Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 03, 1846, Image 3

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    TOE FoLLownio ANNCDOTE connected with
the decisive battle of the 9th is too good to be
o mitted :
.. The battle commenced by heavy cannons-
,ding on both sides. Gen. Taylor, in passing
his Tines, accosted Capt. May. of the . 2d dra•
goo ns, and told him—" Your regiment has
never done anything yet—you must take that
b att ery." He said nothing. but turned to the
co mmand and said we must take that bat
tery--fullow !" He made a charge with three ,
companies—at least with the remainder or three
companies--supportedpby the sth and Bth
regiments of infantry. They cleared the breast
work, rode over the battery, wheeled and
came through the enemy's line, whilst the fire
of the infantry was so deadly in its effects as
t o carry all before it. Captain May made a cut
at un officer as he charged through; on his
return he found him standing between the
wheels of a cannon, fighting like a hero. He
was asked if he was an officer t Capt. Maw
answered him in the affirmative. when he
presented his sword, remarking—" You re
ceive Gen. Vega a prisoner of war." Captain
M a y g a ve him in charge to one of his sergeants
who had lost his horse in the charge, ordering
him to conduct him to General Taylor out of
the line."
Capt May's attack is spoken of asbeing one
of those splended efforts which would have
adorned the brightest feather of the plume of
Murat, in the palmiest a , days of his glory. It
cost him 19 horses, with a few of the gallant
riders. The victory, says the extra from which
we copy. entirely belongs to the, U. S. army,
no volunteers having arrived in time to share
in the honors of the day. It will convince our
country. that West Point affords the material
of exhibitine the courage and bravery of the
American soldiers.
I tra c t we will hear no more of dismounting
our gallant dragoons ; the affair of the 9th shows
them to be the arteries of our defence.
TExAs.—ln the present exciting times, the
following chronological history of our young
Mier may not prove uninteresting to our read-
I n 1803 this territory, embracing also the
state o f Louisiana, was acquired from France.
In I 819 ceded by the United States to Spain.
In 1821 Mexico revolted from the Spanish
ileinnuon, and declared her independence of
the mother country.
In 1822 and 1825 Spain protests against the
recognition of the Mexican indepentlence,is ac
tually carr: - .ing on war with Mexico, and ix in
p.tssessien of the Castle of San Juan d'Ulloa.
In 1923 the United States recognizes the
independence of Mexico.
- On the 4th October, 1824, the constitution
of the Nlextran United States was established,
declared to be "federal " and .• the parts if
the federation to be States." Texas with
Coahuila was a State; and her constitotion.
uhnh was sanctioned by the Mexican confect:
eracy, declared said State •• to be free and in
depoidrnt of the of her ..11exican Stales. and
of ferry other foreign you er and dominion;"
and th n the sovereignty of the States resides
in the D.oervl msg.; of the people."
In 19 S 5 the U sited States, during the admin-
Nratten et John Q. Adnintr; dim' Henry Cla s
Secretary id State. proposes to purchase Tex
as Irina !%lexiett. At this time Spain was car
nets e, war against her revolted provinces.
In 1534 and 1833 Santd Anna invaded and
overthrew the Mexican federation. and annihi
lated the States by a military edict. •
la 18.35 Texasile&ared her independence
and eshinlished it on the field of San Jacinto
In 1837 her inifependence. recognized by the
Staie,4—ako by Great Britain, France and
13amicnorsm. on Gorras (SWELLED Naca).—He
has prescribed the Life Preservative in upwards of six
ty cases of Goitre, and it has never failed in a single in
stance to completely remove the disease. Not a solitary
case of failure. All were cured!
The success he has met with in curing Bronchocele
and Cancerous AfTections, bas convinced him that these
dlngerOus and horrible diseases may be removed with as
touch certainty as Fever and Ague. He does not wish
to be 'understood as saying that they can be 'cured as
ss Fever and Ague, hut with as much certainly
and further, that he has good reason for. believing that
iha, preparation will not only cure those diseases when
famed, but that it destroys the virus or poisonous prin
ciple lurking in die system, front which_ that peculiar
class of diseases, as well also as that of Scrofula ema-
EMIT Ll —Ka xG'ls Evi L.—The Life Preservative
has been u•rd in numerous cases of Scrofula, King's
EM. and Scrofulous Swellings, with the most decided
bs IN DI4EASES.—He has prescribed it in a great vs
.:soy of (:amorous .Affections, and found it !successful in
curing SJIt Rheum, or 'fetter, Biles, Blotches, Pimples,
31osphese and Jaundiced Skin, &es
llrrr Er9.l A AND LIVIIL COMPLAINT.—It has been,l in numernus cases of Liver Comp!airman,' Diipep•
fin, 044 with the happiest effect.
Americ . an and Foreign lewspaper. Advertising &
Subscription Agency Offices.
4;C.ORGE PRATT, 104 Nassau-street, New-York;
V. 0. PALMER, No. 30 Ann st.. New York; Real
Estate & Coal Uffiee, No. 59 Pine-st., Philadelphia;
Receive subscriptions and aLvertisements for most Fo
te,:a and American Newspapers, and are duly consti
tuted Agents for the " Bradford Reporter."
Another Great and Enthusiastic
A TA MEETING of "all No.3—Brick Raw," held
on the 33d day of May, inst. OLD BAIRD, was the Chair, and Bit.l,l3Atall appointed a.eom
matee of the whole to draft resolutions. After sayers!
Duhetic speeches by Eleozer and George, the follow
ing Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously
Vloplea :
Whereas, There appears to be a great desire on the
Pan of some Merchants in the Borough, to come up
ala°4*ith NO. 3; and Whereas we are willing to
&stun them in doing so as far as consistent : Therefore
Resolved, That such merchants have our consent to
unite, their several stocks together, as the only means
by which they can equal Ko. 3.
Resolved, That the ‘• Shavings Bank" take she
n ' h t Ring; "small pmfits and quick sales" the left,
sod Nem York in Miniature" the rear,—* pike team
Re , ol , cd, That we never before thought New York
etaA ouch a looping place a... its miniature exhibits.
Resolved. That Nu. 3 always has, always CAN, and
xlEiys %ILL, sell goods cheaper, better gouda and
more of them than any More in town.
Reeni‘ed.l bat the proceedings of this meeting lw
publndl e d in 'the Village papers, and that one copy be
btnd,d to each of nor coroptutoro, and half a copy to
" SUL; Y,rk tsi miniature."
Mee 29. Iht6. BILL BAIRD & CO.
IT bast venaseertatned, ant' finally spoken out, that
the largest !dock of Clothe, Cssimeres 4- veiling, i"
Bradford, are to be found at the "Saving* B ank ' ' L and
*4,1 11 . more satisfactory to purchasers of the
are at least 25 per cent. cheaper than litany
9 F." ttablishment. G. E. FLYNT & CO.
The above Periodicals are reprinted in New Yolk,
immediately on their arrival by the British steamers, in
a beautiful clear type, on fine white paper, and are
faithful copies of the originals—Btxcxwooo's MAGA:
zixa being an exact fac-simile of the Edinburg edi
The wide-spread fame of.thesii. splendid PerjOdicala
renders it needless to say much in their praise: As
literary organs, they stand far in advance oranyWorks
of a similar stamp now published, while the political
complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candor and
forbearance not often found in works of a party char
They embrace the views of the three great parties in
England—Whig, Tory, and Radical.—" Blackwood"
and the "London Quarterly" are Tory; the" Edin
burg Review." Whig: and the" Westrninister," Radi
cal. The "Foreign Quarterly" is purely literary, be
ing devoted principally to criticisms on foreign Conti
nental Works.
The prices of the Re-paters are lees than one-third
of those of the foreign copies, and while they are equal
ly well got up, they afford all that advantage to the
American over the English reader.
. _
For any one of the four Reviews, f. 3.00 per annum
For any twc, do 5,00 ••
For any three, do 7,00 ••
For all four of the Reviews, 8,00 '. ,
For Blaikwood's Magazine, 3,00 •'
For Blackwood and the 4 Rayiewa, 10,00
Four copies of any or all of the above works will he
sent to one address on payment of the regular subscrip
tion for three—thc fourth copy being gratis.
Remituinces and communications must be made
in all cases without expense to the publishera.—The
former may always be done through a Post-master by
handing him the amount to be remitted, taking his re
ceipt and forwarding the receipt by mail, Post-paid; or
the money may be enclosed in a letter, Post paid, di
rected to the publishers.
N. B.—The Postage on all these Periodicals is re.
duced by the late Post-Office law, to about one-third
the former rails, making a very important saving in the
expense to the mail subscribers.
•.• In all the principal cities and Towns through
out the United Stales to which there is a direst
Road or Water communicati 'ls from the city of hero
York, these periodicals will be delivered FRED OF
LEONARD' SCOTT & CO. Publishers,
112 Fulton tit., New York.
But not with the enemies of our Country
"Here we stand with brush in hand,
To do our work in order."
LLB,. having entered Lao copartnership In the point
ing business, are now prepored• to soy to the public
generally, that if they want painting none, such as
House, Carriage, or Ornamental of any kind—and well
done—just give us a call. We wont refuse to hang
your wall paper if you should wish us so to do,
NIT • • w. 4, - ANIT• NC".
Established .71fau 18.15.
Vew Store, Neu: Goods and New Prices
C. E. FLINT 5: CO., the only Original Cash Store
qui E E MONTHS' experience has induced the
Cashier A. Co. of the .* (mends Savings Bank "
to enlarge the sphere of their operations, being well as
sured fr. tm the past, that the system of Puy to-day
and hn.•l to-morrow," is well adapted to Bradford
youtvy. Our stock of Goods surpass in quantity and
quality any previous stock, which will enable us to of
fer greater inducements than ever. The following are
a few among the many articles that comprise our stock
of Dry Goods:
French, English and American Cloths, French . Cas
sirnere, Vestings, Satinet, Summer Stuffs, Carpetings,
French M uslins, Lawns. Bamges, Balzarines, Gingham
Muslin., Gingharns, Cashmeres, De Laines, Shawls
of all descriptions, such as Brocha Plain de Lame,
Rarage, Super silk, Rob Roy, and Merino, Parasols,
Sheetings.Tiekings, Drilling. Bagging, Wicking. Oil
Cloths, dm 20,000 yards printed calicoes, together
with our usual stock of %liner) , Goods. Our stock
embraces almost every article usually called for. We
have just received a .large invoice of Family Crocenes—
which we are offering at reduced prices--time and space
will not allow us to enumerate. Also, a large stock of
Crockery, Glassware, Shelf Hardware, hails, Steel,
Iron. Hats and Caps,Bouts and Shoes, &c., &c.
