the locality of his shield, and very politely permits the General to stay, at his orders, by the sunny fireside of home. where he can save both body and breeches. We regret that such Ithe unwelcome position ol..General 'Scott.— Ile has spread his own couch, and. reposes on his own. pillow. If, instead of pausing to the lance with the • Executive, he h a d try snivelled foward to the Rio Grande, and stood forth among his countrymen. the same brave soldier, he might have won new and fresh laurels of renown. • Meanwhile, old Zackary Taylor. the steady, cool and silent old soldier, whilst lie is march ing bis way into the possession of Mexican territory. is winning his way into the respect and confidence of his fellow ciizens. He has n ot sent the trumpet before him, to announce his former exploits. or to boast of his warlike intentions. The lightning of the telegraph brings first the thunder. of his arms, and the echo of ver o his victories. The stars and stripes are wav ing Matamoras—the enemy has fled into the heart of the country, and Old Zschsry, almost under the equator. pushes his conquest as coolly yid calmly as he would hunt buffalo in the neighborhood of 54 40 in Oregon. Volunteers are flocking to the standard of the Army. General Gaines is raising his inland army in order to make a small pudding to stir at home ; Gen. Scott is at Washington in pur suit of the right end of the calumet, so as to smoke the pipe of peace: with the President; but Old Zarlibry the people are aware of his r• osition If the chair of the Presidency were planted on the Rio Grande, we should almost fear his nerves would become unsteady. but Po long as it is kept in the diStanee and sur rounded by other aspirants, we shall fear nei ther for his reputation nor his valor.—Luzerne Democrat. CAM Far:mos - T.—Letters have been re ceived at the Navy Department from Monterey, bearing as late date as April 18th. The Union vat i : The unwarranted attempt to drive Captain Fremont from the country has already. been al m'ed to in the newspapers. After having been Once away by Don Jose Castro, commandant t eneral, Captain F expecting an attact fortified hid:self ahout twelve leagues distant from Mon terey. Castro!assembled about 100 men in font of the entrenchment. After remaining there three days, he concluded to retreat, when it was Ihsrovered that the party had quiptiv Anne off. ;caving some old saddles and trash which the Californians magnified into munition of war. Three hundred riflemen offered their services to Capt..F. but they were declined. The movement against Captain Fremont teems to have been diref-ted by the central on. irrionent of Mexico ; hut it is not believed that t'e people of California entertained any ill-Will :owards him, or would willingly have done hint harm. His own conduct in the whole ni.itter seen■ to have been marked alike by emir:ice and .retion. We 4uhinin a ropy of a letter written t a Ja t'w .loiericAn con%ul at M.IIII , •1","%,. when in expertation of an attack, and rec”ire tine ron:=1:1 in thr rro.tiinE .1 larch 10. l',l‘“ remained in excellent health, and had rh :- .114. Dew. Sir . 7 —l this oinment rev ire I letters. :out without waiting I ri-el t'tetn. ",„I,lne 1 t ie ‘,1,1,41 re iiiiitatidv. I 13111 111 /111!1e myself as smart. , n the lat.-nu-it th-it 11 we :Ire 311 , .31' , ail:lrked. we writ tight to extremity and • •faite 19 lama' tru•lioz to our eriontry to avenge qr death No rile hiss reiieheil my rap p ; and -oat the lieiirlits we are ahste to see troops (with gleis:, mustering at Saint John's and prepar le ill'. I thank you for your kindness and ; reed wishes. and would write more at length LI tar intenttUns, ilid I not fear that my letter sill be ialeteepted. We have in no wise done iriorig to the people or the authorities of the esiniry ; nail if we are hemmed in and assault ed• we trill die. evert• man of IN. under the flag of our country. Very truly. yours. J. C. FREMONT. TERMEILE HAIL STI4OI IN ELLINOI9:—OiI the ',l i edt damage was dime in the vicinity by a .hail storm. Tne 'r.vrri,f a sia.e near Gov. Kinney's wits knack iid", and the hirers ran away. linigssheep and tre, , kl kid, and the ritlips o ere all utter- T.lo stones rr I:arg,r thou a za3:l Si say the papers. It Wl4 a 51V1 , 12 or a great ,Itvine, that he ha.! .iun,~!ear• good in had people, and more bad n zood people. tit.3o he ever f XrCled. CHOLER; M EIR COMP LAINT,DI RitHCE A Dp.enterv, and ail other Deraimemeuta of the Stomach uid Boaris, cured by Dr. D. JAYNE'S CARMINA TIVE B.lLs A M. Nnw. Your.. Bth month Ist, 1838. Fait's', Do. JATNE-•It gives me much &Retire to altuun thee of the result of a cave in width I sdruinister ed thy Cartninstive Baliam, and I consider it to be • muter of duty due thee and the public, to give the fol. 1..1,1 statement. :—Being milled to visit • patient a few t:syt since. I found he was vomiting and purging most seven, Tormina and Cramps in the upper god lower extremities, and also in the abdoininal parie- Lea The Cramp was so violent, that it took four men 4rub him incessantly, to keep down the spasm, and to ow M. own words, he said it seemed to him as if bat hues would snap in two. There were a'so violent dmlic pains around the übilical region, attended with `try distressing nausea. In short, I considered it to be case of genuine cholera, I found on inquiry, the pa