RD. Gann: removed from the Command of the 'Western Divison. General Gaines, in his zeal to serve his country, has laid his conduct open to censure. The Senate has had a discussion upon the m atter, and the Generalhas been suthmoned to Washington- city. The Washington Union stns that General Gaines's course, in calling 0112.000 volunteers, has been altogether un• authorized and illegal. ' Gen. Taylor was au thorized to call for State troops. if necessary, and t;en. Gaines was informed that Gen. Tay lor's command was entirely independent of h u m and that the Government did not conceive that there could he thereafter any occasion to send into Texas State troops, unless on Gen. Taylor's. notification. The ortlers of Gen. Gaines }lave all been countermanded, and the Government has been compelled to decline the services of the troops called Out by Geo. G.'s requisition. Many of these persons left their homes and business at great sacrifices ; expenses have been incurred by themselves, or on their nrreont, and it Is sincerely hoped _that Con gress will make provision for these 'expenses. tViiimut such a provision they cannot be paid. In c onseq-uence of this irregular action, Gen. Gaines has been removed from the command of t h e Western Division. In announcing this tact. the Union pays the following compliment to the furtner services at Gen. G. .• Gen. Gaines is old soldier who has done, , n former years, good service ; it is very de sirable he should repose in qiiietness upon his Iloweirer . ongtiarded his conduct, few, ,err !Mr. are disposed to question his inten ,.l,l4, or to deny him the merit of patriotic motives. Government here has been and still vtron2lvrielined to give the most favourable r ierpretation to hia conduct that the eireum ~.a n res will permit ; hut in view of the diffieul •,es of restr.iining his irregular action by orders great a distance. the embarrassments his has already produced. and, if continued. .1 his present position. will he likely to produce ' heen runstramed, front Inch considers ; and duty and a sacred regard to the public !rr —t. to 1,1,,,,e hut from the command of rr t. eater Division. and to order him to • forthwith to %V a.litticton. Considertnu • • evrioriliwirc course, and the intschiel it :On-Ay produced • ills hest friend:, we 11 , t. wi:l he r.‘nr;nreci that no7md,ler enurbe ~tl.l !lure been rinrstied towards bin)." l‘lk.):1.1 . itreANTATlos.—The Journal of wenrr•e, of Friday, rontains a lengthy and e'•r r tie upon the causes of the war between I,•vro and the United States. From this rcrthr- f. , nowing manly declaration Itaume of sentimeut : 1 id here we deem it proper to say, that timrou L ol ex:min:mon of facts and orulnents. leads us to doubt the correctness ''IP opinion which we expressed the other 'n,tii it the war was occasionedhy the advance .Irntv to the Rio Grande. From what • , veli sod above, and stilt more from 111, , it appears probable that the war had &aqui i-ed on by the Ni exit-an Col ern !,.l4,re !lie Armv left Corpus • - ind it ,s expressly declared he Parades War Ma.tifesto, that Corpus Christi is m the limos (4 11exico. By the war. was twenty days ahead of Polk in I:rlarr a state of war to exist between the titins.—the NI an e,to of the former hat , April 231. and the Proclamation 11:iv 13th H e. emtvuwed that our government was cini, re in it. , evdeayors to avoid a war with .Nhexico. No one can read the ins.ructrons to Taylor which were issued from time to lime. and come to any other conclusion." FaTu. •Aacinevri—in Rolieson township. 11 , irks comity, near the GibrAlter Forges, on Wefne.olav last, the rrable end of a new stone tell down, crushinir to death instantly ,ne of the workmen employed in its erection, rained Georize Quintet% and seriously fractur mei the arm - of another. It is supposed that ihe wall Was not put up securely. and that the continued rainy weather for some time previous ciatisril it lo . give way. First CCIDE muter, nained John Itivt.t, a native id South Wales. wa.t kilted in 2:1 trim tire mine about two irides from Dan on :Saturday afternoon last. It appears t',lt is endeavprtng to displace the propping 't , tthers, some of the sn , •ka fell upon him. u'at.tit toffetli t i; with the weight of the falling itlte and earth. crushed him to death. THOsE WHO ARE SUFFERING FROM REMIT ,YO or Intermitting Bilious Complaints, shuuld-read the I. ami F,. acitly,l thereby: , E or Psi s.