Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 01, 1846, Image 3

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p e psrted this life, on the 28th inst., in t
faith and fear
of God, and most sincerely beloved a nd ANNE, daughter of George Wansey, Esq., of
this village.
The following lines are offered as a-slight tribute of
affection to the memory of the deceased, by Mae. 3. W.
Mourn for the youngghe pare, the gentle hearted,
• •
Thus early call'd in life's calm spring away ;
Mourn fur the.light which with her has departed,
Whose spirit tasks in Heav'n's eternal ray.
She pus'd from earth when summer's fairest flowers
yielded their perfume to the eouthwind's breath,
When hope gave proinise of far future hours—
Then came the mandate, and the seal of death.
It bore her where - on high are ever swelling,
Exhaustless streams of never fading love,
Where her pure heart henceforth shall have adwelling,
Beneath His smile who reigns supreme above.
Earth holds no blossom, nor a bud which ever
Can bloom and flourish in the lov'd one's place;
Her life bath set most gently here forever,
And but in memory left n burning trace,
A record deep of thoughts, pure, high iuld holy,
Of love which ne'er deceived a Parent's trust;
Of a glad spirit ! yet subdued and
Which soared on high, when yielding dust to dust."
Aye, "dust to dust," her footsteps here no longer
Greet the fond watcher at the daylight's close;
But when night's shadows deepen and grow stronger.
Serene and calm, herspirit comes and goes.
Methinks it lingers with a love, which ever
Deep, pure and fervent, knows no changing hour
Soothing his dreams who here hath lost forever,
The vine, the blossom, and earth's joyous power.
Time will pass hence and clothe the earth with gladness;
But from her home has pass'd each joyous scene,
And echoes waken with a mournful sadness,
Thoughts of the lov'd, the lost, and what has been.
Death has enchained her! and no earthly power
Can rouse the slumber of the silent tomb;
But Hope pilots upward, where our cherished Bows r
In realms of bliss immortally shall bloom..
reire ilwelleth with her, and enshrouds her ever,
lu that far realm, where sorrow is unknown,
Where kindred ties unite and twine forever,
• /u Luielizs glory, round H is Heavenly.'l'hrone
ANCE COMPANY.-At air election held on the
. .!dnist., by the StockhOlders of the Lyeoming
Co. Mutual Insurance Company, the follow
ing persons were chosen Directors fur the en
suing year, viz.:
I.vcoming County—Dr. James Rankin, Ja
cob Ilmnes, Win. A. Pretriken, Joshua' Bow
man, Jacob Pott, John J. Crouse, Charles
Boyd. Samuel Rogers.
['mon—Henry W. Snyder.
Nonh . 1 1 (1—.khraliain Straub.
Cenirt.--W illiam A. Tiamras.
Schut 11:111—Cliarirs W. Clemmins
meeting 01 the Board of Directors, held
en the Intti inst., Dr. elinnes Rankin, was
,weled ; Joshua Buterturn. Serreta
ry Uoirden S. Treasurer ; and Ja
tab Haines, Getters! agent.
Thr Horrors of fUar.—A letter dated Point
1..hr1. Jwie 5111. says
I yesterdays passed through the hospitals at
this', and looked at the poor fellows who
were wounded in the recent battles. There
were 103 wounded in the two battles, of whorn,
tip to yesterday, three had died in the hospital
at Point Isabel. Fifty have been sent to St.
Joseph's I-land. There are twelve cases of
amputation of thigh, leg and arm, under treat
merit at this place, and are most of them doing
Twe :nen died in the lingpital here. yester
day and dav before; the balance with one or
twit exventions, are doing well. A number
of !minded departed for St. Josephs yester
WUAT ARE.—An exchiiiige, speaking
of our continent, discourses after the following
fa-hion; listen to him: country has a
frontier line rif sea coast of nearly 4.000 miles
and a lake coast of 1200 miles. One of our
niers is twice the size in length of the Danube
v.. largest - river in Europe. The Ohio is
600 miles longer than the Rhine, and the Hud
son has a navizaniin of 120 miles longer than
the Thames. The single-state of Virginia is a
third larger than England ! Ohio contains
5.120,000 acres more than Scotland—from
Maine to Ohio is farther than front London to
Constantinople, and so we might go on and
till page.. enumerating dish noes. rivers, lakes,
capes, and bays, with comparative estimates
el size, power, and population."
lone P. list. E's A BOLITOINISM.—We learn
from the Concord Patriot, that John P. Hale,
while making; upon the floor of the House his
a'ailitiou speech of the session. in which he
declared th it •• the war which we are now
waging with th e Repu'lic of Mexico is the
most infamous ever waged—unparalleled in the
annals of infamy' '—went on to state that said
war is now costing the United States five hun
dred thousand dollars a day (said he) taken out
of the hard earnings of the people of New
limphire for the purpose of sustaining sla
very !"