tient bad been unwell the day previous, with a looseness 'f the bowels. That six hours before I saw him, he was seined with the complaint, and bad gradually got worse. The extremities were cold, and he was nearly pulseless. I immediately gave him a spoonful of thy Balsam, which ta 1 few moments was ejected from the stomach, but on Wing it a few times, the stomach became settled, and beexpressed himself much relieved. I then gave him a calomel and opium powder. In two bouts from the time I saw him he felt quite easy, and fell asleep, and iltpt well for five hours; but on waking, the symptoms Olin returned. I directed more of the Balsam to be riven him. - when the disease subsided, and the patient wa secensteseent. • It took only one bottle to effect • cum. I have also so often witnessed the beneficial effects of the Carminative Balsam in summer CoMplainta and D . mitts', that I would not be without it for its weighl In sifter., I remit] thy friend, THOMAS MOTT. M. D 92 Broadway, New York. For vale by J. D. &E. D. Ni.uttanye, 'tea/ands, Pa G. A. Perluns, Athens, only authorized agents (or Bradford Comm,. loitrican and Foreign timspap,r, Advattsidgi Subscription Agency Mc& GEORGE PRATT. 164 N.s.ou-street, New-York B. P ALMER, No. 30 Ann st.. New York; Real E state tie Coal Office, N 4 59 Pine-etl, Philadelphia: 4reeire subscription. and uvertisoments for most Fo- No end Ameri can isreeeep a p ere , and are duly conati• Ateots rm. the "b;:diord Riporter." Brigade Orders. To the Citizens Soldiers of the Id Brig. 9th Div, P. 11 'WHEREAS—A requisition has been made on the Governor of this Commonwealth, for six Regi. meats of Infantry, to be held in readiness for minder into the service of the Governmect of the United States. Offers of service of Volunteers will be accepted with the view of accOmmodating each military division, in proportion to its strength. Citizens of this Brigade who are desirous to tender their service to the country in the present emergency, will forthwith enrol the.a. selves and report the same to the Brigade Inspector.— It is hoped that the citizens of this Brigade will not be found wanting in patriotism, and devotion to their country at this important crisis, but will enrol them- selves without delay according to the act of Congress. EaCti company to consist of one Captain, one let Lieu. tenant, one 241 Lieutenant, four Sergeants, four Cot , ponds, two,Muaicians, sixty-four privates. H. WILLISTON, JR. Brig. Gen. • Brig. General's Office, Athens, June 16. 1846, SHERIFF'S Ss2LE. "InY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo., issued MIIII from the court of Common Pleas of Bradford co. to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the house of I. H. STEPHENS, in the borough of Towanda, cn Monday, the 3d day of August next, at 1 o'clock, P. M,. A certain lot or piece of land .situate in Wysox township, Bradford county. Beginning at a post on the north east aide of the Post road leading through Standing Stone; thence aloig by the same, south fifty degrees, east seventeen and 32.100 perches to a atone corner by the northwest side of a lane running north easterly from said road; thence by said lane, north forty four degrees, east twelve and two-tenth perches to a post ; thence by land of the party of the second part, north fifty degrees, west sixteen and 82-100 perches to a post; thence by land of the same, south forty-six de grees, west twelve and four-tenth perches to the place of beginning. Containing one acre and forty-nine Perches and nine-tenths of a perch, including the build ings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Simon Stevens to the use of Hiram Mix vs. Peter C. Ward. ALSO—A certain piece or lot of land situate in the township of Windham. Bounded on the north by Har ty Ruuell and Joseph Elsbree, on the east by Joseph Elabree and George Pitcher, on the south by Ziba Hotchkiss, and on the west by Jacob Smith and Julius Russell. Containing about three hnndred acres, about 65 acres improved with 2 houses, one framed and one stone, three framed barns, one Grist mill, and interest of one-fourth of auw mill thereon. " ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Win dam, bounded north by land of James Kinyon, east by land of Joseph Doan, south by land of Nathan Doan, west by Matthew Buck. Containing about one hun dred acres, four improved, one log house and small framed barn thereon. ?Seized cod taken in execution st the suit of F rences P. Lanford & Co. vs. John Russell. " JOHN F. MEANS, Sherilf. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, June 24, 1846. • DELINQUENTS. HOSE who have purchased goods at Montanye's 4 Co.'s store on a years credit, at as cheap rates as they could have been enabled to do at other places for Cash will do well to pay up, if they wish to keep the pot boiling. June 17, 1846. WANTED -500.000 :Shingle 300.000 feet Boards; 1000 lbs. Good Butter; June 14. J.D. Jr C.D. MONTA NICE Jr CO ck, HI IT LIME—a few harrela of the shove arti he had at jell moNTA NYE'S. - 1W FOR A DAY ONLY FLORENCE . BONNETS jug received at the savings Bank, a we are off•ring to-day an cheap an yesterday.— Call and etainine. jel7 G. E. FLYNT & CO. ES H It AS, warranted good or no sale, at the r Savings Bank. jell G. E. FLINT & CO. G„AL, cRADLEs. 