA LICOES—the largest assortment and prettiest IIIL) patterns, and cheapest CALICOES, to say no- thing of Gingham., Lawns, &c., ever seen in this re gion. for sale by my2o 0. D. BA RTLErr. KEEP SHADY ! Just received at the Savings Bank : 100 imp. Parasols; 50 Parasollettes ; 100 Umbrellas : For the " splinters," we will put them flown low. May 27. G. E. FLYNT h CO JOURNEYMAN TAILORS WANTED. Fri WO Journeyman Tailors wanted immediately.— .. Also, a lad to learn the Tailoring business, to come well recommended, and apply sour. BACHELOR & COREI Towanda, June 10, 1846. PRINTED CALICOES-20,01 , 0 yds.. ftom to 25 cent& Those wishing Prints had better email themselves of this opportunitp—they are selling rapidly. U. E. IL Y NT S. CO. LARGE ARRIVAL Of New and Camp Spring and Summer &alibi, Direct !ruin the City. BURTON KINGSIiERY moat respectfully in. forms his old sustainers, and the public in gene ral, that he is now receiving at his old stand., a large assortment of all kinds of goods, which he intends to sell a little cheaper than any other store in Towanda. It is impossible to put in a newspaper ill the dif f erent kinds of goods that may be found at my store. I have a full assortment of Dry.,f;ooris. Groceries, ("rockery, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils. eye stuffs. Rants (fad Shoes, Nails, Iron, Mats 4 Caps, he. Call and price, before von buy elsewhere. May 14. 1846. PRINTED LAWNS, Muslin de haines and Sum mer Shawls, a very large assortment, which will be sold lower than be bought at any other store. Call and see. my l 4 B.KINGSBERY. BONISETTS—Any quantity. from two shillings, to $6, with beautiful trimmings, also flowers, in aide sprigs and wreaths, all Fmneh, which will be found at myl4 H.KINGSIIERY. LEGHORN & PALM LEAF HATS. also Fur and silk Hats. latest styles, and very cheap, nt may 13. B. KINGsBF:RY's. APrI,EBY'S CUT chewing and smelting TOBACCO, a prime article far sale at may 13. B. KINGSBERY'S. O. 1, CODFISH & MACKEREL. for sale at may 13. B. KINGSBERY. HOLLOW -WARE, such as pots. kettles. 'mitten. &e., at my 13 B. KINGSBERY. RADDE'S CELEBRATED CHOCOLATE extra cocoa. superinr to old Java coffee, and a very healthy beverage, which may berm:rod at the old Cheap store of my 13 B. KINGSBERY. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Nicholas Par eel, late of Ridgbury township, dec'd.. are segues. let] to make immediate payment, and theme having claims against aaid estate, will please present them duly attested to JOHN B. PARCEL, AARON C.•scorr, !Banbury. July 1, IR4G. Admi niat raw% . PEACE DECLARED t But not teith the ninnies of our Country ! "Here we stand with brush in hand. To do our work in onler." MT. CARRIER and JAB, M. HURI.BUIZT. . having entered into co-partnership in the paint ing business, are now prepared to my to the public generally, that if they want painting none, such as House, Carriage, or Ornamental of any kind— and well done—just give us a call, .We wont refuse to hang your wall paper if you should wish us so to tin, Towanda, June 17, 1846. • Stray Sheep. griAME to the enclosure of the subscriber, *boot the 111 L./ first of June last, 20 81IFEP, having *no partieu• lax marks, with the exeeption of one sheep basin: a hell on• ANY E. BULL Towands, 1 ly 75, 1846. TIM Ur/UR BEGUN!' War aphis? High Priem and the Mail System NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. .41 tht Mete York Cheap Stare r No. 2, Brick Row. one door south of the P.O. THE Subscribers having • entered , inn) a colattner ship for the express purpose et . furnishing the good . people of Bradford County with goads, wirer and mer chandise. at least one notch lower thaw they have ever been sold in this stadia. They aro now securing one of the largest and hest selected sleeks eispring and sum wee goods, ever landed in Northern Pennsylvania. •—• Their stock comprises almost every article ever offered in a country store. Among which, we ems only men tion that there is a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. - &km, soils, Iron, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes. blt, ware, Stone-ware, Liquors. 