Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 01, 1846, Image 2

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Towanda, Wednesday. July 1, 1546.
BON. D•r LI WI rotor.—We learn from our Mernhey
in Congress, that he is slowly recovering from his late
severe illness, and hopes soon to be able to pay proper
attention to his correspondents, so long, from necessity,
Fourth of July Celebration I
We take much pleasure in stating that the coming
anniversary of our National Independence. is to be cele
brated in a spirited and becoming manner by our citizens.
The most extensive preparations are making to honor
the day, sacred by the highest considerations.
The Officers and Order of the day are as follows
Reader—E. S. GOODRICH, Esq.
• President—C. L. W♦RR, Esq.
Vice Presidents—J. 1). MusTsarr., H. S. ?delimit,
(7mnrnittee of Arrangement—E. 0. Montanye, C.
Reed, 0. E. Flynt. Wm. Keeler, 2J., E. 0. Go.lnch,
Vandereoolc, J. Francisco, 11. P. G.:Oriel], P. Pow
ell, Lome Lameraue. B. F. Powell, A. M. Coe.
Marsha!—Cal. Davie M. Bur.z.
As.istants—Col. Jonsr F. MCA36, W. C. BOGART,
Maj. J. Cct.e and J. B. Foam
One gun will be fired at day-break, and thirteen guns
and ringing of the bells at sunrise. At I 1 o'clock. the
procession will be formed on the Public Square, under
the direction of the Chief Marshal and his
the following 'order : 1. Martial music; 2. President
aad Vice Presidents; 3. Clergy ; 4. Orator and Reader ;
b. Athens Band; 6. Revolutionary Soldiers; 7. Com
mittee of Arrangements; 8. State and County Officers ;
9. Citizens and Strangers.
The procession thus formed, will proceed to the
Methodist church, where will be read the Declaration of
Independence, and the Oration delivered—after which
the procession will be joined by the Ladies, and return
in the same order to the Public Square, where a sump.
tuous dinner will be provided under a Bowery, by our
old and experienced landlord, WM. BINGOS.
At the dose of the " feast of reason and How of soul,"
the company will be highly entertained with National
airs of the Athena f3and, and a brilliant display of the
Stars and Stripes. The proceedings will close with 28
rounds of heavy ordnance. n The invitation to juin
our feltow.eitizene, in celebrating the ever glorious 4th,
is extended to neighboring towns and counties.
The Canal CommAssloner.
We have front every section of the State abundant
and chcerfng evidence of the unanirnity with which the
democracy respond to the late nomination for Canal
Commissioner. It is but an earnest, we are sure, of
the victory which awaits the party, and an evidence that
the arduous and efficient services whi c h Mr. F o gr re n
has rendered our state, are appreciated by the tax-payers
of the Commonwealth. There are exceptions, to be
sure to this general unanimity ; for there are mercenary
adventurers hanging upon the skirts of every party, rea
dy to do valiant services as long as there is a prospect of
spoils, but cold, inactive, or directly opposed, when there
is no hope of fattening upon the public pap. One of
the most prominent exhibitions of this mercenary spirit,
we see now exhibited in the course of the Lycoming
Gazette.. One of its proprietors—(or the proprietor—)
held an office under the Canal Commissioners. Conse
quently, that consistent sheet, long before the Conven
tion, hoisted the name of Wm. B. Foster as, its candi
date for re-nomination, and weekly indulged in laudato
ry articles, sickening and disgusting to the real friends
of Mr. F. It was then
"Bending the suppliant hinges of the knee ,
That thnft might follow fawning."
But its sycophancy was of no avail ; the Board of Canal
Commissioners remorad the editor to make room for an
other, anti presto! the Lycoming Gazette turns abont,
and has consequently ever since been engaged in oppos
ing Mr. Foster's claims.
We extract from the Democratic Pre.s, a substantial
democratic paper, without prejudice, the following re
marks in connection with this matter:
."There is a paper published in Lycoming county, in
this state, called the "Gazette," professedly democratic,
that says that Mr. Foster cannot be elected, and as a
matter of course, that the whigs will succeed. Lycom
hag county,says dila vaunted organ of its democracy, will
declare against the. democratic candidate at the October
election. Suppose that Lycoming county does cast its
vote against Mr. Foster. which we do riot feel inclined to
believe, how can that small county influence the state?
