STILL THEY COME! If. S. If Jr. C. .11ERCUR. HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER AssoßTafesi OF GOODS, consirling-as usual. of everything. which will be sold at the lowest notch. Towanda, July 0. 1846. • • . p, IL LIST for August =Jimmie( D. 18.46. commencing August 31. iiiii7zdants. I K Bingham &c D M Bult - I Plaini.P. 1 11l Mai . 45 W Bingham &c 1 369 Sept 37 J C Powell 169 " 39 T H Lewis 9:3 Feb 40iJohn Horton !29 11 ay 41 Norman Welles 201 Sep. 42,S Hillhouse 520 1M IVeed's ad 969 " 1 .1 Naglee & Son' 125 Dec 42' Wells & Per. as ~ 405 "Forbes' ad :4)9 " : F Baldwin MU W T Bradford B Bennet et ad IC Pierce E R Etter Sc B heryhetal Win L Post H \V Vanßuren Saltmarsh David Cash C N Shipman Esseltine IS P Rockwell John Acla et al H Lewis 4:4 May .1:7 H Camp 67 Sep L C Dechasra 165 " same 711 " (Hannah Ada 771 " ItH&WAMas'n Dee 4311 S Elliott 244 " P C Ward 334 •• 0 Saltmarsh :179 " Humphry 423 •• ( Rome tp., &c 56 Frl• 4.11.' 91 Tenant Kine•herc 7 19 Geo Sanderson W Gibson ct al S B Strait 1J Forbes' ad W Hurnphry ctc J Elliott G Sanderson et al I N Weston ICltarles Hornet Trial List for Srptembtr Term, .q. D. 1846, first ii•rrl.. 10 )Lv' 44 J Tozer lI Gregory et al. Ifi.fa 45 " I 'l' Norm H Band (debt 4ti 11 W Emerson R Sp:Mting " !P Gorseline '; Robinson am,ac. & Jones P Sullivan sch •:09 " IC Ellsworth 1S H Spencer appeal •.:30 - II -I A Carey 11 jr et ill , jeCtint DWI:. sub !Israel Duct: case 11'..1)11 ad ete;.l J E4Ans et oh t. fa. 'l,& C sturdvriti PII :Jr P.ont et al.l •• 113 Gr.!!!') adx &c ease " ID & ItNl"..)utfielJohn Spaldixez lejec.tmt ID Dartlett et al. 'appeal 4 01 " I Hanson's use !I.' Fisher 47 Sept 441 E Spalding 'Jobs •• I.(' Det-Iht:tlx ) A A Noble lekctillt 154 !II S S:ark's u• Pll url rt I c ,ct ta . !,!etlt . ”1 Aria et ax. c'a ;, Nlitehell 11 KeHorn ft. IF: Overton '.l .Nelt et j^. I,llt ' .1 Ni•lore jr. \ I. arent'e t , ; Der 41111 jr: !T 77 I \ S ! Shuart " I) orth 1,1 • t . .11,•tint. e. 1E overton .1 NT I'l°ll,l et " " N We..ton&r;P Untnono./,.: .rpti miler 71rm, IFiti_s t rond jrcf.k. N A:I- I .\l' 1.1: Gib!s et al. I‘"tu I=l L{ ll3 . 7 . apart. vu, ,I) !I: F WeIIS 91; ! 0- , 1 - , ol . r. , n,.. 45. - 2.0 t lolin Keattn7 ..i 'llll3lll tuay i W m Peel I .N 1.,,,, EN. tine H rracy rt al SI3IIII I IT ',II MI E & E Ai-kerma! I \llll,r S Sarni .1 H., ,ninn &:\ t (.1 'dui( ~i1.:4r.. \ :Nlll 11 1 \ ()% erpeck is ;quirt, j. 11. Spring 1 v. 111.1.111 , . ' r 1' I I 11 r,iTer'weel I' P,oe a id. II :.1 11/I)aen et al. :iapp et al. .1 Nl•\lartles II I 11ti.111;e L Key F. I Hart .1 ,„ :I IN C Hitgris . I , I D 11 . tratiken 1 &lit .15. K ‘Vottnly ;It ti t ; IS Dartford 'll IR E II icket 13recli: flames. Sinith I t Kent NiV, iikp et 3 .Itl Stiles 31'2 Minter . 317 kiiron 357 1.1 ni Nit, et al. 130't Shepard ;Cul. lial. & C 3;6 .1: Sturdrvant LI Garber 'lra 11-•.1,r I H 'Smith K XVri2ht !Zd Ili ()wen C L Ward etc. I I) I art: ...on :E XV Nlorzan j 3; Camp IL(; Brumat et '.I IS Hinman Van Bu-kirk , IZ (' mer T Berle lict j1..1111 It.-1 etc I T Bradford It; 0 XVells et a! II Jnerlt & Spald IN etc XV Coonrad sowIS French 1E Vaughanß Smith et al lE Cole 111,nroe twp. E Grtiiia et al. ,J C Aldrich lit 'their: IS Ann ible Neer et al I.X.u..aan Green l j .ht C Cooper , L E I) Wilder ,E Go t odrieti ' IJraln Irvin C Hill ;1;1 Mallery J Stone 4-1 n't jloll. Carman N 51.. 1, 1114g \V I er',. ad. u a 3' torselinu et j E Roper IS NI littc-14 - BradJor.l Mutualll ‘Vmal et al 111 Brown IVali. j. l4a. j& 0 J II Nt Ramey IH Sp doing Jr 'E \V Baird IC Co ,, jonigh ll'eter, , u,4ll 0 I:ll..wardt j7v m Campbell j(1 S atliew‘ort ‘v M'ph,q,.an I. I) li.Jod,ase Il' Haines Acc lietveg 5; Frh {c'l. S Ea.worth I) II Fulitr . B M'Atfee W lim¢hm (Cu..: X N Thmna.' I. :no X SE o,trantfrlS Van II mkirk I'\ Is • ;J Mah4,elJl 1 1 I ():goad Irlarint Strong I 117 II I jolonv H Rannay ' I r Wileo r r I Hatch I 2) j t' Overpeck. I W ili 1 55 - D Bartlett ' &11 Dr !71 Itinv l'rarey 11' Smith etc j j 72 \\',;r Brown aen.-C; Chtnltrln'.4 J , N.J I I\l l'lmery ( 7 Cummings parties G o ff 93 May .1.; I) S Miller .Nl-'.l•r 15 t Hu) llnyc% 3 Dec 4 .11 =COM " .1 Iv of 14toa 1 , 1413, at 10 th- retoto Sept.PITO. , f !•. (1 We Ines.lay 1•1t;,1,a N•eel: : S 1.1. ir, 4 7h ud 5A.1.1.14 1,1 N IN AND Plitt I \ awarded the t;011 mid Stlter Ntedk, F.,11r Cl,l I'lelllll/111S. Wit/ FiVO Honors, at the N , hoaal. the Masslehtt,tts, •he New York, and the Ih.sewh ama 1-:chtlatins, rt vipeetl•cly, for the most , i 4 a , ha Colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus ev..r etiolated, Portra,ts taken in exquisite style, without reprd to weather. Instructions gi,rn in thr art.. t A lar t z,. assortment of Apparatus and Stock al .v s on hot 1. at , ho :attest rash inwea - Nen, York. 551 Broad.ay ; Phdadolphot, 131 " Ut ; Botaon. 75 Court, and 53 Hanover St..; Bal. 205 4Saltintore St.; Wadlin- , ton, Pontotylvanta A`e , ”te Rrter.d.urc, Va., Merhann-... Ha 11; C 1 1 ,01.- trai. Fourth and Wdnut. 371.1 176. Main St. • iirnad%av 1'27 Vieille Run dui Temple ; , d ,-, ;t0,1, Churrh N'lt 111)11E. \\l{, to my enclwwwe. on Sunday. the 14111 day "I lune. a Brown COL 4 vrar<nlJ 8,01 ''lt ha. two ulitte feet and a qar on the forehead. The owner is requusted to prove property. pay ehaTge: and take the colt away. INMAN TIIURSTON. Towanda tp.. June 29, 1816. FLV NETS,suother lot just received and tar sale jU cheap a. jell REEDS'. ARRIVAL OF SUM fER GOODS, THE subscribers are now receiving and opening a very large supply of seasonabl. GOODS. which they are anxious to sell on the most favorable terms for ready pay. They are fully determined tlrat no one shall sell Goods cheaper than they. Having taken much pains in the selection of their goods—and as many articles of mer cliandize have fallen off in price since spring purchases were made, they confidently believe they can offer some inducements to those who wish to buy cheap goods they will not readily find elsewhere, especially a - stores that purchased their goods early In the season it will take but a moment to drop in and examine some of their cheap Goods. Such as Good Brown Muslin, 7 cents per yd. Calicoes, 7 dn. Very gond Prints„ 1002 &15 per yd. Brown Sugar. 7,8 & 9 cents per lb. Good Molasses, 30 cents per gallon. Green Tea from 123 cents to $1 per lb. And all other articles in proportion. They do not like to say they will sell " cheaper' and "more" "goods" than nny body else. That would seem too much like boasting; but they will say distinctly, they tem. SOT he undersold; and, will also say to their Lumber and 'Produce customers, that they have.the most entire con fidence that nn fault will be found with the price of Goods. If they only bring in their Lumber and Pro duce, they will find goods as cheap as where they sell exclusively for C 11111! They do not consider it necessary to enumerate all or any of the articles they have for sale. Suffice it to say, their assortment is now full and complete. Call and examine for yourselves Towanda, July I. 1845, Y¢f u re. ign is. ejecmt. debt Is. fke Bei. fa. ease debt for. at. appeal replev. . ejermn ad. fa. appeal debt ejecmn appeal trepqa. appeal IF A N1)1,0111)8 supplied on the most favorable terms. Those_wishing to buy good Liquor and Segars 25 per cent. below the usual prices cannot fail to find it to their advantage to call ou TRAC V & MOORE. lir IST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at To wanda, for the quarter ending June 30th, 1846. Ariel AVrn B 2 Ketchem John F 2 Abbot Collins Lent David E. Ames Olive Miss Larder David Darner Wm. Lang M H Miss Beam Adam Moody Marrion Babcock AVm•H 2 Morey Northrup Baldwin Rev John T Murphy Daniel Bail) Chas \V M'Alpine M L Miss Bullock D M'Gill James B. 'irkNathan or his heiriMaron John Bowman David Mollaney Morris Baldwin E. Mahn Michael Browning Harriet Miss ! Magill Dennis Bat d W T Al'Allivter Jonathan Bartlett 0 D M. low Martha Miss Inininock Samuel Miller Mary Joseph John or Dmiatroit Jahn Ehaa Dreg , W Miller Gilbert Dunbar 0 F 2 Michols Mary Miss D , olg'utriv Alexander Nobles Joseph B Joat ph 2 P^-t Isaac \Via Jr. " Pr--tins A R Ilia al Plullips Curtis & Charles Cron'y .1 In Quigley James Chellson El zabeth Rush Michael Seely Almmer Miss t"atk Harriet Miss Shrader John or his heirs ('ool-nil:d Ellen Miss Snutli Reily cranmer H A It south Israel 2 Coe .1 doi I) Sh to: A S Cloud M 3 Smith F vv ('r-the Ma-y Shiite. 1) I' o t., in Stephen Shores Stephen (darner )Lees 'l' Santee Wm rawer John savor,. Theodore 1: !ward. li Sulli• an Patrick Po•ter \Vin 11. Sbnith 'Jetty Fitz zetald Mrs Smith J • Fowler Hordeo M. shores sally M • Parsley Miss Strickland Luke • Frt dere k Sickler Edmund mt.., Hanna!, Tuttle Nathan 2 Coriistius Taylor Jamb (Irecri .1 hn SI Trappe James Gobard Julia A Aires Themes! Owen Gros!, Rev A C P Gene v,! .111 or heirs Warlord N C • r za Mrs Walburn George II oe• \\*ebb J.lllll 1.. 11, lv Patrick Waltman David Hirkirncr Garnet Mrs Wooster Isaac M I H o l c omb Judson - Wat Squire 1e Flawly Bridget Warlord J J ~,. etc. ' Ingham Joseph Esq. Young E Jectint J''ttratez:tt Win. Yaw Hiram John•nn Elizabeth A. S. CHAMBERLIN. P. M. ! T• IST OF LErrERs remaining in the Post Office lebt 1.1 at Athens, Pa., gunner ending June 30th 1846. !Jrctmt Dr. Isaac .Anderson 2 Jacob House Prim ipal of Athens AeadmyDarias Snger Mrs Dinah Amiable Nlarvitla Sackson Junes E ., . an Jiihn•Kingsland ‘Valter Brrgq Alfred Lambert .I.t`iii H 11,113.11 Rebecca S Langford Weii II B 1 'onkey Daniel !gallery \Vin C .I.key Harvey !gallery Mrs S nal, I" Clark Thomas Mitten Daniel Cane Patriek Mationy Mr Clarke or Hill A bitall Mead 11 'la- a Abical Maxwell tic E Cross Seine-ha Munn ,)ant. I l'lllketidall James Marvin Henry I) neon Harris Murray Romani Dorton .lames Nixon Cr,',,, Drown • C. S Park 2 Jnriathati 1: ,hake 1-sac Porter Islay 1.1 l'a•ter Mary S Plummer 11.mben Finch .1 inn , Randolph 0.. i Pe r ris 11 D Spaaire \ adieus roleu Reuben Seely John • ;reef, Je-se F Sikes Celestia Snell James Seely 2 Co bard Sins:dating Dr Ozias 51. ring It P Soviet 2 Samuel II saviyer G I; mall Towner Al Walter N irre• lurrav C. H. HERRICK, P. M ISM a j t,tuit Ip .•31 ME in iGi ..1.1 s •. 1.1 rrs ME ,i 1. I tip •.11 f... y•clint •al MIMS EIME It, Ma it a Jahn I'. 1: rven i, f ,t, ~„ CH- I. 1..1L G.. !1.1 , 1•13 Jr r I .ts F Ihrder .1 l' '/L I,•,1 .11..4 1 II L. l• tl..ri..n vktn+ ti o W.A•klf”. D 'A %11, ii iu^ or Keemo ..) • lti t MEM 11.1 ale Trhe good people of . I . ..wand aid that he Ita4 opened n new 1r...•. fy ',tore on the corner oi tlain .nll Bridge , •,•1 tot r I !la. • 11., A II I it, I,llp All killtiS utltriPl'eflt•el, I,L II 3.4,1 AU ti 1:1 kunl. n t C11,1.11114, jilt `it.!:( emit . •- • atilt Ir 0111,0,1 111 111-. (I:rptorr.v be t. an d candt,-. er TO. tea, cont fur. Ground popper. v•••,•1 , 1 .111-plt•••, s ileratmh closes, .ta reit. row ornmi, do. sugar. bar. !alley :toll cutaile soap, coin moo rat her,. lo.rrtniz. 'lox or Is,. quantity. hous:ar,l.codlisii, No. 1. th when I. • Also. snuff, segars, 50 cent. ie.r 100) cream nuts, filbert, 0.m.1N. rai 4 lmh peppy tomato and waloot L. tclun.s. !colon syrup and rurprt bags; combs of all kihsis. A Irr_e shock of CANDIES, of all Lioila at olhulesa:h. and 1 11 110 , r refill, 1 h,. 9th and Oil Lai \GG Gft ~Li.i\ li~l He has also a hr,,e assortment of the finest and hena snide of 1300 I'S AND brought tins untrket : being of Philadelphia manufacture. consis t ong of Misses'fine morocco boots. calf boots, coarse do., kip boots and shoes. A very large lot of ladies kid slippers, made niche best maternal and workmanship. Ladles half gaiters. silk do., boys and children's morn:leen noon roes, ctoldrein's half g liters, boys Lip brogans. all of e. lack will be sold .ray low for cash, or ready pay The highe s t price paid r any quantity of good BL" rrElt. HUGH (Y . HARA. Towanda. July I. 1846. persons intlet.ted to the estate of James E. 11 Ennis, late of titandingStone tnwn.htp, deed., are hereby rrfpiestefl to make paymenCwilhetut delay, and those baring claims against said estate, will please pre remit tiu•m July attested to ASA STEVENS. Statattleg stotte..lone 4, 1E46. Executor. EX EC UTO ICS NOTICE. p e rgniig indebted to the estate of Juel Tuttle, Lite of Standing Stone town -hip, clec'd., are reques ted to make immediate payment, sod those having claims against said estate, will please present them du ly attested to ALBA 11717 LE, Executor. :Standing Stone, June 4, 1946. .8t No. 4 b Brick Row TRACY & MOORE Connuk. OMB Rots and Shays EX ECU I s I'ICE Brigade Orders. To the (Warns Soldiers of the Pd Brig. 916 Di; P.N. HEREAS--A requisition has been made on the Goven.or of this Commonwealth, for siz Regi ments of Infabtry, to lap held in readiness for muster into the servico of the I:overtimes!, of the United States. Offers Of serviee of Voinntetrs won be accepted with the view of accommodating each military division, in proportion to its strength. Citizens of this Brigade who arc desirous to tender their service to the country in the present emergency, will forthwith enrol the.a.. selves and .report the same to the Brigade Inspector.— It is hoped that the citizens of this Brigade will not he found wanting 'in patriotism, and devotion to their country at this important crisis, bot will enrol them selves without delay according to the act of Congress. Each company to consist of one Captain, one Ist Liett. tenant, one 21 Lieutenant, four blergeants, four Cor. ponds, two Musicians, s,stv-four privates. B. WILLISTON, JR. Brig. Gen. Brig. General*. Office, Athena. June 16. 1846, S SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of apildry writs of Vend. Expo., issued from the court of Common Pleas of Bradford co. to me ditected, 1 shall expose to public sale at the house of 1. H. STEPHENS, in the borough of Towanda, en Monday, the 3d day of August next, at 1 o'clock. P M„ A certain lot or piece of land situate in Wysox township, Bradford county. Beginning at a post on the north east side of the Post road leading through Standing Stone; thence along by the same, south fifty degrees, east seventeen and 32-100 perches to a stone corner by the northwest side of a lane running north easterly from said road; thence by said lane, north forty four degrees, east twelve and two-tenth perches to a post; thence by land of the party of the second part, north fifty degrees, west sixteen and 82-100 perches to a post; thence by land of the same, south forty-six de grees, west twelve and four-tenth perches to the place of beginning. Containing one acre and forty-nine perches and nine-tenths of a perch, including the build , ings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Simon Stevens to the use of Hiram Mix vs. Peter C. Ward. ALSO—A certain piece or lut of land situate in - the township of Windham. Hounded on the north by Har ty Ru:sell and Joseph Elabree, on the east by Joseph Elshree' and George Pitcher, on the south by Ziha Hotchkiss, and on the west by Jacob Smith and Julius Russell. Containing about three hundred acres, about 65 acres improved with 2 houses, one framed and one stone, three framed barns. one Grit mill, and interest of one-fourth of a sow will thereon. ALSO-4piece or parcel of land situate in Win dom, hounded north by land nf.James Kinyon, east by land of Joseph Doan:south by land of Nathan Doan, west by Matthew Buck. Containing shout one hun dred acres, four improved, one log house end small framed barn thereon. Seized cod taken in execution et the suit or Frances P. Lanford & Co. ye. John Russell. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. Sherirs Offire,Towanda, June 24, 1846. DELINQUENTS. • have purchased goals at Montanyes T HOSE whn 11 's store on a years credit, at as cheap rates n• they could have been enabled to do at other places fir Cash will do well to pay up, if they wish to keep the pot boiling. June 17. IBM WANTED -500.000 NI - angle 3C0.000 feet Board.: 1000 lb.. Gond butter; .1. D. E. D. M ONTA NYE 4. CO. voik ; FE LIME—a tew barrels of the above aril- V cle to be had at jell MON TA NYE's. 111' CE R A - DAY ONLY !—More FLORENCE DONN El's ju-t received at the Savings Bank, o Inch we are ott.rina tn-day as cheap as yesterday.— Call and examine. jet'? G. E. FLYNT & CO. GRAIN CRADLES, 2 dozen. superior to any ever made in this county, now selling at N 0.2, Brick Row. jel 7 REED'S. June 14 GRAIN & SNEATI - 1:4, also Rifles, Quineliaug NVlietstones, may he had low 'or raqh, at jell REEDS'. oRKING CAN VASS, ZEPH Y V. ORS Patterns for Working, shaded purse twist, worst- Arc.. may he found at jell REEDS'._ Clll B 4, BUSHELS CORN, in store, and for aale o . 3eigi low, by jel7 O. D. BARTLETT. WANTED at:N. HEMINGWAY'S, a first rate boy. 16'or 17 years of age, to learn the Blacksmithing Business. Apply immediately. jelo NEW ARRIVAL OF GOODS! A MONTA NYE is replenishing his store with an unusually la-ge assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Paints and Oils. Dye Stu& Drugs. Medicines. 4-e., &r. Further particulars given next week ; meanwhile call and examine them yourselves. Towanda. June 10, 1816. MODERN ROME! THE subscribers wou'd tender their thanks to their customers for past favors, and call their attention to their :New Stock of Goods, which exceed their for mer one in quantity. quality and low prices. Their prtsent stock having been selected with great eare,and boug./t/ low; they will endeavor to jive their customers better bargains fir Cash or Produce than can be had at any other establishment. Their assortment being complete. it would he useless to particularize articles, but would just say that their :lock consists of a toll supply of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Hardware. Dye StulD,Drugs, Hata, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, &c., &c. The atto‘e sleek shall ne seal at prices that will give entire ❑ring satittiell that ready pay is best for all parties, enabling the former to tell his produce at a better rate, and the merchant to sell his goods at lower prices than he ein do int credit, therefore will adhere to the Ready Pay ;,4p.lem. We d a not ask you to call and see our goods tirst, but examine others first. if you please, and th e n curs. and .we are sure you will purchase au. if you want bargain-. MAYNARD & WATTLES. Rome. June 30, 1816. !mimic N 0... 3. Brick Row. GENTLEMEN NI E RUH A :N . , TS will please call 131 and isio• Oleo. Lor m.e.: by the firor Jay of July, as I .on mini; to I dirri..'iurg at that time. Every exertion will b. ni pa) tt,o thirds of I f 446 Tsar... and nave ro th1.....0nty p..r rent. I would likewise request th ise bail tie In Licenses, to cell and take them. Gelleciors wall please pay all collections by the first day of J uly. J. REEL, Treasurer. TI11"1",1111 ' . OFFICE. Towamin. .11mc 9, 1R46, 1 . DI l'Oß'• NO 110 E T toothy Parton and Wat. Davnbon. Trustees of (he ,r Arnertew t, Barry Bailey. Adotin istrotot Srortll derra,ed. No. 29 Feb. T., ititC. and Lim 11,bler rx. Jesee IVoodruff, No. 174, y 1 M 45. The itilder.ianed having been appointed an Auditor to di-tritn., min,..)- N 0.,. on executions in the above .110. betohy gi‘es I toth e that lie will attend to the du nes of his spi Intent at his office in Towanda Do. FOUL' h, on Tuesday the 14th day of July next at two P, IL, when all itcrsons interested are required preee it their elairne. to be debarred from coming in upon void hind.. HENRY 11110T4. Auditor. FALL &.WINTER FASHIONS 1761E3 i1t1660 BATCHELER & I:OREL beg leave to inform the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs, No. 4. Brick REM, where they are prepared to execute all work entrusted to them 'with care neatness and des patch, and in the most fashionable manner. Having just received the New York and Philadelphia fashions, and witllitheir long experience in the business, they flat. ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner and style equal to any other establishment in the place. Terms mode to correspond with the times. 017171 G done on the shortest notice. All kinds of country produce received in payment for work at market prices. June tO, 1846. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Isaac S. Warn. deceased, late of Monroe tp. Bradford Co. are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same are requested to present them, legally attested for settlement. JOSEPH HOMET, Administrator. Monroe, June 10, 1846. 11 G , ODD ZO Elliott &Mcreur, ARE now receiving • stock of rintirm AND UMM EU GOODS compuving almost every thing ever bought or sold, which.they offer to the Public for cub or approved credit, as low as can he purchased at teteil any where in the United ritate*—(Tessa and California included.) Towanda, May 22, 1846. _ _ WY (MODS, GROCEFtIEIti, HARI/WARE, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Ate., 4-e., bought for tub sod sold at a very small profit by May 22. ELLIOTT 4. MERCUR. - IRON & STEEL—A large assortment of all ki just received by ELLIOTT & MERCUR. Another Great and Enthusiastic MEETING ! AT A MEETING of "all Nu. S—Brick Row," held on the 39d day of May, inst., OLD BAIRD. was called to the Chair, and BILL Bastin appointed • com mittee of the whole to draft resolutions. After several pathetic speeches by Elea--er and George, the follow ing Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, There appears to bee great desire on the part of some Merchants in the Borough, to come up along with No. 3 ; and Whereas we are willing to assist them in doing so as far as consistent: Therefore Resolved. That such merchants have our consent to unite their several stocks 'together, as the only means • by which they can equal No. 3. Resolved, That the Shavings Bank" take the right wing; small profits and quick saki" the left, and " New York in Miniature" the rear,—a pike team backwards. Resolved. That we never before thought New York was Auch a looking place as i/a miniature exhibits. Resolved, That No. 3 always has, always ex.'s, and always WILL, sell goods cheaper, better goods and more of them than any store in town. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting he published in the Village papers, and that one copy be handed to each of our competitors, and half a copy to New York in miniature." May 29.1840 BILL. BAIRD & CO TARIFF REPEALED ! IMRE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to hie friends and the pnblic generally, that be now receiving and opening an entire new stock of GOODS, (at his store in the borough of Towanda, situated on the east aide of Mom street, three nom, south of Mon tanye's & Co., and nearly opposite B. iiingbery's) em bracing everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries. (the ardent excepted.) Hardware. Glass 4- Queen's Mare. Boots and Slaves, Paints. Oils and Var nish, Iron and Nails. 4-c., which he will sell as cheap a■ the cheape4. not except. ing the Renovator, or any of the champions of small profile and quick sale-v. He would respectfully invite those who wish to buy cheap to call and examine his goods and prices for themselves, before purchasing at any other place. N B Erfb. Towanda. May IC, 1944. • VIIIRINTS, LA W NB & lit 6, a lama ment on hand and for sale cheap at BETTS'. EGHORN & PALM LEAF HATS and bonnets •J will be found it my2O BETTS. New York in Miniature ! THE subscriber has taken great pains to make his smortment so complete in Dry Goods, Books 4- Stationery, Crockery, Hardware, Paints S Oils, Groceries, Boots g• Shoes, Iron 4-'steel, Glavt. as to present to his hien& and the public nearly or quite all the advantage of dealing in stores which confine themselves exclusively to any one of the above branch es. He invites attention to his assortment. Towanda, May 20, 1046. 0. D. BARTLETT. WOOL! 11HAVING made arrangements to exchange Cloth and other goods for WOOL, the subscriber de sires to gain the confidence and approbation of the wool growers by giving them the very best exchanges which the nature of the market will permit. Call and see. Towanda. May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT. INSURANCE AGENCY. TIRE subscriber enntinues to act as agent for the DE LA WARE MUTUAL-INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia; a stock company of goad standing and re pute & does business on axle. Table terms as any other. Ho is also agent for the LYCOMING CO. MU TUAL INSURANCE CO., a company which has al ways been punctual in the payment of losses and pre sents advantages seldom found. Towanda, May 20. 0. D.BARTLETT. ALICOES—the largest assortment and prettiest C patterns, and cheapest CALICOES, to say no. thing of Ginghams, Lawns, &a., ever seen in this re gion. for sale by my2o 0. D. BARTLETT. KEEP SHADY ! Just received at the Savings Bank : 100 sup. Parasols; 50 Parasollettes ; 100 Umbrellas ; For the "splinters," we will put them down low. May 27. G. E. FLYNT & CO. JOURNEYMAN TAILORS WANTED. rip WO Journeyman Tailors wanted immediately.— ' Also, a lad to learn the Tailoring business, to come well recommended, and apply soar. BACHELOR & COREL. Towanda, June 10. 1846. AT AN ANNUAL MEETING OF the Director s of the" Towanda Savings Bank," held at Towanda, May Ist, 1846. the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved. That the largest stack of GOODS shall be placed in No. 5, eolith end !Melt Row. Resolved. That GEL,. E. FLYNT & CO. shall con tinue to sell Goode as usual—cheaper than any other establishment iu Towanda. Resolved, That the '• Savings Dank" regulates the prices of Merchandise and Exchange until our next an nual me Resolved, That the war against Lurnbes—Credit and 11;gh Prices, shall be continued. Resolved, That the " Ready Pay System " is beat adapted to this atmoephete, and when in successful operation. goods have, can and shall be sold cheap as in the next place. Resolved. 'l'hrt more goods and better, shall be sold at N 0.5. (F. & Co.) for the coming twelve months, than any other es t a blishment. Resolved, Thee , the proreedintia of this meeting be published in the " Bradford Reporter." and "Bradford Argus," and two thousand copies circulated throughout the county. GEO.E. FLYNT & en. I M E R SHAWLS, Hauditerelseifs and Ribbons. _ beautiful and cheap. at my'2o BETTS'. Administrator's Notice. ALL persona indebted to the estate of Nicholas Par cel, late of Ridghury township, deed., are regime. ted to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against said *Aide, will please present them duly attested to JOHN B. PARCEL, AARON C. SCOTT. Administrators. Riclubury. July I. 1846 PEACE DECLARED But not with the enemies of our Country - "Hero we stand with brush in hand, To do our work in order." XI T. CARRIER and JAS. M. MURLBURT, basing entered into co-partnership to the paint ing business. are now prepared to say to the public gehendly, that if they want painting clone, each as House. Carriage, or Ornamental of any kind—and well done—just give us a call. We wont refuse to hang your wall paper Ryon should wish us so to do, Towanda, June 17, 1846. P RINTED CALICOES-20jii•O yds, from e} to 25 cents. 'Phase wishing Prints Intl better u•sil themselves of thin opportunity—they ire selling rapidly. G. E. FLYNT & CO. _ _ _ QUMMER STUFFS—By the Y SA. Bile or Pack occ. et G. E. FLYNT & CO. arIIARPETING—A good stock. Some basalt u' ‘.../ patterns ai G. E. FLYNT & CO. RICHCARBETING—• few pieces at No. 3, B R. usy2o BAIRD'S. SMALL PROFITS & QUICK SA ' H. S. 4r 3f. C. MERCUR. fIAVING•ENLA ROED & REFIrI 4 ED THEIR store to accommodate their increminit s hh.inevA, have the pleasure of announcing to - their f.ienil• and customers that they are now opening good mon. meat of SPRING *SUMMER GOODS, embracing almost everything in the line .4 Dry Goods, Glass 4. Qacenswarr, Groceries. Roots 4. Shoes. Hardware, Paints, Bto opt. Saddlery Avg*, Medicines, Harness and Carriage:Nails. Glass. ' Trimmings, Leather, Salt. 4.c.. which win be sold as heretofore. at prices that will sa. dory the public. Towanda. May 12, 1846. BUTTER WANTED.—AII those having GOOD BUTTER to Pell. will find it to their idvantagr to call at jrl7 MERCUR*B BEES WAX—Cah paid tor BEEN WAX. by jal6 MERCURII. SUMMER GOODS, for Men'a & Bny's clothing—. splendid gammen* both in quantity and style now opening at MERCUICS. May 14,'46. BOIINETS—A lase assortment of every stylirand fashion, from which the mast fastidious can be suited, just received at MEHCIJ/03._ B00 . 1"3 & SHOES—lncluding a tarp assortment of children. and misses shoes it MERCUR'S. EGHORN & PALM HATES a great variety. at KA May 14. MERCER'S. TONS IRON, American. Engli.h & e.wedes —a full aesortment of round. square, hand, horse shoe and tire iron. for sale at MERCUIIB'. I I ARDWARE—ats assortment fully equal to any kept by Hardware stores in our neighboring tower.. now opening and for sale at MERC URS'. LA WNB doGINGRAMB, all styles and qualities, for sale at my 27 MEIRCURB'. pRINTS—The largest assortment of Spring and Summer Prints. ever opened in Bradford for sale my 27 MERGURS'. OTE EL—American, Eng. blister, German Cast and pg . Sprina Steel. my 27 MERCU,RS'. LARGE ARRIVAL Of Sew and Map Spring and Summer Goods, Direct from Use City: BURTON KINGSBERY most respectfully in forms his old customers, and the public in gene tat. that he is now receiving at his old fund, • large assortment of all latids of goods, which he intends to sell a little cheaper than any other store in Towanda. It is impossible to put in a newspaper all the different kinds of goods that may he found at my store. I have a full assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Dye stuffs. Bolds and Shoes. Nails, Iron. Hats i t Caps. &c. Csll and price, hefnre en,, l,nv rlaYwherP. May 14, 1848. LIDIUNCED LAWNS. Muslin de Laines anti sum mer Shawls. a very large assortment, which will be sold lower than be bought at any other store. Call and see. my 14 B.KINGSHERY. "MON N ETA'S—Any quantity. from two glinting; EllII to $6, with beautiful trimmings., also flowers, in side sprigs and wreaths, ell French, which will he found at my 14 B.KINGSBERY. I EGHORN & PALM LEAF HATS. also Fur J • and silk Hats. latest styles, and very cheap, at may 13. B. KINGSBEKrts. FINE CUT eliewaug and 'cooking TOBACCO, a prime article for ea le at may 11. B. KINGSBERY'S. NO. 1. CoDFISH dt MA.CKEREL, for Mille at may 13. B. KINGSBERY. HOLLOW -WARE, Pilch u pot.. kettle.. *firm &c.. at my 13 B. KINGSBERY. WASH TUBS, patent palls, Shaker brooms, Al rent mats, traveling baskets, carpet sacks, looking Owes, &c., all very cheap at may 13. B. KINGSBERY. ilop A D DE'SCELEBRATED CHOCOLATE dr. extra cocoa. superior to old Java coffee, and a vrry healthy beverage, which may bo found it the old Cheap store of my 13 B. IKINGSBERY. I W7 (00 1 0341 THE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and The public generally, that he is now receiving a eery large and carefully selected ad dition to his stock of GOODS, bought for Cash, and ,elected with the ezpiess view of UNDERSELLING the BRAGGADOCIOS. 0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, May 13, 1846. LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS, .41 Mon:wages Co.'s Store. ONE ARK LOAD just received . and daily expect ing more. The prettiest and cheapest goods ever uttered in this market. are now opening, sod they hope their friends will not forget to give them a call. Wholesale purch and merchants wishing to replenish their stock will he accommodated on liberal terms. J. D. & E. D. MONTANYE & CO. Towanda, May 13, 1848. CASH FOR WOOL.—The anhe.nlier ham no objection to pay part or even all CASH for Wool, at as high rates aa the market will permit. Towanda, May 20. 0. D.BARTLETT. WAGON AND SLEIGH MAKL\G. 3ralTala a =tamp HAVINC formed a co-partnership for this purpose of carrying on th • above business at Monroeton are prepared to execute all orders punctually,soch as Making, Repairing and Painting, on the shortest notice and at the lowest prices that they can be had in this vicinity for ready pay. All kinds of Produce and Lumber taken in payment at the market prices. COFFINS made on the shortest notice. and at re duced prices. P. DUNFEE, Monineton. March 17. 1846. J. C. SMITH. FIGURES WaN'T LIE IT has heen ascertained. arre finally spoken nut, that the largest stock of Cloths. Camirneres 4 Beating* to Bradford, ere to he found at the '• Savings Bank:' and what is more satisfactory to purchasers of the above goods, they are at least 25 per cent. cheaper than at any other establishment. G. E. FLYNT & CO. 111 112, 2' I .li CD IF 31 .11torneg at Law, girIiFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Rovr.d 111, rectly over the Po. Office, Mein meet. 0:3•E: trance et the north end of the building. tl3. - - II EXOIOIIN & STRAW BON NE'ITS.-and some IA beautiful Ribbons, Athfrials, 1 0 . C. selling ni tanishingly low prices. hook for them at the celebra ted cheap stare. mv27 0. E..ELY NT & CO; (!)172111 2msrasa.aceemap FdSHION.IBLE 7112ILORS, Over Moutanye ' a Sum, next door to Mereur's law office, at the old eland of Powell & etaman: Gel) CLAREMONT HOUSE cwaaswit bitlSM2l34ltElo RESPECTFIILLY informs his friends that he has leased the above House, actuated on the south sole of toe public square, lately occupied by A.M. Cue, and having made entirely new arrangements, is now prepared fur the rrm'ption of visitors. Presenting his compliments to hie friends and the public generally. and sequins them no pains or expense will he spared to please his cued*, he respectfully solicits public patron. age, pledging himself that while the atablishment is under his control, it shall nut biexcelled by any in the country. The rooms of the • CLAREMONT HOUSE: are spacious and airy, and furnished in the beat style. The Table will be furnished with every substantiol the country can produce. The Bar will be etockrd'with the best liquors in a pure and unadulterated stair. First rate Stabling attached, with ready and faithful Ostler' always in In abort, nothing will be omitted, which will add to the comfort endgonsenience of customers, and with his facilities, ho hewers satisfaction will be rendered to ail• Towanda, A'pritlk I ISM • THE WAR BEGUN! War what ugh Prices and the Credit System NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. .48 the .rete York Cheap Store. Nu. 2, Ilriek Row. one door wtah of [he P.O. THE b..bscribesa having entered into a en-pattner ship for the express pupate of furnishing the good people of Bradford County with goods, wares and mer chandise, at least one notch /met than they have ever been sold in this market. They ore now securing coo of the largest and best selected stacks of spring end sum mer goods, ever landed in Northern Pennsylvania. Their stock comprises almost every article ever offered in a country store. Among winch, wo can only men tion that there is a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Glass, Nulls. Iron. Bonnehr. Boots and Shoes. Roll, Tin ware, Slont•trare, Liquors, 4r., 1)*(.. r. Tbeir goods have hero purrhiricil mostly for cash at auction, and they pledge themselves that they will not he undersold by any other eataltliAment in this settion of the country. 'mople have only to call at the New York Cheap blare, (No. 2 prick Row.) to satisfy them selves. C. & E. REED. Towanda. May 25. Igifii. pHOsE LA W coati AN INES, LAW V La:N.6- 1 hams. Rept DeLeon., Lamont cloths for summer dresses, no long looked for by the Lithe!, have arrived nn,l mei, now it Neon nt REED's ht/A At, I b—.-1 gre.d w. m q to Herds of the Nation." The Ladies will find it a great easing to their heads to call and purchase one of thwe beautiful Straw, Devon, Gimp. Florence, or L.,ce, !Awn. Gipey Bonnets. spiline an cheap at REED'S. ARASOLs, PA kAsOLLETts, SUN SHADES. P either Silk. Gingham, or Cotton, may bo found cheap at REED'S SMER Shawls, Muslin Del.aine, Ombri Del.sine, Plain and Embroidered Strad'Ha and Darer Shawls suitable (Or summer, wise opening at REED'S. T EGlitißN and Palm Leal Hats ull qiial4ie;:just meeived and for ante cheap at REED'S OItEUON Ott WAR ! NO. 3 AGAINST TIIE WORLD. RECDST the Largest, Best. and rbropee tt 4 :01 of Goode ever broughi into the country ! DRESS GOODS, Printed muslins, lace muslins.l.twn ginginns,organdi, print marquise, Canary lawn, cashmeres, muslin - ain't:- hams a new article, Homier satin striped. balzarine, a few pat. black balzarine, checked print reper and crape delsine, white dress go. 41s, a large lot of prints rich and beautiful ',enema, corded and grass skirts. 01111 , FC de'- laine shawls, plain and shaded do.. Mk. 4 curd stradella shawls, barrige and net titian Is, aatitt striped harrige and net long shawls, ladies polka, fig'd and striped enfants and ties. beautiful pupa and Irringes, silk demiveits. green barrige, &c. BON NETS Cheaper than the cheapest—Gipsey pearl braid, oorde net lace. ilorrnee, gipsey devon straw edged arid plain, Misses gips, pedal. bird* eye braid and de.on straw ; spendid Bonnet Ribbon', some very desirable styles ; 20 doz. Parasols and Sun Shades, lady and gents black and cord Kid Gloves, Cambric Hind's. Hosiery 4u BROAD CLOTHS, Twilled French, English and American; doe skin Cax simere. light arid dark striped checked dn. a great varie ty ; golden tweeds, merino cassin.ere, Kentucky Jesus, blue drills. A snipe assortment of FISTING.: marmite. valentine, cassimere. plain and striped satin. 10 bales Sheeting, Batting, Wadding and Wicking. HARDWARE. Such as Iron, nails, steel, log chains, halter and trice do., mill and x cut saws, augurs and Ides. A large as sortment of Niel(' Hardware. door trimmings, cutlery, shoe thread. wool and hnrse cants, coffee mills, &c. Blood's. Harris' and Wailsworth's Warrantui Graui and GraxoScsihrx., , mahs and sicklei, a first sate article. BOOTS & SHOES. Ladies' Lid buskins and slippers. morocco and calfskin boots, black and fancy gaiters and half gaiters. children's gaiters and WI boots. At beautiful article gept's gai ters; coarse and fine Boats, in abundance. GROUERIEs A large stock of Sugar and; Lump. Loaf And Pulverised sugar ; Fresh. Tens ; Untire. Rio-, Raisins, nutmegs, indigo, tobacco, fine cut and usvendish, shad mackerel and codfish. CROCKERY. A general assortment, in setts, ar uthenvi4e, to suit cus tomers. 400 Men's ■nd Boy's Leghorn Hats ; 600 P. 1,. do. a Butter. Flaxseed, Beeswax, Eggs and Wain, wanted in exchange for goods, at cash prices. Towanda. May 20, 1846. _ _ NICE A wrici.E BLACK TEA can be Wood at No. 3, Brick Row. my2o BAIRD'S. Those who wish to Purchase Cheap GOWN WILL find it to their interest to call at BAIRD'S, before purchasang elsewhere, as we are deter. mined to sell at all hazards. NO. 3, IlnicK. ROW. 12 DOZ. PATENT PAILS; 2 doz. Wash tubs I 2 .'oz. Brooms; 6 setts Wooden measures cheap at No. 2, Brick Rocs. B ADM'S. C 07 - CON YARN & CARPI.: l' W A liP-I,tiuu lbs. at my2o N 0.3. BRICK fir AV. 3Ark DOZ. QUIN EBA I:t; eiCY isflE eifiliNE'ei, k, for sale cheap at Nu. 3, Bnck Row'. May O. 1846. BAIRD'S. ticas & MEDICINES. paints, oils and dye stuffs, white lead, ground and dry, varnish, pitta, madder. copperas. apts. tu.pentine, gum copal, atom, Venitian red, hog-woad, red-wood, rnm.wood. all Lir sale gibeap. at ina IZO. NO. 3, BRICK ROW. Ns' ci A. 11.: o '.. 0 TO the citizens of Bradford County in general. and the Borough f Towanda, to particular MI the judgments, notes and accounts at the subscri'vrs, will be oollected according to law, without diAtiudion of persona, unlesa satisfactorily settled within thirty Jays of thin date. Those who think We are not iu earnest. will hind out their ttiiAa.,e to their own erwt.— Mark that. W. H. BALIZll& CO. Towanda, ?tiny 15. 1846. N. H. We would Itirthermore say upon this sultteet that we have juM,jecrtvell a farm- :god: of New which will be solt1:- - very rheoff twlced, for ready pa 7. IW. .-Sead, We. OGre, W. MM. TOWANDA S - ArINGS7 BANK, ' Established -May MIS. New Store, New Goods and New Prices! C. E. FLYNT 1.; CO.. the only Oripinnl Cash More EINE MON flDn' ex pi:Ocoee has induced the T Cashier & of the Towanda .anitigs Dank= - to enlarge the sphere of their operation., tieing well an cured from the pant, that the -yntean at Pay to-dily and trust 10-morrow," in well adapted to BraltiOral county. Our stock of surpass in qunntity and quality ally pitotoun sir k, wluch all enable us to oi ler greater Inducements ikon ever. The following are a few among the many aiticles that curnprine our attack of Dry Goods French, English Tina American C 6 •th., French Cas aimere. Weating, r.aitinet Sum.. r Stuffs. t'aipetings„ French Nluslina, lawns niss7,,,l3llz,nora, Gingham Muslin.. thoullions. CASIIRI., , S, Do Lames. lihaarla of all ,lescruotons, such as Basch* Plsiosds TAW. Niprr ,• 1 11(, IL,b ti.y, and Merino. Paulson. Sheeutigs.Tiviongs. Bagani.;, Wicking. (J &c. 20.000 yard. pruned calicoes. together with our usual stock of Milmery 0..a15. Our stock onilinuaro almost every antele usually 1-.Jited liar. We• hose just received a large m. 0...., ur Family Croorner— which we are offering at natured iirice.—tune awl .pace will not allow us to enunwrsts. Also. a I oze stock of Officiary, Ok a sw a re, Shelf liankrare, Ste,l„ Iron. Hat,. and COPP. and :Shoe+, stcr.' We take dd. "platoon} of rellnlillint our thank. to the people of Rradt,.nl 1.11.1 C01...1ir% and in cite all wi,•h to RI • V G(iODS CHEAP, to it. a Call, an we are pledged to 40 1:•r •• 77, (',,,h Pun y." We fnen•l4 P.ll no conipro . nt. , e been Ted& or:rth the CiLED/T Old Lc !iE pr.- eta. b ut we ao l .Hcnntirille to /My I q" and gene/imp,. or lone an there is a ',alb rrtAtonirr Bradj •rrl 'won/ y. Our motto I'm tho year to come, I. W 1 HAVE WE CAN, WE WILL." c 1 Look for the Savings 1t2n1., A'n. 5. Sonlli End. Brick kou•. (;EO. E. riANT .5c CO. Towanda, !day 20, 1810.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers