Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 08, 1846, Image 2

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Towzuth, lk eduesday, July 88,1846.
F(JR C %NAL commissioNua t .
IVILLI.-12.11 B. FOST.P.R, JR.
Bradford Co. Stameing Comamince.
The following named gentlemen were appointed as
the stooling; Committee fur Bradford county for the
vrr-rt,t tear, by the Democratic Convention, holden in
,•~~: m.^r last
DAvso WILMOT, has again taken hia seat in
Congress, as we learn by the following paragraph from
the correspondent of the Public Ledger:
Mr. Wilinot rose from his bed, to take his teat in the
II•oise, to day. Bespoke in favor of the bill, and in
favor generally of a revenue tariff. His speech is uni•
al:Dined to have been one of the shiest which been delivered on this question at the present ses.
IVe hive at yet receive] to report of Mr. W.'s
speerh, but shall embrace the first opportunity to lay it
briiJre our readers.
The Fourth of July.
The seventy-first anniversary of our National inde
pendence was commemorated by our citizens, on Satur
day last, in a spirited and proper manner.
At I f "'dock, A. Pi j. a procession was fumed under
the direction of Chief Marshal, Col. Buzz and his as
wiarits. and preceded by the Athens Hand, marched to
the Methode:t church, which was crowded to overflow
intl. The Rev. Mr. Cut.Tas made some appropriate
r, mark= ; after which, the Rev. Mr. FosTrat addressed
the Thome of Grace, in an impressive prayer; the
hrclnrattn nt Indepvndence was then read by E. S,
G onna ', e, El., and Mr. Mnactn delivered his ad
dre.n, to an attentive and highly pleased auditory.
pnwes,inn was again formed, with the addition
of the Ladies, and marched to the Square, where an es 7
tcusise Bowery had been erected, and seated themselves
bp an abundant and sumptuous dinner prepared by WPM.
DB I (it,. After the removal of the cloth, the regular and
oth"er tenets were drank, amid the thunder of artillery,
and the eidiseniug, and soul-stirring strums of the Athens
Liam I.
The exercises of the Jay were conducted in a manner
highly gratifying to those who would ever keep fresh in
remembrance the deeds of our ancestors, and wish the
perpetuation of the principles fur which they fought--
We trust that in Towanda, the day will hereafter be
celebrated in a similar spirit and manner.
‘Ve give below the Toasts delivered on the occasion:
I. The Day and those who honor it the principles .
to which it gave form and permanency—and ail who
me willing to evert and perpetuate them.
The President of the United States.
3. The Governor of Penn.ylvonia.
4. Our country—our whole country. and nothing but
5. The soldiers and statesmen of the Revolution
respect for their valor—gratitude for their services—
honor to their memory—peace to their souls—and eter
nity to their principle...
6. The Army and Navy of the United States.
7. Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce--the
root, the trunk. and the branch of uur national prosperi
ty and independence.
a. Education—to diffuse intelligence if to perpetuate
9. The sovereignty of the people—the aliment upon
which Liberty exists--may it be forever preserved in
10. The States recently added to the Union—their
acquisition forms additional safe.guards to the tree of
11. The Union—may the bonds by which it to ce
mented never be severed by the assaults of foreign na
tions—nor weakened by the fully of our own.
12. The cause of Freedom throughout the world.
13. The American Fair—
Circaesia may boast of her beautiful faces.—
And the belles of the East, their accomplishments rare;
Ilut yet f , r perfection iii all of the graces,
. We toast our own ladies—the American fair.
13y C. L. Ward, President of the day-771e United
Malts.—The land of liberty, equality and law. The
dethroned monarch, the exiled patriot, the perseeuted re
ligionist and the oppressed peasant of every clime and
rountrv, finds he o • government of protection, • home
offree an asylum of safety.
By E. S. Gorxlnch—The fundamentalprindples of
Denweracy.—The only safe-guard of our Union, our
constitution and our freedom.
By J. M. Wattles—Our Country.—Seventy years
ago this day ' t was dissolved from the yoke of Tyranny
—it is now inferior,_tu noll7ation on the face of the Earth
—peace to its departed founders.
By Col. D. M. Bull, Marshal of the Day—The one
/rem tenure of public f!brieers.—lt originated with Wash.
ington, and if the purity of our free institutions is an oh.
j..rt worthy of perpetuation, to the people. and not to
Demagogues, is dedicated the sacred privilege of recur
ring to first principles in the exercise of their Constitu•
tiunal duty.
13y B. F. Powell-77e S.Senale—The canal-YR-
Oy e branch of the Government—the people look to it as
the guardian of the Constitution.