In reply to this specimen of abolition verac
ity, it 15 liot only necessary to cite from the
e mnbilnication of H. Joseph. Quartermas
ter-General to Congress, wherein he shows
that the whole expense was, but $35.437 per
trip of the steamer Massachusetts from Provi
dence, to'the lat e celebration of the Sons of
Temperance. in New York, one of the gentle
men, of the Temper:ln to hand, was married to
a young and beautiful girl, in the uplier saloon
of the steamboat, in the presence of six or eight
hundred persons. The Providence Gazette,
noticing the novelty, says it was well witness
ed, not only by those on deck, but thinks that
taking place Where the ceremony did, it was
Observed not only by men and women, and al
so the gods, but by the • little fishes."
Piny has been formed in France. capital 500.
000 francs for the destruction of rats and mice
throughout the kingdom ! Paris is said to be in,
some quarters :almost uninhabitable from the
vast 'lumbers of rats in them. The modus
operand' of this rat company is not given.—
The shares are all taken up.
PAIoX Bsowm.ow.—The Rev. Wm. G•
Brownlow, editor of the Jones borough Whig
and well known at the Tennessee fighting par
son, is let. Lieut of a company of volunteers'
raised in that place fur the Mexican, war.
Married, -
In Athens, on Thursday morning, June 24th. by Ret.
Mr. Cons ; Jour C. Moons, to Muss Emsancrs
Spasm:co, all adds borough..
In Towanda, 24th inst., by Re•. Julius Faster, Mi.
entarrornin C. Cowatz. of Duren, to Min Rsaac
c• Hannon, of Frenebtown.
By the same, in Wpm, Thursday 25th inst., Mr. Oso
American and Foreign Newspaper, Advertising &
Subscription Agency Offices.
GEORGE. PRATT, 164 Nassau-street, New-Yeat
V. B. PALMER, No. 90 Ann st.. New York; Real
Estate & Coal Office, No. 59 Pine-at., Philadelphia:
Receive subscriptions and auvertisementa for most Fo
reign and American Newspapers, and are duly consti
'tuted Agents for the " Bradford Reporter."
_ _ _ _ _
Mrs MECHANICS ATTEND !—There will be
an adjourned meeting of the Mechanics of this
borough, at the Sons of Temperance Hale, on Saturday
evening the tlth day of July next at early candlelight.
tog. By order of the meeting.
H. P. GOODRICH, Sec'y.
G DEPOTS ; awarded the Gold and Silver Medals,
Four first Premiums, and Two Highest Honors, at the
National, the Massachusetts, the New York, and the
Pennsylvania Exhibitions, respectively, for the most
splendid Colored Daguerreotypes and bear Apparatus
ever exhibited,
Portraits taken in exquisite_style, without regard ta
Instructions given in the art.
A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on
band, at the . .owest cash prices
New York. 551 Broadway ; Philadelphia, 136 Chest
nut S.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58 Hanover Sta.; Bal
timore, 205 Baltimore St.; Washington, Pennsylvania
Avenue; Petersburg, Va., Mechanics' Hall; Cincin
nati, Fourth and Walnut, and 176 Main St. ; Saratoga
Springs, Broadway ; Paris,l27 Vieille Rue du Temple ;
Liverpool, 32 Church St.-3y.
THE subscribers would tender their thanks to their
customers for past favors, and call their attention
to their New Stock of Goods, which exceed their for
mer one in quantity. quality and low prices. Their
present stock having been selecteJ with great care, and
bought low; they will endeavor to jive their customers
better bargains for Cash or Produce than can be had at
any other establishment.
Their assUrtment being complete. it would be useless
to particularize article.; but would just say that their
stock consists of a full supply of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, Hardware, Dye Stuffs,Drugs, Hats, Bonnets,
Boots and Shoes, &c., &c.
The above stock shall be sold at prices that will give
entire satisfaction.
Being sltistled that ready pay is best for all parties,
enabling the former to sell his produce at a better rate,
and the merchant to sell his goods at lower prices than
he can do on credit, therefore will adhere to the Ready
Pay System. We do not k you to call and see our
goods first, but examine others first, if you please, and
then ones, and we are sure you will purchase oft' if
you want bargains. MAYNARD & WATTLES.
Rome, June 30, 1846.
AnIAME to me enclosure, wn Sunday, the 14th day
NU of June, a Brown COLT, 4 years old. Said colt
has two white feet and a star on the forehead. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and
take the cult away. LYMAN THURSTON.
Towanda tp.. June 29, 1846,
New Wholesale and Retail Commis.
sion Grocery.
THE subscriber would inform the good people of
Towanda and vtemity, that he has opened a new
Family Gr..cery store on the'corner of Main and Bridge
streets, where he intends to keep all kinds of Groceries,
that will suit all kinds of customers. His stock com
prises every article uttered in his line, (liquors excepted)
among which can be found candles. James River To
bacco, sugar. tea, coffee, molasses, figs, ground pepper,
ground allspice, saleratus, cloves, starch, cinnamon, do.
lUII3I, sugar, bar, fancy and castile soap, com
mon crackers, herring, by the box or leas quantity,
mustard, codfish, No. 1. mackerel. Also. snuff, segue,
(half s,tanisti at 50 cents per 100) cream nuts, filberts,
almonds, raisins, pepper-sauce, tomato and walnut
ketrbops. t mon syrup and carpet hags; combs of all
kinds. A large stock of CANDIES, of all kinds at
wholesale and retail:
Bbots aud Shoes
He has also a large essortment of the finest and best
article of BOOTS_ AND SHOES, ever brought into
this market; being of Philadelphia manufacture, consis
ting of Misses' fine morocco boots, calf boom, coarse do.,
kip boots and shoes. A very large lot of ladies kid
slippers, made of the best material and workmanship.