We cannot believe that the election will be so close that
one coont). can decide the contest, and if the result should
hang upon 'looming, we have no tears for the result.—
The honest democracy of that sterling county, will ne
ver lend themselves as the instruments to revenge the
" private griefs" of discarded officeholdersor disappoint
led politicians, as they would do in the event of their
refusal to support Mr. Foster. The Lycoming Gazette,
before the nomination of Mr. Foster, was foremost in
urging his claims—declared him to be the choice of. the
democrats of Lycoming—and boasted of its early friend
ship for that excellent man. At that time the editor of the
paper held a snug office under the Canal Commissioners
and never did a " Swiss hireling with aioietenaci
ty to a cause than he did. The editor warmly applaud
ed the action of the State Convention, and Lycoming
was set down as all right, but SOOT /" a change carneo'er
the spirit of his dream." The Canal Commissioners,
believing in the excellent doctrine that the public offices,
with their emoluments were nuecreated for a privileged
class, determined on removing all those who had been
holding fat offices under their control, for the last ten
years, and the editor of the ',yearning Gazette was one
of the "victims." 'Filen Lycoming which was so well
pleased with the nomination of Mr. Foster—Lycoming
which was so vociferous and unanimous fur his selection
by the democratic convention—then Lycoming was lug
ged over to the opposition, represented as being in high
dudgeOn at a nomination which the people demanded,
all because the editor of the Gazette and its hangers on
were not permitted to feed at the public crib. It is this
paper that now gives such bright hopes to the whigs,
end promises such an inglorious defeat to Mr. Foster.
The whig paper. quota very feely from the columns
of the Lycoming Gazette, and while they post articles
before the public, as corning from a " genuine locofoco
paper," they forget to tell the cause of the appearance of
these articles. Well, under the circumstances, we don't
blame them much for that !" •
THE LICINSZ Quasi-to :J.—During the late session
of the Legislature,. bill was passed giving to the citizens
of the following counties of Pennsylvania the right to
tote for or against licenses, at the annual election fur
constables and other township officers:
Chester, Brorpiehanna, Wyoming. Butler, Erie, Dela
ware. Tiogt, Bradford, Cravvfool, M'Kesn, Elk, War
ren, Payette. Alleaheny , Mercer, Meariteld, Washington,
Beaver, and the township and borough of Mt. Pleasant
in the county of Wayne, and the borough of Lewisburg,
to Union oouuiy.
Bradford Co. Standing Committee.
The following named gentlemen were appointed as
the Standing Committee for Bradford county for the
prevent year, by the Democratic Convention, holden in
September last:
Tug Trt F. ATT.—The following is n brief abstract of
the treaty between the United Ntates and England, re
garding Oregon, lately ratified by the Senate,:
Ankle I, Fixes the territorial boundary between the
United States and' Great Britain, west of the Rocky
Mountains, nn the line of forty-nine degrees, till it reach
es Queen Charlotte's Sound, and then through the
Straits of Fuca to the ocean, which gives te l Great B r i.
tain Van Coucer's Island.
Art. 2. Declares the navigation of th.. Columbia river,
up to where it strikes the line of forty-nine degrees, to
tie free to the Hudson's Day Company, during the con•
tinuance of Igo charter. .k
Art. 3. The rivers. ports and hartr , re north of the
folly-ninth degree, to be free to the commerce of both
Art. 4. Indemnity for the fitrts and trading stations of
the Hudson's Bey Company sounth of forty-nine de
grees, and of the Americans north of the same, if any
there be.
Art. 5. Indemnity for private property of citizens or
subjects who may be south or north of forty-ninc de
grees, if they wish to retire within their own territory.
Harlisburg, appears to be singularly unfortunate. We
learn by the Reporter, that on Baturday,June 19, during
the heavy gale of wind, one entire span of the Bridge
was blown down, and the one adjoining it no much in
jured, that it will be neceessary to remove it also. Not
withioanding the many and serious reverses which the
company have sustained, thel+ s ere still determined to
prosecute the work, and confidently assert, that they will
have the Bridge prepared fur transportation across the ri
ver, by the first of December.
Mu. Forrrta a Paosecers—The editor of the Penn.
aylcania Repurter, soya, "that a recent absence for a
few days in the Eastern section of the Slate, has satis
fied us. that the prospect of the complete and final victo
ry of the Democratic party at the fall election, and the
election of Wst. B. FitaTca by an overwhelming majori
ty, was never more flattering. •
We did not see a single democrat who aid not speak
of such a result as a matter of course, and even the whigs
were forced to admit that with the entire strength of the
Natives taken front their ranks, they stood no possible
chance of success. -This, however, was but a whig
boast, for that Mr. Foster will have a clear majority over
both candidates we have not The slightest doubt.
DEATH OF 1 MEMOSR OF Cosoncsa.—The Hon.