We lake this opportunity of returning our thanks to
the people of Bradford and adjoining counties, and in
vite all who wish to 13U1 GOODS CHEAP, to give
w a call, as we are pledged to go fur The Cash Par
ty." We assure our friends that no compromise has
been effected with-the CREDIT OR LUMBER pri
ces, but we shall continue to buy low and sell cheap, as
long as there is a cash customer in Bradford county.
Our motto for the year to came, WE HAVE,
CLT Look for the Sarings Bank., No. 5, South End,
Brick How. OEO. E. FLINT & CO.
Towanda, May 5.41, 1846
" More Truth than Poetry !"
SO celebrated has the "Savings Bank " become for
selling, goods cheap, that some rhymester has per
petrated the follooing stanzas:
At n 0.5 cheap goods are sold,
The people laugh, to hear it told ;
Ha, ha, ha. they sell so low,
The cash all' goes to Fl & Co.
in eighteen hundred and forty five
The Savings Bank" began to thrive—
The merchants sell their goods quite low,
But cull they buy of Flynt & Co.
Then all who wish to buy goods cheap,
At n 0.5 just take a peep ;
Just price their goods, yoo'll.huy I know,
The cheapest goods of Flynt . & Co.
PRINTED CALICOES-20,04.0 yds., from 6+
to 25 cents. Those wishing Prints had better
Mail themselves of this opportunity—they are selling
rapidly. O. E. FLINT & CO.
SUMMER STUFFS—By the Yard, Bale or Pack.
age. at G. E. FLYNT &CO.
JAReETING—A good stock. Some beauul'ul
patterns at G. E. FLYNT & CO.
(1111 F the Directors of the "T owanda Savings Bank,"
kJ" held at Towanda, May Ist, 1846, the following
preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Resolved. That the largest stock of GOODS shall
be placed in No. 5, south end Brick Row.
Resolved, That GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. shall COO
none to sell Goods as usual--cheaper than any other
establishment iu Towantla.
Resolved, 'l'bat the " Savings Bank " regulates the
prices of Merchandise and Etcturrige until our next an
nual meeting.
Resolved, That the war against Lumber—Credit and
High Prices, shall be continued.
Resolved, That the " Ready Pay System " is best
adapted to this atmosphere, and when in succeseful
operation. goods have, can and shall be sold cheap as
in the nest place.
Resolved. ThPt more goods and' better, shall be sold
:it N 0.5, (F. & Co.) for the coming twelve months.
than aDV other
Resolved. That the proceedings of this meeting he
Puhlkherl an the Bradford Reporter." and Bradford
egos," and two thousand c.piestirculateal throughout
the county. GEO.E. FLYNT &Co.
QIiMMER tvHAW'LS. Ilactikrrehette and Ribbons,
besuiful and cheap. at my2.o BETTS'.
ESPECTF LILLY informs use public that he will
-gik, be in Towanda, about the first of June next, and
may he found at I. II .Stephene, where be wid be hap
py to eer those requiring his aerrices.
War against High Prices and the Credit System:
at the AVIV rork Cheap,Slore,
No. 2, Brick Row. one door south of the P.O.
THE Subscribers having entered int; • copartner.
ship for the express purpose of furnishing the good
people of Bradford County with goods, wares and mer
chandise, at least one notch lower than they hive ever
been sold in this market. They are now securing one
of the largest and hest selected stocks crippling and sum
mer goods, ever landed in Northern Pennsylvania.
Their stock comprises almost every article ever offered
in a country store. Among which, we can only
tion that there is a general assortment of -
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Croekery. Glass,
Neils, Iron, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes. Solt, Tin
ware, Stone-ware, Liquors. 4c., 4e., 4r.
Their goals have been purchased mostly tot cash at
auction, and they pledge themselves that they will not
be undersold by any other establishment in this section
of the country. People have Bob , to call at the New
York Cheap 15tore, (No. 2 Brick Row.) to satisfy them
selves. C. it E. REED.
Towanda, May 25, 1846.
hams, Rept DeLains, Lemma cloths for summer
dresses, so long looked for by the Ladies, have arrived
and may now he wen at REED'S
BONNETS --A groat saving to the ••• Heads of the
Nation." The Ladies will find it o great saving to
their heads to call and purchase one of those beautiful
Straw, Devon, Gimp, Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gipsy
Bonnets, selling so cheap at REED'S.
either Silk, Gingham. or Cotton, may be found
cheap at REED'S
UM MER Shawls. Muslin DaLeine. Ombri DeLaina,
Ptain and Embroidered Straddle and Darnel Shawls
suitable for rummer, now opening at REED'S.
T EGHORN and Palm Leaf Hats ofallqualim; just
-L4 remised and for sale rheap et REED'S
0iU:11111ER WOW, for hten's&lloy's clothing—a
splendidassortment both in quantity and style
now opening at
May 14,'416.
"BONNETS--A large assortment of mom style and
ND fashion, from which the most fastidious can be
suited. just received at
D 00T13 & SHOEr3—=lneluding a large assortment
of children and misses shows at MERCUR'S.
EGHORN & PALM HATS a great variety, at
ljj May 14. MERCUR'S.
iniktoNS IRON, American, English & !Swedes
AAP —a full assortment of round, square, hand,
horse shoe and tiny iron, for sale at ItiERf;URS'.