4c., Their goods have been purchased mostly fee cash at auction, and they pledge themselves that they pill not he undersold by any other establishment in this section, of the country. People have only to call at the New York Cheap store, (No. Brick Row.) to satisfy them selves; C. & E. REED Towanda, May 25. 1846 rpHOsE LAWNS, uItGANDIE, LAWNuiNG -1 hams, Rept DeLains, Lumina cloths for summer dre.ses, so long looked for by the Ladies, have arrived ■nd may now be wen at REED'S IJNNETS—A gre.it • saiiing to the Beads 01 the I/ Nation." The Ladies will find it a great saving to their heads to call and purchase one of those beautiful t4f4W, Devon. Gimp. Florence, or Lace, lawn, Gipsy' Bonnets, selling an cheap at REED'S. I 0 RASOLS, PA kAsGL LETS, bUN SHADES, either Silk, Gingham, or Cotten, may be found REED'S cheap' al QUM M ER Shawls, Muslin Del;rint.Ornbri DeLeine, Pfain and Embroidered Strad!'la and itsrege Shawl* suitable for Bummer, now opening at REED'S. EGHORN and Palm Leaf Hats of all qualities just received and for sale cheap at REED'S OREGON OR WAR ! NO. 3 AGAINST THE WORLD. REC'D the Largest, Best, sad - Cheaper! 01: .'ot of Gouda ever brought into Me country ! DRESS GOODS, Printed muslin', lace muslins, lawn gingham& organtli, print marquise, Canary lawn, cashmeres, muslin ging barns a new article, Offence satin striped, balzarine, a few pat. black halzarine, checked print reps and crape delaine, white dress gou ds. a large lot of prints rich and beautiful patterns, corded and grass skirts, ombre de'. laine shawls, plain and shaded do., blk. 4 cord stradells shawls, barrige and net shawls, satin stnpeil barrige and net long shawls, ladies polka, fig 'd and striped cravats and lies, beautiful gimps and frringea, silk demiveila. green barrige, &c. BONNETS Cheaper than the cheapest—Gipsey pearl braid, oorde net lace, florence, gipaey devon straw edged and plain, Misses gipsey pedal, birds eye braid and devon straw ; spendid Bonnet Ribbons, some very desirable styles ; 20 doz. Parasols and Son Shades, lady and gents black and curd Kid Gloves, Lin. Cambric Hdkfs. Hosiery .tc BROAD CLOTHS. Twilled French. English and American; doe skin Cap. sitnere, light and dark striped checked do: a great varie ty ; golden tweeds, merino cassimere, Kentucky Jeans, blue drills. A superior assortment of CESTINGs marsails, valentine, ca.imere. plain and striped satin. 10 bales Sheeting, Batting, Wadding and Wicking. HARDWARE, • Such as Iron, nails, steel, log chains, halter and trace do., mill and x cot saws. augurs and files. A large as. smtment of Shelf HardVrare, door trimmings, cutlery, shoe thread, wool and horse cards, coffee mills, &c. Mood's, Harris' and Wadsworth's Warranted Grain and Grass Seyfhes,snaths and sickles, a first sate article. BOOTS & SHOES.. - lA(lien' kid buskins and slippers, morocco and calfskin boots, black and fancy gaiters and half gaiters, children'. gaiters and calf boom. A beautiful article gent's pi-. tars; coarse and fine Boot. in abundance. G ROCE RIES. A large stock of Sugar and Molasses; Lump, Lust and Pulverised Sugar; Fresh Teas, Coffee, Rice, Raisins, nutmegs, indigo, tobacco, fine cut and cavendish, abed mackerel and codfish. CROCKERY. A general assortment, in setts, or otherwise, to suit cus tomer.. 