Edward P. Herrick, Representative in Congress, of Rens
selaer county, New York, departed this life at Washing
ton on Sunday evening, June 20th, at 9 o'clock, after an
illness of three days. He had been member of the
Legislature, and took his seat in Congress for the first
time, at the commencement of this session. He was,
we believe, a farmer, but a man of talents and an influ
ential member of the Whig:party, to which he belong
ed, though highly respected by those who dilfertd from
him in politics.
(0' Altered ss's on the Lancuatcr Bank, altered from
a broken note on some Eastern Bank, are in circulation
in the lower part of the State.
Nens.arAit PLATT, of Nichols, was prostrated with
paralyses on Sunday, June 13. We learn that be is
slowly recovering.
[Front the Hancock Eagle, Extra.)
Resumption of Hostilities in havoc.
Scarce twenty-four hours had elapsed after
the issue of our paper containing the " Peace
Proclamation," as it has peen styled, before in
formation reached the city that preparations were
being made for a demonstration upon Nauvoo,
and that an armed invasion might be expected
in a few days,
On Tuesday, as many of the remaining Mor
mons as rout I get any conveyance, began push
ing to the river. Many of these families are
without the means of of subsistecce for a week.
and we overheard an application which wa s
made (or flour enough to last a single day.
In the afternoon the New .Citizens met at the
budding formerly known as the Seventies Hall,
and after a protracted session, passed several reso
lutions the object of which was to conciliate the
hostile party and induce them to abandon their
design of invading the city. Several members
of the Anti-Mormon party were present. The
meeting ahjourned under conisderable excite
ment, which was increased by the information
that armed bands were upon the prairies and the
arrival of several person who were ejected from
their homes and driven tit by the " Re;:tlators."
Lynching has commenced in good earnest. A
correspondent, whose statement can be implicit
ly relied upon. and who was present at some of
the scenes described sends us the following par
ticulars :
On Sunday last about sixty armed and
mounted men came into this place, (Macedo
nia) and threatened some three or lour f..milie
as they valued their lives, to decamp instantly.
They then called open a man by the name of
Fabum, and instructed him to carry a •• warn
ing" to his brother. He declined being .the
bearer of the message. and was threatened with
flagellation. They left hum with a promise
to return; and sureenntigh, on Monday,morn
ing, they held a council of war, and sentenced
him to twenty lashes, well laid on with a hick
ory goad. He was forthwith marched to the
public square, and received fifteen of them.
five having been remitted in consequence of
his sufferings. The company was mostly
from the northwest corner of the county.—
They passed through La Harps, warning all
obnoxious persons, and on arriving at White's
settlement. barbarously mangled a man named
Taylor. They supplied themselves with ne
cessaries from the cellars, corn cribs and whis
key barrels of their neighbors, and took up their
march westward, after giving three cheers,
which were reverberated from one empty
house to another. Their course was charac
terized by the greatest cruel !, and sever!
sick and infirm persons are threatened if they
do not leave instantly. This they cannot do,
and they must stand the consequences. Fa
bum, who was lashed su is not a amnion and
never was one. After whipping him, they
wanted him to join their party, which he in
dignantly refused to do. A femole, residing
in the the eastern part of the county, was
scourged •• until the blood ran off her heels."
[This is the language of our informant. We
know not the provocation which led to the in•
tliction of the chastisement.] A mormon who
has been Irving to sell his property, worth
$5OO, has been visited by a force, who com
pelled him to take $lOO for it and leave. Ile
seems satisfied that he got off as well as he
Later Intelligence from the Army !
Col. ffileonfor Reonosa—.Brista's Proclama
tion to Gen. Taylor—Strength of the Mexi
can Amy—Another Battle Expected.
The following comprises all the news which
has reached us since our last, by the arrival at
Mobile of the U. S. scooner Wolcott, and of the
steamer Galveston, at New Orleans. It will
be found to be important as well as interesting :
General Taylor was at Matamoros waiting for
reinfOrcements to march on Monterey. Seven
hundred and fifty men were stationed at Barita
live hundred at Point Isahel, and the remainder
with the General at Matainoras—making in
all, atatitll nine thousand strung.
The Mexican forees were b e tween Matamoras
and Monterey. for the purpose of repelling Gen.
Taylor's advance. Report estimates them to
be 15,000, but this umber is supposed to be
exaggerated. The general impression was that
they would make a stand there, and, if defeated,
the war would be ended.
The squadron is dispersed about the mouths
of the different rivers, viz : the St. Mary's, off
Tampico ; frigates Raritan and Mississippi, off
Vera Cruz ; brig Lawrence. off Rio Grande ;
ig Somers, off Alvarado ; the frigates Cumber
land and Potomac, sloops John Adams and Fal
mouth, gone to Pensacola for provisions and
water. Tfie brig Porpoise to St. Domingqwith
a special messenger on board. Schooner Flirt
left Rio Grande on the evening of the sth for
Vera Cruz with purser Watson on board, bear
ing despatches to the senior officers in command
then off Vera Cruz. From 50 to 60 sail inside
the har off Rio Grande and Brazos St. Figo.— :
The Lawrence went to sea on the evening of
the sth, on a cruise for ten days, at the expira
tion of which she was expected to return 'to
Pensacola. It is supposed she will be ordered
north for repairs, having suffered from the ef
fects of a gale on the 30th of May, and having
been in commission over three years.
The steamer Galveston was below at New
Orleans on the 12tIvinst., having met with an
accident to her whees, and reached the city on
the 13th.
The Galveston had on board Major Belt,
Lieut. Hoot., and a • number of officers and men
wounded in the last actions, and 108 par sang,ers
The Galveston lef: Brazos Santiago at noon
on the Bth inst., and Galveston the evening of
the 10th. The army wa. , about moving up the
river to take the small towns on the right bank.
The following additional particulars received
by the. Galveston me rather important :
••-•On Saturday the 7th instant, Lteut, Colonel
Wi'son left Matamoras for Romosa, making the
first movement towards the invasion of Mexico
by the American army. Col. Wilson has a corn
?nand of live hundred strong.
Pour companies of the lst regiment of infan
try, under the respective commands of Major
Abercrombie, Copts, Miller, Bachus, and La
Moue; Capt. Pierce's company of Texan Ran
ders. with section of Lieut. Bragg's battery, un
der Fleets. Thomson and Johnstone, and a com
pany of Alabama volunteers under Gen. Cesha,
form the:ummand.
This movement is highly interesting, because
it opens the ball of carrying the war into the en
emy's country. Reinose is a small town on the
Rio Grande, sixty miles from Matamoras, and
containing about one thousand inhabitants. It
ispresumed that Col. Wilson and the brave sol
(lifts under him, will take it without a blow,—
at 'least the soldiers fear that such will be the
The volunteers are in good health and spirits
—very few cases of sickness. It is rumored that
Gen. Arista has sent.i proclamation to Gen. Tay
lor. ordering him to leave Matamoras within a
given time, or he should he obliged to come down
from Monterey and chastise him for remaining
on the west side of the Rio Grande.
By the Galveston, the Picayune has received
Galveston papervto the 10th inst. They bring
up the news from the Rio Grande to the latest
dates. and will be found interesting.
We regret to say that Gov. 13utler of South
Carolina. reached here in a very low state of
health. but we are in hopes that a few days of
quiet and repose will bring him up speedily.
Volunteers have at last began to pour into
Galveston freely. From the News of the 9th
lost., we copy the follom ini
A full company, under Capt. Arnold, arrived
by the steamer Samuel M. Williams, on the sth
inst. They are from Nacogdoches, and carry a
standard with the words •• Old Nacogdoches"
on it.
A company from Jlsper and Jefferson coun
ties arrived from 'Sabine, by water, last Satur
day the 6th, commanded by Capt. Cheshire,
who was in the bsttle of San Jacinto. These
have also been received,, and left for Point Isa
bel on the schooner Testa, Capt. Frisk, this
By this arrival, we have received the first two
numbers of the Republic of the Rio Grande
and Friend cf the People." The first number
is dated June Ist, and the second June 8111.—
The motto of the paper is, " Fear not—the
brave and generous soldier it only to be dreaded
in the held of battle." The leading articles are
printed both in English and Spanish.
The purpose is to convince the people of Ta
maulipas, Coahuila, New Leon and Chihuahua,
of the futility of resisting American arms, and to
throw. upon the administration of Paredes the
responstbdity of the war. A separation of the
departments named above from the Central Go
vernment of Mexico is the distinct aim of this
new paper. We have not room for one of i ts
leaders" to-day, but cull a few news items,"
as follows :
1110V1F.:11ENTS OF THE ENENY,--A traveller
from Tampico met a government carrier be
tween that place and Victor], about ten days ago.
hunting fot the Mexican army, for whom he
bore orders, he said, to retreat . upon Tampico.
This would seem to indicate that the govern
ment consider the day as definitely lost in this
quarter, or were unable to reinforce their army
sufficiently to enable it to stand another battle,
and Were collecting its fragments for the defence.
of Vera Cruz.
The port of Tampico was not blockaded, he
states, as vessels were entering and departing
though an American sloop of war—the St. Ma
ry's—was in eight. Mr. Cchatzell and the
other Americans, who were su rudely driven
from Nlatamoras by A inpudia, had reachad Tam
pico in safety, though shaken in health by their
'breed journey of three hundred miles. They
took shipping on the 23d ult. for this place, where
they may be hourly expected.
Arista's retreat will doubtless continue to the
mountains. After losing the clay with five to
one at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. it is
not likely that he will make another stand on
the plains. Gen. Taylor takes the field with
so overwhelming a force and so admirably
equipped in that tarrible arm, the light artillery,
that it would be madness in the enemy to fight
again, where defeat would be certain and re
treat impossible. Monterey is the first position
of any natural strength. and it also commands
the entrance of the mountain pass to Saltillo.—
It is there, in all probability, that Arista will
make his great offset, which the importance of
the object, his wounded pride, and the advan
tages of the ground. will all conspire to take a
brilliant, but a blOody day in the history of this
We undetstand that Canales is at Olmitus
Rancho, five leagues on this side of Reonosa, le
vying contributions upon the people, and plun
dering them of all their mules and other movea
ble property. He has closed the road and in
tercepts all communication from this direction,
treating all those who are suspected of coming
from this place with the greatest harshness.
From a letter in the New Orleans Delta. dat
ed June 7, we make the following extracts :
General Canales, with his eighteen hundred
cavalry, has fallen back, and is entrenched at
Rennosa. A brush may therefore he looked fot
petween him snd the command of Lieut. Col.
Wi on.
It is rumored herr that General Scott and
Wool are ordered to Mexico ; this intelligence
doe. not meet with the same favor.
On Thursday, the Ricardo Rangers were sent
out on a scout, after some armed Mexicans, who
were discovered prowling about in the vicinity
of the Andrew Jackson camp. They returned
without finding them, but on their march they
discovered, through information furnished by a
Mexican, a lot of arms, swords, pistols, ect.,
concealed in a Ranchero's house, about five
miles from camp. These, as well as the posses
sor, were captured by them, and brought into
camp. The proceeds of the booty will be dis
tributed among the captors.
Sickness prevails to some extent throughout
the volunteers, confined, however, to bowel com
plaints chiefly; but no sign of fever. The water
and green corn are the principal causes,
New Orleans to the Charleston News says :
The coat, boots, and complete uniform of the
late Major Ringgold, with his holsters, hous
ing and saddle bloody red." were sent to his
friends atthaltimore in the brig Architect, Capt.
Grey which Bleared for that post yesterday.—
The boots had been cut from his feet ; and the
front of the saddle was completely torn away.
Front the judgment of a person in horses and
riders I learn that Major Ringgold must have
been standing in Isis Blimps giving orders, with
body facing a little .to the left The hall, it is
inferred, came from the rettfWihe left and pass
ed in his front, shattering tfie thigh about Mid
The Postsc.'pt of a letter from Point Isabel,
dated June 7, says :
Two men died in the Hospital here yesterday
and day before ; the balance, with one or two ex
deptiotr, are doing well. A, number of wounded
departed for St. Joseph's yesterday. I saw
Capt. Page a moment ago, and saw his wound
dressed. He is out of danger, but has made a
dreadful sacrifice to his con - ntry's honor. Col.
Mclntosh is improving very much, and the oth
er wounded officers are doing very well.
LOCUSTS.—This year is distinguished in the
vicinity of Memphis, Tennessee, by the ap
pearance of countless millions oflocesis, which
have been visible for some days, making a ire
mendous noise in the forests like the rontutu•
ous roll of thousands of drums. How larYe a
district of country they now infest in this vicin
ity is impossible to tell ; we have heard how
ever, that they extend, at least. from the up
per counties of Mississippi to Jackson county.
Tenn., north of Memphis, an area of nearly
fifty miles.
The locusts are said to be thirteen years' lo
custs, having made their last appearance before
this time in 1833, when the cholera was prev
alent on the Mississippi. They were then
said to have the letter C" plainly marked on
their wings, the iuitial of the great scourge of
nations. Science, however, must be skepti
cal as to this fact without more testiniony than
that derived fromsuperstitious rumor. I send
you enclosed herewith, several wings plucked
from locusts in Court-house Square in Meni
bps, which plainly show the letter •• W." the
initial of dread war, on the extremity of their
outer wings, each locust having two pair of
wings.' Had some savant of 1833 had the
precaution to preserve wings at that time, we
could not doubt about the initial they bare.
As far as I can learn the natural history of
these mysterious insects, they come out of the
earth, every thirteenth rear, mount the trees,
the tallest they can tind, raise the stunning cry.
which only two events have power to inter
mit, a shower of rain or nightfall, and then
their countless millions become a prey to death
after a very few days. Before their decease
they deposit eggs in the branches of the trees
which, being warmed by the summer's sun,
become worms, fall to the earth, and hide in
its bosom, for thirteen long years. %V hat is
their mode of life when thus inurned, or through
what changes they pass in a crysalis state, un
til.they come out of the earth the full grown
strong-winged, and loud-mouthed war-locust
—none can tell. - The facts are certain that
none come out of the earth where there were
no trees or forests thirteen years ago, and
where those forests stood then, if replaced by
streets, roads, or gardens now, tip they will
come in their bannered array. The holes
which they bore for admission into daylight
are about the size of musket balls, and I have
sounded them with my cane more than a foot
in depth. Who cycles the year for them, and
gives them note of time iii the subterranean
abode, none can tell but their Maker.
No obstacles can impede their passage up
wards. not even a brick paved yard—they have
perforated brick in' the city of Memphis.
They are from one to two inches in length,
about the size and shape of the largest mead
ow bees in New England, and of a brown or
snuff color, with red, porcelain-like, prominent
eyes. They have done no damage to the fo
liage of the trees; they live on song, and as
their mission of procreation finishes itself, they
drop dead front the trees, the ground being al
ready covered with their dead.—N. F Jour
nal of Commerce.
•Our correspondent has sent us six wings, and the
V is plain them than all.
ed yesterday from a passenger from Baltimore,
that a serious accident occurred on Friday even
ing on the raoad. between Cumberland and
Baltimore, about 35 miles from Cumberland.
The locomotive ran over a cow on the track,
by which it was thrown off, with one of the
passenger cars,,which was very much shatter.
ed. Two passengers were injured, one an el
derly gentleman, whose !mine is unknown,
slightly, and the other. J. C. Dodge, of Bos
ton. received a deep cut in hie- head. The ac.
cident is attributed to the negligence of the en
gineer, and a statement to that effect, we learn
was about to be drawn up by the passengers.
(Correspondence of the Public Ledger.)
Auto from Santa Fe.
lapwing, Jane 26-8 o'clock, P. M.
An extra fYom the office of the Lexington
Express, received by the Southern mail, brings
important intelligence from Santa Fe. It states
that Mr. Houck had arrived at Independence,
Missouri. from Santa Fe, having made the trip
in twenty days. He is said to have brought
intelligence that the authorities at Santa Fe
were fortifying that city. In addition to 2000
men then under arms, the Governor had made
a requisition for 5000 more from Chihuahua.
Every third man in Santa Fe and vicinity was
to be drafted to bear arms in its delence, and
provisions were being laid in as preparation
for. a siege.
Mr. Houck, it is added, expresses the opt' :
ion th . at.Col Kearney ought not to take less than
five hundred men on. his expedition against
New Mexico.
The St. Louis Era, of the 18th, says that a
number of wagons, loaded with provisions and
ammunition. have already started on their way
across the prairies Col Kearney intends to, send
them ahead as last as he can get them. More
than two hundred dragoons have taken up' their
line of march,
The volunteers are at Fort Leavenworth, are
going through daily drills and exercises. un
der the direction of the regular officers of the
army, and are said to be improving rapidly.
The Indian volunteers have been mustered
into the service, and also thirty companies of
Illinois volunteers.
How IT WAS DONE.—The Committee ap
pointed to investigate the charges made by
Mr. Ingersoll against Mr. Webster, rendered
a verdict" not guilty." By what means they
were enabled to come to this conclusion,—we
learn something by the following extract of a
letter to the Pennsylvanian. dated
WASHINGTON, June 9th, 1846.
The long expected and much concocted Re
,.iort of the so called Webster Special Commit
tee, was ma4e in the House of Representatives
on Tuesday. It seems that Mr. Pettit's refus
ing to serve without the clerk, which the
House refused to allow, and his consequent
resignation, devolved the chairmanship of the
Committee on Vinton, an old member from
Ohio, but a Massachusetts man by birth and
by nature, whose first move in the Committee
is said to have been to limit the enquiry.
Tt.e Committee kept all their proceedings
secret, we . learß, so that Mr. Ingersoll not only
was not called to substantiate his charges,
but not allowed to know what was going on.
Instead of that Mr. Tyler was sect for from
the South and F. 0..1. Smith from the East,
and examined as witnesses of course for Mr.
We„bster. Mr. Tyler was one of the Senate
committee once, which cleansed the Bank of
the United States, he was excellent witness
therefore for Mr. Webster, and the small piece
of his testimony, speaks fur him.
The majority of the Committee reported that
the pap&s ought to be sealed up and kept se
cret. Will the house sanction that! %VIII the
people submit to it ?
Mr. Brinkerhoff, at all evertts, by his manly
Minority Wynn, discloses enough to let the
country .see that every one of Mr. In , rersoll's
charges is supported by ahuittiatit proof.