IFIARDWARE--an assortment folly equal to
any kept by Hardware stores in our neighboring
towns, now opening and for sale at M ERC URS'.
11 - AWNs & uIIiGHMOs, all styles and qualities,
• for sale at my 27 MERCURS'.
PRINTS—The largest assortment of Spring and
Summer Prints. ever opened in Bradford for sale
at my 27 MERCURS'.
STEEL--American, Eng. blister, Berman Cast and
Spring Steel, a' niy27 MERCURS'.
w KINGSBERY JR. has just received his new
as,ortment of Goods which will be sold on the
most reasonable terms. His friends and the public are
respectfully invited to call, examine and purchase.
Towanda, May 26, 1846.
VIIIRINTS, Lawns, Bonnets, Parasols, &c., &c., just
.11 — received. J. KINGSBE RY JR.
AGREAT variety of rammer Coating from one
chilling to $3.7.5, just received. Also Cassimerec
cal nearly all shades and kinds. Those wishing to pur
chase, are invited to call and examine before purchasing
HARDWARE, Croaery; Groceries,
Nails, Fish
&c. &c. for sale by J.KINGSBERY JR.
AGENERAL aasortment of Boots & Shoes, good
and cheap just received at the store of
THE SPRING SUPPLY embraces too great a va
riety for me to attempt to give a catalogue, in a
newspaper. Suffice it to say, that almost every thing in
the line can be had on terms that will give satisfaction.
May 27, 1846. J. KINGSBERY, JR.
Just received at the Savings Bank :
100 sup. Parasols;
50 Parasollettes ;
100 Umbrellas ;
For the " splinters," we will put them down low.
May 27. G. E. FLYNT & CO.
KAI beautiful Ribbons, Ashfieinla. lg. gelling at as
tonishingly low prices. Look for them at the celebra
ted cheap store. urr27 G. E. ELYNT & CO.
MY WIFE ALMIRA having left my bed and board
without any just cause or provocation, I hereby
Cauuon all persons from trusting or entertaining her on
my account, as I will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by her. ' JACOB BEVERLY.
Albany township, May 20, 1848.
FEHE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his
gA friends and the pnblic generally, that he is now
receiving and opening an entire new stock of GOODS,
(at his store in the borough of Towanda, situated on
the east side of Mom street, three nom, south of Mon
lanye's & Co., and nearly opposite D. Kingbery's) em
hracing everything in the line of
Dry Goods, Groceries. ( the ardent excepted.)
Hardware. Glass 4- Queen's d are. Boots
and Shoes, Paints. Oils and l'ar
nig, Iron and sails, 4.c.,
which he will sell as cheap as the cheapest, not except
ing the Pamoralar, or any of the champions of small
profits and quick sales. He would respectfully invite
those who wish to buy cheap to call and examine his
goods and prices for themselves, before purchasing at
any other place. IS .18. BETT.
Towanda, May 16,1844.
111RINT8, LAWNS &MUSLINS, a large moon
lit— mitt on hand and for &Ile cheap at HEWS'.
will be found at my2o BETTS'.
New York in Miniature !
THE subscriber has taken great pains to make his
asso-tment so complete in
Dry Goods, Books 4 Stationery, Crockery,
Hardware, Paints 4. Oils, Groceries.
Nails, Boots 4- Shoes. Iron 4- steel,
Glass. 4-c., 4-c..
as to present to his friends and the public nearly or quite
all the advantage of dealing in stores which confine
themselves exclusively to any one of the above branch
es. He invites attention to his assortment.
Towanda. May 20. 1848. 0. D. BARTLETT.
El RAVING made arrengements to exchange Cloth
IX_ and other goods for WOOL, the subscriber de
fines to gain the confidence and approbation of the wool
growers by giving them the very best exchanges which
the nature of the market will permit. Call and wee.
Towanda, May 20. O. D. BARTLETT.
rp NE subscriber Mntinnes to set as agent for the DE
Philadelphia, a stock company of good standing and re
pute & doea businms on as fas , cable urinal's any other.
He is also agent for the LYCOMING CO. MU
TUAL INSURANCE CO.. a company which ha al
ways been punctual in the payment of losses and pro.
cents advantages seldom found.
Towanda. May 20. 0. D. BARTLETT.
rIALICOES—the largest assortment and prettiest
V) patterns, and cheapest CALICOES, to say no
thing of Gingham, Lawns,, dte.. over seen in this co
eon. foi We by tny2o 0. D. BARTLETT.
JREVD the Largest, Best, and Chirped
It of Goods ever brought into the =Wry .
Printed loading, lace moiling. lawn guletalluk, crPndi.
print Maguire, Canary lawn, cashmeres, muslin ging
hams a new article, florence satin striped, balzerine. a
few pat. black balserine, checked print reps and crape
delsine, white dress genie, a large lot of prints rich and
beautiful patterns, corded and gnus skirts, ombre de%
lain. shawls, plain and shaded do.. blk. 4 cord straddle
shawls, barrige and net shawls, satin striped bank, and
net long shawls, ladies polka, fig'd and striped cravats
and ties, beautiful gimps and (cringes,. silk demireils.
green Darr*, &c.
Cheaper than the chesped.--Gipicy pearl braid. oorde
net lace, fiorence, gipsey devon straw edged slid plain.