2 dozen, superior to any ever nook in this county. now selling at N 0.2, Brick Roe.. je I 7 REED'S. GRAIN & GRASS bt!I*THE , & As., Rifles, Quinebaug Whetatiies. may be hat I,ie Cm. vie,, at jel7 REEDS'. B - 11, 16, auother 1.4 ju,t rectivtd and tor sale cheap a jel7 REEDS'. ZEPHYR WORSTED, WORKIMS U. t' VrtS Patterns for Working. shaded purse twist, worst 'rd edirs, der.. mw be found nt jel7 REEDS' GPO, BUSHELS CORN, in more. and for bile GPO, low, by jell 0. D. BARTLETT. t ri N te T b E ov D l - 6 a t or N I T 7 iIE ya ,N r i I . n of age, to l." 8 1 r first titacksinifhing Business. Apply immediately. je 10 NEW ARRIVAL OF GOODS! A n. NIONTANVE in replenialiing Ma store with LI, an unusually large assortment of Dry Goods, Graced.... Hardware, Crockery, Paints and Oil.. Dye Stuff; Drugs, Nletlicine.. &c. Further particulars mien neat week; meanwhile call and examino them June 10, 1846. 1.6111 tarn , .Nrolt. c . A) NI • \ lf L. - ‘.. 11IN, TILT, promptly and punctually render his proles -11Y.1i) si..nal services in Ageneim Collechom., and other mattes in his profession, encrusted to his CAM thrlet: removed to the room over N.N. Betel store, FALL & WINTER FASHIONS acm, OIDATCHELER & COREL beg leave to inform the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs, No. 4. Brick Row, where they are prepared to execute all work entrusted to them with core neatneva and des patch, and in the most fashionable manner. Having just received the New York and Philadelphia fashions, and with their long experience in the business, they flat ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner and style equal to any other establishment in the place. Terms made to correspond with the times. CUTTING done on the shortest notice. All kinds of country produce received in payment for work at market prices. June 10, 1846. Imiiaic No. 3, Mick Row. GGENTLEMEN MERCHANTS will please call and take their Licenses by the first day of.i uly, as I , 4oing to Harribhurg at that,time. Every exertion will he made to pay two thirds of 1846 Taxes, and save to the county five per cent. I would likewise request those having Tavern Licenses, to call and take them. Collectors will please pay all collections by the first day of July. J. REEL, Treasurer. Tricasctixa's Orrice. • Towanda. June 9. 1946. S AUDITOR'S NO TICE 77toothy Paxton and Wm. Dovideon, Trustees of the Bank of North America es. Harry Bailey. Admin istrator of &mill Bailey, deceased. No. 29 Feb. T.. 1846, and John Bible? vs. Jesse Woodruff, No. 174, May T. 1845. The undersigned having been appointed an Auditor to distribute moneys riiive. on executions is the above suits, hereby gives notice that be will attend to the du ties of his appointment at his office in Towanda Bo rough, on Tuesday the t4th day of July next at two o'clock, P. M., when all persons interested are required to prese It their claims, or be debarred from coming in soon said funds. HENRY BOOTH. Auditor. EXECUTOR S NOTICE A LL persons indetted to. the estate of James L. 11 Eon's, late of Standing Stone township, de&d., see hereby requested to make payment without delay, snd those having claims against said estate. , will please pre. sent them duly attested to ABA STEVENS, Standing Stone. June 4, 1846. Execubai. Administrator's Notice. A LI, persons indebted to the estate of fame S. Warn, deceased, late of Monroe tp. Bradford Co. are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same are requested to present them, legally attested for settlement. JOSEPH HOMET, Administrator. Monroe. June in, Md. EXECU I tikes NO UWE ALL persons indebted to the estate of Juel Tuttle. late of Standing Stone township, dee'd., are reques ted to make immediate payment, and those having !aims against said estate, will please present them du ly attested to ALBA TUTTLE. Executor. S!lniing Stone, June 4, 1245. glf , Ci f 0), lfo MEI 01 • 'Elliott' & likrefir, T - ARE now - receiving stock of SPRING AND iisUltbtEß GOODS composing airiest overrating ever bought or sold, which they offer to the Public for cash or approved credit, as low as can be purchamed at raill any where in the United States—(Tezu and California Included.) Towanda, May 22, 1848. ttY Ut.IODS, GROCERIE-,. HARtiWARE, 1.1 Crockery, Paints, Oils, /kr-, 4e., bought tot cub and sold at a amy small profit by May 22. ELLIOTT 4. MERCUR. IRON & STEEL—A large assortment of all kinds, just received by ELLIOTT & MERCUR. Another Great and Enthusiastic MEETING! AT A MEETING of "all No. 3—Brick Row," held on the 33d day of May, inst., OLD BAIRD, wu called to the Chair, and Btu:BAIRD appointed a emu tnittee of the whole to draft resolutions. After several pathetic speeches by Eleazer and George, the follow ing Preamble and Resolutioits were unanimously adopted : Whereas, There appears to be a great desire on the part of some Merchants in the Borough, to coma up along with No. 3 ; and Whereas we are willing to assist them tfi doing so as far as consistent : Therefore. Resolved, That such merehants have oar consent to unite their several stocks together, u the only means by which they can equal No. S. Resolved, That the " Shavings Bank" take the right wing ; " small profits and quick oaks" the left, and " New York in Miniature " the rear,—a pike team backwards. Resolved, That we never before thought New York was each a looking plue as its miniature exhibits. Resolved, That No. 3 always has, always can, and always WILL, sell goods cheaper, better goods and more of them than any stare in town. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Village papers, and that one copy be handed to each of our competitors, and half a copy to " New York in miniature." May 29.1846. BILL BAIRD & CO. TARIFF REPEALED ! IrUPHE subscriber takes plenum in announcing to his friends and the pnblic generally, that he ie now receiving and opening an entire new stock of GOODS, (at his store in the borough of Towanda, situated on the east side of Mom street, three noors south of Mon tanye's & Co., and nearly opposite B. Kingbery's) em bracing everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries. (the ardent excepted.) Hardware, Glass 4- Queen's bare. Boots and Shoes, Paints. Oils and Var niall. Iron and Nails. 4-c., 4-c.. which he will sell as cheep as the cheapest, not except ing the Renovahir, M. any of the champions of small profile and quick sales. He would respectfully invite thu'e who wish to buy cheap to call and examine his goods and prices for themselves, before purchasing at any other place. Towanda. May 16. 1944 PRINTS, LAWNS & NIUtsLINS, a large assort ment on hand and for sale cheap at BETTS'. LEGHORN & PALM LEAF HATS and bonnets will be found at " my2o BETTS'. New York in Miniature ! THE sub.criber tine taken great pains to make his moo tment so complete in Dry Goods. Books 4•• Stationery, Crockery,. Hardware, Paints 4- Oils, Groceries. Boots j Shoes. Iron 4- steel. Glass. 4.c...5-c.. It .4 to present to his friend. and the public nearly or quite all the advantage of dealing in stores which confine themselves exclusively to any one of the shove branch es. lie invites unrnti.m to his assostment. Noy 20 1t446. I). D. 1:1A ItTLETT. Vt , 00 ! HHAVING made arrangements to exchange Cloth and other good,: for WOOL. the subscrilwr Imes to gain the confidence and approbation of the wool growers by giving them the very heat exchanges which the nature of the market will permit. Call arid see Towanda, May 20. 0. B. B RTLLBTT. INSURANCE AGENCY I HE subscriber eontinnes to act as agent for the HE LA WARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., of Philnlelphia, a stock company of good standing and re pute & dues business on as fay, labia terms as any other. He is also agent for the LYCOMING CO. MU TUAL INSURANCE Co., a company which ha■ al ways been punctual in the payment of losses and pre sents advantages seldom found. Towanda. May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT. AIALICOES—the largest assortment and prettiest xj patterns, and cheapeal CALICOES, to say no thing of Ginghams, Lawns, &c., ever seen in this re gion. for sale by my2o 0. D. BA RTLETT. LATEST ARRIVAL OF • SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. KINGSBER St' JR. has jest received his new , as.ortmeut of Goods which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. His friends end the public are respectfully invited to call, examine and purchase. Towanda, May 26, 1846. pIitNTS, Lawns, Bunneta,Pqrasela. &c., just received. J.KINGSBERY JR. SUIWNIER CLOTHS A GREAT variety of summer Coating from one 21 . shilling to $3,75. just received. Also Csesimeres ot nearly all Shades and kinds. Those wishing to pur chase, are invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. J.KINGSBERY JR. HARDWARE, Crockery, Groceries, Nails, Fish. &c. &c. for sale by • J.KINGSBERY JR. BOOTS AN D SHOES. AGENERAL assortment of Boots & Shoes , good and cheap just reeeised at the store of May 20. J.KINGSBERY JR. a3.:Lama QUA-` , vaTZWLEINZ.. , THE SPRING SUPPLY embraces too great a va riety for me to attempt to give a catalogue, in a newspaper. &drum it to say, that almost every thing in the line can be had on terms that will give satisfaction. May 27, 1846. J. KINGSBER Y. JR. KEEP SHADY! Just received at the Sayings Bank : 100 sup. Parasols; 50 Parasollettes 100 Umbrellas : For the " splinters." we will pot them down low. May 27. G. E. FLYNT & CO JOURNEYMAN TAILORS WANTED. FiniA'Cl Journeyman Tailors wanted immediately.— Also, a lad to learn the Tatloqug business, to come well recommended. and apply 000 a, BACHELOR & COREL. Towanda, June 10.1646. AT AN ANNUAL MEETING " ." OF the Directors of the Towanda Savings Bank h e ki at Towanda, May let, 1846, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved. That the largest stock of GOODS shall be placed in No. 6, south end Brick Row. Resolved. That GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. shall con tinue to sell Goods as usual—cheaper than any other establishment in Towanda. %noised. That the Savings Hank" regulates the priced of Merchandise and eschangeuntil our next an• maid meeting. Resolved, That the war against Lumbers—Credit and Prices, shall be continued. ResiOverl, That the Ready Pay System "is beat adapted to this atmosphere, and when in successful operation, goods have, can and shall be sold cheap as in the neat place. Remtvod. moro goods and better, shall he sold at \n. s. (F'. Co.) for the coming twelve months. than any other establishment. Reiiohnill, The the proceedings of this meeting he putiliplicri in the '• Bradford Reporter." and • Bradford Argun." and two thousand copies circulated throughout the county. GEO.E. FLYVTI Co. UMMER a I,I.WLS, Hsulkirchei s end Ribbons, basu.iful and cheap, at tny2o BETIV. SMALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES, IL S. M C.' MERCUR. Mar APING. ENLARGED & REFITTED THEIR' ..atore,to accommodate their increasing baldness, have the pleasant of announcing. to. their Mende and customers that they are now opening good wort; meat of SPRING 4 SUMMER GOODS, arnbranin almost everything in the Litnrof - Dry Goods.