By Col. John F. Means—Gen. Z. Taylor.—May his
march be onward sod his-battles continue to be victo
rious until he can take his plate of soup in quiet in the
hails of the Nforitezumas.
By Wm. Brim—The Mexieamt—out of Ror y, sn d
farm disfigured—requiring straight rut's and moral
reform.—Forward march ! "Rough and reads," is
there !
By John M'Covern—American C;1 izemr, boa Sa
tire and adopted.—May they never forget the maxim of
the Revolutionary fathers, that all men were created free
and equal.
By the Orator of the day—The rights of man.—May
the time soon come when their recognition and estate
lishment shall be creextensise with the earth.
By the Ladies--Generals Scott and Gaines.
By E. S. Goodrich—Hcads of Department in the
Aloft Adminiatration,—Republican+ in principle and
practice—talented, industrious and honest they have the
confidence of the people.
By W. C. Bogart—Honored by memory of the brave
men who fell at Palo Alto and Reams dela Palma.
By B. F. PArell— Gen. Taylor.—He hu basted the
Mexicans—he will soon have them sewed up.
By Col. V. E. Piollet—Tbe acquisition of territory by
the American Republic. is thi spread of the prineiples
of self.government—the possession of every inch to
which our government is entitled, is the prerogative of
By H. ji. Seely—The Ameriean Fair.—May they
continue to shine like stars in the firmament, and it shall
be our object to make them as happy as they ere lovely.
By E. it Aryer—Anterican Union.—The guiding
Afar to greatness of every nation on earth.
By H. M. Myer— Wonion.—Heatetee Grat Immt, best
ph to 111311.
By the Liles—Our absent member of Congress, Mr
13y the Company --The Presidtni of Ihe rlay.—tibti
tleli to Our thanks for the manner in which he has dis
charged his duties.
fly the Company—Our gratitude is due to our host
and hostess for the fiberalhospitality of the 'day.
(Z)'• The statement that England tom offered to be the
mediator between the United States and Mexico, turns
out to be incorrect. No such offer has been made, and
if made, WOULt, ae hsse no doubt, be promptly declined
Le our g.)%erannent
Mr. Buchanan on the Bench 2
ROM JAM BIJOU wax, Wit on the lit, lost, =ital.
rotted by the President as one iftbe Judges of the Bn
prem. Bench. .
RKIVMOND COSTNGIII,II, Esq., brother of the Hon.
John N. Conyngham, of Wilkes• Barre, died at his resi
dence in Lancaster county, on the lath inst., after a
brief illness. A writer in the U. S: Gazette, in reference
to the character of this excellent man, very truly says—
.rile benevolence of hi. character, which was ever over
flowing in acts and words of kindness, endeared him in
an unusual degree to all who became acquainted With
him; whilst his great and varied information, accompa
toed and animated by uncommon conversational powers,
rendered his society delightful and iwuructire."
The death of Mr. R. Conynehana wit mentioned
on Friday night at the Philosophical Society, Philadel
phia, by Bishop Potter, who pronounced an eloquent
eulogium on the deceased, and the Society pawed a re
solution requesting the Bishop to deliver an address be
fore them, at a future time, on his life and character.
Rai. 1. NEwi.,orn MJFPIT is now delivering scourse
of I.eCtures at. Elmira. He was to have delivered the
Oration on tile fourth, at that place.
Jams M. &so, Esq., of Philadelphia, has been ap
pointed by the Governor, to be Attorney Genetal of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
HoN. Wtt.sutt M'esxuess has been nominated by
the Democrats of Allegheny to represent that district in
THE Baanrortu Aut.t:a hat enlarged ils borders, and
Decked itaelk in a new auit,presenting altogether a rather
respectable appearance.
SANTA Fs.—Several Mexican traders went
to Fort Levenworth a few days ago, as we learn
from the St. Louis Repotter. fur the purpose of
having an interview with Col. Kearney. He
assured them that they would be permned to
proceed unmolested, unless they took with them
arms and ammunition ; and that private proper
ty and
,rights would be respected. They asked
permisSion to send an express to Santa Fe, so
that this generous treatment might be ieetpro
nated at the latter place . but Col. Kearney %me
lt- remarked that he had attended to that. matter
The St. Louis Republican learns from the
officers of the steamboat, Archer, that the com
pany or Messrs. Bent and St. Vrain, comprising
about - fifty wagons, with nine or ten thousand
buffalo robes, had arrived at Kansas Landing.
from Bent's Fort, on the Arkansas• which place
they left on the 18th May. Messrs Bent and
St. Vrain were to leave a few days after, and it
was expected they would overtake the company
long before it gm in. but as they did nut do so,
it is feared accident has befallen them. They
had no intelligence. when the company left, of
the Mexicans being on the march to take the
place. and the reports in circulation to that effect
are believed to be without fiemdation. It was
rumored at Independence, Mo., that Bents wa
gons had arrived at Westport. .
