Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 15, 1846, Image 3

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The sudden changes of the weather, during this Pea:
von of the year, exhibit a most baneful effect on the hu
man s ystem, debilitating end prostrating it. The sto
mach end bowels become deranged, giving timely notice
to a ll, wholre inclined to give attention to the warning
voice of nature. At such times "Jayne's Carminative"
never fails to afford immediate 'elicit', checking the (Ma
ws s lid restoring the patient to vigorous health. Mo
thers c annot be too cautious with their children during
t his month, and the month following, and in the earliest
stsg mof this summer disease, whether from teething,
°mass ive beat, or other causes, they should at once re
sort to this never failing remedy. Hundreds of certifi
cates from respectable persons in this city, are in posses
sion of the proprietor, ready to exhibit to all who may
desire to see them at his office, No. 8 South Third st l reet,
Prepared only by Dr. D, JAYNE, No.S South Third
Street, Philadelphia. Sold by A. D. Montanye To
wanda, Pa.
To those candid men who honestly doubt the truth of
the Brandrethian System, we would entreat them to
ponder well upon the following facts.
The food taken into the stomach is converted into
blood, which vital stream flowing through. all the ramifi
cations of the system, not only imparts strength and eon
tieustes life, but actually cr'eates, forms'and builds uP
up each and every part of the animal machine. If the
bl o od therefore is pure and healthy, the body which is
farmed from and supported by the blood cannot be dis
eased. But if there be in any part of the body any
affections, such as a bile or ulcer, even a bruise, the
blood circulating through that. part takes up impure mat
ters from the local affections and carries it into the gen
eral system.. This is the cause often of sudden death to
persons of full habit, afflicted with biles, and who use no
medicine, the matter gets into the circulatingsystem and
chokes up the fine blood vessels which supply the brain
with vitality, and life ceases as if bereft by lightning.—
N rs this can he remedied—the Brandreth Pills, will, if
e•ed at these times, take out all impure matters front the
raculation. and save the general health, at the same
lime they are curing the local affections.
Oh how important it is to now find that this subject
bs well comprehended, it would same many from tedious
tunes of sickness, and taftert secure their Services to their
nends, when otherwise the tomb would have its victim.
Sold by J D. & E. D. MONTANtE. Towanda ; G.
A.Pti,Kivs, Athens, only authorized 'Agents fur Brad-
t (' tint)
THE undersigned, having been appointod. by the
r .110 n (Sou, tof Bradto-d county au Au it
to mint me accounts of Carter Harroo, Admimarator
ei the Erne of the late Guth, Havens, deceased. s will
Jaen! to Me dimes of appointment On the 20th day of
104,t not t. ut 10 o'clock, A. M., at his office if Troy
of which all concerned will take notice.
13, 1816. 5,V E. W. 11AZ ND. And.
LARtvE LIUAN ITTI — OF 7 by 9, 8 hr 10, 10
by 12. an k l 2 by 16 \Vtndnw Glass, just: reed,
sati tor b.ile by ' jIIS B.KINGSBERY.
Orphan's Court Sale.
PUBLIC NOTICE to hereby given, that in pursu
ance of an order of the Orphan's Coon of Brad-
rarity. held at Towanda, the 6th day of May, A.
will he exposed to public sale'on Thursday the
of August next, on the premises owned by John
lath, &c . d... late of Springhill township, the
described lot or tract of land situate. 'vim; and
ni the o! and the county of
l'-14.) , 1 nn the roof leadinz from Skinner's E WI, to
mill, and bounded as follows; On The nosh
G...irzestiiiinith. on the east by Benj Int n Edwards.
and •a l l e south and west by Benjamin Edwards.—
ennui; one hundred acres, sixty acres whereof is
nith a frame house and frame barn thereon
, erted. The above will be sold as the property of
Smith, deceased. .Terms made known on the
:•• , , , rinzlull. July 10. 1F.,46
b) 9.8 by 10, 10 be 12, 111 by 14 11,
Ijr by 15;12 by 14, 12 by 16. 12 by 18. 14 by 16,
2)). this day received at jlB MERCER'S.
WILL make a short professional stay at the Hotel
11 of Ira H. Stephens in Towanda, where he will
pleased to sei. all his friends. jIIS
NO DEPOTS; awarded the Gold and Silver Medals,
h,ur first Premiums, and Two H Lehest Honors, at the
thorad, the Mass ichusetts, 'he New York, and the
Pennsylvania Exhibitions, respectively, for the most
.{ll , ndol Colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus
<o'er eclototell,
Portrait: taken in exquisite style, without regard to
Instructions given in the art.
A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on
trial, at the lowest cash prices
V.irk. 551 Broadway ; Philadelphia, 136 Chest
"' 0 •; Diiston. 75 Court, and 50 Hanover Sts. ; Bal
t:awe, 205 Balt imore ; Washington, Pennsylvania
Attsuie ; Peter.hurg, Va., Mechanics Hall; CinciM
nay. Fourth and Walnut, and 176 Main St. ; Saratoga
Broadway ; Paris, 127 Vieille Rue du Temple ;
' , .,rerpo u l, 22 Church Si.-3y.
BYamue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo, issued
ban the court of Common Pleas of Bradford cu.
dusted, I shall expose to public sale at the house
a , I. H. STE PH ENS, in the borough of Towanda, cit
‘ l • o l , iiy. the 3,1 day of August next. at I o'clock. P•
• \ ref win lot or piece of land situate in Wysox
' , a - n.411 ; 1. Bradford 'county. Beginning at a post on
narth east side of the Post road leading t hrough
a en.htig Stone; thence aloag by the same, south fifty
'coves, east s•eventecil and 32-lOU perches to a stone
tinier by the northwest side of a lane running north
from said road; thence by said lane, north forty
decrees,- east twelve and two-tenth perches' to a
thence by land of the party of the second part,
tilt det.,o,ie•i, west sixteen and 82.100 perches to
; thence by land of the same, south forty-six
•• west twelve and four-tenth perches to the place
..o adrunne. Containing one acre and forty-nine
and nine-tenths of a perch, includtng the build
-oz.• thereon,
sozed and taken in execution of the suit of Simon
to the use of Hiram Mix vs. Peter C. Ward.