Misses gipsey pedal, birds eye . braid and devon straw ;
spendid Bonnet Ribbons, somewery devisable styles ;
20 dos Parasols and Son Shades, lady and gents block
and enl'd Kid Gloves, Lin. Cambric iidkls. Hosiery dc
Twilled Fnmeb, English and American; doe akin Cu
simere, light and dark striped checked do. a great vane.
ty ; golden tweeds, merino cassimerr, Kentucky Jeans.
blue drills. A superidr assortment of VESTINGS
worsens, valentine, caasimere. plain and striped satin.
10 bales Sheeting, Batting. Wadding and Wicking.
Such as Iron, nails, steel, log chains, halter and trace
do., mill and x cut saws, augurs and files. A large as
sortment of Shelf Hardware, door trimmings, cutlery,
shoe thread, wool and horse cards, coffee mills, dcc.
Blood's, Harris' and Wadaworth'i Warranted Grain
and Grass Scylfies,snaths and sickles, a first sate article.
Ladies kid buskins and slippers, morocco and calf skin
boots, black and fancy gaiters and half gaiters, children's
gaiters and coif boots. A beautiful article gent's gai
ters; coarse and fine Boots. in abundance.
A large stock of Sugar and Molasses: Lump, Loaf and
Pulverised Sugar ; Fresh Teas; Coffee, Rico, Raisins"
nutmegs, indigo, tobacco, fine cut and cavendish, shad
mackerel arid codfish.
M E ktC UR'S
A general assortment, in setts, or otherwise, to-suit cus
400 Men'a and Boy's Leghorn Hats ; 600 P. L. do
Cr Butter, Flaxseed, Beeswax. Eggs and Grain
wanted in exchange for pods, at each prices.
Towanda, May 20, 1,846.
at No. 3, Brick Row. my2o BAIRD'S.
Those who wish to Purchase Cheap Goods,
WILL find it to their interest to call at BAIRD'S
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter
mined to sell at all hazards. NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
12 DOZ. PATENT PAILS; 2 doz. Wash tubs
12 dos. Brooms • 6 setts Wooden measures
cheap at No. 2, Brick R ow. BAIRD'S.
lba. at my2o N 0.3, BRICK ROW.
for male cheap at No. 3, Brick Row.
May 20, 1846. BAIRD'S.
DRUGS & MEDICINES, paints, oils and dye
stuffs, white lead, ground and dry, varnish, pills,
madder, copperas, opts. turpentine, gum copal, alum,
Venitian red, log-wild, red-wood, cam-wood. all for sale
cheap, at ma r 20. NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
54° 40' AND PEACE 1 *
A voice/. from the Capitol of the Keystoneetate.
saying, Arise find the Philosopher's stone, which will
enable the richest state in the Union to inscribe on her
banners, Psy as you 6. In spite of the sneers of the
Edropeans, now is the time to let them know that
Pennsylvania is able to pay her debts, and raise twerp
ty millions to defend her just rights.
To the Commissioners mud Treasurer or the
eounty of Bradford
Gerretzwirm :—Although the subject was pressed up
on the attention of the Legislature yet it omitted to pro
vide any additional revenue for the current year. ,dye
must therefore rely on the previous enactments.
The loss to the commonwealth occasioned by the in
jury done to the public works, approximate $300,000,
and this falls exclusively on that part of the semi-annual
interest due in August nett. We must endeavor to
make up this unexpected deficiency by the most prompt
and vigorous use of the means that are left us. The
increased tonnage during the entire yerr, it is believed,
will be nearly commensurate with the loss I have sta
ted, and thus the nett tolls, will be about the same as
last year. By the promptness and activity of the Ca
nal Commissioners and their officers, the entire line of
our public works, including all the branches, are now
in fall and successful operation.
I stated in my circular of the 29th of May, 1993,
that 0 we paid the interest due in February last, and
we can do so in August and February next, if active
and prompt measures are adopted in theseveral counties
of the Commonwealth." Your' carts have fulfilled
these expectations, and our Commonwealth stands re
deemed, from the dishonor, which for a time rested up
on her. Let us not falter now. Let us determine- to
use all the means in our poorer; to maintain our ele
vated position, and avert the impending calamities which
would fall upon our Commonwealth and our citizens,
should our plighted faith be again broken.
There is reason for great anxiety, but not despon
dency, as the following brief statement will exhibit.—
Our resources may be stated thus:
Assessments for 1846, estimated nett amt $1,185,000
Do of previous year, do. 275,000
Nett tolls from public works, 500,000
The interest falling due in August and February next,
may be stated to be 0,860,000. The ordinary and
other revenues not stated, it is believed, sill be sufficient
to meet the ordinary expenses of government. It will
he thus seen that the prompt and punctual payment of
the existing revenues, will place the' Tieasury in a
condition to meet the accruing interest ou we public
As a means of producing this result, I call your at
tention to the proposition made in my circular of the
24th of May last. 1 renew the offer. An abatement
of five per cent. will be allowed for the payment pre
vious to the lit of August, of the taxes of this year. If
the sum paid approaches near the quota of your county,
this abatement will be made. You have it thus in
your power to benefit your county and save the Com
monwealth from dishonor. No highet motives of ac
tion can be presented than these, that of interest and
In the event of the inability of your county to avail
itself of the abatement, it is expected that you will press
the collection of your duplicates as rapidly as possible,
and pay the amount without delay. into the Treasury.
Thedublicates having gone forth vouch earlier this year
than the last, will greatly facilitate your collections.—
There are arrearsges of former years due from several
counties ; these ought to be collected and paid imme
diately. For theartearages of 1845, interest is charged,
and will accumulate until paid. If your county is in
this position, you should not suffer the loss which this
delay occasions.
We will surmountour present difficulties if our de
termined action he commensurate with the evil which
is impending, and the good we may accomplish. If
we are successful in paying the August interest, I fum
y believe that the future payments can be made with
out a straggle. One the other hand, if we fail, the
dead weight of 000,000 of unpaid interest, not to
speak of State dtshonor, will lay upon us like an incu
bus, and its paralysing influence will be felt for years.
I know you duly estimate the importance
confidence ate and prompt action, and rely with enure confidence
that your best efforts will be put forth at this important
I will be pleased to hear from you in relation to Ilia
subject. Very respectfully,
Your ob's servant.
Jatrza IL &town's, state Treasurer.
•WAR will be declared by Col F. EARS, with
in thirty day., aphid all who do not come up to the
help of old Pennsylvania, and they will be dealt with
according to law. J. REEL. Treasurer.
Tremor, Office, Towanda May 15 . 1846.
TO the citizens of Bradfonl Cootity in general, and
'the Borough of Towanda, in particular: All
the judgments, notes and amounts of the . ehheerihers,
will be collected am:tiding to law, without diatindion
of persona, unless sai . isfactroily settled within thirty
days of this date. Those who think we ore not in
cameo. will Sod out their miatake to their own min.--
Nark the. W. H. BAIRD &CO.
l'Owanda, May 15, 1846.
N. B. We would furthermore say upon this subj..rt
that we have just received a large stock of New Gouda
which will be sold very cheap indeed. fur ready pay.
genuine, the be lot ever seen in thin region—call
and nee—for sale by 0. D. DA lITLDTT.
RICH CA RPM:KG—a few piecol at No. 3. U
R. my2o B A Din's.
1172%ir' OVO
MBE subscriber takes pleasure in annonneing to
his friends end the public gentaally, that he in
now receiving a very large end carefully selected ad•
dition to his stock of GOODS, hough, for Co.h. and
selected with the espies view of UNDERSELLING
Towanda, May 13, 1846.
48.17enstattues 3f Co.'s Store.
QNE ARK LOAD just received, and daily expect
ing more. The prettiest and cheapest goods ever
rdlered in this market. are now opening, and they hope
their friends will not forget to give thein a call.
Wholesale purchasers and merchants wishing to
replenish their stock will he accommodated on liberal
terms. J. D. & E. 1). MONTANYE & CO.
Towanda May 13. 1846.
11. S. 4 N. C. MEECUR,
store to accommodate their increasing business,
have the pleasure of announcing to their Lien& and
customers That they are now opening good assort
ment of SPRING 4. SUMMER GOODS, embracing
almost everything in the hoe of
Dry Goods, Glass 4• Quecnswarr,
Groceries, - Boots .j• Shoes,
Hardware, Paints, Dye. stuffs,
Saddlery Drugs, Medicines,
Harness and Carriage Nails, Glass.
Trimmings, Leather, Salt, 4-c..
which will be sold as heretofore, at prices that will sa
tisfy the public. Towanda, May 12, 1846.
Of New and Ch4-Spring and Summer Goods
Direct frtmi the City.
BURTON KINGSBERY most respertfully in
forms his old customers, and the
,public iu gene
ral. that ho is now receiving at his old stand, a large
assortment of all kinds of goods, which be intends to
PC 1 1 a little cheaper than any other store in Towanda.
It is impossible to put in a newspaper all the different
kinds of goods that may be found at my store. I have
a full assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
Drugs, Medicines, Points, Oils, Dye stuffs, Boots and
Shoes, Nails, Iron, Hula h, Caps, &c. Call and price,
before you liby elsewhere. May 14. 1548.
ipslinsTEl) LAW NS, Muslin de Lumen an.T'Sutti
mer Shawls, a very large assortment, which wit
he sold lower than be bought at any other store. Cal
and nee. mvl4 B.KINGSBERY.
• °NM:ITS—Any quantity, from two
1 to £6, with beautiful trimming::, also flowers, in
s 13 sprig's and wreaths, all French, which will be found
at tnyl4 11.KINGSBEllY.
and silk Hats. latest styles. and very chesii, at
may 13. B. KINHSHEIty's.
APPLEBY'ri FINk CU!' checking and smoking
TOBACCO, a prime article for s:lr. at
No. 1, cooFisH & MACKEREL, tor sale at
may 13. • B. KIM:SR:BY.
Km OLLOW-WARE, such as pot•. kettles. spiders,
RA dr.c. ,at myl3 B. KINGSBERY.
WAIN TUBS, patent pails, Shaker brooms, Al.
cent mats, traveling baskets, carpet sacks,
looking glasses, &c., all very cheap at
may 13. B. KINGSBEM
extra cocoa, superior to old Java coffee, and a
v e ry healthy beverage, which may he found at the old
Cheap store of myt3 B. KINGSBERY.