—fain is the consequence of the ex- •m of the organ or part Where it is pre.ent to throw Asthsior cortupkitemoni, for no pain can exist but "at the presence of thnse matters which are of an un t,:ahhy character. When we have pain in the head, in ie li.esek, or 14' any ether part of the hale, it only the pre-enoc of clatter, which the'himul is trying remove., and it is this struggle which is the occasion r•vm. To he bled, only relieves the anguish in pro- na the amount of life is reduced, and the same rd, b e said oral Who:, or soothing remedies. Not so 'oh fl•andretli's Pills ; they at once go to the assistance ,of the ti,d in aiding it to discharge had humors, to calque: the Death Principle. To relieve pain in this way does riot leave any bad effect. The Life Princi ry Is not reduced, nor are the teeth ilestroyed ; but all . v7stior ore cleansed and their health insured. `.4.1 by .1 I) & E. D. NtoN-rAvT.E. Towentla ; A. I.IIIKINIF, Athens,' only autlnmzed Agents fur Bra • 1, ..a County. • CARMINATIVE BALSAM This is one of the most efficient, pleasant and safe composition s ever offered to the public, for the cure of for vinous demo:meats of the stomach and bowels, and th e (nay article worthy of the leastcon6dence for curing Cholera Infsntuin, or Suinnicr Complaint—and in '4 above and following diseases, it really acts like a chan t , siz: Dysentery, Diarrhoea, or Looseness—Cholera Mar btu, Summer Complaint, Cholie. Gripping Pains, Sour Sick and Nervous Headache. Heartburn, Ws terbra.h, Pain or Sickness of the Stomach, Vomiting. Spitti ng up of food after eating, and Ms, where it passes through the body unchanged, want of 'appetite, restless eern, and inability to sleep: wind in the stomach and -"e6, hysterics, cramp, nervous tremors and twitching.., set...id:nets, fainting% Melancholy, and lowness of heullig and crying of infants, and for all bowel affection s and nervous diseases. P nTered only by Dr. D. JAYNE, No. R South Third Str eet, Philadelphia. Sold by A. D. Wontanye To wanda, Pa. _ - Eir RELIGIOUS NOTICE.—Rty. VVALTBII B 4 Bettatto will preach in Factoryville, at the ptiit Meeting House, on the third Sunday in June. la 2 o'clock, P.M.; and at Athens, in the Baptist meet- house, house. at 5 o'clock, P. Si., same day. from retpleA, at the latter place, !.llnrk iii. 29• American and Foreign Newspaper,. Advertising 'a Subscription Agency Offices. GEORGE PRATT, 164 Nassau -street, New-York V. B. PALMER, No. 30 Ann st.,, New York: Real Estate & Coal OfEee, No. 53 Pine-at., Philadelphia: Receive subscriptions and a,vertisements for most Fo- reign and American Newspapers, and are duly consti tuted Agents for the " Bradford Reporter." DELINQUENTS. OSE who have purchased goods at Montanye's 4. Co.'s store on a years credit, at as cheap notes as they could have been enabled to do at other places for Cash will do well to pay up, if they wish to keep the pot bciiling. June 17, 1846. WANTED -500,000 iShingle • ; 300,000 feet BoardA 1000 lbs. Good Butier June 14. J. D. 4- C.D. MONTANYE d r CO WHITE LIME---a few barrels of the above arti de to fie had at jel7 ItIONTANYE'S. Ii k TOT FOR A DAY ONLY !--More FLORENCE 111 BONNETS just received at the Savings Bank, which we are offering to-day as cheap as yesterday.— Call and examine. jel7 G. E. FLYNT & FRESH TEAS, warranted good or'no sale, at the Suvingi Bank. jel7 G. E. FLYNT & CO. GRAIN CRADLES, 2 dcrzen. superior to any ever made in this county, now selling at N 0.2, Brick Row. jet 7 RE E D'S. GRAIN & GRASS SCYTHES also Rifles, Quinebaug Whetstones, may he had low for cash, at jell REEDS', - LILY NETS, another lot just received and tar rule JI2 _cheap a jell REEDS'. ZEPHYR WORSTED, WORKING CANVASS, Patterns for Working, shaded purse twist, worst ed needles, &c., may be found ut jel7 REEDS'. 