400 Men's and Boy's Leghorn Hats ; 600 P. L. do. 0J Butter, Flaxseed, Beeswax. Eggs and Grain, wanted in exchange for goods, at cash prices. Tnwnnda. May,,2o. 1846. ANICE ARTICLE BLACK TEA can he found at No. 3, Brick Row. my2o BAIRD'S. Those who wish to Purchase Cheap Goods, WILL find it to their interest to call at BAIRD'S, before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter. mined to sell at all hazards. NO. 3, BRICK ROW. 16 al DOZ.PATENT FAILS; tidoz. Wash tubs; 12 Ooz. Brooms; 6 twits Wooden measures ; the at 3, Brick Row. BAIRD'S. Arf OTT6N YARN dr. CARPET WARP-1,000 lbs. at wy2O N 0.3. BRICK ROW. DRUGS & MEDICINES, paints, oils and dye stuffs, white lead, ground and dry, Tarnish, pills, madder, copperas, apts. turpentine, gum copal, alum, Venitian red, log-word, red-wood, cam-wood, all for sale cheap, at ma • 20. NO. 3. BRICK ROW. thr citizens of Bradford County in general, and g the Borough If Towanda, in particular: All thr judgments, 110106 and accounts of the subscribers, will he collected according to law, without distinction of persona, unless satisfactorily settled within thirty dare of this date. Those who think we are not in earnest, will find out their mistake to their own cost.— Mork that. W . H. BAIRD &CO. 'l'oovanda, May 15, ISM N. B. We would furthermore say upon this subject, that we have just received a lanr stock of New Goode. which will he sold very cheap indeed, for ready pay. Mg' • SWIM, IST ID G•9l MIT • ~• TOWANDA SAVINGS BANK, Established .flay 1845. Vew Slore, New Goods and Prices,! E. FLYNT d CO., the only Ori:lnal Cash Store W EINE MONTHS' experience has induced the Cashier & Co. of the " Towanda Savings Bank " to enlarge the sphere of their operations, being well cured from the past, that the system of "Puy to-day and true! to-morrow." is well adapted to Bradford county. Our stock of Goods surpass io quantity and quality any precious stock, which will enable us to of greater inducements than ever. The following are a few among the many articles that comprise our stock of Dry Goods : French, English and American Cloths, French Cos simere, Vesting... Satinet, Summer Stuffs, Carpetiuges French Muslin,,, Lawns. Damages, Baharines, Gingham Mains, Gingham, Cashmeres, De Lemma, Shawls of all descrtptions, such as Brodie Plain de Lame, Raraie, Super silk, Rob Roy, and Merino, Parasols, Sheetings,Ticking.s, Drilling, Bagging, Wicking. .Oil Cloths, &c. 20,0(10 yards printed calicoes, together with our usual stock of Milinery Goods. Our stock rmbreces almost every article usually called lot. We have just received a large invoice of Family Crucenea— which we are offering at reduced prices--time and space will nut allow us to enumerate. Alm, a large stuck of Crockery. Glassware, Shetf Minicar°, Nails, Staff, Iron. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c... &c. We take this opportunity of returning our thanks to the people of Dradford awl adjoining counties. and in vite all who wish to BUY GOODS CHEAP, in give . ns R call, as we are pledged to go for "The norh Pat ty." We assure our fnenda that no compromise has been erected milli the RR OTT OR LUM.SER pri ces, but we shall continue to hay tom and sell cheap, as long as there is a 'ash customer in fitradhni aunty: Our motto for the veer to come, IN—" WE HAVE wE CAN. V 1 WILL." ale Look fur the Satiny e Ranh, N. 5. Smith En o% Sri Row, 9EO. E. FLYNT & CO. Towanda, May 20, IR4. fi,:IITSIWER SHAWLS, Hewlkercheif., ►` beautiful and cheap, at Di; B