The following is copied front the Indepen
denim (Mo) Expositor :
•• A rumor reached our town yesterday that
Arinijo, the Governoruf Santa Fe. had left that
place with four thousand lumps on their route
to intercept and capture the American trailers on
their way to that country. It was also stated
that he was encamped at the Morn, about nine
ty miles this side of Santa Fe, waiting for rein
forcements. If this rumor should prove tine.
our forces may have something to do in that
quarter yet. We cormot say, however, that
this information is to depended upon. We
are unable to ascertain by whom the information
was received, and this of itself induces us to
doubt the report. It is said to have been re
ceived through Mexicans in our town, by pri
vate letters front Santa Fe."
THE. MORMONS IN lowe.—The Mormons,
it appears, are not to be exempt from perse
cution until they flee into California. We sec
by the St. Louis Reporter, that on the Bth inst.
a public meeting was to be held in Davies'
County. in that State, for the purpose of send
ing a suitable delegation to the Mormon en
campment in lowa. immediately north of that
cout.ty. to ascertain the designs of the Mor
mons. The Mormon leaders, it is said, have
put 1200 acres eland at that point under cul
tivation, and they are regarded as hostile in
their feelings and purposes. This, we sup
pose. is the branch of that people who refused
to emigrate to California.
IlenvesT IN BUCKS COUNTE.—The grass
is mostly cut, and is generally very fine end
heavy. Some have already harvested their
wheat, which is in somewhat better condition
than they anticipated finding it, after the severe
attack the young grain sustained from the fly
in the spring. The loss, however, will not
be less than one-third on the average. Oats
are heading fast and look unusual fine. The
corn is springing up briskly, in favorable situa
tions—but in low places the wet weather has
much retarded its growth. Fruit maintains its
early promise of abundance.
DAMAGE TO CROPS.—The. late heavy rains
have dune serious injury to crops in Canada.—
The Montreal Courier, of the 24M. says - that
in the neighborhood of Boucherville an im
mense amount of damage had been done to the
crops. The young grain has been in many
places washed out of the land and lies upon
the field as though trampled over, and in oth
ers has been swept away bodily. The pots-
Illeg are washed out the drills, and the seed
Ices rutting upon the ground.
SHF.LLS.—The Lynn News says that a very
beautiful and singular appearance has recently
presented itself on Lynn Beach. The prevail
ing west winds of the past month have brought
up myriads of the young of the great clam, so
that the beaches are literally white with them.
They arc less than a anger nail in size, hut there
are enough, if fully- grown, to load a hundred
rim Monnosti.—We learn from the Mor
mon district, that all difficulties between the ho-
stile parties have again been adjusted. and that
peace will be maintained, at least (or a time.
Cart. J. B. Backensms. having received his
commission (rain the President. has resigned his
~(fire of Sheriff of Hancock county, to take ef
fect on the 4th of July. His pay as Captam
commenced train the day of his appointment.
A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST.—Many of our far
mers of Allegbany county have commenced to
cut their wheat and rye. Judgmg from all
accounts, never were there more bountiful crops
that section of errantry. The wheat is very
heavy. and stands thick on the Erouncl. and the
quality excellent. The prospect also for fruits
of all kinds, for grass, corn, and indeed for
every production of earth almost, is exceeding
ly favorable.
Another Revolution in Mexico
[Conespoodenee of the New York ear.]
WAituiums. July 2. 10 o'clock. A. M.
The following intelligence of another revolu
tion in fifexicaltati, been rereived here.
The.muveinent appears to be a formidable
one. There can be no doubt of ha success.--
The New Orleans Picayune of the 24th ult.
gives the following impotent intelligence from
The Picayune says :—We received yester
day a copy of El Locomotor. of Vera 1/rtia, of
the Bth inst.. which io (our days later than ad
vices received by the Falmouth.
The news is important.
A revolution has broken nut in the Depart
ment of Jalisco, it commenced on the morning
of the 20th May to the coy of Guadalazara.
The battalion of Logos, followed by other
bodies of military and by the enthusiastic pop
ulace, attacked the Palace of the Governor.
The Revolution in JALISCO and the con
tinued assault of the insurgents was so prompt
that the guard had only time to make one dis
charge, by which one man was killed, and one
Some of the defenders recognised friends
among the assailants, and refused to fire.
But the dissatisfaction became general, and
s une of the leaders 4.f the government were
arrested to save them from the fury of the in
Some skirmishing ensued and preparations
were making for a genera( engagement. when
Gen. Duque, whn has taken the command of
the government troops. proposed a party.
This was agreed to. and the result of the de-
liberations was, that the troops under Gen.
Duque should he allowed to retire, with the
honors of war, by a route designed by them
immediately, to the city of Mexico.
Provisions even were given them, and they
allowed till the 22d to prepare (or departure.
Don Jose Marta Tanez was at the head of
the insurrection. A (urinal ado was drawn
up. It proclaimed Santa Anna as their Chief
and declares that a new Coneress shall be stun
moned to be elected by the people. aceordin2
to the electoral laws of 1824, to form a new
constitution in which the monarchial principle
is to be excluded.
It also provides that the Congress should
meet four months after the liberating army
shall gain possession of the capital.
Don Joan Camplido is recognised as Pro
visional Governor of the Department, and his
oath includes the repulsitig of the infamous
usurpation of 110 Americans.
THE COPPER REGION.-A gentleman from
Zanesville now on his way to Lake Superior.
thus writes from Detroit on the 28th of May
to the Zanesville Courier:
The exploration on Lake Superior proves
that it is beyond comparison, the richest cop
per region in the world, and four or five veins
have, thus far. been discovered, which contain
silver in sidieient quantities to render the
mining highly profitable. Some of the copper
ores carry with them 10 per cent of silver,
which would make its commercial value be
tween $l,OOO and $5.000 per ton.
The explorations during the past winter, I
learn, have been Jhighly satisfactory. One day
last week, a boat took down about $50,000
worth of copper and silver ore. belonging to the
Flushing Company, destined for the Boston
and Lake Superior Company, (Eagle river.)
have struck a vein, which is represented to be
very rich iii silver. The Copper Falls Com
pany, you will recollect, uncovered a mass of
native copper last winter some thirteen feet in
length, which proved a very serious obstacle
to the prosecution of their work. The Eagle
harbor Company, on the adjoining location.
have met with ati obstacle still more serious.
They have come to a mass of native copper.
which serves as a brazen barrier to all further
operations, at least for the present. They have
drifted" .longitudinally about ninety feet,
without finding its length; they have sunk
down about four places without finding
its depth. Its average thickness is about eigh
teen inches ! The mass thus far uncovered is
estimated at about ninety tons, and in its com
mercial value when raised and melted will ex
ceed $25,000. This seems almost incredible,
and yet it is literally true. Nothing in the
previous history of mining operations compar
ed with this. The 'Ontonagon copper rock
weighing about two tons, was regarded as one
of the wonders of the world, and yet, between
that mass and this, the difference is as great as
between a mustard seed shot and a cannon
The Company propose erecting a steam en
gine for the purpose of sawing this immense
mass into blocks. and thus raising it from the
mine. I saw some of the fragments. or, rough
"strings," that were cut off from the eiterior,
and with the exception of as occasional admix
ture of spar, it resembles more the product of
the furnace than the mine.
TiM TRIAL OF FREEMAN. -A very excel
ing preliminary trial is in progress at Auliurn,
in relation to the sanity of Freeman, the color
ed man who had murdered a whole family.—
The Tocsin of that place says :
"The decision of this case involves ques
tions affecting the peace of the community, of
much more general interest, than any that we
have ever known in any tribunal. The public
await, with deep anxiety, the results that are
to follow, and will be read with eagerness the
testimony that is given on this issue. It is not
the desire fur revenge, but the question of se
curity, thr t brings every mind to the consider.
ation of this case."
Great efforts were made to acquit Wyatt, re
cently convicted of murder. but great efforts
are making to clear Freeman, or to protect him
from punishment. by proving him to be insane.
It is singular enough that prior to that terrible
tragedy, no suspicion of Freeman's insanity
existed, nor during five years imprisonment in
the State Prison. All who commit murder are
temporarily or partially Insane—they are de
praved or unsound in mind—but if such a plea
could be entertained, to avert punishment,
where would be public safer 7
The following from the the Montreal Courier.
is not only the bevt joke of the season, but
considering its source. the best of the age.—
The editor of the Courier is an incorrigible
Below. we give Gen. Arista•e account of
the .iikirinish (1) at the Palo Alto; our readers .
will not fail to be (=truck with the manly truth
fulness it exhibits, and its freedom from bom
bast. Eeen Gen. Taylor boasts far more than
the Mexican ecinmander."
.• N i rEXATION AND WAR!" exclaimed a
pert maid with a shrill voice ; ..that's true,
every 14ird of it, for no sooner do you get
married than you begin tofighll"
Loa rinks British Brig Satledge—Thirty Per•
sons tinwrat
A slip from the office of the Newport Herald
and Rhode Islander. dated Saturday, 27th inst.
gives the particulars of a most melancholy
shipisireck, which occurred in the Vineyard on
the 28th. The slip says:— -
The news of the loss of the brig Sutledge.
Capt. Graham, of and from Pictou, N. S.. for
Fall River, was received here this morning,
about half-past 9 o'clock. by the arrival of the
sclimmer Dusky Sally, Capt. Wilder, of and
from Hingham.
On the arrival of the schooner at Stevens'
wharf, the information rapidly spread through
all parts of the town, and the appaling scene
presented. was one the like of which our inhab
itants have seldom had occasion to witness.—
On the deck lav the dead bodies of those who
had been picked up from the wreck, surround
ed by their kindred and friends, who bad been
rescued from a watery grave, giving vent to
their feelings in a most agonising manner.
The following particulars of the loss of the
brig, we have received from the Captain, who
was among the survivors :
. The brig Sutledge, df and frog Pictou, for
Fall River, sailed on the 12th June, with 56
passengers—men, women and children. On
the evening of the 26th, at 8 o'clock. it heine
thick and foggy.' came to anchor; and at 2
o'clock on the following morning, got under
way, and at about half-past three struck on a
ledge of rocks, in the Vineyard, called the Sow
and Pigs. soon after which. the tide having
caused her to slewt round, she backed off the
Ledge. filled, and went down, bow first, in ten
fathoms water. Previous to her going down,
the mate was sent below, forward, to ascertain
if the brig leaked, but be discovered nothing
that looked like it. The pump was then or
dered to he sounded, but before that could be
done, water was reported in the forecastle.—
The boat was then gut out, ant! the passengers
rushed into it. when the captain gave orders
to shove her from the brig. Ile then jumped
overboard, and swain to the boat, and kept her
as chile to the brig as possible, picking up
such as jumped into the water. The whole
number picked up in the captain's boat was
31 alive. The Schr. Dusky Sally being near
sent her boat to assist, and succeeded in sav
ing six more alive. who were in the water,and
three more from the rigging of the sunken brig.
Sixteen dead-bodies, four women and twelve
children, who were picked up by the two boats
which, together with the survivors, were put
on hoard the D. S., and brought to this place,
as above stated. The captain also states that
another vessel, was at the same time picking
up what was adrift from the wreck, &c.
The captain and crew, and the following
passengers, were saved :
Margaret Bowie, Robert Bowie, Geo. Oli
ver, Mary Oliver. George Oliver, Jennet Oh
ver, Isabella Oliver,llugh Oliver, James Oliver
John Oliver, John Howat, James Ilowat. Mi
chael Thomas Fatkin, John Fallon,
Jane Love, Robert McMillen, Margaret Mc-
Millen, Hugh Denoon, Margaret Fraiser,
Archibald, Munroe. Wm. Loraine, Wm.
Wier, Archibald Smith. Ellen
The names of those who were lost. meted,
ing the sixteen picked up and brought to this
port, are as follows :
Margaret Bowie, Christie Bowie,
Bowie, Alexander Bowie, James Bowie, Jen
nie Bowie (all children of the lady who was
saved): Elizabeth Howat, Agnes Howat. Mar
garet Fatkin, Peter Fatkin, Margaret Fatkin
(daughter), Jane Love (mother). Alexander
.Love. Jesse Love, Margaret McM if len, (moth
er), Elizabeth Ann McMillen,flugh
McMillen. Wm. McMillen, Jennet
-Robert McMillen. Margaret Denoon, Marion
Denoon, Mary Denoon. Daniel McLean, Wm.
Frazier, Sarah Frazier, Ann Catharine Frazier
Effy Wier. Joanna Cream-30.
A jury of inquest was held by the Coroner
J. C. Shaw, Esq.) over the bodies, who found
a verdict in accordance with the foregoing facts
after which they were removed from the ves
sel to a neighboring house, and arrangements
made by the authorities for their decent inter
ment. Through the exertions of a number of
humane - individuals, the survivors were com
fortably provided for with food and clothing
for the present.
Tbe passengers were all foreigners—mostly
Scotch, and we understand were ott their way
to Pennsylvania, where they expected to find
employment in the mining establishments.
P. S.—Since writing the above, it gives us
pleasure to state that the two lodges of the In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows, in this place
(with a promptitude worthy of that benevo
lent institution), have had special meetings,
and appropriated the sum of fifty dollars each
for the relief of the unfortunate sufferers.
We understand collections will be taken up
in tie several churches to-morrow afternoon,
for the same lame object.
DETERMINED To FICIIT.—The company of
volunteers from Talladega. Ala., having been
disbanded at Mobile under the order of Secre
tary Marcy, most of the gallant fellows have
returned to their homes; five of their number,
however, have taken the other end of the road,
and are now on their way to the Rio Grande.