3ft. BUSHELS CORN, in store, and for sale CIIP low, by jel7 .0. D. BARTLETT. VANTED at N. HEMINGWAY'S, a first rate boy. IG or 17 years of age, to learn the Blacksmilking Business. Apply immediately. je I 0 all - V.41 - SIV Edited by John B. Newman. IN. D Circumstances in rho the man, and very often. as in the present case, the book. For years there has been a steadily increasing interest felt for the vegetable king dom. Latterly, this taste has been partially gratified by the literary magazines. which owe• their popularity, in a great in. asure, to the beautiful flower prints that adorn them. Dire speeimen a month, however, is not enough, nor i+tt required in such connection. A work rela•nig exclusively to the suhieet, is wanted try the iodate, and tine want, the prlseid enterprise is intend ed to b, ppty. W e w all mention in the outset that no universal panic.•a will be found in rig priges. We have never u. sril n secret worth knowing trom, nor been cured of a deadly disease, by an hilt in, or a seventh son of a seventh god, ur any of the genus; the medical preten. stone of all which. we utterly loathe and despise, Preceded by a short introduction o Physiology, and a stew of the Natural and Linneran Systems, the work will tie devoted to a separate consideration of each plant. Together with our own information, we shall draw on the standard work. on Chennsiry. unit Medicine, com bining every u.iful item of knowledge, and without lessening its value, prestrit it in a coneise and pleasing form. 01r.aining our supplies from the same sources as the bee, we hope to secrete ft. elegant a sweet for tile as it does for the !roily. The properties of each, more especially the medicinal, will lie confirmed, in a great number of instances, by personal experience. To this will be added its history; its meaning in the language of flowers ; and poetry. ither original or se lected. from the gems of the children of kung. The whole illustrated by splendid Colored Engrav ings, taken from nature, full size, and finished in the highest style of modern art. This work is designed to be eminently popular in he application. and th re is enough of that which is stran ger than fiction about it, to render it, ;n no ordinary degree, interesting and instructive. TERMS: This work will he published monthly, with FOri: or SIX: FLOWERS. band.mely painted, in each' number. Price THREE DOLLARS a veaqor two copies sent to one address for FIVE DOLLARS. (LT A ocry liberal discount allowed to,Agenti. J. K. WELLMAN; PV111.1.111:11 AND PROPRIETOR, • N. 119 Nassau Street, New York. .7.73- Furnished to Se minaries, Colleges, and Socie in Clubs. 10 Copies for f. 20 per year. Imitate No. 3, Brick Row. grl GENTLEMEN MERCHANTS will please call Ulf and take their I. icerit.es by the firat day of July, as I am going to Harrisburg at that time. Every exertion will be made to pay two thirds of l 84( Taxes, and save to the county five per cent. I would likewise request those having Tavern 'Licences, to call and take them. Collectors will please pay all collections by the first dav of J uly. J. REEL, Treasurer. Titcyst - si.rt's Oreirt. Towanda. June 9. 1846. S _ -- 1 E IV ARRIVAL OF GOODS! A D. SIONTANYE is replenishing ilia store with -.71.• an unusually large assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Crockery,‘Pairits and Oils. Dye stuffs Drugs, Medicine.. e.. &e. Further panirtilays given nest week; meanwhile call and examine them yourselves. Towanda. June 10. 1916. Iritttato Scott, i_- w l l L n pr i om pt v lT e a . ru i l ii pu 4 net . u;al . l e y ,. r7d oi e fr r c . t ht ( s n l , trofes- and other matters in his profession, entrusted to his core. °thee - removed to the room over N.N. Bett't store. FALL S. WINTER FASHIONS I '4 :e 1 / 4 ,1.11 ...Vt.:v..; ATCHE!.ER & CORE!. beg leave to inform the inhabitants of Tot4anda and vicinity, that they hate just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs, No. 4. Brick Row, where they are prepared to execute all work entrusted hi them with care neatness and des patch, and in the most fashionable manner. Having just receited the New York and Philadelphia fashions, anti with their long experience in the business, they flat ter themselves that their work will he made in a manner and style equal to any other estahli-hnient in the place. retain made to correspond with the times. curriNG done on the shortest notice. r All kinik of country produce recciyed in payment for work al market prices. June 10, 1846. U DITOR'S NOI ICE Th uo !by Paxton and W oo . Doraitota, Truett," of the Bank tf AOllll Americo re. Dt.r,y Ronny retrolor of Batley, dertotta. IVo. '29 Feb. T.. 1546, and John B.bitr rs. jt.8.1.0 Waodroff. No. 174, Nay T. 1545. The undersigned having horn appointed an Auditor to distribute moneys rai.e on est-Colons to the above -.llltti, hereby gnaw Defiee that he will attend to the du. ties of big appointment at his office in Towanda 80. rough, on Tuesday the 14th day of July nett at two o 'clock, P. M., whet) ull persons interested are required to prese it their claims, or he debarred from coming in upon said itintia. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor EXECUTOR S NOTICE 'ALLpersons inde(,ted to the estate of James L. Ennis, late of Standing Stone township, der:d., are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those has ing claims against said estate, wilt please pre sent them duly attested to ASA STEVENS, standing Stone. June 4. I 546. Executeir. Administrator's Notice. A". persons indebted to the estate of Isaac S. Warn. de,e•ased, late of Monroe tp. Bradford Co. are requested to make immediate payment, and all those hoeing demands against the same ore requested to present them, legally attested for settlement. JOSEPH uomET, Administrator. Monroe. June t 0. 1846. EXECU oit's NO I'ICE A LL persons indebted to the estate of Joel Tuttle, 11. latent' Standing Stone township, dee'd., are reques ted to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against said estate, will please present them du y at Imied to ALBA TUTTLE, Bxr,cutor. Standing Stone, June 4, 1516. 11271" 8002 DOT Elliott & ltercur. ARE now receiving. n' stock of spRING ANT) JUMMEI UOOU9 rot almost o.ory r biug ever bought or sold, which I.4ey ' offer to the Pub in tot cash or approved credit, SF low AS can be purchased at Pet3il any where in the United Staten--(Texas and California included.) r Towanda. May 2.2, IP4G. EOM( GOODS, .GICOCEitIE, bl.l.ltirwAliE. Crockery. Paints, Oda, &e., 4-c, bought for mill and sold at a very small profit by May 22. ELLIOTT 4. MERCER._ IRON & STEEL—A large assortment of all kinds, g just received by ELLIOTT & MERCUIL .Another Great and Inthasiastic MEETING ! A T A MEETING of "all No. 3—Brick Row," held 1. on the 23d day of May, inst., OLD BAIRD, was called to the Chair, and Btu. Bsinu appointed a com mittee of the whole to drat[ resolutions. After several pathetic speeches by Ekazer and George, the follow ing Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, There appears to be a great desire 'on the . part of some Merchants in the Borough, to come up along with No. 3 ; and Whereas we are willing to assist them in doin: so as far ea consistent Therefore Resolved, That 613;11-merchants have our consent to unite their several Meet:a together, as the only means by which they can equal No. 3 . Resolved, That the •• .S.‘avings Bank" take the right wing ; "small profila 0 ,..41 quick vales" the left, and '• New York in Miniature" We rear:a pike team backwards. Resolved, That we never before th ought New York was such a looking place a.; • us minirlureeshibits. Resolved, That No. 3 always has, aIWO4I CAN, and always WILL, sell goods cheaper, better goods and more of them than any store in town. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet i ng he published in the Village papers, and that one copy' he handed to each of our rompeutont, and half a copy to " New York in miniature.' Slav 29. MG. BILL BAIRD & CO. FIGURE!... 7- WON” I' LIE. IT has been ascertained. ant' finally spoken out. thht it the largest stock of Cloths, Casimeres ¢ vestings in Bradford, are to he found at the •• Savings Bank ;" and what is more satisfactory to purchasers of the above goods, they are at least 25 per cent. cheaper than at ally other establish ffiCfli. G. E. FLYNT & CO. .•. wag rantvd Genuine. the best lot ever seen in this re:too—call and see—fur sale by 0. D. BA w r ri.Er. RiecAn RPETI.O--. few pieces at No. 3. B. R. my 20 BAIRD'S. CLAREMONT HOUSE 53a333 maaa's, RESPECT FULLY informs his fiends that lie has teased the above House, situated on the south side of Inc public square. lately occupied by A.NI. Coe, and having made entirely new arrangements, is now prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting his compliments to lids friends and the public genarslly, and assuring them no pains or expen.c will he spared E. please his truests, he respectfully solicits public patrth age, pledging himself that while the t.tittilishur.tit under hie control, it shall not be excelled by ary in the country.. • The moms of the • CLAHENMNT unrs,„E„. „,„ spacious and airy. and furnished in the la' A s•..cl e . The Table will he famished with x•Yery the country con produce. The 1.1.;r will le stocked with, the Lo.t liquor. its a pure and unadulterated state. First rate tilling ullach4 ready and faithful Ostlers always in 11tte,.41nnv In short, nothing will t e eluted. which will a dd Av the comfort and convert , •nee of customers, unit with I.:. facilities, Ire helieves'satis'alcu o n will be rendered to all. Towanda, April e. W 46. FOR SALE. • AFARM, sitim,ed on the Slap! road in the port of Pike low..tship, contint.ing 77 arras and :tore. about 40 fl'jT*-vt cleared, with a good dwelling house, horn, two she.rs, one worLehop, a woodshed, and en orchard in lull brining, with some good stone o all, lend on exeellsrl. spring of water near the house.. For terms apply to the sule.eriber on th 4 premises. Pike, April 10th 1816. NOAH 111AKINSON, Sl.TMlitEßGOtiDS—Worated,l,inen end Cotton= a great varlety for man and begs, dt very VA.? Pr.' ors, a; erry2o THE WAR BEGUN C. dr. E. REED OREGON OR WAR ! BONE;E'rs BAIRD'S FOREIGN PERIODICALS : REPUBLICATION OF r r. LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, HIE I:1) NED;RW - 1 REVIEW. RE °REIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, '% ESTNIINSTER REVIEW, BLACKWOOD'S EDNGBURGH MAGAZINE, The above Periodical:4 err reprinted in New Yolk; itnutediutely on their arrival by the itrialh steamers. in a beautitul clear type. on tine white paper, and are faithful copier of the originals--BLAirawnob'a zisc being an exact . 1 ac-situile ca . the Edinburg chi The nide-ppread tine of these splendid Periodicals renders n needles., to pay much in their praise, litrmiy 1 . 14 no 4, they rind tar in advance of soy work, of a similar pomp now published, while the political complexion of mach in marked by a dignity, r andor and toria,ratire not often found in works of a party - char. at ter. Tiny embrace the view* Al the rkrep great partit4 in 1:;m:, la n d hig, Tory, and Radical.—." Blackwood " and the •• London Quarterly" are Tory, ; the" Edin burg Review." Whig: and the" Westroinister," Radi cal., l'he "Foreign Quarterly "is purely literary, be ing devoted prinCipally to criticisuas on foreign C'onli neotal Works. The prices of the RE-PII INTR are less then one-third of tho.e of tho foreign copies, and while they are equal ly cell got up, they afrord all that ad•artage to elks American over the Englixli reader TERMS: P tTNIENT TO OR MAIM IN AAAA For any one of the four Reviews, $3.00 pet annual For any twe, do 5,00 For any three, do 7,00 •• For all four of the Reviews, 8,00 •• REED'S For Blackwood's Magazine For Black wood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00 CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above works will he sent to one address on payment of the regular subscrip. non for three—the fourth copy being gratis. c ... 7 Remittances and communications must be made in all caves without expense to the pubishers,—The former may always be done throtgh a Post-master by handing him the amount to be remitted, taking los re ceipt slid torn - aiding the receipt by mail. Post-paid; or the money may he enclosed in a letter, Post-paid,'di. 'Tried to ilm:pulititihers. IC. B.—The Postage on all these Periodicals is re duced by the late rovt-Ollke law, to about one•third tie farmer rates, making a very Important caving iu the es ',emir to the mail subscribers. • • In all the prtncipol chier and Town., through out the United Ntoks to which there is a direr( Rad- R”ad or 14"ater communication from the city of New . there per,Udhals will be (tethered FREE OF POSTAL E. LEONARD SCOTT & CO. Publishers. I year . 112 Fulton St., New York PE.-10E DECLARED: - But not with the (Armies of our Country ! "Here we stand with brush in hand, To do our work in order." w - 3 - T. and JAS. M. HVRIM; 11T, .1111 • having entered Into co-partnerstup mu the paint ing business, arc now prepared to say to the public generally, that if they want painting done, such ss House. Carriage, or Urnainentel of any kind—and well done—just give us a call. We. wont refuse to hang your wall paper it you should wish us so to Jo t Tue arida, June 17, 1e3.16. ims: • ..;,;. 