- Glass 4- QueenstocaT. Groceriei, Booti 4- Shoes,. Hardware, • Paints. Dye :NA Saddlery Drugs, Medicines. Harness and CarriagelVaili. Glass. • Trimmsngs, Leather, Salt. 4.c.. ' which will be sold as heretofore, at prices that will aa• defy the public. Towanda. May 12. 1848. 10111 UTTER WANTED.—AII those having GOOD 111 BUTTER to sell, will find it to their advantage to call at jell MERCUR*B lkt;Ed paid for BEV; WAX. by -LI jell) MERCUR'S. SUMMER GOODS, for Men's & Boy's clothing—a splendid assortment both in quantity and style now opening at May 14,'46. BONNETS—A large assortment of every style and fashion, from which the moat fastidious can be suited. just received at BOOTS & SHOES—lncluding a law assortment of childrens sod mines shoes at MERCURY& EGUORN & PALM HATS a great variety, at .I_4 M■y 3. . MERCUR'S. 10 TONS IRON, American, English & swedes —4 fun assortment of round. square,band, horse shoe and tire iron, fur sale at MERCES'. nAßDWAßlE—anassortuwat fully equal to any kept by Hardware atoms in our neighboring towns, now opening and for sale at MEM UHS'. lAWNS & GINGHAM% all 'dyke and qualinss, AI for sale at my 27 MERCURIC PRINTS—The largest aasottroent of Spring and Bummer Prints. ever opened in Bradfurd for sale at my 27 MERCURB'. TEEL—American, Eng.bliater, German Cast and Spring Steel. •: my 27 MERCURS'. Of New and Cheap Spring and Sommer Goods, Direct from the City. BURTON KINGSBERY most respectfully in. forms his old customers, snd the public in gene. rat, that has now receiving at his old stand, • large assortment of all kinds of goods, which be intends to sell a little cheaper than any other store in Towanda. It is impossible to put in • newspaper all the different kinds of goods that may be found at my store. I have .8 full assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils. Dye stuffs. Boots and Shoes. Nails, Iron, Hats 4, Caps, hcc. eall sod price, before you boy elsewhere. May 14. 1846. MI "HINTED LA WNS, Muslin de Laines and Mum. mer Shawls,* very large assortment. which will be sold lower than be bought at any other atom. - Call and see. my 14 B.KINGSBERY. N.N.BETTb COONNETTs—Any quantity, from two 'billings, 111311 to SG, with beautiful trimmings. also Rowers. in side sprigs and wreaths, all French, which will he found at m 914 B.KINGSBERY. LEGHORN & PALM LEAF HATS. also Fur and silk Hats. latest styles„and very cheap, at may 13. B. KINGSBERY'S. APPLEBY'S FIN 0 CUT chewing and mnolung TOBACCO, a prime article for @alp at GEM llklo. t, CODFISH & MACKEREL, tor sale at Indy t 3. B. KINGSBERY. KOLLOW-WARE. such as pot.. kettles..opidrts,, &c., at myl3 B. KINGSBERY. TASII TUBS, patent palls. Shaker brooms. Al cent mats, traveling baskets, carpet sacks, looking glasses, &c., all very cheap at may II B. KINGSBERY. RADDE'S CELEBRATED CHOCOLATE & extra roma. eupeliot to old Joei coffee, end • ttry healthy. !leverage, tyhich may he found at the old 1 31enp Store , of tor 13 B. KINGsBERY. M'Allisti.rx WHIT! lhatmrid. A supply of this tspulsr tio4li , b , .slov. a quantity „kW of the SOLAR TINCTURE, illtd rt erived by Oct. I. H. S. & %I c. MERCUR. rI auDolD rinHE subscriber take.+ pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public geneially, that he is now receiving a very large and carefully selected ad. dation to his snuck of GOODS. bought for C■ah, and eelected with the expseaa view of UNDERSELLING the BRAGGADOCIOS. 0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, May 19, 1846. LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS, Montanyea Co.'s Store. ONE ARK LOAD just tecelved. and daily expect ing more. The prettiest and cheapest gootbieSer oti. red in this market, are now lit...lung. and they hope tlo ir friends will not forget to give them a call. %Vll"lesule purchasers and merchants wishing to replenish their stock will he accommAnte3 nn liberal terms. J. D. & E. D. MONTANYE de CO. Towanda, May 13, 1346. CIASEI FOR WOOL—The subs.rdwr hue oo objection to pay part qr even all CASH for Wool, It as high rate. as the market will permit. Towanda. May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT. WAGON AND SLEIGH. MAKING.. avaan ag (=Tau HAVING formed a co-partnership for the purpose+ of carrying on th above business at Monroeton are prepared to execute all orders punctually, such as Raking, Repairing and Painting, on the shortest notice end at the lowest prima that they can be had in this vicinity for ready pay. All kinds of Produce and Lumber taken in payment at the market prices. COFFINS made on the shortest notice, and at re duced prices. P. DUNFEE. Monroeton. March 17. 1845. J. C. SMITH. NOTICE. T" partnership heretofore existing under the firm of HIRAM MIS ¢ Box, is this J 29 dissolved by mutual agreement. Ali demands due said firm are to be paid to Hiram Mix. HIRAM MIX, Towanda, March 3d. 1946: H. MIX Jr. IT hu been ascertained, ant• finally spoken out, that the largest stock of Cloths, Cesinieres ¢ restings in Bradford, are to be found at the " Savings Bank t' and what is more satisfactory to purchasers of the above goods, they are at leant 25 per cent cheaper than at any other establishment. G. E. FLYNT & CO. ytEMBERS of the Lyceming County Mutual In arrance Company, are hereby notified tha the aril of Directors have ordered an armament of one per cent, on all premium notes. due to the cimpany on the 15th dog of November, 1845. to he paid prevausto the 2d day of June neat, to the Treavurer or to Racal. en. . WM. A. PETRIKIN, Secretary. The Receiver for Bradford County is 0. D. BART• LETT ; the Treasurer. C. 8. Wallis, Esq. Office of Ly. Co. Mot. Inn. C 0.,/ Money. April 17, 1846. 5 Ifll3l4l'M - 2' 71)(10111119 attorney at Law, OITICE in the north corner of the Brick. Row.di reedy over the Po.t 0111 m, Main street. CrEll trance at the north end of the building. dB. CONSTABLE'S GUIDE. SEVERAL copies of the above work just received and fm sale at the reduced price of 75 cents. March no. 1n46. J.KINGSBERY JR. LEGHORN & S I'RA W BON NETTS. and SWIM beautiful Ribbma, Arbfacida. 4e. selling at as. tonishingly low priers. Look for them at the celebra tetl cheap store. ms 27 G. E. ELYNT & CO. axxwatairb Gy u.wma.agrarat. E4SHION.I2III4E 711ILORS, °Tel-Montan3eo store, nrxt door to Morre l l l aw once. at t h e o w s and o f faint! fs Seaman. vol) MERCUIt'S MERCURVL LARGE ARRIVAL 13. KINGSBERY'S FIGURES WON'T LIE r 2 rUE WAR BEGUN ! War against Hub Meta and the Credit System I NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. At the drew nu* Cheap Store, .2Vo. 2. grid Rao. one door south o 'the P.O. THE Subscribers inning ' entered into a co-painter. ship fro the express purpose of furnishing the good people of Bradford County with goods. Ware,/ end mer chandise, It least ate notch lower than &hey barn ever been sold. in this market. They are now secunng one of the largest and best selected stock' ofspring and sum mer goods, ever landed in Northern Penasyleanie. Their stock comprises almost every article ever offered 'in a country store. Among which, we can only men tion that there is a general anon meat of Dry Good*, Crocerint. Hardware, Crockery. Gine, Nails. Iron, Bonnets, Bads and Shoer,Sult, Tin. =I Their goods have been purchased mostly for cash at auction, and they pledge themselves that, they will not be undersold by. any other establishment in this evatlon of the country. People have only to call at the New Yojit Cheap !Store, (tio. 2 Brick Row.) to satisfy theno screw. C. dt E. REED. Towanda. May 25. 1848. . THOSE LAWNS, ORO ND ES, LAW GING. hams, Rept DeLains, Lamma cloths for summer dresses, so long looked for by the Ladies, have arrived and may now he Well at . REED'S BONNETS—A great saving to the '• Heads of the Nation.." The Ladies will Lod its great ming to their heeds to all and praise one of those beautiful Straw, Devon, Gimp, Plorencti, or Lace, Lawn. Gips Bonnets, selling an cheap at REED'S. pAßAsous, PA HASOLLETS, SUN SHADES, either Silk, Gingham. or Cotton. may be found cheep c REED'S SUM MERShawle, Muslin DeLeine. Ombri DeLeine. Plain and Embroidered Saadilla end Harem, Shawls suitable for summer, now opening at REED'S. T EGHORN and Palm Leer Hats of ell qualitieajust JLI received and tor sale cheap at • REED'S OREGON OR WAR ! NO. 3 AGAINST THE WORLD. ST REC'D the Largest, Best, and Cheeped iru Ait of Goods era brought into the country ! ! DRESS GOODS, Printed muslin., lace muslin", lawn gingham', organdi, print marquise, Canary' lawn, cashmeres, muslin ging ham, • new ardele, Florence satin striped, balzarine, a few pat black balzarine, checked print reps and crape delaine; white dress good., a large lot of prints rich and beautiful patterns, corded and grass skirts, ombre de% lain shawls, plain sod shaded do.. blk, 4 cord stradella shawls, barrige and net shawls, satin striped barrige and net long shawls, ladies polka, fig'd 4d striped cravats and ties. beautiful gimps and frriuges, silk deruiveils. green barrige, &c, BONNETS. Cheaper than the chespest—Gipsey pearl braid, oorde net lace, oorence, gipsey devon ',straw edged and plain, Mime. gipsey pedal, birds eye braid and devon straw; spendid &and liibbmis, some very desirable styles; 20 dm. Parasols and Sun Shades, lady and gents black and cord Kid Gloves, Hdkfa. Hosiery 4. BROAD CLOTHS, Twilled French. English and Amerimn ; doe skin Car ahnere, light and dark striped checked do. a great varie ty ; golden tweeds, merino easaimere, Kentucky Jeans. blue drilla.' A superior assortment of VESTINGS mamas, valentine, eassimere. plain and striped satin. 10 bales Sheeting, Batting. Wadding and Wicking. • HARDWARE. Such as Iron. nails, steel, log chains, halter and trace do., mill and x rut saws, augurs and files. A large as sortment of Sbelf Hardware, door trimmings, cutlery, shoe thread, wool and horse cards, coffee mills, &c. Blood's, Harris' and Wadsworth's Warrernted Grain and Gnus Scyther.snaths and sickles, a first sate article. BOOTS & SHOES. Ladies' kid buskins end slippers, morocco and calf skin boots, black and fancy gaiters and half gaiters, children's gaiters and tall boot.. A beautiful article gent's gal. ten; coarse and fine Brus. in abundanCe. GROCERIES. A large stock of Sugar and 111°1as:sea: Lump, Loaf and Pulverised Sugar ; Fresh Teas e Care*. Rice, Raisins, nutmegs, indigo, tobacco, fine cut and cavendish, shad mackerel and codfish. CROCKERY A general assortment, in setts, or otherwise, to snit coo 400 Men's and Boy's Leghorn Hats ; 600 P. L. do. e a Butter, Flaxseed. Beeswax. Eggs and Grain; wanted in exchange for goods, at cub prices. Towanda, May 20. 