Ladies half gaiters, silk do., boys and children's morocco
monroes, children's half gaiters, boys kip brogans, all
of which will be sold very low fur cash, or ready pay.
The highest price paid fur any quantity of good
Towanda, July 1, 1646.
The alsom Periodicals are reprinted in New York.
immediately on their arrival by the British ateameni, in
a bemodul clear type. on fine white paper. and rue
faubitd copies of the originals—M.seawoot.'s MAGA
xi NE . being an exact fac-simile of the Edinburg edii•
The w ide•spread farce of these splendid Periodical.,
renders it needless to say much in their praise. As
Ineraty organs, they stand far in advance of any works
of a similar stamp now published, while the political
complexion of cacti is marked by a dignity, candor and
forbearatice not often found in works of a party char
They en - Mince the views of the three great parties in
England—W big, Tory, and Radical.—•• Blackwood"
and the •• London Quarterly" are Tory; the" Edito
burg Review," Whig: and the" Westminister,"
col. The •• Foreign Quarterly "is purely literary, bo
ing devoted principally to criticisms un foreign Conti
nental Works.
The prices of the RE-PIIINTR are leas than one-third
of tho,,e of the foreign copies, and while they are equal
ly sell got up, they afford ell that advantage to the
Amer ic a n user the English reader
For any one of the four Reviews, $9,00 per sumo
For any two, do 5,00 ".
For any three. do 7,00' "
For all four of the Reviews,
For Blackwood's Magazine,
For Black wood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00 "
Four copies of any or all of the above works will be
sent to one address on payment of the regular subscrip
tion for three—the fourth copy being gratis.
Gl' Remittances and communications must be made
in all cases without expense to the publishers,—The
former may always be done through a Post-master by
handing him the amount to be remitted, taking his re
ceipt and forwarding the receipt by mail, Post-paid; or
the money mly be enclosed in a hater, Postpaid, di•
reeled to the publishers.
N. B.—The Postage on all these Periodicals is re
duced by the I,te Post-Orrice law, to about one-third
the former rates, making a very important saving in the
expense to the mail subscribers.
• In all the principal cities and Towns through
out the United States to which there is a direct Rail-
Road or Water communication from the city of New
York, these periodicals will be delivered FREE OF
I.L'ON+RD SCOTT & CO. Publishers,
iyear 113 Fulton St.. New York.
- - -
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he will
be in Towanda, about the first of June next, and
may be found at I. 11. Stephens, where he will be hap
py to see those requiring bia services.
Brigade Orders.
To the Citizens Soldiers of the 2d Brig. 9th Div, P. M.
WHEREAS—A requisition has beep made on the
Governor of this Comninnwealth, for six Regi
ments of Infantry, to be held in readiness for muster
into the service of the Governmet t of the United States.
Offers of Service of Volunteers will be accepted with
the view of accommodating each military division, in
proportion to its strength. Citizens of this Brigade
silio are desirous to tender their service to the country
in the present emergency, will forthwith enrol
selves and report the same to the Brigade Inspector.
It is hoped that the citizens of this Brigade will not be
found wanting in patriotism, and devotion to their
country at this Important crisis, but will enrol them
selves without delay according to the act of Congress.
Each company to consist of one Captain, one Ist Lieu
tenant, one Oil Lieutenant, four Sergeants, four Cor
porals, two Musicians, s.zty.four privates.
H. WILLISTON, JR. Brig. Gen.
Brig. General's Office,
Athens. June 16. 1846, 5?,
larl virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo, issued
from the court of Common Pleas of Bradford co.
to me directed. I shall expose to public sale at the house
oft H. STEPHENS, in the borough of Towanda, cn
Monday, the 3d day of August next, at 1 o'clock, P.
M,,, A certain lot or. piece of land situate in Wpm:
township, Bradford county. Beginning at a past on
the north east side of the Post road leading through
Standing Stone; thence aloig by the same, south filly
degrees, east seventeen and 32400 perches to a stone
corner by the northwest side of a lane running north
easterly from said road; thence by said lane, north forty
four degrees, east twelve and two-tenth perches to a
post ; thence by land of the party of the second part,
north fifty degrees, west sixteen and 82-100 perches to
■ post; thence by land of the same, south forty-six de
grees, west twelve and four-tenth perches to the place
of beginning. Containing one acre and forty-nine
perches and nine-tenths of a perch, including the build
ings thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Simon
Stevens to the use of Hiram Mix vs. Peter C. Ward.
ALSO—A certain piece or lot of land situate in the
township of Windham. Bounded on the north by Har
ry Russell and Joseph Elabree, on the east by Joseph
Elebree and George Pitcher, on the south by Ziba
Hotchkiss, and on the west by Jacob Smith and Julius
Russell. Containing about three hnndred acres, about
45 acres improved with 2 houses, one framed and one
stone, three framed barns, one Grist mill, and interest
of one-fourth of a saw mill thereon.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Win
dom, bounded north by land of James Kinyon, east by
land of Joseph Doan. south by land of Nathan Doan,
west by Matthew Buck. Containing about one hun
dred acres, four improved, one log house and small
framed ham thereon.