They left on Wednesday evening, in the
schooner Duane. direct for Point Isabel.--
They go on their own private account, intending
to report them selves direct to Gen. Taylor, &
solicit from him some place in the army where
fighting is to be done.
Reading. Pa., in the month of April last. cured
Charles Sassaman. a - boy 16 years old, by the
use of a solution of the extract of cannabis Int
ca. or Indian Hemp An aqueous solution of
the extract of cannabis Indica, containing tw o
grains to the tea-spoonful, was directed to be
administered, at intervals, and in the course of
a few days the patient was entirely relieved.—
This is an important discovery. The facts of
the case are to be found recorded in the last
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.
THE C amvortmas.'Upper and Lower, accord
ing to the hest authority, comprise an area of
433 360 square miles, with a population of less
than 100.000. Capt. Fremont writes that he
has crossed what is laid down in all the books
as a sandy desert. and found the whole tract
to he made tip of snow-capped mountains, with
fertile valleys between. This shows how
little reliance is to be placed on hooks, for
descriptions of unsettled, and but partially ex
plored regions.
Our wheat harvest, says the Rockville Journal,
is going on pretty generally. We hear some
complaints about scab and rust, but not to a
very great extent—our harvest will at all events
exceed an average. The Oat crop will be
The Newfoundlcind Conflagration Confirmed.
We regret to say , that the news of a terrible
fire at St. John's Newfoundland, is confirmed
and without much abate from the original re
ports, except in regard to the lossolhfe.. Ou•
ly three lives,were lost, but the loss of proper
ty is estimated at a million sterling, or near
five million dollars. Two thirds of the town
were destroyed. and 12.000 persons were ren
dered houselees. The particulars here sub
joined, were copied from/fie St. John (N. B.)
News of the 25th ult., received by the Boston
Daily Advertiser. '1 he fire occurred on the
12th mat.
(From the St John N. B. Nem.]
An arrival at Fictou from St. Johns, N. F.
brought papers containing accounts of a terri
ble conflagration, by which nearly the whole
of that town was destroyed. The advicea ar
rived in Halifas on Monday morning.
It. the vats of J. & N. Kent was the fat ,1
25,000 seals. The. Catholic church and Epis-
copal residence in the rear of Duckworth street
were saved. St. John's Church, the Cathedral
Church of England, burnt to the ground.—
The Court House, Jail. and all the buildings
by which they were surrounded, are consum
ed—also the Commercial Rooms. Marine In
surance Office, Agricultural Society's Museum
Bank of British North America. The Con
gregational Chapel saved,Ordnance store burnt
but the rest of the building saved. The Nun
nery and schriol house burnt. Every printing
office burnt. but part of the niateria6 saved.
Five or six thousand persons had to pee the
night of that dreadful day in the open air, in
front of the Government House.
The fire commenced at half past 12 o'clock
on Tuesday morning. ti.e 12th vrist., in
George's at. off Queen street, in the room oc
cupied as a dwelling, above the cabinet mak
er's shop of Mr. Hanlin, and raged until 7
o'clock in the evening, by which time the de
struction was complete. It extended rapidly
into Queen street and Water street, consuming
everything in its progress, all the intermediate
buildings, oil, vats, wharves, R.. as far as
Messrs. Newman. Here its ravages to the
westward were stopped. From Warren's
premises it took all the buildings to the east
ward, making a clear sweep of wharves. vats,
&c. The house of E. & 1. Stubbs w a s
blown up in an attempt to Stop the tire, in doing
which one artillery mail was killed, and anoth
er severely wounded. Qneen street and Duck
worth street are destro) ed.
• A meeting of the citizens had b e en c a ll e d
and' measures to afford as much relief to the
dependent population as the calamity had left
in their power. Provisions were scarce. - It
was ascertained that ihere were four ihinisand
bass ol bread and three thousand' harrP Is of
flour in the merchants hands—idid his Excel
lency had issued a proclamation prolithtting
the exportation of provisions, or the erection
of buildings. until after the meeting of the As
sembly. Fortunately Mr the merchant..
though some of their outport importations had
been made, for which they will receive returns
in the fall.
The,ehurelies and public buildings w h ich
the tire had spired. urn' tieing hastily titled up
to b better those who had been rendered house•
less. The only mercantile establishment in
St. Johns now standing. is that nt Messrs.
Newman & Co. All the rest are destroyed
The Legislature is to be immediately assem
The papers mention the loss of life of three
persons, two of them artillery men, occasioned
by the blowing up of the house stated—the
other an old man, who had saved his hed and
other articles from the flames, but who sunk
under the weight as he was earrving them to
a place of safety, and immediately expired.
At the least calculation two thirds of St.
Johns has been consumed, aim the Ines of
property by this visitation is estimated at a
million sterling. Two streets, each a mile
long, and a number of detached buildings.
have been totally destroyed, and twelve thou
sand persons have been rendered houseless.
ington Union publishes at this time, as an inter
esting reminiscence, a list of the general officers
of the army of the United States is 1813, extract
ed from the register of that year. Death has
laid a powerfut hand upon these leaders of the
lasi war, for out of twenty-two general officers
then in service, but one, (General Cass,) is now
MAJOR GENertm.s.-Henry Dearborn, Thos.
Pinckney, James Wilkinson. Wade Hannon.
Morgan Lewis. William 11. Harrison.
BRIGADIER - GENERALS.—Joseph Bloomfield,
Jas. Winchester; Hull. Thomas Flour
noy. Thomas H. -Cushing, John Chandler,
John P. Boyd, Thomas Parker, George Izard,
William H. Winder, Duncan McArthur, Len is'
Cass, Benjamin Howard. David R. Williams,
Jacob Brown, Leonard Covington.
—The Philadelphia Ledger of Friday last says
—A hickory cane, cut at the Hermitage. was
shown. us yesterday, which is intended as a pres
ent to Vice President Dallas. It is b ig hly po
lished, beautifully mounted with gold, and con
tains a lock of General Jackson's hair. This
present is the spontaneous gilt of a gentleman
of Nashville, Henty w . 1%,% Inc. who when a
boy in this city. had a lasting farm conferred up
on him through the generosity of Mr. Dallas.—
The present, under these circumstances, would
no doubt be highly appreciated.
Fasniosts.—M aria Perkins was arrested in
St. Louis on the 7th ult. dressed in men's ap
parel. She Stated that she was led to the im
propriety by disgust of the present sty le of
lemale dress, and astonished the court with an
inventory of the number of skirts, &c.
which a fazhionahle woman of the present day
is obliged to wear all at once. Agreeably to
her statement, a lady's dress is not consider
ed complete until she ilias stowed about her
in various directions, and for different purpo
'see, no lese than twenty-seven articles of cloth
nell, late Cashier of the Mechanic's and Man
ufacturers' Bank at Nantucket, appears to be
ending in smoke. On Saturday the Supreme
Judicial Court annulled the civil proceedings
against' him, and lie appears to be cairying
everything his own way.
morning, June 20th, says the Journal of Com
merce, the city was visited by a storm. or more
properly a squahl, from the northwest. and on
the north side of the city our inhabitants were re
freshed by a fall of snow fur some minutes.—
Overcoats were not uncomfortable.
TILE POLK A —Mon. Korponay, who first in•
troduced the Polka in this country, Is endeavor.
ing to raise a German company at St. Louis to
fight the Mexicans.
[Correspondence of the New Orleans Bee.l
Army of Occupation.
June Bth. 1846. S
SAMBA= IN Mszintrouss.—Yesteril av
ing at an early hour, I crossed the rarer an;
wended my way to the Public Square and cum.
ed it to the i church, where morning servire ; es '
being reatl. Standing tip in the aisles at th e
'time I entered, were Borne fifty or sixty val lia .
Leers, mostly with side arms, whilst some tw o
hundred women and about twentyfive man
' (Mexicans) were seated on the benches, app.„..
ently the most devout creatures I ever beheld:—
The service was short, and during its trcni.
once the utmost attentimt was paid to entry
Table that fell from the lips of the person altic; al .
ing at the altar. It seemed as if the voltinisq.,
were striving with each other for order arid e e .
remote, and notwithstanding their inatinm.
comprehend the discourse, were to all ap c . e „,
ante deeply interested in it. When me eostio,
cation were dismissed, I with many others l;,;..
ed outside the door, and remained do re oat,: p e
last came out.. As each Senora passed,.
pirtialty raise her veil or nialitil!a,
before:t oa could po-s blv catch a fair &rove ,t
her features, would suddenly drop it, remin , !ii,
one of a..dark lantern which had betn trth;
for a moment and quickly shut, leaving all a g ,,,
in darkness—it was provoking but it could tali
be helped.
From the church we went to the market hotio.,
three streets above the square, where we f.;; ; ;d,
every thing which the country af ords.
for sate—watermellons of small size were oei
for 50 cis each, and. readily ; green corn,
etc. per doz : beef at 6 rts. pet; lb ; and ever,
thing else in a proportionate ratio. On the „.,..
side of the market house were nuni-rw is n-!
various sized bundles of musktet a nod' ; ,.,; • .
nether with raw hide thongs, iiiid v,dut,l Ir
61 to 25 rte. per bundle. This wood 1,
in on j:teli:e:ses from the Chaparol. a dt•::,,
3 or 4 miles• and is all they use htr
green and dried peppers are hung op ta.. n .
every stall, and and each person who m u ....
marketing bring more or less of it, as the
it more profusely than any other rov e .
We lien Alawfted through the princii,til
of the plate, which were found more
film on any other day in the week. r,..r;:c.
as we approached the edge of lke _
4 . 1 , ;Ze11 , have lost mile li of that shit tens
iditv which rharatterized them smite mite
and instead of shutting their doors as or
Olen). lo hurl) they were wont to dui
%timid IreqllPlllly cane PIO
11,4 kith •• good day, gentlemen." I t•'• ;.•
titular gratification at this, as it assured me • t -
Were:tont 'tired that the ehlr:eier •
was never to trn4le upod a .fallen i t.
fell in with parties of our risen ill eter ,
lie town, and not one of d ie m seeintil
least I.,tiixwated. or displaying other
most gentkitianly eunduct.
1 the emus,: if two weeks same -r
eating hitlP•eo hate been eshil.'.lsh..!.
competition has. in a slight
re,ltice the prove air, r_• - •
Vol. A p
.dinner ran
for 50 or 75 eta —I mean r r
%chi, lives in camp n pork, brans. Lr. 1 .;
01 common ea.e rlatvt van lie 1-.01 •
these plates for sil.
The ;realest treat we met v. is .47
amholations, way some ree,
sti by si•emg a large sign al . rt , S, r -Ittl
The ventlemen keeping the home hail e
Poitit Isabel for stores, and had "it r •
Iris wagon for one barrel of Ito, •
You may he sure we direeted our
house, arid found. on nearing tin ,•iaia..
lump of sure enough ice, whtrh try
us in brandy at two hats a glass. I •
stand there is a schooner at l'oint
with ire.
At 4 o'clock every house tel rt•ftusiant" , : °
closed, by order of Gen. Talor.
we;re sect into the streets tee (triter rut. ,:•
cross the raver, and to arrest thcsee a :a. t c !
he intoxicated or noise. At J(,
Me xir.a), police is Ft tried nut by their 0 5 !'
thoiries, to keep the it people in 111
hat of each. in large letter, is the t‘, r. 1.•
eta," and they seem as Fond of
sword, which dangles by their sitle,_us Joy
tia captain you ever saw.
Day before. Yesterday rear t t i,relat , L7
were countermanded. and bet qrn ury c•
and the countermanding of orders. 'het ,
perplexity than anything else. We t.• • '
to have been on the march heittre
all idea of it is now knocked vi
we are laying on our oars. tat:
wheilter,the order will he to tote tt-•
back water.
The Texans are toning wrql ',ter% ^,
I am Riad of an tipporttittov of ent tr. • , t . 't
rumors sir prevalent m the United St,,,t
tardiness. Two more emnvomr:4 el tt
have arrived at Paint Isabel.
Two companies of rower. ha'
river to operate with NV ikon•s v.• 111,"
Col. Marks, of our reginu•ht.
last evening, by two or three him4red
Fle is very popular e%ith his
of him hereafter. C.•O,
, Married.
In Towanda, on the 4th of Jro' m.l
martial music, the roar of
of ...tars and striper by 11.1'
NViu.rnn ROCLWELL to Miss His I, b'
of Grarrvit le:
Deer Hannah don't forget the von fr
tour 6.nd
To love and serve your Wilton) uell.atals o '
if other men should smile on you
Thereby you see they'll Lndi•r , dand, " r'
bride. '
And William don't forget the ddy on it:; :'
was made
Von took her hand with eagerne.,,—a
warn't arraid
To trust your all in Hannah's hand. ,he
In Ulster, on the 25th inst., I,c the Ner.J•
Ounce Roouns to Miss 14.nritir 51. z''' ol
the former plane.
In Franklin, on The 24th of June
ley Esq., RI-%4r.t. Castro,: In 111% , N O
rimm of Hepburn, Lycoming co.
American and Fordo NCW4par ,
Nubsrriptian Agenry Offices.
V. 13. YII.NEII, No. :19 Ann st
Estate & Coal Otlire, N, 59
Receive subscriptions and 111..,CrIlserlle ra:
reign and A mericr Newspapers, am( are
toted Agents for the '• Bradford ,, ; ,
fre7MECHANICS Arre,m 1
an adjonnied inerun; of tae
I•orough, at the SOns of Telllperane!ll hh
evening the 11th day of July next
By order of the merlin-T.
'll.P.Gt(tllG a,