Ald 4 o—A Certain piece or lot of land situate in the
of Windham. Bounded on the north by Har
and Joseph Elshree, on the ea s t by Joseph
I— d'rei• and George Pitcher, on the south by Zitia
-H.xchlos,,, and ott the west by Jacob Smith and Julius
bt...,•11. Containing about three kinndred acres, about
, rnproV‘al with 2 houses, one framed and one
;Labe, three fratiled barns, one Grist toil!, and interest
ane-founh of a saw mill thereon.
U-sti_ piece or parcel of land situate in Win.
hounded north by land of James pinyon, east by
"f forn, h Doan , south by land of Nathan Doan,
. 4 `t h) Nfalthew Buck. Containing about one hun
i; acres, four improved, one log house and small
, riaied barn thereon.
aion-d end taken in execution st the suit of Frances
Lanford & Co. vs. John Russell.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
l'heriff's Office, Towanda, June 24, 1846.
rilrmse. who have purchased goods at IMoutanye's
- 1 11. Co.s store on a years credit, at as cheap rates
" , F , Py could hare been enabled to do at other placer
l:ash do or II to pav up, if they vsish to keep
tot hailing. June 17. 1846. .
lIIANTEti-:.500,000 ishuittle,
300.1100 feet Boards:
I noo lbs. Good Butter:
lens 11. J. D - F.. D. MONTANYE 4 Co.
17111 FE LIME— a lent" barrels of the above
cle to he had at jell MONTANYE'S.
Tur VtiltA.UA !—More FLORENta;
4.1 IMNNETS just received at the Savings Bank,
(;,11 anao offering toslav cheap as vesterday.—
examine. jell G. E. FL YN . "I" & CO.
8. I
H. zs C. ..TIORCURe• • •
GOODS, •I • • •
consisting as usual. of everything. which will
be sold at the lowestinotch.
Towanda, July 6, 1846.
/Prints and Gingham&
A VERY large and beautiful avaartment of _Prints,
Gingham" and Latins, purchatetl in New York,
since the late reduction of prices, just received at
July 8. • . MERCURS'.
0.-41/232124t.eit MBEarlaU&agJ
I .
VERYTHING in the line, including Militia
Springe, Iron Axela, Mailable Burg, Dub, Seat
au s top Irons,Ornaments, India Rubber and Oil Cloth,
sLace, Tufts, Moss, &e. for sale at jIB MRRI !UR'S,
1.111--Superfine Flour, for sale by the barrel at
EATHER—CaIE Skins, Solo and Upper !anther at
July 7. ' MERCUR'S.
BLACKSMITHS, and others wanting IRON OR
STEEL, will do well to call and examine the large
assortment kept constantly on hand at MERCURS'.
- .
SALT—a quantity juat received, and for sale by
NAILS & SPIKES,' ssorted sizes, and of superior
111 qualities, for sale at jlB MERCURS'.
at jlB MERCURS'.
lU%L LIST for August adjourned Court, A.
D. 1846. commencing August 31.
No. T. Yr.
110 May 45
369 Sept 37
169 " 39
93 Feb 40 1
129 May 41
201 Sep. 4 . 2
520 "
125 Dec 42
405 "
509 "
484 May 43
67 Sep "
165 .•
311 "
701 "
3.1 Dec 431
2,34 "
33R "
379 "
42:3 "
Feb 44
88 "
219 "
That List for piumbcr T, on, .1.1.1. 1846,
fir.t week•.
lu Aley 41
45 "
46 "
124 "
209 "
:145 "
it "
47 s,•?t 4-0
393 '•
107 '
I'l6 llcc 41
Ell Mil
216 "
September Term, 18
C6l Feb 45.
Zi May 45
1 8 - 5
2.1 4 3
nrif "
3 Sept 45
3 Dec 45
256 T Haines ike
55 Feb 46 1. S Ellsworth
64 8.1 M'AlTei. use l
73 W Binghm trus. l
100 Aar EOstrand‘r
113 .4 Pierce
115 .1 I Osgood .
117 H Colony
128 IF Wilcox
120 C Overpeek
155 ID Bartlett
171 Guy Tracey
172 Wm BrOWO tien.i
182 .1 Murray
200 C Cummings
95 May 45 1 1) S Miller
154 !Cynthia Hwyek
The return day for subpoena
is Monday, the 3ist day of A
and the return days for subpar.
1846, are os fAIOSItS, to wit.
clay of September, IEII6, for tin
14th day of September, for the
W Bingham &c
J C Powell
T H Lewis
I Defendants. I
J K Bingham &c
D \f Bull
W T Bradford
B Bennet et al.
C Pierce
IE R Utter acc
B King. fiery et al
Wm L Po=t
John Horton
Norman Welles
S Hillhouse
M N Weed's nd
J Naglee & Son
Wells & Per. us
.1 Forbes' ad
B Baldwin
H W Vanßuren
0 Sahmarsh
David Cash
H Camp
C N Shipman
Z Esse!tine
S 1' Rockwell
John Ada et al
T H Lewis
L C Dechasrx
!Hannah Ada
J S Elliott
P C Ward
U Saltinarsh
SI Hunidiry
Rome tl.. Ace
F M Tenant
By Bins itiery
Gen Sander.).
W Gibson et al
S I 3 :strait
Forbe,' ad
IN Hutt - 1010'r etc
.1 Elliott
li Sanderson et al
I N %Ve.ton
Charlef llornet
J Tozer
I T storm
11 W Emerson
P Gorseline
Lane & Jones
C Ellsworth
H A . Carey
S BlaJk, .ub
J L Webb ad etel
& C Sturdvnt
C Mattwwson
D & H NCDttilie
W Simmons
.1 Ilanmn's use
E spaldn-
L I Declmst
&S Stark's ud
Aria et an.
I :regory ez ul
W H Baird
` Robumm
P ,ullislln
1V II :Spencer
J flarkik,s jr etal
Israel Buck
J J Emans et al.
P Hur!butt et al.
B Griffin adz &c
John Spalding
I) Bartlett et al.
IF Fisher
4- A A Noble
P liurlburt
S %Ha
.1 At la et al
F Mitch II
E (herton
MOO, jr.
H Wlllmon jr.
D N l.twrrurr
'l' Elliott jr.
W S Abbey
Wm Shuart
D Bosworth
F Tyler et al.
J M Piollet et al
P Cummings
E Overton
J N Weliton
6—Second ff
ki Palmer
B S Stuart, truce
F Wells
1) Waltman
Corn. iike
John Keating
Li Hathaway
Wm Peet
Moses Extine
.1 N Weston &c
C F Chmbrin
L E Gibbs et al.
Wm Gibson
H W Tracy et al.
I Smith
.1 Ingham
E & E Ackerman
J Miller et al.
S D Sample
.1 Iced [more
W A &N B Wet
'Asa Burt
C Stephens
0 I) Ss tterlee et al
N T Dickinson
S Payne et al.
J Simons
G Hanson &c
D Owen et al.
N Clapp et al.
Ira Siekler
A Fuller
1 H Smith
1 .1 K
18 Chilson 2d
C L Ward etc.
D Varzason
E W Morgan
C W Camp
I. G Brncroft et al
B Hinman
IS Vanßuskirk
R C Cooper
H T Benedict
John Roy etc
W T Bradford
G 0 Wells et all
Bancrft & Spaldgl
N Asenli etc
W Coornad •
N Smith
Overpcck &c
R s Smart, tills.
B Spring
Guy Tuner
Jas Phillips
Jchn Bennet
J M Wattles
B J ItlcA free
L L Keeny
A Haskins
Ed Sickler
iThos Hart
Charles Waldo
N C Harris' use
.1 D l'arCrecken
L K Wo!nrly
IR Dell
E Hicket
'Cleo Bred:
'James Smith
it U Kent
A l Wynkp et al
S Stiles
A Moiler
\aron Ingalls
vs m Potts et al.
Job Shepard
Cul. Hal. & Co,
C Sturdevant
I) Barber
E Vaughan
E Cole
J C Aldrich
,S Annable
S French
.1 R Smith et al.
Monroe t tvp.
E Griffis et al.
P Phatis
, M. Myer et al
A C Cooper
E Goodrich
G C Hill
A Stone et ux
H N Spalding
P Gorselino et al
S Al'lnt.cith
B et al
S Walls [ham':
G & 0 .1 Burling,:
H Spalding jr
C C 0011,3130
0 Ellsworth
G S Alathewson
I. D Goodwin
S Keyes;
D H Fuller i
IA N Thomas' ad!
I S Vanßusktrk
1 N 1 a hood
Daniel Strong
Anson Green
E I) Wilder
Abram Irvin
H !gallery
John Carman
W Niyer's ad. u.
E Roper
Bradford Mutual
11 Brown
lV Binghm true.
M Rlinney
E W Baird
Peter Sawa!
Win CA mpbell
W M'Phenwn
H Rummy
I Hatch
Wm Anzle
W At: tit Dryslain
/ 3 Smith etc
G Chintidn's ex,
James Goff
H .1 Miller
beiac Huyck
s for the'adjourned court
ust ISI6, at 10 o'clook.
'was for September Term,
)n Wednesday, the 9th
e first week ; and oh the
scoot] week.
.qt. No. 4, Brick Row.
THE . subscribers are now receiving and opening a
very large suriplv of sensonahl. GOODS. which
they aro anxious to sell on the most favorable terms fur
ready pay.
They nre fully determined Cott no one shall sell Geode
cheaper than they. Having taken much pains in the
selection of their goods—and as many articles of mer
chandize have fallen off in price since spring purchases
were made, they confidently believe they .can offer
some inducements to those who wish to buy cheap
goods they will not readily find elsewhere, especially a,
stores that purchased their goods early in the season
It will take but a moment to drop in and examine some
of their cheap Goods. Such as
Good Brown Muslin, 7 cents per yd.
Calicoes, 7 do.
Very good Prints„ 10al2 &15 per yd.
Brown Sugar. 7.8 & 9 cents per lb.
Good Molasses, 30 cents per gallon.
Green Tea from 123. cents to $1 per lb.
And all other -articles in proportion. They do not
like to say they willed! "cheaper" and "more" "goods"
than any body else. That would seem too much like
boasting; but they will say distinctly, they WILL NOT
be undersold; and, will also say to their Lumber and
Froduce customers. that they have the most entire con
fidence that no fault will be found with the price of
Goods. If they only bring in their Lumber and Pro.
duce, they will find goods as cheap as where they sell
exclusively for CAIIII!
They do not consider it necessary to enumerate all
or any of the articles they have fur sale. Suffice it to
say, their assortment is now full and complete. Call
and examine for yourselves.
Towanda, July 1. 1848. TRACY & MOORE.
I 4 AN DLORDSsUpplied on the most favorabliterreiT.
II Those wishing to buy good Liquor and Segars 25
per cent, below the usual prices cannot fail to find it to
their advantage to call nu TRACY & MOORE.
. 4 1ST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at To.
• wanda, for the quarter ending June 30th, 1896.
Ariel Wm B 2 Ketchem John F 2
Abbot Collins Lent David E.