Regimental Orders. •
'VIBE ENROLLED MILITIA within the hounds
of the Ist Regiment, 2d Brigade, 9th Division,
P. M., will meet duly armed and equipped for drill and
inspection, on Monday, the 15th day of June next, at
the house of Stephen r:,amfield, in Standing Stone.—
The several companies comprising Ist regiment, viz:
Ist com—Towanda bo. 7th mu—Herrick
2d Btune Bth tiprin hill
3d " —Monroe 9th " —Asylum
4th " —Wysox & Rome 10th " —Due ll
sth “ —Albany 11th " —Franklin
6th " —Wys:using 12th " —'retvanda tp.
will meet for drill on Monday the let day of June next.
at such places within the bounds of the revert' compa
nies, as the comniandi ng officers may direct. And should
there be no officent in any of the above moiled compa
nies, to call out citizens subject to militia duty, in order
to avoid the increase of fine when levied by the asses
sor, the undersigned would refer them to the 20th sec
tion of the '• act to reduce the 'militia Hystem. " passed
the 25th April. 1844. P. C. WARP), Colonel.
Colonel's Office. Greenwood. May 11, 1846.
Regimental Orders
- 71171 HE MTLITIA of the sth regiment, 2n,1 blip,le,
44 9th division, P. M. are hereby commanded to
meet at the home of Mrs. Demmarrst, in Litchfield, on
the 17th day of June next. at 9 o'clock, A. M. armed
and equipped as theleur directs (or regimental inspec
tion and review. .1. 11A 8111 ER, C o lo ne l,
Colonel's Office, Athens, May 11, 18401.
of Bradford County, wall meet at the ouse or
Stephen Canfield, in Standing Stone. on Mon ay. the
Ifith day tf June nest, at 9, A. M. armed and equipped
as the law airects, for drill and inspection. A full at
tendance is requested. C. F. WELLES. JR.
Athens, May 12, 1846,
W.ETTLERS upon the land of JOHN C. TH WING
iu the townships of Wvsos and Rowe will he re
quited to make payments tins sprang, or my directions
are to collect seconding In law.
May 13. Attomev for .1. C. Tr, wing.
IMWING been appointed by the Orphan's Court
int of Bradford County. Auditors to audit the ac ,
counts of E. White. one of the Executors of the last
will. and testament of Patrick Cummings, deceased, the
undersigned will attend to the duties :Of their appoint
ment at the Court House, in Towanda in said county.
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the tlth day of JUNE
next, of which all concerned. will take notice.
May 11, 1816
MEMBERS of the LYcoming County Mutual lo
taurance Company, are hereby notified that the
Board of Directors have ordered an agareament of one
per cent, on all premium notes, due to the company on
the 15th day of November, 1845, to be paid previrma to
the 2d day of June neat, to the Trea.mer or t.. Receiv.
ere, WM. A. PETRIKIN, Seerei.ry.
The Receiver for Bradford County is 0.1). BART
LETT; the Treasurer. C. S. Wallis, Esq.
Offer of 14. Co. Mut. ins. Co.,
Mutiny. April 17, 1816. 5
THE members of the Ist Volunteer battalion of 13 rad
ford county, will meet at the house of Thomas
Sawed, in Springfield. on Saturday. the 13th day o
June next, at 9 o'clock, A.M., uniformed and equipped
as the law directs, for military inspection and review.
The field, commissioned. non-commissioned officers,
and musicians, will meet at the house of B. B.Tuttle.
in Smithfield. on Saturday. the 6th day of June, at 10
o'clock, A.M. for military drill in full uniform.
T. WILDER, Colonel.
Colonel . * Office, Springfieldi May 15,1&1G.
11. KING.'q3EIII"S
Lieut. Col
D. BULLOCK, ) Auditors
Ij, BOOTH. 5
Administrator's Notice.
ALLpersona indebted to the estate of Chauncey
Morse, deceased, late of Troy tarp.Bradlind Co.
ire requested to make immediate payment, and all
those having demands against the same me requested
to present them, legally attested for settlement. ~
. Eldilli CASE.
wit 3, ;246. •
Al - NASH FOR WOOL.—The aataorihe► has no
objection .o pay part even all CASH foe Wool,
Mt its high rates as the market will permit.
Towanda, Mae 20i 0. 1). BA RT f,TT.
Willy virtue of sundry writs of Veitd. Expo.. isimed
MBII from the court of COIIIIIIIOII Pleas of Bradford co.
to we diircted, I shall expose to public sale at the house
of I. B. en:MIENS, in the borough of Towanda, on
s ourday. the 2hth day of June next, at l o'clock, P
M.—A certain 114 of Lind in Wells township, bounded
west by hind of Jesse Shepard, north by lands of liriah
Lukis and John Strom:, east by lands of Leslie Law
rence, south by Luds of I. F. Adams. Containing one
hundred and fifty acres, with shout fifty acres improved,
with a log home and framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at !hermit of Jas. Lu
kis, assigned to O.P. Ballard, vs. Aaron Cook.
A I.SO—A piece of land situate in Standing Stone tp.
bounded north by land of Benjamin, east by Levi
Walker, south by lands of Vosburg and Lindell. and
went by Vouch'. Containing 160 acres, about 40
acres improved, with two lug houses and one log barn
S..ized end .oken in execution at the suit of H. N.
Spalding, & Co., to the use of E. R. Myer, vs. Stephen
Chown, Daniel W. Mason and Reuben Clason, terra
tenants. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, May 20 1840.
New Blacksmii king Establishment,
In Towanda,
Prices 25 per cent. cheaper than have ever
been known in Northern Penn'a.
FINHE subscriber, having commenced the above bu
siness, takes thin method to inform the inhabi
LUilffl of Towanda and vicinity. that be is prepared to
do all kinds of work entrusted to his care in the m at
neat and workmanlike manner: such asironing coach
es, carriages. sleighs, of all kinds; mill-work of all
kinds, done a little nicer than at any other shop in tho
county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOLS, to
fill up crevices, and finally all kinds of work in the
above line (horse-shoeing excepted) and will warrant
all my work to stand the teat. Try roe and if you do
not find things just right, then put me down. From my
long experience in the business, I flatter myself that I
can please all kinds of people. You can find me at
all times at my shop. a few rods south of Bridge street,
known as Means' old stand.
All kinds of Produce taken in payment for ntotk, anti
a little of the ready Jo•llavis will not he refused.
Tawantla, May 6,1846.—y
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry & Silverware,
WA. CHAMBERLIN h.,a just retumedifmm
the city of New York with the largest assort
ment of FASHIONABLE JEWELRY; ever brought
to this place, such as Fingrr-rings, Breast-pinsof every
description; Lockets, bracelets, gold and silver
gold keys, Illin.bkx, silver spoons. sugar tongs. specta
cles, fur all ages, pen a.rd pocket knives, (Roger's ma
nufacture,) and many other articles which he will sell
extremely low for Cases.
All kinds of WATUHE.S ; consisting of patent le
ver, L'Epine. English and Swiss watches, warranted to
keep good time.
It in as clear and unquestionable no our right to the
whole of Oregon, that Wyr.A. CHAMBERLIN has got
the I.rgest and best selected assortment.of Fancy Goods
eoer brought into the borough of Towanda, and that he
will sell his goods cheaper than wan ever sold by any
human 1. ring Laing !--..tick a pin there !
N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year. or
the money refunded; and a written agreement gi‘en
to that etr.z. to all that desire one.
J MAPLE SU:AR, Wood, and all kinds of Coun
try Produce received in payment.
Towanda, April 22, 1846.
Tt)2l:o3s2` , ZMU'aMi3al/SD
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends that babas
leased the above Hotoo, situated on the south
skit, of tne public square, lately occupied by A.M. Coe,
and having made entirely new arrangements, is now
prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting his
compliments to his friends and the public generally, and
assuring them no pains or expense will he spared to
please his guests, ho respectfully solicits public patron
age, pledging himself that while the establishment is
under his control, it shall not be excelled by any in the
The rooms of the • CLAREMONT HOUSE,' are
spacious and airy. and funnelled in the hest style.
'rile Table will be furnished with every substantial
the country can produce.
The Bar will be stocked with the best liquors in a
pure and unadulterated state.
First rate :gaining attached, with ready and faithful
Ostlers always in attendance.
fit abort, nothing will he omitted, which will add to
the comfort and convenience of cuatomera, and with his
facilities, he believes eati4actien nill be rendered to all.
're - manila, April Ft, Isar.
AFARM, Rit11:1 eil on the stage nod in the part of
. Pike township,, 77 acres and.allow
a sec. about 40 acres cleared, with u good dwelling house,
ham, two aim's, one workshop, a viroodshcd, and an
orchard in full brining, with some good stone wall, and
an excellent spring of water near the house. - For
terms apply to the fubscriber on the premises.
Pike, April 10th 1840. NO.A 11 M A KINSON.
HAVINC fonneil a co-partnership for the purpose
ni carrying nn th • shore business nt Monrocton
sru preiirtnl to execute nil orders ptinetrinlly, such es
Making, liepairing and Painting,
on the shortest notice and at the ICOMI,I prices that they
can he had in this vicinity fur ready pay.
All kinds of Produce and Lutuher taken in payment
at the niarket prices.
COFFINS made on the shortest notice, and at re
duced prices. P. MINFEE,
Monieetan. March 17. 1845. J. C. SMITH.
TH'partnership heretofore existing under the firm
of Hi HA mMi 4- Sox, i. (his day iliosolved by
mutual agreement. Ali i:einands due aairl,firm are to
be 'paid to Hiram Mix. HIRAM MIX,
Towanda, March 3d. 1946; H. MIX Jr.
Ig 0 .9
atliornoj at Lair,
chFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Row.di-
MI reedy over the Po 4 Office; Main street. crl'En-
I ranee at the north end of the building. d 3.
QEVERAL copies of the above work just received
1.75 and for sale at the reduced price of 75 cents.
March :10. 1?-16. J.KINGSBERY JR.
the Blarlismith'ci shop of The lilli.rTilvers, at the
lower part of the t^wn, we here fir sale TWO
NEW BUGGIES. They are well made, and will he
sulk very cheap.! H. & .T. Ezal;N WLNE.
Towanda. April 7. 1816.
V The sobccrrber. having !low completed his
arranzernentq, is now ready to fitim,h any quantity
Both are made with new raach,nery, of the neatest
patter, and most approved de 'motion. Individuals
wanting Sash or Blinds—ran be neommodated on
the MOsd favorable term , —bv rallin7 at the Factory
at Greenwood, on the Towrindi er,ett. two miles
above Monroe m.rners. JOSEPII JOHNSON.
Greenwood, April IG, 184t3.—.3m.
920 BUSH. CLOVER SEED. itt t received
and far sale by B. KINOsPERY.
OMMER GOODS—Worsted, Linen and Cotton—
great variety far men and boys, at very Ina pri
ces, at my2o BETTS'.