FATAL Accuagyr.—At Rochester, N. Y ~ on
Friday. during a thunder storm, the school
house No. 9 Parker street, was unroofed, and
the chimnies and gable end were driven into
the ro a m occupied by the female department
containing one hundred children, under charge
of Miss Gould. The brick and timbers fell in
all parts of the school, wounding almost every
pupil in it, but killing none. The following is
given as a list of their names as far as had been
ascertained . ; Daughter ni Win. Wallace. leg
broken ; Son of Win. Finley, badly bruised ;
Philip Prior two; Patrick Fleming one;
Richard Story, two; Joseph Cochrane, two;
Patrick Anderson, two (one badly ;) James
Buckley, two (one badly ;) Charles Buckley.
one; Messrs. Doyle, McDonald, Chaffey,
Doulan,Sheahan, Burns, Caton, Morrow.Kief
er, Costigan and Davis, each one; Messrs.
Bishop and Somerville. each two. The whole
number of children reported to be injured is
34, alt but three or four, it is believed will re
cover. Miss Gould greatly exerted herself in
extricating the little sufferers, many of whom
had crawled under the desks and benches when
the crash was first heard. The boys' depart
ment was hut slightly injured in the roof, and
no one was hurt. Masses of the roof were
carried 200 yards, and the heaviest portion
twenty or thirty feet.
unty was visited on St>turday afternoon last
by a hurricane which did much mischief, com
ing from. the north-west. shifting suddenly to
the north and north-north-east, and then again
to the northwest from which point it continued
to blow with great violence for about ten mi
nutes. In Lower Makefield Township, Mr.
W m Wharton had several fine apple trees blown
down, and a large portion of fence levelled.
Several other farmers in this township sustain
ed considerable less in damage to frost trees.
fences, &c. On the farm of Mr. Joel Mason,
a pear, an apple and a Chesnut tree were blown
down—the latter taken up completely by the
roots. The pear tree, a very large one, loaded
with fruit, was situated only about ten yards
fron Mr. M's house, and was soaped asun
der about six feet from its base. In its fall,
one of his ehildi 2 en narrowly escaped being
crushed. The gust was so sudden and violent,
that persons in exposed situations could not
keep their feet. Several parties of haymakers
were surprised by the hurricane in the midst
of their labors-their wagons were overturn
ed, and persons on them made narrow escapes.
herever a door or window was left open, the
furniture was cast with_ violence against the
walls, & carpets torn from the floors.—Ledger.
CONSISTENCY.—" ire can do our own voting
and our own fighting." This the lan
guage of Native Americanism. But profess
ions are not always carried out in practice.—
One of the editors of the St. Louis American,
a Native paper, who belonged to the "St.
Louis Grays," when called into actual ser
vice induced an Irishman to take his place in
the carps as - a substitute ! There are, we
apprehend, a good many political natives, who,
if the day of trial come, would he willing to
let Irishmen "do their fighting,."—.llb. Eve.
WHAT NEXT ?—Gen. Morris's " Wood
man., spare that tree," has been quoted entire
in the British Parliament ! Tne subject which
called it up was the Old British Constitution
and the orator was a Mr. Cayley. There must
have been a most plentiful amount of nose
blowing on the occasion.
STOLEN MONEY FOUND.—.A letter f t ,
Portland, Maine, published in the New li n :,
Herald, gives the following curious intelligetC",
upon a subject which has caused consid era b le
excitement in that place, by a report of inoy.
ey having been found buried on a hill, b a ,,
of the city :
The story is, and suppose it to be correct,
that two boys were playing on the b i ll 141
Sabbath, and discovered a stake driven in the
ground some distance. They attetopid
pull it up, but as there appeared to be soa r
thing at the bottom of it, their curiosity IN
excited, and they dug down till a chest, "keg ei
box, was discovered, which on opening, wa ,
found to contain about 811,000 in go le and
silver. It is supposed to be a part of the rim e .
ev stolen from the Cumberland Bank, in
place, some 18 or 20 years ago---or, money
which had been buried there by pirates or (Ai,.
er villains.
The story of the Bank robbery is this. A
man who was about the ,Bank considerable,
named Manly, formed the determination tot,:
hove the vault of its weighty responsibility,
and as he coulu not well do it alone, he
trusted his plan to another man named R ot h . ...
Th e ni g ht was filed upon, and every prem.,
lion made to carry their plans into effect—. 4:
Roth, when the night came, backed out, Of
attempted to, saying that he had rathe r di
nothing about it. Manly thereupon threatez
ed to kill hint if he refused, and held a pis:,.
to his breast, till he consented to go, 'fa-
Bank was opened by false keys, and m „,
thousand dollars removed—all : there was la ' :
at any rate, and the country was scoured 14
every direction in search of the lost .rhino.