Ames Olive Miss Larder David
Barner Wm. Lang M H Miss
Beam,Adam Moody Manion
Babcock Wm H 2 Morey Northrup
Baldwin Rev John T Murphy Daniel
Daily Chas \V M'Alpine M L Miss
Bullock D M'Grill James
Bostick Nathan or his heirs Macon John
Bowman David Mollaney Morris
Baldwin E. Malty Michael
Browning Harriet Mika Magill Dennis
Bardwell Wm T M'Allister Jonathan
Bartlett 0 D Melow Martha Mills
Dimmock Samuel Miller Mary Joseph John or
Donahoe John .Elian
Driggs W. Miller Gilbert
Dunlap 0 F 2 Michels Mary Miss
Dougherty Alexander Nobles Joseph B
Dull Joseph 2 Post Isaac
Campbell Wm Jr. Perkins A R
Crowly David Phillips Curtis & Charles
Crowly John Quigley James
Chellson Elizabeth Rush Michael
Crowly A J. Seely Alminer Miss
Clark Harriet Miss Shrader John or his heirs
Counwright Ellen Miss Smith Reily
Cranmer 0 A L smith Israel 2
Coe John D • A S
Cloud Eliza M 3 Smith E W
Crake Mary Shaper, D
Corwin Stephen Shores Stephen
Carrier Moses 1' Santee Win
Cotter John Savage Theodore
Edwards R Sullivan Patrick
Foster Wm H. Smith Hetty
Fitzgerald Mrs Smith J
Fowler Gorden M. Shores Sally M
Fesset Parney Miss Strickland Luke
Fisher Frederick Sickler Edmund
Fansey Hannah Tuttle Nathan 2
Frzgerald Cornelius Taylor Jacob
Green John M Trappe James •
Godard Julia A Miss Thernev Owen
Grosh Rev A C I'nger I. P
Gore Obadiah or heirs Warford N D & C
Guyer Eliza Mrs Walburn George
Hows Seth B Webb John L.
Hark. Patrick Waltman David
Herkimer Garuei Mrs Wooster Isaac M
Holcomb Judson Vat Squire
Howly Bridget Warlord J
Ingham Joseph Esq. Young E Y
Jennings Wm. law Hiram
Johnson Elizabeth A. S. CJIAM BERLIN. P. M
fgn is.
Is. he
for. at
ei cmn
, I la ,tc
am. ac.
MCI. i i.
sel. fa.
' eiectmt
crt fu.
1 la
,c 2. fa.
,j 1 runt
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office
at Athens, Pa., quarter ending June 30th ISM
Dr. Isaac. Anderson 2 Jacob Haase
Principal of Athens AcadmyDarias Snger
Mrs Dinah Annablc Marsailit Sarkvon
James Bryan John King-41nd
Walter Bragg Allred Lambert
John Burnam Rebecca S Langford
Wm I) It Conkey Daniel Mallery-
Wm Conkey Harvey Mallery
Mrs Sarah C Clark Thomas Staten
Daniel Cane Patrick Mahony
Mr Clarke or Hill Abijlth Mead
H Class - Abigail Maxwell
Hor E Cross Senesha Munn
Daniel Curkendall James Marvin
Henry Damson Harris Murray
Richard Durbin James Nixon
Creria Drown C. S Park 2
Jonathan E Drake • Naar. Porter
Isaac B Foster Mary S Plummer
Reuben Finch James Randolph
Gen W. Ferris D D Spence
Amhera Garden Reuben Seely
John Green Jesse F Sikes
John P. Green Celesta Snell
Abraham Haskins James Seely 2
Chas Hvlan Richard Sinsabang
Geo E Hanna Jr Dr (liras Spring '
Cornelius F Harder B P Snyder 2
Jahez Havens Samuel H Sawyer
Julia A Horton r: Williston
Lewis C Horton Enoch Towner
Mary A Watkins Henry Wood
May Watkins Miss SI Walter
Daniel B Walker Nancy Murray
Mary Hemeror Keeme C. H. HERRICK, P. IB
.el. fa
fom at
,C 3. fa
at. etc.
. fa. m
New Wholesale
THE subscriber would inform . the good people of
Towanda and vicinity, that he has opened a new
Family Grocery store on the corner of Main and Bridge
streets, where he intends to keep all kinds of Groceries,
that will suit all kinds of customers. His stock com
prises every article otTered in his line, (liquors excepted)
among which can he found candles. IMICA River To
bacco, sugar, tea, come, molasses, figs, ground pepper,
ground allspice, saleratus, cloves, starch, cinnamon, do.
ground, lump sugar, liar, fancy and castile soap, com
mon crackers, herring, by the box or less quantity,
mustard, codfish, No. I. macLerel. Also. snuff, segue,
(half Spanish at 50 cents per 100) cream nuts, filberts,
almonds, raisins, pepper-sauce. tomato and walnut
ketchups. lemon syrup and carpet bags; combs of all
kinds. A large stock of CANINE'S, of ell kinds at
wholesale and retail.
I jectint
I fom. at
CI. fa.
1 debt
Bois and Shorn.
He has also a large assortment of the finest and best
article of BOOTS AND SHOES..-ver brought into
this market ; being of Philadelphia manufacture. consis
ting Misi.e.'firie mar icco boots, calf hoots, coarse du.,
hipand shims. A very large lel of ladies kid
slippers, made of the hest material and workmanship.
Ladies Inh gaiters. boys and children's morocco
nouroes, children's half gaiters, boys kip brogans. all
of which will he sold very low fur cash, or ready pay.
The highest price paid f r env quantity of good
July I. 1846.
I I,
14 in. to.
EXEt . ; tiff IRE
persona indid the estirr of fame s L .
Enp.4. his of Stunthip , :-, .11. too ,sh , p, re
hereby ,1111 e. tell to make p.iy I: P. of II: . n.
those 11.51t11 claims against said ill id 4. , ~t•
sent them duly attested to .--.S, l'E
standing Stone. June 4. l 1 . Executor.
X1.1(1 (~1
EXEC!) Ott's NO 11( E
1.1. pt tNous indebted to the e-tate of Joel Tuttle,
toeut r 4 tondma. Stone sie
ted to mike immediate payment, and those having
data's against said estate, will pleow present them du
ly attested to ALB A TE: rr L E, Executor.
Standing Stone, June •1, 1916.
and Retail Commis.
Elliott .& Mercer,
ARE, now receiving a stock, of SPRING AND
UMM ER GOODS composing shoo@ every thing
ever bought or,sold, which they offer to the Public. for
cash or appmved credit. tallow is can be purchased at
rrtail any where in the United States—(..Tessa and
California included.)
Totvarida. May 22, 1846.
Crockery, Paints, Oils, dm., 4c., bought for cash
and sold at a very small profit by
1 - RUN & STEEL—A hap assortment of all kirk
just received by ELLTOTT &
Another Great and Enthusiastio
AT A MEETING of “all Air. 3—Brick Row." held
on the 33d dap of May, inst., 01.1) BAIRD, was
called to the Chair, and BILL BAe nn appointed a com
mittee of the whole to draft resolutions. After several
pathetic speeches by Eleozer and George, the follow
ing Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
Whereas, There appears to be a great desire on the
part of some Merchants in the Borough, to come up
along with No. 3; and Whereas we are willing to
assist them in doing so as far as consistent : Therefore
Resolved, That such merchants have our consent to
unite their several Mocks together, as the only means
by which they can equal No. 3.
Resolved, That the " Shavings Bank" take the
right wing ; profits and quick sales" the left,
and " New York in Mimalure" the rear,—a pike team
Resolved, That we never before thought New York
wan such a looking place as 'ile'ininiaturecihibits.
Resolved, That NO. 3 always has, always cav, and
always WILL, sell goods cheaper, better goods and
more of them than any store in town.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be
published in the Village papers, and that one copy be
banded to each of our competitors, and half a copy to
" New York in miniature."
May 29.1846. BIM. BAIRD & CO.
THE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his
friends and the pnblie generally, that he is now'
receiving and opening. an entire new stock of GOODS.
(at his store in the borough of Towanda, situated on
the east aide of Mom street, three floors south of Mon
tanye's & Co., and nearly opposite B. Kinghery's) em
bracing everything in the line of
Dry Goods, Groceries. (the ardent excepted.)
Hardware, Glass Queen's If are. Boots
and Shops, Paints. Oils and Var.
nish, Iron and Nails, 4-c., 4T.,
which he will sell as cheap 'as the ebeape-t, not except
ing the Renovator, or any of the champions of small
profits and quirk sales. He would respectfully invite
tbobe who wish to buy cheap to call and examine his
goods and prices far themselves, before purchasing at
any other place. N N E
Towanda. May 16. !544.
IInbRINTeI, LA WNS h MlIcsl.llSS, a large
:mlt on hand and for axle cheap at 13E'r .. .
I;F:6 H liN 41: PALM LEAF HATS and bonnets
will he found at iny2o BETTS'.
New York ht Miniature !
THE sole.criber has taken great pains to make his
asso-tment so complete in
Dry G00(18, Books 4. Sialioncry, Crockery,
Hardware, Painls 4. Oily, Groceries.
Nally, Boots 4- Shoes. Iron, sled,
Glass, 4-c., 4-c..
as to present to his friend., and the public nearly or quite
all the advantage of dealing in .stores which confine
themselves exclusively to any one of the Mime branch
es He invites attention to his nsmntment.
Towanda, lit sy 20. 1816. O. D. 13 A HTLETT.
%% OW, !
lIIIAVING made arrangements to exchange Cloth
and other goods for %VOW.. the subscriber de
sires to gain the confidence and approbation of the wool
growers le string then, the very best exchanges which
the nature of the market will permit. Call and .4.e.
Towanda, May 20. (1. D. BARTLETT.
EE suit/oather continues to act as agent for the DE.
Philadelphia. a stock company of good standing and re
pute & does business on ns fay Table terms as at& other.
He is el. agent for the LYCOMING CO. MC.
TUAL INSURANCE CO.. a company which has al
ways been punctual in.the payment of losses and pre
sents advantages seldom found.
Towanda. May 20. 0. D. BA RTLETT.
4f IA LICOES—the largest assortment diel prettiest
IL/ patterns. and rhetipcsf CA 1.1(.1)E5 , , te, say no
thing of Guatthams, Lawns, &r., ever seen in this re
gion. my`2o (). a BA RTLETT.
1114 received nt the 81vings Bunk
100 sup. Parasol.;
50 Parasolbites ;
100 Umbrellas ;
For the "splutters," we will put them down low.
May 27. G. E. FLYNT & CO
%Iwo Journeyman Tailors wanted immediately.—
'" Also, a lad to learn the TarlMing business, to
come well recommended, and apply sum .
Towanda. June 10, 1845.
4111 F the Directors of the '• Towanda Savings Bank,"
Jr held at Towanda. May Ist. 1846, the following
preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Rasolved. That the largest stock of GOODS shall
be placed in No 6, south end Thick Row.
Resolved. That GEO. E. FLY NT & CO. shall eons
tinue'to sell Goods as usual—cheaper than any other
establishment ill
Itc,ukied. That the Sa6nas Bank" regulates the
prices of Merchandise and Exchange until our next an
nual MI eting.
Re.oived, That the war against Lurnbet.-Credit and
H•gh Pricra, shall be continued.
Resolved, That the •• Ready. Pay System" is best
adapted to this atmoaphete, and when in successful
operation, goods have, can and shall be sold cheap as
in the next place.
Resolved. Th-t more-goods and better, shall be gold
at N 0.5. (F. & Co.) for the coming twelve months,
than any other establishment.
Resolved, That the prffeeedingg of this meeting b e
published in the tt Bradford Reporter," and ..Bradford
Argus." and two thousand copies circulated throughout
the county. GEO. E. FLYNT &
Q1114,4E1.1 :41 A WLS, Handkerchetfa and lid,onn
heawiful and cheap, at my2l3 B errs , .
Administrator's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Nicho!as Par
cel, late of Ridgbury township, deed.. are request
fed to make immediate payment, end those having
claims against said estate. will please present them duly
attested to JOHN H. PARCEL,
Rid:entry, July I. 1846. Administrators.
But not with the monies of our Country!
"Here we stand with hrush in hand,
To Jo our work in order."
having entered into co-partnership in the paint
ing business, are now prepared to flay to the public
generally, that if they want painting noun, such as
House. Carriage, or Ornainencil at any kind—and well
done—just give Its a en . ll. We 'vont - taw' to 114 " g
yonr woll paper if you should wish un no to do,
11111.1. !L l !..' 17, 1416.
;1 , .,1)
ol n
1-G SIEIt !Si (;FFs—Br )a , art. ij'.'q
pattcrn. at
. 10ETS, h I ;
ataut_er . mt just receivrda E T s7 ale
IU Cheap ut jel7
G E. Ir.l•N R t•i)
THE sohscribers ,you'd tender their thank s to. their
customers for pa-t fawns. and call their attention
to their New Stork of Goads, which, exceed their tw
iner one in quantity. quail!, and low pica. Their
present stock having lwen selected with great care, emit
bought/too ; they will endeavor to ;ive their ettAninvra
better hirmitns for Cash ur Produce than can be had of
any other establishment.
l'heir nariortment being complete. it would be useless
to particularize argicks, but would just say that their
stack coosio. or . lull supply of Dry Gonda, Groceries,
Crockery, Hardware. Dye z. 4 tuffa,Drugs, Hata, Bousicb,
Boots and Shoes, &r., fee..
The (11101/C stock al:all be sold at prices that will give
entire satisfaction.
Being satisfied that ready pay is best for all parties,
enabling the former to cell his produce ara better raw,
and the merchant to sell bis good. at lower prices than
he can do on credit, therefore will adhere to the Ready
Pay System. We d‘r not ask you to call and see our
goods first, hut examine others first. if you please, awl
then ours, and we are cure you will purchase of us if
you went bargains. MAYNARD Sr, WATPLES.
Rome, June 30, 1846.
H. S. 4. M. C. MERCUR
store to accommodate their inrieHAirig, business,
have the pleasure of announcing to their friends and
customers that they are now opening good assort
ment of SPRING ¢ SUMMER GOODS, embracing
almost everything in the line of
Dry Goods, Glass 4. Quernstearr,'
Groceries, Boot,, 4 Slwes.
Hardware, Points, Dye :dip,
Saddler?, Drugs, Medicines,
Harness and Carriage Nails, Glass.
Trimmings. Leather Valrl'e
which will he sold as heretofore, at prices that will sa
tiafy the public. Towanda. May 12, 1846.
BUTTER to PeJ I. will find it to their advantage
to call at jell NIERCUR'S
IzEES WAX—Cash paid for DEES WAX. by
1-3 jel6 MERCEE's.
SUMMER GOODS, for Men's & Boy's clothing—a
splendid assortment both in quantity and style
now opening at MERCUIt'S.
May 14,'46.
lETS—A large assortment of every r.tyle and
iff fashion, from which the must fastidious con be
suited. just received at MERCUR'S.
BOOTS & SHOES--Including a large assortment
of children,, and misses shoes at Itl Elie UR'S.
lIEGHORN & PALM HATS a great variety, at
I 4 May 14. MEIICUR'S.
I®f N - , O IRON, American, English & wedes
—a full te , sortinent of round, square, hand,
horse shoe nod are iron, fur sale at MERCl'ffs',
HARDWARE—an assortment fully equal to
any Hardware stores in our neighboring,
towns, now opening and far sale at MEW:I-Rs..
"LAW:\ 8 & iii:\ iiHANI. all •ty les and goalittea,
for elle at my 27 MEliel:liS%
. _
PRINTS—The laigest le—ortmeni of Spnott and
S nutter Prints, ever opened in Bradford for vale
Log. Winter. German (;
Siormy. Steel. niv'27 NI F. HI
Of \rw nod nicap Sprinz and Summer Goods,
Direct from the City.
BURTON KING.,BERY most respectfully in
forms his old customers. and the public in gene
ral. that he is now receiving at his ;,:d stand, a lar g e
assortment of all kinds of goods, 'which he in:vie:6 to
sell a lane cheaper than nny other store in Towanda.
It is impossible to put in a newspaper all Me different
kinds of goods that mat be found at iny store. I hat e
a full n.sortment of D-ei Crneke ry,
Druz& .11rilieines, (C/s Dye stuffs. Awls and
Nhoes, Nails, Iran, Hats er Caps. eitc. Call and puce.
bet;ire you bun elsewhere. May 1.4. lot i.
FED ileho Jr an, •Jtl/-
mfr Shawl.. a very farce assorhnent, wlot 11
trf rold lower than be bought at any other more. Call
and -cc. my 14 13.1(INGsBERY.
BoN NET I'S—Any quantitt front two shillitiga,
to •,;6, with beautiful trimming:, also flower , . in
side sprigs and wreaths, all French. which will he found
111 and silk Hats. latest styles, and new cheap, at
may 13. B. KINGSBERY'S.
A PPLEBY'S FINE, chewing and smoking
TOI3ACCO, a prhne article for sale at
toy 13. IL KING:AM:Errs.
I. CmDFISIi & .NIACKEItEIi. tor sale at
1,1 may 13. B. KINGSBER .
llt 3Y-WARE. such as port:. kettles. spilt re,
&c.. at my 13 B. KINGSBEH Y.
TUBS, patent peils..iiihaker brooms, Al
rent mats, traveling baskets, carpet sacks,
looking grasses, &c., all very cheap at
mar 13. B. KINGSBERY.
extra cocoa. i,uperior to old Java coffee. and a
very healthy beverage, which mar he found at the old
Cheap store of. myla B. K[NGSBERY.
THE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to
his friends and the public generally, thatite is
now receiving a very I.vge and carefully aelected ad.
dition to his !dock of GOODS, bought for Cash. and
selected with the expert, view of UNDERSELLING
Towanda, May 13, t 54113.
-11ontanyes Sf Co.'s Store.
07):E ARK LOAD just received, and daily mrieci
ing more. The prettiest and cheapest ❑oods mer
uttered in this market. are now Opening, and they hope
their friends VI 111 not forget to glee lilt in a call.
Wholesale purchasers and merchants .ltd hing.
replenish their stock will be arromm•ylated on [Metal
terms. J. D. & E. D. MONTAN YE ..14.
Towanda, May 13, 1816.
C33-3d az,33a2z.'3,
P)EB,PECTFI,I.I.Y informs his blends that he has
.L-e, leased the above House. situated on the south
Mir of toe public square, lately orrupied by A.M. Coe.
'mil having made entirely lietv arrangpments, is now
prepared tor the reception of i:itors. Presenting his
compliments to his friends arid the pulilie generally , and
assuring them on pains or CSrellse Win Ire %11:irril in
please his guests. he respectfully solicits piddle patron
age, pledging himself that while the establishment is
under his control, it shalt not be excelled by any in the
The rooms of the • CLAREMONT HOUSE,' are
spacious and airy, and furnished in the hest st le.
The Talile will he furnished with every substantial
the country can produce.
The Bar will lie stacked with the best liquors in a
pure and unadulterated stare. •
First rate Stabling attached. with ready and faithful
Ostlers always in sitteoilanee.
In short, nothing wilt lie omitted. which wid add to
the cnrufort and convenience of eustomers,anil wish his
facilities, he believea aatisfaction will h e re n d ere d t o a ll.
Towanda. April 8, 1216.
CASII TOR WOOL.—The sulsioriticr has tin
nbiection to pay part dr even all CA ill tar Wool,
at as high rate. as the market will permit.
Tow rods. May 20, 0. 1).13.A RTLETT,
" •,,, • .1•••
2) ;!1.9.!,1, `d)1.11,431
A".4111.,E ILORS.
flyer Montana, next door to Airreur's law orilre,
at the aid (awl of Powell & •eaulan. uc I j
War against High Fritts and the Cridit System!.
.4/ the .4"ew rorh Cheap Marc,
No. 2, Brick Row. one door south of the P.O.
THE Stilmrrihers having entered into a eopriltner
ehip h.r the express - purpoieof furnishing Me good
people of Bratlfordi Courtly with goods, wares and Mel.
choridise. at feint one notch limes than they have ever
been sohd in this niorLet. They aro new securing one
of the largest and heat selected stocks utspring and sum
mer gaols, ever landed in Northern Penney lv ania.
'Their stuck comprises 'Menet every article ever offend
itt a eountry stone. Among which, we can only men
tion that Mere is a general assortment of
Dry G”ods, Groctrieg,, Hardware, Crockery, Clan,
.tint,. Iron. Bonnets, Boas and Shoes. Sal,, Tin-
wore, Slone-ware, Liquors. &C., 9 e.
T heir go.ths have been purchased mostly forcash at
itactitili, and they pledge therm...lvy:. that !toy will not
he cridersold by any other establishment in this section
of the country. '..eople Wye ants 10 Call at the New
York Cheap :Stare, (N o. 2 thick Row) to satisfy t hem-
C. tic E. REED.
To. ands, Mac 2.i. I Fain.
N I. W • (AL•t.-
1 hams, Rept DeLaitis, Lainnia lotha fur sunarrier
drevaes, sn long looked fur dy the Lathes, have arrived
13,1 n' ...en at REED'S
1,. OA gro ays u,K yi the " heads of the
J Nation." The Ladies will find it ¢ grvatvaving to
their heads to call and purchase one of those
Ntraw, Devon, Gimp. Florence, or Lice, Lawn, Gipsy
'hornets. wiling. no cheap at REED'S.
jr either Silk, Cottiin, 14. V. be letinit
_ .
ii is ;llsM MER Shaw Nltodin
fj." Plain and Embroidered tStradillii and I.l3mtte Shirvl4
buitable for summer, now Opening , at REEL'S,
T EGIIORN and Palm Leaf Hats of all cluablies just
rereive.l Mid for sale cheap at REED'S
JCS I' R F ! C•D the :HO Chrtfp;,:
Gaptlx rta, brorwl,f trap Mr (pantry!
Printed inusiins, lace nu:sluts, lawn ginglniuns.organiii,
pant-marquise, Cana r!. lawn, caAinieres, muslin ging
hams a new article, tlin-ctiee satin stnlu•d, balzanne,
f•w pat, black lialzarnie, checked linnt rep+ and crape
actuate, %%Idle dress god, a large lit of prints rich and
beautiful patterns, corded and grass skirts, undue de%
laine shawls. plain and shaded dn.. Ilk. curd rtradell t'
shawls, harrige and net ci au Is, satin striped barrige 1111,3
net long shawls, ladies polka, fig . d and striped eravata
and lies. beautiful gimps and Irringes, silk dein/veils.
green harrige,
Cheaper than the I rail hr,wl, ,tide
net lave, (toren,. or] :tn.) 11,in ,4it.gey pedal. hulk t.,•• 1,40 mini ~,.gat ktratr
spendtd Brum/ t 6nLLnn strumsry .u:, L 6• st lu
20 doz. and Sun S'itad.s, 1,,,tv tut 1 t:.•t,t.
and cord Kul Glnve, L111.C.111 1u..• 11,11,15. Ilosu tt dr
13 ROA 1) (• f AYE II S,
Twilled l'rencli, EEL:6ll;lnd A ,erirori ; Ire
d.n/raoprd cheikeddn.,lgreit I 11-
ty ; golden t, rrd,, 111,1110 1.:1 , ..•.1,J 1'
11. hrr.Und,r
drills. ini
and Qtilped
10 kilt, Wadding .111.1 V.
Snell a. n: l `, 1 0 a 114 , 11 , .11,:kr :Mr] tm.,
JO.. nod sod x cot...Ns, ii , t,:llr, and Idea. A lane Sor t -1. 1 ,0 of rhrlf Hardware, door :• . .nonirozs.
0 10 e ,001 11.1 r, rani, e• "flee L ts•
ad•o.ortll . 4 it arsordo
u,rl t.',11 , -.Srblh—, 0:1- sleLlrs. a lirst sate article.
11l 111'1 S H 11-:S.
I,atlie hid hu.kins and .1:1,141... norm co and r:.'n
an I L.A., gar turfd li.JI :;.t ter, I 11;n!reil'a
Unit, and t .11 I.e.nod . nl tin-le ga,
lets ; en..irse 11,1 . ,1 1 1 , 1/dMACC.
‘; 1?( it • ENIES.
tarn. , sun-k of Sti::qr, aril \ Inla•—•••••: Lump. I.onf and
Pulver,el.l Sw4ar le,n• • Coffee. 16,..kni,tin.,.
nutmer2+, nnin4o. lob t tit and eart
mackerel and codil,.ll.
ultocK ERN - .
A general nigortment, in setts, or otherwise, to suit cus
400 Men's and Bny's Lezllnrit ; coo P. 1.. do.
J 7 Butter. Flaxseed, Bee,. rax. Fez.. and Grain:
wanted in exchange fur onnit, at cash] prices.
Towanda, \lay . 211. I,lli
:\ ICE IiTICI,t; 1.A171, TEA ran Demand
at No. a. Brick How. m\"_o B- 1111
Those who wish to Porrhase Cheap Goods,
interest .
to rail at 13 A l
nS we are itdDt:S:
ruined to .1e;1 at all k tr.ards. NO. 3, BRII2K ROW.
DOZ. P TENT PAILS; 2 doz. %Vaah Lobs;
12 .'oz. Broom-. ; 6 sotto Wooden t neagarea ;
cheap at No. :2. Brink Row. B Artays.
ciircoN YARN a CAIill:I' \VA 10 7 1,OCii
Rm. at toy 20 N 11.2. BRICK 1:11W
sinr i Doz. griNiniAi
vie for .ale cheap al No. 2, Bock Raw.
%lay CO, ISI6. - BAIRD'S.
DRUGS'S: NIEDICINES, pants , and ...lye
stllfE4, whits' lead, around and dry, s arnish, 141 N,
madder. c”ppera.l, apt, tu.faaitine, gout copal. ale'Te,
Veellion red, Int...woad, red-wood, cam-,OM, ail fir Sale
rheall, at MA .21). NI). :1, BRICK ROW.
• "
TO the citizens of Bradford County in generil. and
th' 11,,nutz% Twrenda, in pnrlirrdur : All
the judgments. mitt,. and oreoions n i th e
wdl In collected acronlinz to law, 7,11,,u1
prrxwm. unless snlndJr[may settled ttuhw thirty
dale of this date. Those nun think we are - not in
earnest. nal Ilan out then' Itio.t.o , to their onn eon.—
Marl: Mill. 1% . BAIRD & CO.
Toivanda, Mae 15,
N. B. NV, would fortlwrinorri Any up on
111.11 We have• pl.l iccei Veil 3 1.1 , 41' .111,•6 of r•
which will be sold vrry che.,p indrcd, her rr,...!g
.7M: • Erse :7%. - 4Mr AZ 9 2°A: la•a•
Extithlishrd !N.M.
Very S:Ore, _\cu• Corn's rand Neu— Prices !
G. E. FLY NT & thr only Or;:inal rash Starr !
N11)NTIIS . exp. rani, It aaltirotlth.•
1'.,,10rt ( ' o. of t . te •• rowan la Sivin4a lShnk
fn enl‘r.ze Ihr sph..r.• of th , r , r 01.1,11 , 111°. twin?, Well iia
stuell trout the I..ya, 11, a the t..‘,.tero of ray In-day
,10..101 ,, 1 to 1ir.1.1100
^ 1,1111 , ?. Our ,ack ~f slit itn, It) 11.1,111111 y tutu
qualm anv pic‘l,lllS k, a. la. 11 v. tlt . n 'III , u. 1 .1 of., 111.:., , ,,D,•vits iLnr ser. Th.. I
n fear ar , 11,71,: the many 21! l i ck, I l iad romi.n.:, al) r
of Dry Good.:
Fr;rll 4, l:11;:45.4 (:: , 1,-. Ft,
: , 1;111 .tt
Frtill•11 N/U.:11j4,1,.r.a'n.1; if 4; p 1,11,,
•s'..t•rors I'. mo.,
of ail do , oniitl. , ,i-7 It 1i,i101.1
ittralp, :•oalier E , o
1,, c,i
k T., I >or 00 ,1 / 4
almr,t rage jr!,. 1.. Wo
h•.%reilit recta , . it a I tvrle I r
Which ire nro r o 100
NVIII /sot allow u. to A I
('ro t lorro, I •••ii. I, II r,l.
rpm. root r. I I •
1; . 1. 1 1 0.1 •
I : .... ; ,„,1
, It!"‘ (;.,11:)7+ \ r,vo,
, P , ' 1!,;
r„ N”. End.
L. 11.1 %I':c (U.
// , ,,k ii•or
I uaa1:.1.4, 'Tay Wit). ;
I int g
- & k,
th 10, t,
i r If c
• O. i; 11.1 V I::