4 3 I.IIV at ago MT. .111 2 %, TOWANDA SAVINGS BANK, Established .Ilay 15.15. .Vuo Store, Neu' Goods and NM Prices ! • C. E. FLINT &710, thc only Original Cash Store ro V. v E MONTHS' ex perience has induced the ca,hkr sr. Co. awe 1 °wands Savings Bank" to enlarge the spbcre of their operations, being well as sured from the past. that the syatein of " Pay to-day and tract to-worretv," is vrel/ adapted to Bradford c.ourity. Our stock of Goods surpass in quantity and quality any precious stock. %Inch will enable us to of fer greater inducements than ever. The following am a few among the many sitiOles that comprise our stock of Dry Goods: French, English and American Cloths, French Car simare, Vesting.. Sattinet, Summer Stuff., Carpetings, French M uslins, Lawn's, Barages, Balzarines, Gingham Muslins, Ginghains, Cashmere., De Laines, Shawls of all description., such as Brecht% Plain de Lame, Rarage, Super milli, Rob Roy, and Menne, Parasols, Shecting.,Ticking., Drilling, Bagging, Wicking. Oil Cloths, ekc. 20,000 yards printed calicoes. together with our usual stock of Milincry Goods. Our stock. embraces almost every article usually called for. We have just received a large invoice of Fetidly Cramer— which we are offering at reduced.prices—time and apace will not allow us to eaumeratc. Also, a large stock of Crockery, Glassware, Shelf Hardware, Nails. Steel, Iron. Hats and Yaps, Boots and Shoes, &c., &c. We take this opportunity of returning our thanks to the people of Bradford and adjoining counties. and in vite all who wish to BUY GOODS CHEAP, to give use call, as we are pledged to go for The Cash Par ty." We assure our friends that no compromise has been e.g.:tied with the CREDIT OR LtilljEß pri ce•. but we shall continue to tiny law and sell cheap, as long as there is a rash en: lamer in Bradford county. Our motto for the year to come, is—• WE HAVE, WE CAN, W E %%ALL" c - ,Y• Look fur the Suring. , Bank, No. 5, South End. Brick Row. GEO. E. FLINT & CO. Townn.lx, May O. MI6. " More Troth than Poetry !" &J O eelebrated has the "Savings Bank" gecome fur selling goods cheap, that saute rhymester has per petrated the hallo aing stanzas: At n 0.5 cheap goods ore sold, The people laugh to he:mit told; Ito, ha. ha, they sell so low. The cash all goes to Flynt & Co. In eighteen hundred and forty five The Savings Bank" began to thrive-- 'l' he merchants sell their goods quite low, But still they buy of Flynt & Cu. Then all who wish to buy goods cheap, Al 110.5 just Like a peep ; Just price their goods, you'll MI I knoW:, The cheapm.r corals of Flynt & CO. RD C Ell I. Li in 25 cents. Timsc vviJ..mt; Ptints luta Miner s.sil themselves of this °lmo:tunny—they nrc,trllintr rupidlc. FI,YNT & CO. •zdt:IFF:, -711 y th, Pick- O. ”t n P.. FLVNT ic CO. some heautitul Fatterr, ^4. G. E. FLYNT & CO. AT :ANNUAL MEETING r . .ne Dire ' rtor. , of the Towanda Savinor. Bank: . 11,J$ held at "Towanda, May Ist, 1846. the following et , .amide and re,olutiontt were unanilnon.ly adnined : IZeFolved. That the LIT,FS' ,tai•; of GOODS shall be placed in No. :,, ..outh end lidett How. Resolved. That GEt t. E. ri.vyr ecl7o.shail eon ntme Gull , ya u' , tml—rhertper than any other estahli,lnneut iu Tnn•anda. 'That the .. Sa , int:‘ Thank retzuhie• the Mert ;lanai, and Ea, hinge wild our next an uu 11,1 0111:!. 11.411vpLI. 'PIA the uar Lumber—Credit and lUgh Prtre%, ...hrth hp pnithmuPd. •‘' 1 . 1,31 the tz,.adv ray beFt ntlopt.l to thi. •no....phrte. and .orre•ollot op , r4fioo. c 00.14 linVe, r,o mid ,hall Ire 3,11 d elteap4a• in the nr•tt Owe, Tt.t more aln 4 , 1 , i -hall he 'mkt lit No. '. (V.& Vol fir lite rnironq Iw r ite month% than an , whet 1.0.14 , -howvO. 12,015e,t, Th .• Co. pro. •••• 'io.t• or 'hi, rm.lifinz pul , h-.lted in the lit Miord It'Porh , " en'l DVOR'rti Iwo rio•olit , 4l thrnoghno 'hr (-moot-. . Fix NT & 1,N1)l H •\ W It t u.tile whetts and tittut.nte, heatt.iful untl cheap, at tzty'at BET reel PR. J. N..SU)INER, 11ENTIST, nitp ESPECTFULLY inintins the public that he wilt Ertl he in Tuntotnas, about the first of June twit...ant) msy he found at 1. 11. fitephens% whrre will be had py to see thot.t. tettttAttnahtu a LOCUS. UM