Seized and taken in execution st the suit of Frances
P. Lanford & Co. vs. John Russell.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sherifra Office, Towanda, June '24, 1846.
WHOSE who have purchased goods at. Montanye's
4- Co.'s store on a years credit, at as cheap rates
as they, could have been enabled to do at other places
for Cash will do well to pay up, if they wish to keep
the pot boiling. June 17, 1846.
WANTED -500,000 Shingle
300,000 feet Boar&
Jane 14. J. D. - E.l). MONTANYE ¢ CO.
WHITE LIME—a few barrels of the above arti
de to be had at jell MONTANYE'S.
BONNETS just received at the Savings Bank,
which we are offering to-day as cheap as yesterday.—
Csll and examine. je 17 G. E. FLYNT & CO.
FRESH TEAS, warranted good or no sale, at the
Savings Bank. jell G. E. FLYNT & CO.
GRAIN CRADLES, 2 dozen , superior to any ever
made in this county, now selling at N 0.2, Brick
Ulf also Rifles, Quinebaug Whetstones, may be had
low for cash, at jel7 REEDS'.
'LILY NETS, another lot just received and for sale
1 cheap a
. 017 REEDS'.
Patterns for Working, shaded purse twist; worst
ed needles, &c., may be found at jell REEDS'.
3ft, BUSHELS CORN, in store and for sale
0,11, low, by jel 7 0. D. BARTLETT.
rate boy, 16 or 17 years of age, to learn the
Bladcarnithing Business. Apply immediately. jelo
A.. D. MONTANYE is replenishing his store with
11, an unusually large assortment of Dry Goods,
Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Paints and Oils, Dye
Stuffs Drugs, Medicines, do., &c. Further particulars
given next week; meanwhile call and examine them
Towanda, June 10, 1846.
P2 l cff 0 161 EZ 2' all' 11 VT 9
WILL promptly and punctually render his profes
sional services in Agencies, Collections, and
other matters in his profession, entrusted to his care.
c - Office removed to the room over N.N. lieu', store.
BATCHELER & CORM, beg leave to inform the
inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they
have just commented the Tailoring Business, up stairs,
No. 4. Brick Row, where they are prepared to execute
all work entrusted to them with care neatness and des
patch, and in the moat fashionable manner. Having
just received the New York and Philadelphia fashions,
and with their long experience in the business, they flat
ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner
and style equal to any other establishment in the place.
Terms made to correspond with the times.
CUTTING done on the shortest notice.
(r:r All kinds of country produce received in pavmen
for work at market prices. Juno 10 , 1846.
Imitate No. 3. Brick Row.
and take their Licenses by the first day of J uly, as I
am going to Harrisburg at that time. Every exertion
will be made to pay two thirds of 1846 Taxes, and save
to the county five per cent. I would likewise request
those having Tavern Licenses, to call and take them.
Collectors will please pay all collections by the first
day of July. J. REEL, Treasurer.
TILIC•11111Liel OFFICIt,
Towanda. June 9, 18 46.
Timothy Paxton and W,n. Docidson. Trustees o/• the
Bank of North America vu. Harry Bailey. Admin
istrator of Seorill Bailey. dreamed, No. 29 Feb. 7',
1846;•and John Wier es. Jesse Womtruff, No. 174,
May T. 1845.
The undersigned having been appointed nn Auditor
to distribute moneys miss on executions in the above
suits, hereby gives notice that be will attend to the du
ties of his appointment at his office in Towanda Bo
rough, on Tuesday the 14th day of July next at two
o'clock, P, M., when all persons interested are required
to prese it their claims, of be debarred from cowing in
upon said funds. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
8 , 00 "
3,00 .'
ALL persons indebted to 'the estate of James L.
Ennis, late of Standing Stone township, deed., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
those having claims against said estate, will please pre
sent them duly attested to ASA STEVENS,
Standing Stone, June 4, 1846. Executor.
ALL persona indebted to the estate of Isaac S.
Warn. demised, late of Monroe tp. Braden' Co.
are requested to make immediate payment, and all
those haying demands against the same are requested
to present them, legally attested for settlement.
JOSEPH HOMET, Administrator.
Monroe, June 10. 1846.
ALL person/. indebted to the estate of Joel Tonle,
late of Standing Stone township, dee'd., are reques
ted to make immediate payment, and those basing
claims against said estate, will please present them du
ly attested to ALBA TUTTLE, Executor.
Standing &One, June 4, 1946.
1000 lbs. Good Butter
It'Ultam Scott,
(i_o mot
Elliott & Norm,
ARE now receiving • stock of SPRING AND
SUMMER GOODS composing almost every thing
ever bought or sold, which they offer to the Public for
cash or approved credit, ulow as can be purchased at
retail any where in the United States—(Tesu and
California included.)
Towanda. May 22, 1848.
Crockery, Paints, Oils.&c.,*c., bought fa cash
and sold at a very small profit by
ON & . 13TEEL—A large assortment of all kinds,
just received by ELLIOTT & MERCER.