1846. NICE ARTICLE BLACK TEA an be found at No. 3, Brick Row. niy2o BAIRD'S. Those who wish to Purchase Cheap Goods, find it to their interest to call at BAIRD'S, before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter• mined to sell at all hazards. ND. 3, BRICK ROW. DOZ. PATEpiT PAILS; 2 dos. Wash tubs; .'oz, Brooms; 6 Beim Wooden measures; ch. at, at No. 2, Brick Row COTTON YARN & CARPET WA lIP-1,000 lbs. at my2o N 0.3, BRICK ROW. 3ODOZ. QUINEBAUG sUY I'HE Sri/NES, fur sale cheap at No. 3, Brick Ruw. May 20. t 846. BAIRD'S. VIREOS & MEDICINES, paints. oils and dye stuffs, white lead, ground and dry, varnish, pills, madder, copperas, apts. turpentine, gum copal, alum, Venitino red, log-word, red-wood, cam-wood. all for sale cheap. at ma '2O. NO. 3, BRICK ROW. •ir‘ lE TO the citizens of Bradford County in general. and the Borough of Towanda. in particular : All the judgments, notes and accounts of the subscribers, will he collected according to law, without distindion of persona, unless satisfactorily settled within thirty days of this date. Those who think we are not in earnest, will find sot their mistake to their own inst.-- Mark that. W. H. BAIRD dr. CO. Towanda. May 15. 1846. N. 11. We would furthermore say upon this stihpet, that we have just received a largo stock of New Gusda. which will be sold very cheap indeed. for ready pay. - NOVA SCOTIA GRINDSTONES, warranted genuine, the beat lot ever seen in this reaion—eall and gee—tor sale by 0. D. BARTLETT. RICH CARPETING—e few pieces at No. 3. B R. my2o BAIRD'S. CLAREMONT HOUSE, (.02103521 araaaataza, RESPECTPLILLY informs his friends that be hse leased the above House, situated on the south side of toe public square, lately occupied by A.M. Coo. and having made entirely new arrangements, is now prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting his compliments to his friends and the public generally. an assuring them no pains or expense will be spared to please his guests, he respectfully solicits public prien. age. pledging himself that while the establishm ant is under his control, it shall not be excelled by any in the country. The rooms of the • CLARENMNT HOVSE.' are ipacioue and airy, and tarnished in the best •ityle. The Table will be furnished with every substantial the country can produce. The Bar will be stocked with the br st liquors in a pore and unadulterated state. First rate Stabling attached, with ready and faithful (Wan always in attendance. In short, nothing will he amitterl;which will add to the comfort and convenience of er.stomens. and with h. facilities, he believes satisfaction will be rendered to all. - Towanda. April 8. 1846. FOR SALE AFARM, aitticed on tt.e stage road in the pert of Pike township, coe.taihing 77 sews and ellow. Lice, about 40 sererieleured, with a good dwelling house, barn, two sheds, ono workshop, a Woodshed, and en orchard in full bearing, orlth some good stone wall, end en excellent spring of water near the house. Far terms apply to the subscriber nn the premisoe. Pike, April 10th 184 ti. NOAH kt A KINsON. SUMMER GOODS—Wonted. Linen and Conon— a great variety (or mum awl boys, at rKv Lny pr. , cc at 413310 BETTS'•, FOREIGN PERIODICALS: REPUBLICATION OF THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, TILE ED - NBURGH - REVIEW. THE FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW. THE %ESTMINSTER REVIEW, mg, BUCKWOOD'a EDINGBUGH Xd.GAZINN. The shave Periodical* are reprinted In New immediately on their arrival by the British' manners. to & beautiful clear type. on Eno white paper. arid aro faithful unpin of the odgirada—Baecuwoou's Mana us& being au exact fatuaimilo of the Edinburg ed/. turn. The wide•apread face of these eidendid Pesiodirwire renders it needier, to say much in their mire, Ae Meter). organs, they stand far in advanceof any weds of a stmilar stomp now published, white the psikical compiezion of each is marked by a dignity, tender, sad forbearance not often found in works ore. petty Alt , aster. .I'hey embrace the vie*, of the dam glee! Parting he England—% hig, Tory, end Radical. ~." Ellaebrene and the •• London Quarterly" am Tory: the" Edin burg Review," Whig: and the " Westminlster," Eadi cal. The "Foreign Quarterly" is poorly literary, he. ing devoted principally to eritidsuns on foreign Cant neotal Works. ' . . The prier* of the R1.P11371 are leas than orte-ildnl of throe of the foreign eopiel, and while they an equal• ly well got up, they afford all that adrunase to the American over the English reader. XERMS: PAIXIIIrt TO 1111 lUDS IN &wares. For any one of the four Reviews, $3.00 pet *Munk For any twc, do' 6,00 -" For any three, do 7,00 " For all four of the Reviews, 8,00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, 8,00 •' For Blackwood and the 4 Review*, 10,00 " Four copies of soy or all of the shoes works will be scut to one address on payment of the regular ellbsorip tion for three—the fourth copy being gratis. (7 Remittances and communications must be made In all cases without expense to the publisberk—The former may always be done through a Post-mister by handing him the amount to be remitted, taking We're ceipt and forwarding the receipt by mail. Post-paid; or the money may be enclosed in a letter, Post paid,di rected to the publishers. ISi. B.