Much of it was found, and still no one
suspected. Manly came down to the 11, 1 ,,
the succeeding morning, as bold as anv 0 ,
and made the observation—.• Upon ray
that was a manly trick." At length,ihrot t;
the fear manifested, and strange conduc t , :
Roth, lie was suspected, charged with the ire..
bery. and roniessed it at once ; but would IN
tell who was his accomplice. He also IIIiOTEU.
ed where most of the money was buried; b,t .
Manley, had the precaution to remove
largest deposit, and, of course, it wtts
found. As Roth came down, the hill with
officers, under the arrest, he asked permits.
to step into the hollow by the side of the
for a spectfic purpose, which was grantee_
W Nile there, he placed a pistol to his own:
and ',w brains out ! Front some •:
snot by bun, .Nlanly was apprehended, con%
ed, and sent to prison for a term of year.
year or two after his imprisonment exp.:
he died with the small pax—he being the,i,
man who had it at the time. It is SW?),
that the money was buried near the holn
on the hill, and in digging fur it, that he a
have caught the infection from some of the
ies which are there buried, of which he
This, however, may, be only surnnee.
the belief tends, and such is the story pine
ent to that vicinity.
now to Parts, has trait-mttted a tumor,
Congress, offering.% at a very reason:o.le
to our .go veytment, the tv hole of hi, 3 ,;, r ,
tile collection of korai" Portraits and V,es
Scenes and Customs among more I;i3ri
tribes of our A hori , i flee. Tile
a wonderful result .of intlefamiabl ,, 1,60 r
artistic genius. has been much aanort,' at
anti :throat!. it is now in the Losers
by request of the King of the rrrw.
unless poi - chased by our Covet-11mPa: 1;
prubshly heroine the property of ft,
or some other European nation. The
tons desire of the artist is that 0. should u,
to his own country. 'Had he the nlrs; i
hying, he remarks in a recent letter, he ttt.
far prefer presenting it to his nn n Govern.
than to sell it to any other. It 1,
very properly by the Intelhi!eneer, tilt;'
Government purchase it to preserve it la a'
country as a tine memorial of a race now 1.1
ington correspondent of a New York
writes the following!:—
•• Rev. Henry Slicer, of the Methodm L'
copal Church, preached for the [Lhami
volumeers'at the Marine Barracks to-d.++ .
he exhorted them like One of the patron! ,
the Revolution. He exhorted them N
like men, and to beware', above all the;•
being shot in the back. He said it ‘ia. e .
ins principle of christianity, to be ready
up, life or death, for our countrt. fir
been himself a soldier, and through p.;;;;!
vigor 01 youth, he felt as strong tieWe
one again. The man who wont net :t
for his country was hardy to he mue,: •
chances of saving his own soul. 1;1
boys" said he spoke like a look."
certainly a singular fact, says the New
Courier & Ennuirk.r the stone of
fOrIIIiCAIIOII IS -now constructed was 0-;
Crum one of the quarries the 11 , 0 ,
on the Hudson. A large number
guns, some of them Paixhans, htve
mounted ; a force of shout 3000 men Is .!
competent and skilful English and
engineers have the direction of the c‘''
and the whole is under the command et
Brava, one of the ablest and bravest gev
in the Mexican service. -
The President of the Unded Stales,'
the United States Gazette, h4s a perfecff•
of the castle, with all its appendages , ''d" ll '
floating batteries. &c., furnished to kiwi °
an American officer for him, by the rro
gineer that superintended the work fur !!
SMALL BUSINESS.—The wing miaow
the Connecticut Legislature made an eV.
censure President PoLk. for his'iourse
gard to the Mexican affairs, and
Mexicans in their invasion of our terr:.
we presume. Their resolution was 40 !
and these a s, , entlemen finding it would be v ,
down, and not wishing it to be se recorP
left the House without a quorum. Tb' s
say the least, a very small bustness —an ;,
feel proud to say that it did not suet eed. „
is a democratic majority in both houses
Connecticut Legislature. whieh o
the passage of all such Anti-American rte*
tions.—Dem. Press.
Exer.ostor.;.—The Thomaston', 3l3o
zette states that the Powder Mill at
Maine, was blown up on Friday. the
The accident ocurred after' the WorO 1 c: 1
left, consequently no person was inpro t l ,,.
explosion, but we learn that cnsideral,':
was broken in the immediate vicinity.
port was heard, and the shock felt, nianv
distant. At Union, the flash was
seconds before the report was heard.
titnated at $lOOO.