Another Great and Enthusiastic
AT A MEETING of "ail No. 3—Brick Rotv." held
on the 33d day of May, inst., OLD BAIRD, was
called to the Chair, and Btu. Baran appointed a com
mittee of the whole to draft resolutions. After several
pathetic speeches by Bleazer and George, the follow- .
leg Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
Whereas, There appears to be • great desire on the
part of some Merchants in the Borough, to come up
along with No. 3 ; and Whereas we are willing to
assist them in doing so as far as consistent Therefore
Resolved, That such merchants have our consent to
unite their several stocks together, u the only means
by which they can equal No. 3.
Resolved, That the " Shavings Bank" take the
right wing ; "small profits and quick sales" the left,
and " New York in Miniature " the rear,—a pike team
Resolved, That we never before thought New York
was such a looking place u " its miniature exhibits.
Resolved, That No. 3 always has, always CAN, and
always WILL, sell goods cheaper, better goods and
more of them than any store in town.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be
published in the Village papers, and that one copy be
handed to each of our competitors, and half a copy to
" New York in miniature."
May 29.1846. BILL BAIRD & CO.
r iq f HE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his
-I- friends and the pnhlic generally, that he is now
receiving and opening an entire new stock of GOODS,
(at his store in the borough of Towanda, situated on
the east side of Mom street, three noon south of Mon
tanye's & Co., and nearly opposite B. Kingbery's) em.
bracing everything in the line of
Dry Goode, Groceries, (the ardent excepted.)
Hardware, Glass 4 ,, Queen's ri are, Boots
and Shoes, Paints. Oils and Var. •
nigh, Iron and Nails. 4c., 4.c.,
which he will sell as cheap as the cheapest, not except.
ing the Renovator, or any of the champions of small
profits and quick sales. He would respectfully invite
those who wish to buy cheap to call and' examine big
goods and prices fer themselves, before purchasing St
any other place. N.N.BETT.
Towanda. May 16, 1944.
PRINTS, LAWNS & M UaLINS, a large mown
ment on hand and for sale cheapat BETTS'.
will be found at my2O BETTS'.
New York in Miniature
THE subscriber has taken great pains to make his
assn-tment so complete in
Dry Goods, Books 4. Stationery, Crockery,
Hardware, Paints 4- Oils, Groceries,
Nails, Boots 4- Shoes, Iron 4- steel,
Glass, 4-c., 4-c.,
as to present to his friends and the public nearly or quite
all the advantage of dealing in stores which confine
themselves exclusively to any one of the above branch
es. He invites attention to his assortment.
Towanda, May 20, 1846. 0. D. BARTLETT.
11HAVING,made arrangements to exchange Cloth
and other goods for. WOOL, the subscriber de.
sires to gain the confidence and approbation of the wool
growers by giving them the very best exchanges which
the nature of the market will permit. Call and see.
Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BA RTLETT.
THE subscriber continues to act as agent for the DE
Philadelphia, a stock company of good standing and re
pute & does business on as fay..rable term. as any other.
He is also agent for the LYCOMING CO. MU
TUAL INSURANCE CO., a company which has al
ways been punctual in the payment of losses and pre
sents adsantages seldom found.
Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT.
drIALICOES—the largest assortment and pettiest
kJ pattern; and cheapest CALICOES, to say no
thing of Gingham., Lawns, &c., ever seen in this re
gion. for sale by my2o 0. D. BARTLETT.
Just received at the Savings Bank :
100 pup. Parasols;
50 Parasollettes ;
100 Umbrella. ;
For the •' splinters," we will put them down low.
May 27. G. E. FLYNT & CO
TWO Journeyman Tailors wanted immediately.—
Also, a lad to learn the Tailoring business, to
come well recommended, and apply soor.
Towanda, June 10, 1846.
OF the Directors of the " Towanda Sin;ings Bank,"
held at Towanda, May let, 1846, the following
preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Resolved. That the largest stock of GOODS shall
be placed in No. 5, south end Brick Row.
Resolved, That GEU. E. FLY NT & CO. shall con
tinue to sell Goods as usual—cheaper than any other
establishment in Towanda.
Resolved. That the •• Savings Bank " regulates the
prices of Merchandise and Exchange until our nest an
nual meeting.
Resolved, That the war against Lumber—Credit and
High Prices, shall be continued.
Resolved, That the " Ready Pay System " is best
adapted to this atmosphete, and when in successful
operation, goods have, can and shall be sold cheap as
in the neat place.
Resolved. Thpt more goods and better, shall be sold
at No. 5, (F. & Co.) for the coming twelve months,
than any other establishment.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be
published in the " Bradford Reporter," and " Bradford
Argus," and two thousand copies circulated throughout
the county. GEO. E. FLYNT & Co.
SUMMER ttH WLS , Handkerchetfs and Ribbons,
beautiful and cheap, at my2o BETTS'.
Administrator's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Nicholas Paw
cel, late of Ridgbury township, dec'd., are requew
led to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate, will please present them duly
attested to JOHN D. PARCEL,
AARON C. scorr,
Riagbury, July 1. 1846. Administrator.
But not with the enemies of our Country !
. . .
Here we stand with brustrin hand,
To do our work in order."
11 • having entered into co-partnership in the paint
ing business, are now prepared to uy to the public
generally, that if they want painting cone. such as
House, Carriage, or Ornamental of any kind—and well
dune—just give us a call. We wont refuse to hang
your wall paper if you should wish us so to do,
Towanda, June 17, 1846.
pRINTED CALICOES-20,0 0 0 yds., from
to 25 cents. Those wishing Prints bed bettew
a.sil themselves of this opportunity—they are selling
rapidly. G. E. FLYNT & CO.
QUMMER STUFFB---133 7 tii; Yinl7l3ile or Pact
IL , age, at G. E. FLYNT & CO.
CARPETING—A good 'wk. some beau
patterns at G. E. FLYNT & CO
ICHCAR - PETING—s few pieces at No. 3, B.
Ili R. lora BAIRD'S.
H. S. 4. M. C. lIIERCUR,
store to accommodate their increasing business,
have the pleasure of announcing to their Mends • end
customers that they are now opening . good assort-
meet of SPRING 4 SUMMER GOODS, embracing
almost everything in the line of
Dry Goods, Glass 4. Queensware,
Groceries, fools 4. Shoes.
Hardware, Paints, Dye stuffs,
Saddlery Drugs, Medicines,
Harness and. Carriage:Nails, Glass.
Trinimtngs, Leather, Salt. 4.c..
which will be sold as heretofore, at prices that will sa
tisfy the public. Towanda. May 12, 1846.
BUrrER WANTED.—AII those basing GOOD
BUTTER to sell. will hud it to theit advantage
to call a, jell MERCER'S
BEES WAX—Cash paid for BEE S WAX, by
SUMMER GOODS, for Men 7s & Boy'a clothing—a
splendid assortment both in quantity and style
now opening at MERCUR'S.
May 14,'46.
J3ONNETS—A large assortment of every style and
fashion, frum which the most fastidious can be
suited. just received at
BOOTS & SHOES—lncluding a large assortment
of children and misses shoes at MERCUR'S.
4 - 4 EOHORN & PALM HATS a great variety, at
• May 14. MERCUR'S.
IMk TONS IRON, American, English St , wedes
‘• —a full assortment of round, squire, hand,
horse shoe and tire iron, fur sale at MERCURS'.
HARDWARE—an assortment fully equal to
any kept by Hardware stores in our neighboring
towns, now opening and for pale at MERCURS'.
LAWNS & GINGHAMS, all styles and qualities,
for sale at my 27 MERCURS'.
PRINTS—The largest assortment of Spring and
Summer Prints, ever opened in Bradford for sale
01'EEL—American, Eng. blister, Serener' Cut end
rSpring Steel, •• nay 27 MERCURS'.
Of New and Camp Spring and Summer Goods,
Direct from the City.
BURTON KINGSBERY most respectfully in
fawns his old customers, and the public in gene
tal, that he is now receiving at his o:d stand, a large
assortment of all kinds of goods, which he intends to
sell a little cheaper than any other store in Towanda.
It is impossible to put in a newspaper all the different
kinds of goods that may be found at my store. I have
■ full assortment or Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs. Bunts and
Shoes, Nails, Iron, Hats 4 Caps, Are. Call and price,
before you buy elsewhere. May 14. 1R46.
PRINTED LAWNS, Muahti de Lames and burn
mer Shawls, • very large assortment, which wil
be sold lower than be bought at any other store, Cal
and see. myl4 B. KINGSBERY
BONNErES--Any quantity, from two shillings,
to $6, with beautiful trimminga, also flowers, in
side sprigs and wreaths, all French, which will be found
at myl4 B. KINGSBERY
and silk Hats. latest styles, and very cheap, a'
may 13. H. KINGSBEHY's.
APPLEBI"B FINE CUT cbewing and smoking
TOBACCO, • prime article for sale at
may 10
No. I. CODFISH & MACKEREL, for sale at
may 13. B. KINGSBERY.
HOLLOW -WARE, such u pots, kettles. spiders,
&c., at my 13 B. KINGSBERY.
WASH TUBS, patent pails, Shaker brooms, Al
cent mats, traveling baskets, carpet sacks,
looking rtlaises, &c., all very cheap at
may 13. B. KINGSBERY.
extra cocoa. superior to old Java coffee, and a
very healthy beverage, which may be found at the okl
Cheap store of myl3 B. KINGSBERY.
T ni W 7 Or
HE subscriber takes pleasure : in - announcing to
his friends and the public gederally, that he is
now receiving a very large and carefully selected ad
dition to his stock of GOODS, bought for Cash, and
selected with the express view of UNDERSELLING
Towanda, May 13, 1846.
At .flontanyes If Co.'s Store.
IiNE ARK LOAD just received, and daily expect
ing more. The prettiest and cheapest goods ever
offered in this market. are now opening. and they hope
their friends will not forget to give them a call.
W.holessle purchasers and merchants wishing in
replenish their stock will be accommodated on liberal
terms. J. D. & E. D. MONTANYE & CO.
Towanda, May 19, 1846.
CASH FOR WOOL.—The sulrsoriber has no
objection to pay part or even all CASH for Wool,
at as high rates as the market will permit.
Towanda, May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT.
D3123'M1 a 3 , 2l2dLLtp
HWING formed 'a co-pannership for the purpose
of carrying on th • above business at Monroeton
are prepared to execute all orders punctually, such as
Making, Repairing and Painting,
on the shortest notice and at the lowest prices that they
can he had in this vicinity for ready pay.
All kinds of Produce and Lumber taken in payment
at the market prices.
COFFINS made on the shortest notice. and at re
duced prices. P. DUN FEE,
Monroeton, March 17, 1845. J. C. SMITH.
T has been ascertained, site finally spoken out, that
I the largest stock of Cloths, Casimeres ¢ vesting', in
Bradford, are to be found at the •• Savings, Bank;' and
what is more satisfactory to perchasets of the above
goods, they are at least 25 per cent. cheaper than at any
other establishment. U. E. FLYNT & CO.
lia T:6 Vll - 11 Tf M CD 0 U 21 a
, Attorney at Law,
OFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Rovr.d
rectly over the Post Office, Main street. CO'Ei
trance at the north end of the building. d.
beautiful Ribbrms, Athficials. hr. selling at ac.
tonishingly low prices. Lank for them at the celebra
ted cheap store. me 27 G. E. ELYNT & CO.
znoml b uihanaraL?asszas2,
Over Montanye's store, next dour to Mercur's law office,
at the old stand of Powell & seaman. Iv I ]
021S110 Watil2MUlai:Sa
RESPECTFULLY informs his hien& (hut he has
leased the above House, situated on the south
side of tne public square. lately occupied by A.M. Coe,
and having made entirely new arrangements, is now
prepared for the reception of visitor■. Presenting his
compliments to his friends and the public generally. and
assuring them no pains or expense will be spared to
please his guests, he respectfully solicits public patron
age, pledging himself that while the establishment is
under his control, it shall not be excelled by any in the
country .
The rooms of the • CLAREMONT HOUSE,' are
spacious and airy. and furnished in the best style.
The Table will be furnished with every substantial
the counuy can produce.
The Bar will be stocked with the best liquors in a
pore and unadulterated state.
First rate Stabling attached, with ready and faithful
Ostlers ',slays in atteodance..
In short, nothing will be omitted, which will add to
the comfort and convenience of customers, and with his
facilities, he believes satisfaction will be rendered to all.
Towanda, April 8, 1846.
War against High Prices aad the Credit System!
At the Also fork Cheap More,
No. 2, .Brick Row. one door south of the P.O.
THE Subscribers having entered into a co-partner
ship for the express purpose of furnishing the good
people of Bradford County with goods,.wares and met
ebnittlise, at least one notch lower than they hive ever
been sold in this market. They are now securing one
of the largest and heat selected stocks ofapring and sum
mer goods. ever landed in Northern Pennsylvania.
Their stock comprises almost every article ever offered
in a country store. Among which, we can only men
lion that there is a general assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Glass,
Nulls, Iron, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Sul t, Tin
ware, Stone-ware, Liquors, 4c., 4e., ge.
Their goods have been purchased mostly for cash at
auction, and they pledge themselves that they will not
be undersold by any other establishment in this section
of the cuuntry. "eoplo hove only to call at the New
York Cheap store, (No. 2 Brick Row.) to satisfy them
selves. C. & E. REED.
Towsruln. May 25. 1.846. .
hams. Dept DeLains, Lumma cloths for summer
dresses, so long looked fur by the Ladies, have arrived
and may now he seen at REF: D's
I, t.Httltiik; FS—A great saving to the •• Heads of the
Nation." Thu Ladies will find it a great - saving to
their heads to call and purchase one of those beautiful
Straw, Devon, Gimp, Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gipsy
Donneta, selling an cheap at REED'S.
either Silk, Gingham, ur Cotton, may be fount]
cheap a
f i LiUM MER Shawls, Muslin De in e. Ombri DeLeine,
0 Plain and Embroidered Strad]lht and Harege Shawls
suitable for summer, now opening at REED'S.
J'EGHORN and Palm Leaf Hata of ull qualities just
received and for sale cheap nt REED'S
iUST REC'D the Largest, Best, end Cheapest
wt of Coeds ever brought into the country ! !
Printed muslins, lace muslins„ lawn ginghams, organdi,
print marquise, Canary lawn, cashmeres. muslin ging
hams a new article, tlorence satin striped, bulzarine, a
few pat. hlack balzanne, checked print reps and crape
delaine, white dress goods, a large lot of prints rich and
beautiful patterns, corded and grass skirts, ombre de%
laine shawls, plain and shaded do.. blk. 4. cord stradella
shawls, barrage and net shawls, satin striped barrage and
net long shawls, ladies polka, ilg'd and striped cravats
and ties, beautiful gimps and frringes, bilk demiveils.
green barrage, &c. . _
Cheaper than the cheapest—Gipsey pearl braid, porde
net lace, florence, gipsey duvon straw edged and .. plain,
Misses gipsey pedal, birds eye braid and devon straw ;
spendid Bonnet Ribbons, come very desirable styles ;
20 doz. Parasols and Sun Shades, lady and gents black
and col'd Kid Gloves, Lin. Cambric Hints. Hosiery d-c
Twilled French, English and American ; doe skin Cas
sitnere, light.and dark striped checked do. a great varie
ty ; golden tweeds, merino cassimere, Kentucky Jeans,
blue drills. A superior assortment of I'ESTINGS
mamas, valentine, cassirnere, plain and striped satin.
10 bales Sheeting, Batting, Wadding and Wicking.
Such as Iron, nails, steel, log chains, halter and trace
do.. mill and x cut saws, augurs and files. A large as
sortment of :Shelf Hardware, door trimmings, cutlery,
shoe thread, wool and horse cards, coffee mills, &c.
Blood's, Hants' and Wadswonh's Warranted Grain
and Grass Sty( hes.snaths and sickles, a first sate article.
Ladies kid buskins and slippers, morocco and calf akin
boots, black and fancy gaiters and half gaiters, children's
gaiters and Lalf boots. A beautiful article gent's gai
ters; coarse and fine Boots, in abundance.
A large stock of sugar and Molasses; Lump, Loaf And
Pulverised Sugar; Fresh Teas; Coffee, Rice. Raisins,
nutmegs, indigo, tobacco, fine cut and caveudish, shad
mackerel and codfish.
A general assortment, ;n setts, or ottrrorise, to suit cus
400 Men's and Boy's Leghorn Hats ; 600 P. L. do.
Cy* Butter, Flaxseed, Beeswax, Eggs and Grain,
wanted in exchange for goods, at cash prices.
Towanda, May 20, 1846.
at No. 3, Brick Row. my2o BAIRD'S.
Thou who wish to Purchase Cheap Goods,
WILL, find it to their interest to cal Lat BAIRD'S,
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter
mined to sell at all hazards. NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
12 DOZ. PATENT PAILS; 2 doz. Washtubs;
12 doz. Brooms; 6 setts Wooden measures ;
cheap at No. 2, Brick Row. BAIRD'S.
ciorroN YARN & CARPET WA-RP-I,oou
LI lbs. at my2o N 0.3, BRICK ROW.
3%, for sale cheap at No. 3, Brick Row.
May 20. 184 E. BAIRD'S.
_DRUGS & MEDICINES, paints, oils and dye
stutTs, white lead, ground arid dry, varnish, pills,
madder, copperas, opts. turpentine, gum copal, slum,
Venitian red, log-wood, red-wood, cant-wood. all for sale
cheap, at ma 20. NO. 3, BRICK ROWS:'
MO the citizens of Bradford County in general, and
the Bor o ugh f' TerrandiAr" in particular: .411
the-judgments, notes and accounts of the subscribers,
will be collected according to law, without di:dine/ion
of persons, unless satisfactorily settled within thirty
days of thin date. Those who think we ore not in
earnest, will find out their mistake to their own cost.—
Murk that. W. 11. BAIRD &CO.
Towanda, May 15, 1846.
N. B. We would furthermore say upon this subject_
that we have - just received a large stock of New G,rods
•which will be'sold very cheap indeed, for ready pay.
1 • So, MIT. (11Z-4.9 InTo IlPao
Vew Store, New Goods and New Prices !
G. -E. FLYNT 3, CO., the only Original Cash More !
DELVET MONTHS' experience has induced the
Caallier & Cu. of the " Towanda',Savings Bank
to enlarge the spiere of their operation, being well ae
sured from the past. that the system of " Pot to-day
and trust to-morrow," is well adapted to 'Bradford
county. Our stock of Goods surpass in quantity and
quality any previous stock, w Inch rss ill enable us to of
fer greater inducements titan ever. The following aro
a few among the many articles that comprise our stook
of Dry Goods:
French, English and American Cloths. French Caa
siniere, Vestings.Sattinet. Summer Stuffs, Carpetings,
French lal °sling, Lawns, Darages, Balzarines, Gtinthain
Ginghstna, Cashmeres, lie Laines, Shawls
of all descriptiong, such as Broeha Plain de Lame,
Rarage, Super silk, Rol, Hoy, and Merino, Parasol,
Sheetings,Viektnga, Drilling, Bagging. Wicking. Oil
Cloths,' &c. 20,0110 y :wale
.. printed calicoes. together
with out usual stuck of Miftncry Goods. Our stock
embraces ahnost every article usually called for, We
heaping' received a largo invoice of Family Croncries—
which we are offering at reduced prices—tume and spare
will not allow 11.1 to enumerate. Also, a large stuck of
Crockery, Glassware, Shelf Hardware, Neils. Steel,
Dots. Hats and Cops, Boots and Shoes, &c., &c.
We take this opporiunii" of IVILITIIItig our thanks to
the people of Bradtord suit adjoining countiea, and in
vite all who wish to BI;11 Ilit/ODS CHEAP; to give
us n call, as we are pledged to go for •• The Cash Par
ty." %Ve Centre' our friends that no compromise has
been effected imth the CREIIIT OR LC .1f t, El: pr i.
CM but we shall continue to buy low and A e ll e b e ar, as
lung as there is a cash customer in Becity,,ed
Our motto (or the year to come, ia— • WE HAVE
CI Look for She Suringa Bank, N, 5. Sw,th End
Brick Rom. GEO. E. rcyyr & CO.
Established .Vat 1845.
.Towanda, May 20, 1846