—The l'ostage on all these PeriOdicals IS Mr duced by the late Post•Offce law, to about ete-Mifsi the former rates, making a very important easing in the expense to the mail subscribers. •.* In all the principal cities and Towns thsvugh. out the United States to which there a a direct Rail. Road or Water communieation front the city of Nall York, these periodicals will be delivered FREE OP POSTAGE. LEONARD SCOTT & CO. Publishers lyeur I Fulton tit. New Publishers, PEACE DECLARED! But not with the enemies of our Country "Here we stand with brush in hand, To do our work in order." 116 Iff T. CARRIER and JAS. M. HURLBURTa • having entered into co-partnership in the paint ing business, are now prepared to any to the public generally, that if they want painting none, such as House, Carriage, or Ornamental of any kind—and well dune—just give use cell. We wont refuse to hang your wall paper if you should wish as SO to do, Towanda, June 17, 1846. Niro 11M4.90 lIMT • 110 1 '• TOWANDA SAVINGS BANE, Established .711 ray 1845. New Store. New Goods and New Prices G. E. FLYNT & CO., the only Oricloal Cub Store! nvv.. ELV E MONTHS' experience his induced the . 1 Cashier & Co. of the "Towanda Savings Bank" to enlarge the sphere of their operations, being well's's. Gored from the past, that the system of " Pay to.tioy and trust fo-morrow," is well adapted to Bradford county. Our stock of Goods surpass in quantity and quality any proviciusstock, which will enable us to of. fer greater inducements than ever. The following' ats • few among the many ankles that comprise oar stook of Dry Goods: French, English and American Clothe, Trench CIF , rimere, Vesting*. Sattinet, Summer Stuffs Carpetinp. French M uslins, Lawns. Barages, Bel:wines, Gingham Musluis, Gingham', Cashmeres, De Laines, !Shawls of all descriptions, such as Brioche Plain de LEW. Range, Super silk, Bob Roy, and Merino, Parasols. Sheeting.„Tickings, Drilling, Begging. Making. Oil 'Cloths, &c. 50,000 yards printed calicoes. together with our usual stock of Milmery Goode. Our stock embraces almost every article uswally called for. We have just received • large invoice of Family Crowertes.... which we are offering at reduced prices—time and space will nut allow us to enumerate. Also, a large mock of Crockery, Glassware, Shelf Hardware, Nails. Steel, Iron, Haut and l'ape,Boote and Shoes, &c., &e, We take this opportunity of returning our thatikito the people of Brainerd and adjoining counties. and in. vile all who wish to BUY GOODS CHEAP, to give us a call, as we are pledged to go for " The Cash Par b" We assure our fnends that no compromise has een effected with the CREDIT OR LUMBER pri. eat, but we shall continue to buy low and sell cheap, as long as there is a =A =dower/11 Bradford anpilp. Our motto for the year to come, is—" WE HAVE. WE CAN, Vi E WILL." BAIRD'S ( r- j ' Look for the Savings Bank, No. 5, South Ead, Brick Row. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. Townucl*, May 20. 1846 More Truth than Poetry !" S 0 celebrated has the Savings Bank" become far selling goods cheap, that same thymester has per petrated the fond %ins stanzas: At no.b cheap goods are sold, The people laugh to hear it told: Ha, ha. ha, they soli so low, The cosh all goes to Flynt & Co. In eighteen hundred and forty five, The "Savings Bank" began to thrive. The merchants sell their goods quite low, But still they buy of Flynt & Co. Then all who wish to buy goods cheap,. At n 0.5 just take. a peep; Just price their goods, you'll tiny I know. The cheaper: Ronde of Flynt & Co. Inft HINT Ea) cIALICOES-20,0b0 yds., from • to 25 cents. Those wishing Prints lied better usail themselves of this opportunity—they are selling rapidly. G. E. FLY NT &CO. QUMMF.R STUFFS—By the Yin], Bale of Peek• age. at G. E. FLYNT do CO. APIA lIPEriNCi—A good mock. some beemdel IL/ peterns at G. E. FLYNT to THOSE WHO ARE SUFFERCIG FROM REMlT ring or Intermitting Bilious Complishado,shoold teed the following, and be guided thereby: Cara% or PAlN.—Pain is the consequence of the ex. mine of the organ or part where it is present to throve off Morbid or corrupt humors, for no pan cen avid but from the presence of these 'matters which are igen us* healthy character. When we have pain in the head, in the bowels, or In any other pert of the body; it only proves the presence of Matters which the blood Minting to remove, and it is ibis struggle which &the oaession of pain. To he Wed, only relieves the anguish in pros portidn as the amount of life is reduced, end the stem may be said of all lolling oe soothing remedies. Not so with Brandreth'i Ptlia t they at anal 1;010 thou4sumee of the blood in aiding it to di.ehargv taxi Mimeos, to conquer the Death Principe. To leiirre pain in this way doe* not leave soy bad 0:0011. The Life Irrini• pie is not reduced, nor are the teeth destroyed; but all organs are cleansed and their health insured. by J Dde E. D.. Moir-taxa F., Towanda G. Athens, only authorized Aborts for Brad• ford COMM. DR. J. N. SUMMER, DENTIST, CBP EC PFULLY inform. the publie that be will ,11 in Toefund I, about the first of Juno ofmt,ao 'on?, he fonloti nt I. II .tttertlene'. ;item tis wiSbpbap fy to so* thaw requiting his serriap4r CLUBBING
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers